MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OFTECHNOLOGY NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Investigations of ORNL Pressurized Thermal Shock Experiments by Dong W. Jerng and Robert G. Carter Report No. MITNE-300 March 30, 1992 Investigations of ORNL Pressurized Thermal Shock Experiments by Dong W. Jerng and Robert G. Carter Report No. MITNE-300 March 30, 1992 Foreword This report is prepared under the contract (Contract No. : Pending ) between Yankee Atomic Electric Company and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Principal investigator: Neil. E. Todreas, Professor Nuclear Engineering Dept., M.I.T Research assistant: Project Monitor: Dong W. Jerng, Postdoctoral Associate Nuclear Engineering Dept. M.I.T. Robert G. Carter, Senior Engineer Yankee Atomic Electric Company Research period: February 12, 1992 - March 25,1992 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................... . . --.-- 1.1 B ackground .......................................................--...... 1 - - -1 1.2 A Brief Description of the PTSE Series ......................................... 2 2. Dimensions and Material Properties.......................................................4 2.1 PTSE Vessel......................................................................5 2.2 PTSE Inserts......................................................................5 2.3 Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel......................................................15 3. PTS Transients and Stress Distributions................................................. 16 3.1 PT SE series..........................................................................16 3.2 Yankee Rowe PTS Transients ................................................... 19 4. Discussion..................................................................... 47 References ....................................................................................... 50 i List of Figures Fig.1.1 Temperature and stress distribution in the PTSE tests and the actual PTS in nuclear reactors...................................................................... .3 Fig.2.1 Piecewise linear stress-strain relationship used for the pretest analysis of PTSE-1 (source from Fig. 10.18 of Ref.1).......................................5 Fig.2.2 KIC data for PTSE-1. Curves represent functions in the pretest analysis. (source from Fig.10.16 of Ref.1).................................................6 Fig.2.3 KIA data for PTSE-1. Curve represents function in the pretest analysis (source from Fig. 10.17 of Ref.1).................................................7 Fig.2.4 True stress vs. strain from tensile test of specimen (pretest material) at 212 OF. (source from Fig.2.24 of Ref.2)........................................9 Fig.2.5 KIC data for PTSE-2 insert (pretest). (source from Fig.10.10 of Ref.2)........10 Fig.2.6 KIA data for PTSE-2 insert (pretest). (source from Fig.10.9 of Ref.2) ......... 11 Fig.2.7 True stress vs. strain from tensile test of specimen (posttest material) at 212 OF. (source from Fig.2.25 of Ref.2)........................................13 Fig.2.8 Posttest fracture toughness KjC for PTSE-2 insert compared with similar pretest specimens. (source from Fig.2.52 of Ref.2).............................14 Fig. 3.1 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-lA.....................20 Fig. 3.2 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-1B.....................23 Fig. 3.3 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-1C.....................26 Fig. 3.4 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-2A.....................29 Fig. 3.5 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-2B.....................32 Fig. 3.6 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee SBLOCA (Case 170)...............................................................................35 Fig. 3.7 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee MSLB (Case 971).....38 Fig. 3.8 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee MSLB(Case 973)......41 Fig. 3.9 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee MSLB(Case 974)......44 ii List of Tables Table 1.1 Summary of experimental observations of the PTSE ............................ 3 Table 2.1 Dimension and material properties of the PTSE vessel.......................4 Table 2.2 Material properties of the insert in PTSE-1...................................5 Table 2.3 Pretest material properties of the insert in PTSE-2.............................8 Table 2.4 Post-test material properties of the insert in PTSE-2...........................12 Table 2.5 Dimension and material properties of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel Plate material........................................................................15 Table 3.1 The maximum thermal stress calculated by VISAY with different .....----..-------------values of he 17 Table 3.2 Sources of the pressure and temperature data for PTSE stress calculations... 