MITNE -54 EQUILIBRIUM EXTRACTION CHARACTERISTICS OF ALKYL AMINES AND NUCLEAR FUELS METALS IN NITRATE SYSTEMS PROGRESS REPORT J1 June I - August 31, 1964 BY PHILIP J. LLOYD EDWARD DEPARTMENT OF A. MASON NUCLEAR ENGINEERING MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 MITNE-54 Equilibrium Extraction Characteristics of Alcyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels Metals in Nitrate Systems Progress Report for the Period June 1 - August 31, 1964 Progress Report XIV by Philip J. Lloyd Edward A. Mason October 24, 1964 Work Performed Under Subcontract No. 1327 Under Contract No. W - 7405 - Eng - 26 with Union Carbide Nuclear Corporation Oak Ridge, Tennessee Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 1.0 1.1 Summary Multicomponent Metal Extraction Further tests were carried out on the technique of studying the variation of overall distribution ratio as a function of phase ratio in order to determine the partition coefficients of two species being extracted simultaneously. Se7 5 and Agill tracers were extracted simultaneously from 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12M nitric acid solutions by 0.1 and 0.2M amine ni.trate solutions. Significant results were only odtained at the highest acid and amine concentrations. This failure was probably due partly to the low ratio of the partition coefficients concerned, and partly to the low values of the actual partition coefficients, 1.2 Nitrosylruthenium Nitrato Complexes Further studies of the behavior of nitrato complexes of nitrosylruthenium were carried out using the PARTIFRAC analysis of the variation of overall distribution ratio with phase ratio to determine the mole fractions of the extractable species. Hydrolysis rates in 3M HNO3 were extended; the less extractable species showed a rate constant for hydrolysis ki; 0.01 per minute, and the more extractable a rate constant k2 Z 0.10-0.15 per minute, though there is some evidence that the more extractable species are actually two, rather than one species, with different rates of hydrolysis. Back extraction experiments showed that in the organic phase, the less extractable species 1 was converted to the more extractable species 2, with a rate constant kZ0.075 per min. Attempt to observe the rates of nitration by dissolving "RuNO(NO3)3" failed as it appeared that the preparation was a mixture containing at least 20% of the ruthenium as species 2. Attempts to prepare radioactive nitrosylruthenium nitrato species by solution in nitric acid of irradiated RuNO(OH) also failed, as approximately 50% of the active ruthenium present in the final aqueous solution was evidently not a nitrosylruthenium complex. A tentative scheme for the extraction of the nitrosykruthenium nitratocomplexes is outlined in which the probable structure of the complexes is suggested. The less extractable species appears to be the trinitrato complex, which is probably extracted with some coordinatively bound water. This water is then probably displaced during conversion of this species on standing in the organic phase. The more extractable species are probably predominantly tetranitrato nitvosylruthenium, with possible traces of the pentanitrato complex. -' 0, . I -. 9mm- 2.0 2.1 Multicomponent Metal Extraction Introduction It was suggested in the previous progress report (1) that the technique of studying the variation of distribution ratio with phase ratio, which had been employed in studying the simultaneous distribution of two species of nitrosylruthenium, might be adaptable to the study of the simultaneous distribution of two different metals. The theory of the method was given and its disadvantages discussed. Preliminary tests at that time were inconclusive, and it was decided to test the method further using selenium and silver radiotracers, as the behavior of these two metalsindividually was already known. 