A short survey of normative properties of possibility distributions∗ Robert Fullér rfuller@abo.fi Péter Majlender peter.majlender@abo.fi Abstract In 2001 Carlsson and Fullér [1] introduced the possibilistic mean value, variance and covariance of fuzzy numbers. In 2003 Fullér and Majlender [4] introduced the notations of crisp weighted possibilistic mean value, variance and covariance of fuzzy numbers, which are consistent with the extension principle. In 2003 Carlsson, Fullér and Majlender [2] proved the possibilistic Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. Drawing heavily on [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] we will summarize some normative properties of possibility distributions. 1 Probability and Possibility In probability theory, the dependency between two random variables can be characterized through their joint probability density function. Namely, if X and Y are two random variables with probability density functions fX (x) and fY (y), respectively, then the density function, fX,Y (x, y), of their joint random variable (X,Y ), should satisfy the following properties Z R Z fX,Y (x,t)dt = fX (x), R fX,Y (t, y)dt = fY (y) (1) for all x, y ∈ R. Furthermore, fX (x) and fY (y) are called the the marginal probability density functions of random variable (X,Y ). X and Y are said to be independent if fX,Y (x, y) = fX (x) fY (y) holds for all x, y. The expected value of random variable X is defined as E(X) = Z R ∗ Appeared x fX (x)dx, in: B. De Baets and J. Fodor eds., Principles of Fuzzy preference Modelling and Decision Making, Academia Press, Gent, [ISBN 90-382-0567-8], 2003, pp. 183-193. 1 and if g is a function of X then the expected value of g(X) can be computed as E(g(X)) = Z R g(x) fX (x)dx. Furthermore, if h is a function of X and Y then the expected value of h(X,Y ) can be computed as Z E(h(X,Y )) = R2 h(x, y) fX,Y (x, y)dxdy. Especially, E(X +Y ) = E(X) + E(Y ), that is, the expected value of X and Y can be determined according to their individual density functions (that are the marginal probability functions of random variable (X,Y )). Remark 1 The key issue here is that the joint probability distribution vanishes (even if X and Y are not independent), because of the principle of ’falling integrals’ (1). Let a, b ∈ R ∪ {−∞, ∞} with a ≤ b, then the probability that X takes its value from [a, b] is computed by P(X ∈ [a, b]) = Z b fX (x)dx. a The covariance between two random variables X and Y is defined as Cov(X,Y ) = E (X − E(X))(Y − E(Y )) = E(XY ) − E(X)E(Y ), and if X and Y are independent then Cov(X,Y ) = 0, since E(XY ) = E(X)E(Y ). The variance of random variable X is defined as the covariance between X and itself, that is Z 2 Z 2 2 2 Var(X) = E(X ) − (E(X)) = x fX (x)dx − x fX (x)dx . R R For any random variables X,Y and real numbers λ , µ ∈ R the following relationship holds Var(λ X + µY ) = λ 2 Var(X) + µ 2 Var(Y ) + 2λ µCov(X,Y ). The correlation coefficient between X and Y is defined by Cov(X,Y ) ρ(X,Y ) = p , Var(X)Var(Y ) 2 and it is clear that −1 ≤ ρ(X,Y ) ≤ 1. A fuzzy set A in R is said to be a fuzzy number if it is normal, fuzzy convex and has an upper semi-continuous membership function of bounded support. The family of all fuzzy numbers will be denoted by F . A γ-level set of a fuzzy set A in Rn is defined by [A]γ = {x ∈ Rn |A(x) ≥ γ} if γ > 0 and [A]γ = cl{x ∈ Rn |A(x) > γ} (the closure of the support of A) if γ = 0. If A ∈ F is a fuzzy number then [A]γ is a convex and compact subset of R for all γ ∈ [0, 1]. Fuzzy numbers can be considered as possibility distributions [6, 7]. Let a, b ∈ R ∪ {−∞, ∞} with a ≤ b, then the possibility that A ∈ F takes its value from [a, b] is defined by [7] Pos(A ∈ [a, b]) = max A(x). x∈[a,b] Rn A fuzzy set B in is said to be a joint possibility distribution of fuzzy numbers Ai ∈ F , i = 1, . . . , n, if it satisfies the relationship max B(x1 , . . . , xn ) = Ai (xi ) x j ∈R, j6=i (2) for all xi ∈ R, i = 