NYO - 10210 MITNE- MEASUREM ENT OF THE RATIO OF FISSIONS IN U238 TO FISSIONS IN U 2 3 5 USING 1.60 MEV GAMMA RAYS OF THE FISSION PRODUCT La 14 0 by J. R. Wolberg T.J. Thompson I. Kaplan August 19, 1963 Contract AT (30-1) 2344 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Department of Nuclear Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 36 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Cambridge 39, Massachusetts MEASUREMENT OF THE RATIO OF FISSIONS IN U 238 TO FISSIONS IN U235 USING 1. 60 MEV GAMMA RAYS OF THE FISSION PRODUCT La1 4 0 by John R. Wolberg, Theos J. Thompson, and Irving Kaplan August 19, 1963 MITNE - 36 NYO-10210 AEC Research and Development Report UC-34 Physics (TID-4500, 18th Edition) Contract AT(30-1)2344 U. S. Atomic Energy Commission TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD 2 USE OF THE METHOD FOR CALIBRATION OF INTEGRAL COUNTING EXPERIMENTS 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 14 ABSTRACT This paper describes a method for measuring 628, the ratio of fissions 238 235 in U to fissions in U The method was developed as a part of the D 2 0 lattice program at M. I. T.; however, it can be used for measurements in any thermal reactor of natural or slightly enriched uranium. The fast fission factor in uranium cannot be measured directly. however, It is, related to 628 which can be measured: 1 + C 6 28, 235 where C is a constant involving nuclear properties of U 238 and U2. All previous methods of measuring 628 utilize a comparison of fission product 28 gamma or beta activity in foils of differing U within a fuel rod in the lattice. relate the U238 and U 2 35 235 concentration irradiated A double fission chamber is then used to fission product activity to the ratio of the corresponding fission rates. Most of the experimental uncertainty associated with the measurement of 628 is generally attributed to the fission chamber calibration. The method developed at M. I. T. avoids the need for a fission chamber calibration and is accomplished directly with foils irradiated within a fuel rod in the lattice. Two foils of differing U235 concentration are irradiated and allowed to cool for at least a week. The relative activity of the 1. 60 Mev gamma ray of the fission product Lal40 is determined for the two foils. This ratio , the foil weights and atomic densities, and the ratio of fission yields 2 for La140 are then used to determine 628. This value of 628 is used to calibrate simpler measurements in which the relative gamma activity above 0. 72 Mev is determined for sets of foils irradiated in fuel rods of the lattices of interest. crimination level, 2239 2. 3 d Np The energy 0. 72 Mev is a convenient dis- as it is the maximum energy of bremsstrahlung from . This method appears to offer the advantages of direct measurement and increased accuracy (the major uncertainty being the ratio ofsP2 5 / 28 of La 40 In addition, the results can be improved as better fission product yield ratio data become available, and the method facilitates comparison of 628 values obtained by different laboratories. 1 MEASUREMENT OF THE RATIO OF FISSIONS IN U238 TO FISSIONS IN U 2 3 5 USING 1.60 MEV GAMMA RAYS OF THE FISSION PRODUCT La14 0 John R. Wolberg,* Theos J. Thompson, and Irving Kaplan Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America Introduction This paper describes a method for measuriig 628, the ratio of fis238 235 to fissions in U 3 . The method was developed as part of the sions in U D20 lattice program at M. I. T.; however, it can be used for measurements in any thermal reactor of natural or slightly enriched uranium. The fast fission factor in uranium cannot be measured directly. It is, however, related to 628 which can be measured: E = 1 + C 628' where C is a constant involving nuclear properties of U 238 235 and U2. All previous methods of measuring 628 utilize a comparison of fission product gamma or beta activity in foils of differing U within a fuel rod in the lattice. 