nnr:2;STIGATIONS INTO SOME OF THE iRO?Ef~TIES OF THE:;ONIO G1CTIJR.3 HI TErmE DIAEH0JONS by R.icLard Dieberich 3enior Honors Thesis ID 499 Ad vi so r : ,J:) (.,LCv~ f.. J:) Q.~, June 5, 1966 ( PREFACE The author's mathe~atics stratio:l str~ngej orl~in Nh~ci ~otiv3tion should be presented for the is to follow. In a classroom demon- iveE dlE'ing the author's stude::lt teaching, a ~odel of a cone con~c of the ~as being used to illustrate the sections. A student asked ~hether the focus of a parabola lay on the axis of the cone from llhich it is ~rojuced. He was answered pos:tively, but the author, being in a somewtat subordinate pOSition, disa:;reed quietly. ';[bile a tter:lpting to prove th3 t this \las not senera2.1y tile case--tha t the focus of a parabola nee cl no t 1 ie on t~le axis of the cone from \·;hl.c h i t is produced--the aut lor's interEst in and appreci3tion for the ::lany aspects of tb3 t f.<:illily of curves knOim as the conic sections increased. J11ile at te.r.p tin~ to solve tile lJro ble:J :leal iYl E: the focus of :)a:::c'abola, the s)atial aspects-·-the !l ~·.i th l)hysic~=tl intersection of plaLles ::,nd cones--ire;{ the clutLor's tion. attel~- The rotation of ficures in space led to an attempt to describe SOI:le tl1ree-dimensional interpret:;,tions of the aSY::lptotes of 2.tte~,:pt plane 8. l:lJPc:::c'bola. This led to 8. sUCCEssful to iescrioe, Given a hyperbola, a ccne and a ~hic~ can produce this hy}erbol~. The nExt obvious a involvi~g cOD}letel~' lifferent cJmbination of plane ~ifte this existence ~2~ proved, sever~l un~uccessful r atte~pts \'rere :n:;:1e to dis»3.Y :em infini te m;liluer of combi.nations of ccne and Jlane which would all ~lypcrbola ~ ment~l ti~e-out s~ction uni1ue The thE s~~e . was t~ken, and a proof thnt J spe- mlY be 9TJduced f'ro:n. a -=iver: cone 'oy a ~_Yi!erbola cific duplic~te wa~ prc~lem ~orged. referre~ to above--that of d~s]lHying inf'in: i~e nUI:10er of cornbln;'l tions of cone 'tn 1,1:"ne -,;i1ic11 not Deen 2:Jlved. would produce the algebr~ T~e sild ti~e. bacic refereilce for this paper has been the tflird edi tj,on of' .Jor'j.n Cell's ll.nalytic Geo::uetl:;'L. book Inc., w~s ill. jublishel in Gcw 1:';"50. obta1ned tt.ere. Yor~ by Joh~ Iiley ~~j Sons, an 1. The locus of the foci of all parabolas produc~d on a specific cone . 1 2. A 2;Eneral SOl).rce for a h:'peroola • 3. Three-dimenslon~l Jnter~retations 13 of the 16 clsy::nptotes of a hyperbola 4. The non-uniqueness of the source of a rlYp E!rb01a h ..J. The unLjueness of l1Yi)erbo1a 22 ~Jrojuction fixed cone • • r- 0. .?ro~! ecti()l1S of further ;\or2: t'J in a ..... be jone . . . . . 37 1. The locus of the of all f~ci parabol~s produced on s;ecific cone. ~ COLsider the of a equ3tto~ ri~ht circular cone (1.01) z-axis. Oonsider the fanily of z (1.02) )l~nes - ax + lea. ~ In ordEr to produce a )8r8bola, a Jlane must intersect 3. C~ille :'ind be :.:-)ar~111cl tJ one of the elemen tf: of the cone. EaC:l 'uember of thE; :'>:l,;nily (1.02) is obviously IY3.r3.1lel to ,u - ax, y - 1) w~ich ~s an element of the cone (1.01). intersection of eich (1.01) In =0 ~ill ~ember of thlE Therefore, the fa2~ly of )lanes with Jroluce a par3bola. Fi~ure 1, (1. 04) ~la~e 3CJE represents z - - ~lX + 23. b which is a rne~ber of the f3.