RF Power CMOS by Jorg Scholvin Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the BARKER Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 23, 2001 r-7- MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JU L 11 2001 Copyright 2001 Jorg Scholvin. All rights reserved. LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author Depahient df Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 23, 2001 Certified by Jesus A. del Alamo Professor of Electrical Engineering >Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses 2 RF Power CMOS by Jorg Scholvin Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 23, 2001 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT In the mobile wireless industry, system size and cost are important factors for having a competitive product. Because of this, in the future system-on-chip (SOC) solutions are likely to emerge. For wireless communications products, this means that the power amplifier (PA) needs to be integrated with the rest of the analog and digital circuitry. This thesis has experimentally studied the suitability of a commercial 0.25 gm logic CMOS device technology for RF power applications. In particular, the suitability of the standard BSim3v3 device model for accurately capturing RF power behavior has been evaluated. Our study includes DC, small-signal RF, and large-signal RF characteristics. It was found that there are severe discrepancies between the BSim3v3 model and the measured results. A new model was constructed by adding a passive circuit topology that accounts for device parasitics not captured by the BSim3v3 model. The newly developed circuit model has been shown to accurately predict the device's RF power behavior. The physical origins of the new circuit elements and their dependencies on device layout have been identified. Thesis Supervisor: Jesu's A. del Alamo Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgements My sincere thanks go to Professor Jesus del Alamo for his ideas, guidance, and support that has allowed me to complete this work. I also want to thank him for the opportunity to do undergraduate research work in his group that raised my interest in research and the field of semiconductor modeling. Also, I want to thank everyone in the del Alamo research group for their support: Jim Fiorenza, Samuel Mertens, Niamh Waldron, and Joyce Wu. Also, I want to thank Don Hitko for helping numerous times over the past two years with problems of the network analyzer setup. I would like to thank our sponsor Global Communication Devices (GCD), and Geoff Dawe for supporting this work and making it possible to have the devices fabricated at TSMC. I also want to thank Ethan Dawe at GCD for doing the device layouts. I would like to thank Ali Boudiaf and ATN-Microwave, for making it possible to use their load-pull system. I want to thank Agilent Technologies for generously donating the software, ADS, without which this work would not have been possible. Finally, I'd like to thank my parents for their support and initiative that led me to where I am now. 5 6 Contents List of Figures 11 List of Tables 17 Chapter 1 19 Introduction 19 1.1 1.2 1.3 Motivation Previous Modeling Work on RF-CMOS Thesis Goals and Outline 19 20 21 Chapter 2 23 Measurement Setups 23 2.1 Device Design and Layout 23 2.2 DC Measurement Setup 27 2.3 S-Parameter Setup 31 2.4 Large Signal Characterization 34 2.5 Intermodulation Distortion (IM 3) 36 2.6 De-Embedding 40 2.7 Summary 41 Chapter 3 43 Simulation Setups 43 3.1 DC Verification 43 3.2 S-Parameter Simulations 48 3.3 Power-Sweep 50 3.4 IM 3 Simulations 52 7 3.5 Summary 54 Chapter 4 55 Results: Comparison of Measurements and Simulations 55 4.1 Intrinsic BSim Model 55 4.2 Modifying the BSim Model 62 4.2.1 Output Resistance 62 4.2.2 Gate Resistance 63 4.2.3 64 Gate, Source, and Drain Inductances 4.2.4 Body Resistance 65 4.2.5 Gate-to-Drain Capacitance 66 4.2.6 Small Signal Comparison of the Complete Model 67 4.3 Large Signal Comparison of Complete Model 69 4.4 72 Summary Chapter 5 73 Relation of New Model Parameters to Device Design 73 8 5.1 Output Resistance, Rout 73 5.2 Gate Resistance, Rg 75 5.3 Body Resistance, Rb 78 5.4 Inductances 80 5.4.1 Gate Inductance, Lg 84 5.4.2 Drain Inductance, Ld 85 5.4.3 Source Inductance, L, 86 5.5 Gate-to-Drain Capacitance, Cgd 87 5.6 Summary 89 Chapter 6 91 Conclusions 91 6.1 Conclusions 91 6.2 Suggested Future Work 92 Appendix A 95 References 103 9 10 List of Figures Fig. 2.1-1 Device design space. The lines connecting points indicate constant total widths 25 of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, and 1280 prm. Fig. 2.1-2 Device layout for the 16x20 gm device. Left: pads (blue) and metal4 lines (green) to the device. Right: Device itself, showing the metal4 lines (green), metal2 (red area), metall (blue) and contact holes (white squares). The gates, which are not shown, 26 run between the metall fingers. Fig. 2.1-3 Vertical cross-section of the device and metal layers, for the source or drain path. The gate would be routed on the metal2 level rather than the metal 1, and then 26 brought down to the poly silicon with vias. Fig. 2.2-1 DC Measurement Setup. The Bias-T has the purpose to avoid oscillations. 28 Fig. 2.2-2 Output Characteristics of the 16x10 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 28 V steps. Fig. 2.2-3 Output Conductance for the 16x10 gm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 29 V steps. Fig. 2.2-4 Transfer Characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with Vds from 0 to 2.4 V in 29 0.2 V steps. Fig. 2.2-5 Transfer Characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with Vd, from 0 to 2.4 V in 30 0.2 V steps. Fig. 2.2-6 Subthreshold Characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with Vds from 0 to 2.4 V 30 in 0.2 V steps. Fig. 2.3-1 S-Parameter Measurement Setup 32 Fig. 2.3-2 Measured S-parameters for the de-embedded 16x20 gm device biased at 32 Vds=2V, Vgs=1.4V Fig. 2.3-3 Measured Y-parameters for the de-embedded 16x20 grm device biased at 33 Vds=2V, Vgs=1.4V Fig. 2.3-4 Measured h211 and Gt for the de-embedded 16x20 pm device biased at 33 VdS=2V, Vgs=1.4V Fig. 2.4-1 Power-sweep measurements for the 08x20 gm device biased at VdS=2 V, 35 Vgs=1. 4 V 11 Fig. 2.4.1-1 Intermodulation and fundamental output power as a function of the input power 35 Fig. 2.4.1-2 Output frequency spectrum 37 Fig. 2.4.1-3 IM 3 measurement versus total available power, for the 32x20 gm device biased at VdS=2 V, Vgs=1.4 V. The left graph shows IM 3 (bottom) and the total output power (top), both in units of dBm, similar to the sketch of Fig. 2.4.1-1. The right graph shows 4IM 3 in units of dBc. One can see that the difference of IM 3 [dBm] and P0 ,t [dBm] amounts to the IM 3 [dBc], with a slope of two. 39 Fig. 2.5-1 Simple model of the device including the pad parasitics 40 Fig. 2.5-2 Y-Parameter measurements, illustrating the impact of the de-embedding. Each graph shows the pad, the device + pad, and the de-embedded measurement (see legend below) 42 Fig. 3.1-1: DC Simulation Setup for output, transfer, subthreshold characteristics and gm and gd. 44 Fig. 3.1-2 Simulated output characteristics of the 08x20 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps 45 Fig. 3.1-3 Simulated output conductance of the 08x20 gm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps 45 Fig. 3.1-4 Simulated transfer characteristics of the 08x20 pm device, with Vds from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps 46 Fig. 3.1-5 Simulated transconductance of the 08x20 pm device, with Vds from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps 46 Fig. 3.1-6 Simulated Subthreshold characteristics of the 08x20 gm device, with VdS from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps 47 Fig. 3.2-1 S-Parameter simulation setup 47 Fig. 3.2-2 Simulated S-parameters for the 16x20 gm device biased at Vds=2 V, Vgs=1.4 V 49 Fig. 3.2-3 Simulated Y-parameters for the 16x20 pm device biased at Vd,=2 V, Vgs=1.4 V 49 Fig. 3.2-4 Simulated h211 and Gtu for the 16x20 pm device biased at Vds=2 V, Vgs=1. 4 V 49 12 51 Fig. 3.3-1 Power-Sweep simulation setup Fig. 3.3-2 Power-sweep simulations using the BSim3 model only, for the 08x20 pm 51 device biased at VdS=2 V, Vgs=1.4 V Fig. 3.3-3 Simulated Gain vs. Pin for the 08x20 pm device using the modified model, at Vgs=1.4 V, Vds=2 V. Shown for three different values of probe resistance. The difference 52 in gain between highest and lowest probe resistance is about 0.5 dB 53 Fig. 3.4-1 IM 3 Simulation setup Fig. 3.4-2 IM 3 Simulation versus total available power, for the 08x20 Rm device biased at Vds= 2 V, Vgs=1. 4 V. The left graph shows IM 3 (bottom) and the output power (top) both 54 in units of dBm. The right graph shows IM3 in units of dBc Fig. 4.1-1 Output Characteristics of the 16x10 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 56 V steps Fig. 4.1-2 Output Conductance for the 16x10 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 56 V steps. Left: linear scale, right: semi-log scale Fig. 4.1-3 Transfer Characteristics of the 16x10 Rm device, with 0.4 V steps Fig. 4.1-4 Transconductance of the 16x10 ptm device, with steps Vd, Vds from 0 to 2.4 V in 57 from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 V 57 Fig. 4.1-5 Subthreshold characteristics of the 16x10 pm device, with Vd, from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.6 V steps. The lowest measurement line is for Vds=0 V, the simulations yield 0 A 58 current here, so they are not shown Fig. 4.1-6 S-Parameters for the 16x20 pm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, 59 biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, VdS=2 V Fig. 4.1-7 Y-Parameters for the 16x20 pLm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, 60 biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vd,=2 V Fig. 4.1-8 Figures of merit 1h 211 and Gtu for the 16x20 jm device using the TSMC 60 BSim3v3 model, biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2 V Fig 4.1-9 Power sweep simulations for the 16x20 Rm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 61 model, at Vgs= 1 .4 V, Vd,=2 V Fig. 4.1-10 IM 3 simulations for the 16x20 jm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, 61 at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2 V. Left: Pout (top) and IM 3 [dBm]. Right: IM 3 [dBc] 13 Fig. 4.2.1-1 Y22 before (left) and after (right) adding the output resistance Rout 63 Fig. 4.2.2-1 Y21 before (left) and after (right) adding the gate resistance Rg 63 Fig. 4.2.3-1 Y2 1 before (left) and after (right) adding the inductances in the gate, source and drain 64 Fig. 4.2.4-1 Y22 before (left) and after (right) adding the body resistance Rb 65 Fig. 4.2.4-2 Simplified small-signal model illustrating the effect of the body resistance, Rb. Without Rb, there is only a capacitor between the drain and source. With Rb in place, there now is an RC network between the two ports, giving rise to the observed changes in 66 Y22 Fig. 4.2.5-1 S12 before (left) and after (right) adding the gate to drain capacitance Cgadext 66 Fig. 4.2.6-1 Modified BSim3v3 model topology to take RF effects into account 67 Fig. 4.2.6-2 S-Parameters for the 16x20 gm device using the modified model, biased at Vgs= 1.4 V, Vd,=2 V 68 Fig. 4.2.6-3 Y-Parameters for the 16x20 gm device using the modified model, biased at Vgs=1.4 V, Vds=2 V 68 Fig. 4.2.6-4 Figures of merit jh21I and Gtu for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, biased at Vgs=1.4 V, Vds=2 V 69 Fig. 4.3-2 Power sweep simulations and measurements for the 16x20 gm device using the modified model, at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vd=2 V 71 Fig. 4.3-3 IM3 simulations and measurements for the 16x20 gm device using the modified model, at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2 V. Left: Pout (top) and IM 3 [dBm]. Right: IM 3 [dBc] 71 Fig. 5.1-1 Rout as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right). 