GRAFTED POLY(PHENYLENE-ETHYNYLENE): OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS BY CRAIG A. BREEN B.A., CHEMISTRY MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE, MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT; 2000 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY MASSACHUSETTS tNSTfJTE' OF TECHNOLOGY AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 2 1 2005 LIBRARIES JUNE2005 © 2005 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SIGNATURE OF AUTHOR: B1MENT OF UCEMISTRY MAY24, 2005 CERTIFIED BY: TIMOT CY. SWAGER PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY THESIS SUPERVISOR ACCEPTED BY: ROBERT W. FIELD CHAIRMAN, DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDENTS ARCHIVeS This doctoral thesis has been examined by a Committee of the Department of Chemistry as follows: Professor Moungi G. Bawendi ,) Chairman Professor Timothy M. Swager Thesis-Advisor Professor Edwin L. Thomas Professor Vladimir Bulovic / 2 / To my family and the lovely Sandra Rifai - soon to be Sandra Breen 3 Grafted Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene): Optical and Optoelectronic Applications By Craig A. Breen Submitted to the Department of Chemistry on May 24, 2005 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry ABSTRACT Poly(phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE), a fully conjugated polymer system, exhibits high solution state quantum yields, narrow emission profiles, and wide band gaps allowing for blue emission, making them ideal candidates for display applications. Unfortunately, PPEs have received little attention in solid-state optical and optoelectronic applications due to aggregation phenomena, which significantly reduces solid-state emission efficiencies and limits the miscibility of PPEs with other materials systems. Furthermore, the acetylene linkage in PPEs limits the redox properties of these polymers making charge injection, especially holes, difficult without material degradation. However, this dissertation details the development of a grafted PPE system that demonstrates enhanced optical and optoelectronic behavior by circumventing the negative aspects of traditional PPEs outlined above. The basic luminescent properties of conjugated polymer systems are understanding, outlined in Chapter 2. Building upon this fundamental we move to the design and synthesis of a new grafted PPE system described in Chapter 3. The synthetic modification of the PPE is used for domain-specific incorporation into a cylindrical morphology block copolymer host matrix, which is reported in Chapter 4. This work also details the design and fabrication of new PPE based organic light emitting devices (OLEDs). Chapter 5 discusses the development of a new hybrid OLED system whereby energy transfer from a hole-transport host to grafted PPEs results in efficient, blue PPE electroluminescence (EL) that matches the solid-state PL. Moreover, the grafting process is completely modular, allowing for further modification. Chapter 6 details the introduction of a charge transport moiety, which is directly grafted to a PPE backbone structure, enabling an entirely polymeric, single layer device, capable of achieving efficient, narrow blue EL. The culmination of these results in Chapter 7 solidifies that PPEs, in combination with a modular grafting technique, can now be accessed as viable light-emitting materials for OLED applications. Thesis Supervisor: Timothy M. Swager Title: Professor of Chemistry 4 Acknowledgments I like to consider myself a fairly simple individual. consider myself poetic or eloquent. I do not, however, The following is by no means comprehensive, nor would I ever assume that the words I will use in the following segment even begin to repay those for the richness and enjoyment that they have brought into my life. With that said, I will do my best to thank the many people that have shaped my graduate experience at MIT. I would like to begin by thanking my advisor, Tim, for all of his energy and passion for developing "big picture" ideas. His creativity and desire to design and synthesize multifunctional materials systems while always keeping real-world applications of the materials in mind, truly has shaped my development as a scientist. In addition to his constant encouragement, my thanks also go out to Prof. Ned Thomas for giving me the opportunity to work closely with his research group. Dr. Deng and Dr. Breiner, post-docs in Ned's group, made my block copolymer roll casting experience much more fun than just watching cumene evaporate. I'm also thoroughly indebted to Prof. Vladimir Bulovic. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him and his research group. Vladimir's intellect and technical abilities are only overshadowed by his warm and friendly nature. My transition into device fabrication and analysis would not have been possible, nor nearly as enjoyable, without the help of Yaakov Tischler, a graduate student in Vladimir's group. Many of the fond memories I have from these past five years come from intramural sports. With all due humility and respect, let me be so bold as to say 5 that the athleticism and raw competitiveness exhibited by the crazy group of guys that constituted The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers (otherwise known as LLUA) intramural association, has never been, nor will likely ever be, matched by another intramural organization at MIT. To Rene, Scottie, Philip, Monkey, JP, Chudi, Aaron and Andy Aguirre, Cody, ZB (a.k.a. Brent Fisher), Drew, Chris, Jose, Big John, Andy, CJ, Akin, Neil, Mike and Peewee - It was a great run. I hope you all had half as much fun as I did. And remember boys, it is only IM's. Lastly, but most certainly not least, I must thank my family. Everything I have accomplished is entirely due to the love and support of my family. I have learned an enormous amount from my younger brother Eric. His love of life and unwavering convictions are truly inspiring. confidence My parents' and grandparents' in me, in addition to their willingness to "always be there," is unparalleled. My dad has taught me the value of education and why practicality, while not everything, is extremely important. As for my mom, well, lets just say I'm a momma's boy. My mom is very special and has set the bar high for my future wife. Speaking of which, that brings me to the sweet and lovely Sandra. While the amount of time she has been in my life up to this point is relatively short, she has most certainly had the greatest impact on my graduate experience and on my life as a whole. Probably the best way to sum up my love for Sandra is the standard cliche; when you meet the right one, you just know. I definitely knew. Deciding to ask her to marry me was the easiest decision I have ever made. My life-long mission will be to hopefully make her as happy as she has made me. Sure sounds like a nice life to me. 6 Table of Contents Title Page ......... ......... Signature Page ......... Dedication Abstract .. ....... Acknowledgements ......... Table of Contents ......... ......... List of Figures List of Schemes ......... List of Tables ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ... . . .. ... .. . .. . .. .. ... .. . .. . ......... ........... 1 ......... ........... 2 ......... ........... 3 ......... ........... 4 ......... ........... 5 ......... ........... 7 ......... ........... 11 ......... ........... 21 ......... ........... 22 Chapter 1: Development of a Quantum Efficient Solid-State Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) System: The Quest for the Elusive Blue OLED ................................................ 1.1 Introduction - Display Technologies ..................... 1.1.A Liquid Crystal Displays ..................... 1.1.B Organic Light Emitting Devices 1.2 OLEDs - Towards Full Color Displays ............ 1.3 The Elusive Blue OLED 1.3.A Overview ............ .............................. ....................................... 1.3.B Inorganic Systems .............................. 1.3.C Small Molecule OLED Systems ............ 1.3.D Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Systems............ 1.3.E Polymer Based LEDs or PLEDs 1.4 Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) 1.4.A Electroluminescence 1.4.B Conclusions (PPE) ............ ..................... from PPEs ............ ....................................... 1.5 Thesis Outline ................................................ 1.6 References ................................................ 7 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... 23 .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... 24 25 27 31 32 32 34 34 36 37 39 40 48 49 51 Chapter 2: Conjugated Polymer Systems and the Basic Theory of Organic Luminescent Phenomena .......... ................... ... 55 2.1 Introduction - Conjugated Polymers .................................................. 56 2.2 Luminescence in Organic Materials .................................................. 61 2.2.A Radiative Transitions .................................................. 62 2.2.B Non-Radiative Transitions .................................................. 64 2.2.C Franck-Condon Shift ......... 2.3 Electronic Energy Transfer ......... ......... ............................ ........................... 65 2.3.A Forster Energy Transfer .................................................. 2.3.B Dexter Energy Transfer ............................ 2.4 Energy Transfer in Conjugated Polymers .. 66 ......... 68 ...................... 69 ......................................... 70 2.5 Energy Levels and Transitions of Coupled Systems (or Aggregates) ..... 71 2.6 Conclusions ................................................................... 74 2.7 References ................................................................... 76 Chapter 3: Polystyrene Grafted Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (A TRP) ................................ 80 3.1 Abstract .................................................................. 3.2 Introduction - Grafted Conjugated Polymers ................................ 3.3 Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and its Mechanism ......... 3.4 Results and Discussion 3.4.A Polymer Synthesis ................... 3.5 Conclusions ................................................................... 3.6 Experimental Section ............................ 3.7 References .......................... ............................ ......... ............................ ............................................... 8 81 ..............83 .................. ............................ 3.4.B Polymer Characterization 79 .. 86 86 ...................... 88 93 94 . 100 Chapter 4: Polarized Photoluminescence from Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) via a Block Copolymer Nanotemplate ................... 101 4.1 Abstract ............................................................... ..... . . . .. . . 102 4.2 Introduction - Polarized Photoluminescent Materials ..... . . . .. . . 103 4.2.A Overview ............................................. 4.2.A Block Copolymers ..... . . . .. . . 103 .................................... 4.2.C Alignment of Conjugated Polymers ..... . . . .. . . 103 ......... ..... . . . .. . . 106 4.3 A New Guest/Host System .................................... ..... . . . .. . . 109 4.4 Results and Discussion .................................... 111 4.4.A Overview ............................................. 111 ..... . . . .. . . 4.4.B Roll Cast Processing .................................... 113 4.4.C Roll Cast Film - Structural Characterization 115 4.4.D Roll Cast Film - Polarization Spectroscopy ..... . . . .. . . 118 4.4.E Roll Cast Film - Anisotropy ........................... 123 4.4.F Mechanically Tunable Polarized Emission 127 4.5 Conclusions ...................................................... 129 4.6 Experimental Section ............................................. 130 4.7 References 131 ...................................................... Chapter 5: Highly Efficient Blue Electroluminescence from Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) via Energy Transfer from a Hole Transport Matrix 5.1 Abstract ............................................................... 5.2 Introduction 135 .................................. ... .. .. . .. ... .. ...................................................... 5.3 Results and Discussion 5.3.A Overview .................................... 137 ... ... . . .. . . 138 ............................................. 5.3.B Photoluminescence Energy Transfer Study 136 138 .. ... . . .. . . . . 141 5.3.C Electroluminescence of TPD/PPE Systems 143 5.3.D Operational Analysis of TPD/PPE Devices 148 9 5.4 Conclusions 151 ..................................................... 5.5 Experimental Section ..................................................... 152 5.6 References 156 ........................................................................... Chapter 6: Blue Electroluminescence from Oxadiazole Grafted Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) ................................................ 6.1 Abstract 159 160 ..................................................... 6.2 Introduction 161 ..................................................... 6.3 Results and Discussion 6.3.A Overview ................... 162 ...................................... 162 .................................. ............................ 6.3.B Polymer Characterization 165 ................................................ 6.3.C Photophysical Characterization 166 ....................................... 6.3.D Electroluminescence of Oxadiazole Grafted PPEs ............ 170 6.3.E Operational Analysis of Oxadiazole Grafted PPE Devices......... 172 6.4 Conclusions ......... .............................. 175 ........................... ......... ........... 176 176.......................... 6.5 Experimental Section ......... 6.6 References .................. ................... ......... ....... 182 Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Directions ....................................... 185 7.1 Overview ......... 186................................ 186 7.2 Conclusions ......... 7.3 Future Work ........................................................................... 188 7.4 References ......... 192................... 192 Curriculum Vitae ........................................................................... .............................................................. ............................ 10 186 195 List of Figures Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 Schematic representation of a liquid crystal display. Adopted from is tft Icd.htm. 26 ....................... Figure 1.2 Top: Sony display which shows off the remarkably thin monitor that can be developed with OLED technology. (Adopted from Universal Display Corporation website.) Bottom: Inset of a 40-inch Seiko Epson prototype OLED Schematic of ink-jet printed OLED display. display. website: Figure 1.3 Clockwise from left: Adopted from Epson .... 29 2004 05 18.htm 1) Personal MP3 music player launched by Delta Electronics that incorporates a green PLED display for the control and indication of all system operations. 2) Philips has developed the new 639 mobile telephone using 'Magic Mirror' technology. The clam-shell design provides a mirror for checking personal grooming when it is closed. Incoming calls are indicated by the display showing through the mirror - a highly effective use of a secondary display. 3) A men's shaver sold by Philips uses a PLED display showing information including shaving time remaining before recharge. MicroEmissive Displays has developed the NHJ 3-in-1 Camera. camera, movie camera and MP3 player all in one. 4) It is a still It has 3.2M pixels, USB connection and a PLED display which has one quarter the power consumption of an LCD. Adopted from Cambridge Technologies website: ........................................ 30 Display Figure 1.4 A typical CIE diagram. CIE stands for the Commission Internationale de 'Eclairage, which is an international committee for the establishment of color standards. The CIE model and the CIE Chromaticity Diagram define the different variations of color. The dark triangle overlayed on the CIE diagram represents the various colors that can be achieved using a standard CRT computer monitor. The CIE coordinates for red, green, and blue phosphors used in a standard CRT 11 monitor are (x = 0.61; y = 0.34), (x = 0.25; y = 0.62), and (x = 0.15; y = 0.063) respectively. ....................................................... Figure 1.5 33 Chemical structures of common wide-band gap small molecule materials for blue color emission. The structure for TPD is show in a, while that of a-NPD is shown in b. 35 ...................................................... Figure 1.6 Chemical structure of a blue phosphorescent emitter, Flrpic. Figure 1.7 .... 36 EL from QD-LED devices with (a) and without (b) hole-blocking layers. Plots c and d display the ability of these systems to produce red and green EL, while plot e displays new blue (CdS)ZnS quantum dot PL and initial QD-LED studies with this material. ................................................. 37 Figure 1.8 Chemical structures of PPV type systems used in PLEDs. The standard PPV structure is shown in a, while PPV systems with interrupted conjugation are shown in b, c, and d. Figure 1.9 ................................................. Examples of various PPP structures. A fluorine unit has been incorporated into b. ....................................................... Figure 1.10 (dashed Figure 1.11 39 Chemical structure, absorbance (solid line), PL (dotted line), EL line), and operational OPPE/ITO) 38 analysis of PPE based LEDs (Cathode/O41 ...................................................... Top: Structures of EHO-OPPE, a poly(2,5-dialkoxy-p-phenylene- ethynylene) derivative, poly(N,N'-diphenylbenzidine diphenylether) (poly-TPD), and a tetrameric spiroquinoxaline (spiro-qux). Bottom: Schematic view of the device structures investigated: 1) single-layer EHO-OPPE, 2) two-layer polyTPD/EHO-OPPE, 3) single-layer blend, and 4) blend layer with additional electron-transport/hole-blocking layer (ETHBL), and of their corresponding energy-level diagrams; the band-edge energy levels were determined by cyclic voltammetry (CV). ...................................................... 42 Figure 1.12 Examples of poly(phenylene ethynylene)s. A 2,5-pyridinediyl unit is incorporated in a while b is a poly(3,4-dialkyl-1,6-phenylene-ethynylene). .... 44 Figure 1.13 Electroluminescence from AI/PPE/ITO devices. Plot a shows the results for the PPE system in Figure 1.1lla while plot b shows the results for the PPE in Figure 1.1lb. ................................................................... 12 44 Figure 1.14 Top: Chemical structure of the meta-phenylene ethynylene polymer, 5a and 5b. Bottom: ITO/PEDOT/5b/Ca/AI Solid-state PL of polymer 5b and EL spectra for a LED at 12 and 17 V. 45 ......................................... Figure 1.15 The synthesis of the naphthalene unit and naphthalene containing PPEs is shown in a. Plot b shows the PL for PPEs containing increasing amounts of naphthalene unit (5a-5d where 5d contains the largest naphthalene content). Plot c reveals spectrally integrated EL emission intensity for a PPEbased OLED with (solid symbols) and without (open symbols) a PEDOT hole injection layer while d shows the normalized EL spectra of hexyl-dodecyl-PPE where the emissive layer is spin cast from toluene and from CHCI3/toluene (1:1). Plot e shows the normalized EL spectra for devices containing PPEs 5b and 5c. ................................................................................................... .... 47 Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 Three repeat units of important conjugated polymer structures..... 56 Figure 2.2 Peierls distortion of an isolated chain of equidistant atoms. Crystal lattice, electron density of states and electron dispersion relation without distortion (a) and with distortion (b). ................................................. 57 Figure 2.3 Bond alternation in leads to Peierls gap. Overlap of the pz orbitals of the double bonds in polyacetylene results in the formation of a delocalized electron system along the polymer backbone. Bonding and antibonding T orbitals form the equivalent of conduction and valence bands, responsible for the metallic and semiconducting character of these materials. Figure 2.4 ...................... 58 a) Irradiation of a fluorescent polymer excites an electron from the HOMO to the LUMO. In a typical conjugated polymer, two new energy states are generated upon relaxation within the original HOMO-LUMO energy gap and are each filled with one electron of opposite sign (singlet excited state). The excited polymer may then relax to the ground state with emission of light at a longer wavelength than that absorbed (photoluminescence). b) In a polymer LED, electrons are injected into the LUMO (to form radical anions) and holes into the 13 HOMO (to form radical cations) of the electroluminescent polymer. The resulting charges migrate from polymer chain to polymer chain under the influence of the applied electric field. When a radical anion and radical cation combine, generating an exciton-polaron, singlet and triplet excited states are formed, of which singlets can radiatively combine, emitting light Figure 2.5 Jablonski diagram. Figure 2.6 ............................... 60 61 .......................................... Schematic diagram representing exciton spin and symmetry. The total possible spin states of an exciton can be spatially anti-symmetric (S = 1) also known as triplet states or they can be spatially symmetric (S = 0) also known as singlet states. There are three possible triplet configurations and only one singlet configuration. ................................................................... 63 Figure 2.7 Energy diagram of the electronic ground state and first excited state for a diatomic molecule, schematically illustrating the Frank-Condon or Stokes shift 66 .............................................................................................. Figure 2.8 Schematic of the Frster and Dexter processes resulting in singletsinglet energy transfer. 69 .......................................... Figure 2.9 Exciton splitting in dimers of various geometries. Orientations of monomer transition dipoles are represented by short arrows. Dipole-forbidden transitions are denoted by dotted lines. .. 74 ........................................ Chapter 3 Figure 3.1 Plot a shows UV/vis analysis (300-700 nm) of ungrafted PT (5) and grafted PT (6) in solution and cast films. The fluorescence of ungrafted and grafted PT in solution (excited at 420 nm) and cast films (excited at 445 and 420 nm respectively) are shown in plots b and c respectively. ...................... 83 Figure 3.2 GPC elugrams of the PPE Backbone (black), PS grafted PPE (blue), and cleaved PS grafts (green). The plot to the left shows the elugram for the grafted PPE measured using the various detection wavelengths available with the GPC system, i.e. Refractive Index (RI), Ultra-violet (250 nm), and Visable (450 nm). 89 .......................................... 14 Figure 3.3 1H NMR characterization of polymers 3, 4, and 5. Signals normalized on the aromatic methoxy proton signal. ........................................ 91 Figure 3.4 Right: Photophysical analysis of the PPE backbone and grafted PPE systems. Absorption profiles for the grafted (a) and ungrafted (b) PPEs are plotted in both solution and solid-state. The photoluminescence for the grafted (c) and ungrafted (d) PPEs are also shown. Left: A comparison is made between the quantum yields of the grafted and ungrafted systems in both solution and solid state. 92 ........................................ Chapter 4 Figure 4.1 Phase diagram for a simple A-B di-block copolymer system. ... 105 Figure 4.2 Polarized absorption (A) and photoluminescence (B) of an oriented film (draw ratio, = 80) of a 2 weight % EHO-OPPE-UHMW-PE blend. The spectra were recorded with polarizers oriented parallel (solid line) and perpendicular (dashed line) to the orientation direction of the polymer blend films. The inset in (B) shows at a magnification of 70 the spectrum recorded perpendicular to the orientation direction. ...................................... 107 Figure 4.3 Schematic structures of PL display devices. (A) Device in which the light emitted by the polarized PL layer is switched. (B) Bicolor device in which the light emitted by the polarized PL layer is switched. (C) Device where the UV excitation light is switched. Arrows at the left indicate the polarization directions of the respective elements. Devices A and B constituted a commercially available, standard TN cell fitted with a linear sheet polarizer. Device C was based on a laboratory UV-active TN cell and a UV-active sheet polarizer (Polaroid HNP-B) producing linearly polarized light. All devices used a Bioblock UV lamp (VL-4LC). Photographs (right) of a PL display device like that shown in A compared to a similar commercial, direct view LCD. Also shows a photograph of the bicolor display device where the MEH-PPV-based polarized layer was omitted in the upper left part of the display. 15 ....................................... 108 Figure 4.4 Polarized absorption and emission spectra of oriented films. Spectra were obtained by irradiating the sample with vertically (solid line) and horizontally (dashed line) polarized light. Emission spectra were obtained by exciting the films at 365 nm. a, Binary UHMW PE/DMC blend; b, Binary UHMW PE/EHOOPPE blend; c, ternary UHMW PE/EHO-OPPE/DMC blend. Photophysical processes and optical emission. d-f, Schematic representation for uniaxially oriented films of the binary reference blends of UHMW PE/DMC (d), UHMW PE/EHO-OPPE (e) and the ternary UHMW PE/EHO-OPPE/DMC Arrows indicate polarizations of incident and emitted light. Figure 4.5 blend (f). .................... 109 Schematic showing the alignment of PS grafted PPE by sequestration inside the PS domains of a SIS triblock copolymer. The grafted PPE was co-assembled into PS cylinders within the PI matrix. Figure 4.6 Schematic diagram of the roll cast apparatus. ........... ..................... 112 114 Figure 4.7 Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) data. (a) SIS triblock copolymer blended with 0.1% (w/w) PS grafted PPE after simple casting. overall microdomain Small grains and a lack of ordering are apparent in the TEM image and an isotropic scattering ring is evident in the SAXS pattern. (b) Same system after roll casting. The TEM view is along the axis of the cylinders showing the PS cylinders (white circular dots) form a long-range ordered hexagonal lattice in the P matrix. The SAXS pattern with the incident x-ray beam orthogonal to the cylinders shows the '-/, 3, and V4 reflections of the hexagonal lattice of cylinders. The FWHM of the first reflection is only 10 degrees, indicating the high axial alignment achieved by the roll cast process. Figure 4.8 ...................................... 117 Schematic diagram of the measurement system used to determine the degree of polarized emission generated from the roll cast PS grafted PPE doped block copolymer films. Figure 4.9 ........................................ Polarized absorption (a) and photoluminescence 119 (b) of a roll cast oriented film of 0.1 weight % PS-PPE doped in SIS. The spectra were obtained with polarizers oriented parallel (solid line) and perpendicular (dashed line) to the PS cylinder orientation of the block copolymer host. The emission spectrum in 16 (b), measured perpendicular to the polarizers (dashed line), is corrected for instrumental polarization dependence. ........................................ 120 Figure 4.10 Artistic representation of the PS grafted PPE alignment within the PS domain of the block copolymer host matrix. Intramolecular energy transfer, or energy migration, from the less aligned PPE segments to highly aligned segments allows this particular system to absorb a significant amount of unpolarized light and transfer this energy to on particular polarization. ... 122 Figure 4.11 Polarized photoluminescence of a simple cast (a) and roll cast film m. The excitation wavelength was X = (b). The thickness of both films was - 40 400 nm and the sample was irradiated perpendicular to the surface of the film .................................................................. 