THE KINETICS OF HYDRODEMETALLATION OF METALLOPORPHYRINS BY CHI-WEN HUNG B. Ch. E., National Taiwan University (1974) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology August, 1979 -I signature of Author Department of Chemical Engineering August, 1979 Certified by James Wei, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by G. C. Williams, Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Thesis ARCHIVES OF 2i:cf ncY LIBRARIES THE KINETICS OF HYDRODEMETALLATION OF METALLOPORPHYRINS BY CHI-WEN HUNG Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on August 3 1979 in partial fulfillment of the , requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT The kinetics of hydrodemetallation of nickel etioporphyrin I (Ni-Etio), nickel tetraphenylporphine (Ni-TPP), and vanadyl etioporphyrin I (VO-Etio) have been studied in batch autoclave experiments, with white oils as solvents, and CoO -MoO 3 /Al 2 03 as catalyst without presulfiding. The effects of hydrogen pressure up to 12-500 KPa and temperature between 287-357 C were studied. Up to 90% metal removal, described by fractional order kinetics. the data can be The activation energy is from 27-37 kcal/g mole, and the hydrogen pressure dependence is from 1.2-2.2 order. Vanadium removal tends to have larger activation energy and smaller hydrogen pressure dependence. A few runs on mixed vanadyl and nickel etioporphyrins showed that while the presence of vanadyl compounds will suppress the nickel removal reaction, the reverse is less significant. Few runs on free base etio- porphyrin and tetraphenylporphine show that free base porphyrins quickly disappear in the autoclave. Catalyst with different propotion of cobalt and molybdenum have been prepared to catalyze nickel etioporphyrin as reactants. The result .shows that order of impregnation has no effect on hydrodemetallation activity, and MoO 3/Al Thesis Supervisor: 2 0 3 catalyst is more active than CoO/Al 2 0 3 catalyst. James Wei Professor and Department Head of Chemical Engineering ACKNOW:EDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to my advisor, Dr. James Wei, for the guidance and support given to me over these years. The useful discussion with Drs. Putnam, Satterfield, and Vayenas of the M.I.T. Chemical Engineering Department, and Dr. Peter Hambright of Howard University are greatly appreciated. My colleague, Rakesh Agrawal, has been of invaluable help to me. I would also like to thank my friends for their helping hands and advice regarding my research. Cocchetto, Among them are Kelvin Chew, Joe Selahattin Gultekin, George Huff Jr., Jen-Jiang Lee, and Cherng-Chiao Wu. This work is dedicated to my parents, Dr. and Mrs. Tsu-Pei Hung, and especially to my wife, Shu-Fang, for her assistance in typing the manuscript and for her understanding and compassion. -5TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 18 2. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE SURVEY 21 2.1 Metal Compounds in Petroleum 2.1-1 2.1-2 2.1-3 2.2 3. 24 2.1-1.a Porphyrins 24 2.1-1.b Metalloporphyrins 27 Geochemistry of Porphyrins 35 35 2.1-2.a Types of Porphyrins in Petroleum 2.1-2.b Origin of Porphyrin and Metalloporphyrin Nonporphyrin Metal Compounds 37 40 Hydrodemetallation Reaction 45 2.2-1 46 2.2-2 2.3 Properties of Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins 21 Kinetics 2.2-1.a Thermal Demetallation and Nonhydrogenative Demetallation 46 2.2-1.b Hydrodemetallation 48 Deposition of Metals on Hydrodesulphurization Catalysts 58 2.2-2.a Concentration Distribution of Vanadium and Nickel on Spent Catalysts 58 2.2-2.b Amount of Deposition 61 2.2-2.c Catalyst Aging 62 2.2-2.d Distribution along the Reactor Bed 64 Research and Development on Metal Removal Processes MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 66 69 3.1 Equipment for Hydrodemetallation Study 69 3.2 Materials 77 3.2-1 Catalyst 77 3.2-2 Solvent 85 3.2-3 Gas 85 3.2-4 Model Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrin; Com-pounds 87 -6Table of Contents (cont'd) 3.3 3.4 Experimental Procedures 90 3.3-1 Dissolving Model Compounds in Nujol 90 3.3-2 Pretreatment of Catalyst 94 3.3-3 Demetallation Experiment 94 3.3-4 Self Preparation Catalyst 98 101 Analysis 3.4-1 Liquid Sample 101 3.4-2 Solid Sample 107 3.4-3 Gas Sample 107 109 4. RESULTS 4.1 Page Nickel Porphyrin Runs for Commercially Available HDS 9A 109 or HDS 16A Catalyst 4.1-1 4.1-2 4.2 Air Prepared Ni-TPP Runs 109 4.1-l.a General Observations 109 4.1-1.b Kinetics 112 4.1-1.c Catalyst Effects 117 Helium Prepared Nickel Porphyrin Runs 124 4.1-2.a General Observations 124 4.1-2.b Kinetic Order 129 4.1-2.c Catalyst Effects 135 Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs 140 4.2-1 General Observations for VO-Etio Runs 140 4.2-2 Kinetic Order 144 4.2-3 Catalyst Effects 148 4.3 Free Base Porphyrin Runs 149 4.4 Mixed Nickel and Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs 152 4.4-1 General Observations 152 4.4-2 Kinetics 152 -7Page Table of Contents (cont'd) 4.5 5. 162 Self Preparation Catalyst Runs 4.5-1 General Observations 162 4.5-2 Effect of Cobalt or Molybdenum on Demetallation Activity of Ni-Etio 166 170 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 5.1 170 Diffusion Effects 5.1-1 Nickel Porphyrin Runs 170 5.1-2 Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs 174 5.1-3 Mixed Ni-Etio and VO-Etio Runs 175 5.2 Hydrogen Consumption 178 5.3 Intermediates and Products in Liquid Phase 180 5.3-1 Intermediates 180 5.3-2 Products 189 5.4 5.5 192 Intermediatea and Products on Catalyst 5-4-1 Intermediates 192 5.4-2 Products 192 Discussion on Kinetic Model and Possible Mechanism 19 5.5-1 Background 199 5.5-2 Results and Discussion 205 5.6 Catalyst Deactivation 218 5.7 Comparison among Nickel Runs 219 5.7-1 Between Air Prepared Ni-TPP and Helium Prepared 219 Nickel Porphyrin Runs 5.7-2 Comparison between Helium Prepared Ni-TPP and 220 Ni-Etio Runs 5.7-3 5.8 5.9 Comparison between CoO-MoO3 /A Catalysts for Ni-Etio Runs 2 03 and NiO-MoO /Al 2 0 223 Comparison between Nickel and Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs 227 Comparison between Individual Ni-Etio, VO-Etio Runs 229 and Mixed Ni-Etio, VO-Etio Runs -8Table of Contents (cont'd) 6. Page 5.10 Comparison with Previous Work 231 5.11 Differentiating between Two First-Order Reactions and a Single Second-Order Reaction 235 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 247 6.1 Conclusions 247 6.2 Suggestions 250 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY 252' 8. NOMENCLATURE 266 APPENDIX Experimental Data 268 -9LIST OF FIGURES Number Title Page 2-1 Nomenclature of Porphyrin System 25 2-2 The UV-Visible Absorption Spectrum (in CH Cl 2 ) of Etioporphyrin-I and DPEP (Deoxophylloerythroe ioporphyrin). (Alturki et al. (1971)). 28 2-3 Visible Spectra of Porphyrins: (a) 30 -Phylloporphyrin XV; (b) Etioporphyrin I; (c) Rhodoporphyrin XV; (d) Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin. (Baker et al. (1978)). 2-4 Absorption Spectra for DPEP (Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin) Type of Vanadyl Porphyrin (Top), Porphyrin (Bottom). 33 and Nickel The curves that show Soret band peaks have been diluted from the others that show visible peaks. (Hodgson, et al. (1967)). 2-5 Absorption Spectra for Nickel Etioporphyrin I (Top) and Vanadyl Etioporphyrin I (Bottom). Samples were Dissolved in Nujol First and Then Diluted by Xylene. Background: Xylene. 34 2-6 Scheme for The Transformation of Chlorophyll Qk to Stable Vanadyl Porphyrins. 38 2-7 41 Examples for Nonporphyrin Metal Compounds: (1) Highly Aromatic Porphyrin Chelates; (2) Porphyrin Decomposition Ligands, (Metals will Fill Up to the Center); and (3) Simple Complexes from Resin Molecules. (Yen (1975)-(a)). 2-8 Cross Sectional View of an Asphaltene Model. 2-9 Defect Site in an Aromatic Sheet of the Asphaltene Structure. (Yen (1974)). 2-10 Qualitative Changes in Asphaltenes and Surrounding 49 Resins During HDS Processing. (Beuther and Schmid (1963)). 2-11 Sulphur Removal Versus Nickel Removal and Vanadium Removal for Several Vacuum Gas Oil. (Yen (1977)). 43 43 56 (Massagutov et al. (1967)). 2-12 Concentration Profile of Vanadium and Nickel on the Desulphurization Catalyst after 50hrs Reaction. (Sato et al. (1971)) 60 -10- List of Figures (cont'd) Title Number Page 2-13 Concentration Profile of Carbon, Vanadium, and Nickel (Sato et al. (1970)). Along with the Reactor Bed. 65 3-1 Schematic of High Pressure Autoclave Reactor System for Hydrodemetallation Study. 70 3-2 Autoclave Batch Reactor System. 71 3-3 List of Components for Figure 3-2. 72 3-4 Schematic of Main Body of 1-Liter Autoclave. 73 3-5 Schematic of Catalyst Loader and Porous Filter. 75 3-6 Pore Size Distribution for HDS-16A CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 Catalyst. 80 3-7 Pore Size Distribution for HDS-9A Ni0-Mo0 /Al 2 03 82 Catalyst. 3-8 Pore Size Distribution for VI-Alumina Catalyst Carrier. 84 3-9 Structure of Model Compounds: (1) TPP; (2) Etio-I; (3) Ni-TPP; (4) Ni-Etio I; (5) VO-TPP; (6) VO-Etio I. 88 3-10 Structures of Chlorins (TPP type). 89 3-11 Apparatus for Removing Air from Nujol. 92 3-12 Apparatus for Dissolving Model Compounds in Nujol. 93 3-13 Absorption Spectra of Ni-TPP and VO-TPP.. Samples were Dissolved in Nujol First and then Diluted by Xylene. Background: Xylene. 103 3-14 Absorption Spectra of Free Base Etio I and Free Base TPP. Samples were Dissolved- in Nujol First and then Diluted by Xylene. Background: Xylene. 104 -11- List of Figures (cont'd) Title Number Page 3-15 Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus. 108 4-1 Dependence of Noncatalytic Disappearance of Air Prepared Ni-TPP on the Operating Temperature. 113 4-2 First 'Order Plot for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Run (Run NT4). 114 4-3 First Order Plot for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Run (Run NT6). 115 4-4 Arrhenius Plot for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Runs. 118 (6995 1Pa Hydrogen, Oil/Catalyst=650 cc/g). 4-5 Effect of Catalyst on Air Prepared Ni-TPP Hydrodemetallation Reaction. 119 4-6 The Dependence of First Order Rate Constant in Fast 121 Reaction Region on the Oil/Catalyst Ratio. (Run NT6- NT9). 4-7 The Relationship between the Amount of Nickel Deposited 122 on the Catalyst when the Shift from Fast Region to Slow Reaction Region Occurs and the Oil/Catalyst Ratio. 4-8 (a) Zero Order Plot; (b) First Order Plot; (c) Second Order Plot; (d) Half Order Plot for Run NEY4. 130 4-9 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for Nickel Porphyrin Disappearance Rate. P: 6995 IPa H2' 133 4-10 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for Total Nickel Removal Rate. P: 6995 KPa H2' 134 4-11 Pressure Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants. T: 3160C. (Ni-Etio Runs). 136 4-12 Comparison between Hydrodemetallation (NEll) and Nonhydrogenative Demetallation (NE16H) Reaction. 137 4-13 Effect of Catalyst on Hydrodemetallation Reaction. 139 -12List of Figures (cont'd) 4-14 Page Title Number Comparison of Vanadium and Nickel Runs (Run VE8 and 142 Run NE18) over Alumina Support. 4-15 Comparison of Vanadium and Nickel Runs (Run VE9H, NE16H, 143 and NT18H) under Helium Pressure. 4-16 Half Order Plot for VO-Etio Run. 4-17 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for VO-Etio Runs. 4-18 (Run VE3). 145 P: 6995 KPa. Pressure Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants for VO-Etio Runs. 146 147 T: 316 0 C. 4-19 Half Order Plot for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Run. (Run NVE5). 154 4-20 Half Order Plot for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Run. (Run 156 NVE3). 4-21 Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants on the Ratio of Ni-Etio and VO-Etio Initial Concentrations. 157 T:316 C; P: 6995 KPa. 4-22 Absorption Spectra of Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Run. (Run NVE2). Top: Fresh Sample. Bottom: Sample Collected 1.6 hrs after Injection of Catalyst. All were Diluted by Xylene. 158 4-23 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Runs. P: 6995 KPa; C /CNo 2.12. 159 4-24 Pressure Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants in Mixed Ni-Etio and V-Etio Runs. T: 316 C; C vo/CNio: 2.11. 161 4-25 Effect of Molybdenum on Half Order Rate Constants of 167 Ni-Etio Runs. 4-26 Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants on Cobalt Addition for Ni-Etio Runs. 168 -13List of Figures (cont'd) 5-1 Page Title Number Scanning Electron X-Ray Microanalyzer Indication of Nickel Distribution for Spent Catalyst of Run NT25, 172 and Fresh Catalyst. 5-2 Weight Percent of Nickel Deposited on the Designated Spots of the Catalyst Pellet Described in Figure 5-1. 173 5-3 Scanning Electron X-Ray Microanalyzer Indication of Vanadium Distribution for Spent Catalysts of Run VE3, 176 and Run VT1. 5-4 5-5 Weight Percent of Vanadium Deposited on the Designated Spots of the Catalyst Pellets Described in Figure 5-3. 177 Indication of Intermediates (Run NE14): (Left): Plot 181 of Concentration Difference between Total Nickel and ( Ni-Etio -Versus Time. (Right): Plot of Absorption Arbitary Unit) of 6 16nm Peak Versus Time. 5-6 Absorption Spectrum of Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio During Reaction. 182 For Run NT20, and NE14. 5-7 Absorption Spectrum of VO-TPP and VO-Etio During Reaction. 184 For Run VT1 , and VE3. 5-8 Color Pictures of Ni-Etio Sample (NE14), and VO-Etio Sample (VE3). 185 5-9 Color Pictures of Ni-TPP Sample (NT15), and VO-TPP Sample (VT3). 186 5-10 Temperature Dependence of k, K1 , and Kp for Ni-Etio Runs. 206 5-11 Temperature Dependence of k, K 1 , and Kp for VO-Etio Runs. 207 5-12 Experimental and Theoretical Concentration Versus Time Data for Run NE4. 209 5-13 Experimental and Theoretical Concentration Versus Time Data for Run VE3. 210 5-14 Comparison between Experimental Data and Theoretical Values of Spent Oil Run. (NE15). 215 -14- List of Figures (cont'd) Title Number Page 5-15 Comparison between Air Prepared Ni-TPP Run (NT6) and Helium Prepared Ni-TPP Run (NT20). 222 5-16 The Range of Parameter Values of A and B Suitable for 239 Two First Order Kinetics to Simulate Second Order Kinetics, and the Dependence on Conversion Level. 5-17 The Range of Parameter Values of A and B Suitable for Two First Order Kinetics to Simulate Second Order Kinetics, and the Dependence on Conversion Level. 240 (In Log-Log Scale). 5-18 The Dependence of~b(Minimum of m ) and A on E (Con- 241 version). 5-19 The Dependence of B and kN on E (Conversion). 242 5-20 Comparison between Concentration D, Obeying Second Order Kinetics, and Two First Order Kinetics, Cf and C 244 -15LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 2-1 Distribution of Trace Elements in Components of California Crude Oil. (Filby, (1975)). 22 2-2 Distribution of Nickel and Nickel Crude Oil Fractions. (Filby, (1975)). 23 2-3 Structures of Selective Porphyrins of The Four Basic 29 Types. (Baker and Palmer (1978)). 2-4) Molecular Weight of Homologues Series of Porphyrins. 36 2-5 Kinetic Order, Activation Energy, and Rate Constants for Thermal Demetallation of Vanadium and Nickel in Residual or Crude Oils. 47 2-6 Summary of Previous Studies on Kinetics of Catalytic 52 Hydrodemetallation. 3-1 List of Major Components in Figure 3-4. 74 3-2 Physical and Chemical Properties for American Cyanamid 79 HDS 16A CoO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 Catalyst. 3-3 Physical and Chemical Properties for American Cyanamid HDS 9A NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 Catalyst. 81 3-4 Physical and Chemical Properties for Norton SA-6273 83 Alumina Catalyst Carrier. 3-5 Specifications of Nujol. 86 3-6 Operating Conditions for Demetallation Experiments. 97 3-7 Absorption Peaks for Model Compounds. 105 3-8 Peaks Used for Quantitative Analysis. 105 4-1 Operating Conditions for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Runs. 110 -16List of Tables (cont'd) Page Title Number 4-2 Operating Conditions for Each Nickel Rune 125 4-3 Reproducibility of Nickel Runs. 128 4-4 Dependence of Kinetic Order on Temperature and Pressure. 132 4-5 Operating Conditions for Each Vanadium Run. 141 4-6 Operating Conditions for Free Base Porphyrin Runs. 150 4-7 Operating Conditions for for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio 153 Runs. 4-8 Composition of Self Preparation Catalysts. 163 4-9 Operating Conditions for Self Preparation Catalyst Runs. 164 4-10 Comparison between Self Preparation Catalysts and Commercial Catalysts on Hydrodemetallation Activity of Ni-Etio. 165 5-1 Duration of Each Sample Shown in Figure 5-8 and Figure 187 5-9. 5-2 Concentration of C, H, N, V, and Ni on Spent Catalysts of Different Runs. 194 5-3 Metal Rate Values (R ) as a Function of Initial Initial Concentration or Hydrogen Pressure for Ni-Etio Runs. 211 5-4 Initial Rate Values (R 0 ) as a Function of Initial Metal 213 Concentration or Hydrogen Pressure for VO-Etio Runs. 5-5 Comparison of Pseudo First Order Rate Constants of Air Prepared Ni-TPP and Helium Prepared Ni-TPP Hydrodemetallation Runs. 221 5-6 Comparison between VO-Etio, Ni-Etio, and Ni-TPP Demetallation Runs. 225 -17List of Tables (cont'd) Number 5-7 5-8 Title Page Comparison between CoO-MoO /Al Catalysts for Ni-Etio Runs 2 03 and NiO-Mo0 /Al2 03 230 Comparison between Individual Ni-Etio, VO-Etio, and Mixed Ni-Etio, VO-Etio Runs. 226 (Total Metal Removal). 5-9 Comparison of First Order Demetallation Rate Constants between Previous Literature and This Study. 5-10 Values of A, B,0 , and K version). for a Given Value of G ( Con- 232 243 - 1. 18- Introduction: Due to the shortage of crude oil supply, there has been a rapid expansion in demand for upgrading residual oils in the past few years. This tendency is expected to be continued in the years to come. (Penick (1977), Johnson et al. (1975)). Although nearly half of the elements in the periodic table have been identified in crude oils (Smith et al. (1959)), are commonly the most abundant metals. distillation, substantially all section (Nelson (1976)). nickel and vanadium During atmospheric or vacuum of the metals are left in the residual The concentration of vanadium plus nickel in residual oils ranges from less than 10 ppm (Such as Murban Crude) to more than 1700 ppm (Boscan Crude from Venezuela), commonly they are within the range of 30 to 200 ppm (Nelson (1976)). With few exceptions, there appears to be more vanadium than nickel in the residual oils. (Yen (1975)-(a)). As the presence of these vanadium and nickel compounds will cause many problems during upgrading or burning of residual oils, they have to be removed: (1) The metal compounds will react with hydrogen at the presence of hydrodesulphurization (HDS) (HDM) reaction. catalyst in the so-called hydrodemetallation The final metal sulfides will deposit on the catalyst and deactivate the HDS catalyst. While the initial deactivation of -19- HDS catalyst is due to coke deposition which can be removed by com- bustion; the ultimate life of the catalyst is primarily controlled by the irreversible deposition of metals. (1975), and McColgan and Parsons, (Brunn et al. (1975), Newson (1974)). This results in higher catalyst replacement rate, larger reactors, and higher temperature of HDS operation (Hastings et al. (1975)). In addition to these, higher hydrogen pressure, lower space velocities, and higher hydrogen recycle rates are also required (Billon et al. (1977)). Based on the price of $1.20/lb for Co-Mo HDS catalyst, the catalyst cost increase from as low as 4#/bbl for low-metal feeds to as high as 400/bbl for medium-metal (150 ppm vanadium plus nickel) feeds; it is usually not feasible to desulphurize the residual oils that contain more than 200 ppm of vanadium plus nickel due to the catalyst cost (Nelson (1976)). The higher hydrogen consumption for high metal content residual oils has also being metioned by Nelson (1977). (2) When desulfurized residual oils are sent to cracking unit for further upgrading to make gasoline or kerrosene, the left over metals will deposit on and deactivate the cracking catalyst (Ritter et al. (1974)). The deposted metals will increase hydrogen, lights gas, coke yields, and decrease the gasoline yield; nickel in the charge caused 4.5 times the increase in coke yield, and 7.9 times the decrease in gasoline yield as did an equal amount of vanadium in the charge. (Dale and -20- Mckay (1977), Habib et al. (1977), and Donaldson et al. (1961)). An example given by Edison et al. (1976) shows that for a 50,000 b/d Cat cracker with 50 ppm vanadium plus nickel in the feed, about 40 tons/day of fresh catalyst must be added to prevent the metal level from exceeding 1%. (3) During combustion of these hydrotreated residual oils, the metals will form ashes in combustion; while nickel oxide will have erosion effect, the vanadium oxide will have corrosion effect to the furnace linings and turbine blades. (4) If trace amounts of oxides of vanadium and nickel escape to the atmosphere during combustion, they will be harmful to humans, animals, and plants (Smith (1975)). A better understanding of the hydrodemetallation reaction and the laws of metal deposition would lead to better designs of catalysts and reactors, and to longer economic life of the catalyst. As in residual oils, there are many metal compounds of unspecified nature and quantity; also, sulphur compounds, nitrogen compounds, and asphaltenes are available. All these species will make the study of hydrodemetallation difficult. This study used pure model metal compounds of known structure dissolve in white oil, so that kinetics of hydrodemetallation can be studied for each compound individually. By this way, the kinetic result will not be affected by other metal compounds, sulphur compounds, and other materials commonly occuring in residual oils. -212. 2.1 Background and Literature Survey: Metal Compounds in Petroleum: Metal compounds in petroleum are usually been placed into two categories, metalloporphyrins and nonporphyrin metal compounds. As the study of porphyrins can contribute to broaden our knowledge about the origin and history of petroleum, the metalloporphyrins have been studied extensively in the past. have not been well characterized. The nonporphyrin metal compounds, The ratio of metalloporphyrins to nonporphyrin metal compounds varies from 0.01 to 1, depends on the source of crude oils. (Dean and Whitehead (1963), Costantinides and Guido (1963),Baker (1978), Hodgson et al. (1963)). The distribution of vanadium and nickel in crude oils is determined by separating the crude oils into three compounds: (1) Methanol soluble fraction, (2) Resin: methanol insoluble and n-pentane soluble, and (3) Asphaltenes: n-pentane insoluble. Table 2-1 (Filby (1975)) shows the distribution of several trace metals in different fractions of California crude oils, Table 2-2 shows the distribution of nickel and nickel porphyrin in different fractions. It appears that most of the metals (especially nonporphyrin metal compounds) occur in the asphaltene fraction. The vanadium present in crude oils has been shown to exist entirely +2 in the vanadyl state (V=0)+2. nickel appears to be Ni+2 (Yen (1977), and Saraceno et al. (1961)); -22- Table 2-1: Distribution of Trace Elements in Components of California Crude Oil. (Filby, (1975)) Concentration 9,g/g) rude oil(%) Crude Oil Methanol Soluble 100.0 57.5 Resins 37.5 Asphaltenes R C A C 4.99 v 7.5 0.82 12.4 61.6 1.65 8.2 Ni 93.5 7.21 147.0 852.0 1.57 9.1 Co 12.7 0.8 10.7 122.0 0.84 9.6 Fe 73.1 1.95 66.4 895.0 0.91 12.2 Hg 21.2 0.686 29.6 140.0 1.40 6.6 1.41 11.9 0.95 11.7 Cr o.634 0.300 0.894 Zn 9.32 0.74 8.86 Sb 0.0517 0.0033 0.0130 1.22 0.25 23.6 As 0.656 0.546 0.290 2.25 0.44 3.4 7.540 109. R ratio of metal concentration in resins to that in crude -d= ratio of metal concentration in asphaltenes to that in crude -23- Table 2-2: . Distribution of Nickel and Nickel Porphyrin in Crude-Oil Fractions, (Filby, (1975)) Fraction Crude Oil Methanol Soluble Resins Asphaltenes 57.5 37.5 4.99 1.590 0.123 2.500 14.500 Ni. Porphyrin (pmol/g) 1.050 0.142 1-60o 7.130 Ni as Ni Porphyrin 66.o 100.0 64.0 49.2 34.0 0 36.0 51.8 Crude Oil 100.0 (%) Ni Concentration (Amol/g) (%) Nonporphyrin Ni (%) -24- Properties of Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins: 2.1-1 There are two books that deal with porphyrins and metalloporphyrins and are of great value in this study: (1) Vol VII, by Dolphin D. (1978), "The Porphyrins", Vol I to and (2) "Porphyrins and Metallopor- phyrins", by Smith K.M. (1975). 2.1-1.a Porphyrins: The compound formed from four pyrrole groups linked via the c(- positions through four methine groups is known as which is the basic skeleton of porphyrins. porphine, (C 20 H N Porphyrins have various substituents replacing the pyrrolic hydrogens (position 1-8), the methine hydrogens (ok, P, 9 and 6 positions), or the imine hydrogens. Other parent macrocycles are chlorin, phorbin, tetrahydroporphyrin with opposite rings reduced is called bacteriochlorin, and hexahydropor- phyrin (called porphyrinogen). Figure 2-1. Porphine All these structures are shown in itself does not occur in nature, but porphyrins are found in nature both in the free form and as complexes with iron (hematins, hematin enzymes such as the cytochromes, hemoglobin). Substituted dihydroporphyrins called chlorins occur in the photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll. Due to its stable. This is highly aromatic character, porphyrin ring is very one of the reasons why they are of interest to geochemists. The most obvious physical property of porphyrins is their intense color which shows absorption bands in the visible and ultraviolet range. -25- 6 / NN N N NH N 6 N HN N NN 5/ Porphin Phlorin N -N H H N H H N N f-N Phorbin Fig. 2-1 Nomenclature of Porphyrin System. Chiorin-Phiorin -26(Continued) NH /N HH/ N/w N H H/ N N N Dihyroporphyrin Dihydroporphyrin / (Chlorin) \N HHN NN H Bacteriochlorin (Tetrahydrochlorin) Fig.2-1 H- Porphyrinogen (Hexahydroporphyrin) Nomenclature of Porphyrin System. -27The molar extinction coefficients range from 100 to about 5 x 105. The The spectra can be separated into two parts, visible and near UV. free-base porphyrins have four bands in visible range, an other band near UV is the largest peak, usually near 400 nm, and is called the Soret band. Some spectra of porphyrins are given in Figure 2-2. (Alturki et al. (1972)). There are four major types of porphyrins: (1) throetioporphyrin) Type, (2) Etio Type, DPEP (Deoxophylloery- (3) Rhodo Type, (4) Phyllo Type. Table 2-3 shows the structures of selected porphyrins of the four types (Baker and Palmer (1978)). four types of porphyrins. Figure 2-3 shows the visible spectra of the (Baker and Palmer (1978)). The peaks in the visible region are numbered I-IV, beginning at the longest wavelength. The differences in relative heights of the visible peaks are a function of the type of side chain substitution of the molecule. Take for example, the order of peak heights for etio-type is IV>-III-II-I. More details about discussion of these four types of porphyrins can be found in the aformentioned two books about porphyrins. 