74 Fig. 5.1-2 R..t as a function of total device width 74 Fig. 5.1-3 Output characteristic around the DC bias point for the output resistance measurement under RF and DC conditions 75 Fig. 5.2-1 Rg as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 76 Fig. 5.2-2 Rg as a function of the ratio of unit finger width and number of fingers. The line is drawn at unity slope 77 14 Fig. 5.3-1 Rb as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 77 Fig. 5.3-2 Device layout for the 16x10 gm device. Shown are the p- and n-implants, the poly-silicon gate (red lines), and contact holes (white squares) from the metall layer. The body contacts are shown in blue 79 Fig. 5.3-3 (left) Body resistance as a function of the inverse body-contact perimeter, (right) Body resistance - perimeter product, illustrating the inverse proportionality of Rb and the body perimeter 79 Fig. 5.4-1 Device layout for the 16x10 pm device. Shown are the metal layers (blue: meatli, red: metal2, green: metal4) and the metal] to device contact holes. Left: Complete picture, including probe-pads, right: close-up on the device. The gate is coming in from the middle left pad, the drain from the middle right pad. The four top and bottom 82 pads are the source, coming in to the device from the top and bottom. Fig. 5.4-2 The sum of the inductances as a function of unit finger with and the inverse of 82 the number of fingers. The sum is roughly independent of the layout. Fig. 5.4-3 S- and Y-parameters for different values of L, and Ld, while keeping L,+Ld constant. The device is the 16x20 gm biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2.0 V. The values are 83 L=22 pH + AL, Ld=IOOpH - AL with AL of range ± 10 pH. Fig. 5.4.1-1 Lg as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 83 Fig. 5.4.1-2 Layout sketch of the gate structure. The periodic structure of 2 gate fingers is 84 indicated by the lines Fig. 5.4.2-1 Ld as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right). Also 85 shown is the difference between Ld and Lg Fig. 5.4.3-1 L as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 86 Fig. 5.4.3-2 Simplified sketch of the source inductances. As more fingers are added, the overall inductance decreases because inductors are added into the source metal line in 87 parallel. Fig. 5.5-1 Cgd as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 88 Fig. 5.5-2 Cgd as a function of total device width 89 Fig. 5.5-3 Y1 for the 16x05 pm (left) and 128x05 pm (right) device, for different values of Cgd between 10 and 55 fF. The relative impact of Cgd on the 128x05 gm device is very small, explaining why for wide devices, Cgd does not follow the observed line in Fig. 89 5.5-2. 15 Fig. A-I Parameter sweep of R..t for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, 95 Vds=2.0 V Fig. A-2 Parameter sweep of Rg for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1.4 V, 96 Vds=2.0 V Fig. A-3 Parameter sweep of Rb for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, 97 Vds=2.0 V Fig. A-4 Parameter sweep of Lg for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, 98 Vds=2.0 V Fig. A-5 Parameter sweep of Ld for the 16x20 pm device model biased at Vgs=1.4 V, 99 Vds=2.0 V Fig. A-6 Parameter sweep of Ls for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, 100 Vds=2.0 V Fig. A-7 Parameter sweep of Cgd for the 16x20 pm device model biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, 101 Vd,=2.0 V 16 List of Tables Table 1.1 PA performance figures for various CMOS technologies. The amplifiers are multistage, typically 2-stage, amplifiers. For comparison, three non-Silicon PA have been included. The figures are the ones reported in the papers, and do not mention the compression point at which the data was read off. Therefore direct comparison is 17 difficult, yet the numbers give a sense of the orders of magnitude in PAs. Table 1.2. Device performance at the 1dB compression point of the device reported in [4] 18 17 18 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation The focus of this thesis is on the modeling and understanding of standard CMOS devices for RF power applications. In a wireless system, the power amplifier (PA) is a crucial component, and being able to implement it together with digital and RF analog circuitry would allow to have a system-on-chip (SOC) solution, which will result in improved cost efficiency, and overall smaller system size. There has been some recent work on RF power amplifiers using logic CMOS technologies. Table 1.1 summarizes the performance of these amplifiers [1-3]. Technology 0.24 m CMOS 0.35 gm CMOS 0.35 gm CMOS 0.35 gm CMOS 0.8 gm CMOS 0.8 pm CMOS 0.8 m CMOS Bipolar GaAs GaAs (PHEMT) Frequency Supply [GHz] Voltage 2.4 2.5 2.5 1.9 2 2 1.9 2 1.9 3 2.5 0.8 1.9 3 2 3.3 3.4 1.9 3.6 1.9 Pou [dBm] 18 22 30 30 20 30 24 27 22.5 31 Gain [dB] 11 20 20 not reported 13 25 17 35 29 30 PAE [%] 24 44 48 41 16 42 32 35 29 45 Reference [1] [2] [2] [1] [1] [3] [1] [2] [2] [2] Table 1.1 PA performance figures for various CMOS technologies. The amplifiers are multistage, typically 2-stage, amplifiers. For comparison, three non-Silicon PA have been included. The figures are the ones reported in the papers, and do not mention the compression point at which the data was read off. Therefore direct comparison is difficult, yet the numbers give a sense of the orders of magnitude in PAs. 19 For evaluating device performance, we have to look at only the device itself. Table 1.2 lists the published performance figures for a commercial device [4]. Technology 0.24 pm CMOS Frequency [GHz] 2.4 Pou [dBm] 19 Gain [dB] 11.2 PAE [%] 26 Table 1.2. Device performance at the ldB compression point of the device reported in [4] There are several interesting questions as one considers the suitability of logic CMOS for RF power applications: - How far can logic CMOS technology go in delivering the RF power amplifier (PA) function? - How does this picture change as CMOS continues to be scaled down? - What can be done to logic CMOS device and process design to improve its RF PA capabilities? How can the device layout be optimized for the PA function? - How well can device model developed for logic capture RF power behavior? How can we improve these models? In this work, we will try to answer the questions in the last item, modeling of RF-CMOS devices. Improved and accurate models will help allow better designs of RF CMOS PAs. 1.2 Previous Modeling Work on RF-CMOS RF-CMOS modeling is a relatively new field. The BSIM3v3 model has been shown to give good results for RF simulations when extended by a gate resistance [5] and a substrate network [4]. The need for these additions and an overview of some different 20 substrate network topologies has been described in [4], discussing their suitability to match the RF power measurements. However, neither of the two papers [4,5] discusses linearity for their modified BSim3v3 model. With the modulation schemes for digital wireless applications depending on a linear PA, the linearity figures of merit (IM 3 in this work) become increasingly important. The small-signal RF accuracy of the BSim3v3 model and the addition of model elements to match S-parameter measurements has been more thoroughly studied, than the largesignal RF-CMOS models mentioned before [6,7]. From these publications, we can see that the gate resistance (being the most important element to add) occurs in all of the proposed models. However, there is a fairly large discrepancy on the other parameters, in particular the substrate network. Different models all claiming an accurate fit can be seen in [4-10]. 1.3 Thesis Goals and Outline The goal of this thesis is to show that an accurate RF device model can be built from the BSim3v3 model, and that it will be able to predict the results of DC, S-parameter and load-pull measurements. We will derive such a model by adding new circuit elements to the BSIM3v3 model, which itself will not be changed. Also, an explanation for the new model elements in terms of the layout of the device will be given. 21 Here is how this thesis is organized. Chapter two will first describe the devices, the measurements that have been carried out, and shows typical measurement data. The measurements consist of DC, S-parameter, and load-pull (POt, Gain, LI, PAE and IM 3) measurements. Chapter three will describe the simulation setups for the measurements of chapter two, and show typical simulation results obtained from TSMC's BSim3v3 device model. Having thus established the measurement and simulation setups, chapter four will compare the measurements with the BSim3v3 model. Finding that the model is not accurate enough, new elements will be added to create a device model that can accurately predict the S-parameter and load-pull measurements. The model is build step-by-step, with the goal to match the S-parameter measurements up to 20 GHz. The model element values are obtained without taking the load-pull data into account. At the end, a comparison of the new model with S-parameter and load-pull measurements is done to prove the model's accuracy in predicting the load-pull measurements. Having now an accurate model at hand, chapter five analyzes the new model elements and connects them with the device layout. This is done by looking into how the element values change as the device is scaled either in the unit finger width or in the number of fingers dimension. The work concludes with chapter six, presenting our conclusions and suggestions for future work. 22 Chapter 2 Measurement Setups This chapter describes the devices and the measurement setup used in this thesis, and shows typical measurement results. The measurements performed are DC- characterizations, S-parameter measurements, and large signal measurements of Po 0 t, Gain, IL, PAE, and IN4 3 as a function of Pin. We also show how the non-linearities of the device mathematically give rise to the intermodulation distortion (IM 3). 2.1 Device Design and Layout The devices used in this thesis are fabricated in the digital 0.25 Rm CMOS process of TSMC. Parameters available in the device design are the dimensions of the device (number of fingers, unit finger width), and the layout style of the device. This gives us three dimensions along which to explore device behavior. The layout style involves the routing of source, drain and gate interconnects and is important for the parasitics, but not the device behavior as such. Thus, we decided to reduce to two dimensions, namely the number of fingers and unit finger width. This space is explored in detail around a center design point. This allows a reasonable investigation of both dimensions, while keeping the number of test devices within reasonable bounds. In the equations in this thesis, we will use the following symbols for the number of fingers, unit finger width and total width: 23 Wg = total gate width Wg = unit finger width nf = number of fingers where Wg = nf x wg Fig. 2.1-1 shows the design space of the devices used. The center device was chosen to be 16 fingers, 20 Rm unit finger width (16x20 [tm). From here, we can explore in three directions, holding one parameter constant at a time: the horizontal shows varying number of fingers, while the unit finger width stays fixed. In the vertical, the number of fingers stays constant, and the unit width changes. Furthermore, one can move along lines of constant total width trading off number of fingers and unit finger width. All variations of parameters occur in factors of two. The device layout for the 16x20 jim device is shown in Fig. 2.1-2. A schematic of the vertical cross-section showing the metal layers can be found in Fig. 2.1-3. In addition to the devices, de-embedding structures are necessary to remove the impact of the pads and metal lines on RF measurements. These are identical to the device layouts, except that they have the device contacts removed so only the pad and interconnect parasitics are measured. 