Economic Performance of Modularized Hot-Aisle Contained

Economic Performance of Modularized Hot-Aisle Contained
Datacenter PODs Utilizing Horizontal Airflow Cooling
Albert 0. Rabassa HI
B.S. Computer Science, Monmouth University, 1978
M.S. Information Systems and Technology, Johns Hopkins University, 2008
Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management in
Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of
Master of Science in Management of Technology
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
JUN 18 201
June 2014
C 2014 Albert 0. Rabassa III All Rights Reserved.
The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly thesis and
electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or
hereafter created.
Signature redacted
Signature of Author:
MIT Sloan School of Management
May 1, 2014
Certified by:
Signature redacted
Johh E. Van Maanen, PhD, Thesis Advisor
Professor of Organization Studies, MIT Sloan School of Management
Signature redacted
Reviewed by:.
Christopher N. Hill, PhD, Technical Review
Principal Engineer, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Accepted by:
Signature redacted
J. Sacca, Director
MIT Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation and Global Leadership
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Economic Performance of Modularized Hot-Aisle Contained Data
center PODs Utilizing Horizontal Airflow Cooling
Albert 0. Rabassa III
Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management on May 1, 2014 in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Management of Technology
Evolutionary and revolutionary advances in computational and storage systems have driven
electronic circuit densities to unprecedented levels. These high-density systems must be
adequately cooled for proper operation and long life expectancy. Cooling solutions must be
designed and operated to minimize energy and environmental impacts. Executive decisions
are deeply rooted in the technical aspects of the systems and solutions sought. These
interdependent solutions seek to maximize system performance while minimizing capital and
operating expenditures over the economic life of the data center. Traditional data centers
employ a raised floor plenum structure to deliver cooling via perforated floor tiles as the
primary delivery system for component cooling. Heated exhaust air exits the equipment and
travels upward to warm return plenum structures for subsequent capture and re-cooling. This
floor-to-ceiling airflow behavior represents a vertical airflow-cooling paradigm. The resulting
airflow may travel 150 feet or more per cooling cycle. A new class of data center cooling
utilizes a technique called 'in-row' cooling. This new technique does not require a raised
floor plenum, perforated tiles, nor return plenum structures. The airflow travels horizontally
from rack-to-rack with respect to cold air delivery and warm air return. Airflow travel is
subsequently reduced to only 10 feet per cooling cycle. This thesis will explore the economic
benefits and economies of this new airflow paradigm against traditional data centers through
the use of measurement and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling software.
Thesis Advisor: John E. Van Maanen, PhD.
Title: Professor of Organization Studies, MIT Sloan School of Management
Thesis Advisor: Christopher N. Hill, PhD.
Title: Principal Engineer, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
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John Van Maanen PhD, Sloan School of ManagementI wish to thank Dr. Van Maanen for his yearlong executive leadership and training. I
hope to carry the lessons from self-reflection and leading organizations back to my
parent company. It has been a fantastic year. Onward!
Christopher N. Hill, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary SciencesI wish to thank Dr. Hill for kick starting my thesis project and keeping me technically
engaged at the MGHPCC. Without his help, access to the data center would have
been extremely difficult and time consuming. Thank you.
MGHPCC - Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing CenterI wish to thank the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
located in Holyoke, MA and its Executive Director Mr. John Goodhue. The
MGHPCC provided a state of the art data center facility allowing me to perform my
academic research. Kevin Helm, Director of Facilities Management; Mark Izzo,
Chief Engineer; and Scott Alix, Facilities Engineer, provided complete access and
assisted me with physical, mechanical, and electrical measurements that were critical
to my research.
Innovative Research Inc.I wish to thank Dr. Kailash C. Karki and the executive staff of Innovative Research'
in Plymouth MN who provided an academic license for the TileFlow CFD modeling
software. CFD airflow modeling was a cornerstone of my research thesis. Without
this generous corporate offer, this thesis would not have been possible.
My SponsorI wish to thank Director David Petraeus for establishing the Executive Scholarship
Program which brought me to the MIT Sloan School of Management and to the
members of the Center for Leadership Division for their support in the year-long
execution of this program. Special thanks to Richard C. and Elaine S. who wrote
compelling letters of recommendation to the scholarship selection committee,
knowing that their letters could ultimately remove me from their workforce for over a
year. The 8-member vote was unanimous.
My Wife and FamilyI wish to thank my loving wife of 33 years, Cecilia, for taking the helm while I was so
far away. It is the most unselfish and loving act that I could ever imagine. I could
have never done this without you. We have beaten the odds. And to my two sons AJ
and Matthew- thank you for stepping in when I was away. You are never too old to
continue your education or to try something new. Good talk.
Innovative Research Inc.,
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The opinions and views expressed throughout this thesis are the opinions of the author and
may not reflect the opinions or views of: my sponsor, the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), the Massachusetts Green High Performance
Computing Center
(MGHPCC), nor their respective: faculty, staff, advisors, contractors, or other parties.
Any and all products, graphics, photos, and formulae mentioned in this thesis are for reference
and clarity proposes only.
It does not constitute an endorsement, use, preference,
advertisement, or suitability to task. This thesis does not constitute direction or consulting
All products, product names, logos, or trademarks mentioned in this thesis remain the sole
ownership of their respective owners. All sources are cited.
Symbols will denote such
ownership (@, ©, TM).
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Table of Contents
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Disclaim er ................................................................................................................................... 7
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 9
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................ I I
Table of Tables ......................................................................................................................... 12
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter I - Introduction ........................................................................................................... 14
Scope .................................................................................................................................... 18
Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................ 19
Assum ptions ......................................................................................................................... 19
M ethodology ......................................................................................................................... 19
Research Facility .................................................................................................................. 21
Test Environm ent ................................................................................................................. 22
Chapter 2 - Tools ...................................................................................................................... 23
Description and Use ............................................................................................................. 23
TileFlow ............................................................................................................................... 23
Load Banks ........................................................................................................................... 23
Infrared Therm al Imaging Cam era ....................................................................................... 24
Computing System ............................................................................................................... 25
Computational Fluid Dynam ic (CFD) M odeling ................................................................. 26
Lim its of M odeling ............................................................................................................... 27
Test Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 27
Test Setup ............................................................................................................................. 28
CFD M odeling Input ............................................................................................................ 29
CFD M odeling Output .......................................................................................................... 30
Test Results .......................................................................................................................... 31
Confidence of CFD M odeling .............................................................................................. 33
Chapter 3 - An Overview of Traditional Data centers ............................................................. 34
Construction ......................................................................................................................... 35
PUE (Power Usage Effetiveness) ......................................................................................... 36
Competing Cooling Solutions .............................................................................................. 37
Downflow CRAH Unit ......................................................................................................... 37
In-Row Cooling Unit ............................................................................................................ 39
CFD M odeling Traditional Data centers .............................................................................. 42
Sub-M odels vs. Full-m odels ................................................................................................. 42
Sub-m odel - Traditional Data center ................................................................................... 43
Full-m odel - Traditional Data center ................................................................................... 45
Sub-M odel with Containm ent PODs .................................................................................... 46
Full-m odel with Containm ent PODs .................................................................................... 47
Conclusion - Full-model ...................................................................................................... 52
Raised Floor Cost Considerations ........................................................................................ 52
Raised Floor Costs ................................................................................................................ 54
Raised Floor O& M Costs ..................................................................................................... 55
Drop Ceiling Plenum Structures ........................................................................................... 55
Page 9
Drop Ceiling O &M Costs.....................................................................................................
Chapter 4 - CFD Modeling In-Row Cooling with Containment PODs................
CFD M odeling - In-Row Cooling w ith POD s..................................................................
CFD M odeling - Full-m odel POD ....................................................................................
Modeling Results - Full-model, In-Row cooling with PODs ....................
Staggered In-Row Cooling - W hat If..................................................................................
Results - Staggered In-Row Cooling ...................................................................................
Chapter 5 - Observations - CFD M odeling ...........................................................................
Chapter 6 - Econom ic Sum m ary ..........................................................................................
Iterative Econom ic D esign ...............................................................................................
Rack Pow er D ensity .............................................................................................................
N umber of IT racks ..............................................................................................................
Iterative Savings ...................................................................................................................
PU E Hacking ........................................................................................................................
Chapter 7 - Technical Sum mary ..........................................................................................
Observations .........................................................................................................................
Chapter 8 - Business Case Summ ary ....................................................................................
Chapter 9 - Conclusions...........................................................................................................
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................
Page 10
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Moore's Law Performance Graph 1971-Present ..................................................
Figure 2: Effects of Moore's Law - Short Term (5 years). ...................................................
Figure 3: PU E Exam ple 1.8 vs. 1.2. .....................................................................................
Figure 4: Exam ple of False M aximum ...............................................................................
Figure 5: The Massachusetts High Performance Computing Center. .................................
Figure 6: Photo(l) and CFD Model(r) of an 8-Rack POD (Sandbox Area). .......................
Figure 7: Physical(l) and CFD Model(r) of a 24-Rack POD (main data center). ...............
Figure 8: Simplex MicroStar® 17.5kw Load Bank, 19" Rack-Mounted.............................
Figure 9: Sample IR Thermal Image of Computer Racks/Rows.........................................
Figure 10: Sample Tileflow® CFD Image File (JPG). .......................................................
Figure 11: CFD M odeling Output ........................................................................................
Figure 12: Actual to Predicted Thermal Results (A,B,C). ..................................................
Figure 13: Various CFD Views and Billboards from the Sandbox Modeling. ...........
Figure 14: Example of a Data center Raised floor. ..............................................................
Figure 15: Down-Flow CRAH unit with Fan Module extended.........................................
Figure 16: CFD model of downflow CRAHs with extended fan units. ..............................
Figure 17: Downflow CRAH schematic of major components. ..........................................
Figure 18: In-R ow cooling unit ...........................................................................................
Figure 19: In-Row Power (Watts) and Airflow (CFM) values of capacity.........................
Figure 20: Traditional legacy data center, 20-year old approach.........................................
Figure 21: Traditional legacy data center sub-model showing overheated racks/equipment.
Figure 22: A 30,100 sq ft Traditional Data center w/Raised Floor..................
Figure 23: Traditional Data center with Containment POD................................................
Figure 24: A 30,100 sq ft Traditional Data center with Hot Aisle Containment. ...............
Figure 25: Close-up view of multiple containment PODs. ................................................
Figure 26: Full object detail showing the ceiling and ceiling vent above the hot-aisles.........
Figure 27: Horizontal Billboard of a full-model of the data center (12kw load). ...............
Figure 28: Vertical Billboard of the data center (12kw load). ............................................
Figure 29: Vertical Billboard with equipment racks set to "invisible"................................
Figure 30: Various Vertical Billboard sweeps across the data center (w/consistent results)..
Figure 31: Subfloor plenum pressure and directivity..............................................................
Figure 32: Raised Floor loadings. .......................................................................................
Figure 33: MGHPCC on-slab installation of PODs. ............................................................
Figure 34: Raised floor cost estim ate. ................................................................................
Figure 35: Basic POD design utilizing in-row cooling. .....................................................
Figure 36: PODs with in-row cooling horizontal billboard..................................................
Figure 37: POD with in-row cooling horizontal billboard. .................................................
Figure 38: Vertical billboard, in-row cooling system highlight...........................................
Figure 39: In-row cooling with vertical billboards.............................................................