2.2 Experimental Seven-and-one-half day Agill tracer was purchased from 5 the Isotopes Division, ORNL, and 120 day Se7 was previously Solutions prepared by irradiatingSe powder in the MITR (2). nitric 12M an 9 of each of these were made up in 1, 3, 6, acid, so that the final solutions contained roughly 50,000 cpm/ml of each activity. Thercrganic phase was 0.2 or 0.lN tri-n-dodecylamine (Eastman No. 7727) dissolved in A.R. grade toluene. Before use the amine solution was pre-equilibrated by double contact at 2:1 aqueous to organic phase ratio with nitric acid at the relevant concentrations. The extractions were carried out at various phase ratios as described previously (1). 1.0 or 0.5 ml samples of each phase were taken for counting in thin-walled glass vials. A well-type scintillation counter was used, all counts above 0.12 Mev being recorded. The counting efficiencies of the aqueous and organic phases were similar, while the difference between the counting efficiency of 0.5 and 1.0 ml samples amounted to roughly, 3%, and consequently was ignored. The results are summarized in Table 1. 2.3 Discussion The results were analyzed by the PARTIFRAC II program described previously (1). On inspection it was obvious that it would be difficult To analyze the results at the lower acid concentrations and at the higher acid concentrations for 0.lN amine, since under these conditions the distribution ratios were so low that the statistical error in counting the organic phase was of the same order of magnitude as the variation in distribution ratio. Meaningful results could V, . ... ..... _ ' ....... .. . 3 Table 1 Variation of Distribution Ratio With Phase Ratio For Se and Ag Extracted Simultaneously at 2500 Amin e Conc n. Phase Ratio Distribution Ratio (o/A) at Given Nitric Acid Concentration iM 6M 12M 3M 9M M A/0 0.1 4 .oo49 2 1 .0052 .0047 .0048 .0047 0.4 0.2 .012 o.2 2 .011 1 .012 0.4 .010 0.2 .011 .0035 .0031 .0032 .0036 .0034 .0056 .0053 .0054 .0051 .0055 .015 .033 .014 .014 .015 .013 .029 .029 .027 .029 .0080 .0076 .0077 .0077 .0074 .026 .025 .024 .024 .025 .048 .047 .047 .044 .o40 .090 .087 .084 .076 .065 only be obtained for extraction by 0.2M amine from 9 and 12M acid solution. The results obtained here are compared inFTable 2 to those previously determined for the metals individually. Table 2 Comparison of Distribution Ratios of Ag and Se Extracted Individually or Simulatneously From 9 and 12M HNO 3 by 0.2M TLA HNO 3 M Distribution Ratio Determined:Individually Simultaneously Ag(1) Se(2) Ag Se 9 0.12 0.004 12 0.21 0.006 o.oo4o 0.18 0.0057 In all other cases it appears that the method failed partly because of the low distribution ratios involved, leading to statistical counting errors in determining the organic phase activity, and partly because of the limited range of phase ratios employed. This is illustrated in Table 3, where the expected distribution ratio is calculated from the distribution ratios of the metals determined 4 individually for a particular case. The low activity of the organic phase makes precise calculation of distribution ratio impossible, while the effect studied is, in this case, so slight that increasing the phase ratio by a factor of 400 only brings about a change of 3% in the distribution ratio, Table 3 Calculation of Overall Distribution Ratio for the Simultaneous Extraction of Ag (D 0.006) and Se (D 0.0015) From 3M HNO 3 by 0.lM Amine Initial Activity of Each Metal in Aqueous Phase = 50,000 cpm/ml Phase Ratio A/0 20 5 1 0.2 0.05 Ag Activity cpm/ml 0 A Se Activity cpm/ml A 0 49985 49940 49701 48543 44642 49996 49985 49925 49627 48543 300 300 298 291 268 75 75 75 74 73 Total Activity cpm/ml A 0 99981 99925 99626 98170 93185 375 375 373 365 341 D O/A .003751 .003753 .003744 .003718 .003659 Similar calculations indicate that the ratio between the two distribution coefficients should be greater than 10, to obtain meaningful results. At less than this, the variation in distribution coefficient with phase ratio will be slight over any reasonable range of phase ratios, artic larly in the lower region of distribution ratios (10- - 1;e). Unsuccessful attempts were made to demonstrate this analyticallythe expression for D/ T, the partial of the distribution ratio with respect