~ily (1.02), passes through 2 (b,O,a), and is parallel to (1.03). the )1a~e The intersection of (1.04) with the cone (1.01) produces ttc para- bola "._l.ch '.fill be considered tf-;.roushout the rera:':lin::ier of tois section. T.iis parabola's vertex is at (b,O,a) and its axis is z (1.05) :b~rClm = -1ax) + FiGure 1, the y 2a, :l.~stance = o. fro)::! the vertex (b,O,a) to tile z-axis slOEg (1.05), the axis of t.e ?ar.'?.'oola, is Va 2 + b~~, or c, fro.'Il the Pythagorean relaticmship. If it can be ::,nOhrll tna t the d:i.st3.nce fro:n the vertex of this parabola to its focus is 8lso c, then the locus of the foci of all parabolas obt~ined will be the axis of that cone. by sectionin~ a fixed cone If this locus is not the axis of the cone, the proper locus will be displayed • .,... .-' c \ "7 L Ot- b o B y e: \ 3 In oriel' to deter line the bola's vertex to its se~iuej}ce ,{;~ere t~iis ~lll dE:3ired.H~3t'.,ilce the inspection of the coefficients formed equ8tion. by tho parabola foc~s, iron:. para- undergo a of traD.;cforrJ'.3. ti·)l1s ,;hicb 'dill place it in a co- ordins. te plane by dist~lnce The vertex ~ill o~ :.iayoe obtaiaed tte parabola's trans- be )laced at t~e origin the fo IlOllin.; transh; ti on: =x , z =z y' = y. X, (1.06) b a Under the equations of transformation (1.06), the cone (1.01) becomes (1.07) Under Cl:l8 S:l:rre equations (1.06), Fcc plane 0_.04) becomes (1.08) Z I The parabola is now in =- th~ ax I • 1)" situation described in Fisure 2. }!:.' u x. b i r - 4 The parabol::-J.:1ill be pl::.iced in the x"ytt-plane nO·,i by s rot3tion of the aX82 aro~nj the y'-axis. T~e equa- tions of trsnsformatlon are: x' = ::(ltcos(130o + e) - z"sln(1800 + e) Zl = x";::in(1300 + y' = y". The trisonometric e) of 8 can be fu~ctioTIS Xl - - + zllcos(1800 + bx lt C (1.09) z' = axil -- bzC C e) deter~ined from az tl C tt y' = ylt. After 3)plyL1C s1uations (1.09) 8.nc1 ;IlUCllS.l[jeiJrai.c ( .,.L. -:..'0) (0 4 - ,./+)zIl2 + (2J.3bc - 2ab 3 c)z" + 4i 2 b 2 cx tt - a 2 c 2 ylf2 - (2ab 3 + 2o. 3 b)x"z" (loll) z" The parabola situation wnere it bein~ ~2Y = o. discussed be = o. ~bt_ined hR8 been saved to a by intersect:ng (1.10) with (1.11). If t~is is performed ulBebraicllly, the eQuation of the J1rqbJln ( - ~il] be obt~inei, ~n0 ~il1 be y,,2 1r» -L • ..LL 'rhe paraoolio i[3 n'JJ in the :)0[:1 tion illustr:?tc;:i i.n i. I,oo~= at ]!'j i;nre 1., Pi,;urc 2, and F 'ure :5 in a::e3 11"-ve moved. As 5 tcw~' result, FiGure 3 is very Figure :5 i2 redr8:ffi frO:11 '1 be tter order. ~nolear. :Dint of vlei-l in f/ 6 FrO::ii Cell '8 ~)q;::e Ans.l;rtj_c Geo:netry, t?1e distance e~? U if the ;:3.~'&bol8. (one t :j C) :(1 e- the fJllo·Jinc.:: form: :)i:' . '1 V2.rlJ. 0 e :~:'"le-i':n";rtr~ 3ut 1.s .:'.1 )2 = of t~1e cOE.,ffic~e~lt GE the xl! tl::l'::~ in (1.12) is ( l.13 ) (1.13) ex)resses the distance the focus '* of the pard DO J ::1. of ("' -',i.L:l 't' ("~.. (4) , 0') 1. fro.~l .L • the; vertex j' O:~ • o"et ~~ fro~ the vertex to l'oduc ed OJ the ill tcrsec tl on ('~..!._.~L./ 17,) erur" J 'o.