51 Evaluative Activities A. QUIZ Chapters 1-3 NAME: _______________ 1. True or False: In To Kill A Mockingbird, Maycornb County ]s in the state of Georgia. 2. Who i:3 Charles Bake:.- Harris better known as? 3. How does Mr. Cunningham payoff his debt ("entailment") for the legal services he received from Atticus Finch? 4. Who is Burris Ewell'? 5. Give one reason why Scout does not want to return to school after the first day. 52 B. QUIZ NAME: _____________ Chapters 14 and 15 1. True or Fa lse: Aunt Alexandra wants to as the Firches' housekeeper and nurse. di~)mi 55 Calpurnia 2. Briefly dcscr~_be Dill';::; "udvcntur'c" which finally brought him underneath Scout's bed. 3. A few days before the tria1, what does Heck Tate request of At t icu~;'? 4. What is Mr. Cunningham's final entailment question:' reactiun to Scout's 5. True or False: Atticus is obviously mad at Jem after the ja:i 1 incident for nClt obeying him becau~3e he rnes~)ag('s hi;j hair on the way homf~. 53 C. QUIZ Chapters 23-26 NAME: _____________ 1. Briefly describe Jew's feelings about Tom Robinson's conviction. 2. What sport. would J em 1 ike to g·o out f or next year at school? 3. True or False: Atticus wants Alexandra to help him inform Helen Robinson of her husban<l's death. 4. Bow did Mt'. Underwood (the ceLL tor of The Maycomb Tr ibune) refer to ~:om's deatbir; his cditut:ial? 5. What comment did Bob EwelL make when he heal-d abouL TDm Robinson's death? 54 D. No Study Required "Quest" over Part One To Kill ~ Mockingbird 1. (15 points) Based on your reading of TQ Kill 12 Mockinqbird 50 far, jescribc how Scout has "changed" or grown up from the beginning of the novel through chapter 11. Use TWO ::;pecific example:3 from chapters 1 through 11 to support your ideas. 2. (15 points) Describe (based on your understanding of the novel and class discussion) your perception of Atticus Finch as a father. to Scout and ,hom. Use a t least TWO examples from the text to support your answer. 55 E. Heview/Study Guide: I. To Kill ~ Mockingbird Read the entire novel To Kill ~ Mockingbird and know the main plot, minor story lines, and how they are all related. A. B. C. Study your questions/answers from the review program. Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) summary of the major story line. Try not to use the book! BONUS ACTIVITY: What are your two most favorite sections of To Kill ~ Mockingbird? Write a short sta.tement telling why each is a favorite. II. Know about the characters discussed in class and "defined" in the "Creative Me" project (if you chose not to do t~is particular project, there are extra sheets in the folder marked "CREATIVE ME" -- SHORT OPTION 1). A. B. C. Know how each character developed throughout the story (pay particular attention to the Finch family, the Ewell family, and Tom Robinson). Also know how each character was influential in the major and minor story lines. Who are your two favorite characters in the story? Write a short description of why they are your favorites. Remember in point of view discussion held in class! III. Know about the main discussion/lecture topics covered in class. A. B. C. Make a list of the topics covered (i.e. prejudice, family life) and write a BRIEF description for each. Which topic do you feel is the most important in To Kill ~ Mockingbird? Explain and support your answer with evidence from the text. Know about setting and theme, and how they are Si~Tlificant (~lements t.hroughout the entire st.ory. Good Luck on the Test! 56 F. TEST -- To Kill I. ~ Mockingbird Matching: Place the letter of the correct answer in the space provided (24 points total). 1. Atticus Finch 2. Walter Cunningham 3. Mr. Avery 4. Mi~is Maudie 5. Scout Finch A. Was embarrassed and humiliated when in court. B. Thought that ch-i Idren were evil and the ruin of the neighborhood. 