Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals Federico Galetto AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting 2014 Rn “ Crx1 , . . . , xn s; µ partition of n; Iµ Ď Rn (homogeneous) DCP ideal associated to µ. (Garsia-Procesi 1992) Rn {Iµ is a finite dimensional graded representation of Sn whose graded character is related to Kostka-Foulkes polynomials. (De Concini-Procesi 1981) Rn {Iµ is the cohomology of the Springer fiber of type A associated to µ. (Kraft 1981) SpecpRn {Iµ q is the scheme theoretic intersection of diagonal matrices with nilpotent matrices of type µ. (Geramita-Hoefel-Wehlau 2014) Rn {Iµ appears in the computation of certain Hilbert series. Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals Questions Can we describe a minimal generating set of Iµ ? What are the graded Betti numbers of Iµ ? (Biagioli-Faridi-Rosas 2007) provides complete answers when µ is a hook, i.e. µ “ pa, 1b q. In general, a minimal generating set of Iµ can be quite complicated. Goals Describe an Sn -stable minimal generating set of Iµ as an Sn -representation to link “complexity” of these ideals to representation theory. Describe an Sn -equivariant minimal free resolution of Iµ . Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals Proposition (Biagioli-Faridi-Rosas) For 1 ď d ď n and µ “ pn ´ d ` 1, 1d´1 q, Iµ “ pe1 , . . . , ed´1 q ` pxi1 . . . xid q “ En,d ` In,d ; te1 , . . . , ed´1 u Y txi1 . . . xid u is a minimal generating set of Iµ ; e1 , . . . , ed´1 is a maximal regular sequence on Rn {In,d . 0 Rn {In,d F‚ ¨ei α‚ Rn {In,d Rn {pIn,d ` ei q F‚ conepα‚ q 0 Facts If F‚ is a minimal free resolution of Rn {In,d , then conepα‚ q is a minimal free resolution Rn {pIn,d ` ei q. Since ei is Sn -invariant, conepα‚ q is Sn -equivariant. Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals In,d has a linear Sn -equivariant minimal free resolution: 0 In,d F0 F1 ... Fn´d 0 so Fi – Uin,d bC Rn p´d ´ iq. Question How does Sn act on Uin,d ? Examples For d “ 1, F‚ is a Koszul complex, so Ź Uin,1 – i`1 Cn – pn ´ i ´ 1, 1i`1 q ‘ pn ´ i ` 2, 1i´1 q. For d “ n ´ 1, 0 In,n´1 pnq ‘ pn ´ 1, 1q pn ´ 1, 1q Federico Galetto 0 Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals We have two short exact sequences: one of Rn -modules with an Sn´1 -action 0 In´1,d´1 {In´1,d xi1 . . . xid´1 ¨xn Rn {In´1,d Rn {In,d 0 xi1 . . . xid´1 xn xi1 . . . xid xi1 . . . xid one of Rn´1 -modules with an Sn´1 -action 0 In´1,d In´1,d´1 In´1,d´1 {In´1,d 0 We will use these exact sequences to assemble a resolution of Rn {In,d as an Rn -module inductively. Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals 0 In´1,d´1 {In´1,d ¨xn n´1,d U‚´1 ‘ U‚n´1,d´1 0 Rn {In´1,d Rn {In,d Rn Rn U‚n´1,d ??? In´1,d In´1,d´1 In´1,d´1 {In´1,d U‚n´1,d U‚n´1,d´1 n´1,d U‚´1 ‘ U‚n´1,d´1 0 0 Proposition n´1,d ??? “ U‚´1 ‘ U‚n´1,d´1 ‘ U‚n´1,d is a minimal free resolution of In,d with an Sn´1 -action. Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals Question How does Sn act on a minimal free resolution U‚n,d of In,d ? The i-th term should satisfy: ´ ¯ n,d n´1,d n ResS U – Ui´1 ‘ Uin´1,d´1 ‘ Uin´1,d . i Sn´1 Conjecture ` ˘ Sn i Uin,d – IndS pd, 1 q b pn ´ d ´ iq ˆS d`i n´d´i Verified computationally up to n “ 8. The dimension matches the Betti numbers. The conjectured Uin,d is multiplicity free. Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals Proposition ` ˘ i n IndS Sd`i ˆSn´d´i pd, 1 q b pn ´ d ´ iq has a basis consisting of standard Young tableaux on pd, 1i q with entries from t1, . . . , nu. Example (n=5,d=2,i=2) U24,2 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3 U24,1 1 5 2 3 1 5 2 4 1 5 3 4 2 5 3 4 U14,2 1 2 3 5 1 3 2 5 1 2 4 5 1 4 2 5 1 3 4 5 1 4 3 5 Federico Galetto 2 3 4 5 2 4 3 5 Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals Example (Going from n “ 4 to n “ 5) 1 0 5 0 10 4 10 6 10 0 5 4 20 6 4 3 15 4 1 1 15 8 10 0 6 3 5 4 1 1 The Betti numbers (and the representations Uin,d ) can be arranged in a Pascal-like tetrahedron. Federico Galetto Queen’s University Equivariant resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals