1 Curriculum Vitae PHEME PERKINS Theology Dept., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 (617) 552-3889 perkinsp@bc.edu Education: Harvard University Ph.D. 1971 New Testament and Christian Origins M.A. 1969 Study of Religion St. John's College (Annapolis, MD) A.B. 1966 Liberal Arts Academic Positions Held: Professor of Theology (New Testament), Boston College, 1984-Kaneb Visiting Professor in Catholic Studies, Cornell University, 1989-90. Associate Professor of Theology, Boston College, 1976-84. Assistant Professor of Theology, Boston College, 1972-76. Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, Canisius College, 1970-72. Teaching Assistant in Greek and New Testament, Harvard Divinity School, 1969-70. Instructor, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Emmanuel College, 1967-68. Academic and Professional Activities: President, Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1986-87. Vice-President Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1985-86. Editor, Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series (New Testament), 1990B96 Editorial Advisory Board, Theological Studies, 1991B99 Consulting Editor, College Teaching, 1985--2006 Editorial Board, Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, 1985-Board of Trustees, Massachusetts Bible Society, 1985--87 Associate Editor, Harper's Bible Dictionary, 1982-85. Advisory Council, Interpretation, 1984-89. Advisory Board, Biblical Research, 1984--94. Advisory Board, Crossroad-Herder, 1994 -- 2000 Consultant, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee to draft a pastoral on women's issues and the church, 1984--1989. Associate Editor, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 1975—86, 2006 --2012. 2 Editorial Board, Journal of Biblical Literature, 1976-81; 1986--88. Research Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1978-79. Panel to evaluate grant applications in religion, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1985, 1986, 1987 Advisory Board, Trinity Monograph Series, 1984--89 Associate Editor, Horizons, 1983—2006; consulting editor, 2006-Council, Society of Biblical Literature, 1979-81, 1988--90 Executive Committee, Society of Biblical Literature, 1989/90. Committee to Draft Constitutional Changes, Society of Biblical Literature, 1990--93 Steering Committee, Pauline Theology Group, Society of Biblical Literature, 1986--95 Nominating Committee, Catholic Biblical Association, 1977-81; 1989. Program Committee, Catholic Biblical Association, 1974-77. Committee to draft a response to the WCC Faith and Order Statement, Baptism, Eucharist, Ministry, Catholic Theological Society of America, 1983-86. Reviewer, books on New Testament Ethics, Religious Studies Review, 1984--2000 Vice President, New England Region, AAR, 1986--87. President, New England Region, AAR, 1987-88. Treasurer, American Theological Society, 1987--91. Consultant: Panel to draft statement on language in translations and liturgical use, NCCB liturgy and doctrine committees; 1988--89 Advisory board: Abingdon Press, Abingdon New Testament Commentary Series, 1988— 2011. Kantonen Lecturer, Trinity Lutheran Evangelical Seminary, Columbus Ohio (1991) Steering Committee, Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism Section, SBL, 1991 B 97. Committee to Evaluate Canon Law Society of America report on The Canonical Implications of Ordaining Women to the Permanent Diaconate for the Catholic Biblical Association, 1996. Mother Elizabeth Seton Medal (awarded to a distinguished woman Catholic theologian), College of Mount St Joseph, Cincinnati, OH. April, 1997. Associate editor, New Oxford Annotated Bible. Third Edition (pub. 2001; Bible division, Oxford/NY); Third revised edition, 2007; Fourth Edition published in 2010. Associate Editor, New Interpreter’s Bible Dictionary, Abingdon Press, 5 vols. 2006-2009. Drafting committee, Mass Council of Churches book for the WCC on “Ecumenical Hospitality”, primary drafter for New Testament section, 2004-2005; published by WCC in 2006. Lecturer for Nadine Beacham & Charlton F. Hall Sr. Lecture Series, University of South Carolina, March 18-19, 2005. International Committee to evaluate candidates for the chair in New Testament at the University of Helsinki, Finland, 2006 Panel to evaluate grant applications in religion for ACLS 2005, 2006, 2007 Editorial board, Anchor Yale Bible includes oversight of Anchor Yale Bible Commentary series; Anchor Yale Bible Reference volumes; and associated future projects; serve as volume editor for books appearing in the series. 3 Membership in Professional Societies: Society of Biblical Literature Catholic Biblical Association Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas Books Published: The Gospel of John. (Read & Pray Series). Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1975. Reading the New Testament: An Introduction. New York: Paulist, 1978. Completely rewritten, second edition, 1988. The Gospel of John. Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1978. The Johannine Epistles. (New Testament Message Series). Wilmington, Del: Michael Glazier, 1979; 2nd ed, 1984. The Gnostic Dialogue: The Early Church and the Crisis of Gnosticism. New York: Paulist, 1980. Hearing the Parables of Jesus. Ramsey, NJ: Paulist, 1981. Love Commands in the New Testament. Ramsey, NJ: Paulist, 1982. Ministering in the Pauline Churches, Ramsey, NJ: Paulist, 1982. Revelation. (Collegeville Bible Commentaries) Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1983. (Translated into Italian). with R. Fuller, Who Is This Christ? Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983. (Third printing 1986; Japanese translation, 1991) Lent. (Proclamation Series 3). Philadelphia: Fortress, 1984. Resurrection: The Early Christian Witness and Contemporary Reflection. Garden City: Doubleday, 1984. What We Believe: A Biblical Catechism of the Apostles' Creed. Mahwah: Paulist, 1986. "John" and "1,2,3 John", New Jerome Biblical Commentary. eds. R. Brown; J. Fitzmyer, 4 R. Murphy. Englewood: Prentice Hall, 1990. Jesus as Teacher. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Epiphany: Cycle A, Proclamation Series; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992. Gnosticism and the New Testament. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993; (Translated into Korean, 2006). Peter. Apostle for the Whole Church. University of South Carolina Press, 1994. (Award from Choice for distinguished academic book.); paperback edition published by Fortress Press, 2000. First and Second Peter, James and Jude. Interpretation Commentary Series. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1995. (Translated into Japanese, 1998; translated into Korean, 2005) "Gospel of Mark" in The New Interpreter's Bible, ed. L. Keck et al; Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995, pp. 509-733. Ephesians. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997. “The Letter to the Ephesians,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, ed. L. Keck et al: Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000. Vol XI, pp. 251-466. Paul in Asia Minor: Colossians, Ephesians and Philemon. Nashville: Abingdon, 2001. Abraham’s Divided Children. Galatians and the Politics of Faith. Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2001. “Commentary on The Pastoral Epistles: 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus,” in J.D.G. Dunn, ed. Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible. Minneapolis: Eerdmans, 2003, pp. 14281446. Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007. (Awarded 1st prize in Scripture category by Catholic Publishers Association, Aug. 2008); paperback edition, 2010. 1 Corinthians. Paideia Commentary Series; Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012. Reading the New Testament. 3rd edition revised. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2012. 5 Books in Progress: 1 Peter. Wisdom Commentary Series, B. Reid, ed. Liturgical Press (mss. due 2014). Philippians, Philemon and Colossians. Illumination commentary series. Eerdmans, mss. 700 pp. due 2017. Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas for the Anchor Yale Commentary Series; the proposal to go to the Yale University board is in development. Christians and their Gospels. Gospels and Christian Communities in the First Three Centuries. book length project based on the Nadine Beacham & Charlton F. Hall Sr. Lectures; Draft revision of the lectures was sent to University of South Carolina Press in Sept. 2006. BOOK LENGTH PROJECTS (no publishing deadline): Reading Gnostic Gospels Today. Not necessarily final title; a Fortress press “contemporary issues” book proposal; developed out of my CBA presentation (and eventual CBQ paper) on the topic. Gnosticism in Early Christianity. Also not necessarily the final title; in discussion with editors at Eerdmans; similar length, audience as the Introduction to the Synoptics (2007; pbk 2009). . IN THE FILE CABINET NOT UNDER DEVELOPMENT AT PRESENT: Wisdom, Eve and Female Figures in Gnosticism. I have several articles and academic papers on this topic. Social and Ethical Meanings in the Synoptic Gospels "God Has Rasied Jesus": Ethical and Pastoral Meanings. Development of the theological and pastoral significance of resurrection traditions which expands on my earlier book on Resurrection and a series of lectures and workshops for ministers and theology students [a theme of lectures and workshops over the past 10 years means that I have quite a collection of material on the topic.] Tradition, Scripture and Hermeneutics in Gnostic Texts Originated in 1989 sabbatical project. Study of "authority" and hermeneutical strategies used by gnostic writers when interpreting different types of traditions, 6 e.g. OT, early Christian, philosophical. So far has led to two articles: ASpirit and Letter: Poking Holes