5. Ca=_purnia C. Thought that Maycomb families had peculiar "streaks." 7. Mayella Ewel] D. Told tales of being 8. Alexandra Finch 9. Dill Harris 10. Helen Robinson kept prisoner in a basement. E. Scout and Jem's "second" mother and housekeeper. 11. Jem Finch F. The modest sharpshooter. 12. Jack Finch G. A child in Maycomb who never had his lunch. H. A doctor who didn't like Scout's cussing. I. A feisty youngster who didn't like school. J. A flower -lover whose house burned down. K. Often spent time to himself while growing up. L. She slumped to the ground after hearing bad news. 57 II. Read the following quotes from To Kill ~ Mockingbir'd. Place the name of the person that said each quote in the spaces provided (16 points total). 1 "I know it's February, Miss Eula May, But I know a mad dog when I see one. Please, ma'am, hurry!" 2. "Scout, ... (but) let me tell you something, and don't you forget it·" whenever a whi te man [is mean] to a black man, no matter who he is, or how fine a family hE comes from, that wl1ite man is trash." 3. "{file 1 1 , the night in from the wood got to the fence stuck inside th(' 4. "No, :3uh, not after she offered me a nickel the first I was glCld to do it ... and I knowed she didn't have no nickels to spare." ______ J.. • of November twenty-one I was comin' with a load 0' kindlin' and just as I I heard Mayella screamin' like a hog house." ti.me. 5. "{fIJe 11, if you don t want me to 9row up talkin' WCLy, ,,,hy do you send me to school?" 6. "Grandma, she ci"illed me Cl whore 1 ady and jumped on me! " 7. "I wants to know why you bringin' white chillun to a nj gge: church." 8. "vJhert:: are you two going at this t lme of day? Playing hooky, I suppose. I ' l l just call up the principal and tell him!" III. I that Write "" short, yet dotai led paragraph which show whClt signif icance the following objects had in the stOt"Y (30 points total). 1. A ~nothole in a tree: 2. A bottle of coke in a paper bag: 58 3. Old Tim Johnson: 4. A ham costume: 5. A chiffarobe: 6. An old tire: 7. A ripped pair of pants: 8. A dime store baton: 9. A withered, crippled hand: 59 10. A pitcher of molasses at the dinner table: IV. Answer all of the following essay questions in a clear, concise manner (30 points total). 1. Based on what Y:Ju have lear-ned thr-ough reading To Kill ~ Mockingbird, now many different types of prejudice ar'C' there? Or i.s there one "standard" type of prejudice that everyone has? Explain your answer-, citing several 3pecific examples from the text. (10 points) 2. Harper Lee wrott~ To Ki 11 ~ Mockingbird wi th the simple intent of it be~ng a love story. How is this novel a love 3tory? Give and explain the different types of love that can be found in To Kill ~ Mockingbir_~, and how each of these types of love effect the eventual outcome of the story. (10 points) ------------------- 60 3. Compare and/or contrast the characters of AtticU5 Finch and Bob Bwell. In comparing and/or contrasting these two characters, cite specific events and descriptions which focus on their individual abilities to be good or bad father figures, and discuss how this effects each man's individual family. (10 points) 61 G. Grading System: To Kill ~ ~Points for activities in the ro Kill be totaled as follows: Mockingbird Unit ~ Mockingbird unit will Quizzes (2 total) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Quest 1 (Computer literacy) .............. 20 QU€~st 2 (TKAMB- Part 1)................. 30 Test over TKAMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 points points points points "Creative Me" Projects (Grade based on work done in class and if done on word processor) .............. 