S.Arguelles-Innovative Family and Technological Interventions

Innovative Family and Technological Interventions for Encouraging Leisure Activities in
Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease
Soledad Argüelles, Ph.D., Adriana von Simson, M.S.W.
This article explores the effect that a Family Based Structural Multisystems In-home
Interventions (FSMII) with a Computer Telephone Integration System (CTIS) has on caregivers
of persons with Alzheimer’s disease in their ability to engage in leisure activities. It describes,
from the caregivers’ point of view, how their engagement in leisure activities has been
negatively affected. Drawing from these personal experiences, this document illustrates the
uniqueness of FSMII with CTIS in working through the barriers that caregivers encounter in the
process of accessing/engaging in leisure activities.
Key words: Alzheimer’s disease; caregiving; leisure; barriers; family intervention; technological