17 Table 4.1 A comparison of RTNT between PTSE and Yankee Rowe....................48 Table 4.2 Comparisons of the maximum stresses between PTSE and Yankee Rowe PT S ................................................................................. iii 49 1. Introduction 1.1 Background This study investigates a series of the pressurized thermal shock experiments (PTSE) performed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to provide a basis of applicability of the PTSE results to the pressurized thermal shock (PTS) evaluation of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel. The consequence of a PTS on the reactor vessel depend on factors such as material properties, transient conditions (cooling rate of the vessel and pressure transient), stresses (thermal, hoop, clad, and residual), and the size, location, and orientation of flaws in the vessel wall. Because information about flaws in the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel is not available and the PTSE vessel does not have clad and residual stress data, this report examines the PTSE series from the aspects of the material properties and stresses (thermal and hoop) imposed on the vessel in comparison with the Yankee Rowe PTS analyses. Specifically, this report provides : 1. Properties of material used in the PTSE: toughness, yield and tensile strength, and the nil-ductility temperature - A comparison of these material properties among the PTSE vessel, inserts and Yankee Rowe Reactor vessel is presented in Section 2, and 2. Stress distributions and associated transient conditions in the PTSE: vessel temperature and pressure transient conditions, and thermal and hoop stress* resulting from these transient conditions - this is presented in Section 3.1, and in Section 3.2 the transient conditions and resulting stresses for the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel are presented for the comparison with the PTSE results. In Section 4, a discussion about the interpretation of the PTSE results in conjunction with the Yankee Rowe PTS evaluation will be made for experimental method, material properties, and magnitude of stress. * In this report, thermal stress refers to the stress due to temperature gradient in the vessel wall, and hoop stress refers to the stress due to pressure. Because only the longitudinal flaw was investigated in the PTSE (because the logitudinal flaw is most important under PTS), both thermal and hoop stresses refered in this report are in the circumpherential direction (i.e., hoop direction) so that the longtudinal flaw is subject to tensile or compressive force in the circumferential direction. 1 For the evaluation of the PTSE series, two reports from the ORNL, NUREG/CR4106 [1] and NUREG/CR-4888 [2] were used. For the evaluation of the Yankee Rowe PTS transients, four representative cases developed by Yankee Atomic were utilized. 1.2 A Brief Description of the PTSE Series The pressurized thermal shock experiment series in the ORNL were performed in two steps: the PTSE-1 series during December 1984 and the PTSE-2 series during November to December 1986. In both series of the PTSE, the crack behavior was examined by monitoring a 1-mlong flaw implanted in an insert material welded into the exterior wall of the pressure vessel. In the PTSE-1 series, a high toughness material was used for the investigation of warm prestressing and the nature of crack propagation and arrest. In the PTSE-2 series, a low toughness material was used for the investigation of the crack behavior and warm prestressing with low tearing resistance. There are three tests labeled as PTSE-1A, PTSE-1B, and PTSE-1C in the PTSE-1 series, and two tests, PTSE-2A and PTSE-2B, in the PTSE-2 series. These test cases differed from each other in the transient conditions applied to each case. In the PTSE series, the cooling was applied at the outer surface of the vessel to induce the thermal shock in contrast to the actual situation occurring in nuclear reactor PTS transients (i.e., the cooling occurs at the inside of the vessel). Fig. 1.1 illustrates temperature and stress distribution incurred in the PTSE compared with those due to an actual PTS in a nuclear reactor. The summary of experimental observations of the PTSE series are listed in Table 1.1. Through both series of PTSE, the effect of warm prestressing was recognized, i.e., crack was observed not to propagate while K, are decreasing even if Ki is greater than KICThus, the vessel rupture occurred only for PTSE-2B in which the pressure was controlled to steadily increase resulting the monotonic surge of K, with time. More details of the transient conditions for each PTSE test will be presented in Section 3.1. 