Honor Roll of Donors university of south alabama

u nive rsit y of south al aba m a
Honor Roll
of Donors
A Report on Philanthropy
Covering Fiscal Year 2013
Volume X
Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Daniel Miller
and Dr. and Mrs. M. Allam Baaheth,
USA musicians now have Steinway pianos
available to use to perform for the more
than 13,000 annual concert-goers.
Dear Friends,
As the University of South Alabama begins its sixth decade of service,
thank you for contributing to the strong foundation that will support
future growth and success. During our first 50 years, USA has awarded
more than 77,000 degrees. Our alumni reside in every state and many
countries around the world and their contributions to the communities
where they live create a positive impact beyond calculation.
The University of South Alabama extends its reach through service and
scholarly research that builds knowledge, supports economic development,
sustains the environment, and improves the health of our citizens. The
University continues to work for improvement in the quality of life for
citizens of the region through health services and hospitals. The USA
Health System offers critical resources with the region’s only Level I
Trauma Center at USA Medical Center, the area’s only Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit at USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital, and a comprehensive
cancer care center that incorporates an aggressive academic research
program at the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute.
Today, USA is a comprehensive, high research university with an
enrollment exceeding 15,000 students. South Alabama is providing
students the opportunities to grow and excel in future endeavors with
nearly 100 academic degree programs. Investments of more than $500
million in recent campus enhancements are providing USA students with
exceptional learning environments and student life opportunities.
Thanks to the visionary leadership of the late President V. Gordon
Moulton and the extraordinary generosity of Abraham A. Mitchell, a new
undergraduate endowed scholarship was initiated to recruit and attract the
top students – the Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative.
Again, thank you for all that you are doing for the University of
South Alabama.
Dr. John W. Smith
Acting President
FROM THE PRESIDENT..................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................2
BOARD OF TRUSTEES...................................................3
Scholarships Mean Opportunity........................4
Giving the Jags an Edge.....................................7
Meisler Gift Supports Visiting Professor.............8
Stokes Gift Launches Center..............................9
Marx Gift Amplifies Impact.............................10
Strengthening Trauma Care.............................12
Conquering Cancer ........................................15
GIVING SOCIETIES............................................. 18
Trauma Care
Jaguar Societies................................................19
Legacy Society.................................................22
Bequest Extends Urbancic Legacy....................23
Annual Giving Societies...................................24
Medical Alumni Association............................51
USA National Alumni Association...................52
Jaguar Athletic Club........................................52
Looking for Your Listing?
This publication covers Fiscal year 2013:
October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
We have tried diligently to list each gift
appropriately but recognize that errors and
omissions may still occur. If we have made an
error, please accept our apologies and notify the
Office of Development:
University of South Alabama
Office of Development
300 Alumni Circle
Mobile, Alabama 36688
ON THE COVER: Mr. Mitchell’s $50 million commitment to
the University of South Alabama was announced at USA’s
50th Anniversary Celebration on May 3, 2013.
Hon. Robert Bentley
Ex-Officio Chair
Governor, State of Alabama
Dr. Tommy R. Bice
Superintendent of Education,
State of Alabama
Representation by County:
Dr. Scott A. Charlton
Coffee and Crenshaw Counties
E. Thomas Corcoran
Baldwin and Escambia Counties
Dr. Steven P. Furr
Chair Pro Tempore
Choctaw, Clarke, and Washington Counties
J. Cecil Gardner
Mobile County
Hon. Samuel L. Jones
Mobile County
Bettye R. Maye
Marengo and Sumter Counties
Christie D. Miree
Monroe and Wilcox Counties
Arlene Mitchell
Mobile County
Hon. Bryant Mixon
Dale and Geneva Counties
John M. Peek
Butler, Conecuh, and Covington Counties
James H. Shumock
State at Large
Hon. Kenneth O. Simon
Vice Chair
State at Large
Dr. Steven H. Stokes
Henry and Houston Counties
Larry D. Striplin, Jr.*
Dallas and Lowndes Counties
James A. Yance
State at Large
Dear Friends,
It is a great pleasure to thank you
for your support and its effect on
advancing the progress of the University
of South Alabama. As an alumnus and
as chair of the Board of Trustees, I am
proud of all this great institution has
achieved and I am optimistic the future
is bright indeed.