24 rn I I I I I ' ll I I II I I I I. 45 - 40 35 30 F-l. E) 25 20 15 10 5 nL 100 101 102 number of fingers Fig. 2.1-1 Device design space. The lines connecting points indicate constant total widths of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, and 1280 gm. 25 Fig. 2.1-2 Device layout for the 16x20 gm device. Left: pads (blue) and metal4 lines (green) to the device. Right: Device itself, showing the metal4 lines (green), metal2 (red area), metall (blue) and contact holes (white squares). The gates, which are not shown, run between the metall fingers. _ _ _ _ _ Al pad metal4 to vias metal 1 device /0 device layer poly gates Fig. 2.1-3 Vertical cross-section of the device and metal layers, for the source or drain path. The gate would be routed on the metal2 level rather than the metall, and then brought down to the poly silicon with vias. 26 2.2 DC Measurement Setup The devices are characterized using a HP 4155 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, on a Cascade Wafer Probe Station. The measurements are performed on die. All measurements are performed around 23'C. The HP 4155 is connected to a HP 41501B High Current unit, to allow biasing currents up to 1 A. The setup is shown in Fig. 2.2-1. The line between the device and the measurement equipment contains a bias T, which separates the RF and DC components. The RF component is connected to a 10 dB attenuator, which is necessary to prevent the DC measurement from suffering from oscillations caused by RF noise. A typical DC measurement result is shown in Figs. 2.2-2 to 2.2-6, including the output characteristics, output conductance (gd), transfer characteristics, transconductance (gm), and subthreshold characteristics for the 16x10 pm device. In the output characteristics, the drain-source voltage is swept for a set of given gate voltages (Fig. 2.2-2). Taking the derivative, we obtain the output conductance, gd (Fig. 2.2-3). In the transfer characteristics we sweep the gate voltage, maintaining a constant drain-source voltage (Fig. 2.2-4). The derivative obtained here is the transconductance, gm (Fig. 2.2-5). If we plot the transfer characteristics on a semi-log scale, we get the subthreshold characteristics, which allows looking closely at device behavior below the threshold (Fig. 2.2-6). Also, it allows for a good assessment of the drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL). 27 U - LE -= -~ DC IRF Open Fig. 2.2-1 DC Measurement Setup. The Bias-T has the purpose to avoid oscillations. 600 500- 400- 300- 200- 100- 0V 0.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 Vds [V] Fig. 2.2-2 Output Characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 28 1000 900 800 700 600 c> 500 - 01 400 300 200 100 0.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 Vds [V] Fig. 2.2-3 Output Conductance for the 16x10 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 600 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100 - 00.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 Vgs [V] Fig. 2.2-4 Transfer Characteristics of the 16x10 J.m device, with VdS from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 29 350 300250E 200E 150CM 10050- 0 0.0 ---wwwwwo , 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Vgs [V] Fig. 2.2-5 Transfer Characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with Vds from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 1E2 1E1 - 11E-1 E 11E-2- 1E-3 1E-41 E-5 1E-6 I 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Vgs [V] Fig. 2.2-6 Subthreshold Characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with VdS from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 30 2.3 S-Parameter Setup Fig. 2.3-1 shows the S-Parameter measurement setup. An Agilent 8510C network analyzer is used to perform the measurement, with the HP 4155/HP 41501B connected to it to supply the DC biasing through a bias-T inside the network analyzer. The network analyzer is capable of measuring up to frequencies of 50 GHz. A typical S-parameter measurement from 500 MHz to 20 GHz is shown in Fig. 2.3-2, for the 16x20 gm device after de-embedding. The device is biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2.0 V. De-embedding is important to remove the parasitic effects of the probe-pads from the measurement, which would otherwise mask the device behavior. Our de-embedding structures are identical to the devices, except that the contact layer to the device itself has been removed. Measurements of the device and the de-embedding structure are then taken. Assuming a primary parallel nature of the pad parasitics (capacitance dominates) the device can be de-embedded by subtracting the de-embedding structure's Yparameters from the device Y-parameters [11]. The result is a S-parameter measurement of the device, without the impact of the pad-parasitics. The Y-parameters after deembedding are shown in Fig. 2.3-3. Fig. 2.3-4 shows the short circuit current gain (1hn) and the unilateral gain (gtu), both of which are important figures of merits for device and circuit designers. The de-embedding process will be described in more detail in section 2.5. 31 ~1~ I Fig. 2.3-1 S-Parameter Measurement Setup S12 Sll and S22 W.416w 00.50 S21 K'> 10 01,05 0MO 0.,15 1 12 freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) Fig. 2.3-2 Measured S-parameters for the de-embedded 16x20 gm device biased at Vds=2V, Vgs=1.4V 32 Y1 2 Y11 Y11 Y12 1E-1 1 ,O 1E-2- 1E-1- 1E-3- 1E-2m 1E-4- 1E-3- 1E-5- 1 E-4-I= 1E-6- A m C0 m m 0 0 1E6 -)(- freq, Hz -- - uag (Y) Y22 Y21 - 1E102E10 freq, Hz Real {Y) 2E-1 2E-1 1E-1- 1 E-1 1 E-2 1E-2- 5E-2 1 E-1 1 E-21E-3- Cn 0 c 1E-3- 00) 1E-2 1 E-44 = r 1 E-3 lElO 2E10 1E9 m mi w0 C0 freq, Hz K) m 0 freq, Hz Fig. 2.3-3 Measured Y-parameters for the de-embedded 16x20 pm device biased at VdS=2V, Vgs=1. 4 V 1h21 I Gtu 40 20 30- 15- V V 2010- 10' 5: S- 0' m m o- (0 freq, Hz m 0J m (D m m o) 0 freq, Hz Fig. 2.3-4 Measured h211 and Gtu for the de-embedded 16x20 gm device biased at VdS=2V, Vgs=1. 4 V 33 2.4. Large Signal Characterization Large signal characterization was performed on selected devices at 2.45 GHz. This included power-sweeps, IM3 measurements, and load-pull contour measurements. Measurements were done on a Load-Pull System at ATN Microwave Inc. The measurement allows determining the device behavior as a function of the input power, and source- and load-impedance. In the power-sweep measurement, the available input power (which we will refer to simply as input power) is swept, while the source and load impedances are held constant. From this measurement the 1 dB compression point can be determined. A load-pull (or source-pull) measurement is then performed at the 1 dB compression point, varying the load (or source) impedance over a specified area of the Smith chart, while holding the input power constant. This helps to find a more optimal impedance. Generally, the power-sweep and load/source pull sequence is repeated until a stable optimum is reached. For modeling purposes, it is not necessary to run this cycle too many times. While it is important that the measurements are done in a region close to the optimum, finding the optimum itself is not essential. In our case, the sequence was a power sweep, followed by a load-pull at the 1 dB point, followed again by a power sweep at the load impedance that was giving the maximum output power. All power-sweep data used in this work is data from this stage. The optimized impedances are recorded and are later used in the simulations. 34 A typical result of a power sweep is shown in Fig. 2.4-1. For low power levels, the output power as a function of available input power has a slope of one,. As the input power increases the device eventually goes into compression and the slope flattens. The difference between input and output power is the gain, which starts to drop as the device goes into compression. The supply current equals to the DC current until the device enters compression. As the power is increased, the power added efficiency (PAE) goes up, because more power is delivered to the load for the same DC power dissipation. However, as the device enters compression, the efficiency will eventually decrease again, because the gain decreases due to compression. This cannot be seen in Fig. 2.4-4, because the device was not measured too far into compression. 15 10500 -513L -10 -1 -30 E V M C -25 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 -5 19.5 19.018.518.017.517.016.5- ,-I -30 -25 0.0365 . 20 0.03607- 15 0.0355- 0- -30 -10 -5 _1 - 105 0.0350 0.0345 r -20 -15 Pin [dBm] . . . .. i -25 . .i. -15 -20 Pin [dBm] . 1 . . -10 -5 1~ -30 -25 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 .5 Fig. 2.4-1 Power-sweep measurements for the 08x20 pm device biased at VdS=2 V, Vgs=1. 4 V 35 2.4.1. Intermodulation Distortion (IM 3) In digital wireless communication systems, linear modulation methods (QAM, PAM, PSK) require good linearity of the power amplifier. A typical measure for linearity is the intermodulation distortion, IM 3 . The measurement principle and definition of IM 3 is explained in [12-14]. It evaluates the intermodulation distortion by introducing two closely spaced tones at the input. Distortion arises from non-linearities in the amplifier. If we assume a memoryless timevariant system, the output y(t) to an input x(t) can be written as a Taylor expansion. Considering only the first three terms, 2 3 y(t)=a Ix(t)+a 2x(t) +a 3x(t) [Eq 2.4.1-1] We let the input be a sum of two tones, x(t) = A 1 cos(w It) + A 2cos(o 2t) [Eq 2.4.1-2] where the two frequencies are 9 1,2 =w 0 ±AO [Eq 2.4.1-3] If we now insert the 2-tone input into equation [2.4-1], the higher order terms will result in products of cosines of both frequencies. Simplifying this into a sum of single cosines, we observe cross-terms: 36 y(t)= al + a 3 A2 Acos(wlt) + a, + -a 3 A2 Acos(w 2t) + 4 4 The later two terms are at frequencies w = w0 ± 3Ao [Eq 2.4.1-5] Their amplitude depends on how linear the system is (i.e. a 3 small). The output spectrum is shown in Fig. 2.4-6. In the IM 3 measurement, the first and second terms of [2.4.1-4] are Pout [dBm] 01P fundamental 3 fund. output power IM I3 I"p 3 3 P.M [dBm] IMoutput power Fig. 2.4.1-1 Intermodulation and fundamental output power as a function of the input power 2o] - W2 (1 W2 2w 2 - W1 Fig. 2.4.1-2 Output frequency spectrum the fundamental outputs, while the third and fourth terms are the third order intermodulation outputs. Obviously, the form of the system given in equation [2.4.1-1] does not have to be limited to the third power of x. If we were to include higher order terms (with coefficients getting smaller for higher orders), the coefficients in equation [2.4.1-4] will have additional terms. Also, there will be other frequencies at which interference occurs. However, those frequencies tend to be further away from the channel and at lower amplitudes. [13] lists a table of higher order terms and other intermodulation frequencies. 