Time History Analysis of Axial Forces (Pass Through Forces) at Joints in a Braced Frame By Vincent Paschini B.Eng. Polytechnique Montreal, 2011 Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ARCHIVES JUNE 2012 © 2012 Vincent Paschini. All Rights Reserved "W SlCUSETS INSTITUTE JUN 2 2 2 The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Author: ) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 1 1 ,th2012 Certified by: Jerome J. Connor Environmental Engineering Professor of Civil and Thesis upervisor II A Accepted by: H idi M. Nepf Chair, Departmental Committee of Graduate Students Time History Analysis of Axial Forces (Pass Through Forces) at Joints in a Braced Frame By Vincent Paschini Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 11 th, 2012 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT As buildings keep getting taller, traditional braced lateral systems take more loads. This generates a phenomenon at every joint of a frame called "Pass Through Force". Pass through forces come from the transfer of axial forces between two side by side members. Adding a bracing scheme to our frame will introduce even more pass through forces at the node since part the force in the bracing will be transferred in the horizontal member. The main goal of this thesis is to find an appropriate way of computing pass through forces without being too conservative. If we take an accurate value of pass through force at a node, the steel connections will not be overdesigned, resulting in cost savings. In this thesis, we analyse multiple bracing configurations for a typical steel frame under different load combinations in order to find a procedure for computing pass through forces adequately. Each scenario will be analysed in detail, a time history analysis will be used to find precise values under earthquake loading. The results are compared with two traditional methods of finding pass through forces, and the best approach is identified. Thesis Supervisor: Jerome J. Connor Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my family, girlfriend and friends who greatly supported me during my whole journey here at MIT. This experience would have been even harder without their support. I wouldn't be able to do it without you. Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me. / really appreciate it. To every professor from the Civil and Environmental Engineering department, but especially Prof. Jerome J. Connor and his teacher assistant Pierre Ghisbain who helped me understand every aspect of this thesis. I'm grateful for all the knowledge Prof. Jerome J. Connor provided me during the last nine months. Thank you, I will never forget everything I learned in the High Performance Structure program. Again, I really appreciate it. To every student in the M.Eng. program and the other ones I met in the past year for being so kind and always there when I needed to take a time out. I now see you as friends instead of colleagues and hope to see you again in a near future. Thank you for those never-ending hours in the M.Eng. room and every special activity we did together. Once more, I really appreciate it. To everybody else who crossed my path while I was here at MIT and didn't mention, thank you. To D.P.H. V. who gave me the idea for this thesis subject. I hope this thesis will help understanding every concept of pass through forces and even more. Thank you everybody for the support you gave me, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. - Vincent Paschini 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................. 10 Chapter 2: Fram e& L ........................................................................................ 12 2 .1 F ra m e ................................................................................................................... 12 2 .2 L o ad s ................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 Dead L D ............................................................................................ 2.2.2 Live Loads (L & Lr) ............................... ................................................ 13 13 2.2.3 Snow Load ( )............................................................................................ 13 2.2.4 W ind Loads W .......................................................................................... 14 2.2.5 Earthquake Load (E) ................................................................................. 16 Chapter 3: Bracing Configurations ............................................................................ 19 Chapter 4: SAP2000 Model........................................................................................ 22 4.1 Building the M odel ............................................................................................ 22 4.2 M assachusetts Earthquake Scaling .................................................................. 23 4.3 Tim e History Analysis Detail ............................................................................ 26 Chapter 5: Results ........................................................................................................ 29 Chapter 6: Analysis & Com parison............................................................................. 34 6.1 Analysis................................................................................................................ 34 6.1.1 Bracing Configuration 1 .............................................................................. 34 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 6.1.2 Bracing Configuration 2 ............................................................................ . 35 6.1.3 Bracing Configuration 3 ............................................................................ . 36 6.1.4 Bracing Configu ration 4 ............................................................................ . 36 6.1.5 Bracing Configuration 5 ............................................................................ . 37 6.1.6 Bracing Configuration 6 ............................................................................ . 38 6.1.7 Bracing Configuration 7 ............................................................................ . 38 6.1.8 Bracing Configuration 8 ............................................................................ . 39 6.1.9 Bracing Configuration 9 ............................................................................ . 40 6 .2 Co m pa riso n .......................................................................................................... 40 6.2.1 1st Method ................................................................................................... 41 Method ................................................................................................. 42 6.3 Moving Forward .............................................................................................. 45 6.2.2 2 nd Chapter 7: Conclusion............................................................................................... 47 R e fe re n c es .................................................................................................................... 49 B oo k ........................................................................................................................... 49 W e bs ite ...................................................................................................................... 49 Pro g ra m ..................................................................................................................... 50 Appendix A: Axial Forces in Members.......................................................................... 51 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) A ppendix B : PT F at N odes........................................................................................ 61 Appendix C: 1 st Method Comparison........................................................................ 71 Appendix D: 74 2 nd Method Bracing Force Finding & PTFs ........................................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Pass Through Force (PTF) ...................................................................... 10 Figure 2 - Wind Pressure Diagram ............................................................................ 16 Figure 3 - Typical Frame Overview ........................................................................... 18 F ig ure 4 - Typ ica l F ram e ............................................................................................. 110 Figure 5 - Bracing Configuration 1 ............................................................................. 16 Figure 6 - Bracing Configuration 2 ........................................................................... 20 Figure 7 - Bracing Configuration 3 ........................................................................... 20 Figure 8 - Bracing Configuration 4 ........................................................................... 20 Figure 9 - Bracing Configuration 5 ........................................................................... 20 Figure 10 - Bracing Configuration 6.......................................................................... 20 Figure 11 - Bracing Configuration 7.......................................................................... 20 Figure 12 - Bracing Configuration 8.......................................................................... 21 Figure 13 - Bracing Configuration 9.......................................................................... 21 Figure 14 - Members & Nodes Numbering................................................................ 22 Figure 15 - Altadena Response Spectrum Proprieties .............................................. 23 Figure 16 - Massachusetts Response Spectrum Proprieties..................................... 24 Figure 17 - Assign Load Case Type to the Earthquake Load.................................... 24 Figure 18 - Max. Displacement (Altadena Static Quake............................................ 25 Figure 19 - Max. Displacement (Massachusetts Static Quake)................................. 26 Figure 20 - Time History Function .............................................................................. 27 Figure 21 - Apply the Scale Factor to the Load Case................................................ 27 Figure 22 - Example of Foce Envelopes Under a Dynamic Earthquake ................... 28 7 LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure 23 - Reminder of Members & Nodes Numbering ........................................... 33 Figure 24 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 1) ....................................................... 34 Figure 25 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 2 ) ....................................................... 35 Figure 26 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 3 ) ....................................................... 36 Figure 27 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 4 ) ....................................................... 36 Figure 28 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 5 ) ....................................................... 37 Figure 29 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 6 )....................................................... 38 Figure 30 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 7 ) .......................... Figure 31 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 8 ) ....................................................... 39 Figure 32 PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 9 ) ....................................................... 40 Figure 33 Bracing Numbering (Bracing Configuration 1)............................................. 42 Figure 34 Force Equilibrium at node 11 (Bracing Configuration 1) ............................. 43 Figure 35 Complex Steel Connection.......................................................................... 46 ............................. 38 8 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Loads S um m ary .......................................................................................... 17 Table 2 - Load Combinations ..................................................................................... 18 Table 3 - Axial Forces in Members (Bracing Configuration 1)................................... 29 Table 4 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 1).................................................................. 