ENERGY LABOR-s" 0 'r NFOR MAi 0 I CF NTE: Energy Laboratory in association with Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IMPROVING HEAT PUMP PERFORMANCE VIA COMPRESSOR CAPACITY CONTROL,ANALYSIS AND TEST, Volume I by Carl C. Hiller and Leon R. Glicksman Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 76-001 Heat Transfer Laboratory Report No. 24525-96, Vol. I January 1976 2 ABSTRACT The heat pump has long been of interest as a heating device because of its ability to deliver more heat energy than it consumes. The present work outlines past, present, and future developments in heat pump technology and indicates key areas of improvement. One method of improvement, the capacity controlled heat pump, has been studied in detail. An analysis of conventional and capacity controlled air-to-air heat pumps has been performed, using detailed computer simulations. New system sizing guidelines are outlined for capacity controlled units, resulting in as much as a 30% per year energy savings over conventional heat pumps in two of the six locations studied. Economic studies, comparing conventional and capacity controlled heat pumps to gas and electrical resistance heat, with and without air conditioning, indicate that capacity controlled heat pumps could soon be superior to gas heating in some locations, depending on energy prices. All of the economic studies have been done for a range of gas and electricity prices, and include amortization of capital costs as well as operating costs. Finally, preliminary development work on a new, potentially efficient and inexpensive, continuously variable compressor capacity control device is described. Test results on components of the early suction-valve cut-off control mechanism indicate that it is possible to design a controllable device to function in high speed (3600 RPM) compressors. However, more development work is needed. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Sporlan Valve Company, Alco Valve Company, York Air Conditioning Company, The General Electric Research Labs, and especially Carrier Corporation for the wealth of information and helpful insights they have given us. We would also like to thank Thermo Engineer- ing Inc., a heat pump contractor in Worcester, Massachusetts, for helpful insights on installation and operation of heat pump/air conditioning systems. This project has been funded in part by grants from industry and foundations, through the MIT Energy Laboratory, and by the National Science Foundation. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I PAGE ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 TABL' OF CONTENTS 4 LIST OF TABLES 8 LIST OF FIGURES 9 LIST OF SYMBOLS USED IN TEXT 15 INTRODUCTION 20 CHAPTER 1. HEAT PUMPS PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE 22 1.1 SIMPLE HEAT PUMP CYCLE 23 1.2 RELIABILITY 29 1.3 CONVENTIONAL AIR-TO-AIR HEAT PUMPS 31 1.4 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN HEAT UMPS 37 1.5 CAPACITY CONTROLLL) HEAT PUMPS 40 CHAPTER 2. MODELING AND SIMULATION OF HEAT PUMP AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 46 SYSTEM MODELING 47 . Technique · Comparison of Actual and Predicted Heat Pump Performance 47 49 2.2 SYSTEM FLOW BALANCE 58 2.3 COMPRESSOR SIMULATION 62 2.1 5 PAGE · Cylinder Processes, Valve, and Manifold Modeling · Motor Cooling, Friction, and Suction-Discharge Heat Transfer · Oil Circulation Effect on Capacity 64 69 · Verification 72 of the Model · Simulating Capacity Control · Normal Range of Input Values and Their Effect on Performance i.4 CONDENSER SIMULATION EVAPORATOR SIMULATION 87 91 92 97 · General and Specific Models · Verification of Models CHAPTER 75 76 87 · General Model 'EXCH' · Modeling A Finned Tube Condenser · Verification of Models 2.5 72 97 98 3. PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMICS OF CONVENTIONAL AND CAPACITY 100 CONTROLLED HEAT PUMPS 101 3.1 MODE OF ANALYSIS 3.2 EFFECT OF FAN POWER ON 3.3 PERFORMANCE OF A 3.4 EXTENDING PERFORMANCE RESULTS TO DIFFERENT HEAT PUMP SIZES ON A PRESCRIBED HEAT LOAD 122 3.5 SEASONAL PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC COMPARISONS 127 ITROL OPTIONS 104 APACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMP 112 CHAPTER 4. DESIGN AND TEST OF AN EARLY SUCTION-VALVE CUT-OFF MECHANISM FOR COMPRESSOR CAPACITY CONTROL 154 4.1 COMPRESSOR CAPACITY-CONTROL VIA EARLY SUCTIONVALVE CLOSING 155 4.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 161 6 PAGE 4.3 CUT-OFF MECHANISM DESIGN 164 4.4 EXPERIMENTAL CUT-OFF MECHANISM 183 4.5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 186 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 198 CHAPTER 5. REFERENCES - AT THE END OF EACH SECTION VOLUME II APPENDIX A 205 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF REFRIGERANTS APPENDIX B CARRIERS APPENDIX 229 MODEL 50 DQ SERIES SINGLE PACKAGE HEAT PUMPS C 238 SAMPLE THERMODYNAMIC CYCLE DATA FROM SYSTEM SIMULATIONSCONVENTIONAL VS CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMP APPENDIX D 245 DETAILS OF SYSTEM FLOW BALANCE MODELING APPENDIX E 263 DETAILS OF COMPRESSOR SIMULATION MODEL APPENDIX F 317 REFRIGERANT-OIL SOLUBILITY APPENDIX G 321 COMPRESSORDATA APPENDIX H PARAMETRIC STUDIES ON CARRIER 06D-537 COMPRESSOR 325 7 PAGE APPENDIX 330 I DETAILS OF AIR-COOLED, CROSS-FLOW CONDENSER MODELING 361 APPENDIX J COMPLEMENTS TO HEAT EXCHANGER ANALYSIS . Overall Surface Efficiency * Cross-Flow Effectiveness 370 APPENDIX K FIAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS . Condensation Two-Phase · Evaporation Two-Phase . SinglePhase 381 APPENDIX L PRESSURE DROP RELATIONS · Two Phase . Single Phase in Heat Exchangers Single Phase Line Pressure Drops · Air Side 397 APPENDIX M DETAILS OF CROSS-FLOW EVAPORATOR MODELING 434 APPENDIX N CAPACITY CONTROLLED 50 DQ 016 STUDIES 437 APPENDIX0 HEAT PUMP PERFORMANCE DATA FOR LOAD LINE APPENDIX P WEATHER DATA "D" STUDIES 442 8 LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE 1.5-1 COMPARISON OF COMPRESSOR CAPACITY CONTROL METHODS 45 2.1-1 SUMMARY OF REAL THERMOPHYSICAL EFFECTS AND LIMITATIONS INCLUDED IN THE SYSTEMS MODELS 51 2.1-2 SUMMARY OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR SIMULATING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 52 2.3-1 SUMMARY OF NORMAL RANGE OF VALUES FOR INPUT PARAMETERS OF COMPRESSOR SIMULATION 79 2.3-2 SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF VARYING INPUT PARAMETERS 80 ON COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE 3.5-1 MAXIMUM HEAT LOAD AND FAN DATA FOR LOAD LINE "D" STUDIES 141 3.5-2 TOTAL SEASONAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND SEASONAL PERFORMANCE FACTOR DATA 142 3.5-3 GAS AND ELECTRIC RESISTANCE FURNACE AND AIR CONDITIONER COSTS 143 3.5-4 CONVENTIONAL HEAT PUMP COST- AND AIR FLOWS (CARRIER) 143 3.5-5 CAPACITY CONTROLLED hAT 144 PUMP COSTS 9 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURE BASIC HEAT PUMP COMPONENTS 1.1-1 1.1-2 a SIMPLE REFRIGERATION CYCLE P-h DIAGRAM 27 27 b SIMPLE REFRIGERATION CYCLE T-s DIAGRAM 1.1-3 ACTUAL VS CARNOT COP'S 28 1.3-1. TYPICAL HEAT LOAD AND HEAT PUMP CAPACITY CURVES 35 1.3-2' VARIATION OF SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY WITH SATURATION TEMPERATURE - REFRIGERANT 22 36 1.3-3 ACTUAL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES ACROSS HEAT EXCHANGERS - CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP 36 2.1-1 COMPONENTS OF A TYPICAL AIR CONDITIONING/HEAT PUMP SYSTEM 54 2.1-2 ACTUAL HEAT PUMP THERMODYNAMIC CYCLE (EXAGGERATED) 55 2.1-3 SYSTEM MODELING TECHNIQUE 56 2.1-4 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PRT)ICTED PERFORMANCE OF CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 hAT PUY0 57 a. HEATING CAPACITY b. POWER CONSUMPTION c. COP 2.3-1. FOUR STEP CYLINDER PROCESS 81 2.3-2 TYPICAL VALVE, CYLINDER PRESSURE, AND MANIFOLD PRESSURE BEHAVIOR OF RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS WITH PRESSURE ACTUATED VALVES 82 2.3-3 EQUIVALENT CYLINDER PRESSURE-VOLUME DIAGRAM 82 2.3-4 VARIATION OF MOTOR EFFICIENCY WITH LOAD 83 10 FIGURE PAGE 2.3-5 VARIATION OF MOTOR SPEED WITH LOAD 83 2.3-6 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED PERFORMANCE OF CARRIER MODEL 06D-824 COMPRESSOR 84 2.3-7 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED OF CARRIER MODEL 06D>537 2.3-8 2.4-1 PERFORMANCE 85 COMPRESSOR COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED PERFORMANCE OF 3 TON HERMETIC COMPRESSOR 86 FLOW ARRANGEMENTS FOR WHICH GENERAL HEAT EXCHANGER 94 MODELS 'EXCH', AND EVAP' ARE VALID 2.4-2 FLOW ARRANGEMENTS FOR WHICH GENERAL HEAT EXCHANGER MODELS 'EXCH', AND 'EVAP' ARE NOT VALID 95 2.4-3 DETERMINING SINGLE PHASE AND TWO-PHASE FRACTIONS OF HEAT EXCHANGERS 95 2.4-4 FINNED TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER 96 2.4-5 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED CONDENSER PERFORMANCE DURING HEAT PUMP OPERATION 96 2.5-1 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED EVAPORATOR PERFORMANCE DURING HEAT PUMP OPERATION 99 3.3-1 HEAT OUTPUT OF CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP WITH CAPACITY CONTROL - FULL CONVENTIONAL AIR FLOWS, 6330 CFM AND 10000 CFM 117 3.3-2 HEAT OUTPUT OF CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP WITH CAPACITY CONTROL - REDUCED AIR FLOWS 4500 117 CFM AND 7500 CFM 3.3-3 HEAT OUTPUT OF CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP WITH CAPACITY CONTROL - REDUCED AIR FLOWS 3165 CFM AND 5200 CFM 118 3.3-4 CAPACITY CONTROLLED COP PREDICTIONS, CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP - FULL CONVENTIONAL AIR FLOWS, 6330 CFM AND 10000 CFM 119 3.3-5 CAPACITY CONTROLLED COP PREDICTIONS, CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP - REDUCED AIR FLOWS 4500 CFM 120 AND 7500 CFM Ir 11 PAGE FIGURE 3.3-6 CAPACITY CONTROLLED COP PREDICTIONS, CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP - REDUCED AIR FLOWS 3165 CFM AND 5200 CFM 121 3.4-1 HEATING CAPACITY OF CONVENTIONAL AND CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMPS COMPARED TO ASSUMED HEAT LOAD LINE 125 3.4-2 CONF CURVES FOR CONVENTIONAL CARRIER 50 DQ MODEL 126 SERIES HEAT PUMPS WEATHER DATA - YEARLY AVERAGE TIME SPENT IN 50 F TEMPERATURE BANDS 3.5-1 145 a. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 145 b. CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA 145 c. NEW YORK, NEW YORK 146 d. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 146 e. OMAHA, NEBRASKA 147 f. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 147 3.5-2 GAS FURNACE BURNER PRICES 148 3.5-3 EXAMPLE OF COMPRESSOR POWER REDUCTION, CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP WITH CAPACITY CONTROL 148 3.5-4 COMPARISON OF TOTAL YEARLY HEATING COSTS, INCLUDING AMORTIZATION OF CAPITAL, FOR HEAT PUMPS VS FORCED 149 AIR ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND GAS FURNACES WITH AIR CONDITIONERS IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS - 10 YEAR AMORTIZATION OF HEAT PUMPS AND AIR CONDITIONERS a. SAN FRANCISCO 149 b. CHARLESTON 149 c. NEW YORK 150 d. BOSTON 150 e. OMAHA 151 f. MINNEAPOLIS 151 12 FIGURE PAGE 3.5-5 COMPARISON OF TOTAL YEARLY HEATING COSTS, INCLUDING AMORTIZATION OF CAPITAL, FOR HEAT PUMPS VS FORCED AIR ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND GAS FURNACES WITH AIR CONDITIONERS IN THE BOSTON AREA - 20 YEAR A0ORTIZATtON OF HEAT PUMPS AND AIR CONDITIONERS 152 3.5-6 COMPARISON OF TOTAL YEARLY HEATING COSTS, INCLUDING AMORTIZATION OF CAPITAL, FOR HEAT PUMPS VS FORCED AIR ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND GAS FURNACES-WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONERS 153 a. (OMAHA b. MINNEAPOLIS 4.1-1 P-V DIAGRAMS FOR CONVENTIONAL AND CAPACITY CONT- 158 ROLLED COMPRESSORS 4.1-2 SCHEMATIC OF THE EARLY SUCTION-VALVE CUT-OFF 158 MECHANISM 4.1-3 OPERATION OF THE CUT-OFF MECHANISM THROUGH ONE COMPLETE CYCLE 159 4.3-1 SUCTION VALVE AND CYLINDER SIDE OF HEAD PLATE- 180 3 TON COMPRESSOR 4.3-2 DISCHARGE VALVE, SUCTION/DISCHARGE MANIFOLD, AND MANIFOLD SIDE OF HEAD PLATE - 3 TON COMPRESSOR 180 4.3-3 CUT-OFF MECHANISM DESIGN TO FIT IN A 3 TON HERMETIC 181 REFRIGERATIONCOMPRESSOR 4.3-4 SUGGESTED POWER PISTON DESIGN 182 4.4-1 EXPERIMENTAL POWER PISTON AND SPOOL VALVE 185 SLIDE VALVE AND SLIDE VALVE CHAMBER, SHOWING 185 4.4-2 PHOTO-SENSING SYSTEM AND MASK ON SLIDER 13 FIGURE PAGE 4.5-1 SCHEMATIC OF TEST SYSTEM 192 4.5-2 CLOSE-UP VIEW OF PULSATOR CONNECTED TO TEST PARTS 193 4.5-3 SCHEMATIC VIEW OF TEST PARTS 193 4.5-w PHOTO-SENSING SYSTEM FOR TIMER-SPOOL VALVE MOTION 194 4.5-5 SCHEMATIC MOTION/OSCILLOSCOPE TRACE FOR TIMERSPOOL VALVE 194 4.5-6 SCHEMATIC MOTION/OSCILLOSCOPE TRACE FOR SLIDE VALVE AND POWER PISTON 195 4.5-7 TYPICAL MINIMUM TRAVEL TIME (MAXIMUM CUT-OFF) CAPABILITY OF SPOOL VALVE 196 4.5-8 TYPICAL MAXIMUM TRAVEL TIME (MINIMUM CUT-OFF) CAPABILITY OF SPOOL VALVE 197 A-1 VISCOSITY OF REFRIGERANT 12 208 A-2 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF REFRIGERANT 12 208 A-3 VISCOSITY OF REFRIGERANT 22 209 A-4 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF REK,£GERANT 22 209 A-5 SPECIFIC HEAT AT CONSTANT PRESSURE OF REFRIGERANT 12 210 A-6 SPECIFIC HEAT AT CONSTANT PRESSURE OF REFRIGERANT 22 210 B-1 INDOOR COIL - CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP 235 B-2 OUTDOOR COIL - CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP 236 B-3 CHARGING CHARTS - CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT 237 PUMP DURING HEATING MODE C-1 EXAGGERATED P-h DIAGRAM OF ACTUAL HEAT PUMP CYCLE 243 C-2 CYLINDER P-V DIAGRAMS 244 a, CONVENTIONALHEAT PUMP 14 FIGURE PAGE b. CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMP D-1 FLOW CHART FOR SYSTEM FLOW BALANCE MODEL 251 E-1 DEFINITION OF COMPRESSOR CAPACITY 289 E-2 FLOW CHART FOR COMPRESSOR MODEL 290 F-1 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED REFRIGERANT 12 - OIL SOLUBILITY 320 F-2 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED REFRIGERANT 22 - OIL SOLUBILITY 320 I-1 DIMENSIONS FOR FINNED TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER WITH STAGGERED ROUND TUBES 344 I-2 FLOW CHART FOR GENERAL CONDENSER MODEL - 'EXCH' 345 1-3 FLOW CHART FOR FINNED TUBE CONDENSER MODEL 346 J-1 FINNED SURFACE 361 J-2 ELECTRICAL ANALOGY OF FINNED SURFACE 362 J-3 CROSS-FLOW EFFECTIVENESS, BOTH FLUIDS UNMIXED 367 K-1 HEAT TRANSFER CORRELATION FOR SINGLE PHASE FLOW INSIDE CIRCULAR TUBES 376 K-2 AIR SIDE HEAT TRANSFER CORRELATION FOR CROSS-FLOW OVER BANKS OF FINNED CIRCULAR TUBES 376 L-1 MOODY FRICTION FACTOR FOR FLOW IN CIRCULAR PIPES 391 L-2 KAYS & LONDON AIR SIDE FRICTION FACTOR CORRELATION FOR CROSS FLOW OVER BANKS OF FINNED CIRCULAR TUBES 392 L-3 IMPROVED AIR SIDE FRICTION FACTOR CORRELATION FOR CROSS FLOW OVER BANKS OF FINNED CIRCULAR TUBES, 392 BY HILLER M-1 FLOW CHART FOR GENERAL EVAPORATOR MODEL 'EVAP' 410 M-2 FLOW CHART FOR FINNED TUBE EVAPORATOR MODEL 413 15 LIST OF SYMBOLS USED IN TEXT SYMBOL DEFINITION A Area BDC Bottom Dead Center BP Balance Point Temperature CFM Air Flow Rate (cubic feet per minute) COP Coefficient of Performance Thermal Expansion Valve Coefficient CTXV CUTOFF - Parameter Specifying Amount of Capacity Reduction (Vcu - Vmi ) D1 D Diameter DR Diameter of Head of Power Piston DSH Diameter of Shank of Power Piston tot cyclic fans Total Yearly Enery', Consumption of A Heat Pump With Evapoi ttor and Condenser Fans That Cycle On And Off with the Compressor Etot cont. indoor fan Total Yearly Energy Consumption of A Heat Pump With A Condenser (indoor) Fan That Runs Continuously tot Total Yearly Energy Consumption of A Heat Pump With cont. fans Evaporator And Condenser Fans.That Run Continuously Coefficient of Friction F Driving Force 16 F - F Normal Force n h Frictional Force - Enthalpy (Btu/lbm) _ Latent Enthalpy of Vaporization (Btu/lbm) i - Yearly Interest Rate (/yr) m - Mass m - Mass Flow.Rate ZMC - Percent of Motor and Friction Heat given to Suction h fg Gas in Compressor n - Years of Amortization of Capital Costs n - Polytropic Expansion Coefficient Nu - Nusselt Number - Weight Percent of Compressor Oil Circulating in Oil System With Refrigerant P - Power P - Pressure AP - Pressure Difference Pr - Prandtl Number Q Heat TransferRate (Btu/hr) Q - Heat ·Re - Reynolds Number RPM - Revolutions Per Minute SPF - Seasonal Performance Factor Transfer (Btu/lbm) Total energy produced during heating season Total energy consumed during heating season 17 SVR Surface to Volume Ratio In Compressor Cylinder t - Time %t - Percent Time On T - Temperature (usually AT - Temperature Difference TDC - Top Dead Center UA - Overall Conductance for Heat Transfer V - Velocity V - Volume VD - Displacement Volume VFR - Volume Flow Rate VR - Volume Ratio W - Work (Btu/lbm) -W Rate of Compressor Work (Btu/hr) x - Travel of Sool x - First derivative of Travel (Velocity -ft/sec) x - Second Derivative of Travel (Acceleration - ft/sec 2) C Y Vm D F) (usually I or Power Piston (ft) Characteristic Dimension of Duct GREEK SYMBOLS - Efficient 8 - Crank Angle p - Density F) 18 SUBSCRIPTS SYMBOL DEFINITION act Actual avail Available BF Both Indoor and Outdoor Fans c Control Carnot Carnot Cycle cond Condenser cut At beginning of Cut-Off cyl Inside Cylinder D, disc Discharge dvc Discharge Valve Closing dvo Discharge Valve Opening ER Electrical Resistance evap Evaporator FF Fossil Fuel gas Gas Furnace' H High Temperature Reservoir hp, HP - Heat Pump IF - Indoor Fan is Isentropic L Low Temperature Reservoir load Heat Load 19 max Maximum mech - Mechanical min - Minimum N - No Fan Power Included OF - Outdoor Fan req - Required S - Suction sat - Saturation Condition svc Suction Valve Closing svo - Suction Valve Opening xs - Cross-Sectional 1 - Inlet To Compressor 2 - Outlet From Compressor 3 - Outlet From Condenser 4 - Inlet To Evaporator C 20 INTRODUCTION A heat pump is by definition a device which moves heat from a region of low temperature to a region of higher temperature. The direction of heat flow is opposite to the direction required by the second law of thermodynamics so that external energy must be supplied. The net heat output of a heat pump, however, is equal to the sum of the input energy plus the energy which was transferred, say, from outside to inside. Most heat pumps on the market today deliver between one and three times as much energy as they consume. The potential value of this feature becomes apparent when overall efficiency of fuel utilization is compared for heat pump, electrical resistance, and fossil fuel heating systems: 1. First consider a new heat pump system, with a seasonal performance factor SPF Total heat deli 'red over heating season Total energy consumed oer heating season of 3.0, powered by electricity. Typical values of electrical generating and transmission efficiency are 35% and 84% respectively. The overall efficiency of fuel utilization would then be - (.35) (.84) (3.0) = .88 2. The overall efficiency of straight electrical resistance heating would be only NgR = (.35) (.84) = .29 21 3. The typical seasonal average efficiency of a fossil fuel fired heating system is between 60 and 80%, according to furnace manufacturers and heating contractors. riFF .6 to .8 The ovezall fuel utilization efficiency of a high efficiency heat pump system, having SPF = 3.0, would hence be between 8 and 60% greater than for the other conventional forms of heating, resulting in reduced fossil fuel consumption. Moreover, substantial cost savings could be realized over electrical resistance heat, and possibly over fossil fuel heating if fossil fuel prices continue to rise. Historically, unfortunately, heat pumps have suffered from three major deficiencies; poor reliability, limited heating capacity in colder climates, and enerally 1 ?; seasonal performance factors. The present work discusses p st, present, and future developments in heat pump technology, and indicates key areas of improvement. One promising method of improvement, the capacity controlled heat pump, has been studied in detail. 22 CHAPTER 1. HEAT PUMPS PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE A knowledge of both basic and actual heat pump operating cycles is a prerequisite for evaluating potential improvements. Such background information is presented in this chapter, followed by a discussion of past, present, and future heat pump research efforts. 23 SECTION11 SIMPLE HEAT PUMP CYCLE Figure 1.1-1 shows the four basic components of a heat pump; the compressor, the condenser, the expansion device, and the evaporator. The thermodynamic operating cycle for a heat pump is identical to the conventional vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, shown in Figures 1.1-2a and b . The compressor takes superheated refrigerant vapor with low pressure and temperature at state 1 and compresses it to a much higher pressure and temperature at state 2. The high pressure, high temperature gas is then passed through the condenser (indoor coil of a heat pump), where it gives up heat to the high temperature environment, and changes from vapor to liquid at high pressure. The refrigerant exits from the condenser usually as a subcooled liquid at state 3. Next, the refrigerant passes through an expansion device where it drops in pressure. This drop in pressure is accompanied by a drop in temperature such that the refrigerant leaves the expansion device and enters the evaporator (outdoor coil of a heat pump) as a low pressure, low temperature mixture of liquid and vapor at state 4. Finally, the refrigerant passes through the evaporator, where it picks up heat from the low temperature environment, changing to all vapor and exiting at state 1. If we do a simple energy balance on the system shown in Figure 1.1-1, we find: H L + 24 where: H - Heat energy rejected to the high temperature environment QL Heat energy taken from the low temperature environment ---Input energy required to move the quantity of heat QL from the low temperature environment to the high temperature environment. The efficiency, or as it performance (COP), is U is more commonly called, the coefficient of then equal to the heat output divided by the work input: COP- - Therefore: COP- 1+ - 4- We thus see that the COP of a heat pump is That is, always greater than one. a heat pump always produces more heat energy than work energy consumed, because there is a net gain of energy QL which is transferred from the low temperature to the high temperature environment. The heat pump is a reverse heat engineand is thereforelimited by the Carnot cycle COP2: COP Carnot TL Te ] 25 where: TL = low temperature in cycle T H = high temperature in cycle The maximum possible COP for a heat pump, maintaining a fixed temperature in the heated space, is hence a function of source temperature, as shown in Figure 1.1-3o However, any real heat transfer system must have finite temperature differences across the heat exchangers. Also shown on Figure 11-3 are the Carnot COP for a typical air-to-air heat pump, accounting for AT's across the heat exchangers, and the actual COP for the same heat pump, accounting for compressor efficiencies and other effects. It is evident that the influence of temperature difference across the heat exchangers on COP is significant, causing a major portion of the discrepancy between actual and ideal COP's at higher so,-ce temperatures. increasing Causes of the AT's with increaELng source temperature are discussed in section 1.3. The remaining difference between actial and Carnot COP's is a result of real working fluids, flow losses, and compressor efficiency, as seen in the following example: Assume: Working fluid - Refrigerant 22 Compressor efficiency - 57% overall Source temperature (outdoor air temperature) - 10°F Sink temperature (indoor air temperature) - 70°F 26 AT across evaporator - 170 F AT across condenser - 32°F Superheat at.state 1 - 15°F Subcooling at state 3 - 10°F Then, for refrigerant 22 (see Appendix A) T - -7°F T r sat evap sat 1020F cond h1 - 106 Btu/lbm 127 Btu/lbm h Wis 2i - i 21 Btu/lbm Wat act h2at .'7 .57 36.8 Btu/lbm 142.8 Btu/lbm h3 - h 4 - 36.8 Btu/lbm - QoPh W 2 act h2- act 13 h1 142.8 - 36.8 36.8 -2.88 As seen in Figure 1.1-3, the COP of the example falls very close to the actual COP curve at the given source and sink temperature. References 1. ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (New York: American Soc. of Heat., Refg., & Air-Cond. Eng., Inc., 1972) Cpt.l. 2. Van Wylen, Gordon J., and Sonntag, Richard E., Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1967) Cpt. 6. 