235- concentration irradiated A double fission chamber is then used to relate the U238 and U235 fission product activity to the ratio of the corresponding fission rates [1, 2]. Most of the experimental uncertainty associ- ated with the measurement of 628 is generally attributed to the fission chamber calibration. The method developed at M. I. T. [3, 4, 5] avoids the need for the fission Now at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Science, Haifa, Israel. 2 chamber measurement and is accomplished directly with foils irradiated within a fuel rod in the lattice. Use of the method for calibrating simpler integral counting measurements is possible, and this procedure has been adopted at M. 1. T. The method appears to offer the advantages of direct measurement and increased accuracy (the major uncertainty in the measurement being the ratio of p2 5 to P28 of La 4 0 , where the s's are the fission product yields). The results can be improved as better data on the fission product yield ratio of La 4 0 become available, and in addition, the method facilitates comparison of 628 values obtained by different laboratories. Description of the Method Previous research by the authors [3, 4] has shown that the only important fission product gamma ray with an energy above 1. 2 or 1. 3 Mev in the time interval from a week to several months after irradiation of a uranium foil is the 1.60 Mev gamma ray of Lal 4 0 . This nuclide has a 40h half-life, but reaches equilibrium with its parent, 12. 8d Ba' 4 0 . The mass 140 chain has a high fission product yield, and 88 per cent of the La 4 0 disintegrations result in the emission of a 1.60 Mev gamma ray. The method under consideration utilizes the ratio of the count rates of foils of differing U235 concentration at a channel centered at 1. 60 Mev in a gamma ray scintillation spectrometer. This ratio can be related to 628 without the need for an additional calibration experiment. To derive the relationship in its most general form, three subscripts denoting the isotopic concentrations of the uranium are introduced. The subscript 1 corresponds to the isotopic concentrations of the depleted foils; 2, to those of the second foil; and 3, to those of the fuel. The measurement requires two foils of differing composition. The U 2 3 5 concentration is as small as possible in the .depleted foil. The U235 concentration of the second foil may equal the U235 concentration of the fuel, or it may be some other known enrichment. The usual enrichment in this case is the natural isotopic mixture present in naturally occurring uranium; often foils of the same enrichment as the fuel are not available. In the M. I. T. measurements, the second foil was always of natural uranium. We shall define y as the ratio of the number of counts from a depleted foil and a second foil of differing 3 enrichment which have been irradiated simultaneously. The foils are counted at a channel centered at 1.60 Mev with a gamma ray scintillation spectrometer. The measured count rates should, of course, be corrected for backgro'und, dead time, and differences in foil weights. It has been shown [3, 4] that if the measurements are made in the time interval from a week to several months after the irradiation, the counts in this channel result primarily For each foil the from 1.60 Mev gamma rays of the fission product La40 count rates are the sum of counts originating from La1 4 0 nuclides born by Z38 235 Hence, and by fission of U2. fission of U f~) 28 f(t) P2 8N2 5 ~ 28 00c 2 1 P25JN f(t) + (E) of (E) dE * T f(t) pN d 0-2 f25E) dE co *(E) -25(E) dE 0 I-= T 28 *(E) 00 O(E) o28(E) dE + f(t) 2 5 N2 5 . (1) 40 In this equation f(t) is the number of counts measured per unit time per Lal nuclide as a function of time. An explicit expression for f(t) could be written, but an examination of equation (1) shows this to be unnecessary as f(t) cancels out of the equation. The neutron flux in the energy interval dE at energy E, averaged radially over the rod, is denoted by 4(E) dE. The formulation of the problem is not affected by neglecting the spacial variation of the flux. 235 , (25), in the two 238 , (28), and U The N' s are the atom densities of U 140 from U 238 and U 235 foils; the P ' s are the fission product yields of La fission; and E T is the U 2 3 8 fission threshold energy. The lower limit of the integral containing