2.1-1.b Metalloporphyrins: The chelation of a metal ion by a porphyrin involves the incorporation of the metal ion into the center of the tetrapyrrole nucleus with the simultaneous displacement of two protons from the secondary (pyrrole type) nitrogen atoms. Porphyrins form tetradentate chelates of the inner complex type; this with a divalent metal ion of the positive charges on the metal ion are exactly compensated by the negative charges -28- - w ETIOPORPHYRIN 0.4 x4 z 30 I 622 4O 'A 0 VI) 399 *1, DPEP CIO 09 x64. X11 :0 40 WAVELENGTH Fig. 2-2 616 SSI0 (nm) The UV-Visible Absorption Spectrum (in CH2 Cl 2 ) of Etioporphyrin-I (C: 167.5x1 o3) and DPEP (Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin) (e: 296.7x103). (Alturki et al. (1971)). -29Table 2-3: Structures of Selective Porphyrins of the Four Basic Types. (Baker et al. (1978)). Rs . R, R, R, NH N N HN R. . R R, R. V Substituentso Compound H H H H H H H H H H H M H M H H H H H H H H H H H Rhodo H H H DPEP H H H DPEP R3 R4 Rs. M M M E M M . M E E E M E E E M E M M M M M E M E E E H H M M M M M M M E E E E H E E M E E E P M M E M M M M H H H H H H H H M Rhodoporphyrin XV M E M E M C P M Dcoxophylloerythrin methyl ester Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin M E M E M CH2 CH 2 PMe M M4 E M E M M Etioporphyrin I Etioporphyrin 1i Etioporphyrin III Etioporphyrin IV y-Phylloporphyrin XV Deuteroctioporphyrin II a, y-Dimethyldeuteroctioporphyrin II *M = CH 3 ; E = CH 2 CH 3 ; P = - CH 2CH, E CH2CH 2 COOH; me - methyl ester; C - COCH. type a R2 R, Spectral y R, R Etio Etio Etio Etio Phyllo Etio Phyllo -4 -30- a 1.6 b 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 60.4 x 0.2 0.4 02 I I I I I - - 20 c 1.6 1.4 - Q. 1.4 1.2 - t.o 5.220 1.0 - 1.0 0.8 0.80.6 0.6- 0.4 0.4 0.2 0 I I I I I 500 530 560 590 620 6W 470 50 530 560 590 620 650 Wav' Ienglh, nm Fig. 2-3 Visible Spectra of Porphyrins: (a) c-Phylloporphyrin XV; (b) Etioporphyrin I; (c) Rhodoporphyrin XV; (d) Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin. ( Baker et al. (1978)). -31on the porphyrin nucleus, so that in the absence of ionized substituents on the porphyrin the resulting chelate has no net charge. While the molecule can be regared for most purpose as essentially planar, with a diameter of approximately 8.5 . and a thickness of approximately 4.7R, there are significant deviations from planarity. Fleischer (1962) found that in respect to the plane formed by the four methene bridge-carbon atoms, two of the pyrrole rings are tilted and two downwards. upwards In the case of nickel porphyrins, nickel sits in the middle of porphyrin plane; for vanadyl porphyrins, x-ray diffraction data shows that vanadium atom lies out of the basal plane of the ligand macrocycle, the distance between the vanadium atom and the ligand basal plane ranges from 0.3-0.6A, (Yen (1975)). As mentioned earlier, vanadyl porphyrins always require vanadium atom to connect to an oxygen atom whi ch is perpendicular to the porphyrin plane. The UV/visible spectra of metalloporphyrins are different from free base porphyrins, usually there exist only two bands in visible range in addition to the Soret band. It is believed that if the complex is highly stable the visible peak at longer wavelength (0( band) will be higher than the peak at shorter wavelength (P band). and P (Falk (1964)). The 0( bands for nickel etioporphyrin in neutral solvents are at 550 and 514 n with d/J intensity ratio of about 3. phylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP), the For nickel deoxo- /p ratio is about 2.0. etioporphyrins have peaks at 570 and 531 nm with the 4/l ratio for vanadyl DPEP is 1.3. Vanadyl ratio 2, the The reason for vanadyl porphyrins to shift to longer wavelengths and reduced a/e ratio are considered to be -32due to the additional coordination with the oxygen to yield a pentacoordinate complex. (Baker and Palmer (1978)). Figure 2-4 shows the visible spectra for vanadyl and nickel DPEP (Hodgson et al. (1967)); and Figure 2-5 shows the visible spectra for vanadyl and nickel etioporphyrins I. -33- SI 400 I 500 700 600 WAVELENGTH- Ytm z 0 I 400 I I 700 500 600 WAVELENGTH- tyxv\ Fig. 2-4 Absorption Spectra for DPEP (Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin) Type of Vanadyl Porphyrin (Top), and Nickel Porphyrin (Bottom). The curves that show Soret band peaks have been diluted from the others that show visible peaks. (Hodgson, et al. (1967)). -34- z 0 I-a. 0 V) CO 391 0.6 553 0.4 0.2 517 0 400 520 460 WAVELENGTH i 580 (nm) I I I I Pure Vo Etio . 08F- 407 z 0 571.5 P0. 0 0.4 (in 534 CO3 4 I i 0 380 420 460 500 WAVELENGTH Fig. 2-5 540 5Z0 620 (n m) Absorption Spectra for Nickel Etioporphyrin I (Top) and Vanadyl Etioporphyrin I (Bottom). Samples Were Dissolved! in Nujol First and Then Diluted by Xylene. Xylene. Background: -352.1-2 Geochemistry of Porphyrins: 2.1-2.a Types of Porphyrins in Petroleum: Most of the studies made in the past regarding porphyrins in petroleum were done on the free base porphyrins. The reason is that in general the position and intensity of the metalloporohyrin visible absorption bands are much less sensitive to alterations by substituents than are the spectra of the free base porphyrins; acid extraction (demetallation) is usually taken to covert metalloporphyrins to free base porphyrins before study. Special method for isolation of metalloporphyrins from petroleum has been developed, but tends to be laborious. (Baker and Palmer (1978)). The two most important types of porphyrins found in petroleum are DPEP and Etio types, generally there appears to be more DPEP than Etio in petroleum.. Rhodo type of porphyrin has also been found. (Yen (1975)-(a), Sugihara et al. (1970), Baker (1969), and Didyk et al. (1975)-(a)). All three types of porphyrins exist methylene homologues. as series of (Dean and Whitehead (1963)). Table 2-4 shows the molecular weights of homologues series of porphyrins.' The molecular weight range for free base porphyrins in petroleum appear to be among 394 and 562, the weight average mass are about 420-490 for different crudes. (Baker and Palmer (1978)). 1w Table 2-4 Molecular Weight of Homologues Series of Porphyrins Vanadyl DPEP series Rhodo series BenzDPEP Nickel DPEP series DPEP + 56 310 + 14n DPEP series 308 + 14m 8 422 420 428 485 476 9 436 434 442 499 490 10 450 448 456- 513 504 11 464 462 470 527 518 12 b 478 476 484 541 532 13 492 490 498 555 546 14 506 504 512 569 560 15 520 518 526 583 574 16 534 532 540 597 588 Etio and Phyllo series n or m DPEP + 65 456 + 14n aNumber of methylene groups attached to the porphyrin nucleus. bEtioporphyrin and DPEP have an equivalent of 12 methylene group substituents. (Baker and Palmer (1978)). 0' -37Moleular weight higher than the above range have also been found, and porphyrin dimers, trimers were also found. (Blumer and Rudrum (1970)). Porphyrins have also been found in other materials: Hodgson et al. (1963) and Alturki et al. (1971) sands; Hodgson et al. (1968) studied the porphyrins in oil studied the porphyrins in soils, and sedimentary rocks; Hodgson et al. (1967) sediments, also examined porphyrins in oil sand, solid hydrocarbons (Gilsonite and Grahamite), oil shales, rocks, and coal; porphyrins in sediments have also received attention by Baker and Saith (1974), (1961); oil, oil Baker et al. (1970), and Blumer and Omenn Morandi and Jensen (1966) compared the porphyrins in shale shale and petroleum by absorption and mass spectroscopy; and finally, porphyrins in meteorites have been studied by Hodgson and Baker (1969). 2.1-2.b Origin of Porphyrin and Metallo Porphyrin: The oldest and by far the most popular explanation for the existence of metals in petroleum is that proposed by Treibs (1936). His theory assumes that porphyrins (and possibly non-porphyrins) are derived from chlorophylls of aquatic life. Treibs suggested a series of chemical reactions that could account for this transformation. After some additions and modifications, Yen (1973) came up a scheme for the transformation of chlorophyll to vanadyl DPEP and other stable vanadyl chelates. This scheme is shown in Figure 2-6. A similar scheme starting from hemin and yielding etioporphyrins was also -38CIHLOROPHYLL a O4.CM PHEOP*4YTIN as a PHEOPHORBIDE H3 2 C.M CA M+ M + , CAC3 C.H +RON M M C"4M C414 0 Ito C- OOIO 0CM 3 -cmi-CM.C-C 1-0,- HOCC,64" PHEOPORPHYRfN C3C og 1 c3 H 3 4 OZ =0C C CM 3 C-2 5,3 4 'O CM3 j:,\ CM 3 CM 3 \C C4 N 2 CM CH -, C2 M5 N4\ Fig. 2-6M SceefrTeTasomto0fClrpyld Vanadyl Porphyrins. \ CH C 2 H5 CH37 C 6M 3 17 0+ CM 3 ms-a- NAPHTHYLPORPI{YRIN CM 3 3 /-H M RHODO t(BENZOPORPHYRIN) ( CH C 2 MZ 4 Z 2 5 H2 M N + , CMH 5 C94 4, COT4 - ETIO (ETIOPORPHYRIN) C~ 5 -4. C 0.0 C'Oz HS C2 M 2P-0-Co ++\ H 2 4 OPEP 5 + C"3 ICM DEOXOPHYLLOERYTHRIN CM 3 0 -CM OR ~) PIIYLLOERYTHRIN 3 .0 +XI oSal C 3fI -39proposed by Treibs, but is now rejected based on the findings that there are not enough hemin exists in aquatic life to the etioporphyrins. (Corwin (1959)). to contribute One important fact from the aformentioned scheme is that the Etio type of porphyrins were derived from DPEP type of porphyrins; it of geothermal maturation. (1973), and (1969) actually became an indiactor (Didyk et al. (1975)-(b)). Yen (1975)-(a), studied the correlation of the ratio of DPEP/Etio to the depth of burial for a number of petroleum deposits. The source of metals in porphyrins is not conclusive. Some proposed that vanadyl and/or nickel chlorins exist in living organisms and that petroleum porphyrins are derived directly from such biogenic metal complexes. (1970)) (Hodgson et al. (1967)). Others (Sugihara et al. claimed that vanadium in non-porphyrin complexes such as asphaltenes were the source of vanadium in porphyrin. mentioned about the source of nickel in porphyrins. Few were -40Nonporphyrin Metal Compounds: 2.1-3 The study of nonporphyrin metal compounds is very important as (1) For many crude oils, there appear to be more nonporphyrin metal compounds than metalloporphyrins. (2) It is believed that the metals in metalloporphyrins came from nonporphyrin metal compounds. (Sugihara et al. (1970)). Yen (1975)-(a) classified nonporphyrin metals into the following groups : (a) Chlorophyll o( and other hydroporphyrins, (b) Highly aromatic porphyrin chelates, (c) Porphyrin decomposition ligands, (d) Transition metal complexes of tetradentate mixed ligands such as V, Ni, Fe, Cu, Co, and Cr. two parts, the first is and the other part is This can be further separated into the simple complexes from resin molecules, chelates from asphaltene sheets. metallic compounds such as Hg, Sb, As. (e) O gano- (f) Carboxylic acid salts of the polar functional groups of resins, such as Mo and Ge. Colloidal minerals, such as silica and Nacl. are of importance. (g) Only (b), (c) and (d) Figure 2-7 shows the example for the (b), (c), and simple complexes from resin molecules of (d) types of nonporphyrin metals. The most important nonporphyrin metal compounds are the ones appear in the asphaltene fraction. The reasons are substantial amount of metal compounds appear in this fraction (Table 2-2). Crudes high in metals are high in asphaltenes, and 50-99% of them are nonporphyrin metal compounds. (Yen, et al. (1968)). -41- N N /v 0 N N (-1) V M v M ON1HO H HO MN / M y p Y P P p (2) 0 o V-*- 0 jm. -Va 0 65, Ni L0Q (3) Fig. 2-7 Examples for Nonporphyrin Metal Compounds: (1) Highly Aro*matic Porphyrin Chelates; (2) Porphyrin Decomposition Ligands, (Metals Will Fill Up to the Center); and (3) Simple Complexes from Resin Molecules. (Yen (1975)-(a)). -42Asphaltenes contain highly condensed aromatic and heterocyclic The rings with oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur (Ball et al. (1959)). asphaltene molecules associate in dilute solutions at low temperatures, but dissociate at high temperatures. The molecular weights of asphal- tenes depend on the methods of measurement, they range from 1,000 to 500,000, Dickie and Yen (1967) published the tabulation of methods and results; they also proposed a macrostructure of asphaltene. et al. (1961), (1962), Yen (1970), (1974) studied the asphaltene in petro- leum extensively by x-ray diffraction and electron spin resonance. The conclusion is that asphaltenes exists as clusters of sheets, each sheet is made up of individual molecules of aromatics, paraffins, naphthenics, macrocyclics, and heterocyclics, the bridges or links can be cleaved under selective chemical or physical conditions. Each sheet has a graphite-like aromatic plate with a diameter of 8-151, connects to the other type of aformentioned hydrocarbons. distance between parallel plates is 3.55-3.7a, The and generally an average cluster consists of 4-5 plates with an overall thickness of 14-28R. One of the characteristics of the single sheet in asphaltenes is that they can stack one above the other, bound together either through interactions of the polynuclear aromatic centers or through heteroatoms in the sheets. It is also possible that increase the metal content will increase the tendency of the particles to associate further. (Dickie et al. (1969)). model based on x-ray diffraction. Figure 2-8 shows the asphaltene (Yen (1977)). -43Sheet SLe 8-15E dm 3.55 - 3.70 A dy 5.5-6.0 A L6 -14-28 A Fig. 2-8 Cross Sectional View of an Asphaltene Model. (Yen (1977)). /yAJ\M Represents the Zig-Zag Configuration of a Saturated. Carbon Chain or Loose Net Naphthenic Rings. Represents the Edge of. Flat Sheets Condensed Aromatic Rings. Fig. 2-9 Defect Site in an Aromatic Sheet of the Asphaltene Structure., (Yen (1974)). -44It is known that many of the aromatic portions of the sheets have defective centers (gaps and holes), these defects are formed as a result of the incomplete graphitization of benzenoid rings by donor atoms such as N, S, and 0. It is believed that these defective centers are the coordination centers of metals. the example of defect site for metals. Figure 2-9 shows (Yen (1974)). Finally, one thing very interest is that Sugihara et al. (1970) mentioned that crudes with high vanadium content are high in sulfur, and crudes with high nickel content are high in nitrogen. He further mentioned that oxovanadium is known to prefer to coordinate to ligands with the decreasing order of 0"S -N, nickel. which it is N -S -0 for 2.2 Hydrodemetallation Reaction: As in addition to metal compounds, sulphur and nitrogen compounds are available in residual oils, hydrodemetallation (HDM) always occur along with hydrodesulphurization (HDS) and hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) reaction during hydroprocessing of residual oils. Riley (1978) (1971), mentioned that HDM is Oxenreiter et al. (1972), faster than HDN; Frost et al. Oleck and Sherry (1977) showed that Audibert and Duhaut HDS is faster than HDM in typical HDS units. (1970) also reported that the ratio of vanadium removal to sulphur removal decrease with space velocity. The chemistry of hydrodemetallation reaction is not well known, but both hydrogen and catalyst are required for the reaction to occur. As sulphur compounds are available in residual and catalyst were presulphided in commerical runs, the final metallic products deposited on the catalyst are beleived to be inorganic metal sulphides. tings, et al. (1975), (Has- Dautzenberg et al. (1978), Newson (1975), and Schuit and Gates (1973)). Under commercial conditions, hydrodemetallation typically takes place at 4000C (750 0F) and 14MPa (2000 psig) of hydrogen by using Coo-Moo 3 /Al 2 03 as catalyst. 2.2-1 Kinetics: 2.2-l.a Thermal Demetallation and Nonhydrogenative Demetallation: Wooldle and Chandler (1952) mentioned that vanadium and nickel are thermally stable up to 3700 C(700 0 F), and at temperatures approaching 3700C, these molecules exert very small but significant vapor pressures. Hodgson and Baker (1957) studied the thermal behavior of vanadium, nickel, and porphyrin contents in McMurray crude oil (Athabaska) in connection with their studies of the petroleum maturation process. Constantinides and Guido (1959) examined the thermal behavior of vanadium, nickel in Kuwait residual. Thermal degradation for both vanadul and nickel porphyrins from Wyoming reduced crude has been investigated by Rosscup and Bowman- (1967).Hodgson (1973) used the above literature for his discussion about the geochemistry of porphyrins. All of them reported that the thermal decomposition of the metal compounds in oil obeys first order kinetics, with activation energy from 43 to 57 kcal/g-mole. Nonhydrogenative demetallation was studied by Fischer et al. (1976) for Wilmington Residual, Agha Jari residual, and San Joaquin residual at the presence of manganese nodules. As their results were consistent with previous studies on thermal demetallation, they suggested that nonhydrogenative demetallation with manganese nodules is of thermal and not of catalytic character. A summary from the above literature regarding the kinetic order, activation energy, and rate constent is shown in Table 2-5. -47Table 2-5 Kinetic Order, Activation Energy, and Rate Constants for Thermal Demetallation of Vanadium and Nickel in Residual or Crude Oils: Author Kinetic order (1) Hodgson and Baker (1957) Activation Energy (Kcal/g mole) 52.5 (Porphyrin )002 Degradation 58.6 (m (Nickel) Removal(38C 57.5 (2) Costantinides et al. Rate Constant (1/hr) 1_ (Porphyrin (1959) Degradation (3) R;sscup and Bowman (1967) (4) Fischer et al- (1976) 45.6 0.013 (3580 C) 0.012 (3580 C) 0.41 (3900 C) -Vanad- 0.068 (3900 C) (Nickel 0.070 (39000) Vanadium Removal 46 ) (3580C) ( Nickel 0.21 (3900C) 0.12 (3900 C) Vanadium Removal 0.28 (3900C) ( Neoal) 0.23 (3900C) 2,2-1.b Hydrodemetallation: Beuther & Schmid (1963) studied the kinetics of vanadium and nickel removal for Middle East (Kuwait) reduced crudes and found that the kinetic order is second order with respect to metal compounds. They also found that vanadium removal rate is faster than nickel removal rate. By using the structure of asphaltene proposed by Yen et. al. (1961) which has also been shown in Figure 2-8, they postulated that nickel concentrates on the interior of the asphaltene "molecule", while vanadium concentrates on the exterior of the molecule. This is one of the reason they believed to be the faster vanadium removal rate. Another reason they believed is that the valence state of vanadium ih vanadium complex is +4, while nickel is +2. As the vanadium does not have its valences satisfied in the basal plane, it is also bound to an oxygen atom.perpendicular to the planer structure of complex such as porphyrin. The tendency of atoms to project from the plane (see 2.1-1.b) for vanadium complexes may take the metal atom more accessible to the catalyst through the projecting hetero-atom. In another word, they believed that it is the polarity and accessibility at the periphery of the asphaltene molecule that makes the ease of vanadium removal relative to nickel. Figure 2-10 shows their description about the qualitative changes in asphaltenes during HDS processing. Larson and Beuther (1966) examined the hydrodemetallation of vanadium and nickel in varous fractions of crude oils, and fit -49- A. Before HDS -- s Resin-like Molecules B. After HDS S a Sulfur Vanadium 0 Nickel AN Fig. 2-10 Aromatic Rings Naphthenic Rings Qualitative Changes in Asphaltenes and Surrounding Resins During HDS Processing. (Beuther and Schmid (1963)). -50their data by first order kinetics. removal rate of vanadium. They also reported the higher Some experiments to proved that vanadium complexes have higher polarity and concentrate more on the edge of asphaltene moleale were also conducted by them to support the earlier theory proposed by Beuther and Schmid (1963) vanadium removal rate. Arey et al. (1967) that explained the higher reported nickel is charac- teristically more difficult to be removed than vanadium and the hydrodesulfurized product of Kuwait Atmospheric Residuals tends to be relatively rich in nickel. porphyrin in residual oil is Kwan and Sato (1970) proposed that vanadylthen directly adsorbed to the catalyst, the porphyrin ring is broken down, the material is transformed into non-vandyl compound, and finally deposited on the catalyst. and Duhaut (1970) Audibert studied the commercial hydrodesulfurization of residuals from several Middle-Eastern oils. They found that demetall- ation reaction for vanadium to be 15-20% faster than nickel, and reaction ratio are roughly linear with hydrogen pressure. Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(a) maintained that the hydrodemetallation rate can be described equally well in terms of either first The activation is than nickel, 10 kcal/g mole. or second order kinetics. Although vanadium removal is faster the selectivity for vanadium removal and nickel removal varied with the reaction temperature; when reaction temperature is creased, in- the selectivity for nickel removal also increase and reached a maximun at 400 0 C then decreases as temperature is further increased. -51An investigation made by Oxenreiter et al. (1972) on the hydrodesulphuri- zation of some redisuals shows that at their operating conditions, is there 66% vanadium and 56% nickel removal for Gach Saran residual, 63% vanadium and 36% nickel removal for Khafji residual. They also showed that the demetallation rate for resin fraction of residuals is faster than the asphaltene fraction. tallation over manganese tant of 5-12 Chang and Silvestri (1974) found deme- modules to be first hr at 750OF (40000), which is - mentioned in section (2.2-1.a). order, much with a rate cons- higher than a thermal rate They believed that the mechanism of hydrodemetallation involves reduction and deposition, plus hydrogenation of the hydrocarbon moiety. Shah and Paraskos (1975) indicated the higher vanadium removal rate for Kuwait crude oil. In the publication of 1976, Chang and Silvestri maintained their earlier statement in 1974, and also used Co0-MoO3 /Al 20 3 for comparison. Oleck and Sherry (1977) claimed that up to about 83% metals removal, demetallation reaction are best described by second order kinetics. The activation energy for vanadium removal is 38.2 kcal/g mole for CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst and 26 kcal/g mole for manganese nodules, the hydrogen pressure dependence is one for both vanadium and nickel. larger than Riley (1978) supported the first order kinetics as well as the higher removal rate for vanadium. A summary of these studies is shown in Table 2-6. By comparison, the related hydrodesulphurization reaction is also often described as either first order with respect to the sulphur compounds (Frost and Cottingham (1971), Schuit and Gates (1973), and Schuman and Shalit (1970)) or second order (Watanabe et al. (1970), T1able 2-6 Summary of Previous Studies on Kinetics of Catalytic Hydrodemetallation Kinetic Catalyst Used Authors Crude Order E V removal rate (kcal/g mole) Ni removal rate Order of Dependence on H2 (1) Beuther & Schmid HDS Catalyst Kuwait Reduced 2 ---- ---- I ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Crude (1963) & (2) Larson Beuther (1966) Kuwait Atmospheric Residual (3) Arey et al. (1967) (4) Audibert (5) Middle & Duhaut Eastern (1970) Oils Inoguchi et al. Khafji Atmospheric (1971)-(a) Residual (6) Oxenreiter et al. Khafji & Gach (1972) Saran 1 or 2 ---- ---- ---- ---- 10 - 1 Function of Temperature ---- Residual (to be continued) MW Catalyst Crude Used Authors Kinetic Order of' Order Dependence E (kcal/g mole) V removal rate Ni removal rate on H 2 & (7) Chang Silvestri (1 Agha Jari Topped Manganese Nodules 9 7 4) HDS Catalyst Kuwait Crude Chang Silvestri Manganese Nodules, (1976) Co-Mo/Al Kuwait Residual, Agha Jari & (8) Shah Paraskos 7 1 I Crude -- -- --- 1 - (11) Manganese Nodules, (1977) Co-Mo/Al20 Kuwait Lagomedio Atmospheric Residual Riley Co-Mo/Al2 (1978) 1 03 2 Residual Co-Mo/Al <1 for 2 0 3 Manganese Nodule Safania Atmospheric for Co-Mo/Al 2 03 Smaller 2__for Others 1 for & Sherry Oleck >1 1 38.2 (Co-Mo/Al 2 03 ) , Topped Crude & (10) 9 & PoroceI 3P & (9) & (1975) 26 (Nodule) >1' -54Massagutov et al. (1967), Beuther and Schmid (1963), and Oleck and Sherry (1977)). Riley (1978). Fractional order (1.5 order) is also described by The activation energy for hydrodesulphurization appears to be in the range of 27 to 45 kcal/g mole (Oleck and Sherry (1977), Schuman and Shalit (1970), Cottingham (1971)). Watanabe et al. (1970), and Frost and Although Audibert and Duhaut (1970) claimed that metal removal has higher activation energy than sulphur removal, it is not generally true. The hydrogen dependence for sulphur removal appear to be first order (Oleck and Sherry (1977), Watanabe et al. (1970), Schuit and Gates (1973)). For hydrodenitrogenation which might occur along with hydrodemetallation and hydrodesulphurization, Flinn et al. (1963) reported that the total nitrogen removal from quinoline in a paraffin oil over NiO-W/Al203 catalyst was first order with respect to quinoline. Aboul- Gheit and Abdou (1973) also claimed first order kinetics with respect to total nitrogen content. Shih et al. (1977) also fitted their data with first order kinetics in their study of hydrodenitrogenation of quinoline in white oil over NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 catalyst, their report also show that hydrogen dependence is less than first order and the apparent activation energy for total nitrogen removal is 25 kcal/g mole. There appears to be a relationship between the metal removal rate (especially vanadium) and the sulphur removal rate. Massagutov et al. (1967) studied the relationship between sulphur removal and vanadium removal, sulphur removal and nickel removal respectively. A very good -55linear relationship was obtained between sulphur removal and vanadium removal. Their result is shown in Figure 2-11. also reported by Richardson and Alley (1975), (1971), Similar result was Frost and Cottingham This clearly shows that metal Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(b). (especially vanadium) compounds and sulphur compounds are closely related in residual oils, which is Figure 2-10. Yen (1977) consistent to the model shown in mentioned that one of the reason for the association of asphaltene sheets is due to O=V ..... X (X=0,N,S) or 0=V ..... 7C from resin and asphaltene sheets. The processing of residual oils requires hydrogenation. As the association of X V=0 (X especially S) and as well as,-7lt-bond should be IT..... V=0, ... overcome to let the sheets accessible for hydrogen attack, this will result in the proportionality of vanadium removal to sulphur removal. Although there has been a deviation regarding the kinetic order of hydrodemetallation, almost all of the authors who claimed second order kinetics agreed that the metal complexes can be divided into two groups, each following a first order kinetics with different rate constant and perhaps different initial concentration; the result of conversion versus residence time would be difficult to distinguish from the results of a second order reaction. (1963), (Beuther and Schmid Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(a), Oleck and Sherry (1977), and Mosby et al. (1973)). Similar thing for hydrodesulphurization were metioned by Schuman and Shalt (1970), Riley (1978), de Bruijn (1976), and Arey et al. (1967). We have shown that the two first order kinetics can be used to approximate a second order kinetics only at less than 92% I00- Q & oo PA. 0 60 0 U'8 12 - 60 --- - IX ~60 i - -2 0 0 z0 GO 00V,0 I~ 20 IN 6u so 20 IOU S ULPHUR REMOVAL,/. -Nickel removal versus vacuum gas oil desuiphurization level. 60 s0 reioval i'crsus vacuun gas oil desuipliurization level. V: vacuum gas oil from Chckmagush crude oil; 0: vacuum gas oil from Arlan crude oil: x vacuum gas oil from mixture of Tuimaza and Arlan crude oils; 0: data reported by Connally'; 0: data reported by Eberlinc'O; +: data rcported by Lewis"; A: data reported by Abbott 1 2 ; Sulphur Removal Versus Nickel Removal (Left) and Vanadium Removal (Right) (Massagutov et al. (1967)). S . for Several Vacuum Gas Oil. too -Vanadiun V: vacuum gas oil from Chcknmagush crude oil; 0: vacuum gas oil from Arlan crude oil; x : vacum gas oil from mixture of Tuimaza and Arlan crude oils; 0: data reported by Connally'; 0: data reported by LbEhrlinc10; &: data reported by Abbott"; Fig. 2-11 90 SULPH UR RE MOVAL,O/. -57conversion, and only when the ratios of the parameters of the two first within very narrow ranges, the result order reaction fell is shown in Chapter 5.11. There has been some study on the effect of composition of catalyst on hydrodemetallation, Chang and Silvestri (1974) compared two ocean nodules catalysts which contain substantial amount of Ni, Mo and Co with fresh water nodule which has only trace amount of Ni, Mo and Co, and found the ocean nodules. nodules are not more active than fresh water In their publication of 1976, they compare- comercial available Coo-Moo 3 /Al 2 03 with Lake Michigan Nodules and porocel on hydrodemetallation, and found that for hydrogen pressure higher than 800 psig, 2 0 is more active than the other .two; while for pressure lower than 800 psig, nodules is Oleck and Sherry (1977) more active than CoO-MoO 3/Al 2 03 ' Coo-Moo /Al shows CoO-MoO /Al203 is always more active than manganese nodules; while Riley (1978) claimed that vanadium removal activity is independent of the loading of Co and Mo on alumina. As in the previous studies the demetallation reaction is either diffusion limited or on the verge of diffusion limited, no conclusive statements can be made if there exists deviation about the pore structure of different catalysts. Oleck and Sherry (1977) explained the higher activity of CoO-MoO 3/A1 2 0 3 by larger pore size. Chang and Silvestri (1974) showed that the effectiveness factors for demetallation with manganese catalyst is 0.55 when average catalyst size is 1 mm, and 0.95 when it is 0.2 mm. Shah and Paraskos (1975) argued that the effectiveness factor for demetallation reaction can -58not exceed 0.4. Riley (1978) showed that vanadium removal activity Similar actually increases as the pore diameter of catalyst increases. results were observed by Shah and Paraskos (1975), Spry and Sawyer (1975), Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(c), and Hardin et al. (1978). As Hardin et al. (1978) observed that more coke is formed on catalysts while less metals per unit area are formed on catalyst that has larger pores, it was proposed that there exists an optimum pore size for the design of hydrodesulphurization catalyst. As previously mentioned, substantial amount of metal compounds exist in the asphaltene fraction of residual oils; in order for the metals to be removed from asphaltene molecules, the large asphaltene molecules have to diffuse into the catalyst. asphaltene, only 10~7-10 obtained (Newson (1975)). Due to the size of cm /sec of effective diffusivity can be This will explain the low effectiveness factors for demetallation reactions. As shown in Table 2-6, except the kinetic order, no sufficient information were given to led to an understanding of demetallation; a study based on model metal compounds dissolving in clean oils and diffusion free conditions would provide useful kinetic data. Deposition of Metals on Hydrodesulphurization Catalysts. 