- Social Work Practice with Alzheimer Caregivers An Honors Thesis (10 499) By Sheila A. Bracken Jan Holmes~ Thesis Director Ball State University MLlncie~ Indiana May 1984 ~p{'r!\ Tllt'J' . ~ I ~ 1: Acknowledgments There were many people who contributed to this paper who should be recognized for their efforts. Jan Holmes, my social work advisor for this project, deserves a special thanks. The direction she gave me and her patience and flexibility were very valuable. I wish to express graditude to David Duff, president of the Muncie support group, for his willingness to share the amount of information he had on the disease. My thanks extends to all the families who were willing to share their problems, pains and JOYs in order to help others. - - I also wish to acknowledge Ann Brown for her research recommendations, Dianne Springer for her gerontological expertise and Richard Bracken, my father, for his computor wizardry. The support of these people helped make this an enriching, learning experience for me. t- " o -.~ :.,:.. ~ !;:~: ~. II "- " , rt- :.,.- ft· :r I'D ? !n i [l -I-. rJ.I ",I , •• w "-Ii :::r (":'1 IT !11 .~ f" ".t· u :::1 fL j~ ...., fD ~ n. '"(\ ,f'", cr 11, !,~.1 ~ flJ .. -~ f[! 11! i[I -·h :T !1.1 tfl ,.,.. 11:: ::.:r 10 .,.. .,. !U TJ In "'3 :::: ~J tn U ·..h ,'" :... l:l ::J ,.... +. n .\ n·h IU to ..... ,.... '_.r :J "1 ::r I'[! ···h fl; ::3 ,."1 U ..,tIT.! fO ::0 :1 [.':.1 I! r1- CL f[J n :..~ ::J n m 'r III :J !el ~:.~ f[, I.f! ("'I"" rr: ::t. o ru ,..,.. :r IT.! ,"". ':J .. I''''' :.:r LL f[I :, " u i'I" ~! ~.l.i !U ,. r't- ,... ,' ro fn ::f r.u ILl if"! !i! to CJ ""1 ::::! LJ .. '.! !".-t-. n CJ ::T m :~.! ....;.. nJ :J In :~ rtl ....,,', n u :J IT! ! ! 1::1 !'!J ,-I- -', Ie ,', ::r. n ~ .'. tn ,n\"' '.J' f[! ,. ..t· :::i f-~ m .+ :~ 1 . ::r '~,' f.!:;. C f'O :.~I 1'! If:~ !:u ,'1" U !::' j I"'" ,-,.. :"T !I:! o f[! I,,' "'IT'! 1.1': UJ m ,...:'... 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II! ro llJ I" -'j ''i '_.' ..· ..1 .:.r , OJ m ft· fll :::'1 n .. n ...,... +. n 11' ~.~ ··h J I.fl ffJ U I-t' ,·t .-.',.'n rJ i'jI r" ! ~ '! !l! ::r:r: ::::r ::r .. +-, ,, ::to c~. !.,I. rr: ,+" r::'.. :J m iT.: :3 f1J ;".t" n U CT ~ .:~: ~ !II =~ 11.1 IT) '1' h <. -h'. ~ ·h ,. ;>--!U 1" 1(1 Il! ~'J \;'1 . r", ,.~ ~'"l Jnendingly c~nsumes resources and A r~view :aregivers famil~. n~lghbor. comm~ritv anj profE5sion~1 su:port systems need to be e\o!ored to g'vs ne~ of cur-ent literature on the few or~duced recently ccme into t~e h~lDful articles. public eve. focused on the famil! or car?give~s ~ore Al~helme~ The disease has as well as the patient. e~amine ways professionals a survey was ef'ec~i\elv~ The data from the survev orovided informati~n and designe~ adminlstered tc caregivers from the Alzheimer Supoort Groue ~N. ~nly Attention is :ust begInning tc bs understand the needs of the caregiver and can serve caregIvers needs of Munc:e, In about caregivers' perceptions of thelr problems and leeds when caring for victims ~lzheime~'s ~h15 avallabl~ c~ disease. oaper will give an o~erV12W of the disease. a review ~f t~2 literature sn caregiver needs! findings from tne surve\, recommendations for socia! wor~ sractlce. 5nd recomme~daticns +cr further -esearch stud:es. ~~Dlanati~n In 1906~ AlDis Al:helmer of A!zhelmer's Disease des~r~bed a condition in a 51-vea r ole Thi3 condition is now known as The woman was - eXDeriencin~ memcrv loss and Alzhei~er'5 frecue~t disease. d!SQrjentatlon. ?he late- became decressed and had hallucinations. died. ~hrunk Al~heime~ disccvered through an autopsy that her bra:n had ~2trcDhy). nerve cells ~hich Alzheimer named neurofibrillary tangles. ~angle~ a~e Je~ar~went Anothe~ now Gsej 25 2 of Healt~ anatomIcal 3n~ m2~8~ composed of the N3s:e Jl' ,.. " L'" .:'". l Serv:ces. et aI .. 2ectemter l c 81 ~um2~ =Qnditio~ diagnostic test of the CiSE3SE. ~~ic~ matE~ia~ distinguishEs the d:~23se froIT amv!olc. i.i C'O,}', :' ~_,_ The dlsease was criginallv called demert:a. p~ese~:le . :.I!-. -~; ; appear durlng the cc~rSE of the d:5e2SE include 2 ." '- ,_.!-. j.. je=li~E ].r,C: ',/ldu..-31 •.• ; ~as t~e ~is23se .:l r-. .-~ ",.,ll'...! of abil:tv to ~hen it affected 020D12 :n the Senile nos~ commonlv used ~-. Io-' -~.; ;""1 '':1 l ...... 1 . ar lmc2i~ed attention SDa~ T~e 3nd retain newlv learned information. Dement~2 ~O~2V t.he Si:2.ce. !ac~ --, 2~~uire for .j. ~ ."'¥ .... -. :~f ind:vidual who '-1 mi~d12 of the ~~e vears. somet:mss Alzheime~'s d~ Type (SDAT: symptoms assocIated ~ith voung ~~ :\ =.. the 1= ¥t_, n2m~ the jisease 1 4. ac~·· . '-~, '_ ) 1 1"1; r~1 t' ... ~ 'U "i U :"J UI '+', !,I.' :;:'l !~]' j"-r !J.I rr ,~ .<. CL T, ,"0 .~ .0 :-1 n .. :~;{ .< :1 <Cl CO ::;::: -<. 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A oersor with SDAT :~5S 0~ memory In the earv stages ~eact:O~5 o~ examples of th2 o~ ~15ea5e manv beh2vlo~ 2ss0clated 8rsgre5~es diffe~ent 8/er ~he fJnctions. - \/ed. The jis23se MeffiO~v In the usu21!~ late~ the ~ear5. affected In dlfferent waVE and at : \;"~:Dl goat }udgment c~ ~:t~ wl~l ~SU2~!V d~se2se. 5~ch (Mace. gi~lng 25 i 00 .i -! ~ .,"!..• •",. and motor f0nctlons sucr 25 diffe~e~t o~ c the brain jamage causes 2 loss times. These cnanges ends in death from health stages have the jisease. ~f and the lac!: ca~anc~a ~~oce5S. ffia~ c~mcli=2tisn5 the disease the victim forgets to swallow and invslun:arv nusc!es no longer function. (Mace. 1981) ?eview of Literature Th? role of caregiv~ng, 3ysrvdaJ. places many desc~ibsd These d oersor with SDA· an the person. some of the reasons the caregiver ~2ascrs interes~s. b~rdens taking care of be~ins to feel b~rdened. in=lude the :areglver'; inability to find time for se:f the excessive de~endencv oeople with Alzhe:me~'5 have on the caregiver~ ~ith and the constant fear and apprehension caregivers as they anticipate the appearance of cerson's behavior. ~ore .. deterioration ~ .. l i l~ve =,- . WatchIng the oerson deteriorate ment211v was alsc CIted bv Safford (1980) as being a major problem. One way of coping with thE anguish associated with Alzheimer's disease is to locats other p2001e with the S2me problem to share experiences and support. Recognizing one's limitations in helping the person with SDAT alsc 8rovides some relief from the stress. There is 2 strong sense of guilt and resentment found among those caregivers who do not acknowledge their own physical and mental limitations. Te help the caregiver manage the person with SDAT. Portnoi and Shriber (1980) suggest a familiar environment that does not bring ...- about sudden changes. The familiar environment will help decrease the :onfu":;ic'ii t.he person wit.h Alz'leimer'"=. is experiencing. Adapting the family'S lifestyle and - :~nfused 5ac~iflcing and dependent person creates ~eelings ensuing feelIngs of guilt bv the caregiver. (Mac:e~ 1981) cersonal time for the of resentment and The family rembe~5 involved are most likely middle to older age t.hemselves. creating more (1982) The problems which these families face when caring for someone with SDAT begin with the emotIonal stress of the diagnostic °hysicians hesitate to diagnose the disease without ¥~hich tal::e beth timE and mone\.'" 