ET could have been written as 0, because the fission process in U 238 is a threshold reaction. That is, ET 28 (E) (E) dE = G28(E) (2) (E) dE, since a28(E) = 0 (3) for E < 0 < E. 235 238 The quantity 628 is the ratio of fissions in U and can be written: to fissions in U in the fuel, 4 N28 628 "= N 25 00 28(E) $(E) dE (4) ET 0 25 (E) $(E) dE Using the following definition: 0 a28(E ) $(E ) dE 128 T 25 () 025(E) $(E) dE '0 and dividing the numerator and denominator of Eq. (1) by I~225' N2 N 25' 28 1 28 + N1 N 25 N25 =- 2 5 N 2 125 2(6 S28(6) 8 + 1 2 8N 2 PN251 2 5 N 2 25 From equations (4) and (5), 28 125 it follows that 25 N3 N 2 8 628. 3 Substitution of Eq. (7) in (6) yields 28 25 N2 5 132 8 N NN 3 N1 25N28 628+ N2 8 2(8) 1y2 N=N 28N 2 8 N 2 5 25N25N28 6 + 1 PN25 N28 628+ 12 5 2 N3 Equation (8) can be rearranged to solve for 628: (7) 5 p25 ^y - 628 (9) 28 N2 N1 28 N1 Expressions for the quantities N28 N28 as andsue N28/N28 can be obtained. 3 1 2 ta 1 is assumed that N25 + N28 1 = 25 + N28 25 + N 28 ==3 N3 , N2 + 2 N12 (R 1 + 1) N N2 8 (R2 -+-1) If it (10) then N 2 8 (R + 1), (11) where (12) R.1 = N2/N2 1 1 From Eq. (11) we get 1+ R1 N28 N3 =1+R N 228 1+ R 1 + R3 N28 1+ R N28 1 a 3 -a. 2 (13) 1 Substitution of Eq. (13) into (9) gives $25 P28 N 25 N2 N2 5 a 3 N 3 628 1 - a y 2 I ~ j p25 F, (14) 28_ where S = R /R 3, (15) and F is the ratio of counts that would originate from U 2 3 8 fissions to counts that would originate from U 235 fissions in a foil of the same composition as the fuel. When the U 2 3 5 concentration of foil 2 is the same as the U 2 3 5 concentration of the fuel, a3 = a2 = a, and equation (14) reduces to the form & 62 28 pav 25 28 - S aY-S(16) 1 - avY Equations (14) or (16) are used to determine 628 after the ratio y has been calculated from the count rates of the two foils. The procedure for determining 628 follows-. 1) A counting system similar to the one shown in Fig. 1 is calibrated for the 1.60 Mev gamma ray. This peak can be found directly by using the La 1 4 0 peak from irradiated uranium foils. The channel width should be set to satisfy three conditions: (a) high ratio of counts to backround, (b) low sensitivity to drift, (c) large count rate. Condition (a) is improved by decreasing the channel width and (b) and (c) are improved by increasing the width, so that the chosen width should be a compromise among the three conditions. A width of 5. 5 volts was used in the M. I. T. experiments and the calibrated base line setting varied from 53 to 54 volts. The width was, therefore, about 10 per cent of the base line value, and corresponds to about 0. 16 Mev. All gamma rays with energies between about 1. 52 Mev and 1. 68 Mev were, therefore, counted. 2) The foil backrounds are determined. Using a 1-3/4-inch X 2-inch NaI(Tl) crystal and 1-inch diameter foils, the backrounds were about 11 counts a minute. About 6 of these 11 counts per minute were from general backround, not originating from the foil. 3) The foils are positioned within a full rod in a manner similar to that shown in Fig. 2, and are then irradiated at the desired position within the lattice. The lattice facility is described in an accompanying paper. In the M. I. T. experiments, several sets of foils were irradiated simultaneously and the irradiation times were approximately one day. 4) The rods containing foils are removed from the lattice after a suitable "cooling off" period, and the foils are removed from the rods. The foils are then allowed to cool for an additional period until the activity ATOMIC 4815 BL S CINTILLATION PROS EBAIRD FIG. 1 EQUIPMENT USED TO MEASURE LA' 40 ACTIV ITY OF THE FOILS 0.002" Al 0.005" NAT. U 0.002" Al 0.005" DEP. U 0.002"AI SLIGHTLY ENRICHED NATURAL URANIUM FUEL FIG. 2 FOIL 528 ARRANGEMENT MEASUREMENTS FOR 9 within the channel at 1.60 Mev is predominantly from L40. condition is fulfilled about a week after the irradiation. 5) This The 1. 60 Mev activity of each foil is counted. The counting can be repeated daily for several weeks to improve the precision of the measurement. The system must be calibrated daily and the backround must be checked periodically. In the M. I. T. experiments the depleted uranium foils contained 17. 