31 Table 5 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 2).................................................................. 32 Table 6 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 3).................................................................. 32 Table 7 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 4).................................................................. 32 Table 8 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 5).................................................................. 32 Table 9 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 6).................................................................. 32 Table 10 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 7)............................................................... 32 Table 11 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 8)............................................................... 33 Table 12 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 9)............................................................... 33 Table 13 - Design Axial Force of Members (Bracing Configuration 1)....................... 41 Table 14 - Comparison of PTFs using the 1st Method (Bracing Configuration 1) ..... 42 Table 15 - Full Axial Force in Diagonal Members (Bracing Configuration 1).............. 43 Table 16 - PTFs 2 nd Method using 0 = 0 ....... Table 17 - PTFs 2 nd Method using 0 = 38.660 .................. ......................... 44 ............... 44 Table 18 - Reminder of PTFs Calculated for the First Bracing Configuration in Ch. 5 .. 44 9 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Steel connection design is an art and can sometimes be costly. The less material you use, the better it is (as long as the connection capacity is greater than the demand). With buildings getting taller year after year, lateral systems need to be efficient in order to counter wind and earthquake loads. Depending on the lateral system of the building, the axial forces between two side by side members can be different. If we look at a conventional braced frame, the horizontal component of the force in the bracing adds an axial force at the joint. - -7 Fbmn F Joint F Figure 1 - Pass Through Force (PTF) This additional force between two members is called "Pass Through Force" (PTF) and results in an extra check in the connection design. If the value of the PTF is not accurate (usually on the conservative side), the connection will be overdesigned and the cost will increase. The purpose of this thesis is to find the absolute maximum value of the PTF at any joint and maybe find an algorithm on how to compute them. To begin with, a typical frame encounter on a past job will be replicated, and simplified (2D model). Loads and 10 load combinations from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 7-10) and the International Building Code (IBC 2012) will be used throughout both static and dynamic analyses. Lateral wind loads will be analysed in both directions. For multiple bracing configurations in our frame, the absolute maximum axial force in every member will be determined through several analyses (using SAP2000) for different load combinations. A time history analysis will be necessary for the dynamic part of this thesis in order to obtain accurate results under earthquake loads. Those analyses will give us force envelopes, which will be helpful to determine the appropriate PTF at a joint. Once we obtain adequate results for our first braced frame, the bracing configuration will be modified in order to find (if possible) an algorithm on how to compute those forces. The last step of this thesis will be to compare those results with two traditional methods. 11 CHAPTER 2: FRAME & LOADS 2.1 FRAME The first thing we needed to define was our frame dimensions & proprieties. The main frame used throughout this thesis is inspired from a previous frame encountered on a past job in Colonsay, Saskatchewan, Canada (I was working on this project last summer, 2011, designing steel connections for DPHV 1 , a structural engineering firm located in Ste-Doroth6e/Laval, Quebec, Canada). This frame is part of a building used as a potash mining warehouse. To simplify our analysis, we will look at a 2D version of this frame and only part of it will be used. The frame consists of three 25 feet wide bays with four 20 feet high storeys. According to the structural plans of this job, girders and columns are W16x40 and W1 8x1 19 steel sections respectively. Columns are fixed at the base and girders pinned at each joint. Frames in this building are spaced at 20 feet center to center of each other. A full sketch of the main frame used throughout this thesis and loads applied to it can be found in figure 3. 2.2 LOADS We will assume that our building (and its frame) is located in the Boston area, Massachusetts, United States. The first step in the structural design of our building was determining the design loadings that would act on the structural members. Throughout this process, we used the LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) method outlined in the ASCE 7-10 (American Society of Civil Engineers) Minimum Design Loads for 1 htt://www.dnhv.ca/nages/drDhv orofile.htm 12 Buildings and Other Structures, and the IBC 2012 (International Building Code). One categorization that had to be determined before we proceeded to individual loading types was the risk category, which we determined using Table 1-5.1 from ASCE 7-10. The risk category of a light warehouse is 11 (2). Every load will be applied as distributed (knowing our tributary length of 20 feet between each frame) on each floor/wall except for the earthquake loading, which will be taken as a dynamic load case. 2.2.1 DEAD LOAD (D) Dead loading applied to our frame consists of the self-weight of our members plus a 4 inches lightweight concrete (110 pounds per cubic foot) slab on top of them. Even if the slab thickness is usually smaller at the roof (or non-existent), we will also apply the full dead load at this location in order to obtain conservative values. 2.2.2 LIVE LOADS (L & LR) Live loads in our building fell into two categories, interior live load and roof live load. The typical value of interior live load at each floor for a light warehouse is 125 psf. The roof live load will be taken as 20 psf. Both values for live loading were taken from Table 4-1 in ASCE 7-10. No live load reduction will be used, since we are not allowed to reduce interior live load greater than 100 psf and roof live load. 2.2.3 SNOW LOAD (S) Snow load for a flat roof top is defined in Chapter 7 of ASCE 7-10. The first thing we need to define is the Terrain Category as per section 26.7. For our type of building, the terrain category is B. Using the following equation (7.3-1 of ASCE 7-10): S = Pf = 0.7CeCtIsP 13 where: Ce= Exposure Factor (Table 7-2 of ASCE 7-10) Ct= Thermal Factor (Table 7-3 of ASCE 7-10) Is= Importance Factor (Table 1.5-2 of ASCE 7-10) Pg= Ground Snow Load (Figure 7-1 of ASCE 7-10) we can determine our snow load. The exposure factor (Ce) for a terrain category B with a fully exposed roof is 0.9. The thermal factor (Ct) for a normal building and the importance factor (/s) for risk category 11are both 1.0. The ground snow load (Pg) in the Massachusetts area is 40 psf. Calculating the snow load we obtain Pf = 25.2 psf. To be conservative and because Massachusetts' winters are usually heavy in snow, we will use a snow load of 30 psf at the roof. 2.2.4 WIND LOADS (W) Again, wind loads fell into two categories, lateral (windward) wind pressure on walls of our building and roof (downward) wind pressure. We won't need to calculate our leeward wind pressure, because the opposite wall of our frame is connected to the rest of the building. Lateral wind load will be analysed in both directions. The first thing we needed to calculate was the velocity pressure coefficient (qz) as per section 27.3.2 of ASCE 7-10: qz = 0.00256 - Kz - Kzt - Ka V 2 where: K2= Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient (Table 27.3-1of ASCE 7-10) Kzt= Topographic Factor (Table 26.8-1 of ASCE 7-10) Kd= Wind Directional Factor (Table 26.6-1 of ASCE 7-10) v= Wind Speed (Figure 26.5-lA of ASCE 7-10) 14 Wind speed (v) for risk category 11buildings within the Massachusetts area is 140 miles per hour. The wind directional factor (Kd) equals 0.85 for a typical building and the topographic factor (Kt) for an Exposure Category B (section 26.7 of ASCE 7-10) is 1.0. The velocity pressure exposure coefficient (Kz) depends on the height of our building, and values can be found in Table 27.3-1 of ASCE 7-10. Once we know the velocity pressure coefficient (qz), we can compute both lateral and roof wind loads with equation 27.4-1 of ASCE 7-10 for a rigid frame: W = Pw = qzGeCpe - qh[GCp], where: Ge= Cpe = qh = Gust Effect Factor (section 26.9 of ASCE 7-10) External Pressure Coefficient (Figure 27.4-1 of ASCE 7-10) Velocity Pressure Coefficient at the Roof [GC,;= Internal Pressure Coefficient (section 26.11 of ASCE 7-10) The gust effect factor (Ge) is equal to 0.85, while the internal pressure coefficient ([GCp];) is ±0.18 (note that -0.18 will control for the windward wind pressure). For the windward wind pressure, the external pressure coefficient (Cpe) is 0.8. Exposure Coef. Kzo-1 5 = 0.57 Velocity Pressure Coef. qzo-1 5= 24.31 Windward Wind Load Pwo. 1 5 = 23.67 psf Kz20 = 0.62 qz2 0 = 26.44 Pw20 = 25.12 psf Kz2 5 = 0.66 qz2 5 = 28.14 Pw25 = 26.28 psf Kz30 = qz 3 0 = 29.85 Pw3o = 27.44 qz4 0 = 32.41 Pw4 o= 29.18 Kz5 o = Kz 6 o = Kz7 o = 0.70 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.89 qz50 = qZ60 = 34.54 36.25 qz 7 0 = 37.95 Kh = 0.93 PW 5o= 30.63 PW6o = 31.79 Pw7o = 32.95 Pwh = 3 4 .11 psf psf psf psf psf psf Kz40 = qh= 39.66 15 80 70 60 50 -W 440 indward Wind Pressure Calculated 30 - -W indward Wind Pressure for Design 20 10 23 25 27 29 31 Wind Pressure (psf) 33 35 Figure 2 - Wind Pressure Diagram To be conservative, we will use a value of 35 psf for the lateral windward wind load. At the roof, Cpe is equal to either -0.9 or -0.18. The roof wind pressure varies from 1.07 psf upward to 37.48 psf downward. Since the uplift is pretty small, we will neglect its effect and only apply a downward wind pressure at the roof. Again, to be conservative, we will use a roof wind load of 38 psf. 2.2.5 EARTHQUAKE LOAD (E) For the earthquake loading, we will use a time history analysis. The result of this analysis will give us a force envelope for every member in our frame. In order to do this dynamic analysis, we need the acceleration data from an earthquake in the Massachusetts area. Using SAP2000 to do our analyses, the program's default database doesn't have any value for such a small earthquake. We will have to use a California earthquake and scale it down. To do so, we will start by doing a static analysis on our frame for both earthquakes (Massachusetts and California) and find the 16 maximum displacement for each of them. The ratio between both displacements will give us the scale factor to use for our time history analysis. Even if this ratio doesn't fully characterize a Massachusetts earthquake, it is more than enough for the purpose of this thesis. The site classes in Massachusetts and California are both C (IBC 2012 - Table 1613.5.2), since soil conditions are average to poor. The west coast earthquake used in our time history analysis is from Altadena Eaton Canyon Park (Los Angeles County, California). This particular region in the south of California is known for their frequent earthquakes (magnitude 5.0 and up). A step by step procedure on how we scaled down our earthquake can be found in "Chapter 4: SAP2000 Model" of this thesis. The next table summarizes all loads with their orientation in which they will be analysed plus their pounds per square foot value as well as their distributed load value. Load Orientation D 4 L 4 Lr 4 S 4 W (roof) 4 W (windward) E Value Distributed Load Self-weight + 37 psf Self-weight + 0.74 kip/ft 125 psf 2.5 kips/ft 20 psf 0.4 kip/ft 30 psf 0.6 kip/ft 38 psf 0.76 kip/ft 35 psf 0.7 kip/ft Dynamic Analysis Table 1 - Loads Summary As mentioned earlier, LRFD load combinations will be used in all of our analyses. Every load case is presented below in Table 2. For cases 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b and 6a, lateral wind loading will be analysed in both directions. The same will be done in our time history analysis with the earthquake loading cases 5a, 5b, 7a and 7b in order to obtain a force envelope. 