Morris C. Johnson 400 N. 34th St. Suite 201 Seattle, WA 98103 Office: 206-732-7852 Fax: 206-732-7801 Email: Web: Education: 2008. Ph.D., Ecosystem Analysis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 2002. M.S., Silviculture and Forest Protection, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 1996. B.S., Urban Forestry, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA. Work experience: 2010-present 2002-2010 1998-2002 2001 1999 1996-1998 1994-1996 Research Fire Ecologist, Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory, Seattle, WA Fire Ecologist, Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory, Seattle, WA Research Assistant, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Redding Interagency Hotshot, Northern California Fire Center, Redding, CA Redmond Interagency Hotshot, Redmond Air Center, Redmond, OR Forest Ecologist, Rogue River National Forest, Prospect, OR Ecologist Trainee, Rogue River National Forest, Prospect, OR Publications: Johnson, M.C., Kennedy, M.C, and Peterson, D.L. 2011. Simulating fuel treatment effects in dry forests of the western United States: testing the principles of a fire-safe forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1018-1030. Peterson, D.L., Halofsky, J.E., Johnson, M.C. 2010. Managing and adapting to changing fire regimes in a warmer climate. Book chapter in The Landscape Ecology of Fire. Edited by D. McKenzie, C. Miller, and D. Falk. Springer-Verlag, New York. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L. and Raymond, C.L. 2009. Fuel treatment guidebook: illustrating treatment effects on fire hazard. Forest Management Today 69: 31-35. Peterson, D.L., Johnson, M.C. 2007. Science-Based Strategic Planning for Hazardous Fuel Treatment. Fire Management Today 67: 13-18. Johnson, M.C., Kellogg, L., Peterson, D.L. 2007a. Cedar River Municipal Watershed Fire Hazard Assessment, Pacific Wildland Fire Science Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, WA Johnson, M.C., Kellogg, L., Peterson, D.L. 2007b. Cedar River Municipal Watershed Fuel Decomposition Study, Pacific Wildland Fire Science Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, WA Page 1 of 7 Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Raymond, C.L. 2007. Managing Forest Structure and Fire Hazard-A Tool for Planners. Journal of Forestry 105: 77-83. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Raymond, C.L. 2006. Guide to fuel treatments in dry forests of the western United States: assessing forest structure and fire hazard. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-686. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L. 2005. Forest fuel treatments in western North America: Merging silviculture and fire management. The Forestry Chronicle 81: 365-368 Peterson, D. L., Johnson, M.C., Agee, J.K., Jain, T.B., McKenzie, D., Reinhardt, E.D. 2005. Forest structure and fire hazard in dry forests of the Western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-628. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 30 p. Graham, R.T., McCaffrey, S., Jain, T.B. 2004. Science basis for changing forest structure to modify wildfire behavior and severity. Contributing author. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-120. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 43 p. Manuscript in prep: Hicke, J.A., Johnson, M.C. Hayes, J.L. Preisle, H.K. 2011 Effects of Bark Beetle-Caused Tree Mortality on Wildfire. 2011. Submitted. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Kennedy, M.C., LaBarge, A. 2011. Effects of logging on fuels and fire behavior following a windstorm. In prep. Johnson, M.C., Halofsky, J.E. 2011. Evaluating the effects of forest restoration thinning on fire hazard and area burned in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed. In prep. GRANTS AND RESEARCH FUNDING USDA PNW Research Station. 2010. Developing a Post Processor to Integrate the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) and the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) Principal Investigators: Morris Johnson, Stephanie Rebain. Award amount: $50,000 US Forest Service Global Change Research. 2008. Model fire hazard in several western states using the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS). Principal Investigators: Ken Skog, Bruce Lippke, Don McKenzie. Award amount: $42,974 Fuel Decomposition in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed. Seattle Public Utilities. 2007. We measured fuelbed decomposition and fire hazard in thinned stands in the Cedar River Watershed. Principal Investigators: David L. Peterson and Morris C. Johnson. Award amount: $30,000 Page 2 of 7 URS Corporation. 2006. Camp Beale Lidar and Vegetation Analysis Project. Analyzed canopy cover estimates for forest ecosystems in California. Principal Investigators: Robert Selfridge. Federal Cooperator: Morris Johnson. Award amount: $20,000. Bureau of Land Management. 2008. Medford Blowdown Fire Hazard Analysis. We will evaluate the effects of varied severity blowdown, salvage logging and subsequent post-salvage fuel treatments. The information from estimated pre-blowdown fuel profiles and post treatment plots will be used to determine these effects. Principal Investigators: Morris C. Johnson, David L. Peterson, Jessica Halosky. Award amount: $50,000 Tahoe Science Program funded by SNPLMA. 