I MITNE-46 HEAVY WATER LATTICE PROJECT ANNUAL REPORT By Irving Kaplan D. D. Lanning T. J. Thompson September 30, 1963 Department of Nuclear Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts I LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Printed in USA. Price $2.50. Available from the Clearing- house for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. USAEC DivisOn o0Techica Infonoion E ()so , k Ridge, T-n-n MITNE-46 PHYSICS (TID-4500, 32nd. Ed.) MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Cambridge 39, Massachusetts HEAVY WATER LATTICE PROJECT ANNUAL REPORT September 30, 1963 Contract AT(30-1)2344 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Editors: Irving Kaplan D. D. Lanning T. J. Thompson Contributors: H. E. Bliss F. M. Clikeman W. H. D'Ardenne J. W. Gosnell J.. Harrington, III I. Kaplan H. Kim D. D. L anning B. E. A. E. R. T. G. K. Malaviya E. Pilat E. Profio Sefchovich Simms J. Thompson L. Woodruff TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Research Program 4 3. The Material Buckling 6 6 7 I. Lattice With 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing A. Axial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Lattice B. Radial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Lattice C. Radial Buckling of the 3-Foot Diameter Lattice D. Axial Buckling of the 3-Foot Diameter Lattice E. Material Buckling Values (Summary) II. Lattice With 2.5-Inch Triangular Spacing A. Axial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Tank B. Radial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Tank 4. Fast Fission Measurements and Related Studies I. Theoretical Basis of the Measurements A. 628 B. C. II. 625 Effect of Various Types of Foils on the Fast Neutron Flux in the Test Rod Experimental Procedures A. 625 and 628 B. Fast Source Perturbation III. Results A. B. C. 9 10 12 12 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 17 18 18 22 26 628 625 Fast Source Perturbation IV. Discussion of the Results 5. Studies of Epithermal Capture in U 2 3 8 Introduction I. The U238 Cadmium Ratio and the Conversion Ratio A. The U238 Cadmium Ratio * B. The Conversion Ratio, C iii 26 29 32 37 41 41 41 41 45 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) II. Microscopic Distribution of Intracell Activations III. 6. Studies of Techniques Effect of Cadmium on Epicadmium Activity 53 B. The Effect ot Foreign Material in the Fuel Rod 53 C. The Effect of Counting Geometry 53 D. Work Related to Effective Resonance Integrals 62 Intracellular Thermal Neutron Distributions and Associated Problems 63 I. 63 Intracellular Thermal Neutron Distributions A. Experimental Methods 63 B. Experimental Results 64 C. Theoretical Methods: 11. 79 87 90 Introduction 90 I. Measurement of Reactor Parameters 90 Buckling Measurements 91 Two-Region Lattices 95 Introduction 95 I. 95 Experiments Single-Rod Measurements and Theory 98 Introduction 98 I. 98 II. 10. Reactor Parameters Research With Miniature Lattices II. 9. 63 Introduction D. 8. 53 A. THERMOS and Cell Cylindricalization 7. 48 Theory 102 Experiments Energy Spectra and Spatial Distribution of Fast Neutrons in Uranium-Heavy Water Lattices 104 Control Rod and Pulsed Neutron Research 107 I. II, Stationary (Exponential) Experiments 107 Pulsed Neutron Experiments 115 iv LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 3.1 Fig. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 "Best Value" of the Extrapolated Height H0 as a Function of the Number of Points Used in Fitting the Axial Activation Distribution 8 Axial and Radial Location of Detector Foil Packets for Measurements of 628 and 625 19 Foil Arrangements for Cadmium Ratio and Conversion Ratio Measurements 20 Equipment for Measuring Gamma Activity of Depleted and Natural Uranium Foils 23 Axial and Radial Location of Detector Foil Packets for Measurement of Fast Source Perturbation 24 Foil Packet Composition for Measurement of Fast Source Perturbation 25 Foil Packet Compositions for Minimum Error Determination of 628 27 Determination of the Function P(t) = 6 2 8 /F(t) 28 4.8a 628 as a Function of Radius, Axial Location - 20", 2.50" Lattic.e 30a 4.8b 628 as a Function of Radius, Axial Location - 20", 1.75" Lattice 30b 4.9 628 as a Function of Height, Radial Location - 1.75", 1.75" Lattice 31 4.10 625 as a Function of Radius, Axial Location - 20", 1.75" Lattice 33 4.11 6 25 as a Function of Height, Radial Location - 1.75", 1.75" Lattice 34 4.12 Effect of Depleted Uranium Catcher Foils on Depleted Uranium Fission Product Activity 35 4.13 Effect of Aluminum Sleeve Holders and Natural Uranium Detector on Fission Product Activity of Depleted Uranium Detector 36 4.14 628 versus Aluminum Catcher Foil Thickness 38 V LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Fig. 4.15 Ratio of Fission Rate in U238 to Fission Rate in U235 628, for Uranium Rods, 1/4-Inch in Diameter Fig. 5.1 5.2 39 Foil Arrangements for Cadmium Ratio and Conversion Ratio Measurements 43 p 2 8 versus VM/V F 44 5.3a R 2 8 versus Radial Position in Lattice 46a 5.3b R 2 8 versus Axial Position 46b 5.4 Intracellular Copper Activity Distributions 49 5.5 Intracellular Gold Activity Distributions 50 5.6 Intracellular Depleted Uranium Activity Distributions 51 5.7 Intracellular Activity Distributions of CadmiumCovered Copper, Gold, and Depleted Uranium in the 1.25-inch-pitch Lattice 52 Diagram of the Experimental Arrangement for Microscopic Distributions to Study Effect of Cadmium on Epicadmium Activity 54 Microscopic Np239 Activity of Cadmium-Covered Depleted Uranium Foils, 1/ 16-Inch Diameter, 0.005-Inch Thick 55 5.10 Effect of Cadmium on Cadmium-Covered Foil Activity 56 5.11a Effect of Catcher Foils on Np239 Activity of Depleted Uranium Foils 58a 5.11b Effect of Catcher Foils on Depleted Uranium Np 2 3 9 Activity 58b 5.12 Effect of Aluminum Holder Foils on Depleted Uranium Np 2 3 9 Activity 59 5.13 Relative Values of R 2 8 61 5.8 5.9 Fig. 6.1 6.2 The Holder for the Foils Irradiated in the Fuel Rod Used in the Lattice with the 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing 65 The Holder for the Bare Foils Irradiated in the Moderator Used in the Lattice with the 1.25-Inch Spacing 66 vi The Cadmium Box and a Section of the Holder Used to Position the Box in the Moderator 67 6.4 The Three-Rod Cluster 68 6.5 Positions of the Foil Holders in the Experiments in the Lattice with the 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing 69 Directions of Intracellular Activity Traverses in the Moderator 70 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A14; 2.5-MilThick, Gold Foils in a Lattice of 1/4-Inch Dianeter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing 71 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A16; 4.3-Mil-Thick, Gold Foils in a Lattice of 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing 72 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A13; 10-Mil-Thick, Gold Foils in a Lattice oi 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing 73 Fig. 6.3 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A4; 2.5-Mil-Thick, Gold Foils in a Lattice of 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 2.5-Inch Triangular Spacing 75 6.11 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A5; 4.3-Mil-Thick, Gold Foils in a Lattice of 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 2.5-Inch Triangular Spacing 76 6.12 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A9; 10-Mil-Thick, Gold Foils in a Lattice of 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 2.5-Inch Triangular Spacing 77 6.13 Comparison of the Nelkin and Free Gas Energy Exchanger Kernels for Heavy Water for Neutrons Having an Initial Energy, E., of 8.4 kTM 78 6.14 Effective Activation Cross Sections for Metallic Gold Foils (Note: E =0.548 cm-1, 2 =5.83 cm- 1 ) s a 6.15 Gold Activity Distribution for Run A8; Dilute Gold Foils in a Lattice of 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U2 3 5 , Uranium Rods on a 2.5-Inch Triangular Spacing 80 .81 6.16 Reflection of Neutrons from the Hexagonal and Equivalent Cell Boundaries 82 6.17 Restrictive Paths for Neutrons in the Equivalent Circular Cell 83 vii LIST OF FIGURES (Concluded) Fig. 6.18 Comparison of the One- and Two-Dimensional THERM()S Calculations for the Lattice of 1/4-Inch Diameter, 1.03% Enriched, Uranium Rods on a 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing 86 Fig. 8.1 Cadmium Ratios in a Two-Region Lattice 97 Fig. 9.1 Single-Rod Experiment in MITR Lattice Facility 99 Fig. 11.1 Axial Flux Distribution in Tank of Pure Moderator 111 11.2 Measured Extrapolation Distance of Thermally Black Cylinders as a Function of Radius 112 11.3 Fractional Change of Radial Buckling of a Pure Moderator Tank, Produced by Cadmium Rods of Different Radii 113 11.4 Radial Run With 2.60 cm O.D. Cadmium Rod Placed Axially in Tank of Pure Moderator 114 11,5 Over-all Circuitry 116 11.6 Variation of Decay Constant With "Waiting Time" 118 11.7 120 Decay Constant vs. Buckling viii LIST OF TABLES 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 11.1 Radial Buckling of a Lattice With 0.25-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 Metal Rods With a Triangular Spacing of 1.25 Inches 10 Material Buckling of the Lattice of 0.25-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 , Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, With a Triangular Spacing of 1.25 Inches 12 Material Buckling of the Lattice of 0.25-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U2 3 5 , Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, With a Triangular Spacing of 2.5 Inches 14 Average Values of 628 Measured in the M.I.T. Lattice Facility 29 Average Values of 625 Measured in the M.I.T. Lattice Facility 32 Depleted Foil Correction Factors for Foil Configurations Shown in Fig. 4.2 32 Values of the U 238 Cadmium Ratio in Lattices of 235 0.25-Inch-Diameter Uranium Rods Containing 1.03% U 45 Values of R28 Determined in Various Counting Arrangements 60 Nuclear Parameters for the Lattices With 1.25-Inch and 2.5-Inch Spacings Obtained by Means of 1D and Modified 1D THERM(S Calculations 74 Measured Extrapolation Distances for Black Cylinders of Different Radii 11.2 Experimental Results for Room Temperature (21*C) Heavy Water ix 110 121 ABSTRACT An experimental and theoretical program on the physics of heavy water-moderated, partially enriched lattices is being conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Experimental methods have been adapted or developed for research on buckling, fast fission, resonance capture, and thermal capture. After being successfully tested on lattices of one-inch-diameter, natural uranium rods in heavy water, the methods have been applied to three lattices of 1/4-inch, 1.03% enriched uranium rods, moderated by heavy water. Research programs are also under way to take and correlate data from single-rod measurements, two-region lattice measurements, miniature lattice measurements, and pulsed neutron methods. In addition, a program is under way to measure the effect of control rods in the lattice assembly. x 1 1. INTRODUCTION I. Kaplan, D. D. Lanning, and T. J. Thompson This report is the third annual progress report of the Heavy Water Lattice Project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The origin, early history, and main facilities of the project were described in the first progress report (NYO-9658, September 30, 1961). The second progress report (NYO-10,208, MITNE-26, September 30, 1962) described the experimental methods adopted or developed, and their application to three lattices of one-inch diameter, natural uranium lattices in heavy water. That report also included the initial results obtained for a lattice of 0.25-inch diameter rods of uranium containing 1.03% U 2 35 , clad in aluminum, in a triangular array with a spacing of 1.25 inches. The present report gives more extensive results for this lattice and for another lattice of the same rods with a spacing of 2.50 inches. The following reports and papers on the work of the Lattice Project have so far been published in addition to the progress reports cited; further details of the work are contained in them. 1. J. T. Madell, T. J. Thompson, A. E. Profio, and I. Kaplan, Spatial Distribution of the Neutron Flux on the Surface of a Graphite-Lined Cavity, NYO-9657 (MITNE-18), April, 1962. 2. A. Weitzberg, I. Kaplan, and T. J. Thompson, Measurements of Neutron Capture in U 2 3 8 in Lattices of Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, NYO-9659 (MITNE-11), January 8, 1962. 3. P. F. Palmedo, I. Kaplan, and T. J. Thompson, Measurements of the Material Bucklings of Lattices of Natural Uranium Rods in D 20, NYO-9660 (MITNE-13), January 20, 1962. 4. J. R. Wolberg, T. J. Thompson, and I. Kaplan, A Study of the Fast Fission Effect in Lattices of Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, NYO-9661 (MITNE-15), February 21, 1962. 5. J. Peak, I. Kaplan, and T. J. Thompson, Theory and Use of Small Subcritical Assemblies for the Measurement of Reactor Parameters, NYO-10,204 (MITNE-16), April 9, 1962. 6. P. S. Brown, T. J. Thompson, I. Kaplan, and A. E. Profio, Measurements of the Spatial and Energy Distribution of Thermal Neutrons in Uranium, Heavy Water Lattices, NYO-10,205 (MITNE-17), August 20, 1962. 2 7. J. T. Madell, T. J. Thompson, I. Kaplan, and A. E. Profio, Calculation of the Flux Distribution in a Cavity Assembly, Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 5 (June, 1962), p. 85. 8. A. Weitzberg, J. R. Wolberg, T. J. Thompson, A. E. Profio, and I. Kaplan, Measurements of U2 3 8 Capture and Fast Fission in Natural Uranium, Heavy Water Lattices, Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 5 (June, 1962), p. 86. 9. P. S. Brown, P. F. Palmedo, T. J. Thompson, A. E. Profio, and I. Kaplan, Measurements of Microscopic and Macroscopic Flux Distributions in Natural Uranium, Heavy Water Lattices, Trans. Amer. Nuclear Soc. 5 (June, 1962), p. 87. 10. P. S. Brown, I. Kaplan, A. E. Profio, and T. J. Thompson, Measurements of the Spatial and Spectral Distribution of Thermal Neutrons in Natural Uranium Heavy Water Lattices, Brookhaven Conference on Neutron Thermalization, April 30May 2, 1962. 11. K. F. Hansen, Multigroup Diffusion Methods, NYO-10,206, April, 1962. 12. I. Kaplan, Measurements of Reactor Parameters in Subcritical and Critical Assemblies: A Review. NYO-10,207 (MITNE-25), August 15, 1962. 13. I. Kaplan, D. D. Lanning, A. E. Profio, and T. J. Thompson, M.I.T. Exponential Lattice Studies, NYO-10,209 (MITNE-35), presented at the IAEA Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments, Amsterdam, September 2-6, 1963. 14. J. R. Wolberg, T. J. Thompson, and I. Kaplan, Measurement of the Ratio of Fissions in U28 to Fissions in U 2 3 5 Using 1.60Mev Gamma Rays of the Fission Product La 1 4 0 , NYO-10,210 (MITNE-36), presented at the IAEA Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments, Amsterdam, September 2-6, 1963. 15. H. Kim, Measurement of the Material Buckling of a Lattice of Enriched Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, M.S. Thesis, M.I.T., June, 1963 (Thesis Supervisor: T. J. Thompson). 16. J. Harrington, Measurement of the Material Buckling of a Lattice of Slightly Enriched Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, M.S. Thesis, M.I.T., July, 1963 (Thesis Supervisor: T. J. Thompson). 17. R. Simms, I. Kaplan, T. J. Thompson, and D. D. Lanning, Analytical and Experimental Investigations of the Behavior of Thermal Neutrons in Lattices of Uranium Metal Rods in Heavy Water, NYO-10,211 (MITNE-33), October, 1963. 18. B. K. Malaviya, T. J. Thompson, and I. Kaplan, Measurement of the Linear Extrapolation Distance of Black Cylinders in Exponential Experiments, Trans. Am. Nuclear Soc., 6,240 (1963). 