17 Case 1 a 2a Combination b a 1.2D + 1.6Lr + L* 3 b 4 a b c d 1.21D + 1.6S + L* 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5W 1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5W a 5 b 6 a 7 a b Table 2 - Load Combinations Following ASCE 7-10, L* will be taken as L instead of 0.5L, since L is greater than 100 psf. The sketch below shows all dimensions of our typical frame with the location of every load. The next step involves on defining our bracing schemes. D, Lr, S & W f I I I1 I I I I I I I I D&L 4 @ 20' D&L / MMMMWI 3 @ 25' Figure 3 - Typical Frame Overview 18 CHAPTER 3: BRACING CONFIGURATIONS To counter lateral loads, our typical frame needs a bracing system. We came up with nine different configurations of bracing. The first bracing configuration is copied from the original structural plan of the building and consists of multiple traditional xbracings. The second, third and fourth configurations are also x-bracings but in a different pattern. The fifth, sixth and seventh configurations are similar to previous patterns but with chevron bracings instead of x-bracings. The eighth configuration is quite simple and made of four single braces. Our last configuration is a mix between v-bracings and chevron bracings. All bracing configurations can be found below on figures 4 to12. Those bracing configurations are really common lateral systems and mainly used in tall buildings. All brace members are going to be 2L6x6x3/8 (double angles back to back) as per structural plans. Now that we have our bracing configurations, we can model our braced frames in SAP2000. Figure 4 - Typical Frame Figure 5 - Bracing Configuration 1 19 Figure 6 - Bracing Configuration 2 Figure 7 - Bracing Configuration 3 Figure 8 - Bracing Configuration 4 Figure 9 - Bracing Configuration 5 Figure 10 - Bracing Configuration 6 Figure 11 - Bracing Configuration 7 20 Figure 12 - Bracing Configuration 8 Figure 13 - Bracing Configuration 9 21 CHAPTER 4: SAP2000 MODEL 4.1 BUILDING THE MODEL Our frame will be modeled in 2D (XZ plan). Column members are defined as W1 8x1 19 while girders are W1 6x40 sections. Numbering is an important issue here and need to be the same for all braced frames. The following figure shows the numbering of each horizontal member and nodes. Figure 14 - Members & Nodes Numbering Next, we restrain our columns by completely fixing them at their base (no rotation and translation allowed). We then define our load patterns (D, L, Lr, S, W and E) and apply them to the frame. The last step in building our model would be to input our load combinations defined earlier. 22 4.2 MASSACHUSETTS EARTHQUAKE SCALING To scale down our California earthquake to a standard Massachusetts quake for our time history analysis, we will compare both frames under static earthquake loading and do a ratio of their maximum displacements. We start be defining two response spectrum functions (with the IBC 2006, SAP2000 integrated code) for both Altadena & Massachusetts areas. To do that, we need both respective zip codes and site classes in order to have adequate properties of our earthquakes. We will assume a 0.05 (5%) damping ratio in our typical frame. Figure 15 - Altadena Response Spectrum Proprieties 23 Figure 16 - Massachusetts Response Spectrum Proprieties Once we have two appropriate response spectrum functions, we need to define them as a load case type to our earthquake load patterns (QUAKE 2 & 3 in the figure below). Note that the load pattern QUAKE will be used as a time history load case defined in the next section of this chapter. Caset -Load - Ctkx LoadCaseName Load Cae Type DEAD Linew Static MODAL Modal LIVE LinesStaic RlOOF LIVE LinesStaic -- AddNewLoadCaa.. Add Cm ofLoad Cam~.. ModyShow LoadCam.. Date LoadCase Display LoadCasesQUAKE3 Repons-S ShowLoadCaseTee.. OK Cancel I Figure 17 - Assign Load Case Type to the Earthquake Load 24 Running an analysis for both static earthquakes, we find the nodes with the maximum displacement and do a ratio between them. For the Altadena earthquake, the maximum displacement is 0.0011 foot while for the Massachusetts earthquake, it's 0.0001 foot. The ratio between both displacements equals: Scale factor = = 0.0001 umaxMA - Umax cA 0.001 0.0011 = 0.0909 In our time history analysis, we will scale down our California earthquake by this factor in order to have more realistic results. The next two figures (18 & 19) show the deformed shape of our frame under the static earthquake loading with their maximum displacement in the x-direction (circled in red). Figure 18 - Max. Displacement (Altadena Static Quake) 25 Figure 19 - Max. Displacement (Massachusetts Static Quake) 4.3 TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS DETAIL To create a dynamic earthquake in SAP2000, we have to use a time history function. This function is defined from a .th (extension type) file built-in SAP2000's database. We have multiple choices of earthquake accelerograms to choose from and luckily for us, Altadena earthquake is one of them! Using those accelerogram values spaced equally at an interval of 0.02 second we can define our function (see figure 20). Next, we need to modify our load case type QUAKE (Linear Modal History) with the appropriate scale factor. Note that accelerogram values are in cm/s 2 , and all of our loads are in kips/ft. To have suitable results, we need to multiple our scale factor by 0.0328ft/cm. The final scale factor to be used is equal to 0.00298 (shown in figure 21). 26 ITIMEHISTORY Function Name Values am Function Fie Browse. Fie Name amx8)\ompuAes and ltimei history 14\__ Header Unes toSkip Tine and Function Values r Values atEquallntrvals of Format --r* FreeFormat |3 C PrefiCheractas perLinetoSkip |0 Nwmer ofPoints perLine C 1002 -T Fused Format I Characters perItem |8 Convt to Uw Defined ViewFie Functisn Graph I DisplaGraph I o.,AO Figure 20 - Time History Function Load Case -- SetD Nae QUAKE Load Cue Type Notes ModyiShow.. Inital Condiins State ro Zeo Iriial Concins -Stat fromUnstressed C Canoe ha Ed fMod [e TimeHistory Desir Anah*jsss Typ $ Liaer -TUeHistryType ro Modal j H o Important Note: Loadsfromthis previous casearenckuded in the T Hory Mao Typ e TiunHistoryMotion Type ctart case - -Transient IMODAL UseModesfromCse LoadType LoadName LoadPatte7rIQUAKE Furction JTIMEHISTO ScaleFactor 0.002981818 -Add rTine Delete ~ ShowAdvancedLoadParameters Step Data Nure ofOutputTimeSteps 100 Oupot TimeStopSi. 101 Pmetees rOther ModMDameprig - at 0.05 Constant - MoyShow.. Figure 21 - Apply the Scale Factor to the Load Case 27 This time history analysis will give us a force envelope for each member, which represent the maximum and minimum axial forces in the member for the total duration of the earthquake. On the next figure, we can see the force envelopes for an earthquake created with a time history function (bracing configuration 4). Figure 22 - Example of Force Envelopes Under a Dynamic Earthquake The last step is to add every other bracing configuration (bracing members are 2L6x6x3/8) to the model and run multiple analyses to find the axial force in all horizontal members, for each load combination. Once we have those forces, we can now determine the pass through force at a joint. The next section of this thesis shows how we determined the absolute maximum PTF at all joints for our nine braced frames. 28 CHAPTER 5: RESULTS First thing we needed to do was to export the values from SAP2000 to Excel. Once we exported all those values for every load combination, we could use a Pivot Chart in Excel to find the maximum and/or minimum axial forces in every member. The following chart (Table 3) is an example for the first bracing configuration. The members are numbered the same way mentioned earlier (see figure 14 and/or figure 23 at the end of this chapter). Axial MAxubera a OMB2a OMB2b OMB3a OMB3b OMB3c OMB3d OMB4a OMB4b Axial ber # OMB3c OMB3d OMB4a l.COMB4b OMB6a 17 -4178 .751 9.018 -8.186 9.039 9.207 10.06 -14.851 15.118 10.525 18 -91 -8.967 -9.009 -6.667 -6.8 -3.9 -4.033 -9228 -9.27 -4.44 17 18 334'Tr 4248 -1.605 3.226 -4.373 -4.414 1.1 0.416 1-3.493 19 IM -8.827 -8.936 -7.113 -7.465 -4.329 -4.68 -8.385 -8.495 -3.816 19 -3.76 -6.544 -6.654 -1.975 Axial Load (kips) 20 21 22 23 1.66 5-901 SM -060 -4.241 7.924 6.273 -0.302 -3.934 8.353 6.655 -0.352 -0.535 9.055 7.572 -0.642 0.447 10.425 8.797 -0.802 -3.121 6.482 7.541 -7.756 -2.14 7.853 8.766 -7.917 -14.911 4.538 7.109 -14.252 -14.605 4.966 7.492 -14.303 -11.955 111 4.582 -14221 20 13.219 15.805 16.112 1861 Earthquake Meber # 17 18 Enve Max Min Max Min COMB&e .5Z -652--2 COMB5b -6.098 -7.456 -5.959 -6.91 ICOMB7a -2.029 -3.387 -1235 -2.186 ICOMB7b 1.985 1-3.343 -1.204 -2.156 LI Member # nve OMB5 OMB5b OMB7a OMBib 23 Max .093 .127 .084 .119 Min -0.889 -0.854 -0.898 -0.863 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 24 .9 TMTW 13.74 10.454 5.534 15.414 16.312 10A85 12.648 28.826 116.74 10.868 12.598 .29.118 12.935 7.968 12679 14.583 21 Min 19.614 19.667 5.605 5.658 25 5.54 14.829 14.992 11.921 12.441 6.457 6.977 12.355 12.518 4.1 26 rgl 18.951 19.048 14.161 14.47 4.744 5.053 12.288 12.384 2.19 25 26 .2 7.063 7.235 12.527 16.652 12.69 16.749 4.953 6.554 Axial Load (kips) 19 20 21 Max Min Max Min Max Min -313771 = -6.52 -6.562 -1.157 -3.034 7.413 6.286 -2.04 -2.081 1.976 0.099 4.336 3.209 -2.039 -2.081 2.045 0.167 4.378 3251 25 Max 21.112 21.165 17.103 7.156 24 ME 27.543 27.835 21.91 22.845 8.498 9.433 16.864 17.156 1 Max Min 11.6 10.339 11.813 10286 4.422 2.895 4.368 2.841 26 Max 15. 15.658 5.775 5.637 Min 11.659 11.521 1.638 1.5 27 28 0"W90. 1.239 31.374 1.265 31.569 1.135 23.986 122 24.61 1.778 10.471 1.863 11.095 3.038 23.586 3.064 23.781 7 27 00 0.045 -0.598 -0.571 -1167 Min -0135 -0.859 -1.283 -1.407 12.119 25.633 25.828 9251 22 Max 1r 5.629 3.401 3.408 27 Max 2.854 2.73 2.306 2.182 28 Min 5.541 3.313 3.32 2 Max Min 23.14 22.795 23.149 22.803 6.914 6.569 6.922 6.577 I Table 3 - Axial Forces in Members (Bracing Configuration 1) This last table is divided into three parts; the first part is for static load combinations with the lateral wind load taken in the positive direction; the second part is 29 for the wind load in the opposite orientation, while the last part is the axial force envelopes (max. and min.) for the dynamic load combinations (earthquake load). All other charts for every bracing configuration can be found in Appendix A. Knowing the axial loads in every member for each load combination, we are now able to find the PTF at any node. First, we won't analyse the exterior nodes and concentrate our study on the interior ones only (node # 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 & 15). This is simply because there is no PTF at those joints. The PTF for every static load combination was calculate as follows: PTFnode = abs(FAL - FAR) where: PTFoode= Pass Through Force at the node FAL = Axial Load in the Member Left to the Node FAR= Axial Load in the Member Right to the Node For example, the PTF at node 2 for the load combination 1a is the difference between the axial loads in members 17 & 18 of the same load combination. Note that we took the absolute value to be conservative and because the frame could be mirrored. For the dynamic load combinations, we took the maximum absolute value of the difference between the axial load envelopes of each member on each side of the node. Table 4 shows the PTF at every node for all load combinations as well as the maximum calculated values for the first bracing configuration. Tables 5 through 12 summarize the maximum value of the PTFs for each bracing configuration. Detailed calculations of each case can be found in Appendix B. 30 Axial (+W) PTF (± kips) Node # COMBIa COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 2 1.541 0.216 0.009 1.519 2.239 5.307 6.027 5.623 5.848 6.085 Axial Node# COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a PTF (± kips) 2 3 6 7 10 1.922 1.936 0.132 3.139 8.785 2.643 2.155 0.521 3.286 9.88 1.147 2.171 0.507 5.827 16.18 0.921 2.24 0.628 5.872 16.52 0.684 2.391 5.826 4.977 1.904 3 0.568 0.14 0.073 0.446 0.665 0.429 0.647 0.843 0.775 0.624 6 4.234 12.17 1229 9.59 9.978 9.603 9.993 19.45 19.57 13.12 10 10.53 27.85 28.19 22.55 23.65 1625 17.35 31.12 31.46 16.84 11 14 15 4.276 4.959 9.794 1271 17.71 30.14 12.84 17.78 30.3 9.989 13.03 22.85 10.4 13.25 23.39 2.041 2.966 8.693 2456 3.19 9.232 4.509 925 20.55 4.638 9.32 20.72 2.16 0278 4.736 - Earthquake Node.# COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 7 0.673 1.651 1.698 1.483 1.628 1.059 0.913 2.571 2.526 3.421 11 14 7.936 6.966 8.351 7.19 16.3 17.25 16.43 17.32 9.63 7.721 15 11.54 12.07 26.23 26.4 10.42 PTF (± kips) 2 1.51 1.497 2.152 2.139 3 6 0.572 10.47 0.603 10.45 0.846 4.237 0.877 4.211 7 1.837 1.872 1.023 1.058 10 11 14 15 22 10.77 16.53 23.88 22.02 10.88 16.52 24.01 8.001 4.208 7.058 8.197 8.019 4.315 7.044 8.329 I PTF (± kips) - - I 2 | 3 | 6 1 7 | 10 1 11 1 14 1 1s .085 12.391 119.57 15.872 131.46 116.43 17.78 3I3 Table 4 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 1) Table 4 is divided into three parts (exactly like the precedent table) plus a fourth part showing the maximum PTF at every node. 31 i PTF (t kips) 2 3 6 15.29322.08 8.08 7 10 114.99 136.25 11 32.19 14 21 15 21 Table 5 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 2) PTF (t kips) Table 6 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 3) PTF (t kips) RA F8.056 4-89 122-89 I 119-27 1118 19-16 135.46 1.384 Table 7 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 4) t 10-82 z I110.92 14 126-2b I I I127186 1IU 127 125-89 Table 8 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 5) PTF ft kinsa uoa0 I I8.051 18.199 125-54 124.4 z 4 la 19127-88 13.4 125.02 1 Table 9 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 6) PTF (t kips) [NodelI MAX 2 12.21 3 12.41 6 7 18.97 20.21 I 10 11 14 15 35.06 20.82 3612 2.591 Table 10 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 7) 32 PTF (tkips) Node 8 MAX 2 J5.331 3 6.206 6 7 10 11 14 15 114.76 120.49 113.05 13.202 146.54 12.652 Table 11 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 8) 2 M725 PTF kips) 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 13-25 18.165 17-711 145-79 145-79 110-111 111100-111Ij Table 12 - PTFs (Bracing Configuration 9) Figure 23 - Reminder of Members & Nodes Numbering In the next chapter of this thesis, we will analyse each case as well as comparing our results with 2 different methods. 33 CHAPTER 6: ANALYSIS & COMPARISON 6.1 ANALYSIS By looking at every PTF we calculated in the previous chapter, we can see that for every bracing configuration, PTFs at the top nodes (#2 & 3) are pretty small. This is mainly due to the load path taken by the load from the top to the bottom of the frame. A PTF will occur when the force in the bracing need to take a horizontal path instead of going directly to the ground. Since there is no bracing above the top nodes, no force is added to the members. Actually, PTFs at the top nodes are due to the fact that lateral forces go directly into the diagonal bracing (following the load path to the ground), which reduce the axial load in the members. Usually, PTFs less than 10 kips are not a big issue and barely affect the design of the steel connection. 6.1.1 BRACING CONFIGURA TION 1 X 0k +.3k ±9.57 ±.87 ±1.46 ±6.43 ±17.78k ±30.30k Figure 24 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 1) For the first bracing configuration, we can see that critical PTFs happen at nodes where bracings are non-symmetrical (nodes 6, 10 & 15). If bracings are symmetrical, 34 the force follows the load path to the ground by transferring the majority of its force to the opposite bracing instead of going in the horizontal member. Maximum PTFs are located at nodes 10 (±31.46 kips) and 15 (±30.30 kips). Because bracings are not symmetrical at those locations, the forces will follow a different path to the ground, resulting in PTFs. 6.1.2 BRACING CONFIGURA TION 2 220&.08k +14.99k 16.25 ±2.1 ±21.00k +21.00k Figure 25 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 2) Again, for this bracing configuration, PTFs have a higher value at nodes where the bracing isn't symmetric. Critical values can be found at nodes 10 (±36.25 kips) and 11 (±32.19 kips). Forces follow the load path from the top of the building to the bottom (through bracings & columns) and when they arrive at those nodes, the unsymmetrical pattern of the bracing forces them to take a different path. Since the force has been built-up from the top (accumulation of lateral and gravity loads), the PTFs at those locations are the highest. We can also see that PTFs are smaller near the bottom, since forces go directly from one bracing to the other due to the symmetry in the brace configuration at those nodes. 35 6.1.3 BRACING CONFIGURATION 3 Figure 26 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 3) Like the previous bracing configuration, the highest values of PTFs are where the bracing scheme is non-symmetric. In this case, near the bottom of our frame we find the maximum values of PTFs. 6.1.4 BRACING CONFIGURATION 4 Figure 27 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 4) 36 Here is a good example to prove our point that node where bracings are symmetric introduces less PTFs. Nodes 10 (± 11.18 kips) and 15 (±1.38 kip) have a bracing scheme symmetric and missing respectively. Those two nodes have less PTFs than others (expect for the top nodes). Again, the maximum PTF is at the bottom, at node 14 (±35.46 kips). The next bracing configurations will be a little bit different by changing the x-bracing scheme to chevron braces. 6.1.5 BRACING CONFIGURATION 5 ±0.82 ±26.20k ±7.86 ±20.25k +0.92 +25.89k +7.85 ±20.25k Figure 28 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 5) The next three bracing configurations are chevron braces which follow a quite different pattern if we compare with x-bracings. PTFs are generally smaller in a chevron brace configuration since loads tend to follow a direct path to the ground. In the case of a chevron, nodes don't have any symmetry relative to bracings. PTFs are mainly the result of the horizontal component of the force in the brace, and in the case of a symmetric frame (like we have here), PTFs will be similar at each storey. PTFs at the bottom are smaller since forces follow the shortest path to the ground. An interesting 37 comparison can be done with the second bracing configuration, where PTFs were greater near the bottom and higher in general. Chevron brace schemes reduce PTFs at nodes since bracing take less axial loads (forces go mainly in columns). 6.1.6 BRACING CONFIGURA TION 6 Figure 29 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 6) Here again, we notice the same pattern as the previous bracing configuration, where PTFs are similar at each floor and tend to be smaller at the bottom. Globally, PTFs are smaller if we compare with the third bracing configuration. 6.1.7 BRACING CONFIGURATION 7 Figure 30 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 7) 38 Due to the asymmetry of this bracing configuration, PTFs at each floor aren't the same. Again, where there is no bracing, the PTF is none. The main PTFs are located at the nodes where bracing frames in (nodes 10 & 14) and if we compare with the fourth bracing configuration, PTFs seem to be higher. This could be due to the load path forces are taking. Bracings on the left-side take much more loads. This bracing configuration demonstrates the load path being less distributed in the frame and columns and more concentrate toward braces. This results in more PTFs at the nodes. 6.1.8 BRACING CONFIGURATION 8 ±5.33k +6.21k ±14.76k +20.49k ±13.05k ±3.20k ±46.54k +2.65k Figure 31 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 8) This bracing configuration is quite similar to the fourth configuration except there are two nodes without any bracing which outcomes small values of PTF. We can see that where bracings are symmetric (node 10), the PTF is small as well. The bracing which takes the most axial loads is the one at the bottom left, and as a result, creates a high value for the PTF in node 14 (±46.54 kips). Since there is less bracings in this configuration, diagonal members tend to take more loads. 39 6.1.9 BRACING CONFIGURATION 9 Figure 32 - PTFs Sketch (Bracing Configuration 9) This last bracing configuration is kind of a mix of every other configuration. We have nodes with symmetry (6 & 7), as well as nodes with uneven symmetry (10 & 11) and nodes without brace (13 & 14). At nodes 6 & 7, the force doesn't have the chance to go from one horizontal member to the other, since it goes in the bracing instead. This results in small PTF at those locations. Because of the non-symmetry of nodes 10 & 11, huge PTFs are generated. Also axial load from center bracings of the third floor add more axial loads in the horizontal member below, which result in more PTFs at those nodes. As always, nodes 13 & 14, where no bracing is framing, have less PTF. As a reminder, because the horizontal component of the axial force in the brace is missing (absent brace) fewer axial loads are carried through the node. 6.2 COMPARISON In this section, we will compare our results with two traditional ways of calculating PTFs. The first method consists of calculating the PTF with the maximum values of axial 40 forces in the member (its design value). The second one is more conservative and take the PTF equals to the total axial loading in the bracing. 6.2.1 1ST METHOD As mentioned earlier, this method consists of taking the design axial load in both girders on each side of the node and do the difference between those forces to get the actual PTF. Doing so, we will need to find the maximum design axial load in each member using the tables in Appendix A. Once we have those design values, we can compute the PTFs with the same formula used earlier (see chapter 5). The big difference of this method is that we calculate only one value of PTF at each node using the design axial force of the members instead of calculating PTFs for every load combination and take the maximum of them. Using the first bracing configuration as an example, we first determine the maximum (tension) and minimum (compression) values of axial load in the members. The absolute maximum value from the table below is the design axial force (in kips) of the member. ber# Max 17 1.1 15.118 15.118 18 0.416 -9.27 9.27 19 -1.975 -8.936 8.936 20 18.761 -14.911 18.761 21 16.74 1.161 16.74 22 23 10.868 12.679 3.313 -14.303 10.868 14.303 24 25 26 29.118 14.992 19.048 2.621 2.841 1.5 29.118 14.992 19.048 27 3.064 -1.407 3.064 28 31.569 6.569 31.569 Table 13 - Design Axial Force of Members (Bracing Configuration 1) We are then able to compute the PTF (in kips) at each node and compare those values with the results we found. The last row of Table 14 indicates if the PTF calculated with the 1 st method is bigger than the one computed earlier. "NG" stands for "No Good". 41 Node# PTF K? 2 5.848 NG 3 0.334 NG 6 2.021 NG 7 5.872 NG 10 14.815 NG 11 14 14.126 15.984 NG NG 15 28.505 NG Table 14 - Comparison of PTFs using the 1st Method (Bracing Configuration 1) Looking at the results in Appendix C for this 1s' method for all bracing configurations, we find something interesting. The PTFs calculated with the design value of axial force in the members is ALWAYS smaller than what we've computed earlier. This means that if we design a connection using the 1st method, we will probably underestimate the value of PTF, which could result in a failure. It is safer to compute PTFs for every load combination and then take the maximum value. 6.2.2 2ND METHOD For this second method, we will compare the design axial load in the diagonal members with our PTFs calculated in chapter 5. This method was used in real life for the first bracing configuration (Colonsay Project). We will only analyse the first bracing configuration for this method. First thing we need to do is number each brace. Figure 33 - Bracing Numbering (Bracing Configuration 1) 42 Using a similar approach with our SAP2000 results, we are able to find the design axial load in each diagonal member (in kips). Notice that the absolute maximum value of axial force in every brace is generated by compression (the absolute of the minimum value in Table 15 always governs). Detailed calculations for the axial force in bracings can be found in Appendix D. # 29 -749 30 43 44 38 35 40 41 42 34 35 36 37 33 861 -518.676 7.697 -3 2.9 4 I. 23 57 10.75 -2.624 2.-593 -14.9 -1.317.192 -10.141 -4.005 -14.918 -16.317 -18.676 -7.697 -30.95 -43.435 -28.788 -10.75 -28.502 -66.785 -59.387 -20 '10.141 4.005 '14.918 '16.317 '18676 7697 30.95 '43435 '28.788 '10.745' 5M WM~Y 6.8 59.7 2 31 32 -8.351 -0.1 -0 M-7.479 -8.662 Max 7.479 86 Table 15 - Full Axial Force in Diagonal Members (Bracing Configuration 1) Since PTFs are usually generated by the transfer of load from a bracing to another, we will do a force equilibrium at each node using the forces in the diagonal members (see Table 15). For example, the next figure illustrates the forces at node #15 (surrounded by bracings #37, 40 & 43): 10.75k 30.95k 0 =38.66* Node 15 59.39k Figure 34 - Force Equilibrium at node 11 (Bracing Configuration 1) A conservative way of doing this is to assume 8 equals to zero. The PTF will be the sum of the full axial force in the bracing. Table 16 displays the value of PTF at each node using the 2 nd comparative method. 