123 Figure 4.12 Angular dependence of anisotropy r (0) of a simple cast film and a roll cast film at = 472 nm. The thickness of both films was - 80 m. The nonzero anisotropy in the isotropic film arises due to the inherent polarizability of the PPE guest molecule. Due to the relatively short lifetime of the PPE system, the polarized excitation results in emitted light that retains a small, non-zero polarized emission component. ............................ ............ 124 Figure 4.13 Thickness dependence of anisotropy at X = 472 nm of a roll cast film. The excitation wavelength was X = 400 nm and the thickness of the film varies between -40 is -10%. m to -470 m. The variance in the anisotropy measured .................................................................................... 126 Figure 4.14 Change of anisotropy with applied transverse strain. The film (-100 m) was initially deformed to 240% and then released. The data shown is for the second loading/unloading cycle. ................................................ 128 Chapter 5 Figure 5.1 Diagram of a standard heterojunction OLED device architecture. Electrons are injected from the cathode into an electron transport layer while holes are injected from the anode into a hole transport layer. The charges travel to the center of the device where they reach one another forming excited states, 17 or excitons, on the molecules that comprise the recombination region within the device. This region can simply the interface of the hole transport and electron transport layers or, it can be another material that constitutes the desired luminescent layer. region, these Once the excitons are formed within the recombination excited states recombine, producing light. i.e. the electrons and holes can ........................................................ 139 can relax, Figure 5.2 Solid-state absorption and photoluminescence spectra of the various TPD/PPE blends. Dashed lines indicate absorption spectra. Photoluminescence spectra were obtained by irradiating the samples with X = 360 nm and X = 420 nm excitation wavelengths. Plots (a) and (b) correspond to blends of ungrafted PPE (O-PPE and P-PPE respectively), while (c) and (d) correspond to blends of grafted PPE (GO-PPE and GP-PPE respectively). Figure 5.3 In the system containing 142 ............................. ungrafted PPEs, aggregated PPE molecules (red) phase separate from the TPD host molecules (yellow) and thus do not undergo energy transfer, displaying a significant spectral component due to TPD in the PL energy transfer study. The grafted PPEs (blue), however, are completely miscible with the TPD host and thus exhibit efficient energy transfer resulting in spectrally pure PPE photoluminescence. .............................. 144 Figure 5.4 Schematic diagram of an organic vacuum deposition system. .... 145 Electroluminescence spectra (solid line) overlayed with the Figure 5.5 corresponding photoluminescence spectra (dashed TPD/PPE-LEDs. line) of the various Inset, plot of the EL and PL of a TPD control device. Spectra for ungrafted PPE devices are shown in plots (a) and (b) (O-PPE and P-PPE respectively) while (c) and (d) correspond to devices containing grafted PPE The TPD/PPE layer is spin-cast onto (GO-PPE and GP-PPE respectively). clean, indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates with a thickness of 50 nm for ungrafted PPE blends and 40 nm for grafted PPE blends. This is followed by thermal evaporation of a 20-nm-thick film of 3-(4-biphenyl)-4-phenyl-5-tbutylphenyl-1,2,4-triazole (TAZ), a 30-nm-thick film of tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum) (Alq 3 ), and a 1-mm-diameter, 100-nm-thick Mg:Ag (10:1 by mass) cathode, with a 30-nm Ag cap. The spin casting and device manipulation during 18 fabrication is conducted in a dry nitrogen environment, with moisture and oxygen content of less than 5 p.p.m. All EL measurements are done in air ........... 147 Figure 5.6 External quantum efficiency versus current density for the TPD/PPE devices and the TPD control device shown in Figure 2. Inset shows the currentvoltage behavior for the various devices. The peak efficiency of the GP-PPE device is r7 = 1.6% at 0.1 mA cm -2 and 7.5 V which corresponds to a luminance efficiency of 3.3 cd A-1. The peak efficiency of the GO-PPE device is - = 1.1% at 0.1 mA cm 2 and 7.6V which corresponds to a luminance efficiency of 1.7 cd A-1 . The ungrafted PPE devices had peak efficiencies of r = 0.006% and 0.0007% at 100 mA cm -2 and 16.5V which corresponded = to a luminance efficiencies of 0.013 cd A-1 and 0.001 cd A-1 for the O-PPE and P-PPE systems respectively. The TPD control device had a peak efficiency of r = 0.8% at 8 mA cm -2 and 7.5 V giving a luminance efficiency of 0.72 cd A-' . ..................... 149 Chapter 6 Figure 6.1 Normalized solution-state (a) and solid-state (b) photoluminescence spectra of the various ungrafted PPEs. Inset, plots of the absorption spectra for each case. Solution-state measurements were conducted in chloroform solution. Solid-state measurements were obtained using polymer thin-films spin-cast onto glass substrates from chloroform solution (2mg/mL). In all cases, samples were excited at their respective absorption maxima (see Table 6.1). ........... 167 Figure 6.2 Normalized solution-state (a) and solid-state (b) photoluminescence spectra of the various oxadiazole grafted PPEs. Inset, plots of the absorption spectra for each case. Solution-state measurements were conducted in chloroform solution. Samples were irradiated with X = 385 nm light in order to prevent excitation, and thus emission, from the oxadiazole grafts. Solid-state measurements were obtained using polymer thin-films spin-cast onto glass substrates from chloroform solution (2mg/mL). The films were all irradiated near the oxadiazole absorption maxima ( = 318) with X = 320 nm light in order to observe energy transfer from the oxadiazole grafts to the PPEs. 19 ........... 169 Figure 6.3 Electroluminescence spectra (solid line) overlayed with the corresponding solid-state photoluminescence spectra (dashed line) and solutionstate photoluminescence spectra (dotted line) of the various oxadiazole grafted PPEs. Spectra for the all dialkoxy substituted PPEs G1-G3 are shown in plots (a)-(c) while plots (e) and (f) correspond to pentiptycene containing PPEs G4 and G5 respectively. Plot (d) shows the EL for devices containing ungrafted PPEs 4 (dotted line) and 5 (dot-dash line) for comparison. ............................. 171 Figure 6.4 External quantum efficiency versus current density for the oxadiazole grafted PPEs. Inset shows the current-voltage behavior for the various devices. The entirely dialkoxy substituted PPEs G1-G3 had peak efficiencies of r = 0.05%, 0.07%, and 0.11% respectively with corresponding luminance efficiencies of 0.17 cd A-' , 0.21 cd A 1, and 0.22 cd A-1. pentiptycene containing The peak efficiency of the = 0.23% at 12.2 mA cm 2 and 9.9V PPE G4 was corresponding to a luminance efficiency of 0.40 cd A 1' while the peak efficiency of PPE G5 was i = 0.29% at 13.6 mA cm '2 and 11.4V corresponding to a luminance efficiency of 0.34 cd A-1. 173 ............................................... 20 List of Schemes Chapter 3 Scheme 3.1 Synthetic scheme of polythiophene (PT) graft copolymer synthesis.......................................................................................... 82 Scheme 3.2 The ATRP mechanism utilizing copper ion as a metal catalyst. .. 85 Scheme 3.3 Synthesis scheme for synthesizing PPE monomer with terminal hydroxyl substituents. ........................................ .................. Scheme 3.4 Synthetic scheme for the ATRP grafting process. ............. 87 87 Chapter 5 Scheme 5.1 Chemical structures for the materials used in the TPD/PPE hybrid OLED devices. .......................................... ................ 140 Chapter 6 Scheme devices. 6.1 Oxadiazole grafted PPE backbone structures used in PLED .......................................................... 163 Scheme 6.2 Synthetic scheme for the vinyl oxadiazole synthesis. ............ 163 Scheme 6.3 Schematic of the oxadiazole grafting process. ..................... 163 21 List of Tables Chapter 3 Table 3.1 Polymer Characterization .................. ...................... 90 Polymer Characterization. .................. ...................... 113 Polymer Characterization. .................. ...................... 140 Polymer Characterization. .................. ...................... 164 Chapter 4 Table 4.1 Chapter 5 Table 5.1 Chapter 6 Table 6.1 22 Chapter 1 Development of a Quantum Efficient Solid-State Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) System: The Quest for the Elusive Blue OLED 1.1 Introduction - Display Technologies Electronic, optical, and optoelectronic applications of organic materials have emerged as important aspects of modern technologies that continue to shape the information and communication of our society. The ability to synthetically tune the materials properties of organics, combined with the relatively low cost of processing and excellent mechanical properties these systems present, has ushered in a new era of semiconducting device platforms in various commercial applications. organic based Presently, the most promising short-term realization of marketable technology revolves around the implementation of organic optical and optoelectronic systems in flat-panel display technologies. For decades display technology meant the implementation of cathode ray tubes (CRTs). In the 1980s, the arrival of electronic games and cell phones resulted in the spread of primitive light emitting diode (LED) and liquid crystal displays (LCDs) that provided the advantage of more cost-effective, durable, and lighter display platforms. With high-definition television (HDTV) now a reality, there has been a burst of activity with new types of thinner, higher-resolution screens based on LCDs, plasma, and even micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) being developed. Organic based materials systems and systems, such as molecular and polymeric organic light emitting devices (OLEDs and PLEDs), as well as carbon-nanotube field effect displays, are now emerging as important new directions for display technologies. These new platforms present the possibility for lower-cost and better performance than the established CRT, LCD, 24 and plasma displays. Many display manufacturing companies are utilizing these systems in the hopes that they may become viable contenders for television and information technology (IT) markets, as well as perhaps catalyze the development of revolutionary new flexible displays that will address the needs of the burgeoning mobility market. 1.1.A Liquid Crystal Displays Typical LCDs make use of twisted nematic (TN) liquid crystals. In a TN display, nematic liquid crystal molecules are placed between two plates of glass with microgrooves at right angles to each other. The molecules experience a twist as shown in Figure 1.1. By placing cross polarizers around the LC cell, light produced from a backlight traveling through the display will follow the twisted orientation of the molecules and be transmitted. If an electric field is applied across the TN display, the liquid crystal molecules tend to line up parallel to the applied field throughout the material. The molecules are no longer able to twist the light traveling through the display. Consequently, the cross polarizers effectively block the light traveling through the display and the display appears black. In this way, varying the voltage applied to the liquid crystals will determine the intensity of light transmitted through the device. Finally, color filters placed above the LC cell allow the system to generate a full color display. 25 4~~~~~" I~~~ I~~~~~~~ic l , ' t.I 1 XP I $ M, : Figure 1.1 Schematic representation of a liquid crystal display. Adopted from is tft Icd.htm. LCDs are currently the most dominant flat panel display platform. can be made much thinner and more power efficient than CRTs. They They are also much lighter and more durable than plasma-based flat-screen technology. Furthermore, the maturation of LCD manufacturing continues to reduce the cost of these systems and has been a major driving force for the implementation of LCD technology in the portable electronics industry. However, LCDs still suffer from certain drawbacks. Since the light modulation in these systems involves the movement of liquid crystal molecules under an applied field, they can suffer from slow response times that result in "ghost" images when rendering video rate images. In addition, the molecular movement can be dependent upon temperature, which can pose problems in terms of stability in hand-held, portable 26 electronics. Due to the fact that the display requires polarizers, LCDs have restricted viewing angles; however, much progress has been made to reduce or even eliminate this problem. Finally, the display itself is not emissive, requiring the filtering of light through polarizers and color filters. This is an inherently inefficient process whereby typically >50% of the light emitted from the backlight is not used. In an effort to alleviate the power consumption and energy efficiency issues related to LCDs, research in the area of photoluminescent (PL) polarizers has begun. By generating a material that emits polarized light (i.e. replacing or augmenting the LCD backlight) the need for one of the cross polarizers would be eliminated and result in an increase in the overall device efficiency. Furthermore, color tuning of the polarized emitter would also eliminate the need for color filtering, further enhancing the device efficiency. Various organic materials systems have been explored for use as photoluminescent polarizers. Chapter 4 discusses some of the latest research in this area. 1.1.B Organic Light Emitting Devices Organic light emitting devices have the potential to provide better performance at lower costs than LCDs. OLED displays are visually more attractive than LCDs. They are able to display full-color, video-rate imagery with much faster response times (<< 1 microsecond) even at low temperatures, exhibit wider viewing angles (based on their Lambertian emission), and emit brighter, more color-saturated emission. Today, the OLED color gamut covers 27 70-75% of the National Television System Committee (NTSC) spectrum while typical LCD displays cover only 40-60%.1 Improvements in new materials and device architectures have also led to operating lifetimes of tens of thousands of hours. In addition, OLEDs are an inherently emissive technology - they emit light as a function of their electrical operation - eliminating the need for backlights, filters, and polarizers, and thus have the potential to be more energy efficient than comparable LCDs. OLEDs are also intrinsically lower in cost to manufacture than LCDs, but today that manufacturing capability is less mature. As capacity increases and manufacturers reach yield targets, this advantage should emerge to benefit the marketplace. Finally, the much thinner and lighter weight form factor is another highly desirable advantage of OLED technology, especially for mobile electronic products. Commercial OLED products can already be seen in today's marketplace. In the late 1990s, Tohoku Pioneer Corporation introduced the first OLED display product into an automotive audio component. Companies such as Sony Corporation and Seiko Epson Corporation have unveiled full color display prototypes, which are shown in Figure 1.2. Seiko Epson used ink-jet printing to deposite the organic material used in the display (Figure 1.2 Bottom). Other manufacturers, such as RiTdisplay Corporation, Philips Mobile Display Systems, Samsung OLED, and Teco Optronics Corporation have begun to launch OLED products for use in cell phones, digital still cameras, games and other consumer products. Examples of products incorporating polymer based PLED displays are shown in Figure 1.3. 28 Figure 1.2 Top: Sony display which shows off the remarkably thin monitor that can be developed with OLED technology. (Adopted from Universal Display Corporation website.) Bottom: Inset of a 40-inch Seiko Epson prototype OLED display. Schematic of ink-jet printed OLED display. Adopted from Epson website: 29 I re i *0 ^% 00'~~~~~' Figure 1.3 Clockwise from left: 1) Personal MP3 music player launched by Delta Electronics that incorporates a green PLED display for the control and indication of all system operations. 2) Philips has developed the new 639 mobile telephone using 'Magic Mirror' technology. The clam-shell design provides a mirror for checking personal grooming when it is closed. Incoming calls are indicated by the display showing through the mirror - a highly effective use of a secondary display. 3) A men's shaver sold by Philips uses a PLED display showing information including shaving time remaining before recharge. MicroEmissive Displays has developed the NHJ 3-in-1 Camera. camera, movie camera and MP3 player all in one. 4) It is a still It has 3.2M pixels, USB connection and a PLED display which has one quarter the power consumption of an LCD. Adopted from Cambridge .asp. 30 Display Technologies website: 1.2 OLEDs - Towards Full Color Displays Inorganic electroluminescent materials have been known for many years, and LEDs based on these materials have been commercially available since the early 1960s. At about the same time, in 1965, electroluminescence molecular organic materials was discovered where 50 (EL) from m to 1mm crystals of anthracene were used to generate EL with an efficiency of 8%.2 Despite the impressive efficiency, the operating voltages were impractical, requiring 50-1000 V. It was not until 1987, the first fabrication of vacuum deposited OLEDs, that OLED devices exhibiting brightnesses and operating voltages suitable for commercial flat panel display applications were achieved.3 Soon thereafter, in 1990, electroluminescence from conjugated polymers was demonstrated by Burroughes et a. 4 another added advantage. The polymeric systems presented Inorganic semiconductors and organic small molecule materials require relatively expensive high vacuum sublimation or vapor deposition techniques, which are not well suited to fabrication of large-area devices. Polymers, on the other hand, can be readily deposited from solution as thin films over large areas by spin-coating or printing techniques.5 ' 6 Consequently, considerable research has been conducted over the past decade in the area of polymer based organic light emitting devices (PLEDs).7 - 9 Chapters 6 and 7 present some of the latest results in new polymer/small molecule hybrid OLEDs (Chapter 6) and PLEDs (Chapter 7). 31 1.3 The Elusive Blue OLED 1.3.A Overview In order for OLEDs to become viable candidates for use in flat panel displays, they must demonstrate red, green, and blue (RGB) emission, with good color saturation brightness, (defined by CIE coordinates high efficiency - shown in Figure 1.4),10 high (i.e., low operating voltage and current), and long operational stability or lifetime. Minimal performance requirements for indoor and portable display applications are brightnesses of - 100 cd/m2 at an operating voltage between 5 and 15 V and a continuous operational lifetime of at least 10,000h. l The eventual success of OLED technology may also be dictated by the overall applicability of the platform to capture other potential markets. One area involves the use of OLEDs as a large-area, conventional light source. Development of high power blue OLEDs opens up a novel route for making white light LEDs. 2 White light can be generated by mixing light from separate red, green, and blue LEDs, but a more compact route involves exciting phosphors with high-intensity blue LEDs. There are many applications for white light LEDs, such as backlights for full color liquid crystal displays and replacements for conventional light bulbs and lamps. 32 __ I U.9 I 520 : .I I I ' I II -- -- a 0.8 B I 0.7 Ill ! 0.6 =. ! 0.5 mB . I >, 0.4 II 0.3 II 0.2 ! 0.1 JB II 0.0 JB 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 X Figure 1.4 A typical CIE diagram. CIE stands for the Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage, which is an international committee for the establishment of color standards. The CIE model and the CIE Chromaticity Diagram define the different variations of color. The dark triangle overlayed on the CIE diagram represents the various colors that can be achieved using a standard CRT computer monitor. The CIE coordinates for red, green, and blue phosphors used in a standard CRT monitor are (x = 0.61; y = 0.34), (x = 0.25; y = 0.62), and (x = 0.15; y = 0.063), respectively. 33 Unfortunately, blue EL has been the slowest in development, both in traditional inorganic materials as well as organic small molecule and polymeric systems. In order for OLEDs to become a mature, marketable technology, efficient, wide band gap, blue emitter materials and devices must be developed. The following sections will detail the current prospects for blue LEDs in a wide range of material systems. 1.3.B Inorganic Systems Only until recent developments using group III nitrides, specifically gallium nitride (GaN) and its alloys with indium and aluminum, has the production of inorganic UV and blue-light-emitting diodes and lasers been possible. Epitaxial growth of GaN onto lattice-mismatched substrates with minimal defect density was made possible by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and has paved the way for commercial development.1 2 However, the fabrication process is quite expensive and these devices are fragile and still suffer from stability and lifetime issues. 1.3.C Small Molecule OLED Systems Wide band gap EL has been achieved in small molecule OLEDs using materials such as N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-bis(3-methylphenyl)-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diamine (TPD) shown in Figure 1.5a. One of the major drawbacks of this particular system has been a low glass transition temperature (Tg) causing thin films of this material to crystallize over time. Attempts to raise the Tg have led to 34 the development of N,N'-Di-naphthalen-1-yl-[N,N'-diphenyl-biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine (a-NPD) (Figure 1.5b).1 3 These devices still suffer from low efficiencies and reduced operational stability. a Figure 1.5 b Chemical structures of common wide-band gap small molecule materials for blue color emission. The structure for TPD is show in a, while that of a-NPD is shown in b. Attempts to improve upon the operational efficiency of these OLED devices has sparked the development of blue phosphorescent emitters, such as Flrpic shown in Figure 1.6, that take advantage of efficient emission from the more abundant triplet states (in addition to singlet states) that are produced during device operation (see Section 2.2.A).1 4 1 5 Unfortunately, present materials, such as Flrpic, do not exhibit good color saturation, resulting in a more "sky blue" emission. Another major challenge for these systems is finding a suitable wide band gap host. The triplet state for typical host materials is often lower in energy than the triplet state of the phosphorescent guest making energy transfer to the guest endothermic and thus fundamentally limiting the operating efficiency of the devices. 35 L Figure 1.6 Chemical structure of a blue phosphorescent emitter, Flrpic. 1.3.D Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Systems In an effort to improve upon the color saturation and stability problems in OLED systems, the incorporation of inorganic nanocrystals into organic/inorganic hybrid devices has recently been explored. The synthesis of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) with narrow size distributions and high luminescence efficiencies has enabled the development of new QD light emitting devices (QDLEDs), which utilize an emissive species with size tunable emission that spans the visible region of the spectrum. Efficient red and green-light-emitting QD-LEDs with (CdSe)ZnS core-shell nanocrystals with a full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of approximately 30 nm have been realized (see Figure 1.7).16,17 However, blue emitting CdSe has proved elusive, requiring quantum dots smaller than 2 nm, which are difficult to synthesize with narrow size-distribution and good quantum efficiency. Recently, the development of (CdS)ZnS nanocrystals with luminance efficiencies of 2030% along with narrow blue emission from 460 to 480 nm and a FWHM < 28 nm 36 (Figure 1.7) has been achieved. 1 8 These new systems, incorporated into the appropriate device architecture, may provide new, stable, blue QD-LEDs. I I' i 400 450 500 55 6 50 400 450 500 550 800 650 c sQ c- .N E z 400 500 600 Wavelength [nm] 400 500 600 Wavelength [nm] 3xn)D '' MX .S., Figure 1.7 -4(w W Ir, EL from QD-LEDs with (a) and without (b) hole-blocking layers. Plots c and d display the ability of these systems to produce red and green EL, while plot e displays new blue (CdS)ZnS quantum dot PL and initial QD-LED 1 6 '1 8 studies with this material. 1.3.E Polymer Based LEDs or PLEDs Most of the success in the development of PLEDs revolves around the use of poly(phenylene-vinylene) (PPV) materials which typically emit in the green region of the spectrum (Figure 1.8a). Consequently, attempts to generate blue EL from PLEDs have been made using PPV oligimers and PPV-type materials 37 with interrupted conjugation (see Figure 1.8).19 These systems suffer from the drawback that emission usually occurs from the more conjugated segments and is therefore broadened and red-shifted. a MeO OMe o-I CH) O~~~e~ N-N H3 O H d Figure 1.8 Chemical structures of PPV type systems used in PLEDs. The standard PPV structure is shown in a, while PPV systems with interrupted conjugation are shown in b, c, and d.1 9 The high HOMO-LUMO gap required for blue emission has brought the focus of research systems, shown in blue in Figure emitting 1.9. PLEDs to poly(para-phenylene) PPP based PLEDs have achieved (PPP) high efficiencies.2 0 However, strong vibrational coupling in these systems causes the 38 emission profiles to be broadened, reducing the degree of color saturation. Furthermore, due to the planar conformational arrangement often adopted by these systems in the solid state (especially enhanced after annealing), the device operation is unstable with yellow-emission observed over time due to interchain and t-stacking interactions. 1 9 OCloH21 f~~t~~ a Figure 1.9 b R CH 1 3 R = CH 3 0CH 2CH R = C8 H1 7 Examples of various PPP structures. 2 C H 2CH 2 A fluorine unit has been incorporated into b.1 9 1.4 Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) (PPE) Another fully conjugated polymer system, poly(phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE), exhibits high solution state quantum yields as well as narrower emission profiles than both PPVs and PPPs. The band-gap of these systems can also be tailored to achieve a more blue emission relative to PPVs.1 9 To date, however, PPEs have received little attention as potential OLED materials due to reduced emission efficiencies in the solid state, which has been attributed to aggregation phenomena facilitated by the long persistence length2 1 and strong n- stacking of the PPE polymer backbone. Furthermore, the acetylene linkage in PPEs limits the redox properties2 2 of these polymers contributing to a large potential barrier 39 to charge injection, especially for holes. In this section we will discuss the current status of PPE based LEDs, presenting the seminal work in the literature. To conclude, we will entertain possible improvements that will provide motivation for the research in this thesis. The goal will be to develop new wide-band gap PPE based LEDs that will utilize the efficient, narrow, blue emission inherent in solution-state PPE systems, ultimately providing a new platform for the generation of blue EL. 1.4.A Electroluminescence from PPEs Initial studies on PPE based LEDs were conducted workers.23 26 by Shinar and co- They used dialkoxy substituted PPE systems that exhibited yellow emission with maxima around 600 nm and disappointing operating efficiencies. Long-range order of the materials in the solid-state was assumed to lead to the formation of excimer complexes which provide non-emissive decay channels for the excited states. By varying the side chain substitution along the PPE backbone, Weder et al. were able to disrupt the coplanar arrangement of the conjugated polymer backbones resulting in relatively higher solid-state quantum yields.2 7 Incorporation of these materials into LED devices resulted in more promising efficiencies and operating voltages (dependent on cathode metal), which are shown in Figure 1.10.28 Unfortunately, these systems still displayed broad emission profiles characteristic of the strong aggregation phenomena of PPEs (Figure 1.10). 