Application functions for fuzzy multiple objective programs ∗ Christer Carlsson Robert Fullér Abstract In multiple objective programs [MOP], application functions are established to measure the degree of fulfillment of the decision maker’s requirements (achievement of goals, nearness to an ideal point, satisfaction, etc.) about the objective functions ([4, 13]) and extensively used in the process of finding ”good compromise” solutions. In this paper, generalizing the principle of application function to fuzzy multiple objective programs [FMOP], we define a large family of application functions for FMOP and illustrate our ideas by a simple biobjective program. 1 Application functions for MOP Consider a multiple objective program max f1 (x), . . . , fk (x) x∈X (1) where fi : IRn → IR are objective functions, x ∈ IRn is the decision variable, and X is a subset of IRn without any additional conditions for the moment. An application function hi for MOP (1) is defined as [Zim78, Del90] hi : IR → [0, 1] such that hi (t) measures the degree of fulfillment of the decision maker’s requirements about the i-th objective by the value t. In other words, with the notation of Hi (x) = hi (f (x)), Hi (x) may be considered as the degree of membership of x in the fuzzy set ”good solutions” for the i-th objective. Then a ”good compromise solution” to (1) may be defined as an x ∈ X being ”as good as possible” for the whole set of objectives. ∗ in: P.Eklund, ed., Proceedings of MEPP’93 Workshop, June 14-18, 1993, Mariehamn, Finland, Reports on Computer Science & Mathematics, Ser. B. No 17, Åbo Akademi, Åbo, 1994 10-16. 1 mi Mi fi (x) Figure 1: The case of linear membership function. Taking into consideration the nature of Hi (.), i = 1, . . . k, it is quite reasonable to look for such a kind of solution by means of the following auxiliary problem max H1 (x), . . . , Hk (x) (2) x∈X For max H1 (x), . . . , Hk (x) , which may be interpreted as a synthetical notation of a conjuction statement (maximize jointly all objectives) and Hi (x) ∈ [0, 1], it is reasonable to use a t-norm T [Sch63] to represent the connective AND. In this way (2) turns into the single-objective problem max T (H1 (x), . . . , Hk (x)). x∈X (3) There exist several ways to introduce application functions [Kap90]. Usually, the authors consider increasing membership functions (the bigger is better) of the form if t ≥ Mi 1 vi (t) if mi ≤ t ≤ Mi hi (t) = 0 if t ≤ mi where mi [≥ minx∈X fi (x)] denotes the reservation level representing minimal requirement and Mi [≤ maxx∈X fi (x)] is the desirable level on the i-th objective. Let’s recall some definitions. Fuzzy sets of the real line are called fuzzy quantities. A fuzzy number ã is a fuzzy quantity with a continuous, finite-supported, fuzzy-convex and normalized membership function ã : IR → [0, 1]. The family of all fuzzy numbers will be denoted by F(IR). An α-level set of a fuzzy quantity ã is a non-fuzzy set denoted by [ã]α and is defined by [ã]α = {t ∈ IR|ã(t) ≥ α} for α ∈ (0, 1] and [ã]α = cl(supp ã) for α = 0. A triangular fuzzy number ã denoted by (a, α, β) is defined as ã(t) = 1 − |a − t|/α if |a − t| ≤ α, ã(t) = 1 − |a − t|/β if |a − t| ≤ β and ã(t) = 0 otherwise, where a ∈ IR is the modal value and α, β are the left and right spreads of ã, respectively. Let ã, b̃ ∈ F(IR) with [ã]α = [a1 (α), a2 (α)], [b̃]α = [b1 (α), b2 (α)] and let ω : F(IR) → IR be a defuzzyfier in F(IR). We suppose that crisp inequality relations between fuzzy numbers are defined by defuzzifiers, i.e. ã ≤ b̃ iff ω(ã) ≤ ω(b̃). 