FORE REf EARCH LABORATORY REIEAPCI:IATE 66 n_. AN EVALUATION OF EIGHT INTERTREE COMPETITION INDICES r~. S. NOONE JOHN F. BELL INTRODUCTION Intertree competition indices have been important in growth simulation methodology since Newnham (1964) introduced a distancestand model for Douglas-fir. dependent Indices developed by other authors also 1. TABLE BASIS OF COMPUTATION FOR THE EIGHT INTERTREE COMPETITION INDICES. Crown or adjusted require data on intertree however, their calculations vary for crown distances; and diameter angle measures, ratios of height (d.b.h.) breast competitors to subject trees. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of eight such indices to predict diameter Those tested growth in thinned stands. fall into two groups, one basing the overlap, indices on crown or adjusted crown overlap and the other on diameter, or distance to a neighboring tree (Table 1). A set of algorithms developed by Research Centre, Forest FORTRAN Pacific B.C., to evaluate the competition indices were made available to the School of Forestry at Oregon State University. the Victoria, crown Author Date overlap Arney 1971 X Bella 1970 X Ek and 1973 X Diameter/ distance to neighboring tree Monserud Hegyi 1973 Lin 1969 Newnham 1964 X Staebler 1951 X Quenet 1975 GROWTH DATA USED IN THE EVALUATION indices were stand age was 20 taken from a study by Berg and Bell (1979) established in 1963 on land near Hoskins, Average Oregon owned by Starker Forests. to Data used to evaluate OCTOBER 1990 the was designed years. examine The Hoskins study the effect of different levels of growing stock on wood production, tree size, and ratios of growth OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF FORESTRY CORVALLIS. OREGON 97331 503-753-91 66 2 to growing-stock. It comprises eight treatments and a control, each replicated three times. A calibration thinning was made in 1963 and treatment thinnings were made in 1966 and 1970. We used data from treatments 1, 3, 5, and 7, representing four levels of growing stock in descending order from heavy to light thinning, and from two growth periods, 1966-1970 and 1970-1973. An interior square (50 x 50 ft) was used to any trees outside model growth; therefore, the interior that could (crown overlap) could be inhibit growth accounted for The interior square also accurately. contained a large enough number of trees for a reasonable growth analysis repre- senting different thinning treatments. trees within the 0.2-acre plots had All been numbered and stem mapped. Each of the four treatments contained three square 0.2-acre plots (93.33 x 93.33 ft). DATA ANALYSIS The data were analyzed in two ways. First, we regressed periodic increment in d.b.h. initial diameter, initial competitive stress index, and change in the competitive stress index due to different thinning treatments on individual plots at the beginning of each growth period. The correlation coefficient (R ) and mean square error (MSE) for each thinning treatment were then averaged. Second, we combined data for all trees on alI plots on and regressed periodic diameter Increment on the associated initial diameter, initial competition index, and change competition Index due to thinning. in The basic growth model for the comparison analysis is that used The that Smith (1977) tried. following are his results using data from models the Hoskins study: Growth model AD = f (DO, CSIO, ACSIO). R2 MSE 1966-1970 1970-1973 0.674 .094 0.808 .042 In our analysis, we substituted CIO for CSIp and ACID for ACSIO, where CIO refers to one of the being compared. eight competition indices Therefore, our basic growth model is by Smith (1977): AD = a + bD0 + c(Cl0) + d(ACIO) [11 AD = a + bD0 = c(CSIO) + d(ACSIO) Open-grown crown width where AD = the change in d.b.h. (in.), d.b.h. at the beginning of the growth period (in.), no = the is used by Arney, Bella, Ek, Newnham, Lin, and Staebler in determining their competition indices. The crown width formula is that used by Arney (1973) in his analysis combining data from British Columbia and Oregon: CW = 4.0223 + 2.1223 (DOB) - 0.0220 (DOB)2 Competitive Stress Index at the beginning of the growth period, and CSIO = the ACSIO = the change in CSI due to thinning before the beginning of the growth period. This model was chosen because it had the highest R2 and the lowest MSE of all the where ON = crown width (ft), and DOB = diameter outside bark (in.). Input data to the