Figure 40: Full data center model, POD design with in-row cooling. ................................
Figure 41: CFD data center model, horizontal billboard....................................................
Figure 42: Full-m odel, horizontal billboard ........................................................................
Figure 43: Thermal Performance of Staggered In-Row Cooling. .......................................
Page 11
Stagger design, horizontal billboard. ................................................................
Floor Tile airflow vs distance to CRAH unit......................................................
Server Fan Power vs. Inlet Temperature (circa 2004)........................................
Server Electrical Power vs. Inlet Temperature (2014)........................................
In-Row Cooling Capacity and Costs (Unconstrained > 10MW ).........
In-Row Cooling Capacity and Costs (Constrained to 10MW). .........................
Figure 50: Data center container exhibiting 1,000 watts sq/ft Power Densities. ................
Figure 51: Active floor tiles to regulate airflow.................................................................
Table of Tables
Table 1: Fan A ffinity Law s..........................................................................
Table 2: PUE Influenced by IT Fan Power.......................................................74
Table 3: Capacity M atrix.............................................................................
Page 12
Prior to my yearlong academic assignment to the MIT Sloan School of Management, I served
as a Data Center Engineer for the US Federal Government. I am responsible for the designs
and technologies affecting our data centers.
Collectively, this represents over 30MW of
electrical power with capital expenditures exceeding $500M. With shrinking fiscal budgets,
Executive Orders, and serving as a steward of taxpayer money, I continually search for cost
efficiencies within my area of responsibility.
I have operated on the cutting edge of technology of data centers for the past eight years. My
experiences span the following types of data centers:
Purposefully built data centers- independent power and cooling systems.
Data centers within office spaces- shared power and cooling systems.
Data center containers attached to buildings- shared power and cooling systems.
Stand-alone data center containers- independent power and cooling systems.
While observing the computational infrastructure at MIT, I noted a newly constructed data
center 90 miles west of the MIT campus in Holyoke MA. It was advertised to be "green" and
highly energy efficient. I was granted a data center tour and found this new data center to
contain the latest in energy efficient technologies and methodologies.
This new cooling
technology piqued my interest as this data center is using an "in-row" cooling system vs. a
traditional raised floor cooling system. This appeared to be an excellent area to perform
research relating to the viability and applicability to my data center environments (both
present and future).
I was subsequently granted access to the data center to perform
Page 13
engineering research and to derive underlying business cases supporting such energy efficient
The purpose of this thesis is to compare and contrast the economic and cost benefits of this
new type of in-row cooling technology. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) airflow models
will be used to compare an equivalent offering using complementary airflow dynamics found
in many traditional data centers.
This thesis is not an exercise in thermodynamics.
However, it does represent the highly
technical aspects of data center planning, the executive decision process, and the
understanding of the highly technical aspects and the decisions affecting data center up-front
capital expenses (CAPEX), operational expenditures (OPEX), and design considerations.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Over the past 15 years, data center managers have struggled with the rate of change of the
computational equipment and the infrastructure that is housed within the data center's area of
responsibility. The rate of change has been incremental on a yearly basis, but exhibits a
compounding effect on the data center itself. Resources and excess capacities that may have
existed are consumed at a rate faster than ever imagined. With data center upgrades and new
construction requiring 1-year of planning and 24-3 6 month of execution, data center managers
become completely overwhelmed and are unable to expand or adapt to new and improved
technologies that may actually have helped their situation.
Page 14
These capacity problems and rates of growth are not slowing. In fact, they are accelerating.
Moore's Law states that circuit densities will increase by a factor of two (2x) every 18
months. This held true for many years, but has flattened to a rate 2x every 24 months 2 . The
net effect is that circuit densities and the heat generated by these circuits will continue to rise.
Data centers must be ready to incorporate and adapt to the latest equipment offerings. While
it is impossible to "future proof' the data center, reasonable steps must be taken to plan and to
project capacity, consumption, and the organizational responses to those demands.
800 UC'2 000
Cu"v shows
dmAui nerey
0 00)000
C 002 0001990
1: Moore's Law Performance Graph 197 1-Present
The original Moore's Law as stated by IBM's Gordon Moore in 1965 indicated a circuitdensity doubling effect every 18 months. This was appropriate with Integrated Circuits (ICs),
but has slowed recently due to production cycles- primarily as a result of Intel Corporation
'tick' and 'tock'.
Since 2007, Intel Corporation uses a two-year production cycle called
A 'tick' cycle shrinks the die, say- from 45nm to 32nm per transistor
3 I2_wide-mooreslaw.png
Page 15
junction. A 'tock' cycle updates the microarchitecture. Production complexities warrant this
behavior, thus slowing the original description of Moore's Law as a matter of practicality and
profit. It should be noted that transistor junction sizes have shrunk from 65nm, to 45nm, to
32nm, to 22nm, with current production operations at l4nm junction sizes. This progression
cannot continue without limit. Projected junction sizes of: 1 Onm, 7nm, and finally 5nm by the
year 2022.
At such time, the junction sizes approach single molecules- reaching the
molecular limit of miniaturization. After 60 years, Moore's Law may have reached its limit.
Figure-1 depicts Moore's Law over a 40+ year period. While it is readily accepted as the de
facto industry trend of the computer chip manufacturing market, it bears little resemblance or
meaning to data center managers with short business horizons.
It is not until managers
examine a five year graph of Moore's Law that the impacts of exponential growth become
evident in the near term. Figure-2 depicts four growth models: linear growth, doubling every
18 months, doubling every 24 months, and doubling every 36 months.
The intent is to
demonstrate the time horizon of a fixed resource (the data center's power and cooling
infrastructure) against three non-linear growth models for the computational resources
deployed within the data center.
Page 16
Linear inprovomenatn
Law. ( t.IP urniS)
La. (w 1-36 '.uia
Figure 2: Effects of Moore's Law - Short Term (5 years)4 .
Data center managers are now faced with multi-dimensional problems- increasing circuit
densities, variable equipment cooling, users doing more and more with the technological
improvements in data processing hardware/software, 24x7 access, Big Data, shrinking
budgets, different ages of the computing equipment, and competition from outside resources
to move into the "cloud". The set of possible solutions available represent huge swings in
corporate thinking, funding, and planning horizon. The solutions may include: retrofitting the
existing data center spaces to accommodate the new computing equipment, building a new
data center facility specially built for this purpose, or out-sourcing computing needs to a third
party as part of a cloud computing initiative. Each solution has different levels and types of
risk, funding profiles, and time horizons.
For the purposes of this thesis, I will target single-site data centers with a total site capacity of
approximately 10 megawatts (MW) of electrical power. This thesis will also assume a state of
Page 17
the art energy efficient design exhibiting a Power Usage Effectiveness
(PUE) of 1.5:1 or less.
This equates to 66% of the total site power available for the computation needs of the data
center. The remaining 34% of the electrical power is available for cooling, lighting, pumps,
HVAC, hot water, and distributed electrical and thermal losses. See Figure-3.
IT Load = 100kW
IT Load = 100kW
Infrastructure Load = 80kW
infrastructure Load = 20kW
Total Load
PUEU= 100
Total Load = 120kW
PUE = 1.2
IT Load
UPS losses
Lighting & Ancidi.ries
UPS losses
Lghtig &Ancillares
Figure 3: PUE Example 1.8 vs. 1.26.
The scope of this thesis will be limited to the MGHPCC facility and the CFD computer
models derived from raw measurement and comparative analysis. The focus will remain on
the economic performance factors of a new type of cooling topology used in high
performance data centers.
Economic performance factors ride atop several complex and
Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a metric created by The Green Grid. It is an arithmetic fraction
expressing the total power consumed by the computing equipment divided by the total power consumed by the
entire site. It is a measure of efficiency. PUE may be expressed as a fraction or as a ratio. They are simply
arithmetic reciprocals of the same expression. As an example: a data center having a PUE of 1.8:1 will have
56% of the site's power reaching the computing equipment. A data center having a PUE of 1.2:1 will have 83%
of the total power reaching the computing equipment. Lowering the PUE value is a means of improving the
site's ability to serve the computational needs of the data center- its primary purpose. Lowering PUE values
may require large up-front CAPEX expenses and is therefore one of the first technical and cost decisions made.
Page 18
interconnected systems. These systems must be fully understood and measured to expose
their maximum economic potential.
This will require an array of specialized tools,
measurement techniques, analysis, and computer modeling.
"In-row cooling utilizing hot-aisle containment systems exhibit a lower initial CAPEX
investment and lower recurring OPEX expenses over the economic life of a data center
(approximately 20 years)."
The data center is an enterprise-class data center exhibiting many of the Tier-III
Concurrently Maintainabledesign features as specified by The Uptime Institute.
The data center design supports a PUE of 1.5:1 or lower.
10 MW total facility power, utility provided.
$0.10 per kwh of cost for electricity as a national average.
The economic life of the data center is 20 years before recapitalization.
The Power and Cooling infrastructures are dedicated to the data center.
My approach combines both Qualitative and Quantitative measures.
measures come from actual measurements and computer modeling.
The quantitative
Qualitative measures
come from the examination of the data and making changes to the model reflecting my
personal experiences spanning 8+ years of airflow modeling. The analysis and qualitative
Page 19
changes to the input of airflow models will result in quantitative changes in the output. This
will be an iterative process. As with any iterative maximization, there exists a potential for a
false maximum. See Figure-4. If a system maximum is found during any iterative process
(Point-A), there is the potential that a higher/better maximum iteration point may exist (PointB).
Figure 4: Example of False Maximum
Point-A maxima is unaware of the Point-B maxima due the lack of exhaustive testing of every
possible combination.
Such is the case in this thesis.
When examining the thermal
performance of single PODs, regardless of cooling and airflow systems, there are differences
between the in-row cooling and traditional data center using a raised floor. The traditional
data center with a raised floor and perimeter-located cooling units (CRAH ) are significantly
more complex to model due to the number of interactions between the system. Therefore,
modeling a single POD unit must be re-validated against a data center room full of PODs to
ensure that a false maximum has not been reached.
7 CRAH vs. CRAC - A Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH) is different from a Computer Room Air
Conditioner (CRAC), although their cooling functions are the same. A CRAC (air conditioner) contains a direct
expanding mechanical refrigeration (gas-liquid phase change) unit to provide cooling. A CRAH (air handler) is
a cooling unit that works with a chilled water (CW) loop system.
Page 20
Research Facility
The research for this thesis was performed at the Massachusetts Green High Performance
Computing Center (MGHPCC) located in Holyoke MA. See Figure-5.
This newly
constructed facility is a multi-university computing center dedicated to high performance
computing (HPC) with the "greenest" footprint possible. In its present configuration, it is
capable of supporting a 10 Megawatt total site load.
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) is a
data center dedicated to research computing. It is operated by five of the most
research-intensive universities in Massachusetts: Boston University, Harvard
University, MIT, Northeastern University, and the University of Massachusetts. It
serves the growing research computing needs of the five founding universities as
well as other research institutions.
Figure 5: The Massachusetts High Performance Computing Center9 .
8 Massachusetts
Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC)
9 Ibid., Photograph
Page 21
Test Environment
There are different areas within the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing
Center (MGHPCC) in which to perform testing. The smallest and most flexible area is called
the "Sandbox". See Figure-6. This is a 640 sq. ft. area data center is designed specifically for
testing without affecting live data center operations. The power and cooling system are the
identical, but greatly reduced in size. The Sandbox has two In-Row Coolers (IRCs) and eight
(8) equipment racks. The Sandbox has the same enclosure hardware which is used to create a
hot-aisle containment system used in the actual data center. Figure-7.