27 TH essor £:xpansion Levice c OL' TL BASIC HEAT PUMP COMPONENTS FIGURE 1.1-1 I 3 2Pa~~~2 2 P T 3 r~~~~~~ ~1 1 I [I h State State State State 1 2 3 4 - Inlet to compressor Outlet from compressor Outlet from condenser Inlet to evaporator SIMPLE REFRIGERATION FIGURE 11-2 CYCLE 28 T HH - 70F' Carnot ni for AT's angers - 23.7 (F) 7 + 16.32 (F) COP :- 6 5 4 3 Actual See Example 1 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 TS (F) ACTUAL vs CARNOT COP's FIGURE 1.1-3 50 60 70 F 29 SECTION 1.2 RELIABILITY The heat pump first began to appear commercially in the early 195C . Unfortunately, most of the units which were produced through the mid 1960's had been designed using existing air conditioning technology, and were hence under-designed for heat pump operation. The higher operating stresses on components while in the heating mode, and during transition between heating and cooling, caused early units to suffer from very poor reliability. Another major problem with early heat pump installations was a lack of properly trained and equiped service personnel Since the mid 1960's the major heat pump manufacturers have undertaken efforts to improve reliability. The results have been inproved compressors, designed to withstand higher stresses, having better bearings, improved vatting, improved motor insulation, better motor cooling, better lubricating oils, and more. Also, vastly improved controls have been developed to prevent extreme conditions from occuring during either normal operation, or during unexpected operating modes, such as loss of refrigerant charge, fan malfunction, and the like3 . Efforts to better train service personnel were also undertaken. Studies sponsored by both the Edison Electric Institute4, and the Alabama Power and Light Company 5 have shown that, although heat pumps now have considerably better reliability than in the past, there is still 30 room for considerable improvements, both in training of service personnel, and in extending the usefullness of heat pumps to colder climates. Several ongoing research efforts to the latter end are discussed in subsequent sections of this chapter. References 1. "Heat-Pump Reliability Shows Big Gains"., Electrical World (August 1, 1973) pg. 78-80. 2. Correspondence with various heat pump manufacturers and heating contractors. 3. Segerstrom, Stewart, "Heat Pumps Today", ASHRAE Journal (July, 1971) pg. 63-65. 4. "Heat Pump Improvement", EEl Project RP59 Final Report, Publication No. 71-901, (New York: Edison Electric Institute, May, 1971). 5. "Utility Details its Heat-Pump Service Data", Electrical World (March 15, 1975) pg. 148-149. 31 SECTION lo3 CONVENTIONAL AIR-TO-AIR HEAT PUMPS Conventional -air-to-air heat pumps re designed to operate in b..bthcooling and heating modes, <iA severe limitation on the suitability of heat umps in cold climates is the fact that conventional units are sized for the air conditioning load, rather than the heating load. With conventional designs, if a heat pump system were sized for the heating load, it would be oversized for air conditioning, and the excess capacity would result in poor humidity control during cooling because the unit would be cycled off for a larger percentage of time. A heat pump sized for the air conditioning load has only limited heating capacity, which either limits use of heat pumps to warm climates, or requires a large amount of auxiliary heat. Typical heat load and heat pump capacity (heat output) curves as a function of ambient temperature are shcwn in Figure 1l3-1. Note that above the balance point temperature (where heat supply equals heat load), the heat pump has extreme excess capacity, and below the balance point (BP) temperature, the heat pump has very limited heating capacity. The difference between the heat required and that supplied by the heat pump is normally obtained from auxiliary electrical resistance heaters. A----typical present day residential heat pump installation has a balance point between 35 and 45°F. According to an Edison Electric Institute study , the above fact causes in excess of 30% of the total 32 energy consumed during a heating season to be in the form of electrical resistance heat in locations ranging from South Carolina to Minnesota. In commercial installations, electrical resistance heat normally represents in excess of 18% of the total energy consumed during a heating season, reflecting better load-matching applications. The capacity mismatch problem is in refrigerant mass primarily a result of changes flow rate due to density changes. The variation of saturated vapor density with saturation temperature for refrigerant 22 (freon 22) is shown in Figure 1.3-2. As the ambient temperature increases, the saturation temperature and pressure inside of the evaporator correspondingly increase 2 causing vapor with greater density The compressor, as a first approximation, to enter the compressor. is a constant intake-volume pump, and hence as the density of the entering gas increases, the mass flow rate increases. between -30F and 500F For example, saturated evaporator temperature, the mass flow 3 rate increases approximately by a factor (1.8 lbm/ft3 )/(.38 lbm/ft ) - 4.7. Since the latent heat of vaporization hfg is also constant as a first approximation, the increase in mass flow causes an increase in the amount of heat pumped from the outdoor ambient into the conditional space. The increase in mass flow rate results also in increase in the compressor work, decrease in the work although there is per unit mass required. an usually a slight The net result is that a greater amount of heat, equal to the sum of both the increased compressor work and the increased heat pumped from ambient, must be rejected in the condenser. 33 Under conditions of high refrigerant mass flow, the dominant resistance to heat transfer is the air-side heat transfer coefficient rather than the refrigerant side. Qhp -an be viewed as transfer coefficient Qhp UA = Hence, since the heat transfer UA (Tsat - Tair), and the overall heat is approximately constant at high mass flows, we see that in order to reject an increasing amount of heat Qhp That is, the driving temperature difference must increase. the saturation temperature and pressure in the condenser must increase in order to reject an increasing amount of heat. The resulting behavior of the driving temperature differences across the heat exchangers as a function of ambient temperature is shown in Figure 1.3-3 for an actual air-to-air heat pump. 1.1, an increase in the AT's Unfortunately, as noted in section across the heat exchangers means an increase in the irreversibilities in the cycle, and a drastic reduction from theoretical maximum COP' . It is worthwhile to note that the increased fla rate and resulting increased condensing pressure which occur a high ambient temperature both produce increased stresses on the compressor and motor. Similarly, at low ambient temperature, high compressor discharge gas temperatures result from the high pressure ratio across which the refrigerant must be pumped. The effect of either condition is to reduce reliability of the compressor. 34 References 1. "Heat Pump Improvement", EEI Project RP59 Final Report, Publication No 71-901, (New York: Edison Electric Institute, May, 1971) pg. 550 2. ASHRAE Guide & Data Book (New York: American Soc. of Heat., Refg., & Air-Cond. Eng., Inc., 1972) cpto 43. 36 ·, 2. VARIATION OF SATURATED VAPOR DENSITY W;ITH SATURATION 2. 1. TEMPERATUR - REFRIGERANT 22 1. Ibm 1. ft 1. 1. 1. 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 ) Saturation Temperature (F)-._ FIGURE 1.,3-2 Iv 17A ACTUIAL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES ACRC)SS HEAT FXCHANGERS CARRtIER MODEL 50 DO 016 HEAl PUMP 60 50 AT (F) 20 Condenser 700F indoor air 852 rel.hum. 40 30 oF 708(Tam b ) + 23.7 cond outdoor air - BIP l 10 0 -20 i Evaporator T ap & I I I -10 0 10 20 .0696(Tmb) I I 30 40 Ambient Temperature (F FIGURE 1.3-3 db) + 16.32 m 50 (°F) I I 60 70 () 35 FIGURE 1.3-1 TYPICAL HEAT LOAD & HEAT PUMP CAPACITY CURVES Heat load I pump ut BP Balance Point T 37 SECTION 1.4 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN HEAT PUMPS Usual approaches to improving heat pump performance in the past have centered upon the followingl: 1. Improved utilization of heat exchanger surface such as flooded evaporators and liquid free condensers. -2. 3. Larger heat exchanger areas for a given size unit. Improved controls, such as defrost timers, pressure and temperature limit controls and others. 4. Improved compressor design, with more efficient motors and valves, better internal flow paths, and improved oil circulation control. 5. Improved auxiliary heating, using better coordination of building sensible heat -_orage and heating demands, or fossil fuel supplementary heat. Newer methods of achieving both better performance and reliability are becoming economically feasible as energy prices rise. Some of the new approaches are: 1. Solar assisted heat pumps 2. Thermal storage heat pumps 3. Multiple heat exchanger and/or multiple compressor heat pumps 4. Staged compression heat pumps 38 5. Capacity controlled heat pumps 6. Combinations of the above Solar assisted heat pumps have the advantage of supplying heat at an effective source temperature higher than ambient, thereby increasing low temperature capacity and reducing stresses on the compressor. In addition, by lowering the collection temperature of the solar collector, while increasing the collection temperature for the heat pump, efficiency of both the heat pump and the solar collector are increased. Because of the intermittent nature of solar energy, solar collection systems are usually equipped with energy storage features. Thermal storage, or thermal storage coupled with solar collection, once again allows collection of heat energy at higher average temperatures, such as diurnal, rather than nocturnal collection. With such a system, the problem of capacity mismatch is alleviated somewhat because excess heat output is stored, and used to make up insufficient capacity at ambient temperatures below the balance point. Solar and thermal storage systems contain more heat exchangers than a straight air-to-air heat pump. Unless special care is taken, therefore, large AT's across the increased number of heat exchange sites can severely limit 'performance. Cost, complexity, and reliability of extra components are also factors to be considered in the above systems. Multiple heat exchanger, multiple compressor, and staged compression heat pumps also have added complexity and cost. Such systems, however, 39 have the ability of single or multiple compressor operation for increasing or decreasing capacity as needed, or by using staged compression with intercooling, they can achieve more efficient low ambie..t temperature operation. Such systems may also provide additional services such as domestic hot water, and may serve to regulate cooling capacity on air conditioning operation. -Capacity controlled heat pumps offer the ability to size the unit for heating, rather than air conditioning, which reduces the amount of auxiliary heat required. Furthermore, by reducing the capacity at ambient temperatures above the balance point, the mass flow rate, and hence the AT's across the heat exchangers can be kept low, resulting in much greater COP's than in conventional systems at the higher ambient temperatures. The capacity of the unit can also be controlled during cooling to ache ve proper comfort control in the conditioned space. All of the preceeding new concepts hold great promise, and each should be examined thoroughly to show which concepts or combinations of concepts are best. The capacity controlled heat pump concept requires the least drastic changes in system design, and has therefore been chosen for further study in the present work. A more complete description of the capacity controlled heat pump approach is given in the following section. Reference 1. "Hi/Re/Li System" Brochure (Westinghouse Air Conditioning, P.O.Box 510, Staunton, Virginia 24401). Also: Consdorf, A.P., "Stage Reset for Heat Pump Boom", Applicance Manufacturer (Nov., 1975) pg. 41-47. 40 SECTION1.5 CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMPS A capacity controlled heat pump is a unit in which the pumping ability of the compressor can be controlled to reduce or increase The concept of compressor flow modulation refrigerant mass flow rate. First, by using efficient achieves improved performance in two ways. compressor capacity reduction to prevent the increase in mass flow rate of refrigerant at high ambient temperatures, the COP at higher ambients can be significantly increased, as indicated in sections 1.1 and 1.3. Reliability would also on the compressor. be increased because of reduced load The second improvement in performance is realized by a change in system sizing strategy. Conventional heat pumps are sized for the cooling load so that comfortable air conditioning is obtained. With compressor capacity control the heat pump can be sized for a greater heating capacity, thereby having a lower balance point and eliminating Then, via the capacity control which some of the auxiliary heating. is inherent in the concept, the capacity of the unit during cooling can be controlled to achieve proper comfort control. One method of system capacity control frequently hot-gas-by-pass. in use today is Hot-gas-by-pass, where discharge gas from the compressor is vented back to the suction side of the retrofit to most systems, but is viewpoint because capacity is compressor, is an easy disasterous from an energy savings reduced without reducing compressor work, 41 and is probably best avoided. Other possible capacity control methods fall into essentially three categories: control. speed control, clearance-volume control, and valve A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the latter methods is given in Table 1.5-1. Clearance volume control requires substantial amounts of additional clearance volume to achieve the amount or flow reduction desirable. Fok example, to reduce the mass flow rate by 50%, the clearance volume must be equal to about half of the displacement volume, adding substantially to the bulk of the compressor. Moreover, the large amount of residual mass causes unacceptably high discharge temperatures with large amounts of flow reduction. For this reason, clearance volume control is considerably less attractive than some other types of control. Speed control can be done either contiauously or step-wise. Continuously variable speed control is one of the most efficient methods of capacity control, and it offers good control down to about 50% of rated speed of normal compressors. More than 50% speed reduction is unacceptable because of lubrication requirements of the compressors Continuously variable speed control is also expensive. Usual cost estimates range between $20 - $50/hp for motor speed control devices on a mass production basis2 . Although expensive, continuously variable speed control is not necessarily prohibitively expensive, for it might 42 be possible to replace some of the conventional starting controls with the motor speed controls and hence reduce the cost increment. Step-wise speed control, as achieved for example, by using multi-poled electric motors and switching the number of active poles, is another viable alternative. It might be possible to achieve satisfactory improvements in performance by using a finite number of stepped changes to vary compressor capacity. Step control is less costly than continuously variable speed control, but is also limited to 50% of rated compressor speed because of lubrication requirements. In addition, step changes in load on the compressor could put high stresses on compressor components. Suction valve unloading, a compressor capacity control method often used in large air conditioning and refrigeration systems to reduce cooling capacity when load decreases, can achieve some energy savings but has a number of drawbacks. of one or more cylinders is held open so out In unloading, the suction valve that gas is pumped into and back of the cylinder through the valve without being compressed. Substantial losses can occur because of this repeated throttling through the suction valve. In addition, step-wise cylinder unloading causes uneven stresses on the crankshaft, and provides inadequate, if not totally unacceptable, control in smaller compressors. method is, however, relatively inexpensive. The 43 Two newer methods of compressor flow regulation via valve control are late suction valve closing and early suction valve closing. Late suction valve closing again incurs the throttling loss by pumping gas back out of the suction valve for part of the stroke. Late valve closing, however, gives more acceptable, smoother control than complete valve unloading. At present, however, the method is limited to a maximum of 50% capacity reduction and to large low speed compressors3 Early suction-valve closing eliminates losses due to throttling gas back out of the suction valves. Instead, the suction valve, or a secondary valve just upstream of the suction valve, is closed prematurely on the intake stroke, limiting the amount of gas taken in. The gas inside the cylinder is expanded and then recompressed, resulting in much lower losses. Continuously variable capacity control over a wide range is possible with the early valve closing approach. The early suction-valve closing approach requires the most development of the capacity control methods discussed above, but it also holds promise for being one of the most efficient and inexpensive approaches. For this reason, the early suction-valve "cut-off" approach was chosen for further study in the remainder of the present work. To properly evaluate the possible advantages and disadvantages of compressor capacity control for heat pump improvement, development of extensive, detailed computer simulations was undertaken, as 44 described in Chapter 2. Much information from major heat pump manufacturers was used in developing these simulationso Moreover, demonstration of the technical feasibility of the early suction-valve cut-off approach to compressor capacity control has been initiated. Some preliminary findings are discussed in Chapter 4. References 1. Discussions with General Electric Co., Schenectady, New York. 2. Discussions with Electronic Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., and General Electric Co., Schenectady, New York. 3. White, K.H., "Infinitely Variable Capacity Control", Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972) pg. 47-51. Also: Tuymer, WJ., "Stepless Variable Capacity Control", Proceedings of the 1974 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1974) pg. 61-66. 45 TABLE 1.5-1 COMPARISON OF COMPRESSOR CAPACITY CONTROL METHODS Method Advantages Disadvantages Clearance volume control Probably reliable Large amounts of capacity reduction require large amounts of additional clearance volume - on the order of 1/2 of displacement volume, resulting in high discharge temps., and adding substantial bulk to compressor S Continuously P variable Efficient, good control, possible elimination of some of motor starting circuitry Expensive, lower speed limit approxo, 1/2 speed because of compressor lubrication Step-wise variable Efficient, but not as good a control as cont. var. spd., less costly than cont. var. spd. Moderately expensive, lower speed limit approx. 1/2 speed because of compressor lubrication, step changes in load hard on compressor Suction Inexpensive Poor control, losses due to throttling, uneven stresses on crankshaft, step changes in load hard on compressor Reduced throttling losses & better control than complete valve unloading Losses due to throttling, limited to less than 50Z capacity reduction and to slow speed compressors using.present methods E E D C 0 N T V A valve L unloading V K C 0 Late Suction valve closing T R O im~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Early L Suction valve closing Efficient, good control, New approach - needs more inexpensive, large development capacity reductions possible 46 CHAPTER 2 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF HEAT PUMP AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS The performance of each component of a heat pump or air conditioning system is intricately linked to the performance of all the other components in the system. It is therefore useful to predict the effects of changes in system design or operating conditions with the aid of a computer simulation model. This chapter is devoted to developing a series of general and specific models which can be used to predict performance of heat pump or air conditioning systems. Verification of the models using actual performance data is given in each section. Moreover, many useful subprograms, applicable to more than just air conditioners or heat pumps are presented. 47 SECTION 2.1 SYSTEM MODELING Technique The four major components of an air conditioning or heat pump systen, or any other refrigeration system, are the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and expansion device. There are a number of other components that must also be considered, however, when accurately modeling a system. Components of a typical air conditioning/heat pump system are shown in Figure 2.1-1. In the present models, there is assumed to be no heat transfer with the ambient except by the heat exchangers (coils) and the compressor. The compressor is assumed to loose a small amount of heat to the ambient, as explained in section 2.3. The net effect of piping and components other than the major four is to produce pressure drops in the system which must be considered when etermining system flow balance. An exaggerated P-h diagram, showing the type of actual thermodynamic cycle studied is given in Figure 2.1-2. Many real physical limitations and effects have been included in the system models. For example, ideal gas assumptions are not used, rather, actual thermodynamic properties generated from basic quations are employed. Appendix A discusses the basic equations and presents computer subprograms for producing the thermodynamic properties of refrigerants 12, 22, and 502.1 Other factors accounted 48 for include: checks for liquid line flashing, adequate oil return in suction and discharge risers, and excessive compressor discharge temperature; effect of motor cooling on compressor performance, effect of oil circulation on system capacity, and more. A complete summary of real thermophysical effects and limitations accounted for present systems in the models is given in Table 2.1-1. The systems models developed here can be divided into four separate segments: 1. System flow balance 2. Compressor 3. Condenser 4. Evaporator The first step in simulating system performance is to establish the evaporating and condensing pressures at which the system is operating. In steady state operation, the system seeks an operating condition which achieves both a mass flow or pressure balance between the compressor and the expansion device, and an energy balance on the amount of heat collected by the evaporator, input by the compressor, and rejected by the condenser. earlier, each portion of the model is .As outlined in Figure 2.1-3, it is As stated dependent on the other segments. possible, by assuming certain thermodynamic states in the cycle, to separate the flow or pressure balance considerations from the energy balance requirements. Once the 49 flow balance condition has been found, using the compressor and system flow balance models, the energy balance calculations, using the condenser and evaporator models, indicate resulting values of the assumd thermodynamic states. be madeand the calculations values agree. New estimates of the states can then repeated until With practice, assumed and predicted the above procedurenormallyrequires only one or two iterations. An unusual procedure is employed flow and energy balance conditions. for determining the preceeding During heat pump operation, the indoor coil acts as the condenser and can be assumed to have a constant inlet air temperature. The outdoor air temperature flowing over the evaporator, however, is variable over a wide range, causing performance of the unit to be primarily a function of outdoor air conditions. Rather than specifying outdoor air temperature and determining the resulting flow and energy bal ace conditions, the method used here is to specify the evaporating pressure, determine the flow balance condition, and then later determine the outdoor air temperature required to give an energy balance for the given flow condition. iteration on outdoor air temperature is much simpler than an iteration on total system conditions, and saves considerable time. is The The procedure outlined more completely in the flow chart in Figure 2.1-3. Comparison of Actual and Predicted Heat Pump Performance The present systems models have been used to simulate the performance of the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 unitary heat pump system. 