3 The project staff, as of September, 1963, is as follows: I. Kaplan, Professor of Nuclear Engineering T. J. Thompson, Professor of Nuclear Engineering D. D. Lanning, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering A. E. Profio, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering F. Clikeman, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering H. Bliss, AEC Fellow W. D'Ardenne, Research Assistant J. Gosnell, Research Associate (not charged to contract) J. Harrington, AEC Fellow B. K. Malaviya, DSR Staff H. S. Olsen, Visiting Scholar S. G. Oston, Research Assistant E. E. Pilat, Research Assistant E. Sefchovich, Teaching Assistant (not charged to contract) R. Simms, Research Assistant G. Woodruff, DSR Staff (not charged to contract) J. H. Barch, Senior Technician A. T. Supple, Jr., Technician Miss B. Kelley, Technical Assistant D. A. Gwinn, Research Assistant (part time) 4 2. RESEARCH PROGRAM The general objective of the M.I.T. Lattice Project is to carry out experimental and theoretical investigations of the physics of subcritical lattices of partially enriched uranium rods in heavy water. An initial study was made with natural uranium rods 1.0 inch in diameter, in triangular lattices with spacings of 4.5, 5, and 5.75 inches, respectively. These lattices were used to test the accuracy of some of the methods adopted or developed and to obtain some new information. The general program includes the study of rods containing U 235 of concentrations between one and two per cent and having diameters from 0.25 inch to 0.75 inch. The ratio of volume of heavy water to that of uranium is to be varied, with values in the range 10 to about 100. The measurements made include those of the following quantities: macroscopic radial and axial thermal neutron flux traverses (giving the critical buckling); activation ratios related to the fast fission effect; quantities related to the capture of resonance neutrons, in- cluding the ratio of U 238 average U 238 captures to U 235 fissions in the fuel rod, the cadmium ratio in the fuel rod, and quantities related to effective resonance integrals; intracellular thermal and epithermal neutron density (or flux) distributions. In addition to the normal uranium rods, the following uranium rods are available: 0.25-inch diameter rods of 1.03% U metal; 0.25-inch diameter rods of 1.14% U inch diameter rods of 1.1% U rods of 2% U U 235 235 235 235 uranium uranium metal; 0.4- uranium oxide; 0.4-inch diameter uranium oxide; 0.75-inch diameter rods of 0.95% 23523 uranium metal; and 0.378-inch diameter rods of 0.95% U 2 3 5 uranium metal. In addition to the main subcritical (exponential) assembly, fed by thermal neutrons from the thermal column of the MITR, a "miniature lattice" has been used to study some of the quantities mentioned above. Experiments are also under way on the distribution of neutrons in and around a single rod (or a few rods) in moderator. Studies have also been started on the properties of "two-region" or "substituted" 5 lattices. The three different types of studies have the additional object of providing information which may lead to simpler and more economical methods of studying lattice physics. Studies are also under way with pulsed neutron sources, with the object of supplementing steady-state lattice experiments. The emphasis so far has been on reactivity and control rod effects. The general program has been extended to include experimental studies of the neutron energy spectra in the lattices under investigation. This work has been limited thus far to activation experiments with threshold detectors, but it is hoped that it can be extended further to include studies with a neutron spectrometer. The experimental work has two objectives: (1) to improve exist- ing methods and develop new ones where possible, and (2) to apply the methods to various lattices. A program of theoretical research is carried on parallel to the experimental work. This program also has two objectives: (1) to relate the experimental results to existing theory, and (2) to extend the theory where possible. Finally, the M.I.T. Lattice Project has a pedagogical purpose: to train students at the Doctoral and Master's levels in Reactor Physics and help satisfy the need for experienced research workers in this branch of Nuclear Engineering. 6 3. THE MATERIAL BUCKLING F. Clikeman, J. Harrington, III, and H. Kim Values of the material buckling have been obtained, from measurements of radial and axial activation distributions, for two unreflected lattices of 0.25-inch diameter uranium rods (clad in 0.028-inch thick aluminum and containing 1.03 per cent U 235 ) in heavy water with a D 2 0 concentration of 99.7 per cent. In one lattice, the rods had a (triangular) spacing of 1.25 inches; in the second lattice, the spacing was 2.5 inches. The measurements on the former lattice were made first in the 4-foot diameter tank and then in a 3-foot diameter tank, to see if the difference in tank size affected the values obtained for the buckling. The Lattice Facility and the general methods used for making the measurements and for analyzing the results have been described in earlier reports (3, 13) . Some changes have been made in the experimental methods because of the close spacing of the rods in the lattices of partially enriched rods. These changes, which have to do mainly with the support and positioning of the rods and the design of foil holders, are described in detail in two Master's theses (15, 16). The details of the irradiation and counting of the foils are also given there. I. Lattice With 1.25-Inch Triangular Spacing The measurements on the unreflected lattice with 1.25-inch spacing were made and analyzed by Mr. J. Harrington (16) and later re-analyzed by Professor F. Clikeman. Measurements of relative neutron flux were made by activation of gold foils 0.010 inch thick, either 1/8 inch or 1/16 inch in diameter, supported in aluminum foil holders. The foils were counted with Throughout this report, the references to more detailed M.I.T. reports are to those listed in the Introduction. 7 either a NaI scintillator counter or a proportional flow counter. The resulting data were analyzed with the help of computer codes described in other reports (3, 16). A. Axial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Lattice This lattice contained 1285 rods. The determination of the extrapolated height of the lattice prescribed a problem which was solved in the following way. In fitting observed relative flux plots with the hyperbolic sine function, all points less than 30 cm from the bottom of the tank were rejected. Least-squares fits were made (with inverseflux weighting) with all the remaining points; points were then dropped successively, starting at the top of the lattice. For each measured distribution, the fitting process was triqd for various assumed values of the extrapolated height, H0 , taken at intervals of two centimeters. The "best value" of H for each distribution (denoted by H ) was taken to be that which gave the lowest value of the sum of the squares of the differences between the experimental and fit values at each point. A graph of the "best value" of H as a function of the number of points used in the fitting prdcess generally looked like Fig. 3.1. When all the data points were used, the value of H was only a centimeter or two greater than the actual length of the rods (121 cm); as points were dropped, H increased to 128 cm, where a plateau was observed. When still more points were dropped, the value of H increased, possibly because an attempt was being made to fit a nearly exponential distribution to a hyperbolic sine function. Although all the individual experiments did not yield a plateau, most of them did, with the plateau near 128 cm. Accordingly, the value of the extrapolated height was taken as 128 ± 1 cm. This method seems to offer a consistent and reasonable criterion for the choice of the points to be used in the determination of the axial buckling. Another requirement, used for both the axial and radial flux traverses, was that the experimental results analyzed come from a region in the lattice in which the cadmium ratio was constant to within a few per cent. In the case of the axial data, this requirement was nearly always consistent with obtaining the plateau discussed above. 8 134 Ho 128 122 of points distribution FIG. 3-1 "BEST VALUE"OF THE EXTRAPOLATED AS A FUNCTION USED IN FITTING TRIBUTION. OF THE NUMBER THE AXIAL HEIGHT H0 OF POINTS ACTIVATION DIS- 9 About 16 data points were used per run in the analysis. 2 Values of the axial buckling (y ) were obtained from four runs with bare gold foils and three runs with cadmium-covered gold foils. The runs were those free of experimental difficulties, e.g., with foil holders or rod positioning. The results are: Bare gold foils: Cadmium-covered gold foils: Y = (239.7 ± 10.0) X 106 cm 2 2 -6 -2 2 = (238.4±7.3) X 10 cm The uncertainties given are, in each case, the product of the standard deviation from the mean and the "Student's" T-factor. The latter was used because of the relatively small number of runs used to determine the buckling. The uncertainty is, therefore, a measure of the reproducibility of the individual experiments. Since the results obtained with the bare and cadmium-covered foils agreed well, they were averaged to give: 2 Axial buckling, in 4-foot tank: y (239 5.5) X 10 -6 cm -2 B. Radial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Lattice The radial buckling of the 4-foot lattice was determined from data obtained in four experiments. In one experiment, only bare gold foils were used; in the three other experiments, bare foils were alternated with cadmium-covered gold foils. Because of the close packing of the lattice, the number of cells in the radial direction was relatively large and with one foil per cell, the number of foils which could be used in a single experiment was still appreciable. The results of the individual runs are listed in Table 3.1. The values of the uncertainties quoted are those associated with the least-square fit to the function J (ar) and serve merely as an indication of the validity of the fit to that function. The average values of the radial buckling obtained from the runs with bare and cadmium-covered gold foils are Bare: a2 = (1398.6 ± 14.7) X 10-6 cm- Cd-covered: a 2 = (1393.5± 5.9) X 10-6 cm-2 2 . 10 TABLE 3.1 Radial Buckling of a Lattice With 0.25-Inch Diameter, 1.03 Per Cent U235 Metal Rods With a Triangular Spacing of 1.25 Inches Condition of Gold Foils Run Number Number of Data Points Radial 2 Buckling, a (cm 2 X 10 6 5 Bare 15 1385.1 ± 4.5 602 Bare 16 1407.1 ± 6.8 652 Cd-covered 15 1402.3 ± 9.0 702 Bare 17 1420.9± 41.2 752 Cd-covered 13 1385.6 ± 10.5 802 Bare 15 1381.2 ± 6.3 852 Cd-covered 15 1392.5 ± 70 The values of the radial buckling obtained with bare and cadmiumcovered gold foils agree well. 2 a= The average of all the results is: (1396.1±7.6) X 10 -6 cm -2 This value seems to be slightly smaller than the smallest value, (1411± 6) X 106 cm 2, obtained in the same exponential tank for a lattice of 1.0-inch diameter rods with a (triangular) spacing of 4.5 inches. But the difference is probably not significant, in view of the fact that the difference between the two values is nearly bridged by the experimental uncertainties. C. Radial Buckling of the 3-Foot Diameter Lattice The research program of the Lattice Project includes measurements to be made with fuel rods containing a greater concentration of U 235 than 1.0 per cent. Preliminary calculations indicate that some of the more enriched lattices would be critical in the 4-foot tank. tank three feet in diameter was therefore fabricated. Since it A is available, it was thought desirable to make some measurements in both the 4-foot and 3-foot tanks to see if the experimental values of 11 any of the lattice parameters depend on the size of the subcritical assembly. The lattice in the 3-foot tank contained 691 rods. The diameter of the 3-foot tank was found, by direct measurement, to be 36 ± 3/16 inches, as a function of height. The lattice of rods was shifted 1/4 inch off-center in a direction away from the reactor and parallel to the axis of the thermal column. These deviations from the ideal cylindrical configuration are of approximately the same magnitude as the differences obtained between fitted values of the extrapolated radius, from flux traverse measurements. No attempt was made to reshape the neutron flux entering the tank. The tank was wrapped in cadmium sheet, as was the 4-foot tank, and surrounded by an annulus of air with an inner diameter of three feet and outer diameter of six feet. Before the insertion of the lattice into the 3-foot tank, the shape of the radial flux distribution was determined at different vertical levels between 11 cm and 108 cm from the bottom of the tank. At 11 cm, the flux distribution was somewhat flatter than a J (ar) function; at 60 and 108 cm, good fits to a J (ar) function were obtained with an average value of the radial buckling of 2540X10 cFm, corresponding to an extrapolated radius of 47.73 cm. The last value agrees with the radius of 18.0 inches (45.72 cm) plus the extrapolation distance of 0.71 Xtr with Xtr = 2.6 cm. Some difficulties were experienced with the radial foil holders in the 3-foot tank with the result that the value of the radial buckling to be reported must be regarded as preliminary. Improvements are being made and better values should be obtained. With this precaution, the value obtained from three radial flux distributions in the 1.25-inch spaced lattice was: Bare gold foils: a2 = (2362.8± 18.2) X 10-6 cm-2 The uncertainty is again the product of the standard deviation from the mean and the "Student's" T-factor. The value obtained with the lattice in the tank is significantly smaller than the value obtained with the tank fitted with moderator. 12 D. Axial Buckling of the 3-Foot Diameter Lattice Three axial flux distributions were measured, each consisting of 33 bare gold foils. The experimental data were analyzed as in the case of the 4-foot tank. All data points below 30 cm from the bottom of the tank were rejected. The same point-dropping scheme was used and plateaus of varying length were again observed for H = 128 ± 1 cm. The result obtained from the three experiments was: Bare gold foils: 2 -6 -2 'Y = (1167.4± 13.1) X 10 cm E. Material Buckling Values (Summary) The results obtained thus far for the lattices of 0.25-inch diameter, 1.03% U235 , uranium rods are summarized in Table 3.2. TABLE 3.2 Material Buckling of the Lattice of 0.25-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, With a Triangular Spacing of 1.25 Inches DLateter DaeeFol2 Foil (fe et) Condition 4 3 II. Axial Buckling -2 6 (y2;cm X106) Radial Buckling 2 -2 6 2;cm X106) Material Buckling 2 -2 6 (B2; cm X10) 239.7 ± 10.0 1398.6 ± 15 1159 ± 18 (b) Cd-covered Au 238.4 ± 7.3 1393.5 ± 5.9 1155 ± 9 Average of (a)and (b) 239.0 ± 5.5 1396.1 ± 7.6 1157 ± 9 Bare 1167.4 ± 13.1 236 2.8 ± 18 1195 ± 23 *(a) Bare Au Lattice With 2.5-Inch Triangular Spacing The measurements on this lattice, of 313 rods, were made and analyzed by Mr. H. Kim (15) and re-analyzed by Professor F. Clikeman. The experimental and analytic methods were essentially the same as those used for the lattice with 1.25-inch spacing. Measurements were made only in the 4-foot diameter tank. 13 Axial Buckling of the 4-Foot Diameter Tank The extrapolated height of the lattice was determined by means of the method described in the discussion of the lattice with 1.25-inch spacing, and was 128 ± 1 cm, as in that lattice. The data points which were used in the analysis were located between 30 cm and 108 cm above A. the bottom of the tank. Five sets of measurements of the axial activity distributions obtained with bare gold foils yielded the value, Baegodfol: 2 Bare gold foils: - -6 (506.8± 14.2) X 10 cm -2 2 . Two sets of measurements with cadmium-covered gold foils gave: Cd-covered gold foils: y 2 (510.6 i 14.1) X 10 - 6 cm -2 A single set of cadmium-covered natural uranium foils gave: Cd-covered uranium foils: y 2 506.0 X 10 - 6 cm -2 Since the various results agreed well, they were averaged, with the result: -2 -6 2 cm (507.7 ± 9.2) X 10 y B. Radial Buckling in the 4-Foot Diameter Tank The analysis of seven radial flux distributions measured with bare gold foils yielded the result: Bare gold foils: 2 i6 - = (1392.5± 4) X 10 cm -2 , in good agreement with the value obtained for the lattice with 1.25-inch spacing. One flux distribution obtained with cadmium-covered gold foils yielded the result: -2 -6 2 cm . Cadmium-covered gold foils: a = 1378 X 10 One flux distribution obtained with cadmium-covered uranium foils yielded the result: Cadmium-covered uranium foils: a2 1371 X 10 - 8 cm -2 14 The average for all the radial flux traverses was: a2 = (1390.9± 3.8) X 10-8 cm-2 The values of the material buckling of the lattice of 0.25-inch diameter uranium rods containing 1.03% U 235, on a triangular lattice spacing of 2.5 inches, are listed in Table 3.3. TABLE 3.3 Material Buckling of the Lattice of 0.25-Inch Diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 Uranium Rods in Heavy Water, With a Triangular Spacing of 2.5 Inches Axial Buckling (- 2 :cm- 2 X106 Radial Buckling ( 2 :cm- 2 X10 6 ) Material Buckling (B 2 :cm 2 X10 Lattice Diameter (fe et) Foil Condition 4 Bare Au 506.8 ± 14.2 1392.5 ± 4 886 ± 15 Cd-covered Au 510.6 ± 14.1 1378 867 ± 23 Cd-covered U 506 1371 865 ± 27 507.7 ± 9.2 1390.9 ± 9.2 883 ± 10 Average 6 15 4. FAST FISSION MEASUREMENTS AND RELATED STUDIES H. Bliss The methods developed in our earlier work on the ratio, 6 28 238 of 235 (4,14) and on the ratio of epito fissions of U 235 thermal to thermal fission of U (4) have been extended and applied fissions of U to the 1/4-inch diameter uranium rods. Results will be reported here of the following experiments: A. Preliminary results of measurements of 628 in three lattices of 0.25-inch diameter rods, containing 1.03% U 235, in heavy water, at (triangular) lattice spacings of 1.25, 1.75, and 2.5 inches,respectively; B. Preliminary results of measurements of 625 in the same three lattices; C. Results of a study of the perturbation of the fast flux in a test rod by the presence of different types of foils in the test rod. I. Theoretical Basis of the Measurements For the convenience of the reader, some of the formulas and definitions underlying the method (4) will be repeated. A. 628 For the general case in which the isotopic U 235 contents of the two detector foils and the fuel material being studied are all different, 628 is: ( 628 = P(t) 5 28Ay(t) - S 1 - Ay(t) =NP(t)F(t) (4.1) . The terms in Eq. 4.1 are defined as follows: 23 P(t) is the ratio of measured fission product activity per U fission to the measured fission product activity per U 238 5 fission. -y(t) is the ratio of measured fission product activity from a foil depleted in U 235 content to the fission product activity from a foil of natural uranium (or from a foil of fuel material if such material is 16 available) when both foils have been irradiated in the same neutron flux. N25 N28 NN NF is an enrichment correction which is equal to unity when the fuel material and second detector foil have the same U2 3 5 content. A is the ratio 28 where the W's represent detector foil weights and the N's represent numbers of atoms per cubic centimeter. 