3 C-OC8SS. battery of tests Some physiCians do not nave enoGq~ knowledge about the disease to clearly explain to the family the behaVIors and symptoms to expect and the problems which the famil\ When caregivers e:cect the cerson hostility the towar~ caregive~ wit~ that the disease is oresent which C3uses about the person's c2oabilities. SDAT becomes more im~ul5ive ~5 c~ntinwe ~~ At the same time. the Alzheimer victim can result. may also feel guilty about being SDAT to ang~v ~nrealistlc towards someonE Expectations the behavior of the cerson ~ith or belljgerent and reOUlres constant monItoring, the physical strength of the caregIver becomes a concern. The ~ith SDAT will m05~ likely be active an~ which fLrther weakens the careglver's strength and ~he 24-hour care reqUlre~ and the lac~ 3 deep sense of isol3tion frequent among alene. The healt~. of resources in the community for family care prOViderS are the major facters and Cr!S25 restless at i~ t~e deve~CDmEnt c~ c3~eglvers. ThiS often C2LSES Qreat stress. 1 '?81 ) ~inanci21 oroblems develJP as the neet for The chronic nature oi the d:sease el:m:nates the JualifJing for Medicare. crocedures oi prcvid:~g con5tan~ oare grows. in~ividual fro~ The mentall! impaired only luallf meals and assisting ~ith if ~ toilet fun:tlcnln; .~. : : -' ) \ T ~ t· CI :.:r :3 II! :-3 :r.. f[: !ll m :.n fll '"' .~:r !tl ,>< n :r: U !..... 1[1 n. :J I.r:: ., oj t ...• It! •.t';:r ., m f1J ""1 ..o u n ,-1"" =~ ,J-0', .. n f1I :tl !!.! ,~ tn :J" o 10 .T n 1"'1 ::' ? ::J f~ III f[! °1 ....,.. ; f(! Iff :3 !U nJ ft! ID u .,..': ;:.:1 10 n ::J ··h m '\ .,"'! Ilt ::J ~'! ft! !lJ <: !""!" or rl !J) I'D ~ ..-to, .... C', ...., ,. I.r:.:: fli rJ.I n.l .<, III ::1:: If: rl ;'-+- ilJ f~: I'll 1).1 ::1 '1 m o g; ill n.; :.3 I'D ft, '~'i !lI Ir. ~'1 r't- " ,.', '.' ., f'! !l! 'J ~ 'r !l! ,', 'H' ;'+. :::, inOJ ." n ::~ III fJ.1 =3 ~!.I :', D .. U rtl tn o ::J [T IT! iII ,'r :.n ftJ t ~~ t· '0 iii ,.> :) U .. o-...., :'J ,"1- H.') :J" !D !U ~J en :tl ;', n :,j Ito n :::r "'1 1.1'1 ::1 n :::r III ,.,lfl :7 !TI r:L !11 !)I P ,,-t. ::.r II! ,,' 0] ,r:1 I :::r If: '3 I'll ::'1 C~ ""! ~ l.i :':j ,'1 n.. .:' ,", h ''''; +, lH ![! .""; .. ,.-. '_.' ....,.. ~J m m m :..1 ,f , ", C.L rv !H rq i:~i ,-" !O !ll f) Iii :.J ,r 1 D -'; "+'. 1.0 '0, ![! !]; !ll fT' ~ !J.I rr :"J !:u I'·' ....... III !it . '-, .:..: m r'! !-r- 'To n:: ICI <" [,1 !:: ° =:> :OJ IU ... !ll ~J n 1.11 ill '0 r:: "0: '...1 t!.! "'l n ;,·t· ct· i+ nJ ,-, '..' o ,,[J ... :. !;::) !O ::J ,'r IT.! IIi ,-, '0. ,'-, :oJ D.I m r.~ "" u ,'r rr ~':l fu rn !iJ -ii II! ,·t· C! !j'j t:.1 T> ._., ,< n "1 o , ~~ ,i'- ..... c.> . .fo•• ,'j- ::r ,', -'j IX: t::r m u IJ !i) If! 'r: !C! !I.l !e! r[i !.I! °1 (T m I.n IT! I, iT.! [:1 f[I ;'J 't: tf! ::'1 r::r IT: n ",r t· In m ", , ill ... -h rl.1 ;, .. _1 J> IT! t1. : m ,·t· :;::: ~ "~I I .• ' m ITi U :.ff .+, I'T ill :~~ !}.I !!'! !(! ::J !.!! ;-+ IT.I 'h i! U,! rr. fl.! 1[1 rf; ,·t· H'i U < rn f"! oR,,! I}'! Lfl <' W,I U III .~I TO ,-> ~ oh .-~ rT.l Cl ~: ..m , ru U'I ,...t CL .-U IT.! ,.~ c" 1:.1 !i) !...• t!.l IT: If, 111 ::1 If) ;"r-' :J Cl () .~:: -., ::r fJ If! , .... ..·h ,'! .::~ H';, !/i ~':~ "1-, Q,! l.r: n ,OJ !--. m ...:' .~ !,!"' ~ . f' .:1 1].1 1'"1 'fl W If! =--~ n :~:! !li ~Ll ~ !.n ..< m !.n .0\ ,.,.. rT' u fJ r1- ru ',I! !'t· :::1 m .1-. !::: n .. .. ~ !I! !l~ j'j In 3 rn ~::! , '. I·~ n C: T:J C' :~ rei m !1! :"J !.H ::: ..~! ,.", '-' -) :.:) '1 i'tI [1 L.L f.l. '._' :L !JI m ,+ U ::r ~.'.J tn ::::: l t'~~ .. '" o ::£ .:J tel I" o n ~ !! U -.! CL ':J ,--:._. ::3 L! i'tI I) f:r- .......,, ... f.., m .. ·°1 _L) tn ! '1,. n -~ rr !ll ~::t cr II! C'I !J! r:: lfl m t' ,....., (.11 III :J !.!.! lTi I'r I !~.! !}) n) ITI .::1 !J.i n 1.11 Ll !.!l !l! I' ::~ i:o If! If! 11::: .::r "3 !ll ,., :'.1 ·1 ~n IT! I·> ~ :r : ..f' :~r '1 .( rr !J! ru :J fU .r m o... -: ,. ,- In t-1 f[: m L:L ~ '~i I't, ;"'''' '-' ,"', i"I"' ,.... C', H! I'D ,-', I. !"'t· .... .~ m CI Cl I.f! +, ::::' It! ::r IU [1. '..,' r::. ,~[­ :::r I" n:: .. .1 !n III ,to ..,-:: :,n ,r U m .::r m ..:r:o !II ::r ~:_1 C', ··0 CO t·) 0' :'J i'tI .. h ~ IJ !II .:.;:. -.J ::r.o tv i"'f" ".~ I'J IT: of, 11; n tn "+. ~j :::r '.0 n.I r.v m i"! ·...i U ~'J ~'1 ,.", n, CI I'D It! ~tI !c! co ;...J- ITI n (lJ ~J I' ,t ::r :J , t In it: :1 c pJ ill (", '''1 .+, :::r L.!.. .:J '1'· ::.:r ""; m I.] ,"t'. f(I ;-1" I"J .-;- T1 CL C) r :J" ...::: !:!! U m ,r IT: I't· /"j ' ,.1' ~i, :J" !_l! !I! :r: m iC! I~"" tn n j-r-' :0T' ~Ii ,"" ' .. ' ~:I -'I ! , !1J ' !:.1 flJ !U .., m .!i:: i·'t' ,.-t· .: "I If.J (1" IJI n H! C.!. :11 In :J ill fl' !.!.I "'i ,r ;::4 ::-j L! +, f! r ii' U! !11 '-' :, .. n ~. T) :ff rn Cl. If: u .'j :"T r fD ru !'D f[! !.1J U £1.1 f'r- ~") IT! fO !.!J Cl I'll :::r n ;'''' j, rll :"1 rt' o ,.-t· n r", IT.! n.1 ~ It! I'D r+ 1.1 !X! IJ! iT.! -< r'" 1'[1 ::1 T.:J f.!.l ;'T rJ u j·t· TJ u n 1[1 1J .., ~) IC: 1.1'1 C! r': iT.! -"1 '1 1[1 I.n , I'll ,.t· e" .~ :": :~r -h III fD ID r .... ,~ I .• ' n,1 ...., c :~J :T tf! ~.~ ....- 10 ::3 :'J I'll ··'t n f"'" :T ro :3 III '1~ , f[! ...f. .. ~ n. ~~i f", 11=:! I'D J !f\ L! u::! -"i D) :.T :::1 .:1 ~:. I.J lfl f.) "'j c.~ :::r ,or D.I o ,', 1..:1 ,_.\" C'I "1"0 C~ u -1-0 n ~T .>n ,... :T: rn ,~ IT [) fl) o ![! r.:L ,'T 1.0 o n !.IJ "[T ,-1"" flJ ITI °T ,.~ I ~\J ;"" f! -n !'tt <: n:: u. -< t "'1 ..,fJ .~~ r':'l 111 -'f ll! .... ItI r ..!R !I) . u "-h l-r- ".,. :1 ;' t !It . -.;-. ::':1 "'r~ 1"[1 ! ::] 1.11 :::r If! In l'~; [1. III ro :.r rr r'j ::ry n o r:: C! ~r 1[; '3 f.U '"'i ~ll n fl ~11 lJ .,"! In ,, D I't- ,:'~ !)J .~ I ••.•• : 3 In :''j ··0 !ll l..! -to, !J.l OJ '" 1 ..;: ... 1'0 ~!I It· !t~ o c ~) !.f! '.,' ~J ,"t- (j "1.1 ru "! :;:1 :~r I" II"I " u:::: r-, 1)'1 :.::.. ct!I! ":" !O m n r.:' 1 III I>' ,", ~J :::1 !l::! ::1' III " (J' et. I.tl r+ j)l ,T' u r~ =., IIi n. n f't' r"t ::1 ,. .• t, :-:3 :T '0 III f"! .-. !t! m ~:r .3 1-' !.tl !U ,~ ::J" !.!..I m tJ !.f! .oh :2. -.~ :D rT l[l ;"r n:: ru r.J (! t·, CL ~J" :~r (t, .-\ Ul ., 1.1"1 '~ ~I.! iO .~ !::; ::J n +, r~t· ':.1 !T! IIi ;,r heme health care 5e-vices provide in-home tVP2S ef res2:te care. for a small amount ~f time can be supportive an~ The whole family is affected bv the disease. Fam~!ies :o~munitv fer the re~reshing {Dowell & :ou~tiC3! dealing with an SOAT Victim mav be apprehensive and among physicians The support grouos, w~i:h worki~g in a community based have recently teer started ~n ~ractic3 numerou~ communIties. tend to alert oeoole within those communities about Self-help grouos a~e ~he (Silverstone ~ olaces people struggling With common whe~e Bookin. 2toU~ ~ CJO'~:'> :.. .. i..~'.L- \ croblems can come tc share and learn. Support grou~s rrov:de lnfo~mation expected behaviors related tc sharing ~~ diSEase. Among and the succort t~s devastating In can develcc in that network are dealt "='. pilot "::;tuc!/ feellng5 ane the direction of their l:ves after caregl~ers t~e members. ca~egl~e~s. whic~ Hartforj & Parsons. 1982) ::.u.pocr~t g~ouo feelings becomes a coring device against effects of the diSEAse on ~embers t~e concerning symptoms. oauses and the~ Some of the loneliness and :sc!ation were rel:e\ed jv SLoport ;roup diSCUSSIons ,oined the ~~lt ~nj ~haring. !n :::r C! C r,-'-, bi :J tn ,-'t' CL cr -, lJ rr: ::< f'r i'''''' "0 "'i Q, !.n !f! .. -t' U !:u "''; [) :J II! "+" ~ll :J CL ~: r-t- :::r I~'r ;n 0.1 CT ",0 m s: u ·0 I", ~ '''-! ::J' <:, p, 1-" ,"t :J +, o -, ::~i n oc- L! m :::1 n (1 ITI n. ,..t n !:::: ,fi !l! :J rt· "[I ...t- ...... IT.I ,..t- ::r m , ••• ..1 r.: r: -f-, :1': 'U pi .... ,'t- "0; ~,.. IT.I -t, ft; .::! +, • ! ~! 1"',.. ~1 :::,r ::.~ J:.-:t f(! :-J ,.t- ,', lO Ci -T', rtf !.:: ::J n ct· o tn ::1 rt- !ll :'3 n ::::1 i'i" ![! ,'::- To n ~.. n, "J ::r It: n :1 I.n CI I'll ;:1- !J,t l!'! "r! ~! m !11 IT.I CI C ;:; n !ll ,', -r:; :,:r !)J :~. ..,': n pJ ,+ OJ i.n f[I "J' ~J 1£:: r1" C! '1 -< .. _; "[I "'i •...,-,' rl ::T !II fi U -; !