40 R I ,I R = O ' i 11 ,, ' , I, / O-OPPE:80 - 0 -~~~~~ * 2 .... - v " , EHO-OPPE: r% - rI = U - r ' - _ / 300 500 400 600 700 o00 Wavelength[nmn Table1 EL characrcritic, r' substitutedpoly(p-phenylene :thynylem ). EtIO-OPPEand O-OPPE. singl-iaye:LEDs Emniringiayer EHO-OPPE EHO-OPPE EHO-OPPE O-OPPE O-OPPE Cathodematerial A: Ca C: A! Ca EL hreaholdvoltagc (V) External quantumefficiencyfr% Max. brightaess cd/n: 10.8 0.035 80 14.5 0.023 8 19 0.015 33 !1.0 0.032 142 0.020 35 Figure 1.10 Chemical structure, absorbance SO (solid line), PL (dotted line), EL (dashed line), and operational analysis of PPE-based LEDs (Cathode/OOPPE/ITO).28 Further improvements on the system above were made in an attempt to balance charge injection and isolate the region of exciton recombination away from the organic/electrode interface.1 1 This was accomplished by introducing other charge transport species, such as a hole-transporting layer of poly-TPD and an electron-transporting and hole-blocking layer of spiroquinoxaline (shown in Figure 1.11).29 While these heterojunction devices displayed improved operation (operating voltage, efficiency, etc.), the authors did not present any EL spectra, suggesting that these changes were unable to improve upon the overall color saturation achievable in these particular PPE systems. 41 I 0 0 -- //- O -/ ( / /. ./ OPPE . -. -. N--' .,~~~ ~~ :: :ri ~ - -,.-'~I..,*- [ . \poly-TP poly-TPD i.:\,:. .1 - .... . 1:'"'1 '" spiro-Qux Device 2 Device 1: Device 3. Device 4: Ir- >-2.4 t>: M -3.6 4.2 4.8 _ -3.6 3 4.2 4.2 Al 4.8 4.8 A FI 2 ITO ITO -5.1 ' 4.2 Al 4.8 ITO I 8 -5.8 -5.8 -2 8 t L_ 5.8L -6.5 Figure 1.11 Top: Structures of EHO-OPPE, a poly(2,5-dialkoxy-p-phenylene ethynylene) derivative, poly(N,N'-diphenylbenzidine diphenylether) (poly-TPD), and a tetrameric spiroquinoxaline (spiro-qux). Bottom: Schematic view of the device structures investigated: 1) single-layer EHO-OPPE, 2) two-layer polyTPD/EHO-OPPE, 3) single-layer blend, and 4) blend layer with additional electron-transport/hole-blocking layer (ETHBL), and of their corresponding energy-level diagrams; the band-edge energy levels were determined by cyclic voltammetry (CV).2 9 42 Attempts to achieve further blue shifted emission in PPE systems have Incorporation of a 2,5-pyridinediyl also been conducted. the PPE backbone emission (410 results in blue-green nm) was obtained unit (Figure 1.12a) into emission (XMAX= 480 nm). 30 from Blue poly(3,4-dialkyl-1,6-phenylene- ethynylene)s, the structure of which is shown in Figure 1.12b.31 Steric twisting of the polymer chain, as well as electronic interactions, reduce the effective conjugation length and thus increase the HOMO-LUMO gap in these systems, allowing for blue emission. Unfortunately, these same steric interactions increase the vibronic coupling of the system causing undesirable spectral broadening (see Figure 1.13b). A similar synthetic approach was taken by Chu et a/.32 Instead of a 1,6- or ortho-phenylene linkage in the PPE backbone as shown in Figure 1.12b, Chu et al. introduced a 3,4- or meta-phenylene linkage into a standard para-phenyleneethynylene system (Figure 1.14). The meta-linkage breaks conjugation within these systems and introduces a bent angle along the polymer backbone. The authors noted that this modified the chain stiffness, leading to a simultaneous improvement in both solubility and luminescence efficiency. This system was explored in an electroluminescent device and exhibited an external quantum efficiency of 0.013%. Although this synthetic modification lead to improved luminance efficiencies in the solid-state, it was unable to completely eliminate aggregation phenomena, as seen from the broad PL and EL spectra shown in Figure 1.14. Moreover, similar to the ortho- system, the meta-linkage probably 43 also introduced increased vibronic coupling that lead to further broadening of the emission profile. H 2 5 C12 oC 12 H25 C1 2 H 2 5 C12H25 b a Figure 1.12 Examples of poly(phenylene ethynylene)s. A 2,5-pyridinediyl unit is incorporated in a while b is a poly(3,4-dialkyl-1,6-phenylene ethynylene). . ·-_ 1.2 1 0. J ..9, CJ'g , e0.8 e- _ 0.6 '0.5 90.4 0.4 0.6 'E -j.0o E 0.2 0 01 n 400 500 600 700 wavelength(nm) 3Sf 400 450 wavehng sOG 55W <(nm) b a Figure 1.13 Electroluminescence from Al/PPE/ITO devices. Plot a shows the results for the PPE system in Figure 1.12a while plot b shows the results for the PPE in Figure 1.12b. 30 '3 1 44 I .. 5 ( a: Rl= H, R = H; b: RL=OC4Hg, R2=CH3 ) 1,0 0.8 Ci p .4 4_ 0.6 10 Q N 0.4 0 z z 02 0.0 40W 450 500 550 600 850 700 Wavelengti (nm) Figure 1.14 Top: Chemical structure of the meta-phenylene ethynylene polymer, 5a and 5b. Bottom: Solid-state PL of polymer 5b and EL spectra for a ITO/PEDOT/5b/Ca/AI LED at 12 and 17 V.32 45 Another synthetic approach has been used by Bunz and coworkers. 2 2 Planarity in the main chain alone can effect a significant decrease in the HOMOLUMO gap (rotation of phenylene ethynylenes < 1 kcal/mol).3 3 Therefore, intrachain effects may be involved in the red-shift observed when going from solution to the solid-state in PPE systems. However, planarity of the polymer backbone in the solid state also allows the phenyl rings of neighboring polymers to pack closely (according to X-ray powder diffraction)34 and thus enables interchain interactions that can also significantly red-shift the emission of these systems. Consequently, in order to achieve blue solid-state emission, they attempted to prohibit both interchain interactions and planarization, thus forcing emission from individual polymer chains, as is the case in solution. To this end, they synthesized PPE copolymers possessing sterically obtrusive aryl units, namely, 3,7-di-tert-butylnaphthalene, in the hopes that increased naphthalene content in the polymer backbone would result in diminished planarization and aggregate formation (Figure 1.15a). The observed external quantum efficiencies for these devices were 0.10.15%, much higher than those seen previously. However, the overall luminance efficiencies for these devices were quite poor, 0.1 cd A'1 for polymer 5b and 0.02 cd A1 for polymer 5c (Figure 1.15). In addition, only one of the polymer systems (5c) was able to generate predominantly blue emission. Moreover, all of these devices exhibited the characteristically broad spectral features that plagued the previously reported systems. 46 a Schenwe . Syntihesisof Naphtlulene Monomer K10. Pd(Ph) 2C.i: Cul. pipend X', XI,? I i --r l ITOIo Ir fOIPPIIu 0 ° 10 1o0 i 0 Cj a _.a I-- ----- O 3 10 16 , _ 0e I 30 - 34 34 Voltage,V Schenle 2. CoolInlerization via Alkxne Mletathlleii ,-. - C JV1 C,1 li , fl d from toluana rTE fromnC"C I olven ( I 0 1 a a)C0 4 IrVS ebQ, .DW,.4 * "~~~~ to~~~~brU-b*-y 0 o hll I -PE 1.0 o00 00 see 7oo WavelengthnmJ I e 1.. ITOIPET - 6c LIF 1 TOCEDTb I b LlFI Al 0.1 "l-i b S 260 I i O.0 CL -Sd u g 0.4 .3 200 c 150- 0.2 100 0.3 3 so0 400 4s0 00o io650 0 50 Wavelngth. nm 0 400 450 500 550 Wavelenlh (nm) eO Figure 1.15 The synthesis of the naphthalene unit and naphthalene containing PPEs is shown in a. Plot b shows the PL for PPEs containing increasing amounts of naphthalene unit (5a-5d where 5d contains the largest naphthalene content). Plot c reveals spectrally integrated EL emission intensity for a PPEbased OLED with (solid symbols) and without (open symbols) a PEDOT hole injection layer while d shows the normalized EL spectra of hexyl-dodecyl-PPE where the emissive layer is spin cast from toluene and from CHCI3/toluene (1:1). Plot e shows the normalized EL spectra for devices containing PPEs 5b and 5c. 2 2 47 It is reasonable to assume that the bulky tert-butyl naphthalene units helped to prevent aggregation and interchain interactions in these systems. However, the "break" in linearity introduced in the polymer backbone by the presence of the naphthalene units most likely increased the vibrational manifold as well as induced electronic perturbations in the conjugation. As a result, a broader emission profile was observed, similar to the 3,4-dialkyl systems discussed above.3 1 1.4.B Conclusions Insight gained from the previous work on PPE-based LEDs discussed above leads to seemingly conflicting system requirements. In order to benefit from the efficient, narrow, wide-band gap emission characteristic of PPE systems, intrachain planarization as well as interchain interactions must be minimized in the solid-state. Such a scenario will allow for a PPE thin-film that will preserve its solution state emission and quantum efficiency due to isolation of individual PPE chains and the elimination of non-radiative pathways. However, this same scenario requires disordered films of conjugated polymer, which will inevitably limit their conduction properties due to charge trapping. This behavior has been explored extensively when using polythiophene (PT) systems for organic field effect transistor systems and helps to explain why regio-regular, well-ordered, tightly-packed PT films exhibit superior conduction properties.3 5 This, in conjunction with the fact that oxidation and reduction of the acetylene linkage in the PPE backbone typically leads to 48 material degradation, helps to explain why the previous PPE-based LEDs displayed poor operating efficiencies and spectral purity. Consequently, the development of a successful PPE-LED system presents an interesting challenge - we are left with a scenario where optimization of the thin-film emission properties of a particular PPE material will result in further reduction of the charge transport properties. The following chapters present our particular attempts to provide solutions to this very problem. We have chosen to focus on implementing modular materials properties into a new PPE system whereby we can exploit the desirable emission characteristics of PPEs while introducing increased materials compatibility. The realization of such a system allows for the incorporation of additional materials that can provide the necessary charge conduction properties while still benefiting from enhanced solid-state optical properties of the PPE. The result is efficient, color saturated, blue electroluminescence from PPE-based LEDs that has not been achieved to date. 1.5 Thesis Outline An introduction to conjugated polymers followed by the basic theory behind the luminescence of conjugated polymers, such as PPEs, will be presented in Chapter 2. This will provide a fundamental background for the topics that will be discussed in the remaining chapters. Chapter 3 will detail the synthesis of a new grafted PPE system as well as discuss the enhanced solidstate photophysical properties exhibited by the new system. 49 The next three chapters will detail the various optical and optoelectronic applications of the grafted PPE. Chapter 4 introduces a new guest/host system for the generation of polarized photoluminescence whereby the grafted PPE is the optically active guest material. The increased materials compatibility introduced to the PPE system via the grafting process utilized in this chapter is further showcased in Chapter 5. Introducing a small molecule hole-transport host material enables the development of a new PPE based LED system that is able to achieve efficient, color-saturated blue electroluminescence. In Chapter 6, a commonly used charge transport moiety is directly grafted to the PPE, enabling an entirely polymeric, single-layer LED which exhibits spectrally pure blue EL, superior to any of the previously reported PPE-LED systems. Finally, the dissertation will conclude with a summary of the results presented, as well as an outline of additional areas in the field that warrant future research efforts. 50 1.6 References [1] Universal Display Corporation Website: http://www. [2] Helfrich, W.; Schneider, W. G. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1965, 14, 229. [3] Tang, C. W.; VanSlyke, S. A. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1987, 51, 913. [4] Burroughes, J. H.; Bradley, D. D. C.; Brown, A. R.; Marks, R. N.; Mackay, R. N.; Friend, R. H.; Burns, P. L.; Holmes, A. B. Nature 1990, 347, 539. [5] Friend, R. H.; Gymer, R. W.; Holmes, A. B.; Burroughes, J. H.; Marks, R. N.; Taliani, C.; Bradley, D. D. C.; Dos Santos, D. A.; Bredas, J. L.; Logdlund, M.; Salaneck, W. R. Nature 1999, 397, 121. [6] Friend, R. H. Pure Appl. 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Met. 1995, 69, 279. 53 S.; Jayaraman, M.; 54 Chapter 2 Conjugated Polymer Systems and the Basic Theory of Organic Luminescent Phenomena 2.1 Introduction - Conjugated Polymers Inorganic semiconductor devices, such as transistors and light emitting devices (LEDs), have been critical in the development of the electronic and photonic technologies that have had a tremendous impact on the information age of the 2 0th century. Over the past decade, these industries have expanded their materials base to organic materials, in particular 7t-conjugated small molecules and polymers. These materials combine the optical and electronic properties of semiconductors with the advantage for low-cost, synthetic tunability, ease of processing, and mechanical flexibility of plastics.1 Polyacetylene ' § 2- :- H /~~3 Polyphenylene Polypyrrole · \Poy(phenylene-vinylene) H yPolythlophene -- Poly(phenylene-ethynylene) Figure 2.1 Three repeat units of important conjugated polymer structures. Conjugated polymers, are extended structures consisting of covalentlybonded molecular units separated by alternating saturated single bonds and unsaturated double or triple bonds. Chemical structures of several important conjugated polymers are shown in Figure 2.1. The unsaturated bonds are stronger than the single bonds due the presence of additional -bonds, and consequently, are shorter in length. The bond alternation of short and long 56 bonds in the polymer backbone causes a lattice distortion. This results in a gap in the electron density of states through the electron-lattice coupling, also known as Peierls distortion.2 A schematic representation of Peierls distortion is shown in Figure 2.2. All states below the gap are occupied and form the valence band, while the states above the gap are empty and form the conduction band. a) I a. . . . . L. EF c N ()) b) 0 I I - kF r/a k a air EF EF rr/2a nFa N (k) ,da Ha k Figure 2.2 Peierls distortion of an isolated chain of equidistant atoms. Crystal lattice, electron density of states and electron dispersion relation without distortion (a) and with distortion (b). 3 This gap in the electronic density of states can be illustrated using a simple example of polyacetylene (Figure 2.3). From a molecular orbital standpoint, linking two CHo radicals to a (CH) 2 pair (connected by a double bond) results in a linear combination of their respective molecular orbitals forming 57 bonding :c and antibonding * orbitals. Continuing this process and generating the macromolecular polymer structure causes the 7t and * orbitals to split into bands. Thus, the top of the 7c-band or valence band is called the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the bottom of the n*-band or conduction band is called the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). A similar interpretation can be extended to the other conjugated polymer systems shown in Figure 2.1. The semiconducting properties of the polymers are characteristic of the band gap energy associated with the HOMO-LUMO gap, which can be determined by optical absorption. metallic state - ......' (electrons delocaluzed) Peierts transition insulating state (conjugatred double bonds) Figure 2.3 Bond alternation in leads to Peierls gap. Overlap of the pz orbitals of the double bonds in polyacetylene results in the formation of a delocalized electron system along the polymer backbone. Bonding and antibonding n orbitals form the equivalent of conduction and valence bands, responsible for the metallic and semiconducting character of these materials.3 Conjugated polymers show semiconductor properties that differ from those of conventional inorganic semiconductors. When the polymer chain is excited optically, an exciton is formed whereby the electron and hole that are created can be very strongly correlated. The extended t-electron bonding of the 58 polymer chain (as well as its neighboring chains in the solid state) undergoes reorganization in the vicinity of the excitation allowing the exciton to diffuse through the system. This reorganization slightly lowers the overall energy of the system as shown in Figure 2.4a. The system can then relax to the ground state by emitting light, also known as photoluminescence (PL). Under direct charge injection (Figure 2.4b), electrons are injected into the LUMO, forming radical anions (also known as a negative polaron), while holes are injected into the HOMO forming radical cations (also known as a positive polaron). The resulting charges migrate from one polymer chain to the next under the influence of the applied electric field. When a radical anion and a radical cation combine on a single conjugated segment, neutral, excited singlet and triplet states are formed. The singlet states can then radiatively recombine resulting in electroluminescence (EL). The next sections discuss the basic theory of the luminescence phenomena observed from conjugated organic systems. These areas provide the fundamental background for the research discussed in the remaining chapters. 59 a) LUMO _ ""VV ~ hv hv, - HOMO singlet excited state b) ) Cathode +e - M M radical anion singlet excited state radical cation Ai ode oe- + Figure 2.4 a) Irradiation of a fluorescent polymer excites an electron from the HOMO to the LUMO. In a typical conjugated polymer, two new energy states are generated upon relaxation within the original HOMO-LUMO energy gap and are each filled with one electron of opposite sign (singlet excited state). The excited polymer may then relax to the ground state with emission of light at a longer wavelength than that absorbed (photoluminescence). b) In a polymer LED, electrons are injected into the LUMO (to form radical anions) and holes into the HOMO (to form radical cations) of the electroluminescent polymer. The resulting charges migrate from polymer chain to polymer chain under the influence of the applied electric field. When a radical anion and radical cation combine, generating an exciton-polaron, singlet and triplet excited states are formed, of which singlets can radiatively combine, emitting light.4 60 2.2 Luminescence in Organic Materials Luminescence is the phenomena whereby the emission of light occurs from a substance due to the radiative recombination of electronically excited states. The processes of excitation and emission of light within an organic material are often illustrated by a Jablonski diagram.5 A typical Jablonski diagram is shown in Figure 2.5. The singlet ground, first, and second electronic Each of these electronic states are represented by So, S, and S 2, respectively. energy levels contain a number of vibrational energy levels, denoted by 0,1,2,etc, which in turn contain various rotational and translational energy levels as well (not shown). An electron can be promoted to an excited state by absorbing photons, phonons, dipole-dipole energy transfer, electron transfer, or by direct electrical injection. After excitation, the system will tend to dissipate the energy, allowing the electron to return to the ground state, via radiative or non-radiative processes. The relative contribution of the various dissipative pathways to the overall relaxation of the system is determined by the relative magnitudes of their rate constants. S2 A Internal Conversion k -C) Si Intersystem Crossing ._ . . _ _ _ A, .. Ill - hv/s bs Flu(orescence So o VAbs fi ;_ 0,O I _ I hv FI F . hvPh Phosphorescence r . I i t- F Figure 2.5 Jablonski diagram. 61 2.2.A Radiative Transitions Depending on the nature of the excited state, the resultant radiative components are divided into two categories, phosphorescence. namely, fluorescence and Fluorescence involves singlet excited states where the electron in the excited orbital has spin opposite to that of its pair in the groundstate orbital (Figure 2.6). The relaxation of this excited state is spin-allowed, occurring rapidly, resulting in the emission of a photon. fluorescence are typically 109 s, Emission rates for and thus typical fluorescence lifetimes are on the order of 1 ns. The radiative transition of triplet excited states, in which the electron in the excited orbital has the same spin as the ground-state electron, is known as phosphorescence (Figure 2.6). Recombination of this excited state is spin- forbidden and consequently the rates are slow (10 3 - 10 0 s'), causing phosphorescent lifetimes to be on the order of milliseconds to seconds with even longer lifetimes possible. Phosphorescent emission is generally shifted to longer wavelengths and thus is a lower energy transition relative to fluorescence. Qualitatively, the shift to lower energy can be explained by considering the spatial distribution of the electron pair, or exciton, participating in the electronic transitions. According to the exclusion principle, no two particles can occupy the same quantum mechanical state. Hence two electrons with opposite spins will, on average, be closer together than those with parallel spins. 62 Consequently, the average coulombic interaction of the singlet state is larger and thus is higher in energy than that of the triplet. Phosphorescence has become a key component in the design of efficient OLED materials and devices. The spin symmetry associated with excitons that are formed in a spin-independent process (e.g. direct charge injection) results in the formation of triplet and singlet configurations in the ratio of 3:1, as shown in Figure 2.6. For standard OLED systems, the luminescence is predominantly fluorescence due to singlet recombination, and thus, approximately 75% of the electron-hole pairs are lost to triplet excitons, which do not decay radiatively with high efficiency. Therefore, in order to improve upon the operational efficiency of OLED devices, systems that display efficient phosphorescence have been introduced, making use of the more abundant triplet excitons that are formed in the device. i , 9=1?t)i E LUMO HOMO i I )+ I = I t )-I Tk = 1, triplet T) S= O, singlet Figure 2.6 Schematic diagram representing exciton spin and symmetry. The total possible spin states of an exciton can be spatially anti-symmetric (S = 1) also known as triplet states or they can be spatially symmetric (S = 0) also known as singlet states. There are three possible triplet configurations and only one singlet configuration. 63 2.2.B Non-Radiative Transitions Non-radiative transitions, represented by wavy arrows in Figure 2.5, can also participate in the excited-state dynamics of conjugated systems. Typically, organics are excited to some higher vibrational level of either S or S2. An electron in an excited vibrational level can loose its energy non-radiatively by vibrational relaxation. In the solid-state, vibrational energy is lost to neighboring molecules and phonon modes of the solid. This process occurs in 10-12 s or less, rapidly relaxing the system to the lowest vibrational level of S1. Electron transfer can also occur from the vibrational manifold of one electronic state to another if they are sufficiently close in energy. This electron transfer does not change the overall energy of the system and so no photon is emitted. When the spin state of the system remains the same, this process is calledinternalconversion. If this electron transfer process involves the spin conversion of a singlet excited state to a triplet state (e.g. T1 in Figure 2.5), it is referred to as intersystem crossing. degree of spin-orbit incorporating The degree of intersystem crossing is dictated by the coupling within the system. Therefore, heavy atoms such as metals typically materials display enhanced phosphorescence quantum yields. Excited organic systems, especially in the solid-state, can also undergo non-radiative energy transfer to a neighboring molecule via dipole-dipole interactions or electron exchange. These processes are known as Forster and Dexter processes respectively, and will be discussed in Section 2.3. 64 2.2.C Franck-Condon Shift Electronic transitions between states are depicted with vertical lines (Figure 2.7) in order to illustrate the instantaneous nature of the absorption or emission of a photon. These rapid transitions (-10-15 s) occur too quickly for a significant nuclear displacement to occur. This is known as the Frank-Condon principle. Due to the fact that the excited state lifetimes for the radiative transitions are much longer than non-radiative phonon emission, internal conversion is generally complete prior to emission. Thus, due to vibrational dissipation of some of the excitation energy, luminescence typically results from a thermally equilibrated excited state, namely, the lowest-energy vibrational state of Si. This principle is known as Kasha's rule. Therefore, the energy of the emitted photon as a result of radiative recombination is less than the energy of the absorbed photon. This energy difference is called the "Frank-Condon shift" and is generally referred to as the "Stokes shift." Materials which have a more rigid chemical structure and thus lower vibronic coupling of the excited state, such as poly(phenylene-ethynylene (the subject of this thesis), will exhibit relatively smaller Stokes shifts and narrower linewidths associated with its luminescence. 65 Abso Figure 2.7 Energy diagram of the electronic ground state and first excited state for a diatomic molecule, schematically illustrating the Frank-Condon or Stokes shift. 2.3 Electronic Energy Transfer As mentioned in Section 2.2.B, organic systems in an excited state can undergo non-radiative energy transfer to a neighboring species via Frster or Dexter processes. In general, energy transfer can be represented by scheme 2.1. An excited donor molecule, D*, transfers its energy to an acceptor, A, which in turn is promoted to an excited state A*: D* + A (2.1) D + A*. 66 In doped films, exciton energy can be transferred from the host to the guest, quenching emission from the host while increasing that of the guest. When this process occurs among one molecular species, it is termed energy migration. Both of these scenarios will be critical to findings in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. The interaction between donor and acceptor (D* + A) is described by the perturbation Hamiltonian, H. Therefore, time-dependent perturbation theory assigns the probability of evolution from (D* + A) to (D + A*) in terms of the "Golden Rule:" 6 p oc p(j IH1lyf)2 , where i (2.2) is the wave function of the initial state (D* + A) and f is the wave function of the final state (D + A*), and p is the density of initial and final states capable of interacting. For organic systems, which typically display broad spectral features, p can be estimated by determining the spectral overlap of donor luminescence and acceptor absorption. The probability, P, of equation 2.2, can be related to an experimental quantity, the rate constant of energy transfer, kET. Furthermore, the electron energy transfer can take place by either electrostatic interactions or direct exchange. Consequently, the perturbation Hamiltonian can be broken up into the electrostatic (Coulombic or Frster) interaction and electron exchange (or Dexter) interaction. 