50 Physical data for this unit is summarizedin AppendixB. Figures 2.1-4a, b, and c compare actual and predicted performance during the heating mode. within 8 Accuracy of the heating capacity prediction is at 0°F and improves rapidly to near 0% error at temperatures throughout most of the heat pump operating range. Accuracy of the total power consumption prediction is within 11% at 0°F and improves to within 4 range. at 200 F, remains for the rest of the operating Accuracy for the prediction of overall COP, including indoor and outdoor fan power, is within 6% at 0°F and improves rapidly to within 4% at higher operating temperatures. Performance predictions for the Carrier 50 DQ 016'heat pump with capacity control modifications are presented in Chapter 3. Examples of the details of the system simulation, illustrating temperatures, pressures, mass flow, power consumption, P-V diagrams, and more, are given in Appendix C for both the conventional and capacity controlled 50 DQ 016 systems. The remaining sections of this chapter are devoted to developing and verifying the individual segments of the systems models. A summary of computer programs developed for use in the simulations is given in Table 2.1-2. Reference 1. Kartsounes, G.T., and Erth, R.A., "Calculation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants 12, 22, and 502 Using A Digital Computer", Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972) pg. 285-290. 51 TABLE 2.1-1 SUMMARY OF REAL THERMOPHYSICAL EFFECTS AND LIMITATIONS INCLUDED IN THE SYSTEMS MODELS 1. Real gas properties, generated from basic equations are used. No ideal gas assumptions are made. Computer subprograms are presented for reproducing properties of refrigerants 12, 22, and 502. 2. Equivalent length method is used to determine pressure drop through liquid and vapor lines, and other components. 3. Fressure drops may be calculated for flow in tubes with any surface rou3hness, not just for smooth tubes. A computer subprogram for reproducing the entire Moody friction factor plot is included. 4. Two-phase and single phase pressure drops are calculated for flow through heat exchangers. 5. All pressure drop and heat transfer relations are developed for flow in laminar, transition, and turbulent flow regimes. 6. A check for adequate oil entrainment in suction and discharge risers is included. 7. A check for liquid line flashing (flashing of liquid into vapor due to excessive pressure drop) i included. 8. Moisture removal ability of evaporator is included, using a computer subprogram which reproduces psychrometric chart data. 9. A check for excessive compressc discharge temperature is (T >280 0 F) is included. 10. Effect of refrigerant-oil solubility and oil circulation on capacity is included. 11. Effect of motor cooling on compressor performance is included. 12. An approximate method of accounting for suction-discharge manifold heat transfer inside compressor is included. 13. Variation of motor efficiency with load on compressor is 14. Variation of motor speed with load on compressor 15. Mechanical friction due to rings, is included. included. pistons, and bearings in compressor is approximated. 16. Valve dynamics, suction and discharge plenum pressure pulsations, and cylinder/plenum interactions are approximated. 17. Compressor capacity control can be studied, using a number of different types of control, including variable clearance volume, early suction valve closing, late suction valve closing and others. 52 TABLE 2.1-2 SUMMARY OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR SIMULATING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Mainline Programs System flow balance - balances pressure drop or flow rates of the compressor with the expansion device, accounting for pressure drop through all components. Condenser - determines amount of heat rejected by the system, given flow rates, and inlet conditions Evaporator - determines amount of heat absorbed by the unit, given flow rates, inlet conditions, and desired exit superheat Subprograms COMP - determines compressor performance for use in mainline programs, given inlet temperature and pressure, and discharge pressure EFFM - determines compressor motor efficiency as a function of load OIL - determines refrigerant-oil solubility for refrigerants 12 and 22, in order to predict effect of oil circulation on capacity TRIAL - determines remaining superheated vapor properties, given pressure and any other property, i.e. temperature, enthalpy, entropy, or specific volume - produce thermodynamicproperties of SPFHT VAPOR SATPRP SPVOL TSAT refrigerants 12, 22, and 502 TABLES . EXCH - general cross-flow condenser model used in condenser mainline program EVAP - general cross-flow evaporator model used in evaporator mainline program 53 XMOIST - reproduces psychrometric chart data for use in general model EVAP EXF - determines cross-flow effectiveness for both fluids mixed and single passes using the effectiveness-NTU method of heat exchanger analysis SEFF - determines overall surface efficiency of extended surfaces, accounting for contact resistance between extended and base surfaces EHTC - determines evaporation two-phase heat transfer coefficient CHTC - determines condensation two-phase heat transfer coefficient SPHTC - determines single phase heat transfer coefficients PDROP - determines pressure drop through heat exchangers, accounting for liquid, twophase, and vapor regions DPLINE - determines pressure drop in single phase regions other than heat exchangers and expansion device, using equivalent length method FRICT - determines Moody friction factor for use in single phase pressure drop evaluation, including rough tubes as well as smooth. HEAT - determines amount of suction/discharge manifold heat transfer 54 - Tisrrbtnr Cnool in Fil ter/ drier [Aiquid line expansion - Heating valve - - Cooling COMPONENTS OF A TYPICAL AIR CONDITIONING/HEAT FIGURE 2.1-1 PUMP SYSTEM 55 Condenser - - - 4 P r e S u r Li 11 di e (P) 'IVJ L' States: 1 - Inlet to compressor L cooling 2 - Exit from compressor 3 - Exit from condenser Y - Suction-discharge heat transfer 4 - Inlet to evaporator __ Enthalpy (h) ACTUAL HEAT PUMP THERMODYNAMIC CYCLE FIGURE 2,1-2 s (EXAGGERATED) 56 Start Specify Tat eap evapI _ &desired superheat _ Guess temp. of liquid leaving condenser ~~~~~~~~.! I i _ Iterate on T sat until cond .system flow balance condition _ is found - r _. _ Determine heat transfer in condenser & exit liquid temp. Iterate on air temp. entering evap. until desired exit superheat and heat transfer is achieved SYSTEM MODELING TECHNIOTJE FIGURE 2.1-3 I Check Initial assumption & L 57 FIGURE21-4 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED PERFORMANCE OF CARRIER MODEL 50 DQ 016 HEAT PUMP ---0A_ . Actual Predicted e - IOutdoi r air - 85X rel.hum., kIndoom r air - 70 F 240 Heating 200 Capacitr j finn, \ 160 of Btu/hr/ 120 eating Capacitv Includes Indoor Fan (a) Motor Heat 80 40 - C n "1(3 I ! 10 0 20 30 I m 50 40 db) Outdoor Air Temperature (F 60 a 7n - 24 1 20 w kw 16 - 12 Total Power Consum ption, Including Indoor & Outdoor Fan Power (b) -_..-- 8 4 0 m -1() 40 30 20 10 Outdoor Air Temperature (F O 50 db) --- 60 3 COPBp 70 -I 2 COP - Including Indoor & Outdoor Fan Power (c) 1 0 I -10 0 I I 10 I 20 · * 30 · · 40 * · 50 Outdoor Air Temperature (F db)--" · ~~~~ br) 1u 58 SECTION2.2 SYSTEM FLOW BALANCE Determining tem requires flow balance conditions in any refrigeration sys- a knowledge of components and piping arrangements for each particular system, such as that shown in Figure 2.1-1. Using this knowledge, the present model iterates to match the available pressure drop across the expansion device with that necessary to pass the flow rate produced by the compressor under the assumed conditions. The procedure is outlined in the flow chart of Appendix D. The equivalent length method is used to determine pressure drop through all components except the heat exchangers and the expansion device. That is, components such as mufflers and filter/ driers are modeled as an equivalent length of straight pipe. As a first approximation, it is assumed that pressure drop through the heat exchangers is entirely two-phase flow. The latter assumption can be corrected later to account for single-phase regions in the coils, but such a correction is not usually necessary. The primary function of the expansion device is to maintain a minimum pressure ratio between suction and discharge sides of the system. Secondary functions often found for the device are to main- tain constant exit superheat from the evaporator or subcooling from the condensor. Such control is achieved by varying the orifice open- ing of the expansion device, thereby varying system pressure ratio 59 and compressor flow rate slightly. The control which expansion devices exert over evaporator pressure, however, is secondary. The primary factor affecting evaporator pressure is the pumping rate of the compressor relative to the vapor generation (heat transfer) rate in the evaporator. The latter fact becomes important when studying capacity controlled compressors. Modeling of the expansion device depends on the type used in a particular system. Three frequent types of expansion devices are capillary tubes, fixed orifices, and thermal expansion valves. Capillary tubes and fixed orifices rely on fixed restrictions to govern flow, and they often provide less than desirable control over heat exchanger conditions. Thermal expansion valves are variable orifice devices in which the amount of orifice opening is varied according to some desired control function, such as maintaining constant superheat of vapor leaving e evaporator, or constant sub- cooling leaving the condenser, as mentioned above. In suchapplications, a remote sensing bulb is used to determine the temperature to be controlled. The reader should consult literature on particular typesof expansion devices ation is if more informationconcerning their oper- desired. An important part of manyexpansion devices is a refrigerant distributor, used to proportionflow evenly to sub circuits heat exchangers. in the On expansion devices with distributors, part of 60 the total pressure drop occurs across the distributor nozzle and tubes, which rely on a relatively large pressure drop to achieve thorough mixing and even distribution of the two-phase flow. Per- formance data for various nozzles and tubes can be obtained from the manufacturers The present flow balance model is constructed to simulate the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 unitary heat pump system, which has components as shown in Figure 2.1-1. The unit is equipped with thermal expansion valves for maintaining constant superheat, and with distributor nozzles and tubes. Data on the components of this unit is given in Appendix B. Examiniation of published performance data and correspondence with expansion valve manufacturers revealed that flow through an expansion valve orifice can be approximated by a simple incompressible nozzle expression: I- CTXV rpP ! Where: mai - p - density of liquid entering valve bP - CTV . mass flow rate through valve pressure drop through valve a parameter accounting for flowcoefficient and variable orifice opening The orifice opening, and, hence, the CTX V , of the expansion valves 61 in the 50 DQ 016 unit vary with saturation conditions in the evaporator, in order to maintain constant exit superheat. to determine the variation of C as atually V It was.possible for the heating expansion valve installed in the unit, by the use of charging chart data. Charging charts, which are normally used for field servicing of systems, indicate normal suction and discharge pressures at the com- pressor for a given unit, inlet air conditions. as a function of evaporator and condenser Knowledge of the suction and discharge pres- sures permitted accurate guesses for refrigerant density entering the valve, and, in conjunction with compressor performance data, made possible the determination of mass flow rate through the valve. The variation of CTXV with saturation temperature in the evaporator could hence be determined. Details, flow chart, flow balance model are given and program listing for the system n Appendix D. Reference 1. Correspondence with Sporlan Valve Co., St. Louis, Mo., and Alco Controls Division, Emerson Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. 62 SECTION 2.3 COMPRESSOR SIMULATION A great deal of-attention has been devoted to the topic of compressor simulation in recent years 1,' 2, 3 3 Most previous models, however, have either been too simple to be of quantitative design use, or have been so complex as to be unwieldy and expensive to use. Moreover, such complex models have generally relied upon experimentally determined parameters in order to produce acceptable results. Also, for the most part, previous models have not been designed to study overall performance of refrigeration compressors, where motor cooling and other important effects must be considered, but, rather, they concentrate on cylinder and valve processes only. The compressor model presented in the present study has been developed to simulate overall performance of hermetic or semi-hermetic refrigeration compressors, as well as non-hermetic, non-refrigeration compressors, with a high degree of accuracy, while requiring a minimum of inputs. Through the use of approximate representations of valve dynamics, manifold pressure pulsations, and manifold heat transfer, the present model can easily be used to study the effects of design changes, such as capacity control modifications, internal heat transfer, motor changes, and others, on overall performance. The present model is not, however, suited to study factors related specifically to valve dynamics. If dynamic valve motion is the topic of interest, more complex models must be used4 ' 5 ' 6 63 In addition to approximate representations of valve dynamics, manifold pressure pulsations, and manifold heat transfer, the present compressor model also includes the effects of motor cooling, frictional losses due to bearings, pistons, and rings, motor efficiencr and speed variation with load, the effect of oil circulation on performance, and checks for excessive discharge temperature and motor overload. Finally, the present model is also equipped to study a variety of compressor capacity control schemes, including clearance volume control, late suction valve closing, and early suction valve closing, as described in section 1.5. In order to allow the reader to use the present compressor model to simulate a variety of compressors, recommended ranges are given for a number of input parameters, depending on the characteristics of the compressor to be studied. The present model uses real g,_ properties, generated from basic equations, rather than ideal gas relations. Appendix A con- tains a discussion of computer programs for producing thermodynamic properties of refrigerants 2, 22, and 502. A difficulty with the real gas approach is that, since thermodynamic property relations are usually given as functions of temperature and pressure, finding properties at a given state is usually an iterative process. For example, to find the remaining state properties of superheated vapor, given pressure and entropy, it is necessary to iterate on temperature 64 until the correct entropy is found. Discussion of the compressor model can be divided into three major sections: 1. Cylinder processes, valve, and manifold modeling 2. Motor cooling, friction, and suction-discharge heat transfer 3. Oil circulation effect on capacity Let us consider each section separately: Cylinder Processes, Valve, and Manifold Modeling All positive displacement compressors can be modeled by a four step cylinder process, as shown in Figure 23-1: 1. Intake and mixing with residual mass 2. Compression 3. Discharge 4. Re-expansion of residual mass The present model treats the compression and re-expansion processes as non-isentropic, through the use of an isentropic efficiency term. It is important to note that, since the above isentropic efficiency is concerned only with specific portions of the total compressor processes, values usually greater than 90Z are to be expected. comparison, the overall compressor isentropic efficiency is By typically 60i or less. Specific losses, such as motor cooling, and others to be mentioned later, contribute the major portions of the overall low efficiency. 65 Correctly modeled, the intake and discharge processes should include the effects of.valve dynamics and manifold pressure pulsations. The present model accounts for the above effects, but in an approximate and, therefore, easily managable way: Let us consider typical pressure and valve behavior for a reciprocating compressor, as shown in Figure 2.3-2. A number of important observations can be made: 1. The actual discharge manifold pressure is not constant, but rather it "pulses" as a rate related to the number of cylinders, RPM, and dimensions of the discharge manifold. 2. The actual suction manifold pressure also varies, but usually with much lower amplitude than the discharge manifold pressure. 3. The pressure in the discharge manifold increases above the average value during the discharge portion of the compressor stroke. 4. There is a rise time associated with the opening of suction and discharge valves, which is related to the pressure difference acting across the valve, and the valve inertia (pressure actuated valves). This rise time causes the cylinder pressure to increase well above discharge manifold pressure at the beginning of the discharge portion 66 of the stroke. Similarly, cylinder pressure falls some- what below suction manifold pressure on the intake portion of the stroke. Many discharge valves are spring biased so that they will close rapidly, which causes an even greater cylinder pressure overshoot on discharge. 5. As the flow through the valves lessens and the pressure difference across the valves correspondingly drops, the valves start to close. The closing action of the valves restricts the flow and causes the pressure difference to increase again, which reopens the valve. Such action causes peaks in the cylinder pressure on discharge or intake, and increases the average effective pressure difference across the valves. 6. The net result of manifold pressure pulsations and valve dynamics is to raise the cylinder pressure an average amount above the average discharge manifold pressure on discharge, and to lower the cylinder pressure an average amount below the average suction manifold pressure on intake. 7. Many suction and discharge valves exhibit a closing delay shown in Figure 2.3-2 as s for the discharge valve. Such closing delay is for the suction valve, and D caused by bouncing of the valve on its seat, by cylinder/manifold 67 pressure interactions, sticking of the valve on its stop due to oil "stiction", inertia of the valve, or a combination of the above. The delay in closing of the suction valve allows gas to be pumped back out of the valve after bottom dead center (BDC), and hence reduces the effective displacement volume. The delay -in closing of the discharge valve allows discharge manifold gas to leak back into the cylinder after top dead center (TDC), and hence increases the effective clearance volume. The most correct way of modeling the intake and discharge processes would be to include dynamic simulation of valve motion and manifold/ cylinder pressure interactions. latter approach. There are two drawbacks with the First, most such dynamic simulations require some form of experimentally determined information, such as flow coefficients. Second, the computational time becomes prohibitive, and the method unwieldy, when dynamic simulations are nested within the many iteration loops necessary in an overall performance simulation. The technique used in the present model for representing valve dynamics and manifold/cylinder pressure interactions consists of two parts. First, the variations of cylinder and manifold pressure on discharge and intake are modeled as a constant pressure overshoot or undershoot, as shown in Figure 2.3-3. The cylinder pressure on discharge is assumed constant and is greater than the average discharge 68 manifold pressure by an amount APD . That is, Pcyl Similarly, the average cylinder pressure on intake is constant and is less an amount AP S. - PD + APD assumed than the average suction manifold pressure by That is Pcyl S ° PS - APS The second part of the approximate valve dynamics model is that the closing delay of the discharge valve is modeled as an increase in the effective clearance volume, and the closing delay of the suction valve is modeled as a decrease in the effective displacement volume. effective values of APD , APS , ED and ED Actual will vary not only with compressor speed, size, valve design, and manifold design, but also with pressure ratio, refrigerant, and flow rate, although the present model uses constant values for a given compressor. A large number of experimental compressor measurements, for a variety of compressors 1, 2, 7 , have been studied to establish a range of values that can be expected for APD , AP S , are summarized in Table 2.3-1. ED and 8 S , and the results When data on a particular compressor of interest, or on one similar to the one of interest, is not available, values near the upper limits given in Table 2.3-1 should be used to obtain the most conservative results. Detailed derivations, flow charts, and program listings for all portions of the present model are given in Appendix D. i 69 Motor Cooling, Friction, and Suction-Discharge Heat Transfer The net effect of motor cooling, internal friction, and suction/discharge manifold heat transfer is to transfer heat to the section gas, producing a decrease in refrigerant density entering the cylinder, and reducing mass flow rate. Determining the amount of heat given to the suction gas is an iterative process. A first guess for the temperature of the suction gas entering the cylinder is made and, using the cylinder process protion of the model, the resulting refrigerant mass flow rate and motor power are calculated. Next, frictional losses in the compressor and resulting friction waste heat are calculated. The mechanical efficiency of reciprocating compressors, accounting for frictior in bearings, pistons, and rings, can be expected to range between 90 - 98% for medium and large compressors, and could be somewhat less in small, fractional horsepower, compressors . All of the simulations to daL have used a 96% mechanical efficiency. with the present model Once power requirements of the compressor are determined, including frictional motor speed and motor efficiency are determined. losses, actual Curves showing the assumed variation of motor efficiency and motor speed given in Figures 2.3-4 and 23-5. with load are The latter curves are fairly representative of squirrel-cage induction motors in the 3 to 10 horse- 9 power range . Smaller motors would have lower efficiency curves, and larger motors would have slightly higher efficiency. Most of the heat 70 generated by motor inefficiency and friction in hermetic and semihermetic compressors is given to the suction gas. however, usually less than 20Z10, is A small portion, lost to the ambient by convection and radiation from the compressor shell. Next, an estimate of heat transfer between the suction and The calculation is done in an discharge manifolds is made. approximate manner because there are a variety of manifold designs. In some designs suction-discharge heat transfer is negligible, while in others it is deliberately large to aid in protection against liquid slugging of the compressor (often used in small hermetic compressors). Moreover, available data on heat transfer coefficients inside of compressor passages is rare and is 11,' 12 not well correlated l 12. The present model for suction/discharge manifold heat transfer is for heat flow from hot to cold gas streams separated by a thin metal wall. The wall is modeled as a flat plate with negligible resistance to heat flow, and some simple assumptions are made concerning relative flow areas on suction and discharge sides of the manifold. The purpose of the model is not to simulate the flow paisages inside the compressor exactly, since even when details of the flow passages are known, exact simulation of the heat transfer would still be difficult at best. Rather, the purpose of the heat transfer model is to allow the investigator to simulate a desired temperature rise in the suction gas at a given condition, and to study the variation of that temperature rise with flow conditions. Table 2.3-1 gives some approximate values 71 for rise in suction gas temperature due to suction/discharge manifold heat transfer, learned from literature on the subject 13 . When specific information on compressors of the type of interest, or on similar types, is not available, the following guidelines are recommended for low saturated suction temperature conditions: 1. Large - non-hermetic and semi-hermetic compressors moderate temperature rise, on the order of 20OF at low suction pressures and high discharge pressures. 