Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Sean Sather-Wagstaff North Dakota State University Date 18 October 2014 AMS Eastern Section Meeting Dalhousie University Joint with Bethany Kubik (arXiv:1408.1674) and Chelsey Paulsen (J. Algebra Appl., 12 (2013), no. 5) Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Edge Ideals Assumption k is a field, S = k [x1 , . . . , xd ], and G = (V , E) is a (finite simple) graph with V = {x1 , . . . , xd }. Definition (Villareal ’90) The edge ideal I(G) ⊆ S of G is I(G) = (xi xj ∈ E)S. Example G= xx11 xx22 xx33 xx44 xx55 xx66 I(G) = (x1 x2 , x2 x3 , x1 x4 , x2 x5 , x3 x6 )S. Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Irreducible Decompositions of Edge Ideals Definition A vertex cover of G is a subset W ⊆ V such that for every xi xj ∈ E, either xi ∈ W or xj ∈ W . Fact We have (irredundant) irreducible decompositions \ \ I(G) = (W )S = (W )S. W W min Example G= x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 I(G) = (x1 , x2 , x3 )S ∩ (x1 , x2 , x6 )S ∩ (x1 , x3 , x5 )S ∩(x2 , x3 , x4 )S ∩ (x2 , x4 , x6 )S Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Cohen-Macaulayness of Trees Theorem (Villareal 1990) If T is a tree, then S/I(T ) is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if I(T ) is unmixed, if and only if T is a suspension of a tree. (Hence, Cohen-Macaulayness of S/I(T ) is characteristic-independent.) Example T = x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 S/I(T ) is Cohen-Macaulay. Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Weighted Edge Ideals Definition A weight function on G is a function ω : E → N. A weighted graph Gω is a graph G, with a weight function ω. Definition (Paulsen-SW ’13) The weighted edge ideal I(Gω ) ⊆ S of a weighted graph Gω is ω(e) ω(e) xj I(Gω ) = (xi | e = xi xj ∈ E)S. Example Gω = xx11 22 xx44 33 xx22 44 xx55 11 xx33 55 xx66 I(Gωω) = (x1133x2233, x2 x3 , x12 x42 , x24 x54 , x35 x65 )S. Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Irreducible Decompositions of Weighted Edge Ideals Definition A weighted vertex cover W σ of Gω is a vertex cover W ⊆ V with a function σ : W → N such that for every e = xi xj ∈ E, one has 1 xi ∈ W and σ(xi ) ≤ ω(e), or 2 xj ∈ W and σ(xj ) ≤ ω(e). σ(xi ) Set (W σ )S = (xi | xi ∈ W )S. Example Gω = x12 2 x4 3 x2 1 x31 4 5 x54 x6 . This weighted vertex cover is minimal: no vertices can be unboxed, and no weights (exponents) can be increased. Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Decompositions of Weighted Edge Ideals Theorem (Paulsen-SW ’13) We have (irredundant) irreducible decompositions \ \ I(Gω ) = (W σ )S = (W σ )S W σ min Wσ Example Gω = xx121 22 xx44 3 x2 11 xx331 4 4 55 xx554 xx6 . 6 I(Gω ) =(x12 , x2 , x35 )S ∩ (x12 , x24 , x3 )S ∩ (x12 , x2 , x65 )S ∩ (x12 , x3 , x54 )S ∩ (x2 , x35 , x42 )S ∩ (x23 , x3 , x42 )S ∩ (x2 , x42 , x65 )S ∩ (x13 , x24 , x3 , x42 )S ∩ (x13 , x3 , x42 , x54 )S Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Cohen-Macaulay Weighted Trees Theorem (Paulsen-SW ’13) If Tω is a weighted tree, then S/I(Tω ) is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if I(Tω ) is unmixed, if and only if T is a suspension of a tree Γ such that for each edge vi vj in Γ one has ω(vi vj ) ≤ min{ω(vi wi ), ω(vj wj )}. Example non-CM 3 v1 2 w1 CM 3 v1 3 w1 Sean Sather-Wagstaff v2 1 v3 4 5 w2 w3 v2 1 v3 4 5 w2 w3 Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Weighted Path Ideals Definition (Kubik-SW) Fix an integer r ≥ 1. The weighted r -path ideal Ir (Gω ) ⊆ S of a weighted graph Gω is the ideal of S generated by all monomials max(ω(xir −2 xir −1 ),ω(xir −1 xir )) ω(xir −1 xir ) ω(xi0 xi1 ) max(ω(xi0 xi1 ),ω(xi1 xi2 )) xi1 · · · xir −1 xir xi0 such that xi0 xi1 · · · xir −1 xir is a path in G. Example 1 If r = 1, then this is I(Gω ). 2 If ω = 1 and G is a tree, then this is Conca’s Ir (G), generated by all the r -paths in G. Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Weighted Path Ideals Example xx11 Gω = 22 xx44 33 xx22 11 44 xx55 xx33 55 xx66 I2 (Gω ) = (x13 x23 x3 , x13 x24 x54 , x2 x35 x65 , x13 x23 x42 , x24 x3 x54 )S. Theorem (Kubik-SW) We have (irredundant) irreducible decompositions \ \ Ir (Gω ) = (W σ )S = (W σ )S Wσ Sean Sather-Wagstaff W σ min Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Cohen-Macaulay Weighted Trees Theorem (Kubik-SW) Let Gω be a weighted tree with no r -pathless leaves. TFAE: (i) S/Ir (Gω ) is Cohen-Macaulay; (ii) Ir (Gω ) is unmixed; and (iii) Gω is an r -path suspension of a weighted tree Γµ s.t. for all vi vj ∈ E(Γµ ) one has ω(vi vj ) ≤ min{ω(vi yi,1 ), ω(vj yj,1 )}. Example I2 (Gω ) v1 3 v2 1 v3 4 5 y1,1 y2,1 y3,1 a b c y1,2 y2,2 y3,2 3 Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs Cohen-Macaulay Weighted Cliques Theorem (Paulsen-SW ’13) Let Kωd be a weighted d-clique. Then S/I(Kωd ) is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension 1. Theorem (Kubik-SW) Let Kω3 be a weighted 3-clique. Then S/I2 (Kω3 ) is CohenMacaulay if and only if Kω3 has edge weights of the form a = a ≤ b. Theorem (Kubik-SW) Let Kωd be a weighted d-clique. Then S/I2 (Kωd ) is CohenMacaulay if and only if S/I2 (Kλ3 ) is Cohen-Macaulay for each induced weighted sub-clique Kλ3 . Sean Sather-Wagstaff Path Ideals for Weighted Graphs