~ '~'J v i"'lC ,JI_ tills .pD.r:::.bolcl to the ::L:is of (1.01), if' and insJect the equality. ''"30th of thesl: d.i~t::;,tlcesJere":e3"sured Ions tilE scome line, the 3~=is ;y;' the )".:lr:'loola, ~o "GIlBY CO:.ild ')e properly co .:;p'lred. 7 (1.1 4 ) a =0 0'0.1;", In genera], then, ( ..,-L • i ty. In 0 theriTords, '001'3.8 obt.ine:l fr;;;:. cone. t~ll ~'\ ..L4, . If::; 2,:;1 locus of the foci of the fi:ced cone is ,.ot tllt:; 2. lwt '"xi~! equal~:)ara- of thet The true locus 11il1 not: be dis.,layecl. r2he inter- section of each a par~bo~a w~ose ~ember focu~ of this family with (1.01) defines is in the xz-coordinate plane. The locus of the foci in the xz-plane will be one e]e~ent of the locus of tie focl of all par3bolas obtained from (l.Ol). If this first lacus--in the xz-coordinate plane-- is found ~nd r)ta~ej around the z-axis, the locus of the foci of all parabulaE: obt:J Ined fro;:! describe1. Consider :pI igure _. z;c. '-1 \ i ux .. .: C t:~is cone ~'li J_1 be 8 12r~er The by par~boLa, whose vertex is ~oint ~, ~roduced is -':",ite intersect:m of (1.01) '.vith .:. = - (1.15 ) ax + 21a, b section. 3 and A arc the b - par:~_ 'oJ.:~s ] res;:ec t"lve_y. see if tbey lie FiGure ~ o~ Inspect foc~ of ~oints t~cse 0, !, two ~nd 3 to a straioht line. 13 )artially rcdra~n in ?i;ure J iOI- cJ.arity. 1:. o c ftLb.O, La) E(b~O. a) o y , ' Tri'J.ugles OEJ aua. OFD are :::iiliilar. If it C -;,;1 be sho;m ti:l8. t (1.16 ) the 11 ~~ 0 in t sO, A , a straight line. 'ill d B ~.[ i 11 ha v e bee n s h o"l"n to::' i e :J n 9 Fron the previous jeve1o~~Ent, = EA (1.17) b 2 c and Jhen the res~lt2 in (~.17) ~nd (1.13) ~re subst~tuted 02 a2 - as ,:ere EA :lEd EO. + b ]'fjj 2 3y t2e = FD . fytha~orean relationship, (l.19 ) -- Lc • :lfter these equat'_ons have been trGi.lsl'orm.ed by (L06) e1uat~on and (1.09), insJeatioL of the of this par~bo1a ilill yield (1.20) -c .'Then the results fro:n (1.17), (l.le), (1.19), 8.rid (1.20) 3re ~3ubstituted into (l.l~), (l.lo) becomes tilE: fo:2.10,rins: 10 n. EC (1. 21 ) 0 c 0 c Therefore, 0, A, ~ni 2 ? 2 2 -- FE FD 2_ b .w = -c =- 0 C • 1 Lc 2 • 2 B do lie on a stral=ht line. ~y If the equation a this l~ne is of ictpr~ined ~rd pl~nes (1.02) rot2ted FLl1d pOint ;L ii~t~nce The :::: to A is (1.1.:,). -V(b 3y t>:ll list'lnce formula, =EA -Va (1.22) ,2 = D 2 + 1)2 from -, ., .J.. .J.. this v:J.lue Illto t~18 e1U·-1t,i.J~l nf tile Jine, z (1.05). = b z a 3 + 2a 3 + 2ab 8. (1. 23) z = a(a 2 a 2 2 + b 2 2 + 2b 2 ) + ~ 0 2 (1.23) is the z-coorlinqte of 90int A. (1.24 ) (1.25) The~efore, , thi.rJ element, Jl:Wl1 \f l ~ ,•.r·c:::::, :..:.ccord inc: to Fi c)J:::'t::: 7, ) , is rotated ('1 COlle ~Iill ~rou~d be ob the t~~ilJed. ~'" =(a 2 :b2b2)X z = z (3 2:b 2 )X Z 2b = (a2:0 2'0 2)2 . . _ (?TI)2 = '{2 + ~2 il. z2 <" ..J. 2~,"\2 !,,/ The locus of tIE =·Jcl. .:,f '3.11 (1 (,"'1 ..L,\ .J- ........ )'::J.r:~bo:'..:lS obt~~ined freD 'L' - S .. t~e z-axis. a st3.ndari rot-'ttion :~;lC:C:l3.~lisLl. It CJ:r;,cs from Cell's iI.n3. 1.ytic Geometry, _,)3.;;e 271, Clnd Tjl=~ be u~:;ed *Th:i.8 i::; i:l tll2 2:c:n::~,~11d2r" of tl~J.i~-: ~j:Jf;er. The :lcre b2C '.u:.c, L--lt,il(' ~lE t ~,82S tCl.lS Ll(;C:l' ..'.::is;-u i;::- Lt:':;f:l ii'j. tl:.c'· ~~"o=._2_~;'ri!"_~ ~~c:";', S8\rer;?. . 1 4JOl""'e is ('e~'erel1ce (.-:'~c.r'e ~rl _,I t~::;jl'~'Lll'_~ (J',~ .. :t~:: t ti~ne~ ::;e:1~~:JIE1 ::~ t .1"_ I ~~ ~:_ :}w~· f~~~:)~:.:."2 :-:: 1.~,;11'· .. ~'" -c~:, ._\) ':.r L. 2_ __ (~i. ~~ Fj .. J1.l~C '-r . . L .; L -<.8._." ~~Q 1_ .<::"lj "1 (: .:. c~-~e ~_(~\le~i..- 13 2. A general lor a hyperbola. sour~e i:jonsider a 'e.lcrc:!.l LYl!erbo1a of the follOlrU::LS form: ;t. = 1. ,.., z2 (2.1) a The transverse its center ~2 of ~XLS the of LIe can jusa te '" t::. ot::. t~ls ori~tn. of ::lxis The ie tte Z-a21G, ~yperb~li (b,O) (-t,O) are ena-points hy{Je rbo la, ;:-JLG.l and -a are ttl}. s ~raph a~d ~lld of (2.1) ,2 o • (O,c) ::Lld (O,-c), a,·~) (O:~ .7=., l~A. A hyperbola of tIle C,Jne. ~ay be J.