Figure 6: Photo(l) and CFD Model(r) of an 8-Rack POD (Sandbox Area).
A Single MGHPCC 24-Rack POD.
Thermal CFD Model Equivalent.
Figure 7: Physical(1) and CFD Model(r) of a 24-Rack POD (main data center).
Page 22
Chapter 2 - Tools
Description and Use
The following data center tools will be used to purposefully perturb a system in balance in
order to measure the response and recovery to these perturbations. To the extent possible,
interpolation and extrapolations will be made in an attempt to predict system behavior outside
of the ability (and need) to stress the system to the point of failure/alarm.
The software product TileFlow* is an application written by Innovative Research Inc. This
PC-Windows based application utilizes computation fluid dynamic algorithms to graphically
depict the highly interactive airflow dynamics of a complex data center. Individual PODs and
the entire data center will be modeled using this CFD product.
TileFlow@ is a powerful three-dimensional software tool for simulating cooling
performance of data centers. It uses the state-of-the-art computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) techniques and is applicable to both raised-floor and nonraised-floor data centers 10
Load Banks
A load bank is a high power electro-mechanical device that converts electricity directly to heat
via multiple resistive heating elements and a fan. Its purpose is to simulate an energy demand
in an attempt to: 1) stress an electrical thru circuit loading, or 2) stress a cooling system by
10 Innovative Research Corp.,
Page 23
injecting heat to be thermally removed. The resolution of the power/heat may be adjusted in
1,250 watt increments for fine grained experiments. A single load bank (Figure-8) will be
used to simulate approximately 17,500 watts of heat load- the equivalent of 60,000 BTUs of
heat (~5 Tons of cooling to reject the heat). The hot air exhaust of the load banks may be
adjusted to further test the airflow dynamics of a hot aisle containment system and the
subsequent cooling systems.
Figure 8: Simplex MicroStar@ 17.5kw Load Bank, 19" Rack-Mounted.
Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera
A state of the art infrared thermal imaging camera will be used to visually measure the effects
of heating and cooling. A FLiR thermal imaging camera will serve as this measurement tool.
Since air cannot be directly photographed, the secondary effects of heated air on surrounding
surfaces can be easily photographed within the thermal domain. The resolution of the IR
camera is only 240x240 pixels (Figure-9). Each thermal image will require time to review
each image for content along with an accompanying description to assist the viewer. Each
thermal experiment will be run for 1-hour to allow temperatures to stabilize, thus removing
the effects of thermal mass. Measurements and images are taken and recorded at the end of
the 1-hour experiment.
Page 24
Figure 9: Sample IR Thermal Image of Computer Racks/Rows."
Computing System
All of the CFD modeling using the TileFlow product in this research thesis have been
performed on a HP Pavilion* dv6 laptop. The processor is Intel based i7-3610QM CPU*
quad core processor running at 2.3GHz. Installed memory is 8GB. Windows-7 Operating
System* with all patches and updates as of 3/1/2014. NVIDIA* chipsets are used for graphic
acceleration and display.
Approximate run-times for the various CFD models:
MGHPCC SandBox models
20 Rack Single PODs
24 Rack Single PODS
MGHPCC as-built (20 PODs)
MGHPCC maximum fit-out (33 PODs)
Traditional data center, raised floor, max capacity
", image.
Page 25
Outputs and file sizes:
" TileFlow models and runtime data are approximately 500kB per model (.TLF).
CDF Image files are approximately 300kB per image (.JPG) (See Figure-10).
30-second video clips are approximately 200kB per clip (.AVI).
Figure 10: Sample Tileflow® CFD Image File (JPG).
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modeling
Computational Fluid Dynamics is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods
and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to
perform the calculations required to simulate the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces
defined by boundary conditions . In this thesis, the fluid is air. A color pallet will be used to
represent the computed air temperatures (0 F), and arrows will represent direction and
magnitude (vectors) of the air movement.
Together, this multi-dimensional data will be
presented in a two-dimensional plane called a billboard. A billboard is an analysis object
available in the TileFlow software product. A billboard can exist in any axis (X, Y, or Z).
Billboards will be used extensively to depict the airflow and temperature performance of a
system/configuration under test.
12, image.
Page 26
Limits of Modeling
Modeling is a tool. It is not a solution. It is a tool used by Data center Engineers to evaluate,
predict, or validate a specific configuration, layout, or computing space. As such, there is an
element to CFD modeling that is also "art", and subject to interpretation. That is to say, that
the results of the models themselves are not solutions, but rather, representations.
representations, as outputs of the CFD process, must be analyzed and interpreted to expose the
maximum amount of information.
Quantitative information is presented for analysis and
qualitative interpretation. Quantitative data may indicate temperatures, static pressures, and
vectors (directional) of airflow. Qualitative data may show that racks close to cooling and fan
units receive less airflow due to reduced pressures as a direct result of increased airflow speed
(Bernoulli Principle).
Subsequent placement of high-density and low-density computing
equipment may be a result of viewing and acting upon the qualitative data.
Test Scenarios
Before running large-scale models across the main data center floor area (30,100 square feet),
a series of smaller tests should be performed to ensure that modeling can faithfully capture
and replicate the thermal characteristic of the larger data center space. For these smaller
modeling tests, the Sandbox area of the MGHPCC will be used.
The Sandbox (see Figure-6) is a 640 square foot test environment specifically built for testing
purposes. It utilizes the same equipment and exhibits the same cooling dynamics as the main
data center area. It connects to the same Chilled Water (CW) cooling loop as the main data
center. It also connects to the same electrical system. Therefore, all of the programming and
Page 27
infrastructure set-points are therefore the same.
The MGHPCC uses the In-Row cooling
paradigm and is the focus of this thesis. The in-row cooling will be compared to traditional
data centers using a raised floor.
Test Setup
The Sandbox area was configured using the same techniques employed in the main data
The Sandbox has the same racks and POD enclosure system, but has a smaller
footprint. All unused racks units were covered with blanking panels to prevent air leakage
across the POD enclosure system. The airflow dynamic to be modeled is referred to as "frontto-back". That is to say- airflow enters the racks and computing equipment in the front of
each rack and is subsequently heated by the computing equipment (or load bank), and the
heated air exists the equipment and rack through the rear of the rack. When configured in this
manner, aisles are created which carry either cold air or hot air. Such a configuration is
referred to as hot-aisle or cold-aisle. Under no circumstances are hot aisle row exhaust air
allowed to flow directly into the cold air inlets of an adjacent row. This misconfiguration
allows heating and reheating of air as it moves from aisle to aisle. Computing equipment is
always installed in opposing rows (pairs) to create and maintain the cold aisle / hot aisle
cooling separation. Therefore, the test setup will maintain an enclosure surrounding a hot
aisle. The industry term for this is "Hot Aisle Containment". A complementary configuration
exists- "Cold Aisle Containment".
A Load Bank will be used to simulate the heat load that would be generated by several highpowered servers. The MicroStar Load Bank will be configured to generate 17,500 watts of
Page 28
heat. The use of a load bank allows fine-tuning of the heat load through a resistor ballast. In
addition to changing the heat load, the fan speed may also be adjusted which affects the DeltaT (AT = temperature change from inlet to outlet).
CFD Modeling Input
Tileflow@ is an object-oriented CFD software program that permits drag-and-drop of highly
customizable objects placed within a 3D modeling space. Each object can have a default or
customized behavior.
Since CFD modeling is an iterative process, there will always be
modifications to the default settings if accuracy and fidelity are to be achieved.
Complexity builds upon the most basic concepts- e.g. room dimensions.
The physical
boundaries not only include the X-Y dimensions of the room, but also the Z-dimension that
includes the slab-to-slab distances. The Z-dimension must account for: a) the physical slab
upon which everything rests, b) the raised floor plenum height, c) the working space where
the IT equipment will reside, d) the drop ceiling used as a return plenum, and e) the physical
roof which defines the top boundary for the above ceiling plenum. Each dimension will have
an impact to airflow delivery and return. These values will define the characteristics for new
construction, or must fit within an existing building's structure being fit-out as a data center.
Objects are placed into the model representing objects of: heat generation (IT), heat rejection
(cooling), boundaries to airflow, or obstructions to airflow. Objects are placed with a specific
orientation, size, and value. Object interactions are subsequently modeled by Tileflow®.
Page 29
CFD Modeling Output
The review and understanding of the outputs generated by CFD modeling can be a daunting
task for the novice and first-time users.
There are a variety of outputs that are rich in
information and meaning. It takes time to understand the meaning of this data, how it relates
to other elements in this 3D space, how to make changes to achieve a desired goal, and how to
maximize actions against a set of goals or objectives. The CFD engine is the science. The
manipulation of the data is the art.
Figure-Il represents a sample of an output of the CFD modeling process. This is a CFD
model representation of the Sandbox area at the MGHPCC. The model depicts: an 8-rack
computing environment with two in-row cooling units forming a hot-aisle, a POD structure to
encapsulate this hot-aisle to form a hot-aisle containment system, a heat source (Load Bank)
to simulate high powered computing equipment, and the cooling equipment used to
remove/reject the heat.
Note: One of the in-row coolers have been turned off and is
represented with the red "x" symbol on top of the rack.
Figure 11: CFD Modeling Output.
Page 30
The image shown above is a modeling "cut" thru a thermal plane that had been set at 36" from
this floor.
This object is called a Horizontal Billboard. This billboard shows various
elements of interest. Within the hot-aisle area, it is evident that elevated temperatures are
present at the exit of the load bank.
The colors represent a temperature scale with red
indicating 1 10 F in the hottest region. Arrows indicate airflow movement as a vector. Each
airflow vector indicates direction (azimuth) and velocity (length). The general room
temperature is indicated to be 80 0 F, the hot aisle region 90 0 F-1 10 F with turbulent air mixing,
and the high velocity air movement from the single in-row cooler exhaust into the room
striking the boundary walls.
A Horizontal Billboard, Z-plane, is just one example of a CFD modeling object. This thesis
will also use Vertical Billboards in the X-plane and Y-plane. Those examples will be shown
later as more complex modeling is performed.
Test Results
The output results from the TileFlow@ software package exhibited a high degree of
correlation between the predicted CFD outcome and actual room measurements taken during
the experiment. While the CFD modeling outputs are immediate, each test configuration was
allowed to run for one hour to allow the room and physical infrastructure (equipment racks,
etc.) to become temperature stable. Temperature stability is necessary so that all Infrared
Thermal measurements taken would represent a steady-state thermal condition of the
The one-hour test window was deemed sufficient (empirically) to eliminate
unwanted thermal transients.
Page 31
Figure 12: Actual to Predicted Thermal Results (A,B,C).
Sandbox Results:
The results were excellent. (See Figure-12, Panels A thru C) Panel-A shows the predicted
thermal performance with a horizontal billboard at the 36" level. Panel-B shows the same
horizontal billboard with the physical racks and cooling equipment set to "invisible" to expose
the details that are obstructed from a physical view. Panel-C is an actual thermal image using
an infrared camera showing the heating effects of the racks across the hot aisle.
temperatures recorded by the thermal camera span 98'F to 113'F. This temperature range is
consistent with the CFD modeling temperature scale on the horizontal billboard at the 36"
Additional thermal measurements (actual) were taken throughout the room.
ambient room temperature was 80*F (aqua color), which is also the predicted temperature
from the CFD model. Correlations were excellent. Shown below are various views (Figure-
13, A thru G) of the Sandbox CFD modeling output.