67 2.3.A Frster Energy Transfer The electrostatic dipole-dipole interaction was formulated by F6rster7 who found that the rate of energy transfer depends on the distance R between the donor and acceptor molecules given by:8 kET(R) = (1I)(R/R) 6, (2.3) where Ro is the F6rster Radius, and - is the average donor exciton lifetime for radiative recombination, corresponding to rate kD = 1/c. When R = Ro then kET = kD, and the probability that an exciton will recombine at the donor is equal to its transfer probability. This critical distance R is given by the integral over all frequencies v: Ro6 = 1.25 x 1017 (PE/n4 ) JFD(v)aA(v)(dv/v Here E 4 ). (2.4) is the quantum efficiency of donor emission, n is the refractive index of the host, FD is the normalized emission spectrum of the donor, and aA is the molar absorption extinction coefficient of the acceptor. The spin states of both D and A are conserved in Frster energy transfer. Typical values for this critical distance can be as large as 100 A. 68 2.3.B Dexter Energy Transfer Dexter formulated electron exchange energy transfer and derived the following relation 8 kET(R) 2 -W eI (2.5) L fFD(v)A(v)dv where R is the distance between donor and acceptor and L is a constant. Under the Dexter mechanism, only the total spin of the donor acceptor system is conserved, and thus a triplet state of the donor can be transferred to the acceptor. Due to the fact that this process involves direct electron exchange, it is only significant at short distances, typically on the order of 10 A. A schematic representation of Forster and Dexter processes are shown in Figure 2.8. Forster, Coulombic (Long Range- 30-100 A) ,,,.,,,,,,,i+ I -~-. -I , , A D* (Short Range - 6-20 A) D - Dexter, Electron Exchange + A* + D* A Figure 2.8 Schematic of the Forster and Dexter processes resulting in singletsinglet energy transfer.8 69 2.4 Energy Transfer in Conjugated Polymers Energy transfer is a key process in the operation of a number of optical and optoelectronic systems based on conjugated polymers. Current research in these areas, including that conducted in our group, has prompted interest in developing a detailed understanding of the mechanisms for energy migration in conjugated polymers. One of the main issues involves the relative efficiencies of interchain versus intrachain energy transfer processes, or in other words, Forster versus Dexter energy transfer. There is still a significant amount of debate as to the dominant mechanism in various systems discussed in the literature.1 9- 12 The scenarios that will be the focus of this thesis are two-fold. The first involves the intrachain energy migration of isolated conjugated polymer chains, whereby electronic excitations are transported through a hopping mechanism along a single polymer chain with a rigid rodlike conformation and is most often attributed to Dexter type processes. Depending on the chemical structure of the conjugated polymer and on its "history" (sample preparation parameters, nature of solvent, sample casting (Chapter 4) etc.), various conformations can form such as defect cylinder or defect coil where -n interactions can arise from the collapse of single conjugated chains.13 In other words, in the absense of chainchain interactions, de-excitation of single molecules mainly involves migration of the excitons along the conjugated chains and radiative decay of the excited species. Therefore, ensuring the isolation of conjugated polymer chains should translate into enhanced radiative recombination within these materials and is the 70 motivation for the development and utilization of grafted poly(phenyleneethynylene) discussed in the following chapters. The second scenario involves the use of guest-host systems, which have proven attractive for the investigation of energy transfer processes. Literature examples predominantly involve the use of conjugated polymers as the host ' 5 In this scenario, materials with small molecule energy acceptor guests.12 141 energy transfer has been described to occur in a two step process.'5 The first is thermally activated migration of the exciton within the donor polymer to a point sufficiently close to the acceptor that resonance energy transfer from the host to the guest can occur. The latter step is most often described in the framework of the Frster model.7 Therefore, it is assumed that the energy transfer process occurs after vibrational relaxation of the donor excited state. This rationale can be applied similarly to the systems that will be discussed in Chapters 6 and 7, however in these cases, a small molecule will be the donor species, while a conjugated polymer will be used as the energy acceptor.1 6 2.5 Energy Levels and Transitions of Coupled Systems (or Aggregates)17 19 In addition to energy transfer, other important factors governing the luminescence of organic materials arise when molecules are brought in close proximity of one another, such as the case in the solid-state. The interaction of two coupled molecules is often referred to as dimer formation. There are two main scenarios involved in dimer formation. The first involves the interaction of an excited state of one molecule with the ground state 71 of another molecule of the same species, which is called an excimer (short for "excited dimer"). When two different molecular species are involved, it is termed an exciplex. An excimer or exciplex is an emissive excited state complex which is delocalized over two molecular units.2 0 The ground state of the excimer is dissociative, meaning the ground state of the dimer spontaneously dissociates into two ground-state molecules. Furthermore, the excimer cannot be directly excited optically. Photoexcitation in excimer-forming systems therefore, leads to production of an intramolecular singlet exciton that later delocalizes over two molecules, forming the excimer. Excimer formation typically results in strong geometric distortion of the molecular configuration, which, when combined with the dissociative nature of the ground state, leads to featureless, strongly Stokesshifted emission in comparison to the emission observed in dilute solution.20 While excimer formation only exists in the excited state, the second scenario involves dimer formation that lead to ground-state interactions as well. These are often called aggregate states. Upon aggregation, both the groundand excited-state wavefunctions are delocalized over several molecular units, or in the case of conjugated polymers, over several polymer chains. Aggregates are therefore directly accessible spectroscopically. The wavefunction delocalization leads to a red-shift in both emission and absorption compared to that in solution. Unlike excimers, which tend to form spontaneously, aggregates usually result from a forced proximity of two or more molecular species. While the energy of the ground state is lowered upon aggregate formation, the first excited state splits into several distinct levels. 72 The degree of radiative recombination observed from these new excited states is determined by the alignment of the individual dipoles of the molecules which form the aggregate (see Figure 2.9). For the simple case of a two-molecule dimmer or aggregate, the electronic transitional dipoles for the two molecules can either add constructively to give an allowed transition (indicated by a solid arrow) or destructively to yield a forbidden transition (indicated by a dashed arrow). In the parallel arrangement of the dimer, as shown in Figure 2.9, absorption to a high-energy exciton state followed by rapid relaxation to a lower energy exciton state results in a dipole-forbidden transition and thus luminescence is very weak, translating to reduced quantum yields. Dimer emission spectra are also typically broader and less well defined as compared to the monomer spectrum due to the presence of new vibrational modes associated with the dimer. This scenario is very pronounced in solid-state phenomena of poly(phenylene-ethynylene) chapters of this dissertation. and is the motivation for the work in the latter Elimination of aggregation phenomena in these systems should lead to preservation of solution-state emission profiles as well as an increase in emission efficiency in the solid state. In the case of head-to-tail and oblique dimer arrangements shown in Figure 2.9, absorption leads to allowed radiative transitions and thus systems displaying this arrangement in the solid state exhibit enhanced quantum yields. This approach has been explored in our group to increase the solid-state quantum efficiency of PPEs. By introducing chiral groups onto the polymer backbone substituents, an oblique packing of the polymer chains is induced, 73 resulting in enhanced quantum yields.2 1 Molecular systems that adopt a head-totail arrangement in solid state have been termed "J-aggregates." These materials typically display enhanced emission efficiencies in the solid state relative to that of the monomer species in solution. Parallel 1~~~~~~IW t t . --0 Head-to-Tail V c11AA /___7 7 - Oblique _11/' - -E't f F_- I -dnu Monomer Dimer Monomer Dimer Monomer Dimer Figure 2.9 Exciton splitting in dimers of various geometries. Orientations of monomer transition dipoles are represented by short arrows. Dipole-forbidden transitions are denoted by dotted lines.17 2.6 Conclusions This chapter provided an introduction to conjugated polymers and the basic theory behind their luminescent properties. In order to improve upon the luminescent properties of existing conjugated polymer systems, especially PPEs, one must understand the fundamental processes that dictate the solution-state and solid-state emission profiles and quantum efficiencies associated with these systems. Utilization of this understanding allows for the design and realization of 74 a new conjugated polymer system capable of achieving enhanced solid-state luminescence and will be the subject of the next chapter. 75 2.7 References [1] Bredas, J-. L.; Beljonne, D.; Coropceanu, V.; Cornil, J. Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 4971. [2] Peierls, R. E. Quantum Theory of Solids, Oxford University Press, London, 1955. [3] Roth, S.; Carroll, D. One-Dimensional Metals, WHILEY-VCH, Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim; 2004. [4] Kraft, A.; Grimsdale, A. C.; Holmes, A. B. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 402. [5] Lakowicz J. R. Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, New York: Kluwer Academic; 1999. [6] Turro, N. J. Modern Molecular Photochemistry, Sausalito CA: University Science Books; 1991. [7] Forster, Th. Ann. Phys. 1948, 2, 55. [8] Bulovic, V.; Burrows, P. E.; Forrest, S. R. Semiconductors and Semimetals 2000, Ch. 5, Vol. 64, pg. 256. [9] Zhou, Q.; Swager, T. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 12593. 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Photophysics of Aromatic Molecules 1970, Wiley Interscience; London. [21] Zahn, S.; Swager, T. M. Angew. Chem. 2002, 114, 4399. 77 78 Chapter 3 Polystyrene Grafted Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (A TRP) Partially adapted from: C. A. Breen, T. Deng, T. Breiner, E. L. Thomas, T. M. Swager, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 9942. 3.1 Abstract Polystyrene grafted poly(phenylene-ethynylene) has been synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) in bulk styrene monomer using an isobutyryl bromide initiator and a CuBr/bipyridine catalyst system. The resulting grafted polymer system was characterized using gel permeation chromatography, proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR), and steady-state photophysical spectroscopies. The presence of the polystyrene grafts, eliminates intrinsic aggregation phenomena of the PPE backbone, causing these systems to maintain both their solution-state photoluminescence and quantum yield in the solid-state. 80 3.2 Introduction - Grafted Conjugated Polymers In an effort to expand upon the scope of applications amenable to poly(phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE) systems, this chapter discusses the synthetic modification of a PPE conjugated backbone structure. The idea is to generate a PPE system that can be functionalized post-polymerization, rendering the system with new materials properties, such as increased solubility, materials compatibility due to miscibility with other polymeric systems, as well as enhanced photophysical properties in the solid-state due to the elimination of aggregation phenomena. This has been an area of particular interest to our research group, as well as other researches exploring the use of conjugated polymer systems.1 Our group has explored the use of PPE systems that incorporate a pentiptycene scaffold into the polymer backbone, which limits the degree of aromatic face-toface interactions. The result is a semi-porous polymer network in the solid-state that exhibits only a 2-5 nm red-shift in emission spectra compared to that in the solution state.2 The quantum yield of these systems in the solid state is also improved, however, typically still exhibit a >50% reduction from that observed in solution. Other groups exploring the synthetic modification of another conjugated polymer system, polythiophene (PT), have explored the funtionalization of PT with other polymeric systems.3 '4 More specifically, Constanzo et. al. synthesized a poly(methyl acrylate) (pMA) grafted PT system using ATRP (Scheme 3.1).5 Using this approach, they were able to achieve a densely functionalized polymer system having controlled molecular weight, low-polydispersity, graft polymers. 81 They also noted that the presence of the pMA grafts separated the PT backbones and inhibited any interchain r-stacking interactions, which improved their photoluminescent properties (Figure 3.1). We have chosen to explore a similar synthetic scheme in the hopes of generating a new polystyrene grafted PPE system using ATRP. Such an approach is very modular, allowing for synthetic flexibility in terms of the different monomers that can be accessed via ATRP. More importantly, this overall synthetic route should provide a means for preserving the excellent solution-state photophysical properties of PPE systems in the solid-state by eliminating intrinsic aggregation phenomena of the conjugated PPE backbone, ultimately allowing for new and interesting applications. Scheme 3.15 Synthetic Schenle of Graft Copolymer Svnthesis oOH OH OTMS Br Br (3) (2) (1) OTMS (4) d (5) (6I *(_.C 8litiot, . Ia N S, 1111',() NI,' . 1. Ni(l 1111( ) i. LI ;-t-'lill)Zt it'lg II 0lnid .\ IR tlldiliml, (D "1 ';)) , II . lilt I tF. ".h,()11 82 · '. /(C1 :3.Nillq)p)(.I (I)1111L . Nl. . I FAI . L. D 1 .-. 1200 . Ion 1000 800- a 600 1.2 . 400 .__ i--- 5 - SolutionI · , tion 0.8 E z0 200 -j 400 0.6 500 550 600 650 700 7540 Wavelength (nm) 0.4 ! C 0.2 c(D 450 6104 4 0 Si -0.2 6 410 3 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 - - .. - /\ i - -- -- - · 900 Wavelength (nm) >. o0: \ 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) Figure 3.1 Plot a shows UV/vis analysis (300-700 nm) of ungrafted PT (5) and grafted PT (6) in solution and cast films. The fluorescence of ungrafted and grafted PT in solution (excited at 420 nm) and cast films (excited at 445 and 420 nm respectively) are shown in plots b and c respectively. 5 3.3 Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and its Mechanism Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) is a controlled radical polymerization that allows for the synthesis of well-defined polymers with lowpolydispersity. This technique preserves end-group and side-chain functionality which has lead to the design of new polymeric architectures such as block-, breached-, and graft polymers.6 Traditional approaches used to obtain such polymers utilize ionic polymerizations, which limits the nature of the monomers 83 due to the reactivity of the ionic intermediates and side-reactions that result between functional groups during polymerization. In addition, these systems require rigorous exclusion of oxygen, water, and other typical solvent impurities in order for a significant degree of polymerization to occur. In contrast, radical polymerizations are compatible with many types of functionalized monomers and solvent systems. Furthermore, radical polymerizations are tolerant to water and other impurities, which has made them suitable for industrial large-scale production. The reactivity of the radical intermediate, however, is difficult to control due to irreversible termination reactions, which results in reduced control of the polymer molecular weight. The ATRP method has been developed to avoid these unfavorable termination reactions by controlling the equilibrium between the radical and dormant (non-radical) species in the presence of a metal catalyst. The ATRP mechanism utilizing copper ion as a metal catalyst is shown in Scheme 3.2. First, an initiator (R-X) produces a radical species (Ro) when the copper/ligand complex (Cu(l)/L) abstracts a halogen atom (X) from R-X to produce a X-Cu(ll)/L species. The generated radical initiator (R-) then reacts with the monomer species and the propagation of the polymer chain begins. The chain terminated radical species (R-Pm) is deactivated by the conversion of X-Cu(ll)/L to Cu(l)/L and halogenation of the polymer (R-Pm-X). The propagation of the polymer chain is continued through the repetition of this reversible activation/deactivation process of the radical species. Due to the fact that the equilibrium that exists between the radical and dormant forms (Equilibrium (2) in Scheme 3.2) favors 84 the dormant form, the radical concentration during polymerization is low, significantly reducing termination processes that involve radical-radical coupling. Multi-dentate amines have been widely used as ligands for the Cu ion in order to stabilize the Cu(ll) species and provide solubility in organic solvents. The redox potential of the Cu ion can be altered by ligand complexation and thus allows for tunability of the catalytic activity of the system depending on the monomers and conditions used. Scheme 3.2 Initiation: R-X + Cu(I)/L R' W- - + X-Cu(II)/L (1) + Monomers Propagation: R-Pm-X + R-P Cu(I)/L + X-Cu(II)/L (2) +Monomers Termination: R-Pm + R-Pm m R-Pm+n-R (3) The rate of initiation in the ATRP mechanism is another important factor for obtaining polymers with well-defined molecular weights. The initiation rate should be fast relative to the propagation rate, allowing all of the polymer chains to begin growing at the same time. However, if the initiation rate is too large, the 85 large number of radical species produced in the initial stages of the reaction will result in radical-radical termination. In practice, these considerations result in the use of initiators whose chemical structure resemble those of the monomer unit in order to avoid a mismatch in radical reactivity with the monomer. The ATRP equilibrium, combined with the initiation conditions, is vital to the success of a controlled polymerization and should be taken into account in the design of new monomer/catalyst systems. 3.4 Results and Discussion 3.4.A Polymer Synthesis We functionalized a dialkoxy substituted PPE with polystyrene (PS) by grafting from a PPE macroinitiator via (ATRP).5 7' The synthesis of the diacetylene monomer with terminal hydroxyl side chains, 1, is shown in Scheme 3.3. The di-iodide hydroquinone is alkylated with 11-bromo-undecanol to give monomer la. 8 Alkynylation of la followed by standard deprotection affords the desired monomer 1. Monomer I can then be polymerized with the diiodide 2 under Pd(O)catalyzed cross-coupling conditions to give the PPE backbone (3) as shown in Scheme 3.4. The PPE was then functionalized with 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide to give the ATRP macroinitiator 4. Subsequent ATRP polymerization of styrene gave the polystyrene grafted PPE (PS-PPE) 5. process is summarized in Scheme 3.4. 86 The entire grafting Scheme 3.3 IOH .K OH Br/ OH 10 = 2-Butanone OH TMS OH 10,, . TMS -- TMS DIPA Toluene K 2 CO 3 , KI OH Pd(PPh 3)4 Cul O 60°C, 24hrs. Reflux la lb . _ . . H KOH MeOH/THF Reflux 1 Scheme 3.4 ocI-'16 Pd(PPh3 ) 4 Cul DIPA Toluene +oc I 60 °C, 24h 3 2 1 0 Br TEA THF Br I CuBr I Bipy 4 5 87 3.4.B Polymer Characterization Table 3.1 contains characterization data for the synthesized polymers. The polymers were characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) (Figure 3.2), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Figure 3.3), UVNis spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy (Figure 3.4). GPC analysis reveals the expected molecular weight increase upon grafting, as well as a lowering of the polydispersity of the grafted PPE system relative to the ungrafted PPE backbone due to the addition of low polydispersity polystyrene grafts. Further confirmation of the covalent linkage between the graft polymers and the PPE backbone is provided when observing the elution volume via multiple detection wavelengths. The GPC system is equipped with multiple detectors, allowing the absorption of the sample to be monitored by refractive index (RI), ultra-violet (at 250 nm), and visible (at 450 nm) wavelengths. Since the PPE backbone absorbs visible light (450 nm) while the polystyrene grafts only absorb in the UV (250 nm), as long as all three detectors reveal absorption profiles at the same elution volume, we can conclude that the PPE backbone and PS grafts are covalently linked. Free PS grafts, or homo-polystyrene, in the sample would result in only UV absorption at a particular elution volume. Such a scenario was not observed in these systems. Finally, the atom transfer polymerization of styrene was assessed by measuring the polydispersity of the PS grafts (Table 3.1). The ester linkages of the ATRP initiator were cleaved post polymerization by treating the grafted PPE with KOH in a refluxing THF/MeOH mixture, allowing for GPC analysis of the free PS grafts. 5 88 GPC Elugram for PPE, PS-g-PPE, and Cleaved PS Grafts H 0 OC 16 CiRO 1oO HO 1- ci F C 0 So . 0 b- N O O PDM,, - 12().()() PDI --1.8) E ii 10 15 20 25 30 *1 Elution Time (min.) \1 (6.()040) PD1[) I 17 GPC Elugram at Different Detection Wavelengths for Grafted Polymer RI l 14 16 18 20 22 Elution Time (min.) Figure 3.2 GPC elugrams of the PPE Backbone (black), PS grafted PPE (blue), and cleaved PS grafts (green). The bottom plot shows the elugram for the grafted PPE measured using the various detection wavelengths available with the GPC system, i.e. Refractive Index (RI), Ultra-violet (250 nm), and Visable (450 nm). 89 Table 3.1 Polymer Characterization Photophysical Characterization (Solid State) GPC Analysis Polymer Mn PPE Backbone (3) PS Grafted PPE (5) Cleaved PS Grafts PDI XMaxabs XMaxem (nm) (nm) ( 56,000 2.70 480 495 0.10 120,000 1.80 445 475 0.60 6,000 1.17 -- -- -- The success of each step involved in the synthesis of the grafted polymers could also be assessed through 1H NMR analysis. As shown in Figure 3.3, the change in the chemical shift of the methylene protons adjacent to the terminal hydroxyl group on monomer 1 was monitored. In the PPE backbone structure, the resonance for these protons appears at about 3.6 ppm. The covalent attachment of the ATRP initiator (4) is verified due to the shift in this resonance to 4.15 ppm. This resonance is again shifted upon successful initiation of the PS polymerization (5) to 3.75 ppm. Finally, the fact that there are no detectable peaks corresponding to starting material present in any of the spectra shown in Figure 3.3, confirms that each step in the reaction scheme is complete. 90 1H NMR PPE Backbone Z o 3 0. ATRP Macroinitiator ki PS Grafted PPE 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 ppm Figure 3.3 1H NMR characterization of polymers 3, 4, and 5. Signals normalized on the aromatic methoxy proton signal. Further confirmation for the successful grafting process is provided upon observation of the grafted PPEs photophysical behavior in the solid state. The absorption and photoluminescence profiles for the PPE backbone and polystyrene grafted PPEs are shown in Figure 3.4. In solution, the ungrafted and grafted PPEs have essentially identical absorption and emission profiles. The quantum efficiencies for the two systems in solution are also very similar with quantum efficiencies of ' = 0.70 and 1 = 0.60 for the ungrafted and grafted PPEs respectively (see Figure 3.4). The similarity in the luminescence properties is expected considering that the two systems contain the same emitting chromophore. 91 Solution State 0 :6 0 N 0O C E 0 0 _U) U C Quantum Efficiencies (): PPE Backbone C .0 .2 E W PS Grafted PPE 350 400 450 500 5'S 600 650 Wavelength (nm) Solution State 0.70 0.60 Solid State -·-----I--------·----------1 ·---·-----·--------------··----· Solid State 0.10 0.60 0 o0 0 C C O 0 E 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Wavelength (nm) Figure 3.4 Right: Photophysical analysis of the PPE backbone and grafted PPE systems. Absorption profiles for the grafted (a) and ungrafted (b) PPEs are plotted in both solution and solid-state. The photoluminescence for the grafted (c) and ungrafted (d) PPEs are also shown. Left: A comparison is made between the quantum yields of the grafted and ungrafted systems in both solution and solid state. 92 In the solid-state, however, the ungrafted PPE absorption profile is redshifted and displays the appearance of a new band, which is often attributed to aggregation phenomena.1 The PL spectrum for the ungrafted PPE is also red- shifted and the emission efficiency for this system in the solid-state is dramatically reduced to 'F = 0.10 relative to = 0.70 in solution. In contrast, the grafted PPE absorption and emission profiles in solid-state match those in solution. Furthermore, the quantum yield of the grafted PPE, D = 0.60, is also preserved in the solid-state. These results confirm that the presence of the polystyrene grafts eliminates the intrinsic aggregation of the PPE system allowing the grafted PPE system to simultaneously maintain its solution state emission profile and quantum yield in the solid-state. This is similar to the results seen for the PT system discussed above.5 Now that we have developed a successful procedure for the synthesis of polystyrene grafted PPEs, the remainder of this thesis will present novel applications that benefit from the enhanced solid-state photophysical properties that this system provides. 3.5 Conclusions The detailed synthesis of a new polystyrene grafted PPE system has been presented. Facile synthetic modification of a PPE backbone containing terminal hydroxy alkyl substituents with a known ATRP initiator allows for the generation of a PPE macroinitiator. Subsequent ATRP polymerization of styrene using a CuBr/bipyridine catalyst system affords controlled, low-polydispersity polystyrene 93 grafts covalently linked to a PPE conjugated polymer core. The presence of the graft polymers increased the solubility and processability of the PPE backbone by incorporating the miscibility and added materials compatibility into the system. Most importantly, the grafts enable the PPE system to preserve its solution conformation in the solid state, preventing a-orbital interactions. The elimination of aggregation phenomena minimizes the nonradiative decay pathways for the excited PPE backbone, allowing grafted PPE systems to maintain their solution state emission and quantum yield in the solid state. The combination of added materials compatibility and enhanced photophysical properties of the grafted PPE system in the solid state will prove useful in the following chapters as we extend the scope of applications amenable to PPE materials systems. 3.6 Experimental Section General. H NMR spectra for monomers and polymers were recorded on a Varian MERCURY (300 MHz) and a Varian VXR-500 (500 MHz) instrument respectively, using deuterochloroform as reference or internal deuterium lock. The chemical shift data for each signal are given in units of tetramethylsilane residual. 13 (TMS) where 6 (TMS) = 0, and referenced C NMR spectra were recorded on Varian (ppm) relative to to the solvent MERCURY (75 MHz) instrument using internal deuterium lock and proton decoupling. High resolution mass spectra were obtained on a Finnigan MAT 8200 systems using sector double focus and an electron impact source with an ionizing voltage of 70 V, and with a Bruker DALTONICS APEX 11,3 Tesla, FT-ICR-MS with ESI source or 94 El/CI source. Infrared spectra were collected with a Nicolet Impact 400 FT-IR spectrometer in KBr and were recorded in reciprocal centimeters (cm1 , wavenumbers). UV-visible absorption spectra were measured with a Cary 50 UVNisible spectrometer. Fluorescence spectra were measured with a SPEX Fluorolog- 2 fluorometer (model FL112, 450W xenon lamp). Solution state quantum yields were determined relative to Coumarin 314 in ethanol ( = 0.63) and solid state quantum yields were determined relative to -10-2 M 9,10 diphenylanthracene in PMMA ( = 0.83). The molecular weights of polymers were determined by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) running with THF as the eluent versus polystyrene standards (PolySciences) using Hewlett Packard series 1100 HPLC instrument equipped with a Plgel 5 mm Mixed-C (300 x 7.5 mm) column. Reagents were purified and dried by standard technique.9 All air and water-sensitive synthetic manipulations were performed under an argon atmosphere using standard Schlenk techniques. Anhydrous diisopropylamine (DIPA) and toluene were purchased from Aldrich and used without further purification. All other chemicals were of reagent grade and used as received. 