On Fuzzy Internal Rate of Return Christer Carlsson Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, e-mail:christer.carlsson@abo.fi Robert Fullér Turku Centre for Computer Science, e-mail: rfuller@ra.abo.fi TUC S Turku Centre for Computer Science TUCS Technical Report No 211 November 1998 ISBN 952-12-0310-3 ISSN 1239-1891 Abstract We consider the internal rate of return (IRR) decision rule in capital budgeting problems with fuzzy cash flows. The possibility distribution of the IRR at any r ≥ 0, is defined to be the degree of possibility that the (fuzzy) net present value of the project with discount factor r equals to zero. We show that the possibility distribution of the IRR is a highly nonlinear function of quasi-triangular form. Furthermore we prove that the fuzzy IRR is stable under small changes in the membership functions of future cash flows. Keywords: Capital budgeting problem, internal rate of return, possibility distribution, sensitivity analysis TUCS Research Group Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research 1 Introduction Many decision making problems concern projects in which the cost and benefits accrue over a number of years. In this paper we consider only cases in which the costs and benefits are entirely monetary, such as the capital budegeting or capital investment decisions arising in commerce and industry. Authors consider two kinds of decision problems in capital budgeting: accept-or-reject and ranking. In accept-or-reject decisions, each project is considered independently of all other projects. Thus a portfolio of accepted projects is built up from several independent decisions. In ranking decisions, all the available projects are compared and ranked in order of favourability with the intention of adopting a single project: the most favourable. It should be noted that it is often important to include a null project representing the status quo; all the projects may be unfavourable compared with the alternative of adopting none of them (if this is possible). Several decision rules have been suggested [1, 6, 9] to help decision makers rank projects which involve timestreams of costs and benefits, such as the payback period, accounting rate of return (ARR), internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). We shall briefly describe just the IRR decision rule. Let {a0 , a1 , . . . , an } be a given net cash flow of a project a over n periods. We assume that a0 < 0 as the project starts with an initial investment. The IRR, denoted by r∗∗ , is defined to be the value of r such that the NPV of the project is zero. Thus find the IRR of a we need to solve S(a, r) := a0 + a1 an =0 + ··· + 1+r (1 + r)n (1) It is well-known that, if there is reinvestment in a project (ai < 0 for some i ≥ 1) then its IRR may become ill-defined, i.e. equation (1) may have more than one solution. If the IRR of a project is ill-defined, it is not a suitable criterion to use in either accept-or-reject or ranking decisions. Suppose, however, that no project considered involves any reinvestment. Figure 1: Graph of a 2-year project a = (−1, 1, 1) with IRR = 61.8%. Then NPV is a strictly monotone decreasing function of r and the equation (1) has a unique solution, moreover, the discount rate r can be interpreted in strictly financial terms as an interest rate. Now in an accept-or-reject decision it is clear that, if the market rate of interest is r0 , the project should be accepted if r∗∗ > r0 because this implies the that NPV at r0 is positive. In comparing two projects, the one with the higher IRR should be preferred. 