in the Canon@ and AGnosticism and the Christian Bible@. Magic, Science and Religion in the New Testament World. Revision of the Rachel Rebecca Kaneb Lectures delivered at Cornell University in 1989/90. Ethical Exhortation on Speech in the New Testament. Articles: "The Spirit in Our Weakness: Religious Experience in Pauline Theology," New Dimensions in Religious Experience. G. Devine. Staten Island, Alba House, 1971, 123-40. "The Soteriology of the Sophia of Jesus Christ," SBL Seminar Papers. SBL, 1971, "Apocalyptic Schematization in the Apocalypse of Adam and the Gospel of the Egyptians," SBL Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Biblical Literature, 1972, 591-99. "Ut Mireris: Origins, Traditions and Ideologies in the Study of Ancient Literary Genres," Working Papers: Task Force on the Genre Gospel, Society of Biblical Literature, 1973, 149-73. "Peter in Gnostic Revelation," SBL Seminar Papers vol. 2, Society of Biblical Literature, 1974, 1-13. "Metaphor and Community," American Ecclesiastical Review, 169 (1975) 270-81. "Irenaeus and the Gnostics," Vigiliae Christianae 30 (1976) 193-200. "Interpreting Parables," ed. G. Durka and J.M. Smith, Emerging Issues in Religious Education. New York: Paulist, 1976, 149-72. "The Genre and Function of the Apocalypse of Adam," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 39 (1977) 382-95. "Peter's Pentecost Sermon: A Limitation on Who May Minister...?" ed. A. Swidler & L. Swidler, Women Priests, New York: Paulist, 1977, 156-58. "The Rebellion Myth in Gnostic Apocalypses," SBL Seminar Papers. Society of Biblical Literature, 1978, 15-30. 7 "The Missionary Character of the Church in the New Testament," ed. N. Greinbacher & A. Muller, Evangelization in the World Today. (Concilium 114). New York: Seabury, 1979, 1-7. "Interpreting Scriptures through the Ages," Catholic Charismatic 4 (1979) 4-8. "How Catholics View the Bible," Liguorian, June 1980. "Peter, Paul and the Shape of Early Christian Leadership," New Catholic World, 223 (1980) 213-16. "On the Origin of the World (CG II,5): A Gnostic Physics," Vigiliae Christianae 34 (1980) 36-46. "Pronouncement Stories in the Gospel of Thomas," Semeia 20 (1981) 121-32. "Logos Christologies in the Nag Hammadi Codices," Vigiliae Christianae 35 (1981) "Deceiving the Deity: Self-Transcendence and the Numinous in Gnosticism," ed. L. Rooner, Transcendence and the Sacred. Notre Dame: Notre Dame, 1981, 138-58. "Gnostic Christologies and the New Testament," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43 (1981) 590-606. "Parables and the Vision of Discipleship," New Catholic World 225 (1982) 20-23. "Johannine Traditions in the Ap. Jas. (NHC I,2)," Journal of Biblical Literature 101 (1982) 403-14. "Nag Hammadi and the New Testament," TSF Bulliten 6 (1982) 6-7. "The Gnostic Revelation Dialogue as Religious Polemic," ed. W. Haase, Aufstieg und Niedergang der romische Welt. "Gnosis as Salvation--A Phenomenological Approach," ed. W. Haase, ANRW "An Ailment of Childhood: Spiritual Pediatrics for Adults," ed. F. Eigo. Dimensions of Spirituality. Villanova: Villanova, 1983, 95-115. 8 "Gnosis and the Life of the Spirit: The Price of Pneumatic Order," ed. W. Thompson and J. Kirby, Eric Voeglin: A Theological Appraisal. Toronto: Edwin Mellen, 1983, 222-52. "Sophia and the Mother-Father: The Gnostic Goddess," ed. C. Olsen. The Book of the Goddess. Past and Present. New York: Crossroad, 1983, 97-109. "James 3:16-4:3," Interpretation 37 (1982) 283-87. "Gnosticism," Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1983, vol. Gn--, 10-11. "Nag Hammadi and the New Testament," Bible Today (1983) "Koinonia in 1 Jn 1:3-7: The Social Context of Division in the Johannine Letters," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45 (1983) 631-41. "Gnosticism as a Christian Heresy" and "Docetism", Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan (Free Press) "Power in the New Testament," Proceedings of the 37th Annual Convention, CTSA, ed. L. Salem. Catholic Theological Society of America, 1982, 83-89. "Paul and Ethics," Interpretation 38 (1984) 268-80. "New Testament Ethics: Questions and Contexts," Religious Studies Review 10 (1984) 321-27. "Taxes in the New Testament," Journal of Religious Ethics 12 (1984) 182-200. "Reconciliation in the New Testament," New Catholic World 227 (1984) 25-27. "Women and Discipleship in the New Testament," National Catholic Reporter Apr. 13, 1984, 16-17. "The Relationship between the Bible, Oriental Studies and Archaeology from the Perspective of a Biblical Scholar," ed. L Geraty. A Symposium on the Relationship between the Bible, Oriental Studies and Archaeology. Occasional Papers of the Horn Archaeological Museum. No 3. Barien Springs: Andrews University, 1984, 1-10. "Reconciling the Resurrection," Commonweal Apr. 5, 1985, 202-05. 9 "Resurrection: The Importance of Believing the Impossible," Washington Post. Arp. 7, 1985. Outlook Section F1,F5. miscellaneous articles, (approx. 