20 points 20 points 60 points (20 points per short project, 60 for the long project) An!3wer s from Program Review.............. 10 points / set 50 points total Class Participation (Role plays, essays, worked in class, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 points TOTAL POINTS FOR THE UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 points Grade Breakdown: A (100-90%) ~314-280 B (89-80%) ~2'l9-245 C (79-70%) ~244-210 D (69-60%) ~209/below F (59% and below) ~350-315 62 Rationale: Daily Lesson Plans The pur-pose of providin(J i':l geneeal overview of this uni t 's dcci ly 1 esson plans is to give the reader an idea of how all of the unit activities can be handled and arranged on a day-to day basis. Even though the unit is very structured as a whole,:he individual teacher who chooses to use it can rearrange act i vi ties, -Lengthen or shorten acti vi tie s , eliminate activities, or even add new activities depending on hislher need, evaluated class ability, or other unforeseen factors \>lhich may arise dUY'ing the course of the unit. The following outline simp:y tells how the at.thor would teach the unit, and other teachel-s may usc it straight from the text or modify it as they so desire. ----------_._--_ _--_.- - .. .. -- /~ /lMQ tM1, ')1"" C,}i;; ) di~{.U ~$j Olfftt{ f ?~r!t 3) , 4) " f a-yt bo 3) t'J f flIA'C7W ,~" .: j~ shecfs .) / . ,~{,ufzr/YL.~ Va.y 2, If) 6IV e :5fzutcf~f5 ,',itt:. :: r/;'" r efHtl,N){f' () t 4. Ii/ e.{;;f'[fY1:;;'. " pefl vd re£(d I I:hk,hn,{) - it( r J) C1. ~ J ",' ( H \ I) T'J I j l\A. ~:) (\ f~ c+ v'C y-;. ; v-p . " o':":r{ () d.1 ~[.G- '3,;?(C'Y\. ";}'I.< p5 : I{,' r.:: (e. \ ... r l?.£Ll +(11~), fuw t\-u..iJ det/efcp l~ 2.) ' I) l,tG. " i\ I, ",)f t'Y\. bt(LY l ) D I "2W-.;)<) '. +-<-:p.e<\' c ; rJ.--p.u \" ruu-d\ ';'>{(C"7 Ll.A.;v), t.f! t1V[iJ1N~ e~,;.~ ?>~u) (j, I /,)LG(,~j., t:~ ~\ .. .Yl ,L!' ulL;t/i' iJ'yl ~ J I ,J' 11'1 C (( ... ~? ~{O iA-fl' D(~ y( ~lA,y) '\ ({l[L ()1.if ~r ;¥ L'l €¥VI I ('t.£{ Dt n , 0/ 5)' •. I Gu\(..-J!V j}e..LtlJU"i. to .:.-' ,~ :/ ''';' c:\'--vv'J,'" vL ,j'Yl y{ I) ().t.-0 ./) -11/ \I >,\J: J ,*(t\\l1c,\,d\f2. f; ',',,' " " , ' -I , i \' C ,'c \ tt (::,11 f 1 " 41"11'1 CJ,L.V\ I""" t I/e-v e.eL ",\ 2- J..£~'i'~ (D z) 13.e.~iJ'\ ~I \ dGlSS c;tl '§-(u..~~ bY! O,fev ee- -to-e ....."VI.cetD to f t.tyltLf~ ~ +r>v "?r2A' II-s ne,~i,.t.bO (::;> fy ilque~+" VtL~ 0. p I~('LL~';' YtoM:l. / l'1e;'<3\o1!1Ci- {{({,d'c e I., .. t-o St-cU.td\.t~' P M ~ I e.)I. pe,;[ (v, L.e'?, j 3 ) {ib~ ~Y\ C),I S 'i6' _C\ .fo ( ·Oo-'{ l.; t.f) (l ~~ Gf:1 cJ...:{t- C'.;..'JJ-Y v i, c~{ ~;..H,LlJ [t~ rj 0 (), r rI I 1'1'1 _ !(I II (.. ) Pf ( ) .......;, ,; :. ( I ': /' },.,.,vL , II t Lt> ~.:..i t: LV /)'.~~'>( , } dl.'ji[,t~h j "'(JA .z.) -t ,:/' J,r *' Cl" \' ( '0 ) y '(I ,e~,J .. () d ( /' '1(1.1 (' +\ L,}CJ..h1 0 j e~~L'JCJ) 11A74fiI.- ( O~ ~ {Y-' ch ~, I Z - 13 foy /)(/...1 10· Lf) . b i ) f:.. of \"c. [,V 0 ( !L r t'.-vVl(ll d. t-eo ( e0-1 or 1 e':;f-;){.1 y (I 0 (.e({t.f'; I fak t yt}tv' 1 Of ('{l At':) I • (:t, :'lC<;;~' ?it, r~ ) d: ')«'<'~" ~i.-'\-V\' l ire it'-;"1' r e ([",f i ,)'Y\ 'i> l1. ( P'). (Je,;,{> (:,(\<--h, DI1 , t' \A J .''; \ 'f\ ,"VI',"" 1"'\ ~'-. r' ¥1tYl.1 ,ie,.J) 2-) D,::,v d cp cJ I j{.,I.L~h TI: i (IV 0 I v & ~t>11t?' p,:.r ';),;y\v..l e,;{ ~e( i ell((:' L ~, l....,:l ~f () L.J "l,) /1 -::J G Lo.S~ --;'1 ~~11 \ j {; '(I cLl;;tJ1).f Sfll clc-ft.f 'C ,,'>'1 ~}:.'..1~{ < Ii, 1_ ') Li: \'1"-1"'" 1£ n..- I ~ ffL.r~~:'UM";J11 WI fJ -h«Lt1AJ ~ d}1 /:Jo t{.{Iti.. \ ~ p(05 rt -:;,-;, IIt( t, C(::l~&( L f-{ L' , '\ ci-\ll{C.l{)f( I it\--+li."r'-- j ~ ,f-r1qU-J r * {\ Pay 2 ') , --":I{ :~"'- qi/?jf?CYW 2» '. 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'\. to ;) 7' P ~> I ::'( "t')/j) \ \7 1./'-.'., 7(\ 1..