2. Small - non-hermetic compressors - higher temperature rise due to larger surface-to-volume ratios in the flow passages - on the order of 30OF at low suction pressures and high discharge pressures. 3. Small - hermetic compressors - higher temperature rise due to larger surface-to-volume ratios in the flow passages, and possibly much highe; temperature rise if internal heat transfer is promotedto protect against liquid slugging - on the order of 0 to 500F, at low suction pressures and high discharge pressures. Finally, after having estimated all internal heat transfer effects on the suction gas, including friction, motor cooling, and suction/ discharge heat transfer, a new estimate of the state of the suction gas entering the cylinder can be made and the entire process repeated until the actual state of gas entering the cylinder is and procedures are outlined in Appendix E. found. Details 72 Oil Circulation Effect on Capacity Cooperl4 has pointed out that circulation of lubricating oil with the refrigerant as much as 20%. can reduce available compressor capacity by The reduction of capacity is caused by some of the refrigerant remaining in solution with the oil as it leaves the evaporator. Solubility of oil-refrigerant mixtures has been discussed by Bambachn 5 and Spauschus . The present compressor model is equipped to determine oil-refrigerant solubilities as a function of temperature and pressure, for refrigerants 12 and 22, as discussed in Appendix F. Details for determining effect on capacity are given in Appendix E. Oil circulation rates for particular compressors have been obtained from the manufacturers, and are typically between 0 and 15% of the total oil-refrigerant mixture flow rate by weight. Verification of the Model Three different compressors have been studied-for the purpose of verifying the present compressor model: 1. Carrier 06D-824 This is a relatively large, semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor of nominal 9 ton capacity. 2. Carrier 06D-537 This is a large, semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor of nominal 14 ton capacity. The 537 is a larger version of the 824 compressor above, having the same bore, but a longer stroke. 73 3. A relatively small, nominal 3 ton, fully hermetic refrigeration compressor. (Manufacturer wishes to remain unidentified) All ?~cessary data for the above compressors has been supplied by the manufacturers. Comparisons of actual and predicted performance for the above compressors are given in Figures 23-6, respectively. Input data fr 23-7, and 2.3-8 the simulations is given in Appendix G. It can be seen that the simulations of the 06D-824 compressor are highly accurate. The worst error for predicting power consumption is about 8%, occuring at the extreme limit of low suction temperature, and improves rapidly to within 5% over most of the operating range. Similarly, the worst error for predicting capacity is about 15% at the extreme limit of low suction temperature, and improves rapidly to within 6 over most of the operating range. The accuracy of the 06D-537 simulations (the compressor in the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 unitary heat pump discussed in section 2.1) is not quite as good as the 06D-824 simulation. predicting power consumption is The worst error for about 21%, occuring at the extreme limit of high suction temperature and low condensing temperature, and improves rapidly to within 7 with either increasing condensing temperature or decreasing suction temperature. The worst error for predicting capacity is about 11% at the extreme limit of low suction temperature, and improves rapidly to within 5% over most of the remaining operating range. 74 It is worthwhile to study why there is a difference in accuracy between the 06D-824 and 537 simulations. Both models are of similar design, differing primarily in the length of the stroke. plate, valve, and manifold design is The head very similar, if not identical, in both compressors, because they are of the same model series. As noted, the region of greatest inaccuracy for the 537 simulation is at low condensing temperatures and high suction temperatures, indicating a high refrigerant flow rate. A possible explanation is that the manifold and valve design are adequate for the 824 compressor under the above conditions, while they are not large enough for the 537 compressor, with its higher mass flow, causing some form of flow restriction due to the higher flow rate of the 537 compressor which the present model does not account for. Moreover, as shown in the parametric studies to be discussed shortly, compressor power requirements are highly sensitive to increased head pressure in the low head pressure - high suction pressure region. The accuracy of the 3-ton compressor simulations is also within acceptable limits. is The worst error for predicting power consumption about 16%, occuring at the extreme limit of high suction temperature and low condensing temperature, and increases to within 8% at higher condensing temperatures, Accuracy for predicting capacity is 11 over the'entire operating range. within 75 There are several important differences in modeling the smaller 3-ton compressor compared to the larger semi-hermetic units. One important difference is that the smaller unit runs at 3500 RPM compared to 1750 RPM for the larger units. speeds, te When running at higher amount of closing delay for suction and discharge valves becomes more pronounced. The larger surface-to-volume ratio of smaller compressors also makes cylinder heat transfer more significant than in larger compressors and causes smaller compressors to have lower isentropic compression and expansion efficiency than larger units. Larger surface-to-volume ratio also increases suction/discharge manifold heat transfer. refrigerant is The percentage of oil circulating with the often greater in smaller compressors for a similar reason. Simulating Capacity Control Capacity control via cle arance volume control is easily simulated by changing the clearance volume as input to the model. Capacity con- trol via late suction valve closing is easily simulated by specifying the closing delay parameter OS for the suction valve. A slight modification would be desirable, however, to account for throttling of the gas as it is forced back through the suction valve. In order to simulate capacity control via motor speed control, the efficiency of the speed control device and its effect on motor waste heat must be considered. Furthermore, possible effects on 76 valve dynamics should be explored. The speed control method has not been included in the present model. The present model has been specially equipped to model the early suction valve closing (or "cut-off") method of capacity control. One additional parameter, as described in Appendix E, is required to indicate the amount of capacity reduction desired. of the gas in the cylinder after cut-off is The expansion modeled in a way similar to the re-expansion portion of the stroke. A flow chart for the entire compressor model, including early suction-valve cut-off control, is given in Appenix E, along with derivations and a program listing for the entire compressor simulation. Normal Range of Input Values and Their Effect on Performance Table 2.3-1 indicates approximate normal ranges for the important input variables. There will always be particular compressors that exceed the normal limits however, because of practical manufacturing limitations or unique design approaches. Results of parametric studies, showing effects of changing the parameters given in Table 2.3-1 on capacity, power, and overall efficiency, over the entire operating range of the 06D-537 compressor, are given in Appendix H. 2.3-2. A summnary of the results is given in Table It is important to note that compressors which are designed to have low values of 8S and 0D normally have high values of I 77 APD and APD , and conversely, compressors with low values of normally have higher values of 0S and ED. APD The effect of varying oil circulation from 0 to 10% by weight has little or no effect on flow and power of the compressor. Rather, the effect is to reduce cooling capacity in the evaporator by reducing the amount of refrigerant available for evaporation, since some of the refrigerant remains disolved in the oil as it leaves the evaporator. is The effect strongly a function of evaporator superheat, percent oil circulation, and refrigerant. The higher the superheat leaving the evaporator, or the lower the oil circulation rate, the less the capacity reduction will be. References 1. Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972). 2. Proceedings of the 1974 Purdue Compressc (Purdue Research Foundati )n, 1974). 3. Gatecliff, G. W., "A Digital Simulation Of A Reciprocating Hermetic Compressor Including Comparisons With Experiment", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, 1969. 4. MacLaren, J.F.T., "Review of Simple Mathematical Models of Valves in Reciprocating Compressors", Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972) Technology Conference pg. 180-187. 5. MacLaren, J.F.T., Kerr, S.V., and Tramschek, A.B., "A Model Of A Single Stage Reciprocating Gas Compressor Accounting For Flow Pulsations", Proceedings of the 1974 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1974) pg. 144-150. 78 6. Bredesen, AoMo, "Computer Simulation Of Valve Dynamics As An Aid To Design", Proceedings of the 1974 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1974) pg. 171-177. 7. Davis, H., "Effects Of Reciprocating Compressor Valve Design On Performance And Reliability", Io Mech. E. Conference "Industrial Reciprocating And Rotary Compressor Design And Operational Problems", Paper No. 2, London, 1972o 8. Derived from internal combustion engine motoring tests - Taylor, C. F., The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, Volume I (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1960) Cpt. 9o 9. Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design (New York: McGraw - Hill Inc., 1965) pg. 8-21. 10. Discussions with Carrier Air Conditioning Co., Syracuse, New York. 11. Jensen, O., "Investigation Of The Thermodynamics Of A Reciprocating Compressor", Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972) pg. 16. 12. Hughes, J.M., Qvale, E. B., and Pearson, J.T., "Experimental Investigation Of Some Thermodynamic Aspects Of Refrigerating Compressors", Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972) pgo 518. 13. Jensen, O., op. cit, pg. 9-17. 14. Cooper, K. W., and Mount, A.G., "Oil Circulation - Its Effect On Compressor Capacity, Theory And Experiment", Proceedings of the 1972 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972) pg. 52-59. 15. Bambach, G., "Das Verhalten Von Mineralol - F12 - Gemischen in Kaltmaschinen", C. F. Muller, Karlsruhe, 1955. 16. Spauschus, "Vapor Pressures, Volumes, & Miscibility Limits of R22 Oil Solutions", ASHRAE Journal (Dec., 1964) pg. 65, also: ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 70, 1964. 79 TABLE 2.3-1 SUMMARY OF NORMAL RANGE OF VALUES FOR INPUT PARAMETERS OF COMPRESSOR SIMULATION 1800 RPM OR BELOW VARIABLE LARGE 0 - 10 eD o - ?n AEq -- 1 - APS nis nmech MEDIUM SMALL SMALL 0 - 10° o - ?0n 0 - 10° n - no 5 - 20° -v 10 - 30 psi APD 3600 RPM -v -v 10 - 30 psi 5 psi 1 - 10 - 30 psi 5 psi 1 - UNKNOWN ° no - - VERY SMALL 10 - 50 psi 5 psi 1- 5 psi .94 - .98 .90 - .94 .85 - .90 .88 - .95 .94 - .98 .94 - .98 .92 - .96 °90 - .96 an - 1 n 0-- .- An _ n n _l n I n RAMORE SUBJECT TO DESIGN VARIATIONS %oil 0 - 5% 0 - 10% 0- 10% 0 - 10% 0 Suct-Disc ATA < 20°F ATS < 30°F AT < 50°F ATS < 50 F S Heat Trans. TMc .pr - *'J 0- L.J - ** -- J Where: SVR = Surface to Volume Ratio of Cylinder LARGE = SVR < 2.8 i in MEDIUM = 2.8 < SVR < 3.2- SMALL = 3.2 < SVR < 4 1 L in VERY SMALL = 4 < SVR eD - Discharge Valve Closing Delay (Degrees after TDC) ES = Suction Valve Closing Delay (Degrees after BDC) APD = Equivalent Cylinder Pressure Overshoot on Discharge AP S - Equivalent Cylinder Pressure Undershoot on Intake is= i Compression and Expansion Isentropic Efficiency mech = Compressor Mechanical Efficiency Due to Friction %MC Percent of Motor and Friction Heat Given to Suction Gas %Oil Weight Percent of Oil Circulating in System AT S = Additional Suction Gas Superheat Due to Suction-Discharge Heat Transfer at Low Suction Pressure-High Discharge Pressure (High Pressure Ratio) Condition 80 TABLE 23-2 SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF VARYING INPUT PARAMETERS ON CARRIER MODEL 06D-537 COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE CHNECAG CHANGE IN CHANGE IN OVERALL IN FLOW POWER EFFICIENCY CHANGE VARY PARAMETER FROM - TO -4) (-3 - 10° ATDC -4% -3X O Inversely related to 0 - 200 ABDC -4% -4% 0% Inversely related to 80 s APD "mech REMARKS APs 10 - 30 psi +3% -3Z More significant effect at low pressure ratiossee Appendix H -10% -3% -4% More significant effect at low suction pressuressee Appendix H 94 - 98% +1% -7% +6% 94 - 98% +2% -4% +4% 1- AP S nis (0%) - 5 psi -3% OTHER EFFECTS %MC 80 - 100% %Oil Suct.-Disc. Heat Trans. 0 - 10% - Negligible - Negligible effect on flow, power, or overall efficiency, but large effect on evaporator capacity (10% capacity reduction) - 300°F additional superheat at low suction pressure and high discharge pressure reduces flow by 7% with negligible effect on power, and hence reduces overall compressor efficiency by 4%. At lower pressure ratios, the additional superheat is much less, and the effect of suction-discharge heat transfer is negligible. 81 Suction and Discharge Manifolds tl I-D ----o1 _mA A. TDC BDC BDC Intake & Mixing With Compression Discharge Residual FOUR STEP CYLINDER PROCESS FIGURE 2,3-1 Re-expansion 82 _ . . Avg. Disc. Man. PD Press. ;charge .ve :ion p P Avg. Suct. Man. Press. PS 00 TDC 180 ° 360° BDC TDC Crank Angle ----TYPICAL VALVE, CYLINDER PRESSURE, AND MANIFOLD PRESSURE BEHAVIOR OF RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS WITH PRESSURE ACTUATED VALVES FIGURE 2.3-2 . . . . Equivalent Ap Cylinder D Pressure Overshoot P AP PS . Equivalent Cylinder S Pressure Undershoot . Vmin V max Cylinder Volume EQUIVALENT CYLINDER PRESSURE - VOLUME DIAGRAM FIGURE 2.3-3 83 --- 100 l 90 80 nmotor Piece-wise linear curve fit 70 60 . , n .8 < PP < 1.0 .6 < PP < .8 .4 < PP < .6 S 50 30 n = = = .4 r = .2 rl = .1 n = .2 < PP < .1< PP < 0 < PP < 40 n (-.25)PP + 1.07 (-.10)PP + .95 .89 (.375)PP + .74 (1.30)PP + .55 (6.85)PP 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PP (% Motor Power)VARIATION OF MOTOR EFFICIENCY WITH LOAD FIGURE 2.3-4 100 99 PSS' 98 / of. sync. 97 spee 96 95 94 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PP'(% Motor Power) 70 80 - VARIATION OF MOTOR SPEED WITH LOAD FIGURE 2.3-5 90 100 84 FIGURE23-6 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PRFnICTED PERFORMANCE OF CARRIER MODEL 06D-824 COMPRESSOR 20 --Go-- Actual Predicted Cooling Capacity /1000' 10 of \Btu/hr ! Saturated Suction Temperature (F) - lb 16 12 Power Input 10 (kw) 8 6 4 2 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Saturated Suction Temperature (F) - 50 60 85 FIGURE 2.3-7 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED PERFORMANCE OF CARRIER MODEL 06D-537 COMPRESSOR Actual -)- Pvod 4 ,A I Cooling Capacity /1000'\ of \Btu/hr/ 60 Saturated Suction Temperature (F) _ I Power Input (kw) 80 - ----0~ - Saturated Suction Temperature (OF)-m. 86 FIGURE 2.3-8 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL AND PREDICTED PERFORMANCE OF 3 TON ERMETIC COMPRESSOR Actual -(E-- Predicted aPA DU am 1.° 0 "_ v r Cooling Capacity 00hooos\ { -I 20°F Superheat 50 _ 40 , 30 m 20 I P.. ofd \Btu/hf 10 ., 0 I -1( ) 0 10 20 30 I A 40 Saturated Suction Temperature (°F) I 50 60 > LI j I 4 I Power Input sate' 3 C crr--=~O- - 0 (kw) 2 1 ! Jlr\ -UV 0 10 20 30 40 Saturated Suction Temperature (F) & 50 _ -- . i 60 87 SECTION 2.4 CONDENSER SIMULATION Described here is a general model which determines heat transfer performance of most cross-flow type condensers found in heat pump or air conditioning devices. The model determines automatically, for any set of operating conditions, the fractions of the heat exchanger devoted to desuperheating, condensing, and subcooling of the condensing medium. Also described is use of the general model, referred to as 'EXCH', to model a finned tube type condenser, with staggered round tubes. Details, flow charts and program listings for both general model 'EXCH', and the finned tube condenser model are given in Appendix I. Comparison of actual and predicted performance using the above models is included for a particular condensing unit, installed in the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 heatpump unit. Accuracy appears to be within 5% over the entire heat pump operating range. General Model - 'EXCH' A normal condenser has three distinct heat transfer regions: desuperheating (single phase vapor), condensing (two-phase), and subcooling (single phase liquid). condenser performance is The most important factor governing the location of the two-phase region in the air flow, relative to the single phase regions. If the flow of 88 refrigerant through the condenser is as shown in Figure 2.4-1,A, then desuperheating, condensing, and subcooling regions all experience the same entering air temperature and performance is easily determined. If refrigerant flow through the condenser is as shown in Figure 2.4-1, C, performance of the condenser is almost the same as for case A. In both cases C and A, the desuperheating region would be relatively short, because the wall temperature rapidly falls below saturation temperature in most instances. Since the amount of single phase heat transfer in case C is small compared to the two-phase heat transfer, the fact that the single phase regions are located ahead of the two-phase region, relative to the air flow, has little effect on two-phase heat transfer. However, if the two-phase region is located ahead of either of the single phase regions, relative to the air flow, as shown in Figure 2.4-2, the amount of heat transfer in the single phase region can be severly affected. The present model may be used to predict performance of condensers of the type shown in Figure 2.4-1 A, B, and C. In each case, the single phase regions are either ahead of the two-phase region, or are completely separate from it, relative to the air flow. It is possible to construct a single accurate model for the above cases because of the small effect of the single phase regions on the two-phase region heat transfer, and because heat transfer in the twophase region is unaffected by the type of flow arrangement, be it 89 cross-flow, counter-flow, or any other. The insensitivity of the two-phase heat transfer to flow configuration occurs because the evaporating medium remains at approximately constant temperature, regardless of the air temperature flowing over any portion of the two-phase region. The present model is only partially useful for simulating condensers as shown in Figure 2.4-2, where the two-phase region is ahead of either of the single phase regions, relative to the air flow. A sub-section analysis is usually required for the latter cases, and hence a general model is more difficult to construct. Such cases are rarely encountered in normal air conditioning applications because of their poorer performance compared to the former flow configurations. The present model represents all three cases shown in Figure 2.4-1 as single pass cases. Thus, the multiple pass case, with the last pass on the leading e.dge, as shown in C, is approximated as the single pass case shown in A. must of course be equivalent. Heat transfer and flow areas The latter approximation is valid as long as the fractions of coil surface devoted to the single phase regions are not much greater than about twice the fractions of the surface devoted to the passes on the leading edge of the coil. There is no such limit of usefulness if the actual flow configuration to be modeled is of the single-pass type. For the single pass or single pass approximation cases, it is a simple process to determine the 90 fraction of the total heat exchanger surface devoted to two-phase, desuperheating, and subcooling regions of the coil, as indicated in Figure 2.4-3. Details are given in Appendix I. The general model 'EXCH' uses the effectiveness-NTU method of heat exchanger analysis. Expressions or graphs of effectiveness vs NTU are available in the literature 1 for various flow arragements. The maximum difference between cross-flow, both fluids unmixed effectiveness, and cross-flow, one fluid mixed effectiveness is 20Z. It is about often acceptable, therefore, to model both cases using the cross-flow, both fluids unmixed expression of effectiveness. Normally, the latter case does not have a closed form expression, however, an accurate, closed form approximation has been developed by the author and is presented in Appendix J. The usefulness of this general condenser model depends on the ability to properly determine the necessary heat transfer coefficients, thermodynamic properties, and geometry factors. Single phase vapor and liquid heat transfer coefficients may be determined using developed flow correlation such as by McAdams: Nu - .023 Re 8 Pr'4 Where: Nu - Nusselt number Re - Reynolds number Pr - Prandtl number a fully I 91 The actual average heat transfer coefficient may be slightly higher than that found using the above relation because of entrance effects. It is preferable to use coefficients developed from actual heat exchanger tests if available. Kays & London, Compact Heat Exchangers 3 is a useful reference for such information. Suggested two-phase condensation heat transfer relations are those developed by Traviss, . at MIT The Traviss relations have been developed for forced convection condensation inside tubes, in laminar, transition, and turbulent flow regimes. Air side heat transfer correlations vary with heat exchanger design and must be determined for each design studied. many useful correlations are available in Kays & London. Once again, Similarly the geometry factors are a function of condenser design, and the themodynamic properties depend on the medium being condensed. The reader will find useful insights for determining these inputs in the following discussion, describing use of the general model 'EXCH to simulate a finned-tube type condenser. Modeling of a Finned Tube Condenser In order to use the general condenser model 'EXCH' to predict the performance of a particular condenser, another model, which deter-mines the heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops under the desired flow conditions, must be constructed. A model of an air-cooled, cross-flow, finned tube condenser with staggered round tubes, as shown 92 in Figure 2.4-4, has been developed as part of the present work, which accepts information on heat exchanger geometry and flow conditions and produces the necessary heat transfer coefficients and the like. Physical dimensions necessary for the analysis include: fin thickness, fin pitch, horizontal and vertical tube spacings, tube inside and outside diameter, and others. Additional inputs include temperatures, flow rates, and number of parallel flow sections in the coil. Each parallel flow sub-circuit is a complete heat exchanger in itself, and it is therefore necessary to model only one sub-circuit in order to determine total heat transfer behavior. is More detailed information given in Appendix I. Expressions for the heat transfer coefficients and for pressure drop through the unit are presented in Appendices K and L respectively. The air side heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop expressions were modified from Kays & London, as were those for the single phase vapor and liquid regions on the condensing side. The condensation two-phase heat transfer correlations used are from Traviss forced convection condensation inside of tubes. , for All pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient relations have been developed for laminar, transition, and turbulent flow regimes. used is refrigerant 22. is The condensing medium Information on refrigerants 12, 22 and 502 given in Appendix A. Verification of Models The Carrier model 50 DQ 016 heat pump has heat exchangers of the 93 finned, staggered tube type previously described. Necessary dimensions, condenser performance, and compressor performance data were obtained from Carrier, as were charging chart data, (see Appendix B). The charging charts give evaporating and condensing pressures as a function of evaporator and condenser inlet air conditions. It was therefore possible to determine the refrigerant flow rate and condenser inlet conditions as a function of evaporator inlet air temperature and relat-ivehumidity. Using this information, the performance predictions of the model were compared to published performance data during the heat pump operating mode. tion Results are shown in Figure 2.4-5 as a func- of evaporator inlet air temperature. Accuracy is within 5X over the entire heat pump operating range. References 1. Kays, W. M. and London, A. L., Compact Heat Exchangers (Palo Alto, California: The National Press, 955) pg. 27, 33. 