(! lrt <,": n:1 II 3 !J.I !T n :5 '"1 n ...... ::1 i ~r-- o,+, I,n I:T Il) ro ::.1 ~J ':,:k' iI! :::J u:: r.:J J> -; rn !l! d' 11:) ii! I'D :J '0 n) -t; (1'" C ,....._. I'I'! o n ,._t. fl.' !..,' ~'j ,,. '..0 0) ~! (i n !1! ~l.." :J :.' ,-t. rJ.I :::i o ", It! '; !f! :::1' o fD r. :j n :~:! -' m f[I "~ II! CL C! n u '-I-. :::'1 I" ~:? .. ,. m U.t I.n I.n CI t- .... f.J o ,-', ' .. ' '+', '''~ ::r lTI n j~" .n !JJ :::1 III f", ,.t- fD '1, +, I~l ;::1 :3 In :J ..,., .. , . d' o rt' n.! Itl <' n,i In j"r fl1 ,'t" Il) Cl rr :.... rJ n o....; :::r 111 .-', :'J ,,_.., '~.' II! " If! I.fI C :'J i-Of"~ Cl, -·fo·. '0 ;,-t· r: lJ U .,,+ If' CI U m !-.,I. ::"J r-t· :1' f[! ![I !n IT.l -") ,-t- {·t· :J -"l tJ ~r :::r ro ~!.t ~T :r 'r.! "i rn "0; rn o c CJ" It! n o :::. i:ii ,..... n ..m pi ~ ~: /JI 7:>" ,.- ::1 tn T,J (t, 'T o.~ rp ,.. ... rn I.CI :!i: c: o'-1 1"1 I"t· t"'!" n"o, ::J "'I:: If: !.n fD I'::t !11 a ,·t' :T ::J :.J :.:r o 7.... <' Hoi :3 If! C! -t, -6 ,,-.1 .~, "h If! !=" III ~1 t··· ,-t- ~, !J! ,...,.' -r ,'6 ,,,t, 1.0 :) 1.0 , ~ -, lTi IIJ .. ::.;.: m !11 ' •... ~ DJ n I.!! r+ :n :~~; ,'t' .. h OJ f"! ,-t- fl.l '.." U 1-', ff.! !!l :.1 ., o " ,'t" Ie:! .. "II-.t. o lCi C' 111 c:: ,~' n ~ IT.! (+" b" .< !II '1:.1 "H' lli ro t·· ... I.r: I," " :.J lfJ o m !J.! ::: :::1 ~ fi-' -, IT.! ;.] m r:L n:; ~!J CL ;, •• j- !U -"I 1-' r:; "'h I'D IJ! !.n CJ =1f!i !l.::! .-~ C! c: C! ill ~Li :J C'L o Il) -o! n:: ..' ID !I:! C1. '-1 I'D I'D ...+p,; :J IT.< Il CL if: ., ill ,T in f'" :~) U "+', :J m m p'! .. J 0- ,-, C1 o ... !.~ u :~r m '" ',0 JI"i m :3 n·h o !."!" m :r m -j :J' " !-" I,n :::' [J 0' f,!.1 " ~:! 1"1- .+. In fl. ,.'t- f[l r.' 'r, ,[j ", ::r If) -t', ItI . ::: :] c! ::J '-h ::'1 ~ .- r:t. [[I ~ !e! -" !n :.J < o"t" r.~' '1 ~~ , i If; !:tJ If'::: f"1 < IT.I o ::.;-. ::J ~' .., '::3 I'D ,~' o'-j In ...., ,T >' :T f[l :::.: ::r T, rfl ""i o II! -OJ :.1 ··h <: !f! :~r ll! c:r ,t, III :_1 !":.1 o IT o-; ![) I.n n.l :::1' lor. ::r :L :T .-~ 1.(\ i·.... o 1''"1 rn ...., 1.11 1> N 11) .. /II I.n ", ~ " ...,: II! m el. ,0 t-- I.n :T ![! ,-'r' m r', ..... ,1'''. .... :r. n) !)J :2. " If:! _"! r'.; ILJ ~~.: ::J fJJ ~!.i ""I:'J !Ji C! !:t! m 1-'''' III .+ n /,,'. !J,t if! o :::1 :~ o'" 1'-', IT! '1' ,'11 ::1 -t·, -h 1.(1 :J !!J ,,', ..+ m !--.•, u -~ c! ,,+ ,..... :.r m !l, n !II ,1- -~ m '1.J !1.! ".0::: :::t T.J CI 1"1- !.n C! -'i f(! IfI !l,! .. t- n ., UI to (t m ,-' f''''' '-~ o ..-t r.n !II ~- :::r C f£! -:-. n rl, r: U " ro TJ w I'D r:. e! ,+ III f[! " lfl :J :::1 C.I -h -;-, :::r '1 ,';'''' IfI :'J o tl.:.: 'C: LJ r'! tJ WT I.... j,,·t· ITI n :::1 !ll iII II '.11 o ,.-t ,;" ,,', lJI ,.". I..l\ :J II] c:: ro In r.:J ,,'. ....1- ,-t- :-r '"'"j :3 fl:! ltI "t, 10 "1 CL !l! f," !.l.t CL f[l ~J o ,-'" .. f[l lTl IT! fl1 :::1 ~" ~ m to Il) n [) '-' '1, UJ 10 I.n !.!'! ,,'. '." r..u -'Ii T.J ..'t' I'U m n.! != lJ "~ ,-, "n :t:. ~ ,-t' 0') 1:.) ro " ',-:1 ::..; ..... .... If: m Lt, o !l.1 LJ :,n IlJ fiJ "< :::1 II! :'J ~. ",,,._' ct D u! n ,-t-, ::.~ 1'(1 -, IT.! '.~' "r"f c: n f-.• u (r !)I Ll. n :Li: fl.l ;-t. ill ID In -" ~ n ::r (' ,- ,'.) --j !I] ::,1 fll I.l1 U "J ~~ j'-'" ::.T· ...... :r> Ifl n :,:1 1'1 -.I 111 I'~ m rJ I.n CL P.I tr. !fJ GJ I J f"'1 ,-t- 'J m Cf' ::-:1 !.n ;".,.. "I) !.. ' I.] " ~: ~'!.! ~, w t-." ;7' ~:i ;;:! Il! r", 1-.':' tn m ..,.. ::r ,n ro I.f! lfi Jtn I.n Iff ~n I~:('I ::::& !)J :'::1 "1 -:r ,ro..... (tl !U Hi ,.-, ,.1- ::.r· '-1 f[I ,...... ~~:r :1 CI :E 1'1 ItI ....... :'3 "'"1 ~i :~r "t' III ,'t" ::'1 U I'D :~~I III I.fI IT.! . t·) ii) 111 -J !lr IT! .-t- ~., :1::' fil :J ~J "'1 l,:I . I ..·... I·"" n ~l.l f'+' ., o ICt II: 1-" m ~ Ul ::;: In .. :~_T f,,·t. f.J.I :J I:i-' :J fJ; I.C: r! ., !..: f~'''' tIl ,-~ 0,1 ; !U n j-r In CL !!.! ~ :T (1.1 i::r :) t:J 1"+' ,"r- C! ::t: It: r', Cl :,r ::';~. -~ r"t" ~ ~E n.1 ,....., rn .. rr: :J !.(! u !l' <: r:J "" T•.:! ::r ,...... :3 ,.." ,'-, ,,' fV ;::1 !11 m rr c !,f! eL :'J . -, '~ D :;;~ +, :T fU ;-.f- !f.1 !.n n f·~J :,::1 lTl ~, :J Ie) ::r !Tl ,..t L C! ::r fa n ::T ::£ J.. .•• j l·t" o ,to ~1) :r If! :3 m -~i -h "'! tU !lr ...':- .( CI :J fD 0.' n rt- ""1 In U L!"J !..!! :J ,'t' :3 '-h ![! .~:! fD !1! C', !l! U'r =" I,n ,T '"'Ii U ~ "j !I) m ....t' !I) U rn !!I !t! :::r ,1, m 1 ) ) ) n:; ,-', '.' ,""" :r rn tn n !c! r''!' ::r fD .-~ o 11! f[! .J., 10 !}.! '-'1 .< - better m~dlcal a ~rom 31tuatio1S wa~5 - commu~it· whe~e c~oking durlrg the d:agncstIc oreCESS. Dr Even study. soo:al of dealing with the most vulnerable 35 se~vices ~ork Aronso~ and LIDkc~itz inter/ention 11981\ target three necessar; and suggest 15 The slngle th~ee. ce~son wi~h Alzheime~'s All the fundamental tasks of situ2tio~. meals, managIng morey, etc. become and setting Uo resources to insure the late~. 3 pe~son's l~ving, "-L _ : ii= conce~r. and 52~et; suc~ De~50nal The secord - - provlde ca~e .!r .'.• 1-- but at the 52 me time IS overwhelmed ~ith the res~ors:~i- SPOUSES who are elderly themselves and are the sele careg:ve are typical e!amcles of this a~~angement. The professional mL.st intervene to assure the safetv of the Alzheimer patIent and the 5CO~5e and at the same time give needed support and attention tG th? - overwhelmed caregiver. conditior:. ln Ins~~tutiora!izat:cn may become neceS5ar~ situations where the person WIth Alzheimer's diseaSE has an irdifferent famIly but a friend who is willing to he!c. the social wcrker's responses will be based on legal concerns. friend WIll not have legal ~ights over the ;inances of the cerscn -n order to secure necessarv serVIces. J~risdiction be sought as earl~ It is suggested that legal as possible by the care p~oviding frlend in order to make adeouate arrangements for the AlzheImer This is a de!icate situation. - r Wor~ing WIth both the friend and t~e familJ recuires the social worker to take on the ~oles of mediator and advocate. ~ore effective when working with overburdened caregivers the informal social systems ~~ ~tilize a~ai:atle. comm~nity resources are _ .:i 1, oJ. 1 ... In the area of nursing heme placement. the social and wepke~s other crofessionals working in that setting should je avaIlable durIng the busv visiting hours in order to meet the needs of - One hour interv:ews were conducte~ social worker frQ~ a nursing home located 3uoport Groue. during the time the - - four males 3nd ~ortie5 female to middle SEventies. :aregivers peoole ~~elye ~ere i~ t~ei~ A!zheimer's Dlsease ~ith In the and O\ef half c~ st~~y. inter~~ews WIth one ~nd were conducted. ~ad In thE samcle the~5 ~anging _~ Ir th:s groue. 50 oercert forties. age G~ ~rom we~e {see table 1: ~erE all 60 ~ears 21t 46 cercent of the caregivers the care providers were ch~ldren O~ we~e cIder, jau~hters of the cerson Hitr ;our basic l:ving arrangements e!isting between caregivers and AlzheImer oatlsnts ~usbanj/~ife prOVIded care - ~elatiorshics .~ thei~ ow~ oresent {table 3; homes. ea~: thE (:iee ta.ble 3) ~here an0 Muncie. ~n =~re~~vers famil~ cr:mar~ from the Alzheimer suoport groue In Muncie. :N :3re~iyers ~e~e sixteer wit~ bot~ all ~; the SDouses had sorreone else livin~ them to helc. w~tn 3nd were stranger~ (see table 4) ~he diffi~u!~~ ~{ One 'inding someone to take commented or careg~~er POSItIon. ~h2 person acceoted the posltlon. there were still problems lard tc kees the the Al~heime~ li~e-in v~ctins ass:stant for and living environment were ~ehavior J.. the family members !lctim in her Age _"I This ~able! Caregive~s Female J 1: ~ab!~ 3 Caregiver's relatiJnS~lD necessar~. caregIver t~e Derson'~ one of the !~ livin~ ~i~ shifts ire did not clace the arran~ment fam~lv .able Total 2 ~ L .. °er son >';1 :. :~~ SDA'" Fea-ial e Tota: .,. : 7(;_10 ,. 