~. tl'" ~roJuced \ \\. '~ by intersecttn s rl~ht 14 may oe ~roduced i~terEectins by (2.3) Hi th x _. b. (2.4) Proof. ~erforD ttc intersect~an b 2z 2 a 2 (b)2 + a 2 y'-? 1 z2 = ~l Proof. Con~lder ~~c intE!rSect::'on of (;:.j) c =W + 0 2 , a1gebraicGlly. 2 r.. . r> b 2 hyperbola (2.1) produced by tie ~il.tLl /"8'e c L:; (2.4). ,E'rom t'il-,ure 8, U·"(;list,-~ncc ::CrJjl t::,i: Driz;in t:J tr:.C :focus. i~~ lts }roper tilrce-dirnensioll3.1 posit'.:Jl1 in £,i.;ure 9. '/ I b",,\.) .\ _r:l ,i. .... c:: + n~ I (2.6) 8. 2 -Ja 2 Fo 2 + b + b ::: Ao 2 2 - _2 2 Ao ::: 2 AO ::: c ::: ,r; . 16 3. 'rhree-dinens:J~1:3.1 lnterpretatlo:1s of the ':lsymptotes Jf a hyp e rbola. Consider the hyperbolq -L = 1, z2 (3.01) ? b a~ x = b, 2 The asymptotes of (3.01) are y = bz and a The proof of this consists of solving y= - bz. a (3.01) for y and sholving that, as z. increases Hithout lisit, yapproClches ±.!2£. ThG,)ro:)f l.s c:),nqleted by SilO .ling that tlJ.8 perpena dicular 1istqnce from a jeneral point on the hyperbola to Y = :t bz appro'.lches zero a::: z geL3 infinitely large. * a 1'",'~) three-di:icm~i::)Yl)l interpret'3.tiJ!lS for the asympo~ totes .1 hyperbola will no~ be 1i8918yed. Thl? :~yperbola (3.01) is proluced by intLrsectL'lG (3.02) 2 2 = a 2 x~ + a 2 yC0 b z 0 x-b. *c e.,-.!.., -I -, ' Ana l ytlC 8-eome t ry, page 115. 17 T~e 3sy~~totes of (3.01) are (3.04) y =± bz, x-b. a ~,s Observe that (3.01) and (3.04) are ;'lritten of equatl~ns. (3.04) e~ch The re3~on for this is thnt (3.01) and describe a line (or lines) in space. three-li:D(:l1Si)n9.1 cO·Jrdin:.lte i~l 8. 8.~j ttlt; inte1'2ection of t.'fO surfaces. of two 3urf'~ces r~rametric :!ll..u:t be described dhen t:-H:: eClu':1.tions e~uatloll 1 -': 1 .L fr~~ ~ .Ille • 1n b8th L -- 1 r. a A line 2 z2 (3.05) ~ysT,em are written :lown to describe ae .. ove tie second jairs b2 c. and (3.06) y = :t bz. a (3.05) 'ud (3.06) are cy:~illders, and (3.0~), :1;Yl~erbo1ic cY:~lnder, in the a)prOaCL8s t>:.e cylir:ders described 'oy (3.06) :3 .. :U6 illi:.:.uner as the ilyperbo1a (3.01) a,,;:rJ:ches its 'J.sy:nptotes (3.04). FiGure 10. (3.05) 3.:1d (3.06) :3.rs Jrc:th'L in 18 Ct F, S u.t'" e -- lO ~, , " J... d ~ I " The f::i tuation described in Fi2~cre 10 2,~; til,;; first a hyperbola. The second inte~~r0t~tion Jil~ nOJ be displqyed. Consider ti1e tr'Jces of (3.05) and (3.06) in the yzThe yz-tr ce of (3.05) has plqTIe. metric tt~ follolng para- equ}t~Qns: z2 r d L 2 b 2 2 = 1, = O. x The YZ-Lrace of (3.06) 1s describ6d by (3.08) Y = = EE., a T 'r'le :'~;ra' ".)" '1"1S ;,0' 7' 0~ (~). ()"() :=1.~ '.1 --'~, x ::= o. (-J". I',.") .~,. v -' are:1rcn·-.rn ln l!'lc;ure 11 . .J- • " 1.. _ t__,__ .: ." .j..__ l; . v I ,,- I ". (l [1 - q'~ 19 1/ '.J I (3 .U"'7) • -t~1.otawe circ~lar c'i.lld- ("7.J. u·'~) '3.roun:l tae z-axis. 0 hyperboloid of tuo steets, z2 is obtained. ThE hyperboloi.d of t\·ro sheets (3.0S') is nO'rl " res ting tl inside the c~ne (3.02), 3nd has Duch thE same relationship to the cone as a typerbol3 has to its aEymptotes. ::L ------------------~~--------------~~ r. ~ The f9.c t (3. (9) may be I , , \, '. that thE: cone (:5.02) is an :}.SY:=lP tote to E'Jroven in the same ,my in 1{h'LCh Y =± OZ a 20 were proven to be asymptotes for (3.01). =k z (3.10) thr:JUgh the cone res1.