Artin-Nagata properties, minimal multiplicities, and depth of fiber cones Jonathan Montaño Purdue University AMS Sectional Meeting Dalhousie University October 19, 2014 Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 1 / 14 Setting and Notation I (R, m, k) Cohen-Macaulay (CM), |k| = ∞, dim(R) = d > 0. I I an R-ideal. M R(I ) = I n , the Rees algebra of I . I n>0 I G(I ) = M I n /I n+1 , the associated graded algebra of I . n>0 I F(I ) = M I n /mI n , the fiber cone of I . n>0 R(I ), G(I ), and F(I ) are called the blowup algebras of I . Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 2 / 14 Seeting and Notation Let M = m + R(I )+ = m ⊕ I ⊕ I 2 ⊕ · · · and S any of the blowup algebras. depth S := depth M S . S is CM if depth S = dim S. Recall, I dim R(I ) = d + 1, provided ht I > 0. I dim G(I ) = d. I `(I ) := dim F(I ), the analytic spread of I . J ⊆ I is a minimal reduction of I if µ(J) = `(I ) and I n+1 = JI n for some n ∈ N. r (I ) = min{n | I n+1 = JI n , for some minimal reduction J}, the reduction number of I . Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 3 / 14 Depths of blowup algebras Question: How do the depths of the blowup algebras relate to each other? Assume ht I > 1. I R(I ) is CM ⇒ G(I ) is CM. (Huneke, ’82) √ “⇐” if I = m and r (I ) < d. (Goto-Shimoda, ’82) I “⇐” if a(G(I )) < 0. (Ikeda-Trung, ’89) I “⇐” if R is pseudo-rational (e.g. regular) (Lipman, ’94) I G(I ) is not CM ⇒ depth R(I ) = depth G(I ) + 1 (Huckaba-Marly, ’94) I Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 4 / 14 Depths of blowup algebras Question: How do the depths of the blowup algebras relate to each other? Assume ht I > 1. I R(I ) is CM ⇒ G(I ) is CM. (Huneke, ’82) √ “⇐” if I = m and r (I ) < d. (Goto-Shimoda, ’82) I “⇐” if a(G(I )) < 0. (Ikeda-Trung, ’89) I “⇐” if R is pseudo-rational (e.g. regular) (Lipman, ’94) I G(I ) is not CM ⇒ depth R(I ) = depth G(I ) + 1 (Huckaba-Marly, ’94) I However, in general: I F(I ) is CM 6⇒ G(I ) is CM. I F(I ) is CM 6⇐ R(I ) is CM. Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 4 / 14 Minimal multiplicities If I is m-primary, the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of I is defined as λ(I n /I n+1 ) . n→∞ nd−1 e(I ) = (d − 1)! lim Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 5 / 14 Minimal multiplicities If I is m-primary, the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of I is defined as λ(I n /I n+1 ) . n→∞ nd−1 e(I ) = (d − 1)! lim Notions of minimal multiplicity provide conditions for strong relations among the depths of blowup algebras. They originated in Abhyankar’s inequality e(m) > µ(m) − d + 1. I R has minimal multiplicity ⇒ G(m) is CM (Sally, 77’) Sally’s conjecture: I R has almost minimal multiplicity ⇒ depth G(m) > d − 1. (Rossi-Valla, 96’, Wang, 97’) Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 5 / 14 Minimal multiplicities √ I = m. Let J ⊆ I be a minimal reduction. Recall e(I ) = e(J) = λ(R/J). R I J e(I ) > λ(I /I 2 ) − (d − 1)λ(R/I ) with equality iff r (I ) 6 1. I I2 I is of minimal multiplicity ⇒ G(I ) is CM. (Valla, ’78) I is of minimal multiplicity ⇒ F(I ) is CM. (Huneke-Sally, ’88) JI I I is of almost minimal multiplicity ⇒ depth G(I ) > d − 1. (Rossi, ’00) Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 6 / 14 Minimal multiplicities √ I = m. Let J ⊆ I be a minimal reduction. Recall e(I ) = e(J) = λ(R/J). R I e(I ) > λ(I /I 2 ) − (d − 1)λ(R/I ) with equality iff r (I ) 6 1. J I I2 I is of minimal multiplicity ⇒ G(I ) is CM. (Valla, ’78) I is of minimal multiplicity ⇒ F(I ) is CM. (Huneke-Sally, ’88) JI I R I e(I ) > µ(I ) − d + λ(R/I ) with equality iff I m = Jm. J I I is of Goto-minimal multiplicity: R(I ) is CM ⇔ G(I ) is CM ⇔ r (I ) 6 1. (Goto, ’00) I I is of almost Goto-minimal multiplicity: depth G(I ) > d − 2 ⇒ depth F(I ) > d − 1. (Jayanthan-Verma, ’05) Im Jm I is of almost minimal multiplicity ⇒ depth G(I ) > d − 1. (Rossi, ’00) Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 6 / 14 j-multiplicity If I is any ideal, the j-multiplicity of I is defined as λ H0m (I n /I n+1 ) j(I ) = (d − 1)! lim . n→∞ nd−1 (Achilles-Manaresi, ’93) I j(I ) is a non-negative integer. I j(I ) 6= 0 ⇔ `(I ) = d. √ I = m ⇒ e(I ) = j(I ). I Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 7 / 14 j-multiplicity If I is any ideal, the j-multiplicity of I is defined as λ H0m (I n /I n+1 ) j(I ) = (d − 1)! lim . n→∞ nd−1 (Achilles-Manaresi, ’93) I j(I ) is a non-negative integer. I j(I ) 6= 0 ⇔ `(I ) = d. √ I = m ⇒ e(I ) = j(I ). I Theorem (Achilles-Manaresi, Xie) Let x1 , . . . , xd−1 be d − 1 general elements in I and R := R/(x1 , . . . , xd−1 ) : I ∞ . 