30-89 '"J ~D:~L 3 it t: SDA T person ~ 3 ~l~ing Daughter ~esconsl~i:- member~ Male Age JO-69 ~ .:. ;,l.i arrange]2nts Caregiver net :n home Saregiving spouse in home 4 SDAT :erSQ~ mQ~es :~ Someo:1€ Qutside mOves . " After the demcgrachlc :~llected. the survey qUestlors were - _ I :::li_C:C· - hame. ~~ '.. ULr but allowet d.l .;, lO-49 - ~wn 'I ities M": e ,;c. terms of which recu:ret ~omes of the person's home. constant surveillancE nf the ou~side W2~ :t length of tiTS. 3n~ moved into family member's T~ beca~se in:ormatic~ ccntai~in; cDen-ende~ to ~ust de5cribe~ had beer ten questions was 3dminlstered. p~ovide lnsight into the percectlc~5 The ant - Could vou list the f:ve ma,cr problems vou see tha: :areglvers would you say ~hlCh - naye~ What kine of th.;t. with this JOU ~Lt find about. the support. What types of changes did vou have to ~ Every jay arcun~ t~e ma~e in vou· have lour responsibilitIes ~ow hOUSE changed~ Have t.he 3. grou~~ living~ As a caregi\er. wlt.hin your family been ~elatlonshics effected tv the - :::::JU 1 d protle~~ Yow did - ;roblem~ have vou gotten :n this area Dei 1 - hel~ the bIggest i5 disease~ Ir what ways 10. Aside from the ~elp would you Ilke to have suppo~t group, what ether kinds D~ now~ Each case of Alzheimer's is unicue because of the varying ~n ~he ~erson, eff~ct~ t.he type of environment in which t.he cerson lives and A!l sixteen cases lerv cifferent. bwt Eome EaCh caregiver t.he Q~ ~rcvided ~2jQr problems were eroblem was the inabi:it~ t".~. -. H!::. ~-. ~:.. ,'. The most frequent. malor to get a comclete nIght's sleeo. or become restless at night. :he caregiver'; strengt.h. recccwrr~n;. the interviewer Qroolems the disease had created for them. ~ere These nightly interruct:ons wear dowr ~even of the ~aregiver5 listed the ~rQblem ) ) J J l.L. I'D fU u't CI to-'" ~I.I !~:: !'~ n:: :.'5 :_J U'I ,.'"t. (!J U) :) . ·1 (u 1::::) I> ::.~l :J n II) !.n !..,. i.(! ::J If) fi} ::J m r'! ![l I.!! !f! !I.I .. r-r :::r ro n !J.i ,"'. :3 f(l ~ ....:' f·t· :T :::.r tn '-\ !II 1!") ..;: ![I .~ fJl I.f! W -h it:! !!'.1 !,:~ fu -t-. r..-·' "0: n. ..<' ..... ..'-'- !'.!.J :7 ~.~ rq '''~'' n:: !.ij !1! :':1 Ie.: n :.t. i~'; n ,-:::t v:, ,"j' !" I.n :-~ ... 'l m :1 ~ll ;-!,' ,'1 (J ::1 :u 01, ,11 n n :; ,~.,. :J 5 12 ,.._1 "< f1) '1 ::;; !J.' ' .. lfl I.)" 1'1 u ::J p. OJ I)) ::J !U U -h fl. c:: U ~.1 ""1 d" lIi fD :r: U1 1'-' ~T I ... iU :u ,'M. t:! i'.~ -~ ,-t. !:t.! o-'i -( :.r: I[! r", I.f! D In U m :::~ !11 ::J ;--t- :!.! rt- Iff C! ::T [J :u W Ct. ,,.. u '''\ :.n 'i :J :::-: IU :-1 :E '3 r~ ::J o ~'J ::J o IIi '"'j :~I .-;IU "1 !lI ::f IIi r.:: !L) fI) Ct. rp !...... U'I, ::T t·., =, !U - ...! "";: Ii! '1.' m j-t. :'T !II Ll. o "1 :T ft! m 1:'5 .< -"j o fD ;"r ::-J ~T !-.... ::-J I.:"': :c~ ,-1'r~ :J C !lJ f" ....... ,.-t. ..... I :-:r j.._. ..;:. :T m (t· ..... W :.T, .... IT! ::? rn :.:r 0.. U f1J m -0 u. o ::E ;'' ' ' f.U :::r :3 ,,', .... ,+ Jt:: ,w., ....... I'D c .. <: ro ,T ""'i ::-J r.: m m ~~ (1., -~ ro .. "too U n:: 1.1'1 ::.r rn ..:., f.u II! .....! 1.1'1 _.' w II f.n c: !o u II.! ,"-r ~:r ~: [i./ :,n IT! n :[f 'r::. fn .. \ ::r 111 ~ ~ r:-.: , .•-. :J -h m !.Ii "Ii !II [) ~: m :J U 1 n iT III '::) m [lJ m m 1--" .:Ji: ,.,. :.::r ID 1:! ! .. ~ . ''''. m '~ .J t:'~: .+.. ;::l 'D :Ii: ..., C Cl ,,-.. :::;, m 1"1" P.l :J 1'",.. ~ ,:';I ::l:::r r, < 1,11 CJ :.:;. C) •. -t. II:::"'" D '";::, :::l ...:,;::T' 1'0 () ru 1::;1 ,-'1 1.1'1 't! II> ~.~ Pot 1"1 r[I III C1. :''J ,n (") '"-.,m It_l -c ~ ~:. r.V n :::r ~ rn :::: I't" m :.fi ..... ~. ru ;-~f.' rr:"'i ~~~ ~.~ r:::., !J! ~J f! LL U :u m o !:: "-r: -h r.:.:: r+ ,." :3 I'D ::1 c-r .". '"CI t.) ....., ~:;. .... , J 1_,'" '.J ...... ' . .1 rT ., ,-t. CJ In ,'-".1 ....!EO, o U' !J.! '1;:;' C:I 1.1'1 1'0 "'1 Il.r ,.·f '.n U'I : ... :.. Cl (') ;::'J ....... 1)1 C) ... U', :;00:"' o :·w' :9 IlJ n , .., ..... r't ::J ".T m 111 ::J .T'~ t.!,l I'U 1'0 :':' D.I 1::) ;:::. ...... ,-r " '-' ,-, :::::: ~; :::r rr: "1 rn n ~. .'ro :L:' n- -< I)J :.~ CL ..... '.,- :.n :T rr: 1'''1 C tn "j- 3 11) to '!E C1.. tn ... lJ,J :.n !~ :r.: n U' IU 11) Q. n,. :) n ;::) p.' U ...... .;E; .... ,.. m 'L: n:r I;:'. 111 'L"1 ro -I ,.. :_T If! !lJ :1 ~:: ~ ::1 !L! m '(J ., ::r fD .... '" rn . r[l n h 1',.1 I'., t·] t 1 1 ~~ :'J l l. ... . r.::r flJ ::J ::?~ !lJ I,n ::E I~'t· I.n 7 o If! :J ft· ....... t.n ;--t- m rn f[! l!1 :) tf! U'j U :J ~ ,"t- Iff :::.r CI :3 IIi I.f! :~T f(! (", '-" .-1-. !l.l n r[l "'0: :.n ~ '-:i ~~ !It fo'" ("t· t.O m CL .-to :.r I'D :1::N :_T m I .. ~ . ::.:. iii -., U .; "1 £u I~'-' J1) ::~: ::!:. !~J rr: LT .< f.n ·h 1:) J -,1-. -1 f"l U 1~:! rrf ,t ' ...1 ~!J I ... II ~!.I '"' r.: CL " I.U < III III .~ f1 ....... ::r m ..... .... :[: m ,-t. ,-t- Ul I,f: !Ll :::r fl! T·' I"" '0 :~1 "[1 11.1 rT --h I.e! ~.r :7 ,.,.. 'I! :~I "1 Ie..: 'f] ::!I l.J" (} ""; H! .~ -. ::J-' IIi ~J­ rr.: fi~ ::r :J ::_T ...... t..J -h I'~ [J.I ttl ::::: ,+ j ..·t" f'" J (; [) ... ~. f.n D ,'-r- 'JI ::: n ::1 IU !:: ""I ~ t::J o ~) f;-' n:: t:r C) r[l o :.:r :=t o U,I (:: i(1 ~ ,-t. !~ r[l :l: LL ::r .< ro ::::r r, '...' ( -h ~ '"'".., ·..h -.~ :,r, c-r p.. ••• ;.~. i ::c· f[! o ~ ."r-+ LJ) t:.~ In .--r o .~ '.j r: :1:.: m " ul r· .'~ '._' :'J I'~'" :::r :.;: !lJ '< ,.:r !lJ :'1' !II rt- iii ID .. ~: If! :J Cl r"~ -r !l! '" C'L n f.fl 10 o,-t. fV c:: r,·.1 til ~ !t! -, .~', -.. ~ ~ I.n ." ~!J ro ~ ~ rtJ UJ ~~f i'''''' o ....... ~r :1 't! :-l 1..1 m ~ 10 ::r !ll " n ~ ~ '" m "r ::'''1 It, I.n !t:.lt o· J 1. ..1 r-' :=J n:, '":::3 ~.'O ;"+ ru t;i.;:l II f[t CL Lfl Ul ';0;::' f-r' :r ::::. ....m; ~J I.n fll II) , ,,f:,,. ::r Ll r.:J £Lo t::r' .... I.:J :J :::l ,.c.-J ,_," .r.:o. :::r rc -, 11) ~T r>- C ~'~ :.r I··..• :'=r .-+. -< +5 !D ::.r: ..... u::) () ,..... :;:: ,-, r-r I1J 1'-1 r.: n C'r """ :r~ :;'1 '" ,., :..,.. ~ :r: !.f! c:r !:l' ::''l f) 1.1'1 f·t ._ rn ::-j C :3 U"..l ',1'1 , .-; rn Ifl 1)1 :::1 (";1 :J n. to~· ..., ::.3 ...... II I'"~ Ie: to r.:! It) ::::1 ~ n rl ("t- ![! ("I -h o :) u~ !il -; DJ "'T ;1 !c! ,.~ _.,: ~J leI ,.-t.~ :.:r fD LJ .f, ,1- f' 111 ::J 'I 1"'1 :.::. lfl n. ,. .,.. =0 ro 'i 1"" r~ .".:9 , l.n '.,' .\ 1'''1 n ! .. ' ,-', -!-. !ll ct· C fU <. (1" .=~. , 11] '0 :::l ::::r ~ =m ru .-1- ITO U fU o -h ~ ~ n r-t. ::T ro ""j p... r:1 ::,:1 IT! ...1 !~ :r .... ' ..' -h :::r .... I~ IT! r"'" r' :.:J '"'j :::{ m :::J I/! c LJ n ILJ CL .0.:. CI ,T HI :J :r' ::-J 11) n fl.l fO ,"I" :r :.J 1"! ::r. !lJ :J o fl.l r+ ..... m I.f.:: 1-'" IT .< :::r to I-I ll' . ~', CJ P.l ,0 ill ,f::: rt· HJ l'l. !i" fIl Ci. :=t l~·· !.f! .,~. t:r ,.." ::r ..... '0 .-,''', I'D ~ ru fl fl. or:: f[I ,::r ..... ,"', "j ,.... '-' ["r ';';'- n ::-:r m ..... r:r ,..... I.L '[I 1.1 rTl CL l'-t. u) ::t: o f1J c -'i L :l: !TJ n.i I~' ''''i o ::E -h :1) .-< ,.,.. :::r ::E ::: 1.:1 I'D :::r o--.--' 5fD f1J II! fU rr In r-i !j.! ~:i :J o .... P r: n r: If! ..-t. ~ ::J ~T :J r-t· ::J' f1J I.f! 10 ::r LJ ::J I'D :.J :.n m 7 :=1 m 1"1 p ::: :1 1:.1 :::.1 ~); !II -1 ,-', .... !J.' -"Ii ,T r't· 4' •• :::T ~!.I r"j- :J ,.. I'D C r+ !.n m !~-= CL :E: -h It! f"! IT.! ::1 :n ·1 ::r 11' III ,.,.. ~ :TJ H! :::;1 ::r "1 r-r ,._,. rn !~!J ,I'I c' o i·of. I'D ~. -< . ,..~ I", :.::1 u:::. 2: I.,L rfJ 1:::1 11.1 ::'.l Cl. -'T !l! ,"1- nJ :':J I"t· J - ~a~ch his wife car2full~ ~hi12 on their weekly shoDDing trips jecaus2 - - to buy :he items she ~ande~ing Because the ~ot She could she had the habit t~at she wante~. away from the house is another Qerso~ ~emember ~ith ~art o~ the Alzhe:mer's DiseaSE has trouble p~oblem. ~-ememberln~ things. thev may be trv:ng to go _ specific place but are not sure - one ~f the caregivers who listed wanderinc wandering of a perscr the daughter of w~th victim. 3 does not speak, or the disease ~as 25 a problem. describe~ Her mother may get i.:. .-',.