7 p. p.m. U 2 3 5 and the initial count rates were about 10 times backround. The second foils were of natural uranium and the initial count rates were about 200 times backround. The corrected count rates decreased with the expected 12. 8 day half life. 6) The values of y are determined and values of 628 are calculated from equations (14) or (16). The values of y for each set of foils should be constant within statistical limits for several months after irradiation. In the M. I. T. experiments, the measured values of y and the calculated values of 628 were constant within the expected limits. Use of the Method for Calibration of Integral Counting Experiments The main advantages of the La140 technique have already been mentioned. These include improved accuracy and the elimination of the need for a calibration experiment which utilizes a fission counter. The main disadvantage of the method as compared to the integral gamma counting technique developed at WAPD [1] or the beta counting technique developed at BNL [2] is the need for long irradiation and cooling times. In addition, the foils cannot be reused for the duration of the counting period which can last up to several months after the irradiation. By using the La410 technique as a calibration measurement for integral counting experiments, the advantages of both methods can be realized. This procedure was adopted at M. I. T. For either the gamma of beta counting technique, equations similar to (14) and (16) can be derived. These are: 10 N25 25 aMt P(t) - S N3 6 28 28 1 - P(t) F(t), = a 2 y(t) (17) which becomes P(t)[ay(t) - S] 628 = 28 = P(t) F(t) 1 - (18) ay(t) 25 when N 2 equals N3 . In these equations y(t) is the ratio at a time t after the irradiation, of the measured fission product activity in the depleted uranium foil to the activity of the second foil. The activities should be corrected for backround, dead time, and differences in foil weights. The function P(t) is the number of counts measured per U238 fission per unit time as a function 23 5 of time after irradiation divided by the number of counts measured per U fission per unit time as a function of time after irradiation. The function F(t) is the calculated ratio, at time t, after irradiation, of counts that would originate from U238 fission products to counts that would originate from The U235 fission products in a foil of the same composition as the fuel. functions y(t) and P(t) are dependent upon many variables including the experimental method, the irradiation time, and the exact experimental setup; however, if determined correctly, the calculated value of 628 should be independent of the time after irradiation at which the ratio y(t) is deterThe calculated value of 628 should also be, of course, independent of the experimental method, irradiation time and the experimental setup. The M. I. T. measurements utilized the Westinghouse integral gamma 4 0 method to detercounting technique to determine functions y(t) and the La1 mine the function P(t). A gamma-counting rather than a beta-counting tech- mined. nique was chosen for several reasons. 1) Beta-counting methods are more sensitive to handling procedures because they require catcher foils. As many as 12 Al catcher foils are used in the measurement of 628 and these thin foils must be carefully positioned to get consistent results. Special care must be taken not to wrinkle the foils when they are inserted into the fuel rod. 11 2) The results of experiments using beta-counting techniques are sensitive to the condition of the surface of the uranium foils, while 'gamma counting results are not. Movement of fission products from the uranium foils to the catcher foils is affected by the oxide on the uranium foil surfaces, so that care must be taken to remove all oxide from the foil surfaces if beta-counting is used. 3) The Gamma-counting methods are less sensitive to foil thickness. energies of the gammas counted in all gamma-counting methods are great enough so that self-shielding is negligible in uranium foils several mils thick. Beta-counting methods could be devised which do not require the use of catcher foils but self-shielding would still present a problem, and the results might depend on foil thickness. The procedure adopted at M.I. T. follows. 