Throughout the celebration of the
50th Anniversary this past year we have
had many opportunities to look back
with astonished pride at the distance
our University has come because of
the vision, energy, and hard work of administrators, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends.
Each of us has a personal relationship with the University of South Alabama that
awakens pride and gratitude, and the 50th Anniversary allowed us to see our own
experience magnified by the thousands of others who celebrated alongside us.
This year too, we shared a profound loss in the death last fall of President Emeritus
V. Gordon Moulton. Truly, Gordon’s contributions to the progress of USA can scarcely
be overstated. Through his life and work, we all see the positive difference that the
leadership, courage, generosity, and good will of an individual can make for our
University. We are grateful.
We are thankful as well to Abraham Mitchell, who supported President Moulton’s
vision for keeping USA strong and attractive to future students with an extraordinary
commitment of $50 million. Mr. Mitchell’s generosity has helped launch the MitchellMoulton Scholarship Initiative, a campaign to permanently expand scholarship support
through a $50 million endowment. Thanks to Gordon Moulton’s and Abe Mitchell’s
shared vision, in the future more students than ever will know the transforming impact
that a USA degree creates in their lives and on their families.
As the 50th Anniversary concluded and we looked to the future, the University was
engaged in a national search for its next president. It is a great pleasure to report that
the Board of Trustees, acting on the unanimous recommendation of the Presidential
Search Committee, has named Dr. Tony G. Waldrop as the third president of the
University of South Alabama.
Dr. Waldrop is eminently qualified by his leadership experience at some of the
nation’s most prestigious and fastest-growing universities to lead USA through the
next exciting and dynamic chapter in its history. We expect Dr. Waldrop to arrive on
campus in early April, and I look forward to introducing him and his wife,
Dr. Julee Waldrop, to all of you.
These are exciting days at the University of South Alabama. Thank you for sharing
the experience with me.
Steven P. Furr, M.D.
Chair pro tempore, Board of Trustees
Driggers, students in the Mitchell College
of Business annually receive good news
that they are recipients of the Timothy K.
Driggers Endowed Scholarship.
Recipient Turns Benefactor
Timothy K. Driggers worked many
hours at odd jobs and a stint at a local
convenience store in his hometown Elba,
Alabama in order to save enough money
to attend the University of South Alabama
following high school graduation in
1980. Throughout his freshman year,
Driggers paid his tuition and fees from
the money he had earned.
During his sophomore year, Driggers was
pleasantly surprised to be the recipient of
a Presidential Scholarship, which paid his
tuition and fees. Until he was awarded
the scholarship, Driggers had never heard
of the Presidential Scholarship program
at USA. Nevertheless, this young student
from Coffee County made great use
of the financial opportunity provided
by presidential scholarship awards in
his sophomore and junior years by
completing his degree in just three years.
Degree in hand, Driggers soon moved
to New Orleans where he worked for 12
years before moving to Houston to take a
position with EOG Resources. For many
years, Driggers has held progressively
responsible positions with EOG; today,
he serves as vice president and chief
financial officer of the company.
Several years ago, a Google search
led Driggers to reconnect with USA
classmate, Diana Laier, during her tenure
as president of the USA National Alumni
Association. In the course of catching
up, Driggers formed a plan to establish a
scholarship endowment in appreciation
for what USA did to help him get through
college. Because he knows the difference
that a scholarship can make in a person’s
life, Driggers wanted to give back to USA
and to help future students, preferably
those from his hometown of Elba. He
explained, “I wanted them to have the
same opportunity I had.” Thanks to
As Tim Driggers’ story illustrates,
scholarship support can make a huge
difference in establishing a foundation
for success in the life of a university
student. For many years, top students
have benefited from USA’s generous
Presidential Scholarship program.