-. .J-',~=~ The as dangerous bl ~ landmarks a stranger would not be able ~ecognize ~~ direct her back home. - The comclete decendency. the confinement placed on the caregiver. and the feelings of ~e8ple interviewed. and loneliness were all listed bv other (see table 51 The depende~cy on the caregiver included following t~e person wherever he/she went. even to the Some of t~e Yi~tims bathroom. - i501atic~ of SDAT would net allow anvone else except the person taking care of .jai:y activitv_ It ~as the~ to help them eat or do any cthe- hard for the caregivers to get out of the house because of the increaSIng deterioration of moter and menta: caoacities of the SDAT victim. Providing a wheelchair for his wife to use when going outside was one man's solut:en to coping - =onfinement he contInually felt. ~ith the When const3nt care is required and the person with SCAT begins developing some strange behaviors. friends feel unc~mfortable v~siting and tend to visit less. Two of the caregivers descrIbed their situations as lonely because thev did not have friends or family on which to deoend. it There was ~o ~ne avallable ~o talk who would understand the loneliness and isolatian that ~ith comes with an overdependent spouse. ~he strong dependency Alzheimer oatients have on their =aregivers was chosen by twentv-four percent of the caregivers as being thE biggest problem. (see table 6) the second question on the This information was obtained su~vev. ~rom The caregivers felt that the amount of sacrifice in oersonal time and orivacv was averwhelming. Watchlng the person with SDAT constantly, being followed by the person everjNhere~ and the refusal to be cared for by anyone other than the primary caregiver were all indicated In the survey as part of the jependency problem. ~ab!e 6 Question 2: Biggest problem 4 dependency jealing with deteriofition violence ;eeling of helplessness lack cf k~owlecgE restlesS1ess a: night financla; stays In bed Jerscnalitv change ~~eDaring meals Table ~ Question 3: Help received wi~h biggest prob:em Nurse lIn-home carE' Slioport group neighbors ~hysician literature lawyer taking oersor D~t psychiatriC help someone li~ln~ :n home :hange ! ~lysicia~s ~eaI5-o~-WheEI5 :hurc~ ... I~ ~ion is f~om 5UODort the demands of the dependent person and the deterlora- of the disease t~at frLst-2ti~n5 build-up and violence relationship t, both the careg:ver and the cerson wlth disease can result. for he~ stean". reallv had the jisease. mather, and Some ~f the Alzhelme~'5 Jne of the daughters of an Alzheimer's vi=tim confessed that her mother had troLble coping with the ~Lsband withi~ i~ realit~ that her The frustration level was verv high was net uncommon for her mother to hit her the tehav!ors WhICh ~eoc!e wlth SDAT de~e~oc SEem - clanned to be pu~pcsef~!ly bei~g the fiolenc? h~s immed:ate ~ost hands ~o ~all a~ms 50 tl;htlv that i t was ver; paln1ul wife. h~5 ~trength an~ and wowld One t!me she was net able to reach the phene her neIghbor for help and was traoped in her house with - t~e The caregivers arE not always able ~o - o~ a~ of one man who grabbed held of habi~ per sen WIth BDAT was wnaware of his T~e not let :0 o~oblem. wOLld be the po~s~ble w~fe's stubbo~n. de~end ~ealize the strength that her or snE 005525525 and the contrast. TWO themselves. 15 tired ~rJm the 24-haur c~re careg~ver. ~! responsibilities. of the careci jers be!:eved that dealing With the detarioraDealing with oersunalit, to accect that the ~t~mulation must pe~50~ ~ow be ~hc give~ TWO other careg:vers ence hat c~ovidet ji~ection5 d~~ net see irtel:ectual on what to de if the 8hone t~at detericratlD~ the was 25 feeling of helclessness that -, do J. ~boct ., ~. c:-f the what to o:oect ~rom 50~eone The lack cf with the disease oresented a ma.or The frustratic:-ns 10 c:-~ net ~nD~ln~ where te turn fer help accentuate the feelings of resources used t; ca-egivers. most menti~ned was the help ~~ter heme health care ser/lces. the Health Care I~ beth questions. the resource ~rovljed b~ a Isee tables - and 8' and the Visiting Cent~r nurses who manito· the health o~ helDle5snes~. ~urse who administered n~rse In the Munc:e arS6, AssGciati=n empl=v the homebound and als0 gi~e bathin~ assistance. ca~egivers sources :f help fer problems listed ... (see table was the supoort group. n~ne 25 f~equent As the caregivers deal with the changes In ~2ilv !~v!ng arrangements, change~ ~nterestjng c2~eglverE oroble~s creatd bv the diseaSE . The ~hre? c~ange5 the respondents were changes in flnancia: ~ In I1's-style because sf the necessarv full-time care responsibilities and givlng 'ul!-time care, and changes :a~e~lV2~'S Table 8 QuestIon 4: mobility, Vncw~ rescurces (see ~~at t~ble could hel~ ~, ths ~\ Table 9 Q~Esti~n 6: Types of everyja~ living fi~incial none f~ll-timE ca~e!deoender:v :nyslcia15 lImited mobi!itv sleeping habi~s whole 5:~eju!e teac~ing rather to ,eighbDr~ supo~r~ ~atiDnal r group Association ., visiting ·a~IIV Silver St~e3k getting aWiV +r answer. satterns are necessary. most freQuentlv described It is the major ones. the ~evcnd the sec and most 7) ~erscn driVE 1ess stop working sacrIfice o~n needs Increase housekeeDing (transportal! :hurch ~lve ~ospita] someone mOVE i~ lisiting persGn 10 up recreat~Jn ~hange~ :n the area of finanClal responsibilitIes. three of the five caregivers describing changes ~e8C track o~ of the cersor with ~bt3ining Of ~ail\ l~v~ng found it nEce55ar~ their personal 'in2nces for the first time. two peDDle who made - ~n financ~a! S~AT. changes had tD sacriflce same clannet ~aj:ng power of attorney o~er for constant health care ant the BDAT victim's finances were some the changes e!cla:ned in the interViews. Oro~idlng ~uIl-~ime care was another c~ange that five of the The full-time care ~ade ~equlret it necessarv for some of the caregivers to give up planned Not were vacations cancelled but. as one careg:ver onl~ the othe- charges categorlzed :r :are - rec~irements work:rg in s~ch as the Ta~le 9 necesslt~ Of a result of full-tlme one caregIver to stoc to Natch her husband. orde~ Providing fwl!-:ime care was also a factor in the limite1 change in dail~ livir~ fer one Of the careglvers. many outdoor sDorts fOLnd it necessarv to he needed to stay in the hOUSE to ta~e their When actual 5pouse~ loo~irg mo~e. ~iV2 One man who Other caregIvers found it easier with them on the shoGoing trios and outings hcusehol~ resc~nsibilities~ ~e en~ovet up some of them because at the changes made bv the c3regivers In again consijered to - we~e ta~ing te~ms ~~ of control of the finances was a ma;or :hange for the caregivers. 'see table :01 The or decrease in the amount of housekeeoing duties inc~ease were listed 25 changes caregIvers mentione~ b~ that when a persor has to be the heavy housekeeping does not get done. ~he ~or w~th SDAT g~ew worse. continuouslv ~atchec the male amount of their nOLsekesoing responsIbIlities spouses Some cd: ths four of the ceocle interviewed. careg~ver5. inc~eas2d as their Cooking the meals and shopcing were n2~ activities for some of mentioned the need to keec all the furnIturE around the house in the Catastrochic refusing to sit in ~een mov~d t~e ma v result ~eactions. - - numbe~ of catastroohic Tab!e 1t Question 7: Ch~nges ir as a oerson ~ith SDAT liv!ng room because his/her favorite chair ~hen are made in the house. cha~oe5 5chedullrg of meals. bedtime - 5UC~ a~d medication .f- .-. '.L..' ha~ S:c;uti ne Ii. mi t ~eactions. ~ouse~cl~ res:onsitilitles Table finan:es it QUEstlcn 8: Relations~ics ~Guti~e su~port i 'IE dralrln clOSEr ~at:~ Derson ~ith SDA~ :ooking meals SD~cific furnitLre placement Jower of attornEV nurse 40r 2hysica! hyg:ene ;uilt trio on car~giver conflIct :annot COD2 not acceDting j: not talk about oroblem not understancing ;enetic worr'"ies s:hedule ~o~sekeepi~g habits u~:offifartable with famil\ with SDA: role reversal lost :ortact :areglver embarrassed Each c3regive r gave relatlonshics had changed. su~portive 3 number of 8\amoles of hew family The change described most was that of 2 family. 