1,4-Bis((11-undecanol)oxy)-2,5-diiodobenzene (la): In a 1000mL round bottom flask containing 400mL of 2-butanone were combined 2,5-diiodo-1,4dihydroxybenzene (10.33g, 0.0285 mol), 11-bromo-undecanol (21.51g, 0.0856 mol), K 2 CO3 (31.56g, 0.2283 mol), and KI (1.421g, 0.0086 mol). The reaction flask was equipped with a condensing tube and the mixture was heated to reflux for 72 hrs. The reaction mixture was filtered and the salts washed with methylene chloride. The filtrate was washed several times with 0.1M NaOH, 95 followed by H20, and dried over MgSO4. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue was recrystallized from hexanes to give la as a white powder in a 70% yield. H NMR (300MHz) H 7.17 (2H, s), 3.94 (4H, t, J 6.7), 3.65 (4H, t, J 6.6), 1.82 (4H, tt, J 6.6 and 6.0), 1.62-1.33 (34H, multiplet); 6c 122.6, 86.2, 70.3, 63.1, 32.9, 29.7, 29.59, 29.56, 29.5, 29.3, 29.2, 26.1, 25.8; m/z (ESI) [Found: (M+Na) + 725.1515. C2 8 H48 12 0 4 requires M, 725.1534]. 1 ,4-Bis((trimethylsilyl)ethynyl)-2,5-bis((1 -undecanol)oxy)benzene (b): Schlenk flask was loaded with la (4.0 g, 5.69 mmol), trimethylsilylacetylene A (3.22 cm 3 , 22.77 mmol), Cul (54 mg, 0.29 mmol) and Pd(PPh3 ) 4 (329 mg, 0.29 mmol) in a mixture of dry DIPA and toluene (80 cm 3 , 1:2). The flask was degassed and back-filled with argon three times before heating at 80 °C for 24 h. The reaction mixture was dissolved in several volumes of methylene chloride, washed several times with water and dried over MgSO4. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue was purified by column chromatography (20:1 to 3:1 hexane:EtOAc) to give lb as a pale yellow solid in a 76% yield. H NMR (300MHz) & 6.89 (2H, s), 3.95 (4H, t, J 6.4), 3.65 (4H, t, J 6.6), 1.801 (4H, tt, J 6.7 and 6.5), 1.63-1.32 (34H, multiplet); & 153.7, 117.0, 113.7, 100.9, 100.0, 69.3, 63.1, 32.9, 29.7, 29.6, 29.49, 29.47, 29.4, 26.1, 25.8, 0.1; m/z (ESI) [Found: (M+Na) + 665.4376. C38 H660 4 Si2 requires M, 665.4392]. 1,4-Diethynyl-2,5-bis((l 1 -undecanol)oxy)benzene (1): A 100mL Schlenk flask was loaded with lb (2.5g, 3.9 mmol) and KOH (0.5g, 8.6 mmol). 96 The reaction flask was degassed and backfilled with argon three times. A 40 mL mixture of degassed MeOH and THF (1:3) was syringed into the reaction flask and the reaction was allowed to proceed for 24h. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue was dissolved in methylene chloride. The solution was then washed with water (3x), brine (lx), and dried over MgSO4. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the remaining pale yellow solid (80% yield) was used without further purification. H NMR (300MHz) H 6.96 (2H, s), 3.98 (4H, t, J 6.6), 3.65 (4H, t, J 6.6), 3.35 (2H, s), 1.81 (4H, tt, J 6.6 and 7.4), 1.61-1.32 (34H, multiplet); 6c 153.7, 117.5, 113.1, 82.4, 79.7, 69.6, 63.1, 32.9, 29.7, 29.59, 29.55, 29.5, 29.4, 29.2, 26.0, 25.8; m/z (ESI) [Found: (M+Na) + 521.3591. C32 H50 0 4 requires M, 521.3601]. Polymerization of monomers 1 and 2 to give 3: A 25mL Schlenk tube was loaded with monomer diiodobenzene 1 (478 mg, 0.59 mmol), 2,5-bis(hexadecyloxy)-1,4- (2) (300 mg, 0.60 mmol), 8 Cul (6 mg, cat.) and Pd(PPh 3) 4 (34 mg, 0.03 mmol) in a mixture of DIPA and toluene (12 cm3, 1:2). The flask was degassed and back-filled with argon three times. The mixture was heated to 65°C for 48 h. The resulting mixture was cooled to room temperature and washed with saturated NH4CI and brine. The reaction solution was then precipitated into acetone. This procedure was repeated twice. The precipitate was collected and dried to give the desired polymer 5 as a red solid; max 3407, 2922, 2851, 2361, 2340, 1513, 1467, 1429, 1387, 1275, 1213, and 1041; 6H 7.0 (4H, br s), 4.0 (8H, br t), 3.6 (4H, t, J 6.7), 1.9 (5H, br multiplet), 1.6- 97 1.5 (17H, br signal) 1.4-1.2 (72H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.9); GPC Mn 5.60 x 104 , Mw 1.51 x 105 , M/Mn 2.70. Preparation of ATRP macroinitiator (4): The initial PPE, 3 (100mg, 0.19mmol of -OH functionality), was added to a 50mL schlenk flask and the flask was evacuated and backfilled with argon three times. Next, anhydrous triethylamine (5mL) and THF (10mL) were syringed into the reaction mixture. The solution was cooled to 0°C in an ice bath followed by the dropwise addition of 2bromoisobutyryl bromide (0.24mL, 1.9 mmol). The reaction was allowed to return to room temperature and stir for 3 hours. The solvents were concentrated under reduced pressure and the residue was precipitated into acetone and filtered. The filtrate was washed with water several times to remove the triethylamine salts. The precipitate was collected and dried to give the ATRP macroinitiator 4 as a dark red solid; Vmax 2923, 2852, 2360, 2341, 1735, 1513, 1466, 1429, 1388, 1275, 1213, 1162, 1108, and 1024; 6H 7.0 (4H, br s), 4.2 (4H, t, J 6.6), 4.0 (8H, br t), 1.9 (12H, br s), 1.8 (8H, br signal), 1.7 (8H, br tt), 1.5 (8H, br signal), 1.4-1.3 (68H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.9). ATRP polymerization of polystyrene from 4 to give PS grafted PPE (5): A 25mL Schlenk tube was loaded with the ATRP macroinitiator, 4 (30mg, 0.04 mmol), CuBr (6.3mg, 0.04 mmol), and 2,2-dipyridyl (Bipy) (17mg, 0.11 mmol) in a glove box. Approximately 2mL of styrene (distilled from CaH2) was then syringed into the reaction tube. The mixture was frozen, evacuated, and thawed 98 three times. The reaction flask was then heated in an oil bath to 90°C and allowed to stir for 1 h. At the end of the reaction time, the reaction flask was cooled in liquid N2 in order to quench the polymerization and then the mixture was filtered and precipitated out of MeOH. The precipitate was then filtered, washed several times with water, collected, and dried to give the PS grafted PPE 5 as a bright yellow solid; vmax3082, 3059, 3025, 2923, 2851, 2361, 2339, 1733, 1718, 1653, 1493, 1452, 757, 697, and 668; H 7.2-6.9 (Aromatic br signal), 6.9- 6.3 (aromatic br signal), 4.0 (br t), 3.8 (br t), 2.0-1.7 (br signal), 1.6 (br s), 1.5-1.3 (br signal), 1.27 (br s), 1.0-0.8 (br t); GPC Mn 1.20 x 105 , M, 2.16 x 105 , MV/Mn 1.80. 99 3.7 References [1] Bunz, U. H. F. Chem. Rev. 2000, 100, 1605. [2] (a) Yang, J.-S.; Swager, T. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 5321. (b) Yang, J.-S.; Swager, T. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 11864. [3] (a) Alkan, S.; Toppare, L.; Hepuzer, Y.; Yagci, Y. J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 1999, 37, 4218. (b) Waugaman, M.; Pratt, L.; Khan, I. Polym. 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Breiner, E. L. Thomas, T. M. Swager, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 9942. T. Deng, C. A. Breen, T. Breiner, T. M. Swager, E. L. Thomas, Polymer, 2005. 4.1 Abstract A new approach based on a conjugated polymer/block copolymer guest/host system for the generation of polarized photoluminescence is discussed. The synthetically modified poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE) conjugated polymer, described in Chapter 3, is used for domain specific incorporation into a cylindrical morphology block copolymer host matrix. Subsequent ordering of the host nanostructure via roll cast processing templates uniaxial alignment of the guest PPE. The ordered films are optically anisotropic displaying both polarized absorption with a dichroic ratio of 3.0 at 440 nm and polarized emission with a polarization ratio of 6.4 at 472 nm. Deforming the thermoplastic elastomer matrix in a direction perpendicular to the orientation direction of the cylinders causes rotation of the PS cylinders and the PPE emitter molecules. This affords mechanically tunable polarized emission due to re- orientation of the PPE containing PS cylinders as well as film thinning from Poisson effects. 102 4.2 Introduction - Polarized Photoluminescent Materials 4.2.A Overview Polarized luminescent materials1 have attracted attention for potential uses in flat panel displays2 and other optoelectronic devices.3 polymers (CPs), such as poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) (PPV) 4 Conjugated and poly(p- phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE)2 '5 derivatives have been of particular interest for use as polarized emitters due to the intrinsic anisotropy of their (quasi) 1dimensional electronic structure and ability to be processed in uniaxially oriented blends by various techniques such as rubbing,6 friction transfer,7 tensile drawing,4 and Langmuir-Blodgett film deposition.8 This work presents a new approach to achieving polarized emission from CPs, specifically PPEs, by using a block copolymer host matrix as a nanotemplate for the spatial orientation of CPs. This technique provides a means of generating large area films for polarized photoluminescence as well as an opportunity to realize mechanically tunable polarized emission. 4.2.B Block Copolymers Block copolymers are comprised of two or more chemically distinct blocks that are covalently linked into polymer chains. When the different blocks have a strongly repulsive interaction, they tend to phase separate into microdomains to minimize the overall free energy.9-12 Typically, the interaction between different blocks varies inversely with temperature. Thus, cooling a block copolymer from its high temperature homogeneous melt to below its order to disorder transition 103 (ODT) results in microphase separation. Alternatively, the repulsive interaction between the blocks can be screened by the presence of a solvent. In this case, solvent evaporation increases the effective interaction, and only induces microphase separation when the system crosses the ODT concentration. Microphase-separated block copolymers can form numerous morphologies depending on their composition. The simplest linear AB diblock copolymers, for example, form sphere, cylinder, double gyroid, and lamellar morphologies (Figure 4.1). Some complex block copolymers, e.g. miktoarm star terpolymers, show many other morphologies.1 In all of these morphologies, block copolymer microdomains self assemble into one-, two-, and threedimensional periodically ordered structures. In 1971, Keller et al. demonstrated near single crystal texture development in an ABA triblock copolymer using the flow field generated in a capillary rheometer.1 2 This discovery stirred interest in the global ordering of block copolymer microdomains and as a result, various 13 methods have been developed over the past several decades. 16 A roll casting process for ordering block copolymer microdomains from a solution was developed using the flow field generated between two counter rotating rollers.1 4 It offers a convenient alternative route to large area ordered block copolymer microdomain films without involving strong electric field and/or high temperature processing. Roll casting is also a process that is amenable to large-scale production and to high molecular weight polymers where the ODT is well above the thermal degradation temperature. 104 Ability to Microphase- BCC parate 3D Structures lam Increasing Weight Fraction Block A Figure 4.1 Phase diagram for a simple A-B di-block copolymer system. Highly organized block copolymers offer many opportunities for applications requiring such order for systematic control and precise property manipulation.17 -20 For example, Ha et al. systematically studied a block copolymer-layered silicate nanocomposite system in which the block copolymer microdomains were ordered by roll-casting. 17 2' 1 Li et al. used block copolymer templates to fabricate ordered GaAs nanostructures.1 8 Cheng et al. have used a block copolymer combined with graphoepitaxy to produce a 2D mask for creation of ultrahigh density 2D cobalt dot arrays as magnetic storage media.1 9 The use of block polymers as a directing template for nanoparticles is analogous to the situation to be discussed in this chapter. Here, instead of a nanoparticle, the block copolymer is used to guide emitter molecules into specific domains and to create alignment of these guest molecules.2 2 The role of block copolymers in a host of nanotechnology related applications has been recently reviewed.2 0 105 4.2.C Alignment of Conjugated Polymers Polymers offer a versatile matrix to host optically active molecules. For example, polarized emission from a dopant has previously been reported in stretched polymer films.23'2 4 Gin et al. reported a self-assembly approach in templating poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV) into hexagonally ordered microdomain structures.2 5 However, in their approach only a very low concentration of PPV could be loaded into the template. Therefore, no polarized light emission data could be measured since their system was not well ordered over a large region. Weder et al. developed a photoluminescent polarizer using tensile drawing of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW PE) blended with PPEs (Figure 4.2) and PPVs.2 a By incorporating these films into commercial liquid crystal displays (LCDs), they were able to generate single color and bicolor LCD displays as shown in Figure 4.3. These systems were limited by the low optical density of the PL polarizer (2% w/w PPE) as well as the reduced emission efficiency due to aggregation of the highly aligned PPE polymer chains. In an attempt to improve upon the device performance, the group introduced a non-anisotropic small molecule dopant. This resulted in an increase in the amount of unpolarized light absorbed by the PL polarizer, while still transferring energy to the aligned PPE emitter in order to generate polarized light.2 b Figure 4.4 shows the materials system and the observed polarized emission. 106 ' -- ---I- 0 Z To 0c 1 C U* C) I , V I LI P c 1l E I _ _ 400 500 600 700 - 0 S C 0 b. 0.C Ca 4 300 400 500 600 0 400 1 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.2 Polarized absorption (A) and photoluminescence (B) of an oriented film (draw ratio, = 80) of a 2 weight % EHO-OPPE-UHMW-PE blend. The spectra were recorded with polarizers oriented parallel (solid line) and perpendicular (dashed line) to the orientation direction of the polymer blend films. The inset in (B) shows at a magnification of 70 the spectrum recorded perpendicular to the orientation direction.2a 107 A VieCer Stase I oailzer TN C ce I EHO-OPPE P_ aeft I UV A 4 t arnp 4 4 A I .F * A -r B V'len P Stredtpck.Ifizo -------. TN C ce I FHO OF'Pt P_ ayoer MEH PPVP_L.bYcr VV11MO ,: ..................... [_ l ___ - + 4, . VI* Vf' EHC-OPPE PL . f A , .., aef IN LC -.-l _ , . tV ;!('l.t l-H - t .. . ld. t. UV~a", 'C, . UV lamCT- + ' A C Figure 4.3 Schematic structures of PL display devices. (A) Device in which the light emitted by the polarized PL layer is switched. the light emitted by the polarized PL layer is switched. (B) Bicolor device in which (C) Device where the UV excitation light is switched. Arrows at the left indicate the polarization directions of the respective elements. Devices A and B constituted a commercially available, standard TN cell fitted with a linear sheet polarizer. Device C was based on a laboratory UV-active TN cell and a UV-active sheet polarizer (Polaroid HNP-B) producing linearly polarized light. All devices used a Bioblock UV lamp (VL-4LC). Photographs (right) of a PL display device like that shown in A compared to a similar commercial, direct view LCD. Also shows a photograph of the bicolor display device where the MEH-PPV-based polarized layer was omitted in the upper left part of the display.2 a 108 U r-- n ) 0(,. - t.U :6) 450 Jo0o DMC -! P F:'DMC r EHO-OPE jll 0 w8C 4tCnvi -- -- -IA'A "r)r vq eq y IdyaSe 011 f r '4 r---~----DVC AU. 4(J. Ii3 2 CJ d fl e h - PPE : \ . -" .- PE' DMC ?PPE Figure 4.4 Polarized absorption and emission spectra of oriented films. Spectra were obtained by irradiating the sample with vertically (solid line) and horizontally (dashed line) polarized light. Emission spectra were obtained by exciting the films at 365 nm. a, Binary UHMW PE/DMC blend; b, Binary UHMW PE/EHO- OPPE blend; c, ternary UHMW PE/EHO-OPPE/DMC blend. Photophysical processes and optical emission. d-f, Schematic representation for uniaxially oriented films of the binary reference blends of UHMW PE/DMC (d), UHMW PE/EHO-OPPE (e) and the ternary UHMW PE/EHO-OPPE/DMC blend (f). Arrows indicate polarizations of incident and emitted light.2 b 4.3 A New GuestlHost System While the system above shows excellent alignment of the guest PPE emitter, the tensile drawing technique does not provide a viable route to generating large area films. In addition, aggregation phenomena associated with the PPE guest causes the overall emission efficiency of the system to be low. It 109 is the aim of this chapter to discuss the design and demonstration of a new guest/host system for the generation of polarized photoluminescence. The ultimate goal is to simultaneously achieve high emission efficiencies while providing a generalized method for generating large-area, highly aligned films that can be used as photoluminescent polarizers. The system developed here involves the self-assembly and global orientation of a cylindrical morphology block copolymer host matrix by roll cast processing that results in an ordered nanostructure which provides a template for the alignment and spatial ordering of a guest PPE. Sequestering the grafted PPE system discussed in Chapter 3 into the cylinder domain of a block copolymer and globally orienting the host matrix results in the alignment of the PPEs parallel to the long axis of the cylinders. The uniaxial orientation of the PPEs within the block copolymer host gives rise to polarized absorbance and photoluminescence. In addition, we prepared a series of roll-cast grafted PPE doped block copolymer thin films with various thicknesses and characterized them using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), and fluorescence spectroscopy. We compare the emission properties of this highly anisotropic system with those of a corresponding simple cast isotropic grafted PPE doped block copolymer system. We also present an initial study of the strain dependence of the polarized emission for samples deformed perpendicular to the orientation direction of the anisotropic film. 110 4.4 Results and Discussion 4.4.A Overview Roll cast processing requires a rubbery matrix phase, and thus, we used a polystyrene-polyisoprene-polystyrene (SIS) triblock copolymer system with styrene cylinders and an isoprene matrix. Consequently, our approach was to use the polystyrene grafted PPE system discussed in Chapter 3 as the doped, optically active material. Due to the presence of the polystyrene grafts, the grafted PPE has selective miscibility to the cylinder phase of the block copolymer host. Hence, by sequestering the guest preferentially into the cylinder domain and globally orienting the host matrix, the resulting nanostructure should template the orientation and spatial ordering of the guest PPE system. The polymers used for this study are summarized in Table 4.1. The endto-end distance of a PS homopolymer with a molecular weight of 5,600 g/mol is about 5 nm and the average contour length of a PPE emitter molecule is about 30 nm. The persistence length of similar PPEs was measured to be 15 nm.2 6 Therefore, the PS grafted PPE component can be pictured as a reasonably stiff, 30 nm long PS coated 5 nm diameter particle with an aspect ratio of roughly 5. An illustration of the composite materials system described above (drawn approximately to scale) is shown in Figure 4.5. 111 U-k -~~~~~ I k -§ I I ,/ 'Is·JL//'?-" PS Figure 4.5 PI PS Schematic showing the alignment of PS grafted PPE by sequestration inside the PS domains of a SIS triblock copolymer. The grafted PPE was co-assembled into PS cylinders within the PI matrix. 112 Table 4.1 Polymer Characterization Photophysical Characterization Polymer GPC Analysis Mn PDI (Solid State) kMaxAbs (nm) XMaxEm (D (nm) PPE Backbone (3) 55,800 2.59 480 495 0.10 PS Grafted PPE (5) 80,000 1.62 445 475 0.60 5,600 1.17 -- -- -- 101,000 1.05 Cleaved PS Grafts PS/PI/PS 4.4.B Roll Cast Processing The roll cast films consisted of PS grafted PPE doped in poly(styreneisoprene-styrene) (SIS) triblock copolymer. The block copolymer was commercial grade Vector 4211 purchased from Dexco (Dexco Polymers, 12012 Wickshester, Houston, TX 77079). The triblock has a composition of 29 wt % PS (26 vol %) as determined by NMR and a total molecular weight of 101 x 103 as determined by GPC. Thus, the block molecular weights are (15-72-15) x 103 . The isoprene block contained 92% 1,4 addition.2 7 The roll cast solutions were prepared by making 40% (w/w) solutions of polymer in cumene. Initially, the roll cast solution also contained THF to ensure a homogenous solution but the THF was allowed to evaporate until only cumene remained. The PS grafted PPE was blended into the roll cast solutions at 0.1 weight % of polymer. The viscous polymer/cumene solution was then used directly for roll cast processing. 113 Motor D,- D11. E-: .I.e OLJLCI %3WHIM55 XVIIVI 4_ uap [ I I I k //////////////A Teflon Roller Motor Teflon Roller J .k i Stainless Steel Roller I Micrometer Enclosure with small vents Figure 4.6 Schematic diagram of the roll cast apparatus. The roll cast apparatus2 8 used to orient the composite films is shown in Figure 4.6. The apparatus consists of two parallel rollers powered independently. One roller is stainless steel, the other is Teflon, and the two are separated by a micrometer-controlled gap.2 7 Typical processing conditions involve covering the rollers uniformly with roll cast solution, setting the roller gap anywhere from 0.05-0.4 mm, and matching the roller speeds to 8rpm. The apparatus is enclosed during the roll cast process in order to slow solvent evaporation. The solution is initially coated onto both rollers. Once enough solvent evaporates, the polymer film transfers completely to the stainless steel roller. At this point, a lengthwise cut is made to the film along the roller. The film is allowed to dry for 24 hours before it is removed from the roller with isopropanol and stored in between two Teflon plates. After roll cast processing, the resultant 114 films were approximately 1 mm thick and 6 x 16 cm 2 in area. The polystyrene cylinders were oriented in the plane of the film and hence the films displayed the expected mechanical anisotropy9 due to the oriented glassy styrene cylinders in an elastic isoprene matrix. Simple cast, unoriented doped block copolymer films were prepared by quiescently casting on glass slides using the same solution as for the roll casting. During simple casting, glass slides were also covered with a box to slow solvent evaporation. 4.4.C Roll Cast Film - Structural Characterization Structural characterization of the guest/host films was conducted using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Figure 4.7 shows the TEM images and the corresponding SAXS patterns of both simple cast and roll cast films. To prepare the TEM sample, a small piece of polymer was embedded in epoxy and then microtomed using a Reichert-Jung Ultracut FC 4E at temperatures of -90 C (knife) and -110 °C (sample) with a nominal section thickness of 70 nm. The sections were subsequently placed above a 4% aqueous solution of osmium tetraoxide for 2 hours to selectively stain the PI block. A thin carbon film was also evaporated onto the sections to enhance electrical conductivity before performing TEM. TEM was carried out on a JEOL 200 CX using a tungsten filament source at 200 keV accelerating voltage. Energy Synchrotron SAXS studies were performed at the Cornell High Source (CHESS) using monochromatic 115 X-rays and a 2D charge coupled detector (CCD). The selected X-ray wavelength was 1.51 A while the sample to detector distance was 250 cm. A TEM image of the simple cast film is presented in Figure 4.7a. Figure 4.7b shows a TEM image of the roll cast film with the viewing direction along the cylinder axis. After microphase separation, the PS cylinders in the simple cast films arrange into small grains as evidenced in Figure 4.7a, whereas in roll cast films, the PS cylinders formed a hexagonal lattice in PI matrix with excellent long range order (Figure 4.7b). The SAXS patterns also demonstrate the isotropic, polygranular nature of the simple cast films via the presence of uniform scattering rings (Figure 4.7a insert). The long-range order of the PS cylinders in the roll cast films is evidenced by the near single crystal texture of the SAXS patterns (Figure 4.7b insert) as well as the clear presence of a hexagonally packed cylindrical structure noted in the TEM micrograph. The azimuthal full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the (100) reflection of the roll cast film (the first peak in Figure 4.7b insert) is approximately 10°. In roll cast films, the flow field generated induces the alignment of the PS cylinders along the flow direction. Optical characterization, discussed in the next section, also demonstrates that the PS grafted PPE molecules align along the flow direction. 116 b 0 125 nm 100 nm Figure 4.7 Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) data. (a) SIS triblock copolymer blended with 0.1% (w/w) PS grafted PPE after simple casting. Small grains and a lack of overall microdomain ordering are apparent in the TEM image and an isotropic scattering ring is evident in the SAXS pattern. (b) Same system after roll casting. The TEM view is along the axis of the cylinders showing the PS cylinders (white circular dots) form a long-range ordered hexagonal lattice in the PI matrix. The SAXS pattern with the incident x-ray beam orthogonal to the cylinders shows the 1, 3, and -4 reflections of the hexagonal lattice of cylinders. The FWHM of the first reflection is only 10 degrees, indicating the high axial alignment achieved by the roll cast process. 117 4.4.D Roll Cast Film - Polarization Spectroscopy Photophysical characterization of the globally oriented roll cast films was conducted. Polarized absorption was measured using a Cary 50 UVNisable spectrometer. Polarized photoluminescence measurements were obtained using a SPEX Fluorolog- 2 fluorometer (model FL112, 450W xenon lamp) equipped with a 1935B polarization kit. measurement A schematic representation of the PL setup is shown in Figure 4.8. Before each measurement, the spectrometer was calibrated using a standard aqueous silica bead solution (Dupont, Ludox). Two different emission spectra, represented by Sv, and Svh were obtained from a sample (vertically oriented cylinders relative to the instrument polarizers) by rotating the polarization of the detection signal. The subscripts correspond to the polarization of the emission and detection signals; for example, Svh is the emission spectrum obtained from the sample with vertically polarized excitation and horizontally polarized detection. In order to correct for the instrumental polarization dependence associated with the monochromator, a sample of the roll cast solution was used to determine the instrumental correction factor, also known as the "G" factor. determined This value is by measuring the ratio of Shy to Shh collected from the solution sample. Thus, the polarized emission spectrum displayed in Figure 4.9 was generated by multiplying the G factor by Svh,yielding the corrected I spectrum, and then plotting the resultant spectrum against the 11spectrum, namely, Sv,. The polarization ratios reported were then determined by taking a ratio of the 118 intensities at the peak emission wavelength for the II spectrum (Ivv) verses the corrected I spectrum (vh), as shown in the following expression: Polarization (4.1) Ratio = Ivv/G(Ivh), where G = Ihv/lhh Excite Vertical or Horizontal Light Source x *,/ 4 Samole - ----i IV Polarization Ratio = (G)(IvH) lonochromator A HH IHV G = I flr Detector W IHH or HV Figure 4.8 Schematic diagram of the measurement system used to determine the degree of polarized emission generated from the roll cast PS grafted PPE doped block copolymer films. 119 1~ Z cri 0 1C .0 M q, e 0 0 42. 