2. Rohsenow, W. MH. and Choi, H. Y., Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961) pg. 192. 3. Kays & London, 2p. cit 4. Traviss, D. P., Baron, A. G., and Rohsenow, W. M., "Forced Convection Condensation Inside Tubes", Report No. 72591-74; Heat Transfer Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (ASHRAE Contract No. RP 63). 94 Air Air low Refg. flow unmixed F Refg. flow mixed Case Case A Single pass - Refrigerant flow unmixed B Single pass - Refrigerant flow mixed Air Flow Refg. flow FLOW ARRANGEMENTS FOR WHICH GENERAL HEAT EXCHANGER MODELS 'EXCH' AND 'EVAP' ARE VALID mixed FIGURE 2.4-1 Case C Multi-pass - with initial and final passes on leading edge of coil, mixed 95 ` Air Air Flow Flow Refg. flow mixed Case Case A Multi-pass - with final pass on trailing edge of coil, refrigerant flow mixed Multi-nass - with final pass on trailing edge of coil, refrigerant flow unmixed FLOW ARRANGEMENTSFOR WHICH GENERAL HEAT EXCHANGER MODELS 'EXCH' AND 'EVAP' ARE NOT VALID FIGURE 2.4-2 Air Flow 1-1111* DETERMINING SINGLE PHASE AND TWO-PHASE FRACTIONS OF HEAT EXCHANGERS FIGURE 2.4-3 ""'" `Y Desuperheating Region 96 Air / v -I Flow SubCircuit FIGURE 2.4-4 FINNED TUBE HEAT EXCHANC 1 240 200 ~AI~~IAI - UlLkP4.L _UL - Btu/hr A-f-.-II IL.LU CI.L J -3 I· LLU;.&L 1 C~U / Condenser Performance During Heat Pump OEperation (indoor coil) Unit: (Carrier Model 50 DQ 016 Indoor Air: 70*F Outdooir Air: 85% rel. hum. 1000's of UJ . --4 -- Actual Predicted 160 120 80 0 I 10 20 · 30 Outdoor Air Temperature FIGURE 2.4-5 r 40 (F r 50 db)--- -- 60 97 SECTION 2.5 EVAPORATOR SIMULATION General and Specific Models Many evaporators and condensers used in air conditioning or heat pump applications are of the cross-flow type. The present evaporator model is similar to the condenser model of section 2.4 except for the ability to determine moisture removal from the air flowing over the coil. As in the condenser model, the evaporator model' consists of a general model 'EVAP', and a specific model for a given type of coil. The general model 'EVAP' uses two different methods of heat exchanger analysis. For the case when no moisture removal occurs, the effectiveness-NTU method is applicable, as in the condenser. In the event of moisture removal (which is determined automatically by the model), a modified version of the effective surface temperature approach discussed by McElgin and WiieyI is used. It is assumed that all moisture removal, if it occurs, takes place only in the two-phase region. As in the condenser model, it is a simple process to determine the fraction of total heat exchanger surface devoted to two-phase and single phase heat transfer. Details of the general model 'EVAP', and of the finned tube evaporator model of the Carrier 50 DQ 016 heat pump simulations are given in Appendix M. The evaporation two-phase heat transfer correlation used comes from Tong, Boiling Heat Transfer And Two-Phase Flow . Expressions for all heat transfer coefficients 98 and pressure drops are given in Appendices K and L respectively. Verification of Models Both the evaporator and condenser coils of the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 unitary heat pump are of the type shown in Figure 2.4-4 Comparison of predicted and published performance of the evaporator (outdoor coil) of the 50 DQ 016 unit during the heating mode is given in Figure 2.5-1. Accuracy is within 5% over the entire heat pump operating range. References 1. McElgin, J. and Wiley, D. C., "Calculation of Coil Surface Areas for Air Cooling and Dehumidification", Heating, Piping, & Air Conditioning (March, 1940) pg. 195-201. 2. Tong, L. S., Boiling Heat Transfer And Two-Phase Flow (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1965) Cpt.5. 99 .00 -1 Comparison of Actual and Predicted Evaporator Performance During Heat Pump Operation (outdoor coil) Unit: Carrier Model 50 DQ 016 TA --- £1..L A.7nJ I V . J.LLUUL 160 1000' s Outdoorr Air: 85% rel. hum. of Btu/hr -- 120 8 Actual - - Predicted ! 80 40 I 0 10 20 II · 30 ' 40 50 Outdoor AiL Temperature (°F db)-- FIGURE25-1 I - 60 100 CHAPTER 3. PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMICS OF CONVENTIONAL AND CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMPS The early suction-valve cut-off method of compressor capacity control has been used to study the performance of capacity controlled heat pumps. Heat output and COP curves are presented for a particular unit, the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 unitary heat pump with capacity control. Various control options, influenced by the significant effect of fan power, are discussed. The performance results are then generalized to other heat pump sizes, and economic comparisons are made for various heat pumpsizes on a given building heat load curve. Both conventional and capacity controlled heat pumps are compared to conventional gas and electrical resistance heat, with and without air conditioning. The comparisons are done for various gas and electricity prices, and forsix different locations in the country. 101 SECTION 3.1 MODE OF ANALYSIS The computer models of Chapter 2 are readily used to simulate capacity controlled heat pump performance. The method of compressor capacity or flow control examined is the early suction-valve cut-off method, as described in sections 1.5 and 2.3. Flow control is achieved by closing the suction valve, or a secondary valve just upstream of the suction valve, prematurely on the intake stroke, limiting the amount of gas taken in. Gas in the cylinder at the time of early suction-valve closing is then expanded and recompressed, resulting in low losses. The amount of capacity reduction is controlled by varying the time after top dead center at which the suction valve is closed. Development tests of a mechanism to achieve such control are presented in Chapter 4. The performance of capacity controlled heat pumps was determined exactly as outlined in Chapter 2 for conventional units, except that the capacity reduction parameter 'CUTOFF' was specified as an additional independent variable, and the thermal expansion valve setting CTXV' was also specified as an independent variable. It was found that, for any given heat pump, there is an optimum combination of capacity reduction and thermal expansion valve settings for maximizing COP, The optimum combination of settings varies not only as a function of ambient temperature, but also as a function 102 Furthermore, there are three different of air flow rates and fan powers. ways of evaluating COP, as described in section 3.2,each of which is optimized differently. No simple scheme for determining the optimum combinations of settings could be found, making the optimization process time consuming and expensive. For the latter reasons, a simplified approach was used to determine performance, which produces results that are always less than the optimum possible. The method used to determine the performance results presented in section 3.3 was as follows: First, a thermal expansion valve setting, CTXV, was specified, which corresponded to some ambient temperature condition on the non-capacity controlled unit. Each such setting has been referred to as a "balance point" setting, because capacity reduction occurs only at ambient temperatures higher than the balance point temperature. Next, the condensing pressure existing in the non- capacity controlled unit at the given expansion valve or ambient temperature setting was determined. held fixed by using was then This condensing pressure increasing amounts of compressor capacity reduction as ambient temperature increased. Each reduced capacity or "balance point" performance curve in section 3.3, then, corresponds t a part- icular CTXV setting and a particular condensing temperature. Prior to determining the simplified performance curves as described above, an investigation of factors limiting the allowable amountof capacity reduction was undertaken. Allowable amounts of r 103 air flow reduction were also studied. For given air flow rates and a given thermal expansion valve setting, it was found that the maximum permissible amount of capacity reduction is limited by the ability of the condenser to achieve full condensation. The latter occurs because the reduced refrigerant flow allows the condensing pressure and temperature to drop, reducing the temperature difference available for heat transfer between the air and the refrigerant. This problem can be eliminated by reducing the thermal expansion valve Allowable amounts opeining under such extremes of capacity reduction, of air flow reduction are different for conventional and capacity Reducing air flows on non-capacity controlled controlled units. units causes larger AT's across the heat exchangers at high ambient temperatures, and reduces COP. Large amounts of air flow reduction are allowable on capacity controlled systems, however, because the refrigerant flow rate can be controlled to significant overall increases in COP. :eep AT's low, allowing Reduction of air flow to as much as one half of the conventional air flow rates for a given unit is usually acceptable for a given heat pump with capacity control. Greater reductions are not advisable because of excessive reduction of air side heat transfer coefficient. flow reduction is More discussion of air given in the following section. 104 SECTION 3.2 EFFECT OF FAN POWER ON CONTROL OPTIONS The purpose of applying compressor capacity control to a heat pump/air conditioning system is to allow sizing of the unit for a lower than normal balance point temperature on heating, while still maintaining adequate air conditioning performance, and to increase COP above the balance point temperature by preventing the increase of AT's across the heat exchangers. There are, however, three different ways of evaluating COP, each of which is optimized by a different control strategy: 1. &HP - COP (no fan power included) C 2. COPOF -' + 3.COPoF 3. -(gc + 6 Oar+ PIF COPc BF - (~c + (outdoor fan power included) O P IF ++ P OF (both indoor and outdoor fan power included) Where: QHP Heat output of condenser (btu/hr) 1W - input power to compressor motor (btu/hr) PIF ' indoor fan power (which is the same as the heat gain C from the indoor fan motor, assuming the motor is inside the heated space) (btu/hr) P OF ' outdoor fan power (btu/hr) I 105 In cases where both indoor and outdoor fans cycle on and off when the compressor cycles on or off, COPBF is the meaningful COP to maximize. In applications where the indoor fan runs continuously, such as for COPoF ventilation requirements, is the correct COP to maximize. In special applications, where both evaporator and condenser fans must run continuously, as in some heat reclaiming systems, is the correct COP to maximize. COPNF The fact that each of the above applications requries that a different COP be maximized can be shown mathematically as follows: Consider a heating season quantized into discrete time durations at different temperature levels, ti Ti. We wish to minimize Qload total energy consumed in satisfying the heat load, over the entire heating season, for a given heat pump, having given fan power requirements. Case 1 For the case of both fans cycling off when the heat pump cycles off, the total energy consumed over the entire heating season is: Etot - ~ [power] ti + [power] tj cyclic below above fans balance point balance point Where: Z [power] ti i [ +POF +PI +PER ti below below balance balance point point 106 and is the same for all of the above cases [ (w ZI[ower] tj + + PIF)( PO above balance above balance point point PER Powerto run auxiliary electrical (Z t) t)l tj percent time oh Then, using the definition of load+ (Zt ) resistance heaters COPBF , and noting that in this case p) I We find: (load Etot cycli fans -E [ i + COP below ) tj Eq. 3.2-1 BFj j balance point Case 2 For the case of continuous indoor fan, the total energy consumed over the heating season is: Eto t cont. + below balance indoor point {[(c + PoF) ( t) + PIFltj} above balance point fan 'Then, using the definition of COP a OF load - IF (z t) , and noting that in this case 107 We find: =r[ ]I Et o t ] tj - - COPF J~~F below cont. indoor - PIF ) (Qload above balance balance point fan tj + PIF J above balance point point Eq. 3.2-2 Case 3 -For the case of both evaporator and condenser fans running continuously, the total energy consumed over the heating season is: E tot cont. fans I -z[ + {[(Ij)(z tJ) + PIF + PF] t below balance above balance point point Then, using the definition cof COPNF , and noting that in this case (Xt ) - Qloadt - IF i :1 J We find: (4 load Eto t cont. fans' -=E ] below balance point t +? j PF) I l Nc :2 -]tj + (PIF+POF) above tj above balance point balance point Eq. 3.2-3 In each of the above cases, it is apparent that reducing fan power while keeping air flow fixed will reduce total energy consumption. 108 Once minimum fan powers are established for a particular unit in a given installation, total energy consumption is minimized by maximizing the respective COP's at each temperature level. Reducing fan power while keeping air flow fixed will reduce total energy consumption in all of the above cases. The effect of fan power on performance of capacity controlled heat pumps, however, is much more pronounced than on conventional heat pumps. Fan power in conventional installations is between 10 and 30% of the total power consumption at high ambient temperatures, and increases to between 20 and 40% at low ambient temperatures, excluding auxiliary heat. By comparison, a capacity controlled heat pump, retaining conventionally sized fans and ducts, would have fan powers as much as 50 to 60X of the total power consumption at high ambient temperatures, if large amounts of capacity reduction were used. There are essentially three ways of reducing fan power requirements 1. Use more efficient fans 2. Decrease flow resistance by increasing duct size 3. Reduce air flow Many fans used for indoor air circulation are of the centrifugal type, to reduce noise. Efficiency could be improved by using different. blading designs, such as airfoil blades, as opposed to curved or inclined blades. Alternatively, simply using larger fans running I 109 As at slower speeds can achieve significant fan power reductions energy prices increase, it is steadily becoming economically feasible For to install larger ducting, in order to reduce indoor fan powero exarmple, pressure drop through the ducting system is proportional to the square of the air velocity, assuming constant air density. That is, AP a V . The flow rate of the air, however, is equal to the product of the air velocity and the cross-sectional area of the duct, CFM = VA xs Thus, for a given air flow rate, the pressure . loss through the ducting system varies as the square of the duct cross-sectional area, A 2 A11 AP AP22 To reduce pressure drop by a factor of one half, while keeping air flow rate constant, we need only increase duct flow area by a factor A2 1/2 of - (2) = 1.41. Furthermore, if -e assume round, or rectangular ducting, and maintain similar aspect ratios, and perimeter a Y , where Y is A Ks a y2 the diameter or length of one Therefore, to reduce pressure drop by 50%, we side of the duct. need only (1.41)1/2 = 1.19 , a 19% increase in duct material. The amount of fan power reduction varies with the type of fan and the operating conditions, but would typically be between 10 and 50% for a 50% decrease in.pressure drop. duct sizing is The true economic value of larger dependent on the absolute magnitudes of increased 110 material and installation costs, compared to absolute magnitudes of energy cost savings over the expected lifetime of the installation. Reducing fan power by reducing air flow requires careful examination. causes larger Reducing air flow on non-capacity controlled units AT's across the heat exchangers, and causes a reduction in heat output. At ambient temperatures above the balance point, large amounti of air flow reduction on a non-capacity controlled unit are unacceptable because the compression work is forced to increase substantially, causing a reduction in overall COPBF even though fan power is reduced. Fairly large air flow reductions can be made at temperatures below the balance point of a conventional unit and still result in an increase in COPBF , because the increases in AT's across the heat exchangers are substantially lower at lower ambient temperatures. However, any reduction of air flow at temperatures below the balance point would almost certainly result in greater total energy consumption, because the loss in capacity would be greater than the reduction of fan power, and more auxiliary heat would be required. negating the inerease in COPBF. Reducing air flows on capacity controlled heat pumps acceptable and highly recommended. a given point both It must be remembered that, for building, a capacity controlled temperature, and is is heat pump has a lower balance hence larger than a conventional non-capacity I ll controlled unit for the same application. If the capacity controlled heat pump used the higher air flows associated with a normal unit of comparable size, ducting much larger than that for the smaller noncapacity controlled heat pump would be required. Contrary to the non- capacity controlled case, large air flow reductions are acceptable in capacity controlled units because the AT's across the heat exchangers are not allowed to rise, being controlled by the amount of refrigerant flow reduction. In the present study, it was found that air flow reductions of up to one half of the normal air flows for a given heat pump could be tolerated. Employing smaller fans allows us to use essentially the same size ducting as would be used with the smaller conventional heat pump in a given installation. A penalty is paid in reduced low ambient temperature capacity, but since the balance point temperature is lower, the effect of reduced performance is minimal. Performance curves of heat puml; having various air flow rates and fan powers are presented in the following section. 4 . 112 SECTION 3,3 PERFORMANCE OF A CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMP Capacity and performance predictions for the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 unitary heat pump with capacity control features are shown in Figures 3.3-1 through 3.3-6. In all cases, the thermal expansion valve setting is indicated by the balance point temperature to which it corresponds on the non-capacity controlled unit. Both the thermal expansion valve setting and the condensing temperature are held constant at the balance point value for each reduced capacity curve. That is, each capacity controlled or "balance point" curve corresponds to a particular condensing temperature and a particular thermal expansion valve setting. For convenience, the above performance pre- dictions are also given in tabular form in Appendix N . Reduced air flow cases have been determined by assuming new sets of thermal expansion valve (CTXV) settings for the non-capacity controlled units. In such cases, new non-capacity controlled CTXV settings were found which would still produce constant superheat, and which would in addition produce approximately the same subcooling as in the full air flow case. Comparing Figures 3.3-1,2 and 3, we see that for the non-capacity controlled or conventional unit, reduced air flow rates have a greater effect on reducing heating capacity at high ambient temperatures than they do at low ambient temperatures. Such behavior is a result of the 113 higher refrigerant flow rates and T's across the heat exchangers that occur at higher ambient temperatures, as discussed in section 1.3. Comparing Figures 3.3-1 and 3.3-2, we see that the capacity controlled 10°Bi case has almost the same heat output for either the full conventional air flows of Figure 3.3-1, or the reduced air flows of Little difference in heat output is observed because Figure 3.3-2. the increase in AT's across the heat exchangers at low ambient temperatures, with reduced air flows, is much smaller than at higher ambients, and the use of capacity control keeps the AT's low. Figures 3.3-4 through 3.3-6 show the effect of fan power on the various COP's of both conventional and capacity controlled units. Outdoor fan powers have been determined from published performance data, corresponding to smaller fans and motors. powers could also be achieved by ke Lower outdoor fan ing the larger fans and running them at lower speeds to reduce air flow, but detailed performance data was not available on the outdoor fans. data was available on the indoor fans. Detailec performance Indoor fan powers are determined from performance data on the conventional 50 DQ 016 fans, running at different speeds, while maintaining air pressure drops of approximately .5 in wg (inches of water gauge), .7 in wg, and .6 in wg. for 6330 CPM, 4500 CFH , and 3165 CFM air flows respectively. Fan motor efficiency is included in the indicated fan powers. The pressure drops used for the various air flow rates reflect using 114 smaller duct sizes for the reduced air flow cases, as discussed in section 3.5. Comparing the non-capacity controlled or conventional COPBF curves of Figures 3.3-4, 3.3-5, and 3.3-6, we see that the loss of heating capacity at higher ambient temperatures and increased compression work more than offset the reduction in fan power from reduced air flows, and hence COPBF for the full air flow case. is lower for reduced air flow cases than At low ambient temperatures, however, compression work is not increased substantially for reduced air flow cases, and capacity does not fall as markedly, such that COPBF is larger for reduced air flow cases than for the full air flow case. Unfortunately, the loss of capacity at low ambient temperatures is greater than the reduction of fan power from reduced air flows, and since the difference must be made up with electrical resistance heat at temperatures below the balance point, the increase in COPBF is negated by increased electrical resistance heat requirements. Viewing the capacity controlled cases of Figures 3.3-4, 3.3-5 and 3.3-6, it is apparent, as discussed in section 32, that fan power has a much more pronounced effect on capacity controlled units than on conventional units. Consider Figure 3.3-4: The COPN curves for the capacity controlled cases with full air flow show marked improvements over the non-capacity controlled case. However, the power requirements of the compressor have been reduced to such an 115 extent that the fan powers required for full conventional air flow become a very large portion of the total power consumption seen in the COPoF and COPBF As curves, the reduction of heating capacity drops much faster than the total power requirement because of the high percentage of fan power, which results in low COP's when fan power is included. Comparing COPBF curves of Figures 3.3-4 through 3.3-6, we see that low balance point capacity controlled heat pumps become justified only at low fan powers. As discussed in section 3.2, however, a low air flow, low fan power capacity controlled heat pump is probably the most desirable configuration because it allows use of smaller duct sizes than high air flow cases. of increasing It appears, from the viewpoint COPBF , that reducing the than the 200 balance point CTXV setting to values less (BP) value is at best only marginally useful. Remembering, however, that there is an additional gain to be had from reducing auxiliary heating with a lower balance point, we reserve final judgement until total energy consumption and cost figures are computed in later sections. As indicated earlier, air flow rates and fan powers cannot be specified arbitrarily, but rather are related to duct sizing, fan sizing, heat load, and heating capacity of a particular unit. Different climate conditions in different parts of the country affect the size of ducting, air flows, and unit capacity. The overall performance of 116 various sizes of conventional and capacity controlled heat pumps on a particular building heat load curve, accounting for the complex interactions mentioned above, are examined in remaining sections of this chapter. 117 FIGURE 3,3-1 240 Heat Output of Carrier Model 50 DO 016 Heat Pump With Capacity Control Full Conventional Air Flows Indoor Air: 6330 CFM, 70°F Outdoor Air: 10000 CFM, rel.hum. 857Z 200 Conv. 53BP 160 1000's of Btu/hr 120 80. -10°BP 40 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Outdoor Air Temperature (F 200 160 50 60 70 db)- Tfrillnr 7 7 ) rlgU ~C O, -,' Heat Output of Carrier Liodel5n 016 Heat Pump With Capacity Control Reduced Air Flows Indoor Air: 4500 CFM, 70°F Outdoor Air: 7500 CFM, rel.hum. 85% Conv. 1000's of 30°3P 120 Btu/hr 200RP 80 10BP 40 o -10 I 0 I *I 10 20 30 Outdoor Air Temperature (F I ... 