However, declining federal student
aid and rising tuition and fees have
combined to create a climate in which
most university students incur substantial
debt in the course of earning a bachelor’s
degree. The average debt for a student
graduating with an undergraduate degree
is more than $27,000. Students, parents,
and university administrators across the
nation are concerned about the impact
that such a large amount of debt will have
on young adults struggling to establish
families and careers.
Multiplying the Impact
Fittingly, Tim Driggers, a past recipient
of a Presidential Scholarship, was one
of the first donors to claim matching
funds through the Mitchell-Moulton
Scholarship Initiative. He has created
a second scholarship endowment for
the Mitchell College of Business, using
a company matching gift program to
double the size of the endowment.
Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative
funds will match his gift and his
company’s match for a quadruple
impact on deserving USA students.
A Potent Partnership
Here at USA, the late
President V. Gordon
Moulton had compassion
for the difficulties students
have faced because of
necessary tuition and fee
increases imposed in recent
years. Keeping a South
Alabama degree within
reach became a high priority
of his administration and
a personal goal. President
Moulton wisely shared this
vision with one of USA’s most
ardent friends, Mr. Abraham
A. Mitchell, and found
that he and the university
had a powerful partner for
addressing this need.
Together, they shaped a
plan to greatly expand the
Presidential Scholarship
program by enhancing the
endowment for scholarships
by $50 million. The Abraham
A. Mitchell and V. Gordon
Moulton Scholarship Initiative
is the result. This far reaching
plan encompasses expansion
of the Presidential Scholarship
program and a fundraising
campaign to permanently
fund greater accessibility to
The Mitchell-Moulton
Scholarship Initiative was
publicly unveiled during
the triumphant celebration
on May 3, 2013, marking
the 50th anniversary of the
university’s founding. The
crowd in the Mitchell Center
gasped and then erupted
in jubilant applause as
President Moulton announced
the largest philanthropic
commitment in USA’s history
— a $50 million gift from
Mr. Mitchell. Half of that
amount, $25 million,
has been designated for
scholarship endowment.
And even better, Mr. Mitchell
is offering these funds as
a matching incentive to
encourage other donors to
help USA undergraduates
through endowed
scholarships. He told the
crowd at the Mitchell Center
that, “Given the rising costs
of attending college and
the pressure this puts on
students and their families,
President Moulton told me it
was his fondest wish, as he
completed his career, that
even further efforts be made
to create additional academic
The Mitchell-Moulton
Scholarship Initiative
exemplifies the transforming
opportunities that arise
when visionary leadership
and philanthropy combine.
Together, President Moulton,
Mr. Mitchell, and the donors
who will step forward to
give, and thereby claim the
matching funds, will create a
$50 million dollar expansion
in USA’s endowment for
scholarships. USA students
will feel the impact renewed
every year from now on.
Helping Students Here at Home
Margie Malone Tuckson knows
firsthand that opportunities shape
one’s future. When she was just
a junior in college, Ms. Tuckson
moved home to Mobile because of
her mother’s illness. She realized
that while it was important that
she help her family, it was also
important to complete her college
education and work toward shaping
her own future. Ms. Tuckson found the opportunities to do that
in her hometown at the University of South Alabama.
USA not only offered Ms. Tuckson the opportunity to finish her
degree, she and fellow students helped to charter a city-wide
chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She worked to gain
valuable business experience through a job placement program at
South Central Bell and because these opportunities were so close
to home, she was still able to offer the support that her family
6 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 “The University prepared me to be competitive,” Ms. Tuckson
says of the education which helped to build a foundation for
her successful career. Ms. Tuckson completed her degree in
business in 1973, and then put her education, experience, and
competitive spirit to work for IBM for the next 18 years.
When a current USA student working on the JagLine phonathon
spoke with Ms. Tuckson about an annual fund gift, Ms. Tuckson
made a gift and joined the 50th Anniversary Alumni Leadership
Council. Then she asked how she could help more.
Ms. Tuckson’s desire to do more has ensured that generations of
USA freshmen will have great opportunities by establishing two
endowed scholarships for Mobile County high school graduates.
Through the matching grants from the Mitchell-Moulton
Scholarship Initiative, these students will benefit twice as much.