00d C 0 U S LL 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 ) Wavelength(nm) Wavelength(nm) Figure 4.9 Polarized absorption (a) and photoluminescence (b) of a roll cast oriented film of 0.1 weight % PS-PPE doped in SIS. The spectra were obtained with polarizers oriented parallel (solid line) and perpendicular (dashed line) to the PS cylinder orientation of the block copolymer host. The emission spectrum in (b), measured perpendicular to the polarizers (dashed line), is corrected for instrumental polarization dependence. Polarized absorption and photoluminescence spectra are shown in Figure 4.9. The observed dichroic ratio for the PPE doped roll cast films was 3.0 at X = 440 nm while the polarization ratio for the PPE doped roll cast films was 6.4 at X = 472 nm. These values indicate that the transition dipoles of the guest PS grafted PPE are aligned parallel to the cylinder axis of the block copolymer host and thus emit polarized light with polarization parallel to the plane of the film. Furthermore, the difference in the absorbance dichroic ratio as compared to the emission polarization ratio suggests that this particular materials system is able to absorb a significant fraction of unpolarized light and funnel the excitation into 120 polarized emission. This phenomena can be explained by intramolecular energy transfer, or energy migration, from less aligned segments of conjugated polymer to the highly aligned, and therefore more conjugated, segments of conjugated polymer within the host cylinder domains. This rationale is supported by the fact that as the excitation wavelength is increased to X = 440 nm, i.e. towards the band edge, the observed polarization ratio increases to 7.3 at X = 472 nm.2 9 The lower-energy excitation directly excites the more aligned, longer-conjugation length segments. A schematic representation of the intramolecular energy transfer observed in this system is shown in Figure 4.10. The control sample, composed of an unoriented, simple cast grafted PPE doped block copolymer film was also probed spectroscopically relative to the roll cast film. Figure 4.1 la and Figure 4.1 lb are the polarized emission spectra of a simple cast and roll cast film, respectively. Both films had a thickness of - 40 m. Figure 4.11a reveals, as expected, that the simple cast film does not exhibit polarized emission. The roll cast film in Figure 4.1 1b, similar to that in Figure 4.9, displays polarized emission with a polarization ratio of about 6.2, again demonstrating that the roll cast processed block copolymer host matrix templates the alignment of the guest PPE. 121 I Lower Conjugation Length Segments ;her Conjugation .ngth Segments Excitation at 400 nm: Polarization Ratio i 0. 4 xcitation at 440 nm: Polarization Ratio -- 7.3 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.10 Artistic representation of the PS grafted PPE alignment within the PS domain of the block copolymer host matrix. Intramolecular energy transfer, or energy migration, from the less aligned PPE segments to highly aligned segments allows this particular system to absorb a significant amount of unpolarized light and transfer this energy to on particular polarization. 122 .1.d en a) a cn - 4" C I0> us an 9 0 M 450 500 550 600 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.11 Polarized photoluminescence of a simple cast (a) and roll cast film (b). The thickness of both films was - 40 mm. The excitation wavelength was k = 400 nm and the sample was irradiated perpendicular to the surface of the film. 4.4.E Roll Cast Film - Anisotropy The angular dependence of the optical anisotropy of grafted PPE doped roll cast and simple cast films was also explored. Figure 4.12 shows the angular dependence of anisotropy in a simple cast film and a roll cast film (both measured at the peak position of the emitted radiation, i.e., at X = 472 nm). The films were mounted on a rotation stage and rotated to specific angles before each measurement. The angle between the excitation polarizer and the cylinder axis is designated as q. The anisotropy "r" of the emitting light is defined as: 30 r () = (I,(0) - 1,(0)) / (11(0)+ 21,(0)) (4.2) 123 0.6 0.5 0.4 , 0 0.3 0.2 0 0 .1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 Angle () 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Between Excitation Polarizer and the Cylinder Axis Figure 4.12 Angular dependence of anisotropy r () of a simple cast film and a roll cast film at X = 472 nm. The thickness of both films was - 80 mm. The nonzero anisotropy in the isotropic film arises due to the inherent polarizability of the PPE guest molecule. Due to the relatively short lifetime of the PPE system, the polarized excitation results in emitted light that retains a small, non-zero polarized emission component.3 0 124 Since the cylinders have no overall orientational anisotropy in the simple cast film, neither do the conjugated emitter molecules. Consequently the anisotropy does not change with angle as shown in Figure 4.12. In the roll cast films, the anisotropy is maximized when q = 0 (the excitation polarizer is parallel to the cylinder axis), and minimized for q = 90. For an ideally ordered guest/host film without scattering and other depolarization effects, the anisotropy will be proportional to cos2 (q).3 1 The solid line in Figure 4.12 is a fit to r = (rmax rnmin)cos2 (q) + rmin, in which rmax is the maximum experimental anisotropy and rmin is the minimum. The experimentally observed anisotropy values are smaller than the theoretical values based on perfect alignment. One way the anisotropy can decrease is due to depolarization of the emitted light by scattering within the sample. In order to understand the origins of depolarization, we studied the thickness dependence of the polarized emission in roll cast films by roll casting films with thickness in the range of 0.04 mm to 0.5 mm. The FWHM of the (100) reflection of all these films is in the range of 100 to 120, so we can assume any decrease in the anisotropy is not due to alignment differences of the PS cylinders. Figure 4.13 shows the anisotropy (at X = 472 nm) of these films with different thicknesses. The decrease in anisotropy with the increase in film thickness suggests that depolarization is mainly due to scattering inside the polymer films. In a single scattering event, the anisotropy could decrease to 70% of its original value.3 1 As the thickness of the film increases, the scattering 125 increases and the anisotropy decreases. If scattering is the only mechanism for depolarization, then we would expect the anisotropy to decrease linearly with an increase in sample thickness,3 1 which is in reasonable agreement with the data in Figure 4.13. The picture that emerges is that the PS cylinders are better aligned than the much smaller aspect ratio PS grafted PPE "particles" inside them (see Figure 4.5). 0.6 0.5 . 0.4 0 0.3 0.2 0 100 200 300 400 500 Thickness (m) Figure 4.13 Thickness dependence of anisotropy at film. The excitation wavelength was = 472 nm of a roll cast = 400 nm and the thickness of the film varies between -40 mm to -470 mm. The variance in the anisotropy measured is -10%. 126 4.4.F Mechanically Tunable Polarized Emission As noted before, this PS grafted PPE-SIS block copolymer system not only has emission anisotropy, but also has mechanical anisotropy.2 7' 2 8 The film is strong and stiff along the PS cylinder direction, while it is soft and easily deformed normal to cylinder direction. This mechanical anisotropy can be rationalized as follows: when stretched parallel to the cylinder axis, the serial arrangement of the PS cylinders in this direction prohibits deformation due to the glassy nature of the PS. However, when stretched perpendicular to the cylinder orientation, the parallel arrangement of the PS cylinders does not inhibit deformation of the rubbery PI matrix. As force is applied normal to the cylinder axis, the PS cylinders initially move apart and then eventually kink bands are initiated and the cylinders rotate towards the stretch direction. At short times after the release of force, the cylinders do not fully recover to their original alignment and there is residual strain in the system. During the second (and subsequent) loading/unloading cycle, however, the cylinders approximately recover to their initial state at the beginning of the second cycle, and the film shows nearly reversible deformation behavior. Figure 4.14 shows the measured optical anisotropy as a function of applied strain for the second loading and unloading cycle. When force is applied normal to the original roll cast direction, the film thickness decreases and above some strain, the PS cylinders buckle and rotate towards the stretching direction. Consequently, the normalized optical anisotropy decreases, dropping by about 50% of the initial normalized anisotropy at a strain of about 200%. 127 After releasing the force, the rubbery PI matrix pulls the PS cylinders back into their original aligned states, recovering the initial anisotropy. This experiment demonstrates the potential of this system as a mechanically tunable photoluminescent polarizer. . I · · II I 1.0 0.9 N *<' *A* 0.8- zO t 0.7- 0. 2 0.6- 0.54 0.4 - I 0 _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 50 I 100 150 I 200 200 250 Strain (%) Figure 4.14 Change of anisotropy with applied transverse strain. The film (-100 mm) was initially deformed to 240% and then released. The data shown is for the second loading/unloading cycle. 128 4.5 Conclusions This materials system, combined with roll cast processing, provides advantages over other techniques for achieving polarized photoluminescence. Many of the systems and processes reported to date are not readily amenable to large-scale production.1 In addition, the emission efficiencies of these systems are often limited by aggregation phenomena found in highly aligned parallel chains of conjugated polymer.1 In contrast, we have demonstrated the ability to process large-area, uniform films that produce polarized PL. The grafted PPE, used as the optically active material, intrinsically eliminates aggregation, and thus the aligned films have enhanced emission efficiency in the solid state. Moreover, due to the intramolecular energy transfer observed in these systems, the PSPPE-SIS block copolymer system is able to absorb unpolarized light and efficiently transfer the excitation energy into light with one particular polarization. This is very desirable for applications in LCD backlight technologies where introducing photoluminescent polarizers can improve the overall power efficiency of LCD devices. In summary, we have demonstrated that polarized photoluminescence can be obtained from a roll cast CP-block copolymer guest/host system. Synthetic modification of an optically active PPE guest was conducted for domain specific doping of a block copolymer host. Globally orienting the nanostructure of the host provided a template for the alignment of the guest PPE. The host/guest system gives rise to both polarized absorption and PL parallel to the cylinder axis of the host, indicative of uniaxially oriented PPEs. The versatility of block copolymers 129 also enables the modulation of light emission in different ways, for example, via photonic band gap manipulation with high molecular weight block copolymers,3233or as we demonstrated here, via mechanical deformation. 4.6 Experimental Section General. The synthesis of the monomers and polymers used here is detailed in Chapter 3. UV-visible absorption spectra were measured with a Cary 50 UVNisible spectrometer. Fluorescence spectra were measured with a SPEX Fluorolog-t2 fluorometer (model FL112, 450W xenon lamp). Polarized absorption and emission spectra were acquired from these instruments equipped with a Cary Fibre Optic Coupler accessory and a 1935B polarization kit, respectively. The poly(styrene-isoprene-styrene) (SIS) triblock copolymer was commercial grade Vector 4211 purchased from Dexco (Dexco Polymers, 12012 Wickshester, Houston, TX 77079). The triblock has a composition of 29 wt % PS (26 vol %) as determined by NMR and a total molecular weight of 101 x 103 as determined by GPC. Thus, the block molecular weights are (15-72-15) x 10 3 . The isoprene block contained 92% 1,4 addition.2 7 The roll cast block copolymer film nanostructure was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using a JEOL 200CX TEM operated at 200 keV. All chemicals were of reagent grade and used as received. 130 4.7 References [1] Grell, M.; Bradley, D. D. C. Adv. Mater. 1999, 11, 895. [2] (a) Weder, C.; Sarwa, C.; Mantali, A.; Bastiaansen, C.; Smith, P. Science 1998, 279, 835. (b) Mantali, A.; Bastiaansen, C.; Smith, P.; Weder, C. Nature 1998, 392, 261. [3] Granstrom, M. Polym. Adv. Technol. 1997, 8, 424. [4] (a) Hagler, T. W.; Pakbaz, K.; Voss, K. F.; Heeger, A. J. Phys. Rev. B 1991, 44, 8652. (b) Yang, C. Y.; Heeger, A. J.; Cao, Y. Polymer 1999, 41, 4113. [5] Arias, E.; Maillou, T.; Moggio, I.; Guillon, D.; Le Moigne, J.; Geffroy, B. 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Mater. 2005 in press. 5.1 Abstract Blue poly(phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE) electroluminescence in a new hybrid organic light emitting device (OLED). is observed Energy transfer from a hole-transport host to polystyrene grafted PPEs is utilized to improve the poor LED characteristics of traditional PPE-based systems, thus, demonstrating the potential for PPEs as light-emitting materials for OLED applications. 136 5.2 Introduction Recent research in polymer based organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) has focused on the use of conjugated polymers (CPs), such as poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV)1 and poly(para-phenylene) (PPP), 2 due to their high photoluminescence (PL) efficiency in thin films. The conjugated polymer system that is the focus of this thesis, poly(phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE), exhibits high solution state quantum yields and typically possesses wider band gaps than its PPV counterpart allowing for a more blue PPEs also exhibit narrower emission spectra than both PPVs and PPPs, which is desirable for saturated color rendering in display applications. To date, however, PPEs have received little attention as potential OLED materials, 3 as discussed in Chapter 1, due to aggregation phenomena that lead to reduced emission efficiencies in the solid state. Moreover, the acetylene linkage in PPEs limits the charge conduction properties3 c of these polymers contributing to a large potential barrier to charge injection. The present study, however, demonstrates that by circumventing the negative aspects of traditional PPEs outlined above, one can realize efficient, blue PPE electroluminescence (EL). Utilizing the new polystyrene grafted PPE system discussed in Chapter 3, we are able to take advantage of this system's ability to prevent polymer aggregation allowing for a dramatic increase in the solid-state quantum efficiency.5 Furthermore, by eliminating the intrinsic aggregation of the PPE backbone, grafted PPEs are miscible with other materials systems as seen in Chapter 4,5 allowing for increased compatibility as well as an opportunity to 137 exploit energy transfer in the solid state. The concept explored in this chapter is as follows: can we develop a hybrid system consisting of a grafted PPE and a small molecule host matrix that can be used as the hole-injection/light layer in a standard heterojunction OLED architecture emitting (see Figure 5.1)? By developing this concept, we are able to further demonstrate the utility of grafted PPEs relative to their ungrafted counter-parts by studying the energy transfer from a commonly methylphenyl)-[1, used hole transport material, N, N'-diphenyl-N, N'-bis(3- '-biphenyl]-4, 4'-diamine (TPD),7 8 in both PL and EL. 5.3 Results and Discussion 5.3.A Overview Scheme 5.1 illustrates two dialkoxy PPEs, along with their respective grafted counterparts we have synthesized for this study; one with a co-monomer with para-substitution (P-PPE and GP-PPE) and another with ortho-substitution (O-PPE and GO-PPE), which further blue shifts the emission. 6 Table 5.1 contains characterization data for the synthesized polymers. Comparing the solution and solid-state photophysical data for these polymers demonstrates that, as seen in Chapter 3, the grafting process isolates the PPE backbone causing the grafted PPE to maintain its solution state emission and quantum yield in the solid-state. 138 .'J Cathode --"-, ETL Electron Transport Layer LL Organic Layers Luminescent Layer HTL ITO . . . Hole Transport Layer .. Substrate rhode: Light Emission Anc Figure 5.1 Diagram of a standard heterojunction OLED device architecture. Electrons are injected from the cathode into an electron transport layer while holes are injected from the anode into a hole transport layer. The charges travel to the center of the device where they reach one another forming excited states, or excitons, on the molecules that comprise the recombination region within the device. This region can simply be the interface of the hole transport and electron transport layers or, it can be another material that constitutes the desired luminescent layer. Once the excitons are formed within the recombination region, these excited states can relax, i.e. the electrons and holes can recombine, producing light. 139 Scheme 5.1 OH O C,20 0C1 2 GO-PPE 0C1 2 o o{,0" GP-PPE rn P-PPE +9H N-N TPD N0--2N O-e* N TAZ A~113 Alq3 Table 5.1 Polymer Characterization Polymer Mn O-PPE GO-PPE PDI Xem kabs Xem (nm) (nmII) (nm) (nm) Xabs 85,000 3.50 430 455 0.68 463 472 0.20 128,000 2.18 430 455 0.57 430 456 0.50 52,000 2.70 450 475 0.70 483 498 0.10 124,000 1.90 450 475 0.62 450 476 0.60 P-PPE GP-PPE Photophysical Characterization (Solution-State) (Solid-State) GPC Analysis GPC - Gel Permeation Chromatography; - Polydispersity Index; abs - M - Number average molecular weight; PDI Maximum absorption wavelength; emission wavelength; em - Maximum - Photoluminescence quantum yield. * Measurements done in chloroform as the solvent. 140 5.3.B Photoluminescence Energy Transfer Study The luminescence of TPD has a significant spectral overlap with the absorption of the PPEs used in this study. Thus, efficient Forster energy transfer from the TPD to the PPEs should be observed provided that the two systems are miscible. In order to investigate energy transfer to the various PPEs, a blend of TPD and PPE (50:50 w/w) was made in chloroform solution (10mg/mL total concentration) and deposited onto a glass substrate via spin-casting. Spin-casting involves mounting the glass substrate on a rotating chuck. A small amount of the TPD/PPE solution is dropped at the center of the substrate. Rotating the substrate results in a centripetal force that spreads the solution radially. Adhesion of the materials to the substrate, along with the surface tension of the solvent, result in the formation of a thin uniform film. This technique is widely used due to the ease and time efficient nature of the deposition process. The steady-state absorption and photoluminescence measurements of the spin-cast films are plotted in Figure 5.2. The absorption spectra of the ungrafted PPEs (Figure 5.2a and 5.2b) reveal characteristic aggregation bands at wavelength = 465 nm and = 484 nm for O-PPE and P-PPE respectively, while the grafted PPEs (Figure 5.2c and 5.2d) maintain their solution state absorption bands. The PL spectra were obtained by irradiating each film with X = 360 nm and = 420 nm light, exciting the TPD and PPE respectively. The films containing the ungrafted PPEs reveal a significant spectral contribution due to TPD upon excitation at X = 360 nm. In addition, the emission intensity of the 141 A _C 4, . 4 a0 0. ._ .2 Wavelength (nm) Figure 5.2 Solid-state absorption and photoluminescence spectra of the various TPD/PPE blends. Dashed lines indicate absorption spectra. Photoluminescence spectra were obtained by irradiating the samples with k = 360 nm and k = 420 nm excitation wavelengths. Plots (a) and (b) correspond to blends of ungrafted PPE (O-PPE and P-PPE respectively), while (c) and (d) correspond to blends of grafted PPE (GO-PPE and GP-PPE respectively). 142 PPE is not significantly changed when selectively exciting the PPE (when accounting for background TPD emission). This suggests that there is very little energy transfer from TPD to PPE, likely due to spatial segregation of TPD and PPE in the films (Figure 5.3). Ungrafted PPEs are, therefore, incompatible with the TPD host, typical of traditional PPE systems. In the grafted PPE case (Figure 5.2c and 5.2d) minimal TPD emission is observed when excited at k = 360 nm and the significant increase in intensity of PPE emission relative to that under X = 420 nm excitation illustrates that this system is thoroughly mixed and undergoes efficient energy transfer. The grafted PPEs are, therefore, compatible with TPD suggesting that the mixed TPD/grafted-PPE film may display superior spectral purity and operating efficiency in an appropriate device architecture. A schematic diagram of the solid-state interactions between the ungrafted and grafted PPEs with the TPD host observed in the PL energy transfer study is shown in Figure 5.3. 5.3.C Electroluminescence of TPD/PPE Systems The same materials systems were explored in electroluminescent devices (device structure is shown in Figure 5.5). The hole transporting TPD/PPE layer is deposited by spin casting the same blend used for the PL energy transfer study described above onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates. This is followed by thermal evaporation of a hole blocking layer composed of 3-(4biphenyl)-4-phenyl-5-t-butylphenyl-1,2,4-triazole (TAZ), an electron transport layer of tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum) (Alq3), (see Scheme 5.1 for chemical 143 Ungrafted PPEs hVExcitation r L--11 Grafted PPEs a~IC· T eCI ~~~~~2,~ hYExcitation ~ -1VV Sp 1 sIap. I"VPPE Vf:r\ [ [c3I L~iir L- - g, I I I I L- <I- Figure 5.3 In the system containing ungrafted PPEs, aggregated PPE molecules (red) phase separate from the TPD host molecules (yellow) and thus do not undergo energy transfer, displaying a significant spectral component due to TPD in the PL energy transfer study. The grafted PPEs (blue), however, are completely miscible with the TPD host and thus exhibit efficient energy transfer resulting in spectrally pure PPE photoluminescence. 144 structures) and metal electrodes. The introduction of a hole-blocking layer, such as TAZ, was necessary in order to confine the recombination region of the device to the TPD/PPE layer and ensure that only PPE emission is produced under device operation. In the absence of a hole-blocking layer, an additional emission component from the Alq3 electron-transport layer can be observed. For small molecule organic materials, such as TAZ and Alq 3 used in these devices, sublimation, or thermal evaporation, is another method for depositing thin films. This technique is performed in a high vacuum environment and thus, unlike the spin-casting method discussed above, has the added benefit of eliminating the presence of impurities in the film. Vacuum deposition can be performed in a system similar to the one shown in Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4 Schematic diagram of an organic vacuum deposition system.9 145 A vacuum environment is achieved by evacuation of the system using a turbo pump in conjunction with a roughing pump. Typical base pressures are 105 to 10 -7 boats. Torr. Organic materials are loaded into molybdenum or tantalum source Resistive heating of the materials is achieved by increasing current through the boats. Once a sufficient temperature is reached, the material sublimes/evaporates and is deposited onto the substrate suspended above. The thickness of the resulting film is monitored using a quartz crystal microbalance that is capable of measuring thicknesses to within -10A. Control of the film thickness is achieved by simply moving the substrate shutter in and out of the path of the evaporated material. Co-deposition can be performed by simultaneously subliming two materials. The thickness uniformity of the films can be ensured by rotating the substrate stage during deposition. Thermal evaporation also provides a means for depositing various metals in order to generate the necessary cathode structure for the optoelectronic devices. Placing a shadow mask over the substrate during metal deposition allows for the delineation of specific electrical contacts onto the system. The TPD/PPE devices shown in Figure 5.5 were prepared using a similar vacuum deposition system as the one depicted in Figure 5.4. The electroluminescence spectra of the resulting TPD/PPE devices are also shown in Figure 5.5. For comparison, the inset in Figure 5.5 shows the emission spectrum of a TPD control device. The control was fabricated with the same device architecture and using a TPD concentration identical to that used to make the TPD/PPE blends (5mg/mL). The devices containing ungrafted PPEs exhibit the 146 . In -1 a I 0 u, c Wavelength (nm) Figure 5.5 corresponding Electroluminescence spectra (solid line) overlayed with the photoluminescence spectra (dashed line) of the various TPD/PPE-LEDs. Inset, plot of the EL and PL of a TPD control device. Spectra for ungrafted PPE devices are shown in plots (a) and (b) (O-PPE and P-PPE respectively) while (c) and (d) correspond to devices containing grafted PPE (GO-PPE and GP-PPE respectively). The TPD/PPE layer is spin-cast onto clean, indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates with a thickness of 50 nm for ungrafted PPE blends and 40 nm for grafted PPE blends. This is followed by thermal evaporation of a 20-nm-thick film of 3-(4-biphenyl)-4-phenyl-5-tbutylphenyl-1,2,4-triazole (TAZ), a 30-nm-thick film of tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum) (Alq 3), and a 1-mm-diameter, 100-nm-thick Mg:Ag (10:1 by mass) cathode, with a 30-nm Ag cap. The spin casting and device manipulation during fabrication is conducted in a dry nitrogen environment, with moisture and oxygen content of less than 5 p.p.m. All EL measurements are done in air. 147 expected TPD emission component along with PPE emission. In addition, the 0PPE device (Figure 5.5a) also exhibits a strong spectral component centered at X = 528 nm due to aggregate emission. The grafted PPE devices (Figure 5.5c and 5.5d) exhibit predominantly PPE emission with a minimal TPD component. The EL closely matches the PL spectra resulting in spectrally pure, narrow blue PPE electroluminescence that has not been obtainable with traditional PPE systems to date.3 The emission for these devices corresponds to CIE coordinates (x = 0.17; y = 0.20) and (x = 0.17; y = 0.35) for the GO-PPE and GP-PPE respectively. This matches the performance of many present blue display subpixels and is close to the NTSC standard blue pixel coordinates of (x = 0.15; y = 0.07). Note that the CIE coordinates of the PL spectra are even bluer (GO-PPE: x = 0.16; y = 0.16 GP-PPE: x = 0.14; y = 0.28) as the EL devices have not been optimized for the weak microcavity effects that in these structures emphasize green emission.1 0 5.3.D Operational Analysis of TPD/PPE Devices The current-voltage-luminance characteristics of the EL devices are plotted in Figure 5.6. The inset shows the current-voltage characteristics for the four TPD/PPE devices, as well as the TPD control device. The ungrafted PPE devices have large leakage currents and high turn-on voltages (-10 V). Furthermore, the external quantum efficiencies for these devices were poor, with peak efficiencies of r = 0.006% and /-= 0.0007% at 100 mA cm -2 for the O-PPE and P-PPE device respectively. The higher operational efficiency of the O-PPE 148 - a0 1I >t4 GP-PPE/ 0.5 GO-F 'PE 0-,, 0o Conrol C, 0C, .4%fl, -111 * v 0.1 U E .6a 4 0.05 I 'I O-PPE 0.005 E 0.01- O-PPE / ,.T.......%",.Lv,:.c:;...... . E Cy O-.PE............../... IE-41 ... U IF-R 0. 5 1 0.0005 _ i _. 40%fo a · . 5 10 P-PPE Voltage (V) a 0.001 . I ;O-PPE 0.001 - a .......... GPPE ...... a CI :3 m O < 0.01 0.1 I 1 · 10 100 Current Density (mA cm' ) Figure 5.6 External quantum efficiency versus current density for the TPD/PPE devices and the TPD control device shown in Figure 2. Inset shows the currentvoltage behavior for the various devices. The peak efficiency of the GP-PPE device is r = 1.6% at 0.1 mA cm '2 and 7.5 V which corresponds to a luminance efficiency of 3.3 cd AN1. The peak efficiency of the GO-PPE device is 1 = 1.1% at 0.1 mA cm '2 and 7.6 V which corresponds to a luminance efficiency of 1.7 cd A-1 . The ungrafted PPE devices had peak efficiencies of ir = 0.006% and i = 0.0007% at 100 mA cm -2 and 16.5 V which corresponded to a luminance efficiencies of 0.013 cd A 1 and 0.001 cd A-1 for the O-PPE and P-PPE systems respectively. The TPD control device had a peak efficiency of wr= 0.8% at 8 mA cm '2 and 7.5 V giving a luminance efficiency of 0.72 cd A 1 . 149 vs. the P-PPE may be due to the higher PL quantum efficiency (see Table 5.1) of the O-PPE. Another factor may be the additional electroluminescence of the 0PPE aggregate shown in Figure 5.3. It should also be noted the results presented for ungrafted PPE devices are the best performance out of a low yield sample. Most devices with ungrafted PPEs on the same substrate would short, have exceedingly high turn-on voltages (>30V), or simply not turn on. The low yield is most likely due to phase separation of the TPD/PPE blend in conjunction with the poor conduction properties of the PPE backbone. An effort to improve upon the fidelity of these devices by reducing the amount of PPE in the TPD blend resulted in strictly TPD luminescence. The grafted PPE devices have a markedly better behavior. EL devices with the two grafted PPEs have matching current-voltage characteristics and behave similarly to the TPD control, differing only by a slightly higher operating voltage. This can be attributed to a thicker hole-transport layer and charge trapping due to poorer conduction properties introduced by the presence of the PPE. Furthermore, in contrast to the ungrafted PPE devices, the grafted PPE devices were entirely reproducible, resulting in high device yields and consistent LED performance. The external quantum efficiencies for the grafted PPE devices exceed that of the control at low device luminances. The peak efficiencies were r = 1.6% and r = 1.1% at 0.1 mA cm -2 corresponding to luminance efficiencies of 3.3 cd A 1 and 1.7 cd A'1 for the GP-PPE and GO-PPE devices respectively. These devices maintained an efficiency equal to that of the control at its peak of 150 = 0.8% at 8 mA cm2 . At increasingly higher current densities the efficiencies of the TPD/PPE devices dropped below that of the control. This behavior can be rationalized in the following manner: At low current densities excitons are formed predominantly on the TPD host molecules and energy transfer allows for highly efficient PPE emission. As the current density is increased, charge is increasingly trapped at the PPEs. Subsequent energy transfer from TPD to charged PPE sites results in a non-radiative Auger process decreasing the external EL efficiency. Thus, the trend continues, since the increase in injected charged species increases the exciton-polaron interaction." This explanation is supported further when comparing the two grafted PPE devices. At low current densities the GP-PPE device exhibits a higher external quantum efficiency than that of the GO-PPE, likely due to less efficient exciton energy transfer from the TPD to the GO-PPE, a result of reduced spectral overlap. However, as the current density is increased the efficiencies of the two devices become equivalent. In other words, at higher current densities the energy transfer from the TPD host plays a less significant role in the device efficiency - due to an increase in direct exciton formation on the PPEs - and thus the two grafted PPE devices exhibit essentially the same behavior. 5.4 Conclusions The device performance of the TPD/PPE systems is in agreement with the PL energy transfer study and demonstrates the utility of grafted PPE systems over traditional PPEs. While the ungrafted PPE systems displayed poor device 151 operation, the grafted PPE devices exhibited efficient Frster energy transfer resulting in spectrally pure, blue EL with high external quantum efficiencies. Despite the drop in device efficiency with increasing current, the grafted PPE devices are still considerably more efficient at higher luminances than their ungrafted counterparts as well as other reported PPE systems.3 c In summary, we have demonstrated efficient energy transfer from a hole transport host to grafted PPEs yielding electroluminescence. highly quantum efficient blue By grafting the PPE backbones and rendering them both quantum efficient in the solid-state as well as miscible with a hole transport host, we are able to remove the detrimental characteristics of traditional PPE-LED systems and realize several orders of magnitude improvement in PPE electroluminescence. Furthermore, the grafting process is completely modular. This allows for synthetic flexibility in terms of tuning the PPE backbone structure in order to access other emission wavelengths and materials properties. In light of these results, we believe that PPEs can now be accessed as viable lightemitting materials for OLED applications. 5.5 Experimental Section General: The general synthesis of the ortho- 6 and para- 5 monomers as well as identical procedures used for the preparation of the polymers5 described here has been previously reported. The characterization of the polymers used for this study can be found below. H NMR spectra for polymers were recorded on a 152 Varian MERCURY (300 MHz) using deuterochloroform as reference or internal deuterium lock. The chemical shift data for each signal are given in units of 6 (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS) where 6 (TMS) = 0, and referenced to the solvent residual. Infrared spectra were collected with a Perkin Elmer 1000 FT-IR spectrometer in KBr and were recorded in reciprocal centimeters (cm 1' , wavenumbers). UV-visible absorption spectra were measured with a Cary 50 UVNVisiblespectrometer. Photoluminescence spectra were measured with a SPEX Fluorolog-t2 fluorometer (model FL112, 450W xenon lamp). Solution state quantum yields were determined relative to Coumarin 314 in ethanol ( = 0.63) and solid state quantum yields were determined relative to -10-2 M 9,10 diphenylanthracene in PMMA ( = 0.83). The molecular weights of polymers were determined by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) running with THF as the eluent versus polystyrene standards (PolySciences) using Hewlett Packard series 1100 HPLC instrument equipped with a Plgel 5 mm Mixed-C (300 x 7.5 mm) column. Polymer Characterization: O-PPE: 1027 and 803; max 3448, 6 H 2923, 2852, 1508, 1466, 1437, 1376, 1262, 1220, 7.0 (4H, br s), 4.0 (8H, br t), 3.6 (4H, t, J 6.7), 1.9 (8H, br multiplet), 1.6-1.5 (16H, br signal) 1.4-1.2 (52H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.9); GPC Mn 8.50 x 104 , Mw 2.80 x 105 , Mw/Mn 3.50. O-PPE ATRP macroinitiator: max2923, 2852, 1736, 1509, 1467, 1435, 1389, 1275, 1220, 1163, 1108, 1030 and 805; 153 6H 7.0 (4H, br s), 4.2 (4H, t, J 6.6), 4.0 (8H, br t), 1.9 (12H, br s), 1.8 (8H, br t), 1.7 (8H, br signal), 1.5 (8H, br signal), 1.4-1.3 (52H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.9). GO-PPE: vmax3082, 3060, 3025, 2922, 2851, 1942, 1869, 1780, 1726, 1601, 1493, 1452, 1262, 1027, 803, 756, 697, and 537; 6 H 7.2-6.9 (Aromaticbr signal), 6.9-6.3 (aromatic br signal), 4.0 (br t), 3.8 (br t), 2.0-1.7 (br signal), 1.6 (br s), 1.5-1.3 (br signal), 1.27 (br d), 1.0-0.8 (br t); GPC Mn 1.28 x 105, Mw 2.79 x 105, Mw/Mn 2.18. P-PPE: max 3423, 2923, 2852, 1513, 1468, 1428, 1389, 1340, 1262, 1215, 1026, 858, 802 and 721; 6 H 7.0 (4H, br s), 4.0 (8H, br t), 3.6 (4H, t, J 6.7), 1.9 (8H, br multiplet), 1.6-1.5 (16H, br signal) 1.4-1.2 (52H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.9); GPC Mn 5.20 x 104, Mw 1.40 x 105, Mw/Mn 2.70. 2924, 2853, 1736, 1513, 1466, 1428, P-PPE ATRP macroinitiator: Vmax 1389, 1275, 1213, 1163, 1108, 1030, 861, 803 and 722; 6H 7.0 (4H, br s), 4.2 (4H, t, J 6.6), 4.0 (8H, br t), 1.9 (12H, br s), 1.8 (8H, br t), 1.7 (8H, br signal), 1.5 (8H, br signal), 1.4-1.3 (52H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.9). GP-PPE: vmax3081, 3059, 3026, 2924, 2852, 1943, 1870, 1801, 1730, 1601, 1493, 1453, 1262, 1027, 803, 758, 698, and 539; 6 H 7.2-6.9 (Aromatic br signal), 6.9-6.3 (aromatic br signal), 4.0 (br t), 3.8 (br t), 2.0-1.7 (br signal), 1.6 (br s), 1.5-1.3 (br signal), 1.27 (br signal), 1.0-0.8 (br t); GPC Mn 1.24 x 105, Mw 2.36 X 105 , MV/Mn 1.90. 154 Fabricationof electroluminescentdevices: The devices were built on ITO coated glass substrates with a sheet resistance of 20 Q cm 2 . The ITO glass was cleaned by ultrasonic agitation in detergent solution, rinsed with DI water, acetone, boiled in trichloroethane, rinsed with acetone, boiled in isopropyl alcohol, and N2 blown dry. Immediately prior to material deposition, substrates were pretreated with UV/Ozone for 5 minutes. The devices were fabricated by spin-casting (v: 3K; Acc: 10K; Duration: 60 sec.) the TPD/PPE layer (50:50 w/w; 10 mg/mL total concentration), followed by successive vacuum deposition of TAZ (20 nm), Alq 3 (30 nm), Ag:Mg (100 nm; 10:1 by weight), and Ag (30 nm). Prior to deposition, TAZ and Alq 3 were purified by sublimation. A shadow mask with 1 mm2 openings was used to define the metal electrodes. The EL spectra were recorded on an Acton Research Spectra Pro 300i spectrometer. The luminance-voltage and current-voltage characteristics were measured on an Agilent-4156C Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer using a Newport 818-UV photodetector. All measurements conducted at room temperature under ambient atmosphere. 155 5.6 References [1] (a) Becker, H.; Spreitzer, H.; Kreuder, W.; Kluge, E.; Schenk, H.; Parker, I.; Cao, Y. Adv. Mater. 2000, 12, 42. (b) Kraft, A.; Grimsdale, A. C.; Holmes, A. B. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 402. (c) Staring, E. G. J.; Demandt, R. C. J. 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Swager, Nano Lett. 2005 submitted. 6.1 Abstract Blue poly(phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE) electroluminescence is achieved in a single layer organic light emitting device (OLED). The polymeric system consists of an oxadiazole grafted PPE, which combines the necessary charge transport properties while maintaining the desirable efficient, narrow light emitting properties of the PPE. Incorporation of a pentiptycene scaffold within the PPE structure prevents ground-state and excited-state interactions between the pendent oxadiazole units and the conjugated backbone. 160 6.2 Introduction The promise of polymer based organic light emitting devices (PLEDs) hinges on the cost-effective nature of their fabrication. Multiple layers of thermally evaporated materials can be eliminated when using a single polymer thin film prepared by simple spin-coating, casting, or printing techniques.1 Present methods allow for the synthetic fine-tuning of polymer emission wavelengths and materials properties. Hence, general materials solutions for improved device fabrication and performance could have broad applicability.2 The previous chapter demonstrated the ability to generate efficient, narrow, blue electroluminescence (EL) from a multilayer device utilizing energy transfer from a small molecule host to polystyrene grafted poly(phenyleneethynylene) (PPE).3 The modularity of the grafting process can be exploited by simply replacing the polystyrene with a material that incorporates the necessary charge transport properties into the system. This would allow for fabrication of a single-layer device exhibiting efficient PPE electroluminescence. Oxadiazole derivatives have been extensively investigated as electron conducting and hole blocking materials in both small molecule and polymeric systems.4 Polymers containing oxadiazole units in either the main5 or side chain6 have been widely used in LEDs. This chapter discusses the development of an oxadiazole grafted PPE system, which combines a charge transporting segment with a light emitting conjugated backbone in a single polymeric system. 161 6.3 Results and Discussion 6.3.A Overview Scheme 6.1 depicts the set of five PPEs we explored in this study. The first three PPEs presented are entirely dialkoxy substituted. Both of the co- monomers used to construct the polymer are para substituted in 1. In order to blue shift the emission, ortho substituted monomers 37 are used in PPEs 2 and 3. A similar blue shift may be obtained by eliminating donating alkyloxy substituents that lower the band-gap of the polymer by raising the HOMO. This is achieved by replacing one of the alkoxy-substituted monomers with a pentiptycene containing monomer. Therefore, the solution-state photophysics of polymers 4 and 5 should be analogous to polymers 2 and 3 respectively. However, thin films 4 and 5 should show enhanced fluorescence quantum yields, since the integrated pentiptycene functionality limits aggregation.8 The vinyl oxadiazole moiety used to generate the oxadiazole grafted PPEs was synthesized according to a literature procedures and is outlined in Scheme 6.2. The oxadiazole grafting process is schematically illustrated in Scheme 6.3. The synthesis of the oxadiazole grafted PPEs is analogous to the methodology covered in Chapter 3 where the polystyrene grafted PPE system was synthesized via an atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP).3' 10 For clarity, we show the PPE backbone with a single hydroxy terminated alkoxy chain undergoing the ATRP reaction. The PPEs in Scheme 1 undergo grafting at both hydroxyl groups. We will refer to the grafted counterparts with a G before their respective ungrafted numbers (e.g. G1, G2,... G5). 162 Scheme 6.1 OOH 10 14B r'- O lIT7n OC1 6 I\ I10" 0; C1 6 0C1 6 n r 4 19H OH dl H1% H r4RrO1 3 n 5 •= Cl Scheme 6.2 AICI3 + C,-;,~3-·CHCH Acetyl Chloride, CH2 CI 2, Reflux NaBH 4 ~~n~-~_Q60-C-CH Benzene, Ethanol P4 0 1 0 OH N-N dHCI-1 C +C~~10'~-~ OH N-N +0410Q-eHCCI-1 / N-N Benzene, Reflux Overall 35% Yield Scheme 6.3 0 Br H t t TEA A r / a -TE THF CuBr / N-N fo-N'I~ I 163 Bipy N Table 6.1 Polymer Characterization Photophysical Polymer GPC Analysis Characterization (bolution-State) (Solid-State) , PDI - ' kabs Xem (nm) (nm) (nm) (nm) 'abs Xem 1 23,000 2.9 450 475 0.70 480 496 0.10 2 28,000 3.5 430 455 0.65 460 504 0.09 3 14,000 2.3 391 424 0.68 411 4 29,000 3.2 422 454 441 462 0.35 5 55,000 2.5 391 424 0.92 385 429 0.43 G1 41,000 1.7 432 486 0.65 432 0.18 G2 47,000 1.6 417 457 0.61 484 421 0.30 G3 31,000 1.5 391 424 0.60 385 461 0.54 G4 45,000 1.7 420 454 0.70 421 460 0.67 G5 98,000 1.8 390 424 0.91 386 430 0.85 GPC - Gel Permeation Chromatography; - Polydispersity Index; Xabs - 0.73 533 506 0.62 Mn- Number average molecular weight; PDI Maximum absorption wavelength; kem - Maximum emission wavelength; <>- Photoluminescence quantum yield. *Measurements done in chloroform as the solvent. 164 6.3.B Polymer Characterization Table 6.1 summarizes the characterization data for the polymers. Gel permeation chromatographic (GPC) analysis of the PPE systems reveals an increase in the molecular weight of the polymers after grafting with oxadiazole. In addition, similar to the findings in Chapter 3, the high polydispersity of the ungrafted PPEs - typical for cross-coupling polymerizations - is lowered after the grafting process, due to the addition of low polydispersity oxadiazole grafts by controlled free-radical polymerization methods.1 0 Further evidence for the successful grafting process is obtained when monitoring the absorption profile of the polymer samples as they are eluted from the GPC columns. The grafted PPE absorption displays the characteristic absorption band for both the oxadiazole monomer (abmax = 318 nm) and the conjugated PPE backbone at the same elution volume. This confirms that the oxadiazole grafts are indeed covalently linked to the PPE backbone. It should also be noted that despite very similar oxadiazole graft molecular weights (Mn = 2,900 - 3,300; PDI = 1.1) for all of the PPE systems, there was not a consistent increase in the overall molecular weight, nor was the total molecular weight increase very significant considering the size of the oxadiazole grafts. This may be attributed to the more spherical shape of the grafted polymers that effectively yield a lower molecular weight by GPC as well as the limited solubility of the PPE macroinitiators1 0 in the oxadiazole monomer/solvent system used for the graft polymerization (see experimental section for details). Limited solubility will result in preferential grafting of the low molecular weight PPE chains, and thus the 165 observed total molecular weight for the grafted PPE systems is lower than expected. This latter effect also explains the variation in molecular weight increase from the ungrafted backbone to the oxadiazole grafted PPE from one polymer system to the next (see Table 6.1). 6.3.C Photophysical Characterization The solution-state absorption and fluorescence spectra for the ungrafted PPEs were recorded in chloroform and are shown in Figure 6.1a and 6.1c respectively. It was observed that both the absorption and emission (Table 6.1) of 2 were blue shifted compared to the corresponding maxima for 1. As expected from the polymer substitution, the spectra of 4 overlap with those of 2. By design, even wider band gaps are achieved in 3, where the dialkoxy units are entirely ortho substituted. Again, the spectra of the pentiptycene containing 5 align with those of 3. Thin films of the ungrafted conjugated polymers were spincast from chloroform solution (2 mg PPE/mL). photoluminescence (PL) results are graphed The solid-state absorption and in Figure 6.1b and 6.1d respectively. The absorption spectra of thin films 1-3 are red-shifted and display spectroscopic features arising from interchain 7t-orbital interactions generally referred to as aggregation bands (Figure 6.1b). Aggregation phenomena cause the solid-state PL of these polymers to be broadened and shifted significantly towards longer wavelengths compared to the emission profiles observed in solution. Similarly, the quantum efficiency of these aggregated systems is dramatically reduced in thin film. In contrast, the spectra of thin films 4 and 5 are 166 Solution State I- - -- - - - - - * - Solid State - . . . Ci . . . b ,'', . . . .I . I . . .I.I · I C 0 o I /.~' a. 00 1 .0s 2 3 Cl 0 N II 4 M 'I,.· I I iI r~~~~~~~ ' 5 E i z rl v ) . 0 '-,......._..'. .t4Y_,... .. _ I . d Ji N "I 9d ? . I e .1 I i I .1 * i II ____ d , A .' z3 ' ' SI I E I I 1 MIV ! I , la -__ I I )'I !I I II m III, ! j II - I I, iiIi I ~ I . .~~~~~~~_I . 300 350 : _ 650 350 400 45i 00 Wavelength (nm) Figure 6.1 Normalized solution-state (a) and solid-state (b) absorption spectra of the various ungrafted PPEs. The corresponding normalized photoluminescence spectra are measurements shown were in plots (c) conducted and in (d) respectively. chloroform solution. Solution-state Solid-state measurements were obtained using polymer thin-films spin-cast onto glass substrates from chloroform solution (2mg/mL). In all cases, samples were excited at their respective absorption maxima (see Table 6.1). 167 almost identical to those in solution confirming that the pentiptycene monomer limits interchain a-orbital interactions.8 However, these systems still experience a drop in quantum efficiency going from solution to thin-film, albeit not as significant as the entirely dialkoxy substituted PPEs 1-3 (Table 6.1). Chapters 3, 4, and 5 have shown that the grafting process can also eliminate the intrinsic aggregation of the PPE backbone, allowing PPEs without pentiptycene scaffolds to maintain their solution state characteristics in the solidstate.3 1 0 The absorption and PL spectra for the grafted polymers are depicted in Figure 6.2. The solution state PL spectra were obtained by irradiating the samples with k = 385 nm light to avoid excitation of the oxadiazole grafts. However, in the solid-state measurements the oxadiazole units were excited with = 320 nm light, in order to observe energy transfer to the PPE backbone. The solution PL spectra of PPEs G1-G3 are broader than their ungrafted counterparts. Furthermore, in the solid-state they are also red shifted and do not retain their solution state quantum yield upon grafting as seen in the previous three chapters.3' 9 We attribute this unexpected observation to ground-state and excited-state interactions between the oxadiazole and the PPE backbone. However, we note that the pentiptycene containing grafted PPEs (G4 and G5) maintain their narrow, blue emission profiles and high quantum yields in the solid-state. This suggests that in the same way the iptycene scaffold helps to prevent PPE aggregation phenomena, it may also mitigate the interactions between the oxadiazole grafts and the PPE backbone that lead to spectral broadening. 168 Solution State Solid State CI C . E Z az Z Wavelength (nm) Figure 6.2 Normalized solution-state (a) and solid-state (b) absorption spectra of the various oxadiazole grafted PPEs. The corresponding normalized photoluminescence spectra are shown in plots (c) and (d) respectively. Solutionstate measurements were conducted in chloroform solution. Samples were irradiated with X = 385 nm light in order to prevent excitation, and thus emission, from the oxadiazole grafts. Solid-state measurements were obtained using polymer thin-films spin-cast onto glass substrates from chloroform solution (2mg/mL). The films were all irradiated near the oxadiazole absorption maxima (X = 318) with = 320 nm light in order to observe energy transfer from the oxadiazole grafts to the PPEs. 169 6.3.D Electroluminescence of Oxadiazole Grafted PPEs The oxadiazole grafted PPE systems were explored in electroluminescent devices; the device structure is shown in Figure 6.3. ethylenedioxythiophene First, a layer of poly-3,4- (PEDOT) doped with polystyrene sulphonic acid was spin cast onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates. Next, a layer of the grafted PPE was deposited by spin casting from CHCI 3 solution (10 mg/mL (w/w)). Finally, metal electrodes were thermally evaporated onto the polymer layers using a shadow mask. The electroluminescence devices are shown in Figure 6.3. (EL) spectra of the oxadiazole grafted PPE In the case of polymers G1 and G2 (Figure 6.3a and 6.3b), the EL spectra (solid line) closely match the solid state PL spectra (dashed line). The EL for polymer G3 deviates from the solid-state PL due to what appears to be aggregate emission centered at = 490 nm. In all three cases, the EL spectra are significantly red-shifted from the solution state PL (dotted line). This shift to longer wavelengths, combined with the broadened emission profile of these polymers, prevents these systems from realizing the narrow blue emission that we were hoping to achieve. Nevertheless, the grafted pentiptycene containing PPEs G4 and G5 (Figure 6.3d and 6.3e) maintain their narrow emission profiles in EL. The EL closely matches the solid-state PL spectra and is only slightly shifted from the solution-state PL. The emission for these devices corresponds to CIE coordinates (x = 0.14; y = 0.21) and (x = 0.16; y = 0. 13) for G4 and G5 respectively. 170 .c ,n E 'a z._0 Wavelength Figure 6.3 (nm) Electroluminescence spectra (solid line) overlayed with the corresponding solid-state photoluminescence spectra (dashed line) and solutionstate photoluminescence spectra (dotted line) of the various oxadiazole grafted PPEs. Spectra for the all dialkoxy substituted PPEs G1-G3 are shown in plots (a)-(c) while plots (e) and (f) correspond to pentiptycene containing PPEs G4 and G5 respectively. Plot (d) shows the EL for devices containing ungrafted PPEs 4 (dotted line) and 5 (dot-dash line) for comparison. 171 This spectrally pure, narrow blue PPE electroluminescence is similar to the results discussed in the previous chapter.3 In this case, however, the system is a single polymer layer - eliminating the need for both a small molecule host as well as thermally evaporated hole-blocking and electron-transporting layers. Here again the presence of the pentiptycene scaffold limits the interaction of the oxadiazole units with the conjugated PPE backbone allowing these systems to simultaneously maintain the excellent luminescent properties of the PPEs while harnessing the charge conduction properties of the pendent oxadiazole grafts. To further support our observations, control devices containing ungrafted PPEs 4 and 5 were fabricated (see Figure 6.3d). The broad EL spectra demonstrate that without the necessary charge transport properties, the pentiptycene scaffold alone is not sufficient to generate narrow PPE electroluminescence. 6.3.E Operational Analysis of Oxadiazole Grafted PPE Devices The current-voltage-luminance characteristics of the EL devices are plotted in Figure 6.4. The inset shows the current-voltage characteristics for the five oxadiazole grafted PPE devices. All of the grafted PPE systems displayed superior operational efficiencies when compared to other traditional PPE singlelayer devices in the literature.1 0 had peak efficiencies of The entirely dialkoxy substituted PPEs, G1-G3, = 0.05%, 0.07%, and 0.11% respectively with corresponding luminance efficiencies of 0.17 cd A-1, 0.21 cd A-1 , and 0.22 cd A-1 . The pentiptycene containing PPEs G4 and G5 displayed even better behavior. Devices incorporating these polymers had consistently lower leakage current, 172 , r 0.25 W >-f. dom 0.1- a _ / / - _ a__- -o m / 100 E 0.01- ....... ........... C - 1n · ·- ··- 0.001 .U · · a;·- G2...... 1 .----- G3 G4 G5 0.0001 0.0001 0.5 0.1 1 5 Voltage (V) 10 I I I 1 10 100 Current Density (mA cm 2) Figure 6.4 External quantum efficiency versus current density for the oxadiazole grafted PPEs. Inset shows the current-voltage behavior for the various devices. The entirely dialkoxy substituted PPEs G1-G3 had peak efficiencies of i = 0.05%, 0.07%, and 0.11% respectively with corresponding luminance efficiencies of 0.17 cd A-1 , 0.21 cd A-1 , and 0.22 cd A-1 . pentiptycene containing PPE G4 was The peak efficiency of the = 0.23% at 12.2 mA cm -2 and 9.9V corresponding to a luminance efficiency of 0.40 cd A -1 while the peak efficiency of PPE G5 was r = 0.29% at 13.6 mA cm luminance efficiency of 0.34 cd A-1. 173 2 and 11.4V corresponding to a lower turn-on voltages and displayed higher external quantum efficiencies than G1-G3. Polymer G4 had a peak efficiency of r = 0.23% at 12.2 mA cm -2 and 9.9 V which corresponds to a luminance efficiency of 0.40 cd A-' . Polymer G5 had a peak efficiency of r1= 0.29% at 13.6 mA cm -2 and 11.4 V which corresponds to a luminance efficiency of 0.34 cd A-' . Polymers G4 and G5 also maintained higher operational efficiencies over a larger range of current densities than the entirely dialkoxy substituted PPEs. These observations emphasize the importance of the ground-state and excited-state interactions between the oxadiazole grafts and the conjugated PPE backbone. Only when the grafted PPE backbone is engineered with the pentiptycene scaffold is the system able to realize both the desired narrow, blue emission as well as the high external quantum efficiency from a single polymer layer. Such a finding is critical for future development of PPE based LEDs. Although the oxadiazole-grafted PPE systems exhibited excellent properties for a single-layer architecture, they suffered from relatively high leakage currents, and turn-on voltages. In addition, the devices achieved their maximum operational efficiency at high current densities (>10 mA cm-2 ). This behavior is indicative of the fact that this PPE system does not incorporate a balance in both hole and electron transport properties. Since the pendant oxadiazole units are primarily an electron transport material, a larger current density is necessary in order to introduce enough holes into the system to balance the recombination. build-up of electrons and thus, realize efficient exciton Furthermore, the build-up of electrons may also explain the 174 tendency for these systems to maintain their operational efficiencies over a large range of current densities. In other words, the characteristic decrease in efficiency due to an increase in the exciton-polaron interaction3 '11 does not become significant until a sufficient number of holes reach the recombination region within the device. These findings suggest that the overall device performance may be improved provided that another material possessing the necessary hole-transport properties is introduced into the system. 6.4 Conclusions To conclude, we have further demonstrated the modularity of the PPE grafting process developed in Chapter 33,8by simply replacing the graft monomer with a vinyl functionalized oxadiazole moiety. Ground-state and excited-state interactions between the pendent oxadiazole grafts and the conjugated PPE backbone limit the overall device performance in the case of the entirely dialkoxy substituted PPEs. By appropriately engineering the PPE backbone structure with a pentiptycene scaffold, these interactions are removed allowing the oxadiazole grafted systems to simultaneously incorporate the necessary charge transport properties while maintaining the desired narrow, wide-band gap emission characteristic of PPEs. Consequently, these systems are able to realize efficient, narrow, blue PPE electroluminescence from a single polymer layer that has not been achieved to date. 175 6.5 Experimental Section General: The general synthesis of the ortho-[7 ] and para-[10] monomers as well as identical procedures used for the preparation of the ungrafted polymers7' 8' 10 and ATRP macroinitiators1[ 0] described here has been previously reported. The vinyl oxadiazole was synthesized following a literature method.