~lts the hyperboloid of 'l:1d Pass a 01ane The ~)heets. t\i'O of thL: :rLll be the equations of td8 circles. Obtain the racli.us of E:,~ch Df L18S(; circlesmi SihLi that, ss k approaches infinity, thE difference betaeen the rad~i of the two circles a)proaches zero. I-I 1 th Intersect (3.09) ,,2 X ~'\. a 2 2 b k 2 b (3.10). 2 ~ 2 b2 x - aC 2 - X = 1 a 2 y2 = a 2 b 2 + y2 = b2~k2 2 a ,.., c ') j_ a2 (3.11) r. np = -../x 2 + y2 = b..yk2 a a2 Intersect (3.02) with (3.10) • . 2.2 o K = a 2x 2 o 2lK 2 - ~ a (3.12) rc X " C. 2 + a y2 r. + yc. 2 =bk =-ix 2 + y2 9. rc 1s the radius of t~e circle of intersection of (3.10) .ritb tile c)l1e, Ivhile r hp is the r:.;t.iil1~; of of intersection of (3.10) Jith the hyuerboloid. tLlE: circle 21 (3.13 ) == blc a The CJrr8 (3.0~~) does 'etC";:, ~lS a thre8-di::ler:.::~imal asynptote fJr the hyplrbolold of two sheets (3.C9). 22 4. nJ~-uniqueness The thc,~r so~rce of the ~ of hnJerbola. i:1tersectio:1S. * describ2d i. ~ Fi~u~e 13a. -----t-::?'t""'---I-___---t--..- ~;'It is C3ses (C) (h) (a) possible to dis _,l:~:{,r~'llc. ','i:ill .t~'~'")od~-1ce :J. tIle tr':. viu.~ S~.:l~C 1111 ini t.e tJ.~lLlber o i.' i~2IT~Cl'lb:)1~~. ~';l)=:' ex:a~-;lple, rotate (2.h) arour~d t:1G Z-~;i:{~_r:;. -~~,(; irlt~':;cct~;):_ Jf (2.4) -,Ti +~, (~., -),) "T~ 'I ': Y'1-"l"C" (2_ • 1) , . ,"-,, ''','' "<>-,~ "i-le'c"C" .. ", "')\ u.o-':" ,...l ....... _"_ ..... J .... ,_"....... ... ....; 1. _ C .• _ trle tl'lC \;2 . .l. .l. G~:: ~~ ~l~le s • ~_ co~;binitJ')ll:c:Tt' ..-:tt·~Jr·::~-:tt.~\E~~ ,;-:_'"':-- ~ ~-"o. l':lnely:.5 ''':~~t~' cc:~~es "\J ',..I ' - ' ..... C;~~lC~,:, d.,oVt:· • ~ .. :)'" ..... Id \ ,_. • ,. -!- l~ :1.i:i-'J..<·t:d l:_i'j:'e:"c~Lt "V'Cl.,tE'~{ :< : ' 1 -- - .L) 0 ) • Consio er tile cone (4.01) anJ t~cc l::l.lle c. \J ( .),..,. •.n'· z ~, Iilf:;.~;I~ct t11c i'oJ_l~) IiLJ,,- x(tafl e) + H. di·~..:ra:n ,.. • . t- .\ " I I-I 24 Solve for H. :r-''Ji.2Jt -:3 haf; coorcUnates (J{b,O,C). .c, = x(tan e) + H 0 = lCb{tan e) + H ~ (4.03) H = -Kb(tan (4.02) (4.04) illD.y be re 1.Irittcn z = x(tan The equ3. ti.ons of tr.e ::~o,; ~::.s e) f'ollo~TS: 8) - Kb(tan 9). ~13.!Le ani cone :)e ing COYLsi dered are now (4.0~) and (4.01). Th2 anGle of rotati'JD may be Let al1i;le XEA be 8. ro~nd by ins~ectlng TlleD:..'.n;;lE CED if: ::11:;:.0 8. In a rcLltio:..'1, :C:o,;ever, the axes .:love--not ttll;; Construct :":';-cure. 25 The x-axis ;i~11,;ove tL~'cu:.::h3.Ll chl:le of (8 .- 90°) * in ThETei'cre, the '10°) :;; (4.05) . o ,I I (a) cO':lside:::'cd 'o~cute t~! bE tlJ8 ne;;sL_ve 8.L,::.;lc :le'\2U1'e1 fro,] the X-'~Xi2. is a )o::..:itlve acute :1n18. tion of e is twofold. In In F:gu1'c :;6b, J1'~)osltive F:i,~ure e loa, e i::: :, nes:itive First, consideration of 8 and tan .. ~ ,-nh ,~ "-, 1'0021.I.o1.0n ~ ~. i ~.LeJ.eL '-" -~ 1 t 1 . f B. .. " .,.;. e """1 3.H,_, e U1. ;,o 1..·._:.<.l'1 -08 ,..- __ .:erl..::", ne._,ativc acute an::;le. i.fo.i8ver, the ;:::i.tuat:lou i;{iel'e e is a posi ti ve :o;.cute 3..11[1e i[o the only one '\orh:~cb !':(·ed.s to )e c011:.:.1.1e1'ed. Ti1is ,\ii11 be:.ltslJLi~Ted fc:nrtJy. .L" .... .' 1 ' e 26 ~econ~11~r 1t _ ..... -,,'I',,',l -; __ ...L "oe '.,,'.',I,(V"'I'-,(, _ '-" _ t.'lot c_ 1'l<.~, .JL!'