2 Table 1.1 Summary of experimental observations of the PTSE Observation PTSE-1Aa PTSE-1Ba PTSE-1Ca PTSE-2Ab PTSE-2Bb Initial Crack Depth a (inch) 0.48 0.48 0.96 0.59 1.67 0.288 0.098 0.165 0.083 0.083 a/w Final Crack Depth 0.48 0.96 1.61 1.67 Rupture a (in) a/w 0.083 0.165 0.278 0.288 1.0 40.8 125.3 249.4 67.1 No Crack Time of Crack Jump (sec) c Propagation 72.6 172 135.9 61 253.6 119 280.1 Re1the 'itlcrckcepths 10110 of Ref 11ITal11oRe. In Table 103 a- From Table FnTbe110oRf. .: . of~ . .iiilcakd h are r listi i edas 11.4 mm for PTSE-1A and 1B, and 22.1 mm for PTSE-1C. b: From Table 10.10 and 9.2 of Ref.2 c: Time measured from the initiation of transients Time of Maximum K1 (sec) c Side view I I 0,. Flaw distribution I I Cooling at the outer surface - I I Cooling a at the inner surface C-Thermal stress distribution Hoop stress distribution I - Tensile -% (thermal stress at the cooled side and hoop stress) Top view compressive T (thermal stress at the uncooled side) (b) Actual PTS case (a) PTSE case Fig.1.1 Temperature and stress distribution in the PTSE tests and the actual PTS in nuclear reactors 3 2. Dimensions and Material Properties 2.1 PTSE Vessel The dimension and material property of the vessel used in the PTSE are listed in Table 2.1. The same vessel was used for both PTSE- 1 and PTSE-2. Table 2.1 Dimension and material properties of the PTSE vessel Dimension and Property Measured Value Outer Radius (inch) 19.31 Inner Radius (inch) 13.50 Thickness (inch) 5.81 Yield Strength (ksi) 65.27 (26 %elongation)a 62.66 (29 %elongation)a Tensile Strength 84.99 (26 %elongation)a (ksi) 81.66 (29 %elongation)a NDT (OF) -59.8a Remark 87.02 ksi (value used for the pretest analysis) b a: from Table 2.1 of Ref.1. The RTNDT is not defined for the vessel material b: from Table 10.8 of Ref. 1 4 2.2 PTSE Inserts Table 2.2 shows the material properties* of the insert for the PTSE- 1 series. The stress - strain for the PTSE-1 insert is shown in Fig.2.1. The KIC and KIA data and curves for the PTSE-1 insert are shown in Fig.2.2 and 2.3 respectively. Table 2.2 Material properties of the insert in PTSE-1 Remark Measured Value Property Yield Strength (ksi) [92.78 - 0.046 (T-32) + 7.315x10-5(T-32) 2 ]a (T in OF) 87.02 (value used for the pretest analysis) b [116.73 - 3.543x10-4 (T-32) Tensile Strength + 9.568x10-5(T-32)2 ]a (T in OF) (ksi) RTNIT (OF) 196.3 c a: From Table 2.3 of Ref.1 b: From Table 10.2 of Ref.1 c: From Section 2.3.3 (page 18) of Ref.1 1000 900 800 V) V) U, 700 U, D a: 600 500 400 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 TRUE STRAIN 0.07 0.08 0.09 Fig.2.1 Piecewise linear stress-strain relationship used for the pretest analysis of PTSE-1 (source from Fig.10.18 of Ref.1) In Ref.1 it is not mentioned whether the material properties of the insert are of those examined before or after the tests. * 5 400 300 200 100 0 -50 0 50 150 100 200 250 0 TEMPERATURE ( C) Fig.2.2 KIC data for PTSE-1.* Curves represent functions in the pretest analysis. (source from Fig.10.16 of Ref.1) The original figure caption(Fig.10.16 of Ref.1) reads " KIc for PTSE-1 vessel". However, it is believed that the data shown in Fig 2.2 are for the PTSE-1 insert because the pretest analysis was performed for the insert material.. * 6 400 300 a b = c = 35.0 4.0177 0.02408 200 0 0 0 100A 00 -50 0 50 100 150 TEMPERATURE (0 C) 200 250 Fig.2.3 KIA data for PTSE-1.* Curve represents function in the pretest analysis (source from Fig. 10.17 of Ref. 1) original figure caption(Fig1O.16 of Ref.1) reads " KIA for PTSE-1 vessel" . However, it is believed that the data shown in Fig 2.2 arefoth PTSE-1I insert because the pretest analysis was performed for the insert *The material.. 7 In the PTSE-2 series the material properties of the insert were examined before and after the experiments. Some changes of material properties were observed before and after the experiments possibly because of plastic deformation incurred during the tests. However, Ref.2 mentions that the change of material properties due to plastic deformation is not so conclusive because a regional variation of material properties were observed on the piece of metal from which the insert and specimen were cut. We introduce both results of material examination before and after the tests. Table 2.3 are those obtained from the examination prior to the tests. Figs. 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 show the stress - strain relation, KIC, and KIA curves obtained from the pretest specimen respectively. Table 2.3 Pretest material properties of the insert in PTSE-2 Value used for Temperature (OF) Property 78.8 212 392 550.4 the pretest analysisd Yield Strengtha (ksi) 38.94 32.85 28.86 29.88 36.98 Tensile Strengtha (ksi) 80.06 69.04 62.95 63.74 75.13 NDTb (OF) RTNDnc (OF) 120.2 210.2 a: Averaged value at a given temperature. See Table 2.6 of Ref.2 for the individual data b: From Table 2.4 of Ref.2 c: From Section 2.3.5 (page 53) of Ref.2 d: From Table 10.4 of Ref.2 8 600 500 - 400 0- ~'300-- U, 200 PTC1 SPECIMEN P1372 100 0 0 0.04 0.02 0.06 TRUE STRAIN Fig.2.4 True stress vs. strain from tensile test of specimen (pretest material) at 212 OF. (source from Fig.2.24 of Ref.2) 9 400 o 300 F- E- 200 V ALID KIC K AT CLEAVAGE *Mi AXIMUM LOAD PRECEDEDCLEAVAGE £ RA TE-ADJUSTED K * UPPER AND LOWER BOUNDS 0- ADJUSTED K U PPER TOUGHNESS ..