37 If we plot the power of the fundamental and intermodulation terms of equation [2.4.1-4], we see that the power of the interfering tones increases at a higher slope on a dBml/dBm plot. This is because of the cubic nature of the 3 rd order term. If we extrapolate, the lines will intersect. This point is called the 3 rd order intercept point. Extrapolation is required, because the device will go into compression before it reaches the intercept point. The xand y- axis coordinates of the intercept point are referred to as the input- and output IP 3 's, HP 3 and OIP 3 . Figure 2.4-5 illustrates this. A potential source of confusion can be the input power. It is important to know whether Pin means available power, or power into the device, and whether it refers to the power of each individual tone, or the power of both tones. In this work, Pin for the IM 3 measurement refers to the overall available power of both tones combined. A similar ambiguity can arise when referring to Pout. In this work, Pout for the IM43 measurement means the overall power out of both tones. A typical in Fig. 2.4.1-3, showing 4IM 3 measurement result is displayed 4IM 3 in a dBm as well as dBc plot. Having the correct definition of IM 3 is important. The measurement can be taken in units of dBm and dBc. When in units of dBm, the measurement is the power of the third order IM tone (as in Fig. 2.4.1-1). Both the high and low IM tones are recorded, this work uses the average of both. We can use the average as long as the low and high IM 3 are close together in their values. When the high and low IM 3 diverge, the linearity is no longer accurately described by the IM3 measurement. In units of dBc, the measurement is 38 -- relative to the carrier power, which is equivalent to subtracting the fundamental output power [dBm] from the IM 3 output power [dBm]. It should be noted that for modem digital communication circuits, the adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) is of great importance. It involves a more complex and timeconsuming measurement. However, the ACPR can be related to the IM3 data and reasonably well estimated from it [15]. IM3 vs. Pin IM3 vs. Pin -10 20 15- 10- E' M-10-15 co - -25- 25 -20 -- m-35- -30-5 0 -40- -40- -45- -5 0 - -60 -22.0 -5 0 -55 -22.0 I I I -12.0 -7.00 -2.00 -17.0 -12.0 -7.00 Pin [dBm] Pin [dBm] Fig. 2.4.1-3 IM 3 measurement versus total available power, for the 32x20 gm device biased at Vds=2 V, Vg,=1.4 V. The left graph shows IM43 (bottom) and the total output power (top), both in units of dBm, similar to the sketch of Fig. 2.4.1-1. The right graph shows IM 3 in units of dBc. One can see that the difference of IM3 [dBm] and Pout [dBm] amounts to the IM3 [dBc], with a slope of two. -2.00 -17.0 39 2.5. De-Embedding When doing RF measurements, the network analyzer calibration takes account of the wire and probe dissipation. Thus, the measurement plane is the tip of the microwave probes. Ideally, we would like to measure the device itself only, without any interconnects and pads. To achieve this, we could use a method similar to the network analyzer calibration, using open, short and through structures [16-20]. However, this would require not one but three de-embedding structures for each device. Given a fixed chip size, this would cut the number of devices we can explore in half. A more primitive method is to assume that most of the parasitics will be in parallel with the device, as shown in Fig. 2.5-1. In this case, only one de-embedding structure is needed. It will be identical to the device, but with device contacts removed. To de-embed, we can see that the device and the parasitic network are in parallel. Thus, if we have a measurement of the parasitic network, we can obtain the intrinsic device data by subtracting the parasitic network measurement in Y parameter space from the 'device + G D SS Fig. 2.5-1 Simple model of the device including the pad parasitics 40 parasitics' measurement. Fig. 2.5-1 shows the Y-parameters before and after the de-embedding, along with the measured de-embedding structure. We can see that the measured pads are strongly influencing the measurement of Y11 and Y22 . This is because the source is overlapping with the drain and gate. The gate and drain are well separated, and thus do not have a lot of parasitic interaction. The effect of the de-embedding on Y21 is small, because the device's high gain results in the intrinsic Y21 being orders of magnitudes larger than the pad-parasitics. On the other hand, the intrinsic device has a very small Y 12 , and the deembedding has a small effect on the real part of Y12 , seen in Fig. 2.5-1. 2.6. Summary This chapter has described the measurements performed on the CMOS devices. Characterization consisted of DC, S-parameter, and large signal measurements. For the S'-parameters, de-embedding is important to allow a look at the device behavior without having the pad parasitics interfering. In the large signal measurements, definitions of input and output power levels were made. This is important because one term can have several different interpretations. 41 WIVNI - 91ft-A 9E-2 6E-2 1E-2 - 1E-2 1E-3 - 1E-4 1E-3 1E9 1E10 -- - ---- ---- - - I -1 3E11 I 1E9 1EIO 3E11 1EI0 3E10 freq, Hz freq, Hz - 1E-2 1 -1 ' 3E-2 1E-2- 1E-31E-41E-5- 1E3- 1E-6- ' 1E-7 41 1E9 1E10 3E10 I 1E9 freq, Hz 2E-1 1E-1 freq, Hz 2~E~ - 1E-1 - 1E-21E-21E-3- S1E-3 - 1E-41E-5- 11-1' 1E9 1E10 3E10 1E-4 -T I 1E9 freq, Hz IE10 3E11 1EI0 3E10 freq, Hz 6E2 4E-2 1E-2 - 1E-21E-3 - 1E-3 1E-4 t I 1E9 1E10 freq, Hz 3E10 1E9 freq, Hz Fig. 2.5-2 Y-Parameter measurements, illustrating the impact of the de-embedding. Each graph shows the pad, the device + pad, and the de-embedded measurement (see legend below) ----- --- 42 Device+Pad Measurement (-- Pad Measurement De-embedded Measurement - -- 2!Smae! -= Chapter 3 Simulation Setups The modeling that has been carried out in this thesis is based on the BSim3 model supplied by TSMC for their devices. This chapter describes the simulation setup, which is done in Agilent Advanced Design System, version 1.5 (ADS 1.5). The graphs are based on simulations with the TSMC BSim3 model only, and do not include any modifications to the model, which will be made in chapter 4. This chapter shows the simulation suites and the results, for DC, S- and Y-Parameter, IM 3 and power-sweep simulations. All simulations are performed using only the TSMC BSim3v3 device model, except for the IM 3 and power-sweep simulations, which included the measured pad data as well. 3.1. DC Verification Before looking at the AC performance, it is important to model the DC characteristics. This assures that threshold voltage and other important DC parameters are accurate. A picture of the DC simulation setup and the simulation results are shown in Fig. 3.1-1. and 3.1-2-6 respectively. The simulation includes the probe resistance, which we measured to be on the order of 0.5 to 1.2 Ohm, depending on the quality of the contact. 43 DC Simulation Constants Bias Point for SP simulation SVAR VAR4 Vgsul.5 Vds=2.5 D C Sin u atbn: DC Transer DC Output FQPARAMETER SWEEP Deuce Dimensions ParamSwep Outputsweep Start=u Stop=2.4 Step=0.2 IM VAR DeuceAutomatic Width=20 um Fingers=08 Ad=56e-12 Pd=5.e-6 AslO09e-12 Ps 50.9e-6 PARm-AMETER SWEEP ParamSweop TransferSweep Start=O Stop=2.4 Step=0.2 DC Subthreshold PARAMETER SWEEP R RRPROBE DC Block DC Bloc Term Termi Num=1 Z=0 DCFeed DCFeed1 betymensistan v-VAR 1 VAR3 RPROBE=0.5 TS Cmodel25U De ce Ohm i2 Ohm Ohm R RI R=RPR DC Block C6iCIF11&k2 DCjeed2 Term2 Nurm=2 Z--50 R R4 R=RPROBE/4 V_DC + Vgste - - Vdc=Vgs -1 ~1 4 because 4 + -- tips contacting source -1 V_DC Vdrain Vdc=Vds * Oh, ParamSweep SubthresholdSweep Start= Stop=10 Step= 1 SWEEP PLANSweepPlan Subthl Start=0.5 Stop=2.5 Step=0.5 Lin= Start=.1 Stop=0.1 Step= Lin=1 UseSweepPlan= SweepPlan= 15 MeasEqn gd=-dif(Output.DC.Vdrain.i,Vds) totatwidth=160 um gm=-ditt(TransferDC.Vdrain.i,Vgs) Fig. 3.1-1: DC Simulation Setup for output, transfer, subthreshold characteristics and g. and gd. 44 -ga- I 600 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100 - -.ma --a 0- 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 Vds 2.5 M Fig. 3.1-2 Simulated output characteristics of the 08x20 gm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps 1000 900800700600, , 5004003002001000- 0.0 0.5 1. 5 1.0 2. 0 2.5 Vds [VJ Fig. 3.1-3 Simulated output conductance of the 08x20 gm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 45 600 / 500- 400- Y 300- 200- 100- 0.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 Vgs [V] Fig. 3.1-4 Simulated transfer characteristics of the 08x20 gm device, with VdS from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 350 300 250 - E 200 - C,) E 150 0> - 100 - 50 - 0.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 Vgs [V] Fig. 3.1-5 Simulated transconductance of the 08x20 gm device, with Vd, from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps. 46 1 E2 1E1- 1E-11 E-2 1 E-3 1 E-4 1 E-5 1E-6 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 Vgs [V] Fig. 3.1-6 Simulated Subthreshold characteristics of the 08x20 9m device, with Vd, from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.2 V steps SP Sinl ubtim: Probe Resistance is betan 0.5 and 1.2 Ohm Srmar s RPROBE=0.8 SP M ess ini D ata: Ohm I-Probe - ld-Prmonitor S2 R DCBock 3 R1 R=RPRk Cead'! Ter ~ Trml DC.Feed2 TSf Cmode(25uSUb2 DeN c Num=1 Z=50 Ohm R V_DC R4 Rgt RPROBE/4 + + z--. SVde=Vgs Me C v Fil Tem Term Term2 NuM=2 Tsrm3 Num=3 Z=50 Ohm =OM aamdSP c:UORG\SPdata p16x10.S2P" Term Tarm4 Num4 Z=50 Ohm Vdain Vdc=-Vds S-Parameter Simulation CmVAR 0 1S-PARANETERS SParam SimSP Start=500 MHz Slop=20 GHz Sfap=50 MHz MeasEqn DevicManusl DC DCSim Vgw1.4 V Vdv-2 V Wdth=10 um Fingem=16 NoFinger:8 Vg=1.4 FingeaVV10 um Vd=2 Ad=5.6e-11 Pd=1 129-6 AW8.26:-11 P=3.65 -6 Fig. 3.2-1 S-Parameter simulation setup 47 3.2 S-Parameter Simulations The S-Parameters simulation setup includes the same probe resistances, and ideal bias T's to mix the RF and DC signals. Both an S-Parameter as well as a DC simulation are done. The purpose of the DC simulation is to sweep the gate voltage Vgs, while monitoring the drain current. This allows adjusting the gate voltage in the S-Parameter simulation, such that the drain current coincides with the measured current level. This method compensates for very small inaccuracies in the model's threshold voltage. In Fig. 3.2-2-4, the simulation results for a 16x20 gm device are shown. 48 I 12 S11 and S22 frq 2 22. S21 G (0-0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0. )0 0.05 0,005 . . freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GFz) . Fig. 3.2-2 Simulated S-parameters for the 16x20 pm device biased at Vds=2 V, Vgs=1. 4 V Y1 1 1E-1 1 Y11 Y12 4 IE-1 1E-2- 1E-21E-3- 1E-3- 1E-4- 1E-4- 1E-5- 1E-5 1E-6- 1E0 2E10 lE9 Real --- (Y) freq, freq,Hz mg {Y) Hz Y22 Y21 6E-2 5E-2 6E-2 2E-2 2E-2 1E-2- IE-2 I 4E-2 1E-2- 3E-2 2: 1E-3- m ID 0 IE-3 0 freq, Hz freq, HZ Fig. 3.2-3 Simulated Y-parameters for the 16x20 pm device biased at VdS=2 V, Vgs=1. 4 V | h21 I Gtu 40 20 30- 15 20 10 5 10 0- 0 freq, Hz 00 freq, Hz 4 Fig. 3.2-4 Simulated jh21| and Gw for the 16x20 m device biased at Vds=2 V, Vgs=1. V 49 3.3 Power-Sweep The power sweep setup uses the harmonic-balance simulation component in ADS. The schematic in Fig. 3.3-1 shows the power source, biasing, device and the load impedance. Load and source impedances can be adjusted and are incorporated into the source and load elements. The main structure and equations are already supplied by ADS in the RF power-amplifier design guide, which is a library of simulation setups and result displays. The measured load and source tuner impedances are presented to the device. An important part of the simulation setup is the de-embedding. While in the S-parameter case the measured data has been de-embedded before comparing it to the simulations, it is done inversely here. The measured large signal data is not de-embedded. To compare it with the device simulations, we have to add in parallel to the intrinsic device the measured Y-parameters of the pad and interconnect parasitics. This can be seen in the schematics in Figs. 3.3-1 and 3.4-1. In the simulations and power-sweep graphs of Figs. 3.3-2 and 3.4-2, the input power Pin refers to the available input power from the source, as described in section 2.5. In Fig. 3.3-3, the impact of the probe resistance on the Pin vs. Po 0 t simulation is shown, by sweeping its value between 0.25 and 1.5 Ohm. This range of values was reported for the probe resistance, depending on the quality of contact [21]. We see that the uncertainty introduced by the probe resistance in the Po 0 t level is roughly 0.5 dB. 50 IProbe IProbe M VARVA DeviceAutomatic Vg=.4000000v Vhgh+ Vshigh DC Feed F- VCL Ad56e-12 12SRC2 Pd=5.6 maLoad GLre at0.1347270 VARli ag-0.5744116 Ge low V Vigrs<2D DCFeed G3 L VdcVigh Gam moSource Vdc=Vlow As=109e-12 GSre -GSIm PS=50.9e-6 ... 91-0.5103185 ag-0.5358872 VAR DeE. ZLZ GLoo d-GLre@I+j*Glimag Glna GSo ure-GSreaI+rGSimg Zinadd5(1+GLood)/(1-GLoad) bdIng I-Probe Zsou rce-50*(I+GSource)/(.