March 16, 2012 GSA Senate Meeting

March 16, 2012
GSA Senate Meeting
Present: Jillian Maxey, Dan Arroyo (communicating the GSSW vote for Joe Le who was absent), Jon Piron,
Ann Masterman (GEA), Erin Singer (GPA, non voting), Shawn Savage (GISA), Cesar Boc (STM), Caroline
Sellmer (GNA), Julie Allen (GSAS), Afsheen Namdaran (GMA)
Missing: Graduate AHANA Student Association
I. Vote on executive board stipend amount: $11,000 (previous amount: $7200)
We discussed several issues that influence this amount: overall % of GSA budget, change from 10 to 20 hours
per week, compensation for other GAs on campus, inability to offer tuition remission at this time.
Shawn Savage proposed an increased amount of $12,000 (9 months, 20 hours per week) and the senate
approved this amount (6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstained because was absent for discussion)
II. Vote on constitutional changes
Recommended edits:
1. Article III, Section 1. 2: for consistency, change name to Director of Finances; Director of Advocacy and
Outreach rather than Director of Outreach and Advocacy
2. Article III., Section 2, 5: as it is written: "Executive Board members who do not fulfill his or her duties may
result in dismissal and or freezing of the graduate leadership group's fund." suggested revision: "An executive
board member who is not fulfilling his or her duties may be terminated after reasonable documentation and
evaluation. Terminated individuals will no longer have access to GSA funds and their stipends will be
terminated." It was also recommended that board members who wish to quit somehow be held accountable to
give reasonable notice and help transition/train their replacement if possible. The current exec board is looking
into adding some language like this to the job descriptions for each position.
3. Article IV. Section 1, 1: (Senate Membership) The senate recommends keeping GISA and the Graduate
AHANA Student Association on the Senate. They along with the executive board are proposing the addition of
the GPA to the senate, along with the development of criteria for the consideration of senate membership for all
future groups. We will vote on these matters at the April meeting.
III. Discuss formation of the GSA Cabinet
We are in favor of exploring the formation of a cabinet, although it was agreed that GISA, AHANA, and GPA
would not constitute this group. We talked about creating this group in tandem with defining a group
recognition process for new student groups. Leadership from these and existing groups might make up the
cabinet. We like the idea of having another group to advise the exec board that is nimble and able to expand
as student needs change/increase or as groups change over the years. We recommend developing a general
statement of purpose and criteria for membership for the purposes of the constitution. We will discuss more at
the April meeting and hopefully vote on the constitutional language in May.
Next meeting: April 20, 3pm Murray House