-L )WER TOUGHNESS $ $ a $ 1I of 0 1 | 0 100 t| / 01 -200 I -100 0I I 100 200 T(OC) Fig.2.5 KIC data for PTSE-2 insert (pretest). (source from Fig. 10.10 of Ref.2) 10 400 I I ---- i I I TS ORIENTATION 300 f- - !. o VALID DATA 0 INVALID DATA UPPER TOUGHNESS LOWER TOUGHNESS 200 - T * * / 'a' J. 100 J# O, o0,C I- C wI A' -150 -100 -50 0 T(OC) I 50 I 100 150 Fig.2.6 KIA data for PTSE-2 insert (pretest). (source from Fig. 10.9 of Ref.2) 11 Table 2.4 shows the material properties of the insert after the PTSE-2. The stress strain curve obtained from the post test examination is shown in Fig.2.7. Fig.2.8 shows the KjC of the insert examined after the experiments compared with the pretest data obtained from the specimen of the material of which the insert was made. It is observed from Fig.2.8 that the toughness of the insert material decreases after the experiment. As noticed from Table 2.3 and 2.4, the nil-ductility temperature (NDT) increased after the experiments. However, the reference nil-ductility temperature (RTNT) could not be defined for the post-test insert, because the insert did not achieve 68 J on the upper shelf ( see Section 2.3.5 (page 53) of Ref.2 for details). Table 2.4 Post-test material properties of the insert in PTSE-2 Property Temperature (OF) 392 77 67.70 212 63.45 60.92 Yield Strengthb (ksi) (L onented) 53.81 55.33 - Tensile Strengtha (ksi) (T oriented) 90.33 83.7 78.97 Tensile Strengthb (ksi) (L oriented) 89.78 80.13 - NDT c (OF) 167 Yield Strengtha (ksi) (T oriented) a: Averaged value at a given temperature. See Table 2.7 of Ref.2 for the individual data b: Averaged value at a given temperature. See Table 2.8 of Ref.2 for the individual data c: From Table 2.4 of Ref.2 12 600 500 - 400 a. Co (I- 300 Co 200 PTSE-2 VESSEL INSERT SPECIMEN PE08 100 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 TRUE STRAIN Fig.2.7 True stress vs. strain from tensile test of specimen (posttest material) at 212 OF. (source from Fig.2.25 of Ref.2) 13 1 1.1 2% Cr-1 Mo 1TCS TS ORIENTATION 400 I 1 POSTTEST, PTSE-2 INSERT 0 300 I - PRETEST, PTC1, RANGE OF VALUES CL MO z0 I0 200 0 w a: U-2 -,1000 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (OC) Fig.2.8 Posttest fracture toughness Kjc for PTSE-2 insert compared with similar pretest specimens. (source from Fig.2.52 of Ref.2) 14 2.3 Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel The dimension and material properties of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel are listed in Table 2.5. The values of yield and tensile strength are of the unirradiated vessel metal. The properties of the irradiated vessel are not available. Table 2.5 Dimension and material properties of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel Plate material Dimension and Property Value Outer Radius (inch) 54.5 Inner Radius (inch) 62.375 Thickness (inch) 7.875 Yield Strength (ksi) 53 - 68 (unirradiated) Tensile Strength (ksi) Initial RTNDT (OF) 86 - 93 (unirradiated) Irradiated RTNDT (0 F) 275 - 350 (estimated) 30 15 3. PTS Transients and Stress Distributions A total of nine PTS transients were investigated: all five cases of the PTSE series and four cases for the Yankee Rowe PTS analyses. For the stress field calculation, the VISAY code was used. The VISAY code is a modified version of VISA-ID which was originally developed in the Battell Pacific Northwest Laboratory [3]. 3.1 PTSE series The VISAY code requires three types of thermal hydraulic transient data to calculate the stress and analyze the PTS on a vessel. They are the coolant temperature, pressure, and heat transfer coefficient (he) on the surface of a vessel. However, Refs 1 and 2 do not contain the coolant temperature history nor the heat transfer coefficient values measured from the actual tests. In order to have the code calculate temperature and stress field, therefore, we trick the VISAY code by putting the surface temperature data as the coolant temperature and assuming a constant value of the he. The assumed value of the he is 104 BTU/hr ft 2 which is a value reasonably enough to neglect the temperature difference between the coolant and surface of the vessel. Thus, the vessel surface temperature calculated in the VISAY code can be equivalent to the actual surface temperature. This assumption of using the surface temperature as coolant temperature with the he of 104 BTU/hr ft2 was checked through the sensitivity analysis of the maximum stress on the variation of the hc. Table 3.1 shows the change of thermal stress due to the variation of the assumed value of he- The thermal stress with the he of 106 BTU/hr ft2 is slightly higher than with the he of 104 because the cooling rate at the surface is faster for higher he resulting larger temperature gradient within the vessel wall. However, the change of thermal stress is noticed to be less than 3 % although the value of he changed 100 times. Therefore, it is concluded that the method of modeling the PTSE for the VISAY code is acceptable. 