123), Harper's Bible Dictionary. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985. "Biblical Studies: Looking Toward the Future," ed. M. Ward. A Companion to the Bible. Staten Island: Alba House, 1985, 407-19. "God in the New Testament: Preliminary Soundings," Theology Today 42 (1985) 332-41. "The New Testament -- The Church's Book ??!" Catholic Theological Society of Americal Proceedings 40/1985, 36-53. "Pauline Anthropology in the Light of Nag Hammadi," CBQ 48 (1986) 512-22. "Johannine Literature: From Text to Community," The Biblical Heritage in Modern Catholic Scholarship. ed. J.J. Collins & J.D. Crossan; Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1986, 184-210. "Christianity and World Religions: New Testament Questions," Interpretation 40 (1986) 367-78. "John, the Letters of," The Books of the Bible. ed. B. Anderson. New York: Charles Scribners, 1989 "1 Thessalonians," Harper's Bible Commentary. ed. J. Mays. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988, "2 Thessalonians," Harper's Bible Commentary. ed. J. Mays. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988, "The General Epistles," Harper's Bible Commentary. ed. J. Mays. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988, "Gnosticism," NJBC (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990) "New Testament Apocrypha: Gospels," NJBC (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990) "Re-visioning the Teaching of Scripture," Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education 7/2 (Winter 1987), "Perspectives on Teaching Theology," 29-32. 10 "Ordering the Cosmos: Ireneus and the Gnostics," Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism and Early Christianity ed. Charles Hedrick and Robert Hodgson; Peabody: Hendrickson, 1986, 221-38. "Marriage in the New Testament and Its World," Commitment to Partnership. Explorations of the Theology of Marriage; ed. W.P. Roberts. Mahwah: Paulist, 1987, 5-30. "Women in the Bible and Its World," Interpretation 42 (1988) 33-44. "Gnosticism," New Dictionary of Theology, ed. J. Komonchak; Wilmington: Glazier, 1987, 421-23. "Gnosticism," Encyclopedia of Early Christianity ed. E. Ferguson, New York: Garland, 1990 "Jesus: God's Wisdom," Word and World 7 (1987) 273-80. reveiw article, Albrecht Dihle, "The Theory of the Will in Classical Antiquity," RSR 13 (Oct. 1987) 318-20. "Christology, Friendship and Status: The Rhetoric of Philippians," SBL 1987 Seminar Papers ed. K. Richards; Atlanta: Scholars, 1987, 509-20. "The Rejected Jesus and the Kingdom Sayings," Semeia 44 (1988), 79-94. "Biblical Traditions and Women's Experience," America 157 (Oct. 31, 1987) 294-96. "Theological Implications of New Testament Pluralism," CBQ 50 (1988) 5-23. "Sophia as Goddess in the Nag Hammadi Codices," The Feminine in Gnosticism. ed. K. King. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988, "Christology and Mission: Matthew 28:16-20," Listening 24 (1989) 302-09. "1 Thessalonians and Hellenistic Religious Practices," To Touch the Text (Festschrift for J. Fitzmyer, edited by P. Kobelski and M. Hogan; New York: Crossroad, 1989) 325-34. "Scripture as Source of Renewal," Themes of Renewal. eds. M. Helwig, J. Breslin & J. Holt. Washington: Georgetown University, 1989? 11 "Scripture in Theology," Faithful Witness. Foundations of Theology for Today's Church (festschrift for A. Dulles. ed. L. O'Donovan & H. Sanks. New York: Crossroad, 1989) 117-31. "Confirmation: New Testament Perspectives," Liturgy Training Publications. ed. J. Wilde. Archdiocese of Chicago. 1989. "Mary in Johannine Traditions," [title?]. ed. D. Donnelly. Mahwah: Paulist, 1991 "Luke," The Catholic Study Bible: New American Bible. ed. D. Senior. (New York: Oxford, 1990) 417-37. "Acts," Catholic Study Bible, 451-69. "John," Catholic Study Bible, 437-51. "Hope," Advent 1988. National Catholic News Service "New Testament Ethics," Anchor Bible Dictionary. ed. D. N. Freedman. Garden City: Doubleday, 1992 "Crisis in Jerusalem? Narrative Criticism in New Testament Studies," Theological Studies 50 (1989) 296-313. "Commentaries: Windows to the Text," Theology Today 47 (1990) 393-98. "John's Gospel and Gnostic Christologies: The Nag Hammadi Evidence," Christ and His Communities. Essays in Honor of Reginald H. Fuller (ed. A. Hultgren and B. Hall; Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1990) 68-76. "Beauty, Number and Loss of Order in the Gnostic Cosmos," Neoplatonism and Gnosticism (Studies in Neoplatonism vol. 6; ed. R. Baine Harris; Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991) 281-300. "Philippians. Theology for the Heavenly Politeuma," Pauline Theology Vol. I (ed. J. Bassler; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991) 89-104. "New Testament Christologies in Gnostic Transformation," The Future of Early Christianity. Essays in Honor of Helmut Koester (ed. B. Pearson; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991) 433-41. 