to the phase ratio, did not reduce to any readily comprehensible form in Pl and P2, the individual distribution ratios of the two species concerned. In conclusion, the suggested method for the simultaneous determination -ofditribton coefficients is capable of giving reasonably good results provided certaintlimitations are fulfilled. It is simple and rapid and as such would seem to lend itself to simultaneous determinations in, for instance, activation analysis. The limitations are as yet not completely explored, but numerical calculations of a few test cases will show whether the limitations may apply to the particular case under consideration. I I - - W.WdbWWUim 1111 5 3.0 3.1 Nitrosylruthenium Complexes Introduction Previous studies (1), (3) attempted to determine the rates of hydrolysis of the two extractable nitrosylruthenium nitrato complexes. It was pointed out (1) that the increase in distribution ratio with contact time was larger than could be accounted for on a basis of rates of nitration to extractable complexes in the aqueous phase. The experiments on the rates of hydrolysis were therefore extended, and attempts were made to study the effect of increasing contact time on the apparent mole fractions and to determine rates of nitration in the aqueous and organic phases. It should be stressed that these experiments were of a scouting nature; neither experiments nor analyses were duplicated. However, while too much emphasis should not be placed upon quantitative aspects of the results, the qualitative aspects are probably correct. 3.2 Ruthenium Analysis In order to speed up the determination of distribution ratios, a direct colorimetric method for the determination of ruthenium in the organic phase suggested by Vaughen (4) was studied. The color of the organic phase containing ruthenium was measured at 490 m. in 1 cm cells between 1/2 and 1 hour after extraction. The ruthenium content of the organic phase was then determined by KOH fusion (1). The resulting calibration curve is shown in Figure 1. While the curve is non-linear, the method is apparently of the same order of precision as the fusion method. 3.3 Rates of Hydrolysis and the Effect of Contact Time 3.31 Experimental Aged solutions of RuNO in ll.5M HN0 3 were rapidly diluted to 3.OM HNO 3 and mixed in a centrifuge tube. A known volume of pre-equilibrated tri-n-dodecyl amine (TLA) in toluene was carefully introduced above the aqueous layer. At a known time (the "delay" time) after the mid-point of the dilution, the extraction was performed by hand-shaking- 1or a known time (the "mixing" time). The phases were centrifuged and separated as rapidly as possible, and the color of the organic phase was determined against an amine nitrate blank 1/2 hour after the start of contact. The ruthenium content of the initial aqueous phase was determined by the fusion method, so that the content of the equilibrium aqueous phase could be calculated assuming a perfect mass balance. Check samples of various equilibrium aqueous phases showed that this assumption was essentially valid. 6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 I- z 0.9 Lu 0 0j 0 0.80.7 0.60.5 -1, 0.4- + x 0.3 -+ 0.2 0.1 0 .00 2 .004 .006 .008 RUORG .010 .012 .014 .016 M FIGURE I COLOR OF AMINE SOLUT IONS OF RuNO AT 490 mp (AMINE BLANK) IN I CM CELLS VS RUTHENIUM CONTENT OF SOLUTION rn m 7 3.32 Results and Discussion The results are summarized in Table 4. PARTIFRAC analyses (1) of these results gave the mole fractions of the two species involved, as shown in Figure 2. Table 4 Variation of Distribution Ratio of RuNO Nitrato Complexes Aged in 11.5M HN0 3 , Rapidly Diluted to 3.OM HNO 3 and Extracted into 0.26ff TLA in Toluene at Varying Phiase Ratios, Delay and Mixing Times Mixing Time Secs. 30 90 Delay Time Secs. .146 .215 .290 .380 .107 .041 .194 .077 .059 .047 .252 .105 .029 .146 .057 .045 .036 .115 .089 .165 .230 .314 .410 .117 .214 .046 .o63 .275 .134 .047 .036 .085 .056 .105 900 .036 .029 .160 .083 .065 .045 90 .116 300 600 .072 .059 .150 .105 .209 .120 .263 .137 .315 .197 .085 .098 .112 .140 30 90. 