2.2-2 2.2-2.a Concentration Distribution of Vanadium and Nickel on Spent Catalysts: Scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer was used for the study of the deposition of metals on catalyst. Arey et al. (.1967) mentioned -59that nickel tends to be deposited throughout the desulphurization catalyst particules whereas vanadium is concentrated in the outer These metallic deposits many render the inner portions of the layers. catalyst particle inaccessible to the feed stock. Audibert and Duhaut (1970) showed that while vanadium has diffused into the pellets up to 650 micron depth only, most of the nickel concentration has been measured inside the pellets; deeply than vanadium. Kwan and Sato (1970) Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(a) tion. that is, nickel diffuses more shared the same observa- found that though nickel is similar in behavior to vanadium which tends to deposit more on the edge of the catalyst than at the center, it spreads out more widely on the whole catalyst than vanadium does. Todo et al. (1971) observed that both vanadium and nickel only deposited on the edge of the catalyst; that is, the concentration profiles for both nickel and vanadium are of U-shape. Sato et al. (1971) claimed that while vanadium deposition is of U shape, nickel tends to be uniformly distributed. shows their result. (1972) Figure 2-12 Finally, an investigation made by Oxenrieter et al. shared the same view as Sato et al. (1971). The general observation from aformentioned references is that vanadium always distributed more on the edge of the catalyst while nickel tends to be more uniformly distributed. The deviation may be due to different particle size and pore structure of the catalysts used in different studies. Although in section 2.2-1 we have mentioned that vanadium removal rate is always higher than nickel removal rate' -60- 8 WV 6CQ 5W0 300 400 2W 100 0 NO 220 300 400 5W0- C.W 0 .o6 0 403 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 5O0 DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF CATALYST (/') AFTER Fig 2-12 50 HRS ON STREAM Concentration Profile of Vanadium (up) and Nickel (Down) on the Desulphurization Catalyst after 50hrs Reaction. (Sato et al. (1971)) -61- and also learned that both reaction might be diffusion limited. However, the higher vanadium removal rate is not sufficient to explain the big difference between the concentration profile of vanadium and nickel shown in Figure 2-12. Sato et al. (1971) did theoretical calculation and showed that in order to achieve the big difference of concentration profiles shown in Figure 2-12, the effective for vanadium has to be less than 10% of nickel, which is impossible. diffusivity highly There exists some unrevealed phenomena other than metal removal activity and effective diffusivity that causes the big difference in Figure 2-12. 2.2-2.b Amount of Deposition: From the information concerning the distribution of deposition of metals on the catalyst layer, Kwan and Sato (1970) also found that the deposition of carbonaceous substance takes place consecutively whereas that of vanadium or nickel simultaneously. The amount of vanadium and nickel deposited on the catalyst depends on the duration of catalyst on stream and the amount of metals in feed stocks. As high as 56 wt% for vanadium, 17 wt% for nickel were observed by Oxenreiter et al. (1972), while as low as 0.1 wt% for vanadium and 0.05 wt% for nickel were observed by Kwan and Sato (1970). While the amount of deposition for vanadium and nickel on the catalyst will increase with time of operation, coke deposition appears to reach a saturation concentration and never increases again. Kwan -62and Sato (1970) found that there is no difference for the amount of coke deposition between 50 hours and 1000 hours on stream. phenomena were observed by Beuther and Schmid (1963), (1970), Dautzenberg et al. (1978), Silvestri (1976), 2.2-2.c Sato et al. (1970), Similar Sato et al. Chang and and Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(b). Catalyst Aging: Kwan and Sato (1970), Sato et al. (1971), Inoguchi et al. (1971)- (a), Chang and Silvestri (1976), and Dautzenberg pointed out that the initial fast deactivation of catalyst is caused by the coke deposition. Beuther and Schmid (1963) found that when hydrogen partial pressure is increased, the saturation level of coke is decreased, however, the initial rapid rate of coke formation has not been eliminated. They also observed that while pore volume and surface area were decrease& by initial coke deposition, the average pore radius was reduced only slightly, and pore size distribution was not changed. was reported by Richardson and Alley (1975). Similar result Riley (1978) concluded that the coking tendency of resid HDS catalysts is controlled by intrinsic surface properties rather than the pore size distribution of the catalysts. Brunn et al. (1975) developed several coke resistant catalysts and showed that longer catalyst life were obtained. The chemical modification of the catalyst surface and the effect of hydrogen on coke deposition are discussed in the book by Gates et al. (1978). Unlike coke that has upper limit, vanadium and nickel tend to deposit on the catalyst with no limit, Sato et al (1970), Inoguchi et al. (1971), Kwan and Sato (1970), McColgan and Parsons (1974), Brunn et al. (1975), and Dautzenberg et al. (1978) concluded that the slow deactivation rate of catalyst following initial coke deposition is caused by the deposition of metals. Brunn et al. (1975) found that the ultimate life of the catalyst is controlled by the rate of metals deposition during processing and the maximum capacity of the catalyst for metal deposition which can also be function of feedstocks and severity of operation. Sato et al. (1971) agreed that vanadium deposition will cause pore plugging of the catalyst and eventually deactivate the catalyst, but they were reluctant to say nickel would do the same thing. Oxenreiter et al. (1972) found that while after reaction, surface area and pore volume of catalyst were substantially reduced, the pore size distribution of the remaining pores was not significantly altered. They suspected that pore mouth plugging is the way for the coke and metal deposition to deactivate the catalyst. By accepting the concept that the pore plugging is due to coke deposition and metal sulfides, Newson (1975) proposed a pore plugging model to describe catalyst deactivation in axial flow trickle-bed reactor. Recently, Dautzenberg et al. (1978) developed a two parameter model to describe the deactivation of residual desulphurization catalyst which was caused by the pore plugging of metal deposition. As a summary, deposition of coke will cause loss of catalyst activity by chemical modification of the surface and by physical plugging of the pores; the deposition of metal sulfides cause loss of -64- catalyst activity by physical plugging of the pores, it is not clear whether it will cause chemical modification of the surface or not, but the possibility can not bd excluded. 2.2-2.d Distribution along the Reactor Bed: In top feed fixed bed hydrodesulphurization unit, Audibert and Duhaut (1970) found that the concentration of metal deposition varies linearly from the top to the bottom. Sato et al. (1970) reported that the coke deposition increases along with the bed, while metal deposition decreases from the inlet to the outlet. By comparing with vanadium profile, the nickel profile appears to be mild along with the bed; this behavior results in the increasing ratio of Ni- along with the bed. These findings are consistent with the earlier statements made in 2.2-1.b and 2.2-2.a that vanadium removal is faster than nickel, and while coke was formed consecutively, vanadium and nickel were formed simultaneously. Figure 2-13 shows the concentration profile of nickel, vanadium, and carbon along with the reactor bed. (Sato et al. (1970)). It clearly shows that coke reaches saturation concentration after 50 hours on stream, while vanadium and nickel keep on increasing. Similar result was reported by Inoguchi et al. (1971)-(a), Sato (1970), and Oxenreiter et al. (1972). Kwan and -6512 10 C 8 lot 0.81. 0.61- v 0.4 0.2 - Ni - 0 50 HRS ON STREAM 12 10 C 9 "i. 6 4. H 2 Ni 0 Inlet Center Outlet 1000 HRS ON STREAM Fig. 2-13 Concentration Profile of Carbon, Vanadium, and Nickel Along with the Reactor Bed. (Sato et al. (1970)). -662.3 Research and Development on Metal Removal Processes: As hydrodemetallation occurs along with hydrodesulphurization, a major part of available investigations have been devoted to studying process variables influence on HDS process results, to testing new HDS catalysts, and developing new direct HDS process technology. Most of the aforementioned references in section 2.2 are of this category. Some of the available processes that involves metal removing in direct hydrodesulphurization unit are: "Resid HDS", developed by Gulf (Brunn et al. (1975); "RDS and VRDS hydrotreating"by Chevron; "RCD Unibon" by UOP; and "Resid Ultrafining" by Amoco. (Mosby et al. (1973)) More details can be found in "Hydrocarbon Processing", September (1978). When the vanadium plus nickel contents in feedstocks are over 200 ppm, the direct hydrodesulphurization is usually not economical. As a result, an alternate scheme of demetallation/desulfurization is necessary. In the U.S. alone over 300 patents have issued dealing with the removal of metal contaminants from various petroleum fractions. Some of the representative demetallation which do not take place in hydrodesulphurization reactor are briefly described as follows: (Reference: Hydrocarbon Processing, September, (1978)). (1) Extraction: UOP has developed Demex process, which is using low-molecular weight paraffinic solvents to demetallize vacuum residuals. The process has the ability of spliting high metal content residuals into a demetallized oil (DMO) of relatively low metal level and an asphalt with a high metal content. A typical 130 ppm nickel and -67- vanadium yield DMO which is under 30 ppm nickel and vanadium. Kerr-McGee Refining Corp. came up with another process called "Residuum Oil Supercritical Extraction (ROSE)", extraction. The result is which use pentane for that about 70%-90% of metals in residuals are removed. Other related processes like solvent deasphalting, propane deasphalting were also metioned in the above reference. (2) Scavenging: to remove metals via relatively inexpensive, occuring agents. natural Use of pretreatment guard chambers containing these solid absorbents are usually required. Cities Service Research & This is Development Co. uses an ebullating bed reactor ahead of a hydrotreater when porcessing a residual containing large amount of metal (200-300 ppm). The reactor is loaded with an undisclosed natural agent, which cost 5-10% as much as CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst used in the hydrotreater. (LC-Fining Process). Shell's Hydrodesulphurization process features an unidentified agent said to have a high affinity for metals and low activity for sulphur. The company employs a moving bed reactor with special internals to prevent plugging and maintain even distribution of liquid over the full vessel cross section. Fresh supplies of the scavenger are added and spent material withdrawn at a rate that optimizes the efficiency of vanadium removal. Hydrocarbon Research, following tests it conducted for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, favors activated bauxite impregnated -68with a small amount of molybdenum for scavenging. An ebullating bed is used for the metal removal process, and it is known as H-Oil process when combine with other desulphurization process. (Chervenak et al. (1973), (1976), and Rovesti and Wolk (1973)). Other available processes are Exxon's "RESIDfining" process (Moritz et al. (1971)), and the Unicracking/HDS process by Union Oil Co. (Young and Richardson (1977)). (3) Fluid Catalyst Cracking (FCC) Developments: Another approach is to send the residuals into FCC units, and to remove the metals with cat-cracking catalyst. ARCO developed the Demet III process, and claimed to have a low cost catalyst regeneration system that has the ability of removing metals from cracking catalysts. Both chemical and physical treatments are used in regenerating the catalyst. (Edison et al. (1976)). Other process regarding metal removal with FCC units is Pullman- Kellogg's "Heavy Oil Cracking". -693. 3.1 Materials and Experimental Procedures: Equipment for Hydrodemetallation Study: As the main objective in this study is to study the intrinsic (diffusion free) kinetics of hydrodemetallation reaction. batch reactor system will meet the need. A schematic of the autoclave batch reactor system is shown in Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2 shows the picture of this autoclave batch reactor system. are given in Figure 3-3. An autoclave The specifications The 1-liter autoclave (Autoclave Engineers, is designed to stand 37325 KPa (5400 psi) Erie, Penn., Model AFP 1005), and 480 0 C, which is much higher than our operating conditions. In order to disperse the hydrogen into the autoclave effectively and to prevent catalyst particles froin entering into the sampling line, 0.5 micron stainless steel porous filter with 3/16 inch in diameter and 1/2 inch in length (New Met Inc., Pequabuck, Conn.) were attached at the end of hydrogen inlet line and at the beginning of liquid sampling line respectively. In addition, a special catalyst loader at essentially room temperature was designed to store the mixture of the catalyst and metal dissolving white oil. when it This mixture was injected into the autoclave reached reaction temperature. This design will prevent hydro- demetallation reaction from occuring during the heating period. 3-4 Figure shows a close look of the main body of the 1-liter autoclave. The specifications are given in Table 3-1. As the porous filter and the catalyst loader are of special design in this study, they are shown in more details in Figure 3-5. For safety reasons, a 1/8 inch steel plate barricade was built to Pt/A 12 03 Water Ox ygjen ( Removal/ Removal Z eolite Catalyst Looder Motor Ball 0 Valve Pressure He Gaoug e Liquid Sampling Linq I I I I I S I I S I i I I I I I -- >Vq nt I ---- I I I H2 .. Im p alI e tr Porous Filter 1 Liter Autoclovq Fig. 3-1 Schematic of High Pressure Autoclave Reactor System for Hydrodemetallation Study. -71- Fig. 3-2 Autoclave Batch Reactor System. -72- 1 6 5 i I R= .4 10 9 m.-m 16 15 - 14 13 List of Components for Figure 3-2. (1) Catalyst Loader; (2) Extension Handle; (3) Ball Valve; (4) Cooling Coils for Cooling Jacket; (5) Belt; (6) MagneDrive; (7) 1/4" O.D. Tube to Pressure Gauge; (8) Cover of Autoclave; (9) Body of Autoclave; (10) Motor; (11) & (12) & Fig. 3-3 12 (13) Thermocouples; (14) Vent Line; (15) Insulation Material; (16) Furnace; (17) Stand. -73- i7- 2 -I- I +",aP. 31 mm~L~2~ 4 \kZ ~ 0 1- I ;I 9 ______ - k 5 6 V6. rfr 0 7 17 1 9 2/ .~- 9 3 1 L L 11 133 I Fig. 3-4 -- 4. M M 0 Zr 4 -4 14 ,-15 (A 437 0 0 Cl V 3.001 DPIA - 8 // I 7tb UNIT: INCH Schematic of Main Body of 1-Liter Autoclave. -74Table 3-1 List of Major Components in Figure 3-4: Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: 5400 PSI at 900 F Hydrotest Pressure : 9100 PSI at R.T. Components Specifications 1 Cooling Jacket With 1/4 2 Gas Input Line 1/8 3 Sampling Line 1/16" O.D.70.030 I.D. 316 S.S. Tube 4 Hex. Soc. Cap 'Screw 7/8 5 Cover of Autoclave 316 S.S. 6 Gasket 316 S.S. 7 Body 316 S.S. 8 Stand 9 Cooling Coil 3/16" O.D.,1/8" I.D. 316 S.S. 10 Thermowell 3/16" O.D.,1/8" I.D. 316 S.S. 11 Shaft 316 S.S. 12 Locknut 316 s.s. 13 Impeller 1-1/4" Dia., 316 S.S. 14 Furnace High Temp. Max. Operating Temp.: 1000 F, 115V. -1 - 50/60 HZ-1.7 K.W., Type K Thermocouple 15 Transite Plate 16 Catalyst Charge Line 1/4" 0.D.,0.180 17 Coupling For 1/16" to 1/8", 316 SS. 18 Porous Filter 3/16" Dia., 1/2" Long, 1/2A- Openings. O.D. Tubing Cooling Water System 0.D.,0.062 316 S.S. Tube Dia. I.D. 316 S.S. Tube -75. ' - 1.3. 1 11'D F~i' C 4 -4 U (. *-- jd n 11 5 ). Components Specifications 1. 1/8" o.D. Inlet 316 s.s.,o.o62" I.D.. 2. Adapter 316 Coupling O.D. (F) to 1/2" O.D. (M). 316 S.s., 1/2" 3. . 3 O.D. to 1" O.D... 4. Nipple 316 S.S.,o.688" I.D.. 5. 316 S.S.,1" onD. Coupling to 1"O.D.. 6. Adapter 316 S.S.,1" o.D (M) to 1/4" OD. (F). 6 7 7. Ball Valve 316 S.S,For 1/4" Ofl, Tube. 8. Extension Handle Brass 9. 1/4" o.D. 316 S.S.,O.180" Outlet I.D.. 10. 1/8" O.D. Tube 316 s.s.,o.o62" I.D.. 11. 1/2 Micron Porous Filter Fig. 3-5 Schematic of Catalyst Loader 316 S.S. (Left) and Porous Filter (Right). -76surround the autoclave, and a rupture disc with 22677 KPa specification was installed. About the temperature control and indication system, there is an temperature indicator (Model 2170 A, Omega Engineering, Stamford, Conn.) with an independent thermocouple (Item 11 in Figure 3-3) placed in thermowell to take the temperature reading during reaction. As the temperature controller (Model 238-13, Type K Thermocouple, P/N H8-4002-0600, LFE Corp., Waltham, Mass.) is installed to control the temperature of the furnace, the thermocouple (Item 13 in Figure 3-3) was connected to the furnace. For further safety insurance, an on-off temperature controller (Model 232-F, P/N H2-1022-4100, LFE Corp., Waltham, Mass.) with an independent thermocouple (Item 12 in Figure 3-3) attached to thermowell was placed in addition to the main temperature controller; this on-off controller will shut off the furnace in case of failure of the main controller thermocouple. -773.2 Materials: Catalyst: 3.2-1 Commercially available CoO-MoO3 /Al 2 0 3 catalyst, NiO-MoO /Al 0 3 2 3 catalyst, and alumina catalyst carriers were used for our study. They were described as follows: (1) CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 0 3 Catalyst: As in commercial, most of the hydrodesulphurization units use CoO-MoO /Al 20 study. as HDM/HDS catalyst, it was also used for most of the The catalysts were HDS 16A catalyst, and were obtained from American Cyanamid (Bound Brook, N.J.). The physical and chemical pro- perties for HDS 16A catalyst are shown in Table 3-2. Figure 3-6 shows the pore size distribution. (2) NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 Catalyst: Few runs on NiO-MoO /Al 2 03 were also made by using HDS 9A catalyst from American Cyanamid. Table 3-3 shows their properties, and Figure 3-7 shows the pore size distribution. (3) e-Alumina Catalyst Carrier: This catalyst carrier was used for comparison and was also used as the carrier for self preparation catalyst. from Norton Company (Akron, Ohio). The carrier was obtained Again, Table 3-4 shows the properties, and Figure 3-8 shows pore size distribution. (4) Other Catalysts: The oxygen removal catalyst in the hydrogen line was 0.5 wt% Pt on alumina, 1/8 inch pellets type M catalyst (Engelhard Industries, Newark, N.J.). The oxygen removal catalyst in the helium line was the -78mixture of (a) Copper catalyst, with 10% CuO on alumina (Cu-0803 T 1/8 inch, Harshaw Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio), and (b) Zinc catalyst, 100% ZnO (Zn-0401 E 3/16 inch, Harshaw Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio). The water removal catalyst was typical zeolite. (5) Self Preparation Catalyst: The procedure to prepare catalyst will be mentioned in section 3.3-4. The effect of self preparation catalysts on demetallation reaction will be discussed in section 4.5. -79Table 3-2 Physical and Chemical Properties for American Cyanamid HDS 16A 2 03 CoO-MoO 3/Al Catalyst: Lot. No. MTG-S-0573 (1) Chemical Compositions: 5.7 Coo : MoO : 12.2 3 Na2 : 0.03 Fe : 0.04 (wt%) (2) Physical Properties: Apparent bulk density, g/cm 3 0.737 Average diameter, cm Average length, cm 0.152 (0.06 inches) 0.432 (0.17 inches) Average crush strength, g 6350.4 (14 lbs) Fines, wt% 0.2 (-16 mesh) Pore volume (H2 0), Pore volume (Hg), cc/g cc/g 2 Surface area, m /g 0.43 0.50 Density, g/cc 176 0.67* Average pore diameter, 1) 80.4 angstron* 2) 97.7 angstron *1): The density is obtained by crushing the catalyst into 0.074-0.088 mm average diameter (170-200 mesh), and then preheat at 400 0 C for 24 hours to remove water trap in the catalyst before it was placed in measuring bottle. *2): 80.4 1 is the value taken as that corresponding to 50% of the total pore volume, 97.7 R is the value taken by dividing the value of pore volume by surface area and multiply by 4. Pressure (PSIA) 0 0 80q 0 0 I 00 4 I* ~l I I I I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~-1 c; I C) 4 .0 C.> I, N cN 0 0 0 c p c 442 1767.6 Fig. 3-6 I 1 176.8 117.8 Pore Dihmeter (Angstrons) I 88.4 70.7 59-0 44.2 Pore Size Distribution for HDS-16A CoO-MoO 3/Al 20 Catalyst. 35.4 OD -81Table 3-3 Physical and Chemical Properties for American Cyanamid HDS 9A NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 Catalyst Lot. No. MTG-S-0155 (1) Chemical Composition:s s Ni0 MoO3 3.2 17.5 Na2 0 0.03 Fe s04 0.03 0.4 Si02 0.5 (wt%) (2) Physical Properties: Average diameter, cm 0.155 (0.061 inches) Average length, cm 0.457 Poured bulk density, g/cm3 0.769 3 Compacted bulk density, g/cm 0.833 Crush strength, g 6350.4 Fines, U.S. Std. Sieve -16 mesh, wt% 0.1 Loss on abrasion, wt% 1.0 Loss on Ignition at 900 0 F,wt% 1.2 0.42 Pore volume (Hg), cc/g Surface area, m2/g Density, g/cc* 0.52 170 0.69 Average pore diameter 1) 88 * Pore volume (H20), cc/g *1, *2: (14 lbs) see footnotes in Table 3-2. A 2) 85 A I 0 8 2I 2000 i 5000 10000 Pore Diameter (Angstrons) 1000 I I I 200 1 I 1III 100 50 O a \0 0 0 .H 0I 0: 0 j C\J Cq 0 0 I I I i I I 100 10 I I * 0 IW I e- I I I I I I I fr I I I 1000 Pressure (PSIA) Fig. 3-7 Pore Size Distribution for HDS-9A NiO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 Catalyst. III 10000 t . I I 0 -83Table 3-4 Chemical and Physical Properties for Norton SA-6273 Catalyst Carrier Lot. No. 63012 (1) Chemical Compositions: Al20 Na 0 So2 si0 2 Fe2 0 : > 99.85 -< 0.015 : 0.09 : (wt%) 0.06 (2) Physical Properties: Size and shape 8-14 mesh (ave. 0.159 cm) spheres. Crush strength, g 2404 Crystal phase, XRD Gamma alumina Pore volume, H2 0, cc/gm 0.662 Pore volume, Hg, cc/gm 0.719 218.73 1) 68A Surface area, m 2 /g Average pore diameter * see footmole 2 of Table 3-2. 2) 65.7A 4 IW qw Pore Diameter (Angstrons) o o o 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 a>> 'c; \o HU) 80 - 000 c ro Pressure Fig. 3-8 (PSIA) Pore Size Distribution for lr'-Alumina Catalyst Carrier. -85Solvent: 3.2-2 White Oil (Nujol) was purchased from Plough Inc., Tenn.). (Memphis, Nujol is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. It is a colorless, transparent, oily liquid, free from fluorescence. It is odorless and tasteless at room temperature. It should be free from sulphur and nitrogen compounds. From the average molecular weight and viscosity data, it is believed that Nujol consists only of naphthenes, paraffins, and isoparaffins, with naphthenes dominating. The average number of naphthene rings should be about 2.5 - 4.0, and should be about 40% of carbon in naphthene rings. Table 3-5 shows the properties of Nujol. More details about typical white oils can be found from Franks (1964)-(a), (1964)-(b), Steenbergen (1974), Fiero (1965), and Meyer (1968). 3.2-3 Gas: Hydrogen is ultra high purity with less than 3 ppm oxygen and at least 99.999% hydrogen. Helium is 99.995% purity in 3500 psig cylinder. Oxygen used in the preparation of catalyst is research purity with 99.99% of oxygen. All were purchased from Matheson Gas Products (Gloucester, Mass.). -86Table 3-5 Specifications of Nujol: Specific Gravity : 0.875 to 0.885 Density by Own Measurement at 24.670 C Viscosity at 1000 F : 0.8763 g/cc : 360 to :390 SSU Viscosity at 2100F : 54 SSU Net Optical Density : 0.100 maximum Flash Point, Pensky-Martin Open Cup : 420 0 F Pour Point : 25 0 F 1.48 Refractive Index at 20 0 7.5 % Absorbance U.V. Absorption at 275 run 15.0 % Absorbance 10.0 % Absorbance 295/299 run 299 rnm up B.P. Range at Atmospheric Pressure IBP % % % 50 90 95 FBP at 10 mm IBP % 5 % % % 10 50 90 95 676 0 F 8050 F 878 0 F 903 F 927 F 4o6 T 464 F 485 F a 5260F : 5810 F a 603 0 F 624 0 F % 6 : : : : : FBP Average Formula : 30H 57 Average Molecular Weight 417 Description, Solubility, Acidity or Alkalinity, Readily Carbonizable Substances, Solid Paraffin, Sulphur Compounds, and Cloud Point : all passes U.S.P. test -87Model Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins Compounds: 3.2-4 All the model compounds were purphased from Man-Win Coordination Chemicals (Washington D.C.). The molecular structures of free base tetraphenylporphine (TPP), free base etioporphyrin I (Etio I), nickel tetraphenylporphine, vanadyl tetraphenylporphine (VO-TPP), nickel etroporphyrin I (Ni-Etio I), and vanadyl etioporphyrin I (VO-Etio I) are shown in Figure (1975), and Sugihara et al. 3-9. Baker and Palmer (1978), Yen (1970) mentioned that the metallo etio- porphyrin series are available in nature. Metallo tetraphenyl- porphines do not occur in nature, they were used to compare the demetallation activity with metallo etioporphyrins. Free base TWP and Etio are notfound in nature either, they were used for special study. (Section 4.5). While Etio and metallo-Etio are pure, TP and metallo-TPP are reported to have less than 5% of chlorin and metallo-chlorin. The structures of chlorins are shown in Figure 3-10. Method for the preparation of these porphyrins and metalloporphyrins can be found in the book of Smith (1975), and Dolphin (1978); and also the publications by Dorough and Miller (1952), Rousseau and Dolphin (1974), Erdman et al. (1956), Adler et al. (1967), Adler et al. (1970), Rislove et al. (1968), Eisner and Harding (1964), Bluestein and Sugihara (1973). -88C2H5 CH3 H3 c.N.N N / \ C 2 H5 N N H5 C2- CH3 CH 3 2H (2) C2H5 H3 N N CH3 .-- N N c 2H 5 ) 3 H52-N CH 3 (3) 2H5 (4) N/ N% CH3 H3 CH2H5 CH ..-- N N / 2H 5 / N 6CH3 CH3 C2 H5 (5) Fig. 3-9 Structures of Model Compounds: (2) Etio-I: MW=474, C32N H3 (i) TPP: MW=614.67, (3) Ni-TPP: Mw=671.38, C4N4 H 2 8 Ni. (4) Ni-Etio I: MW=530.71, C32 N4 H32 Ni. C4NH 2 8 VO. C4N4 H3 0 (6) VO-Etio I: NW=538.94, (5) VO-TPP: MW=679.61, C3 2 N4 H3 2 VO. (q:Phenyl Gruop.) -89- N N N N- Chlorin No N N (N Niekel Chilorin (A -- N. b N =O N N Vanadyl Chlorin Fig. 3-10 Structures of Chlorins (TPP type). -903.3 3.3-1 Experimental Procedures: Dissolving Model Compounds in Nujol: As all the model compounds are solids at room temperature and have poor solubility, heating is needed to dissolve these compounds into Nujol. The method of dissolving model compounds in Nujol was developed by Rakesh Agrawal. Nujol was placed in funnel originally, and was vacuum pumped to remove air dissolved. The air removed Nujol would then mix with appropriate amount of either porphyrins or metalloporphyrins in the filtering flask. The apparatus of removing air from Nujol is shown in Figure 3-11. After all the Nujol has been transferred to the flask, the apparatus shown in Figure 3-11 was quickly changed to the one as shown in Figure 3-12. (Note that the funnel, filter was replaced by valves and helium line). The mixture of model compounds and Nujol were then heated under positive helium pressure and with proper mixing; frequently the helium supply was cut and the vacuum pump was applied to remove any oxygen that may still exist in Nujol. The temperature applied to the heater was 315 0 C, although lower temperature (204 0 C) is also adequate for dissolving metalloetioporphyrins in Nujol, 315 C was generally applied. The peak heating period was three hours; by including the preheating and postcooling periods, the total duration under heat could be six hours. A batch of 1300 c.c. to 1600 c.c. model compounds containing Nujol can be prepared each time. -91- After the solution was cooled to room temperature, placed in the funnel. they were Vacuum pump was then applied to filter the solution through 0.5 micron membrane filter disc to remove any larger undissolved porphyrin particles. The apparatus used was essentially the same as the one shown in Figure 3-11. The filtered solution was finally placed in glass jar for storage. Solubility limits the concentration to less than 40 ppm nickel in Nujol, also 500 ppm TPP or Etio in Nujol. While vanadyl etio- porphyrin appears to have similar solubility in Nujol as nickel porphyrin, vanadyl tetraphenylporphine is less soluble. It was unable to obtain more than 20 ppm of vanadyl tetraphenylporphine in Nujol. 