Active Learning Initiative at South Alabama (ALISA) Application for 2016


Active Learning Initiative at South Alabama (ALISA)

Application for 2016

Thank you for your interest in the ALISA project. This is the application process:

 Contact Dr. Sue Mattson, ALISA project manager, by March 25 to communicate interest:

 Schedule an informational meeting with ALISA staff to include your department chair and interested course faculty by April 1.

 Schedule a typical class session for videotaping by ILC staff by April 6.

 Submit this application form no later than April 8.

This form can be filled out electronically. Please obtain required signatures, attach a course syllabus, and

submit via campus mail or e-mail. Awards will be announced after the ALISA Steering Committee review and selection at the end of April.

Course Number Click here to enter text.

Course Title

Which department offers this course?

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

In which semesters is this course offered? Fall ☐ Spring ☐ Summer

Other scheduling situations Click here to enter text.

Name(s) of person(s) submitting application

Click here to enter text.

Please explain the rationale for this course’s participation in ALISA.

Click here to enter text.

Is this currently a “master” course with a syllabus that is adopted in all sections? Please explain.

Click here to enter text.

What components of the course currently vary among sections? Please explain.

Click here to enter text.

Which course components, if any, cannot be modified?

Click here to enter text.

How is this course currently being delivered? For multiple sections, check all options that apply.

Face-to-face ☐ Blended ☐ Online ☐

If blended, approximately what proportion is delivered online? Click here to enter text.

Check all of the following that apply to the course:

General Education requirement

General Education core course

“W” course

Requirement for major

Yes ☐

Yes ☐

Yes ☐

Yes ☐





If yes, list major(s): Click here to enter text.

Elective for major

If yes, list major(s): Click here to enter text.

Please list any prerequisites for this course.

Click here to enter text.

Yes ☐ No

If this course is a prerequisite to other courses, please list the courses.

Click here to enter text.

If this course is part of a sequence of courses (1st, 2nd, etc.), please list the sequence.

Click here to enter text.

If part of a sequence, what are the implications for scheduling (e.g., semester offered, time of day)?

Click here to enter text.

Please list any co-requisites for this course.

Click here to enter text.

Is this course now or potentially considered high-impact for the department? If so, please explain.

Click here to enter text.

Are USAonline resources or tools employed in this course? If so, how?

Click here to enter text.

What external technology or media are used in this course?

Click here to enter text.

If external technology or media are used, how are they used?

Click here to enter text.

What aspects of the course, if any, have been changed in the past two academic years? Why?

Click here to enter text.

What methods for increasing student engagement in lecture sessions might be of interest?

Click here to enter text.

What methods for increasing student engagement through homework might be of interest?

Click here to enter text.

What methods for increasing student engagement through group work might be of interest?

Click here to enter text.

What are the biggest concerns about changing this course to increase student engagement?

Click here to enter text.

What are the biggest concerns about whole-course adoption of a redesigned course?

Click here to enter text.

Participation in ALISA from Summer 2016 through Spring 2017 may require up to 4 hours of faculty development and redesign work per week (60+ hours per semester). Each semester will involve producing redesign “deliverables” as a basis for continuing. What are your concerns about this commitment?

Click here to enter text.

Each course selected for this initiative will require active participation by a lead faculty developer. For courses with multiple instructors, the faculty developer will be responsible for collaborating with other course instructors regularly for input. The faculty developer will also be expected to work toward wholecourse course adoption with the department chair. The department chair will be responsible for proactively developing a dissemination plan and providing leadership in scaling and sustaining course redesign.

Who will be the faculty developer responsible for ALISA participation and for delivering this course?

Click here to enter text.

For courses with multiple instructors, with whom will the faculty developer collaborate for input?

Click here to enter text.

Faculty developers will be asked to sign a “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) that includes the following commitments:


Participate in ALISA Faculty Development activities online during summer semester, biweekly during fall semester and at regular individual sessions during spring semester.


Work closely with ALISA staff and partners to successfully do the following: a.

Develop a master course syllabus b.

Identify course and unit learning outcomes that focus on content mastery c.

Design and develop course content to emphasize active learning strategies d.

Develop assessment to support best practices in active learning e.

Align all course components to course and unit learning outcomes f.

Adopt the use of technology and/or media for course delivery where appropriate g.

Participate in all ALISA assessment activities h.

Contribute to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at USA at ILC events


Deliver the course as redesigned in all of the faculty developer’s sections no later than Spring 2018


Work under the leadership of the department chair toward whole-course adoption no later than

Spring 2019

The SLA will be forwarded to the applicant(s) and department chair upon acceptance into ALISA.

I approve this course’s participation in the Active Learning Initiative of South Alabama.

Department Chair Date

Dean Date

Submit application and syllabus to:

Dr. Sue Mattson

Manager, Course Development Services

Innovation in Learning Center

310 Alumni Circle