(... y'r'eC+l" -,',(' "I+e ............. -0 lJ,..\.,...,) \... . . . . (II OJ~'. ()l) ' j . ' - ..... T,d-+-h 1~ ...... I., .. .1. (i;..OLL) 1."iJl yield the :::"ome resu_It as the intej'sscting of (4.0:) t·;ith z = x [tan (-6)] - Kb [tun (-8)]. (4.06) This 'dill ll:rri t the (4.07) Lemma: C~IE!,)i.1er3.bly. of con:: :Lie-::1tion SP"Hl The Lame hyperbola if: obt~lined from intersc:ctin; (4.01) ~ith elt~er (4.0 4 ) or (4.06). i'he ;~eco::ld 8i tU::I_tio;~ i:~ I':erely t~J.c first 81. tua tion tlle :Call 0 .ring: y' (cos 'J..O"0 0 ) - z - Y I (sin H30 0 ) + z' (co s y (4.08) -- Z I ( . 100°) Sln 000 ) l -'- '-, - yI = z'• If the cone (4.01) is rotatej tt~0u~h an anGle of 18e o ro t:l ted ar::nmd the x-s_:d s us ing e1u3tlollb of rotation (4.03), the result is (4.06). z -. x (tan e) - 1(b (tan e) (4.09) -z' = x'(tan 9) - Kb(tan e) z' - -x'(tan e) + Kb(tan e) z, - x' [tun (-8)] -[Kb t'ocn (-9)]. , 27 z == x(tan 6) - ICt:( t3n Fro'] the :l::"Sc'Bs:on rotation o:~· t:i8 e), 90 0 e (arctan ~. ( :ceceJin; (1.+.05), the ::nc1e of l':c order to ;lacc them a:C3S ~Ln re1:J__tj,OI:'S~liiJ to the ~)roper re1cd,ionsi.lip Jicturec1 in FiGure 13'0) is (6 - :;'0°). T~le ef}.uations of ro ta tio:'l are :{ == XI[COS ~~ -- (4.11) (e - 9 00 )] - ZI [Sin (6 - 9 00 )1 + ZI[COS (e X'[Sin (9 _~ 0° )] JO o )] ,7 • :Then severa]. ;·;re11-k::1cnfll trisonom8 tric i den ti tL es are applied, (4.11) beCCllles x == x'(sin e) + z'(cos e) (4.12) z - -x'(cos e) + zl(sin e). ,U::::ebraically inter~;ect o == a"-z (,'~.C;l) ';;ith (,+.04). 2 ~ tan (4.13) c , 2 = 0 ( e - - (2atan20K)Z e 28 -;::.) (4 e--."" at a i0 .......... '1 (_ "V"C'T'OJlie c',.rlinder .l.J..~ e-2n~led ...J V - ... section. the y-cL:is usi.n .. " T~ls cO~1tainil1r:, lr,.'-,";)e:cbola _t~H~ __ - thE:: equ'lt.iJns of x, (co~ Fi~u~e is drm1D in rot~,:tj.Ol1 12 e) + z I (sin e) (-4.1~?). - (4.14) is a hyperbolic c;:lnder containing the in a section parallel to the contains the hy~crbola in ~ zy-~12ne. s~ction 17. hy~erbola Since (4.14) parallel t~ thE 29 2 Z -=-)f 2 (4.15) - a2 s tan ta 2 n '(Si 8)]2 - 2a2bK(COB 8)2' '" O12b2[2 + a y2 2 2 8 [b ( n 8) - 8 ] (co$2 )2 ,2 - 2a2bE(cos 8)z' " ,,2b K2 + a y2 2 [b2(Sin2s) 82(C0028)]z'2 - 2n2bK(cos 8)z' _ a2b2K2 + a 2y2 2 FiSu:re -------T----~~--- z" '" z' - (4.16) ~.1 ,,2bK(cos EI) 02CSin2s) _ y" .:::- yr. ___1 ____ 8 2 (coS 8) 2 30 Translate (4.1~) ~ith equations of tr~nslution (4.16) • z .. 2 (4.17) .2.. (. )2 ab KSln e) ( (4.17) is a 2yperbola of form z2 "~i a By Theorem (2.2), t~~e cone 2 a (O)S (4.19) th o (4.17) ~ay be vroiuoei by int8rsect~ng a) \"li c- " - L = 1. 2 ttlC:: plane 2 ~ e) ~. c:. n ZC 31 Gone: (1) 21ane: z = x(t3n e) - Kb(t~n 8) (4.20) Cone: (4.13) (2 ) 2h;ne: The~;e tJO si tlFlti ms 'irE: (!-t.19) obv~~)uslyHstinct. cone froll1 (1+. 2C ) {1.) is :2 verte:: J.rl:::.lE :)1- t,w C:J112 t'1l b, -.,:'-:.1 'e the '5:' frOin (4. c'C) (?) is '3.:CC 3. .____-+_---::*""''--'II~'----~x "" ~----- (Q) The verte:: (b) 33 _0 ',- 'D ~L l'.t i. r' ') a C( CrJS c.;.::,) v ( J, r' -~ \ '+.c.)) a --2/--~~ ,,' D 2J.:.2 ! ;D '"' '2'-'2 !Jl1.J::::t 2 no . ; De :i"ound. re 190. (L~.24) r tan e + KO, r. Z tJ the ',8 1ar r, J. , __ He ot' ;'" '" 1.1 . 'T ~1 e 8..;.- P ::' i) -,~ ~_l·a·_I. t 1. :J 11 - J~: L: ~~ -t.,O l.:C , t -? ) ,~: - ,. 2( . 2 ~ ) bSln ') - '~l '-- r £;e ts ~, '-( C'J'':'''' ,:',..,\ I ~ ~ ( , t)(;tteI' ~'.. 4 ( :.