25 28 S is the ratio ND ND 25 NF ~ NF The subscripts D, N, and F refer to the depleted detector foil, second detector foil (natural uranium in all measurements to be reported), and fuel material, respectively. To determine 628, both P(t) and y(t) in Eq. 4.1 must be measured. In all the methods used so far, this requires two experiments. First, an absolute value of 628 is determined for a particular lattice configuration by using a fission chamber experiment or the La 140 counting technique discussed in Ref. 4. Then, the quantity y(t) is measured in the same lattice and Eq. 4.1 solved to obtain P(t). Once P(t) has been determined, it will remain the same for different lattice pitches, providing the counting arrangement remains unchanged. Hence, further determinations of 628 only require the measurement of -y(t), which, when inserted in the expression F(t) and multiplied by P(t), yields 628. B. 625 As a measure of the degree of thermalization of the neutron spectrum, the quantity 625, defined as the ratio of epicadmium to sub-cadmium fissions in U 2 3 5 , is of interest. An expression for 625 may be written by using the observed fission product activities of cadmiumcovered depleted and natural uranium foils and bare depleted and natural uranium foils, all of which have been exposed to the same flux. The fission product activity of the cadmium-covered natural uranium foil may be written as: 17 NCd =NT EN f f2(E)(E)dE + (1-EN c f28r(E)*(dE] E A epicad+( 1 -EN) =N f E C icad (4.2) In Eq. 4.2, EN is the weight per cent of U235 in the foil, NT is the total number of uranium atoms in the foil (assumed to be constant for all foils after normalizing for differences in foil weights), and Ec is the cadmium cutoff energy. Similar expressions may be written for the other three foils: DCd N =N 2 TDEDA Dec +(1-ED)A28] ec Je N(A 25+A25 b = N TL'N\ sc ecl (4.3) + (1-E)(A 28 +A28 ecj , (4.4) Db = N A 2sc5 +A 2eD+(1D)k +(1-E A sc+ecI' +A NTED( T , (4.5) EN sc Equations 4.2 through 4.5 may be solved to obtain 625 A2 5 25 A ec sc 6225 N -aD Cd Cd (N -aD)-(N -aD b b Cd Cd (4.6) where a C. D Effect of Various Types of Foils on the Fast Neutron Flux in the Test Rod The third area of work to be discussed involves the effect of the presence of foils of depleted uranium, natural uranium, or aluminum on the observed fission product activity of a depleted uranium foil. The fission product activity in a depleted uranium foil arises almost entirely from fast fissions of U 238. Consequently, any mechanism, such as a perturbation in the fuel rod composition, which reduces the fast 18 flux in the region of the depleted detector foil will reduce the observed fission product activity in the detector foil. There are two sources of fast neutrons in any given lattice fuel element. One source is fast neutrons from fissions within the fuel element. The other is fast neutrons which leak out of neighboring fuel elements and reach the given rod with sufficient energy to cause fast fission (the so-called interaction effect). The second source is not affected by a local perturbation in the fuel composition. However, the introduction of aluminum, natural uranium, or depleted uranium in place of fuel material (see Figs. 4.1 and 4.2 for a typical experimental arrangement) lowers the thermal fission rate in these areas, which, in turn, lowers the available supply of fast neutrons at the location of the depleted detector foil. Experiments were designed to study this effect and determine the magnitude of the factor needed to correct the fission product activities. Experiments performed by Wolberg and reported in Ref. 4, as well as subsequent experiments performed in the lattices being reported here, indicated that the fission product activity in a natural uranium foil was not affected, within the limits of experimental error, by the presence of a fuel perturbation in the neighborhood of the foil. This result is not surprising in view of the fact that almost all of the activity in a natural foil is due to thermal fission. Thus, no correction factor is needed for the count rates of the natural uranium foils. II. Experimental Procedures A. 625 and 628 In all runs, these two quantities were measured together. In addition, U238 cadmium ratios and initial conversion ratios were measured in all runs by W. D'Ardenne, with the results presented elsewhere in this report. Figure 4.1 shows the location in the lattice of the two fuel rods used, and the location within the rods of the foil packets containing the natural and depleted uranium detector foils. Figure 4.2 is an enlarged view of the foil packets, showing the detector foil arrangement. It will be noted that the fuel rods are in equivalent radial positions. Gold monitor foils were placed in the fuel rods, 10 inches above the foil packets, to normalize any differences in axial flux at the detector I 19 CENTRAL BARE FUEL ROD ROD CADMIUM COVERED FUEL ROD FUEL FUEL FOIL PACKET FUEL FIG.4.1 AXIAL AND RADIAL LOCATION OF DETECTOR FOIL PACKETS FOR MEASUREMENTS OF 828 AND 825 20 "CADMIUM" ROD 0.028"Al CLAD 0.006" AIR GAP 0.005" TEFLON SLEEVE 0.005" NAT. U. FUEL SLUG / -I 0020"CADMIUM N 0.005" DEP U.- 0.060" FUEL CATCHE R DE TE CTOR CATC HER DE TECHOR CATC HR 0.060 " FUE L 0.020" THICK CAMIUM SLEEVE I" LONG OOZ'02C),,CADM,1UM" FUEL SLUG FIG.4.2 FOIL ARRANGEMENTS 828 AND 825 FOR MEASUREMENTS OF 21 foil locations (see Fig. 4.1). Catcher foils of the same thickness and composition as the detector foils were placed on either side of the detector foils to eliminate the need for making fission product contamination corrections on the surfaces of the detector foils. The two detector foils and four catcher foils were inserted in 0.125-inch X 0.250-inch I.D. X 0.260-inch O.D. teflon sleeves along with two 0.060-inch pieces of fuel material to make a foil packet as shown in Fig. 4.2. The depleted uranium detector foil contained a -6 235 concentration of 18 X 10 . The second detector foil was natural U uranium. Since the inside diameter of the aluminum cladding is 0.262 inch, the teflon served to keep the foils aligned horizontally within the fuel rod. The aluminum or cadmium foils at either end of the foil packet were made slightly oversize (0.258 inch) to prevent slippage along the fuel of the teflon sleeve when the foil packets and fuel were inserted in the aluminum cladding. The foils were irradiated for 12 hours in the M.I.T. lattice facility after first having been counted for background. After completion of the irradiation, the fuel rods were left in the lattice for approximately four hours and then integral gamma-counted with a baseline setting equivalent to 0.72 Mev. This 4-hour cooling period reduced the dose rate at the fuel rod surface to an acceptable level (about 1 r/hour) and allowed the U239 formed, with its 23-minute half-life, 239 . The decay process is accompato decay almost completely to Np nied by a 1.2-Mev p ray (with associated bremsstrahlung radiation), which would introduce activity corresponding to capture rather than fission and would necessitate a correction if the U 2 3 9 were not allowed to decay. In addition to the normal measurement in which two fuel rods were used, radial and axial determinations of 625 and 628 were made in some of the lattices studied. The foil packets were constructed exactly as described above. For a radial measurement, cadmium- covered and bare foils were placed in several (usually five) equivalent radial positions at a height of 20 inches. For an axial determination, bare and cadmium-covered foil packets were located at 4-inch 22 intervals, beginning at 4 inches from the bottom of the fuel and extending to 28 inches, in two rods at the radial position shown in Fig. 4.1. A diagram of the counting equipment used is shown in Fig. 4.3. The scintillation detector was a 1-3/4-inch X 2-inch NaI(Tl) crystal. B. Fast Source Perturbation Figure 4.4 shows the location of the foil packets used to investigate the effect of removing fuel material from a region near the depleted detector foils. The six rods were all located in equivalent radial positions about the center rod of the lattice. Figure 4.5 shows an enlarged view of the three types of foil packet construction used. At a height of 10 inches from the bottom of the lattice, six depleted foils were irradiated with varying thicknesses of depleted catcher foils on both sides (see Fig. 4.5a). The thickness varied from 0.005 inch to 0.030 inch in steps of 0.005 iach. At a height of 12 inches, four foil packets, each containing three depleted uranium foils (two catcher foils and one detector foil) and two 0.060-inch pieces of fuel, were located (see Fig. 4.5b). On each end of the packets were aluminum foils varying in thickness from zero to 0.060 inch in steps of 0.020 inch. In addition, two of the rods contained packets (at 12 inches) consisting of 0.015 inch of depleted uranium (two catcher foils and one detector foil) and 0.015 inch of natural uranium on one side of the depleted uranium (see Fig. 4.5c). No aluminum was placed at the ends of these packets. The rods were irradiated for 18 hours and gamma-counted as described in the preceding section (II, A). From the obtained three sets of foil count rates, it is possible to determine the count rate which would have been obtained, had the fuel composition not been perturbed. To check the correction factor obtained from the above experiment, a minimum error determination of 628 was made. This involved minimizing the amount of fuel removed by the foil packet. Six rods were used in equivalent radial positions (see Fig. 4.4). The foil packets were all located at 20 inches. Three of the packets contained one 0.005inch depleted uranium detector foil with varying thicknesses of aluminum 23 BAIRD ATOMIC NO. 815 BL SCINTILLATION PROBE '/8" Al BETA SHIELD FOIL EIG. 4.3 EQUIPMENT FOR MEASURING GAMMA ACTIVITY OF DEPLETED AND NATURAL URANIUM FOILS 24 CENTRAL ROD FUEL FOIL PACKET 2' t FUEL FOIL PACKET 10" FROM BOTTOM OF FUEL REGION FIG.4.4 FUEL AXIAL AND RADIAL LOCATION OF DETECTOR FOIL PACKETS FOR MEASUREMENT OF FAST SOURCE PERTURBATION 25 FUEL 0.000"-0.060" Al FUEL 0.060 " FUE L 0.005"-0.030" DEP U O.OO5"DEP U O.OO5" DEP U DETECTOR O.OS"DEPU DETECTOR 0.005" DEP U O.005"-0.030" DEP U 0.060" FUEL FUEL 0.000"-0.060" Al FUEL TYPE A FOIL PACKET (a) TYPE B FOIL PACKET (b) FUEL 0.015" N AT U 0.005" DEP U O.005"DEPU DETECTOR 0.005" DEP U FUEL TYPE C FOIL PACKET (c) FIG.4.5 FOIL PACKET COMPOSITION FOR MEASUREMENT OF FAST SOURCE PERTURBATION 26 on either side. The thicknesses were 0.001 inch, 0.005 inch, and 0.010 inch, respectively. The other three packets each contained one 0.005inch natural uranium detector foil with the same three thicknesses of aluminum. An enlarged view of the foil packets is shown in Fig. 4.6. III. Results A. 628 The La140 counting technique gave a result of 0.0179 ± 0.0004 as 235 the absolute value of 628 for a 1.03% U , 1/4-inch diameter rod in a lattice with a 2.50-inch spacing. The function F(t) in Eq. 4.1 was also determined at the same locations in the lattice as were used to measure the absolute value of 628. Equation 4.1 was then solved for P(t) to give: P(t) 628 F(t) 1.12 0.03 . Figure 4.7 is a graph of P(t) vs. time, from which it can be seen that P(t) stayed nearly constant over the times of interest. Since P(t) is also a calibration of the counting system used, the above value can only be used if the counting arrangement remains unchanged. The above value of P(t) was used to determine 628 for three lattices and a single rod immersed in heavy water. All measurements were made at a height of 20 inches and at the radial location closest to the central rod. The results are listed in Table 4.1. The correction factors for the depleted foil activities (discussed in sections I., C and II., B and results given in section III,,C) have been applied to the values given in Table 4.1. Radial measurements of 628 were made in the 2.50-inch and 1.75-inch lattices, and an axial measurement was made in the 1.75inch lattice. The results are shown in Figs. 4.8a, 4.8b, and 4.9, respectively. 27 FUEL FUEL 0.001"-0.010" Al 0.001"-1 0.O0O0" A I 0.005"DEPU DETECTOR O.OO5"NAT U DETECTOR 0.001"-0.010" Al 0.001" 0.010" A FUEL FUEL FIG. 4.6 FOIL PACKET COMPOSITIONS ERROR DETERMINATION FOR OF 828 MINIMUM r\) 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 P(t) 1.000.95 0.900.85 0.80 - 0 FIG.4.7 100 200 300 400 500 TIME AFTER IRRADIATION -MINUTES DETERMINATION OF THE FUNCTION 600 -+ P(t) = 8 2 8 / F (t) 700 29 TABLE 4.1 Average Values of 628 Measured in the M.I.T. Lattice Facility Rod Spacing 6 28 (Inches) Standard Deviation(b) of the Mean Number of Determinations Total(d) Error 1.25 1.75 0.0259 0.0232 0.0007 0,0014 2 4 0.0011 0.0016 2.50 0.0181 0.0003 6 0.0007 2.50 0 . 0 17 9(a) 0.0002 0 . 0 0 0 5 (c) 6 1 0.0004 0.0008 oo 0,0176 (a) Absolute value of 628 determined in 2.50-inch lattice by La14 0 counting. (b) The standard deviation of the mean of n measurements includes reproducibility among a set of determinations; it also reflects the uncertainty due to counting statistics. (c) This value is computed as the standard deviation of a set of measurements; there can be no estimate of the reproducibility error for a single determination. (d) The total error is an estimate of the over-all uncertainty in the values of 628. It includes the effects of reproducibility and counting statistics as well as the uncertainties in P(t) and the depleted foil correction factors. B. 625 Values of 625 were determined in the three lattices studied. Because all four detector foils were counted at different times and had different weights, the resulting count rates were normalized to the count rate of the cadmium-covered natural uranium detector foil. The results are listed in Table 4.2. Radial and axial determinations of 625 were made in the 1.75inch lattice. The results are given in Figs. 4.10 and 4.11, respectively. I I I I I I I I I I I 0.028 0.024 828 I I 0.020 0.016 I I 0.0 12 0.00 8 0.00 4 10000 0 I I 2 4 FIG.4.8 a I I I I I 16 14 12 10 8 6 RADIAL LOCATION IN INCHES 828 AS A FUNCTION OF RADIUS AXIAL LOCATION-20 INCHES, 2.50 INCH LATTICE I 18 I I 20 .22 -- w 30b I l I I I -I -{ 0.0280 0.0240 0.0200 t 828 0.0160 0.01 20 0.0080 0 RUN I 0 RUN 2 0.0040 0.00000 II 2 4 I I i 6 8 10 RADIAL LOCATION FIG.4.8b i 12 IN INCHES 14 16 - 828 AS A FUNCT ION OF RADIUS AXIAL LOCATION - 20 INCHES , 1.75 INCH LATTICE 0.02800.02400.02008280.01600.01200.00800.0040- 0.0000 4 FIG.4.9 8 LOCATION FROM 24 20 16 12 BOTTOM OF LATTICE IN INCHES -- 28 828 AS A FUNCTION OF HEIGHT RADIAL LOCATION -175 1.75 INCH LATTICE INCHES, t-j 32 TABLE 4.2 Average Values of 625 Measured in the M.I.T. Lattice Facility Standard Deviation (a) of the Mean Rod Spacing (Inches) 625 1.25 0.0522 0.0060 1.75 2.50 0.0303 0.0184 0.0010 2 2 0.0023 4 2.50 0.0120b 0. 0 0 1 0 (c) Number of Determinations (a) The standard deviation of the mean is a reflection of counting statistics and reproducibility of the results. (b) Substituted lattice - see note (a) on Table 4.1. (c) This value is computed as the standard deviation of a set of measurements. C. Fast Source Perturbation The effect of removing fuel from the region near a depleted detector foil is shown in Figs. 4.12 and 4.13. Figure 4.12 shows the effect of depleted uranium and Fig. 4.13 shows the effect of natural uranium and aluminum. The curves were extrapolated to find the expected count rate with no fuel removed. A correction factor was determined for each of the three materials and the results summed to find an over-all correction factor for the depleted foil count rates. It should be noted that the over-all correction factor is different for each lattice spacing because the interaction effect varies with lattice spacing. Table 4.3 lists the correction factors which were determined. TABLE 4.3 Depleted Foil Correction Factors for Foil Configurations Shown in Fig. 4.2 Lattice Spacing Correction Factor 1.25 inch 1.08 ± 0.02 1.75 inch 1.09 ± 0.02 2.50 inch 1.10 ± 0.02 1.12 ± 0.02 o 33 I 1 1 1 I I I I 0.0440 0.0400 0.0360 t 825 0.0320 -I 0.0280 0.0240 0.0200 I I 0 2 4 RADIAL FIG.4.10 I I I I 14 12 10 8 6 LOCATION IN INCHES -- I 6 AS A FUNCTION OF RADIUS AXIAL LOCATION -20 INCHES, 8 25 1.75 INCH LATTICE w) 0.03600.0320- 0.0280 t 825 0.02400.02000.0160- 0.0120L 4 8 12 16 20 LOCATION FROM BOTTOM OF LATTICE IN INCHES FIG.4.II 825 AS A FUNCTION OF HEIGHT RADIAL LOCATION - 1.75 1.75 INCH LATTICE INCHES , 24 -- 28 1.2 z 0 w H w -j 1.0 H 0 O Q) 0 LU z 0.9 0 C') c,) a:~0.8_ 40 30 0 20 10 URANIUM, DEPLETED OF CKNESS TOTAL THI FIG. 4.12 60 50 IN. X 103 70 EFFECT OF DEPLETED URANIUM CATCHER FOILS ON DEPLETED URANIUM FISSION PRODUCT ACTIVITY "-p I I A B FUEL SLUG FUEL SLUG AL FUEL CATCHER_ DETECTOR DEP U. 0-60 MIL 60 MIL NAT. U CATCHER DEP. U. 5 MIL CATCHER FUEL AL DETECTOR CATCHER o- 0-15MIL >- 5 MIL FUEL SLUG 60 MIL 0-60 MIL FUEL SLUG u- 5 NATURAL URANIUM W- CA) ON I o ARRANGEMENT A ALUMINUM 0 ARRANGEMENT B URANIUM 1.0 00 wcr ALUMINUM NO- 0.9 -jz 0 0L I 0.8 0 FIG. 4.13 10 THICKNESS I I 40 20 30 OF ALUMINUM OR NATURAL I 50 URANIUM, I 60 IN. X 103 EFFECT OF ALUMINUM SLEEVE HG LDERS AND NATURAL URANIUM DETECTOR ON FISSION PRODUCT ACTIVITY OF DEPLETED URANIUM DETECTOR 37 The uncertainties in the correction factors were obtained from the uncertainties in the coefficients of the least-square straight-line fit to the data shown in Figs. 4.12 and 4.13. By minimizing the amount of fuel removed in the region of the depleted detector foil, a minimum error estimate of 628 was obtained for the 1.75-inch lattice. Figure 4.14 shows 628 as a function of aluminum catcher foil thickness. Extrapolating this curve to zero aluminum thickness and also correcting for the .005-inch depleted detector foil yields a value of 628 = 0.0233 ± 0.0007 . The uncertainty shown is the total uncertainty which includes the estimated errors in P(t), least-squares fit of Fig. 4.14, and the correction factor for the 0.005-inch depleted uranium detector foil. This uncertainty is approximately one half that given in Table 4.1 for the 1.75inch lattice. IV. Discussion of the Results The results obtained in the present study are compared in Fig. 4.15 with earlier results obtained at M.I.T. in the Miniature Lattice Facility (5), and with results obtained at the Brookhaven National Laboratory with 0.25-inch diameter rods in lattices moderated with ordinary water . The results indicate some discrepancies between the two sets of M.I.T. results. In particular, the value obtained for 628 in the exponential lattice with the 1.75-inch spacing seems too high, and the value obtained in the present study for the single rod in heavy water is significantly higher than that obtained in the earlier study (4). As a result of the above analysis for correction factors, it is expected that some additional corrections could be made to the previous miniature lattice measurements which will raise the values slightly. The causes of these discrepancies are now being sought. R. L. Hellens and H. C. Honeck, A Summary and Preliminary Analysis of the B.N.L. Slightly Enriched Uranium, Water-Moderated Lattice Measurements, Proceedings of the IAEA Conference on Light Water Lattices, Vienna, June, 1962. 