300 600 900 :098 .o68 30 90 300 600 180 Distribution Ratio, 0/A, at Given Phase Ratio, A/0 4 2 1 .25 .5 .027 .023 .021 .033 .106 .077 .059 .o68 Study of Figure 2 shows that the apparent mole fraction of the more extractable species, X2 , is constant with mixing time for a given delay time, whereas the apparent mole fraction of the less extractable increases markedly. From previous results, and from the results given in section 3.5 below, the value of X2 in equilibrium in 3.OM HNO is X 0.0095. If it is assumed that the species is hydrolyze according to first order kinetics, then a plot of log (X2 - X ) vs t should be linear, and the slope should yield the rate constant for the hydrolysis reaction. Such a plot is shown in Figure 3. The slope of the best straight line through the points is -1.0/900 per sec., which gives a value of I ................. "I'l""I'll""I'll'll" "I'll""I -,'I'll, "I'll", "I &" '1111111111111"I'll"ll II",',,',',,"",',, "I'll ."I'll I 8 1.0 I - I I I I I I I I i oX, @ 180 SEC 0-- X X @ 90 SEC x X @30 SEC+ x *\ 0.10 X2 x 4 X 4: x 180 SECS SHAKING x 90 SECS SHAKING 30 SECS SHAKING + h 30 SECS SHAKI NG, PREVIOUS RESULTS (1) 0 0.01 U 0.001 - I-I I _ I I I I I I I I 200 400 600 1000 800 DELAY TIME (1/2 POINT OF ADDITION TO START OF SHAKI NG) SECS -+ FIGURE 2 RAPID DILUTION FROM 11.5 M TO 3M HNO 3 , DELAY FOR THE GIVEN TIME, AND EXTRACTION FOR THE GIVEN TIME BY O.26M TLA 9 -0.8 - 1.0 -1.2 x+ + -1.4 0 N '~o -1.8 I -2.0 0 200 400 DELAY TIME, 600 800 1000 SECS--+ FIGURE 3 SEMILOG PLOT OF MOLE FRACTION DIFFERENCE AGAINST TIME, FOR SLOPE ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE THE RATE OF HYDROLYSIS 10 k2 = 2.303/900 per sec., or k2 = 0.15 per min. The previous report (1) gave a preliminary value of 0.20 per min. However, it was previously (1) pointed out that there is a discrepancy between these resulfs and the results for the overall hydrolysis of all the anionic species. It will be noted in Figure 3 that a smooth curve may be drawn through the points. This was initially ignored, but experiments at longer delay times (see below, section 3.5 ) confirmed that this curvature persisted. Secondly, a few careful experiments on the extraction of RuNO aged in 3.OM HNO showed the striking temperature dependance of thi dis ribution, as indicated in Table 5. Table 5 Dependance of Distribution Ratio on Room Temperature RuNO Complexes Aged in 3.OM HIN0 3 Extracted by 0.26M TLA Nitrate at 2:1 Phise Ratio for 30 Sec. Temperature OF 81 74 73 72 71 Distribution Ratio O/A 0.0161 0.0179, 0.0183 0.0181, 0.0183, 0.0184 0.0185, 0.0190 0.0192 69 0.0192 It is important to consider such an effect, since when ll.5M HNO3 is diluted to 3M HNO3, there is a temperature rise of approximately 300F. ThTs wil be important at shorter delay times, and may explain some of the observed curvature. Finally it proved difficult to determine a rate of hydrolysis for the less extractable species, Xl. Attempts were made to solve by tri&l and error sets of equations of the type (X - X*) = (XO - X*) e-kit + k2 (Xo - Xl)(eklt _ e-k2t) which governs the first order decay of species 1 when it is bgth gresgnt 8nd formed by the decay of species 2 (1). Xi, X1 , X., X2, X2 and k2 could be estimated from experimental 11 results, but in all cases no single value of k2 could be found which would fit the data within reasonable limits. The increase in the mole fraction of species 1 with contact time requires elucidation. It seemed possible that the rate of extraction of this species might be low which would be in agreement with the previous suggestion (1) that the species might be polynuclear. This seems unliRely, however, as the measured partition coefficient of this species did not increase markedly with increasing contact time, and since the results at, say, 90 seconds' delay time and 180 seconds' mixing time would indicate that over 70% of the ruthenium originally present was in an extractable state. What seems more likely is that some conversion of the species 1 may take place, to "fix" it in the organic phase and thus raise the apparent mole fraction. To test this, back extraction experiments were performed. 