12 "Gender Analysis: A Response to Antoinette Clark Wire," Social History of the Matthean Community. Cross-Disciplinary Approaches (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991) 122-26. Introductions and notes for "1,2,3 John; 1,2 Peter, James, Jude" in New Oxford Annotated Bible (ed. B. Metzger; New York: Oxford, 1991) "1 Thessalonians," Women's Bible Commentary (C. Newsome & S. Ringe eds; Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1992) "Philemon," Women's Bible Commentary "Philippians," Women's Bible Commentary "The Gnostic Eve," Old Testament Women in Western Literature (eds. J. Frontain & J. Wojcik; Conway, Ak.: CUA Press, 1991) 38-67. "`I Have Seen the Lord...' (John 20:18). Women Witnesses to the Resurrection" Interpretation 46 (1992) 31-41. "God's Love on the Cross," Living Pulpit 1 (1992) "Canon, Paradigms and Progress? Reflections on Essays by Rendtorff, Sugirtharajah and Clines," Biblical Interpretation 1 (1993) 88-95. "Commentary on Harold Attridge, Gnostic Platonism," The Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Vol VII (1991) Ed. John Cleary, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993, 30-35. "Christology and the Resurrection," Christology in Dialogue Ed. R.F. Berkey & Sarah A. Edwards; Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1993, 173-81. "Response to D.A. Carson, New Bible Translations. An Assessment and Prospect," The Bible in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. H.C. Kee; New York: American Bible Society, 1993, 84-88. "Review of P.M. Casey, From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God," Biblica 73 (1992) 430-34. "Matthew 28:16-20, Resurrection, Ecclesiology and Mission," Society of Biblical Literature 1993 Seminar Papers. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993, "Apocalyptic and the Love Command," Love Commands in the New Testament. Ed. L. Swartley. Nashville: Westminster/John Knox, 1992, 13 "The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth," in B. Chilton & C.A. Evans eds. Studying the Historical Jesus. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994, pp. 423-42. "Does the New Testament Have an Economic Message?" in P. Schervish ed. Wealth in Western Thought. Westport: Praeger, 1994, pp. 43-64. "Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas," in E. Schussler-Fiorenza ed. Searching the Scriptures 2. A Feminist Commentary. New York: Crossroad, 1994 "Preaching the Old Testament in the New," Preaching Academy Journal Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia (1994) "Book Roundup: Preaching Luke" Church 10 (1994) 51-54. "Gnostcism," Dictionary of Fundamental Theology. New York: Crossroad, 1994 "Jesus and Ethics," Theology Today 52 (1995) 49-65. "Resurrection of Christ," Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Ed. R. McBrien; San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1995, 1108-1110. “Spirit and Letter: Poking Holes in the Canon,” Journal of Religion (1996) 307-27. Review essay on “Faith and Contexts. Volume Three Further Essays 1952-1990. By Walter J. Ong,” Religion & Literature 28 (1996) 123-27. “The Synoptic Gospels and Acts,” Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation. ed. J. Barton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 241-58. “Ephesians: An Introduction,” The Bible Today 36 (1998) 341-47. “Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles,” in Mark Powell ed. The New Testament Today. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1998, pp. 121-33. “Christ in Jude and 2 Peter,” Who Do You Say that I Am? Essays on Christology in honor of Jack Dean Kingsbury. ed. Mark Allan Powell and David R. Bauer. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1999, 155-65. “Identification with the Savior in Coptic Texts from Nag Hammadi,” in Carey C. Newman, James R. Davila and Gladys S. Lewis eds. The Jewish Roots of Christological Monotheism. Papers from the Saint Andrews Conference on the Historical Origins of the Worship of Jesus. Leiden: Brill, 1999, 166-84. 14 “If Jerusalem Stood: The Destruction of Jerusalem and Christian Anti-Judaism” Biblical Interpretation 8 (2000) 194-204 “Mary in the Gospels: A Question of Focus,” Theology Today 56 (1999) 297-306. “God, Cosmos and Church Universal. The Theology of Ephesians,” Society of Biblical Literature 2000 Seminar Papers. Atlanta: SBL, 2000, pp. 721ff. Study articles on: “Gospels”, “Epistles”, “Canon and Canons: Christian Bibles”, “Interpretation of the Bible: Inner-Biblical: Christian,” “Texts and Versions,” “Cultural Context: Roman Period” in New Oxford Annotated Bible. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001; Fourth edition, 2010. “Finding Joy in the Lord,” Quarterly Review 22 (2002) 199—207. “New Testament Eschatology and Dominus Iesus” in S. Pope, ed. Sic et Non. Encountering Dominus Iesus,” Orbis Press, 2002, pp. 80—88. “Introduction and notes to James” in New Interpreter’s Study Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003. “Patched Garments and Ruined Wine: Whose Folly?” in Mary Ann Beavis ed. The Lost Coin. Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 124-35. “Gnosticism and the Christian Bible,” in Lee M. McDonald and Peter W. Flint eds. The Canon Debate. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002, pp.. 355—71. “Women in the New Testament Church: Real or Memorex” in F. Eigo, ed. Themes in Feminist Theology for the New Millennium (II) Villanova: Villanova University, 2003, pp. 152—87. “Being of One Mind... (Phil 2.2)” Apostolic Authority, Persuasion, and Koinonia in New Testament Christianity,”in S. Pope ed. Common Calling. The Laity and the Governance of the Catholic Church. Georgetown University Press, 2004, pp. 2538. “Peter. How a Flawed Disciple became Jesus’ Successor,” Bible Review 20 (Feb. 2004) 12-23. “Jesus Encounters Intercessors,” Bible Today (Jan-Feb 2005) 15 Essays on “Luke,” “Acts” and “John”, Catholic Study Bible. 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University, 2005 “Christian Books and Sethian Revelations,” in L. Painchaud and P.-H. Poirier, eds., Coptica—Gnostica—Manichaeica. Melanges offerts à W-P Funk. BCNH “Etudes” 7; Quebec: Universite Press Laval, 2006. “Gnostic Revelation and Johannine Sectarianism. Reading 1 John from the Perspective of Nag Hammadi,” in ed. G. Van Belle, J.G. van der Watt and P. Maritz. Theology and Christology in the Fourth Gospel. BETL CLXXIV; Louvain:Peeters, 2005, pp. 245-76. “A Gnostic Gospel? Title and Genre in the Nag Hammadi Collection,” ARC. 33 (2005). Festschrift for Frederik Wisse. “Mary Magdalene as Gnostic Revealer,” J. Charlesworth, ed. [title?]. Harrisburg: Continuum/Trinity Press International, 2006? “Good News Judas? [on the Gospel of Judas], America August 21, 2006. “Adam, Apocalypse of” in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. A-C. K. Sackanfeld, ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 2006 “Coptic, language,” in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. A-C. K. Sackanfeld, ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 2006. “Resurrection and Christology Are They Related?” Israel’s God and Rebecca’s Children. Essays in Honor of Larry W. Hurtado & Alan F. Segal. Edited by David B. Capes, April D. DeConick, Helen K. Bond and Troy A. Miller; Baylor: Baylor University Press, 2007, 67-75. “Gnosticism,” in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. D-G. K. Sackanfeld, ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 2007. “Resurrection of Jesus,” in Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus. Craig Evans, ed. New York: Routledge, 2008, 498-505. “Acquire a Wife in Holiness and Honor” (1 Thess 4:4). Christian Marriage in the New Testament,” National Conference of Catholic Bishops. 2007 (papers posted on the NCCB website) “What Is a Gnostic Gospel?” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 71 (2009) 104-128. 16 “Schism and Heresy. Identity, cracks, and canyons in early Christianity,” in Routledge Encyclopedia of 2nd and 3rd Century Christianity. Ed. J. Bingham; New York: Routledge, 2010, pp. 227-38. “Ephesians, Epistle to the,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Ed. D. Patte; Cambridge University Press (2010), 369-70. “Jude,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Ed. D. Patte; Cambridge University Press (2010), 665. “Peter, the Apostle,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Ed. D. Patte; Cambridge University Press (2010), 947-48. “To the Jews as a Jew” (1 Cor 9:20): Paul and Jewish Identity,” e-journal Boston College Center for Christian Jewish Learning (2010) “Ephesians,” translation in The Common English Version (New Testament). Nashville: Abingdon, 2010. “The Resurrection of Jesus,” in T. Holman and Porter, eds. Handbook of the Historical Jesus. 4 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 2011) 2409-2432. “Christology of Matthew,” Bible Today 49 (2011) “Imagining the Kingdom: Jesus Tells Parables,” Bible Today 49 (2011) 223-227. “Faithfulness to Israel: Witness to God’s Mercy (Rom 9-11)”, paper prepared for a conference on Jewish—Christian relations in light of Nostra Aetate at Georgetown in March 2010 that focused on problematic scripture texts. They intend to publish their proceedings. “Fallen Angels and the Demonic Creator. Gnostic Exegetes Reading Gen 6:1-4,” [volume of seminar papers on fallen angels and Enoch traditions from the CBA seminar on Jewish pseudepigrapha and related early Christian texts] accepted as a volume for the Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series. “Gender and the Body of Christ: Problems in 1 Corinthians,” Method and Meaning. Essays on New Testament Interpretation in Honor of Harold W. Attridge. Andrew B. McGowan & Kent H. Richards, eds; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, pp. 487-99. 