Page 32
Figure 13: Various CFD Views and Billboards from the Sandbox Modeling.
Confidence of CFD Modeling
The CFD modeling of the Sandbox at the MGHPCC provided valuable insight into the use of
hot-aisle containment PODs utilizing in-row cooling. Detailed inspection of the models found
that the hot aisle containment region had a negative static pressure with respect to the
surrounding room. This was counter-intuitive to earlier beliefs and by statements made by the
Page 33
vendor. Airflow vectors pointed to the seams of the hot aisle structure- indicating air leakage
into the structure.
A simple test was performed: allowing end-of-row access doors to be
pulled closed by negative pressure within a POD, indeed confirmed the negative pressure
condition. Although this airflow anomaly was negligible in this test,
it did expose the fact
that airflow details could be predicted via CFD modeling in advance.
The effort and
painstaking attention to detail paid off.
Chapter 3 - An Overview of Traditional Data centers
Data centers have been in existence for 50 years.
From the earliest days of mainframe
computers through today's state of the art supercomputers, the data center has served the
primary function of providing an operating environment for the computing equipment
contained within its spaces. These environments have changed over the decades as new types
of high performance architectures have emerged. Not all computer architectures are the same,
nor are their operating needs. Therefore, the data center had to adapt and grow to meet the
needs of the changing enterprise.
A negative pressure condition was observed in the hot aisle containment
area in the
Sandbox test environment. This problem will be greatly magnified with the larger 22rack in-row cooled PODs on the main data center floor. This condition exposes a much
greater problem rooted in the differences between the A-Ts of the computing equipment
vs. the cooling equipment. This could result in a large pressure difference across inrow cooling airflow delivery throughout all PODs. This problem needs to be further
explored and a solution found. The worst-case condition exists where highly efficient
computers within a single POD are providing 26,400 CFM of thru-chassis airflow,
against an in-row cooling system requiring 52,800 CFM for the same heat load. This is
a huge problem requiring further analysis and a solution as heterogeneous A-T
equipment share a common plenum structure (POD).
Page 34
Technology rates of change (percentage) were fairly small 20 years ago, and energy
efficiencies were not an issue during these prosperous times. By today's standards, a 20-year
old data center is a "legacy" data center. It was designed with the best business practices of
1994, addressing the computational needs of the mid-90s. Servers sat on shelves with only 46 servers per rack. That was about all of the power available from a 115 Volt - 20 Amp
electrical circuit. Racks had a solid front door, a rear louvered door, and a top mounted fan to
exhaust the hot air that rose inside of the rack. Racks were located, positioned, and oriented
without regard to airflow or energy efficiency. In 10 years, that would all change. Today,
computational and storage systems are so dense that 3-Phase 230 Volt circuits are delivered to
each rack. This equates to 18,000 watts of power to each rack vs. 2,000 watts over a span of
20 years. Cooling also follows the same trend, as power and cooling go hand-in-hand. This
begs the question: Is it possible to "future proof' a data center? Or, must we accept this as an
inevitable consequence of the changing pace of IT systems and technology?
A legacy data center typically constructed with a raised floor consisting of 24" square floor
tiles (2' x 2') which can be removed for access (Figure-14). The raised floors were typically
12"-24" high off of the building's structural concrete slab. This elevation height was large
enough to provide access to all electrical circuits and permit the airflow required to deliver
cold air to the computing equipment.
Page 35
Figure 14: Example of a Data center Raised floor.
Cooling systems and electrical distribution systems were mounted along the perimeter of the
data center room. Floor loading (static weight loading) was not an issue as the steel rack
typically weighed more than the equipment it housed.
Operationally, the data centers were operated cold- very cold. Most had thermostats set to
68'F with cold air delivery at 54'F. Little was done to save energy. It was just the price of
doing business and energy costs were simply rolled up into the overhead accounts of the
PUE (Power Usage Effetiveness)
Since its first publication in 200715 by The Green Grid, PUE has been a valuable tool and
technique in focusing managers and engineers about the perils of run-away energy costs
within large data centers. A fully loaded 10MW (87.6 MWh) data center will have yearly
energy costs exceeding $8.76M dollars.
Under the CFO's financial microscope are the /computer-room-final-slide.jpg
Page 36
recurring monthly charges of $730,000 to the electric utility. These recurring monthly costs
are very real and the executives of the company are asking, "How do we do more with less
energy". The O&M tail is staggering.
As previously stated, Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is an arithmetic fraction.
In the
numerator is the total amount of electrical power actually reaching the IT equipment. In the
denominator is the total electrical power consumed by the site. Stated another way, PUE is a
measure of how efficient the monthly electrical bills and energy costs are against doing actual
Competing Cooling Solutions
It is time to introduce the two (2) competing cooling strategies discussed in this thesis. Each
offering represents the latest state-of-the-art in cooling solution regardless of type.
Downflow CRAH Unit
A state-of-the-art down flow Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH) is shown in Figure-15.
This unit has been configured to operate on a raised floor data center environment. This unit
exhibits variable speed fan modules and ,variable flow rate Chilled Water (CW) metering
valves to extract only the amount of energy required to maintain its set-point parametric
programming (temperature, pressure, etc).
The fan impellers used are the latest Curved
Centrifugal Fan designs resulting in highly efficient air movement per unit of input power.
These units may be configured and programmed independently or in clusters which can share
the cooling load. Airflow is downward, taking inlet (hot) air from the top of the unit, thru its
cooling coils, and exiting the bottom (cold) for subsequent delivery and cooling of equipment.
Page 37
Figure 15: Down-Flow CRAH unit with Fan Module extended.
Figure-16 shows a close-up of a CFD model showing a downflow CRAH unit installed on a
raised floor plenum structure. Also shown are the above unit "hoods" which extend into the
drop ceiling which serves at the hot air return plenum to complete the cooling loop.
Figure 16: CFD model of downflow CRAHs with extended fan units.
The technical performance' 6 of this downflow CRAH unit is as follows:
Total Cooling Capacity:
Fan Type:
Total CFM:
181,000 Watts Sensible Cooling
EC with Curved Centrifugal Fan
24,000 CFM/Minute
Single Unit or Group/Cluster.
Emerson Network Power Inc., SL-18056
Page 38
Return Air
Fi er
Supply Air
Under-~lor Supy. PC Fans
Figure 17: Downflow CRAH schematic of major components.
Figure- 17 shows a side view of the downflow CRAH unit with the extended fan modules and
overall airflow dynamic. The return air is connected to the drop ceiling via top-mounted
hood. The supply air is delivered to the below-floor space created by the raised floor system.
Cold air travels to the vented floor tiles as designed by the CFD model.
In-Row Cooling Unit
In-Row offers a different cooling paradigm then the downflow CRAH unit presented above.
In-row cooling units are deployed in smaller units of total cooling with a horizontal airflow
cooling design (Figure 18). Their airflow is 1800 opposite to the IT equipment that it intends
to cool. Hot air appears at the rear of every IT rack. This is the in-row cooling's inlet is also
located at the back of the rack. Stated another way- IT racks use a front-to-back airflow
dynamic, while in-row cooling use a back-to-front airflow dynamic. This creates a circular
airflow pattern from cold-to-hot and hot-to-cold. These circular airflow loops are only 10'
Page 39
overall. The heat extraction and subsequent cooling appear very close to, and in many cases,
touch the adjoining rack of IT equipment.
Figure 18: In-Row cooling unit.
The technical performance' 7 of this downflow CRAH unit is as follows:
Total Cooling Capacity:
55,000 Watts Sensible Cooling
Fan Type:
EC with Curved Centrifugal Fan
Total CFM:
6,900 CFM/Minute
Single Unit or Group/Cluster.
Because of the physical presence of the In-Row cooling units within the MGHPCC, capacity
measurements were taken across its operating range. The plotted results appear to closely
follow the Fan Affinity Laws18 for fan performance (Figure-19 and Table-1).
Page 40
Power (Watts)
10 0
Figure 19: In-Row Power (Watts) and Airflow (CFM) values of capacity.
Fan size, N = Rotational speed, P = Pressure
Volume flow rate, W = Power, p = Gas density
Fan Law 1
The first fan law relates the airflow rate to the fan rotational speed: Volume flow rate, Q, is
directly proportional to the fan rotational speed, N.
(QI/Q2)= (DI/D 2)3 (NI/N 2)
Fan Law 2
The second fan law relates the fan total pressure or fan static pressure to the fan rotational
speed: Total or static pressure, P, is proportional to the square of the fan rotational speed, N.
(PI/P 2) = (DI/D 2)2 (NI/N 2)2 (PI/P2)
Fan Law 3
The third fan law relates the total or static air power (and the impeller power), W, to the fan
rotational speed: Power, W, is proportional to the cube of the fan rotational speed, N.
(WI/W 2 )= (DI/D 2) (NI/N 2)' (P/P2)
Table 1: Fan Affinity Laws
The electrical power consumed by the in-row cooler appears to follow a cube root function
(Fan Law 3). The CFM airflow is nearly linear (Fan Law 1: directly proportional) with a
slight curvature attributed to airflow restrictions of the rack cabinet doors. Note- There is a
minimum airflow setting pre-programmed at the factory. This value has been set to 40% and
is not field adjustable.
The resulting value is 2,960 CFM and equates to 500 Watts of
electrical power to maintain this minimum setting.
Page 41
CFD Modeling Traditional Data centers
In this thesis, several CFD models were created to compare and contrast legacy/traditional
data center cooling performance against the POD configuration with in-row cooling. The goal
was to maximize cooling and airflow performance and compare the results.
This broad
modeling effort was to ensure that a False Maximum (Figure-4) was not the basis of
conclusion. A broad range of CFD models were run while examining the quantitative and
qualitative results of each model. This would allow the technology "clock" to be reset to 2014
and allow the merits of each configuration to be maximized and subsequently compared. The
intent is to evaluate the performance of the configurations, not the age of the configurations.
Sub-Models vs. Full-models
Every large data center needs to be decomposed into its basic parts for evaluation and
subsequent CFD modeling. A traditional data center is no exception. Domain decomposition
of the problem set into smaller sub-models is critical for success. A "row-at-a-time" needs to
be fully understood before a "room-at-a-time" can be modeled. This choice becomes obvious
when comparing iterative models which run in 7-minutes vs. 4-hours. It is very easy to tweak
single row/aisle configurations and explore their nuances before moving those behaviors into
a whole data center model with n! (n-factorial) interactions.
A Sub-Model is the smallest working atomic unit of a configuration that is meaningful to a
data center. It has all of the properties of a full data center without the added complexities due
to multiplicity. A Full-model has many instances of the sub-models repeated over and over
until the room is fully populated up to the specified design. A full-model brings all of the
Page 42
complexities of airflow and cooling together. This is where the final CFD modeling takes
place. It is represents the most compute intensive element of CFD modeling. Compute times
grow by a factor of 50x or more.
Sub-model - Traditional Data center
Figure-20 shows a sub-model of a traditional data center aisle with a raised floor and two
rows of IT equipment racks configured in a hot/cold aisle configuration.