1w Imw Iw 1. Nujol 2. Aluminum Clamp 3. Filtering Flask 4. Spinbar 5. Model Compounds 6. Hot Plate/Stirrer 7. Funnel, To Vacuum Pump 10 8L 1000 co 8. 0.5 Micron Membrane Filter Disc 9. 1/4" O.D. I\ Tygon Tube 10. Vacuum Traps 11. Liquid Nitrogen 2- 00 U Fig. 3-11 Apparatus for Removing Air from Nujol. 0 0 1. Valves 2. Mixture of Nujol an4 Model Compounds 3. Spinbar Helium Supply 4. Hot Plate/ Stirrer 6 5. 1/4" O.D. Tygon Tube 6. vacuum Traps 7. Liguid Nitrogen To Vacuum Pump 4( I If Fig. 3-12 Apparatus for Dissolving Model Compounds in Nujol. 1 -943.3-2 Pretreatment of Catalyst: The catalyst was crused into 170-200 mesh (0.074-0.088 mm diameter) before use. The measured catalyst was preheated at 44000 for 24 hours in tubular furnace. Experiment showed that there was 11% loss of weight for HDS 16A Co0-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst and Norton alumina carrier, 6% for HDS 9A NiO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst, and only 3% for self preparation catalysts; the loss of weight is believed to be loss of water during the first 24 hours. As no further decreasing of weight after 24 hours was observed, 24 hours should be enough to removed the water that originally trapped in the catalyst. The deviation about the loss of weight during heating period is due to the fact that each type of catalyst has been exposed to atmosphere for different period of time; self preparation catalysts have least amount of water because they have been heated before and during calcination. The heated catalyst was quickly weighted and placed in the catalyst loader with approximately 25 gram of Nujol with dissolved metal. 3.3-3 Demetallation Experiment: Measured metal (either nickel or vanadium) containing solution prepared from the method cited in 3.3-1 was placed inside the autoclave. After all the parts were assembled, pressure test was conducted under helium pressure. Usually 7000 KPa (1000 PSI) higher than the operating pressure was used for pressure test. Before heating was started, the -95reactor was purged by low pressure helium and followed by hydrogen for one hour to remove the air in the reactor. Experiment shows that there is no need to remove the air remain in the catalyst loader. The reactor and catalyst loader was then filled up with hydrogen, the pressure was preset to a value that it would reach reaction pressure when the reactor reached reaction temperature. The hydrogen line was cut after both places reached desired pressure. The reactor was heated to 250 0 C overnight to ensure no failure on temperature controling system or reactor system. It was then heated to the desired temperature, usually it took 150 minutes to reach desired temperature and stay steady. The reactor was then depressurized to less than 700 KPa (100 PSI). By connecting hydrogen line at 6995 KPa (1000 PSIG) to the catalyst loader and. by opening the ball value at the bottom of the loader, the catalyst/solution mixture was quickly injected into the reactor, again. and the ball valve was closed The procedure was repeated three times to ensure complete injection of catalyst. The hydrogen supply line was then connected to the reactor to let the pressure in reactor reach the desired pressure, and then the supply line was cut. This procedure usually took three minutes. As the reactor tem- perature was decreased due to the injection of cold catalyst/solution mixture and hydrogen, it usually took to reach desired temperature again. 6 more minutes for the temperatures Time zero was set at the time the -96catalyst was first Table 3-6. injected. The operating conditions are listed in The liquid samples were collected by sample vials periodically from the liquid sampling line, they were then quenched in ice water to reduced the temperature to room temperature. After the reaction, cooling water was connected to cool the reactor to lower than 800. /solution The reactor was opened, and the mixture of catalyst filtered to recover the spent catalyst. The reactor was then cleaned by acetone for the usage of next run. -97Table 3-6 Operating Conditions for Demetallation Experiments: Oil u sed : 420g (,--25g in loader and ---395g in reactor originally) Catal yst Oil/Catalyst (cc/g)* : 0.5 to 2g (dry) 300-1000, with 700 as standard ratio. (This is based on a previous test that about 95% of the catalyst was injected successfully into the reactor.). Hydrogen pressure Temperature Impeller speed 4237-12509 KPa. (600-1800 PSIG). : 287-357 0 C. (550-675*F). 500 RPM The volume of Nujol at reaction temperature was calctilated based on: density (g/cc) = 0.876 x (1-0.000705 (T(C0 )-24.67)) -983.3-4 Self Preparation Catalyst: The method for the preparation of catalyst was obtained through private discussion with C.P. Cheng of the University of Delaware More details about the methods of preparation, and the structures of HDS catalyst can be found from his Master's thesis (Cheng (1978)). The procedures for preparation of catalyst include: (1) Pre- treatment of catalyst carriers; (2) Dissolving metal salts in water to make solution; (3) Impregnation and Drying; (4) Calcination. They are described briefly as follows (2 grams of dried alumina was used as the basis of calculation): (1) Pretreatment of catalyst carriers: The catalyst carrier (Norton, SA-6273 s-Alumina) was crushed into 170-200 mesh size (0.074-0.088 mm in diameter), and then placed in tubular furnace at 440 0C for 24 hours to remove the water. (2) Making solutions: Molybdenum solutions were prepared from ammonium molybdate, (Fisher Scientific Co., Fair Lawns, N.J.; (NH)6 Mo 7 0 24 . 4H20 F.W. = 1235.86; Moo 3 = 81.9%.). To prepare a solution which would give 15% MoO 3 when impregnated on I'-alumina carrier, ammonium molybdate 1.38g of was dissolved in 5 ml of distilled water. Cobalt solutions were prepared from cobalt nitrate, (Fisher Scientific Co., Fair Lawns, N.J.; Co(NO 3 )2 .6H2 0; F.W. = 291.04; -99COO = 25.76%.). To prepare a solution which would give 7% CoO on VJ-alumina carrier, 2.05g of cobalt nitrate was dissolved in 5cc distilled water. Nickel solution were prepared from nickel nitrate, (Fisher Scientific Co., Fair Lawns, N.J.; Ni(NO 3 )2 . 6H2 0; F.W. = 290.81; NiO = 25.69%). on 9 To prepare a solution which would give 7% NiO -alumina support, 2.05g of nickel nitrate was dissolved in 5cc distilled water. (3) Impregnation and Drying: Catalysts were prepared by impregnation of cobalt and molybdenum solutions or nickel and molybdenum solutions on the carrier using the "dry impregnation" method as described in Chapter 2 of Cheng's (1978) thesis. The dried carrier (2g) was placed in 20 ml beaker. Molybdenum solution in ammount equal to the pore volume of the support (1.32c.c.) was added using a pipette. to ensure proper mixing. 5 The mixture was then stirred for 20 minutes It was then placed in oven at 110 0 C for hours to evaporate the water. Impregnation with cobalt or nickel solution followed the same procedure. The impregnated sample was then placed in desicator overnight for cooling. -100- (4) Calcination: The sample was taken out from desicator and placed in a special made quartz tube. It was then calcined in a preheated tubular furnace at 500 C for 6 hours under a slow flow of oxygen (0.5-1 cc/sec). The catalyst was removed immediately after six hours and placed in small bottles for cooling. It was then remeshed to secure the desired size (0.074 mm/0.088 mm diameter). Standard procedures mentioned in section 3.3-2 and 3.3-3 were followed when the prepared catalyst was used for demetallation experiment. MoO 3 catalyst, CoO catalyst, different Co/Mo ratio of CoO-MoO 3 catalyst, and NiO-MoO catalyst were prepared by the above procedures. variation of the above method was also studied by impregnating first with cobalt solution then with a molybdenum solution, and by calcine at 600 C; however, no difference on demetallation activity has been found. Details about the composition and result of these self pre- paration catalyst will be shown in Chapter 4. -101- 3.4 Analysis: 3.4-1 Liquid Sample: About 0.3 to 1.5g of liquid was taken out from the sample vials, it was then placed in 10 me volume flask. After it was weighted, xylene ( 4 x-5-s, ACS certified, Fischer Scientific, Fair Lawns, N.J.) was placed into the flask to ditute the sample; the ratio of sample to xylene was 1:5 to 1:25, depend on the concentration of the original sample. When atomic absorption spectrophotometer is used for analysis, too low xylene proportion would increase the scattering of reading; and too high xylene proportion would lead too low reading. Slavin (1964), and Kerber (1966)). (Trent and Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer 403) was used to find the total concentration of nickel or vanadium in the sample. The standard solutions for nickel or vanadium were purchased from Conostan Division, Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma. Each standard contains either 5000 ppm of nickel or vanadium dissolved in paraffinic hydrocarbons (21 cst at 100OF for viscosity, and 4000F for flash point). Approximately 200 ppm standard solution was prepared by diluting the original standard with Nujol and stored for use. When each time on analysis, 5 ppm standard was prepared by diluting the 200 ppm standard by xylene. Standard addition method (as described by Trent and Slavin (1964)) was taken to obtain the calibration curve for analysis. It appears that for nickel analysis, the detection limit was about 0.05 ppm for nickel in xylene, and the -102- calibration curve was linear up to 1.5 ppm; in the case of vanadium, the detection limit was about 0.15 ppm, and calibration curve was linear up to 1.5 ppm. Compare with nickel, the vanadium analysis is more difficult and less accurate. For vanadium analysis, special burner has to be placed for nitrous oxide-acetylene flames, these were mentioned by Manning (1965), and Lang et al. (1975). The detail procedure of using atomic absorption spectrophotometer for analysis was developed by Rakesh Agrawal and myself. As mentioned in Chapter 2, porphyrins have intensive absorption peaks in visible bands; visible spectrophotometers were also used to find the concentration of free base porphyrins or metalloporphyrins in liquid sample. Cary 14 visible spectrophotometer was used to obtain the absorption spectra in the visible range for some of the samples. The spectra for Ni-Etio I and VO-Etio I have been shown in Figure 2-5. Figure 3-13 shows the visible spectra for Ni-TPP and VO-TPP, and Figure 3-14 shows the visible spectra for free base TPP and Etio I. Table 3-7 shows a summary of the absorption peaks for the model compounds used. By comparing vanadyl porphyrins with nickel porphyrins, it is clear that all the major peaks for vanadyl porphyrins have shifted to longer wavelength, and the ratio of 571.5/534 peaks for VO-Etio is smaller than 553/517 peaks for Ni-Etio. This is consistent with the finding of Baker and Palmer (1978), which was also mentioned in section 2.1-1.b. For quantitative analysis of metalloporphyrins, Coleman 111 (Perkin-Elmer) visible spectrophotometer was used. The sample analyzed -103SI z - - F I 414 0 O.6- 0 o 0.4 U) 0.2 0 I 380 42a I I I t 46o 5o $40 WAVELENGTH (nm) 1 -1 I so 620 548 z 0 423 0 0.4~ 508 583 0 3b0 420 460 500 WAVELENGTH Figure 3-13 540 580 620 (nm) Absorption Spectra of NI-TPP (Top) and VO-TPP (Bottom). Samples were Dissolved in Nujol First and Then Diluted by Xylene. Background: Xylene. -104- j I I I 400 Etio z 0.8 0 Cr 0 01 498.5 0.4 530.5 623.5 569 380 420 - I SI 0 460 500 540 WAVELEN GTH (nm) 580 660 620 T PP 0.8 z 418 -- 0 CL 514 0 V) CO 0.4 -54B 590 64G 4802 o" oooo"o44, 0 380 Fig. 3-14 420 460 500 WAVELENGTR 540 580 620 (nm) Absorption Spectra of Free Base Etio I (Top) and Free Base TPP (Bottom). Samples were Dissolved in Nujol First and Then Diluted by Xylene. Background: Xylene. 6 G0 -105Table 3-7 Absorption Peaks for Model Compounds: Soret Peak (n) Compounds Visible Peaks (nm) Free Base TPP 418 480, 514, 548, 590, 646 Free Base Etio I 400 498.5, 530.5, 569, 623.5 Nickel TPP 414 527.5 Vanadyl TPP 423 508, 548, 583 Nickel Etio I 391 517, 553 Vanadyl Etio I 407 534, 571.5 Table 3-8 Peaks Used for Quantitative Analysis: Compounds Peak Used Absorption Constant ( Absorption/ppm Metal) Nickel TPP 527.5 0.287 + 0.019 Vanadyl TPP 548 0.424 t 0.020 Nickel Etio I 517 0.164 + 0.007 Vanadyl Etio I 534 0.242 t 0.011 were essentially the same samples prepared for atomic absorption analysis (in xylene diluted form). The peak used and the absorption constant found from calibration curve are shown in Table limit is about As (1) 3-8. The detection 3.8% absorption. the deviation of absorption constant found for each time of analysis; (2) the background change during reaction; (3) the possibly transalkylation of porphyrins during reaction were expected to affect the quantitative analysis of visible spectrophotometer rather than atomic absorption spectrophotometer. This study use atomic absorption spectrophotometer as the main tool for analysis. -107Solid Sample: 3.4-2 After each run, the spent catalyst was placed in Soxhlet extractor (Fischer Scientific, Fair Lawns, N.J.) for 24 hours to remove the oil trapped in the catalyst by xylene. Figure 3-15 shows the Soxhlet Then it was dried in a furnace at 110 0C for extractor apparatus. 5 hours to vaporize the xylene. Part of the sample was sent to Galbraith Laboratories (Knoxville, Tenn.).for carbon, nitrogen, and vanadium analysis. resin and polished. hydrogen, nickel, The rest of the sample was then mounted on epoxy Scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer Model 5 Electron Microprobe Computer Automation, (ETEC (MAC) Hayward, CA.) was used to find the concentration of nickel or vanadium deposited on the catalyst, and to see whether nickel or vanadium was uniformly distributed on the The voltage used was 15 KV, and the current was 30 nanoamps. catalyst. Usually ten spots were taken for each particle examined; each spot was approximatsly with the dimension of 3/(width) x 5/.(length) x 5/4 (depth). Several particles in the same sample were examined to offset the possibly experimental error. 3.4-3 Gas Sample: The spent gas has been sent to Matheson Gas Products (Gloucester, Mass.) for hydrogen analysis to ensure that the hydrogen consumption is negligible. Some fresh gas tanks have also been sent to them to check the oxygen content. The hydrogen analysis was done by gas chromatography; the oxygen analysis was done by Trace Oxygen Analyzer. 108- To Vent Cooling Water Out Condenser Cooling Water In Soxhlet Extraction Tube Thimble 500 cc Flask Xylene Hot Plate_ Fig. 3-15 --0 Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus. -1094. 4.1 Result: Nickel Porphyrin Runs for Commercially Available HDS 9A or HDS 16A Catalyst: Air Prepared Ni-TPP Runs: 4.1-1 This is properties. 4.1-l.a an early series, which turn out to be of peculiar We do not depend too much on it. General Observations: Ten experiments (Run NT1 to NT9, NT31) were carried out with Al 0 23 as catalyst. Except NT1, all the others use HDS 16A CoO-MoO / air prepared Ni-TPP. In these ten runs, the solution was prepared in a beaker so that the solution was exposed to the air The temperature of heating was 250 C. during heating. Table 4-1 shows operating conditions for each run. By comparing the concentration of total nickel with that of NiTPP (Helium Prepared), it as Ni-TPP. appears that only 85% of the nickel remained The rest of the 15% nickel is not Ni-TPP or Ni-Chlorin, and are believe to be either nickel oxide or organo-nickel compounds which results from oxidation and degradation of porphyrins. At the presence of oxidation agents, porphyrins will be able to degrade irreversibly to maleimides, which are fragments of porphyrins, (Baker and Palmer (1978)). Porphyrins also has the ability of rever- sibly transfered to other type of compounds, Starodubova et al. (1975) had studied the oxidative-reducing properties of petroleum porphyrins. -110Table 4-1 Operating Conditions for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Run: Catalyst Initial Cat. Conc. of Quantity Total Ni (P. P. M. (g) ) Run# Oil Temp. Pressure Duration of Reaction (g) (0 C) (KPa) (Hr.) Quantity NT 1 none 23.2 0 430.0 329.0 NT 2 HDS 16A 21.9 1.13 426.7 331.7 I, 9.4 NT 3 I 18.3 1.12 423.5 355.9 'I 7.1 NT 4 "t 30.4 2.58 431.6 294.7 I, 11.8 NT 5 "f 30.1 2.17 408.4 261.1 'I 27.3 NT 6 "t 25.6 1.02 428.3 342.4 'I NT 7 "t 27.4 0.46 418.6 342.5 NT 8 "t 26.9 1.70 440.5 342.8 NT 9 "f 27.3 0.72 421.1 342.1 NT31 "f 30.0 1.16 385.7 329.0 6995 26.0 9.9 24.7 "o 9.6 21.5 I 9.5 *(1) Unless otherwise mentioned, the catalyst is fresh and the size is 0.074-0.088 mm in diameter. HDS 16A is CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst. *(2) Run NT31 used HDS 16A with the size 0.149-0.177 mm in diameter. *(3) For catalytic runs, time zero was the time catalyst was injected. *(4) Initial concentration was the concentration of sample collected at reaction temperature before catalyst was injected; in the case of non-catalytic runs, it was collected after temperature reached reaction temperature for 10 minutes. -111Costantinides et al. (1959) studied the rate of oxidation of porphyrin, and showed that it is function of air flow rate as well as temperature. More details about the oxidation reactions and products of porphyrins can be found from the books of Smith (1975) and Dolphin (1978). In order to show that it is oxygen rather than nitrogen in the air that reacts with porphyrin during the preparation period, two experiments were made: (1) Ni-TPP solutions in glass liner were placed in autoclave under positive helium pressure at 200 0 C for 24 hours. nickel nor loss of Ni-TPP were observed. out and replaced with air. Neither loss of total The helium was then purged After another 24 hours at 1600 C, it was found that while total nickel did not change, only 21% of nickel remained as Ni-TPP. This experiment shows that light is not needed for the degradation of porphyrin to occur, but air is necessary. (2) Two runs (NT1O, NT11) of nitrogen prepared Ni-T2P solution were made, and comparison with that of helium prepared Ni-TPP solution shows no difference in demetallation activity. However, as it will be shown, the air prepared Ni-TWP does not have the same demetallation behaviors as helium prepared Ni-TTP. These experiments show that it might be oxygen but definitely not nitrogen that cause the change of Ni-TTP during the preparation period. In demetallation runs, it is observed that 10 to 40% of total nickel and Ni-TPP would disappear from the solution during the preheating period, that is, between the time the furnace was turned on and the time the catalyst was about to be injected. This disappearance -112of total nickel and Ni-TPP is believed to be either adsorbed on the stainless steel wall of autoclave or evaporate to the gas phase, However, a run made without catalyst (Run NT1) is simply shows that there no further drop after the concentration of nickel decrease from 28.1 to 23.2 ppm; this simply indicates that equilibrum has reached either with the gas phase or the reactor wall. Same run (NT1) also shows that most of the drop occurred during the period the reactor was heated from 250 C to the desired temperature, this also indicates that the rate of this drop is temperature dependent. Figure 4-1 shows the percentage drop of total nickel and Ni-TPP as a function of final reactor temperature. The initial concentration is the con- centration of nickel in the reactor before heating, the final concentration is the one taken before catalyst was injected (Which is exactly the initial concentration of hydrodemetallation study cited in Table 4-1). 4.1-1.b It is Kinetics: observed that for lower temperature runs, the! reaction can be correlated by two consecutive first order plot: a slow first order reaction followed by a fast first order reaction (see Figure 4-2 for run NT-4). For higher temperature runs, two consecutive first order kinetics also follows, but it is fast reaction followed by a slow reaction instead. (see Figure 4-3 for run NT6). whole reaction should contain three section: (1) Initial slow reaction region: It shows that the 0 I I I I I I Total Nickel 10 1 Ni-TPP 20 1 disappearanco 30 ~A) 40 501- 601 250 I 275 I 300 I I 325 350 I 400 I 375 To C Fig. 4-1 Dependence of Non-Catalytic Disappearance of Air Prepared Ni-TPP on the Operating Temperature. MW 3.4 I w i I I I I I I A A 0 Total Nickel A Ni-TPP 3.0 A 2.6 1.8 ln C - 2.2 4::- 1.4 Ae 1.0 0.6 0.2 -0 2 I i 2 F El 0 4I~ Iv Time (hour) Fig. 4-2 First Order Plot for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Run (Run NT 4). C in ppm. 4'Tl -115- o Total Nickel Ni- T PP 3 2 In C 0- 0 Fig. 4- 3 2 6 4 TIME (hrs) First Order Plot for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Ran. (Run NT6). C in ppm. 10 -116This region is very clear at low temperature runs: NT4 (294.70), and NT5 (261.1 C), it shows up at high temperature runs only when the oil-catalyst ratio is high (That is, the amount of catalyst is small.). Among Run NT6-NT9, which were four runs made at the same temperature but different amount of catalyst (Run NT6-NT9), region but not Run NT6 and NT8. Run NT7 and NT9 shows this Probably initially some compounds such as porphyrin degradation products would chemisorbed on the catalyst, and not until certain amount of these materials were transformed to other compounds, will the hydrodemetallation reaction occur effectively. If chemisorption follow exothermic process, it would explain why lower temperatures would show up and less clear at high temperatures. Also, at higher catalyst concentration, the amount of these materials per gram of catalyst is less, this would also explain why this region is less obvious for higher catalyst concentration runs. (2) Fast reaction region: This region appear clearly throughout all the temperature range. (3) Final slow reaction region:. Only observed for higher temperature runs; it is very clear at 340 0 C Runs (NT6-NT9) not found at 294.7 0 C (NT4) or 261.10 C (NT5). and 357C Run (NT3) but As it will be shown in Figure 4-6 that at least one mole % of nickel per gram of catalyst has to be deposited before the reaction would transfer from fast reaction region to this slow region, it is not surprised that NT4 and NT5 do not show this region; the amount of nickel deposited on the catalyst for these -117two runs never exist 0.8 mole %. Another important observation is that both total nickel and Ni-TPP follow the some trend, and they all shift to another region at the same time. (Figure 4-2 and 4-3). The Arrhenius plot at 6995 1Pa and Oil/Catalyst=650 is shown in Figure 4.4. The activation energy for Ni-TPP disappearance is 20.45 As no straight line can be obtained for total nickel re- kcal/g mole. moval, probably the non-porphyrin nickel compounds follow different activation energy. Here the first order rate constants refer to the rate constants in the fast reaction region. 4.1-1.c Catalyst Effects It has been mentioned in section 4.1-1b run (NT1), that for non-catalytic there exist a decline of nickel concentration in heating period, but this decline would stop shortly and no further decreasing was observed when the temperature reached steady operating temperature. When CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 0 3 was used, the nickel concentration keeps on decrease as time goes. run (NT1) Figure 4-5 shows the difference between non-catalytic and catalytic run (NT2). An very important observation about the catalyst effect is that the first order rate constant in the aformentioned fast region is function of oil to catalyst ratio; for same amount of oil used, the first order rate constant would increase as the amount of catalyst increased. -118- 7.0- 7 Total Nickel Removal Ni-TPP Disappearance * 6.0 5-0 -- 5.0 ln k 4.0- .I 1-55 Fig. 4-4 I I 1.6o 1.65 1/T * 3.0 1.70 1.75 (1/ko x 1000) 1.80 Arrhenius Plot for Air Prepared Ni-TPP Runs. (6995 KPa Hydrogen, Oil/Catalyst= 6 50 cc/g) 1.85 -11932 I I I I A Run NT 1 Total Nickel Removal; 28 A Run NT 2 24 A A A A A ME A A A U .20 M 16 C M 12' M 8 0 M U U 4 U 0 0~ I 2 I I 4 6Time. Fig, 4-5 I I 10 12 (hour) Efect of Catalyst on Air Prepared Ni-TPP Hydrodemetallation Reaction. C in ppm. -120Figure 4-6 shows the result. (Run NT6-NT9). Same trend was observed for the first rate constant of final slow reaction region, as there were too few data points in this region, they are not shown here-. Another interesting finding from Figure 4-6 is that the difference between the rate constant of total nickel removal and Ni-TWP is constant regardless of the oil/catalyst ratio. The difference is 159.4 for run NT6; 161.8 for N7; 172.3 for NT8; and 170.3 for NT9. Qualitative explanation is that some materials formed adsorbed on the catalyst (can either be nickel compounds or nonmetallic compounds) and affect the hydrodemetallation activity. As the more the catalyst, the less the materials per gram of catalyst, so the hydrodemetallation activity would increase as the oil/catalyst ratio decreases. The rate cons- tants shown in Arrhenius plot of Figure 4-4 have been corrected to oil/ catalyst=650 based on Figure 4-6. If the amount of nickel deposited on the catalyst was calculated for the time the reaction shift from fast reaction region to final slow reaction region from the typical log C Versus time plot by intrapolation; the result shows that these amount of nickel per gram of catalyst is linear function of oil/catalyst ratio. The same linear relationship is not obtained by calculating from the Ni-TPP desappearance. See Figure 4-7. Due to the findings that: (1) The air prepared Ni-TWP is not pure; (2) The hydrodemetallation activity depends on oil/catalyst and the reaction activity seems to change during reaction; the air prepared NiTPP runs received no further attention. -121- - 500 * Total Nickel * Ni- TPP 400 I 300 k (cc/g-hr) -200 U- 100 I 0 I 400 I oil/catalyst I 800 I I 1200 (cc/g) Fig. 4- 6 The Dependence of First Order Rate Constant in Fast Reaction Region on the Oil-Catalyst Ratio. (Run NT 6-9). -122- M Total Nickel * Ni-TPP 3 4 C 0 2. 