17 “Adam and Christ in the Pauline Epistles,” in P. Spitaler, ed. Celebrating Paul. Festschrift in Honor of Jerome Murphy-O’Connor and Joseph A. Fitzmyer. CBQMS 48; Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association, 2012, pp. 128-151. “Jewish Christian Gospels: Primitive Tradition Imagined,” in J. Schröter, ed. The Apocryphal Gospels within the Context of Early Christian Theology. CBL LX, July 26-28, 2011. Leuven: Peeters, 2012. “Christology and Soteriology in Apocryphal Gospels,” in Andrew Gregory, ed; Oxford Handbook to the Early Christian Apocrypha, forthcoming. “Thought-World of Early Christianity,” in Fortress History of Early Christianity, forthcoming. “Education, New Testament,” in Oxford Handbook of Gender in Early Christianity 18 Courses Taught: CORE: Pl/Th 090/091. Perspectives on Western Culture. (2 semester course). Joint Philosophy/Theology course for freshmen which takes a "great books" approach reading classics of the tradition with special emphasis on questions of society, politics, ethics and justice. HP 001B004. Western Cultural Tradition. 2 semester course for freshmen in the Arts & Sciences honors program; a seminar, great books approach that combines literature, theology and philosophy core requirements. Homer to Shakespeare. Th 050. Introduction to the New Testament. 1 semester introduction to the writings of the NT, focuses on content and social/religious background of the times. For students with no previous background in study of the Bible. LEVEL THREE: Courses which are generally most suited for undergrads, beginning masters students and others with some study of religion background. Th 389. Parables of Jesus. Historical-critical analysis of the parables as examples of how the teaching of Jesus addressed the personal and religious issues of life in his context. Attention is also given to contemporary literary theories of parabletelling and the function of the parables in their respective gospels. Th 512. Pauline Tradition. Study of the social and religious world of Paul as reflected in his letters. Serves as a basic introduction to Paul's theology. Methods of exegeting Pauline letters are taught through more detailed exegesis of one of the Romans. Th 564. Topics in Luke-Acts. Study of literary-critical approaches to the study of LukeActs with special emphasis on reader-response criticism methods of Prof. John Darr et al. (second half of the semester due to Prof. Darr’s illness) Th 569. Johannine Community. Exegesis of the Fourth Gospel and Johannine Letters with attention to literary analysis, comparative religions background and recent attempts to reconstruct the history of the Johannine community on the basis of these writings. Th 513. Gospel of Mark. An introduction to the exegesis of the Gospel of Mark which 19 combines historical critical anaysis of the gospel and literary analyses of the gospel. GRAD LEVEL: Th 521. Gnostic Christianity. An introduction to the emergence and development of Gnostic groups in the 2nd and 3rd century C.E. which incorporates “classical” (Sethian) Gnostic remythologizing of Genesis; Valentinian reinterpretation of Christianity; Gospel of Thomas and other Thomas traditions; Gnostic Platonists; Hermetic literature; Manichaeism and the Mandaeans (a surviving Gnostic religious sect from Iran/Iraq). Th 550. Revelation and Other Apocalypses. An study of the Book of Revelation in comparison with other Jewish and Christian apocalypses. Treats the work as the response of a Christian prophet to the religious, social and cultural situation of churches in Asia Minor near the close of the first century C.E. Also considers the theological issues articulated in apocalyptic writings of the period. Th 827. Introduction to the NT for Graduate Students. A "service course" for graduate students entering MA and MDiv (from other schools) programs without preparation in NT studies. Emphasis on basic information about content and scholarly methods of analysis of NT material. Th 594. New Testament Ethics. General survey of the background material for NT ethics. Focuses on Sermon on the Mount and Pauline ethics. Examples from other parts of the NT serve as additional illustration of the ethical problems treated in the primary material studied. Attention is also given to the problem of transferring NT moral convictions into modern context. Th 803. Graeca (Jewish Greek). Grad. An intensive Greek reading course for doctoral and other advanced level students that focuses on Jewish authors writing in Greek (LXX, Philo, Josephus, and other Jewish “pseudepigrapha”). Also provides students with an introductory survey of scholarship on these works frequently employed in writing about Roman period Judaism, New Testament and Early Christianity. Students must have completed Intermediate Greek. TM 800. Women in the New Testament. 1 week summer session course on women in the New Testament both as narrative characters and in light of sociohistorical work reconstructing women’s lives in 1st century Christianity. For students in the masters level programs at the School of Theology and Ministry. 