~' • '.') (4.26) y ;:: ;1; (4.26) ~. 9.nd of z ::: x( -;:;,3.::1 e) - Lb (t}ll 8) ~;ect~n x := i .", ± Oz,/;,'. ~iiC «)rj'Y'l"l': en :jI tCe c~ .V.'. ' ) e f':;·.·1d,:l, tll the ~oj~ ::'.nc( (4.27 ) (4.28) D"c. := ( E 2 -.- ta~ e ( re \.X r-....l., t.~.' + Kb, 0, + l'~o r) ( 4-.2 ',) ) , ..L.; .. 1'1 G..:tl. ... (4.29) J:", .. L - - ,_ L 0 c~ ,( c:.l.ll. e~ c... - 0 ( tS.n .) T'" [ r .J , 1 a (4.30) ., , J,.-", c: 0, - __~I~~b~~_·~.(~t~a_n_2_e~)~_, 0, - (4.)1) * 'r'~ncsc}rDceiure2 c'-'. tj.oru: of . • 1~VQ1Ve jurpose if thef::e v8ry lon~ ~nd :.:;1:11.;:),-11:1. ti'Jtls. It ;:erE: re)ro~luc8d l1i;l~C. c~10e i)l":;.i c e~tcnsve n. t::.. 35 Dc:'"'}~?_ i S 2~J~: I'O: Ll~_\ t (: j_ y r .... - "c L v311 .~ 2' '-~ild. 2 ~ l_L -- li:n r-+oo 'J":' t ("e y- c c)() r l i 11, te e + te r:c,s 1. n ::.t.llj C Gll S teI~2l~3 ,:L~, ~~!l T' t c~.ll ts 1"1 C::;i:lst::.nts J 1 -: lim 1:'+00 + I 1 2 2e r + const2nts r + const2uts 1 . = ~J..lfn a~ 3 .t n 2n ~ ~--~-- 1 + 1 t,~lll " ee 1 + tan (4.32) __ b 2 (tan 2 8) - a 2 a 222 + a (taLl e) the -::::roof (i+. 33 ) 2 e Consi~er the follo{ing. ~) s' -- 0 ') b~(sL1'-8) b 2 (;-0 iJ} ;~e ) ') ~ r Y12 e) - b~(tan~e)(l - sln~e) .,2(Cl· \. '-' AJ.l c.....-_ - a 2 _ b~(sln2e) + b2(sin28)(ta~2e) (4.34) a 2 b 2 (tan 2 e) _,/+ a 2 (cos 2 e) - a 2 (sin 2 e) = a2[b~:(~in2e) + b 2 (sin 2 e) (t·:m 2 S) r' a~(cos b 2 (tan 2 e) _ 0. 2 = b 2 (sin 2e) 2 e) - -.2 ?J ? a-(Ein-8~ - 32(cc~28) 2 (1 - cos e) 32 19b is 3. reLiresent~ ti.on of If it (4.20)(:1). oe c~n sho~n thJ. t (4.21) ( ~?) 4.c~ I )e t:-le e L~ ::.>:.:~ be t~e ~~Tl1is ;.T('u-"l ~L" liU ','[81"'8 -2;-2 /:1)., C, • t 10 :0 1.:8 -'1 This ~.L...L ~s e2Gily seen to fallowIng: l.:::; allJ~;:~,ble. 1"'·\"8 1l..'_' ~:l.e List'~L~lCC ~l~ebr:-lic TlIE. :Jere "U-·Y>CC"",+.-cr' '-"..L,-... I. t.J\",~",_ J. .. (.) ;:)<:~.._ne S~l,;~pe, Qct.,-E.:211 +'1'+ 'v'l ..~ U or si~rlil_:r ver~tic(::j~.. ~'-~_11j_'i0_J '~.til,--~ns 1~re8ervatiolJ. of (4.21) "",",'8,.'00'.",<=: ..... ~:, _ '-".,j·_~I"""" ;,'iJ:).lJ (-L') ., '"r'O'1 _" ... J'__ ll~r)t;1"Ool~_}.8. (')1 l __ ( ~ir~cc -.2;:-:0 "besTL ):re~3erv-ed, ~;.:Q~1 t~le tl1~-.;.t t~e ~·ome f:CC21ltl~ici t:;r 37 5. The uniqueness of hy)crbola .Jroductlon lIT a COa8. bola obt9ined by sectioning the cone 2 r) a xC: + (5.01) _~lane z (5.02) = x(tan e) - K1b(tan e) can not be obtainej by any other section of (5.01), exclu1iD~ the trivial ca[~ where (5.02) is merely roLlted. The procedure will be as follows. iug pla~e (5.03) Another section- will be chosen. z = x(tan ¢) - K 2 b(tan ¢) The dl s t::.nce be tIft en t:'18 vert i ce s of the rlype rbola .9rojuced by (5.01) and (5.02) ~ill be forced to be ttc sqme produced by (5.01) and (5.03). ~''J:rm DEIDC, be found as used in the Jreceling for eact hy}erbola. It will then be demonstrated that 38 the onl;1 H'3.y in .lLich these ra tiDS IW<.y be equal (and hence, the on\y \[a,/ in '..'lich the hyperbolas r:;)y be the S'<iTIE:) of 1;:; lor e to De eql..1=\l to ¢. L!.Ytje:roola~)roluctio::l Therefore, unL~ueness in ,:;. fi::81 c)ne,riLL be )roven. OO;J.sider I:'isure 20. If :~ =± 3.x/b o.re i::"llgebraic::;.lly intcr;3ected..,i th (5.02), tie coordinates of A,J. and 3~ ..1 ~re found to be (5.04) The Pythagorean relationship then yields (5.06) , 2 + 0 39 CODsider Figure 21. The coordin:l tes of A2 and 3 2 may be found.Ti th the same procedure that was