There is no
containment system to maintain hot air / cold air separation, nor is there a ceiling structure to
help with rising heated air. This configuration was typical 20 years ago. The cooling is
provided by downflow CRAH air handling units with sufficient CFM airflow to meet the
demands of the IT equipment mounted in the racks.
Figure 20: Traditional legacy data center, 20-year old approach.
Results: Marginal/Failure at 12kw per rack.
The model shown in Figure-20 is a basic building block of a much larger traditional data
center model. Two (2) dedicated CRAH units are allocated in this configuration to provide
cooling. While the results in this sub-model are marginal, the ultimate success in a large-scale
Page 43
environment is low/nil. The leftmost racks are not receiving proper cooling to maintain their
manufacturer's warranty. Thermal details indicate that the air inlet temperatures are 90 0 F+ or
higher. The hot air is completely unmanaged and is mixing freely with cold air.
Figure-21 shows additional problem details. Within the model, the racks have been placed in
an "invisible" display mode to remove visual obstructions from the physical view. The cold
air delivery, which passes thru perforated floor tiles (blue), only reaches the bottom one-third
(1/3) of the IT equipment located in the rack.
The remaining two-thirds of the airflow
originate from swirling and heated air from the hot side of the equipment (green-yellow).
This is a death-spiral of thermal cooling as the top-of-rack IT equipment ingests its own
headed air across the top of the rack. Every server in every rack should have its demanded
airflow (inlet) needs delivered by the cooling system. The airflow vectors do not originate
from the floor, but rather from swirling and mixing within the volume of the data center's
This model fails to provide this basic airflow dynamic for proper cooling. Equipment
is at significant risk of overheating and a greatly shortened lifespan.
Figure 21: Traditional legacy data center sub-model showing overheated racks/equipment.
Page 44
Full-model - Traditional Data center
Figure-22 is a whole data center model (full-model) using a traditional sub-model that is
shown above. It full-model consists of: 1) A 36" raised floor, 2) Solid and perforated floor
tiles, 3) Perimeter-located downflow CRAH units capable of 18 1kw of cooling, 4) Racks
arranged into hot/cold aisles, 5) No containment system, 6) and no ceiling plenum return
system of hot air. Shown in the figure are the Object Counts for this traditional data center
CFD model. Note that the room size is 30,100 square feet and the server rack count is 620.
The sizes and counts are comparable to the MGHPCC data center.
Pete d e
Figure 22: A 30100 sq ft Traditional Data center w/Raised Floor.
If this were a real data center the number of 2x2 floor tiles would exceed 7,500. There are
also 800 perforated tiles to allow cold air from a 36" raised floor allowing airflow to the front
of each rack housing IT equipment for cooling. The total airflow demanded for 12kw of IT
electrical load per rack is 799,900 CFM. The air delivery system can only provide 672,000
This is in spite of the fact that the CRAH units are located along the perimeter of the
data center, and their physical installation is almost end-to-end, with only a small gap between
Page 45
them for service and maintenance. This represents a huge shortage in airflow and subsequent
cooling. This airflow shortage occurs at 12kw per rack vs. 18kw per rack for the MHGPCC's
in-row cooling approach. Therefore, a traditional data center of this size and configuration is
not feasible without a fundamental revamp of the way cooling is provided. Additional CFD
modeling is required before any conclusions can be made.
Sub-Model with Containment PODs
Sub-models are created to see if a basic atomic unit can be created and subsequently
replicated across the data center floor. Figure-23 represents a sub-model of a POD structure
within a traditional data center. This allows atomic units to be analyzed and modeled before
full-models are run. If a sub-model is not successful, the probability of full-scale success is
nil. Sub-model PODs will represent the basic building blocks of the full-scale models. Small
changes can be modeled in minutes vs. hours.
It is imperative that sub-models yield
successful outcomes before proceeding. Complexities build over time.
Figure 23: Traditional Data center with Containment POD.
Page 46
Full-model with Containment PODs
Figures 24 and 25 take a different look at the traditional data center cooling dynamics by
incorporating a hot-aisle containment system. This is commonly called a POD design. By
constraining all of the hot air and by venting it up into a ceiling plenum space, hot air exhaust
does not have a chance to mix with cold air delivery.
A physical boundary now exists
between the systems providing cool air delivery and hot air return. The raised floor structure
remains the sole path for cool air delivery, and a newly created ceiling plenum carries the hot
air return. The POD structure creates the boundary between these two airflow systems.
Figure 24: A 30, 100 sq ft Traditional Data center with Hot Aisle Containment.
Close inspection (Figure-25) reveals that the hot aisle is completely encapsulated by structures
to keep hot air contained allowing it to be vented into the ceiling space as part of the cooling
cycle. Note that the tops of the CRAH units now have "hoods" which extend into the ceiling
space to capture the collect hot air for cooling and subsequent sub-floor delivery. This overall
cooling loop can exceed 150' in total cooling loop length.
Page 47
Figure 25: Close-up view of multiple containment PODs.
Figure-26 shows all of the objects in this full-model set to "visible".
The shading-effect
(color washout) noticed in the figure is the result of overlaying the drop ceiling structure. It
clouds the image. Each ceiling vent is approximately 2' wide by 26' long. All of the hot air
exhausted from the IT equipment is contained within the hot-aisle POD structure, prohibiting
its ability to mix with cold air- reducing the overall effectiveness of the cooling system. The
only path of hot air scape is vertically thru the ceiling vent and into the ceiling plenum for
subsequent cooling by the CRAH units. For clarity purposes, the ceiling and the ceiling vents
are set to "invisible" to remove the shading and color washout effects. The ceiling and ceiling
vents remain and active in the model, but are not shown for visualization purposes.
Page 48
Figure 26: Full object detail showing the ceiling and ceiling vent above the hot-aisles.
Figure-27 depicts a horizontal billboard set approximately 48" off the raised floor structure.
The ceiling and ceiling vents have been set to "invisible". This will eliminate the masking of
the color pallet showing the temperature billboard in detail.
Figure 27: Horizontal Billboard of a full-model of the data center (12kw load).
For the first time we see the thermal performance of the data center. All of the work so far is
to get to this point. The horizontal billboard in Figure-27 is rich in information and thermal
It is evident that the POD structures are indeed maintaining hot and cold
Page 49
separation and that the servers are only receiving their demanded cooling from the vented
floor tiles. Cool air (blue) is present at the front of each and every rack. Hot air (red) is
captured within the POD enclosure surrounding the hot-aisle.
Figure 28: Vertical Billboard of the data center (12kw load).
Figure-29 shows a vertical billboard of the model. Evident are the cooling effects to each and
every rack of IT receiving cool air (blue). The cool air completely fills the cold-aisle, thus
ensuring that the IT equipment is being cooled. Also evident are the effects of the ceiling
vents above the PODs. The airflow indicated by the model show 90*F air being drawn into
the ceiling plenum with great velocity. The hot air is captured within the ceiling plenum
allowing the downflow CRAH units to take this hot air, cool it, and deliver cold air into the
raised floor structure. Figures 29 and 30 indicate that no matter where the Vertical Billboards
are placed the thermal performance is maintained. Figure-31 depicts the subfloor pressures
and directivities.
Page 50
Conclusion - Full-model
Reduced Output (12kw vs. 18kw) - After many iterations, modeling has unable to design a
successful CFD airflow results that exceeds 12kw per racks on a traditional data center raised
floor structure. To get to this 12kw power level required rack configurations to be orientated
into rows of hot-aisle/cold-aisles.
Spanning the hot-aisles were containment structures to
manage the airflow separation preventing hot/cold airflow mixing. Also critical for success
was the use of a drop ceiling serving as a common hot return air plenum. The limits of this
model appear to be the number of downflow CRAH units which can be installed across
opposing walls of the 30,100 square foot data center. There appears to be insufficient airflow
(CFM) to support electrical load in excess of 12kw per rack. The purpose of this traditional
data center full-model was to create a CFD model across the 30,100 sq ft data center floor able
to support rack electrical densities of 18kw per rack. Due to the limits of airflow delivery
stated above, modeling was unable to achieve that goal. After numerous iterations of submodels and full-models, an 18kw solution was not found. The highest electrical load per rack
was 12kw- a 33% decrease from the intended goal of 18kw per rack.
Raised Floor Cost Considerations
A raised floor requires a large up-front CAPEX expenditure. As the economic performance
measures continue in this thesis, the reader is again reminded that a raised floor, drop ceiling,
and perimeter located downflow CRAH units are part of a traditional of data center model.
These components are unnecessary with in-row cooling which are mounted on the concrete
slab. This is a significant cost factor when compared to installing a 36" raised floor and drop
ceiling covering 30,100 square feet. A raised floor must also be properly spec'd to support
Page 52
the weight of the IT equipment and supporting racks (static load) and the rolling load as
equipment is moved across the data center floor. Figure-32 shows these values.
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (Tested on Actual Understructure)
1000 lbs
10 lbs/ft
bs m2
9bn 2
64 kg/rn
0 lbs
1000 lbs
454 kg
150 lbs
1500 lbs
1250 lbs
567 kg
200 lbs
91 kg
60 kg
68 KG
1134 kg
150 lbs
363 kg
272 kg
907 kg
12. 0
800 lbs
454 kg
567 kg
4 k
907 kg
907 kg
1225 kg
68 kg
91 kg
91 kg
Figure 32: Raised Floor loadings.
A 2x2 concrete-core floor tile loading of 1,250 lbs/sq ft is a typical product used in data
centers where raised floors are used. A 2x2 floor tile is therefore capable of supporting a
point load up to the rating of the floor tile. Typical floor ratings include: 1000, 1250, 1500,
2000, 2500, and 3000 lbs of point load strength. These tiles are typically de-rated by 20% to
50% if positioned in high traffic areas subject to rolling loads where equipment is installed
and removed.
With an economic life of a raised floor spanning 20 years, the number of
rolling "passes" must be taken into account. Raised floors must also take into account any
seismic activity with special sub-floor bracing. The taller the raised floor is, the greater the
required protection.
Page 53
Figure 33: MGHPCC on-slab installation of PODs.
Figure-33 shows an on-slab installation of PODs vs. raised floor. The concrete is listed at
30,000 psi tensile strength. Static and rolling loads considerations are minimized.
Raised Floor Costs
While costs for any construction project can vary greatly, the following information is
provided as an "awareness of cost", not an "estimate of cost". Times of economic boom and
bust make it impossible to accurately predict costs at a single point in time without an
estimate costing thousands of dollars. On-line Internet cost estimators are used in this thesis
as a ROM (rough order of magnitude) for these costs. With delivery and other miscellaneous
costs, the total CAPEX cost to install a raised floor is approximately $1,000,000 dollars. See
Page 54
Part Number
ConCore® Kit
inches high
Infinity Air Grate 55%
Perforated Panel for
per square
Price Each
KoldLok 9 Integral 1010
- Unit
Figure 34: Raised floor cost estimate.
Raised Floor O&M Costs
A raised floor structure requires periodic cleaning. The cleaning process is twofold. First, the
topside of the floor tiles must be cleaned using non-dust generating methods.
Second, the
floor tiles must be removed and the sub-floor slab area vacuumed. These costs are required as
the raised floor is part of the airflow delivery and must remain particulate free. An enterpriseclass data center will perform these tasks yearly.