3.4 Back Extraction Experiments It was the aim of these experiments to attempt to observe conversion taking place in the organic phase with increasing time of, or after, extraction. Ruthenium was therefore extracted under standard conditions. Aged solutions of RuNO in ll.5M HNO3 were rapidly diluted to 3.OM HNO3 , and after 30 secs. delay time extracted for 90 secs. at 0.5 A/0 phase ratio by 0.26M TLA nitrate. After extraction the separated organic phase was aged for a known time (the "back delay" time, defined from the midpoint of the forward extraction to the start of the back extraction) and back extracted to 3.0M HN03 at various phase ratios for a given mixing time (the "Sack mixing time"). By measuring the ruthenium concentration in the organic phase before and after back extraction, the back distribution coefficient, A/0, could be determined, and by defining the phase ratio as 0/A, the results could be submitted for PARTIFRAC analysis directly. The results are shown in Table 6, and the mole fractions determined by analysis of these results are shown in Figure 4. The data at 30 and 90 seconds.' back mixing time, as analyzed in Figure 4, clearly show that in fact conversion is taking place. Between 120 and 500 seconds'delay, X1 0 , the mole fraction of species 1 in the organic phase, decrease from 0.19 to 0.12, while X 20 increased from 0.47 to 0.53, i.e., the decrease in species 1 is balanced by the increase in species 2. It is also evident that there is a rate of mass transfer effect-since all the ruthenium is in the organic phase, it must all be "extractable," and the mole fractions should total 1.0. In fact, at 30 secs.' mixing time, only 75% of 12 1.0 X20 x t 0 +X 0 +1 w U) 0.1 z + 30 SEC BACK EXTRACTION x 90 SEC BACK EXTRACTION o 120 SEC BACK EXTRACTION & CALCULATED FOR ZERO TIME 0 z w w 0.01 (cl) LjL 0 (I) 0 C- w -J 0 7 0 I I I I I I I 800 1000 400 600 200 AGE OF ORGANIC PHASE, FROM MIDPOINT OF FORWARD TO START OF BACK EXTCN. (SECS.) FIGURE 4 BACK EXTRACTION; RADID DILUTION FROM II TO 3M HNO 3 , 30 SEC DELAY, EXTRACTION AT 2 A/O PHASE RATIO FOR 90 SEC; DELAY FOR GIVEN TIME 8 BACK EXTRACTION FOR GIVEN TIME 13 Table 6 Variation of Back Distribution Ratio with Varying Back Delay and Back Mixing Time as a Function of the Back Phase Ratio Back Mixing Time Secs. 30 Back Delay Time Secs. 120 250 90 500 250 120 500 250 Back Distribution Ratio (A/0) At Phase Ratio (0/A) .25 .5 1 2 4 .140 .190 .263 .338 .442 .132 .180 .231 .305 .378 .140 .178 .232 .278 .328 .209 .282 .382 .522 .647 .212 .291 .383 .496 .565 .216 .288 .379 .527 .649 the ruthenium is equilibrated. By90 secs. mixing time, this has risen to 93A and by 120 secs. to 99%. 3.5 Attempts to Determine the Rate of Nitration On a basis of the time for spectra of solutions of nitrosylruthenium hydroxide dissolved in nitric acid, to reach equilibrium, Skavdahl had suggested (3) that the rate of formation of extractable complexes, i.e., the rate of nitration, is very slow. As pointed -out above (section and (1)), this is at variance with the results on the increase of exTraction with increased mixing time. Part of this increase is already explained by the effects of rate-of-extraction and conversion in the organic phase, but it seemed desirable to check the rates of nitration. "Trinitrato nitrosylruthenium," RuNO(NO3 ) was prepared according to the method of Fletcher (5) The material was dissolved in 3M nitric acid, and after aging for a known period, samples of the solution were extracted at various phase ratios by 0.26M TLA nitrate in toluene. The experiments were performed in an air conditioned laboratory to avoid temperature effects as noted above, and the ambient temperature was constant at 730 F + 10. The results are given in Table 7, and the PARTIFRAC analysis is summarized in Figure 5. It was somewhat surprising to observe during the course of the experiments an obvious decrease with time in the amount of ruthenium in the organic phase where an increase due to the formation of extractable species had been expected. The analysis shown in Figure 5 makes it clear that the more extractable species, species 2, was present in significant 14 1.0 .10 X2 x .01 x .00I 8 32 24 16 TIME SINCE DILUTION, 40 HOURS 48 --- 100 FIGURE 5 MOLE FRACTIONS OF EXTRACTABLE SPECIES FOR " RuNO(NO 3 )3 " DISSOLVED IN 3M HNO 3 AND EXTRACTED BY O.26M AMINE AT 73±11 AT GIVEN TIMES AFTER DILUTION .. ......................... 