-7 'I ( {I \ \ 'r/(,(!·IA..I-.ji::· )// .! c<. n/)--i? ~l"-;..\ . I (C> • \" ]7,.[1 (// ; I ~,. ··V(:: ~ '- ! ~\' [.---d.':'-I-t ,;(,74~ J?C-l·(I (.~·7 Cr1) ( \. <. '.r \? ('f' (I II /\?--+/-rri -, :- -,7/ .') r )' fiA1 '1 J- -'\ \. "-~;;~lJ/rl 1(/ " '_, 1 ( i 's1v-,c(7 17//1 (7'7, (/77 ) -()) 01 .'j:' )/. ~~ (fI ~ \ ' \' j- 0 ~,<; ....'Y)-;;<i (Z e IV/' 3 If: (7 (Vi t"'Yd'l'''?j _; 'S L L (rWIt/;' :) l, \ 1 • ~ "'r/ /1 r d1,1,1 1 ' .... __ ..., "J1 ,..., ....1~· "-fl r~' .' J /' I ' C;_.. .' r vi . 7·' / j ;r a :Yl;i' 0-;;>/0 . , cL-vt{O' 'U,1 ',I cd.. (I JYJ..O ~ I I'Z 66 Rationale: Program Evaluation The purpose of evaluating the fi.nal SuperPILOT review program is thr·eefold: fir-st, it i~3 impor-tant that the program v.;rork!j smoothly, wi thout any flaws; second, the program should be useful and attractive to the main category of user (in this case, the higll school student); and finally, it should be useful to other teachers in the profession who may benef i t f rom the actual prog ram, or· who may be interf';:'i t.ed in writing their own pt-ogram using the SuperPILOT system. The evaluation technique used was very simple: the program was administered to four high school students, two English teachers (all of the above from Yorktown High School), and two fellow English education majors at Eal1 State. They were asked to run the progri:lm (with aSf, i st:J.flce, if necessary), and then to c:omnlcnt on it .'.n writi.ng: first, by using the provided evaluation fot-m, and secondly, by adding thei.r own comments. The following page(s) include a brief summary of the commerlts made about the program by those evaluated. 67 Evaluation Comments Those d.sked to view the program for the most part had positive co::nments to make about it. The high school students felt that it would be useful in helping them understand difficult sections of the novel, especially the chapters involving the trial scene (chapters 16-22). felt that ~he Only one student questions on the program were too simple, and therefore somewhat repetitive to what may be discussed in class lectures. This student also felt that the program could be "j3.zzed up" a little more with some graphics designs placed after each section (It's a goal I certainly can work before I use the program in my own classroom!). The high school teachers asked to review the program also liked it, with the only real critical comment being that it may, again, make the novel "too easy" to understand without reading it. They really liked the fact that the students would be given the opportunity to work one-on-one with some of the more difficult concepts presented in the program; again, they, too, liked the questions used in the section of the program involving Tom Robinson's trial. They felt that these questions, when combined with some background discussion on American law and its legal system, and the role plays included in the unit, would make for a truly educational experience. Because of time limitations, I was unable to contact 68 two Ball State colleagues to run and review the program; therefore, I will take the opportunity to make some of my own comments on it. I agree with the student and teacher comments discussed earlier: the program does need some color and "spark" to make it more appealing to the students, since the program in itself is often repetitive. And I also agree that the questions are very simple in places, maybe too simple. But hopefully because of this, I will be able to cater to all academic levels of students in this manner, from the genius-computer whiz, to the "I-just-want-to-get--by" student. The novel TQ Kill ~ Mockingbird is indeed a classic, and definitely a novel to be read, lived, and understood by all. Hopefully this review program can help to not only increase the chances of that happening for the less-motivated students, but also for those who want to go beyond the teacher's expectations of merely reading the book because it was assigned to understanding its relationships to their everyday lives. 