-G I_inpuw Sour R R2 VV pa1t, P_1Toe PORT1 R RI R-RPROBE DCB3ock DC1BIk Num-1 R-RPROIB TS Vlioo d DCBlock C1 modeI25uSub2 I od DeieTerm em -Zsourco Num=2 P-dbmtow(RFpoer) Freq-RFfreq R R-RPROBE/4 J VAR VAR3 RPROBE-0.8 VAR Z-Zood 1 Ohm M B C .31908 opt( 1.3 V to 1.43 V) H81 Freq{I)-RFfreq PinSweep WVAR1 RFfreq-2.45 GHz ZZkad.1I((l-Pload)/(1+Pknad))*50 Start=-30.000000 Stop-6.0000000 Step=1 UnUseSweepPlan= SvmepPurnm Order[11.5 UaeKrylov - Z2Ioad-(0.314+0.838*j)50 SwoepVar."RFpooer" PIoad-0.75'exp(168.5/180'pij) Peource-0.71*exp(148.5/180pi*) Z2ource(0.84+2.366j)*50 ZZsource.1I((I-Psource)/(1+Psource))*50 Vhigh-2.0 V SwsepPlen=PinSweep Fig. 3.3-1 Power-Sweep simulation setup T 0 a. 15 22. 10- 21 20- 5+ C 0 -5- 189 18 -1 -25 -30 :g -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -30 -5 17 30 -25 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 -5 -25 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 -5 25 0.0320 0.0315 ' 0.03100.03050.03000.0295-1 0.0290 -. -10 20 w 15 Ui 10 Ia. 5 1 --25 1 I I I I -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 -5 0I-30 Fig. 3.3-2 Power-sweep simulations using the BSim3 model only, for the 08x20 gm device biased at VdS=2 V, Vgs=1.4 V. 51 AN 19.0 18.5 , 18.017.5- L C ( 17.0-16.5 PROBE=0.250 PROBE=0.875 IPROBE=1.500 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Pin [dBm] Fig. 3.3-3 Simulated Gain vs. Pin for the 08x20 gm device using the modified model, at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2 V. Shown for three different values of probe resistance. The difference in gain between highest and lowest probe resistance is about 0.5 dB. 3.4 TM 3 Simulations Fig. 3.4-1 shows the IM 3 simulation setup. It is very similar to the Power-Sweep setup, except that two signals are introduced at the input of the device. The equations for computing IM 3 are supplied in the ADS RF-PA design guide. As described in section 2.4, two different types of units are often used with IM 3 , dBm and dBc. To convert the IM 3 [dBm] to IM 3 [dBc], the fundamental output power is subtracted from the output power of the IM 3 tone. Again, the issue of input power definition is important. In this schematic, RFpower is the available input power of both tones combined, resulting in an individual tone available power of RFpower-3dB. In the results graphs, the total available input power Pin equals RFpower. 52 Although the measurements did not record the output power of the fundamental tones, we can compute them from the IM3 [dBm] and IM 3 [dBc] data. We can extract the output power of each tone, by subtracting IM3 [dBm] from IM3 [dBc]. I IProbe Probe *h VAR VD +Vs-low RC . Vo _DC Li DCFeed L2 DCFeed ~ + Va-DCg V d c V h igh G=3 - VAR ZLZS GLoad=GLreal+j*GLimag GSource=GSreal+j*GSimag Ztoad=50*(1+GLoady(1-GLoad) Zsource=50*(1+GSourcey(1--GSource) De mbe ding IProbe I input DCBlock V np ut DC181k P nTone pwePrmoe PbIRT1 Num=1 Z=ZsDUrCO Freq[1]=RFfreq-fspacing/2 Freq[2j=RFfreq-fspecing/2 U V R1 R=RPROBE R OCBlock R2 R=RPROBE C1 TS Cmodel25uSub2 De Vlood lood Te m Termi Num=2 Z=Zload ce R3 R=RPROBE/4 SP[1]=dbmto%,RFpoWer-3) P[21=dbmtow(RFpower-3) IVAR1 tspacng=10tz MaxIMD order=5 VAR DeviceManual Vgs=1.4000000 V Vds2.0000000 V Wdth=20 um Fingers=08 Ad=56e-12 Pd=5.6e-6 As=109e-12 Ps=50.9e-6 pidB=-6 _dBm GLreal=-0.3259549 GLimag=0.5156097 SVAR GammaSource GSreaG=O.2120332 GSimag=0,7298232 ih Vdc=Vlow S2 GammaLoad IVAR VAR33 1 1HARCM BALANCE RPROBE=0.8 HB1 MaxOrder=Max IMO order Freq[1}=RFfreq-Tpacing/2 Freq[2}=RFfreq+fspacing/2 Ordeq1}=5 Order[2]=5 UseKrylov SweepVar="RFpower' SweepPlan="PinSweep" R Ohm SVYEEPR.AN (VAR VAR2 ZO=50 VAR PSVlow ImpedancesZIbb=Z+j 0 I tofund = + J*0 ZI 2 = ZO+ j-0 ZI_3 = ZO +j*O Z1_4 = ZO+ j'O Z_1_5 = ZO + j*O ;Source Impedances= Z_s_bb=Z0+j*0 Z-s-fund = ZO + J0* Z_s_2 = ZO + Z ZOjO Z_s_4 = ZO + j*0 Z-Si5 =Z +ej*O ;Load j*O PiS Star =27 000000 Stop=-3.0000000 Step=1 Lin= UseS weepPlan= Swee pPlan= Vlow=1.3200000 EVAR MVAR4 RFfreq=2.45 Gt-z ZZload=1/((1-PloadY(1+Pload)r50 Z2Ioad=(1.088+0.633*jr50 0 Pload=0.59*exp(76.818 *pi*j) Psource=0.74*eoxp(46.4/180*pi*j) Z2ource=(0.84+2.366*j)50 ZZsource=1((1Psourcey(1+Psource))50 Vhigh=2.0 V Fig. 3.4-1 IM 3 Simulation setup 53 - -- AA F.- IM3 vs. Pin - I '; I - - - IM3 vs. Pin 10 -10 0 -15 -10-25 E m -20 m -30-35 ~ -40 -40 0u -50 -45 -60- -50 -70 o o . 0 o 6 6o 6 6 0 Pin [dBm] o o 00 oo 0 o 0 0 6 0 0o Pin [dBm] Fig. 3.4-2 IM 3 Simulation versus total available power, for the 08x20 pm device biased at VdS=2 V, Vgs=1.4 V. The left graph shows IM3 (bottom) and the output power (top) both in units of dBm. The right graph shows IM3 in units of dBc. 3.5. Summary The simulation setups have been described, showing both the simulation schematics in ADS as well as sample simulations obtained by using the BSim3v3 model. The simulations consisted of DC, S-parameter, and large signal simulations. The large signal simulations have to be broken up into 1-tone and 2-tone simulations. The latter is used to simulate the IM 3 behavior, while the 1-tone measurement gives Pout, Gain, Id and PAE vs. Pin. 54 4; AI Chapter 4 Results: Comparison of Measurements and Simulations This chapter compares the measurements with the simulations. First only the BSim3v3 model for the device is used. Then we build a new model that gives more accurate small and large signal simulations. A comparison of the final model with measured data concludes this chapter. 4.1 Intrinsic BSim Model We will compare the DC, S-Parameter, and large signal simulations as predicted by the BSim3v3 model to the measurements. Figs. 4.1-1 to 4.1-5 show the DC characteristics of the 16x10 gm device. We can see that the output characteristics in Fig. 4.1-1 are well matched for low Vgs, yet for higher Vgs the model does not predict the flattening of LI that is probably due to selfheating. This can also be seen in the output conductance in Fig. 4.1-2. It would be nice to be able to take self-heating into account, however the transistor models in ADS do not support it currently. Looking at the transfer characteristics in Fig. 4.1-3, we see that again for low VdS the match is very good, while for higher Vgs the model overestimates the current slightly. The threshold voltage is modeled reasonably accurate. A clearer view is possible through the 55 transconductance plot in Fig. 4.1-4. Here, we can see that gm is predicted correctly in shape, with a slight mismatch at high Vds. Lastly, Fig. 4.1-5 shows the subthreshold characteristics. Overall, the match is good here, too, indicating that the short channel effects are modeled well. 600 500- 400- 300- 200- 100- 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Vds [V] Fig. 4.1-1 Output Characteristics of the 16x10 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 V steps. 1000 1E3 900 800 - 1E2 700 - 600 1E1 Simulation -] Measurement 500 400 300 1E-1 200 100 - 0.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 Vds [V) 2.0 2.5 0.0 0. 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Vds IV] Fig. 4.1-2 Output Conductance for the 16x10 pm device, with Vgs from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 V steps. Left: linear scale, right: semi-log scale. 56 600 -- l 500- -- Simulation Measurement 400- 2 300- 200- 100- 0.5 0.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 Vgs [VI Fig. 4.1-3 Transfer Characteristics of the 16x10 pm device, with Vds from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 V steps. 350 300 250 E 200 E 1505 -El- Simulation 100 -V Measurement 50 500.0 0.6 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 Vgs [V] Fig. 4.1-4 Transconductance of the 16x10 pm device, with VdS from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.4 V steps. 57 1 E2 1E11 1E-1E Z 1E-21E-31E-4- -EB- Simulation 1 Measurement 1 E-5 1E-6 0.00 0.25 0.50 Vgs [V] 0.75 1.00 Fig. 4.1-5 Subthreshold characteristics of the 16x10 gm device, with VdS from 0 to 2.4 V in 0.6 V steps. The lowest measurement line is for Vds=O V, the simulations yield 0 A current here, so they are not shown. Altogether, the DC characteristics are well captured by the intrinsic BSim3v3 model, so that there will be no need to append or modify the DC model. Figures 4.1-6 to 4.1-8 show a comparison of AC simulations and measurements of the 16x20 gm device. Fig. 4.1-6 shows the S-parameter comparison. Both Sn and S22 are significantly off from the measurements. S12 and S21 are also not matching well with the measurements. Overall, the S-parameter simulations are not particularly accurate. Similarly, the Y-parameters in Fig. 4.1-7 also show significant discrepancies between the measured and BSim3v3 model. Finally, in Fig. 4.1-8, the model predicts 1h211 well, although above 10 GHz the shapes diverge. Gtu is not well modeled, being several dB above the measurement. 58 The missing accuracy of the S-parameter simulations will directly translate into an impedance mismatch during the large signal measurements. This is because these simulations are done with identical load and source impedances as in the measurements, yet the reflection coefficients that the simulated device presents are different from those of the measured device. Thus the simulations will have an impedance mismatch. The results of the power sweep simulations compared to measurements are shown in Fig. 4.19. The simulations include the BSim3v3 model and, in parallel, the pad measurements as described in Chapter 3. Fig. 4.1-10 shows the IM 3 BSim3v3 simulation and measurement comparison. The BSim3v3 models IM3 almost 30 dBc below the measurement value. S12 S1 I and S22 N21 -4- 11 swma"o 22]Iic -9 22 WMo freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) CLq4 freq (5000MHz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) Fig. 4.1-6 S-Parameters for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2 V. 59 MM MOMMEMMORPEP77-- I Y1 2 Y 11 1 E-1 1 1E-2- 1E-1- 1E-3- 1E-2- E 1 E-4- E A) --. 1E-3T1 I E-4- I m 1E-5- 7 I E-6i -~N) m MM (C) Imag(Y) Imag{Y) -4- 0 --- freq, Hz (0 m 0 Measuremen a freq, Hz -&- Real{Y) Simulation -v-- Real{Y) Measurement Y22 u.. * 5E-2 1 E-1 2 -1 * K) m m Simulatio Y21 2E-1 1IE-1 - I E-1 I.1 1 E-21 E-3- 1E-2- 1E-2 Z--5 E -1E-2 Z 0) 1 E-4- 1 E-3- -1E-3 m (O m. m K3 m -A m 0 0 (0 K) m 0D freq, Hz freq, Hz Fig. 4.1-7 Y-Parameters for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vd,=2 V. | h21 Gtu 40 25 30 20_ 20 1510- 10 50- 0 m freq, Hz m m 0 0 m __m _ 1 --- --V- 0 Simulatio freq, Hz Fig. 4.1-8 Figures of merit h2 11 and Gtu for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, VdI=2 V. 60 m 0 27 15 10E 25-- 5- 23- 0 a.0 21 - -5- I.f - -30 -25 -20 -10 -15 -5 19- V -30 Pin [dBm] 0.070 25 0.068 - 20- --0.00 as "'04' :z0. 066 - -5 -10 -15 Pin [dBm] -20 -25 *, 1510- 0.064- 5- 0 .0 6 2. 01 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Pin [dBm] -30 - *1' -15 -20 -25 -5 -10 Pin [dBm] Simulion Fig. 4.1-9 Power sweep simulations for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds= 2 V. - 0- 10 0-- -10- -107 -20- -20 -30- -E-- Simulation ---- Measurement -30C9 0 CL 0o -40' M -40- -50' -50- -60 -60- -70- -70- -80-90- -8-Simulation -80. -100- -27 -22 -12 -17 [dBm] Pin -7 -90 i -27.0 -22.0 I II i I 1 -17.0 -12.0 Pin [dBm] I 1 -7.00 Fig. 4.1-10 IM 3 simulations for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vds=2 V. Left: Pout (top) and IM3 [dBm]. Right: IM3 [dBc] 61 4.2. Modifying the BSim Model In order to get a more accurate large signal fit, the first step is to match the small signal AC characteristics. The S-parameters were measured with an input power of about -30 dBm, which is equivalent to the lower input power of the power-sweeps (the load and source impedances are 50 Ohm in the S-parameter case). A good fit for the S-parameters should therefore lead to improved large signal simulations, for low input powers at least. Appendix A shows the S- and Y-parameters of the simulations as each of the model parameters is swept up- and down from its optimal point in the final model. Following this helps to understand the impact of the model parameters on the device behavior. Starting with the S- and Y-parameter plots from Figs. 4.1-6 and 4.1-7, we will add elements first that only influence one curve of the S- or Y-parameters. 