Service rates of $0.30 per square foot 20
yields $9,030 per year ($750/month) for the raised floor O&M.
Drop Ceiling Plenum Structures
Drop ceiling cost 2 ' (estimates) require 7,525 dust-free tiles ($1.50 per square foot), frames to
hold the tiles (approx. $2.50 per square foot), 1,700 vented ceiling tiles22 (approx. $9 square
FloorCare Specialists, Inc., email dated 4/28/2014
Page 55
foot), and the labor to install the drop ceiling (approx. $6 square foot for licenses/bonded
installers). This yields a finished CAPEX cost of approximately $362,000.
Drop Ceiling O&M Costs
Similar to a raised floor, drop ceiling structures also require yearly cleaning to maintain a
dust-free plenum. There may be a premium for this service, as ladders are required to access
the above ceiling space. Drop ceiling cleaning costs $0.65 per square foot 2 3, or approximately
$19,565 per year ($1,630/month).
Chapter 4 - CFD Modeling In-Row Cooling with Containment
In-Row cooling with containment structures called "PODs" is a fairly new data center design,
especially when used together. Incremental transitions from legacy data centers first used
containment systems to correct hot and cold airflows while retaining a raised floor and
perimeter located CRAH units. The addition of in-row cooling presented a new approach to
an old design.
The goal was to provide cooling as close to the heat source as possible.
Instead of a cooling loop traveling 150 feet or more, the in-row approach reduced this cooling
loop to only 10 feet. The total distance where airflow mixing can occur is minimized and is
further reduced with the application of a containment system creating independent PODs.
The resulting POD approach allows the flexibility to configure PODs to run at different
electrical and heat loads. IT equipment can be separated and clustered together that share a
common Delta-T (AT). On paper this looks like a win-win situation for energy efficient data
FloorCare Specialists, Inc., email dated 4/28/2014
Page 56
centers. Because an 18kw per rack data center is not available at the time of this research,
reliance on CFD modeling will be used to simulate these data centers. The success of the
Sandbox CFD modeling was therefore paramount as a driving factor and basis for decision for
future work.
The cost of IT to fill one rack to 18kw of electrical load would vary between
$126,000 and $600,000 per rack.
CFD Modeling - In-Row Cooling with PODs
The same modeling methodology is used with in-row cooling with PODs. The most basic
configuration that is meaningful to the data center is modeled before the entire data center is
The most basic unit of configuration is a single PODs using in-row cooling.
Figure-35 shows this design.
The POD configuration used at the MGHPCC consists of 20 and 24 racks with in-row coolers
placed between racks of IT. This pattern is repeated throughout the MGHPCC data center.
This configuration uses hot-aisle containment and a POD structure containing the hot air.
There are no exhaust vents in the top this configuration as there are no ceiling vents and no
ceiling structure. All equipment is mounted on the concrete slab without the need of a raised
floor to support cooling loop.
IT equipment racks typically has 42U "units" of vertical space available to mount IT equipment. A
commodity-priced I U server with an associated cost of $3,000 equates to $126,000 per rack when 42 servers are
installed. If three highly-specialized compute intensive IOU Blade Servers are installed ($200,000 each), the
resulting costs can exceed $600,000 per rack.
Page 57
Figure 35: Basic POD design utilizing in-row cooling.
The in-row coolers take hot air from the hot-aisle, cool it, and pass the cool air into the open
spaces surrounding the POD. The racks of IT equipment simply take this cool air and use it to
cool the internal equipment at a rate of 18kw per rack. The IT equipment maintains a front-toback airflow dynamic, while the in-row coolers use the opposite, back-to-front. This is very
different from the traditional data center design.
CFD Modeling - POD Sub-model
Figure-36 shows the CFD modeling result of a single PODs thermal performance operating
with an 18kw load per rack. The in-row coolers have cooled the surrounding air to 80'F,
which is the programmed set point of the in-row cooling unit. Every IT rack in this CFD
model received an 80'F inlet air temperature regardless of position or location across the
Page 58
Figure 36: PODs with in-row cooling horizontal billboard.
In this sub-model the hot air is completely contained within the hot-aisle POD containment
structure. This is a significant improvement over the traditional data center using perimeter
located CRAH units, raised floor, and ceiling plenum structures.
Figure-37 shows the same thermal image with the racks set to invisible to eliminate the visual
obstruction of the horizontal billboard.
Hot air is completely contained within the POD
structure. This is a very successful CFD model at the 18kw power level.
Figure 37: POD with in-row cooling horizontal billboard.
Page 59
Figure 38: Vertical billboard, in-row cooling system highlight.
Figures 38 and 39 show vertical billboards sweeps across the POD. The outer most two
billboards are located at IT racks. The hot-aisle shows heat at the rear doors of the racks and
airflow vectors pointing into the front of each rack. The middle billboard is located at an inrow cooler. Hot air collects at these inlet points to be cooled with the cool air exhausted out
into the open spaces at great velocities (long airflow vectors). The open air remains at 80*F,
which is the programmed cooling set points for the in-row coolers. This is a highly successful
model running at 18kw per rack of IT equipment.
Figure 39: In-row cooling with vertical billboards.
Page 60
CFD Modeling - Full-model POD
Following the same methodology from sub-model to full-scale modeling, the following CFD
model represents the as-built data center at the MGHPCC using in-row cooling with hot-aisle
containment PODs. The MGHPCC data center model shown is the as-built configuration.
Two-thirds of the room have been built, with the remaining spaces available for future buildout. Figure-40 shows the main data center floor of the MGHPCC. It contains many instances
of the sub-model replicated across the data center floor. The limits of thermal performance of
single PODs have been modeled previously in the sub-model section above. This full-model
CFD will determine if there are any thermal or performance sensitivities between rows of
Figure 40: Full data center model, POD design with in-row cooling.
Figure-41 shows the results of the full-model CFD modeling run. The heat generated by IT
within the racks is properly constrained within the POD hot-aisle area and properly cooled.
The resulting air discharged from the in-row coolers maintains an ambient temperature of
Page 61
All racks have air inlet temperatures that maintain equipment warranties and are
consistent with in-row cooling set points.
Figure 41: CFD data center model, horizontal billboard.
Figure-42 shows the POD and rack structures set to invisible to remove physical view
obstructions. At 18kw per rack, the hot-aisle temperatures are successfully contained within
the POD structures.
Figure 42: Full-model, horizontal billboard.
Page 62
Modeling Results - Full-model, In-Row cooling with PODs
The thermal performance shown in Figure-41 (full-model using in-row cooling and hot-aisle
containment PODs), indicate a very successful CFD modeling result. There does not appear
to be any thermal sensitivities nor interactions between adjacent POD structures. Each POD
operates independently and autonomously from neighboring PODs.
The performance is
outstanding at 18kw per rack.
Staggered In-Row Cooling - What If
One of the questions that frequently arise is one of symmetry and balance within each POD.
That is to say, racks and in-row coolers are placed opposing each other with the hot-aisle
containment structure within a POD. This means that the heated exhaust air from each rack
blows across the aisle directly into the opposing rack. Hot exhaust blows onto hot exhaust.
What if the racks and in-row coolers were "staggered" so that exhaust air would travel into the
air inlets of the in-row coolers. It would be very hard to do this as an experiment with actual
equipment- especially at these heat loads (18kw). Therefore, the confidence gained with CFD
modeling should be able to accurately predict the performance of this configuration.
Figure-43 shows a CFD model where the racks and in-row coolers have been staggered by
one position. The same 18kw heat load was applied to the model along with the same hotaisle configuration and POD containment system. Figure-44 indicates a successful airflow
and cooling solution.
Page 63
Figure 43: Thermal Performance of Staggered In-Row Cooling.
Figure 44: Stagger design, horizontal billboard.
Results - Staggered In-Row Cooling
There does not appear to be any performance benefits with staggering in-row cooler units with
respect to their IT heat source. In fact, the physical assembly of the containment system is no
longer a perfect rectangle. The upper right-hand corner (Figure-44) is 12" shorter in length
than the opposite side. This results in a slanted entry/exit door structure. With no obvious
Page 64
improvement in thermal performance over a standard symmetrical POD, the staggered
configuration does not offer any observable benefit.
In fact, the assembly problems and
potential air leakage may sway the decision-making process away from this approach due to
mechanical assembly alone. Therefore, I do not suggest a staggered in-row cooling POD in
this configuration. There is no economic benefit to a staggered in-row cooling design.
Chapter 5 - Observations - CFD Modeling
The use of CFD computer modeling has proven invaluable to the technical analysis as the
process now begins to evaluate the economic benefit of In-Row cooling vs. Traditional DownFlow data centers with raised floors and ceiling plenum structures.
Evident in the CFD
modeling was a 12kw limit for traditional data centers with peripherally located down-flow
CRAH units. An improved solution was found by using in-row cooling resulting in a power
increase to 18kw per rack. This represents a 50% increase in power over the 12kw value.
This would allow data center managers the opportunity to add additional servers or allow
higher-powered equipment within the same rack footprint. Unused electrical power could be
reserved for future upgrades as part of the next round of re-capitalization at a rate of once
every 4-5 years (technology/budget/requirement driven).
Economic Impact
Neither solution of cooling topology is "free" with respect to its competing technology. There
are always trade-offs. In-row cooling actually takes up valuable POD space on the data center
This is where billing and revenues are sourced.
The goal is maximize billable
Page 65
footprint as a profit center, or minimize costs to the business if this is a cost center. A 24 rack
POD with ten (10) in-row coolers occupies approximately four (4) racks worth of "billable"
IT floor space. Depending on your cost model, these impacts must be taken into account as
the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), total cost of operation (OPEX), and initial Capital
Expenses (CAPEX) are evaluated. This can be significant.
Just as in-row coolers occupy valuable data center floor space, down-flow cooling also have
their own issues that can impact billable revenues.
Both CFD modeling and actual
observations confirm that the speed of the airflow from down flow CRAH units is moving so
fast that the Bernoulli Principle 2 5 of speed/pressure has a negative impact in the near-regions
of the CRAH units. The faster the airflow, the lower its pressure. This means that the vented
floor tiles closest to the CRAH units have: 1) Reduced airflow, 2) No airflow, or 3) Negative
pressure (air actually goes into the vented floor tiles).
Figure-45 shows this effect. The first vented floor tile is 16' from the closest CRAH unit with
its airflow almost one-half of other vented floor tiles. The data center's boundary wall is 22'
from this floor tile.
In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow an increase in the speed
of the fluid
occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy. Daniel Bernoulli
Hydrodynamica, dated 1738.
Page 66
Figure 45: Floor Tile airflow vs distance to CRAH unit.
The first vented floor tile is 16' from the closest CRAH unit with its airflow almost one-half
of other vented floor tiles. The data center's boundary wall is 22' from this floor tile. This is
a significant amount of data center floor which is not supporting a billable IT revenue cost
model. These effects are mirrored on opposite sides of the data center as show in the model
Qualitative analysis (the art of CFD modeling) would suggest or offer the
following recommendations:
The center aisle of the data center floor is where the highest-
powered IT equipment should be located, as this is the region of highest airflow. The two side
aisles can be a mix of lower-powered IT equipment. The tiles indicated by the lowest airflow
(red/orange/yellow) can be reserved for network patch panels and other very low-powered
equipment. This allows the entire data center to address the idiosyncrasies of airflow to be
maximized. This is a prime example where CFD modeling is a tool and not a solution. It also
exemplifies the differences between quantitative and qualitative review (science vs. art).