1) A value of 628 is determined at a known position in a test lattice using the La140 technique. 2) Additional foils are irradiated at the same position for a shorter period of time. These foils are then used to determine the ratio y(t) with an integral gamma counting setup similar to the one shown in Fig. 3. For lattices of 1-inch rods the irradiation time was standardized at 4 hours. Four hours was also a convenient irradiation time for resonance capture and thermal utilization measurements which were often made simultaneously with the fast fission measurements. 3) Using equations (17) or (18), the function P(t) is determined. This is a unique function for the given experimental conditions and must be redetermined only if the conditions are changed. 4) Values of 628 for subsequent lattices are measured by determining values of y(t) from foils irradiated in the lattices and combining these values with the corresponding values of P(t) according to equations (17) or (18). A data reduction code written for the IBM-7090 digital computer is used to analyze the M.I. T. data. ATOMIC #815 BL SCINTILLATION PROBE BAIRD FOIL FIG. 3 BETA S HIE LD EQUIPMENT FOR MEASURING GAMMA ACTIVITY OF THE FOILS 13 The integral gamma counting technique used at M. I. T. differs from the Westinghouse technique (1) in one significant manner; a bias setting of 0. 72 Mev has been chosen rather than the Westinghouse setting of 1. 20 Mev. Since the purpose of the experiment is to determine the ratio of fission product activity in the two foils, the number of counts coming from U238 capture reactions and subsequent beta decay must be small. Consider the capture reaction and the decay chain of the resulting U239 nuclide: U 138 + n- U 239 23m 3 d 239 + p(0.72 2 3 9 + P(1. 2 Mev) 23 > N 292. + P23 Mev) p u (19) The gammas associated with these beta decays have lower energies than the maximum beta energies; but even though a beta shield is used, there is bremsstrahlung with a maximum energy equal to the maximum energy of the betas. If counting starts before most of the U239 is allowed to decay, a significant fraction of the counts of the depleted foils may come from bremsstrahlung with energy above 0. 72 Mev and originating from the U239 betas-. The 0. 72 Mev bias setting insures that no bremsstrahlung originating from the 39 betas will be counted. A cooling period of three hours is long enough p to insure a negligible contribution from the U 239 beta activity. The Westinghouse technique requires a bias setting of 1. 20 Mev which makes the three-hour cooling period unnecessary. As soon as the foils can be removed from the rod, the counting can begin. The advantage of using a setting of 0. 72 Mev and waiting three hours is that the ratio of dose rate to the experimenter to count rate is reduced by a factor of about ten. By reducing the bias setting from 1. 20 to 0. 72 Mev, the count rate is increased by an amount which just about compensates for the loss of fission product activity in the three-hour cooling period. But the radiation level associated with the rods three hours after irradiation is only about one-tenth the level at a half-hour after irradiation. Another advantage of using a 0. 72 Mev bias setting rather than a 1. 20 Mev setting is that the foils are counted at a longer time after irradiation with the result that the change in count rate per unit time is smaller. There is, therefore, a smaller uncertainty in count rates owing to uncertainties in time. 14 Bibliography [1] Kranz, A. Z. WAPD-134 (1955). [2] Kouts, H., G. Price, K. Downes, R. Sher, and V. Walsh, PICG 5, 183 (1955). [3] "Heavy Water Lattice Research Project Annual Report," Chapter 5, NYO-9658 (September 30, 1961). [4] Wolberg, J. R., T. J. Thompson, I. Kaplan, "A Study of the Fast Fission Effect in Lattice of Uranium Rods in Heavy Water," NYO-9661 (Feb. 21, 1962). T. J. Thompson, A. E. Profio, I. Kaplan, [5] Weitzberg, A., J. R.2 3 Wolberg, "Measurements of U 8 Capture and Fast Fission in Natural Uranium, Heavy Water Lattices," Trans. ANS, 13-5, Vol. 5, #1 (1962).