4.2.1. Output Resistance The real part of Y22 (from hereon denoted as Real[Y22] ) at low frequency is the DC output resistance of the device. Fig. 4.2.1-1 shows Y22 , and we can see a mismatch of Real[Y22] at low frequency. The simulation shows too high an output resistance. To correct this, a resistor is added in-between the drain and source. The value of the resistor is determined such as to match only the very lowest frequency parts of Real[Y22]. This is because the shape at higher frequencies is influenced by other elements in the device. 62 Because the resistor is added in parallel between the drain and source, it will only influence Real[Y22]. A negligible change will occur in Y21, the other Y-parameters are not affected. Y22 Y22 5E-2 1E-1 5E-2 1E-1 1E-2- 1E-2 - CO) 1E-3- -1E-2 E 1E-3 C -1E-2 1E4- 1E41E10 2E10 1E9 - ~ freq, Hz -~-5- ImagY Simulation ImagY) Measurement Real{Y) Simulatim Real{Y) Measurement r m CD r freq, Hz Fig. 4.2.1-1 Y22 before (left) and after (right) adding the output resistance Rout. 4.2.2. Gate Resistance In the TSMC BSim3v3 model, the gate resistance model parameter is set to zero. While the gate resistance is negligible for very narrow devices, RF power devices have very wide fingers and thus the gate resistance will be an important parameter [4-7,9,10]. In the Y21 Y21 2 2E-1 1E-1 - 2E-1 -1E-1 1E-2 - -1E-2 1E-3 _ E 2E-1 E-1 2E-1 1E-1 - ">- E-2 .E 1E-2 - 1E-3 1E-3 m m CO 0 freq, Hz 0 U5 -A-- Imag(Y) Simulation -X- Imag(Y) -2-- Real(Y) Simulation -V- Real(Y) Measurement -L 0 Measurement freq, Hz Fig. 4.2.2-1 Y21 before (left) and after (right) adding the gate resistance Rg. 63 - i-@Mffi - -t - enow- -- - - - - ,,- -4 S-parameters, the gate resistance primarily affects SII by reducing the radius of the circle that S11 typically traces. Alternatively, its impact can be seen in Y21, where the gate resistance causes Real[Y21] to bend. Fig. 4.2.2-1 illustrates this. Furthermore, while the gate resistance does not have an impact on 1h211,it reduces Gt.. This eliminates some of the excess gain of the simulations. 4.2.3. Gate, Source, and Drain Inductances While the simulations now give a reasonable fit at low frequencies, we can see several changes of sign in the measured Y-parameters, most prominently in Imag[Y21] as shown in Fig. 4.2.3-1. These do not occur in the simulations. They can be explained by the presence of parasitic inductances in the gate, source, and drain. When adding the inductances to the model, the sign changes are now modeled correctly. The reason that Real[Y21] is also matched, even though we do not see a sign change, is that there is a sign change in Real[Y21] which occurs at higher frequencies above the 20 GHz that the graph shows. Y21 Y21 3E-1 2E-1 1E-1 - 2E-1 1E-1 2E-1 1 E-1 1E-11 E-2 . 2. V E 1E-2- 1E-2 -E-2 1 E-3 1E-3 - 01 freq, Hz 0 - -- -- Imag(Y) Simulation. SCIulaDia, l magjY I Measurement0 Real{Y) Simulation Real{Y) Measurement ( 0 freq, Hz Fig. 4.2.3-1 Y2 1 before (left) and after (right) adding the inductances in the gate, source and drain. 64 =M 4.2.4. Body Resistance The importance of the substrate network has been discussed in various papers [8,9] as having an impact on the S-parameter and large signal characteristics. For our model, a simple resistance between the body and source appears sufficient to capture the substrate effects. This is equivalent to the model in [7,8] and the reduced version of the model proposed in [4]. The best way to observe the effect of the body resistance is by looking at Real[Y22] as shown in Fig. 4.2.4-1. Adding the resistance allows the curves to match. In the simplified small signal model, shown in Fig. 4.2.4-2, the body resistance results in an RC-network consisting of a parallel Rb-Csb in series with Cdb. This network is between the drain and source node, in parallel with the intrinsic device, which explains why its primary impact is on Y22 . However, through the backgate transconductance generator gmb, Rb also affects Y21. Y22 Y22 5E-2 1 E-1 5E-2 1E-1 1E-2 - 1E-2 - 1E-3- 1E-3E1E-2 1E4- -1E-2 .9 IE-41 E-5 1E-5 - m M m freq, Hz --- Imag{Y } Simulan -(- Imag{Y) Measurement -8- Rea(Y) Simulation M m W m - freq, Hz ReaW(Y) Measurement Fig. 4.2.4-1 Y22 before (left) and after (right) adding the body resistance Rb. 65 R + Port Drain Rout Port Gate CD- Csb Port Source C Cdb VCCS_Z TI gmVgs+gmbVbs T V ba c k Vb a c k V ack Fig. 4.2.4-2 Simplified small-signal model illustrating the effect of the body resistance, Rb. Without Rb, there is only a capacitor between the drain and source. With Rb in place, there now is an RC network between the two ports, giving rise to the observed changes in Y 22 . 4.2.5. Gate-to-Drain Capacitance Having now a very accurate model, we can as a final step add a small capacitor between the gate and drain. The effect can be best seen in S12. The Cgd-ext helps to move Si 2 out, matching it closer to the measured results, as seen in Fig. 4.2.5-1. S12 Bsbnuaton S12 ..- Measurement / / CO) 6 6 i 1~ I 0 ,/' co4~ - cyl U' to C0 ,V 7- freq (500.0MHz to 20.GHz) fq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) Fig. 4.2.5-1 S1 2 before (left) and after (right) adding the gate to drain capacitance Cgd.ext. 66 4.2.6. Small Signal Comparison of the Complete Model The complete model is shown in Fig. 4.2.6-1. Comparisons of the measured and simulated S-parameters for the 16x20 gm device using the improved model are shown in Fig. 4.2.6-2. The fit is good, with a small discrepancy in S11 and S12 at frequencies approaching 20 GHz. The Y-parameters are compared in Fig. 4.2.6-3, and show very good agreement throughout the frequency range. The mismatch is below 10% for most of the Y-parameter curves. Lastly, Fig. 4.2.6-4 shows the figures of merit 1h21I and Gt, with is due to very good agreement, although 1h 2 11is a little bit too low in the simulations. This a slight overestimation of Imag[Y1 1] of 20% in the model, as can be seen in Fig. 4.2.6-3. This 20% overestimation results in the simulated 1h2 11being lowered by 1.6 dB, which is C Cgd-ext L L Ld Lg Port Port DrainPort2 Num=1 GatPortl Num=2 R Rout R Rg s R Rb TSMCdevice25u4 Intri isicDevice Port SourcePorti L Ls Num=3 Fig. 4.2.6-1 Modified BSim3v3 model topology to take RF effects into account 67 the discrepancy of h21j we observed in Fig. 4.2.6-4. 0 S11 and S22 25 S21 Siaom S22 Mesuemmn freq (500.0MHz freq (500.0MHz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.OMHz to 20.00GHz) to 20.00GHZ) Fig. 4.2.6-2 S-Parameters for the 16x20 gim device using the modified model, biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vd,=2 V. Y12 Y11 1E-1 1 I 1E-2 - 1E-1 - 1E-3 - 1E-2 - 1E-4- 1E-3 - E-5 1 - 1E-4 1 E-5 - 1E-6 - - m m (0 S - 0 ~1 Imag{Y)}Simulation -- Imag{Y) Measuremenw ReaIY) Simnation -v- Rea(Y} Measurmnwt -X- freq, Hz - freq, Hz Y22 Y21 2E-1 1E-1 2E-1 1E-1 - 5E-2 1E-1 1E-2- ~ 1E-3- 1E-2 1E-2 - -1E-2 1E-4- I m (D m 1E-A m N'% 1E-5 -- mL (0 0 freq, Hz m N 0 0 freq, Hz Fig. 4.2.6-3 Y-Parameters for the 16x20 pm device using the modified model, biased at Vgs=1. 4 V, VdS=2 V. 68 ---- !@- I sli -- -. 2; A - - - --- - - Gtu I h21 I 40 20 30 15- 20 10- 10 5 0- 0 -C M M M -f3-Simulation 0 0 -- Meurem.n. 1E102E10 1E9 freq, Hz freq, Hz of Fig. 4.2.6-4 Figures merit 1h 211 and Gtu for the 16x20 gm device using the TSMC BSim3v3 model, biased at Vgs=1.4 V, VdS=2 V. 4.3. Large Signal Comparison of Complete Model Having built a model that accurately models the S-parameters, we will now test it against the large signal measurements. There are six devices, 08x20 gm, 16x05 gm, 16x20 gm, 16x40 gm, 32x10 gm and 64x05 gm, for which power sweeps were performed measuring P0 ut, gain, drain current, PAE, and IM3 as a function of available power (Pin). After deriving the proposed model additions for each of these devices, S-parameter, and power sweep results were compared. All devices showed an equal accuracy in modeling the measurements, so we will only present the results of the 16x20 gm device here. Figs. 4.3-2 shows the output power vs. input power for the measured device and the model. The model accurately predicts the magnitude and shape of the measurements. Looking at the Gain vs. Pin in Fig. 4.3-2 allows to see the model's accuracy more easily then in the Put vs. Pin graph. 69 The low input power current should be identical for the measurements and simulations, as discussed in 3.2. This is achieved by changing the gate voltage to compensate for small threshold voltage mispredictions of the BSim3v3 model. The results of the drain current as a function of Pi. are shown in the third graph of Fig. 4.3-2. The current, together with the Pi,-Pout graph, will determine the power added efficiency, PAE. The results, the last graph of Fig. 4.3-2, show a very good agreement between measurements and simulation. Fig. 4.3-3 shows IM 3 and Pout in dBm, and IM 3 in dBc as a function of input power. The 30 dBc discrepancy seen in section 4.1 has been eliminated, and the simulated IM 3 and Pout curves now track the measurements very closely. Important for the IM3 match is to have an accurate match of Pout. Because IM 3 [dBc] equals the difference of IM 3[dBm] and Pout, any mismatch in Pout is exactly transferred into the IM 3 [dBc] curve. 70 23 15 10- 22- - 5 0 CL -5- 21- C 0 0! 20- exole I -30 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -25 -10 9 -5 -30 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 -5 -25 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -10 -5 0 0.070 ,I 5- 0.069- -25 1I 0 1. 0.068- 5- 0.067--, -30 r 0T -30 -5 -10 -20 -15 Pin [dBm] -25 -- ion simwa -'- Meas renmnt Fig. 4.3-2 Power sweep simulations and measurements for the 16x20 pm device using the modified model, at Vgs=1. 4 V, Vd=2 V. 0 15 -55- -10-15+ -5- -20E -15- CO -25C c -25- CO, -30--35- a.. -35- -40 -45- -45- -50+ -- ' -55- -27 -22 Lie:zmucj "'ment -12 -17 Pin fdBml -55-7 -27.0 -22.0 -12.0 -17.0 Pin [dBm] -7.00 Fig. 4.3-3 IM3 simulations and measurements for the 16x20 gm device using the modified model, at Vgs=1.4 V, VdS=2 V. Left: Pot (top) and IM 3 [dBm]. Right: IM3 [dBc] 71 4.4 Summary We have compared the measurements with the BSim3v3 model and noted a significant discrepancy between the S-parameter and large signal simulations and measurements. A new model has been derived based on the BSim3v3 model that includes the six new elements, by only using S-parameter measurements. The new model was then compared against the S-parameter and large signal measurements. It showed a significant improvement, giving a good match to the S- and Y-parameters and all important powersweep figures, including the linearity figure IM 3. 72 Chapter 5 Relation of New Model Parameters to Device Design Having shown the capability of the model in Chapter 4, we will now take a closer look at the extracted model parameter values for the new elements that have been added to the device equivalent circuit model. We will examine these parameters in different devices. We will investigate in particular the impact of the number of gate fingers, the unit finger width and the total width of the device. 