coordinates of each initial diameter at program were x-y the tree number, breast height (DO), tree, 3 diameter at breast height (D1) at the end of the growth period, and plot number. The output contained plot number, tree number, the author's assigned number, DO, AD, CIO, growth model, Equation 1, was We averaged to the data. R2 each treatment (three and MSE over plots for the two and over all plots) basic The fitted then growth periods. and ACID. CORRELATING PREDICTION WITH MEASURED GROWTH In the analysis by treatment (Table 2), the model using Lin's competition index had the highest correlation with measured growth lowest R2, 0.616 and 0.695, and the highest MSE, 0.125 and 0.044. for both growth periods, 0.684 and 0.804, and lowest the Quenet's MSE, competition in the 1966-1970 growth period, growth data heaviest thinning treatments, 1 0.104 and 0.029. index produced the from the and 3, fit the model best with R2 0.759 and TABLE 2. CORRELATION OF GROWTH MODELS USING EACH OF EIGHT COMPETITION INDICES (CIO) WITH GROWTH DATA FOR FOUR THINNING TREATMENTS IN THE HOSKINS STUDY. MEAN SQUARE ERROR IN PARENTHESES. Average sample Treat- meet size per plot Arney Bella Ek 1966-1970 GROWTH MODEL: 12 1 0.801 (.062) 16 3 .755 (.092) 17 5 .571 (.195) 18 7 Mean 0.778 (.068) 6 11 3 12 16 7 Mean Treatment average 0.759 ) 0.699 0.82a 0.750 0.652b 0.796 (.083) (.049) (.072) (.100) (.063) .755 .786' (.076) (.100) .736b .741 .743 .757 .753 (.093) (.090) (.092) (.092) .566 (.188) .569 .582 .558 .567 (.186) (.194) (.180) (.190) .616 .614 .613 (.089) (.089) (.092) .677 .678 .678 .670 (.111) (.110) (.109) (.111) .623a (.086) .684a (.104) D = a + hD0 .572 (.100) .657 (.115) 0.786 0.784 0.802 0.887a 0.750b (.023) (.027) (.027) (.022) (.016) (.038) .700 .767 (.028) .772 (.027) .686 (.039) .833' (.024) (.036) .763 .765 (.027) (.027) .754 (.047) .755 (.046) .755 (.047) .515b .602a (.203) (.189) .554b (.105) .616b (.125) .566 (.191) .565 .593 (.101) (.095) .680 .668 (.111) (.112) 0.787 0.798 (.031) (.027) = c(Clo) + d(C1) 0.813 (.037) (.071) (.097) .753 (.093) .700 0.771 (.034) .574b (.051) .677 .714 (.042) (.036) (.030) .813a .791 .766 (.020) (.022) (.027) .732 (.037) .737 (.040) .737 .706 (.048) (.054) .744 (.047) .704b (.054) (.045) .740 (.037) .695b (.044) .744 .754 (.040) (.035) .750 .768 .769 .760 (.036) (.032) (.032) (.032) a Highest R2 for the treatment. bLowest R2 for the treatment. Staebler (.070) .584 .731b Quenet 0.774 (.096) (.038) 5 Newnham AD = a + boo + c(Cl ) + d(ACl 1970-1973 GROWTH MODEL: 1 Lin Hegyl .804a (.029) .773a .762 .741 (.049) 4 0.753, respectively. Treatments 5 and 7 had correlations of 0.566 and 0.593, respectively. In the 1970-1973 growth period, the growth model for each of the eight authors fit observed growth nearly equally. Treatment 1, the most heavily thinned, had a correlation of 0.798. We combined data growth and competition-index 1970-1973 and for treatments 1, 3, 5, and 7 for analysis by author only. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of each index were R2 and MSE. Four models were fit to the data: for 1966-1970 and AD = f (ACID) AD = f (CIO) AD = f (CIO, ACID) AD = f (D0, CIO, ACID) For the two growth periods, the fourth model the highest correlation and had However, among the eight lowest MSE. overall averages for authors, no one index is clearly superior to the others.(Table 3). COMPUTATION TIME important criterion for selecting a competition index is the computation time required. Table 4 lists the time required with each index to evaluate a forest plot An 50 by 50 feet in a stand of approximately 280 trees per acre. Six indices are within 40 percent of the fastest model (the Hegyi model). The Staebler competition index was notably slower. LIMITATIONS OF DATA The reader should note that this analysis was performed on a single set of plots and a single tree species within a restricted set of conditions. A direct comparison of the results by no means establishes the true relationship among the methods. Alemdag (1978), in a similar study, found that although some competition indices gave better results with a given data set, there was no consistent pattern among sets. He believed the order of results might have been purely accidental. This study seems However, to support Alemdag's findings. least required the model Hegyi's computation time. TABLE II 3.