1, . . . , n. Furthermore, Ai is called the i-th marginal possibility distribution of B, and the projection of B on the i-th axis is Ai for i = 1, . . . , n. Let B denote a joint possibility distribution of A1 , A2 ∈ F . Then B should satisfy the relationships max B(x1 , y) = A1 (x1 ), max B(y, x2 ) = A2 (x2 ) y∈R y∈R for all x1 , x2 ∈ R. If Ai ∈ F , i = 1, . . . , n and B is their joint possibility distribution then the relationships B(x1 , . . . , xn ) ≤ min{A1 (x1 ), . . . , An (xn )}, and [B]γ ⊆ [A1 ]γ × · · · × [An ]γ hold for all x1 , . . . , xn ∈ R and γ ∈ [0, 1]. In the following the biggest (in the sense of subsethood of fuzzy sets) joint possibility distribution will play a special role among joint possibility distributions: it defines the concept of non-interactivity of fuzzy numbers (see Fig. 1). Definition 1 Fuzzy numbers Ai ∈ F , i = 1, . . . , n, are said to be non-interactive if their joint possibility distribution, B, is given by B(x1 , . . . , xn ) = min{A1 (x1 ), . . . , An (xn )}, 3 Figure 1: Non-interactive possibility distributions. or equivalently, [B]γ = [A1 ]γ × · · · × [An ]γ for all x1 , . . . , xn ∈ R and γ ∈ [0, 1]. Marginal probability distributions are determined from the joint one by the principle of ’falling integrals’ and marginal possibility distributions are determined from the joint possibility distribution by the principle of ’falling shadows’ (2). A function f : [0, 1] → R is said to be a weighting function [4] if f is nonnegative, monotone increasing and satisfies the following normalization condition Z 1 f (γ)dγ = 1. (3) 0 2 Possibilistic expected value, variance, covariance Let B be a joint possibility distribution in Rn , let γ ∈ [0, 1] and let g : Rn → R be an integrable function. It is well-known from analysis that the average value of 4 function g on [B]γ can be computed by C[B]γ (g) = R 1 [B]γ dx Z [B]γ g(x)dx Z 1 g(x1 , . . . , xn )dx1 . . . dxn . =R γ [B]γ dx1 . . . dxn [B] We will call C as the central value operator. If g : R → R is an integrable function and A ∈ F then the average value of function g on [A]γ is defined by C[A]γ (g) = R 1 [A]γ dx Z [A]γ g(x)dx. Especially, if g(x) = x for all x ∈ R is the identity function (g = id) and A ∈ F is a fuzzy number with [A]γ = [a1 (γ), a2 (γ)] then the average value of the identity function on [A]γ is computed by C[A]γ (id) = R 1 [A]γ dx Z [A]γ xdx = Z a2 (γ) 1 a1 (γ) + a2 (γ) xdx = , a2 (γ) − a1 (γ) a1 (γ) 2 which remains valid in the limit case a2 (γ)−a1 (γ) = 0 for some γ ∈ [0, 1]. Because C[A]γ (id) is nothing else, but the center of [A]γ we will use the shorter notation C([A]γ ) for C[A]γ (id). It is clear that C[B]γ is linear for any fixed joint possibility distribution B and for any γ ∈ [0, 1]. We can also use the principle of central values to introduce the notion of expected value of functions on fuzzy sets. Let g : R → R be an integrable function and let A ∈ F . Let us consider again the average value of function g on [A]γ C[A]γ (g) = R 1 [A]γ dx Z [A]γ g(x)dx. Definition 2 [5] The expected value of function g on A with respect to a weighting function f is defined by E f (g; A) = Z 1 0 C[A]γ (g) f (γ)dγ = Z 1 0 R 1 [A]γ dx Z [A]γ g(x)dx f (γ)dγ. Especially, if g is the identity function then we get E f (id; A) = E f (A) = Z 1 a1 (γ) + a2 (γ) 0 5 2 f (γ)dγ, which is the f -weighted possibilistic expected value of A introduced in [4]. Let us denote the projection functions on R2 by πx and πy , that is, πx (u, v) = u and πy (u, v) = v for u, v ∈ R. The following theorems show two important properties of the central value operator [5]. Theorem 1 If A, B ∈ F are non-interactive fuzzy numbers and g = πx + πy is the addition operator on R2 then C[A×B]γ (πx + πy ) = C[A]γ (id) + C[B]γ (id) = C ([A]γ ) + C ([B]γ ) for all γ ∈ [0, 1]. Theorem 2 If A, B ∈ F are non-interactive fuzzy numbers and p = πx πy is the multiplication operator on R2 then C[A×B]γ (πx πy ) = C[A]γ (id) · C[B]γ (id) = C ([A]γ ) · C ([B]γ ) for all γ ∈ [0, 1]. Definition 3 [5] Let C be a joint possibility distribution with marginal possibility distributions A, B ∈ F , and let γ ∈ [0, 1]. The measure of interactivity between the γ-level sets of A and B is defined by R[C]γ (πx , πy ) = C[C]γ (πx − C[C]γ (πx ))(πy − C[C]γ (πy )) . Using the definition of central value we have R[C]γ (πx , πy ) = C[C]γ (πx πy ) − C[C]γ (πx ) · C[C]γ (πy ) for all γ ∈ [0, 1]. Definition 4 [5] Let C be a joint possibility distribution in R2 , and let A, B ∈ F be its marginal possibility distributions. The covariance of A and B with respect to a weighting function f (and with respect to their joint possibility distributioin C) is defined by Cov f (A, B) = = Z 1 0 R[C]γ (πx , πy ) f (γ)dγ Z 1 0 C[C]γ (πx πy ) − C[C]γ (πx ) · C[C]γ (πy ) f (γ)dγ. 6 Figure 2: The case of ρ f (A, B) = 0 for interactive fuzzy numbers. In [5] we proved that if A, B ∈ F are non-interactive then Cov f (A, B) = 0. However, zero correlation does not always imply non-interactivity. Let A, B ∈ F be fuzzy numbers, let C be their joint possibility distribution, and let γ ∈ [0, 1]. Suppose that [C]γ is symmetrical, i.e. there exists a ∈ R such that C(x, y) = C(2a − x, y) for all x, y ∈ [C]γ (hence, line defined by {(a,t)|t ∈ R} is the axis of symmetry of [C]γ ). It can be shown [3] that in this case the interactivity relation of [A]γ and [B]γ vanishes, i.e. R[C]γ (πx , πy ) = 0 (see Fig 2). In many papers authors consider joint possibility distributions that are derived from given marginal distributions by aggregating their membership values. Namely, let A, B ∈ F . We will say that their joint possibility distribution C is directly defined from its marginal distributions if C(x, y) = T (A(x), B(y)), x, y ∈ R, where T : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → [0, 1] is a function satisfying the properties max T (A(x), B(y)) = A(x), ∀x ∈ R, (4) max T (A(x), B(y)) = B(y), ∀y ∈ R, (5) y∈R and x∈R for example a triangular norm. 7 Remark 2 In this case the joint distribution depends barely on the membership values of its marginal distributions. Whatever is the definition of the join C, we always have the following rela A +C B ⊆ A + that is, (A +C B)(y) ≤ (A + B)(y) f In this Section we have shown a fa distributions, for which the equality A +C B = A + holds. Namely, we have proved that are completely positively correlated t non-interactive sums have the same m IV. S UBSTRACTION OF COMPLETEL Fig. 5. Completely positively correlated fuzzy numbers. Figure 3: The case of ρ f (A, B) = 1. NUMBERS Let us consider now the subtraction correlated fuzzy numbers. Let A, B Let A and B be fuzzy numbers, where the membership correlated fuzzy numbers, let their join function B is defined by case the covariance between its marginal In [3] we haveofshown that in this be defined by (4), and let ! one of"its marginal distributions is symdistributions will be zero whenever at least x−r g(x1 , x2 ) = f (x1 , −x2 ) B(x) = A , metrical. q be the subtraction operator in R2 . Th anyLet x A, ∈ R, for let anytheir q >joint 0 wepossibility find Theorem for 3 [3] B ∈then F and distribution C be defined gC (A, B)(y) = (A −C B)(y) = by [A + B]γ = [A]γ + [B]γ C(x, y) = T (A(x), B(y)), = [A]γ + q[A]γ + r That is, γ for x, y ∈ R, where T is a function=satisfying (4) and (5). If A is a (q + 1)[A]conditions +r (A −C B)(y) = sup A(x1 ) · χ symmetrical fuzzy number then y=x1 −x2 = [A +C B]γ . for all γ ∈ [0, 1]. So, Cov f (A, B) = 0 Then for a γ-level set of A −C B we we get that their interactive and non-interactive sums are 8 for q = −2 we get, usually not equal. For example, that is, the fuzziness of A −C B vani Remark 4.1: We have just proved positively correlated fuzzy numbers ship function, that is, [A −C B]γ = cl{x1 − x2 ∈ R|A(x1 A + B = A + B. for any fuzzy number B, aggregator CT , and weighting function f . = (1 − q)[A]γ − r that is, the membership function of the interactive sum of two γ 2 Let us denote R[A]γ (id,positively id) the