43 PTF (± kips) Node # MAX OK? 2 7.479 OK 6 7 10 11 3 23.58 1.115 47.267 21.868 1.479 OK OK NG NG OK Table 16 - PTFs 2nd Method using 0 = 0" 14 23.35 OK 15 39.18 OK If we take the real value of 0 (38.660) and take the horizontal component of the bracing force instead of its full value, we obtain the PTFs in the table below (Table 17). In real life, they usually take 0 equals to zero, but can we lower PTFs' values in order to save money in the connection design? PTF (± kips) Node # MAX OK? 2 5.84 NG 7 10 11 3 6 0.871 36.909 17.076 1.155 18.413 OK NG OK NG NG Table 17 - PTFs 2nd Method using 0 = 38.66* Comparing results of the 2 nd 14 18.233 OK 15 30.6 OK method with the values calculated in chapter 5 gives us interesting results. As a reminder, Table 18 shows the calculated PTFs (as per chapter 5) for the first bracing configuration. Starting with the case where 0 is equals to zero, PTFs are relatively conservative except for node 3 & 7. Since those two nodes don't see a lot of PTFs (one node is at the top, the other is surrounded by symmetrical bracing) we can assume that it's a realistic and conservative way of computing PTFs. PTF ( kips) INode# 14 15 11 10 6 1 7 3 2 17.783 30.3 5.872 31.459 16.428 6.085 2.391 19.571 MAX Table 18 - Reminder of PTFs Calculated for the First Bracing Configuration in Ch. 5 Taking the horizontal component of the bracing force instead of its full value Fh = F - cos(6) 44 results in similar PTF at the node. We can see that PTFs at node 2, 3 & 7 are still smaller than the PTFs calculated in chapter 5. As mentioned earlier, top nodes and nodes with symmetrical bracing don't really cause a problem, since PTFs are generally small. For this case, we need to be careful because at node 6 (an asymmetrical node), the value of PTF is also smaller. Even if the difference is less than 10% (a little bit less than 6% to be accurate), it could be problematic. Using a conservative method by taking the angle equals to zero is probably the best way of obtaining adequate results if you decide to use the 2 nd alternate method. Following our analysis and comparison, the best way of obtaining the PTF at a node is to look at every load combination in detail. This means to find the maximum axial force in all members and compute the PTF at the joint for each load combination. Then take the maximum PTF of all load combinations to obtain the value to use in the steel connection design. Using those steps to calculate the PTF will result in the cheapest and safest way of designing steel connections. The first method shouldn't be use at all while the second could be used but with caution and good judgement. If you don't know the PTF at a node and need to design a steel connection, the best alternative would be to use the second method with an angle equals to zero, since it is the most conservative and less time consuming. 6.3 MOVING FORWARD Now that we understand a little bit more where pass through forces come from, we could try to come up with a model for plan instead of elevation. PTFs can also be found in plan view as part of the lateral system. A similar model could be done to see if 45 results concord. The next step would be to create a 3D model and find PTFs in all directions at a node. Sometime, connection designs can be tricky and the more accurate your design loads are, the more money you will save designing your connections. The next figure shows the complexity of some connections and how important it is to minimise the steel used in your connection. Overdesigned connections can increase the total cost of your building by a huge factor. Figure 35 - Complex Steel Connection 2 Thanks to ADF Group Inc. (Fabricator of Complex Structural Steel and Heavy Built-Up Steel Components) for letting me use this picture in my thesis! 2 46 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION Looking back at our results, we learned interesting facts about pass through forces. We first defined our static loads using the ASCE 7-10 as well as IBC 2012 codes and then scaled down a California earthquake to represent the magnitude of a Massachusetts quake so we could do a dynamic time history analysis. Using an existing braced frame and common bracing configurations, we have created multiple models in SAP2000 to analyse. Exporting axial loads from SAP2000 to Excel and then using a Pivot Chart to find the maximum and minimum forces for each member of all load combinations of every bracing configuration was necessary to obtain accurate values of pass through forces. Then, knowing the axial force in each member on both sides of a node, we were able to calculate the pass through force at that node for each load combination. The maximum of those pass through forces was used to analyse each bracing scheme. Comparing each bracing configuration's result, we learned that top nodes and nodes with symmetrical bracing carry fewer pass through force. This is due to the load path forces take from the top of the frame to the ground. If the force is able to transfer directly to the opposite bracing instead of going in the horizontal member, fewer pass through force will occur. Nodes without bracing have small value of pass through force, while nodes with asymmetric bracings are more subject to pass through force. Next, we compared our results with two traditional methods of computing pass through forces. The first one consists of taking the design axial force of each member to 47 calculate the pass through force at the joint. This method underestimates pass through forces and shouldn't be use. The second method is quite conservative and requires doing a force equilibrium at the node with the full or horizontal component of the force in the bracing. This second method needs to be used with caution in order to obtain accurate results. The following step would be to expand our model to horizontal bracings on a plan view and see if we obtain concurring results. A 3D model could also be done to really understand in depth the pass through force phenomenon. Buildings getting taller every year, lateral systems take more axial loads which create larger values of pass through forces. Fully understand pass through forces will result in cost savings for steel connection design. 48 REFERENCES BOOK + Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010. Print. + 2012 International Building Code. Country Club Hills, IL: ICC, 2012. 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Fabrication of Complex Structural Steel and Heavy Built-Up Steel Components. Web. 28 Apr. 2012. <http://www.adfgroup.com/en/home.html>. PROGRAM +e Computers & Structures, Inc. (CSI) - SAP2000 v14 .+ Microsoft Office - Excel 2010 50 APPENDIX A: AXIAL FORCES IN MEMBERS Frame 0 Axial (+W) Member # Ba OMB2a OMB2b OMB3a OMB3b OMB3c OMB3d OMB4a COMB4b Axial 1-W) rembr # OM13d OMB= OMB4a OMB4b OMB6a 17 18 7-. ' . 9.826 -23.074 -10.097 -23.314 -8.977 -18.112 -18.882 -9.842 -9.566 -10.513 -10.431 -11.283 15.762 -21.923 -16.032 -22.163 O10.861 -9773 17 .512 3.923 .193 0.978 -8.242 -15.842 -16.082 -3.692 Min 8.125 7.767 0.656 0.299 Axial Load (kips) 21 22 23 24 .M .1 .IM -T. -30.839 -25.13 31.852 -13.64 -30.803 -24.93 32.181 -13.61 25.076 -9.311 -21.325 -16.1 -21.209 -15.48 26.129 -9.201 -7.727 -2.984 7.284 -2.796 -7.612 -2.355 8.337 -2.686 -25.472 -17.92 15.457 -10.36 -25.436 -17.73 15.786 -10.33 1-3.77 -1.223 1-2.824 31.852 32.181 25.076 26.129 11.63 12.683 24.148 24.478 7468 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 25 20 21 -7.455 -9.809 -10.08 -4.908 5.07 1.1-3.072 -2.875 11.073 -0.414 -11.076 -11.04 5.935 18 Max -1. Min - -16.86 -16.861 -4.904 4904 -4.904 |-4.904 23 Max 4.147 4.264 .73 .847 20 .W -25.126 -24.929 -16.103 -15.475 -7.962 -7.333 -27.877 -27.681 -13.733 19 18 Earthquake 17 ember # nye Max Min . OMB5a OMB5b .774 -8.26 OMB7a 2.197 -3.682 COMB7b -2.09 1-3.575 Member # n OMB5e OMB5b OMB7a OMB7b 19 -4.4R -9.826 -10.1 -8.977 -9.842 -6.623 -7.488 -9.875 -10.15 -4.974 3.682 2.375 2.41 9.912 14.664 28.11 28.439 11.43 Axial Load (kips) 19 20 Min Max Min Max Max Min -12.156 -12.156 -4.592 -4.592 19.009 36.801 37.13 20.121 1. . -6.882 -8.367 -17.038 -2.09 -3.575 -2.727 -2.197 |-3.682 1-2.737 25 24 Max -6.825 -6.825 0.74 0.74 0.092 -13.03 -12.83 1.117 24 25 Max 24.264 24.147 7.847 7.73 Min 7.767 8.125 0.299 0.656 26 Min Max 11.229 0.412 11.181 0.444 3.305 0.041 3.257 -10.073 26 7.982 16.74 16.857 13.444 28 .45 15.082 15.199 11.527 11.903 3.174 3.55 7.876 7.993 0.011 28 27 7.511 15.835 15.948 8.084 21 -1.1-1. -17.22 -2.91 |-2.92 26 27 4.6. 4 4 15.082 14.556 15.199 14.669 11.527 11.11 11.903 11.472 2.77 2.786 3.146 3.148 7.067 7.108 7.221 7.184 1-0951 1-0643 7.578 15.931 16.048 7.913 22 Min -. Max - Min -. -19.13 -23.894 -17.029 -17.21 -2.092 -6.854 -2.737 -2.92 -2.092 1-6.8!54 |-2.727 |-2.91 28 27 Max 10.522 10.522 2.862 2.862 Min 10.522 10.522 2.862 2.862 1 Max 11.181 11.229 3.257 3.305 Min 0.444 0.412 0.073 0.041 51 Bracing Configuration 1 Axial (+W) Member # COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a -4. -8.751 -8.967 -9.018 -9.009 .186 -6.667 9.039 -6.8 9.207 -3.9 -10.06 -4.033 -14.851 -9.228 -15.118 -9.27 -10.525 1-4.44 19 20 -3.2051.8 -8.827 -4.241 -8.936 -3.934 -7.113 -0.535 -7.465 0.447 -4.329 -3.121 -4.68 -2.14 -8.385 -14.911 -8.495 -14.605 1-3 -11.955 Axial Load (kips) 21 22 23 5.1 5 7.924 6.273 -0.302 8.353 6.655 -0.352 9.055 7.572 -0.642 10.425 8.797 -0.802 6.482 7.541 -7.756 7.853 8.766 -7.917 4.538 7.109 -14.252 4.966 7.A92 -14.303 1.161 4.82 -14.221 24 9.92 27.543 27.835 21.91 22.845 8.498 9.433 16.864 17.156 2.621 25 . 9 14.829 14.992 11.921 12.441 6.457 6.977 12.355 12.518 4.781 Axial (-W) Member # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 17 .3 -4.248 W3.226 -3.493 1.1 19 20 4081 -3.76 13219 -6.544 15.805 -6.654 116.112 -1.975 18.761 Axial Load (kips) 21 22 23 1= 13.74 10.454 5.534 16.312 10.485 12.648 116.74 10.868 12.598 12.935 7.958 12.679 24 14.49 15.414 28.826 29.118 14.583 26 .9 7.063 7.235 12.527 16.652 12.69 16.749 4.953 6.554 S 17 Earthquake Member # Envelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Max .142 .098 2.029 1.985 Member # Enve COMB5a COMB5b ICOMB7a COMBI b Max 0.093 .127 .084 0.119 18 18 -1.4 2 -1.605 -4.373 -4.414 0.416 17 18 Min Max -. -7.456 -5.959 -3.387 -1.235 -3.343 -1.204 23 Min -0.889 -0.854 -0.898 -0.863 Min -6.1 -6.91 -2.186 -2.156 24 Max Min 21.112 19.614 21.165 19.667 17.103 5.605 7.156 5.658 26 27 28 5. 0.699 10.4 18.951 1.239 31.374 19.048 1.265 31.569 14.161 1.135 23.986 24.61 14.47 1.22 4.744 1.778 10.471 5.053 1.863 11.095 12.288 3.038 23.586 23.781 12.384 3.064 2 .19 2468 7204 25 . Axial Load (kips) 19 20 21 Max MinM Max M Max Min 71 6.2 21-6 1. -6.52 -6.562 -1.157 -3.034 7.413 6.286 -2.04 -2081 1-976 0.099 4.336 3.209 -2.039 1-2081 2.045 0.167 4.378 3.251 2 Max 11.866 11.813 14.422 4.368 Max 15.796 15.658 15775 5.637 Min 11.659 11.521 .1.638 1.5 Max 2.854 2.73 .2.306 2.182 Min -0.735 -0.859 -1.283 -1.407 28 11.4 12.119 25.633 25.828 9.251 22 Max . 5.629 3.401 3408 Min .5 5.541 3.313 3.32 28 27 26 Min 10.339 10.286 2.895 2.841 27 -0.04 0.045 -0.598 -0.571 -1.167 Max 23.14 23.149 16.914 6.922 Min 22.795 22.803 6.569 6.577 52 Bracing Configuration 2 Axial (+W) Member# C2-1 COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b Axial Load (kips) 17 18 -6.006 -6.08 -4.814 -5052 -3.345 -3.583 -6.612 -6.686 -3.48 19 -4.118 -8.535 -8.8 -8.022 -8.87 -6.37 -7.217 -9.146 -9.41 4.936 1.6 -4-287 -3.979 -0.563 0.42 -3.121 -2.137 -14.937 -14.63 -11.954 21 T. 1 7.284 7.808 9.336 11.013 8.858 10.535 6.922 7.447 4.06 1ember# 18 17 -1.786 -3.413 .261 -2.024 -3.233 -3.493 -3.498 -3.567 0.977 -0.361 19 -6.094 -6.942 -8.595 .-8.86 -4.385 20 1 -237 13.22 15.778 16.085 18.761 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 21 12.948 4.513 5.683 14.626 5.496 5.524 15.104 0.33 12.633 15.628 0.637 12.583 12.242 3.313 12.633 -8 S .535 .8 .022 -8.87 9.051 -9.898 14.507 -14.772 -10.298 20 Axial f-W) ICOMB3c COMB3d OMB4a COMB4b OMB6a Earthc9uake Mmber# Enve OMB5a COMB5b OMB7a COMB7b I - 17 Max -5.881 5872 1.884 -1.875 p ~p Member # Envelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Min - . 18 -7.408 -3.42 1-3.411 18 Max -4.4 8 -4.428 -1.355 -1.355 - - -. 23 Max .183 0.21 0.143 0.17 Min -0.885 -0.857 -0.925 -0.897 Min -4.428 4428 -1.355 1-1.355 Max 23.122 23.122 6.718 6.718 Min 23.122 23.122 6.718 6.718 22 1.662 -4.287 -3.979 -0.563 0.42 4.603 5.586 0.511 0.818 3.493 23 24 1 . -0.242 31.641 -0-292 31.899 -0.597 24.462 -0.756 25.287 -7.706 9.841 10.666 -7.865 -14.145 21.794 -14.195 22.052 -14.145 15184 .T 24 13.334 14.159 28.781 29.038 12171 Axial Load (kips) 19 20 Max Min Max Min -5.872 - . 