Some numerical results on decompositions of Betti diagrams Chris Francisco Oklahoma State University Joint work with Jeff Mermin and Jay Schweig Halifax October 2014 Borel ideals Let S = k [x1 , . . . , xn ], k a field. Borel ideals Let S = k [x1 , . . . , xn ], k a field. Definition: A monomial ideal M ⊂ S is a Borel ideal if • given any monomial m ∈ M, • a variable xj dividing m, and • an index i < j, Borel ideals Let S = k [x1 , . . . , xn ], k a field. Definition: A monomial ideal M ⊂ S is a Borel ideal if • given any monomial m ∈ M, • a variable xj dividing m, and • an index i < j, then m · xi ∈ M. xj Also known as strongly stable or 0-Borel ideals. Example: (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ) is Borel. (Borel generated by a2 c and b3 .) Eliahou-Kervaire resolution of Borel ideals The Eliahou-Kervaire resolution provides a minimal free resolution of any Borel ideal B. Eliahou-Kervaire resolution of Borel ideals The Eliahou-Kervaire resolution provides a minimal free resolution of any Borel ideal B. Let max(m) be the largest index of a variable dividing m. Eliahou-Kervaire resolution of Borel ideals The Eliahou-Kervaire resolution provides a minimal free resolution of any Borel ideal B. Let max(m) be the largest index of a variable dividing m. Basis elements: (m, α) Eliahou-Kervaire resolution of Borel ideals The Eliahou-Kervaire resolution provides a minimal free resolution of any Borel ideal B. Let max(m) be the largest index of a variable dividing m. Basis elements: (m, α) • m is a minimal monomial generator of B Eliahou-Kervaire resolution of Borel ideals The Eliahou-Kervaire resolution provides a minimal free resolution of any Borel ideal B. Let max(m) be the largest index of a variable dividing m. Basis elements: (m, α) • m is a minimal monomial generator of B • α is a squarefree monomial with max(α) < max(m). Eliahou-Kervaire resolution of Borel ideals The Eliahou-Kervaire resolution provides a minimal free resolution of any Borel ideal B. Let max(m) be the largest index of a variable dividing m. Basis elements: (m, α) • m is a minimal monomial generator of B • α is a squarefree monomial with max(α) < max(m). Thus if gens(B) represents the minimal monomial generators of B, then X max(m) − 1 βi (B) = . i m∈gens(B) Example of resolution If I is Borel, then to compute βi (I), it is enough to answer: For each j, how many minimal generators m have max(m) = j? Let wj (I) be this quantity. Example of resolution If I is Borel, then to compute βi (I), it is enough to answer: For each j, how many minimal generators m have max(m) = j? Let wj (I) be this quantity. Example: Let I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ). Example of resolution If I is Borel, then to compute βi (I), it is enough to answer: For each j, how many minimal generators m have max(m) = j? Let wj (I) be this quantity. Example: Let I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ). Then w1 (I) = 1, w2 (I) = 3, and w3 (I) = 1. Example of resolution If I is Borel, then to compute βi (I), it is enough to answer: For each j, how many minimal generators m have max(m) = j? Let wj (I) be this quantity. Example: Let I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ). Then w1 (I) = 1, w2 (I) = 3, and w3 (I) = 1. Thus the vector of total Betti numbers of I is 1(1, 0, 0) + 3(1, 1, 0) + 1(1, 2, 1) = (5, 5, 