15 Table 7 Extraction of Freshly Dissolved RuNo(NOg) in 3M HNO 3 at Increasing Time After Solution, by 0.26M LA Nitrate in Toluene at Varying Phase Ratios and with 30 Sec. Mixing Time Time After Solution hrs. 0.167 0.534 1.0111 2 14.3 23.5 46.5 109 Phase Ratio (A/0) of Distribution Ratio (o/A) at O,.25 0.5 1 2 4 .0246 .0390 .0649 .0957 .1315 .0165 .0234 .0319 .0411 .0551 .0097 .0084 .0084 .0084 .0083 .0146 .0125 .0112 .0108 .0111 .0111 .0212 .0172 .0161 .0140 .0140 .0140 .0263 .0222 .0189 ,0178 .0187 .0185 .0369 .0295 .0258 .0241 .0237 .0245 quantities in the preparation, and that there was probably also some of species 1. The starting material was certainly not, therefore, pure tri-nitrato nitrosylruthenium. It seemed possible that all the nitric acid had not been removed from the preparation, even after standing over KOH pellets for 1 month. Fresh material was therefore prepared in which every attempt was made to remove excess nitric acid. The nitric acid solution of the RuNO complexes was distilled under vacuum and in a nitrogen atmosphere. Once most of the nitric acid had been removed, a slow stream of distilled water was introduced into the distillation flask, which distilled carrying off, it was hoped, the last traces of nitric acid. After several hours, the pH of the distillate actually distilling over had risen to pH 6.7. Water addition was stopped, and the distillation temperature slowly raised to 430C, when ruthenium complexes suddenly commenced to distill over, as evidence by the appearance of purple-red droplets at the lower end. of the condenser. The distillation was immediately stopped, and the residue was stored over KOH pellets for two weeks in a vacuum dessicator. Before use, a sample was analyzed for the N0 to Ru ratio; the ratio found was 3.03 to 1, and it was assumed that the material produced was indeed the tri-nitrato nitrosylruthenium. The experiment described above was therefore repeated. The results are not given as in all essential respects they are identical with those in Table 7. It thus appears impossible by this means to study the rate of formation of extractable species. However, the decay .. ........ .... ........ curves shown in Figure 5 lend themselves to analysis for the rates of hydration of the extractable species, though it is necessary to make assumptions as to the mole fractions present at zero time. However, by extrapolation X1 0t 0.01 and X 2 00.20 and By trial while k2,z0.15 per minute as shown previously. error, kiZ0.01 per minute. One phenomenon of nite is the apparent curvature of a semi-log plot of (X2 - X 2 ) against time, as shown in Figure 6. This is in the same direction as the plot in Figure 3, and does not seem likely to be due to temperature effects. It may indicate the presence of a third extractable species which is hydrolyzed somewhat faster than the second species. 3.6 Variation of Partition Ratio with Amine Concentration In some cases it is possible to obtain an indication of the charge on an extracted species by means of a slope analysis of a log-log plot of the distribution ratio of a species versus the extractant concentration. This technique is by no means rigorous, and there are many effects which can cause such a slope analysis not to indicate the charge on the extracted species. Nevertheless, it was of interest to study the effect of amine concentration. In order to overcome any effect of ruthenium concentration, a ruthenium tracer was used. RuNO(OH) 3 was irradiated in the MITR, and dissolved after two days in llM HNO3 . Two days later, a portion of this stock was diluted to 3.OM HNO and aged