8 -0.98 -3. 1 -5.881 -7.418 -0.98 -3.335 -1.875 -3.411 2.243 -0.112 -1.884 |-3.42 2.249 |-0.107 - Max 0.21 0.183 0.17 0.143 25 Min Max -0.857 15471 -0.885 15.4 -0.897 5.432 -0.925 5.361 25 .AS -0.242 -0.292 -0.597 -0.756 -1.214 -1.373 -1.161 -1.211 -1.161 26 .6F9 18.99 19.082 14.166 14.459 4.482 4.775 11.819 11.911 1.707 27 8 -1.929 -1.913 -1.198 -1.147 -1.088 -1.038 -3254 -3.238 25 0.9 -0.968 -0.351 -0.401 -0.351 26 7.1 7.415 17.098 17.19 6.986 27 1.019 1.069 0.96 0.975 2.08 21 Max 6. 6.609 4.166 14.166 - Min 6.609 6.609 4.166 |4.166 Max -1.28 -1.28 -0.147 -0.147 Min -1.28 -1.28 -0.147 -0.147 18.99 19.082 14.166 14.459 2.961 3254 8.778 8.869 -1.334 _-2134 28 8.642 8.935 20.14 120.231 10.028 22 Max -0 -0.985 2.249 2.243 27 Min 11.98 11.909 1.941 1.87 28 Min -333 -3.341 -0.107 1-0.112 28 Max 15.4 15.471 5.361 5.432 I Min 11.909 11.98 1.87 1.941 53 Bracing Configuration 3 Axial (+W) Member # 1O " COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 17 . .728 .998 .212 9.076 9.486 10.35 15.253 15.523 10.961 18 . '198 -0.491 -0.498 -0.403 -0.423 -0.854 -0.874 -1.665 -1.671 -1.416 19 20 -4= -8.728 -6.614 -8.998 -6.382 -8.212 -2.757 -9.076 -2.013 -6.271 -0.631 -7.135 0.113 -8.822 -8.978 -9.092 -8.745 5-6.151 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 21 " TTV" . -2.749 T. -19.599 -6.614 19.596 -19.43 -6.382 19.809 -12.261 -2.757 15.589 -11.719 -2.013 16.273 -3.464 0.94 5.67 -2.922 1.684 6.353 -17.39 -5.835 11.298 -17.221 -5.602 11.511 -1.695 r 25 -0.516 19.596 -0.387 19.809 0.688 15.589 16.273 1.101 -0.991 7.693 -0.578 8.376 -5.36 15.344 -5.231 15.557 -487 5179 26 27 11.821 -0.948 36.657 -2.273 36.904 -2262 27.981 -1.668 28.771 -1.632 9.963 -2.62 10.753 -2.584 23.397 -5.477 23.644 -5.465 4.101 -4.369 28 11.21 36.657 36.904 27.981 28.771 12.328 13.118 28.127 28.373 8.83 Axial Load (kips) Axial (-W) Member # COMB3c COMB3d COMB COMB4b COMB6a 24 IT.r' r' 17 3. .174 .9 -3.17 1.392 Earthquake Member # E'nvel COMB5a OMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Max 5.904 1.982 1.829 Member # Enve COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Max 14.755 14.822 .76 .828 0. 18 0.367 0.81 10.812 1.067 19 -.6. 2 -7.389 9.3 -9.601 -5.039 17 21 20 6.3 7.078 .5 5.185 9.092 2. 2.749 -6.048 _-5.879 5.191 - 1 -7.557 -3.636 1-3.482 Max Min - -1 -0.371 -0.371 -0.127 -0.127 -0.127 1-0.127 Min 14.135 14.203 4.141 4.208 Max 0.018 0.018 0.694 0.694 Min 0.018 0.018 0.694 0.694 24 5.4 5.882 7.561 7.69 8.134 26 1 .3 9.305 16.127 1721 34..145 17.415 34.392 7.036 14.849 25 . -6.058 -1.829 -1.982 Min 14.203 14.135 4.208 4.141 Max 26.886 26.926 7.788 7828 Max Min 26.47 26.509 7.371 7411 27 Max -1.726 -1.726 -0.609 -0.609 Min -1.726 1.726 -0.609 -0.609 Min - -4.949 -13.14 -13.142 -2.982 -0.446 -1.767 -1.767 1.166 |-0.623 1-1.767 |-1.767 11.343 26 25 Max 14.822 14.755 4.828 4.76 28 12.92 13.762 29.416 29.663 10.12 22 Min 1 -7.711 -3.159 -3.482 1.343 1-3.636 11.166 27 1.225 1.261 2.214 2.225 3.321 21 Max -- 24 23 23 1.64 11.328 21.248 21.461 11.082 Axial Load (kips) 19 20 Max Min Max Min 18 Min 22 .6 5.506 1.81 2.042 5.949 -4.772 -0.623 |-0.446m 28 Max Min 26.926 26.509 26.886 26.47 7.828 7.411 7.788 7.371 1 54 Bracing Configuration 4 Axial Load (kips) Axial (+W) Member # a O~ COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b 17 . -8.423 -8.687 -7.934 .78 -9.242 -10.088 -14.892 -15.156 -10.738 Axial (-W) 17 Member # COMB3c -1 -3.976 COMB3d r.668 COMB4a OMB4b -2.933 1.485 OMBfa 18 . -6.544 -6.623 -5.237 -5.491 -3.545 -3.798 -7.021 -7.1 -3.611 I -8.55 -8.815 -8.03 -8.878 -6.333 -7.181 -9.09 -9.355 -4.869 18 Min 3.133 3.286 -2.665 -2.511 .1 -6.969 -8.665 -8.93 -4.445 21 20 . -5.023 -4.72 -1.145 -0.174 -3.038 -2.067 -14.744 -14.441 -11.399 22 10.332 10.884 11.72 13.484 9.295 11.059 7.902 8.453 3.455 20 19 1 -2.268 -3.96 -4.04 -0.551 23 Max 12.652 12.805 .854 7.008 .112 - Earthquake 17 Member # Min Max Enve . -COMB5a -5.6 -7.499 OMB5b 1.677 -3.577 COMB37a -1.658 |-3.557 C OMt LrMee # Enve COM85a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 19 21 23 r1. -4.291 11.019 -3.984 11.093 -0.576 8.352 0.406 8.587 4.713 4.741 5.695 4.976 0.769 10.777 1.076 10.85 3.746 4.2 24 . 11.644 11.727 8.954 9.218 8.261 8.524 17.38 17.462 11 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 1 4.7 12.502= 116.64 14.395 .19.066 14.698 19.617 14.619 17.74 5.332=4. 0.043 0.35 3.02 . TI 1.3 2.786 6.398 6.471 0.541 24 0.362 M 1.055 1.138 -5.032 25 . -0.568 -0.621 -0.819 -0.988 -1.375 -1.545 -1.641 -1.694 -1.437 26 .4 39.921 40.187 30.414 31.263 10.425 11.275 24.853 25.119 26 25 -0.892 'r f 40.336 -0.389 -0.131 17.685 37.674 37.939 16.62 Max -21 -4.792 1-1.449 -1.445 Axial Load (kips) 20 21 19 Min Min Max Min Max Min Max -- 1--I -3.657 9597 8.088 -5.903 -7.434 -1.844 -4.857 -0025654.105 .-1.862 -3.392 1.801 -1.514 -0.07 5.591 |4.081 |-1.51 -1.895 1-3.425 1.743 | 24 1 Min 2.582 2.86 -3.439 -3.161 Max -0.0071 0.139 0.155 0.301 27 1-1= 4.722 4.726 3.336 3.348 0.895 0.907 3.115 3.119 0.525 27 28 1.141 1.2 3.582 3.586 0.992 1.161 3.67 3.678 0.95 22 18 Max 14.192 14.47 8.171 8.449 26 25 Min -1.225 -1.079 -1.063 -0.917 Max 30.452 30.391 9.61 9.549 Max 4.179 4.186 1.593 1.599 Min 2.444 2.45 -0.143 -0.136 Min Max --0.757 2.31 2.465 27 Min 27.676 27.615 6.834 6.774 28 1.1 4.93 4.938 3.488 3.513 0.979 1.004 3.356 3.364 0.636 -3.514 -. 6 |-0.291 m 1 28 Max 3.825 3.834 1.111 1.12 Min 3.061 3.071 0347 0.357 55 Bracing Configuration 5 Axial (+W) Member # COM1a COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b OMBfa 17 .1 -8.503 -8.779 -8,089 -8.973 -9.285 -10.169 -14.694 14.97 1-10.526 18 .21 -3.672 -3.769 -3.336 -3.649 -2.634 -2.947 -4.053 -4.151 -2.223 19 4 -8.503 -8.779 -8.089 -8.973 -6.535 -7.419 -9.194 -9.47 -5.026 20 1.3 -5.834 -5.514 -1.55 -0.526 -3.147 -2.124 -15.742 -15.423 -11.887 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 4.8 1.398 1.016 -5.834 6.402 4.513 4.932 -5.514 6.352 4.073 6.549 -1.55 -0.526 3.914 7.888 9.699 4.464 -6.296 11.038 5.487 -6.455 -9.41 10.357 -0.52 -9.459 10.776 -0.2 3.336 -13.047 8.796 21 Earthquake Member # Enve COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 19 18 17 -4.447 3.251 [3.528 0.917 0.075 1.989 11.891 3.819 Max -5.33 -5.728 -1.386 -178 . 20 12069 -7.197 13.092 -8.751 14.69 .-9.028 115.009 -4.583 18.545 17 18 Min -7 79 -7.974 -3.632 14026 - d- Max Min .00 -64 -0.009 -5.647 1.743 -3.895 1743 I39 . - 21 22 5.481 18.49 25.262 -0.533 .25.68 1-0.214 23.701 3.322 17. 23 7M027 6.869 17.238 17.188 13.601 13.523 13.526 9.555 9.565 0.982 0.992 5.667 5.67 -1.7 7.22 7.231 5.11 5.143 1.913 1.947 5.86 5.871 1.883 24 14.68 14.761 32.24 32.263 25.372 25 06 0.481 4.462 4.413 0.825 27 4.88 4.889 13.462 13.465 6.096 28 15 10.419 21.313 21.319 20.342 Axial Load (kips) 20 19 Max Max Min Max Min 1 -4= - .94 -1. -5.159 12.238 -5.333 -7.579 -1.869 -0.445 11.012 -4.026 12844 -1.78 1-11047 111012 -1386 133 123 . . . .. 23 Enve COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 25 26 1.016 1. 6.402 7.22 6.352 7.231 4.073 5.11 3.914 5.143 0.091 6.431 -0.067 6.453 3.366 13.381 3.316 13.387 -0.272 12.41 27 28 -M.83 Axial Load (kips) Axial (-W) Member # COMB3c COMB3d COMBa COMB4b COMB6a 24 3.448 12.733 12.757 9.189 9.264 7.752 7.828 18.374 18.397 11.506 Max 5.268 .991 1.591 1.314 Min 3.669 3.393 -0.0076 -0.284 26 Max 19.84 19.84 12992 1992 Min -1.71 -1.71 -8.558 1-8558 Min Max 3.393 4.991 3.669 5.268 -0.284 1.314 11.591 1-0.008 Max 9.568 13.083 8.603 12.118 Min -10.71 -7.197 -11.68 -8.162 i Max 9.539 9.539 2.175 2.175 26 7 8.755 19.477 19.487 15.5 22 21 Max -1.89 -1.267 2.243 2844 Min -3.4 1 -3.491 -4.717 -4717 - . 27 L Min 9.539 9.539 2.175 2.175 Min -5.1 9 -4.557 -1.047 1-0.445 I J i Max 13.083 9.568 12.118 8.603 Min -7.197 -10.71 -8.162 -11.68 56 Bracing Configuration 6 Axial (+W) Member # COMBIa COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COM06a Axial f-W) Member # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthcluake I 17 18 19 20 -. -2.695 -3.6 -5.494 -5.777 -6051 -6.958 .976 -9.884 -12.956 -13239 10.467 -7.764 -7.875 -6.291 -6.646 -3.362 -3.718 -6.485 -6.596 -2.416 -5.494 -5.777 -6.051 -6.958 -5.939 -6.846 -6.88 -7.163 -4.391 3. 3.164 3.503 4.86 5.945 -0.998 0.087 -9.028 -8.689 -6.048 18 -0.329 -0.684 -0.417 -0.528 3.652 19 -6.016 -6.924 -7.036 -7.319 -4.547 20 1 .9 15.069 20.917 21.256 19.822 17 19 9 -3.886 .96 1.244 1.529 Max -3.683 -3.821 -1.421 -1.559 17 Member # Envelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Max 22.946 22.371 8.108 7.533 Min - .32 -5.47 -3.07 -3.208 23 Min 4.179 4.777 -2.095 -1.497 24 25 1.913 7061 2.699 27378 2.846 27.443 3.062 19.716 3.535 19.925 -0-1 9.218 0.373 9.426 -2.957 24.925 -2.81 24.991 -4.14 10.035 26 7.39 28.247 28.319 20.402 20.633 6.387 6.5 17.098 17.133 7.292 27 2777 10.165 10.232 7.587 7.799 0.852 1.064 3.393 3.459 -2118 28 7 28.247 28.319 20.402 20.633 10.956 11.188 28.402 28.474 13.069 Axial Load (kips) 21 22 23 16-7 3.06 . 3.604 7.66 16.479 -4.457 6.118 39.031 -4.287 6.457 39.096 6.784 8.596 24.141 24 6.393 6.866 10.028 .10.176 8.845 26 18.072 18.303 42.632 42.705 27.299 27 5.258 5.47 12.205 12.271 6.694 28 10.444 10.557 25.212 25.247 15.406 Axial Load (kips) _____________ Member # Enve COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Axial Load (kips) 21 22 23 -2.649 3.536 7.7"1 -19.552 3.164 27.378 -19.382 3.503 27.443 -12.196 4.86 19.716 -11.653 5.945 19.925 -4-135 6402 1.259 -3.591 7.486 1.14 -18.848 5.771 6.527 6.49 -18.678 6.11 -7.607 4.676 0283 18 Max -. 2 -3.827 0.154 0.154 19 Min -. -7.6 -3.619 1-3.619 24 Max MinM 2.294 2.294 2.294 2.294 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Max -3.821 -3.683 -1.559 -1.421 Min - .4 -5.332 -3.208 1-3.07 Min 4.777 4.179 -1.497 -2.095 ____________ 20 Max 4. 3.935 3.274 3.111 21 Min Max Min -14. 313.08 -13.08 -14.15 -13.08 -13.08 -5.695 -1.703 -1.703 1-5.115 -1.703 1-1.703 26 25 Max 22.371 22.946 7.533 8.108 25 7.534 7.415 19.077 19.04 12.833 Max 24.13 23.468 8.855 8.193 Min 8.62 9.291 -1.158 -0.87 22 Max Min -14.15 3.3 4.098 -14.73 3.111 -5.115 3.274 1-5.695 28 27 Max 7.242 7.242 1.784 11.784 Min 7.242 7.242 1.784 1.784 Max 23.468 24.13 8.193 8.855 Min 9.291 8.62 -0.487 -1.158 57 Bracing Configuration 7 Axial (+W) Member # a COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4 COMB4b COMB6 Axial -W Member# COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMBb COMB6a Earthquake 17 4.412 -9.398 -9.674 -8.716 -9.6 -9.648 -10.533 -15.693 -15.969 -11.03 18 -4 -2.853 -2.95 -2.756 -3.066 -2.513 -2.825 -3.662 -3.76 -. 106 17 18 . -. -4.441 3.508 3.785 1.155 0.546 3.151 3.055 4.532 19 -4. -8.883 -9.16 -8.357 -9.241 -6.586 -7.471 -9.409 -9.685 -5.03 20 . 0.243 0.565 2.704 3.736 -1.508 -0.476 -10.613 -10.29 -10.115 19 .41 -7.303 -9.074 1-9.35 -4.695 20 1. 13.874 18.086 18.408 18.583 18 17 -6.213 1.207 -1771 Member # Envelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Max 17.8 25.885 14.985 23.07 Max 5.648 Min -8.342 -8.907 -3.901 1-4465 Min Max 1.073 -5.39 -5.581 0.43 2.376 -3.911 1.909 14278 23 Min -19.595 -11.51 -22.41 -14.325 Axial Load kips 23 21 22 . TAW' 8.056 16.916 5.771 20.637 0.514 19.925 21.049 0.836 19.882 22.063 3.421 15.433 24 .M 11.082 11.098 7.988 8.041 7.127 7.18 16.748 16.765 10.786 24 19 Min -3.867 0.342 -9.816 -5.607 Max 0.325 0.768 0.364 0.807 Min -1.588 -1.145 -1.549 -1.106 -0.364 -0.421 -0.707 -0.89 -1.339 -1.521 -1.412 -1.469 -1.327 Max 25.832 27.23 15.498 17.059 18.997 19.017 13.517 13.582 11.631 11.716 27.989 28.016 17.797 25 26 -1.527 -0.665 -0.649 -6.627 27 1.74 7.318 7.327 5.182 5.209 1 1.028 4.029 4.038 0.012 27 .1 -1 -0.369 -0.426 -0.284 18.833 42.495 42.516 32.145 2.208 6.389 6.398 2.372 28 5.5 5.514 3.938 3.981 0.98 1.023 3.368 3.382 0.351 28 1. 1.637 4.595 4.608 1.578 ____________ Min 0.084 -0.44 '0.84 10.312 Min -0.737 0.987 -10.91 -9.347 22 21 Max 8.293 9.749 10.047 1141 Min -8.286 -7.167 -6.625 |-5.412 Max -0.537 0.286 2.628 3.451 Max 5.809 6.183 1.799 2.173 Min 4.092 4.465 0.082 0.455 Min -4.292 -3.469 -1.127 |-0.304 28 27 26 25 24 Max 15.462 19.671 9.514 13.722 4.F 20 Min Max Max -8. 5 2.497 -&01 -5.533 -7.827 1.969 -1.853 4.148 3.252 -1.375 1-3.67 12.725 26 25 . Axial Load (kips) _____________ Member # Env COMB5a COMB5b COMB7. COMB7b Axial Load (kips) 22 23 1. -0.711 -4.109 7.962 -0.293 -3.787 7.919 2.901 -0.328 5.206 4.237 0.702 5.069 4.929 9.251 9.093 10.429 5.96 9.061 7.531 0.891 21.481 7.948 1.213 21.421 8.858 3.799 18.713 21 Max 4.143 4.3 1.137 1.294 I Min 3.435 3.592 0.429 0.586 58 Bracing Configuration 8 Axial Load (kips) Axial (+W) Member # ;a CO COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Member # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Member # Envelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a 17 11 .577 .839 -8.034 .873 924 10.079 14.948 15.21 10.713 18 7 -. -8.88 -9.116 -8.075 -8.832 -9.008 -9.765 -15.051 -15.287 -10.631 18 17 3.16 .005 2.799 3.061 1.436 -3.547 -2.614 -2.851 1.806 19 -8.539 -8.808 -8.053 -8.914 -6.445 -7.306 -9.22 -9.489 -5.011 19 .1 -7 -8.609 .