Page 67
Chapter 6 - Economic Summary
With the extensive CFD modeling effort and analysis complete, it is time to focus on the costs
and cost differences between the two cases presented. The original hypothesis was that InRow cooling would offer a lower up-front cost model (CAPEX) and a lower recurring
operating expense (OPEX) over the economic life of a data center- assumed to be 20 years.
Iterative Economic Design
Traditional management methodologies for design would favor either a Top-Down or BottomUp design. Neither of these methodologies should be used exclusively for data center design.
A spiral approach using an Iterative Design is the only way to maximize the cost-performance
product of a data center. A data center rides atop the laws of physics, electrical codes, fire
codes, and local/municipal codes, etc., which can work against your design. As the data
center matures and reaches 80% of it stated capacity, capacity planning will discover this
An example of this is rooted in the National Electrical Code (NEC). The electrical power
delivered to computing equipment is listed as a "continuous load" per the NEC 26.
traditional electrical circuit in a commercial electrical system (Enterprise Class Data center) is
a 208 Volt circuit with 30 Amps of current. The NEC requires this circuit to be de-rated to
80%, or 24 Amps of continuous duty use. Therefore, the available power from this single
For safety reasons, the National Electrical Code (NEC) does not allow electrical circuits to be operated at
100% maximum current capacity for systems running "continuous loads" (>3 hours) without de-rating the circuit
to 80% of maximum.
Page 68
circuit is 5,000 Watts (Power = Voltage x Current). This demands that the power and cooling
requirements be adjusted to multiples of 5,000 electrical watts and 17,050 BTUs of cooling.
Any other design configuration will always create stranded capacity. Ideally, the data center
design should consume space, power, and cooling at the same rate- leaving no stranded
capacity. It is up to the data center floor managers and data center engineers to ensure that
resources are consumed at the appropriate rates so that capacity management remains
Rack Power Density
The question "how much can we put into each rack" comes up frequently. This question is
best answered by the CIO and CTO teams who are managing the IT baseline and IT strategic
The total site power multiplied by the PUE will determine the amount of electrical power
available for the IT equipment. In this thesis, a total site power is assumed to be 10MW with
a corresponding PUE of 1.5 or better.
This yields Power Usage Efficiency of 66%.
Therefore, 6.67MW of the 10MW electrical power is available for IT, with an additional
3.33MW of power for cooling, pumps, HVAC, lightings, etc. In this example, if a data center
had an initial design requirement for 750 racks of IT equipment, the average allocation of
electrical power is 8,900 watts of power, or 8.9kw (6.67MW
750 racks). The electrical
value of 8.8kw is not a multiple of the 5kw electrical power example given above. This is a
mismatch of available IT power to rack power density. The next greatest multiple is 10kw or
15kw. The number of racks needs to be reduced to raise the amount of average electrical
power available to each rack. The resulting design would suggest that the rack count should
Page 69
be reduced to 667 racks for a 10kw per rack electrical density. At 15kw per rack would
require only 444 racks. The secondary effect of this type of planning/design is the reduction
of the floor space required. A data center with 750 racks would require 30,000 sq ft, while a
data center with 444 racks requires only 17,760 sq ft.
Number of IT racks
Based on years of empirical data, modeling, and data center design, the theoretical maximum
number of IT racks which can be placed on a 30,100 sq ft data center floor is approximately
750. This is based upon numerous data centers that exhibit a rack density of 40 sq ft per rack.
While a rack physically occupies 7-9 sq ft in actual footprint, the "white spaces" across the
data center, such as hot-aisles, cold-aisles, cooling equipment, electrical equipment, ramps,
fire-code egress pathways, and maintenance areas, etc., need to be averaged across the data
center. In this thesis, 40 sq ft per IT rack will be used for enterprise class data centers.
Iterative Savings
The above example would result in 306 less racks purchased, 12,240 less sq ft of data center
floor space, fewer PODs purchased, less overhead lighting, fewer sprinkler systems, fewer
smoke detectors, fewer security alarms/cameras, reduced installation labor, reduced
commissioning, etc.
If the 306 racks were configured in a POD configuration with
networking and storage fabric, the resulting initial CAPEX savings can easily exceed $12M
dollars. It is paramount that data center experts work collectively and cooperatively with
CIOs and CTOs to drive the design aspects of any data center project. This highly specialized
activity is completely foreign to designers of commercial or industrial facilities. After five
Page 70
years of data center operation should never result in the spoken phrase- "...if we had only
PUE Hacking
Power Usage Effectiveness has grown in popularity and has become a generally accepted
metric for data center power efficiency. There are those who would accept the fact that a PUE
of 1.4 is better than 1.5. I would argue that PUE is simply a measure, not a metric. It is a
fraction of power ratios- not a measure of the efficiency of those ratios. I offer the following
experiment to clarify this position.
PUE is a fraction. As a fraction, it is possible to artificially influence the numerator or
denominator of this fraction. This artificial influence seems have a positive outcome in that it
always depicts a better PUE value. I would argue that PUE can be hacked, and therefore
warrants further investigation to quantify the impact.
Energy efficient servers have variable speed fans to provide cooling over a broad range of
operating parameters.
One of the parameters is Inlet Air Temperature.
This is the inlet
temperature of the cold-aisle within the data center. The servers will increase or decrease
their internal fans based upon many sensors ensuring that components do not overheat. The
warmer the inlet air temperature the faster the internal cooling fan speeds become to maintain
safe cooling. Affinity Fan Law #3 states that fan power follows a cube root function. That is
to say- if you double the fan speed (2X), you need eight times (8X) the electrical power. With
servers having 4-8 fans, this can be substantial, especially across the entire data center.
Page 71
This experiment was performed because of a power consumption graph 27 (Figure-46) that has
circulated the Internet for many years. I wanted to check the validity of this 10+ year old
graph and compare it to my results using 2014 technology. Evident in Figure-46 is a sharp
increase in server Fan Power at 25'C (77'F).
Int Temperature C
Fan Powj
Figure 46: Server Fan Power vs. Inlet Temperature (circa 2004)28
An experiment was setup to purposefully increase the air inlet temperature of a highperformance server and observe the resulting power increase over the temperature range. The
intent was to mimic the test environment used to produce the graph shown in Figure-46. If
the increase in server fan speed occurs at such a low temperature (25 C/77 0 F), the impact
across a data center could be substantial. It also means that vendors can artificially influence
PUE as part of a proposal or during acceptance testing.
This sensitivity required further
testing. For the purpose of this test, I am assuming at 10MW data center running at 80% of its
stated maximum capacity (8MW) with a PUE of 1.5 as a test case scenario. This equates to
an 8MW total site power with 5.33MW available for IT, and 2.67MW available for cooling
and electrical infrastructures.
28 1/temp-fan-speed.gif
Page 72
Temp 81 Watts155
Figure 47: Server Electrical Power vs. Inlet Temperature (2014)
Figure-47 shows the results of a temperature sweep of a 2U server from 81 F thru 104*F.
Between 950 and 970, there is a pronounced increase in server power attributed to cooling fan
power. This is approximately 65 watts of increased power. A data center with 356 racks
(80% of a 444 rack maximum) can hold 7,120 of the 2U height servers. The resulting power
increase is 463kw. The 463kw as a fraction of the total 5.33MW IT power budget is therefore
8.7% of the power available. Since this 463kw is part of the IT technical load, it also requires
cooling to reject the heat the fans themselves generate. A heat source of 463kw requires 132
tons of cooling.
If a fully loaded 10MW data center exhibits a measured PUE efficiency of
66% (1.5) and artificially inflated the numerator and denominator by +8.7%, the resulting
PUE would indicate an apparent improvement. Managers are perplexed that the PUE has
improved yet the electric utility bill is higher. Additionally, the data center's IT electrical
technical load is the most expensive electrical pathway.
sourced, and generator backed-up power.
It represents fully filtered, UPS
Care and scrutiny are required for anything
connected to this pathway.
Page 73
Table-2 shows a data center running at an 8MW technical load (8,000kw of 10,000kw
maximum) with an assumed design PUE of 1.5 (5,330kw for IT power). If 463kw of fan
power were added due to an elevated cold-aisle temperature set point, the resulting PUE
would indicate an improved PUE- yet the Total Site Load has gained 463kw. If the electrical
power savings from raising the temperature set point does not exceed the added cost of
increased fan power, there are no actual savings afforded- yet the PUE may indicate otherwise
(causation vs. correlation).
The recurring monthly electric charges for the increased fan
power alone are $33,300 monthly. These costs are higher when cooling costs are added.
Changing data center temperature set points is a decision rooted in several interrelated
systems. Extreme care is required for lower OPEX.
PUE Hacking
80% of a 10MW datacenter design
Total Site Power
IT Power
1.5 (66%)
Beginning PUE
Added Fan Power
PUE=IT Power/Total Site Power
PUE as a Percentage
PUE as a Number
Table 2: PUE Influenced by IT Fan Power
PUE Hacking Conclusion - A Cautious Yellow.
The above figures are displaced by 10+
years in time and technology advancement. The results of this single server test suggest that
elevated data center temperatures near 95*F are not practical- however, not all IT equipment
Page 74
in the data center will follow this temperature/power curve. Each vendor will have a unique
temperature-to-fan speed algorithm based upon equipment thermal design and Delta-T (A-T).
Both PUE and absolute electrical power readings are required to determine the proper
operating set points resulting in the lowest possible OPEX (Operational Expenses) with
respect to electrical power and efficiency. The cooling system will also have a defined range
of efficient cooling set points that must be followed for low cost operation. A data center is a
system of systems. Deviations from the final commissioning agent (CxA) report must be
performed with caution while a focusing on total energy costs and unintended consequences
to the surrounding systems.
Chapter 7 - Technical Summary
It is time to summarize the technical aspects of the CFD modeling that was used as the basis
of comparison of two different cooling methodologies - In-Row cooling vs. Raised
Floor/CRAH cooling used in traditional data centers. Thirty days of on-site research at the
MGHPCC facility and approximately 100 CFD models using TileFlow@ were performed as a
technical foundation for this thesis. Recall the modeling efforts so far:
Actual measurements and CFD modeling of the MGHPCC Sandbox area to validate
the use of CFD modeling on known configurations and heat loads. The CFD modeling
was highly successful in predicting the thermal performance of hot-aisle containment
Page 75
CFD modeling was performed in two stages.
First, sub-models were created to
understand the atomic behavior of single POD configurations or single rows before
whole-room CFD models were run. Sensitivities to heat loads were explored in submodels before moving to the larger full-models.
Second, full-models were run to
observe the interactions between PODs at a macro level. Success at the sub-model is
not a guarantee of success at full scale. Sensitivities at the macro level would warrant
further understanding and problem decomposition to expose these hidden behaviors.
None were observed.
" Various CFD models of In-Row cooling using the MGHPCC defined hot-aisle POD
configuration and temperature set points. Each model increased the power density and
the subsequent heat load until the model failed to resolve a successful cooling solution
using in-row cooling and POD containment methodologies. One additional "what if"
model was run using a staggered in-row cooling placement to determine if an
improved cooling solution could be found.
Staggered in-row cooling offered no
cooling improvement over the symmetrical in-row cooling placement.