69 Closing Comments When I first thowJht about doing this project, I never realized the amount of time, effurt, and patience required to finish it. l\lthough i-': seemed Like forever-, I am finally done, and I definitely learned a lot through the experience. First, I learned that education and u~;e t_;~) all we 11 as create Cl is a real need for computer in a ,1 at"eas of the high school cut"!:_"iculum, not just in English. dimens ions ~her~ Cl, T can help the teacher bring new of act i vi ties and ass ignments, as k:i.nd~, new, CDr):; t. rur. ti ve f arm of purposefu 1 activity in order to o\:cupy a student's mind and time. Second, CAl (at least :n tJlC English cla~sroom) can create more independence of thought and activity on the part of the individual s-::;udent; the student is made responsible for what he/she does or does not do with the unit in question, and the teacher takes on the true role as an educator and guide in the process of learning. Finally, working on such a p~oject has helped me to learn more about my own capacities not only as an cdL,ca tor, but al ;:.0 as a "computer' 1 i tera te" human being. I found out that no matter how int imida t ing computerfj may look, they are definitely more they are scary ~- us~ful and helpful than frustrating, at timus, but not scary. Even though time and facilities did not permit use of the program for all stLdents, the otllCr pl-eceding activities (including mGiny of the questjun~; on the review progt-dm) were 70 used in teacr,ing the unit on To Kill 11 Mockingbird during my student teaching at Yorktown High School, and were quite succes sfu1. For' exampl e, three of the "Crea t i VE:' Me" were used as out-of-class assignments for the unit; discussion questions, quizzes I pt~O j eets the ann Lest over' the novel were also used in evaluatiwJ individu().l student participation and understanding. All of the abov~mentioned activities achieved a 65·75% success rate among aU of the sLutlenb:;. Now including the actual review program with the unit can assist in leaving even more time for divergent discussions, in class project time, and other similar activities. It is my hope that this project will help others to learn to go beyond their stereotypical capabilities as basic, standard secondary educators. It bas really helped me to realize my potential in many educati.onal a n.'-' a 5 and most importantly the realm of CAl. , including Works Cited n Apple fu?BJ& SuperPILOT Edi tor I Manual. Cuper'ti_no, 5 California: Apple Computer/Inc. n llPEl~ ~,e ~!:!perPILOT ~J_angllage Cupertino, California: I 1980-82. Refer-ence Manual. Apple Computers, Boyd, Beulah, ed. Huw Do You "Do" ... 7: Inc., 1980-82. General Suggestions and Specific Unib-.. for Secondary ED..9Ji'.5h. Arizona: Burns, Tucson Public Schools, 1962. Capta~n Hugh. 'J'ectlnoJ,_~~. 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Compyter of the T'.isk For-ce on the Imp1 jcations of Educational Technology. Denver: Color-ado Commission on Higher Education, 1617 March, 1981. Catano, '::'amc:3 V. "Computer'-Based Wri ting: F1uj,d Text." CoLl:.~ 3 (, . 3 (1 '3 8 5 ) : 309- 1b . Christian, Barbara. Grades 7-12. Navigating the CQ!!lf29sition and Communication. Cr-eative Escapes: Belmont, California: Adv_entuY'e~~ Pitman Learning, 1980. Eisenburg, J.D. and Bruce Tognazzini. in Writing Apple Present:3 ... Apple. Computer software. Apple Computer, Inc., 1982. Harris, "Student Writers and Word Processing: Jean(~tte. Preliminary Evaluation." Communication ~ollcqc 36.3 (1985): ~Qp1~sitioll A and 323 30. "High Road, Low Road, End of the Road for CAl and Phi De 1 t~ Kappc.l.n Progr'amrning?" Ka.tz, Sandra, and John M. Arones. Computel r "Inquiry: 547 48. A Program Based on Hhetol'ical Theory." Educational Technology. Lee, Harper'. 