-8878 -4.4 20 11. 12.743 14.891 15.194 17.99 18 17 Max .906 5.389 .881 -8.434 -3.926 Max -2.9 -4.026 1.261 iCOMB7b I-1 364 -4409 0.205 Envelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Max .852 .076 .341 1.565 Min - . 20 1.572 -4.514 -4.211 -0.757 0.211 -2.905 -1.937 -14.468 -14.166 -11.369 1 23 Min -1.453 -2.23 -1.964 -2.741 Min -9. 6 -10.72 -5.434 |-6.49 21 1.61 -3.925 -3.645 -0.488 0.41 -5.614 -4.716 -19.316 -19.036 -16.553 Min -2.963 -2.292 -2.514 -1.843 23 .T11 0.655 0.613 0.094 -0.04 -7.958 -8.091 -14.569 -14.611 -15.047 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 21 14.111 4294 6 15.009 5.291 6.438 20.135 -0.217 14.489 20.416 0.095 .14.448 22.898 2.872 14.012 24 -0.5 1 -1.006 -1.051 -1.036 -1.18 -2.241 -2.384 -3.803 -3.848 -3.318 25 26 -0.584 .284 -0.465 8.673 -0.52 8.708 -0.762 6.332 -0.938 6.442 -1.637 -19.097 -1.813 -18.987 -2.088 -36.37 -2.143 -36.335 -1. -41.082 27 0707 3.455 3.456 2.391 2.394 0.44 0.443 2.044 2.045 0.111 24 0. 2 0.239 1.443 1.398 1.928 25 -0.48 -0.663 0.212 0.157 0.356 27 7 0.793 2.744 2.745 0.812 26 23.7 '14 23.825 49.254 49.288 44.542 Axial Load (kips) 21 20 19 Max Min Max Min Max Min -3.723 11.03 -11.22 - .98 -0. 3 - . 3 -4.332 7.326 -14.933 -5.327 -7.645 -0.939 -0.381 14.026 -8233 -3.988 3.012 -1.67 1-1.333 |-3.652 12.402 |-0.991 110.313 1-11.946 24 Max 0.685 1.356 1.134 1.806 22 1.614 -4.486 -4.175 -0.681 0.316 4.827 5.824 0.849 1.161 3.938 25 Max 0.239 0.561 0.34 0.662 Min -1.513 -1.191 -1.412 -1.09 26 Max 32279 24.374 27.594 19.689 Min -12.07 -19.97 -16.75 -24.66 28 '986 4.342 4.348 3.062 3.081 0.774 0.793 2.815 2.821 0414 28 1.04 1.059 3.347 3.353 0.946 22 Max -0.344 0.472 2.994 13.81 Min -5.073 -4.257 -1.735 1-0.919 Max 3.496 3.669 1.1 1.272 Min 2.393 2.565 -0.004 0.169 27 Max 3.491 3.929 1.558 1.997 Min 0.844 1.282 -1.089 -0.65 59 Bracing Configuration 9 Axial (+W) Member # COMBIa COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 17 -4489 Earthquake L013b Member # lEnvelope COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMBib 19 -7628 -9.826 -23.074 10.097 -23.314 -8.977 -18.112 -9.842 -18.882 9.566 -10.513 10.431 -11.283 -15.762 -21.923 -16.032 -22.163 -10.861 1-9773 Axial (-W) Member # 17 -COMB3c COMB3d .512 -3.923 COMB4a COMB4b J-.193 COMB6a .978 Member # Enve COMB5a COMB5b JCOMB7a 18 18 -4.489 -4.392 -9.826 -10.1 -8.977 -9.842 -6.623 -7.488 -9.875 -10.15 -4.974 -25.126 -24.929 -16.103 -15.475 -7.962 -7.333 -27.877 -27.681 -13.733 -8.242 -15.842 4.441 1-16.082 -3.692 -7.455 -9.809 -10.08 4.908 5.07 -3.072 -2.875 11.073 17 Min -6.774 -2.197 -209 -8. -8.26 1-3.682 -3 76 7.847 24 . - -0.414 -11.076 -11.04 5.935 0.092 -13.03 -12.83 1.117 19.009 36.801 37.13 20.121 3.682 2.375 2.41 9.912 Min 8.125 7.767 0.656 0.299 24 Max -6.825 -6.825 0.74 0.74 Min -12.156 -12.156 1-4.592 -4.592 Max -17.02 -17.038 -2.727 -2 737 25 Max 24.264 24.147 7.847 7.73 Min 7.767 8.125 0.299 0.656 25 26 1 11. 14.664 7.982 28.11 16.74 28.439 16.857 11.43 13.444 Min -17.21 -17.22 -2.91 -292 21 Max Min -19.13 -2 .894 -19.13 -23.894 -202-6.854 -2092 1-684 27 4.4 14 14.556 14.669 11.11 11.472 2.786 3.148 7.108 7.221 -0.643 28 15.082 15.199 11.527 11.903 3.174 3.55 7.876 7.993 0.011 28 27 7.511 15.835 15.948 8.084 7.578 15.931 16.048 7.913 Min 0.412 0.444 0.041 0.073 22 Max -038 -17.029 .-2.737 1-2727 27 26 Max 11.229 11.181 3.305 3.257 26 4. 15.082 15.199 11.527 11.903 2.77 3.146 7.067 7.184 -0.951 ____________ 20 19 Max Min Max Min -1.861-6.4-8. -1 -16.86 -16.861 -6.882 -8.367 -3.575 1-4.904 -4.904 -2.09 -4904 4 904 -2 197 -3 682 23 7.73 Axial Load (kips) 22 23 18 Max Max 24.147 24.264 21 24 25 -. 996 T -13.64 31.852 -13.61 32.181 -9.311 25.076 -9.201 26.129 -2.796 11.63 -2.686 12.683 -10.36 24.148 -10.33 24.478 -2.824 7.468 Axial Load (kips) _____________ 1.882 Axial Load (kips) 21 22 23 -698 7392 T1808 -30.839 -25.13 31.852 -30.803 -24.93 32.181 -21.325 -16.1 25.076 -21.209 -15.48 26.129 -7.727 -2.984 7.284 -7.612 -2.355 8.337 -25.472 -17.92 15.457 -25.436 -17.73 15.786 -8.461 -3.777 -1.223 20 19 . - 20 Max 10.522 10.522 2.862 2.862 Min 10.522 10.522 2.862 2.862 Min -1.22 -17.21 .-2.92 1-291 28 Max 11.181 11.229 3.257 3.305 Min 0.444 0.412 0.073 0.041 60 APPENDIX B: PTF AT NODES Frame 0 Axial (+W) Node # COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial PTF (±kips) 2 0.111 0.247 0.227 0.017 0.046 1.507 1.569 2.467 2.487 2.642 3 0.111 0.247 0.227 0.017 0.046 0.999 0.937 2.545 2.525 2.369 6 0.212 0.359 0.324 0.023 0.134 1.663 1.552 4.263 4.228 3.996 {-W) Node # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 11 14 0.172 0.065 0.112 0.125 0.129 0.13 0.216 0.122 0.272 0.135 1.77 1.236 1.714 1.223 3.923 2.537 3.906 2.533 3.951 2.598 15 0.065 0.125 0.13 0.122 0.135 1.299 1.313 2.533 2.537 2.472 PTF (± kips) 2 0.915 0.852 2.376 2.356 2.201 3 1.591 1.653 2.636 2.656 2.811 6 2.734 2.844 4.53 4.565 4.797 7 10 1.537 1.693 1.427 1.638 4.012 3.77 3.978 3.752 3.746 3.797 PTF t ki s Earthouake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a CO 7b 7 10 0.212 0.172 0.359 0.112 0.324 0.129 0.023 0.216 0.134 0.272 2.608 2.348 2.719 2.404 4.28 4.313 4.314 4.33 4.546 4.285 2 0.807 0.776 0.728 10.759 3 0.776 0.807 0.759 0.728 6 0.189 0.188 0.167 0.168 7 0.188 0.189 0.168 0.167 10 0.271 0.278 0.258 0.265 11 14 15 2.425 1.437 1.099 2.481 1.451 1.084 4.467 2.809 2.262 4.484 2.813 2.258 4.439 2.748 2.323 - 11 0.278 0.271 0.265 0.258 14 0.749 0.779 0.691 0.722 15 0.779 0.749 0.722 0.691 61 Bracing Configuration 1 PTF (± kips) Axiai (+W) Node # COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial Node # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 2 1.541 0.216 0.009 1.519 2.239 5.307 6.027 5.623 5.848 6.085 2 1.922 2.643 1.147 0.921 0.684 3 0.568 0.14 0.073 0.446 0.665 0.429 0.647 0.843 0.775 0.624 3 1.936 2.155 2.171 2.24 2.391 6 4.234 12.17 12.29 9.59 9.978 9.603 9.993 19.45 19.57 13.12 7 0.673 1.651 1.698 1.483 1.628 1.059 0.913 2.571 2.526 3.421 6 0.132 0.521 0.507 0.628 5.826 PTF (± kips) 7 10 3.139 8785 3.286 9.88 5.827 16.18 5.872 16.52 4.977 1.904 11 7.936 8.351 16.3 16.43 9.63 14 4.959 17.71 17.78 13.03 13.25 2.966 3.19 9.25 9.32 0.278 15 9.794 30.14 30.3 22.85 23.39 8.693 9.232 20.55 20.72 4.736 14 15 6.966 11.54 7.19 12.07 17.25 26.23 17.32 26.4 7.721 10.42 PTF (± kips) Earthquake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMBMb 10 11 10.53 4.276 27.85 12.71 28.19 12.84 22.55 9.989 23.65 10.4 16.25 2.041 17.35 2.456 31.12 4.509 31.46 4.638 16.84 2.16 2 1.51 1.497 2.152 2.139 3 6 0.572 10.47 0.603 10.45 0.846 4.237 0.877 4.211 7 1.837 1.872 1.023 1.058 10 22 22.02 8.001 8.019 11 14 15 10.77 16.53 23.88 10.88 16.52 24.01 4.208 7.058 8.197 4.315 7.044 8.329 PTF ( kips) Node # MAX 2 3 6.1085 12.391 6 7 10 119.57 15.872 131.46 11 14 15 116.43 117.78 130.3 62 Bracing Configuration 2 Axial (+W) Node # COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Node N COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Node EaCOMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 2 2.01 2.529 2.72 3.208 3.818 5.706 6.315 7.895 8.086 6.818 2 1.627 2.237 0.26 0.069 1.338 2 2.99 2.98 2.065 2.056 3 2.01 2.529 2.72 3.208 3.818 3.025 3.634 2.534 2.724 1.456 3 4.308 4.918 5.102 5.293 4.024 3 2.98 2.99 2.056 2.065 - 6 4.819 11.57 11.79 9.899 10.59 11.98 12.67 21.86 22.08 16.01 PTF (± kips) 10 7 4.819 11.04 11.57 31.88 11.79 32.19 9.899 25.06 10.59 26.04 4.255 17.55 4.949 18.53 6.411 35.94 6.629 36.25 0.567 19.33 14 11 11.04 5.907 31.88 20.92 32.19 21 25.06 15.36 26.04 15.61 11.06 5.57 12.04 5.813 22.96 15.07 23.26 15.15 6.345 3.841 15 5.907 20.92 21 15.36 15.61 4.049 4.292 12.03 12.11 0.8 6 0.711 1.406 0.674 0.457 6.519 PTF (± kips) 10 7 8.435 7.651 9.13 8.635 14.77 16.15 14.99 16.46 8.929 0.462 14 11 14.14 6.103 15.13 6.346 29.13 16.14 29.44 16.22 12.52 4.906 15 7.623 7.866 19.18 19.26 7.948 6 9.95 9.944 4.278 4.273 PTF (± kips) 10 994 7 4 9.944 24.01 9.95 23.98 4.273 7.643 4.278 7.615 11 23.98 24.01 7.615 7.643 14 16.7516.68 5.579 5.508 15 16.68 16.75 5.508 5.579 -9 1 -0 PTF ( kips) Node # MAX 14 115 71 10 1111 6 3 2 121 8.086 15.293 122.08 114.99 136.25 132.19 121 63 Bracing Configuration 3 Axial (+W) Node# COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Node# COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 2 3 6 4.052 4.052 3.309 8.237 8.237 12.99 13.05 8.5 8.5 7.809 7.809 9.504 8.653 8.653 9.706 8.632 5.417 2.833 9.476 6.261 3.035 13.59 7.157 8.412 13.85 7.421 8.476 9.545 3.114 1.313 PTF (±kips) 10 7 3.309 5.897 12.99 20.11 13.05 20.2 9.504 14.9 9.706 15.17 4.404 6.661 4.606 6.931 11.56 16.66 11.62 16.74 4.456 5.919 11 5.897 20.11 20.2 14.9 15.17 8.684 8.954 20.7 20.79 9.966 14 12.77 38.93 39.17 29.65 30.4 12.58 13.34 28.87 29.11 8.47 15 12.77 38.93 39.17 29.65 30.4 14.95 15.7 33.6 33.84 13.2 3 6 2 3.696 6.912 4.127 4.541 7.756 4.329 3.719 10.15 11 3.982 10.41 11.06 0.325 6.106 3.901 PTF (± kips) 10 7 2.555 5.175 2.757 5.446 7.858 13.69 7.921 13.77 0.758 2.948 14 11 3.152 14.11 3.423 14.87 9.64 31.93 9.725 32.17 1.098 11.53 15 11.75 12.5 27.2 27.44 6.799 2 7.34 7.186 3.509 3.355 PTF (± kips) 7 10 9.983 14.74 10.16 14.8 2.933 4.066 3.11 4.134 11 14 14.8 28.61 14.74 28.65 4.134 8.397 4.066 8.437 15 28.65 28.61 8.437 8.397 3 7.186 7.34 3.355 3.509 6 10.16 9.983 3.11 2.933 PTF (±kips) 2 13.85 3 10.41 6 7 10 13.05 13.05 120.2 11 14 15 120.79 139.17 139.1 7 64 Bracing Configuration 4 Axial +W) Node# COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Node # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Node# COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b Node # 3 6 1.81 6.196 2.006 15.36 2.192 15.6 2.793 12.87 3.387 13.66 2.788 12.33 3.383 13.13 2.069 22.65 2.255 22.89 1.258 14.85 PTF (± kips) 7 10 5.909 0.518 14.62 0.625 14.87 0.634 12.3 0.602 13.08 0.631 4.582 3.52 5.364 3.548 7.133 6.603 7.377 6.612 0.291 6.373 11 4.489 12.21 12.35 9.773 10.21 9.636 10.07 19.02 19.16 12.73 14 11.61 35.2 35.46 27.08 27.92 9.53 10.37 21.74 22 3.274 15 -a 0.008 0.208 0.212 0.152 0.165 0.084 0.097 0.241 0.245 0.111 2 1.115 1.708 1.292 1.107 2.036 3 4.106 4.701 4.705 4.89 3.894 PTF (± kips) 7 10 10.53 2.453 11.31 2.424 19.02 5.343 19.27 5.333 11.6 5.573 11 0.821 1.254 1.391 1.527 4.901 14 15.71 16.54 34.09 34.35 15.63 15 0.008 0.02 0.088 0.092 0.042 2 2.724 2.707 2.128 2.112 PTF (± kips) 3 6 7 10 2.606 13.22 13.21 11.06 2.642 13.25 13.11 11.18 1.943 5.627 5.98 10.84 1.98 5.661 5.882 10.96 11 15.42 15.55 9.234 9.366 14 28.01 27.94 9.753 9.685 15 1.381 1.384 1.254 1.256 2 1.769 1-879 2.064 2.697 3.289 5.697 6.29 7.871 8.056 7.127 C~ 2 3 18.056 14.89 6 3.345 4.138 4.671 4.919 3.121 PTF (i kips) 6 7 10 11 122.89 119.27 111.18 119.16 14 15 135.46 11.384 1 65 Bracing Configuration 5 xial {+W Node # 2 6 3 PTF (± kips) 10 7 11 14 15 COMBla COMB2a 2.536 .831 2.536 4.831 3.498 10.35 3.498 10.35 2.432 6.331 2.432 6.331 1.693 6.303 1.693 6.303 COMB2b 5.01 5.01 10.45 10.45 6.405 6.405 6.295 6.295 COMB3a COMB3b 4.753 4.753 5.324 5.324 8.099 8.414 8.099 8.414 5.116 5.35 5.116 5.35 4.445 4A22 4.445 4.422 COMB3c COMB3d 6.651 3.901 7.222 4.472 12.85 13.16 5.235 14.05 7.661 5.551 14.28 7.895 COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a 10.64 10.82 8-303 5.141 5.319 2.803 26.1 26.2 20.68 10.88 10.98 5.46 27.78 27.86 24.55 5.449 0.931 5.461 0.955 15.01 15.08 11.78 7.714 7.717 14.11 0.193 0.201 3.583 11 14.05 14 3.842 15 5.518 PTF (± kips) Axial (-W) 6 5.082 3 6.701 7 12.69 10 1658 Node # COMB3c 2 3.951 COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a .522 7.272 5.398 13.01 7.892 14.28 3.866 5.53 27.78 6.015 7.851 15 10.74 10.57 25.8 5.24 5.419 10.92 10.67 25.89 15.08 27.85 6.022 7.854 2.902 8.402 5.156 20.38 11.77 24.55 9.404 14.25 Earthquake Node# COMB5a COMBSb COMB7a COMB7b 2 7.57 7.965 5.375 5.769 3 7.965 7.57 5.769 5.375 - 6 16.8 -617.4 11.46 12.06 PTF (± kips) 10 7 16.17 17.4 16.45 16.8 12.06 13 11.46 13.28 15 14 11 -4 16.45 20.25 16.74 16.17 16.74 20.25 13.28 13.85 10.34 10.34 13.85 13 PTF (tkips) Node #f MAX 2 10-.82 6 3 10.92 126.2 4 1 10 7 125.89 127.86 127.85 20.2 15 20.25 66 Bracing Configuration 6 Axial {+W) Node # COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Node # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a PTF (± kips) 2 0.905 2.27 2.098 0.24 0.312 5.614 6.166 6.471 6.643 8.051 3 0.905 2.27 