5.1 Output Resistance, R,t The output resistance parameter is a fitting parameter that appears to simply compensate for the overestimation of Rut in the intrinsic BSim3v3 model. The dependence of Rout on unit finger width and number of fingers is shown in Fig. 5.1-1. It is inversely proportional to the total device width, as can be seen in Fig. 5.1-2. At RF, the BSim3v3 model overestimates the output resistance (as seen in section 4.2.1 and Fig. 4.2.1-1.). Looking at the DC comparison in 4.1, Fig. 4.1-2 shows that Rut is lower for the BSim3v3 model, thus at DC, the model underestimates the output resistance. The model, which does not include self-heating effects, lies between the DC and the RF measured output resistance. The fact that the DC and RF measured output resistance is different is not a contradiction! Fig. 5.1-3 illustrates a zoom of the output characteristics around the DC bias point. If we were to increase Vds by AVsweep, in the DC 73 I am = -- 9 -- - I- - - - - case, we would move along the solid curve. The increase in VdS increases the power and thus temperature, which leads to more self-heating a smaller increase in current. If instead we now have an RF sweep, the additional current for the same AVsweep is higher, because the temperature of the device does not increase during the short RF sweep. This is similar to a pulse measurement. --- 2500 16 fingers -+- 20um finger width - 5000 - - E 4000 0 3000 g 2000 0 - E 2000 1500 * 10000 5 500- urn finger width - CC 1000- 0- 0 I 0 +5 20 40 60 I 0 unit finger width [um] 0.1 0.05 1 / number of fingers Fig. 5.1-1 Rout as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right). I * 20um finger width E5 urn finger width A 16 fingers 4500- 4000350030000 2500*; 20000 c 1500 1000500 - 0 0.01 0.02 1 / total gate width [1/urn] Fig. 5.1-2 Rout as a function of total device width. 74 0.03 I 0.15 I - DC bias point Modeled ....- Measured DC sweep Measured RF sweep IAIRF . AVsweep Fig. 5.1-3 Output characteristic around the DC bias point for the output resistance measurement under RF and DC conditions 5.2. Gate Resistance, Rg We would expect the gate resistance to be proportional to the ratio of finger width and number of fingers. Shorter fingers result in a shorter gate and thus less resistance, which makes Rg proportional to the unit finger width. Fingers in parallel result in gate resistors in parallel, thus Rg is inversely proportional to the number of fingers. In addition to this, we also expect a small constant resistance in series with the finger resistance. It consists of two parts: device layout independent via resistance that results from routing from metal4 to metal2. The second part will be the resistance from the metal2 layer to the gate finger. It includes the contact resistance between metal 2 and poly and the poly resistance up to the edge of the gate finger. This resistance ought to be inversely proportional to the number of fingers, since for every two gate fingers there is one contact, and more fingers means more resistors in parallel. Hence, we expect that: 75 R9 =Rvia +Rof -+ nf Rvia [Eq. 5.2-1] Rg0 nf and Ronst are in units of Ohm. The resistance of the gate finger, Rgo, has units of Ohm/length. We expect Rgo -s- to be the dominating term in Eq. 5.2-1, as long as the nf ratio of wg and nf does not become too small. In Fig. 5.2-2, the Rg is plotted against the wg/nf ratio. We can see a constant slope of one for the data, indicating that indeed the Rgo w term is the dominating one in Eq 5.2-1. nf Keeping in mind that the probe resistance can be as high as 1.2 Ohm, and that the simulations used a probe resistance of 0.8 Ohm, the value of Rg has an uncertainty due to the probe resistance of about 0.4 Ohm. In addition, for small values of Rg, the impact of Rg on the S- and Y-parameters is less significant, making it difficult to find the exact value by optimizing. +* 20um finger width -U-5 um finger width -A-16 fingers 15 10 - rm, -C E 10- - 8 6- 2- 0)5- 0-1 0-- 0 20 40 unit finger width [urn] 60 0 0.05 0.1 1 / number of fingers Fig.5.2-1 Rg as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 76 0.15 . 20 urn finger width 0 5 urn finger width A 16 fingers 100 - A 10 - E 0.110 1 0.1 0.01 unit finger width / number of fingers [um] Fig. 5.2-2 Rg as a function of the ratio of unit finger width and number of fingers. The line is drawn at unity slope. -Ar140 120 - 200150 - O 100 - 'E' E 100- $ S80 6040200 0 20um finger width -M-5 um finger width --- 16 fingers S50f I 20 40 unit finger width [urn] 0 60 0 ' 0.05 0.1 0.15 1 / number of fingers Fig. 5.3-1 Rb as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 77 5.3 Body Resistance, Rb The body resistance, shown in Fig. 5.3-1, has an interesting behavior, which we will understand by looking in more detail at the device layout. The resistance decreases both with unit finger width and number of fingers. The layout of the 16x10 pm device is shown in Fig. 5.3-2. There are body contacts surrounding the device. This leads to different path lengths to the nearest contact location, depending on where in the device area one starts. Furthermore, we can see that the contact density parallel to the gates is much higher, so that we would expect to have a better conducting (i.e. lower resistance) contact along these sides than along the sides perpendicular to the gates. In Fig. 5.3-3 we see the body resistance as a function of the inverse of the body perimeter. The body perimeter is the total length of the body contacting the active device area. The results show that the body resistance is proportional to the body perimeter, which is emphasized by plotting the product of Rb and the body perimeter. The product is nearly constant, indicating that indeed both parameters are inverse proportional to each other. 78 .. .... ......... .. Fig. 5.3-2 Device layout for the 16x10 gm device. Shown are the p- and n-implants, the poly-silicon gate (red lines), and contact holes (white squares) from the metall layer. The body contacts are shown in blue. Anf=16 *wg=Sum *wg=20um *32xlOum Anf=16 Owg=5um *wg=20um 200' 20000- 180 160140 120 18000 16000140001200010000 2.100 $ 8060 8000- * 16000 A 40- 4000 - W3 2x10um + % A 2000 0 20 0, 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 11 body perimeter [1/um] 0.03 0.035 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 body perimeter (um] Fig. 5.3-3 (left) Body resistance as a function of the inverse body-contact perimeter, (right) Body resistance - perimeter product, illustrating the inverse proportionality of Rb and the body perimeter. 79 5.4. Inductances The inductances take not only the line inductances of the intrinsic device portion into account, but also the metal line and via inductance from the pad to the device layer. This is because our de-embedding mainly removes parallel (i.e. capacitive) effects, but not serial elements such as inductors or resistors. Therefore, to understand the behavior of the inductance values, we will need to first know more about the dimensions of the metal interconnect lines. The signal is routed from the pads to the device on the metal4 layer. We will now describe the geometry of these lines: For clarity, the layout is reproduced in Fig. 5.4-1. There are two source lines of constant width of 5.1 gm and a line of length of isource = 155pm - 0.98pm -(n+1) [Eq. 5.4-1] The gate and drain lines are identical shapes between the pads and the device. The line length is given by ,gatedrain- 33-m -- w 2 p [Eq. 5.4-2] The width is roughly proportional to the number of fingers, with an upper limit of 4Ojim. 80 Wgate,drain =min(lM m -nf ,40pm) [Eq. 5.4-3] The metal4 lines described by Eqs. 5.4-1 to 5.4-3 are only a part of the total inductance, which is also influenced by the vias, and the metall and metal2 lines that route the signals to the device contacts. For the discussion of each inductance we will state how the inductances should behave with the layout. However, the data often deviates, showing different behavior than what we expected. One example are the drain and source inductance values. The drain and source layouts in the intrinsic device are identical, and the source has a much longer and thinner metal path to the pads than the drain. Yet, in the data, the drain inductance is often twice as much as the source inductance. In Fig. 5.4-3, we trade off the drain and source inductance. As we can see, the relative error is very small, making it difficult for the optimizer to find exact values. In fact, looking at the sum of all three inductances, we can see in Fig. 5.4-2 that their sum stays roughly independent of the device layout. We believe that the optimizer was not capable of finding the exact inductance values. This is possible to see in the next three sections, when the behavior of the individual inductances is described. 81 M Fig. 5.4-1 Device layout for the 16x10 pm device. Shown are the metal layers (blue: meatli, red: metal2, green: metal4) and the metall to device contact holes. Left: Complete picture, including probe-pads, right: close-up on the device. The gate is coming in from the middle left pad, the drain from the middle right pad. The four top and bottom pads are the source, coming in to the device from the top and bottom. *20 um finger width E5 um finger width A 16 fingers 250- 250- U 200- 200150 - 150 - - 100- M # + A + 3 +20 um finger width E5 um finger width A 16 fingers A S100- 50- 500 0 0 10 20 30 40 unit finger width [um] 50 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 1 / number of fingers Fig. 5.4-2 The sum of the inductances as a function of unit finger with and the inverse of the number of fingers. The sum is roughly independent of the layout. 82 S11 S12s and S22 1 21 ~9Snm~akx sI M....M S14 £22 ShMb" ~MOMIeI U, freq (500.0*wIr to 20.00GHZ) freq (500.OtI-. to 20.00GHZ) freq (500.0MI- to 20.00GHz) Y12 Y11 1 1E-2- 1E- E 1E-2- 1&3- 1&-4-EA 1E3- $ 1E-4- 1E-5- 1E-61E10 1E9 2E10 freq, Hlz -- i.m - -Re (I 1E1O 1E9 .... 2E10 freq, Hz iMftu~e Y22 Y21 6E-2 1EL1 2E-1 3E- wqwIEIIE, 1E-2- 1E1 1E-2 1E3- -1E-3 1E-4- I -1E2 1E-2 1E-5 1E10 1E9 2E10 i i 1E9 i 1E10 . 2E1D freq, Hz freq, Hz Fig. 5.4-3 S- and Y-parameters for different values of L and Ld, while keeping Ls+La1 constant. The device is the 16x20 gm biased at Vgs=1.4 V, Vds=2.0 V. The values are L=22 pH + AL, Ld=100pH - AL with AL of range ± 10 pH. -A100 -+-20um finger width -- 16 fingers 100 80 S 604020 - 80Z 60- 0> 4020 5 um finger width -0 - 0- 00 40 20 unit finger width [urn] 60 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 1 / number of fingers Fig. 5.4.1-1 Lg as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 83 5.4.1. Gate Inductance, Lg When we increase the unit finger width, while keeping the number of fingers constant, two parameters change that have an influence on the total gate inductance: the unit finger width, and the metal4 line length. Increasing the unit finger width should decrease the inductance due to added parallel inductances in the gate fingers. At the same time, the metal4 line is shortening, leading to a decrease of its inductance. In Fig. 5.4.1-1 we see that the gate inductance decreases with unit finger width. Fig. 5.4.1-1 also shows the gate inductance as a function of the number of fingers. Scaling in this dimension, we would expect a decrease with the number of fingers. If we look at the layout, the metal4 line has approximately the same size as the device. This makes the layout is symmetric, and we can slice the layout into periodic sections of 2 fingers, as shown in Fig. 5.4.1-2. Thus, adding more fingers means to have a complete structure added in parallel, and thus the inductance should decrease. The discrepancy observed is due to the difficulty in optimizing the inductance values as mentioned in 5.4. to pad metal4 via gate Fig. 5.4.1-2 Layout sketch of the gate structure. The periodic structure of 2 gate fingers is indicated by the lines 84 5.4.2 Drain Inductance, Ld The drain inductance is shown as a function of number of fingers and unit finger width in Fig. 5.4.2-1. We would expect the same layout dependencies as the gate inductance previously. Increasing the gate width leads to a shorter metal4 line length, and to a lower finger inductance. Increasing the number of fingers should lead to the same parallel behavior as shown in Fig. 5.4.1-2. However, this behavior is not observed in Fig. 5.4.2-1. Again, we believe this is due to the difficulty in optimizing the inductance values as mentioned in 5.4. -i-16 fingers -+- Ld, 20um finger width -- Ld, 5 um finger width 120100~ 200- 80. _, 60- 150- r' 100- 40- 50 - 20- 0 0~ 0 20 40 unit finger width [urn] 60 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 1 /number of fingers Fig. 5.4.2-1 Ld as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right). Also shown is the difference between Ld and Lg 85 5.4.3. Source Inductance, L, The source inductance as a function of number of fingers and unit finger width is shown in Fig. 5.4.3-1. The sketch in Fig. 5.4.3-2 shows how we expect the dependencies on the layout to be. The overall metal line is constant. This means that the fingers have to be added from bottom to top in the schematic, keeping the source metal line constant. Thus, additional fingers will result in adding inductors in parallel and decreasing the source inductance. Similarly, a wider unit finger width leads to lower finger inductances, also decreasing the overall inductance. These dependencies are observed in Fig. 5.4.3-1. -,-16 finger width -U-5 um finger width +20um fingers 40- 80- 30 - 60- S20- S40- 10- S2000 20 40 unit finger width [um] 60 0 0.05 0.1 1 / number of fingers Fig. 5.4.3-1 L, as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) 86 0.15 .......... to ads source metal AAA AAA AAA source fingers Fig. 5.4.3-2 Simplified sketch of the source inductances. As more fingers are added, the overall inductance decreases because inductors are added into the source metal line in parallel. 