GRADUATE COUNCIL ____________________________________________________________

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Minutes of the Graduate Council
December 7, 2009
Minutes of Meeting Held on December 7, 2009
Dean Vogelsang-Coombs, Professors Medina-Rivera, Appan, Loovis,
Weinstein, Holcomb, Doerder, Spicer, Chieh-Chen Bowen, Jeffres, Kosteas,
Delgado, Thornton, Jeffers
Professors Klinger, Bathala, Ingersoll, Gatica, Sridhar, Rudd, Vaughn
Dr. George Walker, Provost Saunders, Professors Lewis (Law),
William Bowen (Urban Studies), Morin (CASAL)
Dean Vogelsang-Coombs called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
1. Dr. Walker Remarks
After faculty introductions and a brief mention of each one’s research area, Dr. Walker
addressed Council. He spoke briefly of his personal connections to Cleveland, his background,
and his vision for research and graduate education at CSU.
2. Provost remarks
As part of the Doctoral Subsidy Consultation Group of Columbus the Provost discussed the
new funding formula, incorporating all (on campus and off campus) research dollars, and
quality measurements of doctoral programs.
Provost Saunders reiterated the importance of student retention and the role Graduate
Assistants can play in this as tutors, advisors, and working directly with undergraduate
Consultants have been retained for the renovation of physical spaces used for academics.
The Provost encourages faculty to contact Fred Kantz with any ideas, information, or
concerns about a specific space or classroom.
The Provost will continue her “Coffee with the Provost” discussions next semester which
have been very successful.
3. Approval of the Agenda. Dean Coombs reviewed the agenda items, and the Council approved
4. Approval of November 10, 2009 Minutes. The Council approved the minutes as written.
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
December 7, 2009
5. Continuing Business
a. Dr. Ana Stankovic has been nominated from the Fenn College of Engineering to be the
replacement for Dr. Chansu Yu on the Grade Dispute Committee while Dr. Yu is on
sabbatical. Council approved the replacement.
b. Health Law Certificate
Dr. Coombs corrected her previous statement concerning the next step in creating
a new certificate. The College of Graduate Studies forwards the new certificate
proposal to the University Curriculum Committee for notification purposes.
Graduate Council approved the proposal.
New Business:
a. New 4+1 in Mathematics: B.A./M.S. and B.S./M.S. – Both proposals passed unanimously
b. Proposal for reconfiguring the doctoral program, Ph.D. in Urban Studies & Public Affairs
The key changes are:
To combine the existing three specializations into one entitled Urban Policy &
Renaming the mandatory UST 810 Economic Development Seminar to, UST 810
Urban Policy & Development Seminar
The proposal passed unanimously.
c. First Ring Leadership program changes:
Change title to Inspired Leaders Principal Licensure Program
Adjustments to admission and exit requirements
iii. Course title changes
Require residency for the capstone course
Change course delivery to a blended format, face-to-face and online
The proposal passed unanimously.
c. M.Ed. with a specialty in Organizational Leadership changes include:
Adding a community partnership practicum & a school leadership practicum
Changing course prefixes from EDQ to CEL
iii. Deleting PAD 619 Special Topics in Public Administration, replace with CEL
645 School Safety: Violence Prevention & Intervention; deleting EDB 628
Psychology of Learning & Instruction, replace with ALD 645 Organizational
Behavior & Change; deleting MLR 501 Management & Organizational
Behavior, replace with MKT 501 Marketing Theory & Practice; deleting UST
572 Conflict Management, replace with PSY 553 Conflict Management Across
The proposal passed unanimously, with the proviso that Dr. Morin consults with the Urban
College about the course substitutions, PAD 619 and UST 572.
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
December 7, 2009
Committee Reports:
a. Faculty Senate – The Master of Music revisions and the Leadership & Lifelong Learning
revisions were approved.
b. University Admissions & Standards – No report
c. College of Graduate Studies Admissions & Standards
The Committee met to discuss:
i. cross listed courses – revisions were made to the guidelines document draft;
The goal is for syllabi to differentiate between undergraduate and graduate
expectations, and the College will prepare guidelines to send to the UCC.
ii. by-laws changes – the Committee had no issues with the proposed revisions.
iii. Ph.D. exit survey – tabled until Dr. Walker’s arrival in January.
d. University Curriculum Committee – No issues to report.
e. Graduate Faculty Review Committee – the Committee considered 46 applications
• 44 were approved, 2 not approved
• 1 of the not approved was open for more discussion
• the one discussed will receive a 3-year appointment
• the remaining 44 were approved by Graduate Council as the Committee
f. Petitions Committee – 16 petitions were heard in November.
g. Grade Dispute Committee – No report.
h. Program Review Committee - No report.
i. University Research Council Committee – No report.
• The College of Education is approaching its 200th Ph.D. graduate at the spring 2010
• The Thompson ISI Web of Knowledge has been renewed by OhioLink for 2 years
9. Next Meeting: The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2010 at
2:00 p.m. in Room 200 of Parker-Hannifin Hall.
10. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.