The Aesthetic Lens: German Poetry and Film, 1918-present Instructor

The Aesthetic Lens:
German Poetry and Film, 1918-present
Instructor: Roddy
Office hours: MW 9-10, 1-2
& by appointment
Office: HUMB 325B
Telephone: 6-1462
Course description
In this course we will examine the tectonic shifts in German culture and history from the
founding of the Weimar Republic to the present through the lens of lyric poetry and film.
For each major period—the Weimar Republic; National Socialism and the Second World
War; the postwar period; the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall; Reunification—we will
study the major poetic voices and two films both on their own aesthetic merits and
relative to the historical contexts within which they were produced. We will also analyze
the relationship between these works of art and the historical context in which they were
produced. This class will be conducted in German.
Course objectives
 To understand and become conversant with significant twentieth-century
German poets and filmmakers
 To understand these poets and filmmakers within their historical contexts
 To be able to analyze how poetry and film either reflect or resist the
dominant values of the broader cultural and historical milieu
Required texts
Hofmann, Michael, ed. Twentieth-Century German Poetry: An Anthology. NY: Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, 2005. 978-0-374-10535-8
Mai, Manfred. Deutsche Geschichte. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz, 1999. 978-340-7755247
Schulze, Hagen. Germany: A New History. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1998. 978067-400-5457
written homework (poetry and film responses)
précis (4 x 10%)
research paper rough draft (4+ pp.)
research paper final draft (6-8 pp.)
class participation
Grading scale
A=90+%; B=80-89%; C=70-79%; D=60-69%; F= below 60%.
Response sheets and discussion questions will be assigned for the poetry and films. These
are to be completed prior to coming to class: they will form the basis of discussions.
For some of the readings in Mai, specific questions on the text will be assigned by the
instructor. When no questions are assigned, each student should pick out one or two
sections of the reading s/he finds particularly interesting or provocative and come to class
prepared to discuss these sections.
For each day of poetry, a range of poems is presented for your consideration. Please read
each poem. Then choose one poem that speaks to you particularly for a close reading and
response. Make sure you understand the poem thoroughly, and complete your response
sheet on this poem. Be prepared to read the poem aloud and to discuss your impressions
in class. Note: I expect each student to be spending time reading the poetry every
day. DO NOT wait until the week on which we’ll discuss the poetry to begin your
reading, and DO NOT come to class unprepared. Although you will have to do written
work on just one poem, I expect each student to have read and understood each poem in
the reading selection for that day. Unless otherwise noted, read all poems by each author
on the syllabus.
Each film will be shown in its entirety in class. Films will also be available for viewing in
the LRC. It is imperative to view the films you miss in their entirety.
A précis is a rubric for a longer research paper. It consists of a thesis (These), an
argument (Argument), textual evidence (Beweis) and conclusions (Schlussfolgerungen).
The purpose of the précis in this class is to understand how main historical currents are
reflected in the art of the period.
Each student must prepare a one-page précis that illustrates the relationship of the poetry
and films we have studied with the historical context in which they were produced for
each of the 5 historical periods we will cover.
In preparing a précis, begin with a thesis about the period; follow with a method of
argumentation; provide textual evidence; then present your conclusions.
For the section addressing evidence, create two columns. In the left-hand column, present
3-4 direct quotes from the historical readings that represent significant political or
cultural currents of the period (cite with source and page number, e.g., Schulze 243). In
the right-hand column, cite a different direct quote from a poem or film (or cite a scene)
from that period that illustrates each of the historical citations. (You must refer at least
once to a poem, and at least once to a film.) Bring enough copies of each précis for all
course participants and instructor to class. Please see example précis distributed in class
for a model to follow.
research paper (6-8 pages total)
A research paper of 6-8 pages written in German is due at the end of the course.
Instructor will meet individually with students to discuss rough draft (4+ pp.). See
schedule in syllabus for due dates. Ideally, each student will use a précis as a point of
departure for the research paper. In addition to the primary sources used in class, at least
five secondary sources should be used for reference. A word on Wikipedia: I think
Wikipedia is just fine. I use it all the time. I find it to be a good and thorough source. One
does not cite Wikipedia in research papers because “any yahoo can make entries” (it has
excellent editors) or “the information can change at any time” (poppycock!). One doesn’t
cite it because one doesn’t cite encyclopedias when doing research. However, as a
jumping-off point, it is excellent.
class participation and attendance
Class participation will be evaluated according to individual contributions to the class. As
to attendance, each student is allowed one absence, no questions asked. Thereafter, 2%
will be deducted from the student’s final average for each absence.
“Excused absences” will only be considered for missed exams and late assignments.
late work and make-up exams
Late homework (response sheets, discussion questions and précis) will not be accepted.
A 10% penalty will be assessed to the grade of the rough and/or final draft of the research
paper for each day it is late. If either draft is five or more days late, the draft will no
longer be accepted and a grade of ‘0’ will be assigned.
Penalty-free make-up exams will only be given if the student missed the exam due to a
personal emergency (i.e., serious illness, death in the immediate family) that the student
can document. If the student is unable to document the reason for the absence, or the
reason is not sufficiently serious (i.e., a cold, car trouble, etc.), a make-up exam will still
be given, but a 15% penalty will be assessed to the final grade of the exam.
Alterations to syllabus: Since not all classes progress at the same rate, the instructor may
need to modify the above requirements or their timing as circumstances dictate (e.g. the
number and frequency of tests or the number and sequence of assignments). Students will
be informed in advance concerning any such changes.
The Academic Integrity Policy of the Department of Foreign Languages will be
observed and enforced in this course.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide
disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodation. The Office of Special Student
Services (SC 270, 460-7212) will certify a disability and advise faculty members of
reasonable accommodations.
Die Weimarer Republik: 1918-33
Fr., 21.08
Willkommen! Film: Metropolis
Fr., 28.08
Film: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari. Zum Lesen: Mai (102-120), Schulze
(191-244). Diskussion.
Fr., 04.09
Gedichte von Rilke, Benn (38-57), Hoddis, Trakl, Arp, Schwitters
NS-Staat und Krieg, 1933-45
Fr., 11.09
Précises. Film: Der Triumph des Willens.
Fr., 18.09
Film: Stalingrad (Hunde, wollte ihr ewig leben?). Zum Lesen: Mai (121140), Schulze (245-298). Diskussion
Fr., 25.09
Gedichte von Sachs, Brecht, Huchel, Eich + handouts of Nazi poetry
Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg und zweimal Deutschland I: 1945-89
Fr., 02.10
Précises. Film: Einer trage des anderen Last.
Fr., 09.10
Fr., 16.10
Film: Lola. Zum Lesen: Mai (141-158), Schulze (299-332). Diskussion
Fr., 23.10
Gedichte von Bobrowski, Celan, Mayröcker, Jandl, Bachmann
Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg und zweimal Deutschland II: 1945-89
Fr., 30.10
Précises. Film: Gegen die Wand.
Fr., 06.11
Film: Die Leben der Anderen. Zum Lesen: Mai (159-171), Schulze (333340). Diskussion
Fr., 13.11
Gedichte von Kunert, Müller, Enzensberger, Kirsch, Born, Brinkmann
Mauerfall und Wende: 1989-Gegenwart
Fr., 20.11
Précises. Film: Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei
Fr., 27.11
Fr., 04.12
Gedichte von Grünbein (book) + Jan Wagner, Monika Rinck, Nadja
Küchenmeister, Daniela Danz und Farhad Showghi (handouts)