-- - - - -- CORRELATION OF FOUR GROWTH MODELS AND EIGHT COMPETITION INDICES WITH COMBINED GROWTH DATA FROM THE HOSKINS STUDY PLOTS. DATA IN LEFT COLUMNS 'BENEATH EACH VARIABLE ARE FOR 187 TREES, 1966-1970; IN RIGHT COLUMNS FOR 133 TREES, 1970-1973. MEAN SQUARE ERROR IN PARENTHESES. Model Variables Author Arney ACID 0.102 (.236) Hegyi 0.114 0.314 (.233) (.124) 0.298 0.453 (.185) (.099) 0.592 0.718 (.108) (.052) .735 .025 .006 .371 .578 .511 .697 (.179) (.165) (.076) (.129) (.055) (.106) (.049) .016 (.258) .013 (.178) .379 (.163) .574 .513 .696 (.077) (.129) (.055) .598 (.107) .732 (.049) .030 (.255) .012 (.178) .441 .685 .566 (.147) (.057) (.115) .729 (.049) .603a (.106) .741a (.047) .060" .015 (.177) .381 .542 .533 .651 .585 .681 (.247) (.163) (.083) (.123) (.062) (.110) (.058) .052 (.249) .326 (.177) .579 (.076) .496 .686 (.180) (.133) (.057) .599 (.107) .728 (.050) .003 (.180) .221 .450 .348 .475 .546b .660b (.205) (.099) (.173) (.095) (.121) (.062) .274 (.132) .588 .709 (.110) (.053) Ln Newnham 0.034 (.173) D0, CIO, &CIO (.256) "gBjeJ'A Ek C10, ACID CIO Quenet .052 (.249) Staebler .001 .135 .080 .015 .131 .135 (.259) (.166) (.228) (.-157) (.211) .603a 11 11 aHighest R2. bLowest R2. 1I TABLE 4. 11 AVERAGE COMPUTATION TIME USING THE EIGHT COMPETITION INDICES IN THE EQUATION AD = f(D0, C10, ACIO). Percent slower than fastest time Author Seconds per plot Hegyi 0.369 Quenet 0.386 4.5 Lin 0.391 5.8 0.425 15.2 Ek 0.444 20.3 Arney 0.462 25.2 Newnham 0.515 39.6 Staebler 2.182 491.5 "Sella 6 REFERENCES competition diameter increment in planted white spruce. Proceedings, Fries, ed.). IUFRO World Congress, Division IV, XVI Norway. Canadian Forestry Service, Management Institute, Information FMR-X-108, Ottawa, Ontario. managing I. ALEMDAG, 1978. Evaluation of some indexes for the prediction of S. Forest Report simulation HEGYI, (J. jack pine Growth models for Computer simulation of Douglas-fir tree and stand growth. Ph.D. thesis. School of Forestry, Oregon State ARNEY, 1971. J. D. (J. A simulation model 1973. F. Fries, stands, 74-90 p. for IN tree and stand simulation ed.). Working Party S4.01-4, Proceedings, Vancouver, IUFRO British Columbia 1973. University, Corvallis. ARNEY, J. D. 1973. stress competitive Tables for quantifying on individual trees. LIN, J. Y. 1969. Growing space and stand hemlock in simulation of young western Pacific Forest Research Centre. Oregon. Ph.D. thesis. School of Forestry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Service, BC-X-78, Victoria, British NEWNHAM, R. M. Canadian Information Report Forestry BELLA, yield I. 1970. E. Columbia. Simulation of growth, management Ph.D. and of aspen. Faculty of Forestry, University of 190 p. British Columbia, Vancouver. 1974. The development of a thesis. stand model for Douglas-fir. Ph.D. Faculty of Forestry, University of Columbia, Vancouver. 201 p. British thesis. BERG, A. B., and J. F. 1979. BELL. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study on Douglas-fir. Report No. 5. The Hoskins study 1963-1975. Pacific Northwest Forest and Experiment Range Paper PNW-257, R., EK, A. Trials Station, Portland, Oregon. and R. Research 29 p. MONSERUD. 1973. FOREST: Growth and A. with program reproduction simulation for mixed species even- or uneven-aged forest stands, p. 56-73 IN Growth models for tree and stand Personal V. 1975. R. QUENET, communication. Victoria, British Columbia. Growth and spacing R. 1951. in an even-aged stand of Douglas-fir. M.F. STAEBLER, G. thesis. School of Forestry, University of 46 p. Michigan, Ann Arbor. SMITH, S. H. The index as 1977. evaluation of a measure of competitive stress stand density for young-growth Douglas-fir. M.S. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis. ADDITIONAL SOURCES GLEW, D. R., F. HEGYI, and T. G. BONER. Data base requirements for growth in the Computer Assisted Resource Planning System in British Columbia, p. 1976. models IN 74-85 Congress, XVI IUFRO Proceedings, IV, Norway. World F. of FORTRAN 1976. A set algorithms for evaluating inter- Unpublished tree competition indices. paper presented to western mensurationists, Vancouver, British Columbia. Division Growth modelling in an operational planning context, p. 224-238 IN Proceedings, C.I.F. Workshop on Canadian University of Inventory Methods. Forest Toronto, Ontario. Press, Toronto HEGYI, HEGYI, F., and L. D. OXTOBY. 1975. The authors are, respectively, a graduate student, School of Forestry, and Professor, Department of Forest Management, School of Forestry, Corvallis. Oregon State University,