[9] A general preparation for oxadiazole grafted PPEs as well as the characterization of the polymers used for this study can be found below. 1H NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian MERCURY (300 MHz) using deuterochloroform as a reference or an internal deuterium lock. The chemical shift data for each signal are given in units of b (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS) where (TMS) = 0, and are referenced to the solvent residual. Infrared spectra were collected with a Perkin Elmer 1000 FT-IR spectrometer in KBr and were recorded in reciprocal centimeters (cm-1, wavenumbers). UV-visible absorption spectra were measured with a Cary 50 UVNisible spectrometer. Photoluminescence spectra were measured with a SPEX Fluorolog-t2 fluorometer (model FL112, 450W xenon lamp). Solution state quantum yields were determined relative to Coumarin 314 in ethanol ( 0.55). = 0.63) and quinine sulfate in 1 N sulfuric acid ( Solid state quantum yields were determined relative to diphenylanthracene in PMMA ( = 10-2 M 9,10 = 0.83). The molecular weights of polymers were determined by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) running with THF as the eluent versus polystyrene standards (PolySciences) using Hewlett 176 Packard series 1100 HPLC instrument equipped with a PIgel 5 mm Mixed-C (300 x 7.5 mm) column. Polymer Synthesis: General ATRP polymerization of vinyl oxadiazole to give oxadiazole grafted PPEs (G1-G5): A 25mL Schlenk tube was loaded with the respective PPE ATRP macroinitiator (see characterization data below) 9 (40mg, 0.03 mmol), CuBr (9.5mg, 0.07 mmol), and 2,2-dipyridyl (Bipy) (26mg, 0.17 mmol). Approximately 750 mg of vinyl oxadiazole12 was dissolved in 2-3 mL of anhydrous toluene and then syringed into the reaction tube. The mixture was frozen, evacuated, and thawed three times. The reaction flask was then heated in an oil bath to 1400°Cand allowed to stir for 72 h. At the end of the reaction time, the reaction flask was cooled in liquid N2 in order to quench the polymerization and then the mixture was filtered and precipitated out of methanol. The precipitate was then filtered, washed several times with water, collected, and dried. The isolated polymer was re-dissolved in THF and precipitated out of acetone to remove any oxadiazole homopolymer produced in the reaction. The precipitate was isolated by centrifugation due to partial solubility in acetone. The remaining pellet was re-dissolved in THF and precipitated one last time out of methanol. The precipitate was filtered, collected and dried to give oxadiazole grafted PPEs. 177 Polymer Characterization: 1: Reported previously; 9 1 ATRP macroinitiator: GI: GPC M, 2.30 x 104, Mw 6.70 x 104, Mw/Mn 2.90. Reported previously. 9 max 3026, 2924, 2853, 1725, 1613, 1488, 1269, 1067, 1005, 822, 713, and 558; H 8.2-7.8 (Aromatic br signal), 7.8-7.2 (Aromatic br signal), 7.2-6.6 (Aromatic br signal), 6.5 (br signal), 4.0 (br signal), 2.6-1.7 (br signal), 1.4 (br s), 1.2 (br s), 0.85 (br signal); GPC Mn 4.10 x 104 , Mw 7.00 x 10 4 , Mw/Mn 1.70. 2: max3406, 1041, 809, and 721; 2922, 2851, 1636, 1508, 1467, 1435, 1377, 1262, 1220, H 7.2 (2H br s), 7.0 (2H br s), 4.2 (4H, br t), 4.0 (4H, br t), 3.6 (4H, br t, J 6.6), 1.8 (8H, br t), 1.5 (32H, br signal), 1.3 (52H, br signal), 0.88 (6H, br t, J 6.6); GPC Mn 2.80 x 10 4 , Mw 9.80 x 104, MW/Mn 3.5. 2 ATRP macroinitiator Vmax2924, 2852, 1736, 1508, 1466, 1434, 1371, 1275, 1220, 1162, 1109, 1029, 859, 816, and 721; 6 H 7.0 (br s), 4.2 (br signal), 4.0 (br t), 1.9 (s), 1.8 (br signal) 1.6-1.1 (br signal), 0.9 (br t); GPC Mn 5.20 x 104 , Mw 1.40 x 10 5 , Mw/Mn 2.70. G2: max 3027, 2923, 2851, 1725, 1612, 1487, 1267, 1067, 1005, 822, 712, and 557; 6 H 8.2-7.8 (Aromatic br signal), 7.8-7.2 (Aromatic br signal), 7.2-6.6 (Aromatic br signal), 6.5 (br signal), 4.1 (br multiplet), 2.2-1.9 (br signal), 1.8 (br signal), 1.4 (br s), 1.2 (br s), 0.86 (br signal); GPC Mn 4.70 x 104, Mw 7.50 x 104, M,/Mn 1.60. 3: Vmax3340, 2919, 2850, 1506, 1468, 1438, 1378, 1225, 1192, 1088, 807, and 720; H 7.2 (4H, br s), 4.2 (8H, br t), 3.6 (4H. br t, J 6.6), 1.8 (8H, br q), 1.5 178 (32H, br signal), 1.3 (52H, br signal), 0.88 (6H, br t, J 6.6); GPC M, 1.40 x Mw 3.22 x 10 4, 10 4 , Mw/Mn 2.30. Vmax2919, 2850, 1736, 1577, 1503, 1467, 1438, 3 ATRP macroinitiator. 1378, 1275, 1225, 1191, 1164, 1108, 1087, 1027, 808, and 721; H 7.2 (4H, br s), 4.16 (4H, br t, J 6.6), 4.0 (8H, br t), 1.9 (12H, br s), 1.8 (8H, br q), 1.7 (8H, br q), 1.5 (12H, br signal), 1.4-1.2 (64H, br signal), 0.9 (6H, t, J 6.6). G3: Vmax3026, 2923, 2851, 1724, 1613, 1487, 1268, 1067, 1005, 821, 712, and 557; H 8.2-7.8 (Aromatic br signal), 7.8-7.2 (Aromatic br signal), 7.2-6.6 (Aromatic br signal), 6.5 (br signal), 4.1 (br signal), 2.0 (br signal), 1.8 (br signal), 1.4 (br s), 1.2 (br s), 0.85 (br s); GPC Mn 3.10 x 104, Mw 4.70 x 104, MW/Mn 1.50. 4: max3422, 3068, 3021, 2924, 2852, 1500, 1458, 1381, 1279, 1198, 1023, 754, 673, and 568; H 7.5 (6H, br signal), 7.05 (4H, br signal), 6.1 (4H, br s), 4.5 (4H, br t), 3.6 (4H, br t, J 6.6), 2.2 (4H, br signal), 1.7 (4H, br signal), 1.47 (8H, br signal), 1.2 (28H, br signal); GPC Mn 2.90 x 10 4 , Mw 9.30 x 10 4, M/Mn 3.20. 4 ATRP macroinitiator. Vmax3069, 3021, 2925, 2853, 1734, 1502, 1458, 1414, 1383, 1277, 1213, 1163, 1107, 1023, 860, 803, 754, 673, and 569; H 7.5 (6H, br signal), 7.05 (4H, br signal), 6.12 (4H, br s), 4.5 (4H, br t), 4.1 (4H, br t, J 6.6), 2.2 (4H, br signal), 1.9 (12H, br s), 1.8(6H, br q), 1.6 (8H, br multiplet), 1.4 (8H, br signal), 1.3-1.0 (18H, br signal). G4: Vmax3024, 2959, 2857, 1723, 1612, 1487, 1267, 1096, 1005, 821, 712, and 557; H 8.2-7.8 (Aromatic br signal), 7.8-7.2 (Aromatic br signal), 7.2-6.6 (Aromatic br signal), 6.5 (br signal), 6.1 (br signal), 4.4 (br signal), 4.0 (br signal), 179 2.4-1.5 (br signal), 1.3 (br s), 1.1 (br s); GPC M, 4.50 x 104, Mw 7.70 x 104, M/M, 1.70. 5: Vmax3407, 3068, 3021, 2925, 2852, 1492, 1458, 1429, 1380, 1319, 1228, 1198, 1179, 1056, 754, 673, and 567; H 7.5 (6H, br signal), 7.05 (4H, br signal), 6.07 (4H, br s), 4.6 (4H, br signal), 3.6 (4H, br t, J 6.6), 2.17 (4H, br signal), 1.6 (4H, br signal), 1.5 (8H, br multiplet), 1.4-1.0 (28H, br signal); GPC Mn5.50 x 104, Mw1.40 x 105, MMn 2.50. 5 ATRP macroinitiator 1Vmax 3068, 3020, 2926, 2852, 2679, 1732, 1494, 1458, 1430, 1370, 1275, 1228, 1163, 1108, 1023, 814, 754, 673, and 568; 6H 7.5 (6H, br signal), 7.1 (4H, br signal), 6.05 (4H, br s), 4.6 (4H, br t), 4.15 (4H, br t, J 6.6), 3.1 (4H, br signal), 2.1 (4H, br signal), 1.9 (12H, br s), 1.6 (6H, br q), 1.5 (6H, br multiplet), 1.3 (8H, br signal), 1.1 (16H, br signal). G5: max3024, 2925, 2853, 1723, 1612, 1487, 1265, 1096, 1005, 821, 712, and 567; 8H8.2-7.8 (Aromatic br signal), 7.8-7.2 (Aromatic br signal), 7.2-6.6 (Aromatic br signal), 6.5 (br signal), 6.0 (br signal), 4.6 (br signal), 4.0 (br signal), 3.5 (br signal), 2.2 (br signal), 1.6 (br signal), 1.4 (br s), 1.2 (br signal). Fabrication of electroluminescent devices: The devices were built on ITO coated glass substrates with a sheet resistance of 20 Q cm-2 . The ITO glass was cleaned by ultrasonic agitation in detergent solution, rinsed with DI water, acetone, boiled in trichloroethane, rinsed with acetone, boiled in isopropyl alcohol, and N2 blown dry. Immediately prior to material deposition, substrates were pretreated with UV/Ozone for 5 minutes. 180 The devices were fabricated by spin-casting (v: 2.5K; Acc: 10K; Duration: 60 sec.) a layer of PEDOT:PSS, followed by thermal annealing at 175 C for 5 minutes. This is followed by spin-cast deposition (v: 3K; Acc: 10K; Duration: 60 sec.) of the oxadiazole grafted PPE layer. Finally, metal cathodes consisting of Ag:Mg (100 nm; 10:1 by weight), and Ag (30 nm) were thermally evaporated on top of the oxadiazole grafted PPE layer. A shadow mask with 1 mm2 openings was used to define the metal electrodes. The EL spectra were recorded on an Acton Research Spectra Pro 300i spectrometer. The luminance-voltage and current-voltage characteristics were measured on an Agilent-4156C Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer using a Newport 818-UV photodetector. All measurements conducted at room temperature under ambient atmosphere. 181 6.6 References [1] (a) Friend, R. H.; Gymer, N.; Taliani, C.; Bradley, R. W.; Holmes, A. B.; Burroughes, D. D. C.; Dos Santos, Salaneck, W. R. Nature 1999, 397, 121. (b) J. H.; Marks, D. A.; Bredas, J. L.; Logdlund, R. M.; R. H. Friend, Pure Appl. Chem. 2001, 73, 425. [2] Kraft, A.; Grimsdale, A. C.; Holmes, A. B. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 402. [3] Breen, C. A.; Tischler, J. R.; Bulovic, V.; Swager, T. M. Adv. Mater. 2005, . [4] Strukelj, M.; Papadimitrakopoulos, F.; Miller, T. M.; Rothberg, L. J. Science 1995, 267, 1969. [5] (a) Li, X-C.; Holmes, A. B.; Kraft, A.; Moratti, S. C.; Spencer, G. C. W.; Cacialli, F.; Gruner, J.; Friend, R. H. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1995, 21, 2211. (b) Pei, Q.; Yang, Y. Adv. Mater. 1995, 7, 559. (c) Gruner, J.; Friend, R. H.; Huber, J.; Scherf, U. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1996, 251, 204. Kaminorz, Y.; Brehmer, L. Synth. Met. 1997, 84, 449. (d) Schulz, B.; (e) Peng, Z.; Bao, Z.; Galvin, M. E. Adv. Mater. 1998, 10, 680. [6] Bao, Z.; Peng, Z.; Galvin, M. E.; Chandross, E. A. Chem. Mater. 1998, 10, 1201. [7] Zhu, Z. G.; Swager, T. M. Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 3471. [8] (a) Yang, J.-S.; Swager, T. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 11864. (b) Yang, J.-S.; Swager, T. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 5321. (c) Williams, V. E.; Swager, T. M. Macromolecules 2000, 33, 4069. 182 [9] Kurfurst, A.; Lhotak, P.; Nadenik, P.; Raclova-Pavlicova, F.; Kuthan, J. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1991, 56, 1495. [10] Breen, C. A.; Deng, T.; Breiner, T.; Thomas, E. L.; Swager, T. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 9942. [11] (a) Hirohata, M.; Tada, K.; Kawai, T.; Onoda, M.; Yoshino, K. Synth. Met. 1997, 85, 1273. (b) Montali, A.; Smith, P.; Weder, C. Synth. Met. 1998, 97, 123. (c) Pschirer, N. G.; Miteva, T.; Evans, U.; Roberts, R. S.; Marshall, A. R.; Neher, D.; Myrick, M. L.; Bunz, U. H. F. Chem. Mater. 2001, 13, 2691. Posch, P.; Thelakkat, Weder, C. Adv. (d) Schmitz, C.; M.; Schmidt, H-W.; Montali, A.; Feldman, K.; Smith, P.; Funct. Mater. 2001, 11, 41. (e) Chu, Q.; Pang, Y. Macromolecules 2002, 35, 7569. [12] (a) Tasch, S.; Kranzelbinder, G.; Leising, G.; Scherf, U. Phys. Rev. B 1997, 55, 5097. (b) Deussen, M.; Scheidler, M.; Bassler, H. Synth. Met. 1995, 73,123. 183 184 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Directions 7.1 Overview While the commercialization of organic electronic and photonic devices is beginning to permeate the flat panel display and portable electronics industries, a considerable amount of research and development still needs to be accomplished. These organic systems suffer from many drawbacks that must be improved if these materials are to become a mature technology. The work presented in this thesis has attempted to address one of these issues, namely, the development of a highly efficient, wide-band gap, color saturated emitter that, when combined with novel materials solutions, can demonstrate efficient, blue, electroluminescence. We chose to focus on poly(phenylene ethynylene) (PPE) systems due to their high solution state quantum yields, narrow emission profiles, and potential for wide-band gap, blue emission. 7.2 Conclusions As outlined in Chapter 1, much of the research conducted to date on PPE systems has been disappointing, and therefore, PPEs have been disregarded as viable OLED materials. The poor performance in these systems is widely considered to be due to the strong -.n interactions that result from aggregation phenomena of the PPE backbone. Aggregation leads to solid-state PPE emission profiles that are broadened, red-shifted and exhibit a dramatically reduced quantum yield compared to that in solution. In order to realize an effective PPE based LED, the development of a new approach was needed that 186 would eliminate the undesirable solid-state emission along with the poor charge transport properties associated with the PPE conjugated backbone structure. Chapter 3 outlined the modular synthetic modification of a PPE backbone via ATRP. Generation of a PPE macroinitiator and subsequent grafting of polystyrene from the PPE backbone yielded a new grafted PPE system that demonstrated enhanced solid-state properties. The presence of the PS grafts prevented aggregation phenomena by isolating the individual PPE backbone structure. This preserved the solution-state emission and quantum yield in the solid-state. Chapter 4 discussed the utilization of this grafted PPE system in a new guest/host system for the generation of polarized photoluminescence. This research demonstrated that, not only did the PS grafts limit aggregation of the PPE backbone, but they provided increased materials compatibility, rendering the PPE miscible with other polymeric systems. Moreover, by demonstrating the ability to develop an ordered block copolymer film with an efficient, optically active PPE guest, new possibilities for other photonic device applications can be envisioned. This paradigm may be extended to high molecular weight block copolymer systems, which exhibit photonic band-gaps in the visible wavelength region, creating potential for emission and excited-state lifetime modulation that have implications for sensor and solid-state lasing applications. Ultimately, in Chapter 5, the added materials compatibility was extended to a hybrid, small molecule/polymer LED structure capable of realizing efficient, blue PPE electroluminescence, far superior to any of the previously reported 187 systems. By preventing aggregation phenomena, the grafted PPE was rendered miscible with a small molecule hole transport host material, TPD. The TPD was effectively intercalated into the grafted PPE film, introducing the necessary charge transport into the system while allowing for efficient Frster energy transfer from the TPD to the PPE, ultimately producing spectrally pure, blue PPE EL. The modularity of the grafting process was further demonstrated in Chapter 6. By simply replacing the styrene graft monomer with a vinyl oxadiazole monomer, a charge transport moiety was directly grafted onto the PPE backbone. An appropriately engineered PPE backbone resulted in a single polymeric system, capable of generating efficient, blue EL in a simple, singlelayer device architecture. The culmination of this work demonstrates the significant improvements made in the development of PPE based LEDs. In fact, not only have we generated PPE electroluminescence far superior to that of previously reported systems, we have provided a new, viable polymer materials system that exhibits blue emission comparable to, if not better than, the current PPV and PPP materials used for blue emission. 7.3 Future Work While we have provided some interesting solutions to developing better blue electroluminescent devices, still other issues remain that limit the applicability of organic electronic and photonic systems and warrant future 188 research efforts. There continues to be a lack of understanding associated with charge injection at organic/electrode interfaces, which limits device performance. The poor environmental stability to water, oxygen, and other impurities characteristic of these systems, which contributes to material degradation under continued device operation, is perceived to be one of the most significant barriers to widespread commercialization of this technology. Finally, operational efficiencies of organic LEDs are still too low to solidify them as a dominant contender in many industrial applications. We can attempt to address a couple of the issues presented above with the grafted PPE platform we have developed. Immediate research can be conducted to measure the lifetime of the LED systems discussed in Chapters 5 and 6 in order to assess their stability. The presence of the grafts may further isolate the PPE backbone from exposure to water and oxygen and result in more durable, longer lifetime blue devices. Additional efforts to increase the stability of these systems may be done by altering the PPE backbone structure. One technique used to prevent photobleaching and potentially limit degradation processes in optoelectronic devices of various conjugated systems, involves the addition of fluorinated substituents that are covalently linked to the polymer backbone.1 Unfortunately, the presence of these groups can also significantly reduce the solubility of the material, limiting the light emitting properties and eventual use and exploration of these materials in electroluminescent devices. Therefore, application of the grafting process to similarly functionalized PPE systems could provide a solution. The increased 189 solubility and added materials compatibility that grafted systems exhibit may increase the impact and exposure PPE systems could have on the understanding and improvement of stability in optoelectronic devices. One of the efforts to increase the operating efficiency of polymer based LEDs has been to develop phosphorescent polymer emitters. Predominately, phosphorescent polymer systems that have been explored in electroluminescent applications are unconjugated.2 While these systems introduce the increased mechanical stability provided by the polymer film, they are still plagued by broad emission profiles and are unable to achieve efficiencies comparable to small molecule phosphorescent systems. In addition, the development of phosphorescent conjugated polymers has been of particular interest due to controversial, yet compelling, experimental3 '8 and theoretical9 1 4 evidence that in conjugated polymers, the limit of 25% internal conversion of singlet states in EL devices (due to the four exciton states where there are three triplet states and one singlet state - see Section 2.3.A) may be exceeded. This introduces the possibility for producing highly efficient polymer LEDs and raises fundamental questions about the mechanisms determining exciton formation within these devices. For example, Wilson et al. reported a singlet generation fraction close to 57% in a platinum-containing conjugated polymer, while a much smaller value (22%) was inferred for the corresponding monomer. 4 b Unfortunately, phosphorescent conjugated polymers are typically plagued by many of the same problems associated with traditional PPE systems that 190 have been discussed in this dissertation. Solid-state aggregation phenomena dramatically reduces the phosphorescence emission efficiency, most likely due to competition with much faster non-radiative decay processes, and thus have limited the utilization of these materials in optoelectronic devices. The understanding and utilization of phosphorescent conjugated polymers may be enhanced with the development of a phosphorescent grafted PPE system. Grafted systems could provide isolation of individual polymer chains allowing for solution-type phosphorescent emission and quantum yields in the solid state. Furthermore, perhaps a new phosphorescent PPE system could provide a new route to generating color-saturated blue phosphorescent emission. In closing, the area of organic electronics and photonics is still relatively new. There is much research to be conducted, new discoveries to be made, and many improvements to be realized. The multitude of synthetic techniques and materials solutions available for the development and tuning of properties in organic conjugated systems, holds great promise for continued success in these areas. 191 7.4 References [1] Kim, Y.; Swager, T. M. Chem. Comm. 2005, 3, 372. [2] Furuta, P. T.; Deng, L.; Garon, S.; Thompson, M. E.; Frechet, J. M. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 15388. [3] Cao, Y.; Parker, . D.; Yu, G.; Zhang, C.; Heeger, A. J. Nature 1999, 397, 414. [4] (a) Ho, P. K. H.; Kim, J.; Burroughes, J. H.; Becher, H.; Li, S. F. Y.; Brown, T. M.; Cacialli, F.; Friend, R. H. Nature 2000, 404, 481. (b) Wilson, J. S.; Dhoot, A. S.; Seeley, A. J. A. B.; Khan, M. S.; KOhler, A.; Friend, R. H. Nature 2001, 413, 828. [5] (a) Wohlgenannt, M.; Tandon, K.; Mazumdar, S.; Ramasesha, S.; Vardeny, Z. V. Nature 2001, 409, 494. (b) Wohlgenannt, M.; Jiang, X. M.; Vardeny, Z. V.; Janssen, R. A. J. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2002, 88, 197401. [6] Dhoot, A. S.; Giner, D. S.; Beljonne, D.; Shuai, Z.; Greenham, N. C. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2002, 360, 195. [7] Virgili, T.; Cerullo, G.; Gadermaier, G.; LUer, L.; Lanzani, C.; Bradley, D. D. C. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 90, 247402. [8] Meulenkamp, E. A.; van Aar, R.; Bastiaansen, J. J. A. M.; van den Biggelaar, M.; van Dijken, A.; Kiggen, N. M. M.; A. J. M.; Borner, H.; Brunner, K.; Bichel, Kilitziraki, M.; de Kok, M. M.; Langeveld, B. M. W.; Ligter, M. P. H.; Vulto, S. E. E.; van de Weijer, P.; de Winter, S. H. P. M. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. In press. [9] Shuai, Z.; Beljonne, D.; Silbey, R. J.; Bredas, J. L. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2000, 84, 131. 192 [10] Kobrak, M. N.; Bittner, E. R. Phys. Rev. B 2000, 62, 11473. [11] Karabunarliev, S.; Bittner, E. R. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 90, 057402. [12] Tandon, K.; Ramasesha, S.; Mazumdar, S. Phys. Rev. B. 2003, 67, 045109. [13] Hong, T.; Meng, H. Phys. Rev. B 2003, 63, 075206. [14] Bredas, J. L.; Beljonne, D.; Coropceanu, 104, 4971. 193 V.; Cornil, J. Chem. Rev. 2004, 194 CURRICULUM CRAIG VITAE BREEN SUMMARY * Extensive experience in polymer chemistry and materials processing. * Designed and fabricated novel organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) for display applications. * Developed a new composite polymer system for the generation of polarized photoluminescence. EDUCATION * PhD, Physical Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2005 Cumulative GPA: 4.75/5 Thesis: "Grafted Poly(P-Phenylene-Ethynylene): Optical and Optoelectronic Applications" Advisor: Dr. T. M. Swager * BA, High Honors in Chemistry, (summa cum laude) Middlebury College (VT), 2000 Cumulative GPA: 3.93/4.00 Thesis: "Intramolecular Radical Cyclization Reactions on Aromatic Systems" Advisor: Dr. J. H. Byers EMPLOYMENT HISTORY September 2000-2005 Graduate Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Advisor: Dr. T. M. Swager * Synthesized polystyrene grafted poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) (PPE) via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). * Developed a new guest/host system for the generation of polarized photoluminescence using grafted PPE doped cylindrical phase tri-block copolymers. * Extended the methodology outlined above for the uniaxial alignment of carbon nanotubes. * Designed and constructed novel OLEDs using grafted PPEs as the emitting material. 2004 Patent Research Consultant, Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, PC (VA) Supervisor: Dr. J. P. Lavelleye JD * Conducted an extensive literature search for a previous synthesis of a particular chemical compound (details omitted due to confidentiality agreement). * Assessed the present methodology involved in the synthesis of the compound under investigation. 195 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2000-2002 * Graduate Physical Organic Lecture Course, Spring 2002. * Undergraduate General Chemistry, Fall 2002. * Undergraduate Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Fall 2000-Spring 2001. Summer 1999 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Advisor: Dr. D. G. Cory Designed radio-frequency pulse sequences demonstrating novel NMR quantum information processing capabilities. Summer 1998 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Middlebury College (VT) Advisor: Dr. J. H. Byers * Developed new aromatic cyclizations using atom transfer radical reactions. LABORATORYS KILLS · Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN): -- Spectroscopy: Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy; Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy; Photoluminescence Excitation (PLE) spectroscopy; Polarized Luminescence spectroscopy; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; Infrared (IR) spectroscopy. -- Confocal Microscopy: Transmission and Polarization microscopy; Scanning Laser confocal microscopy - UV Ar, Visible Ar, and HeNe lasers. -- Analytical: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS); Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC); Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC); ThermogravimetricAnalysis (TGA); Ellipsometry. -- Synthesis: Monomer and Polymer synthesis -- Material Processing: Spin Casting; Roll Casting. * Laboratory for Organic Optics and Electronics (LOOE): -- Ultra-High Vacuum System: Fabrication of OLEDs involving spin casting of materials as well as material and metal electrode thermal evaporation. -- Device Testing: CurrentNoltage (IN) Characteristics; Electroluminescence analysis; Quantum Efficiency analysis. AWARDS ANDSCHOLARSHIPS * College Scholar (Highest Academic Rank at Middlebury), 1997-2000. * American Institute of Chemists - Best Senior Chemist Award, 2000. * Phi Beta Kappa Member, 1999. * The Materials Processing Center and the Center for Materials Science and Engineering Summer Research Scholarship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. 196 * * * * * ACS Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, 1999. ACS Polymer Education Committee Organic Chemistry Award, 1998. Outstanding Freshman Award for Middlebury College, 1997. CRC Press Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award, 1997. National Youth Science Camp - Vermont Delegate, 1996. RELEVANT ACTIVITIES Varsity Basketball: Captain (2000), Middlebury College, 1996-2000. Varsity Track and Field, Middlebury College, 1996-2000. Intramural Athletics: 3-Time Basketball and 2-Time Football Champions (A-League) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000-Present. Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS), 1998-Present. Member of the Materials Research Society (MRS), 2002-Present. P U B L I C A T I O N S AND P R E S E N T A T I O N S Breen, C. A.; Rifai, S.; Bulovic, V.; Swager, T. M. (2005) Blue Electroluminescence from Oxadiazole Grafted Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene). Nano Lett. (Submitted). (Ph.D. work). Rifai, S.; Breen, C. A.; Solis, D.; Swager, T. M. (2005) Facile In Situ Silver Nanoparticle Formation in Insulating Polymer Matrices. Chem. Mater. (Submitted). Breen, C. A.; Tischler, Y.; Bulovic, V.; Swager, T. M. (2005) Highly Efficient Blue via Energy Transfer from a Hole Electroluminescence from Poly(Phenylene-Ethynylene) Transport Matrix. Advanced Materials (Accepted). (Ph.D. work). Deng, T.; Breen, C. A.; Breiner, T.; Swager, T. M.; Thomas, E. L. (2005) Block Copolymer Nanotemplates for Tunable Polarized Emission. Polymer (Publication Pending) (Ph.D. work). Breen, C. A.; Deng, T.; Breiner, T.; Thomas, Photoluminescence E. L.; Swager, T. M. (2003) Polarized from Poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) via a Block Copolymer Nanotemplate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125(33); 9942-9943 (Ph.D. work). Price, M. D.; Fortunato, E. M.; Pravia, M. A.; Breen, C.; Kumaresean, S.; Rosenberg, G.; Cory, D. G. (2001) Information Transfer on an NMR Quantum Information Processor. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 13(3), 151-158: (Summer 1999). Breen, C. A.; Tischler, Y.; Bulovic, V.; Swager, T. M. "Color Saturated Quantum Efficient Blue Organic Light Emitting Devices." MRS Fall Meeting, Poly(P-Phenylene-Ethynylene) Boston, MA 2003 (December 1-5, 2003). (Poster, Ph.D. work). Breen, C. A.; Deng, T.; Breiner, T.; Thomas, E. L.; Swager, T. M. "A New Guest/Host System for the Generation of Polarized Photoluminescence." ACS National Meeting, New York, NY 2003 (September 7-11, 2003) (Oral Presentation Ph.D. Work). Breen, C. A.; Breiner, T.; Deng, T.; Thomas, E. L.; Swager, T. M. "Polarized Emission of Polystyrene Grafted Poly(P-Phenylene Ethynylene) in a Globally Oriented Block Copolymer Matrix." MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA 2002 (December 2-6, 2002) (Poster, Ph.D. work). Breen, C. A.; Byers, J. H.; Kosterlitz, J. A. "Intramolecular Reactions Involving Radical Aromatic Substitution via Atom Transfer." ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, 1998 (August 23-27, 1998) (Poster, B.A. work). 197 198