0.032 wA 0.0 2 8 0.024 828 0.020k ~mmEi I .~ 0.0 16 K FUEL AL FUEL +- 1-10 MIL-+ AL DEPU. NAT. U. AL AL FUEL FUEL 0.0 12 - 0.008 0 2I 4 6 AL CATCHER FIG. 4.14 828 VERSUS I 8 FOIL 10 THICKNESS, ALUMINUM CATCHER 14 12 IN. X 103 FOIL THICKNESS I 16 0.14 II I I I I I , , , i i i i I 0 i i i i i i I 0 BNL (H 2 0- MODERATED, 1.14 % U2 3 5 ) 0.12 o BNL (H2 0-MODERATED,1.03% U 235) D v , x MIT (D2 0- MODERATED, IN MINIATURE LATTICE, 1.14 % U 2 3 5 ) 0 0 z 0.10 - o MIT(D 0 in i I I I I 2 0- MODERATED, IN EXPONENTIAL ASSEMBLY, 1.03 % U 2 3 5 ) 03 0.08 0 c- E0 0 0.06 1- z 0 (I) 0.04 H- x LiL 0 2 X0 0.02 0 I- I x -4 I I FIG. 4.15 I I I I I I II I 1I I11111i I I I I I II I II II I11111 I I I ~ 10 100 RATIO OF MODERATOR VOLUME TO URANIUM VOLUME RATIO OF FISSION RATE IN U238 TO FISSION RATE URANIUM RODS, 1/4-INCH IN DIAMETER IN U 235' I ~ I II II II II II 828, FOR 40 Apart from the result for the 1.75-inch lattice, the results obtained in the miniature assembly and in the exponential assembly agree reasonably well and indicate that the miniature lattice may be a satisfactory assembly for the study of the fast fission effect. The results obtained for the heavy water lattices are not inconsistent with those obtained in the more closely packed B.N.L. lattices, moderated with ordinary water. In view of the different natures of the lattices, and the, as yet, unresolved internal discrepancies in the M.I.T. results, no attempt was made to draw a smooth curve through all the results. Further work is in progress on 628 and 625, and the results given in this report are preliminary in nature. Further details of the work reported will be given in a Master of Science thesis to be completed shortly by Mr. Henry Bliss. 41 5. STUDIES OF EPITHERMAL CAPTURE IN U 2 3 8 W. H. D'Ardenne Introduction Earlier work (2) on the capture of neutrons in U 2 38 has been extended to the lattices of slightly enriched rods in heavy water. 238 cadmium ratio, R 28 and Measurements have been made of the U 235 . 238 fission rate, C capture rate to the U of the ratio of the U capture223 The intracellular distributions of neutron capture rates in U2 38 and copper were determined with both bare and cadmium-covered foils. Considerable effort was put into studies of technique: (1) of the effect of the amount of cadmium used on the measured activities of cadmium-covered foils; (2) of the effect of different types of catcher foils on the measured activities of detector foils; (3) of the effect on the value of the cadmium ratio of nonuniform distributions of radioactivity in detector foils. Finally, work has been continued on measurements of the effective resonance integrals of various nuclides. I. The U238 Cadmium Ratio and the Conversion Ratio A. The U 2 3 8 Cadmium Ratio The average U238 cadmium ratio was measured by irradiating two 0.005-inch-thick, depleted uranium foils containing 18 parts U 2 3 5 per million at equivalent positions in the lattice with one foil surrounded by 0.020-inch-thick cadmium. inch-thick fuel buttons. Each foil was placed between two 0.060- Depleted uranium foils identical to the detector foils were put between the fuel buttons and the detector foils to prevent U2 3 5 fission products in the fuel from reaching the detector foils. The stacks of foils and fuel buttons were placed inside sleeves of "Teflon", 0.125 inch long and with a wall thickness of 0.005 inch. At either end of these packets, there were placed 0.020-inch-thick "holder" foils which kept the "Teflon' sleeves in position. The holder foils were made of aluminum for the bare detector foil and of cadmium for the 42 cadmium-covered detector foil. The holder foils were 0.258 inch in diameter, 0.008 inch larger than the diameter of the fuel or catcher and detector foils, and 0.004 inch smaller than the internal diameter of the aluminum cladding. These assemblies were placed between two fuel slugs in a lattice fuel rod. In the case of the cadmium-covered detector foils, a 0.020-inch-thick, 1-inch-long cadmium sleeve was positioned outside the 0.028-inch-thick aluminum cladding of the fuel rod so that the midpoint of the cadmium sleeve was located adjacent to the cadmium-covered detector foil. A compressive force was applied to the fuel inside the fuel rod to ensure that the foils were kept tightly together. A schematic of the foil arrangements is shown in Fig. 5.1. Normally, the bare detector foil and the cadmium-covered detector foil were irradiated at a height of 20 inches from the bottom of the fuel (the length was 48 inches) and 4n two fuel rods diametrically opposed to each other and adjacent to the central fuel rod of the lattice. The usual length of each irradiation was 12 hours with a cooling period 2 39 of at least four hours to permit the U239 produced to decay into Np before the first count was taken. The 103-key peak of Np239 was counted by a single-channel analyzer with a 1/2-inch-thick, 1-1/2-inchdiameter NaI(Tl) crystal. The window of the analyzer accepted gamma rays ranging in energy from 84 key to 122 key. The 84-key gamma ray of Tm 170 and the 122-key gamma-ray peak of Co 57 were used to calibrate the window settings each time the system was used and also to give a sensitive indication of any drift during each counting session. At least four sets of foils were irradiated for each fuel rod spacing, and each set of foils was counted at least four times. The results for the three lattices with rod spacings of 1.25 inches, 1.75 inches, and 2.50 inches (0.25-inch-diameter fuel rods containing 1.03% wt. U 235), are listed in Table 5.1 and are compared in Fig. 5.2 to measurements made in a miniature lattice at M.I.T. by J. Peak (5). The quantity plotted as ordinate is actually _ 28R 1 28 - 1 _ epicadmium activity of U 238foil subcadmium activity of U 238 foil 43 "BARE" ROD 0.028" AI CLAD 0.006" AIR GAP 0.005" T E F LO N SLE EVE 0.060" FUEL 0.005" NAT. U. 0.005" CATCHER DETECTOR CATCHER DE R U.CATCHER DER UDE TEC TOR CATC HER 0.060" FUEL /0.020" Al FUEL SLUG FIG. 5.1 FOIL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CADMIUM RATIO AND CONVERSION RATIO MEASUREMENTS 1.6 _r= 1.4 1.2 1.0 P2 8 0.8 0.6 0.4- 0.2- 0. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 MODERATOR TO FUEL VOLUME FIG.5.2 P2 8 VERSUS VM VF 70 80 RATIO, V 90 100 110 45 TABLE 5.1 Values of the U2 3 8 Cadmium Ratio in Lattices of 235 0.25-Inch-Diameter Uranium Rods Containing 1.03% U L attice Ratio of Average Cadmium Spacing Moderator Volume Ratio, R 2 8 (Inches) to Fuel Volume Average Value of 1 P28 R23 ~ 1.25 2.188 ± 0.010 0.8416 ± 0.0071 1.75 25.9 52.4 2.50 108.6 3.308 ± 0.016 5.47 2 ± 0.029 0.4333 ± 0.0030 0.2236 ± 0.0014 The results obtained in the exponential and miniature lattices agreed reasonably well, in view of the large theoretical corrections (up to 25 or 30 per cent) which had to be applied to the results obtained in the miniature lattices to permit comparison with the results expected Those theoretical corrections were derived in an exponential assembly. (5) on the basis of age-diffusion theory, and the results indicate that a better theoretical treatment of the correction seems worthwhile and that satisfactory results for R 2 8 and p 2 8 may be obtained from measure- ments in a miniature lattice. The U 2 3 -cadmium ratio was measured as a function of radial the results are position and as a function of axial position in the lattice; shown in Figs. 5.3a and 5.3b. The value of R 2 8 was constant radially except near the edge of the lattice, i.e., to within a few inches of the tank wall. The axial measurements hint at the existence of a minimum value of R28, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical treatment by Peak et al. (5); the effect, however, is quite small, and further work is required. B. The Conversion Ratio, C The measured conversion ratio, designated by C , is the ratio of the U238 capture rate to the U235 fission rate in the fuel. The method first used at M.I.T. (2, 8) has been extensively modified and is now I I I I I I I 0 1.0 I Go 0.8 c'J cr- '4 LL '4 I 0 -LJ 0.6 [- -) Lli '4 '4 '4 '4 I 'I I 0.4 H * 1.75 IN.-PITCH,3FT. TANK A 2.50 IN.-PITCH,4FT. TANK 0.2 I- 0 0 I 4 RADIAL FIG.5.3a I 8 DISTANCE R 2 8 VERSUS I 12 16 CENTRAL FROM RADIAL POSITION I 24 20 ROD, INCHES IN LATTICE "or 14 I I e 1.75 A 2.50 INCH-PITCH,3FT TANK INCH- PITCH,4FT TANK 1.3 - 11 o 1.2 C,) w -J cLI 1.0 k- I I 0.9 0 4 8 HEIGHT F IG.5.3 b 12 FROM -0-_ - 0 I I 24 16 20 BOTTOM OF FUEL , INCHES R2 8 VERSUS AXIAL POSITION 28 32 47 basically the same as a method recently reported by Tunnicliffe et al!a) of Chalk River. * With the new method, the ratio C was obtained by irradiating four foils, a 0.005-inch-thick natural uranium foil and a 0.005-inchthick depleted uranium foil in the lattice at the same position as was used in the determination of R 2 8 , and, at the same time, a 0.005-inchthick natural uranium foil and a 0.005-inch-thick depleted uranium foil in the thermal flux of the graphite-lined cavity beneath the lattice. Since the flux in the cavity has been shown to be Maxwellian with a -4 Wescott "r" value of less than 10 , there is no necessity for cor- rections for resonance activation. The arrangement of the foils irradiated in the lattice was the same as the bare foil arrangement used for R 2 8 except that three 0.005-inch-thick natural uranium foils, one detector foil, and two cataher foils were placed between one depleted uranium catcher foil and one 0.060-inch-thick fuel button. In the cavity, three natural uranium foils and three depleted uranium foils were placed inside an aluminum sleeve 0.125 inch long with a 0.005-inch-thick wall. This packet was taped to the end of a 6-foot-long, 0.5-inch-diameter polyethylene rod. The rod was inserted into a 5/8-inch-diameter aluminum tube which protrudes into the cavity by 3-3/8 inches. The foils were usually irradiated for 12 hours and allowed to cool about four hours before they were counted. All four foils were counted for fission product activity above 720 key, at the same time and on the same equipment used for the measurement of the fast fission ratio. After fission product counting was completed, the two depleted uranium foils were counted at least four times to determine their Np 2 3 9 activity, with the same counting equipment as that used for determining R ' 28 activity of the depleted uranium foil irThe ratio of the Np 239 activity of the depleted uranium radiated in the lattice to the Np foil irradiated in the cavity, designated as RN, was divided by the ratio (a)P. R. Tunnicliffe, D. J. Skillings, and B. G. Chidley, Nuclear Sci. Eng., 15, 268 (1963). 48 of the U 235 fission product activity of the natural uranium foil irra.diated in the lattice to the U2 3 5 fission product activity of the natural uranium foil irradiated in the cavity, RF. The U 238 capture rate and 235 the U fission rate of fuel material irradiated in a thermal flux were calculated from known atom concentrations and thermal cross sections. These calculated ratios were used to convert the ratio of (RN/RF) to the conversion ratio, C . Results of these measurements will be published in a doctoral thesis by W. H. D'Ardenne. II. Microscopic Distribution of Intracell Activations The intracellular distribution was measured by using depleted uranium foils, irradiated both bare and cadmium-covered, and by using copper foils, both bare and cadmium-covered. The copper foils and the depleted uranium foils were 0.005 inch thick and 1/ 16 inch in diameter. The depleted uranium was used to determine the distribution of the U 2 3 8 capture rates, and the copper, which closely approximates a 1/v absorber, was used to simulate the 1/v portion of the U238 captures. Figure 5.4 shows the bare and epicadmium copper activation distributions. In Fig. 5.5, bare and epicadmium activation distributions of 0.0025-inch-thick, 1/ 16-inch-diameter gold foils, as measured by R. Simms (17), are shown. The bare and epicadmium depleted uranium activation distributions are given in Fig. 5.6. The epicadmium distributions for gold, copper, and depleted uranium are compared in Fig. 5.7. The epicadmium copper distribution is nearly the same as the epicadmium gold distribution. Neutrons, whose energies lie between 238 the cadmium cutoff and the lowest U resonance at 6.7 ev, cause about 75 per cent of the epicadmium 1/v copper activation and nearly all of the epicadmium gold activation is due to the 4.96-ev resonance. The epicadmium depleted uranium distribution shows that the U 2capture rate in the fuel rod is sharply peaked at the surface of the rod. This steep gradient at the rod surface implies that the epi239 cadmium Np activity of a uranium foil placed between two fuel slugs in a rod may be sensitive to any perturbations in the rod surface. Such perturbations include: 1.1 1.0 0.9 0 IL wL 0.50.4 - Hd -J 0.3 0.20.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 DISTANCE FIG.5.4 FROM 0.6 0.8 1.0 CENTER OF CENTRAL ROD, INCHES INTRACELLULAR COPPER ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTIONS 1.2 'Ji 0 1.0 0.8 I- C, -J a 0.6 LL w I-J 0.4 uJ 0.2 0 0.2 DISTANCE FIG.5.5 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 FROM CENTER OF CENTRAL FUEL ROD, INCHES INTRACELLULAR GOLD ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION 1.0 I- 0.8- 0.6- 5 0.4- 0.2 0 0 FIG. 5.6 0.2 DISTANCE 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 FROM CENTER OF CENTRAL FUEL ROD, INCHES INTRACELLULAR DEPLETED URANIUM ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION I-a A/ LL o 0.8 Lu < < 0.6- _0.4 - e COPPER > A GOLD a ui AIR GAP -i CLAD MODERATOR >O.211 u a FUEL O FIG.5.7 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 DEPLETED URANIUM 1.0 1.2 1.4 INCHES FROM ROD CENTER INTRACELL ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTIONS OF CADMIUM COVERED COPPER, GOLD, AND DEPLETED URANIUM IN THE 1.25 INCH -PITCH LATTICE -1 .r4. 440, wpm lo".~~o W__ 53 1. Misalignment among foils and fuel slugs; 2. Foils and fuel slugs having different diameters; 3. Burrs, chips, cracks, etc. on the edges of the foils or the fuel slugs; 4. Gaps between the foils and the fuel slugs caused by tapered foils, crowned foils, unsquare fuel slug ends, or a uranium oxide layer on the surface of the foils or slugs; 5. Deviations due to the use of materials whose resonance cross sections depart significantly from that of the fuel material such as U 2 3 5 , gold, aluminum or aluminum alloys, etc. The attempt was made either to eliminate or correct for each of the above possibilities in performing the experiments. III. Studies of Techniques A. Effect of Cadmium on Epicadmium Activity Two experiments were performed to determine whether the presence of cadmium, which depresses the thermal flux and thus the fast flux, perturbs the resonance energy neutron flux. First distributions 1239 of the Np activity induced in First, microscopic cadmium-covered, 0.005-inch-thick, 0.0625-inch-diameter, depleted uranium foils were measured in the moderator between two bare rods and between a bare rod and a rod containing a cadmium sleeve. A schematic diagram of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 5.8. The resulting distributions were essentially identical, as shown in Fig. 5.9. Second, six 0.005-inch-thick depleted uranium foils were irradiated in equivalent positions in the lattice, with the cadmium-covered foil arrangement for R28 except that the cadmium sleeve length was varied from 0.250 inch to 1.5 inches. The results are shown in Fig. 5.10; there seems to be no significant trend in the results. B. The Effect of Foreign Material in the Fuel Rod Several experiments were performed to determine the following: 1. The effect of using aluminum catcher foils or aluminum alloy detector foils. Ul CADMIUM PILL BOX ALUMINUM FOIL ALUMINUM FOIL HOLDER HOLDER BARE -TO -CADMIUM BARE -TO - BARE ROD TRAVERSE ROD TRAVERSE OF CADMIUM COVERED FOILS OF CADMIUM COVERED FOILS FUEL ROD CENTR AL CONTAINING CADMIUM PILL BOX FUEL ROD FIG.5.8 "BARE" FUEL ROD DIAGRAM OF THE EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT FOR MICROSCOPIC DISTRIBUTIONS TO STUDY EFFECT OF CADMIUM ON EPICADMIUM ACTIVITY 55 -1--1- I 1I 1.03% ,1/'4 I I I I " .i I Ii lii I DIA. 1'/4" PITCH 0 - 3 A 6 A 0 0 a- A 6 2 CLAD FUEL A a -AIR IL FUEL MODERATOR GAP I--- w CLAD -. , I& AIR GAP >: I A ROD TO ROD o ROD TO CD. ROD 0 I It I 0 FIG. 5.9 I I I I I 0.4 0.2 DISTANCE I I I I I I I I II II 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 FROM CENTER OF CENTRAL ROD, I 1.4 1.6 IN. MICROSCOPIC Np239 ACTIVITY OF CADMIUM-COVERED DEPLETED URANIUM FOILS, 1/16 INCH DIAMETER, 0.005 INCH THICK Ul 0'~ I LLZ 0-Q < I.2 [- c: I * INTERNAL SLEEVE A EXTERNAL SLEEVE I I I I o w w 1. 