0 1 I 100 I 500 900 oil/catalyst 1300 (cc/g) Fig. 4- 7 The Relationship between the Amount of Nickel Deposited on the Catalyst when the Shift from Fast Reaction Region to Slow Reaction Region Occurs and the Oil- Catalyst Ratio. -123In this thesis, only run NT1 to Nt9, and run NT31 used air pre- pared Ni-TPP. Run NT1O and NT11 used nitrogen prepared Ni-TPP. All the other runs (include Ni-TPP, Ni-Etio, VO-TPP, VO-Etio, free base porphyrin runs) were made by using helium prepared porphyrins when (the method described in section 3.3-1). For simplification, no method of preparation is mentioned, it simply refers to helium prepared porphyrins. -1244.1-2 Helium Prepared Nickel Porphyrin Runs: 4.1-2.a General Observations: Twenty one experiments were carried out with Ni-TPP, and twenty six with Ni-Etio. A summary of the operating conditions for each run is given in Table 4-2. Several runs at the same pressure and temperature were made for Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio individually to test the reproducibility. sult are shown in Table 4-3. The re- Except NT12, NT14, NT15, and NT26 runs, all others are within + 15% deviation from the mean rate constants calculated from each group of particular metallic compounds, pressure, and temperature reproducibility runs. In freshly prepared nickel solution in Nujol, the concentration measured by atomic absorption agree with that of visible spectrophotometer. After reaction, the atomic absorption concentration (total nickel) is always higher than the' visible spectrophotometer concentration (nickel porphyrin). Perhaps there are intermediates which show up in atomic absorption, but not in visible spectrophotometer. In the first ten minutes after catalyst injection, there is a transient period of rapid concentration decline by up to 8 ppm for Ni-Etio on HDS 16A, 11 ppm on HDS 9A catalyst. When alumina is used, and when helium is used, the transient in concentration decline is only one tenth as large. Unlike air prepared Ni-TPP, there were no drop of concentration during heating period for helium prepared nickel porphyrins. -125Table 4-2 Operating Conditions for Each Nickel Runs: Run# Catalyst Initial Conc. of Total Ni (ppm) Cat. Quantity (g) Oil Temp. Pressure (0C) (KPa) Quantity (g) 6995 Duration of Reaction (Hr.) NT1O HDS 16A 11.7 1.18 423.8 343.3 NT11 "f 15.6 0.22 422.3 342.7 8.9 NT12 34.1 0.45 415.0 343.2 6.3 NT13 33.6 0.48 423.9 315.0 24.7 1.5 9.3 NT14 ", 35.3 0.96 420.5 315.6 NT15 "I 35.7 0.85 424.4 342.2 5.0 NT16 21.8 0.85 426.9 342.0 2.8 NT17 30.2 0.89 428.4 290.3 23.0 NT18H 26.8 0.88 429.9 357.4 29.1 NT19 31.4 0.90 422.1 316.3 8.1 35.3 0.87 418.4 343.8 5.2 NT21 35.4 0.88 418.3 287.9 26.4 NT22 34.0 0.87 418.7 302.0 31.6 35.6 0.89 425.4 329.8 4.6 NT24 35.0 0.88 428.4 329.8 4.6 NT25 30.0 0.83 420.8 357.4 3.0 NT26 27.3 0.88 430.4 315.6 5.8 NT20 NT23 ", "' "I (to be continued) -126Run# Catalyst Initial Conc. of Total Ni (ppm) (cont.) Cat. Quantity Oil Quantity Temp. Pressure (g) (g) (OC) (KPa) Duration of Reaction (Hr.) NT27 HDs 16A 26.6 0.88 430.3 316.0 4237 23.2 NT28 " 26.0 0.88 423.0 313.4 9752 3.8 NT29 " 24.4 0.88 428.4 316.0 12509 3.7 NT30 " 24.3 0.88 430.9 316.1 9062 4.2 NE 1 " 39.0 0.88 417.0 316.0 6995 6.3 NE 2 "t 33.5 0.88 434.0 316.0 975Z 3.9 NE 3 " 34.3 0.89 432.2 343.6 6995 3.4 NE 4 " 35.5 0.88 438.2 316.0 " 6.9 NE 5 " 35.4 0.73 375.3 315.9 " 7.2 NE 6 " 34.8 0.88 429.8 315.3 12509 3.3 NE 7 " 35.3 0.88 427.3 329.7 6995 3.6 NE 8 " 34.7 0.98 420.5 288.1 NE 9 33.9 0.88 424.8 315.7 4237 12.9 NE10 34.1 0.91 428.5 302.0 6995 12.6 NE11 36.9 0.88 416.2 357.8 1.85 NE12 37.5 0.89 425.0 315.7 7.9 NE13 38.7 2.01 436.9 315.9 4-55 NE14 37.4 0.89 426.7 344.2 NE15 36.7 0.89 425.1 316.7 " 28.0 0.89 419.7 357.1 " 9.0 NE17 none 37.7 0 431.4 344.2 " 7.4 NE18 Alumina 33.7 0.84 421.2 342.7 NE16H " " 21.6 2.95 7.25 (to be continued) 7.55 -127Run# Catalyst Initial Conc. of Total Ni (ppm) Cat. Quantity Oil Quantity Temp. Pressure Duration of Reaction (g) (g) (0 C) (KPa) (Hr.) NE19 HDS 16A 29.3 0.43 183 340.7 6995 2.8 NE20 HDS 9A 30.5 0.94 426.4 315.9 11475 6995 2.65 4.9 NE21 " 30.4 0.94 433.4 316.0 NE22 " 30.5 0.93 429.5 343.6 " 2.05 NE23 HDs 16A 14.7 0.90 423.3 343.2 " 1.2 NE24 " 14.9 0.92 412 344.2 " 0.95 NE35 " 27.8 0.90 425.2 343.4 " 2.0 NE36 " 24.8 0.88 428.3 344.1 " 3.2 *(1) In the run No. such as "NE16H", "N" represents nickel, Ni-Etio, "E" for "T" for Ni-TPP; the digits "16" represent run number, "H" for those runs under helium pressure, nothing for runs under hydrogen pressure. *(2) NE5 used the spent catalyst of run NBJ4. Alumina is 2 03 catalyst, HDS 16A is CoO-MoO 3 /Al 20 , *(3) HDS 9A is NiO-MoO 3/Al Norton SA 6273 ''-Alumina. *(4) The size of catalyst used is 0.149-0.177 mm for run NE12, 0.074-0.088 mm for all the other runs. and All in diameter. *(5) NE15 used 50% of the spent oil of NEll and 50% of fresh Nujol by dissolving new batch of Ni-Etio. *(6) Time zero and initial concentration were defined in Table 4-1. *(7) Run NE19 has been placed in glass liner to avoid contact with stainless steel wall. *(8) The feedstock of run NE36 was mixed with 0.188g of pyrrole. -128Table 4-3 Reproducibility of Nickel Runs Run # Deviation from Mean % Half Order Rate Constants of Total Nickel Removal fJ i-cc oil g cat *hr NT12 NT15 NT16 NT20 1081.0 617.9 679.8 72 .4 mean: 776.0 std. dev.: 20.8 NT23 NT24 618.6 668.2 643.4 mean: std. dev.: 35.1 NT13 NT14 NT19 NT26 231.2 188.1 272.1 8.8 260.1 mean: std. dev.: 68.4 11.1 27.7 4.6 34.1 NT17 NT21 59.5 52.6 mean: 56.1 std. dev.: 4.9 6.1 6.1 NE 1 NE 4 NE13 426.5 472.0 373.8 424.1 mean: std. dev.: 49.1 0.6 11.3 11.9 NE 3 NE14 1010.7 1094.9 mean: 1052.8 std. dev.: 42.1 4.0 4.0 39.3 20.4 12.4 6.5 3.85 3.85 -129Kinetic Order: 4.1-2.b The kinetics describe below refer to the period after the rapid transience. Unlike air prepared runs, the data here fits a fractional order kinetic model at up to 90% conversion much better than zero, first, or second order kinetics. 4-8 where the data from See Figure run NE4 were plotted as C, ln C, 1/c and JT vs t which should yield straight lines for zero, first, second and half-order kinetics. The kinetic data for all the runs can be well represented by half order kinetics, but the best fit kinetic order is a function of temperature and hydrogen pressure. At a constant pressure of 6995 KPa, the best fit kinetic order increases from 0.1 at 288.1 0 C to 0.93 at 357.80C. 0 At a constant temperature of 316.0 C, the best fit kinetic order decreases from 0.5 at 4237 K1a to 0.27 at 12509KPa. This is shown in Table 4-4. The temperature and pressure dependence of kinetics can be expressed in terms of half order rate constants. The Arrhenius plots for HDS 16A catalyst runs at shown in Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10. nstants were obtained from 6995 KPa are For Figure 4-9,, the rate co- ;C Vs time plot where C was measured by visible spectrophotometer; these rate constants represent the disappearance rate constants of Ni-Etio or Ni-TPP. For Figure 4-10, as the concentration was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer which shows the total nickel concentration; the rate constants qW 1w W I i I Zero Order Order 1st (a) 3 '- 0 (b) 0 0 0 0 2 30 0 C 0 LNC 0e 0 13 I '- 201 '-A) 0 0 0 0 10h- 0 13 0 03 0 0 Ii II 2 4 6 TIME (hrs) Fig. 4- 8 I in -1 iI 0 2 Ii 4 iI 6 TIME (hrs ) 0 It (a) Zero Order Plot, and (b) First Order Plot for Run NE 4. C in ppm. -W 6 (c) (d) 5 I 4 3 Tot al Nic kel 1.5 2 NI- Etio - 1 ocn0 0 0 I 1 I I I 1 2 3 1 - 0 2 4 TIME ( hrs.) Fig. 4-8 6 0 4 5 6 TIME ( hrs.) (c) Second Order Plot, and (d) Half Order Plot for Run NE 4. C in ppm. 7 k~A) -132Table 4-4 Dependence of Kinetic Order on Temperature and Pressure A) Pressure effect: (T = 316.0 0 C) P (KPa) Run # _ B) Best Fit Correlation Kinetic Order Coefficient Correlation Coefficient of Half Order Fit 4150 -NE9 0.5 0.9998 0.9998 7560 7560 NE1 NE4 0.5 0.9990 0 .9990 0.5 0.9995 0.9995 7560 9650 12408 NE13 NE2 NE6 0.5 0.39 0.27 0.9993 0.9993 0 .9983 0.9942 0.9991 0.9987 Temperature effect: (P = 7560KPa) T (0 C) Run # Best Fit Correlation Correlation Coefficient _ Kinetic Order Coefficient of Half Order Fit 288.1 NE8 0.1, 0.9946 0.9832 302.0 NElO 0.29 0.9990 0.9967 316.0 NEl 0.5 0.9990 0.9990 316.0 NE4 0.5 0.9995 329.7 0.4 0.62 0.9981 343.6 344.2 NE7 NE3 NE14 0.9995 0.9993 0.9998 0.63 0.9993 0.9969 357.8 NE11 0.93 0.9991 0.9881 0 .9982 1w I 8 I 0 0 I 0 - Iw 71- 7 LNK 0 LNK 0 6 61- 00 0 5[ Ni -TPP 4 33693 E I 1.6 Ni- Et Jo E=28077 CAL G-MOLE I 1.7 I/T *K x 1000 Fig. 4- 9 4 CAL G-MOLE 1.8 1.6 I 1.7 1.8 1/T *K x 1000 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for Nickel Porphyrins Disappearance Rate. k:gp~~i~- cc oil/g cat * hr; Pi 6995 KPa. w 1w i i I I I I 0 7H 7 LNK 0 LNK 00 6 61 0 I- 5t Ni -T P P Runs (Total Ni) ~ E=34035 4 CAL G MOLE 17 1,6 1/T'K x1000 Fig. 4- 10 Ni -ETIO Runs ( Total NI ) 51 E a27617 18 CAL G-MOLE 1.6 1/T*K 1.7 x1000 I 1.8 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for Total Nickel Removal Rate. k:fvliii *cc oil/g cat* hr; P: 6995 xPa. -135represent the overall nickel removal rate constants of Ni-TPP or Ni-Etio runs. For both Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio, the difference of ac- tivation energy between Ni-Porphyrin disappearance and total nickel removal is not great. For Ni-TPP demetallation, it is 34.0 kcal/ g-mole for total nickel removal and 33.7 kcal/g.-mole for Ni-TTP disappearance; for Ni-Etio it is 27.6 kcal/g-mole for total nickel removal and 28.1 kcal/g-mole for Ni-Etio disappearance. Runs with temperature higher than 357.2 0 C were not made as Nujol cracks at temperatures above 371 0 C. Two runs (NE21, NE22) use HDS 9A NiO- Moo 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst were made to compare the activation energy with the runs on CoO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 catalyst. The activation energies found are 26.1 kcal/g mole for Ni-Etio disappearance and 27.4 kcal/g mole for total nickel removal. The pressure dependence at 316 0 C of half order rate constants of Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio are given in Figure 4-11 (for HDS 16A catalyst). which is more pressure dependence than the 1.5 power of Ni-Etio . Ni-TPP demetallation depends on hydrogen pressure to the 2.2 power, The pressure dependence for Ni-Etio on HDS 9A catalyst is 1.4 (run NE20 and NE21), which is very close to Ni-Etio HDS 16A catalyst. When hydrogen pressure is replaced by helium, there is essentially no reaction, this is shown in Figure 4-12. 4.1-2.c Catalyst Effects: On experiments where no catalyst is used, and where alumina alone is used, the reaction rate is negligible in comparison with experi- w qw 1w I I I I Run I Nr- TPP RUNS Ni-Etio Runs// NI 8 uro N[-Etio 11.658 1 0 Total Ni 0 0 0 0 - 72 oTota 1.342- N . 2.26 7~ LNK o 6.5 LNK 66 I 4 8.3 Fig. 4- 11 8.9 LNP I I I 9.5 8.3 I 8.9 LNP Pressure Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants. k:jpipm *cc oil/g cat -hr; P: KPa; T: 3160C. - 5- 9.5 -137- I I 32 0 0 03 0 0 0 0 03 0 24 -o C 0 Ni-ETIO Runs: 0 16 0 Total Nickel vs Time O He, Run NE 16H o H2 , Run NE 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 Fig. 4- 12 2 4 TIME (hrs) I 6 Comparison between Hydrodemetallation (NE 11) and Nonhydrogenative Demetallation (NE 16H) Reaction. C in ppm. -138ments where CoO-MoO 3 /Al 20 3 was used. (See Figure 4-13). In order to study the effect of stainless steel wall of autoclave on the hydrodemetallation reaction, one run (Run NE19) uses Ni-Etio in glass liner was made; the result shows that both the activity and the kinetics are same as previous runs at same conditions (NE3 and NE14). Different oil-catalyst ratio has also been studied for Ni-Etio on HDS 16A catalyst. (NE1, NE4, and NE13). The result show-that unlike previous air prepared Ni-TPP runs, the demetallation activity of helium prepared nickel porphyrins are not function of oilcatalyst ratio. -139I I I V 40 V V v V 000 0 32 0 0 0 E0 0 0 0 C 24 Ni-ET10 Runs: Total Nickel Time 0 P R M. 0 6 0 vs V Non-Catalytic, Run NE 17 El Alumina, Run NE 18 0 CoO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 , Run NE 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 S0i 2 0 1 I I 4 6 8 TIME (hrs) Fig. 4- 13 Effect of Catalyst On Hydrodemetallation Reaction. C in ppm. -140Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs: 4.2 Ten experiments were carried out with VO-Etio, three with VO-TPP. a summary of the operating conditions for each run is given in Table 4-5. 4.2-1 General Observations for VO-Etio Runs: Just as previous nickel runs, the atomic absorption concentration is always higher than the visible spectrophotometer concentration during reaction. However, the difference for vanadium runs is not as big as nickel runs. In the first ten minutes after catalyst injection, there is also a transient period of rapid concentration decline of up to 10 ppm, which is larger than nickel runs. When alumina or helium is used, as the oil/catalyst ratio for the two vanadium runs (VE8 and VE9H) are smaller than similar runs for nickel (NE16H, NT18H, and NE18), the decline in concentration is about 7.5 ppm per gram of catalyst for vanadium runs and only 1.4 ppm per gram of catalyst for nickel runs. This might indicate that vanadyl porphyrins adsorbed stronger than catalyst. 2 03 ) nickel porphyrins on either alumina or HDS 16A (CoO-MoO 3/Al Figure 4-14 shows the comparison between Ni-Etio and the higher activity VO-Etio runs over alumina.Figure 4-15 shows the comparison among Ni-Etio, Ni-TPP, and VO-Etio runs under helium pressure. It is clear from the Figures that the initial drop of the concentration is runs. very large for vanadium runs and insignificant for nickel -141- Table 4- Run# Catalyst 5 Operating Conditions for Each Vanadium Run: Cat. Quantity Initial Conc. of Total V (ppm) (g) Oil Quantity (g) Temp. Pressure Duration of Reaction (OC) (IKPa) (Hr.) 6995 10.0 40.5 0.89 426.4 315.5 31.9 29.4 1.71 0.89 420.0 299.9 422.5 348.8 27.6 424.4 315.7 4237 31.5 1.30 0.90 315.1 11820 VE 6 19.3 1.11 423.6 425.0 9752 VE 7 20.0 1.08 419.6 315.8 332.5 344.3 343.7 13.6 6.4 6.25 6995 2.9 VE 3 "' " VE 4 VE 5 Hms 16A 11.6 " VE 2 HDS 16A " VE 1 3.0 Alumina 28.5 1.31 425.6 VE9HI HDs 16A 22.5 1.17 15.6 0.90 426.3 432.0 VE1 1 24.1 0.91 424..3 343.6 VT 1 14.7 0.84 427.5 332.2 0.65 VT 2 11.0 1.18 427.2 317.1 0.95 VT 3 15.5 0.91 414.0 316.5 2.2 VE10 " VE 8 *(1) In the run No. such as "VE9H", represents nickel, " 7.0 7.0 344.2 "V" represents vanadium, 1.3 2.1 "N" "E" for ratio, "T" for TPP; the digits "9" represent run number, "H" for those runs under helium pressure, nothing for runs under hydrogen pressure. *(2) The catalyst is fresh and the size is 0.074-0.088 mm in diameter. *(3) For catalyst runs, time zero was the time catalyst was injected. *(4) Initial concentration was the concentration of sample collected at reaction temperature before catalyst was injected. -142- )000 32 0-0 000 0 0 0 28 0 Ni-Etio=Run NE 18 24 - VO-Etio =Run VE 8 20 C 12 4 I I I I 4 5 6 7 SI 0 0 1 2 3 TIME (hrs) Fig. 4- 14 Comparison of Vanadium and Nickel Runs (Run VE8 and NE18) over Alumina Support. 8 -143- 36- I I I .1 o VO-Etio 32 I I I Run VE 9H A Ni - Etio Run o Ni- TPP Run NE 16 H NT18H 28 0 n6 0 A 24 A 0 0 0 ) 20 0 0 12 8 4 0 0 'I I I' 2 II II 3 4 TIME Fig. 4- 15 I I I II 5 6 7 8 ( hrs ) C 0 Comparison of Vanadium and Nickel Runs (Run VE9H, NEI6H, and NT18H) under Helium Pressure. 9 -1444.2-2 Kinetic Order: The kinetics of VO-Etio runs follow fractional order kinetic model at up to 90% conversion. plot of run VE3. Figure 4-16 shows the half order As the correlation coefficients to fit half order kinetic order for all the eight VO-Etio runs were above 0.9970 and the scatter of data was rather random, no attempt was made to find the best fit kinetic order as the function of temperature or pressure. The temperature and pressure dependence of kinetics is expressed in terms of the half order rate constants. KPa hydrogen is shown in Figure 4-17. The Arrhenius plot at 6995 VO-Etio demetallation has an activation energy of 37.1 kcal/g-mole for total vanadium removal, and 35.8 kcal/g-mole-for VO-Etio disappearance; both of them are larger than Ni-Etio. It can also be seen from Figure 4-17 that the difference between the two types of rate constants are very small. The finding of higher total vanadium removal rate constants than VO-Etio disappearance constant for some of the runs (VE3 and VE?) is believed to be experimental errors. The pressure dependence at 316 0 C for of VO-Etio runs is given in Figure 4-18. half order rate constants The result shows that the order of dependence is about 1.2, which is smaller than 1.5 power for Ni-Etio. No demetallation reaction was found under helium pressure (see Figure 4-15). -145- I I I Run VE3 0 Total Vanadium AVO-Etio - 4 3 C= P. PM. 2 -0 1 f 0 I 1 TIME Fig. 4-16 2 (hrs) I 3 Half Order Plot for VO-Etio Run. (Run VE3). 8 I I i 8 8 1 Total Vanadium E 2 3714 2 I I ' .8 Vo - Etlo e- llmanm cal /g-mol e I- I- - I' 7 71 1 6h- G In k In k 0\ 4 4 1/T 1/ 0 k x 1000 l/T I 1.6 1.6 5 1.7 1.75 1.6 I 1.65- Fig. 4- 17 Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for VO-Etio Runs: Removal. (Right): VO-Etio Disappearance Rate. 1/ok x 1000 I 1.7 I 1.75 (Left): Total Vanadium oil/g; P:6995 KPa. I-- I-IJ. I I , I 1 Vo - Total Vonadium Etlo 6.2 1- 642 1.23. 1.16 5.8H- 5.8 In -k In k 5.4 5.4 [- 5.0 5.0 4.6 I 8.3 -I I 8.7 I I 9.1 In P Fig. 4-18 I I 9.5 4.6 II 8.3 II 1 I 8.7 Pressure Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants. oil/g, P in KPa, T: 3160C. I 1 I 9.1 In P I I 9.5 I -1484- The results on VO-TP are not satisfactory due to the following two reasons: (1) It was unable to prepare high enough solution concentration of VO-TPP for use. The sensitivity of analytical equipment would not allow us to obtain accurate kinetic data, starting from such low initial concentration. (2) Three runs of VO-TPP at low concentration (10-15 ppm) show that the observed rate is at least seven times faster than VO-Etio at identical conditions. Diffusion limitation might occur, so intrinsic (diffusion free) kinetic data can not be obtained. 4.2-3 Catalyst Effects: When alumina is used alone for VO-Etio, some demetallation reaction also occur. (See Figure 4-14). However, the rate constant found in term of half order kinetics is only 8% of typical CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 run at identical conditions. As the kinetic order of VO-Etio and Ni-Etio runs are virtually the same, and the demetallation activities are not far away from each other; the fact that the demetallation activities is not function of oil/ catalyst ratio for nickel runs should also hold for vanadium runs. -1494.3 Free Base Porphyrin Runs: In previous demetallation studies (section 4.1 and 4.2), no peaks for free base porphyrins were found by visible spectrophotometer. In order to further verify this, free base porphyrins were used as the model compounds; if they are the final products of demetallation runs, at least part of them should remain in the solution when free base porphyrins are used as the sole model compounds. The free base porphyrins are prepared under helium pressure, is the procedure mentioned in section 3.3-1. which The concentration here refers to 10-6 gram of free base porphyrins per gram of oil. 451 ppm, the initial concentration of free base Etio, corresponds to 55.8 ppm of Ni-Etio (55.8 x 10-6 gram of nickel per gram of oil) if were transformed to Ni-Etio. to 30 ppm of Ni-TPP. all of them For free base TPP, 366 ppm corresponds The operating conditions are shown in Table 4-6. Run El was made by following the procedures of previous metalloporphyrin runs. It was found that even before injection of catalyst, all the etioporphyrins disappeared (No peaks like Figure 3-14 were found from visible spectrophotometer), and both atomic absorption and visible spectrophotometer show the formation of 12 ppm of Ni-Etio. After injection of catalyst, this new formed Ni-Etio also demetallized, but with slower rate than previous typical Ni-Etio runs. Probably some compounds have formed from free base porphyrins to suppress demetallation reaction of Ni-Etio. It is believed that the nickel came from the 316 stainless steel wall, normally contains about 10-14% of nickel. (Clark and Varney (1962)). Theoretical calculation -150Table 4-6 0perating Conditions for Free Base Porphyrins: Catalyst Cat. Initial Conc. of Quantity Porphyrins (ppm) (g) Oil Quantity Temp. Pressure (g) (0 C) (KPa) E 1 HDS 16A 451 0.88 432.4 316.2 6995 7.5 E 2 " 451 0.88 315.8 " 8.7 T 1 " 366 0.89 313.7 " 4.1 Duration of Reaction - Run# -293 -273 (Hr.) *(1) E represents free base etioporphyrin, T represents free base TPP. *(2) The catalyst is fresh and the size is 0.074-0.088 mm in diameter. *(3) The time zero was the time catalyst was injected. *(4) Initial coacentration was the concentration before heating. (Different from demetallation runs). *(5) Run E2 and TI have been placed in glass liner to avoid contact with the stainless steel wall. -151shows that only 1.2 x 10 cm thickness of the nickel in stainless steel wall has been extracted out, which is negligible. Run E2 was made by placing the metal dissolving oil in glass liner to minimize the contact of solution with stainless steel wall; the reactor was also heated in the maximum speed to shorten the period of heating. By doing this, no nickel was found before injection of catalyst. The first sample collected 18 minutes after injection of catalyst showed no evidence of either free base porphyrins by visible spestrophotometer or nickel by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. However, visible spectrophotometer picked up Ni-Etio peaks which should be equivalent to 19 ppm of Ni-Etio; this "Ni-Etio" peaks were believed to be "Cobalt Etio" peaks as they have very similar peaks in visible range. (Hambright (1978), Dorough et al. (1951), and Smith (1975)). The same sample was sent to Galbraith Inc. (Knoxville, Tenn.) for cobalt analysis, which showed that 15 ppm of cobalt actually appears in the solution. These Co-Etio eventually disappeared from solution as reaction went on. Another run by using tetraphenylporphine (Run TI) in glass liner also has similar result to run E2. Although the free base porphyrin runs show that nickel in stainless steel wall can be extracted out by free base porphyrins. The stainless steel wall apparently has no effect on demetallation runs, this has been shown in section 4.1-2.c which concluded that glass liner (NE19) run is the same as ordinary demetallation runs. -1524.4 Mixed Nickel and Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs: As both vanadium and nickel are available in petroleum, it is important to study whether there is any difference between the individual vanadium or nickel runs (section vanadium and nickel runs. 4-1 and 4-2) and mixed (this section). Eleven runs on mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio runs have been made. The operating conditions for each run is shown in Table 4-7. 4.4-1 General Observations: In the first fifteen minutes after injection of catalyst, the ratio of concentration decline for vanadium to nickel is roughly from 2.5:1 to 9.4:1, which depends on the initial metal ratio. This shows that vanadyl porphyrins have stronger affinity to the catalyst than nickel porphyrins. The vanadium removal rate in the mixed run was much the same as individual vanadium runs. The beginning nickel removal rate was suppressed by the presence of vanadium compounds, the rate was then increased to 60% or 85% of the removal rate as individual nickel runs when the concentration of vanadium in the bulk was less than 4 ppm. 4.4-2 Kinetics: Figure 4-19 shows the half order plot of run NVE5, the fast reaction region for nickel is close to 60% of the reaction rate of individual nickel run, the slow reaction region for nickel is -153Operating Conditions for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Runs: Table 4-7 Run# Catalyst Initial Conc. of Cat. Quantity Oil Quantity Temp. Pressure Duration of Reaction (Hr.) Ni or V (g) (g) (OC) (1Pa) 0.91 427.1 316.1 6995 V: 18.4 Ni: 16.3 0.89 424.7 342.8 V3 8.7 Ni: 25.2 0.89 422.7 343.4 3.1 V: 19.6 1.79 424.0 315.7 8.5 V: 30.9 0.91 439.3 343.4 6.0 5.25 (ppm) NVE1 HDS 16A V: 19.5 9.2 NVE2 NVE3 I NVE4 " Ni: 15.5 3.85 Ni: 19.9 NVE5 I, Ni: 26.9 NVE6 6W V: 30.8 Ni: 14.1 0.91 436.7 343.4 NVE7 II V: 27.2 Ni: 13.0 0.90 425.4 316.0 NVE8 'I V: 27.3 0.86 425.4 315.9 12509 10.5 V: 6.4 Ni: 29.7 0.90 428.3 343.7 6995 3.2 V: 27.1 0.86 427.1 315.8 9752 12.5 0.89 427.5 329.4 6995 9.0 14.0 Ni: 12.8 NVE9 'I NVE10 '9 Ni: 12.9 NVE11 'I V: 27.4 Ni: 13.1 -154- - - 6 Run NVE5 Slow OTotal Vonadium ATotal Nick el 5 4fost C=PPM 0 30 2- o 2 3 4 5 6 TIME (hrs) Fig. 4- 19 Half Order Plot for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Run. (Run NVE 5). -155only 16% of the individual one; the reaction rate for vanadium is 93% of the individual vanadium run. By changing the ratio of initial concentration of VO-Etio to Ni-Etio from 1:1 (Run NVE5) to 1:3 (Run NVE3), the suppression effect of vanadium on nickel has been minimized. While the vanadium rate remains the same, the slow reaction region for nickel in run NVE3 is now 52% of individual nickel run; and the fast reaction region is 85%. (See Figure 4-20). Figure 4-21 shows the dependence of half order rate constants on the ratio of Ni-Etio and VO-Etio initial concentrations. Note that vanadium removal rate is not obviously affected by the presence of nickel, but the reverse is not true. Figure 4-22 shows the visible spectra of run NVE2 before in- jection of catalyst and 1.6 hour after injection of catalyst, which clearly show that the ratio of VO-Etio peaks (407 and 571.5 rum) to Ni-Etio peaks (391 and 553 m) decreased during the reaction. As in most of the crude, there are more vanadium than nickel (section 2.1-2.b); the temperature and pressure dependence of half order rate constants were studied by setting the ratio of initial concentration of VO-Etio to Ni-Etio to be 2.12. the Arrhenius plot at 6995 KPa hydrogen. Figure 4-23 shows The activation energy (total metal removal) for VO-Etio is 37.0 kcal/g-mole, which is close to 37.1 kcal/g-mole for individual run (Figure 4-17); the activation energy for fast reaction rate constant of Ni-Etio is 26.2 kcal/g-mole, again is not far away from 27.6 kcal/g-mole for individual Ni-Etio runs (Figure 4-10). The activation energy for slow reaction rate constant - -156- 51 slow Run NVE 3 oTotal Vanadium A Total Nickel 4 fast 3 C=PPM 2j I I 0 1 2 I 3 TIME (hrs) Fig. 4- 20 Half Order Plot for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Run. (Run NVE 3). -157I I A I. A 900 I I- I4I a &- * kI IE/ Z4Pm.* cc oil g cat a hr / / A - 700 A I. (Total Metal Removal) 500 Ni-Etio (Fast) / A -- -Ni-Etio -- / 300 (Slow/ E I / 100 I I 0 0.4 0.2 C I o.6 0.8 1.0 /(CNio+C)Vo Fig. 4- 21 Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants on the Ratio of Ni-Etio and VO-Etio Initial Concentrations. P: 6995 KPa. T, 3160 C; - 158- NVE 2 0.8 2 O 0.4 ~ 0 tn0.4 CO 407 553 571.5- 391 534 I I 370 410 I I 450 I 490 WAVELENGTH 530 570 610 (nm) NVE 2 0.8 553 z 0 391 I- ce0.4 0 0) 407 517 370 Fig. 4-22 410' 450 490 530 WAVELENGTH (nm) 616~ 571.5 570 ~ 610 Absorption Spectra of Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Run. (Run NVE 2). Tbp: Fresh Sample. Bottom: Sample Collected 1.6 hrs after Injection of Catalyst. All were Diluted by Xylene. -159I I I I I (Total Metal Removal) Ni-Etio (Fast), E=-26.2 A VO-Etio, * Ni-Etio (Slow), B=40.4 E=37.0 E (Act. Ener.) in Kcal/g mole. 6.0 1 5.0 ln k 4.0 k 3. O I ~L6o i. 6o Fig. 4-23 I 1.62 1. 62 I 1.64 1.64 I 1.66 I 1.68 I 1.70 I 1.72 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.72 l/T (1/K 0 x 1000) Effect of Temperature on Half Order Rate Constants for Mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio Runs. cat *h0oil g cat ehr g C V/cNio=2.12; P=6995 1ea; -160of Ni-Etio is 40.4 kcal/g-mole. dependence at 316 0 C. Figure 4-24 shows the hydrogen pressure It is 1.11 for VO-Etio and 1.29 for fast Ni-Etio removal rate constants; they are not far away from 1.16 for VO-Etio (Figure 4-18) and 1.34 for Ni-Etio (Figure 4-11) individual runs. It is 0.24 for slow Ni-Etio removal rate constants. -161- I I I i I (Total Metal Removal) 6.5 A Ni-Etio in Fast Reaction Region SVO-Etio 6.0 - Ni-Etio in U Slow Reaction Region A 5.5 5.0 ln k eU 4.5 -(0.24) 4.0 (2 3.5 3.0 6.8 I I I 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.1 I I 7.3 7.4 in P Fig. 4- 24 Pressure Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants in Mixed Ni-Etio and VO-Etio Runs. c oil M g;P g cat -hr In 1a. C /CNio2. 11; T3160 C; 7.5 -1624.5 Self Preparation Catalysts Runs: Ten runs of self preparation catalysts were made by using Ni-Etio as model metal compounds. in section 3.3-4. The method of preparation has been mentioned Table 4-8 shows the composition of these catalysts. A list of operating conditions is shown in Table 4-9. 