1). Basic question Question: Suppose I is an equigenerated Borel ideal. How can we decompose the Betti diagram of S/I as a positive rational linear combination of Betti diagrams of the form S/Vi,r := S/(x1 , . . . , xi )r ? Basic question Question: Suppose I is an equigenerated Borel ideal. How can we decompose the Betti diagram of S/I as a positive rational linear combination of Betti diagrams of the form S/Vi,r := S/(x1 , . . . , xi )r ? Example: I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ). total: 0: 1: 2: 1 1 . . 5 . . 5 5 . . 5 1 . . 1 Basic question Question: Suppose I is an equigenerated Borel ideal. How can we decompose the Betti diagram of S/I as a positive rational linear combination of Betti diagrams of the form S/Vi,r := S/(x1 , . . . , xi )r ? Example: I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ). total: 0: 1: 2: 1 1 . . 5 . . 5 5 . . 5 1 . . 1 Start with the Veronese with the largest projective dimension: S/(a, b, c)3 has Betti numbers (1, 10, 15, 6), so to get a 1 in the last spot, use 61 βV3,3 . Basic question total: 0: 1: 2: 1 1 . . 5 . . 5 5 . . 5 1 . . 1 S/(a, b, c)3 has Betti numbers (1, 10, 15, 6). Get rightmost 1: 1 1 10 15 βS/V3,3 = , , ,1 . 6 6 6 6 Basic question total: 0: 1: 2: 1 1 . . 5 . . 5 5 . . 5 1 . . 1 S/(a, b, c)3 has Betti numbers (1, 10, 15, 6). Get rightmost 1: 1 1 10 15 βS/V3,3 = , , ,1 . 6 6 6 6 Last Betti number matches, so go to the previous one. Basic question total: 0: 1: 2: 1 1 . . 5 . . 5 5 . . 5 1 . . 1 S/(a, b, c)3 has Betti numbers (1, 10, 15, 6). Get rightmost 1: 1 1 10 15 βS/V3,3 = , , ,1 . 6 6 6 6 Last Betti number matches, so go to the previous one. S/(a, b)3 has Betti numbers (1, 4, 3), so take 5 5 20 15 β = , , . 6 S/V2,3 6 6 6 Basic question total: 0: 1: 2: 1 1 . . 5 . . 5 5 . . 5 1 . . 1 S/(a, b, c)3 has Betti numbers (1, 10, 15, 6). Get rightmost 1: 1 1 10 15 βS/V3,3 = , , ,1 . 6 6 6 6 Last Betti number matches, so go to the previous one. S/(a, b)3 has Betti numbers (1, 4, 3), so take 5 5 20 15 β = , , . 6 S/V2,3 6 6 6 Now note βS/I = 5 1 β + β . 6 S/V2,3 6 S/V3,3 Generating function relationship For an equigenerated Borel ideal I, let WI (t) = w1 (I) + w2 (I)t + · · · + wn (I)t n−1 . Generating function relationship For an equigenerated Borel ideal I, let WI (t) = w1 (I) + w2 (I)t + · · · + wn (I)t n−1 . Let BI (t) = β0 (I) + β1 (I) + · · · + βn−1 t n−1 . Generating function relationship For an equigenerated Borel ideal I, let WI (t) = w1 (I) + w2 (I)t + · · · + wn (I)t n−1 . Let BI (t) = β0 (I) + β1 (I) + · · · + βn−1 t n−1 . Proposition: WI (t + 1) = BI (t). Generating function relationship For an equigenerated Borel ideal I, let WI (t) = w1 (I) + w2 (I)t + · · · + wn (I)t n−1 . Let BI (t) = β0 (I) + β1 (I) + · · · + βn−1 t n−1 . Proposition: WI (t + 1) = BI (t). Example: For I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ), we have WI (t) = 1 + 3t + t 2 , so WI (t + 1) = 5 + 5t + t 2 . Generating function relationship For an equigenerated Borel ideal I, let WI (t) = w1 (I) + w2 (I)t + · · · + wn (I)t n−1 . Let BI (t) = β0 (I) + β1 (I) + · · · + βn−1 t n−1 . Proposition: WI (t + 1) = BI (t). Example: For I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ), we have WI (t) = 1 + 3t + t 2 , so WI (t + 1) = 5 + 5t + t 2 . Note: We can define WI (t) for any ideal with a linear resolution by substituting the reverse-lex gin J and