'amilv ~id not alwavs completel\ understand the dlse2sE but were ~!lling ~~ do anyth:ng the; could t~ helD. The devastatinc effects of n ~:r ~J! :~.r ill ::J ct- 1::t U:] IV :.:1 !:: ,'T d' /.:1 rr. ~ I." ·'· J fO ··4 ::::r ., Itl .< ,.., ::r CL :3 IU ~~l ~ !Jl fO ~I,! '+1 !fj 1)1 ,',. ·.v +, ,m.., ..::' =rill :.:r !J.I CL ID '-f, m ". r-I- , .. ,...,. o !l.I U·! r- 3 II! ... ,0 ~ :3 '.> " o ....... lfl CL ::r !1l .~, ", !f! '!.:J -:J !ll CT ... ,-~ rr.: +. :'T r'''''' :T 1[1 I'D iJJ '3 IJ! I~I !"H =l rr.1 ::::r !ll .< ,+ :T rr. :J rt: ~: :3 !..7 1'0 C! -., f/) :~.;! 0.; (" ,T "To PJ ....j rn I:i H:! !""too :~T f[; o '.J I :::1 CT II: :1) CJ I]) :< !.n ,.t· ::r !l.1 r"t "::1 !tl 1::J P.I 1-·'· ~") ,.1" ,.. t- ::r :::1 C1. lei !,n ::T LL :1) [I :::r ., ~t· II! !11 re: m ::r r.u < 1-'" ::J .n :l': ::1 1"11 r.:: IT.! :.fI I-~' ,'T !D nJ -"'; '5 (', !U ':r :.:J n rei :T.: U1 .J' if) \ :.n :, 0.1 CL IT !I1 i", ..-r, :~ .<..,. !X! (] ;:: ~E. "u in 0- !I! rr. t·" ::t: 10 -., r+ IfJ (I :3 ;::r .< :J fI) Tj :J ,n n :.1' r.::: :J n. ,.... ,"'to :L ,T 'T :::J ::r It! ~T , I'D .'" In I.e: ... < :::J IJ:-:I u !lJ ..::. ':.1 ,.(- u. ~7J ..,.. , i"': f.O ::r fI) u' :.n '''. ..... !J.t ::1 .. .. , 1'1 ,"t- c n I'D n .. ~ ~I.t !!! +. ,-~ ,.~ n o q I'D I·t· :J If.:! d =r r~! !li ::!: 1'1"' ~;: In ..< 3 !Il ::1 'J' i'[! :, :J !T.! fl. ,T ([I .... -, !:: ...,; ::J ID CJ C) .+. CJ '-'r- ~T !:u d"· flJ ::r- c'. :3 m r.::r c: if! I·'" :.1 Ie! m ::r IT !ll r'''''' ,fO CJ :::1 !II ~ (t :.n d .~. il! ~,I 1"-, :5 m o :) l.n !... :') OJ 1 n 1[1 CL :1 TJ CJ U! !'T ~:J !.~! ,-!-, ~"J ',,:f' £!.I .< .... ::J "..... :::J Ie: , ...1 ::'J CL '-'i H! ::T 1"1 S It: ~ r:: ::J ,..1" rr 111 t11 ~ o n 0) II: ::r ru 1:.1 CT ::r 1 ru :TI n OJ "1 It: ,.0 U! m "i !U 'il o m :r flJ '0 -"'j "1 m -h ·', I." lJI HJ ::3 ", ro CL ro I.:": It: :3 :J '1! ~!:. rr Ie !U til If! :::J .. ,...,. ,+ ::r L:L :::r D o :::J ![j .., :3 ="T ~'J CL :) '. "" .... f[! m i'T IT) :.n fO () Cl ,..... -.; ::'T OJ ,"I' r-t· c: ILl '1'., :) ro Il~) CL ::1 :T f(! :J , fO . IJf ... ~ .,. ::!:: ,t :::r I ..· .. :::r il1 10 ,...to : ..T r"t· I'D r:: .."'! u. !ll o n:r :~j rr. er- o-h o n n '0 ( ..,... (] -r, n fJJ r·t- ,.>Ll ::r :.n n "1 C! ~J ,"'t- "'rr.: ('J .... 'j d 0.1 lSI (' :) ,. .... ,", rt!l! (:; m ,0 ,. <: m " ~3 Cf' .".., r::r m n o C "T, ::.:~ fO ::r II) ~, .", '-' ;-t. fli § ~: OJ '" .< Cl. !lJ ,,'1" II! ,0 n.., n" ill CL 1:1. ,"1" ':T :1J 'U CI ··h .t- :T rn -h ru C:I ,..... ; ••• ..1 m I.n c· ,-r ....7 ; '.j !lJ !O - ~ f[: 10 r:: f1J ""'j -,; o .. h IT! ::J !U U ,t :.1 fD -.~ n fli -.." ID Ie! 11! ('r !J! IT! :1J re: IT! L"L fD rr. '0 Il, !Ii .< !:t! m :.:r :t: ::::. rn :'£. !.f! I.fI m 0.1 m ..... ~ !!:.1 :7 1..•1 • ri"" .~ :::r C! :J n. cr ::T !:u .. ft! :-., 1 -I, f,:.l +. f! ::-.:; 1:::1 rrr .< tn :1" ::.:r :r ~ .. u ~ "~I II! ... (: =r 11! , u! ,-r r:.: c! :J ::T .....! rT !£.) fJ.1 n ::.J :J ,'T r-•• ' f'r !I! ~r .-~ :J 0.' ,.."t. ::r '-h :J rr: If! C! rr. ,T '_.' ~ I'D [) rt· ::J [1 :::J ... 1 +" ,"1" CL -J :::;; rr: Lu '1 I1J :.r:.. 11'\ '1'.".1 ft· !:! ~ :1 ,'1" !U 'CJ '-<." C! ., :7 r:J :1 ,.._. (t' o c rr. n !}.1 ", -; ::.:r n rT I'D rr: n ,+ 111 !.f! !.f.:! -1 IT) f.!1 != ~. ."" rrr o 1-*' U t···· ::1' If! .. , m o fII ,'~ :3 :.J '0 !.!.I r+ :::r ::J ~ m !f~ :1'1 It} r-r ::-:-:. t·J -., ,. n n, !T! o ::-:r ..C)... ~ !j:! f.U +. U C !O C ~ '" -~ " 10 ~:r !hl :!:. ,1", 1····.1 . :::: !'Y n ;'T J> -::r ,::., :3 ,..... f'f ~">j 'U +. m u ....; I'D -I, IT.! CJ !: !1.1 ,.. fD !:u f..: ,.. t' ..... ,...,.. m n If) ,.~ Ll. I'll c! I'D .<. *.,; It! ,..t· !!J U !1J <. r" ;.- ~ ::r C! 1-" ....,.... ~3 !fl ::::r :J ..h .... I'll n r-t· (r n r.::r ;'T 'T! ,"+ Cl iII V·! r ..t- :~­ 'J ro ,., ::.r .-1" ,~,...z I. = ;-. '::J ::) "1 0.. ro ,_d. r1" II: "D •... j " U:::J :§ rr.., ~ I[! ""1 111 -T, I'll ::::r m :s:... u ill (t.. .. t.:. CI ....,.. ~'.1 l!1 f"~' l ..·• ~: ~~:. "<. ~ ~ C! ::J :J If! !-.t. :::r III ::] f[i :oJ: .-. IT: r..l L.~ ....1 :::r ,"1" ;:t!l! f"'" ::1 OJ , •• 1. '.1 tn ,"', !:!; n :.n I'D ""I :':1 tf! ...h tJ i.n D r.:r -., "1 (v r[J ,.~ tIl "T :3 tr! !-.• . !.!J ,., ".T ::1 ::) In +. CJ -., ~ll :::t I'D '1 1..• _1 c ,-r :::J 1'''1 ,.... Cl, r::: -h r[! -., n ..-h f[! ..... 0; !U '.n (11 7 iU o :'J f'l ..... '.' J:: i-t- "tJ :] -., .-~ l!'! U' !'::! !D !t) ::r ct" w CT" cr C', DJ ~ o ,::E..... '-h ·.H' C ~:T tr.J iU !.u CJ -j ...h ~'" i[! 1-'" :3 '0 I.n ,~ -., c: ,1" n ,'"T' n .0 +. I'll t:: !O .::t ~ U"I §J o D n -h o 'J" I'D :1J o I···· m +. '" .< ~ ..J :f !lJ !--' I·', ,+ .J cr !ll 11. '."'! 'i! CL .T j''''' ..h :.1 ...t-. rtf n ,"t- m ,-1" ..·h ,. ... ,...... rei ~ n iJ ::J !t! U"! = [f) t:::l r-''" ...w- !T! r1" iJ! ,el ::::r "·1 0.' n Ie, t.::;1 ftl :Jn. I]) ::1 :3 -~ :!!:: '::r ~J (0 '+., :] '~.' 7 :1::- ...... !.'v o ~...... ", 'U !D ..... m -., :':r r"'" ..... J' D .;f.: ::r '0 ~l .n !... " :'i !U !-t· iU ...1, ~T :I: .. I, !lJ ':J ,:.t" 1,0 1.0 I.e) i"'" I'D ",'1" C! ,"1" -if: r'" !:~I (t" 0.. /-f < f[I :l CI.. !lI u:: til !lJ III if! .:r:: :.n r"to !)J :3 C! "'i !~L ... 'lJ :2: "-._' =~ n IT ~ I'D ,.T f[I If! n:.t .~ ,-, :J II'I ,n -"j r.n ICI ..t-. (0 ! j t ) IT.! ""i '" ,t- rr. :::J IT! u') f"I !11 !T.I !.fl :.1 ~.1 'tl ~ll l n :::r .£ '~.' i(I if:} 'lJ •...-h, '~'i u ::T u I1J l.r: ::::r •.. III f: oJ CJ ) l I ! t ~:. c:: ::? ., 1).1 ..;:' 'tl -., !J~ 1-.-1 ,..., U1 :1J .., , . ,..., Ie: '~.I ·t: r'r ::.T IT! J un":;u.re wit~ hOW to cope (]+ ~he the s~tuatlons int2rv~~wed caregIvers and behav:ors ~isted c~ 50me family reactions as being uncomfortable, nor-understancing and non-accepting When Lamily does not t~e tal~ 3bout t~e with the disease or :gnorss the problem totally. :3regiver, the careg:ve r fo~ced to care t~e o~ the croblems associated 2S described tv one lS isolated from possible sources of help and the SDAT vIctim alone. fo~ Cinding the ways that caregivers cope WIth the different confllct5~ resOQn5~t:litles and behaviors was the pur8cse 0 4 Quest!cn number 9 in the survey. depended or hobbies, ~eocle w~th in the act~vities and sports as ceping mechan!sms. listed some type stud~ ~~ activity as a ~ay Ot :oping the constant care requiret. went on the same ~ig~t everv week whic~ ~his fer beth parties. ~th2r the mother incaroerated ~as !",", +- ,- a s3tisfactorv arrangement also found that taklng :a~egiver5 ~ ':"l! ........ t~e cersc~ with =~ the 2:tiv~ties ~t t~e disease l~ w~ic~ ~eC2me the~ part:clGated before the detericratlcn noticeaCle. 6 ~~rS!lg ~cme '1el~!1bors cla:ement se~lO~ c!t:ze~s crofess:8nal grcur ~;el:J .--, ..... l ) "I TJ ·T !I! U "'1; t ..• n 1< ..... m n n. ::::r rn "i li'! t~) C:" 0.1 ,-t tn ::J -., fU !'U ro !. 'j r ~, Cl. !f! C! IT,! .. ::3: ill !1J . ~ r..T o :J CJ :n j "1 m I.U "'i r P,I +. IJf !t! 11) !CJ :J 0.. IfI 1'1" (:! , "....... , ·.w· i"! ...,. C·I '\ .:J t1) u +. >,'1- :2: ..•. / ,-+' .:::r :T ... f[f o C', :J ~~ ro m ~lf :~l U! !)J ~ -h f.U ,'J- ::T ill ''''j o ,:) :T fD ·-h '"Ii il) ::J 1"1 !.f! ::!=~ ::r C) ··:r "" ft l.r: rt- o-., ::3 !U :3 .< _.1-. ,-, .:,r !U !l.l :3 !f! ::J o ~~ !ll -·1 Il! H'! ;"+' .. t- -'j r. TJ PJ m :J fl n ro ...., m n OJ :Ii tU ::1 n m ::r :~~ .." ~. 1-". r'r n ..... :) ;::r .< :;;:: n. -::r ~J +. n D ._, f[I n. r.::: lot' c:r f~r­ ...h o--'; ;:::, ;:;-; ;;. Cl ...., I.n o.J fl. ·tJ ~ rr: !:~ 1~;J J"'I :~, o ~ .,.. . i:) i-: ,..1- T ff.! '"1 -~ ~ '_.' ::~ ..... ~, ,.t- :J" rr: .