2008. Using an integrated approach that links two commonly used tools, the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFEFVS) and the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS), we will develop a range of management alternatives appropriate for application in the South Shore wildland-urban interface project in the Lake Tahoe Management Unit, Tahoe National Forest. Principal Investigators: Morris C. Johnson and Roger Ottmar PI. Award amount: $68,000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS USDA Forest Service Quality Step Increase, 2009 USDA Forest Service Highly Influential Research Publication, 2007 Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Fellowship, 2000-2006 Graduate Opportunity Minority Achievement Scholarship, 2006 USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit, 2004 USDA Forest Service Certificate of Merit, 2004 College of Forest Resources Research Assistantship, 1998-2002 Seventh American Forest Congress Scholarship, 1996 Virginia Landwehr Plauche’ Scholarship Award, 1996 Chancellor’s Certificate of Recognition, 1995 Golden Key National Honor Society P.M. Scholar Award, 1995 All-American Scholar Collegiate Award, 1994 Professional Soil Conservation Scholarship Award, 1994 Certificate of Academic Excellence, 1993 Certificate of Academic Merit, 1993-96 Urban Forestry Scholarship, 1993-96 Chancellor’s Scholar, 1993-96 Dean’s List, 1992-96 ACTIVITIES Gates Millennium Scholar Mentor, 2009-present Making Connection Mentor, 2002 Society of American Forestry Club, 2002 Volunteer YMCA Gates Youth Development Center, 2001 College of Forest Resource Safety Committee, 1999-2001 Member Rotaract International Club, 1998-2001 Member Golden Key National Honor Society, 1995 Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources & Related Sciences, 1994-96 Page 3 of 7 Resident Assistant Association, 1994-96 Urban Forestry Club, 1994-96 Urban Forestry Club (Sergeant at Arms), 1994-95 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS International Association of Wildland Fire, 2009-present Association of Fire Ecology, 2009-present Society of American Foresters, 2002-2009 Ecological Society of America, 2001-2003 Offered papers and posters Johnson, M.C., Halofsky, J., Peterson, D.L. Quantifying fire hazard and fire behavior following a windstorm in southwest Oregon (U.S.A.) using the Fuel Characteristics Classification System (FCCS). Presented oral by Johnson for the Association for Fire Ecology’s Interior West Fire Ecology Conference, 14-17 November 2011, Snowbird Resort, Utah. Hicke, J.A., Hayes, J.L., Johnson, M.C., Preisler, H. K. Effects of Bark Beetle-Caused Tree Mortality on Subsequent Wildfire. Presented oral by Hicke for the North American Forest Insect Work Conference, 10-12 May 2011, Portland, OR. Johnson, M.C., Kennedy, M.C., Peterson, D.L.. A simulation study of fuel treatment effects in dry forests of the western United States: testing the principles of a fire-safe forest. Presented poster by Johnson for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, 9-13 May 2011, Sun City, South Africa. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Kennedy, M.K. Evaluating the effects of forest restoration thinning on fire hazard and area burned in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed. Presented poster by Johnson for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, 9-13 May 2011, Sun City, South Africa. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Rebain, S, Vandendriesche, D., Eagle, P. Integrating the Fuel Characteristics System and the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Presented poster by Johnson for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, 9-13 May 2011, Sun City, South Africa. Johnson, M.C., Halofsky, J., Peterson, D.L. Quantifying fire hazard and fire behavior following a windstorm in southwest Oregon (U.S.A.) using the Fuel Characteristics Classification System (FCCS). Presented oral by Johnson for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, 9-13 May 2011, Sun City, South Africa. Johnson, M.C., Halofsky, J., Peterson, D.L. Quantifying fire hazard and fire behavior following a windstorm in southwest Oregon (U.S.A.) using the Fuel Characteristics Classification System (FCCS). Presented oral by Johnson for the US-International Association of Landscape Ecology: Sustainability in Dynamic Landscapes, 3-7 April, 2011, Portland, Oregon. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Kennedy, M.K. Evaluating the effects of forest restoration thinning on fire hazard and area burned in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed. Presented oral Page 4 of 7 by Johnson for the US-International Association of Landscape Ecology: Sustainability in Dynamic Landscapes, 3-7 April, 2011, Portland, Oregon. Hart, S., Halofsky, J.H., Johnson, M.C., Hemstrom, M., Ottmar, R. Simulating fire hazard across landscapes through time: Integrating VDDT and the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS). Presented oral by Halofsky and Hart for the US-International Association of Landscape Ecology: Sustainability in Dynamic Landscapes, 3-7 April, 2011, Portland, Oregon. Peterson, D.L., Halosky, J.E., Johnson, M.C. Fuels Management in a Warmer Climate. Presented oral by Johnson and Halosky for the Joint Fuels/Ecology/Silviculture Meeting. 15-18 November 2010. Bend, Oregon Johnson, M.C., Halofsky, J., Peterson, D.L. Quantifying fire hazard after blowdown in southwest Oregon. Presented poster by Johnson for the International Association of Wildland Fire 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Spokane, Washington. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Kennedy, M.K. Forest restoration and fire hazard in a high severity fire regime. Presented poster by Johnson for the International Association of Wildland Fire 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Spokane, Washington. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Rebain, S, Vandendriesche, D., Eagle, P. Integrating the Fuel Characteristics System and the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Presented poster by Johnson for the International Association of Wildland Fire 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Spokane, Washington. Halofsky, J., Hart, S.K., Hemstrom, M.A., Johnson, M.C. Simulating fire hazard across landscapes over time through integration of the Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool (VDDT) and the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS). Presented poster by Halofsky for the International Association of Wildland Fire 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 2529 October 2010, Spokane, Washington. Johnson, M.C., Kennedy, M., Peterson, D.L. A simulation study of fuel treatment effects in dry forests of the western United States: testing the principles of a fireāsafe forest. Presented oral by Johnson for the International Association of Wildland Fire 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Spokane, Washington. Hicke, J., Hayes, J., Johnson, M.C. A synthesis of insect outbreaks and subsequent wildfire. Presented oral by Hicke for the International Association of Wildland Fire 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Spokane, Washington. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L., Ottmar, R., Rebain, S., and Vandendriesche, D. Integrating Fuel Characteristic Classification System and the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Presented poster by Johnson for the Society of American Foresters Conference, September 30-October 4, 2009, Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida. Johnson, M.C. Kennedy, M.C, and Peterson, D.L. Fuel treatment effects in dry forests of the western United States: testing the principles of a fire-safe forest. Presented oral by Johnson for The Association of Fire Ecology, 4th International Fire Ecology & Management Congress, 30, November-4 December 2009, Savannah, GA Page 5 of 7 Johnson, M.C., Kellogg, L., and Peterson, D.L. Forest Restoration in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed: Fire Hazard Assessment. Presented poster by Johnson for the 1st Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. Fuels Management—How to Measure Success. 28-30 March, 2006, Portland, Oregon. Johnson, M.C. and Peterson, D.L. Forest fuel treatments in western North America: Merging silviculture and fire management. Presented poster by Johnson for the IUFRO XXII World Congress, 8-13 August, 2005, Brisbane, Australia. Johnson, M. C., Peterson, D.L., and Raymond, C.L. A guidebook for evaluating potential fire behavior both before and after fire hazard reduction treatments. Presented poster by Johnson for the National Silviculture Workshop, 7-10 June 2005, Tahoe City, California. Johnson, M.C., Peterson, D.L. An Integrated Planning and Visualization Tool for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Fuel Treatments. Presented poster by Johnson for the 3rd International Wildland Fire Conference and Exhibition, 3-6, October 2003, Sydney, Australia. Peterson, D.L., Johnson, M.C., Agee, J.K., Jain, T.B., McKenzie, D, Reinhardt, E.D. Fuels Planning: Managing Forest Structure to Reduce Fire Hazard. Presented poster by Johnson for The 5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology and the 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress, 16-20, November 2003. Orlando, Florida. EDITORIAL SERVICE Reviewer for Forest Ecology and Management, 2011 Reviewer for International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2011 Reviewer for Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2009 Reviewer for Environmental Management, 2009 Reviewer for the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act research grant proposals, 2008, 2010 TEACHING AND OUTREACH • • • • Instructor for Fuels Management and Fire Use. Advanced Fire Academy, McClellan, CA. 2010. Prepared lesson plan and presented 1-hour lectures. Instructor for Rx510 Advanced Fire Effects. National Advanced Fire & Resource Institute, Tucson, AZ. 2009. Prepared lesson plan and present 1-hour lecture on Fire Induced Landscape Dynamics. Instructor for Technical Fire Management course. Washington Institute, Duvall ,WA. 2005-present. Presented 4-hour lecture on Integrating Silviculture and Fire Management in the Fire Effects Module to fire and forest managers from different federal land management agencies. Guest Lecturer for Fire Ecology and Management Class, University of Washington, School of Forest Resources, 2006-present. Presented 1-hour lecture to undergraduate and graduate students on wildland operations and logistics. Page 6 of 7 • • Guest Lecturer for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Class, University of Washington, School of Forest Resources, 2008. Presented 1-hour lectures to undergraduate and graduate students. Guest Instructor for the Forest Service National Advanced Silviculture Program (NASP) Ecological Systems Session, School Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI. May 13-25, 2007. Presented 4-hour lecture to fire managers on Fire Management in the Pacific Northwest. SERVICE • • • • • • • Member Program Committee, 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, Sun City, South Africa May 9-13, 2011. Member Forest Vegetation Simulator Steering Committee, 2010-present Chair Forest Vegetation Simulator Fire Subcommittee 2010-present Member Program Committee, 3rd Fire Behavior & Fuels Conference, Spokane, WA, October 25-29, 2010 Member Steering Committee, 3rd Fire Behavior & Fuels Conference, Spokane, WA, October 25-29, 2010 Moderator Oral Session. 2010. 3rd Fire Behavior & Fuels Conference, Spokane, WA, October 25-29, 2010 Moderator Poster Symposium. 2009. Society of American Forester. Orlando, FL Page 7 of 7