1 2 IRR with fuzzy cash flows More often than not future cash flows (and interest rates) are not known exactly, and we have to work with their estimations, such as ’around 5, 000 in the next few years’ (or ’close to 3 %’). Fuzzy numbers appear to be an adequate tool to represent imprecisely given cash flows [3, 4, 7, 13, 14]. Definition 2.1 A fuzzy number A is a fuzzy set of the real line with a normal, (fuzzy) convex and continuous membership function of bounded support. The family of fuzzy numbers will be denoted by F. A fuzzy number with a unique maximizing element is called a quasi-triangular fuzzy number. A fuzzy set A is called a symmetric triangular fuzzy number with center a and width α > 0 if its membership function has the following form |a − t| 1− if |a − t| ≤ α A(t) = α 0 otherwise and we use the notation A = (a, α). If α = 0 then A collapses to the characteristic function of {a} ⊂ IR and we write A = ā. A triangular fuzzy number with center a may be seen as a fuzzy quantity ”x is approximately equal to a”. 1 a-! a a+! Figure 2: Symmetric triangular fuzzy number with center a. The use of fuzzy sets provides a basis for a systematic way for the manipulation of vague and imprecise concepts. In particular, we can employ fuzzy sets to represent linguistic variables. A linguistic variable can be regarded either as a variable whose value is a fuzzy number or as a variable whose values are defined in linguistic terms. Definition 2.2 A linguistic variable is characterized by a quintuple (x, T (x), U, G, M ) in which x is the name of variable; T (x) is the term set of x, that is, the set of names of linguistic values of x with each value being a fuzzy number defined on U ; G is a syntactic rule for generating the names of values of x; and M is a semantic rule for associating with each value its meaning. 2 For example, if growth (of the stock market) is interpreted as a linguistic variable, then its term set T (growth) could be T = {slow, moderate, fast, very slow, more or less fast, sligthly slow, . . . } where each term in T (growth) is characterized by a fuzzy set in a universe of discourse U = [0, 100]. We might interpret • slow as ”a growth below about 20 % p.a.” • moderate as ”a growth close to 60 % p.a.” • fast as ”a growth above about 100 % p.a.” These terms can be characterized as fuzzy 1 1 − (v − 20)/40 slow(v) = 0 medium(v) = $ 1 − |v − 60|/40 0 1 1 − (100 − v)/40 f ast(v) = 0 sets with membership functions if v ≤ 20 if 20 ≤ v ≤ 60 otherwise if 20 ≤ v ≤ 100 otherwise if v ≥ 100 if 60 ≤ v ≤ 100 otherwise We will use triangular fuzzy numbers to represent the values of the linguistic variable [16] cash. If A = (a, α) and B = (b, β) are fuzzy numbers of symmetric triangular form and λ ∈ IR then A + B, A − B and λA are defined by the extension principle in the usual way: A + B = (a + b, α + β), A − B = (a − b, α + β), λA = (λa, |λ|α). Furthermore, if Ai = (ai , αi ) is a symmetric triangular fuzzy number and λi = 1/(1 + r)i , for i = 0, 1, . . . , n, then we get A0 + n % i=1 Ai = (1 + r)i & ' a1 an α1 αn a0 + . (2) + ··· + , α + + · · · + 0 1+r (1 + r)n 1+r (1 + r)n Let A and B ∈ F be fuzzy numbers. The degree of possibility that the proposition ”A is equal to B” is true denoted by Pos[A = B] and defined by the extension principle as Pos[A = B] = sup min{A(x), B(x)} = (A − B)(0), (3) x∈IR The Hausdorff distance of A and B, denoted by D(A, B), is defined by [12] D(A, B) = max max {|a1 (θ) − b1 (θ)|, |a2 (θ) − b2 (θ)|} θ∈[0,1] 3 where [a1 (θ), a2 (θ)] and [b1 (θ), b2 (θ)] denote the θ-level sets of A and B, respectively. For example, if A = (a, α) and B = (b, α) are fuzzy numbers of symmetric triangular form with the same width α > 0 then D(A, B) = |a − b|. Lemma 2.1 [10] Let δ > 0 be a real number, and let A = (a, α) and B = (b, β) be symmetric triangular fuzzy numbers. Then from the inequality D(A, B) ≤ δ it follows that $ ( δ δ sup |A(t) − B(t)| ≤ max , . (4) α β t∈IR Let {A0 = (a0 , α0 ), A1 = (a1 , α1 ), . . . , An = (an , αn )} be a given net fuzzy cash flow of a project A over n periods. By replacing the crisp cash flow values with fuzzy numbers in (1) we get A0 + A1 An = 0̄ + ··· + 1+r (1 + r)n (5) where the equation is defined in possibilistic sense, and 0̄ denotes the characteristic function of zero. That is, the fuzzy solution [2] of (5) is computed by ' ) * & n n % % Ai Ai µIRR (r) = Pos A0 + (0). = 0̄ = A + 0 (1 + r)n (1 + r)n i=1 i=1 for each r ≥ 0. Using the definition of possibility (3) and representation (2) we find 1 − |S(a, r)| if |S(a, r)| ≤ S(α, r), S(α, r) µIRR (r) = (6) 0 otherwise where we used the notations S(a, r) = a0 + a1 an α1 αn + ··· + , S(α, r) = α0 + + ··· + n 1+r (1 + r) 1+r (1 + r)n We assume that a0 < 0 (the project starts with an initial investment), a0 ≤ a1 + · · · + an (the project is at least as good as the null project), and ai ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , n, (no reinvestment). In this case we always get quasi-triangular fuzzy numbers for IRR in IR0+ and equation (5) has a unique maximizing solution, r∗ , such that, µIRR (r∗ ) = max µIRR (r) = 1, r≥0 and r∗ coincides with r∗∗ , which is the internal rate of return of the (crisp) project a = (a0 , a1 , . . . , an ). Really, if r ≥ 0 then µIRR (r) = 1 if and only if S(a, r) = 0. As an example consider a 4-year project A = {(−5, α), (3, α), (4, α), (6, α), (10, α)}, 4 with fuzzy IRR (6) where S(a, r) = −5 + and 3 6 10 4 + + + 1 + r (1 + r)2 (1 + r)3 (1 + r)4 , 1 1 1 1 S(α, r) = α 1 + + + + 2 3 1 + r (1 + r) (1 + r) (1 + r)4 - It is easy to compute that µIRR (0.781) = 1 for all α ≥ 0, so the maximizing solution to possibilistic equation (5) is independent of α. Figure 3: The graph of fuzzy IRR with a = (−5, 3, 4, 6, 10) and α0 = · · · = αn = 0.5 Figure 4: The graph of fuzzy IRR with a = (−5, 3, 4, 6, 10) and α0 = · · · = αn = 1 Figure 5: The graph of fuzzy IRR with a = (−5, 3, 4, 6, 10) and α0 = · · · = αn = 5 However, as can be seen in Figs.3-5, the possibility distribution of the IRR is getting more and more unbalanced as the widths of the fuzzy numbers are growing. This means that when comparing the fuzzy IRR with the market interest rate r0 in an accept-or-reject decision, the defuzzified value of µIRR will 5 definitely differ from r∗ whenever the process of defuzzification takes into account all points with positive membership degrees (and not only the maximizing point). For example, all projects in Figs.3-5, have the same maximizing solution r∗ = 0.781, but if we employ the center-of-gravity method then the defuzzified value of the project with α0 = α1 = · · · = αn = 5 is around 0.84, which is esentially bigger (in terms of rates of return) than 0.781. In ranking decisions we have to compare possibility distributions of a nonsymmetric quasi-triangular form. 3 Extensions We can also use non-symmetric triangular fuzzy numbers to represent the values of future cash flows. Definition 3.1 A fuzzy set A is said to be a triangular fuzzy number with peak (or center) a, left width α > 0 and right width β > 0 if its membership function has the following form a−t if a − α ≤ t ≤ a 1− α t−a A(t) = 1− if a ≤ t ≤ a + β β 0 otherwise and we use the notation A = (a, α, β). 1 a a-! a+" Figure 6: Non-symmetrical triangular fuzzy number with center a. If A = (a, α1 , β1 ) and B = (b, α2 , β2 ) are fuzzy numbers of triangular form then A + B and A − B are defined by: A + B = (a + b, α1 + α2 , β1 + β2 ), A − B = (a − b, α1 + β2 , α2 + β1 ), Furthermore, if Ai = (ai , αi , βi ), i = 0, 1, . . . , n, are triangular fuzzy numbers then we get A0 + n % i=1 Ai = (1 + r)i & a0 + a1 an + ··· + , 1+r (1 + r)n ' α1 αn β1 βn α0 + + ··· + , β0 + + ··· + . 1+r (1 + r)n 1+r (1 + r)n 6 Let {A0 = (a0 , α0 , β0 ), A1 = (a1 , α1 , β1 ), . . . , An = (an , αn , βn )} be a given net fuzzy cash flow of a project A over n periods. Then the fuzzy IRR of project A is computed by S(a, r) 1− if S(a, r) − S(α, r) ≤ 0 ≤ S(a, r), S(α, r) S(a, r) µIRR (r) = 1+ if S(a, r) ≤ 0 ≤ S(a, r) + S(β, r) S(β, r) 0 otherwise In this case the shape of the fuzzy IRR is determined by the relationships between the left and right widhts of the fuzzy numbers in the project. Figure 7: The graph of fuzzy IRR with a = (−5, 3, 4, 6) and α0 = · · · = αn = 1, β0 = β1 = · · · = βn = 2 Figure 8: The graph of fuzzy IRR with a = (−5, 3, 4, 6) and α0 = · · · = αn = 1, β0 = β1 = · · · = βn = 3 Figure 9: The graph of fuzzy IRR with a = (−5, 3, 4, 6) and α0 = · · · = αn = 5, β0 = β1 = · · · = βn = 1 What if we allow trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, Ai = (ai , bi , αi , βi ), in a project? If the fuzzy numbers are not strictly unimodal then the set of maximizing solutions of the fuzzy IRR is a segment [r1 , r2 ], where r1 is the IRR of the project 7 (a0 , a1 , . . . , an ) and r2 is the IRR of the project (b0 , b1 , . . . , bn ). Therefore, if we employ the mean of maxima defuzzyfing method, then r1 + r 2 2 is chosen for the most likely IRR value of the project. 4 Sensitivity analysis in fuzzy capital budgeting Consider two projects A = {A0 , A1 , . . . , An } and Aδ = {Aδ0 , Aδ1 , . . . , Aδn } with fuzzy cash flows Ai = (ai , αi ) and Aδi = (aδi , αi ), i = 0, 1, . . . , n. The fuzzy IRR of the project Aδ , denoted by µδIRR , is computed by ) n % µδIRR (r) = Pos Aδ0 + i=1 * & ' n % Aδi Aδi δ (0). = 0̄ = A + 0 (1 + r)n (1 + r)n i=1 for each r ≥ 0. Using the definition of possibility (3) and representation (2) we find δ 1 − |S(a , r)| if |S(aδ , r)| ≤ S(α, r), δ S(α, r) µIRR (r) = 0 otherwise where we used the notation S(aδ , r) = aδ0 + aδ1 aδn . + ··· + 1+r (1 + r)n Let r∗∗ (δ) denote the IRR of the crisp project aδ = (aδ0 , aδ1 , . . . , aδn ). That is, S(aδ , r∗∗ (δ)) = aδ0 + aδ1 aδn =0 + · · · + 1 + r∗∗ (δ) (1 + r∗∗ (δ))n (7) In the following we suppose that r∗∗ (δ) is the only solution to equation (7), i.e. aδ0 < 0 and aδi > 0 for i = 1, . . . , n. The next theorem shows that if the centers of fuzzy numbers Ai and Aδi in projects A and Aδ are close to each