1 - O 0 z cr ow 1.0 A A A > 0 -o w a: A 0.9 0 I I 1/4 1/2 CADMIUM FIG.5.IO EFFECT OF CADMIUM I I 3/4 I SLEEVE LENGTH, iI I '/4 I V2 INCHES ON CADMIUM COVERED w4 - FOIL ACTIVITY fffflml* 57 2. The effect of substituting depleted or natural uranium for fuel materials. 3. The effect on the detector foil activity of the use of the 0.020inch-thick aluminum holder foils. To investigate these effects, the following set of experiments were made: 1. Six bare depleted uranium detector foils were irradiated in similar positions with aluminum catcher foils ranging in thickness from 0.001 inch to 0.040 inch; 2. Six cadmium-covered depleted uranium detector foils were irradiated in similar positions with aluminum catcher foils ranging in thickness from 0.001 inch to 0.040 inch; 3. Six bare depleted uranium detector foils were irradiated in similar positions with depleted uranium catcher foils ranging in thickness from 0.005 inch to 0.030 inch; 4. Six cadmium-covered depleted uranium foils were irradiated in similar positions with depleted uranium catcher foils ranging in thickness from 0.005 inch to 0.030 inch; 5. Six bare depleted uranium detector foils, using 0.005-inchthick depleted uranium catcher foils, were irradiated in similar positions with the aluminum holder foils ranging in thickness from 0.020 inch to 0.060 inch in three rods and with no aluminum present in the other three rods. Mylar tape was used instead of the teflon sleeves for this experiment. The results are shown in Figs. 5.11a, 5.11b, and 5.12. Figures 5.lla and 5.1lb show that the presence of aluminum adjacent to either bare or cadmium-covered depleted uranium detector foils perturbs the Np 2 3 9 activity induced in the detector foil, and that up to 0.030 inch of depleted uranium used as a catcher foil does not 239 activity affect significantly either the bare or cadmium-covered Np of the detector foil. Figure 5.12 shows that the presence of up to 0.060 inch of aluminum, with 0.065 inch of uranium separating it from the detector foil, has no effect upon the Np 239 activity of the detector foil. i I I I I I I * BARE DETECTOR, AL CATCHERS 1.8 A CADMIUM COVERED DETECTOR, AL CATCHERS BARE AND CADMIUM COVERED DETECTOR, DEPLETED URANIUM CATCHERS l.7 > 1.6 0 41.5 o. 1.4 - z S 1.3 S1.2 1.1 II.I 1.0UU 4 0 FIG.5.1 la EFFECT 8 CATCHER OF CATCHER 12 16 FOIL THICKNESS, FOILS ON 24 20 INCHES x 103 Np239 ACTIVITY OF DEPLETED 32 28 URANIUM FOILS 2.62.4 2.2 - A DEP. U. CATCHERS, BARE DETECTOR; NORMALIZED TO THEIR OWN AV. v Al CATCHERS, BARE DETECTORS; NORMALIZED TO ABOVE AV. o DEP. U. CATCHERS CAD. COV. DETECTOR ; NORMALIZED TO OWN AVG. 1 Al CATCHERS, CAD. COV. DETECTOR; NORMALIZED TO ABOVE AVG. -2.0- - l.8 -- < 1.6 1.4i.2-------- <1.0 O--------O---- uj cr 0O A 0 FIG.511b 4 8 12 CATCHER EFFECT OF CATCHER I I 16 20 24 28 FOIL THICKNESS, INCHES x10 32 I I 36 3 FOILS ON DEPLETED URANIUM Np 23 9 ACTIVITY I 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.2 o AVG. 1.0 CL 0.8 0. z w 0.6 - I-- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 0.4 w (r 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 ALUMINUM FIG.5.12 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 HOLDER FOIL THICKNESS, INCHES xIO 60 3 EFFECT OF ALUMINUM HOLDER FOILS ON DEPLETED URANIUM Np 2 3 9 ACTIVITY u-l 60 C. The Effect of Counting Geometry As can be seen in Fig. 5.6, the distribution of the Np 239 activity in a cadmium-covered foil is sharply peaked at the edge of the foil while the thermal activity distribution in a bare foil is more nearly uniform. These two different activity distributions in the foil could result in a different counting efficiency for each foil, which would directly affect R 2 8 and indirectly affect C . To investigate this possibility, three different methods of counting were used to count several sets of foils: 1. The distance between the NaI(Tl) crystal and the foils was varied from 0.5 inch to 2.5 inches. 2. The radiation emitted by the foils was collimated by a 5/16inch-diameter hole through 2-inch-thick lead so that all the gamma rays reaching the crystal would have the same detection efficiency. 3. The foils were homogenized by dissolving them in equal amounts of nitric acid and counting the solutions. The results are given in Table 5.2 and shown in Fig. 5.13. There seems to be no significant difference among the three different methods; further work is in progress on this problem. TABLE 5.2 Values of R Determined in Various Counting Arrangements Distance from NaI(Tl) Detector (Inches) (B. Average Value of R 2 8 0.5 3.311 ± 0.019 (±0.57%) 2.5 3.344 ± 0.024 (±0.72%) 2.5 + Pb 3.266 ± 0.039 (±1.2%) HNO3 soln. 3.332 ± 0.027 (±0.81%) Arcipiani et al., Nuclear Sci. Eng. 14, 317 (1962). 61 1.03% LATTICE WITH 2.50 INCH SPACING AND 19 RODS OF 11.-5%WT U 2 3 5 SUBSTITUTED CC " 1.2 0 U) 1.1 < 1.0 20.9 cr O.8 ) 1.0 FOIL DISTANCE 3.0 2.0 FROM CRYSTAL, INCHES 1.03%LATTICE WITH 2.50 INCH u- 0 o) SPACING 1 .2 1.1 2 - 1.0 D 0.9 0.8 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 FOIL DISTANCE FROM CRYSTALINCHES 1.03% LATTICE WITH 1.75 INCH SPACING 1I.2 o Lu - -o-----Q- -- - - 0- --- w 1.0 HNO, SO'N -- 0 Pb COLLIMATOR_ 0.9 J 0.8 I 0 I I 1.0 2.0 3.0 FOIL DISTANCE FROM CRYSTALINCHES FIGURE 5.13 RELATIVE VALUES OF R2 8 FOR DIFFERENT COUNTING METHODS 62 D. Work Related to Effective Resonance Integrals Work in this area is still in progress and it is too early to give any results. The objectives of the work are: 1. To determine the U238 effective resonance integrals; 2. To determine the relative slowing-down density at various energies; 3. To determine the ratio of the U2 3 8 resonance capture rate to the slowing-down density of neutrons entering the reso- nance region; 4. To measure the neutron diffusion coefficient at various energies; 5. To investigate the possibility of making a resonance detector foil which will not perturb the epithermal neutron flux by matching the slowing-down power of the detector foil to the slowing-down power of the medium in which the foil is used. The effective resonance integral of a nuclide may be determined by two basic approaches: by means of a cadmium ratio measurement or by the 1/v-subtraction method. The cadmium ratios of several isotopes which are readily available in foil form or as an aluminum alloy have been measured. For other nuclides of interest, a convenient method has been developed to fabricate detector foils from powders. A powder containing the isotope of interest is mixed with powdered aluminum and then compressed into foils. Foils which are to be used inside the fuel rods have boron carbide added to the mixture to match the macroscopic 1/v-absorption cross sections of the detector foil and the fuel material. 63 INTRACELLULAR THERMAL NEUTRON DISTRIBUTIONS AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS 6. R. Simms Introduction The work to be discussed in this section continues and extends work discussed in earlier reports (6, 10). The topics to be treated include: experimental and theoretical determinations of the thermal neutron density (or flux) distribution in the unit cell of lattices of slightly enriched uranium rods in heavy water; difficulties arising from the assumed cylindricalization of the unit cell in the theoretical analysis; the use of improved energy exchange kernels in the theoretical analysis; modification of the THERMOS code to include the effects of radial and axial leakage; the effect of flux perturbation in a detector foil; and an experimental and theoretical analysis of the cadmium ratio of gold in the lattices. The material to be presented is treated in greater detail in Ref. 17, of the general Introduction to this report, based on a Doctoral thesis submitted by Mr. Richard Simms. I. Intracellular Thermal Neutron Distributions A. Experimental Methods 235 The lattices studied consisted of 1/4-inch-diameter, 1.03% U uranium metal rods on a 1.25-inch or 2.5-inch triangular spacing in a 3- or 4-foot-diameter, exponential tank, moderated by 99.7% D 20. The height of the active fuel was four feet. The experiments required the preparation of detector foils, the development of foil holders and cadmium covers, and procedures for counting and data reduction. Nine sets of 1/16-inch-diameter foils were used in the experiments; the foil materials were gold (four sets), lutetium (two sets), Now at Atomics International, Canoga Park, California. 64 europium, depleted uranium, and copper. The foils in a set were all punched from the same sheet by means of a punch and die. The small diameter of the rods and the small lattice spacings made the accurate positioning of the foils difficult. After considering several alternative schemes, a satisfactory design for foil holders and cadmium covers was developed. The holder (uranium) for the foils irradiated in the fuel rod is shown in Fig. 6.1. The holder (aluminum) for the foils irradiated in the moderator is shown in Fig. 6.2. The cadmium box used is shown in Fig. 6.3. The foil holders used in the moderator were attached to a special three-rod cluster, as shown in Fig. 6.4. The foils irradiated in the fuel rod were placed in the central fuel rod. A sche- matic diagram of the foil holder arrangement is shown in Fig. 6.5. The foils were counted by a gamma-ray counter in conjunction with an automatic sample changer. Each experiment required the use of about 70 foils. Data reduction was accomplished by means of a computer program, ACTIVE, written for the IBM 7090. made. Routine counting corrections were In addition, corrections were made for radial leakage and for the axial position of the foils. The latter corrections were based on measured, macroscopic flux distributions. B. Experimental Results Brown et al. (6, 16) showed that the THERMOS method (ref. a) could predict the intracellular activation distribution for lattices of 1-inch-diameter, natural uranium rods in heavy water. The method, however, gave poor agreement with experiment for a lattice of 1/4-inch- diameter, 1.03% U 2 3 5 , uranium rods on a 1.25-inch triangular spacing. Figures 6.6, 6.7, and 6.9 show the results of experiments made in the lattice with the 1.25-inch triangular spacing. Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.6 give the directions of the intracellular activity traverses in the cell. In the figures, "1D THERMOS" refers to the one-dimensional code of reference a; "MODIFIED ID THERMOS" refers to a newer version which will be discussed below. The theoretical curve in the fuel element falls significantly below the experimental points when the theoretical results are normalized to the experimental ones at the edge of the cell. As part of a study of the effect of varying the thickness of the 65 TOP VIEW 1/16" A A SIDE VIEW SECTION AA 0.012" 0.06" 0.012" I/4" FIG. 6.1 THE HOLDER FOR THE FOILS IRRADIATED IN THE FUEL ROD USED IN THE LATTICE WITH THE .25-INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 66 TOP VIEW CLAD FOLD ALONG THE CENTER ROD FIG. 6.2 THE HOLDER FOR THE BARE FOILS IRRADIATED IN THE MODERATOR USED IN THE LATTICE WITH THE 1.25-INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 67 HOLDER CADMIUM BOX' (SIDE VIEW) 'S CADMIUM BOX (TOP VIEW) 1/32" DIAMETER FIG. 6.3 THE CADMIUM BOX AND A SECTION OF THE HOLDER USED TO POSITION THE BOX IN THE MODERATOR. 68 CENTER ROD... HOLDER FOR THE BARE FOILS CADMIUM SLEEVE HOLDER FOR THE CADMIUM COVERED FOILS FIG. 6.4 THE THREE-ROD CLUSTER. 69 UR ANIUM ROD 1100 ALUMINUM * SET BS- i FOIL HOLDER (60 MILS) -t 4 FOIL HOLDER (60 MILS) -t HOLDERS FOR THE BARE FOILS 6.04 SET A' /' 16" FOIL CADMIUM (20 MILS)-~~'--1% U 2 3 5 SPACER (60 MILS) FOIL HOLDER B (60 MILS) 5" I%U 235SPACER (60 MILS) FOIL HOLDER A (60 MILS) 1% U2 3 5 SPACER (60 MILS) CADMIUM (20 MILS) CADMIUM BOX SET B FOR THE FOILS -'"-SET A TEST POSITION FIG. 6.5 POSITIONS OF THE FOIL HOLDERS IN THE EXPERIMENTS IN THE LATTICE WITH THE 1.25-INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. ADJACENT ROD-TO-ADJACENT ROD LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE 40 ROD-TO- MODERATOR ROD-TO-ROD RIGHT SIDE ROD-TO-ROD LEFT SIDE CENTER FIG. 6.6 DIRECTIONS TRAVERSES ROD OF INTRACELLULAR ACTIVITY IN THE MODERATOR. 71 II0 w I-J w OZ 0 FIG. 6.7 0.5 1.0 1.5 RADIUS 2.0 (CM) 2.5 3.0 3.5 GOLD ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION FOR RUN A14; 2.5 MIL THICK GOL D FOILS IN A LATTICE OF 1/4-INCH DIAMETER, 1.03% U-235, URANIUM RODS ON A 1.25- INCH T RIANGULAR SPACING 72 I I i 1 1 SUBCADMIUM ACTIVATION +a (SD±O.4%) 1.00 0 x 0 ADJACENT FUEL ROD + 0 0.96- x 0.92 - / -- / 0.88 MODIFIED I D TH ERMOS ID THERMOS 3.8 MIL GOLD CFROSS SECTIONS I/V-ACTIVATION EQUIVALENT CELL BOUNDARY (I 2 0.84 D2 0 I- ROD-TO-ROD MIDPOINT A 6- w 0.80 -J -/ w 0.76 A -CLAD 1- CENTRAL -FUEL ROD CLAD-4 - 0.40 EPICADMIUM 0.36 0.34 x o0 MODERATOR AVERAGE oX x 0.30L 0 FIG. 6.8 (SDi0.5%) n H 0.32 ACTI VATION , 0.5 1.0 1.5 RADIUS 2.0 (CM) 2.5 ,, , 3.0 , , 3.5 GOLD ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION FOR RUN A 16; 4.3 MIL THICK GOLD FOILS IN A LATTICE OF 1/4-INCH DIAMETER, 1.03% U - 235, URANIUM RODS ON A 1.25 - INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 73 4- I x 0 + 0.92 -- ADJACENT FUEL ROD MODIFIED ID THERMOS ID THERMOS 7.7 MIL GOLD CROSS SECTIONS I/V-ACTIVATION 0.88 .&-EQUIVALENT CELL BOUNDARY 0.84 D2 0 -- ROD-TO -ROD MIDPOINT CLAD- CLAD w O.80 CENTRAL FUEL ROD 76 wO. EPICADMIUM I I ACTIVATION (SD±O.5%) 0.30 0.28 4 - x MODERATOR AVERAGE O.26XX 0 FIG. 6.9 0.5 1.0 1.5 RADIUS 2.0 (CM) 2.5 3.0 3.5 GOLD ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION FOR RUN A13; 10 MIL THICK GOLD FOILS IN A LATTICE OF 1/4-INCH DIAMETER, 1.03% U- 235, URANIUM RODS ON A 1.25 -INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 74 TABLE 6.1 Nuclear Parameters for the Lattices With 1-.25-Inch and 2.5-Inch Spacings Obtained by Means of ID and Modified 1D THERMOS Calculations Quantity Cutoff Energy (ev) 1.25-Inch Lattice Modified 1D ID S1/v(a) 0.4 1.260 1.178 1.228 1.211 Lu-176(a) 0.4 1.194 1.120 1.165 1.150 CEu-151(a) 0.14 1.304 1.215 1.265 1.250 f 0.78 0.9773 0.9782 0.9612 0.0616 n 0.78 1.504 1.506 1.510 1.510 2.5-Inch Lattice Modified 1D 1D (a) is the disadvantage factor defined by Eq. 6.1. gold foils used, foils 2.5, 4.3 and 10 mils thick, respectively, were used; this aspect of the experiment will also be discussed below. When the lattice was increased to 2.5 inches, corresponding to a ratio of moderator-volume to full volume of 108 instead of 25.9 for 1.25inch spacing, the one-dimensional THERMOS calculation gave results in good agreement with experiment, as can be seen in Figs. 6.10, 6.11, and 6.12. Brown et al. (6) suspected the most likely cause of the discrepancy between theory and experiment in the case of the 1.25-inch lattice. To investigate the problem further, a systematic study was undertaken of those variables that could possibly affect the intracellular activation distribution. An analytical study, involving the use of various energy exchange kernels, indicated that the details of the kernel are not important for this type of measurement. (Some of the kernels studied, the free gas and Nelkin kernels, are compared in Fig. 6.13.) This result is, at first, surpr'ising, in view of the differences in the various models. But further consideration showed that O. i.- I0. w >0. . 0 0.5 FIG. 6.10 1.0 1.5 GOLD ACTIVITY 2.0 3.0 3.5 RADIUS (CM) 2.5 DISTRIBUTION 1/4-INCH DIAMETER, 1.03% 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 65 FOR RUN A4; 2.5 MIL THICK GOLD FOILS IN A LATTICE OF U-235, URANIUM RODS ON A 2.5-INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 1.02 1 1 1 SUBCADMIUM ACTIVATION 1.00 (SD±O.2%) o + 0 CLAD x 0.96 ADJACENT FUEL ROD x + MODIFIED ID THERMOS ID THERMOS 0.92- -3.8 MIL GOLD CROSS SECTIONS O . 88- EQUIVA LENT CELL BOUNDARY RO D -TO-ROD O. 84 _FUEL MIDPOINT CENTRAL ROD CLAD D2 0 0.80) u0. T6 MODERATOR AVERAGE 0.1 5- 0 I0.10 0.5 1.0 FIG. 6.11 EPICADMIUM ACTIVATION I 1.5 | 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 RADIUS (CM) 4.0 (SD±O.4%) | | 4.5 5.0 0| -t 5.5 | 6.0 _ 6.5 GOLD ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION FOR RUN A 5; 4.3 MIL THICK GOLD FOILS IN A LATTICE OF 1/4-INCH DIAMETER, 1.03% U-235, URANIUM RODS ON A 2.5-INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 0.88 0.84 0.80 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 RADIUS FIG. 6.12 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 (CM) GOLD ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION FOR RUN A9; IOMIL THICK GOLD FOILS IN A LATTICE OF 1/4-INCH DIAMETER, .03% U-235, URANIUM RODS ON A 2.5 -INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 0.20 0 WW z NO MODERATOR MOTION - j- 0 W o z FREE GAS MODEL M =2 0. 10 FREE GAS MODEL M =3.595 _ NELKIN MODEL au. 