____________________________________________________________ GRADUATE COUNCIL


Page 1 of 2 Minutes of the Graduate Council December 6, 2011



Minutes of Meeting Held on December 6, 2011

Present: Interim Dean Weyman, Professors Shelton, Medina-Rivera, Dixit, Zhou,

Monaghan, Talu, Bubenik, Foster, Pettey, Spicer, Delgado, Marino,

Bagaka’s, Thornton



Professors Harper, Zhao, Ray, Shukla, Mensforth

Professors Rutar, Clark , Brudney, Associate Dean Joseph

Interim Dean Weyman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.


Approve Agenda – The Agenda was approved as presented


Approve minutes from November 10, 2011 meeting - The minutes were approved as written.


New Business

™ The Department of Management & Labor Relations is proposing a name change to the Department of Management. A motion was made to approve the change and the motion was approved unanimously.


The Department of Urban Studies is proposing a new specialization (in collaboration with the Monte Ahuja College of Business) in the Master of Public Administration

(MPA) called “Public Financial Management.” This is not a joint program with the

College of Business, but students will take selected business courses. A motion was made to approve the proposal and the motion was approved unanimously.


Continuing Business


Graduate Faculty Status Criteria—Dr. Weyman was notified by a graduate faculty member in the College of Business that the Business criteria for graduate faculty status contained wording that was less than the College of Graduate Studies criteria.

The College of Business criteria under the “practitioner” category states,

“appropriate graduate degree in relevant field.” The College of Graduate Studies

By-Laws state, “doctoral or terminal degree in field.” Council is asking Business to amend their criteria by adding the words “terminal degree.”


For non-tenure track faculty, in some practice programs vs. academic programs, the

Graduate Faculty Review Committee will be given guidelines/information on the proper terminal degree in such instances. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Page 2 of 2 Minutes of the Graduate Council December 6, 2011


Graduate Council Representation & Standing Committees – Available reports a. Faculty Senate


Discussion of criteria for program re-alignment and adjuncts were the two main topics of the Senate meeting. b. University Admissions & Standards – No report c. College of Graduate Studies’ Admissions & Standards – No report d. University Curriculum Committee


The graduate proposal for Engineering was approved. e. Graduate Faculty Review Committee


Three additional applications have been approved by the Committee. A motion to approve the 3 additional applications was made and unanimously approved.

One additional application is still pending.


A discussion of policy in considering a published book for graduate faculty status was initiated for other College’s opinions.


A suggestion was made that graduate faculty guidelines should be examined. f. Petitions Committee


The Committee has not met, 9 petitions have been resolved by the Dean

g. Grade Dispute Committee

ƒ There has been one dispute filed but it is in the beginning stages of the process h. Program Review Committee – No report i. University Research Council Committee – No report


Items for Future Discussion a. Clarification of graduate faculty guidelines

7. Next Meeting: The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for January 19, 2012 at

2:00 p.m. in Parker-Hannifin Hall, Conference Room #200.

8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