for 30 days. No activity other than that of 740 day3 Rul0 3 could be observed in the 7-spectrum of the product. Pre-equilibrated amine solutions were prepared over a range of amine concentrations. Ruthenium distribution to each of those was followed as a function of phase ratio. The results are summarized in Table 8. Table 8 Effect of Varying the Amine Concentration on the Distribution Ratio of RuNO from 3.OM HNO 3, 90 Secs! Mixing, at Room Temperature Amine Conen. M Distribution Ratio (0/A) at 4 2 1 0.4 0.2 Phase Ratio (A/0) of 0.520 0.260 .0229 .0146 0.130 0.065 .0170 .0103 .00885 .00644 .00544 .00389 0.0325 .00201 .00169 .00150 .00100 .00072 IonNO"MMI" M 17' T""t - .0118 .00733 .00467 .00284 .00787 .0059 .00468 .00363 .00289 .00211 .00195 .00136 17 1.0 I I I I 1 I I I - .01 x 0 z ir_ U- + z 0 001 ULU I 0 1k I I 1 .1 .1 1. 1 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010011O TIME, MINUTES - FIGURE 6 _ __ _ -""''- I 1 1 120 1 130 VARIATION OF MOLE FRACTION OF SPECIES 2 WITH TIME I.,II I._1_-_11____- I.. -_ _..... .... 18 Comparison of the results for 0.26M amine with the results of Table 7 for 23.5-109 hours"aging indicates that the results here are too low by a factor of roughly 2. This may be due to some of the activity in the aqueous phase not being present as RuNO complexes, as had been assumed. It was not therefore surprising, on the submitting the results to PARTIFRAC analysis, to find that the output did not make much sense. This is indicated in Table 9, where the best values of the partition ratio mole fractions of the various species are listed. Table 9 Partition Ratio and Mole Fractions Calculated From the Data of Table 8 Amine Concn. M Partition Ratio P1 Mole Fraction P2 0.52 0.048 4.8 0.113 0.008 0,26 0.030 $.2 0.005 0.13 0.025 3.0 0.099 0.058 0.065 0.010 0.006 2.4 0.7 0.072 0.045 0.0325 0.004 0.003 0.003 There is certainly a trend towards decreasing values of P2 with decreasing amine concentration, but the caland Pl culated mole fractions should not vary with amine concentration, but should be constant at the equilibrium values for 3.OM HNO 3 shown in Figure 5. The fact that the mole fractions are, in all cases, considerably lower than the equilibrium values would indicate that assumption that some of the ruthenium is not present as nitrosylruthenium complexes is valid. 3.7 Conclusions The technique of following the variation of distribution ratio with changing phase ratio in order to determine the mole fractions of extractable species present, has been adopted for the study of various phenomena involving nitrosylruthenium nitrato complexes. An estimate has been made of the rates of hydrolysis of the extractable species, ki%0.01 per min. and k 2 to.15 per min., where ki and k2 refer to the less and more extractable species, respectively. A resistance to transfer of the less extractable species of ruthenium in the reverse direction has been observed. Conversion of this species to the more extractable species takes place in the organic phase on standing. In forward ------------------ 19 extraction, increasing the time of shaking increases the apparent amount of less extractable species in the aqueous phase. This is probably due both to conversion in the organic phase and to a rate of mass transfer effect, though the possibility of formation of this complex from lower species should not be overlooked. This seems somewhat unlikely, however, in view of the generally relatively slow rates of nitration of lower to higher species observed by Scargill and others (6), an observation in accord with Skavdahl's previous sugIt is unfortunate that the rate of conversion gestion (3). studies could not be carried out to equilibrium. However, assuming that at equilibrium at least 90% of the less extractable species 1 is converted to species 2, then the data shown in Figure 4 correspond to a rate constant for the reaction lorg-9 2 org of ki0.075 per min. It was shown that the supposed "RuNO(NO3)3" was a mixture of nitrosylruthenium nitrato complexes. Unsuccessful attempts were made to produce the pure