2.098 0.24 0.312 2.577 3.128 0.395 0.567 1.975 6 6.185 22.72 22.89 17.06 17.6 3.137 3.678 9.82 9.989 1.559 3 5.687 6.24 6.619 6.791 8.199 6 10.92 11.46 25.37 25.54 13.04 7 3.515 4.056 10.58 10.74 1.812 10 9.877 9.613 29 28.92 15.3 11 1.141 0.549 9.049 8.864 3.988 14 12.81 12.83 30.43 30.43 20.61 15 5.186 5.087 13.01 12.98 8.712 11 20.08 20.65 6.303 6.878 14 16.89 16.23 7.071 6.409 15 16.23 16.89 6.409 7.071 PTF (± kips) Earthquake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB1 14 15 10 11 5.148 5.148 4.614 4.614 24.68 24.68 18.08 18.08 18.09 18.09 24.6 24.6 16.65 16.65 12.82 12.82 16.39 16.39 12.83 12.83 1.359 9.318 5.535 10.1 0.767 9.053 5.436 10.12 9.484 27.88 13.71 25.01 27.8 13.67 25.02 9.3 15.19 4.423 14.18 9.41 PTF (± kips) - 2 2.65 3.202 0.543 0.716 2.123 7 6.185 22.72 22.89 17.06 17.6 10.54 11.08 24.62 24.79 12.28 2 3.917 3.779 3.224 3.362 3 6 3.779 17.18 3.917 17.02 3.362 4.977 3.224 4.814 7 17.02 17.18 4.814 4.977 10 20.65 20.08 6.878 6.303 PTF ( kips) Nodeii#2 MX8.051 7 10 3 6 18.199 125.54 124.79 129 15 11 14 127.88 130.43 125.02 67 Bracing Configuration 7 Axial (+) Node# COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Node # COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 6 0.949 0.954 0.858 0.197 0.501 10.6 10.91 18.14 18.24 18.97 PTF (± kips) 7 10 1.913 1.634 3.398 3.12 3.494 3.179 3.229 2.782 3.535 2.972 4.164 2.124 4.469 1.881 6.64 4.733 6.735 4.656 5.059 7.927 11 14 3.616 3.031 11.45 11.68 11.52 11.69 8.695 8.335 8.931 8.373 8.466 10.63 8.701 10.69 18.16 23.96 18.23 23.98 12.11 17.79 2 3 6 .411 7.273 2.757 .987 7.849 3.042 6.659 12.23 2.551 6.84 12.41 2.641 3.377 9.227 3.48 PTF(± kips) 10 7 10.86 9.774 11.15 9.583 20.12 20.59 20.21 20.53 18.64 22.06 11 14 15 0.763 16.59 0.587 0.527 16.63 0.571 0.296 36.11 1.794 0.223 36.12 1-79 6.343 29.77 0.794 2 3 9.415 9.378 9.337 8.257 6.277 6.524 6.374 5.579 PTF (± kips) 7 10 12.59 35.06 13.22 31.18 11.17 31.92 11.71 28.68 11 14 15 17.05 21.74 2.374 20.82 22.77 2.591 11.06 15.42 1.37 14.83 16.6 1.587 2 2.933 6.545 6.724 5.96 6.534 7.135 7-708 12.03 12.21 8.924 3 2.817 6.03 6.21 5.601 6.175 4.073 4.646 5.747 5.925 2.924 6 10.78 10.19 9.877 11.1 15 0.414 1.818 1.813 1.244 1.228 0.02 0.005 0.661 0.656 0.339 68 Bracing Configuration 8 Axial (+W) Node # COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial (-W) Node# COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b 2 0.048 0.303 0.277 0.041 0.041 0.232 0.314 0.103 0.077 0.082 - 2 0.375 0.458 0.185 0.21 0.37 2 4.981 5.331 5.187 5.126 3 0.072 0.341 0.308 0.022 0.082 2.563 2.459 5.831 5.798 5.62 m 3 3.349 3.453 5.995 6.027 6.206 3 5.012 5.393 5.249 5.157 6 0.046 0.589 0.566 0.269 0.199 2.709 2.779 4.848 4.87 5.184 m PTF (± kips) 7 10 0.004 0.24 0.561 1.661 0.53 1.664 0.193 1.13 0.094 1.14 10.44 5.717 10.54 5.707 20.17 10.77 20.2 10.76 20.49 11.73 11 0.033 0.541 0.531 0.274 0.242 0.604 0.571 1.715 1.705 1.374 PTF (t kips) 6 2337 2.266 5.244 5.222 4.908 7 9.817 9.718 20.35 20.32 20.03 6 14.76 13.99 14.41 14.35 PTF (± kips) 7 10 16.11 5.815 15.41 4.368 15.76 4.855 15.76 4.547 m 14 1.577 5.218 5.252 3.941 4.048 19.54 19.43 38.41 38.38 41.19 m 10 11 14 6.19 0.869 22.92 6.199 0.902 23.03 13.05 1.231 46.51 13.05 1.241 46.54 12.08 1.572 43.73 11 3.202 2.853 2.854 2896 (±kips) -- i I 10 I 11 3 114-76 120.49 113.05 |3.202 15 0.279 0.887 0.892 0.671 0.687 0.334 0.35 0.771 0.776 0.303 - 15 0.25 0.266 0.603 0.608 0.134 14 15 31.44 2.652 23.9 2.387 28.68 2.189 2666 1.922 -- i - 14 1 15 1 46.54 2.652 69 Bracing Configuration 9 Axiai +W Node # COMBla COMB2a COMB2b COMB3a COMB3b COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Axial Node# COMB3c COMB3d COMB4a COMB4b COMB6a Earthquake Node # COMB5a COMB5b COMB7a COMB7b PTF (± kips) 7 10 2.566 13.8 5.713 45.49 5.874 45.79 5.222 34.39 5.734 35.33 4.743 10.08 5.257 11.02 25.82 7.55 7.711 26.11 4.684 1.601 11 13.8 45.49 45.79 34.39 35.33 14.43 15.37 34.51 34.8 10.29 14 0.203 0.526 0.53 0.417 0.431 0.016 0.002 0.041 0.037 0.308 15 0.203 0.526 0.53 0.417 0.431 0.388 0.402 0.768 0.772 0.654 2 3.826 3.73 11.92 11.89 .67 PTF (± kips) 3 6 7 10 0.882 4.97 0.008 14.39 0.787 5.484 0.506 15.33 6.033 8.004 1.951 34.43 6.002 8.165 1.791 34.72 1.216 5.138 4.818 10.21 11 10.04 10.98 25.74 26.03 1.518 14 0.456 0.471 0.905 0.909 5.36 15 0.052 0.067 0.096 0.1 0.171 2 9.979 10.09 2.707 2.814 PTF (± kips) 7 10 6.856 36.3 6.865 36.42 4.117 12.32 4.127 12.44 11 36.42 36.3 12.44 12.32 14 15 10.11 10.08 10.08 10.11 2.821 2.789 2.789 2.821 2 3 3.139 3.139 13.25 13.25 13.22 13.22 9.135 9.135 9.04 9.04 0.947 3.89 0.852 3.795 6.161 12.05 6.131 12.02 1.088 4.799 - 3 10.09 9.979 2.814 2.707 6 2.566 5.713 5.874 5.222 5.734 0.235 0.279 2.405 2.245 5.272 6 6.865 6.856 4.127 4.117 PTF (mkips) N ode# MAX 2 3 6 17 13.25 113.25 18.165 17.711 10 111 145.79 145.79 14 110.11 15 110.11 70 APPENDIX C: 1ST METHOD COMPARISON Frame 0 mber# IN bs MAX I ode# PTF 17 10.802 14.65 14.65 2 2.487 ING K? 18 19 -1.968 -1.399 -12.163 -9.638 12.163 9.638 20 15.213 -11.561 15.213 21 10.416 -7.298 10.416 22 7.143 -4.47 7.143 23 10.67 -11.789 11.789 24 25 2.433 6.9 -7.504 -3.553 7.504 3.553 3 2.525 6 4.797 7 3.273 10 4.285 11 3.951 14 2.813 15 2.258 ING ING ING ING ING ING 26 12.851 -8.335 12.851 27 10.038 -5.737 10.038 28 7.78 -3.2651 7.78 NG Bracing Configuration 1 mber # Max # TF K? 17 1 -15.118 15.118 1 2 5. 84 8 NG 19 18 0.416 -9.27 1 3 0.334 NG 20 -1.975 18.761 -8.936 -14.911 89.27 18.761 8936 16 1 7 2.021 NG 5.872 NG 21 22 23 16.74 1.161 16.74 10.868 12.679 3.313 -14.303 10.868 14.303 110 t11 114 114.815 114.126 115.984 NG NG NG 24 25 26 29.118 14.992 19.048 2.621 2.841 1.5 29.118 14.992 19.048 27 3.064 -1.407 3.064 28 31.569 6.569 31.569 1151 128.505 NG Bracing Configuration 2 mber# Max n ode# PTF K? 17 0.977 -14.772 14.772 18 -0.361 -6.686 6.686 19 -1.875 -9.41 9.41 20 21 22 23 '18.761 '15.6285.586 12.633 -14.937 4.06 -4.287 -14.195 18.761 15.628 5.586 14.195 2 8.086 NG 1 3 12.724 NG 16 7 110.042 NG 13.133 NG 24 25 31.899 0.21 5.184 -1.373 31.899 1.373 10 -11 1 14 117.704 130.526 115.828 NG NG NG 15 16.977 NG 21 22 5.191 5.949 -19.599 -6.614 19.599 6.614 24 18.134 -5.36 8.134 26 27 19.082 2.08 1.707 -3.254 19.082 3.254 28 20.231 -1.334 20.231 Bracing Configuration 3 Member # MAX MIN Max Nd# PF OK? 17 1.392 -15.523 15.523 18 1.067 -1.671 1.671 2 13.852 NG 3 7.93 NG 19 20 -1.829 9.092 -9.601 -8.978 9.601 9.092 5 7 10.507 12.985 NG NG 10 13.327 NG 11 23 21.461 1.132 21.461 14 11.675 31.427 NG NG 25 26 19.809 36.904 4.141 4.101 19.809 36.904 27 3.321 -5.477 5.477 28 36.904 7.371 36.904 1 3.2 NG 71 Bracing Configuration 4 mber # 17 1.485 -15.156 15.156 IN Max 2 118.056 ode TF # K? 18 -0.551 -7.1 7.1 19 -1.862 -9.355 9.355 21 22 20 '19.617 5.695 '17.74 -4.291 -14.744 3.455 19.617 5.695 17.74 112.2553 16 1 NG NG 11.877 NG 7 13.922 NG 110 14.657 NG 11 23 24 25 '12.805 '17.4620.301 -5.032 -1.694 -2.665 12.805 17.462 1.694 26 40.187 3.799 40.187 27 4.726 -0.143 4.726 28 4.938 0.347 4.938 1151 114 10.212 NG 15.768 35 NG NG Bracing Configuration 5 mber # IN Max Node # PTF K? 17 0.917 -14.97 14.97 18 3.819 -5.647 5.647 19 20 -1.386 18.545 -9.47 -15.742 18.545 9.47 21 25.68 -4.717 25.68 2 19.323 NG 1 3 13.823 NG 16 22 5.487 -5.834 5.834 23 17.238 -13.047 17.238 25 24 32.263 6.402 -8.558 -0.284 32.263 6.402 27 26 19.487 13.526 -11.677 -1.7 19.487 13.526 17.135 NG 1 7 119.846 NG 111 I 14 110 115.025 125.861 15.961 NG NG NG 17.793 -7.875 7.875 19 1-1.421 -7.319 7.319 20 21.256 -14.727 21.256 22 23 21 8.596 39.096 6.784 -19.552 -14.73 -2.095 19.552 14.727 39.096 26 24 25 10.176 27.443 42.705 -4.14 -2.095 -1.158 10.176 27.443 42.705 1 3 10.556 NG 6 11.704 NG 1 7 14.825 110 128.92 NG 28 21.319 -11.68 21.319 15 NG Bracing Configuration 6 17 1.529 -13.239 13.239 mber# Max 2 ode # PTF K? 15.364 NG 18 3.652 NG 1 11 1 14 117.267 130.434 NG NG 27 12.271 -2.118 12.271 28 28.474 -1.158 28.474 15 16.203 NG Bracing Configuration 7 ember# Rm : 17 18 27 28 1.155 4.532 -5.581 -1375 18 583 -9.685 -10.613 22.063 -8.286 5.96 -4.292 25 .885 -22.41 19.671 -9.816 0.807 -1.588 42.516 -10.908 7.327 0.012 5.-54 0.351 15.969 5.581 9.685 18.583 22.063 5.96 25.885 19.671 1.588 42.516 7.327 5.514 2 110.388 NG 3 14.104 NG 6 13.48 NG 15 14 1 11 01 7 1 116.103 16.214 118.083 135.189 11.813 NG NG NG NG NG 26 27 25 0.662 149.288 3.929 -2.143 -41.082 -1.089 28 4.348I -0.004 IN-15.969 Max ode# PTF K? 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Bracing Configuration 8 mber# l~sMax Nde# PTF OK? 22 21 22.898 5.824 -19.316 -5.073 23 14.489 -15.047 24 1.928 -3.848 17.99 5.824 2288584 15.047 .848 3.4 7 17.074 NG 10 1 1 14 11.199 11.705 145.359 NG NG NG 15 0.419 NG 17 1.436 -15.21 18 1.806 -15.287 20 19 -1.333 17.99 -9.489 -14.468 15.21 115.21 15.287 9.489 3 5.798 NG 6 4.908 NG 2 0.077 NG .143 .929 49. 288 3=2 4.348 72 Bracing Configuration 9 IMMember# AX MIN Max 17 0.978 -16.032 16.032 Node # 1 PTF OK? 17.282 NG 2 18 -3.692 -23.314 23.314 3 113.168 NG 19 20 -2.09 11.073 -10.15 -27.877 10.146 27.877 6 2.962 NG 7 5.713 NG 21 22 23 5.935 1.117 37.13 -30.839 -25.13 -1.223 30.839 25.126 37.13 10 23.489 NG 1111 14 18.54 0.909 1 NG NG 24 25 26 27 28 32.181 16.857 15.948 16.048 -13.64 0.299 -0.951 -0.643 0.011 13.641 32.181 16.857 15.948 16.048 9.912 115 0.1 NG 73 APPENDIX D: METHOD BRACING FORCE FINDING & PTFs 2ND Axial +W OMBla OMB2a OMB2b OMB3a OMB3b OMB3c OMB3d OMB4a OMB4b OMesa Axial Load ki -1.07 -0.11 0.374 -1.97 -2.813 -6.334 7.176 7.2 -7A63 7 -3.388 -7.631 -7.832 -0.807 -7.542 -5.42 -8.065 -8.46 -8.662 -4. -2.938 -. 048 -8.188 -0.697 -7.146 -5.376 -5.825 -10.001 -10.141 -5.809 29 -1.947 -2.789 30 -4.501 -5.146 -8.623 -6.825 -2.792 31 -2.521 -2.97 -4.29 -4431 .089 29 -0.857 -0.912 1.244 -5.805 1.044 -5.894 -0.528 -3.97 -1.168 -3.906 -2.183 -6.243 -2.823 -8.239 0.014 -14.918 -0.186 -14.916 . -11. 30 2 -5.189 -13.558 -13.795 -11.361 -12.118 -4.882 -5.630 -8.157 -8.394 -1173 4.004 -13.2 -13413 -10.052 -11.633 -9.868 -10.549 -18.463 -18.676 -11.65 32 -3.365 -4.005 34 -8.843 -9.601 -18.08 -16.317 -9.096 35 -3-038 -3.719 -4.804 -5.017 2.001 Axial SOMB3 OMD3d OMB4a OMB4b OMBsa 1.574 1.311 1.295 3OMBa OMfSb 6.987 2.55 3.253 6.988 10.377 Max 1.119 30 Mmin -3.007 -349 Max -4.605 -4.683 1.236 10.63 1-3.804 -0.935 37 Max 0MB7b 2.35 36 -2-203 37 -0M0 -1.591 -3.933 -4.119 7.648 -2.094 -7.097 -7.644 .8 L d AxW 29 U- OMB5a IOMB5b OMB7a 33 4.709 4.714 ake ember * OM87a 144 -. 037 -16.01 -17.001 -12.744 -13.007 -13.09 -13.443 -28.392 -28.502 -19.372 12.06 -38.072 -38.380 -29.19 -0.148 -0.8608 -7.817 -17.158 -17A55 .983 -7-242 -22.544 -22.732 -17.387 -17.90 -13.433 -14.035 -28.599 28.788 -. 096 -1A22 4.182 -4.253 -3.436 -3.663 1.564 1.337 3.349 3.278 5.559 38 -10.858 -20.807 43.139 43.435 -22.998 39 -2.823 40 41 -5.448 2.205 .675 1.852 -10.67 2.199 -10.75 2.089 .465 11.219 -19.138 -62.476 -02.89 47-222 -48.479 -11A54 -12.712 -30.567 -30.96 .4 -17-2 -55.443 -55.77 -41-869 -42.918 -26.158 -27.207 -59.06 -5.387 2 1 -3.614 -11.542 -11.6 -8.672 -8.856 2.001 1.817 2.514 2.457 42 -20.367 -30.624 -a6392 -08.785 -33.201 43 -10.016 -11.065 -26.776 -27.104 2.593 44 -9.309 -0.553 -20.226 -20.283 -14.13 Axial Load k~ mberD Ea 7 -0.769 -21.787 -21.73 -16.752 -17.348 -14.411 -15.007 -30.764 -30.95 -19.183 -0.377 -4.892 4.839 -2.907 -2.737 2.6096 2.865 2.222 2.275 5.119 31 Min -8.182 -8.250 Max -4.623 -4.532 Min -8.5609 -8.478 -422 -0.544 -4.198 Min M Max 8 Min Max 11.56 -21.47 -11.27 -21.18 -0.125 -. 742 0.163 .4 21.173 21.595 -1.269 1. 34.89 -12.248 -35.31 -11.963 -14.60 -0.405 .11 .1 -0.099 -10.141 10.141 1.889 -4.005 4.005 Max 1869 1.783 0.800 Min -1-927 -2.013 -2.68 ps) 33 Max M min Max -22.021 -21.736 -9.977 -. 0.443 0.219 2.59 .7 .788 -0.087 3.056 -5.353 Max -0.602 -6.827 0.192 41 Min Max 7.521 -7.745 -5.076 -. 009 -8.804 -0.077 .17 - 2.001 5.111 -18.676 -7.697 18.676 7.697 43 Max Min 16.704 -38.375 -16.490 38.811 7.48 -5.498 7 -. -52.71 -53.15 -19.55 1. 94 2-983 -43A.35 43435 Max -34.083 -33.673 -4.976 4.W 4.523 5.559 -28.7 -10.75 28.788 10.745 41 11.219 28 2 28.502 1 36 Kin -7.352 -7.556 -4.121 Max M-14.282 0.026 -14.072 0179 .-7.358 2.905 Max -0.784 -0.575 -0.15 Min -14.0 -14.83 -7.514 42 Min 7 7.648 -. 95 30.95 35 34 in -9036 40 3 1 10.377 0.192 -14.918 -1.317 14.018 16.317 1 1.574 -0.35 -7.479 -S-662 1 7.479 8.662 32 .426 -7.381 -7.569 .523 44 min Max -3.773 -4.057 2.276 1.992 -47.822 -47412 -18424 -18.014 43 2.503 38 59.387 2.624 -. 86. Min -13.850 -14.14 -7.514 -7.799 44 8.61 .2 20.283 PTFs using 0 = 0 PTF (t kips) Node # 2 3 6 7 MAX 7.479 1.479 23.58 1.115 47.267 21.868 23.35 39.18 OK? OK NG OK NG OK OK OK OK 10 11 14 15 PTFs using 0 = 38.660 PTF ( kips) Node # MAX 1OK? 2 3 6 5.84 1.155 18.413 ING ING ING 7 0.871 ING 10 11 36.909 17.076 IOK IOK 14 18.233 IOK 15 30.6 O 74