40 50 db) 60 70 118 't.n f% 4U . Heat Output of Carrier Model 50 DQ 016 Heat Pump With Capacity Control 200 . Reduced Air Flows Conv. Indoor t 1000's of Btu/hr 160 w Outdoc 120 80 23=BP 14°BP - 40 o-1 -10 - 0 . 10 20 I 30 I 1 40 50 Outdoor Air Temperature (F FIGURE 3,3-3 db) · - 60 70 119 FIGURE 3,3-4 CAPACITY CONTROLLED COP PREDICTIONS CARRIER MODEL 50 DO 016 FAT PUMP - FULL CONVENTIONAL AIR FLOWS 6330 CFM, Indoor air: Outdoor air: 10000 CFM, 700 F, rel.hum. 85%, tu/hr tu/hr indoor fan nower 9425 outdoor fan power 5300 _ 10BP 37 BP 53°RP 4 Conv. 3 COPNF 2 No fan power included 1 0 -10 _ I 0 10 I I 20 30 I I 40 Outdoor Air Temperature (F 50 I 60 70 db) 37°P 1NnO 53oRP L 4*·I 2 3 ~Conv. I COPoF 2 Outdoor fan power included 1 0 I -10 0 a I 10 20 30 I I i 40 50 60 Outdoor Air Temperature (F db) --- L_ 1 ' 70 . ,/ -nP - Conv. . I10°BP =.. , 3 COPBF Both indoor and outdoor fan power included 1 0 I -10 0 I 10 I 20 t 30 . . 40 Outdoor Air Temperature (F 50 db) , 60 70 120 FIGURE 3.3-5 CAACIT' CONTROLLFTn CP PRE)ICTITONS O 6 EAT PUMP - REDUCED AIR FLO.!S CARRIER MODEL 50 Dnn Indoor air: Outdoor air: 4500 CFM, 7500 CFM, indoor fan power 6910 Rtu/hr outdoor fan power 2650 tu/hr 70°F, rel.hum. 857, - - 1n1RP ORP 20= Conv. COPNF 43 2 ' fan power included No 1 0 -10 I I 0 10 LI I -- A - I , I 60 50 40 30 20 Outdoor Air Temperature (°F db) 70 -. '. 4 20°RP I inOp Conv. I 3 COPo IPO 2 Outdoor fan power included 1 0 ,a a I .0 10 0 20 30 IBF 60 50 40 Outdoor Air Temperature (F COPB aa a I 70 db) 4 30 & 20°RP 3 Conv. lO°RP 2 2 Both indoor and outdoor fan power included 1 0 -10 a 0 _, aI * 10 20 , 30 Outdoor Air Temperature I I 50 60 I 40 (F db) - g 70 121 FIGURE 33-6 CAPACITY CONTROLLED COP PREDICTIONS CARRIER MODEL 50 DO 016 HFAT PUMP - REDUCED AIR FLOT.IS Indoor air: Outdoor air: 3165 CFM, 5200 CFM, 70°F, rel.hum. 85%, indoor fan Dower 3535 outdoor fan power 1818 56 14°P 23PConv. /- A tu/hr tu/hr I TP Conv. COPNF 2 No fan power included 1 _ 0 I -1 0 I 0 I I 10 20 30 40 Outdoor Air Temperature (F 50 db) 60 ! 70 - 14°BP 23°RP I. 4 3 Conv. COPOF 2 Outdoor fan power included 1 0 -3 0 I IL 0 Ia 10 I 20 I 30 J 40 Outdoor Air Temperature (F I 1 50 60 a 70 db)--4 4 140BP 23°BP 3 Convy. COPBF 2 Both indoor and outdoor fan power included 1 0 -10 I 0 I & ! 10 20 30 40 Outdoor Air Temnperature (F 50 db) I 6n 70 122 SECTION 3.4 EXTENDING PERFORMANCE RESULTS TO DIFFERENT HEAT PUMP SIZES ON A PRESCRIBED HEAT LOAD Performance predictions for the Carrier model 50 DQ 016 heat pump with capacity control have been presented in section 33° To properly determine the economic merits of capacity control, however, we must compare performance of different size units on the same The Carrier 50 DQ model series unitary heat building heat load. pumps provide a convenient range of sizes for comparison 1 It is possible to define a heat load line on which the Carrier 50 DQ model series heat pumps have balance points of convenient interest. Figure 3.4-1 shows the prescribed load line, referred to as load line "D", in comparison with heating capacity curves of various 50 -DQ series heat pumps. The heating capacities shown for both the conventional and capacity controlled heat pumps on Figure 34-1 are only approximate, since actual heat output varies with the amount Actual values, corrected for various amounts of air flow reduction. of air flow reduction, are given in tables in Appendix . The Carrier 50 DQ model series did not have a heat pump with a capacity curve corresponding to a 21 ° blance point on load line D, so all values indicated for that case have been interpolated. Approximate COPNF curves for the conventional 50 DQ series heat pumps are given in Figure 3.4-2. We shall make a number of 123 conservative assumptions regarding relative positions of the COPNF curves with and without capacity control and air flow changes: 1. We assume that the COPNF values of the conventional 006 can be made to equal the conventional 016 values by improved system design at no cost,. 2. We assume that COPNF curves for the 008 and fictional heat pumps are equal to those of the 016 at the same fractions of conventional air flow and similar balance point CTXV settings. For example, the COPNF curve for the 008 with 29° balance point CTXV setting and air flows 1/2 of conventional 008 air flows, is assumed the same as the curve for the 016 with a 29° balance point CTXV COPNF setting and air flows 1/2 of conventional 016 air flows. 3. We assume that COPNF values for the conventional 004 can be improved by a factor of 50% of the difference between conventional 016 and 004 values, by improved system design at no cost. We are working with COPNF values at this point because the magnitude of fan powers will vary depending on the duct sizes in a particular region of the country. COPBF values can be calculated ·at different locations using the expression: COPNF + COPBF BF + I PIF c P c 124 Where fan powers are eauated for particular, fan/motor combinations in a given duct size with a given air flow rate, and compressor power is calculated from assumed heating capacity and COPNF values. The above assumptions give conservative predictions for the attractiveness of capacity controlled heat pumps. As shownin section 3.5, even though the COPNFvalues of the 008 and fictional heat pumpsare deliberately underestimated, they often appear more attractive than the 016 or 006 units in climates where the 006 would be the conventional unit installed. In warmer climates, where the 004 would be the conven- tional unit, the larger capacity controlled units have difficulty in recovering their increased capital investment, even though the 004 is less efficient. Assumedvalues of COPNFand heat output for the various units and air flow rates are given in tables in Appendix 0 Reference 1. "Single Package Heat Pumps - 50 DQ", Form 50 DQ-4P, (Carrier Corporation), 1971). 125 FIGURE 3.4-1 HEATING CAPACITY OF CONVENTIONAL AND CAPACITY CONTROLLD COMPARED TO ASSUMED HEAT LOAD LINE wFAT PMPS Carrier 50 DQ model series heat pumrs 70°F Indoor air 85% rel.hum. outdoor air ---- Conventional - Capacity controled t. 1000's of Btu hr Outdoor Air Temperature (F db) _- 126 008 016 4.0 9 I 3.0 COPNF 2.0 1.0 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Outdoor Air Temperature (F) - 60 70 COPNF CURVES FOR CONVENTIONAL CARRIER 50 DQ MODEL SERIES HEAT PUMPS FIGURE 3.4-2 . . 127 SECTION 3.5 SEASONAL PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC COMPARISONS Conventional and capacity controlled heat pumps are compared here to conventional gas and electrical resistance heat, with and without air conditioning, on load line "D" presented in the previous section. The comparisons are done for various gas and electricity prices, and for six different locations in the country: 1. San Francisco, California 2. Charleston, South Carolina 3. New York, New York 4. Boston, Massachusetts 5. Omaha, Nebraska 6. Minneapolis, Minnesota Weather data for each of these locations wav obtained from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureaul. f show the time duration at 5F Figures 35-la through temperature levels throughout the heating season of each location, averaged over a 10 year period. information is also given in tabular form in Appendix P . This All performance comparisons are made assuming that the heating season can be quantized into the 50F temperature bands discussed above, and that all locations have constant 85% relative humidity. Conventional gas furnances are sized to meet the maximum heat 128 load at the coldest expected temperature for a given location. Furthermore, in a forced hot air furnace, the type we shall be concerned with here, the air flow rate is determined by the desired maximum temperature rise of the air through the furnace. A typical high efficiency gas furnace is designed to have about an 800F air temperature rise at maximum output, and would have a seasonal average efficiency of about 75% at best2 . Gas burner prices vary depending on the manufacturer, but reasonable estimates for typical high efficiency models can be made. Figure 35-2 shows typical purchase price as a function of heating capacity for high efficiency gas furnaces3 . The cost of fans for the forced hot air furnaces can be estimated from wholesale price data, as discussed later. Cost and efficiency of oil fired furnaces is comparable to gas furnaces, and the cost of oil is often comparable to that of gas on a dollar per BTU basis, hence, yearly operating costs of gas and oil furnaces are similar. The question of fan power as related to duct sizing was discussed in section 3.2. As electricity prices rise, it is becoming economically feasible to install larger ducting, regardless of the type of heating system, be it gas, oil or heat pump. For this reason, we shall assume that the conventional gas furnaces of the present study are equipped with ducts which reduce the usual air pressure drop of around .5 in wg down to a more economical level of .26 in wg. As discussed in 129 section 3.2, such larger ducts would require only an 18% increase in duct material. heat pumps, All comparisons in the present study assume that the regardless of size, use the same ducts as the gas furnace at each location. We shall assume that the air flow rates of non-capacity controlled units remain unchanged. However, for capacity controlled units with balance point temperatures lower than the conventional heat pump at a given location, we assume the following: 1. Outdoor air flow rates are 1/2 of the full air flow rates of a non-capacity controlled unit of comparable size. 2. Indoor air flow rates are either 1/2 of the full air flow rates of a non-capacity controlled unit of comparable size, or are equal to the conventional gas furnace air flow rate at a given location, whicbhver is greater. Air pressure drop for air flcr rates other than that of the conventional gas furnace can be computed from the following expression: APHp gas CFM 2 gas Fan power requirements for both the gas furnace fans and the heat pump fans have been determined from published performance data on the fans of the Carrier 50 DQ series heat pumps. All indoor fans (condenser fans) are of the centrifugal. type, with scroll, and all outdoor fans are propeller-direct drive type. Fans from smaller units, or the 130 conventional fans running at slower spee4 have been use4 for the reduced ar pump flow of the capacity controlled heat pumps. installations All heat are assumed to have 100% backup electrical resis- tance heaters, and all use electric resistance auxiliary heat. table maximum heat 3.5-1 summarizes the load, air flow rates,,air pressure drops, and fan powers for both gas furnace and heat pumps of various balanced points, for all six locations. give the condenser heat output, all QHP COPNF , Tables in Appendix0 and COPBF values for heat pumps, corrected for different percentages of full air flow rates, at each location in the country. It should be noted that all heat pumps are assumed turned off and 100% electrical resistance heat used at temperatures below -10 F, because of excessive compressor discharge gas temperature. .Total energy consumption over the heating each location was calculated with the heating season quantized into-50F temperature bands, and the heat pump performance assumed at the mean temperature of the band. Total seasonal energy consumption-of gas, electrical resistance, and heat pump heating is summarized in Table 3.5-2 for each location, including seasonal performance factors delivered SPFSPFTotal Ttl heat e energy gy umd for the various heat pumps. Total seasonal energy consumption of heat pumps was calculated using equation 3.2-1. Total seasonal energy consumption of gas furnaces includes a portion of electrical energy 131 due to furnace fans, and was calculated in a manner similar to that for the heat pumps, using a seasonal average efficiency of 75% as compared to 65% for most existing gas or oil furnaces . Straight electrical resistance heating is assumed to be forced hot air type also, with the same fans as the gas furnace. Finally comes the question of total yearly cost for the various heating systems. First, we shall assume that maintenance costs for all systems can be neglected. This is a good approximation providing there are no major failures, such as compressor failure, since the cost of normal maintenance is much smaller than the total yearly cost of energy . Second, we assume that installation costs are equal for all types of systems. Actually, heat pump installation costs are currently higher than for gas furnaces, but wider use of heat pumps should reduce the cost differential, as greater numbers of properly trained service personnel, ad available. improved installation practices become Installation costs for forced hot air electrical resistance heat would be somewhat less than for gas or heat pump heating, but as will be seen shortly, the error in assuming equal installation cost is far outweighed by the high operating cost of pure electrical resistance heat. We have assumed that all of the various heat pump sizes, and the pure electrical resistance heat have the same indoor ducting size as the gas furnace does at each different location. The installation cost of the ducting, therefore, need not be included in 132 Total yetaly the analysis. major costs; cost cpartisots hence includ oiilyti yearly energy cost, and amortization of capital. Total yearly energy costs for the various heating systems are easily computed for various prices of electricity and natural gas using the data of Table 3.5-2. The yearly cost Capital of capital can be computed from the expression: Initial capital cost 1 + i (n + 1)] n cost per year 2 Where: i - interest rate, percent per year n - number of years over which the cost is amortized (expected life) Current interest rates on home mortgages are around 9 per year. We shall assume, therefore, an effective interest rate of 10% per year for the heating systems of interest in the present study. A reasonable life expectancy of a gas furnace or of electrical resistance heaters is about 20 years. We shall use, therefore, a 20 year amortization period for such heating systems. The.current life expectancy of an air conditioning or heat pump system is on the order of 10 years. With improved heat pumps, having greater reliability, now becoming available, and with improved training of installation and servicing personnel, life expectancy could be increased to around 20 years. We 133 shall use a 10 year amortization period for both heat pumps and air conditioners in most of our comparisons. A 20 year amortization period case has been included for the Boston area for comparison, altho-gh most manufacturers agree that a 20 year lifetime is unrealistic with prtsent equipment. The heat pumps we have been concerned with in our study up to this point are designed to provide both heating and air conditioning. pumps It is fitting, therefore, to compare the heat to gas and electrical resistance heating systems with air conditioners added. Most of the economic comparisons given here are between heat pumps and gas or electrical resistance heat plus air conditioning. Comparisons of the above heat pumps to gas and electrical resistance heating without air conditioning have been included for the Minneapolis and Omaha areas although in reality, if the air conditioning feature were not needed, a more efficient heat pump having lower cost could be created, as will undoubtedly be the case in the future. Initial capital costs for gas furnaces, electrical resistance beaters, and the various heat pump sizes, along with necessary air conditioner costs are computed in Tables 3.5-3 through 3.5-5. The following factors are considered in the cost of capacity controlled heat pumps: 1. A capacity controlled heat pump uses most of the components of the original heat pump design on which it is based. 134 However, a saller compressor motor is as shown in Figure 35-3, required, because, with compressor flow modulation, lower compressor power requirements exist. Credit is given for smaller compressor motors at the rate of $18/hp savings to the consumer . 2. Smaller fans and/or fan motors are required compared to the original heat pumps, because of reduced air flow rates. Cost credits are given for the difference in fan and fan motor costs, as determined from 1975 wholesale price data7 on comparable equipment. 3. The cost of the early suction-valve cut-off control mechanism, described in detail in Chapter 4, is assumed to be $5/cylinder plus $30 additional controls. 4. An average cost of the auxiliary electrical resistance heaters for use in the heat pumps is assumed to be $3/1000 Btu/hr, as derived from average price data from different size heaters The cost of the pure electrical resistance heating system consists of the same fans as used in the gas furnace plus assumed to be $3/(1000 Btu/hr). cost of the heaters, The effect of inflation on initial capital costs can be neglected in the present study for reasons: the following The current rate of inflation is an average of about 10 year. The rate of increase in furnace prices, however, is somewhat less. Furthermore, even if the price of the gas furnaces or the per 135 electrical resistance heat doubled, when amortized over a 20 year period, the increase in yearly cost is minor. By comparison, the rate of increase in heat pump prices is very small, decrease. and prices could actually Due to the costly failures of heat pumps in the 1950's, manufacturers are reluctant to produce heat pumps at a high rate until a better equipped, larger, and more well trained installation and repair network is established. Higher production rates, and increased competition could actually lower prices, once the spectre of costly and inadequate maintenance is laid to rest. Total yearly cost plots, comparing gas furnaces and pure electrical resistance heat with air conditioning to various capacity controlled heat pumps, and to the conventional heat pump for a given location, are shown as a function of gas and electricity prices for all six locations of the country in Figures 3.5-4a through f. a They include 0l per year interest rate, 20 year amortization of furnace and electrical resistance heaters, and 10 year amortization of heat pump and air conditioner costs. Figure 3.5-5 shows the effect of a 20 year amortization rate for the heat pumps and air conditioners, in the Boston area. Figures 35-6a and b show cost comparisons for the Omaha and Minneapolis areas without air conditioning. The first observation is that pure electrical resistance heating is extremely expensive compared to all of the other forms of heating considered, under all conditions studied. For example, in the New York area, at the current electricity price of about 5¢/kw-hr, electrical 136 resistance heat costs almost twice as much as the closest heat pump, some $1500/year more for the assumed load! It is very difficult to keep accurate information on gas and electricity prices in this era of rapidly increasing prices, but in all locations, electricity is probably less than 5¢/kw-hr currently, and gas, when available, is proabably around $3/million btu. A reasonable estimate for relatively near term ( 5 years or less) delivered price of natural gas is $5/million Btu because of inflation, shortages, and impending federal deregulation of the inter-state price of natural gas. The future prices of gas and electricity are difficult, if not impossible to accurately predict. Most estimates by experts, however, fall within the limits of $10/ million Btu for gas, year time span. and 10¢/kw-hr for electricity in the next 10-15 Within the above limits, we can conclude the following: San Francisco Studying the San Francisco plots in Figure 3.5-4a, we see that for such a mild climate, the larger capacity controlled heat pumps, having lower balance point temperatures, will never be economically competetive with the conventional (460 that area. However, we also balance point) heat pump for see that the conventional 460 BP heat pump is very close to being ecoinmaicallycompetitive with gas heat Charleston In the Charleston area, as seen in Figure 3.-4b large (210 BP) heat pumps are once again not economically feasible because of the 137 mild climate. Intermediate size heat pumps (32 and 370 BP) become economically competitive with the conventional (460 BP) unit at electricity prices greater than about 85¢/kw-hr. To be better than gas heat, however, the delivered price of gas would have to be greater than about $9/million Btu. The conventional (460 BP) heat pump is much closer to being economically competitive with gas. New York Figure 3.5-4c shows that in the New York area, the 320 BP capacity controlled heat pump becomes more economic than the conventional 370 BP heat pump at electricity prices greater than around 5.8¢/kw-hr. The 21°BP capacity controlled heat pump becomes better than the 32 BP unit at prices greater than about 8.6¢/kw-hr. All of the heat pumps are in the realm of being possibly competitive with gas heating, but at current prices, gas is the most economical heating method. Boston Figure 3.5-4d shows that in the Boston area, the 320 BP capacity controlled heat pump becomes better than the conventional 37 BP unit at electricity prices greater than about 4.6¢/kw-hr. Since current electricity prices in Boston are near this level already, the 320 BP capacity controlled heat pump is already economically feasible in comparison to the conventional unit, The 210 BP capacity controlled heat pump becomes better than the 320 BP unit at electricity prices greater than about 6.2¢/kw-hr, and hence will soon be the more 138 heat ,pump.ohe :I40 BP heat pump cannot operate'quite desirable as -efli'tciently as the 2i°BP unit in the Boston area because of limited low temperature -peration and :because .of the higher air f-lowand-f an power :requirements under the assumed conditions 21BP heat.pumps are The T 37, 32,, and 1 -wll within the -realm-ofbeing economically competitive-wih gas heating, but at current prices, gas is still ,the bast ,aiternattve, ifit Omaha and is available. ifnneapolis As ..seen nn Fgures 3,'594e and f, forcolder climates, the larger capacity controlled heat pumps, having loer :balance ,points, are already the most economic-heat pumps.-even at today's electricity prioes.. In addition, all are in the realm of possible competition with gas heating, but once again, at current gas and electricity pToes., gatss t.he -most -eonomiica aIternative when available. ComparingFigure 3.5-5 with Figure '3.5-4d for the Boston area, we see that., with a .20 year amortization period, the capacity controlled ,heat pumpsbecomebetter than the conventional heat pumpeven at today's electricity competitive prices., and therefore, with gas heating. the heat pumpsbecomemore As -mentioned earlier, however, a 20 expectancy s probably unmreldaitdcfor current components. Comparing Figures 3.5-6a and b to Figures '3,5-4e and f for Omahaand Minneapolis, ,conditioners) we see to gas that comparing heat pumps (which are also air heating without air conditioning makes the 139 the heat pumps appreciably less competitive with gas heating, but still not out of the realm of viability, should gas prices rise. As mentioned earlier, if the air conditioning feature is not desired, different types of heat pumps, more efficient and less costly, could be designed. Such heat pumps, for example, water sink, and/or storage systems, are currently under development by the industry9 . It can be concluded that capaicty controlled heat pumps hold the potential for being economically competitive with gas or oil heating in colder climates if gas or oil prices rise faster than electricity prices. Furthermore, the colder the climate, the more desirable a low balance point capacity controlled heat pump becomes, compared to conventional heat pumps. A comparison of heat pumps to gas or oil heating is not the entire picture, however, in the question of space heating. In many parts of the country today, new building starts simply cannot get natural gas or oil or heating. In such cases, the choice of heating often becomes that between electrical resistance or heat pump systems, and the capacity controlled heat pump would appear to be the best choice. References 1. U.S. Dept. of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatography of the U.S.Series No. 82, Decennial Census of U.S. Climate, Summary of Hourly Observations. 2. Discussions with heating. contractors, and the National Bureau of Standards. 140 3. Discussions with various heating contractors, for Carrier® burners, and others. 4. Bonne, U., Johnson, A.E., Glatzel, J., and Torborg, R., "Analysis of New England Oil Burner Data. Effect of Reducing Excess Firing Rate on Seasonal Efficiency", Final Report, Contract NB8-514736, (for Center for Building Technology, National Bureau of Standards, August, 1975). 