using its W -polynomial. Coefficients Write BS/I (t) = λ1 BS/V1,d (t) + λ2 BS/V2,d (t) + · · · + λn BS/Vn,d (t), where the λi are the coefficients from above in the decomposition of the Betti diagram of S/I. Coefficients Write BS/I (t) = λ1 BS/V1,d (t) + λ2 BS/V2,d (t) + · · · + λn BS/Vn,d (t), where the λi are the coefficients from above in the decomposition of the Betti diagram of S/I. Theorem: Let I have a linear resolution, and let m be the irrelevant ideal. Then the Boij-Söderberg coefficients of S/I are: λn = wn (I) wi (I) wi+1 (I) and λi = − for i < n. wn (md ) wi (md ) wi+1 (md ) Coefficients Write BS/I (t) = λ1 BS/V1,d (t) + λ2 BS/V2,d (t) + · · · + λn BS/Vn,d (t), where the λi are the coefficients from above in the decomposition of the Betti diagram of S/I. Theorem: Let I have a linear resolution, and let m be the irrelevant ideal. Then the Boij-Söderberg coefficients of S/I are: λn = wn (I) wi (I) wi+1 (I) and λi = − for i < n. wn (md ) wi (md ) wi+1 (md ) Note: Cook has recent independent work with the same formula written differently. Coefficients Write BS/I (t) = λ1 BS/V1,d (t) + λ2 BS/V2,d (t) + · · · + λn BS/Vn,d (t), where the λi are the coefficients from above in the decomposition of the Betti diagram of S/I. Theorem: Let I have a linear resolution, and let m be the irrelevant ideal. Then the Boij-Söderberg coefficients of S/I are: λn = wn (I) wi (I) wi+1 (I) and λi = − for i < n. wn (md ) wi (md ) wi+1 (md ) Note: Cook has recent independent work with the same formula written differently. Example: Let I = (a3 , a2 b, a2 c, ab2 , b3 ). Then w1 (m3 ) = 1, w2 (m3 ) = 3, and w3 (m3 ) = 6. Thus λ3 = 1 , 6 λ2 = 3 1 5 − = , 3 6 6 and λ1 = 1 3 − = 0. 1 3 Multiplication by a form Question: What happens to the Boij-Söderberg coefficients when you multiply an ideal with linear resolution by a homogeneous form? Multiplication by a form Question: What happens to the Boij-Söderberg coefficients when you multiply an ideal with linear resolution by a homogeneous form? Example: Let I = (a, b, c, d)2 , and let µ be a linear form. The Betti diagram of S/µI is: total: 0: 1: 2: 3: 1 1 . . . 10 . . . 10 20 . . . 20 15 . . . 15 4 . . . 4 The Boij-Söderberg decomposition of S/I is trivial, but for S/µI, 2 1 1 1 the coefficients are 5 , 10 , 6 , 3 . Coefficient growth Question: What are the coefficients for S/µk I? Coefficient growth Question: What are the coefficients for S/µk I? Let λ∗ be the denominator that we’ll clear. k 0 1 2 3 λ∗ 24 60 120 210 λ1 0 20 60 126 λ2 0 10 24 42 λ3 0 6 12 18 λ4 24 24 24 24 Coefficient growth Question: What are the coefficients for S/µk I? Let λ∗ be the denominator that we’ll clear. k 0 1 2 3 λ∗ 24 60 120 210 λ1 0 20 60 126 λ2 0 10 24 42 λ3 0 6 12 18 λ4 24 24 24 24 For general k , λ∗ = (k + 2)(k + 3)(k + 4), λ1 = k (k + 3)(k + 4), λ2 = 2k (k + 4), λ3 = 2 · 3 · k , and λ4 = 2 · 3 · 4. Coefficient growth Question: What are the coefficients for S/µk I? Let λ∗ be the denominator that we’ll clear. k 0 1 2 3 λ∗ 24 60 120 210 λ1 0 20 60 126 λ2 0 10 24 42 λ3 0 6 12 18 λ4 24 24 24 24 For general k , λ∗ = (k + 2)(k + 3)(k + 4), λ1 = k (k + 3)(k + 4), λ2 = 2k (k + 4), λ3 = 2 · 3 · k , and λ4 = 2 · 3 · 4. More general result: Starting with an ideal with a pure resolution, multiplying by a power yields polynomial growth in the numerators of the Boij-Söderberg coefficients with similar factorizations.