used to find the coordinates of A~ .L and (5.03) Another a:9plication of t~e Pytha~orean rel:ltio!lShip yields (5.09) Notice from Fizure 20 and ?igure 21 the functions of Kl and 1(2" 'They are t:."lC para.lleters '.ihich, if -:::1.de lar2;er or smaller, cE'.ve tIle .abil':' ty to 81:1.de the planes 40 in a direction perpendicularly away from or toward the zy-plc.ne. Set T'"B-, equal to An 3,..., , and find O~lt HLat K,) must ~ ~ ~ be in order to insure ~ the distances tha~ :rJ3, ~ ~L ya 2 + b2 2aKI b( tan e) a 2 _ b 2 (t9.r- 2 e) L be~;een the = A2B2 rYa 2 = 2aK,;!b(tanr;tJ + b 2 a 2 _ b 2 (tan 2¢) = a 2 2 2 b (tsn e) (5.10) ,. e ~..::.)..) .<~', -; ( 5 •1. 0) .Lc . . . 1.1 t·1:: . . 1 ...Ly {". . piece of "mathematical :1lachinery" , r' ~'lhic;:l C" C' r, '0 "\T1.1l, upon (Jur choicE of all 2n;~le f; for a sectioning plane, slide this ;lane to the proper position--the posi- - tion where AIBl If the = A-2 B2 • ~yperbola obtained at the inters:ction of (5.01) and (5.02) is cO:'1s:'d.ered t:J be fi:::ed., 8.nd if t:'le intersection of (5.01) ~itt a fa~ily of hyperbolas since follo~in~ situ~tion (5.03) is cansiicred to be ¢ is arbitrary, then the exists. *Observe that, if e = f;, t~en Kl = K2 • 41 Cone: (5.11) 2 2 Plane: Cone: = a 2x 2 b z z b = x(tan 2 2 z 2 2 + a y e) - Klb(tan e) = a 2x 2 (5.12) 2 2 + a y ISl = [a 2 H he re 2 - b ( tan 2('~nilil (tan e) ,<\~1[8.? [(tun (5.11) defines , 2 2 b (tan e)] ~ sih~le hy~erjola. (5.12) defines Gy~erbolas from (5.11) and a family of hyperbolas. - ''"') .jjve ttc' ( :::;.JC:: .. All clistance~ oet . ;een t:leir vertices -2/-2 FiLd tbe rltios D2 E 2 I 'D 2 C2 ~; in the jrecedinc section. ~~d ~,.:.~ ---2-? Dl.;"l! ~ ID 1'-'1 n - 38 used ',et -'-',-'e Cll'b"cr-i-,+ "}," correspond G ... t.· v ........ ...L....;.:),,}..; From (11-.32), 2 (5.13) a • -2 Dr-.C c: 2 ? + a 2(t an 2~,) at; Again from (4.32), (5.14) In:3p ect tLe follo',ring equ3.li ty. -2 D2E2_ -2 D2 C2 e~ual. ........ 42 of ::111 of' tLe h;n.Jerbo13s -;)8in:.; It JU.l no,' be Given a cow::L~E'red Hill be equal. br a cOl1siJcI''J.tion of (5.15), tb:,t, ::'-~lolm, praluced by a 8-anLled section and a h~9crbo12 ::; ;~c ticnin,.::.; the Sl~E cone and havinc the distances rc.s~;ectlve (5.16) their betwee~ vertices equal, b 2 2 ~ (tan c 8) -::t a 2 + a:::(tan 2 e) 2 2 [tan e + (tan e) (tan 2¢n)] '0 2 - (t;).n 2 0n )a 2 = [tan 2¢n + (tan 2¢n)( tan 28 ~ b r, 2 '""l (tanCe)ac.: ~!-. Equ9_tin:j coefficients;' yields c" tan ,0 n (5.17) ¢n = tan 2 e *i( = 8. t:lL reeder that a unique ~ectl~n. oj .. A corollary ai' t:le FUl1(L.,nc Yl t this to be done. i~* Recall th~t these positive acute ~nglcs ~nGles. j 1 -;"heorem of _U:;e bra al10'''{::3 h3ve been restricteJ to being 43 6. :?ro j ections of fllrtb.er A General SClUrce for :". Section 2. :;'nis sJurce ~i:JS ~r:Jl"'k to be .jane. ~cy;:,erbol::. lus been found in )roved not to be un:L~ue in Sectlon 4, and the existence of at least two sources for every "yptrbola vl3.S displayed. In Section 5, i~ was proven specific hyperbo12 may be obtained from a specific th~t 2 cone ~ith ~he a unique section. next question is whether or not an infinite number (If co:nbilLitioJ.1s of _"lane and cone "lIhicll produce a spec:fic hYgerbcla may be iisplayed. certain tjst all of ~h0 t~lc co~ic situation daes exist. f8cti)ns. nalul tl~ll t. the rest )f the; conic sections.