'w wo a -_ 0 _ _ 1 2 3 Ef , 4 5 6 FINAL ENERGY (UNITS OF kTM) 7 8 9 FIG. 6.13 COMPARISON OF THE NELKIN AND FREE GAS ENERGY EXCHANGE KERNELS FOR HEAVY WATER FOR NEUTRONS HAVING AN INTIAL ENERGY, Ei,0F8.4kTM. 79 the lattices are not strongly absorbing, and the spectrum should not be very different from a Maxwellian distribution, independent of the kernel. The kernels satisfy the principle of detailed balance, which places the constraint on the kernel that, in the absence of absorption, the spectrum in an infinite medium is a Maxwellian spectrum. Simple prescriptions to approximate the effect of anisotropic scattering also did not change the calculated intracellular activation distribution enough to account for the observed discrepancy. A systematic study of the flux perturbation due to the foil showed that the analytical method developed (17) to treat this problem was adequate, so that such perturbations could not be responsible for the disagreement between theory and experiment. The possible effect of flux perturbation in a foil was treated by defining effective activation cross sections, as a function of energy, for the detecting foils. These effective cross sections were then averaged over the spectra calculated by the THERMOS code. Figure 6.14 shows the effective cross sections calculated for gold foils of different thickness. Experiments were made with gold foils that were effectively infinitely thin, and with foils 2.5, 4.5 and 10.2 mils thick. The results of these experiments are shown in Figs. 6.7 to 6.17 and indicate that consistent results are obtained with foils of these three different thicknesses. The foils 2.5 and 4.3 mils thick, gave the best balance of irradiation time, count rate, accuracy of foil weight and correction required for flux perturbation for the range of conditions studied. The use of the "infinitely thin" or "dilute" foils (Fig. 6.15) led to much more scatter in the experimental results; the use of such foils would require more work on the conditions under which they might give satisfactory results. In any case, the foils 2.5, 4.3, and 10.2 mils thick, respectively, gave the same results insofar as concerns the agreement or disagreement between experiment and theory. C. Theoretical Methods: THERM!S and Cell Cylindricalization The first version of the THERMOS method is based on a onedimensional treatment-of a unit cell in an infinite array, in which the actual hexagonal or square cell is replaced by an "equivalent" cell of o b 10.0 o 0 b z 0 0 0 LJ 1.0 U.. 0 wL N 0 z 0.I I0-2 FIG. 6.14 EFFECTIVE GOLD ENERGY (EV) -10~ ACTIVATION CROSS SECTIONS FOR METALLIC Z 0A = 5.83 CM'). FOILS (NOTE: Zs =0.548 CM, 1.08 O4 l. MLAven'.md _ + x 0 + x x x -- FUEL ROD 1.00 -+ 0 0.96>- x- MODIFIED ID THERMOS x 0.92 - >x + + THERMOS IV-ACTIVATION KID EQUIVALENT CELL BOUNDARY ROD-TO-ROD + MIDPOINT + CLA D-- 0 0.88 0 D20 x wCENTRAL> 0.84-FUEL ROD w0.800 . 0.39 -- 4"S 0 .3 5 - 0 x xx 0.37 Lo + 0.5 FIG. 6.15 1 1.0 1 1.5 GOLD ACTIVITY 2.0 x 0 0 + -- 1 (SD t 2%) EPICADMIUM ACTIVATION AVERAGE MODERATOR 1 2.5 DIdTRIBUTION 1...1...I.I.? 3.5 3.0 RADIUS (CM) 4.0 45 5.0 5.5 I 6.0 6.5 FOR RUN A8; DILUTE GOLD FOILS IN A LATTICE OF 1/4 -INCH DIAMETER, 1.03% U-235, URANIUM RODS ON A 2.5 -INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. co~ p 82 FIG. 6.16 REFLECTION OF NEUTRONS FROM THE HEXAGONAL AND EQUIVALENT CELL BOUNDARIES. 83 FIG. 6.17 RESTRICTIVE PATHS FOR NEUTRONS IN THE EQUIVALENT CIRCULAR CELL (NOTE: WHEN 0 IS BETWEEN #c AND 180 *-4)c , WHERE Oc EQUALS ARCSIN (Ro/r), THEN NEUTRONS FROM POINT P WILL NEVER INTERSECT THE INNER CIRCLE .,THE FUEL ROD). 84 circular cross section. A consideration of the geometric arrangement of the unit cell indicates how the assumption of a cylindricalized cell may lead to error. In an infinite lattice, the condition that there is no net leakage is expressed mathematically by assuming that the cell boundary acts as a perfect reflector of neutrons. Neutrons are reflected from the actual cell boundary, the hexagon, in the case of the triangular array, as shown in Fig. 6.16, with the angle of incidence equal to the angle of reflection. In the usual analytical treatment of the one-dimensional cell, similar reflection is assumed to occur at the "equivalent" circular boundary. If a fuel rod is placed in the center of the cell, then there are paths for which the neutron will never enter the rod, regardless of the number of times that it is scattered at the circular boundary of the cell. This possibility is shown in Fig. 6.17; if the neutron passes through the point P at an angle + between *c and 180*-c ( where cpc is a critical angle defined by c = arcsin (R9/r), and where R is the radius of the rod and r is the radial distance to 0 the point P, then the neutron will never enter the fuel rod. This effect does not arise in the actual cell because of the corners. It is evident that the circular cell approximation can introduce a significant error whenever the rod is close (in terms of mean free paths) to the outer boundary of the cell. If the cell boundary is far from the rod, neutrons will be scattered before they undergo many reflections from the boundary. A mean free path in heavy water is approximately an inch, and it seems likely that the poor agreement between theory and experiment, observed by Brown et al. and confirmed by the present work, results from the approximation of a cylindrical cell. It has been shown (b) that similar considerations apply to the closely packed lattices of uranium rods in ordinary water studied at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Honeck has shown (b, c) that a two-dimensional (2D) THERM(S calculation, in which the approximation of a cylindrical cell boundary is not made, yields results in agreement with experiment. This calculation is, however, time-consuming and expensive; and Honeck has 85 shown (c) that a modified one-dimensional calculation, in which the equalangle reflection condition at the cell boundary is replaced by an isotropic reflection condition, gives results which reproduce those of the 2D calculation for the intracellular neutron density or flux distribution, but without the corresponding increase in computer time. A two-dimensional THERMOS calculation, for which the cylindrical cell approximation is not made (the calculation treats the actual hexagonal cell), was made for the lattice with the 1.25-inch spacing. The results of the calculation are shown in Fig. 6.18; the result indicates that the one-dimensional calculation could lead to as much as an 8% error in the level of the flux at the center of the fuel rod. The modified one-dimensional calculations shown in Figs. 6.7 to 6.12 are equivalent to the corresponding 2D calculations. It may be concluded that the cell cylindricalization can lead to serious errors in the theoretical thermal flux distribution in a cell of a closely packed lattice. The THERMOS code, which has been extremely useful in the interpretation of intracellular flux distributions, was developed by Honeck for an infinite lattice. The question arises as to the possible effects of the axial and radial leakages in a finite lattice. The THERMOS code was therefore modified and extended to take into account the exponential variation of the flux in the axial direction and the J -distribution in the radial direction. The results indicated that the effects are very small in both the 3-foot and 4-foot-diameter tanks used in the M.I.T. Lattice experiments. It is possible, however, that future work in miniature exponential assemblies, such as those studied by Peak et al. (5), may require significant leakage corrections. A method of normalization of theoretical and experimental results has been suggested, based on the prediction of the cadmium ratio of the foils used in the measurements of the intracellular activation distribution. It was found, however, that uncertainties in the effective resonance integrals of the foils are too large, so that the new method offers little advantage at present over the usual methods of normalization of the subeadmium activation at either the center or the edge of the cell. The method should be useful when better values of the effective resonance integrals are available. 86 CLAD 2 D, ROD-TO-ROD 1.00 2 D, ROD-TO-MODERATOR 0.96 0.92 ci m 0.88- 0 cf) 0.84- w 0.80- -J 0.76- 0.72 0 0.5 1.0 DISTANCE FROM THE CENTER FIG. 6.18 1.5 ROD (CM.) 2.0 COMPARISON OF THE ONE AN[ DTWO DIMENSIONAL THERMOS CALCULATIONS FOR THE LATTICE OF 1/4-INCH DIAMETER,1.03% ENRICHED, URANIUM RODS ON A 1.25-INCH TRIANGULAR SPACING. 87 The epicadmium intracellular activation distribution has received little attention in the past. Measurements with foils of depleted uranium provide some additional data. The distribution of foil activities with depleted uranium foils indicate that the resonance flux at the U nance energies was depressed in the vicinity of the fuel rod. 238 reso- On the other hand, the measurement with gold foils indicated that the flux at the gold resonance (4.9 ev) was spatially flat in the moderator. Future analytical and experimental work is indicated. D. Reactor Parameters One of the reasons for measuring or calculating intracellular neutron density or flux traverses is to derive values of the disadvantage factor and thermal utilization for the unit cell. The disadvantage factor n' defined as n V m f n(r) dr mod +f f fuel (6.1) , n(r) dr = nf can be obtained directly from the experimental results. The determi- nation of the value of the thermal utilization from the experimental neutron density distribution requires values of cross sections (of the fuel, cladding, and moderator) averaged over the neutron energy spectrum. The energy spectrum is obtained by using the THERMOS method or some other appropriate theoretical procedure. Now, THERMOS can also be used to obtain the values of the disadvantage factor and the thermal utilization. It seems reasonable, therefore, to use THERMOS to calculate these quantities and to use the experimental results to check the validity of the THERMOS calculations. In other words, the main purpose of the measurement of the density distribution is to ensure that a version of THERMOS is being used which reproduces the density distribution and enables us to trust the results of the THERMOS calculations of the disadvantage factor and the thermal utilization. The results of the experiments show that the "modified 1D" THERMOS calculation predicts a neutron density distribution (gold activation distribution) in the lattice with 1.25-inch spacing which 88 agrees well with experiment. Either the "1D" or "modified 1D" THERMOS calculation works for the lattice with 2.5-inch spacing. These two versions of THERMOS were used (for the sake of comparison) to calculate values of the disadvantage factors and thermal utilization for the two lattices. In the calculation, the Nelkin-Honeck energy exchange kernel was used, with the diagonal elements adjusted so that the integrated value of the kernel corresponds to the transport cross section. Values of the disadvantage factor were obtained for a 1/v-absorber (gold) and for two non-1/v absorbers (Lu176 and Eu 51 The results are significantly different in the 1.25-inch lattice, depending on whether the 1D or modified 1D THERMqS calculation is used; the difference between the two values of f is much smaller. The results of these calculations are given in Table 6.1 (page 74). Values of 17 were also calculated and showed only a small difference. For the 2.5-inch lattice, the results obtained with the two versions of THERMOS are much closer, as would be expected. Uncertainties in f have been estimated to be ± 0.0006 to ± 0.0010 (6) and are due primarily to uncertainties in the cross sections of aluminum and deuterium. Experimental values of 1.138 ± 0.011 for 1/v and 0.9760 ± 0.0006 for f were given by Brown et al. (6) for the 1.25-inch lattice. The value of ,1/v is slightly smaller than that given by the modified 1D THERMOS calculation; but the two should probably be considered to agree reasonably well, in view of the difficulty of assigning an accurate value to the uncertainty of either the experimental or theoretical values. The "experimental" value of f depended on the use of cross sections averaged over the 1D THERMOS spectrum since the more accurate modified 1D THERMOS was not available at that time. Further theoretical studies will be made when more experimental results are available. 89 References a. H. C. Honeck, THERM(S, A Thermalization Transport Theory Code for Reactor Lattice Calculations, BNL-5826 (1961). b. H. C. Honeck, The Calculation of the Thermal Utilization and Disadvantage Factor in Uranium-Water Lattices, IAEA Conference on Light Water Lattices, Vienna (June, 1962); also BNL-7047 (May, 1963). c. H. C. Honeck, Some Methods for Improving the Cylindrical Reflecting Boundary Condition in Cell Calculations of the Thermal Neutron Flux, Trans. Am. Nuclear Soc. 5 (2), 350 (1962). 90 7. RESEARCH WITH MINIATURE LATTICES E. Sefchovich Introduction The work on miniature lattices (5) has been resumed and is being pursued along two lines. First, measurement of reactor parameters such as 628' P2 8 , and 625, with improvements in the experimental arrangements and in the theoretical analysis. Second, the possibility of developing new methods of measuring material buckling is being examined; in particular, an oscillating source method and a pulsed neutron method are being investigated. I. Measurement of Reactor Parameters Earlier in this report, sections 4 and 5, respectively, it was seen that measurements of 628 and p 2 8 made in the miniature lattice facility could be interpreted so as to yield results in reasonably good agreement with results obtained in the exponential assembly. The comparison is sufficiently encouraging so that attempts are being made to improve the theoretical analysis of the results of the measurements as well as the experimental arrangement and methods. To correct for source and leakage effects and to extrapolate the results to critical assemblies, Peak et al. developed a theoretical treatment based on the age-diffusion approximation. Work is now under way on the use of the GAM-1 and THERM(S codes instead of the analytical age-diffusion method. It is evident from the earlier results that a more accurate de- termination of the axial and radial extrapolation lengths is required. On the experimental side, work is under way on improving the boundary conditions. For example, the assembly, in the earlier experiments, was not surrounded by vacuum, but by shields consisting of alternate layers of paraffin and B 4 C plastic. Some of the fast leakage neutrons may have been reflected back into the assembly, increasing the measured extrapolation length. The effect of the non-isotropy of the 91 source is also being examined. Preparations are also being made to extend the measurements of Peak et al. to lattices moderated by mixtures of heavy and light water with greater concentrations of the latter, and to a wider range of lattice spacings. So far, only one set of short uranium rods is available for these measurements, containing 1.143% U 2 3 5 . II. Buckling Measurements The miniature assembly is being used in an attempt to investigate new methods of measuring the material buckling. In exponential and critical assemblies, the buckling is nearly always determined from measurements of the steady-state variation with position of the thermal neutron flux. The importance of the buckling concept makes it desirable to have several means to determine its value. Another consideration, although not so important, comes from the interest in having a method to measure the material buckling "on-site; " this is clearly absent in the foil-activation method. With these two goals in mind, two possibilities have been considered and are discussed below. In the first method considered (ref. a), a plane oscillating neutron source, S = S0+Se 1 e it is assumed to impinge on one of the plane faces of the cylinder, which is assumed to be bare and of extrapolated dimensions R and H. The absence of delayed neutrons and the validity of agediffusion theory is likewise assumed. Consider a solution to the age-diffusion equation of the form, c(r,z,t) = 0 (r,z) + 4 1 (r,z) eiwt (7.1) where * 0 (r,z) is the solution of the steady-state age-diffusion equation, V 2O(r,z) + B 2k(r,z) = 0, (7.2) with B 2 ( -2, -1B 2 Fa (koe D T (7.3) 92 Similarly, . 1 (r,z) V2 will satisfy + p2 1 (r,z) 1 (r,z) = 0, (7.4) where 2 a k e-B2 TD 00 1 vD = B2 - i v .(7.5) For locations away from source and boundaries, so that source and end effects may be neglected, the solutions of Eqs. 7.2 and 7.4 which go to zero at the extrapolated boundary can be written as: 2.405 e(r,z) -Kz (2.405 r)eFJ z = C (7.6) ,J and 1 (r,z) = C j (7.7) where K2 _ 2.405) 2 -B2 (7.8) and 2 _ (2.405 2 2 Equation 7.9 can be solved for = + if 2+ j± . (7.9) to give (7.10) , where a 2 2 1/2 22_2 , )1/ 2 (7.12) , and 2 1/2 U4+ $2 (7.13) Thus the total flux @(r,z,t) in Eq. 7.1 can be written as: (r,z,t) = j 0o 2.405 r) R (Ceo1 Z+C e-Oze1(tot z)} (7.14) 93 Let T equal the time it takes the neutron wave to travel from the source to the point z. T will be given by: T = z 2 2 1/2 2 K) 1/ = , (7.15) is the propagation velocity for the wave. If we now substitute 2 0 2 for L* in Eqs. 7.11 and 7.12 and solve for B , we get the following relations: where V B2 _ 2.4052 + 0 ) B B22 -( 2( 2.405) +( ~7 2, v 2 T) 2 (7.16) (7.17) Combining the last two equations, we finally get: vD W = (7.18) and B2 (2.405 2 2 2 From Eqs. 7.17 and 7.18, it is obvious that a measurement of ( and n and knowledge of the source frequency w/27r could lead to the 2 determination of vD and B . From Eq. 7.15, g can be determined by measuring the phase difference, AO = wAT, between two points, z and z2 as follows: A ;(7.20) = rl can be obtained by determining the relaxation length of the timedependent component of the total flux, as can be seen from Eq. 7.14. At the present time, a series of experiments is being prepared to assess the usefulness of the oscillating-source method and to learn about the problems involved. A relatively large lattice will be investi- gated by using ordinary water as the moderator and 0.25-inchdiameter, 1.143% U 235, uranium fuel rods. Clearly, the values of vD 2 and B , so determined, must be independent of the source frequency, so that a number of frequency values must be investigated. 