68. 7 (1987): l~ To Kill 25.2 (1985): Mockingbird. 37-9. Ph:[ ladelphia: J. B. 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"Computers and Basic Wr-iters." Composition and Communication Rodrigues, Raymond J. "'1"1-;,(: f rum Load to Pt'int." 36.3 (1985): College 3]G'~. Computer" Based Wt'i t i n9 Proqram 73.1 (198 /1 ): Erler 1 i sh cTourn<J.1 27-30. SchiffmaG, Shirl S. "Productivity Tools for the Classroom." The Computing Teacher Schwart z, He Len ,J. Solomon, Gwen. Learning 13.8 (1986): "Teaching Wri tinq 'Ni th Computer Aids." "Writing with Computers." 5.3 (1985): Instruc:: ion." Electronic 39-43. Wells, Bethany J. and D. Scott Bell. Comprehension: 27-31. "A New Appnlilch tD Using Cloze o.nd Computer-Assisted Educationa 1 Technoloqy 20.3 (1980): 49-~;1_ Whitworth, Richard. C:.a5S Notes (ENG 395/399). Sept. ·Feb. 1987-88. Ziegler, Alan. Teachers The Wr:~ & Writers ting Workshop, vol. 2Collaborative, 1984. New York: Appendix ,: ,- ~ -:'" ,- . .'.. ..,.., -...,...;- -, ,~. J.- .... J ~.- = .:," ..:. ...:. ,- - - --,.,-' .:. ::.::: 1 -,u,:-- ;~ ',t"' ,. '- "; ...:;,,- J~ ',. , J -~-:=:T ,=.:. _,.. i. ._::. ..I.. ,:'r" . '-.i... .-:-' 1- .: -. ~ ._ ...... .(. :. -", .1.: ~ - - ;~ .-- . '.r:.""~ ',- . . :'.1 - .- L - - ....i_ . .-.t.. .:. ...... -, ... ..!. .-. r-.. .'r'."--,-, "Co. ... '". :~ _ .:.';" i.. ~ ..-" ; ,- '. , • -. - j... " ... ' L __ ; - .1~' " .. . . i-," ", L l-' _ .1.. ," ' - l . "T, .' '-_r--' '':';'' ~ - :',- '- - .. ''':;'l-,; " . - ~ .: . ~ ,-.-:-; -, -.... ... 1 :"i... ._... ,~ !.. 'T"'-.; .-." ...... , ,-.""7"'::;., ::0 - ~ - : ....., 1. ... _ - , ." ,-' _. .-.,""',... '~'''.' - .,....,,--,,-,!.: . ...,..- T '--.1 ~.:. LC. _ '" ,.. _ i., ;:. -' :;- ' = :- ::--, :: .= , : : ,.. "- .-. ""! - -= - = -' ~~. ' j ..:. 1:: .:'" \0,' = :. :: -c _, __ i.. - ,7.1 - . c' '=', . -,-' !o-•• ' .:?- ........ .:J _ ' .• ' ... '., . . i. +T, -- -:-:- . ,~ - -, ~-: -;. ":." - :- :.~" i." ::: ,-.'-- -.1'::' ."::' . . -.\.. . :!. - ~, - - ;. .• .L ; _ . . .-.;,... -;:.. r' .- ." .:. -,- ;1.: 1.'.. .:: .. ~ Ii ,- '- r:' .. ..J - 1,-·'-· - - . :::'" ::. _ 7 . - '.t. _L ,r - ''''.i....:. '-'L, : .' ,::,".1'. "- - .~.::!"' : .. = :: .,; Evaluation of Unit over To Kill 1. ~ Mockingbird What is your overall impression of the book, To Kill A Mockingbird? 2. What wa:3 your favorite activity in this unit? Why was it your favorite? 3. What was your least favorite activity in this unit? Why was it your least favorite? 4. In reference to the computer review program, did you find it: very helpful in allowing me to understand the novel. o.k. in helping me understand the novel. not very helpful at all. a waste of class time. 5. What mi'~ht be added or deleted from the review program to make it a better learning tool? f.. What wa~~ your favorite pat-t of the entire computer portion of the unit (including the introductory section over the Apple computers)? 7. Please add any other comments about the review program and/or the unit that you may have in the space below: Thanks! Program Evaluation Survey 1. What is the best feature of this review program? Why do you fee1 that it j.s the best? 2. What is the worst feature of this review program? Why do you feel that it is the worst? 3. What miqht you add to or delete from the program to make it a more useful learning tool? 4. Please add any other comments that you would like to make about the review program in the space below: Thank you for your time!