1 R is CM and dim(R) 6 1. 2 The ideal I := I R is m-primary. 3 j(I ) = e(I ). Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 7 / 14 Artin-Nagata properties Goal: Use the j-multiplicity to extend properties of minimal multiplicity to non-m-primary ideals. Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 8 / 14 Artin-Nagata properties Goal: Use the j-multiplicity to extend properties of minimal multiplicity to non-m-primary ideals. I satisfies Gs if µ(Ip ) 6 ht p for every p ∈ V (I ) such that ht p < s. − Classes of ideals satisfying G`(I ) and the Artin-Nagata property AN`(I )−2 : I Equimultiple ideals. I Ideals of analytic deviation one that are generically complete intersection. I Strongly Cohen-Macaulay ideals satisfying G`(I ) ; e.g., in a Gorenstein ring: I I I I Cohen-Macaulay ideals generated by ht I + 2 elements. Perfect ideals of height two Perfect Gorenstein ideals of height three. Ideals in the linkage class of a complete intersection (licci ideals). Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 8 / 14 Minimal j-multiplicity Polini and Xie defined minimal j-multiplcity and extended the results of Rossi, Valla, and Wang to ideals that satisfy the residual assumptions `(I ) = d, Gd , and − ANd−2 . Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 9 / 14 Minimal j-multiplicity Polini and Xie defined minimal j-multiplcity and extended the results of Rossi, Valla, and Wang to ideals that satisfy the residual assumptions `(I ) = d, Gd , and − ANd−2 . R = R/(x1 , . . . , xd−1 ) : I ∞ for x1 , . . . , xd−1 general elements in I and I = I R. If `(I ) = d then, I is of Goto-minimal j-multiplicity if I is of Goto-minimal multiplicity. This property is well-defined. (M) Proposition (M) − Assume I satisfies Gd and ANd−2 , then I is of Goto-minimal j-multiplicity ⇔ I m = Jm for one (hence every) minimal reduction J of I . Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 9 / 14 Theorem 1 − From now on, we will assume assume I satisfies G`(I ) and AN`(I )−2 . Let g = ht (I ) and s = `(I ). Let J be a minimal reduction of I . Theorem (M) Assume J ∩ I n m = JI n−1 m for every 2 6 n 6 r (I ), then the following are equivalent: i) F(I ) is CM. ii) depth G(I ) > s − 1. iii) depth R(I ) > s. Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 10 / 14 Theorem 1 − From now on, we will assume assume I satisfies G`(I ) and AN`(I )−2 . Let g = ht (I ) and s = `(I ). Let J be a minimal reduction of I . Theorem (M) Assume J ∩ I n m = JI n−1 m for every 2 6 n 6 r (I ), then the following are equivalent: i) F(I ) is CM. ii) depth G(I ) > s − 1. iii) depth R(I ) > s. We obtain as corollary r (I ) 6 1 ⇒ F(I ) is CM in the following classical cases: I I I is equimultiple. (Shah, ’91) I has analytic deviation one and is generically a complete intersection. (Cortadellas-Zarzuela, ’97) Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 10 / 14 Theorem 2 Theorem (M) Assume I m = Jm, consider the following statements: i) R(I ) is CM (when g > 2), ii) G(I ) is CM, iii) F(I ) is CM and a(F(I )) 6 −g + 1, iv) r (I ) 6 s − g + 1. Then (i) ⇔ (ii) ⇒ (iii) ⇒ (iv). If in addition depth R/I j > d − g − j + 1 for every 1 6 j 6 s − g + 1, then all the statements are equivalent. Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 11 / 14 Examples 1 The monomial ideals I = (x12 , x1 x2 , . . . , x1 xd , x22 , x2 x3 , . . . , x2 xn ) in the ring k[[x1 , . . . , xd ]] are strongly stable ideals, have height 2, and satisfy − Gd and ANd−2 . I is of Goto-minimal j-multiplicity and the algebras R(I ), G(I ), and F(I ) are CM. 2 Let R = k[[x, y , z, w ]] and M= x w y x z y w z . The ideal I = I2 (M) has height 3 and satisfies G4 and AN2− . I is of Goto-minimal j-multiplicity and the algebras R(I ), G(I ), and F(I ) are CM. Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 12 / 14 Theorem 3 The following theorem generalizes Jayanthan-Verma’s theorem. Theorem (M) Assume s = d, depth R/I j > min{d − g − j + 1, 1} for j = 1 and 2, and I is of almost Goto-minimal j-multiplicity, then depth G(I ) > d − 2 ⇒ depth F(I ) > d − 1. Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 13 / 14 Thank you! Jonathan Montaño (Purdue University) Minimal multiplicities & depth of fiber cones October 19, 2014 14 / 14