average valuefuzzy of function g(x) = (x − by C ([A]for)) allonγ ∈ [0, 1]. completely correlated numbers (defined the γ-level(1) setand of an individual fuzzy A. That is, of their non(4)) is equal to the number membership function In particular, if A and B are comple interactive sum (defined by their sup-min convolution). with q = 1, i.e. 2 Z Z 1 completely 1 correlated, 2 However, if they are negatively that [B]γ = [A]γ + R R R[A]γ (id, id) = x dx − xdx . γ γ γ dx is q < 0, then from [A] the inequality [A] [A]γ dx [A] ∀γ ∈ [0, 1] then γ γ [A] + q[A] #= (q + 1)[A]γ , [A −C B]γ = − [A]γ +q[A]γ = [A]γ −2[A]γ = [a1 (γ)−2a2 (γ), a2 (γ)−2a1 (γ)] and (q + 1)[A]γ = −[A]γ = [−a2 (γ), −a1 (γ)]. It is easy to see that, A(x) = B(x) for all x ∈ R, then their (interactive) d zero. Definition 5 The variance of A is defined as the expected value of function g(x) = (x − C ([A]γ ))2 on A. That is, Z 1 Var f (A) = E f (g; A) = 0 R[A]γ (id, id) f (γ)dγ. Figure 4: The case of ρ f (A, B) = −1. From the equality R[A]γ (id, id) = we get Var f (A) = (a2 (γ) − a1 (γ))2 12 Z 1 (a2 (γ) − a1 (γ))2 f (γ)dγ. 12 In [5] we proved that the ’principle of central values’ leads us to the same relationships in possibilistic environment as in probabilitic one. It is why we can claim that the principle of ’central values’ should play an important role in defining possibilistic interactivities. 0 Theorem 4 [5] Let C be a joint possibility distribution in R2 , and let λ , µ ∈ R. Then R[C]γ (λ πx + µπy , λ πx + µπy ) = λ 2 R[C]γ (πx , πx ) + µ 2 R[C]γ (πy , πy ) + 2λ µR[C]γ (πx , πy ). 9 Figure 5: The case of ρ f (A, B) = 1/3. Furthermore, in [2] we have proven the following theorem. Theorem 5 Let A, B ∈ F be fuzzy numbers (with Var f (A) 6= 0, Var f (B) 6= 0) with joint possibility distribution C. Then, the correlation coefficient between A and B, defined by Cov f (A, B) ρ f (A, B) = p . Var f (A)Var f (B) satisfies the property −1 ≤ ρ f (A, B) ≤ 1. for any weighting function f . Let us consider three interesting cases. In [4] we proved that if A and B are independent, that is, their joint possibility distribution is A × B then ρ f (A, B) = 0. Consider now the case depicted in Fig. 2. It can be shown [2] that in this case ρ f (A, B) = 1. Consider now the case depicted in Fig. 2. It can be shown [2] that in this case ρ f (A, B) = −1. Consider now the case depicted in Fig. 2. It can be shown that in this case ρ f (A, B) = 1/3. 3 Summary We have illustrated some important feautures of possibilistic mean value, covariance, variance and correlation by several examples. We have shown that zero cor10 relation does not always imply non-interactivity. We have also shown the limitations of direct definitions of joint possibility distributions from individual fuzzy numbers, for example, when one simply aggregates the membership values of two fuzzy numbers by a triangular norm. References [1] C. Carlsson, R. Fullér, On possibilistic mean value and variance of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 122(2001) 315-326. [2] C. Carlsson, R. Fullér and P. Majlender, On possibilistic correlation, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 155(2005) 425-445. [3] C. Carlsson, R. Fullér and P. Majlender, A normative view on possibility distributions, in: Masoud Nikravesh, Lotfi A. Zadeh and Victor Korotkikh eds., Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing , Vol. 142, Springer Verlag, [ISBN 3-540-20322-2], 2004 186-205. [4] R. Fullér and P. Majlender, On weighted possibilistic mean and variance of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 136(2003) 363-374. [5] R. Fullér and P. Majlender, On interactive fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (to appear). [6] L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control, 8(1965) 338-353. [7] L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets as a basis for a theory of possibility, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1(1978) 3-28. 11