< ID 1 '-' n ':.1 r.tI rtJ en ,T ri.! c:r m (T' "..... P IT! 11) ,C!.. rt :T !II I'll •• 0;: T=- 1.1'1 ::1 If:) ·t·, o 1 r.T c".! f,fl "1::1 -0 !).1 "i rr: I::::: 'T.; '-'1 --I ,., '..' +, :1 "1 U ITi U"! o :J L~ ::T ro f[I ,.n !.f! _.' ::L !),l m U'! r'! ':0-;-' !11 'i ffJ Q. :r.: ,[) C! in r·, fJ ::J to n .. !TJ .-; fO C..L r.T IT! !H 'U o ::J C!.. fO U ::r f[1 1 III tf! C! ..,!:.- n fU fI.1 ,.-r ~!.I ::l:: Cl. r.l.l ::'! Lu ::_T f[l ~. fl' 'of" :,n •• ~I !II 11) o n ,~ f1) n ::i -, ro !C! o 111 ., :::~ C:r tJ o ot::: !-, el. m ., o o "1 :·1 V'! f1) ::..1 1"1) ;U [J +, !II ..... !l! CL C! ·h (1' :"7" IT.! :...r I'D 1;, III f! ,-r -h ::T ..... !JJ 0'1 fD !Lj :0'1 m --'j II! -"'\ n c·,.. :"l £1.1 1)1 !,n fjJ ('j -11 ""i ·-i-. '-'i n"1 :3 :.T rn ~!J "'.:: .:1 IT.! II! I'·" !:u -'i I.n Cl :J :n ., n ,.:.; IT.! m 1"1" ::1 r+ .::r m tf! ..-' f·t· :J m f[I 0 ... •...1- :.T ;::r ,+ ,.t- :.:r d' :T ;-1'. ::r n iII J> !11 L~t ,.t- o !J.I f!.! lO f:: I"~' f.u lft .. :] ,-I ;"'" f-'" :::~ !:t! t1. !lJ ft· n ,.·t, n c· ·-1 :·.T ~~ [!J :'1) \".!- ~iJ ") IT.! IL: .. t· :::r 11! o fO ::E !:t.1 I.I! ::1 C ""! lfl ::J ,n :::T o :::~ fD III .... D.I If! 111 n m ::J !lI ::1. ::t: I-t" :J :u :T .::T ·'1 II! ,-t- 0."", 1":1"" rJJ :::: J. .•• m .< !:~! f"!" f ..! I"" :::t < n ..... .~ .. !' IJ! ~~.' ('.! :1"' Cl :J ~" ::F.: m ct""T IT.: --I fl·' V' r::r f(! :3 iII -"1 ..~ ~T ...:r U !t! '£.1 ! ! r.:t ,..·r :T -I--, ,.', ,.t- !D -0::. !f! "i ,.+ !'! !l! 1.0 ~j (1 " [J IIf I'D ru IT.! u -'i n +, !U 11 ~n 1[1 !,Ll ..:' :l:' -h ![! f[! ('J ~ n !11 .., 11) ·T. .., ['L ~T C! ,.. tJ I" 0'1 ..... !II !JJ In 11.1 ~ C! m m (:, ::r ....! n ~ .~ !U !D !J.i "':. n .., I .. f·.,. f'l :J" f!I . !n •.... I'll :J" :.T n ::r ill +. "1.1 m n f(l u ~r :::r .., , I·t- 1"1" ft' It' ::..r fa .. ,[; CL !,f! L :::r !t! .-..; ..... cr !·t· f! !'\.1 "'! ,·t· IT! .:: fTJ II! ~:.r DJ lJ til ...t- III o .\ .T !:::: c! !l! !"! -, C! ~ 11.1 CL ~ el. ~:r n:: ,t- n... ;.. t· .:r:r It· ,3 Cl. "1 rn fil -h I) I·-r IU DJ !'! ill ft· ':~1 ~~ '-', ~!.! C1 .::t tn ,-, ',." c! n ::.1 ;:'..1 r·.1 r-t' u IT.I 111 !... _, CL rT :..:r ....! !I! ::r !ll ,""" OJ It! iU !U ,_·t· ::E :r ,...,.. IU 1.1'1 n. d- 1'.• n r.:r n C! f[l m !lI ru II! n:: !II ::;~ .., !..L .< o 'T, -j III ~!,I ,..tl.l ""C1 ~~T n TJ IT! ~'i ::1 r-t- 1'1" :.r !:!,l .-~ ._1--, u1 :J In !r! u r:: n ,-, ,.1- ~.~ r-t- (IJ It! :~~ -..J :::'1 :::;:: tU ,-tC,! n.l cr ~) ....... n:: n. 1 ~~ u ,..t· ::.:r I'D 11) 0.1 C. I_·L I"t- r~ rn ~ .!:. ~!.I :.;.T ') IHt· (1) n IT.I .''"; n:: n:: ;_.,.. C :;::: -rD.. j:o 1'.0 ::;: I,,'> I.fl :~ :T If: IT.! r-! It! II) f1) ,.,.. ft· :-:r I~ V_I ."'; N ::r r't· n·' '.' :::r r ..t' :1) If"! ~T. <: ' :-r !11 11) !~ .:7" IT.I IU I'D "! o If! 11) 1j,J n ,..... }.. !II IJ! UI c: .., ::-:t 1"1 lfi ~ it: (0 ,.t· .. .,r ~ !-••. (T IJ C !J! --'j .. .~ !lJ :J !.n L1. ~u -I-, Q ·U ~l :7" :-',.. ·,t·, '1 •.:1 I'D L f-r' !.J ::J ·.. h :::1" ' .. ,' '3 fJ; o ,:.~ '3 ···1 .< ,0 c:r ~:: P.t !l) ~J [1 m =~ U .+, :[f I~" til U !"r i,·t" ::r (J n -', n iII '::, I.e: ::~ !J.I r.: ct- .... :Cj !JJ III -"Ii < ..-t. !'[! II! c·" ....... fJ C !:! CL r··~· :) ~4 :T [) ,n IlJ tn II! f!) f1J :Ii ,'i" ·:1 r:: .''j 0.. !f! CL I.fl o -, f.'..I l.fI ("' o ni . () ItI rl:! o-., ::r n .. 1''', :J r~l ;-t· ::J OJ r=: I'D 10 10 o ,cr ...• ',." ""'t IX! :::? [J r, r-r c:r ..,o [T rJ.r u +. ::T m CI ::J :f I-t- ~.: tJ ,t o .. -h , :, -1 I.n ,-t- o /Jl tn <. , IT! m tJ L :3 !ll !li ..<-:;. IJf D ..• 1 --I :T -, L) C'~ n .j D .-~ :::'1 10 ! .. t- o ::J t· t,·· :::; tJ C~ I-t- 1'0 r- :r.: IJJ III '0 "' .... !,I! U ··'i ">1; :-r "'i o r.:: 'Ll :r 11) c.! -"; !:J "TJ !U U'l ..c".!\ --·1 .::r _J If! !~ .. ,.-1 !=:: 11) U '3 c! rt- :) fJ.I If! .,c! f1J != '_.'., :.J" ::) .-t ,., II TJ n :J. !l1 !::: "·h f1J ILl ,'0 !~:: If.J ..9.1 rt- n, '1) 11) .-~ n. It· l.f! , m CT f[1 iJf ::) n III !ll ,,,t ., J '--; U :J C :::r IV If! L' C !.1.; f[! C ~: !/! .::r IT! . "" -~ LL tTt ,-t. ,t- H ., I.) :J , :T ~l; ,··r rr: _1 n .. fl, !.!.l !.J "1 6 ::J 11.1 :r :.JJ :T !-T' :~J IT! -h i.n o '0 '" !l! w !JJ ::'1 C! .j rT IJ:"J ,-t- '~.' !J.I to r·t- '4 ![i '1] ::t n.1 :.J ··h ..... ~ rJ !It ... h u.... :.c;· -h [) ) m n ~'€ 'u if! ) ~r8vides inf~rmation =~ estab:isned sucoort However, onlv ene caregIver A daj care center was t~e grOUtS ~sed from t~e ~at:on2! th15 resource. most ccmmen need mentIoned. (see table 141 A day care facility :n Muncie would brIng c~nS!der3ble support to D~ace t~e careg:vers. The facilitv ~culd be s where staff of orofesslonais to orovide adequate Dare and funding because of the diversity clientele ;unction:nc. free-tlme to ~ela c~ oeoDle and t~e different :eve~s of The day care center wou!d crovlde the person socialIze a~d Co other thinGS. many times unable to accomo!ish necessary errands becaUSE constant monitoring needed of ~~e Alzheimer OL the ~~cti2. Dav Center ~'.I:n2 fr:enj .financial helc ~cre support ~rcups in-dept~ exclaraticn c4 SDA~ :nore friends more work with fami:v Alpha Cent9f par~icioati:' ~nderstanding do:tors,rurses. lurslng home staff Jwn ;~formatiJ:i Natlcna! Headcuarters crcfeSSlo~al contact radi 0 - Ca~e leWS;Hp&f Two of the ~aregjve~s wanted to find o~t more about the disease. and the possibility of caregivers had ~eve~51ng the o~oblems we~e 311 Questions that the disease of their relative. concer~ing The mere information there is on the disease the easier :t is for some Geepls to ceDe with the effects of the disease. thraugh personal resear:h or from expressed careg~ver I~formation consultat~ons with may be obtaine~ One chysic~ans. wish that physicians and social service agenclEs E would work more closely with the whole family. More financial hele was described bv two caregivers as a needed resource. Fam:lies who have been successfully making ends meet find it dIfficult to have te ask for assistance as the cost of caring for the Alzheimer patIent increases. ApplYIng for a public assistance program can be a demeaning and undignified chore. this relL'ctance to ask ~or The socia! worker interviewed foun~ financial helD frequently in working with the families in nursing home. Guardianship and power of attorney are legal actions that can be taken to monitor the patient's financial status. Some caregivers were not informed of this possibility during the diagnostic process. One of the caregivers felt very strongly about the paint that the doctors~ nurses and nursing home staff should be more Lnderstanding toward the SDAT pati~ftnt. The caregiver had trouble getting the nurses to understand that some of the actions by the oerscn with Alzheimer's disease were not done on purpose or to irritate them. The ~nderstanding may develop as these professionals acquire more knowledge about the disease. Increased knowledge about the dIsease and a greater understanding by the pro'essionals working with the cases were all suggested by the careqivers interviewed. Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Action. - This study of caregiver's perceptions of thelr needs has some limitations. The sample was not randomly selected from the total population of caregivers in Muncie. Only ten percent of membership of the suoport group was surveyed. ~he total Sampling members of the support group places further limits on the studY. The survey onlv described the oerceptions of those caregivers who were seeklng from the Al:heimer S~pDort grou~ and who were willing to the experiences through which they had lived. and the questions painful. ~ere as~ed meetings. we~e p~inful Tne nature of the interview to remember. to partlcipate in People were alsc t~e president of the support group. - 5sked if thev knew anyone els2 willing to be interv~ewed. rea~lred of the ~rogr~ssi~n Members of the sU~pDrt study during one of the chcse~ abcut ~all The survey was personal caregivers to reflect on various moments juring the disease which ~elp with the help of Mr. grDu~ ~onthl~ D2Vi~ Duf~. Ye provided names of caregi:ers who f~om the support group who would te The goal of the study caregivers and prcfessionals having contact ~ith W2S surve~ to caregivers. TWO of the people were unable to be reached and one of the caregivers refuse~ to be interviewed because the _:oerience was too painful to be relived the inter'.fieh'. The coping leve!s 0' the ability to talk about the effects of the disease the c2reg~vers 2150 -,.