4.5-1 General Observations: The results show that half order kinetic model fits all the runs pretty well. Two different calcination temperature runs (NE25 and NE26) show that temperature of calcination makes no difference on demetallation activity (within 10% deviation). Order of impregnation also shows no effect on demetallation activity (NE25 and NE32). This finding is consistent to the previous literature which mentioned;that order of impregnation makes no difference on hydrodesulphurization activity. (Mccolgan et al. (1973), Part 5; and Mone and Moscou (1975)). By comparing with commercial catalysts (HDS 16A and HDS 9A) runs, the self preparation catalysts show lower demetallation activity. The self preparation catalysts show only 60-80% activity of commercial catalysts; by correcting with the difference of surface area, they show only 50-70%. Probably the method of preparation or the PH en- vironment during preparation would affect the demetallation activity. Table 4-10 shows the comparison of hydrodemetallation activity between self preparation catalysts and commercial catalysts. -163- Table 4-8 Run# NE25 Composition of Self Preparation Catalysts: Composition .5.5% Co 10.1% Mo NE26 5.6% Co 10.1% Mo NE27 10.0% Mo NE28 5.7% Co NE29 15.0% Mo NE30 5.0% Mo NE31 5.6% Ni 10.0% Mo NE32 5.5% Co 10.0% Mo NE33 NE34 9.0% Co 10.0% Mo 3.64% Co 10.1% Mo *(1) The support used is s-Alumina obtained from Norton (SA-6273). *(2) Weight percent was balanced by Alumina (Al2 0). *(3) Most of catalysts were prepared by calcination at 5000C, and by impregnation of molybdenum first and then cobalt (or nickel). The exceptions are run NE26 in which the calcination temperature was 600 0 C, and run NE32 in which cobalt was impregnated first. -164Table 4-9 Opera-ting Conditions for Self Preparation Catalysts Runs: Run# Initial Conc. of Total Ni (ppm) Cat. Quantity Oil Temp. Pressure Duration of Quantity Reaction (g) (g) (OC) (10a) 6995 (Hr.) 2.85 NE 25 28.2 0.97 427.3 343.9 NE 26 29.5 0.97 423.9 343.5 NE 27 27.3 0.98 425.4 343.8 NE 28 28.7 0.98 426.8 343.3 NE 29 28.5 0.96 427.1 343.4 NE 30 28.0 0.98 428.1 343.7 NE 31 28.8 0.97 431.2 343.6 NE32 28.8 0.97 425.2 343.8 NE 33 28.5 0.96 431.4 343.7 2.95 NE34 28.2 0.97 434.8 343.7 3.0 V1 it 3.8 9.2 " it 2.9 of 2.1 to 10.0 2.1 " , 2.9 -165Table 4-10 Comparison between Self Preparation Catalysts and Commercial -Catalysts on Hyd~fodemetallatiori Activity of Ni-Etio: Catalyst Run# Half Order Rate Constant ) (Total Nickel Removal oil g NE 3 HDs 16A NE14 HDS 16A (CoO-Mo0 /Al 2O3 ) 1010.7 1094.9 NE25 Self Prepared NE22 HDS 9A NE1 Self Prepared 829.4 (Ni-Mo0 3/Al2 05 ) 1430.8 895.0 *(1) The composition of commercial catalysts are shown in Table 3-2 to Table 3-4, and of self preparation catalysts are shown in Table 4-9. *(2) The operating conditions are shown in Table 4-3 and Table 4-10. -1664.5-2 Effect of Cobalt or Molybdenum on Demetallation Activity of Ni-Etio: It was found that MoO3 /Al 2 03 itself is a very good hydrodemetalFigure 4-25 (Run NE18, NE27, NE29, and NE30) shows lation catalyst. that as the weight also increases. % of molybdenum increases, the demetallation activity As the solubility of ammonium molybdate in water is limited; more than 20 wt% of molybdenum on alumina could not be prepared. However, it is expected that the demetallation activity should not increase anymore when molybdenum trioxide covers a monolayer on alumina carrier, which is equivalent to 30 wt% of molybdenum on alumina. Normally, commercial catalyst has about 50% of monolayer of MoO3 on catalyst. More than this quantity may not increase the activity. The reason is that not all surface can accept MoO , and 50% monolayer appears to be enough. (Schrader (1979)). Figure 4-26 (Run NE25, NE27, NE28, NE33, and NE34) shows the effect of cobalt on hydrodemetallation activity. based on per gram mole of Mo plus Co. The rate constants here are This Figure shows: (1) The addition of cobalt actually decreases the demetallation activity; (2) CoO/Al 2 03 (Run NE28) is inferior to MoO3 /Al 2 03 (Run NE27) in demetallation on alumina is black; which is believed to be the formation of Co 0 (Mone and Moscou (1975). blue color. slightly yellow color, pure cobalt However, the CoO-MoO /Al203 catalyst is The difference of colors simply shows that there are . Pure molybdenum on alumina is 1120 960 Total Nickel Removal K A - 800 Ni-Etio Disappearance 640 #- cc G HR 480 0\ - 320 ____ 1 60 A 10 5 0 Wt *. Mo 15 on ALUMINA Fig. 4- 25 Effect of Mo on Half Order Rate Constants of Ni-Etio Runs. -168- 600 NE27 500 NE P NE25 400 k - 300 NE33 ONE28 _ 200 - 100 0 0 0.2 I o.4 Co/Co+Mo Fig. 4-26 I o.6 o.8 (Mole Ratio) Dependence of Half Order Rate Constants ( oil/g mole Co+Mo' hr) on Cobalt Addition. (Total Nickel Removal). 1.0 -169some interactions between cobalt and molybdenum in addition to the interactions between cobalt-alumina, and molybdenum-alumina. CoAl 2 0 (Mone and Moscou (1975)) and CoMo0 to be found in CoO-MoO3/Al 20 catalyst. 4 Both (Cheng (1978)) are believed 5. 5.1 Discussion of Results: Diffusion Effects: Nickel Porphyrin Runs: 5.1-1 Despite the fact that the kinetic order increases with increasing temperature. There are negligible diffusion effects. (1) Although the kinetic order increases with temperature, it also decreases with pressure. For half order kinetics, the diffusion controlled kinetic order should theoretically be no more than 0.75 order. This was obtained by applying half order rate equation into the generalized Thiele modulus defined by Bischoff (1965) to the region of strong pore resistance. and extend However, in the Ni-Etio run, the kinetic order reached 0.93 order at 357.8 C (Run NE11) already. (2) Different size catalysts (0.149-0.177 mm and 0.074-0.088 mm) have been studied at the same standard condition for Ni-Etio, and this kinetic order remains at half order for both runs. There was only less than 10% decrease of the half order rate constant for the large size run (Run NE12) which is within reproducibility range. (3) Scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer has been used to find the concentration profile of nickel deposited on the catalyst shown in Figure 5-1 for both Ni-TPP run at 357.20 c, 6995 KPa (Run NT25) and fresh CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst. The concentration of nickel which was represented by the brightness of the spots is quite uniform all -171over the catalyst. Figure 5-2 shows the weight percent of nickel deposited on the designated spots of the catalyst pellet, which conconfirms that nickel deposited uniformly all over the catalyst. In the case of fresh catalyst, there is no big difference about brightness of spots between the catalyst and expoy resin. Several other catalyst particles at the same run and other runs (Both Ni-Etio and Ni-TPP) were also examined, and all of them showed the same uni- form distribution. (4) Theoretical Calculation of Thiele Modulus: The viscosity of Nujol at reaction temperature can be calculated from the data shown in Table 3-5 by using the equation cited in the book of Nelson (1974) for unit conversion, and the equation in the book of Reid, Prausnitz, and Sherwood (1977) for temperature correction. The density of Nujol at reaction temperature can be calculated from the data and equation given in Table 3-6. Einstein-Stoke equation was then used to cal- culate the bulk diffusivity of Ni-porphyrin in Nujol. Effective diffusivity was then calculated from the equation shown by Spry and Sawyer (1975). diameter, The necessary parameters such as the average pore density and pore volume of catalyst are given at Table 3-2 for HDS 16A catalyst. Tortuosity was taken as 4, which was recommended by Satterfield (1978). The diameter of Ni-Etio was calculated to be 14.2A based on the information from Fleischer (1963). The diameter for Ni-TPP is around 4K) Fig. 5-1 Scanning Electron X-Ray Microanalyzer Indication of Nickel Distribution. Left: Ni-TPP Run at 357 0 C (NT25), wt% of Nickel Deposited on the catalyst was 1.44% (500x); Right: Fresh Catalyst. (700x) -173- Run NT25 Position wtfo Ni 1 2 1.36 1.58 3 1.50 11 -1.40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.48 1.41 1.41 1.39 1.53 1.46 1.38 % 1.44 0.07 0 07 03 8 12 04 W 0O 10 05 0 06 Fig. 5-2 Weight Percent of Nickel Deposited on the Designated Spots of the Catalyst Pellet Described in Figure 5-1. -174The effective diffusivity for Ni-Etio at 357.20 C in CoO-MoO 3 / 19R. Al203 is calculated to be 2.66 x 10-6 cm2 /sec. The theoretical calculation of Thiele modulus was calculated to be 0.59. Inter- polation of effectiveness for half order was taken from the book of Satterfield (1970) which showed the relationship between effectiveness factor and Thiele modulus for both first order and zero order. The result showed that effectiveness factor for Ni-Etio run at 357.2 0 C and 6995 IPa should be higher than 0.95 which will ensure diffusion free kinetics. Based on the above findings, tioned operating ranges, it is concluded that in the aforemen- the kinetics of nickel porphyrin runs was not affected by diffusion processes. 5.1-2 Vanadyl Porphyrin Runs: Same as nickel porphyrin runs, VO-Etio runs show no diffusion effect in the operating range. However, VO-TPP runs shows some diffu- sion limitation: (1) All the VO-Etio runs follow very well with 0.5 kinetic order. If diffusion effect exists, the kinetic order should be increased with either operating pressure or temperature. For VO-TPP runs, the initial concentration was too low to take accurate kinetic data. VT3 shows that the best fit kinetic order is only 20% time to reach complete conversion, However, run close to 0.7, and it compared to Ni-TPP at takes -175identical operating conditions. This is one of the indication that diffusion limitation might occur for VO-TPP runs. (2) Scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer has been used to find the concentration profile of vanadium deposited on the spent catalyst. The concentration of vanadium was represented by the brightness of the In Figure spots. 5-3, the photo on the right shows the concentration profile of vanadium for VO-Etio run (Run VE3), and the left shows the concentration profile of vanadium for VO-TPP run (Run concentration profile for VO-Etio run is VT1). While the quite uniform, there is slightly concentration gradient for VO-TPP run. Figure 5-4 shows the concentration of vanadium on each designated spot for the two spent catalyst pellets. 5.1-3 Mixed Ni-Etio and VO-Etio Runs: The spent catalysts for the mixed Ni-Etio and VO-Etio runs were also examined by scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer, the result also shows that no diffusion limitation occur for both vanadium and nickel. IN Fig. 5-3 Scanning Electron X-Ray Microanalyzer Indication of Vanadium Distribution. (Right): Run VE3, wt% of VAnadium on Catalyst is 1.47%. (Left): Run VT1, wt% of Vanadium on Catalyst is 0.60%. (700x). (700x). Run VE3 Run VT1 Position 1 2 3 4 Position wt% V 7 0.28 0.84 0.95 8 0.81 5 6 0.65 0.55 0.43 0.28 wt% V Position 1 2 3 4 5-- wt% V Position wt/ V 1.50 1.39 6 7 1.45 1.56 1.54 1.43 8 1.48 9 1.53 1.47 10 Averages 1.47 0.05 wt% 1.43 01 01 02 02 03 07 04 0708 08 05 06 Fig. 5-4 03 04 010 05 09 06 Weight Percent of Vanadium Deposited on the Designated Spots of the Catalyst Pellets Described in Figure 5-3. -K, -K, -1785.2 Hydrogen Consumption: Solubility of hydrogen in tetralin, diphenylmethane, creosote Simnick oil and hexadecane was available by Simnick et al. (1977), et al. (1978), spectively. Cukor and Prausnitz (1972) Prather et al. (1977), The general observations are: (1) re- There was linear rela- tionship between the hydrogen pressure and the mole fraction of hydrogen in liquid phase. (2) The solubility of hydrogen is larger for paraffin than for aromatic, with naphthene in the middle. (3) If the solubility of hydrogen in Nujol was assumed to be the same as that in tetralin, diphenylmethane or creosote oil respectively, the mole ratio of hydrogen to nickel porphyrin or to vanadyl porphyrin in liquid phase in our operating range is of the range from 150 to 2000. (4) It takes only seconds for hydrogen in oil to reach equilibrium concentration. Based on the above observations, it is concluded that: (1) The effect of hydrogen on half order rate constant can be described by hydrogen pressure directly instead of by the mole fraction of hydrogen in Nujol which is unknown. (2) It is safe to assume that as the mole ratio of hydrogen to nickel or vanadyl porphyrin is very high, if Nujol itself does not consume hydrogen severely, the hydrogen concentration in Nujol can be taken as constant. To ensure that this actually happens, gas sample was collected after three hours reaction time at 357 0 C and 6995 KPa H2 for Ni-Etio run (Run NE11), and was sent to Matheson Gas Product (Gloucester, Mass.) for hydrogen analysis, the -179result showed that the purity of hydrogen remained more than 99%, which ensure that the concentration of hydrogen in liquid phase remained constant during reaction. -180Intermediates and Products in Liquid Phase: 5.3 5.3-1 Intermediates: There are several evidences for the existence of intermediates: (1) From the half order plot of Figure 4-8, the rate constants for the disappearance of Ni-Porphyrins tend to be larger than those of the rate constants for total nickel removal. This was found for all the runs. (2) The concentration difference between total nickel and nickel porphyrins increases to a maximum, then decreased during reaction. This points to a built-up of intermediates that eventually disappear, shown in the left part of Figure 5-5. Although less clear in the case of vanadium runs, the concentration difference between total vanadium and vanadyl porphyrins also increased to a maximum, then decreased during reaction. (3) The color of the sample collected change from red to violet to light yellow for Ni-Etio runs, and from red to reddish violet to light yellow for VO-Etio runs after the catalyst was injected. The absorption spectra of the samples collected during reaction showed the presence of a new peak at 616 nm and a shoulder at runs, the new peak is 631 nm. Ni-Etio run (NE14), 595 nm for Ni-Etio runs; as for VO-Etio The spectra is shown in Figure 5-6 for and Figure 5-7 for VO-Etio run (VE3). In comparison with Figure 2-5 which shows the visible spectra of fresh VO-Etio and Ni-Etio, the new peaks at 595 rum and 616 =m for Ni-Etio, and 631 nm 5 5 I 5 5 I I I 0 0 0 AC Abs. 0 PPM. 3 3 S 0 0 2 [- 0 I F-L 00 0 Ih - I 0 O' .C 0 II I 2 TIME (hrs) Fig. 5-5 0 I 0 I 2 TIME ( hrs) Indication of Intermediates (Run NE14): (Left): Plot of Concentration Difference between Total Nickel and Ni-Etio Versus Time. (Right): Plot of Absorption (Arbitary Unit) of 616 nm Peak Versus Time. -1820.8 7- '414 z 0 I 0.4 Ai IIIII 0 V') 95616 s9 sh tilc 0 360 400 440 520 480 WAVELENGTH 0.8 560 600 640 (nm) r- 39 1 z ~553 0 616 0.4 0 517 VI) 595 Shouldqr 0 360 400 440 480 WAVELENGTH Fig. 5-6 520 560 600 640 (nm) Absorption Spectrum of Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio During Reaction. (Top): Run NT20 Collected at 0.7 Hrs Reaction Time; (Bottom): Run NE14 Collected at 0.75 Hrs Reaction Time. Samples were Diluted by Xylene. Background: Xylene. -183I i z 407 407 0.8 I I I VE 3 571.5 0 I0O 0r 0 LO 0.4 534 631 0 410 530 590 WAVELE NGTH (nm) 450 490 I I 423 650 I I VT 1 O,8 632- - z I 610 0 548 0 0.4 VI) 583 592 0 410 Fig. 5-? I I I I 450 490 530 590' WAVELEN GTH (nm) I 610 650 Absorption Spectra of VO-Etio and VO-TPP Runs During Reaction. (Top): Run VE3 Collected at 0.6 Hrs Reaction Time; Diluted by Xylene and with Xylene as Background. (Bottom): Run VT1 Colle- cted at 0.2 Hrs Reaction Time; Without Dilution, with Nujol as Background. -184for VO-Etio are clearly shown in Figure 5-6 and 5-7. For Ni-Etio run, as the shoulder was not observed for all the runs while 616 n occurred each time, it is believed that they are of different compounds. The 616 nm peak in the right part of Figure 5-5 reflects an intermediate in which absorption peak of 616 nm reached maximum and decreased during reaction. The 631 rnm peak for VO-Etio runs has similar trend to 616 nm peak for Ni-Etio runs. The color of the sample collected change from brown to green to light yellow for Ni-TPP runs; and from reddish brown to green to light yellow for VO-TPP runs during catalytic reaction. The absorption spectra of the samples collected during reaction showed the presence of new peak at 616 nm and a shoulder at 595 nm for Ni-TPP runs; and a new peak at 632 nm with minor shoulder at 592 nm for VO-TPP runs. Again, Figure 5-6 shows Ni-TPP run (NT20), and Figure 5-7 shows VO-TPP run (VT1). In comparison with Figure 3-13 which shows'the spectra of fresh Ni-TPP and VO-TPP, the new peaks occurred during reaction are clearly shown in Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7. Same as metalloetioporphyrin runs, these new peaks are believed to be the formation of intermediates. Figure 5-8 shows the color pictures of Ni-Etio and VO-Etio runs, Figure 5-9 shows VO-TPP and Ni-TPP runs; and Table 5-1 states the duration for each samples in Figure 5-8 and 5-9. While we failed to take better picture for Ni-TPP run so that the color change can be clearly shown; VO-TPP, Ni-Etio, and VO-Etio pictures show clearly the color change. From the study of previous literature: Albers and Knorr (1941), Peychal-Heiling and Wilson (1971), Whitlock (1969), Dorough and -185- Figure 5-8 Color Pictures of Ni-Etio Sample (NE14), and VO-Etio (VE3). Sample. -186- Fig. 5-9 Color Pictures of Ni-TPP Sample (NT15), and VO-TPP Sample (vT3). -187- Table 5-1 Duration of Each Sample Shown in Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9 (1) Figure 5-8: (a) Ni-Etio run (NE14) from left to right: 1.3, Fresh sample, and 0.3, 0.75, 1.95, 2.6, 2.95 hours after injection of catalyst. (b) VO-Etio run (VE3) from left Fresh sample, and 0.15, to right: o.6, 0.9, 1.55, 2.3, 3.0 hours after injection of catalyst. (2) Figure 5-9: (a) Ni-TPP run (NT15) from left to right: Fresh sample, and 0.13, 0.33, 1.0, 1.9, 2.92, 5.03 hours after injection of catalyst. (b) VO-TPP run (VT3) from left to right: Fresh sample, and 0.15, 0.45, 0.9, 1.22, after injection of catalyst. 1.65, 2.2 hours -188Huennekens (1952), It is possible and Miller and Dorough (1952). that 616 nm is Ni-Chlorin (either TPP type or Etio type) in which one of the pyrrole group was hydrogenated. The structure of TPP type of Ni-Chlorin has been shown in Figure 3-10, corresponds to the 616 rnn peak in Ni-TPP or Ni-Etio runs. The 631 nm peak for VO-Etio runs and The 632 nm peak for VO-TPP runs are believed to be vanadyl chlorins. structures of TPP type vanadyl chlorin has also been given in Figure 3-10. Ni-chlorin or VO-chlorin may not be the only intermediate. volume 2, Chapter 1 of Dolphin's book (1978), some In forms of metallo dihydroporphyrins and tetrahydroporphyrins have been suggested and are certainly possible to be existed as intermediates of demetallation reaction. Both the carbon in methine bridge (0(, ,1 , andS) or pyrrolic position (position 1-8) are entitled to accept hydrogen. A schematic of these positions as well as some of the free base dihydroporphyrins and tetrahydroporphyrins have been given in Figure 2-1. In the operating condition of hydrodemetallation runs, transalkylation reaction is highly possible. These products of trans- alkylation would be a homologous series of metalloporphyrins (Baker and Palmer (1978)), and they are expected to change either the molar extinction coefficient or peak wavelength of porphyrins. (1978)). (Hambright Run NE17 and NE18 show the peak wavelength shift during reaction: 517 nm peak shifted to 513 ram, 553 ram peak shifted to 5 49 rnm, and 616 rum shifted to 612 rim, all these might result from transalkylation reaction. Similar result were observed in CoO/Al203 catalyst run (NE28). -189As there is no simple way to synthesize pure compounds of afomentioned possible intermediatesand except chlorin, all other forms do not have intensive absorption peaks in visible range; neither quan- titive nor qualitative analysis can be made for these possible intermediates. Due to the existence of CoO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 or NiO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 catalyst, the inherited cracking activity of these catalysts might also break some carbon-carbon bonds in the reduced porphyrins. quite stable, but the stability is of porphyrins occurs, which is Porphyrins are expected to be destroyed if reduction possible in hydrodemetallation study. Bond breaking of carbon-carbon bond as well as nickel-nitrogen bond would then be feasible. Some forms of nickel or vanadyl chelates which consist nickel or vanadium with fragments of porphyrins and partly with the catalytic surface can also be possible intermediates. Although not conclusive, in Chapter 14 of Smith's book (1975), Fuhrhop mentioned the instability of the porphyrin after saturation of an pyrrolic carbon atom (such as formation of chlorin), he also pointed out the possibility of opening of the porphyrin macrocycle after addition reactions to pyrrolic carbon atoms. 5.3-2 Products: As it will be shown in section 5-4 that because all the metal eventually will adsorbed on the catalyst, the final products in the liquid phase do not contain metals. -190At the very beginning of this study, it was thought that the final products might be free base porphyrins or their reduced forms such as dihydroporphyrins, tetrahydroporphyrins (Their parent structures were shown in Figure 2-1). However, this speculation was rejected by the following findings: (1) Free base porphyrin (section 4-3) runs show that free base porphyrins are extremely unstable at the presence of metals (either Ni, V, Co, or Mo). If free base porphyrins ever formed, they would transform to metalloporphyrins right away. As cobalt are available on the catalyst surface, and nickel are available in stainless steel wall, at least some of them should show up as cobalt or nickel porphyrins during vanadyl porphyrin runs. However, atomic absorption analysis shows that neither nickel porphyrins nor cobalt porphyrins were found in the vanadyl porphyrin runs; and no cobalt porphyrins were found in nickel porphyrin runs. Thus free base porphyrins are neither the intermediates not the products of hydrodemetallation. (2) The absorption peaks for free base tetraphenylporphine (TPP), tetraphenylchlorin (TPB), and tetraphenylbacteriochlorin are known. (Peychal-Heiling and Wilson (1971)). (TPC) They are 418, 480, 514, 548, 590, and 646 ran for TPP (Figure 3-7), 418, 517, 542, 597 and 651 rim for TPC, and 356, 378, 521, and 742 nm for TPB. were observed for both vanadyl and nickel TPP runs. None of them More than this, if the reduced porphyrins (such as dihydroporphyrins, tetrahydroporphyrins) are formed, they would reoxidized gradually to free base por- phyrin when they were exposed to air (Hambright (1978)). However, -191neither free base Etio nor free base TPP were observed for samples that have been exposed to air for more than 250 days. From the above findings, it is believed that neither free base porphyrins nor their reduced forms can be the final metal free products of hydrodemetallation reaction. As previously mentioned, both CoO-MoO /Al 0 3 2 and NiO-MoO 3 /Al2 03 catalysts have cracking activity; probably the final products in the liquid phase are a series of nitrogen containing hydrocarbons. They can be family of pyrroles (see book of Badger (1961) for detail), or system with two pyrrole rings (book of Dolphin (1978), Bullock et al. (1958)), Chapter 1). Chapter 1, and or even more pyrrole rings (Dolphin This speculations is (1978), supported by the experiments of free base porphyrin runs (section 4-3) which show that less than 25% of free base porphyrins formed metalloporphyrins (either Co or Ni), and more than 75% just show no properties of porphyrin related compounds. An intensive study about metal free products could lead to a better understanding about the mechanism of hydrodemetallation. -192- 5.4 5.4-1 Intermediates and Products on Catalyst: Intermediates: All the possible intermediates mentioned previously in liquid phase (section 5.3) are certainly possible to be presented on the catalysts; especially for those metal chelates that partially connect to fragments of porphyrins and partially connect to catalyst surface. 5.4-2 Products: The aformentioned nonmetallic products (section 5.3) are also possible to be existed on catalyst. Here the focus will be placed on the metals (either nickel or vanadium) that deposited on the catalyst. The amount of deposition for nickel, vanadium, carbon, and nitrogen are important in the study about the final form of nickel or vanadium on the catalyst. Table 5-2 shows the result of the spent catalysts for different elements deposited. All the sample were analyzed by Galbraith Lab. Inc. (Knoxville, Tenn.). The observations are summarized as follows: (1) Carbon deposition: For Ni-TWP runs, the carbon ranges from 2.10 to 4.67%. For Ni-Etio runs, alumina run (NE18) has little carbon built up, but helium run (NE16H) almost have the same amount of carbon as typical Ni-Etio run (NE14). NiO-MoO /Al203 run (NE20) more carbon than CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 run (NE14). has As for vanadyl porphyrin runs, helium run (VE9H) also has the same amount of carbon as -193hydrogen runs (VT2, VE3); and alumina run (VE8) has less carbon. The mixed VO-Etio and Ni-Etio runs and free base porphyrin runs always built up 2 to 4% of carbon. From the above data, it is clear that carbon built up is about 2.0-4.7% for hydrodemetallation runs, and similar for helium runs; but less for alumina runs. A special run made by pure Nujol without dissolving any porphyrins (marked as Run Nujol) also show 1.44% of carbon built up. It is thus speculated that the carbon deposition was not solely result from hydrodemetallation reaction; even no porphyrin run (Run Nujol), alumina runs, or helium runs would have contributed to carbon deposition. (2) Hydrogen deposition: By reviewing all the data, it shows that hydrogen built up is from 0.45 to 1.27%. (Run NE18, It seems that alumina runs VE8) have more hydrogen. (3) Nitrogen deposition: The concentration of nitrogen ranges from 0.09 to 0.72%. Both helium and alumina (NE18, built up than hydrodemetallation runs, this is VE8) have less nitrogen quite reasonable as the helium and alumina runs have little nickel or vanadium built up, and should not have nitrogen built up either. However, pure Nujol run has same amount of nitrogen as hydrodemetallation run. Probably the sample for Nujol run was contaminated somehow. (4) Nickel deposition: Both helium run and alumina run show only trace amount of nickel (<0.15%), which can be experimental errors. All the other hydrodemetallation runs show that nickel indeed deposited on -194Table 5-2 Concentration of C, H, N, V, and Ni on Spent Catalysts of Different Runs: Run# NT 4 4.67 1.16 0.28 NT 8 2.10 1.13 0.34 NT19 --- 0.54 0.54 --- 1.22 (1.37) 1.50 (1.70) 1.37 (1.62) --- 0.85 (0.95) --- NT31 3.29 0.93 0.50 0.45 NE14 2.51 0.87 0.53 --- 1.71 (1.72) NE16H 2.94 0.81 0.10 --- 0.10 (0.11) NE18 1.31 1.27 0.09 NE20 4.15 1.05 0.71 --- 0.08 (0.15) 3.89 (3.90) VT 2 3.41 0.82 0.38 0.39 (0.40) --- VE 3 2.78 0.94 0.48 1.22 (1.39) -- VE 8 1.51 1. 