5. "Utility Details its Heat-Pump Service Data", Electrical World (March 15, 1975) pg. 148-149. 6. From discussions with heat pump manufacturers. 7. Grainger's Wholesale Net Price Motorbook No. 341 Spring 1975, (Boston: W. W. Grainger, Inc., 1975) 8. Derived from Carrier ® Dealer Price Lists, 1975, 9. Many examples in the literature, for example: Comly, J.B., Jaster, H., Quaile, J.P., "Heat Pumps-Limitations and Potential", Report No. 75 CRD 185, General Electric Company Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, New York. 141 21 3 n 0 000 " . 1- 8 r:9 4 i I .o - = I .1 I X- O i r: Wa WLI!: Z,.HI . U P O WI e § o V o rr I. o n N ^ - d" z 00 I-.i b. 9 .4JNU-- v ". I ' < O n U . 8 ; .0 ~n(Y ~1 N O n . O N ! G rr O n (Y _ P - _ N .4 N fs . . I N . 8 8 8 *0 4 Nl N O o 4 4 I . N 8_ 8_ 8 8.. loI I I I 4 I .0 n X - 0 3i 5 n N C 8 4 _ 4 N U6rPi l a~":i . 0.0& rr.4 .0-0 .00 h. o 044 N e~8 .. Ii N 8.~~~~~~0 * . N N rn t N N r, t 0 N ID I a - N 0 RI a I I O 0 O n' .0 o ° , I I n 142 ad N I 4 - 0 P4 N C0 p4 'C N _l cY r N Co ' ccn <0 N 0 H 0 rC'4 o0 H UU) N Op P O %O C., N 0 C4 Ca p4 N % O %O 0 0 Lt) Un N C cno N 0 0r H E-4 r4 E-.E-4 OIII r N r4P4 Na :; O0 N P4 s0, 0cu 0 Ern C, Cv') N 0% CI4 5f .4 N N ! W N '4 Co 5 1,1 r0H Un ^ C') UN . . . rl 0 O 0 O X X ON 0 O 0,HI 0 \0 X X 'CC.)H @ u: ,_ c^CCI [x rv- P 0 O C) Ln ce a O O X X C3 rz P ~ v a C) V-l V - Ca rgv, 0 0 H r-l ao H 0' 0 H H; 4 CO 0) r-I w H Oi Ln C) 0) 4J U, H X H 0 Esn 00 0 r-f Co 00 0 H X 0 0 (O r-4 m N Ku u4 U, u 0 b1 z 0 Co 0o 0'I4 o 143 TABLE 3.5-3 GAS AND ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE FURNACE AND AIR CONDITIONER COSTS LOCATION SAN kRANCISCO CHARLESTON NEW YORK BOSTON OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS GAS $ 350 400 500 520 600 650 ELEC. (FANS INCL.) AoC. RES. '$ $ 227 311 424 452 481 1020 1020 1950 1950 1950 1950 565 TABLE 3.5-4 CONVENTIONAL HEAT PUMP COSTS AND AIR FLOWS(CARRIER) COST $ UNIT 50 50 50 50 50 DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ CONVENTIONAL AIR FLOWS INDOOR OUTDOOR (CFM) 004 006 008 1200 2418 FICT 3304 5600 016 6616 1200 2100 3220 4500 6330 (CFM) 1750 3700 5200 7500 10,000 CARRIER 50 DA 004 CARRIER 50 DA 006 144 TABLE .5,5 CAPACITY CONTROLLED HEAT PUMP COSTS -Outdoor -Compressor -Indoor Cost - Cost Conv.+(Ncyl) ( 500+$30 Controls Fan & Motor Fan & Motor Motor Credit Credit Credit LOCATION SAN FRANCISCO & CHARLESTON SIZE COST BREAKDOWN TOTAL COST 460BP 390 BP 320 BP 21 BP 1200 2418 + 4(5) + 30- 23 - 15 - 13 3304 + 4(5) + 30 - 15 - 17 - 27 5600 + 6(5) + 30 - 80 - 50 - 49 1200 2417 3295 5481 370 BP 320°BP 210 BP 140 BP 2418 3304 + 4(5) + 30- 15 - 17 - 27 5600 + 6(5) + 30 - 80 - 50 - 49 6616 + 6(5) + 30- 45 - 75 - 78 2418 3295 5481 6478 145 FIGURE 3.5-1 WEATHER DATA YEARLY AVERAGE TIME SPENT IN 5F TEMPERATURF BANDS 2400, 2200 1600 (a) SAN FRANCISCO 1400 1200 hours 100' year 800 600 400 200 0 1 0 -20 · -10 · 0 I 10 1- 20 30 .- i 40 i1 Ambient TemperaL-re (F . A^ 14UU -- 50 60 7, l- 70 . A- 90 - 100 db) _ r 1200 1000 E 80 K (b) _ CHARLESTON . hours year 800 - 600 - r _- 400 200 0 -30 -20 _. waft -10 0 - 10 . 20 30 40 _ 50 Ambient Temperature (F _ 60 db) -- m 70 i - 80 h 90 100 146 . I ^^ 1000 K 800 hours year 600 400 200 O -30 -20 -10 0 10 30 20 50 40 Ambient Temperature 60 80 70 90 100 (°F db) ^^ lU00 r . I 1000 (d) BOSTON = hours year 600 400 200 0 m A -30 -20 -10 -~ 0 -j-F 10 I 20 I l_ 30 ! 40 II 50 I -I 60 Ambient Temperature (F db) ----- · l- 70 ! I _ . 80 _ _ __ -___ 90 100 147 . And lzUk) r' 1030 hours year (e) OMAHA 800 600 400 K I l 200 0 I - -30 . - - -20 -10 - - 0 - - 10 - - 20 = - J l L = ! ml 30 40 50 60 Ambient Temperature (F db) - 70 . I l- i - -I--, - 80 90 100 80 90 100 AA, 1 1 (f) MINNEAPOLIS hours year -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ambient Temperature (F 60 db)- 70 148 FIGURE 3.5-2 rAC F1TTQGA'F IDTTDFlIDPDDP'C 1 $ 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Furnace eat Output (1000's of Btu/hr)-- FIGURE 3.5-3 EXAMPLE OF COMPRESSOR POJE R REDUCTION CARRIER MODEL 50 D 016 HEAT PUMP WITH CAPACITY CONTROL 20 LV. 16 12 'BP 8 'BP 1 KW 'RP 4 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Outdoor Air Temperature (F) - 60 70 149 FIGURE 3,5-4 COMPARISON OF TOTAL YEARLY FEATING COSTS, INCLUDING AMORTIZATION OF CAPITAL,FOR HEAT PPS vs FORCED AIR ELECTRICAT RESISTANCE A) -GAS FURNACES WITH AIR Amortization' CONDITIONERS 10X/yr int. IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS Gas furnace - 20 yr, Air cond. Elec. res. ~fAA AWUL 2000 Total Cost of 1500 ras Price 1000 6 106Rtu Heating or 500 10ft 3 O u z 4 6 8 Electricity Price (/kw-hr) (a) In SAN FRANCISCO eat 2500 Elec. res pumps 2000 21 BP Total Cost of 1500 37"BP 32 BP Heating as Price 1000 Gas furnace 10 Btu 500 2 4 4 t' Electricity Price (/kw-hr)v (b) CHARLESTON vr - 20 yr, Heat pumps - 10 vr 10 3 ft3 u .JL o 150 tps 4000 -I Otftps Elec. res. 37 ORP :0- 32°' 21aFP TO 13000 Total - jfm Cost Gas 6 Price of Heating 2 0 0 0 4 / Gas furnace 2 1000 k 1n6 tu or 103ft3 I 0 I , 0 , 2 I, I 4 , A 6 a in 8 Electricity Price (/kw-hr)(c) NEW YORK Peat ennn N I[ 11 I -I pumps m Elec. es. ri 37 BP 14'BP 321 IP Total 4000 Cost of Heating I 30 00 m Gas I - (Gr 2000 I w . is furnace '%r^ 106Atu 6 ,0 13ft3 v I 0 -4 or ;_ CI Price 3 12 -- Iill!J 6 I . 2 I I 4 Electricity Price (d) i 6 (f/kw-hr) BOSTON 8 10 = 151 6nn In A Peat Total Dumps Cost of 37 Heatir.R R 32 p 21 °RBP 14 OBp 20 Gas Price 10C 10tu or -" (e) 0 ft 3 t/kw-hr) 10 OpAHA- RBnn I neat PUmIs Total Cost 37 °Bp of 3 Reating 4 2 20Bp 1 ORp 14 204 op Cas Price 06tu or 0fp -'-cN /kw-hr) MNAP%0LIq 10 152 FIGURE 3.5-5 COMPARISON OF TOTAL YEARLY VFATING COSTS, INCLUDING AMORTIZATION OF CAPITAL, FOR HEAT PUMPS vs FORCED AIR ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND GAS FURNACES WITHI AIR CONDITIONERS IN THE BOSTON AREA furnace - 20 yr, Amortization: 10/yr int. Gas Elec. res. - 20 vr, eAf Juvw Air cond. - 20 vr Reat pumps - 20 yr [- -1 Elec. res.. I Total eat pumps 37.yrP 32·RP 21°RP 4000 Cost of 3000 Heating //~J ,I I Gas 6 Price 2000 4 1000 " I Gas furnace 2 2 a: 0 2 I 4 a 6 Electricity Price (kw-hr) BOSTON I 8 0 1(cI 106Btu or -fhi 10 ft v 153 FIGURE 3.5-6 COMPARISON OF TOTAL YEARLY EATING COSTS, INCLUDING AMORTIZATION OF CAPITAL, FOR HEAT PUMPS vs FORCED AIR ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND GAS FURNACES WITHOUT AIR COJTDITIONERS Gas furnace - 20 yr, Elec. res. Air cond. - 20 yr, - none eat pumps- 10 yr Heat .. ,.n VVuU 5000 Cost 4000 37Bp :7 Elec. res.- _ t pumVs - 320RP - 21°BP 140RP Total of Heating -_ (IM I3000 ,Z 2000 i 1000 a, 8 Price _ J w >i6 - - Gas furnace 0 ! 2 0-9Z_-r - 'a -' 4 6 Electricity Price (/kw-hr)---(a) 4i 8 $6 4 106Btu or 2 -1 - *6 0 t 103ft3 10 OMAHA geat Q^na ouu -r^ pumup 37 BP 32*BP t 210°P 600 14 0BP Total Cost Ga S ,-I Pri,ce ..A of 400 Heatin 0 0 f ) 200 6 Lt6 2 $ ( Electricity Price (kw-hr) (b) MINNEAPOLIS = 103ft3 154 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN AND TEST OF AN EARLY SUCTION-VALVE CUT-OFF MECHANISM FOR COMPRESSOR CAPACITY CONTROL A detailed description of the early suction-valve cut-off method of compressor capacity control, and a mechanism for achieving such control, are presented in this chapter. The mojor components of the device have been constructed and were tested under simulated compressor conditions 155 SECTION 4.1 COMPRESSOR CAPACITY CONTROL VIA EARLY SUCTION-VALVE CLOSING Closing the suction valve of a compressor prematurely on the inta- stroke is an efficient means of capacity control. Such an approach is efficient because, instead of throttling the gas into and back out of the cylinder, as with some conventional capacity reducing devices such as valve unloaders or late suction valve closing devices, cylinder. a reduced amount of gas is taken into the The gas in the cylinder after the suction valve (or a secondary valve just upstream of the normal suction valve) is closed is then expanded until the piston reaches bottom dead center (BDC), and then recompressed. The expansion and recompression process is shown compared to a normal compressor in the P-V diagram of Figure 4.1-1. The amount of capacity or flow redurcion is controlled by controlling the time after top dead center (TDC) at which the suction valve is closed. If power to run the early suction-valve closing (cut-off) device is available, then complete capacity variation from 0 to 100% is possible. The present work is concerned with a cut-off mechanism which has few moving parts, and which may be installed on most existing compressor designs, including hermetically sealed compressors, with very little modification. A simple schematic of the device is illustrated in Figure 41-2. The mechanism has essentially three moving parts: 156 1. Timer-spool valve 2. Power piston 3. Slide valve. The slide valve is a secondary valve which is installed as close as possible upstream of the normal suction valve. It is the slide valve which is closed during the intake stroke to limit the amount of gas taken into the cylinder. Motion of the slide valve is essentially "bang-bang" motion, to avoid throttling losses through the valve during closing, and is caused by motion of the power piston. Power to move the power piston is supplied directly from the pressure differential between suction and discharge sides of the compressor. Timing control of the power piston/slider combination is provided by the timer-spool valve. The timer-spool valve operates like a normal spool valve in that its function is power piston. However, timing control of the power piston is governed by the travel time of the spool. valve is to reverse the flow to the The travel time of the time-spool a function of its mass and the pressure differential acting across the two ends of the spool. Tests have shown that frictional forces may be neglected, being significantly less than the inertia forces required to move the spool. valve is A unique feature of the timer-spool the fact that it is powered and timed directly by cylinder pressure, and the device needs no connection to the crankshaft. The travel time of the timer-spool valve, and hence the closing point of 157 the slider valve, may be controlled merely by setting an appropriate control pressure, condition. Pc , which is constant for any particular operating The control pressure P can be supplied through a simple pressure regulator from discharge pressure, and can be actively controlled in a manner similar to thermal expansion valves to maintain a desired operating condition, such as constant condensing pressure. Operation of the above cut-off mechanism through one complete cycle is described in Figure 4.1-3. Reference 1. Proceedings of the 1972 and 1974 Purdue Compressor Technology Conference (Purdue Research Foundation, 1972 and 1974). 158 P P P p P 8 -V min V' dvc P-V V 'svo V V- Vvc dvo V NVU _ max & V Vdvc DIAGRAMS FOR CONVFNTIONAL AND CAPACITY CONTROlLED COMPRSSntS FIGURE 4.1-1 Suction pressure Control P c pressul Timer-spool Discharge pressure SCHEMATIC OF THE EARLY SUCTION-VALVE FIGURE 4.1-2 CUT-OFF MECHANISM 159 FIGURE 4.1-3 OPERATION OF THE CUT-OFF MECHANISM THROUGH ONE COMPLETE CYCLE S t f (a) At tnn dad pressure center rvinder is anproximatelv at discharge pressure, the slide valve is open, and the timerspool valve is to the left as shown, because Pvl s cyl > Pcc P (b) After TDCcylinder pressure falls rapidly to suction pressure, at which time the normal suction valve opens and admits gas into the cylinder. At some point during the rapid drop in pressure the control pressure P becomes greater than the cylinger pressure Pyl and the timer-spool valve begins to move. P a t-% %;_\ After a travel time determined by the mass of the timer-spool valve and the applied pressure differential (P - Pc), P the timer-spool valve - reverses the pressure differential across the power piston, causing the slide valve to snap closed. 160 P (d) S __ gas in tne cyllnder arter the slide valve is closed is then expanded until the piston reaches BDC, while the slide valve remains closed. The small volume between the slide valve and the normal suction valve is also reduced in pressure. Ine P (e) P P C P P c _ The gas in the cylnaer is compressed. The normal suction valve is closed because of the pressure differential across it. when the cylinder pressure rises above P , the timer-spool valve moves bck to its original position, causing the slide valve to reopen. (f) The gas in the cylinder is discharged and the cycle is repeated. 161 SECTION 4.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A number of design limitations for the device presented in section 4.1 are apparent: 1. The design presented is powered by the pressure difference across the compressor. There must, therefore, exist a limiting pressure differential below which the device cannot function without excessive power consumption, and, hence, there is a limit to the amount of capacity reduction possible. 2. The percentage of mass flow and power required by the device will grow as greater amounts of capacity reduction are used because total compressor power is reduced. 3. The diameter and travel of the timer-spool valve should be kept as small as possible, to reduce the power requirement, and the effect on clearance volume of the compres- sor. The diameter and travel must, however, be large enough to provide adequate passage areas for flow to and from the power piston. Moreover, the mass of the timer- spool valve must be balanced against the desired minimum effective operating pressure differential and resulting driving force. (Trade-off between spool diameter, spool material, and maximum cut-off condition.) 162 4. The diameter ;and travel 'of the power piston should be kept as small as possible to reduce power consumption -and amount .of hot discharge gas vented to the suction gas. The travel of the power piston, however, must be large enough to provide adequate 'flow area for the slide valve. Moreover, the mass of the power piston and slide valve must be balanced against the minimum available driving pressure differential and resulting driving force, to provide adequate response time while overcoming slider valve friction. (Trade-off between piston diameter, pis- ton mass and/or material, and maximum cut-off condition.) 5. The volume of flow passages between power piston and timer-spool valve, and between timer-spool valve and cylinder, should be as small as possible, to reduce power consumption and increase response time. The above limitations require that we determine the following information before we proceed with design of the cut-off mechanism for any particular compressor: 1. Compressor speed 2. Minimum and maximum travel time of timer-spool valve 3. Travel time of power piston and slide valve at maximum cut-off condition (maximum 4. travel time) Required flow area for slide valve, and, hence, required travel of power piston 163 Required flow areas for power piston and timer-spool 5. valve Suction and discharge pressures at maximum and minimum 6. cut-off Compressor speed is dictated by the particular compressor being studied. Required flow area for the slide valve can be as- sumed equal to the flow area provided for the normal suction valve Required travel of the slide valve and as a first approximation. power piston can then be estimated by space constraints, strength of materials constraints, and fabrication procedure constraints. Required flow areas for the power piston and spool valve passages must be determined by trial and error, since initially we do not know the size of either power piston or spool valve. Maximum travel time for the power piston and slide valve are fixed for a given compressor, the limiting factor being throttling of the suction gas. Minimum and maximum travel times for the timer-spool valve, and suction and discharge pressures at minimum and maximum cut-off are determined ticular application. from the intended control function in a par- In the present work, the capacity controlled heat pumpstudies of Chapter 3 have provided the latter information. · Quantitive discussion of the above parameters is given in the following section on cut-off mechanism design. 164 SECTION 4.3 CUT-OFF MECHANISM DESIGN The challenging task in designing the cut-off mechanism is to create a device that will function both controllably and reliably for long periods of time with low power consumption. Because the design task becomes more difficult as the speed of the compressor is increased, and the size is decreased, present design efforts center on a device to function in a small 3 ton, 2 cylinder, high speed (3600 RPM) hermetic refrigeration compressor. This compressor, when installed in a heat pump, would yield approximately a nominal 2.8 ton heating capacity. Figure 4.3-1 shows the suction valve and the cylinder side of the head plate of the compressor in question, while Figure 4.3-2 shows the discharge valve, the suction/discharge manifold, and the manifold side of the head plate. Figure 4.3-3 shows how the cut-off mechanism is designed to fit into the compressor. A separate cut-off mechanism is required for each cylinder, but only one control pressure regulator is required, and it may be located either inside or outside of the hermetic shell. Note that the actual mechanism is very small, and therefore is easily added to the compressor. The only changes required are a new head plate, and a slightly modified suction/discharge manifold. The normal valves in the above compressor, which remain intact, are of the ring-plate type. The slide valve has therefore been designed as a semi-ring valve, and would have a 165 rotary sliding motion. The rotary sliding motion requires something other than a rigid connection between the power piston and the slide valve, but motions are relatively small, so the problem should be a minor one. The required travel of the outer edge of the slide valve is found to be .187 inches when enough port area is provided to equal the original port area shown in Figure 43-2. If the slide valve is recessed into the'head plate slightly, then the suction/ discharge manifold can remain unchanged except possibly for a slight recess to clear the power piston chamber which protrudes from the head plate. We need to estimate the minimum and maximum travel time of the timer-spool valve, and the suction and discharge pressures at maximum and minimum cut-off before we can size the various components. Using values obtained from the capacity controlled heat pump studies of Chapter 3, we find for t 14 F balance point case (the most severe case of low operating pressure differential nd minimum travel times): Maximum cut-off occurs at evaporator entering air temperature 650F (Vcut mi n ) - Cutoff T 16°F sat cond T s evap 1 - 480 F VD P sat cond Psat evap s 260 psia 96 psia 166 Minimum cut-off occurs at evaporator entering air temperature . 140 F Cutoff T T sat cond sat - 0 1160 F Pat sat cond 260 psia -30° P 36 psia evap sat evap The maximum cut-off condition corresponds to a 62% capacity reduction compared to the conventional compressor operating with the same suction and discharge pressures. The actual value of the"cutoff" parameter to achieve 62% capacity reduction would vary with different compressors and with different pressure levels. We shall assume, how- ever, that the present 3 ton high speed compressor, and the Carrier 14 ton 06D-537 compressor of the heat pump simulations in Chapters 2 and 3, behave in the same manner. The latter assumption is probably far from true, but at least it provides us with data for a first design study. From the definition of the capacity control parameter "cutoff" we can find the time ater TDC at which the slide valve must be closed to give the desired maxinm cut-off. Our assumed maximum capacity reduction condition is 62% reduction with cutoff - .64. In reality the cut-off mechanism will consume part of the mass flow produced by the compressor, so that less than cutoff - capacity reduction. If .64 is required for 62% we assume that the cut-off mechanism requires 167 about 15% of the reduced mass flow output of the compressor, then, as a first approximation, only cutoff = .60 is required. (The "cutoff" parameter is not synonomous with percent capacity or masp flow reduction.) The time after TDC at which the slide valve must be closed to give the desired maximum flow reduction is found using the approximate expression for cylinder volume as a function of crank angle (see Appendix V = E ) + (1- Cos ) V.D 2 (V CUTOFF -- 1- -= 1 -V Vcutmin vD V cut + VR =D where: V ut = Volume of cylinder when suction valve is closed Vmin - Minimum cylinder volume VD = Displacement volume per cylinder VR =V 8 = O at TDC min/ V D * Therefore: .60 cutoff -1 = Cos [1 + 2(.6 - 1)] (clearance volume) 168 - 77.90 ATDC - 1.36 radians then, at 3600 RPM, t 60 - .0036 sec ATDC cutoff At 3600 RPM, total tinme per revolution is .0167 sec, and for one half revolution - .0083 sec. The maximum allowable travel time of the power piston and slider valve, in order to avoid excessive throttling of the suction gas through the valve as it closes, has been calculated to be about .0016 sec. in the above 3600 RPM compressor. The time after TDC at which the timer-spool valve must reach full travel is .002 sec ATDC for the maximum cutoff condition. thus about Assuming conservatively that the motion of the timer-spool valve does not start until cylinder pressure drops to suction pressure, we can determine the fastest necessary travel time of the spool. Using ideal gas laws we can estimate the time required for the cylinder pressure to fall from discharge pressure PD to suction pressure PS: PVn coast n 1.2 - Polytropic Expansion Exponent Then PD V D n min PS S V 8VO n svo suction valve opening 169 1 (062) 60 psa \96 psia VD = esvO t svo .14 Cos = (062) 32.9 1 - 2 (.14° = .062)] 57 RAD = .0015 sec ATDC The minimum required travel time of the timer-spool valve is hence .0005 sec., occuring at the maximum cut-off condition. The maximum required travel time of the timer-spool valve occurs at minimum cutoff, near the balance point ambient temperature. The closing point of the slider valve would be just after BDC, with the timer-spool valve reaching full travel approximately at BDC, .0083 At the minimum cut-off condition the suction pressure is sec ATDC. dbout 36 psia, giving an opeiing point for the suction valve about .0028 sec ATDC. The maximum travel time of the timer-spool valve would hence be about .0083 - .0028 = .0055 sec. In summary, the design conditions are as follows: 3600 RPM 1. Compressor speed 2. Minimum required travel time of timer-spool valve .0005 sec. 3. Maximum required travel time of timer-spool valve .0055 sec. 4. Maximum allowable travel time of power piston and slide valve .0016 sec 170 .187 in. 5. Required travel of power pistoh 6. Required flow passage areas - determined later 7. Suction & Discharge pressures at maximum cut-off 96 psia and slide valve and 260 psia 8. Suction & discharge pressures at minimum cut-off 36 psia and 260 psia Design of timer-spool valve Tests have shown that nylon is valve because it is a good material for the spool light in weight and has moderately good resiliency, which gives it good life characteristics when repeatedly hitting the end walls of the spool valve chamber. The durability of nylon under conditions of high temperature (3000F) and chemical attack from refrigerant or contaminants is unknown. There exist a number of similar materials, however, which have been developed for the space program, and which should have adequate durability in the compressor environment. tests For the latter reason, calculations and performed using nylon are felt to be indicative of achievable performance levels. Assuming the spool starts with zero velocity and acceleration, the equation of motion for the spool is: m - F - Ff where Ff= Frictional Force F - Driving Force 171 Integrating twice, assuming F and Ff are independent of x , we get: (F - Ff) tc t + C m - (F-Ff) 2 + C1 t + C2 m 2 1 2 and using zero velocity and travel at t - 0 , the equation of motion for the timer-spool valve reduces to: t2 2 (F -F) m 2mx 22 (F -Ff) Neglecting friction, which has been experimentally verified as a valid assumption, we have: 2mx F- t 2 For a spool similar to that shown in Figure 4.1-2, having a diameter of .125 in, the mass is estimated to be .00025 lbm. The travel of the spool would be .090 in. Using the minimum travel time of .0005 sec, the required driving force would hence be F - .47 lbf. (P + P) Assuming that control pressure P - cmavail avail P < 178 psia c- 2 2 we find ,efind 172 then 2 Fmax . r-(p 4 avail cmax _p)s avail avail F 1.01 lbf max avail We see that with the specified spool size there is more than enough driving froce available to operate the timer-spool valve. The control pressure for the maximum cut-off operating condition would be set equal to P -P c + .47 