16 Table 3.1 The maximum thermal stress calculated by VISAY with different values of he Case Time (min) I PTSE-2A PTSE-2B _ _ Max. thermal stress I with hc= 104 0.87 1.30 1.73 2.16 0.7 1.4 2.1 6.99 Note: the unit of he is BTU/hr ft2 . Max. thermal stress with hc=10 6 106.2 (ksi) 111.4 111.6 109.9 108.8 (ksi) 113.4 113.1 111.1 87.7 98.2 97.9 72.9 90.0 99.8 99.1 73.2 Table 3.2 lists the sources of the pressure and vessel surface temperature data used for the stress calculation using VISAY code. Table 3.2 Sources of the pressure and temperature data for PTSE stress calculations Case Vessel Surface Temperature Pressure PTSE-1A PTSE-1B Appendix A of Ref.1 Appendix A of Ref.1 Appendix A and Fig.8.7 of Ref.1 Appendix A. 1 of Ref.2 Appendix A.2 of Ref.2 Fig.10.21 of Ref.1 Fig. 10.34 of Ref.1 Fig.8.8 of Ref.1 Table 10.11 of Ref.2 Table 10.11 of Ref.2 PTSE-1C PTSE-2A PTSE-2B The PTS transient conditions and resulting stress fields calculated by VISAY are shown in Figs 3.1a through 3.5e. to 3.le are for PTSE-1A, Figs.3.2a to 3.2e are for PTSE-1B, Figs.3.3a to 3.3e are for PTSE-lC, Figs.3.4a to 3.4e are for PTSE-2A, and Figs.3.5a to 3.5e are for PTSE-2B. The plotted data shown in Fig.3.1a through 3.5e are pressure and vessel surface temperature transients, temperature distributions within the vessel wall, thermal, hoop, and total stresses for each case. 17 In the PTSE series, cooling occurred at the outer wall of the vessel. The origin of the abscissa in the figures for the stress fields and temperature profiles in the vessel wall is the outer wall of the vessel as marked in the figures. For the stress calculations of the PTSE series, we assumed zero residual stress. Since the vessel used for the PTSE does not have clad and zero residual stress was assumed, the total stress is simply the sum of the thermal and hoop stresses. 18 3.2 Yankee Rowe PTS Transients Four cases were analyzed for the PTS transients of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel: one case for the small break loss of coolant accident labeled as SBLOCA (Case 170) and three cases for the main steam line break labeled as MSLB (Case 971), MSLB (Case 973), and MSLB (Case 974) respectively. The transient input data for VISAY (coolant temperature, pressure, heat transfer coefficient) were provided from the thermal hydraulic analyses of these four cases developed by Yankee Atomic. Figs. 3.6a to 3.9f show the transient conditions and resulting stress fields for these four cases: Figs.3.6a to 3.6f for SBLOCA (Case 170), Figs. 3.7a to 3.7f for MSLB (Case 971), Figs. 3.8a to 3.8f for MSLB (Case 971), and Figs. 3.9a to 3.9f for MSLB (Case 971). The plotted data shown in Fig.3.6a to 3.9f are pressure and vessel surface temperature transients, heat transfer coefficient on the surface of the vessel, temperature distributions within the vessel wall, thermal, hoop, and total stresses for each case. Since cooling occurs at the inside of the reactor vessel, the origin of the the abscissa in the figures for the stress fields and temperature profiles in the vessel wall is the inner wall of the vessel as marked in the figures. The total stress shown in Figs. 3.6f, 3.7f, 3.8f and 3.9f is the sum of thermal, hoop, residual,and clad stress. The maximum residual stress give as an input is 8 ksi. The clad of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel is 0.25 inch thick (3 %of the vessel wall thickness). The maximum clad stress was calculated to be 23 to 27 ksi for the investigated transients. As noticed in the total stress figures, the stress level drops at the depth of 3 % (the interface between the clad and vessel) due to the clad. Thus, the maximum total stress within the vessel wall which occurs at the surface of the vessel wall (i.e., the interface between the clad and the vessel wall) was calculated to be 69.4 ksi for MSLB (Case 971). 19 PTSE-1A: Imposed Conditions 600 6 500 5 W 400 4 a: 300 3 200 2W 0 - W W a: W H- 100 1 0 0 1 0 2 4 3 5 7 6 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions PTSE-1 A 600 500 0 WL a: 400 W 300 CC HL 200 100 0 1 20 0 A Outer wall 60 40 80 Depth(%) 100 Inner wall (b) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall Fig. 3.1 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-1A 20 PTSE-1 A 120 0.7 - Time (min) 90CD -- 1.4 -2.8 -o- - 4.9 - -+ -- 7.0 J2 Cc 60303 - ~ ~ 30- -60 p ~ I I 0 a S 100 80 60 40 20 -' Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (c) Thermal stress distribution 0.7 1PTSE-1A - a- 14- -- A--3.5 -o-4.9 12Co Co) wU CC 8 Co) 6- 17 CL 0 0 'r - 2.8 Time (min) -a - - -0 -- EF- 420 1 0 1 Outer wall ,0 * 1 9 1 20 ,0 -e -r--19. 0, 60 40 80 Depth (%) (d) Hoop stress distribution Fig.3.1 continued from the previous page 21 100 Inner wall PTSE-1A 150 100 CO) 50 CO, 0 0 -50 wl Oue wall 20 60 40 80 Depth (%) (e) Total stress distribution Fig.3.1 continued from the previous page 22 100 Inner wall PTSE-1 B: Imposed Conditions 600 12 500 10 0 Wj 400 8 I- M 300 6 -W 0j 200 WL 4 W a: 1 00 2 0 0 1 0 2 4 3 5 7 6 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions PTSE-1 B 600 0 W - 500 400 300 W (H 200 100 0 ' 0 20 Outer wall 60 40 80 Depth(%) 100 Inner wall (b) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall Fig. 3.2 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE- 1B 23 PTSE-1 B 120 90 Co 60 U) 30 .J 0 w I -30 - 60 ' 0 100 80 60 40 20 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (c) Thermal stress distribution PTSE-1 B 40 C/) w a0 0 Z: - 35 - 30 -o- 25 E- 0.7 -2.1 - 2.8 -3.5 Time (mi) -- +--5.6 x- 7.0 1---- 20 15 10 * ------- 4 - 5 -_ 0 Outer wall I_ _ 20 - ._ -- . -+- 60 40 -- --- 80 Depth (%) (d) Hoop stress distribution Fig.3.2 continued from the previous page 24 100 Inner wall PTSE-1 B 150 - Time (min) 100C/) C/) ---- 2.8 -4.9 -- +-- 7.0 -- o- 4. 