16 0.18 VE9H 2.29 0.66 0.08 0.32 (0.325) --0.07 (0.055) --- NV 2 2.95 0.58 0.78(0.86) 0.69 (0.74) Nv 5 3.79 0.75 0.90 0.72 1.35(1.49) 1.33 (1.25) E I 0.92 0.55 0.34 (0.46) E 2 3.29 2.65 0.94 0.50 0.08 Nujol 1.44 0.78 0.51 NT20 2.82 NT23 (to be continued) -195(cont.) *(I) The numbers in parenthesis are the theoritical value calculated from mass balance. *(2) Run Nujol is the run specially made by placing Nujol (420g) in the reactor at the presence of KDS 16A catalyst (0.88g), with 6995 KPa H2 , and 343 C temperature. were same as demetallation runs. All the procedures -196- the catalyst as final products; all the values were consistent to those calculated from theoretical mass balance by assuming all the nickel disappeared from liquid would go to catalyst. values were shown in Table 5-2). (These theoretical Scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer were used to further verify the amount of nickel deposition. For run NE14,the portion of nickel in the spent catalyst that is xylene extractable amounts to 1.4 x 10-2wt% of dried catalyst, which shows that very little nickels are weakly adsorbed on the catalyst. amount of nickel by scanning electron x-ray microanalyzer is The 1.75 wt% of catalysts, which agrees well with the material balance calculation of 1.72 wt%. The spent catalyst was also analyzed by Galbraith (Knoxville, Tenn.) to show 1.71 wt% nickel. From nickel deposition of run El and E2, it shows that in free base porphyrin runs, if the solution was contacted with stainless steel wall, nickel porphyrin would be formed and be demetallized later (Run El); if the solution was protected by glass liner, a small amount of nickel porphyrin (<I ppm) was formed nevertheless by contact with the stainless steel cooling coil and impeller (Run E2). It is concluded that nickel would adsorbed on the catalyst as a hydrodemetallation product. (5) Vanadium deposition: It has been shown in Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15 that VO-Etio runs have a huge initial concentration drop even in the case of alumina carrier or helium pressure. that disappeared initially All these vanadium are believed to be due to reversible ad- sorption of metalloporphyrins on catalysts. The reasons are: (a) -197In run VE8, the amount of vanadium that is 0.27 wt% of dried catalyst. similar to 0.33 wt%, the amount This is In run VE9H, the amount of of vanadium lost in transient period. xylene extractable is vanadium that is xylene extractable is 0.31 wt% of dried catalyst. This is again similar to 0.34 wt%, the amount of vanadium lost in transient period. (b) After xylene extraction, the spent catalysts show little amount of vanadium deposition from the analysis made by Galbraith. (Table 5-2). As for the hydrodemetallation runs of vanadyl porphyrins, similar result to nickel runs was observed. For run VE3, the portion of vanadium that is xylene extractable also amounts to 1.4 x 10-2 wt% of dried catalyst. microanalyzer is The amount of vanadium by scanning electron x-ray 1.35 wt% of catalyst, and is 1.22 wt% from the analysis made by Galbraith (Knoxville, Tenn.); all these are close to the theoretical mass ballance calculation of 1.39 wt%. It is doubtful that the form of these vanadium or nickel can be all metalloporphyrins or their reduced forms. ratios of atoms Ni:C:H:N are For Ni-Etio, 1:6.54:0.55:0.95. the weight However, for run NE14, the ratio is only 1:1.46:0.51:0.31 (Table 5-2). What even more is, as carbon and hydrogen can also be formed from Nujol itself, the actual ratio of Ni:C and Ni:H should be even higher. Similarly for VO-Etio, the atomic ratios V:C:H:N are 1:7.54:0.63:1.1, and run VE3 shows only 1:2.0:0.68:0.35. Through the comparison of typical hydrodemetallation run (NE14 or VE3), alumina run (NE18 or VE8), and helium run (NE16H or VE9H), -198quantitatively it deposit is conclude that all the metals (Ni or V) would on the catalyst; qualitatively it is suggested that carbon and hydrogen deposition is independent of hydrodemetallation reaction, while nitrogen deposition is dependent on hydrodemetallation reaction. An attempt was made to try to use ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis) to study the chemical forms of deposited vanadium or nickel. Unfortunately, it was found that unless the amount of metal deposition is larger, and unless other species on the catalyst are well understood; very limited information can be obtained from ESCA study. A very accurate carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen analysis would be a prerequirement to make a more powerful statement about the final form of nickel and vanadium on catalyst. At present, one can only speculate that most probably either elementally metals or metal oxides would be, the best candidates. -199- 5.5 Discussion on Kinetic Model and Possible Mechanism: 5.5-1 Background: The fractional order (half order) kinetic model is empirical, and is useful in the discussion of pressure, temperature dependence, and in the comparison of demetallation activity (such as between vanadium and nickel, between CoO-MoO 3/Al 2 03 and NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 ). However, it does not tell much about the mechanism. It will be helpful to proposed a kinetic model which is based on feasible mechanisms, and will also demonstrate the half order observed kinetics. The kinetic model proposed in this section is based on the phenomena observed in the previous experimental runs. Although it shows good data fits, reasonable Arrhenius plots, and initial rate expressions; it is premature to say that this mechanism is correct. More information is needed to prove or disprove the mechanism, and they will be discussed in Chapter 6. The useful observations from previous experimental runs are summarized as follows: (1) The kinetic order is fractional order, between zero and one. The hydrogen pressure dependence is alway between 1 and 2 for metalloetioporphyrins, and between 2 and 3 for Ni-TPP. (2) CoO-MoO 3 /Al 2 03 or NiO-MoO 3/Al 20 3 are essential for effective demetallation reaction, which need the active sites provided by them. -200These catalysts are known to have hydrogenation activity; in addition to this, the presence of Al203 plus S102, and possible interactions between Al20 and metal oxides might also contribute to some acid sites. It is reasonable to proposed that demetallation reaction would need both hydrogenation and acid sites. (3) Free base porphyrin runs show that free base porphyrin is very As none-of its hydrogenated free base forms were observed, it is conceivable that the structure of porphyrins were destroyed during demetallation reaction. in the porphyrin plane. , unstable. This would involved C-C bond breaking (Section 4-3). (4) Intermediates are formed during demetallation, and it that probably hydrogenative metalloporphyrins were formed. is suspected As visible spectra show multiple new peaks which seems to be independent to each other, more than one intermediate are suspected. (section 5-3). (5) The demetallized metals were permanently adsorbed on catalyst surface and could not be extracted out by xylene. Carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen analysis on spent catalysts suggest that elemental metals or metal oxides are the most probable forms of the metals on catalyst. (Section 5-4). Since Ni-Etio and VO-Etio are the main model compounds for study, the mechanism and kinetic model proposed here are for the demetallation of Ni-Etio VO-Etio only. The following steps for demetallation reaction are speculated: -201NiL + A M NiLA K1 (5-1) NiLA + H2;=a 2NiLH2A 2 K 2 (5-2) NiLH2A + H2=&NiLH A K3 (5-3) NiLH2A NiLH2 + A 1/K4 (5-4) NiLH 4A% NiLH4 + A 1/K 5 (5-5) K6 (5-6) K7 (5-7) K8 (5-8) B + NiLH 4A 3==* NiPB + RA RA NiPB R + A NiB + P (Rate Controlling) Ni here represents nickel; NiL is the initial compound Ni-Etio; A is the active site that has hydrogenation activity and cracking activity, which might be mixture of CoO or Moo ; H2 is hydrogen; NiLH2 and NiLH4 are hydrogenated nickel porphyrins, may be Ni-chlorin and Ni-tetrahydroporphyrins; B consists of A and C where A has been defined, and C is the site that only has cracking activity; NiPB is tear the porphyrin into two parts, and is the product of step 6 that on the catalyst surface; R is the other fragment of decomposed porphyrin, L actually consists of P and R; ( NiB is the final product of nickel that permanently adsorbed on site B It is assumed that the final metal form is elemental nickel); and finally P is the part of NiP that lose nickel during step 8. All the species end with "A", such as NiLA, are the species that adsorbed on A site. Eq. (5-1) is the adsorbing step of Ni-Etio on site A; eq. (5-2) and eq. (5-3) are hydrogenation reactions; eq. (5-4) and (5-5) are the desorption of hydrogenated nickel porphyrin intermediates; that involves bond breaking of porphyrin; eq. eq. (5-6) is the step (5-7) is the rate controlling step, it can be a combination of further bond breaking and desorption -202processes, whether this is a single step or multiple steps would not affect the overall kinetic expression provided each intermediate is of negligible amount; equation (5-8) is the step form nickel that peranently adsorbed on the site B. It assuming that equation (5-7) is is irreveisible one, all letter "K" is rate controlling and the other steps are at equilibrium. equilibrium constant and "k" is rate constant. The rate of disappearance of RA can then be equation d (RA dt k (RA} Capital (5-9): (5-9) 7 Mass balance of A and B would follow eq. (5-10) and eq. (5-11): (A1 = (A) + (NiLA)+ (NiLH2 ) + (NiLH 4 ) + (RA) (B) = (B) + (NiPB) + (NiB) A) (5-10) . (5-11) and (B0 ) are the initial concentrations of site A and B. Although intermediates were found in demetallation reaction, in here for simplicity it intermediate species is assumed that all the concentration of are very small compare with initial compound (NIL) or final compound (R). Eq. (5-10) and eq. (5-11) can then be simplified to eq. (5-12) and eq. (5-13): (A0 ) = (A) + (NiLA) (B 0 ) = (B) + (NiB) + (RA) (5-12) (5-13) It has been calculated that even all the nickel would adsorbed on the catalyst, it catalyst. would occupied less than 5% of total surface of Since B is the site that only the acidity is required, it -203- In here it is assumed that NiB only could be all over the catalyst. occupy limited surface of B so the total concentration of B site Eq. (5-14) would then hold throughout will not change during reaction. the reaction: (5-14) B) After algebraic derivations, eq. (5-9) would be transformed to (5-15): k7KIK 2K 3 K6 K8 Ao) (BO) (NiL} (H 2 )NiB (P) + K INiB)JP)[NiL) + KjK2 K3 K6K8LAO) [NiL) [H 2 dt (5-15) ( (Bd NiB is considered as solid, so its chemical potential is constant. Three parameters are assigned to eq. (5-15): k7KjK2KK6K(Aoj (NiB) I P2 (Bo) KI K3 K2 K 6 K8(Bo) (NiB) S3 Eq. (5-15) can then be substituted into eq. (5-16) by PI, P ,' 2 P, (NiL) (H2 .2 3 (5-16) [P) + P 2 (P][NiL) + P 3 [NiL}(H2 2 dt If all the intermediates are of negligible amount compare with initial reactant (NiL) and final products (R) and (P), eq . (5-17) and eq. (5-18) would be available: =) - - dt Where(Ni) is (NiL) '= (Ni] d(NiLL_ dt _ d(BA] dt ()( dt the concentration of total nickel compounds. (5-18) 17) -204- Further more, it is assumed that the concentration of P is equal to the disappearance amount of total nickel compounds (eq. (5-19)): (P) = (Ni0 ) - (Ni) Where (5-19) Ni0 ) is the initial nickel concentration. eq. (5-17), eq. (5-18), and eq. By substituting (5-19) into eq. (5-16), eq. (5-20) is obtained: (Ni) (5-20) 2H2 (Ni) (NiJ] - (Ni) + d(Ni) dt 1 P2 (tNi3- (Ni)) should be replaced by (V) + P2(NiH for VO-Etio. The concentration versus time data for each Ni-Etio and VO-Etio run is used to find the rate (d(Ni) /dt) versus time data. concentration is The initial obtained by extrapolation of concentration versus time data to zero time. For a particular run as hydrogen consumption is negligible, H2 is constant; (Nid or (Vo) will also be obtained. By using non-linear least square subroutine through computer, the best fit Pi, P ' 2 will be obtained. Eq. (5-21) to eq. (5-23) are used to find the equilibrium and rate constants: S3 = k7 (A) P2 =K p ~ P3 = k (5-21) (5-22) -K 2 = 2 K5 K6 K8 (BQ K (NiB 3 K (5-23) 3 -205While P 2 ' 3/P2 should be independent of oil/catalyst ratio, P I/P3 will depend on it; oil/catalyst is multiplied by P /P to a new assigned value "k''. or k A (k = k7 (A) x oil/catalyst). The unit of pressure used here is MPa (10 3 KPa), ppm for metal concentration, and unit of time is hour. 5.5-2 Results and Discussion: (1) The Arrhenius plot for k, Ki, K is shown in Figure 5-10 for p Ni-Etio, and Figure 5-11 for VO-Etio- Very good straight lines are obtained for both model compounds. For Ni-Etio, the activation energy is 22.5 kcal/g mole for k, heat of reaction is 58.1 kcal/g mole for K1 , and 35.3 for K . For VO-Etio, the activation energy is p 23.7 kcal/g mole for k, heat of reaction is 23.6 kcal/g mole for Ki, and 28.9 for K energy of k; K Both compounds show reasonable values for activation decreases with temperature, higher value of heat of reaction, is the magnitude of K 1 for vanadium larger than nickel for temperature over term of K 3K 6K 8 although Ni-Etio has 3050 C. K , a combining p are increasing with temperature. While K 2 , 5 should decrease with temperature as they are equilibrium constants of hydrogenation reaction which should be exothermic; K6, K8 might increase with temperature and result in the increase with temperature. net value of K p that would -206- ek U 1 *K AK, 11- 0 10 9 -- 1 ln ln k -- 4 1.58 1.62 | 11 1.66 1/T Fig. 5-10 11 1.70 i i 1.74 J-5 1.78 1/ko x 1000 Temperature Dependence of k, K1 , and K for Ni-Etio Runs. -207- I I I I | I I 0 m A 10 -1 9 -1-2 pA ln K ln k -1-3 8 k AK 7 I 1.6 I 1.64 1.68 1/T i I 1.7 'I 1.76 1/K0 x 1000 Fig. 5-11 Temperature Dependence of k, K1 , and K for VO-Etio Runs. -5 -208(2) The concentration versus time plots for both experimental run and theoretical calculation are shown in Figure 5-12 for Ni-Etio Run (NB4) and Figure 5-13 for VO-Etio Run (VE3). The dots represent the experimental data, the solid curves represent the theoretical calculation values from model presented in this section, the dotted curves are those calculated from half order kinetic model. As three parameters are used in this kinetic model, it is not surprised that such a good fit can be obtained. (3) From eq. (5-16), one learns that at the very begining of the reaction very little P are formed. If CP ] or CNij - (NiJ is assumed to be zero, then eq. (5-20) would become eq. (5-21): d(Nil dt ) I 0 dt jtO (NiJ (H 2 P 1 (Ni H -P3 ( Ni 0) CH2] = k 7 A (5-21) Eq -(5-21)simply means that the initial rate should be independent of initial concentration of nickel or vanadium and hydrogen pressure. The magnitude of this initial rate should also be equal to k 7 (A ). As in autoclave batch reactor system, initial rate is impossible to obtain unless by extrapolation; lots of errors are expected. Table 5-3 shows the experimental initial rate (R0 = d(Nig /dt x oil/ catalyst) and the ,theoretical initial rate for the different initial nickel concentration, but same hydrogen pressure runs (Run NE3, NE4, NE23, NE24, NE35); or same initial concentration, but different hydrogen pressure runs (NEI, NE2, NE4, NE5, NE6, NE9). same thing for VO-Etio runs. Table 5-4 shows the Both Tables show that for most runs, the experimental initial rate is lower than theoretical rate, this -209i II I I I I Run NE4 30 0kxperiental Data Theoretical Calculatio n from EQ. 5-20 25 - - Theoretical Calculatio n from Half Order Kineti C Model 20 1 C (ppm) 10 - 15 00 1 2 3 Time Fig. 5-12 4 5 r- 8 (hour) Experimental and Theoretical Concentration Versus Time Data for Run NE4. -210- Run VE3 * Experimental Data Theoretical Calculation from Half Order Kinetic Model 20 Theoretical Calculation from EQ. 5-20 15- C (ppm) 10. 5 oN 0 2 01 Time Fig. 5-13 (hour) Experimental and Theoretical Concentration Versus Time Data for Run VE3. -211Table 5-3 Initial Rate Values (R0 ) as a Function of Initial Metal Concentration or Hydrogen Pressure for Ni-Etio Runs: A. Different Initial Ni-Etio Concentration Runs: Run# Initial Ni-Etio Experimental Value Concentration, C 0 (ppm) R 0 (ppmcc oil g Theoretical Value R (ppm-cc oil) = k 0 g NE 3 30.2 14360 18662 NE14 34.0 16692 18662 NE35 25.0 13353 18662 NE23 11.8 13520 18662 NE24 11.5 16156 18662 0 Dependence: R OC C00.026 B. Different Hydrogen Pressure Runs: PH2((MPa) Experimental Value, R 0 Theoretical Value k R0 NE 9 4.237 5400 7855.4 NE 1 6.995 5649 7855.4 NE 4 i 7157 7855.4 " Run# 7385 7855.4 NE 5 NE 2 9.752 6070 7855.4 NE 6 12.509 7672 7855.4 (to be continued) -212- (Cont.) Dependence: R 0 0 P 0.249 *The initial concentrations are the concentrations obtained from C versus time plot by extrapolation, which are different from the one cited in Table 4-2. -213Table 5-4 Initial Rate .Values (R -) _as Function of Initial Metal Concentration or Hydrogen Pressure for VO-Etio'Runs: A. Different Initial VO-Etio Concentration Runs Run# Initial Conc. of VO-Etio, CO(ppm) Experimental Value R (ppm cc oil o g Theoretical Value R o = k(pPm cc oil) g VE10 7.15 5906 6449 VEIl 15.30 6028 6449 Dependence: R C00.026 B. Different Hydrogen Pressure Runs: Experimental Value R (pPm cc- oil) o g Theoretical Value R = k(PPm cc oil g o Run# Initial Conc. of VO-Etio, Co (ppm) VE 4 4.237 2750 2591 VE 1 6.995 2402 2591 VE 5 9.752 2933 2591 VE 6 11.820 2646 2591 Dependence: R 0 P H20.02 -214- could be due to the direction of extrapolation of C VS t is the low concentration side. expected to be very large. from The errors of taking initial rate are Identical condition runs (NEI, show that standard deviation is - 15% of mean value. NE4, NE5) Nevertheless, results show that for Ni-Etio the concentration dependence is 0.026, pressure dependence is 0.25; for VO-Etio, it is 0.026 and 0.02 respectively. All these values are closer to zero than 0.5 or 1. By taking the experimental and plotting errors of initial rate into account, the closeness of aformentioned numbers to zero should be satisfactory. (4) A special run (NE36) was made by adding 0.188g pyrrole in the catalyst loader and keeping other operating conditions constant. If P is pyrrole or its degraded products, then the added pyrrole should be equivalent to (P) = 392 ppm; which is high enough to inhibit the demetallation reaction greatly (needs 17 hours for 80% conversion). Nevertheless, the result of run NE36 shows that the demetallation rate is only slightly inhibited by adding pyrrole and hence P should not be pyrrole. Another run (NE15) by dissolving Ni-Etio in the mixture of 200g of spent oil of run NEll and 220g of fresh Nujol was made under coo-mo3/Al203 catalyst, 6995 KPaH2 , and 316 0 C. initial product P should be 16 ppm. The concentration of Figure 5-14 shows the comparison of the experimental result with that of theoretical calculation, shows fairly well match. which If one repeats the same procedure by dis- solving metal compounds in older spent oils, the product inhibition -215I I I I I I - 30 U Run NE15 Experimental Data 25 - 20 - Theoretical Calculation Assumes (Po)=- 1 6 ppm Assumes (P) 14ppm C 15 - (ppm) 10 5 *N 0 I 0 I 2 I I I 4 Time 6 8 (hour) Fig.: 5-14 Comparison between Experimental Data and Theoretical Values of Spent Oil Run. (NE15). -216effect should be clearer. The observations of the two special runs can be summarized as follows: (a) From run NE15, it looks like there exists some products that will inhibit the demetallation reaction. This observation supports the proposed mechanism which has a product inhibition term (P) in the (5-16)). rate equation (eq. (b) From run NE36, it is observed that whatever product P isit should not be pyrrole or its degraded products. (5) This mechanism has several weakness: except eq. (5-7), all might not be so. the other steps are of equilibrium, which (b) The model proposed assume that whatever the intermediates form, 5-5 (a) The model assumed that they are of only negligible amounts, but Figure shows that the amount of intermediate could be more than 4ppm. Though modification should have been done to understand more about the mechanism, lack of accuracy of quantitative analysis on visible spectrophotometer prevents one from doing such modification. (6) Other mechanisms may result in the same rate expression as shown in eq. (5-20). The points can be made from this study are: (a) Whatever the reasonable mechanism will be, the resulting rate expression should be between 0 and 1 order with respect to metal concentration, between 1 and 2 order with respect to hydrogen. and This also implies that one metal molecule needs two hydrogen molecules to demetallize. (b) Initial rate data implies that both the pressure and initial metal concentration dependence should be zero order. Whatever the mechanism -217proposed, the above two observations should be satisfied. (7) To prove whether porphyrin is really destroyed or not during hydrodemetallation reaction would require a design of pure hydrogenation catalyst that does not have acid site. catalysts to eluciate the mechanism. It will be useful to use such As Nujol would contribute carbon deposition in blank run (Run Nujol in Table 5-2). it is not a real "inert"; the possibility of Nujol to involve in demetallation mechanism can not be excluded. Nujol is Runs with other suitable solvent would show whether inert in hydrodemetallation reaction. S -2185.6 Catalyst Deactivation: There is no appreciable catalyst deactivation during the courses, of an experiment. The spent catalyst from run NE4, after 7 hours of operation, was used for run NE5. No appreciable change of half order kinetics or rate constant was noticed. There is no contradiction between our findings and previous literatures which mentioned the deactivation of hydrodemetallation and hydrodesulphurization reactions by the deposition of coke and metals. The spent catalyst of Run NE5 has less than 3.5% of nickel and less than 3% of carbon (not necessarily coke) deposited on the spent catalyst. The low metal and coke deposited on the catalyst is due to short operation hours and probably the absence of aromatic compounds in Nujol; it is not surprising that the rate of deactivation is not detectable. The kinetics and activity of VO-Etio runs are close to that of Ni-Etio or Ni-TPP runs. Since we have shown that the rate of deac- tivation is insignificant for nickel runs, the rate of deactivation is not significant in the case of vanadyl porphyrin runs either. -219Comparison among Nickel Runs: 5.7 Most of the materials used for discussion here can be found in section 4.1. Between Air Prepared Ni-TPP and Helium Prepared Nickel 5.7-1 Porphyrin Runs: The difference are summarized as follows: (1) The kinetics for air prepared Ni-TPP follows slow first order region, fast first order region, and then go back to slow first order region (Figure 4.2, 4.3); the kinetics for helium prepared Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio follow fractional order (half order) kinetics (Figure 4-8 (d)). The kinetics of nitrogen prepared Ni-TPP is the same as helium prepared Ni- TPP. (2) While there is an appreciable decline of concentration for air prepared Ni-TPP runs during the preheating period (Figure 4-1); they show no initial drop after the catalyst is injected. On the contrary, the helium prepared nickel porphyrins do not disappear during preheating period; but there is a transient period of rapid concentration decline for the first ten minutes after the catalyst is injected. (3) The demetallation rate constants for air prepared Ni-TPP depends on the oil/catalyst ratio, and there is a linear relationship between the amount of nickel deposited on the catalyst when the shift from fast reaction region to slow reaction region occurs and the oil/catalyst ratio. (Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7). oil/catalyst dependence at all. Helium prepared runs shows no -220(4) The demetallation activity of the air prepared Ni-TPP was less than 40% of helium prepared Ni-TPP. Table 5-5 shows the comparison by forcing helium prepared run (NT2O) to fit first order. Figure 5-15 shows the C Vs t plots for run NT6 and NT20, which clearly shows the faster demetallation rate for helium prepared Ni-TPP. 5.7-2 Comparison between Helium Prepared Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio Runs: (i) The solubility of metallotetraphenylporphines than metalloetioporphyrins, in Nujol is poorer higher temperature has to be used to dis- solve metallotetraphenylporphines in Nujol (section 3.3-1). Probably the more aromatic nature of TPP type of porphyrins decrease the solubi- lity in Nujol. (2) Both Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio fit than zero order, first 4-8). order, fractional order kinetics,- better and second order kinetics. (Figure However, from the reproducibility runs (Table 4-3), it is clear that Ni-TPP runs have larger fluctuation than Ni-Etio runs. Roughly speaking, the difference between total nickel removal half order rate constant and nickel porphyrins disappearance half order rate constant is bigger for Ni-TPP runs than it is for Ni-Etio runs. Probably more intermediates were formed for Ni-TPP runs. (3) Ni-TPP runs have higher activation energy than Ni-Etio runs, and their hydrogen dependence is larger than second order. hydrogen dependence for Ni-Etio runs is only 1.5 order. The The possible -221- Table '5-5 Comparison of Pseudo First Order Rate Constants of Air-Prepared Ni-TPP arid Helium-Prepared Ni-TPP. Air-Prepared (Run# NT6) kfast kslow * 1 202 cc/ 82 cc/ Helium-Prepared (Run# NT20) k* : 424.5 cc/ : k was found from the slope of lnC vs t plot by linear regression. -222I I D I I 32 I o Run NT20 0 28 -Q Run NT6 24 0 20 U C (ppm) 16 12 0 U 0 0 U U 0 81- U 0 N 0 41*- U aU. 0 0t 0 I I 2 4 I 6 Time Fig. _5-1_5 I 8 I 10 (hour) Comparison between Air Prepared Ni-TPP Run (NT6) and Helium Prepared Ni-TPP Run (NT20). 12 -223mechanism proposed in section 5.5 was focused on metalloetioporphyrins; for Ni-TPP runs, three hydrogen molecules should be required to demetallize one molecule of Ni-TPP. of more intermediates , This supports the speculation and the observation of larger than second order hydrogen dependence for Ni-TPP runs. (4) Generally speaking, for total nickel removal rate, the magnitude of half order rate constant is smaller for Ni-TPP run than it Ni-Etio run at 316 0 C, and 6995 KPa hydrogen pressure. disappearance, it is for For nickel porphyrin is larger for Ni-TPP run rather than it is for Ni-Etio run. The comparison between Ni-TPP and Ni-Etio runs for activation energy, hydrogen dependence, and calculated half order rate constants at 316 0 C, and 6995 KPa hydrogen pressure are shown in Table 5-6. 5.7-3 Comparison between CoO-MoO /Al.0 and NiO-MoO /Al 0 Catalysts for Ni-Etio Runs: (1) Same as Ni-Etio runs for CoO-MoO /Al 3 2 03 catalyst, NiO-MoO 3 /Al 2 0 3 catalyst runs also fit half order kinetics. Although the difference is not big, the half order rate constant for NiO-MoO3 /Al2 03 catalyst is always larger than CoO-Mo03/Al2 03 catalyst at the same operating condition. The half order rate constant for total nickel removal at 316 0 C, and 6995 KPa . hydrogen is 403 for CoO-MoO /Al2 03 , but it is 481 for NiO-MoO /A1 2 0 The same observation is also made in self preparation catalyst runs -224(Run NE25 and run NE31); for run NE25 (CoO-MoO3 /A 2 03 ) the half order rate constant is 829, while for NE3i (NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 ) it is 895. (2) The activation energy, hydrogen dependence for NiO-MoO /Al 2 03 catalyst on Ni-Etio runs are very similar to CoO-Mo0 /Al2 03 catalyst. The comparison is shown in Table 5-7, which clearly shows that the difference is very small. -225Table 5-6 Comparison between VO-Etio, Ni-Etio and Ni-TPP Demetallation Runs: VO-Etio Ni-Etio Ni-TPP (a) Activation energy for total metal 37.1 27.6 34.0 35.8 28.1 33.7 removal (kcal/g mole) (b) Activation energy for metalloporphyrin disappearance (kcal/g mole) (c) Hydrogen pressure dependence for total 1.16 1.34 2.26 1.23 1.66 2.13 metal removal (d) Hydrogen pressure dependence for metalloporphyrin disappearance (e) Half order rate constant at 3160 C, 6995 ICa H for 202.2 403.4 249.5 205.7 440. 9 450.3 total metaI removal 49TM cc oil g cat hr (f) Half order rate constant at 3160C, 6995 KPa H2 for metalloporphyrin disappearance zp-m cc oil g cat hr Table 5-7 .Comparison between CoO-MoO /Al 0 and NiO-MoO /Al 0 Catalysts for Ni-EtIo Runs: NiO-MoO3 /Al 2 03 (HDS 9A) Coo-Moo 3 /Al 2 03 (HDS 16A) (a) Activation energy for total nickel removal (kcal/g mole) 27.4 27.6 (b) Activation energy for Ni-Etio disappearance (kcal/g mole) 26.1 28.1 (c) Hydrogen pressure dependence for total nickel removal (d) Hydrogen pressure dependence for Ni-Etio disappearance 1.45 1.34 1.41 1.66 -2275.8 (1) Comparison between Nickel and Vanadyl Porphyrin For metallotetraphenylporphine runs, it Runs: has been mentioned (section 4.2) that VO-TPP runs is seven times faster than Ni-TPP runs. Also, as VO-TPP runs would enter into diffusion limited region, no kinetic data were obtained for VO-TPP runs. (2) In the Ni-Etio and VO-Etio runs, the reaction rate for VO-Etio is slower than Ni-Etio at 316 0 C, and 6995 KPa. However, as VO-Etio has higher activation energy than Ni-Etio, they show higher activity than Ni-Etio at higher temperature. By combining with the observation that vanadium would retard nickel removal, our finding is consistent to the previous literatures (Oleck and Sherry (1977), Chang and Silvestri.