lbf 471bf s 2 4 - 96 psia + 38.3 psi Pc- 134.3 psia and, at minimum cut-off F - P - 36 psia + 3.08 psi req .038 lbf - 39 psia The above control pressures should be easily obtainable with a relatively simple pressure regulator operating from discharge pressure. Design of the power piston Friction and mass of the slide valve must be known before the 173 power piston can be designed. The slide valve shown in Figure 4.3-3 should probably be made of high strenth polished steel, as are normal suction and discharge valves. Using a thickness of .008 in., as in many normal suction valves, the mass of the slider would be about .005 lbm. Frictional force on the slide valve is expected to be proportional to the normal force, as in conventional sliding friction. Ff = fF n where: f - F - normal force n Ff coefficient of friction resulting frictional force - The normal force F arises from the pressure difference between suction pressure and pressure of tl. expanded gas inside the cylinder after cut-off. The minimum pressure in the cylinder, occuring at BDC, can be estimated using ideal gas laws and is found to be about 35 psia. The resulting pressure difference across the slide valve is hence 96-35 61 psi. The coefficient of friction for rough- polished high strength spring steel on rough-polished low carbon steel was found from measurements to be approximately .18. We shall use the latter value in the design of the test parts, but in reality steel on steel would not be' a good combination for extended running. A more probable combination would be something like a high strength 174 steel slide valve running on a sintered carbide, molybdenum impregnated seat pressed into the head plate. The latter combination of steel slide valve and dry-lubricant seat would have a much lower coefficient of friction, possibly .1 or less. is The flow area of the slide valve approximately .6 in2, yielding for the lower value of coefficient of friction, Ff = 3.66 lbf. Knowing the mass and friction of the slide valve, we can proceed to size the power piston. A power piston design which should be easy to produce and assemble in the mechanism is shown in Figure 43-4 Material would probably be a high strength steel, with an adequate radius between head and shank to reduce stress concentrations. In addition, it is important to provide some sort of spring or cushioning material on the ends of the piston or cylinder to prevent damage to both when hitting the end walls continually. Providing such resilient surfaces is not viewed as a major problem. The equation motion for the power piston- slide valve assembly is similar to that of the spool valve: 2mx 2 m (F - Ff) t Using a steel power piston having a head diameter (D H ) a shank diameter of to be .0028 lbm. (DsH) of .25 in and .050 in, mass of the piston is estimated Using the maximum travel time of .0016 sec, with a travel of .187 in, and a slide valve mass of .005 lbm, the required driving force becomes: 175 *.PFr= req 3.66 lbf + 2.87 lbf = 6.48 lbf Available driving force at the maximum cut-off condition would be: 'T 4 F avail F , avail D2 H D 2 S[D H 1 (P- P ) 7.7 lbf which is sufficient. Flow passage sizing The maximum volume flow rate into the power piston chamber is approximately ' VFR max imax power piston xs power piston piston - .0066 ft3/sec The speed of sound at discharge temperature and pressure in R-22 is about 580 ft/sec, yielding a minimum allowable flow area of about .0066ft 3/sec Aflow ' 580 ft/sec - = 00164 n2 power piston Assuming the flow passages leading to the power piston are rectangular, .045 in X .125 in, sufficient, the available flow area is .0056 in2, which is 176 The maximum volume flow rate into the timer-spool valve chamber is: max timerrpool spool spool valve timerspool valve valve = .00255 ft3/sec then: Aflow flow timerspool valve -4 6.2 x 10 in 2 Assuming a round flow passage, the minimum allowable diameter of the passage would be: Dlow - .028 in timerspool valve power consumption During each complete revolution or cycle of the compressor, the power piston chamber is filled with gas at discharge pressure and then completely emptied twice. By comparison, the spool valve chamber is filled and emptied only once. The connecting passages between the spool valve and the power piston, and between the cylinder and the spool valve, are each raised to discharge pressure and lowered to 177 The total mass vented suction pressure once during the cycle. from discharge to suction pressure during once complete cycle is hence: mto = m power piston t + m + mspool passages valve If we assume the length of each flow passage leading to the power piston is .6 in, and the length of the flow passage leading from the cylinder to the spool valve is 1 in, then, at the maximum cutoff condition: PD = P - 96 psia S TD 260 psia T a 216°F = 75°F 3.57 lbm/ft 3 PD Ps = 1.61 lbm/ft 3 and m M l 3.71 x 103 - power piston .21 x 13 -__ lbm lbm cimer spool valve pAsmsag passages mtot a - .82 x 10 lbm 4.74 x 10-5 lbm Total mass flow consumption is 5nconsumed Ued = (4.74 x 10 1 - 5 10.2 (hr) cyl hence 5. lbm' cycle ) ( ;cycles, ) (60m min 3600 hr 3600 m in 178 The mass flow rate of the 2 cylinder compressor under study is approximately 130 lbm/hr under the above suction and discharge pressures and 62% capacity reduction. therefore requires mass (2) (10.2) 130 - The cut-off mechanism 15.7% flow, as originally assumed. of the total resultant Since 16% of the total compressor flow goes to operating the cutoff mechanism in the small compressor being studied, the COPNF be reduced by approximately 15Z from value at maximum cut-off would that predicted without considering the power required to run the mechanism. COPBF Overall would be reduced somewhat less because of the large effect of fan power on total system power consumption, a reduction of COPBF by 10% seems probable. A reduction of COPBF is unacceptable for the capacity controlled heat pump. by 10% It should be remembered, however, that the design condition was a 140F balance point, which means that the unit would put out a maximum of about 1.4 tons at 140F ambient temperature, which signifies an extremely small heat load. In reality, we would use a much larger heat pump and compressor to achieve a 14°F balance point in a normal heat load application. A design balance point of 21°F or higher would be a more realistic application for the small 3 ton compressor of the present study. Relaxing the maximum capacity reduction operating point to the 21 F balance point curve would provide a higher pressure differential for operating the cut-off mechanism, and would require 179 less cut-off and result in higher mass flow from the compressor. The size of the mechanism would thereby be reduced, and the percentage of flow required to run the cut-off mechanism would be significantly reduced. The forces required to actuate the cut-off mechanism are strongly dependent on compressor speed. In addition, as displacement per cylinder is increased (i.e. surface to volume ratio is decreased) the percentage of mass flow required to operate the cut-off mechanism decreases. Therefore, large slow speed compressors require considerably less power to run the cut-off mechanism than do small, high speed compressors. 180 SUCTION VALVE AND CYLINDER SIDE OF HEAD PLATE - 3 TON COMPRESSOR FIGURE 4,3-1 DISCHARGE VALVE, SUCTION/DISCHARGE MANIFOLD, AND MANIFOLD SIDE OF HEAD PLATE - 3 TON COMPRESSOR FIGURE 4,3-2 182 n _ _ · · paas A _ i iI .- , f / -11, 1 J !l I I I i, SUGGESTED POWER PISTON DESIGN FIGURE 4.3-4 _ 181 Suction Discharge __ __ J __ _ t FIGURE 4.3-3 )FF TI.CHANISM DESIGN TO IN A 3 TON .FRMETIC :GERATION CPRESSOR ide valve own open) ,rge manifold Bead plate Cylinder jacket Section A-A 183 SECTION44 EXPERIMENTAL CUT-OFF MECHANISM Sizes of the timer-spool valve and power piston as experimentally tested were larger than described in the previous section. Larger components were used because of the difficulty with making small components on the machining equipment available. Figure 4.4-1 shows the actual spool (nylon) and power piston (steel) as tested. Diameter of the spool was 3/16 in. Mass of the spool as measured on an electronic balance was found to be .19 grams = .00042 lbmo Travel of the spool was .090 in, and, using the minimum travel time of .0005 sec, the required driving force was maximum cut-off the control pressure P c P c F = .78 lbf. At would be set to: = 96 psia + 28 psi = 124 psia and, at minimum cut-off: Pc = 36 psia + .23 psi = 36.23 psi Maintaining the latter small pressure differential would be a difficult task, so the experimental device was expected to have slightly inadequate minimum cut-off (maximum spool travel time) behavior. The test power piston shown in Figure 44-1 consisted of a steel piston silver soldered to a piece of .032 in O.D. stainless steel tubing. The piston was silver soldered only on the short end 184 of the tubing to avoid weakening the other end of the tbing. Unfortumately, as discussed later, the end which was silver soldered failed early in the testing because of loss of strength and stress concentrations from the soldering process, Diameter of the piston was .388 in., with an assembled mass of 1.4 grams - .0031 lbm. Mass of the test slide valve shown in Figure 4.4-2 was adjusted to .005 Ibm as assembled with the mask for the photo-sensing equal system. The coefficient of friction between the spring steel slide valve and the low carbon steel slide valve seat was measured to be Frictional force on the slide valve at the simulated maximum .18. cut-off condition would -be 6.4 ibf. Total required driving force using a travel of .187 in and a travel time of .0016 sec would then be 9.1 bf. Available driving force would be: Pa ail (PD - P) [D 2 DS 2 ] - 14,6 lbf Hence we see that more than enough driving force would be available. 185 I I EXPERIMENTAL POWER ?ISTON (LEFT) AND SPOOL VALVE (RIGHT) FIGURE 4.4-1 SLIDE VALVE & SLIDE VALVE CHAMBER, SHOWING PHOTO-SENSING SYSTEM & MASK ON SLIDER FIGURE 4.4-2 186 SECTION 4.5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS PURPOSE The purpose of the test apparatus was to simulate pressure vs. time behavior inside a compressor cylinder. The entire cut- off mechanism was then tested operating relative to the simulated cylinder pressure trace. Compressed air was used as the working fluid. APPARATUS A schematic of the test system is shown in Figure 4.5-1. The major component of the system is the pressure pulsator, a rotary valve device which can produce a square wave pressure pulse of variable high pressure/low pressure pulse duration. Coupled to a 3600 RPM motor through a stepped pulley drive, the pulsator can be used to simulate cylinder pressure vs. time traces for various compressor speeds and various pressure positive displacement compressors. ratios across Compressed air is supplied to all components of the test system from a large 200 psig laboratory compressor. Air from the compressor is delivered to a large pres- sure storage vessel at the test site, and from there is distributed through various pressure regulators and accumulators which damp out pressure pulsations from components such as the pulsator. 187 Figure 4.5-2 shows a close-up view of the pulsator, connected to the timer-spool valve, power piston, slide valve chamber,-and supporting components. A Kistler 601A dynamic pressure transducer is located flush with the deliverty port from the pressure pulsator and measures pressure output from the pulsator directly as it is A cross-sectional applied to the end of the timer-spool valve. schematic of the test apparatus is shown in Figure 4.5-3. The spool valve runs directly against the end surfaces of both the pressure pulsator and the control pressure chamber. Motion of the timer-spool valve is detected using fiber optic bundles which pass through the width of the spool valve chamber and stop very close to the spool itself, as shown in Figure 4.5-4. A photo-sensing system is connected to the free ends of the fiber optics bundles. Total travel time and percent of travel is measured by the action of the center land of the spool blocking off the light beam. Motion of the spool and resulting signal output are shown schematically in Figure 4.5-5. The power piston shank was silver soldered to the slide valve as shown in Figure 4.4-2. The slide valve chamber, also shown in Figure 4.4-2, was provided with slots vented to atmosphere, over which the slide valve moved. The slots were always covered by the slide valve, having been provided not to allow air flow, but rather to properly model the frictional force on the slider. 188 The entire slide valve chamberwas sealed and pressurized to create the normal force on the slide valve. The slide valve was found to have an excellent seal against loss of air pressure through the slots. Motion of the slide valve-power piston assembly was monitored onceagainusingfiber optics and a photo-sensing also shown in Figure 4.4-2. A mask was mounted on the slide system, valve and carefully located such that motion of the assembly could be accurately measured. output Motion of the assembly and resulting signal are shown schematically in Figure 4.5-6. Slide valve chamber pressure, control pressure, and power piston supply pressure were all measured with calibratedbourdon tube pressure gauges, pressure in each case being static rather than dynamic. The response time for the photo-sensing was on the order of 10-6sec. system used The Kistler pressure transducer was calibrated dynamically by first statically calibrating a Tyco 0-200 psi static-dynamic pressure transducer, and then calibrating the Kistler against the Tyco. RESULTS Experimental results for the motion of the timer-spool valve are given in Figures 4.5-7 and 4.5-8. The minimum travel time of the timer-spool valve can be seen to be approximately .0005 sec., which agrees well with our design calculations. Note that the timer-spool valve has a tendency to bounce upon hitting the steel 189 end walls. Bouncing of the spool did not affect motion of the power piston, but could possibly reduce life of the spool. Long term durability of the spool could be assured by using resilient end walls instead of steel. Required durability of the spool for a 20 year lifetime, assuming that the cut-off mechanism would be in use one half of each year, would be: Required Durability = (3600 cyes min cles) (60 min) 24 day days) yr C( 20 yrs) = 1.89 x 1010 cycles It should be noted that the nylon spool valve shown in Figure 4.4-1 has successfully passed a 1 million cycle durability test with no change in operating behavior, while running against bare steel end walls. The maximum travel time after top dead center achievable with the above nylon spool is slightly faster than desired because, as expected, the low control pressure necessary to produce the desired travel time could not be practically achieved. Motion of the timer-spool valve becomes erratic at control pressures less than about 1 psi above simulated suction pressure. Performance of the entire cut-off mechanism, including power piston and slider, was also examined. but brief. Performance was satisfactory The power piston shown in Figure 4.4-1 consisted of a steel piston silver soldered to a piece of .032 in. O. D. stainless steel tubing. Various methods of attaching the piston to the 190 tubing were tried, including anaerobic sealing, heat shrinking, and silver soldering, but only soldering was successful. Solder- ing was done only on the short side of the tubing (the portion of tubing which carries no axial load). Unfortunately, the heat re- quired for silver soldering weakened the tubing and gave rise to stress concentrations. When installed for testing, the short end of the stainless steel tubing broke off at the solder joint within seconds after the power piston was first put into motion. The power piston continued to function, however, without support at the rear of the piston. Tests were run for approximately 15 minutes before the other part of the tubing broke off at the front surface of the piston. Failure in the latter case was probably a result of fatigue caused by oscillation of the piston without a rearwardsupport. No pictures were made recording response of the slide valve before the power piston failed completely. The following observa- tions were made, however, while studying performance before failure occured. 1. No power piston or slide valve bounce occured, even with no pressure in the slide valve chamber. 2. Travel time of the power piston and slide valve was less that .001 sec. at power piston supply pressures greater than 80 psig and with slide valve chamber pressure less 191 than 30 psig. 3. (No higher slider pressures were tried.) At short travel times (maximum cut-off condition) for the timer-spool valve, the power piston-slide valve assembly had more than adequate response time. 4. At long travel times (minimumcut-off condition) of the timer-spool valve, the power piston-slide valve assembly had faster than expected response. The performance of the power piston-slider assembly was as good as or better than expected, except for the last point mentioned above. The earlier than expected closing time of the slide valve was probably a result of an inaccurately machined spool, which opened the port leading to the power piston sooner than desired. 192 Pressure Regulators. Ci~v~ 9v,~1 rpwa 4 J I Accum III Precision f otor Voltage Sunolv For Photo Collector k 0 -- e Oscillb'-Cd~ot %,%JLL U -. J 1 Pressure Chamber SCHEMATIC OF TEST SYSTM FIGURE ,4.5-1 193 CLOSE-UP VIEW OF PULSATOR CONNECTED TO TEST PARTS FIGURE 4,5-2 AdIoI I_ -r _ r _ _ MnA PFnr to -Sens. ten lide Valve Pres nts to nosphere (P) P PC c '/ Power Piston Pressure SCHEMATIC VIEW OF TEST PARTS FIGURE 4.5-3 194 Photc :ter lens (Phot Lb) Fiber Optics Bundles Viewing Center Land of Spool PHOTO-SENSING SYSTEM FOR TIMER-SPOOL VALVE MOTION FIGURE 4.5-4 Oscilloscope Trace Aatual Because of inaccurately machined spool Spool Motion 'H' Beginning of motion End of motion SCHEMATIC MOTION/OSCILLOSCOPE TRACE FOR TIMER-SPOOl VAILVI: FIGURE 4.5-5 195 Oscilloscope Trace Ideal Slider Motion . Actual Because of inaccurately located mask ~LLI, 11 LI Beginning of motion End of motion SCHEMATIC MOTION/OSCILLOSCOPE TRACE FOR SLIDE VALVE & POWER PISTON FIGURE 4.5-6 196 Spool Valve Motion Qcm min) 70 psi Simulated Cylinder Pressure (PMax-P mn ) 75 psi (5 msec/div) I TDC I BDC I TDC 0 .0083 see 8ec .0167 sec Travel Time Less Than- ,.9005 sec d TYPICAL . TDC BDC 0 TDC .0083 .0167 seC sec Bsc MINIMUM TRAVEL TIME (MAXIMUM CUT-OFF) FIGURE 4,5-7 CAPABILITY OF SPOOL VALVE 197 A Spool Valve Motion (P - - c Pmin) 1 psi Simulated Cylinder Pressure (P -P axpsin 70 psi (5 usec/div) I TDC I B1)C I TDC 0 .0083 .0167 sac see sec Travel Bounces on Tuma TDC BDC 0 TDC .0083 .0167 8ec sec TYPICAL sec MAXIMUM TRAVEL TIME (MINIMUM CUT-OFF) FIGURE 4.,5-8 CAPABILITY OF SPOOL VALVE ) 198 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 199 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Two major drawbacks with conventional air-to-air heat pumps are limited low temperature heating capacity and much less than opti m COP at higher ambient temperatures. Both of these problems are related to widely changing refrigerant density, and hence mass flow rate, with changing suction pressure. Low ambient temperature heating ability can be improved by using a larger than normal heat pumpfor a given heat load. A large heat pump can provide a 15 to 25%per year energy savings over conventionally sized heat pumps in colder climates because of reduced auxiliary electrical resistance heat. However,since most air-to-air heat pumpsare also used as air conditioners, poor comfort control during cooling can result from using larger than normal heat pumps. Larger ducting to accomodate the lar r air flows adds further to the total cost of the larger unit. The use of capacity controlled compressors can eliminate the problem of poor comfort control during air conditioning operation, and can significantly increase the COPBF(with both fan powers included) of large heat pumps, resulting in an additional 5 to 15% per year energy savings over that obtained by reducing auxiliary electrical resistance heat if the larger ducting normally used with a larger heat pumpis employed. Alternatively, since capacity con- trolled heat pumps use lower air flows than conventional units of comparable size, smaller than normal ducting may be used. The latter still 200 results in the gains from reduced auxiliary heat, but produces lesser gains from increasing COPBF. The seasonal performance and economic comparisons of the present study have been done using duct sizes for the large capacity controlled heat pumps which are too small for conventional large heat pumps with their higher air flows. Using a 10%/yr interest rate, 10 year amortization of heat pumps and air conditioners, and 20 year amortization of gas and electrical resistance furnaces, the present studies show that in colder climates, such as Boston or Minneapolis, capacity controlled heat pumps having balance points as low as 21°F or 140F are more economical than conventionally sized heat pumps even at today's electricity prices. Larger capacity controlled heat pumps are not economically competitive with conventionally sized heat pumps in warmer climates, but heat pumps are more economical than electrical resistance heating in all locations studied. None of the heat pumps studied are economically competitive with gas or oil heating in colder climates at present energy prices. The latter situation could easily change depending on relative prices of gas, oil, and electricity. If more durable heat pumps, which could be amortized over 20 years instead of 10 years were available, heat pumps would be close to competing with fossil fuel heating systems plus air conditioners even at today's energy prices. Air-to-air heat pumps are somewhat less attractive compared to fossil fuel heating systems if the air conditioning 201 feature is not desired. It should be noted that the assumptions used in the present work for the control function of the capacity controlled heat pump produce performance predictions that are always less than the optimum possible. Optimization of air flow rates, expansion valve settings, and amounts of capacity reduction would yield substantially increased performance. Fan power has a marked effect on performance of capacity controlled heat pumps. in COPBF reduced. 1. In order to realize the potential increases with capacity control, fan power must be substantially Three methods of reducing fan power are: Use more efficient fan designs (different blade shapes, shrouding, and the like) 2. Reduce air flow resistance (such as larger duct sizes) 3. Reduce air flow (fan power is readily reduced by using large fans running at reduced speed and air flow) A more careful study of fan power reduction and optimization of reduced air flow rates is highly recommended for both conventional and capacity controlled heat pumps. The significant effect of fan power on conventional and capacity controlled air-to-air heat pumps highlights the importance of investigating other types of heat pumps. One promising type of heat pump would use a water cooled condenser, circulating the water throughout 202 the building, with fans in each room to increase heat transfer, while having low flow losses0 Solar augmented and heat storage heat pumps are other types which are recommended for further study. In all of the above heat pumps, however, attention must be given to reducing AT's across the heat exchange sites. Another area of research which is needed is concerned with improving low ambient temperature heating capacity of heat pumps. The capacity controlled heat pump concept could make it possible to use new working fluids, having greater vapor density at evaporator temperatures corresponding to low ambient air temperature, and having a smaller density change with change in pressure. The increased heating capacity caused by increased mass flow at low ambient temperatures would reduce the amount of auxiliary heat required by a given heat pump. Results of initial design and development work on an early suctionvalve cut-off mechanism indicate that it is possible to design a controllable device to function in high speed (3600 RPM) compressors, with little modification to existing compressor designs. The design presented would have a power requirement of about 15% of the total reduced compressor power in the small compressor studied,which is felt to be unacceptable. However, the nominal 3 ton compressor studied would yield a heating capacity of only about 1.4 tons with a large amount of capacity reduction, and would in reality not be used 203 for a capacity controlled heat pump. A capacity controlled heat pump would have a large compressor, and power requirements of the cut-off mechanism in larger or lower speed compressors would be significantly less.