94 The second possibility, which is still in a very early stage of development, involves the use of pulsed neutron techniques (b). This method has, so far, been used to determine thermal-neutron nuclear constants by measuring the neutron flux decay constant and using a calculated value of the geometric buckling. It seems feasible to invert the process: if the thermal-neutron nuclear constants are determined by some other independent method, then the decay constant, measured directly, could be used to determine the buckling. At the present time, further analysis is necessary before any conclusion, as to its possibilities, may be reached. References a. R. E. Uhrig, "Neutron Waves in a Subcritical Assembly," Proc. Univ. Conf. Subcritical Assemblies, TID-7619 (1962). b. H. S. Isbin, "Introductory Nuclear Reactor Theory," Reinhold Chemical Engineering Series, 1963, chap. 9. 95 8. TWO-REGION LATTICES J. Gosnell Introduction The "substitution technique" has been used quite widely, e.g., references (a, b), for the determination of material buckling because of the possibility this method offers of obtaining information about reactor lattices with small amounts of fuel. As part of the M.I.T. Lattice Research Program, studies have been started on the measurement of various parameters in substituted or two-region exponential lattices. The flexibility offered by the Lattice Facility, together with the fact that several different types of fuel rods are available, makes such a study desirable and feasible. The results can then be compared with those obtained in the miniature assembly and in regular oneregion exponential assemblies. Two-region lattices are formed in the MITR lattice tank by replacing a small central section of an existing lattice with a sublattice of different enrichment and/or spacing. It is intended to investigate whether the central lattice region will exhibit the properties characteristic of a full lattice of the same composition. If the investigation demonstrates that this idea is feasible, new lattices can then be studied by inserting them in the central position. I. Experiments The validity of parameter measurements in the central region will depend largely on the degree with which its spectrum approaches that of a full critical lattice of the same composition. Therefore, the initial investigation has concentrated on measurements of spectral change across the two regions. The lattice chosen for initial study was composed of 0.25-inchdiameter, 1.03% U235 rods. The triangular spacing of the outer region was 1.25 inches while the test region was 2.50 inches. Test regions of two and four rings of rods about the central rod were formed in the 96 three-foot lattice tank. Macroscopic flux distributions in the radial direction were made across the two regions with bare and cadmiumcovered 1/16-inch-diameter, 0.010-inch-thick gold foils in the moderator, and with bare and cadmium-covered 1/4-inch-diameter, 0.005-inch-thick depleted uranium foils within the fuel rods. The uranium foils were counted for Np239 Cadmium ratios (cadmium coacti atiocivatio) are shown in Fig. 8.1. It is seen that the cadmium ratios in the smaller test region failed to achieve the values of the full lattice. (Displacement of the foil holder in the small test region assembly gives an unsymmetric distribution of activities which is reflected in an alternating effect on 238 the gold cadmium ratio plot.) In the larger test region, the U cadmium ratio at the lattice center shows good agreement with the full The gold ratio apparently exceeds the full lattice The difference may be due to total experimental uncertainty 2.50-inch lattice. value. which cannot be estimated from the small number of presently completed traverses; the uncertainties given in Fig. 8.1 are the standard deviation estimated from the counting statistics only. Additional experiments are planned with other lattice combinations differing in number of rods in the central region, rod spacing, and U2 3 5 concentration of the rods. Measurements of lattice parameters, e.g., 628, will also be made as a function of radial position. References a. W. E.. Graves, Analysis of the Substitution Technique for the Determination of D 2 0 Lattice Bucklings, DP-832, June, 1963. b. J. L. Crandall, Efficacy of Experimental Physics Studies on Heavy Water Lattices, esp. pp. 17-20, DP-833, July, 1963. 12 o0 10- 8- 6 4 x 2 0 FIG. 8.1 10 20 DISTANCE CADMIUM RATIOS 30 40 FROM LATTICE CENTER (CM) IN A TWO - REGION LATTICE 50 98 9. SINGLE-ROD MEASUREMENTS AND THEORY E. E. Pilat Introduction One of the purposes of the Lattice Project is the investigation of the possible use of simple and relatively cheap methods of measuring reactor parameters. A method which yielded some promising results (a, b) but seems not to have been pursued with any vigorous interest involves the use of a single fuel rod in a bath of moderator, or perhaps of just a few rods. The possibility of developing this method further, together with the fact that experiments with a single rod or with a few rods can easily be made in the M.I.T. Lattice Facility, has encouraged the initiation of a program of research in this field. The results of such measurements can be compared both with results obtained in the exponential assembly and in the miniature lattice. I. Theory The single-rod approach to reactor lattice physics starts with the assumption that a lattice can be thought of as the linear super- position of a number of properly chosen sources and sinks embedded in homogeneous moderator. By "properly chosen," we mean that the parameters characterizing the sources and sinks are chosen to give correct values of the various physical lattice parameters, e.g., the thermal flux distribution. Most previous investigations of the relation between single-rod parameters and lattice parameters have concentrated on the thermal energy region. If the source and sink strengths of a single rod are known, the thermal utilization can be calculated. This has been done for two different choices of sink function by Galanin (c) andStewart(d ).The source-sink parameters pertain to the individual rods and are therefore obtainable from experiments on a single rod immersed in moderator. In the first experiments to be done, a single rod will be placed at the center of the MITR lattice tank and radial and axial flux traverses will be made around it. (See Fig. 9.1.) 99 FOILS FOR RADIAL TRAVERSE -Al FOIL HOLDER THERMAL FIG.9.1 COLUMN SINGLE ROD EXPERIMENT IN MITR LATTICE FACILITY 100 If it is assumed that diffusion theory holds in the moderator around the single rod, then the equation governing the rod-born thermal neutrons is V2 where K2 24 + F = 0, _ (9.1) = 1/L2 of the moderator, and F = source strength minus sink strength. Away from the ends of the lattice tank, the flux will have an axial dependence of the form e-Y z; and if the same dependence is assumed for F, then, denoting the radial dependence of the flux by + and that of the sources and sinks by f(r), the equation governing radial diffusion is d2 d$ + (Y 2_ 2) + f(r) = 0. (9.2) dr This equation may be solved by expanding the functions 4 and f in * power series about r = 0. If it is assumed that f is an even function of r, the result is: *o = arbitrary, (This value depends upon the source strength and multiplication of the particular facility used. The foil-counting efficiency may also be incorporated into this term so that all quantities will be determined relative to it.) 2 (a 2 +f ) (9.3) 4 +2 =1 { 2 L -(a 0 = 2 \ where a 2 = -y 2 -K 2 , (9.4) ''5' 1 = 43 = Thus, when the foil activities from a radial traverse around the single rod are fitted to an even-order polynomial in r, the coefficients of the ** = 4 + f= f + o r+ 2 r2 +. f r 2+... 2 . . 101 first three terms will be 9,' $2, and $4. The interpretation of f and f2 depends on the particular source and sink functions used. For the source, age theory is commonly used with the rod idealized to a line. At least two different sink functions appear in the reports: a delta function and a function of the form e-p 2 r 2 , where p is a constant. The latter function is motivated by analogy to age theory because a sink is a negative source. Since our purpose is to deduce the flux distribution in the vicinity of, but not extremely close to, the rod, there is no a priori reason for selecting either sink function. For simplicity, we have first developed the equations with source and sink, both of the age theory type; thus 2 2 2 2 f(r) = Ae-a r - Bep r (9.5) , so that f (9.6) = A - B, Bp f2 2 2 _ -AA2 (9.7) Since a 2 = 1/4-r, this, in conjunction with Eqs. 9.3 and 9.4, gives us two equations for three unknowns, A, B, p. A third equation may be obtained by integrating Eq. 9.2 over the cross sectional area of the tank which, for the source and sink just mentioned, gives: (,2 2 d* 27rR()+-y 2 R -c) f 0 R 2 R 2] -7a 'rA 27rr dr + rB -2 R 2] 1-e 1-e . =20 . p (9.8) R Now, r, is known for heavy water. p, (d*/dr)R, and f 27rr dr may be obtained from the single-rod foil activation experiment; so the relation (9.8) provides a third equation. In practice, this method will be difficult because the equations involve differences of similar quantities, i.e., 2_ 2 A-B, BP -Aa . However, since only thermal activations are needed, it should be possible to obtain highly accurate foil activations around the single rod. The ultimate usefulness of this method can therefore be determined only by experiments, which are now being planned. A delta function sink term complicates the solution of the diffusion equation. This problem is now being examined, so that the 102 relative usefulness of the two types of sink functions can be evaluated. If single-rod source functions are used in calculating lattice bucklings, the age must be corrected to account for the presence of the fuel. It has been observed that the age equation can be solved in an infinite periodic slab lattice if the fuel region is assumed to act as a void. The fuel is thus assumed to be a neutron source, but neither to scatter nor to slow down neutrons once they have been born. The effective age in such a lattice is V 7 a 7 Mod t 1 + 22 Fuel 1 VMod C - 1 Mod + ( V Fuel VMod _ C2 2 Mod (9.9) where C and C2 are small correction factors which depend on the slowing-down density in the source slab. in ordinary heavy water lattices, C 1 /'r and C 2 /T are negligible. The effective age therefore becomes TLat (VTotal _M: .IMod V Mod which is exactly the correction that would be made in a homogeneous medium. It is not known if this result can be precisely extended to lattices of cylindrical fuel elements. II. Experiments Experiments are being made to map the thermal flux around a single fuel rod immersed in D 2 0 at the center of the MITR exponential tank. Both radial and axial flux traverses are being made. The axial traverses are done at several different radii to ascertain whether or not the axial relaxation length is a function of radius for this system. Experiments have so far been carried out with bare gold foils and a one-inch-diameter, Al-clad, natural uranium fuel element. Future experiments will include the use of 1/4-inch-diameter, slightly enriched uranium fuel rods in place of the natural uranium rod, as well as the determination of flux plots using cadmium-covered gold foils. Data on bare and cadmium-covered gold traverses have been obtained previously 103 with full lattices of these same 1/4-inch and one-inch rods in the MITR exponential assembly. It should therefore be easy to correlate such foil activity distributions in the full lattices with predictions about them based on the single-rod experiments. References a. L. W. Zink and G. W. Rodeback, The Determination of Lattice Parameters by Means of Measurements on a Single Fuel Element, NAA-SR-5392, July, 1960. b. R. W. Campbell and R. K. Paschall, Exponential Experiments With Graphite-Moderated Uranium Metal Lattices, NAA-SR-5409, September, 1960. c . A. D. Galanin, Reactor, The Thermal Coefficient in a Heterogeneous PICG 5, 477 (1955). d. J. D. Stewart, A Microscopic-Discrete Theory of ThermalNeutron Piles, AECL-1470, 1962. 104 10. ENERGY SPECTRA AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF FAST NEUTRONS IN URANIUM-HEAVY WATER LATTICES G. L. Woodruff An investigation of fast neutron spectra in a lattice has been undertaken, based on the activation of threshold detector foils. The purposes of the investigation are to obtain, insofar as possible, the energy spectrum above approximately 0.1 Mev at different points in lattice cells, to study the effect of various lattice parameters such as rod spacing on the fast neutron distribution, and to correlate experimental results with some form of theoretical treatment. The threshold reactions currently in use include Zn 6 4 (np)Cu 6 4 Ni 5 8 (n,p)Co 5 8 , In 1 15 (nn' )In 5 m Th 2 3 2 (n,f), and U 2 3 8 (n,f). An effort is being made to incorporate additional reactions into the study and to develop the use of heretofore untried reactions. These reactions include Rh 103(n,n')Rh103m Nb93 (n,n')Nb93m, Pb204(n,n')Pb 204m, and 199 199m Hg (n,n')Hg . Some reactions which have previously been used for fast neutron detection are not suitable for this study, primarily due to difficulties in foil preparation for lattice irradiation, or to the requirement of a minimum half-life of the order of an hour for the me- chanics of unloading the lattice and preparing foils for counting. Since the data treatment to be effected requires absolute reaction rates as input, the experimental method used provides for an absolute calibration in addition to a relative lattice cell traverse. The relative traverse is composed of small foils (1/ 16-inch diameter in the case of 1/4-inch fuel rods) spaced at various radial distances from the center in the fuel rod. Additional foils are then contained in foil holders in the moderator at various distances from the fuel. The moderator foils are cadmium-covered in every case to minimize competing thermal reactions which complicate the counting process. The foils inside the fuel rod are left bare, since the fast-to-thermal flux ratio is most favorable in the fuel, and since cadmium covers on the fuel would significantly perturb the local flux distribution. 105 The absolute calibration procedure differs for fission and nonfission reactions. In the case of the non-fission reactions, two addi- tional foils are irradiated in the MITR Lattice cavity. One of these additional foils, hereafter referred to as the calibration foil, is to be counted with the traverse foils, while the other, called the monitor foil, is of a material conveniently used as a flux monitor. ideas, consider the Zn(n,p)Cu reaction. To fix The two foils in the cavity could in this case be copper, the calibration foil, and cobalt, the monitor foil. By either absolute counting the cobalt foil in some manner, or by counting it with a standard cobalt-60 source, the thermal cross section for Co60 activation can be used to compute the thermal flux in the cavity. Since the flux in the cavity has been shown to be Maxwellian with a Westcott "r" value of less than 10~4, there is no necessity for corrections for resonance activation. Once the value of the cavity flux has been computed in this manner, the absolute activity of the calibration foil, Cu in this case, can be computed. This Cu foil then becomes the standard to be counted with the Cu64 activity of the traverse foils and their absolute activity can be obtained. In the case of the fission reactions, the monitor foil serves the same purpose. The calibration foil used, however, is some nuclide furnishing a Lal40 source, either elemental La or U235 in some form. In either case, a La140 source is obtained as described above. This La140 source could be counted with the traverse foils, except that in every case, the fission. rate in the traverse foils is insufficient to produce enough Lal40 for counting. To circumvent this difficulty, still another foil is irradiated in the fuel rod along with the traverse foils. This foil, called the reference foil, is placed in the same fuel rod as the traverse foils but at a lower position.. The reference foil is placed at a height corresponding to the bottom' of the fuel in the lattice (i.e., z = 0) where the local flux is higher than. at the higher equilibrium lattice positions. To further enhance the local flux, highly enriched uranium foils are placed on either side of the reference foil. When the traverse foils are counted for integral fission product activity, a small piece of the reference foil is punched out and counted in the same way. The reference foil is later counted for Lal40 along with the calibration 106 foil. The absolute fission rate of the traverse foils can then be calcu- lated from that of the calibration foil by using the reference as an intermediate comparator. The La140 counting is used as a standard because integral fission product activity is not a linear function of fission rate and time, and of all the individual fission products, La140 offers the best combination of accurately known yield, long effective half-life, and a gamma-ray energy high enough to produce a distinct peak above the remaining fission products. Even with La 1 4 0 as the basis, the above procedure is by no means unique, and simpler, more accurate methods can probably be developed with experience. When several absolute reaction rates have been obtained, several methods are available for computing a fast neutron energy spectrum. Among the better known techniques are the Trice Method, least-squares polynomial. methods, and orth-normal expansions. All of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages and no one method has been shown to be superior in all cases. It is planned to try some of these methods with the experimental data obtained in an effort both to test the methods and to obtain the neutron spectra in the various lattices. In particular, it is to be expected that the data obtained will not be of a high order of accuracy, since the fast flux in the MITR Lattice is too low to produce, in most cases, reaction rates high enough to have sufficient activity for highly accurate counting. Thus, various semi-theoretical calculations regarding error instability of the various methods can be explored. Finally, once neutron spectra and distributions have been obtained, it is planned to compare the results with those obtained with some method, probably a Monte Carlo computer code. 107 11. CONTROL ROD AND PULSED NEUTRON RESEARCH B. K. Malaviya, A. E. Profio The program described in the last Annual Report (a) has been continued. Some phases of the work have been completed while others have been brought to the stage where experimental results should soon be forthcoming. I. Stationary (Exponential) Experiments The first step toward the study of the reactivity effect of control rods in exponential experiments was the measurement of the linear extrapolation distance of thermally black cylinders. distance is The extrapolation an input parameter in the calculations of control rod effec- tiveness and is, in general, an important quantity for describing the absorption characteristics of a lumped neutron absorber. Although its theoretical evaluation has been considered by various authors (a, b, c) for rod sizes of practical interest, to our knowledge, no exact values are known and no systematic experimental measurements have been reported. The extrapolation distance of thermally black cylindrical rods of various sizes was investigated by relating it to the change in the axial buckling produced by the rod in an assembly of pure moderator (D 2 0) irradiated by a stationary thermal neutron source. In a bare cylindri- cal exponential assembly of pure moderator of extrapolated radius R, with a black cylindrical rod placed along the axis, the radial flux is given by (dr) = A J0 o2 (ar) J - (aR) J4 Y (oR) Y 0 (air)j, 0 (11.1) where a is the radial buckling, which is related to the axial buckling 2 y by 2 Bm 2 a -y 2 108 If the actual radius of the rod is a, the boundary condition at the surface of the rod (which provides an internal boundary of the moderator assembly) is defined by the extrapolation distance d = d (11.2) d r=a where d is the thermal extrapolation distance into the rod. Equations 11.1 and 11.2 yield d =1I Y (aR) J (aa)- Y (aa) J (aR) 0 0 0 0 .