No further
study was warranted.
Various CFD Models of Raised Floor cooling with perimeter-located downflow
CFRAH units.
Several traditional data center models were run to extract the
maximum cooling potential using a 36" raised floor as the delivery path for cooling.
Models were created with and without containment systems- requiring the installation
of a drop ceiling structure to capture the hot air. With each model, the power density
was increased until the model failed to resolve a successful cooling solution.
Page 76
Observation #1:
The first observation is that the containment systems used to create hot-aisle POD
configurations showed no interaction or sensitivities from sub-model to full-model. That is to
say, modeling at the sub-model level is as good as a full-model. It was as if the MGHPCC
POD design could be viewed as 33 independent data centers across a common 30,100 square
foot area (3 rows of 11 PODs). Each POD appears to operate autonomously from every other
POD. As long as the in-row coolers can discharge 80OF cold air, the models were deemed a
success. This was true for every case.
Observation #2
Traditional data centers without containment systems represented the worst airflow dynamic
solution of all CFD modeling tests performed. Hot air mixes with cold, thus spoiling the
effectiveness of the entire cooling system. Warm air drifts randomly back to the hot air intake
systems of the CRAH units. Rack power densities of 8kw were observed before failure.
Without the use of containment systems 8kw per rack appears to be the limit of cooling for
this configuration.
Observation #3
Separating hot and cold by using a containment system resulted in a significant improvement
in cooling effectiveness over non-contained configurations. However, the traditional data
center now requires the installation of a hot air return plenum in the form of a drop ceiling.
Page 77
The contained hot air must be contained the entire path back to the CRAH cooling units. The
above-ceiling approach is one way to accomplish this task. Rack electrical loads have
increased from 8kw per rack to 12kw per rack. This 12kw limit appears to be rooted in the
lack of airflow provided by the CRAH cooling units. The models have as many CRAH units
installed as possible per unit length of perimeter wall space.
Observation #4
A rectangular shaped 30,100 sq. ft. data center room is too large of a single space for CRAH
based cooling. The ratios of data center square footage floor space to perimeter wall lengths
are insufficient to install the correct number of CRAH units. CFD modeling indicates a
significant short fall in airflow delivery and subsequent cooling. The size and geometry must
be adjusted to maximize the cooling performance of CRAH based data centers.
series of models must be run to determine the maximum data center size and geometry. This
observation was not seen with in-row cooling as the POD designs appear to operate
autonomously as self-contained solutions. POD to POD interaction was not observed.
Observation #5
The POD design incorporating in-row cooling exhibited the highest rack power levels of all
models tested. Rack power levels were 18kw per rack with a successful model outcome. All
in-row coolers provided air discharge at 80'F. This was deemed a success.
Page 78
Observation #6
A 24 rack POD can consume 432kw of electrical power (24 racks x 18kw). This requires 123
tons of cooling, and depending on the Delta-T, requires airflow rates ranging from 34,50069,100 CFM. Each in-row cooler can provide 6,900 CFM total airflow delivery; therefore, all
10 units are needed for each POD operating at maximum airflow capacity. Airflow demands
are lower if the IT equipment being cooled is designed for a higher Delta-T (A-T).
Observation #7
The In-Row coolers within each POD (10 per POD) were programmed to act as one cooling
unit. The CFD models were built to mimic this programming model. All in-row coolers had
the same fan speeds and cooling settings regardless of the locality of heat load. This would
result in all 10 in-row coolers responding equally to an asymmetric heat load at one end of a
This may not be the most economic programming model available.
modeling and in-row cooling reprogramming may expose addition cooling benefits and
associated cost savings.
Observation #8
The CFD models were allowed to run unconstrained with respect to total site power and PUE.
The CFD focus was on cooling. The CFD models include 308 in-row cooling units across 33
PODs, spanning the entire 30,100 sq. ft. data center floor (3 rows of 11 PODs). The resulting
capacity can cool an IT load of 21.677 MW. This greatly exceeds the 10MW total site power
assumption, exceeds the cooling capacity of the cooling plant, and exceeds the 6.6 MW of IT
power available under a PUE of 1.5. Figure-48 shows an in-row cooler count of 308 which
Page 79
was used in the full CFD model. This must be reduced to 94 units to keep within the stated
10MW total site power assumption Figure 49. The resulting costs become 94 x $17,500 =
$1,645,000 dollars (from $5,390,000). The total number of PODs are reduced from 33 to 9
PODs and the required floor space is therefore 9,150 square feet.
n Row Cooling Unit
In-Row Cooling Data Center
$,390,000 1
IT Load Supported
Figure 48: In-Row Cooling Capacity and Costs (Unconstrained >
In Row Cooling Unit
In-Row Cooling
Data Center
$1,645,000 1180
Total Site
Total Site
IT Load Supported
Figure 49: In-Row Cooling Capacity and Costs (Constrained to
Observation #9
A cursory look at a data center design searching for an optimum configuration in an attempt to
minimize up-front CAPEX expanses was not immediately obvious.
This warrants further
investigation. Table-3 lists the whole unit capacities for several of the major components on
the data center floor. The purpose of this review is to search for rows which exhibit the
largest number of elements as close to an integer value as possible.
This maximizes the
capacities with the lowest parts count possible.
Page 80
IRC Pair
5 kw
kw Load
70,38 14.08
105.57 21.11
140.76 28.15
175.95 35.19
211.14 42.23
246.33 49.27
281.52 56.30
316.72 63.34
351.91 70.38
387.10 77.42
422.29 84.46
457.48 91.50
492.67 98.53
527.86 105.57
563.05 112.61
598.24 119.65
633.43 126.69
668.62 133.72
703.81 140.76
739.00 147.80
774.19 154.84
809.38 161.88
844.57 168.91
879.77 175.95
914.96 182.99
10 kw
15 kw CW114D CW181D
200kva 225kva 125kva
0.47 0.35 0.31 0.59
0.70 0.53 0.47 0.88
0.94 1.76
1.94 1.72
3.75 2.82
4.22 3.17
Table 3: Capacity Matrix
Example: Suppose a proposed cooling scenario requires 4.2 physical units of in-row cooling
to properly cool an intended IT heat load. The next greatest in-row cooling integer is five
units, which does not conform to in-row cooling pairs, thus requires six in-row coolers to
maintain the symmetry of a POD. Therefore, six in-row coolers for a 4.2 heat demand are
highly inefficient and wasteful of CAPEX expenditures. This line of the table would be
discounted as a cost effective solution. The same decision condition exists for deploying IT
racks in clusters of four with an in-row cooler between clusters. There will be a line within
Table-2 that indicates a low-cost high-yield solution which becomes a design constraint. The
intent is to minimize excess capacity, which remains as stranded capacity throughout the life
of the data center. Stranded capacity requires resources but will never generate revenue. It is
a dead weight loss condition.
Page 81
Chapter 8 - Business Case Summary
In-Row Cooling (IRC) with containment PODs indicate a significant improvement in cooling
efficiencies and IT densities over traditional data center designs. Power densities in excess of
700 watts per square foot rival the performance numbers of data center containers (Figure-50)
exhibiting power densities of 1,000 watts per square foot.
Figure 50: Data center container 29 exhibiting 1,000 watts sq/ft Power Densities.
The on-slab design does not require a raised floor for cold air delivery nor a drop ceiling to
capture the hot return air. This has an immediate CAPEX cost savings of $1.3M dollars, not
including yearly maintenance costs (OPEX) for below floor and above ceiling cleaning. IRCs
and CRAH unit costs are slightly less expensive when normalized to dollars/ton of cooling.
Operationally, CFD modeling indicates that the in-row cooling was able to cool a heat load of
18kw per rack across the entire 30,100 data center floor. The CRAH based solution using a
traditional data center installation could not exceed 12kw per rack. The in-row POD design
operated independently and autonomously from adjacent PODs. No interaction was observed.
The traditional data center using PODs could not equal the in-row cooling configuration, as
IRC =$17,500 for 20T = $875/ton.
$56,000 for 51T
Page 82
the raised floor did not provide adequate airflow at consistent rates across the POD for even
cooling. Server inlet hotspots were evident and Figure-44 shows the variability of airflow
delivery through the floor tiles. While the CFD models indicated that a single 30,100 square
foot data center floor may not be the optimum size or shape for raised floor cooling, it did
highlight the sensitivities of large volume CRAH cooling units and the sensitivities to
underfloor airflow delivery. Adaptive floor tiles would be required to regulate the cooling; at
a significant increase in raised floor costs. See Figure-5 1.
Figure 51: Active floor tiles to regulate airflow .
It is paramount that a Data Center Engineer drive the design effort for any data center project.
It is not an activity that many do, and even fewer do well. Commercial construction designs
alone do not constitute a data center design. All of the independent activities need to be
merged into one design that is cost-effective, efficient, and satisfies all of the stated
requirements. It also merges the commercial disciplines of Electrical and Mechanical teams
while serving the needs of the CIO who drives the selection of IT.
Chapter 9 - Conclusions
In-Row cooling with Containment PODs exhibits a significant savings on initial Capital
Expenses CAPEX and recurring monthly Operational Expenses OPEX over traditional data
Page 83
centers with a raised floor system. Spatial power densities exceeding 700 watts per square
foot and rack densities exceeding 15kw represent an innovative approach to air-based cooling
of IT equipment. These increased densities require less data center floor space and therefore
less physical racks, less power strips, less metering and monitoring, etc., to achieve the same
volume of computing.
The CAPEX savings from these densities are attractive over less
densely populated data center designs.
Operationally, the ability to micro-manage the
cooling by independently adjusting and de-coupling the in-row coolers offers just-in-time
cooling for the demanded heat load. This approach is not available with downflow CRAH
based cooling using a common sub-floor plenum for airflow delivery. Although each CRAH
unit has variable speed fans and variable chilled water (CW) control valves (as do the in-row
coolers), once the downflow air is delivered into the floor plenum, all directivity and control is
lost. In fact, variable airspeed delivery into the floor plenum can have a negative impact on
subfloor plenum airspeeds, pressures, and directivity. See Figures 31 and 45. The greater the
heat load variability and heterogeneity, the greater the savings afforded by the in-row cooling
Page 84
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.
Capital Expenses.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (computer modeling).
Cubic Feet Per Minute, airflow volume.
A rack configuration of rack rows arranged with a common cold air inlet.
Computer Room Air Conditioner (Refrigerant).
Computer Room Air Handler (Chilled Water).
Chilled Water.
Commissioning Agent.
AT, Change in Temperature (in 'F or C).
A rack configuration of rack rows arranged with a common hot air exhaust.
High Performance Computing.
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
Information Technology.
In-Row Cooling.
Kilo Watt of electrical power = 1,000 Watts.
Kilo-watt-hour, a measure of utility metering = 1,000W/hr.
Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center.
National Electrical Code.
Operations and Maintenance.
Operational Expenses.
Power Usage Effectiveness (The Green Grid), trademark.
Rough Order of Magnitude, estimate.
Tier System Rating (Tier-I thru Tier-IV), The Uptime Institute (TUI).
Tier-I, Basic Design.
Tier-II, Basic+ Design.
Tier-III, Concurrently Maintainable Design.
Tier-IV, Fault Tolerant Design.
The Green Grid, organization.
The Uptime Institute, organization.
Rack Units representing 1.75" of vertical space within a rack.
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