1-- 50- 1- 0- 9 0.7 a- -1.4 ............... 50 I 0 Outer wall 20 -~ I I i 60 40 - ~ 80 Depth (%) (e) Total stress distribution Fig.3.2 continued from the previous page 25 100 Inner wall PTSE-1C: Imposed Conditions 600 16 500 14 400 12 %-0300 10 W 200 8 W 0 W C,) HU 100 6 4 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions PTSE-1C 600 500 0 II' - 400 Hj 300 a: CW M HU 200 100 0 ' 0 20 A Outer wall 60 40 80 Depth(%/) 100 Inner wall (b) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall Fig. 3.3 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-1C 26 PTSE-1 C 120 0.43 - Time (min) 90C/) C/) - - -0.85 - -a-- 1.70 -2.55 -- +--3.40 -x- 4.25 6030- a: 0- I- - -30- I I -60 I I . I 20 0 I -- 40 - - 80 60 Depth (%) Outer wall 100 Inner wall (c) Thermal stress distribution 0.43 -1.27 -- -- 2.13 -- o- - 2.97 -+-3.83 -+- 4.25 - - - 4035C/) 30- Cl) 25- cc 20- w HC/) CL 0 0 r PTSE-1 C 2- rime (min) ---- - -9---- 0- 151050 Outer wall - ' 20 I' I' 40 ' 60 I' 80 Depth (%) (d) Hoop stress distribution Fig.3.3 continued from the previous page 27 100 Inner wall PTSE-1 C 150 & 100C', 0.43 - ITime (min) 4% & 3- - 1.27 - --- -2.55 --- - 3.40 5- C/) 50 - 0 - --I 5 a . 0. 0 Oue wall 20 60 40 -- *- I 80 Depth (%) (e) Total stress distribution Fig.3.3 continued from the previous page 28 - 100 Inner wall PTSE-2A: Imposed Conditions 600 12 500 10 U- 400 8 a: 300 D !T( 6 F- a:- 200 4W 1 00 2 0 a: 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions PTSE-2A 600 -i:-___0 -0 - 500 0 L. a: Hr a: WU CL W Hj / 400- / II 200- '.7 e .7 / E-- -1.0 or 100-, 0 0.0 0.5 0 p 300- Time (min) '7 -o- -2.0 --- -3.0 -+- - 4.3 i 0 20 A Outer wall I I 40 60 1"M 80 - Depth(%) 100 Inner wall (b) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall Fig. 3.4 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-2A 29 PTSE-2A 1 20 0.43 - - 90- Cn C, lTime (min) - 6- -1.30 -- A- -2.16 60- -o- 30- -3.03 - +- 4.33 .J 0I -30- 60 -'~ I 20 0 .. I_ I ~ 40 ~ - I i 60 100 80 Depth (%) Outer wall A Inner wall (c) Thermal stress distribution PTSE-2A 403530C/) C,) 25- LI 20- C,) 15- 0 0 10- M -o- 0.43 6- - A- - 1.30 -- I 5-10 s--- 0 Outer wall o- Time (nn) -2.16 -3.03 I&- f - -A--A-A-- 20 40 --- .0 60 A - *- 0 -*--0 80 Depth (%) (d) Hoop stress distribution Fig.3.4 continued from the previous page 30 & -67 100 Inner wall PTSE-2A 150 100 CD) U F0 F- 50 0 -50 0 w Oue wall 20 60 40 80 Depth (%) (e) Total stress distribution Fig.3.4 continued from the previous page 31 100 Inner wall PTSE-2B: Imposed Conditions 600 12 500 10 400 8 a: 300 M 6 a: Wj 200 4 100 2 0 Cf, (0) W (L 0 0 0 1 4 3 2 7 6 5 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions PTSE-2B 600 500 0 - %W, a: Hr D: <I cc Hi 400 a - - '. S - $-~ 0.0 - ~-e 300 -0.98 e- 7ime min) 200 - --- 4.05 -- -5.03 ----m 6.01 ---- 6.99 100 0 -2.03 ---- - 3.0 1 I II 0 20 Outer wall 60 40 80 Depth(%) 100 Inner wall (b) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall Fig. 3.5 Transient conditions and stress distributions in PTSE-2B 32 PTSE-2B 120 -1 - 0.7 90C/ U) W Time (min) 60- -1.40 -- o- -6.29 C/ a: - - 30- Ui 0 -30- -60 - 0 20 40 ~OEI6-~ 80 60 Depth (%) Outer wall -0t 100 Inner wall (c) Thermal stress distribution PTS E-2B 40- - 35- - 30- -- - 0.7 6- 2.8 Time (min) -4.19 --- -5.59 25207 +,- - -- - - 150 0 105 0 ~1 0 Outer wall 20 40 60 80 Depth (%) (d) Hoop stress distribution Fig.3.5 continued from the previous page 33 100 Inner wall PTSE-2B 150 100 C') 50 C') -j F- 0 0 -50 0 Outer wall 20 60 40 80 Depth (%) (e) Total stress distribution Fig.3.5 continued from the previous page 34 100 Inner wall YANKEE-SBLOCA: Imposed Conditions (Case 170) 600 3.0 500 2.5 400 2.0 M 300 1.5 a: 200 1.0 W 100 0.5 0 a: 0- w HL 0 'L I 0 20 I I I 40 60 0.0 80 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions YANKEE - SBLOCA (Case 170) 10000 CV 1000. 100 0 10 CD CM 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (min) (b) Surface heat transfer coefficient Fig. 3.6 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee SBLOCA (Case 170) 35 YANKEE - SBLOCA (Case 170) 550 500 450 0 9L H 400 350 300 250 20 0 20 0 A 60 40 n 100 80 kD h% ep ( ) Inner wall Outer wall (c) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall YANKEE - SBLOCA (Case 170) 60- Time (m 50 - 40 - - 24 -a-4 , 30- 8. C/) -J 30 I H/ 0 -10 -20 -301 0 20 40 60 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (d) Thermal stress distribution Fig.3.6 continued from the previous page 36 YANKEE-SBLOCA (Case 170) 15 12 Cn 9 0- 6 0 0 3 r 0 20 40 60 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (e) Hoop stress distribution YANKEE -SBLOCA (Case 170) 120 100 Zl U) 80 60 40 (I) 20 0 - 20 ' 0 