(11.3) Y (aa) J (aR) -Y ( aR) J (aa) Thus, if a is known, Eq. 11.3 gives d for a rod of radius a. parameter The a can be determined by measuring the axial buckling of a pure moderator assembly with (y) and without (T ) the rod along its axis, and observing that the material buckling remains unchanged by the introduction of the additional boundary; i.e., aL 2 2 -Y 2 :a 2 - Y 2 2 2 a =a+ A-Y , (11.4) 0 where /2.405). The experimental assembly used for these measurements was the 48-inch-diameter tank which forms part of the M.I.T. exponential facility. The tank was filled with heavy water (99.8%) up to a height of 52 inches and fed at the bottom with a thermal neutron flux from the thermal column of the MITR. The black absorbing rods were fabricated (a) by wrapping two layers of 0.020-inch cadmium sheets on aluminum tubes of varying radii; this thickness of cadmium ensures complete blackness to thermal neutrons. The bottom of the rods was closed by aluminum discs and the hollow rods could be fixed exactly along the central axis of the tank by means of top and bottom positioners. The axial. bucklings were measured by mapping the axial 109 flux plots with the help of 0.25-inch-diameter, 0.010-inch-thick gold foils attached to aluminum foil holders. After irradiation, the foils were gamma-counted so as to straddle the 411-key gamma-ray peak. Figure 11.1 shows the mapping of the axial flux in the pure moderator tank without the rod (continuous curve) and with a typical (2.10-inch-diameter) cadmium rod along the axis (dashed curve). The measured flux is well represented in each case by a single exponential in the region of measurement. The change in the rate of relaxation of the flux (slope) produced by the rod is appreciable enough to be measurable. The axial buckling was calculated from the axial flux with the help of a code AXFIT. The errors given by the least-square fit are of the order of 0.25%; the error in reproducibility, as determined from repeated runs, was of the same order. The results are shown in Table 11.1. The corresponding radial bucklings calculated from Eq. 11.4 and the values of the extrapolation distance d calculated from Eq. 11.3 are shown. The errors in d are due to uncertainties in the measurement of -y and amount to about 2%. The values of d (cm) are plotted as a function of the radius (cm) of the black cylinder in Fig. 11.2. Figure 11.3 shows the variation of A2 / a 0 with rod radius. For small values of the radius, the variation is approximately linear, as is to be expected from a simple-minded theory. The validity of the method depends on the accuracy with which the parameter a can be determined from Eq. 11.4. To check this, the radial flux was experimentally mapped with each of two typical rods and was compared with that given by Eq. 11.1, using the value of a calculated from Eq. 11.4. An example of the good agreement is shown in Fig. 11.4. Further exponential experiments with control rods have to do with the measurement of the reactivity effect of the rod given in terms of the relative change in buckling produced by the rod in a subcritical assembly and also the investigation of the flux spectrum as a condition for the results of the exponential experiments to be interpretable in terms of a simple theory. These results will then be compared with theoretical calculations and the results of the pulsed neutron experiments. 0 TABLE 11.1 Measured Extrapolation Distances for Black Cylinders of Different Radii Axial Buckling in Presence of Control Rod Change in Radial Buckling Radial Buckling Parameter 2 _ Rod Radius 72 (cm) (10-6 cm-2) (10-3 cm~ ) Extrapolation Distance d (cm) 2 (10-6 cm -2 0.635 1732 ± 4 41.43 238 2.82 ± 0.08 1.295 1882 ± 4.5 43.18 388 2.62 ± 0.07 1.714 1968 ± 3.5 44.19 474 2.44 ± 0.06 2.209 2055 ± 4 45.16 561 2.298 ± 0.05 2.667 2128 ± 5 45.96 634 2.20 ± 0.05 3.327 2225 i 5 47.01 731 2.11 ± 0.05 3.969 2315 47.96 821 2.02 ± 0.05 4 Y = 0.001494 i 3.8 cm-2 111 10 I _ - I 0-- ---- i - .. WITH 2.10 IN. CD. ROD ALONG AXIS -- WITHOUT I i I ROD '4 '0 '4 - '4 '4 '4 - X~N bN ,'14 1 x %0. -LJ \K wL 0 0.1 Nr 0 XX x 0 % xx 0x'% 0.01E- I I I I I I 80 60 100 120 40 20 DISTANCE FROM TANK BOTTOMz (CMS) FIG.II.I AXIAL FLUX DISTRIBUTION OF PURE MODERATOR IN TANK 140 I-i I-i ro 3.0 U) E I C) a) C.) C 0 4U) 2.0 - 0 C 0 0 0 0. 0 h. w 1.0 0 S h. 0) I.- 0 I 1.0 Measured Extrapolation I 3.0 I 2.0 Rod Radius Distance of 4.0 cms Thermally Black FIG. 11.2 Cylinders as a Function of Radius 0' 400 0 z 300 02 200 z w z r 00 0 - 3.0 2.0 ROD RADIUS (CMs) 1.0 FIG. 11.3 4.0 FRACTIONAL CHANGE OF RADIAL BUCKLING OF A PURE MODERATOR TANK, PRODUCED BY CD. RODS OF DIFFERENT RADII x al |li ]| | || |||U 5.0 H H 50 40 30 . Radial Run With - 20 10 Radial Distance 10 from the cms 2.60 Cm. OD. Cd Rod Placed Axis of the Axially in Tank FIG. 11.4 20 30 Tank of Pure Moderator 40 50 115 II. Pulsed Neutron Experiments Pending the operation of the small, compact pulsed neutron source for use in conjunction with the subcritical facility, a set of runs was made with the existing Texas Nuclear Corporation accelerator to investigate the thermal neutron diffusion parameters of heavy water based on small assemblies. A knowledge of these parameters is needed in the evaluation of the prompt neutron lifetime to be used in the measure- ment of reactivity by the pulsed neutron technique. The test assemblies were cylindrical jars of glass or aluminum of diameters varying from 15.5 cm to 43.8 cm, filled with 99.8% D 2 0 to heights of 17.8 cm to 48.3 cm, thus providing a buckling range of 140 m - 2 to 855 m - 2 . The outer surface of the assemblies was covered with 0.020-inch-thick cadmium sheets to provide a slow neutron boundary condition. The heavy water was transferred from the storage vessel to the test assembly in a nitrogen atmosphere to prevent degradation, and the assembly was subsequently closed with plastic leak-tight covers so that the heavy water remained in a nitrogen atmosphere throughout. The pulsed neutron source was a 150-kv Cockcroft-Walton accelerator equipped to generate neutrons by the (D, D) reaction; the pulsing was achieved by the deflection of the beam. from 5 1.sec 670 pps. The pulse width used varied to 12 pLsec and the repetition rate from 500 pps to about The fast neutrons from the source are thermalized, and the asymptotic thermal flux emerging from the assembly is detected by a 5-inch Li6 - ZnS plastic crystal mounted on a DuMont 6364 photo tube. The detector is surrounded on the sides by a 0.020-inch-thick cadmium sheet and mounted on the assembly-axis so as to be exposed to a 5-inch circular window cut in the cadmium cover on the top of the assembly. A block diagram of the equipment is shown in Fig. 11.5. The target was located on the axis of the cylindrical test assembly at the bottom, while the detector was on the axis at the top. Thus, the harmonic modes having radial modal planes through the axis were not excited for reasons of symmetry. The complete decay was examined for the initial curvature (due to harmonics) in the plot of the backgroundcorrected count vs. time data. Three runs were made with each buck- ling value to test the consistency of the results. ELECTRONICS TARGET ROOM AREA HAMNER N361 PRE AMP HV SUPPLY HAMNER N338 LINEAR AMPLIFIER PHS OUT PMT SIGNAL IN MODEL 212 TMC CN 110 MODEL 220 NEUTRON PLUGIN) 256 CHAN NEL ANALYZER DATA OUTPUT UNIT (SYSTEM IS(PULSED EXPERIMENTAL I--------A GENERATOR ASSEMBLY I SYSTEM TRIGGER TRIGGER SCALER ___SCALER) SOURCE TRIGGER OUT TRIGGER IN ACCELERATOR INITIAL PULSE ELECTROPULSE TRIGGER) ACCELERATING (2p.SEC.DELAY AFTER SOURCE AND PULSING FINAL PULSE ACCELERATOR UNIT FIG. 11.5 ELECTROPULSE ULAY= -ULS IIOA 210A WID Ur) OVERALL CIRCUITRY ---- PRINTER 117 An IBM-7090 code EXP() has been written for the analysis of the data from the analyzer. It fits the experimental counts and time points to a single exponential plus a constant background, i.e., to an expression of the form: n = Aet + B, (11.5) and computes, by a weighted least-squares procedure, the values of the parameters X, A, B, together with their associated uncertainties (or errors). Instead of varying the waiting time in each run, the delay between the injection of the burst and the opening of the first channel was kept constant throughout at 20 NLsec; thus, almost the whole decay curve was mapped over the 63 channels. In analyzing the data, the code successively drops the initial channels, one by one, and calculates the decay constants for fewer channels each time, thus effectively varying the "waiting time." This is shown for a typical run in Fig. 11.6. It was found that as the waiting time is increased, the decay constant decreases and so does the error in the decay constant. When the point is reached where the fundamental mode is established, the data represent a single exponential and the error is a minimum. Thereafter, on dropping further points, the errors begin to rise. The "best" decay constant value selected is the one corresponding to this minimum error; this is verified by an actual graphical plot of the data. It was found that a waiting time of about 120 pLsec (for the smallest assembly) to about 170 1 sec (for the largest assembly) was necessary. The asymptotic mode was observed over three to five decay times and the uncertainties (due to statistics) in the decay constant were between 1% and 2%. The error in reproducibility was of the order of 1%. The bucklings of the cylindrical assemblies (physical radius R and height H) were computed according to the prescription: B2 = (2.405 RW+Td d = EXtr , tr' X 3D . t 3D v +\H H7+ 2 + 2d/ (11.6a) (11.6b) 1.c (11.6c) II I II II I I I I I I o 0 8 0 I0 x 7 U 0 6K[ i I I I I I I 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 160 180 200 TIME FROM BURST END TO START OF ANALYSIS CHANNEL (MICROSECS.) FIG.I11.6 460 VARIATION OF DECAY CONSTANT WITH 'WAITING TIME" 119 with e = 0.71046. The X vs. B2 data were then treated for a two-parameter fit of the form X = X + DB (11.7) - CB where X9 = 17.5 sec~ (calculated vM a for 99.8% D2 0). This was done by means of a new IBM-7090 code DEECEE which makes a leastsquares fit by using an iterative procedure and computes D and C together with their probable errors. The code takes the actual physical dimensions of the assemblies as input data and the value of X as an input parameter and calculates the geometrical bucklings from an assumed initial value of D in Eq. 11.6c. A fit of these buckling values against X then yields D and C; this new value of D is then used to compute the bucklings again from Eqs. 11.6 and a new fit is made; the process is repeated, yielding self-consistent values. The value of the velocity characteristic of the spectrum is taken to be v _ X 2.2 X 105 cm/sec. 2 The X vs. B2 experimental points are shown in Table 11.2 and Fig. 11.7. There is appreciable diffusion cooling effect as seen from the departure of the curve from a linear relation for larger bucklings. The final values of the diffusion parameters for 99.80% D 2 0 at 21*C are: D = 1.794 ± 0.016 X 10 5 2 cm /sec, 54 C = 3.198 ± 0.365 X 105 cm /sec . The errors are derived, in the code, from the mean-squared deviation of the experimental points from the resulting interpolation curve The weights used in the least-squares fitting are of given by Eq. 11.7. the form W.1 1 AXki' where AX. is the probable error in X . 120 20 , I I I I i I 18- 16 0 w 14Fcl) 0 ASYMPTOTIC CURVE FOR SMALL BUCKLINGS I2- z IOFc/) z 0 8[6HF 4FX=17.5+1.796 x 105 B 2 - 3.198 x IOB 5 4 2I i I 200 B2 FIG.II.7 DECAY I , I 400 600 BUCKLING (m- 2 ) CONSTANT VS. BUCKLING ,I i 800 121 TABLE 11.2 Experimental Results for Room Temperature (21*C) Heavy Water R cm cm B2 -2 m 21.907 19.367 12.224 48.260 40.640 40.640 140 180 347 2448.5 3154.4 5812.7 31.5 42.7 55.3 10.160 22.860 549 9045.8 10.160 7.779 17.780 17.780 623 854 10117.5 12520.9 112.8 184.3 H sec -1 AX -1 sec 301.9 These experiments are being continued to cover a wider buckling range based on larger assemblies, which should make possible a determination of the absorption cross section of heavy water by making a three-parameter fit of the form X= vT + vDB - CB (11.8) to the (X, B ) data. Another IBM-7090 code DIFFN has been written which does this fitting by a weighted least-squares technique. For these and other pulsed neutron experiments with the subcritical facility, another small, compact pulsed neutron generator has been brought into operation with the associated networks and equipment designed by D. Gwinn. The source is a Type A-810 neutron generator built by Kaman Nuclear of Colorado and utilizes the (D, T) reaction for neutron production. The neutron generating tube consists of a P.I.G. ion source, a miniature accelerating structure, a tritium target, and two gas occlusion elements (the "reservoir and the "getter") all sealed in a glass envelope; and the whole tube is housed in a 10-inch by 4.5inch-diameter cylindrical aluminum enclosure fitted with dried Shell Oil Company Diala-AX insulating oil. The 120-kilovolt negative accelerating potential is obtained by a Carad Corporation step-up pulse transformer; the high voltage cable from the transformer to the tube is about eight feet. 122 The accelerator assembly and the transformer are located in the lattice room on top of the subcritical facility, while the entire control unit is placed on the reactor floor, 25 feet below. The control unit supplies pulse voltages for the neutron tube ion source and for the pulse transformer to the target. The unit can be used in conjunction with other types of tubes, also; it has three independent networks to generate a target pulse, a plasma pulse and a magnetic field pulse (not needed for the Kaman tube); a timer circuit fires the pulse networks at prescribed delays relative to each other. The pulse rate is variable from one pulse per second to ten pulses per second; the pulse widths can be approximately 9, 12 or 15 Lsec. The yield is estimated to be about 10 7 neutrons per burst, having an energy of 14 Mev. The experiments currently underway, using this equipment, have to do with the determination of the diffusion parameters of heavy water over a large buckling range, the pulsing of lattices of slightly enriched uranium moderated with heavy water for the determination of the reactor parameters of the lattice, and a thorough investigation of the factors affecting the experimental measurement of the decay constant for such systems. These will lead to the measurement of the reactivity effect of control rods by several methods using subcritical assemblies and provide data for comparison with the results of steady-state experiments and theoretical calculations. References a. M.I.T. Heavy Water Lattice Project Annual Report, September 30, 1962, NYO-10, 208. b. B. Davidson and S. Kushneriuk, Linear Extrapolation Length for a Black Sphere and a Black Cylinder, MT-214 (1946). c. W. P. Seidel, B. Davidson and S. Kushneriuk, Influence of a Small Black Cylinder Upon the Neutron Density in an Infinite NonCapturing Medium, MT-207 (1946). d. L. TrLifaj, The Cylindrically Symmetrical Solution of Milne's Problem Using Spherical Harmonic Analysis, PICG, 5 (1955). e. B. K. Malaviya and A. E. Profio, Measurement of the Diffusion Parameters of Heavy Water by the Pulsed Neutron Technique, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 6, 58 (June, 1963).