trinitrato nitrosylruthenium. This raises the question of the exact nature of the complexes. van Raaphorst (7) reports that roughly 10% of the RuNO is in higher complexes than dinitrato in 3M HNO3 , and 70% in 11M HNO 3 . Fletcher (8) reached essentiallyfsimilar conclusions but mistakenly identified these species as being higher than trinitrato. Later work (6) has suggested that these higher than dinitrato species may also be split into two groups, a trinitrato group, 12% in 3M and 55 in 11M, and Species~1 a tetranitrato group, 1% in 3M and 35% ii 11. in this study is 13% in 3M and 45-560% in 1114, while species The correspondence 2 is 0.095% in 3M and 16% in llM HNOq 3. between these figures and those of Scargill (6) would seem to indicate that species 1 is the trinitrato and species 2 the tetranitrato complexes. However, if species 1 is the trinitrato complex, it is most surprising that this particular species should build up rapidly in 3M HNO3 on dissolving a material purporting to be trinitrato nitrosylruthenium. This is the main anomaly in the picture of the extraction of nitrosylruthenium nitrato complexes by alkyl amines which is beginning to emerge. The trinitrato complex (species 1) is probably extracted by RuNO(NO 3 ) 2H2 0 + R3 HNO 3 :: R3NHI. RuNO(N0 3 )4 . H 2 0 + H2 0 The organic phase complex is then converted by reaction with more amine. R 3 NH. RuNO(NO 3 )4.H2 0 + R 3 NHNO03 .-.. (R3 NH)2 RuNO(NO 3 )5 + H20 This reaction takes place slowly in the organic phase. It is suggested that the water released by this reaction is capable of removing some of the unbound nitric acid present, thus leading to the apparently low values for unbound nitric acid determined conductumetrically (1), and the apparently high nitrate-to-ruthenium ratio observed (1) for this species. .... .... .. 20 The tetranitrato species (species 2) is probably extracted by [RuNO(NO 3 )4 H 2 0] + 2R 3 NHN0 3 ,;::(R 3 NH)2 RuNO(NO3) 5 + NO3 + H 2 0 thus giving the same species in the organic phase as the extracted trinitrato complex, after conversion, and explaining why after 1/2 hour the spectrum of the organic phase becomes independant of the species involved. It is also possible that trace quantities of the pentanitrato species may be present. The above equations suggest that the nitrosylruthenium in the organic phase has all five available coordination sites filled with nitrate ions, and there seems to be no particular reason why the same may not be true in the aqueous phase, though as proposed earlier (6, 7) the coordination opposite the nitrosyl group may be weak. There was some evidence (see Figures 3 and 6) that a second species was present with species 2. In fact the hydrolysis rate determined in Figure 3 is somewhat higher than that corresponding to the data of Figure 6; in Figure 3, hydrolysia of species present in llM HNO is taking place, and in Figure 6, hydrolysis of speciesin 3M HNO is taking place, and more of the pentanitrato species would 5e expected to be present in the llM acid solution. The weakness of coordination opposite the nEitrosyl group may imply that primary extraction of the trinitratoconiex takes place by replacement of the water in this position by an amine nitrate, and that the water displaced in the conversion reaction is that present in planar position 5. 21 5.0 References (1) P. J. Lloyd and E. A. Mason, Progress Report XIII, MITNE-50 (1964). (2) P. J. Lloyd and E. A. Mason, Progress Report XII, MITNE-43 (1963), J. B. Goodblatt, M.S. Thesis, Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., February 1964. (3) R. E. Skavdahl and E. A. Mason, MITNE-20 (1962). (4) V. C. A. Vaughen and E. A. Mason, (5) J. M. Fletcher,, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 1, 378 TID-12665 (1960). (1955). (6) D. Scargill, C. E. Lyon, N. R. Large and J. M. Fletcher, "Nitrato Aquo Complexes of Nitrosylruthenium III," Personal Communication, June, 1964. (7) J. G. van Raaphorst and P. A. Deurloo, KR-52 (1963). (8) J. M. Fletcher,, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 12, 154 (1959).