20 40 60 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (f) Total stress distribution Fig.3.6 continued from the previous page 37 YANKEE - MSLB: Imposed Conditions (Case 971) 600 3.0 500 2.5 I- 400 2.0 a- 300 D 1.5 Ui 200 1.0 100 '0.5 j 0 '0.0 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions YANKEE - MSLB (Case 973) 10000 c~J H a) a, 0 0 a, C Cu H Cu a, I 1 000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (min) (b) Surface heat transfer coefficient Fig. 3.7 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee MSLB (Case 971) 38 YANKEE - MSLB (Case 971) 550 500 0 U- w 450 400 D aHr 350 300 2501 g 20000 a ---+- 0 20 40 Inner wall 60 80 100 Depth(%) Outer wall (c) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall YANKEE - MSLB (Case 971) 60 -0 50 -J C/) 5 Hj Time (mi c 2 30 - -0o-- 20 - -x- 1 0- 11 -Z 0 W -10 -30 0 20 40 60 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (d) Thermal stress distribution Fig.3.7 continued from the previous page 39 YANKEE - MSLB (Case 971) 15 12 Uf) 9 a. 6 0 0 0r 3 0 0 100 80 60 40 20 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (e) Hoop stress distribution YANKEE - MSLB (Case 971) 120 100 80 U) U) 60 C/) 40 - 20 0 - 20 ' ' 20 60 40 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (f) Total stress distribution Fig.3.7 continued from the previous page 40 YANKEE-MSLB: Imposed Conditions (Case 973) 0~ wL 600 3.0 500 2.5 400 2.0 300 1.5 w c 200 1.0 W w 100 0.5 Hr ' ' 0 0 I ' 30 I ' 10 20 ' I ' I ' 40 ' 50 0.0 60 Time (min) (a) Transient conditions YANKEE - MSLB (Case 973) 10000 -. I.- 1000 0 C-) 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min) (b) Surface heat transfer coefficient Fig. 3.8 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee MSLB(Case 973) 41 YANKEE - MSLB (Case 973) 550 500 w- 450 Hr 400 D 0;C wr H 350 300 250 200 0 A 40 M 20 eP Inner wall 80 60 +h k0/t ( 100 4 )I Outer wall (c) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall YANKEE - MSLB (Case 973) 60 50 40 C/, C,, 30 w CC, 20 - 10 wn 0 CC -1 0 HU -20 -30 20 60 40 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (d) Thermal stress distribution Fig.3.8 continued from the previous page 42 YANKEE - MSLB (Case 973) 15 12C,, C,) p 9- Time (min) 6.0 I) 6- 0 0 1: 30 - 6- -12.0 - - A- - -o- I II I 20 0 I aI I 40 Ip 100 80 60 -42.0 I - I Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (e) Hoop stress distribution YANKEE - MSLB (Case 973) 120 100 80 c/) 60 40 - H/ 0j 20 0 - 20 ' 0 I 20 60 40 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (f) Total stress distribution 43 24.0 YANKEE-MSLB: Imposed Conditions (Case 974) 600 3.0 . coolant __ 500 temperature 400 -~- 2.5 0 %-0 2.0 pressure - 300 w 1.5 200 - w F- 100 -- 01.0 W w 0.5 0 0 20 Cc 100 80 60 Time (min) 40 120 ( 0.0 (a) Transient conditions YANKEE - MSLB (Case 974) 10000 cm I- 10000 CD 100 I 0 , , , I 20 , a 1 2 40 aI I a I 60 A I a 80 I a I 100 I t I 120 Time (min) (b) Surface heat transfer coefficient Fig. 3.9 Transient conditions and stress distributions in Yankee MSLB (Case 974) 44 YANKEE-MSLB (Case 974) 600 -I 500- 0 wU a: 400- . -- -0- a D~ wL 300- HL 0 -0-- '* - -, 0-- all, 20019- - - 100 I 0 20 -- - - 19 I I I 40 60 80 A Inner wall Depth(%) 100 Outer wall (c) Temperature distribution within the vessel wall YANKEE - MSLB (Case 974) 60 50 n 40 30 C/) I H- 20 10 0 10 20 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 Depth (%) Outer wall Inner wall (d) Thermal stress distribution Fig.3.9 continued from the previous page 45 YANKEE - MSLB (Case 974) 15 12 C/) C/) 9 a: l!6 0 0 3 0 0 100 80 60 40 20 + Depth (%) inner Outer wall wa (e) Hoop stress distribution YANKEE - MSLB (Case 974) 120 100 80 C/) wU 60 a: W 40 20 0 -n2e0 ' 'l 20 60 40 80 Depth (%) Inner wall (f) Total stress distribution Fig.3.9 continued from the previous page 46 100 Outer wall (1) Acceptability of the experimental method of the PTSE to PTS analyses In the PTSE tests, a flaw was implanted at the outer surface of the vessel and thermal shock was introduced by cooling the outer surface of the vessel with internal pressure. Therefore, tensile stress occurred at the outer surface of the vessel while the inner surface was subject to compressive stress. In actual PTS events of nuclear reactors, thermal shock occurs due to the cooling at the inside surface of the vessel with internal pressure. In this case, tensile stress occurs at the inner surface of the vessel. Because flaws grow and propagate when they are subject to the tensile stress, the effect of thermal shock on the behavior of flaws are the same if the location of the flaws and cooling are the same. Therefore, the effect of thermal shock on the crack behavior observed in the PTSE is equivalent to the thermal shock effect on the behavior of flaws present at the inner surface of the reactor vessel which are major concern of PTS. The hoop stress both in PTSE and Yankee Rowe cases is tensile because the vessels were internally pressurized. Also, the hoop stress does not significantly change for both PTSE and Yankee Rowe cases along the depth of the vessel wall as