others, then there can only be a small deviation in the possibility distributions of their fuzzy IRR. Theorem 4.1 Let δ > 0 be a real number. If max{|a0 − aδ0 |, |a1 − aδ1 |, . . . , |an − aδn |} ≤ δ then max |µIRR (r) − r≥0 where µIRR and respectively. µδIRR µδIRR (r)| $ ≤ min 1, αmax = max{α0 , α1 , . . . , αn } δ αmax ( . (8) are the possibility distributions of IRR of projects A and Aδ , 8 Proof. It is sufficient to show that |µIRR (r) − µδIRR (r)| = . ) * ) *.. n n . % % Ai Aδi . . δ = 0̄ − Pos A0 + = 0̄ . = .Pos A0 + n n . . (1 + r) (1 + r) i=1 i=1 .& . ' & ' n n . . % % Ai Aδi . . δ (0) − A + (0) . A0 + .≤ 0 n n . . (1 + r) (1 + r) i=1 i=1 $ ( δ min 1, α (9) for any r ≥ 0, because (8) follows from (9). Using representation (2) and applying Lemma 2.1 to A0 + n % Ai = (S(a, r), S(α, r)), (1 + r)n i=1 and Aδ0 + n % i=1 we find & D A0 + n % i=1 Aδi = (S(aδ , r), S(α, r)), (1 + r)n ' n % Ai Aδi δ ,A + = |(S(a, r) − (S(aδ , r)| = (1 + r)n 0 i=1 (1 + r)n . '. & . . an aδ1 aδn δ .a0 + a1 + · · · + .≤ − a0 + + ··· + . n n 1+r (1 + r) 1+r (1 + r) . |a0 − aδ0 | + 1 1 × |a1 − aδ1 | + × |an − aδn | ≤ (n + 1) × δ, 1+r (1 + r)n for any r ≥ 0, and .& ' & ' . n n % % . . Ai Aδi δ . A0 + (0) − A0 + (0).. ≤ . n n (1 + r) (1 + r) i=1 i=1 .& ' & ' . n n % % . . Ai Aδi δ . sup . A0 + (t) − A0 + (t).. ≤ n n (1 + r) (1 + r) t∈IR i=1 max $ (n + 1)δ α0 + α1 + · · · + αn i=1 ( ≤ max $ $ δ αmax (n + 1)δ (n + 1) max{α0 , α1 , . . . , αn } ( ( = . Which ends the proof. Theorem 4.1 can also be extended to fuzzy cash flows with arbitrary (continuous) fuzzy numbers. 9 Theorem 4.2 Let δ > 0 be a real number. If max{D(A0 , Aδ0 ), D(A1 , Aδ1 ), . . . , D(An , Aδn )} ≤ δ then max |µIRR (r) − µδIRR (r)| ≤ min{1, ω(δ)}. r≥0 where ω(δ) denotes the maximum of moduli of continuity of all the fuzzy numbers in projects A and Aδ at point δ. The proof of this theorem is carried out analogously to the proof of Theorem 3.1 in [8]. 5 Concluding remarks In this paper we have shown that the fuzzy IRR has a stability property under small changes in the membership functions representing the fuzzy cash flows. Nevertheless, the behavior of the maximizing solution, r∗ (δ), of possibilistic equation n % Aδi Aδ0 + = 0̄, (1 + r)n i=1 towards small perturbations in the membership functions of the fuzzy coefficients can be very fortuitous. That is, the distance |r∗ − r∗ (δ)|, (which coincides with |r∗∗ − r∗∗ (δ)|, the distance between the internal rates of returns of crisp projects a = (a0 , a1 , . . . , an ) and aδ = (aδ0 , aδ1 , . . . , aδn ) if Ai = (ai , αi ) and Aδi = (aδi , αi ), i = 0, 1, . . . , n) can be very large even for very small δ. In this manner, the fuzzy model can be considered a well-posed extension [11, 15] of the (generally) ill-posed crisp internal rate of return decision rule. References [1] J. Baron, Thinking and Deciding, 2nd edition, (Cambridge University Press, 1994). [2] R.E. Bellman and L.A. Zadeh, Decision-making in a fuzzy environment, Management Sciences, Ser. B 17(1970) 141-164. [3] J.J. Buckley, Portfolio analysis using possibility distributions, in: E. Sanchez and L.A. Zadeh eds., Approximate Reasoning in Intelligent Systems, Decision and Control, Pergamon Press, New-York, 1987 69-76. [4] J.J. Buckley, Fuzzy mathematics of finance, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 21(1987) 257-273. [5] C. 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