2 We metricize F(IR) by the metrics [Kal87], 1 1/p α α p Dp (ã, b̃) = d([ã] , [b̃] ) 0 for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, especially, for p = ∞ we get D∞ (ã, b̃) = sup d([ã]α , [b̃]α ), α∈[0,1] where d denotes the classical Hausdorff metric in the family of compact subsets of IR2 . We shall use the following inequality relation between fuzzy numbers [Goe86] ã ≤ b̃ iff ω(ã) = 1 r(a1 (r) + a2 (r))dr ≤ ω(b̃) = 0 2 1 r(b1 (r) + b2 (r))dr (4) 0 Application functions for FMOP Consider a fuzzy multiple objective program [FMOP] max f˜1 (x), . . . , f˜k (x) x∈X (5) where f̃i : IRn → F(IR) (i.e. a fuzzy-number-valued function) and f̃i is to be maximized in the sense of a given crisp inequality relation ≤ between fuzzy numbers (defined by a defuzzifier ω). An application function for FMOP (5) is defined as hi : F(IR) → [0, 1] such that hi (µ) measures the degree of fulfillment of the decision maker’s requirements about the i-th objective by the (fuzzy) value µ. In other words, with the notation of Hi (x) = hi (f (x)), Hi (x) may be considered as the degree of membership of x in the fuzzy set ”good solutions” for the i-th fuzzy objective. As in the crisp case, we consider only increasing membership functions (the bigger is better) of the form if M̃i ≤ µ 1 hi (µ) = v (µ) if m̃i ≤ µ ≤ M̃i i 0 if µ ≤ m̃i where m̃i [≥ minx∈X f˜i (x)] denotes the reservation level representing minimal requirement and M̃i [≤ maxx∈X f˜i (x)] is the desirable level on the i-th objective. We suggest the use of the family of application functions 1 if ω(M̃i ) ≤ ω(f̃i (x)) Hi (x) = 1 − D(f̃i (x), M̃i )/D(m̃i , M̃i ) if ω(m̃i ) ≤ ω(f̃i (x)) ≤ ω(M̃i ) 0 if ω(f̃i (x)) ≤ ω(m̃i ) 3 1 1 Figure 2: The modal values of the objective functions. where D is a metric (e.g Dp ) in F(IR). Thus, similarly to the crisp case, FMOP (5) turns into the single-objective problem max T (H1 (x), . . . , Hk (x)). x∈X (6) It is clear that the closer the value of the objective function of problem (6) to one the closer the fuzzy functions to their independent optima. 3 Example We illustrate the use of applications functions by a simple biobjective program. Let us consider the following FMOP max f˜1 (x), f˜2 (x) (7) 0≤x≤1 where f˜1 (x) = (1 − x2 , x2 , x), f˜2 (x) = (x, x, x) (i.e. fuzzy numbers of triangular type) and we maximize the objective functions in the sense of relation (4). It is easy to see (Fig.2.) that the modal values of the objective functions are in conflict. Suppose that the decision maker wants to have as much gain on objectives as possible, i.e. m̃i = minx∈X f˜i (x) and M̃i = maxx∈X f˜i (x). It is easy to compute that M̃1 M̃2 m̃1 m̃2 = = = = f˜1 (1/14) = (1 − 1/142 , 1/142 , 1/14) (see Fig.3.), f˜2 (1)) = (1, 1, 1), f˜1 (1) = (0, 1, 1), f˜2 (0) = (0, 0, 0), We note that f˜1 attends its maximum (in the sense of inequality relation (4)) at 1/142 in [0, 1], and not at zero, where f1 (the function of its modal values) attends its maximal value. Using the definition of the metric D∞ we have max 2|x2 − 1/142 |, |x2 − x + 13/142 | H1 (x) = 1 − , 2|1 − 1/142 | 4 and H2 (x) = 1 − |x − 1| if x ∈ [0, 1] and H1 (x) = H2 (x) = 0 otherwise. 1/14 1 Figure 3. The defuzzified values of the objective function f˜1 . By using the minimum operator to represent the connective AND in (6) the original FMOP turns into the following single objective MP max 2|x2 − 1/142 |, |x2 − x + 13/142 | min 1 − , 1 − |x − 1| → max 2|1 − 1/142 | subject to x ∈ [0, 1]. Remark. The crisp biobjective problem max 1 − x2 , x 0≤x≤1 where the objective functions are the modal values of the fuzzy objectives of (7) and the minimum operator is used for the connective AND in (3) has unique solution (see Fig.2.) √ 5−1 x∗ = . 2 Our optimal solution to FMOP (7) is different from x∗ because the fuzziness has essentially changed the application function for the first objective. References [1] C.Carlsson, Approximate Reasoning for solving fuzzy MCDM problems, Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 18(1987), 35-48. [2] C.Carlsson, On interdependent fuzzy multiple criteria, in: R.Trappl ed.,Proceedings of the Eleventh European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, World Scientific Publisher, London, 1992, Vol.1. 139-146. 5 [3] C.Carlsson, On optimization with interdependent multiple criteria, in: R.Lowen and M.Roubens eds., Fuzzy Logic: State of the Art, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1992. 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