shown in the hoop stress figures in Section 3. Thus, the effect of internal pressure on the behavior of flaws is the same regardless of the location of flaws. As a conclusion, the experimental method employed in the PTSE tests is acceptable for the investigation of the crack propagation which would occur in actual PTS events of a reactor vessel. (2) Properties of Material One of the key factors determining the impact of PTS is the material toughness generally indicated by the reference nil-ductility temperature (RTNDT). Table 4.1 shows a comparison of RTNDT's among the PTSE and Yankee Rowe Reactor material summarized from Table 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5. As noticed in Table 4.1, the RTNDT of the Yankee Rowe is higher than the material tested in the PTSE. Thus, the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel is considered to be more vulnerable to pressurized thermal shock than the material tested in the PTSE. However, as mentioned in Section 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 of Ref.2, the exact RTNDT of the PTSE-2 insert could not be defined because the insert did not achieve 68 J even on the upper shelf (the RTNDT is defined as T68 - 33 OK where T68 is the temperature at which the charpy V-notch impact energy is 68 J). The RTNDT of PTSE-2 shown in Table 4.1 is the value obtained from the specimen presumed to have the same property of 47 the insert material. As observed by comparing the pretest material properties with the posttest material properties (see Table 2.3, 2.4, and Fig.2.8), it is believed that the insert material may have had lower toughness than the pretest material which has an RTNT of 210 OF. Ref.2 explains the change of material property before and after the tests in two reasons: plastic deformation occurring in the tests and the regional non-uniformity of the material from which the pretest specimen and insert were manufactured. If the nonuniformity of the material is the major reason of the discrepancy in material properties between the insert and pretest specimen, then, the RTNDT of the PTSE-2 insert would be closer to the estimated RTNT of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel. Further investigation on the RTNT of the PTSE-2 insert is recommended. Table 4.1 A comparison of RTNT between PTSE and Yankee Rowe RTrDT (OF) PTSE-1 PTSE-2 Yankee Rowe 196.3 (pretest) 210.2 275-350 (3) Magnitude of stress As noticed in Table 4.2, the magnitude of stress incurred by PTS is much smaller for the Yankee Rowe cases than for the PTSE cases. We may characterize the PTSE tests in contrast to the Yankee Rowe PTS as high toughness material with high stress versus low toughness material with low stress. It is hard to conclude whether or not flaws in the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel would propagate when PTS occurs based on the results of the PTSE alone because the toughness of the Yankee Rowe Reactor Vessel is not the same as the material used in the PTSE. In order to address the applicability of the PTSE results to the Yankee Rowe PTS consequence, further study is required on the relationship between toughness and applied stress regarding the crack behavior, i.e., whether and how much toughness and applied stress can be compensated with each other. 48 Table 4.2 Comparisons of the maximum stresses between PTSE and Yankee Rowe PTS Case Thermal Stress (ksi) Hoop Stress (ksi) Total stress (ksi) PTSE-1A PTSE-1B PTSE-1C PTSE-2A PTSE-2B 100.1 106.8 102.6 111.4 12.2 24.3 38.5 25.6 102.1 98.2 26.2 98.9 SBLOCA (Case 170) MSLB (Case 971) MSLB (Case 973) MSLB (Case 974) 32.5 58.1 46.2 5.8 11.7 11.5 40.3 69.4 58.8 38.6 7.4 47.8 116.6 124.2 128.0 Note: for the Yankee Rowe cases, the maximum stresses shown above are for the reactor vessel wall excluding the clad region. (4) Effect of warm prestressing Warm prestressing effect was recognized through the series of the PTSE, i.e., no crack propagation under decreasing K, although K, > KIC. This observation is considered to help identify the transients important for PTS. For instance, main steam line break accident is considered to be a more serious event for PTS than small break LOCA, because pressure is more likely back up during the course of transients in main steam line break. Also, development of an operating procedure to limit unnecessary pressure surge is recommended to reduce the impact of PTS. 49 References 1. Bryan, R. H. et al, "Pressurized-Thermal-Shock Test of 6-in.-Thick Pressure Vessels. PTSE- 1: Investigation of Warm Prestressing and Upper-Shelf Arrest ", NUREG/CR4106, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1985. 2. Bryan, R. H. et al, "Pressurized-Thermal-Shock Test of 6-in.-Thick Pressure Vessels. PTSE-2: Investigation of Low Tearing Resistance and Warm Prestressing ", NUREG/CR-4888, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 1987. 3. Simoien, F. A. et al, "VISA-II - A Computer Code for Predicting the Probability of Reactor Pressure Vessel Failure ", NUREG/CR - 4486, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, March 1986. 50