(1974, 1976), Riley (1978), Oxenreiter et al. (1972), and 'Larson and Beuther (1966)) that mentioned vanadium has higher activity. Table 5-6 summarized the activation energy, hydrogen pressure dependence, and the calculated half order rate constants at 316 0 C, 6995 KPa hydrogen of VO-Etio, Ni-Etio, and Ni-TPP runs. (3) The kinetic order of vanadium and nickel runs are similar; both fit well with 0.5 kinetic order. However, the dependence of kinetic order on temperature and hydrogen pressure for vanadium runs are less significant. (4) Vanadium adsorbs on the catalyst stronger than nickel. The -228concentration decline in transient period for vanadium runs is than that for nickel. has to be removed first larger In mixed vanadium and nickel runs, the vanadium before nickel can be removed effectively. This is supported by the previous literature by Larson and Beuther (1966) that claimed vanadium-containing molecule is more polar and surface active than nickel-containing molecule in general. (5) For both nickel and vanadium runs, the information on the deposition of vanadium or nickel, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen on spent catalyst indicates that only a small portion of vanadium or nickel on catalyst can be metalloporphyrins. (6) Except VO-TPP runs which show higher activities and was somewhat affected by diffusion processes, all the other three series, VO-Etio, Ni-Etio, and Ni-TPP appear to be diffusion free. -2295.9 Comparison between Individual Ni-Etio, VO-Etio Runs and Mixed Ni-Etio, VO-Etio Runs: (1) Same as individual runs, the mixed Ni-Etio and VO-Etio runs also fit half order kinetic model. While demetallation activity of VO-Etio is not affected by the presence of Ni-Etio, the reverse is not true. The kinetics of Ni-Etio in mixed runs can be fitted by a slow half order followed by a fast half order. Both of the half order rate constants for Ni-Etio in mixed runs are lower than individual Ni-Etio runs, and the values depend very much on the ratio of- initial concentrations of vanadium to nickel. (Section 4-4, Figure 4-19 to Figure 4-21). . (2) The comqparison of activation energy, hydrogen dependence, and tota metal removal half order rate constants for individual VO-Etio, Ni-Etio and mixed VO-Etio, Ni-Etio uns is shown in Table 5-8. As the rate constants of Ni-Etio in mixed run would depend on initial concentration ratio of VO-Etio to Ni-Etio, the activation energy, hydrogen dependence, rate constants shown in Table 5-8 for mixed runs is based on C o/c Nio=2.1. Table 5-8 Comparison between Individual Ni-Etio, VO-Etio, and Mixed Ni-Etio, VO-Etio Runs (Total Metal Removal)a Individual VO-Etio Mixed VO-Etio Individual Ni-Etio Mixed Ni-Etio Fast slow 26.2 40.4 (1) Activation energy 37 .1 37.0 27.6 (kcal/g mole) (2) Hydrogen pressure dependence 1.16 1.11 1.34 1.29 0.24 0 (3) Half order rate constant at 316oC, 6995 KPa ipm. cc oil H2 , g Cat. hr. * 202.2 Calculated value 190.8 403.4 235.5 35.7 (Run NVE 7 Calculated) value Run NVE? Run) NVE? The initial concentration ratio for VO-Etio to Ni-Etio is 2.1. -231Comparison with Previous Work: 5.10 (1) While the previous literature show that the kinetics of hydro- demetallation reaction is 2-6), either first order or second order (Table this study found that the apparent kinetic order is always less than first order, and is a function of temperature and pressure. These apparent fractional order can be well explained by either Eley-Rideal or Langmiur type kinetics, which was proposed in section 5.5. (2) The demetallation rate in this study is much faster than previous investigators. The comparison is made by the following procedure: (a) The data reported by Oleck and Sherry (1977) was used for comparison. They operated at an oil/catalyst ratio of 20, and pressure at 13888 KPa, the initial vanadium and 19 ppm for nickel. temperature at 398.9 0 C concentration was 195 ppm for Their second order data can be con- verted to two first order rate constants, which are shown in Table 5-9. (b) For this study, the expected first order rate constants at 398.90C, 13888 KPa H2 were calculated from the more sophieticated model shown in section 5.5 by extrapolation the temperature to 398.9 0C. After C Vs t data are obtained from this model, first order constant can then be obtained by finding the slope of lnC Vs t plots. The first order rate constant for nickel removal then was corrected by Figure 4-21 to account for the retarding effect of vanadium compound on nickel. they were transformed from cc oil g cat hir for oil is 0.88. Finally, assuming the density to gby g cat hryasuigte The values are also shown in Table 5-9. est It's not difficult to explain why the calculated vanadium removal rate constant TEable 5-91 Comparison of First Order Demetallation Rate Constants between Previous Literature and This Studyi Vanadium Removal g oil Nickel Removal g oil g g Previous Study Fasts 62.4 Fast: 26.9 (Oleck and Sherry) Slow s 11.52 Slow t 3.84 (1977) This Study: 452 Fasts 840 Slows 240 *Temperatures 398.80C; Pressure: 13888 KPa; Initial Concentration of Vanadium: 195 ppm, Initial Concentration of Nickels 19 ppm. -233is lower than the fast nickel removal rate constant. The fast removal nickel rate constant could only occur when the concentration of vanadium in the bulk is very low, it is thus believed that during most of the time, nickel removal rate would follow the slow rate constant (240) rather than fast rate constant (840) due to the high initial concentration of vanadium. It is clear from Table 5-9 that our rate constants are roughly a order of magnitude higher than the rate constants reported by Oleck and Sherry. This difference in activity can be due to a number of factors. The system used in this study is clean without compounds. The nickel and vanadium are all sulphur and nitrogen porphyrins, without the more refractory asphaltene compounds. The catalyst has not been presulphided. All these may contribute to the greater activity. (3) Since this study has shown that vanadium removal rate has higher activation energy, and it will not be suppressed by the presence of nickel compound, the general statements about the higher vanadium removal rate made by the previous investigators (Table 2-6) are qualitatively true. The ratio of vanadium/nickel removal rate would be function of initial concentration of vanadium, initial of concentration nidkel, temperature, pressure, and the concentration of vanadium during reaction. -234This study does not support the speculation made by Sato et al. (1971) that claimed the effective diffusivity for vanadium has to be less than 10% of nickel. If this was true, one should expect some diffusion limited reaction in VO-Etio runs; but no such thing was observed. (section 5.1). (4) The activation energy for vanadium removal found by Oleck and Sherry (1977) is was 38.2 kcal/g mole for CoO-MoO /Al203 catalyst, this very close to the value found in this study: 37.1 kcal/g mole. The pressure dependence found by them was 1.77 and 1.50 order for vanadium and nickel removal respectively, of 1.16 and 1.34 done by this study. which are larger than that -2355.11 Differentiating between Two First-Order Reactions and a Single Second-Order Reaction: In section 2.2-1.b, it was mentioned that in some cases, hydrodeme- tallation or hydrodesulphurization can be described as either second order kinetics or two parallel first order kinetics. In this study, the approximation of second order kinetics, kD 2 dD ~Tk D (5-22) (1 + D kt) by two parallel first order kinetics was studied. dCf df= dt -k C ff dC =t-ksC s- C = f + Cs oCe-k t + C e-ks (5-23) The goodness of the approximation can be measured by the maximum percentage over the range of conversions: max Max. I It was found that I C X 100 (5-24) Lxis the function of the following three parameters: A =C so/C f ratio of initial concentrations B = ks/k ratio of rate parameters -236- 6 % (Conversion) = 100 x (C - C)/C0 For max = 5%, it will be shown that the values of A and B needed to fit the second order kinetics are restricted to narrow regions inside a contour; as C increases, the available region will shrink. As the conversion level increases to 92%, the available region becomes a single Beyond 92% conversion, the sum of two first order kinetics cannot point. approximate second order kinetics at less than 5% error. The "normalized" first order concentration C N is defined in equation (5-25): CN tN is N + Ae-BtN (5-25) the normalized reaction time or residence time in the reactor. The "normalized" forms enable one to study this topic based on the relative values of rate constants, initial concentrations, and time (such as A, B, tN) only. The relationship between the normalized values and those of the absolute concentrations, time, rate constants can be found in the following analysis. The "nomalized" second order concentration DN is also defined in equation (5-26): DN = (A + 1)/(1 + kNN (A + 1)) (5-26) kN here is normalized second order rate constant. For a given values of A and B, the normalized time required (TN) to reach the final conversion (E) can be calculated from equation (5-25). Then, kN can be obtained by using least square method from the values of TN, A, and B. -237The least square method is designed to find kN that allow the minimum of equation (5-27) to occur: J (1/CN (5-27) 1/DN)dtN - After few mathematical manipulations, kN can be calculated from equation (4-7): k fTN ) 3 N+ Ae-BtN dtN ~ 2(A +1)) N (e o N t - TN 2 (5-28) After kN is obtained, DN can be calculated for a given time tN from equation (5-26). In order to show the deviation between CN and DN for a given time tN; the deviation term, - CN - DNI N Max is the maximum of N' is defined in equation (5-29): (5-29) N for a given set of A, B, andCG. As the initial concentration C., the sum of C 0fo and C so , should be equal to D0 , equation (5-22) can be transformed to equation (5-30): D = D0 /(I + D0 kt) = C0/(I + C0 kt) = Cf(A + 1)/(i + C f(A + 1) kt) (5-30) Similarly, equation (5-23) can be rearranged to equation (5-31): C = Cfoe-kft + ACf e-Bkft (5-31) -238By using equation (5-30) and (5-31), it can be shown that the following relationship exists: kI k C fo/kf (5-32) TN = k t N max (5-33) CN max C max max (5-34) These equations allow one to transfer all the normalized values back to the absolute values. Through the help of IBM 370 Computer, a datafile by using A, B, and & as independent variables, and kN Imax as dependent variables was established. Figure 5-16 shows the contours of 5% max by using 4- (Conversion) as parameter, and A, B as X aid Y axis respectively. with log-log scale, is shown in Figure 5-17. Same plot, but For a given value of G, the set A, B, and kN that would give the minimum value of I max as the symbol) is shown in Figure 5-18, Figure 5-19, and Table 5-10. Based on the above Figures, the following things are observed: (1) By setting max = 5% as acceptable deviation, it is observed that for a true second order reaction, it can always be simulated by two first order kinetics up to 92% conversion. In a semi-log plot of C versus t, with conversion below 90%, the integral of equation (5-22) can be approximated very well by two straight lines, with A = 0.40 and B = 0.12. See Figure 5-20. When conversion increases to 99%, clearly no two straight lines can represent the integral, which has become highly curved. 0.2 I I I I 1 II / I 78 0o - 0.16 A \84 o 880%0 90* 00 0.12H- 92%/ /k I I 0.081- / B =k Conversion Level / / ' I \.0 -~---78 I/ II --- I, 0.041- 0/0 84 0/% 88 0/0 ------ 90 00 o 92 %Do Boundary : -\m ax=- 5 I 0 0 I 0.4 I I I 0.8 I 1 1.2 A= 0/0 I 1.6 I I 2.0 I 2.A Cso/Cfo Fig. 5-16 The Range of Parameter Values of A and B Suitable for Two First Order Kinetics to Simulate Second Order Kinetics, and the Dependence on Conversion Level. II II II II II I I I I I I 0.3- 60% B 0.2- 70% 78% % 88 92%6 0.1- % 50 %.1 0.2 0.4 1 4 2 10 20 40 100 A Fig. 5-17 The Range of Parameter Values of A and B Suitable for Two First Order Kinetics to Simulate Second Order Kinetics, and the Dependence on Conversion Level. (In Log-Log Scale). -241- 25 1.2 200.9 A 15- x -- 0.6 z ~10' -0.3 5 10 0 02 68 Fig. 5-18 The Dependence of q (Minimum Of 74 80 86 CONVERSION% (Conversion). max 92 ) and A on 9-8 E -242- 0.17 F 1.2 0.14- 0.9 B Km, 0.11- 0.6 0.08 - 0.3 68 86 80 74 CONVERSION % 0.2 Fig. 5- 19 The Dependence of B and kN on 6 (Conversion). 92 98 -243Table5-10, Values of A, B,f), and k. for a Given Value of C (Conversion): (Minimum max)% kN E (Conversion)% A B 76 1.12 0.151 0.671 0.2801 78 1.02 0.148 0.835 0.3071 80 0.94 0. 146 1.045 0.3340 82 0.86 0.142 1.338 0.3617 84 0.76 0.139 1.651 0.4092 86 o.68 0.135 2.151 0.4535 88 0.6 0.129 2.860 0 .5029 90 0.52 0.123 3.959 0.5680 92 0.42 0.118 5.04 0 .6922 94 0.34 0.108 7.11 0.8123 96 0.24 0.093 10.61 1.0374 98 0.16 0.075 17.85 1.3939 -2444- 1.0 o t 2 4 8 10 Cf 0 C Cs=CSO 2kst 0.1 Cf = Cf o -k f t- Do -= 0.01 1.[Do kt I 60 1 o 20 40 80 100 t Fig. - Comparison between Concentration D, Obeying Second Order Kineties, and Two First Order Kinetics, C and Cs' -245(2) If the kinetics is two parallel first order, then it can be simulated by second order kinetics only when A and B fall in the contours as described in Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17. Although when the conversion drops to 50%, almost any value of A between 0.01 and 25, B between 0.01 and 0.95 of first order kinetics will be able to be simulated by second order kinetics (Figure 5-17); it simply shrinks to a single point when conversion is increased to 92%, and hence no second order kinetics will be able to approximate the two first order kinetics above 92% conversion. (3) Roughly speaking, for G between 70% and 92%, the values of A and B that can be approximated by second order will fall in the region: 0 .4 A<2, and 0 .053 B3.0 .2. It is suggested that if two pa.al1el first one desires to tell the difference between order and single second order kinetics, periment should be run over 92% conversion. If this is not feasible, As C0 D0 = C + C o, equation (5-35) is obtained: = C0/(1 + A) C (5-35) To match the initial rates at zero conversion: k C f fo +k C sS 2 0o = kC After substitution, kg (I + A) kCo (1+ one many re- . as measurements at -low concentrations can be difficult, sort to dilution of the petroleum residual to reduce C the ex- (5-36) -246The apparent first order rate constant (to approximate second constant is independent of C . order kinetics), is dependent on C 0 ,. but a true first order rate -247- 6 6.1 (1) Conclusions and Suggestions: Conclusions: In this kinetic study, almost all made under diffusion free condition, are intrinsic kinetics. the experimental runs were so that the kinetic data obtained The only exception is vanadyl tetraphenylporphine (VO-TPP) runs that were diffusion limited. (2) The demetallation kinetics for the solution prepared under air is different from the solution prepared under helium. solution was used for the main kinetic study. Helium prepared The conclusions made hereafter reflect the findings from helium prepared solutions only. (3) Both hydrogen and catalyst are necessary for demetallation reaction. Hydrogen consumption is negligible in the batch reactor system used, and no appreciable deactivation of catalyst was observed due to its relatively lower metal and carbon deposition. (4) From individual nickel (Ni-Etio or Ni-TPP) or vanadium (VO-Etio) hydrodemetallation runs, it is observed that all the demetallation kinetics follow fractional order (half order) kinetic model. By fitting the data into half order kinetic model, the activation energy for demetallation reaction is from 27-37 kcal/g mole, and the hydrogen pressure dependence is from 1.2-2.2 order. Vanadium removal tends to have larger activation energy and smaller hydrogen pressure dependence. For demetallation reaction of Ni-Etio in the operating range used, NiO-MoO /Al 20 catalysts are more active than CoO-MoO /Al 20 catalyst; -248but have similar activation energy and hydrogen pressure dependence. It is probable that intermediates were formed during demetallation reaction. When hydrogen is replaced by helium, or catalyst is replaced by demetallation reaction was observed. alumina carrier, very little Nickel would not, but vanadium would reversibly adsorbed on the catalyst or carrier due to its higher adsorption ability. (5) When VO-Etio and Ni-Etio were mixed together for study, the vanadium demetallation rate would not be affected by the presence of nickel; however, nickel demetallation rate would be suppressed by the presence of vanadium. The reason for vanadium suppression of nickel is be due to its higher absorption ability in catalyst. believed to (6) Free base porphyrin is not stable at the presence of catalyst and hydrogen. Less than 25% of free base porphyrins formed metalloporphyrins (either Co or Ni), and more than 75% just disappeared., This finding implies that free base porphyrins or their related reduced forms can not be the final products of demetallation reactions. (7) Either cobalt or molybdenum alone would be a good demetallation catalyst. Molybdenum tends to be better than cobalt. Order of impreg- nation for cobalt and molybdenum does not affect the demetallation activity. (8) A three parameter kinetic model developed from an Eley-Rideal type mechanism fit the data for Ni-Etio and VO-Etio runs very well regardless of the pressure, temperature, and initial concentration range. (9) At identical operating conditions, in this study is a orer -of magnitude faster than previous literature that use crude oil for study. presence of asphaltenes, the demetallation rate found The reason could be explained by the sulphur, and nitrogen compounds in petroleum. -249(10) If in crude oil there are two metal complexes, and each follows a first order kinetics but with different rate constants, the concentration versus time data can also be represented by a second order kinetic model up to 92% conversion provided both the ratio of the initial concentrations of two metal complexes and the ratio of the two first order rate constants are within certain narrow ranges. -250- 6.2 Suggestions: (1) As this work did not involved much in elucilating the possible mechanisms, it is suggested that a full scale investigation be done to find the possible mechanisms. The mechanism proposed earlier is over simplified, and would have to be modified by the existence of intermediates. As most of the speculated intermediates and products are not commercially available, organic synthesis should be expected. Gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and/or mass spectrometer would be necessary to identify those possible intermediates and products. nitrogen, it If the quantitative analysis of carbon, nickel, and vanadium on spent catalysts can be improved, would also help in finding the final forms of metal on spent catalyst. Initial of mechanism. range is concentration is an important factor in the study As Nujol has limited solubility, the initial concentration too narrow. To find other solvents that will have higher solubility of model compounds as well as high boiling point will be very helpful. It will. also ibe useful to use- other solvent to find out whether Nujol is inert to demetallation reaction or not. A better understanding of the mechanism could lead to a better design of process parameters in HDS or HDM processes, and lead to the development of regeneration of spent catalysts. (2) Although it has been observed that vanadium would suppress nickel removal reaction, the details are not yet known. It would be useful to develop a kinetic model of nickel removal that contains vanadium suppression term. Better understanding of the interaction between -251vanadium and nickel could lead to better design of metal removal catalysts. adsorb Typical example is that since vanadium would physically on alumina, and it would suppress nickel removal, may be one can use cheap adsorbing materials to remove vanadium before more expensive and more active materials are used to remove nickel. (3) It has been found that MoO /Al203 is a very good demetallation catalyst. If the, self preparation catalyst experiments are continued and each catalyst is well characterized, one might be able to find a better metal removing catalyst, it would also be helpful to the study of understanding demetallation mechanism. A working example is a development of catalyst that has hydrogenation activity but not cracking activity, this would prove or disprove the two sites theory. (4)'Crude oils has sulphur and nitrogen compounds, and the catalysts are presulphided before used in commercial HDS unit. It useful to presulphide the catalyst in the future study. would be By comparing them with the unpresulphided runs, one would know the effect of presulphiding catalyst on demetallation reaction. By adding sulphur or nitrogen compounds in solution would lead to an understanding about the effect of these two compounds on demetallation reaction. 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Intermediate (Hydrogenated porphyrin), such as tetrahydroporphy;;n. Ni: Nickel. P: Product. Pi, P2 ' 3: Parameters used in eq. (5-20). R: Product. t: Time. V: Vanadium. Subscript: 1, 2, etc. : For various equilibrium constants. o : For initial properties. p : For K , a notation used to represent P -267B. In Chapter 5.11: A: Ratio of initial concentrations. B: Ratio of rate parameters. C: Total concentration of first order model. D: Total concentration of second order model. k: Rate constant. T: Time needed to reach conversion G. t: Time. Subscript: f: Refers to fast reaction part of first order model. fo: Refers to initial properties of "f". max.: Maximum. N: "Normalized" value. o: Initial property. sa Refers to slow reaction part of first order model. so: Refers to initial properties of "s". Greek Letters: : Deviation between two first order model and single second order model. (1f% = ID-Cl/C x 100) Minimum of . ) 6 : Conversion. (C = (C0-C)/C -268APPENDIXz EXPERIMENTAL DATA (1) Only concentration versus time data will be given here, the operating conditions for every specific run can be found in Table 4-1,Table 4-2, Table 4-5, Table 4-6, Table 4-7 or Table 4-9. (2) t N represents the time after injection of catalyst (hr). represents the total concentration of nickel in solution during reaction (ppm) NS represents the concentration of nickel porphyrins in solution during reaction (ppm). V represents the total concentration of vanadium in solution during reaction (ppm). VS represents the concentration of vanadyl porphyrins in solution during reaction (ppm). A represents the absorbance of new peak (616 nm for nickel runs, 631 nm or 632 nm for vanadium runs) formed during reaction. (Absorbance/g sample). Run NT2 Run NTl A 21.1 t 0.12 21.8 18.5 0.65 23.5 20.7 0.45 21.9 18.8 o.68 2.08 22.8 19.3 0.92 21.0 19.8 0.81 3.53 22.3 22.5 19-0 1.50 16.1 1.0 19.9 2.25 19.3 14.1 15.4 1.01 21.6 17.5 10.5 18.2 6.9 4.5 0.96 22.3 3.08 4.03 5.12 5.78 6.58 6.5 7.83 3.7 9.42 2.8 0 NN 23.2 1.08 t t 5.08 6.66 7.83 9.25 21.6 NS 18.8 A N 8.0 5.4 4.5 NS 0.82 ('3 3.1 2.5 0.37 1.8 0.24 1.2 0.12 6' 0 90' 0 . 9 0T ZT 00 9064/ 903 4*6 zz1 0 0 CT N /1 9 11' 0 C9z 69*o 6919 q06 47 47 6T oT 90 9T 69'0 02T 9'ac 4710 4790 /59*9 90T 9Cz 94C 459; T /5'ITT ge 9T Nog 680o Z490 v C *.'0 ag/ 9680 o06 z OT C49~*0 49.00 13* 00 COO 9400 0 v SN 17N SN rIN una N I:j ung~ Run NT6 Run NT5 N NS A t N NS A 0.38 29.0 25.8 21.6 o.96 28.5 o.64 0.61 0.61 0.08 0.95 1.58 2.33 25.5 25.3 25.3 25.1 0.33 0.70 24.7 23.4 20.9 o.98 19.0 1.08 o.61 1.17 18.9 1.14 3.33 4.5 6.03 27.9 28.5 24.4 0.62 1.75 14.6 15.0 10.7 24.9 o.64 2.28 12.3 7.6 1.11 27.9 25.1 0.62 2.92 28.0 24.8 28.2 25.8 o.67 o.68 6.8 2.3 11.05 12.33 27.2 24.4 4.9 1.4 0.32 0.12 27.0 24.9 0.73 0.77 3.55 4.3 6.oo 5.3 3.8 0.91 7.58 9.47 10.5 9.0 7.75 3.9 1.0 0.06 23.25 25.2 21.5 1.16 9.25 0.8 0.05 25.5 21.1 18.4 1.13 9.88 3.2 2.9 0.7 0.04 27.25 15.5 t 28.8 28.2 1.18 0.63 I cq z0 *0 coo coo 6# $7000 00 Cog 9'1 gee: 11 00 91 OT 00 1*Z 96 917Z 901I 0-9 9700 0.17 60C 81.00 9C ;960 90$7 9C "T COTT 6*9 9* 6@91 C Lor 4.9 C60C 91 96"T 0 01 $17 91 'IT 9*6 8001T ZZOT 461 90T 16 0 o 9z 3,'*0 "f1 641T {~v C6oQ 6 Zz 9 Cz 00K1 M1 00 /.1' 0 I~ N v IJN unV gLN ung 170'0 6oo0 TTO0 CT 00 z6/* 0 1'6 0 Zoo CIT cog 9.9 47 @ 900T 90T Zi6 9 81ee I. 0 09' 1 coo z@6- T OT I'0I 66'o 980 v 99 17 I;. o oz 6' go1z /8' C' 81 9'91z 81 C096 /8' 17' 0 9COI /800 47 0 90 v I tj 80 01 o "C ceez z Z 9.x I 0' 61N OT 8LN ufl) una~ Run NT12 Run NTi1 N NS A 0.1 33.0 26.6 2.61 0.22 30.4 22.7 2.35 29.3 21.3 2.42 28.3 20.4 2.76 1.78 0.33 0.5 0.7 26.6 17.9 2.82 6.8 1.37 0.95 25.4 2.94 4.2 0.86 1.28 23.8 15.8 12.5 t N NS A 0.08 15.8 15.6 0.33 14.1 o.68 12.7 13.4 11.8 3.16 2.75 2.43 1.05 12.7 11.4 9.5 1.95 8.7 10.8 9.2 1.52 2.1 2.83 t 2.68 3.52 8.0 2.4 o.46 1.75 20.9 7.0 1.90 4.37 1.2 0.24 2.22 16.9 2.8 0.44 5.23 5.6 4.7 0.17 2.8 12.9 2.1 6.33 2.8 0.9 0.7 0.12 3.48 8.3 1.5 0.17 0.08 7.67 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.08 4.27 5.3 0.7 0.02 0.02 5.28 6.28 2.4 0.3 8.88 0.3 F', -Run NT14 Run NT13 t N NS A 35.5 29.1 31.4 24.7 0.93 1.54 24.7 18.5 1.87 2.07 0.333 0.75 1.17 1.58 22.1 15.1 2.24 26.7 2.02 2.08 21.0 2.46 2.40 2.70 2.58 18.8 13.0 10.6 3.03 3.43 17.8 9.6 16.6 8.0 2.36 2.14 15.8 14.2 6.6 1.88 5.9 5.3 3.6 3.0 0.9 1.72 0.5 A t N NS 0.28 34.6 1.62 0.63 34.1 34.8 33 33.3 30.7 33.7 31.5 29.9 29.9 0.97 1.3 1.72 2.22 1.41 1.88 2.77 28.6 23.9 22.4 3.38 27.5 20.3 3.04 4.0 27.2 18.1 4.0 4.67 27.5 16.9 3.35 3.15 5.33 25.8 15.8 6.25 24.2 14.2 7.58 24.2 11.5 3.25 3.15 2.80 5.0 5.83 6.5 8.8 23.0 2.52 8.03 9.4 22.0 2.34 9.25 6.1 10.1 20.9 9.8 9.1 8.4 10.5 8.0 21.75 23.55 6.5 0.8 0.02 5.2 4.0 0.6 24.72 0.4 2.19 4.3 13.2 11.1 2.37 1.52 1.04 0.80 0.13 0.01 Run NT16 Run NT15 A N NS 2.30 tt 0.1 19.7 16.7 1.15 24.1 2.11 0.167 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2.81 1.71 1.48 0.95 15.6 11.8 12.7 2.35 9.7 1.84 1.85 2.15 13.4 9.5 7.5 1.26 1.5 1.75 7.8 6.0 1.53 1.01 10.1 8.3 2.55 9.3 6.4 6.4 0.76 0.42 2 3.05 3.7 3.9 5.1 2.5 2.3 4.2 4.7 2.9 3.3 2.65 2.6 1.4 2.4 3.37 o.6 N NS A 0.13 0.3 o.6 0.9 27.6 26.9 1.51 25.5 24.0 22.6 t 11.7 11.2 t 1.3 1.17 0.88 0.52 0.24 Run NE5 Run N4 t N NS A t N NS A 0.15 28.5 28.1 0.87 0.13 27.5 25.2 2.53 0.3 31.2 28.3 2.71 0.3 33.0 31.4 0.5 25.4 29.0 25.9 24.2 2.73 2.79 0.? 0.7 1.1 22.9 21.1 1.2 26.2 20.1 3.22 2.70 21.2 18.5 2.45 1.? 23.0 16.6 2.32 1.55 18.3 15.3 1.93 19.5 10.8 1.79 2.15 2.5 15.7 14.0 13.4 10.4 1.76 2.3 2.9 i.40 0.87 11.3 7.6 3.6 4.3 7.7 4.6 3.15 1.37 1.07 15.1 11.6 8.4 2.6 0.48 3.8 8.3 5.4 0.77 4.7 6.5 4.55 5.8 2.7 3.3 0.49 4.7 0.9 0.21 5.48 7.2 5.55 6.93 0.7 2.3 3.01 0.33 IN Ran NE? Ran NE6 N NS A t N NS A 29.9 0.92 25.5 2.4 24.8 2.34 25.0 21.8 3.1 0.45 26.3 23.1 3.23 0.15 0.3 0.55 27.2 0.25 30.8 27.5 22.0 18.0 0.7 22.6 18.5 0.85 18.0 13.6 0.95 1.25 20.8 13.5 10.2 3.28 2.41 3.2 2.7 1.2 1.55 1.45 16.3 1.85 10.2 9.3 7.6 6.0 1.9 1.59 1. 23 14.7 11.8 0.95 2.2 7.8 4.2 0.8 5.3 3.3 2.8 0.5 0.3 t 0.1 18.4 1.65 14.8 8.3 6.9 1.95 2.35 12.3 4.3 0.58 2.6 8.8 2.2 2.77 5.4 0.5 0.35 0.09 3.05 3.6 3.3 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.1 0 o*C 9 a17 0'11 13' 0 '0. 9Io 4Z' C40' 66 6' cl 8' 4TI 88' 1 9 OT 6' CT 8W 1 006T 991 U* T6'T 9801 9*47 C9 'I '8-1 96'II 919 " I co 00 cq I 8' CT 6T 0 Zo 9' 61 fl. 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Run VEh Run VE3 tt 0.15 0.35 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.55 1.9 Vv A -I; t Vv vs A 17.3 16.0 0.29 20.0 18.3 1.21 18.2 16.2 2.35 0.15 0.3 15.3 13.5 10.5 2.43 2.15 0.85 1.45 14.8 17.0 15.9 13.7 12.9 11.8 8.2 1.84 2.45 10.1 5.9 3.3 1.39 0.82 3.57 4.8 11.4 10.0 12.4 9.8 6.5 2.7 3.7 1.5 0.3 3.0 0 2.3 Vs 1.7 0.42 8.3 6.6 4.9 6.3 7.9 5.9 8.23 4.0 9.55 2.8 3.2 2.2 12.0 1.4 0.9 13.6 0 1.45 1.46 1.58 1.45 1.26 ~A) 1.00 o.68 o.46 0 4::- Run vE6 Run VE5 V Vs A t V 0.3 19.1 15.1 1.12 14.0 0.7 16.5 12.4 2.22 1.2 14.0 10.9 2.33 0.15 0.3 0.7 1.85 11.8 2.18 2.77 9.1 9.1 6.4 3.6 4.5 5.8 t 5.5 3.7 2.1 6.4 0.9 12.5 A 13.8 12.0 9.9 1.40 1.2 11.0 9.2 8.8 1.55 1.69 1.8 6.7 6.3 1.2 5.1 3.5 1.38 o.96 2.6 4.6 4.4 0.9 2.9 2.4 2.0 0.56 3.5 4.4 1.6 1.3 0.54 0.29 1.4 0.37 5.0 5.7 6.3 1.1 0.5 0.4 0 0 17' Z T OCT 9o9T "*9T v 9HA 001T 900 9 CT 9' ~I Cig 00 9011 064 C' 01 ~909 99- 009T 9004O 899 9'819 A 6oo v COT 6' 0 ga 9,6 T?vi7~ Too :I SA Urig ,w Run VE10 Run VE9H t V Vs 13.8 0.083 6.4 6.3 15.1 14.8 0.15 5.5 4.6 5.4 0.55 14.3 14. 1 14.1 14.4 13.9 14.2 t V Vs 0.25 13.3 13.7 0.6 1.4 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 7.0 13.8 14.2 A 0.32 4.2 2.8 0.87 3.1 1.6 14.8 1.1 0.9 0.7 14.3 1.3 0.2 14.4 A 1.2 I 1w Run VT1 I Run VEi 0.15 0.35 14.2 13.8 0.2 Vv 2.3 12.0 11.7 0.5 0.2 0.6 9.7 o.65 0 0.9 10.1 8.3 1.2 5.5 5.4 1.5 4.4 1.8 2.8 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.4 1.3 t A V tt Vs A 1.5 8.0 0 Run VT3 Run VT2 t V 0.07 8.9 vs 8.0 0.25 4.7 0.6 1.3 0.1 t 0.95 A t v vs 8.1 0.15 9.2 3.8 0.3 4.8 0.7 0.45 7.3 5.4 3.7 2.8 0.9 0.65 0.9 1.22 1.65 1.5 o.4 2.2 0.1 A 2.5 1.4 I~A Ran n E2 Run E t ' 0.55 0.9 * N NS 10.5 10.0 14.5 15.6 15.1 1.5 9.7 9.4 2.1 8.9 13.2 11.9 2.7 8.3 11.7 3.4 8.0 9.6 4.2 7.4 8.1 5.1 6.3 6.8 7.4 4.7 4.1 7.5 2.9 2.6 The higher value of NS is A due to the t N NS 0.3 0.4 o.65 0.7 19.2 1.15 1.85 0.3 19.5 1.1 16.0 2.7 0.84 12.5 3.7 4.95 6.38 8.65 0.9 0.6 10.3 7.9 0.5 5.0 A 0.7 * NS is actually Co-Etio, the sample formation of Co-Etio, Co-Etio would collected at 0.65 hrs has 15ppm of show up at NS but not N. cobalt. 1 Run TI N NS 0.2 41 0.35 o.65 <1 10.5 9.0 6.9 1.05 <1 <1 <11.6 t 1.55 2.35 <: A 4.7 4.2 3.33 4.07 * NS is actually Co-TPP, the sample collected at 0.2 hrs has 12 ppm of cobalt. Run NVE2 Run NVE1 t N V t N V 0.25 14.4 9.7 0.2 16.1 10.6 0.5 14.0 9.2 0.45 14.4 8.0 0.85 14.0 8.8 0.75 5.6 1.2 13.9 1.75 2.5 13.5 14.0 8.1 6.9 1.1 1.6 13.7 13.0 11.2 2.25 6.6 3.5 4.8 13.8 12.7 2.65 4.2 3.1 2.0 6.65 10.2 5.3 3.5 2.3 0.9 1.5 0.7 0.3 3.85 o.6 8.0 8.2 0.4 9.2 5.4 t N 3.6 ~~A) ,w Run NVEY4 Run NVE3 t t N V t 0.2 N V 4.6 0.2 22.4 0.45 21.4 1.3 0.55 17.4 16.1 0.75 1.1 19. 1 0.4 1.0 14-3 15.2 10.9 0.2 1.55 13.1 11.8 3.2 10.4 8.6 1.6 6.0 0.4 3.8 0.4 1.5 1.9 2.3 7.5 4.7 2.7 2.7 3.1 1.2 2.2 2.95 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 8.45 2.0 0.4 3.9 3.5 2.0 1.1 'YA Run NVE6 Run NVE5 t N V N V o.2 25.2 22.9 0.2 13.2 21.3 0.5 25.1 18.4 23.5 16.3 13.4 12.7 18.4 0.85 0.5 0.9 1.25 22.9 11.0 1.3 12.0 11.2 1.75 21.9 19.6 14.3 7.0 11.3 10. 1 7.4 5.1 1.8 2.45 2.0 3.15 9.9 o.2 3.85 4.55 7.3 4.0 t 2.4 3.1 3.9 4.65 5.4 6.0 5.2 2.4 1.1 5.25 1.9 0.7 14.4 3.5 1.6 o.4 0~A Ruin NVE8 Run NVE? N V 0.2 12.0 22.7 19.4 0.65 11.8 20.7 1.25 11.4 12.2 17.2 16.2 1.95 3.5 11.7 12.7 3.5 11.3 10.9 17.1 14.3 4.8 6.8 11.3 10.6 10.0 10.1 4.9 8.9 2.5 9.2 9.6 7.9 4.0 5.0 6.5 7.7 6.3 0.9 11.5 7.9 1.8 9.07 2.7 12.0 7.2 1.5 1.4 14.0 3.8 9.55 10.5 N V 0.2 12.8 20.8 0.7 12.9 1.45 2.35 12.2 t t 0.3 9.4 U' Run NVEIO Run NVE9 N V 0.5 12.3 19.8 1.0 11.6 18.5 18.2 2.0 11.4 1.3 1.55 13.2 3.0 1o.6 4.0 11.5 10.8 15.2 11.1 1.85 7.9 5.0 10.4 6.3 2.2 5.4 6.0 10.2 4.2 2.65 2.6 7.0 9.8 3.2 0.6 8.0 9.0 9.3 6.8 3.1 1.6 10.0 4.5 11.2 2.0 12.5 0.2 N V 0.2 25.5 1.3 0.5 0.9 22.3 0.8 N t , t 8.4 0.6 ON\ N A {I* 9e9T 900T 1"9 zoo o@6 0 "4 0 MTAN Ung~