20 Upper level (grad and undergrad) courses not currently being offered: Th 362. New Testament Christology. Study of the background to and divergent developments in Christology as represented in the NT writings. Particular attention is given to those developments that would influence later "classical" formulations of doctrine. Th 36?. New Testament Theology. Survey of the development of theological themes in the NT writings. Studies the influence of context and polemics in the development of theology in the NT. Discussion of the problem of moving from unsystematized reflection and metaphor such as the NT to systematic theology. Pl/Th 392. God and Science.Survey of recent developments in cosmology, evolutionary theory and cognitive sciences as they have been taken up in discussions between science and theology. Addresses the question of how a scientific world-view impacts the formation of a religious spirituality for the twenty first century with reference to Christian mystics and Buddhist Insight Meditation. At Cornell: NES 324. From Apostles to Chalcedon. History of Early Christianity (100-451 C.E.). Study of the development of Christianity from the Apostolic Fathers to Chalcedon. Focuses on the following areas of research in early church history: (1) Christianity's devleopment as an institution in late Roman society; (2) development of Christian orthodoxy over against Judaism and heretical gnostic movements; (3) the role of Greek philosophy in shaping Christian doctrine; (4) the emergence of special patterns of Christian holiness in ascetic movements; (5) Christian views of political and social responsibility; (6) significance of women in the early history of Christianity. CL 402: Tutorial: New Testament and Patristic Greek RS 101. Introduction to the Study of Religion. Planning interdisciplinary course in religious studies; lecturer on Christianity. Graduate level courses not currently being offered: Th 849 (RS 734 at Andover Newton). Social and Ethical Meanings in the Synoptic Gospels. Team taught with social ethicist (Prof. Stackhouse at ANTS). Moves from exegetical reconstruction of the social world of the synoptic gospels and their traditions to understandings of society, oblicgation and justice that emerge. Studies the influence of eschatological language in the critique of culturally 21 available solutions to ethical problems. Some attention is given to the use of synoptic materials in liberation theology. Th 990.01 Seminar for Doctoral Students in BC/ANTS Joint Doctoral Program. Required of all first and second year PhD students. The seminar treats a theological issue through analysis of "great books" in the theological tradition. Topic for 1992/93: Theological Anthropology. Topic for 1993/94: Knowledge of God. Topic for 2002/2003: Use of Scripture as Canon in the various theological specialties. TN 909 (at B.U.) Gnosticism and the New Testament. PhD seminar. Study of the impact of recent discoveries of gnostic materials and developments in gnostic studies on such areas of NT study as: heterodox, pre-Christian Judaism; transmission of sayings of Jesus; wisdom Christology; dualism in Pauline and Johannine thought; images of redeemer figures Academic Committee Assignments: UNIVERSITY LEVEL Student Welfare Committee (1972/73) Pre-medical/pre-dental advisory committee. (1973-1989) President's committee to investigate the Black Talent Program (1975) Graduate School of A&S: Special Grievance Committee (1 yr) University Research Council (2 yrs) University Tenure and Promotions Committee 1986-88, 1993-95, 1996-98, 2000-2002, 2004-2006, 2010-2012. Search Committee for Director of IREPM (2x) University Hearing Committee, 1991--93 Committee to Oversee the Core Curriculum, 1995 B98 Committee on Honorary Degree Recipients, 1996/97 Council on Student Development, 1998 – 2000 Interview candidates for Presidential Scholarships, 2000--2009 DEPARTMENT Advisor to Theology Majors (1974-78) Advisor to Bible Minors (1986-88) Curriculum Committee 4 yrs; 1991-92, 2000-- 2001 Executive Committee (5 yrs?); 2001-2003, 2006-2008 M.A. Committee (1992-94) Search Committees for appointments in: World Religions (chair), Old Testament (1x and chair, 2000, 2008), New Testament (chair, 2x), Church History (3 yrs; 1993/94; 1997/98; 2010); Second Temple Judaism (2004/05, chair); Islamic studies 22 (Comparative Theology), 2005/2006; systematic theology (2008); Latin Patristics (2011). Dorot Grant Applications Evaluation McCarthy Lecture Selection Committee Tully Award Recipient Selection evaluate candidates for Phi Beta Kappa PHD PROGRAM Convener, Bible Section (4 yrs; for developing PhD program proposal, 1991); 2004-Educational Policy Committee 3 yrs; 2000—2001; 2010--2012 Committee to Review PhD Seminar Chair, Admissions Committee (1987/88); member Admissions Committee, 1991, 1996B 2000 (chair of committee 1997, 1998; 2004—2009), 2010--