5.5. Gate-to-Drain Capacitance, Cgd Fig. 5.5-1 shows the dependence of Cgd on unit finger width and number of fingers. It is difficult to make out a clear layout dependency from these graphs, because of the up and downward shaped curves. However, if we plot the data vs. the total device width, Wg, we can see that at least up to Wg = 320 gm, Cgd is proportional to the total device width. The reason why this is not seen also for the very wide devices at Wg=640pm and 1280pm is that the impact of Cgd on the Y-parameters is decreasing as the device gets wider. The primary impact of Cgd is on Y 12 . Fig. 5.5-3 shows a comparison of Y12 for the 16x05 sm and the 128x05gm device, for various values of Cgd. We can see that the relative uncertainty is much larger for the 16x05pm device. In fact, for the 128x05 gm device, the 87 I &-,1ti11 M~~~~~11 E - relative uncertainty is so small that for the optimizing algorithm, Cgd appears as a parameter with almost no influence. This will cause the parameter to drift somewhat randomly around its initial value during the optimization, which can be seen in the spread of Cgd as the device gets wider. -4-20um finger width -- -h-16 fingers 25 - 40- 20 - S30 - 15- 5 urn finger width 20 - 0 0 10 00 60 40 20 0 unit finger width [um] 0.1 0.05 1/ number of fingers Fig. 5.5-1 Cgd as a function of unit width (left) and number of fingers (right) +20 urn finger width E 5 urn finger width A 16 fingers 35- 30- M 25- 2015- 1050~ 0 200 400 1000 800 600 total device width [urn] Fig. 5.5-2 Cgd as a function of total device width 88 1200 1400 0.15 Y12 Y12 1E-1 1E-1 1E-2- 1E-2- IE-3- 1E-3- 1E-4- 1 E-4 - 1E-5- 1E-5- 1 E-6 - E-6 1E10 2E10 1E9 freq, Hz 1E10 2E10 1E9 freq, Hz Fig. 5.5-3 Y12 for the 16x05 gm (left) and 128x05 gm (right) device, for different values of Cgd between 10 and 55 f. The relative impact of Cgd on the 128x05 pm device is very small, explaining why for wide devices, Cgd does not follow the observed line in Fig. 5.5-2. 5.6. Summary We have explained the physical origins of the new model parameters. The parameter values were linked to the unit finger width and number of fingers, to show their dependence on these two dimensions. The elements were found to be a function of different layout characteristics, such as total device width (ROt, Cgd), unit finger width (Rg), number of fingers (Rg), body perimeter (Rb). The sum of the inductances was found to be independent of the device layout. 89 90 Chapter 6 Conclusions 6.1. Conclusions We have characterized the 0.25 m CMOS technology from TSMC for RF power applications. Based on the TSMC BSim3v3 device model for this technology, we successfully built a large signal model that enables us to accurately model the RF power performance of the devices. The BSim3v3 model without adding the new elements would yield poor RF power modeling results. The values of the new model elements are found through matching the simulations with S-parameter measurements, without the need of an actual load-pull measurement. Having built the model on S-parameter small signal measurements, we showed that the model also gives excellent predictions of the load-pull characteristics at 2.45 GHz, including the figures Pout, Gain, Id, PAE and IM3 as a function of Pi. Explanations of the origin of the new model elements have been given, looking at how the parameter value changes, as the device is either scaled in number of fingers or unit finger width. Finally, a physical explanation for the observed changes was given, based on the device layouts. 91 6.2. Suggestions for Future Work An ideal model should be valid for a broad range of biasing conditions, and the model parameters should be possible to be obtained from device dimensions and processing parameters. Currently, the model parameters are optimized to match the S-parameter measurements, at a single bias point that was also used for the power characterization. In order to achieve the goal of bias independence and analytical expressions for the model parameters, more work has to be done. This will involve a more extensive mapping of the parameters for different bias points, as well as trying to get rough analytical expressions for the new model parameters. It would be interesting to study the impact of the device layout, and the body contact location in particular. This would involve developing a model that connects the RF power figures of merit with the device layout. Breakdown measurements for devices of various dimensions may give further insights, especially when studying the body contact locations. The model described in this thesis matches the load-pull measurements very closely. In order to validate the model for power amplifier design, one could compare a load- or source impedance contour plot, to see how well the model performs in regions of greater impedance mismatch. If the performance is adequate, one can use the model to design a power amplifier to the specifications of various wireless applications. To find the biasing, power levels and impedances, either the traditional load-pull method can be used (using 92 load-, source-pulls and power-sweeps to approach the optimal point), or more preferably, one can use the ADS algorithms to find the best point by optimization. The load-pull measurements in this thesis were done only at 2.45 GHz. The model accuracy is roughly constant over the measured range up to 20 GHz. It would therefore be worth measuring at other frequencies (around 900 MHz and 5 GHz) and to compare load-pull measurements at those frequencies with what the model would predict. Because the S-parameter model is uniformly accurate, we have all reason to believe that the loadpull accuracy at other frequencies would be similar to the one demonstrated in this work. It would be interesting to use the model developed to design and build a power amplifier. This should also help demonstrate the accuracy of the model. Another path to investigate would be the RF power performance of the devices for possible changes in processing parameters. This could be done through sweeping parameters of the BSim3v3 model that have a direct connection with the processing conditions, and registering their impact on the simulated device performance. The difficulty here is that it requires a very good knowledge of the process itself, which may be hard to obtain. Testing the model against other generations (for example, the 0.18 tm technology) would help to verify that the model is universally applicable, and that it is not just tailored to the devices measured in this thesis. 93 Finally, we believe that with the model proposed in this thesis, it should be possible to design a power amplifier without the need of performing large-signal measurements. Only DC- and S-Parameter characterization will be necessary to determine the value of the model elements. 94 Appendix A This appendix shows the S- and Y-parameters of the 16x20 Pm device biased at Vgs=1.4 V, Vds=2.0 V. The model used in the simulation has optimized parameter values. Each figure shows one of the new elements swept from 1/3 to 3 times its optimal value. 812 S11 and 822 S.N gr S21 2 -P freq (500.0M-tz to 20.00GI-e) f req (500.0rI-k to 20.O0G~i-) Y11 5-1 - 1 aama freq (500.0-k to 20.00Gl-e) Y12 IE-2- 1-1 PP~ 15-2- 1E-31E-4- 1-3- 2E1&2 15-4- 1E5-I1E-6- I 1E10 2E10 25110 1E10 1D freq, Hz Y22 freq, Hz Y21 2&61 151- 5&-2 1 415-I1E-2 - '1 I -15-2 Zca 15-2- 1E60 1E6 freq, Ht 15-3- -1-2 I5-4 1E10 2E1 2E10 freq, Ht 4 Fig. A-1 Parameter sweep of R0 ut for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1. V, Vds=2.0 V 95 $11 S12 and 822 --E3- sh-won 821 Maaen S3i6Md S22l -- }-p- 16 0 freq (500.0iz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0Miz to 20.00GHz) f req (500.0AIz to 20.00GHz) Y12 Y11 IE-1 1 1-2- 1E-1- 1&3- 1-2- 1E-4- 15-3- E1&51&.4- 1-6- 1F-5 - 1E'10 2E10 3-1 - - - M +< InmY" -s-V- freq, Hz Y21 2E-1 - 16 " R-IIY 1E10 2E1 0 freq, Hz Y22 R..imim M...."' 1-1 RF&2 10 1 1&.1- -1-2- -1-2 1-3-15&2 1E-2- 15-4-1-3 1E9 1E10 freq, Hz 1E10 2E10 2E10 freq, Hz Fig. A-2 Parameter sweep of Rg for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1.4 V, V&=2.0 V 96 $11 and S22 -g- I~1 2 S12 6I 821 _-_Simmae -L-uzZ4t SshImhn 0, S ~bS ~ / / .77/ freq (500.0%t to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0Niz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0N-z to 20.00GHz) Y12 Y11 1 1E-2 15-2- 1&1- 15-315 1-2- 15-4- 1-3- -iif 2 15.4- 15&6- -I t-n 15-5- -+-- 1E'10 2E00 ia. freq, Hz Y21 2&1 1E-1 1&1- 2E10 freq, Hz Y22 _____2F-1 2&1 1E10 i.. 6 jmj.S--.. +:.m T-x-- 85&2 15&1 1&2-15.2 15.2- i 1&3-1E.2 1E&4- -1&.3 11E60 2E1 freq, Htz Fig. A-3 Parameter sweep of Rb for the 16x20 V, Vds=2.0 V 1E10 2E10 freq, Hz sm device model biased at Vg,=1.4 97 $12 $11 and $22 f-t(-- SnM.O, --- S22 S21 _ W-W--emmant ou - -_ ~VT f req (500.ON1-z freq (500.0Wft f req (500.Obz to 20.00GHz) to 20.OOGl-z) to 20.00GHz) Y12 Y11 15.1 1 1E-2- 1&-1- E1&3- 1E-2- 1&4- 1-3- 1-5- 1E-4- 1-61E60 2E10 1E9 1E10 2E 10 freq, Hz Y22 freq, Hz Y21 9-2 3-1 1&1- 1E-3-1E-2 2 1&2- -1-2 15-4 1E10 f req, Hz 2E10 10E 1ED 2E10 freq, Hz 4 Fig. A-4 Parameter sweep of Lg for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vgs=1. V, VdS=2.0 V 98 S12 S11 and 822 -s- Co swwaiw I1 S U2Is.. ( A . 2 G 50 IQ freq (500.Ov-Iz to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0 -z to 20.00GHz) treq (500.ONIz to 2000DGHZ) sliN' /k Y12 Y11 1E-1 15-2- 15-1- 1-3- ~2. 1-2- 1--41-3 1E5- 1E-4- 1-6+-:-a 1E10 2E10 -*- freq, Hz Y21 i-- -- B- P.ImY)SI.wI 2&~ 35&1 yMC 1E60 2E00 1E9 h..jmY)M..... 1 freq, Hz Y22 7-2 1&115 1 1 1&1- -1-2 1-2- -15-2 -1-3 1E10 freq, Hz I 1-3- 15-4- I Soo 1-2- 1E 1EI0 2E10 2E10 freq, Hz Fig. A-5 Parameter sweep of L4 for the 16x20 gm device model biased at V,,=1.4 V, Vd1=2.0 V 99 SI1 and -4- Siu]ti Si 12 S22 S21 Leazzz2 -1MhA" -p- n MnWM 6 6 / Y12 Y1 1 1E-1 1 1-2- 15-1 - -3 freq (500.0I-Iz to 20.00GFIz) freq (500.0f~z to 20.00GHz) freq (500.0Iz to 20.00GHz) 1&21E-41&31E51&4- 1&62E10 + mms-'"" 3-1 4 0 E10 1E9 2E10 freq, HZ Y22 freq, HZ Y21 6-2 1-1 2E-1 15-1 0 0 4 4 15-2 1-1- - i -15-2 1-2- - 1-- -1-2 15-4_ 0000 01 15-5 1E10 freq, Hz 1E10 2E10 2E10 freq, Hz Fig. A-6 Parameter sweep of L for the 16x20 gm device model biased at Vg,=1.4 V, Vd,=2.0 V 100 S 2 S12 S11 and S22 -g uiimS 21 LizJw~ -+K 4 --M- 50.Memmit 9, 15 / f req (50Q.0FWiI- freq (500.0Ntz freq (500.Ohf- to 20.00GFtz) to 20.OOGIk) to 20.00G~z) Y12 Y11 15.1 16 1&2- 15.1- E1-315&21&.4- 1531-4"I L-n 1, 15-6. 1E10 -B- R*.Y freq, 1-k 15.1 _____2&1 0 wove 2E1C freq, Hz Ii m..E Y21 25&1 1&.1- 10 1E91E 2E10 Y22 . . 5&.2 IE-1 1-2- i 1-3-1&2 E3 1&E2- -1&.2 15-4- 11 r- 1E10 freq, HFt a I II- r-% 1E10 2E10 2E10 freq, Hz Fig. A-7 Parameter sweep of Cgd for the 16x20 pm device model biased at Vg,=1.4 V, Vd1s=2.0 V 101 102 References [1] Y.J.E. 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