- .~~ , '-, c..~.! restri:ted the size of the sample. The reason for the - caregl~er s c~!lecting perce~tions th9 information was to expand on what and needs were durlng the progresSiDG C: ) -, ~ .. ,.-t' !.!I IC! !l! ·1.1 _:r :n '~'! f[i cr f.lJ f.l! do. :) rfl .n' CJ -"i In !1, ~~ U.I {·t· u r:: ID If! '3 '0 fD r-t-' !l' CT c! ::J n C! i.n !.!.1 tn 1/1 L IfI III :=l ::1 ,~r:) m U +, +, IlJ v' II', :J .+, ··..i Cf It! .-~ ::-:t :J !~J ;..,.. ::r I] E rt' U, ~!I :1 1·' IT! ro !J ::J Cl. l.f! o o :1 n :J CL [j III m o Ll. TJ :T .... III '-h ··h 1.11 , .. 1J) Ii"! I···· 'J 1.0 tf! IT,I 'U CL r+ rv ::J c: '0 '" MOrt :I~ U ,.~ 1[1 f"! fD -·f·, In U'! r:: .. J 0.1 .; 1:1 OJ ::r ,:f.n .... .. !l) l.n CI tJ III ('f ,-t' ill CL :T If! n ru :::1 I·, ::T ! ! ~. U.I m I't" ::::1 m ~ r:J n.1 ,+ 1,·1. m :J "t' !X! u +. CL !lJ :J .:r IT! n 1.1) !il IT U cr :J +, , t· :~ :~r II! 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CT ~ ...... f[I .. +-. .., '-' .. \ rt· ::.r m ·'h ,.... :r:: ,t- III ....J> :3 n "'i ~ :r m ii'! '~, o m ·t, !:-: '.J (J.. 1-" I,} II! Ie ::J Il! ftJ ,t U :::1 n In !tI -r\ ".:. !t! ::1 fU !J! ,., ....',V'"', "() I] , .•. ..1 I~l. !o I'D m :, m L:L i+ !,Ii 111 ~:"j IT! 1-'" ...t' !.J r:: ,-t' !., CJ :-.::t :3 o ::1 n !:!.! ""i f(! to .< ru .... j U! fD /).1 U! Lf~ f!l 1::" n:::: ':"J n I'U ! ~, !f! f[! ,n !V :'1 ~C! ~!.I !If I'll :r' r"t- .< ., ::.r fO II) b ...... I.f! U n £1.1 :;:: ,-, ::.~ ::.:.•. fD " •• ~I 1(1 fj.l i-to < :.n m ~~ i:::r ru f+ U C! 'PI; fJ c: 1 !1.1 III ,.' fil :io n [I :) 'T ...... :.) r:: :".J Cl. :J CL ~T 'I! u '~ ,~ '_.' +, iO tn r·.l· ':J :.n ::.1 I', !.n ru !.f! f[! !II .....j r', .. ,~ ...... !.!J ,.t- ::J ,::::t...•. ::] -h :f: !n .. ~ !f.! ::.r CL ITI ,to IJ ,'T" !--~. .1-, ITI :.n 1'-'" 'or:. r,· . . . m n :::r :;:1 11:: 111 In w :J n. l;.I Cl, n. rr. , C! ~" :.:1 ~:v !.!! :'.1 leI lfl I.] c: :3 U "'1 III ,.t- QI ro u.. f.li !.I. ,-" H! rr ~!.I rl"l m !.n f!J Cf It! r-t· +, o a) •.::::r ,t-. 11) I]) CI ~~I m -"i ILl I,n U,.; !it :J !.n tn C! .. ::t: ,~ ,t:T ::r f[! !J IJ:J r::r- "'f fD !.f! !== !,f! ,~ ., 0.. It: m fl1 If: ::_"1" c ;'·-1 ::J -h ,., ..',,'~ 11::: f[! ,..t' III +, f[! 1"1"' !l! C! r:: rr. I.n ;-r , •• 1 f; I.n !It I'D I-I. :::;, iu 'j t.:"' tn !l! !ll !.!'! :J ,U ..., .~~ ill !.f! ,+, L) .-~ ::,'" CL d .r !1! f..!.1 r.:: 1.1 ::::: m !::., ...n ~.:..1 III !}.! .. -h '." :,n c! '~J iJ :~ [J Ie: n1 ,'" ,"', '.,' ,-.J :2:: () r:.. ~ , n. G.I <: !ll ,-, IV u :r: ::r tn CL I 'I~ :::r ~::r T' ,+ I,n ~~T !11 !-' !c! 0.1 1", \.1'1 ,-+ :] n 'j :::: !;'I 'r fD .+0 !11 ::~! ..) .....:: ::1 ..... c:! .... :: II! CL :1.1 ~§ ~i It! t::.1 m 'Ii ::r nJ IT.! TJ ~~ r '~' III I,n :::~ I-~ It! I . :.L! f! 1£:: III ""'i ~ c·t- ; t· :::r m o n:: ".,::r,,', <-, C.L .+-0 ,., ,"',, .... rtl :.J :.+-0 ,"':- m CoL m t-.... o f·· !.I! U! ::J :.n 01 'i !l! ,n ')) U n :'1 ...:: :;r, ::r !~~ -j Cl. IU i)~ ,.t- !.t- -, III o.• 1-., !ll n, ::i it, to f-~: 0- t-.t :::r "'j ::.;:: -, u:::: .T,' ·T 1)"1 =, (t. ..-,. III !.J !U 'm' .. n ,-to ,.t- ,., , ~1I ,-I" :::,r r.:; fO .-.; fJ.I t·", !... 1:1. ::::: ! ... _. iT! !fJ ::r !11 t :" U n 1,11 n.l I> ,'j =1 ::J 111 ,'r 'h ::-,~ :J rl rtf 'rJ ~ I-t· j'! U ItI "n .. C! ,·t· m tf! ,<' ::E CI '-< _:r :::r Tn w i""" !:tl f\l t-,~, i"f" ('I (."t. , .. <' :.::! ::r -"j j-.• _, ",n CJ ? U r"! CI ~ ::J r"t· :'"1" ~ 111 r+ o f".L '~::. !'"'! II! '·1 ::.:1 !o "'r. ,... L1 !11 h ILj U C..L 1'[1 c:: n 3 tf! :.::r , ! L c Iff !.f! !r:! f!) n ,·h . ..,. m 1-··... :J !JJ :-:r T1 !.'.1 ,t· ~ C.L r''''' If! ,< I(! U r1" I.::L ~ •• I. ~:I ,-I" c ..o , •• ~I 1.11 :T o !J! ...... :::r !11 :!E' ::J .' ".f. ::r !n !ll !f', ... ... ~ !"I! o ,..... "'J f"! ,-+ '~ ::1 Cl ,T :) !1l 11::) (:I o r:: el. :T "1 Ll :::: "'Ii fD rn :iI -< :3 tJ "1 !("l ,~. CI 1"[1 .o III I:J ,~ ""- r.v (".!.. ;-f" .< ~ lfl r::r' 11) Iff ~ (! IT! !II ~'U u :::1 f··· ..... 0-, CT !II ,~ "1 .m ::;:. In I.- ~,''', ~~ •.•• 1 :'1 Il"":! I:::r o m -.; t!.l ~:.1 I···· :.J ,.t- c: cr , T' I.fI •... , ~ ..' IlJ ::J It! :u ,'-, ..... 10 H::..1 "",...•... m iJJ In :..1 -: I[! ~ll IT.I .1-. ...•! """1 IT.I ':r tf! ~, "~ In n,l -'! :::1 r+' iT.: ,.t" :"'1" :r Iii u) cr ::l I.n fIJ fll ::1 IT) :T '-n ITI n. :::.1 ,<- CI, W :~1 fo.' I.::::: II', :) CJ :t:: IT! f[! ::::r .< rr (II ct" 'c, '-'" IT! "" ....,n h !tl ~[:' .. ~! t", o 'll ~:I C! II) :~ IT! ~ :T C:L r-t' n . .< ~'t" 1:.1 .-t-, .... :::.1 n ,.r- ,._\ (L! I.n 1 n ILJ rr T) III l.T n:: ::~ l,r: ~tI 1'1" T"! It: n 0... ,-t- , ::1 rrl £1.1 n -'i J: 1--1 -J--, C! :T orr (-! ~J -'~ If! n ~I; III 11) ::r IU I c"t" .:r t:l III ! " III !I! ::r ,-to _.j-, "'1 III ,.." :':i m -, ·h :J :::r _ •• f j •••• o !_., o n (T [!.. ITJ C1 ,-to I)) ~ .,.t-,. 1~ n ::r !-', ... C!.. i[! ~J !ll :'J ,'-, UI f"! .< f[! '.. -' ..... !J::J ,t- :i- -J--, ~ C! !ll ,,,o 1--' , ') !:I.I n.l ~J r+ '"'i :3 ~ .. I.f! :::r y .... ft- f":- '-, '-' .. ct- , t· :.n ,.. rT r': f[I T.:J •..., f"! :.:~ r" :'J '1:1 (] ::1 o D !11 _.j ::.~ ~'O: ::~ u r", :.n J> r'! '-'+ r", c.,.. ::r m I ...• :.n m ,..... "'" II! 1-" t:;i rn I> ::) ::J .. h '." -h IU 1(1 [) ,J" rD '(' n C! G. :,t1J lfI ,r I :) 1[1 <' ;,·t· ,' IT.: :OJ c:: ·,-1 ::.1 ::J ~::I 1'" .. 1) n f-'I Li ::::r III If:: C 1..1 ,-+ til It! ·..·i ~Z1 ., ,\",. In rt-· III !n :.::t lTJ n ~j :n :T,t ft' f-r u', U :T n:: o "1 o .< .~, m :3 III U -1 I.n 0" t···· "1 L.. ::J t1J .. ,' .... m r.J :) q::: fO ::::r n m ,t- 1'1 o--a; :'J tf: ) ) ) ) -"1 !:u .. II! ~ L1 ;-+ ::.rm '''i II', '." m ,., .r:; ,. ... ITI r:: '1 n <. 1-,' CL m . ~: In proposed !~c~eased d2~ care ce~ter~ also I~ the dIverse set =f needs and in other ccmmun:ties. Munc~e fer already 'und~ng in-home res::te care Q~ in orograms est~blished ~eccmmended t~2t provide for a more comolete coverage among the families. ~ound also possibilities. The suoport of further possible causes of the jisease increase resources f~r en Alzheimer's Disease is a resear~h a~~ e'fect~ on the familv wi:l he}: Alzheimer caregIvers. CDr1clu.sicl Alzheimer's disease enl; effects t~e 11fe and There are :5 2 deterIorating braln disease which not of beh2v~ors 2 t~e m~ltitude c~ person havln; the disorder, croblems with wh:ch the additlon to helping the patient, the he:ping network jir~ct - its attention towards the caregiver wnelmed, tired and manv times Knowledge about the 21o~E di~e2~e should be done about the disease ~h~ ~ee~s tc alsc i3 ;~n~ral:~ c~~r- in prov:ding care. in 15 a~d -:"',.-., ;~~ infancv and more research the strain it ~J2ce5 or the jive~51ty ~ave found cancer~ing \/i amo~g th~~ group oJ aecolE. the total dependency and :::t 2. iT can be le55ene~ ~jt~ t~e 120\ of --.- UT The te\elocment of such resourC2S need ore0ict2bi~itv .-~ '.J 07 _..... -:~. 2oi~ts tc SEcure adeou2te toward ~, Bibliography Altman, Lawrence M.D. Perceptions Hinder Treatment of Senility. New York Times, 1980, January 24, sec. III, p. 3. Arie, Tom. The Future for the Elderly. 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