McNair Helps Jaguar Golf Get New Home
Thanks to the support of alumni like
Dr. Scott McNair, for the first time in
the history of Jaguar Golf, the men’s
and women’s teams have a place to call
home. The new golf suite, located in the
South hallway of Jaguar Gym, houses
men’s and women’s coaches’ offices,
lounges, locker rooms, a putting area
and hitting bay, both equipped with
leading-edge TrackMan technology.
The state-of-the-art facility now allows
players the opportunity to work on their
games any time day or night. Men’s
Head Golf Coach Ben Hannan is thrilled
by this new level of support the facility
offers his team, “The golf suite is better
than I ever imagined and we are so
thankful for the generosity of Dr. McNair
and others who made this all possible.”
McNair, a 1996 graduate of the
College of Medicine and an avid golfer,
welcomed the opportunity to give
back to USA and make an impact on
the lives of its future athletes, “I enjoy
working to enhance causes that I feel are
exceptional. I have enjoyed the progress
of the Men’s Jaguar Golf program and
I’m proud to support Coach Ben Hannan
and the athletes that work so hard.”
Jaguar Football Fan Inspires Generous Gift
Building a competitive Division I football team is a goal that has
been eagerly embraced by friends and alumni of USA, including
1972 alumnus, Kenny Dumas, who counts himself as one of the
football team’s biggest fans.
In honor of Dumas’ Jaguar pride, Terry Aucoin has made a gift to
support the growth of the program. Dumas says he is proud of the
support he was given as a student through the Mitchell College
of Business and is honored to have inspired support for future
USA students. In recognition of Aucoin’s support, the Offensive
Coordinator’s Office in the Yance Football Practice Facility was
named in his honor.
one of its priorities: a Jewish studies
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Meisler have
made a gift that is augmenting the
University’s humanities. Through
the Bert and Fanny Meisler Visiting
Professor of History and Jewish Studies,
the College of Arts and Sciences is
taking an introductory step towards
Class of 1981 Breaks
New Ground
Dr. Pat Nolan ’81 congratulates
Thomas Baker, the 2013-14 recipient
of the Class of 1981 Scholarship.
8 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Jewish studies explores issues including
group and national identity, Diaspora,
genocide and cultural survival which are
relevant to students who seek a richer
understanding of the Jewish experience
or the experience of other dispossessed
or minority groups. “My wife and I are
firmly convinced that Jewish Studies will
prove to be an important component
of USA’s larger arts and sciences
curriculum,” explained Mr. Meisler
of his family’s desire to help add this
This is not the first time the Meislers
have helped the University break new
ground. Their $2 million endowment
helped to establish and secure the
future of the University’s state-of–the-
art facility to house student accounting,
enrollment services, and financial aid
in a single services center. The Meislers
have also established the RippsMeisler Endowed Chair in the College
of Medicine and provided extensive
support to many University athletic
programs. This latest gift brings the
Meisler’s total support of the University
to nearly $2.7 million.
The Meislers say their commitment to
philanthropy comes from the example of
their families, who were always giving to
others. Mr. Meisler says he remembers
his grandparents always welcoming new
immigrants to the house and sending
them on their way with some money to
help them get settled. Mrs. Meisler said
her husband’s philosophy has always
been, “If you cast your bread upon the
water, it will come back two-fold.”
Reunions are an opportunity to catch up with former classmates and reminisce. For the
College of Medicine’s Class of 1981, this nostalgia during their 30-year reunion led to a
historic effort to give back to the program that gave so much to them. By the end of their
reunion, the plan was in motion – the class would raise funds to establish an endowment
to support student scholarships for their alma mater.
With support from more than 60 percent of the class, $217,000 was raised for the
scholarship fund within six months. “We have often talked about the remarkable level
of class camaraderie, but it was never more evident than during this process,” said
Dr. Panacek, the campaign steering committee chair. The endowment was established to
support student scholarships and will fund additional projects as future growth permits.
Dr. Panacek continued, “We hope our success may serve as inspiration to leave a legacy for
other generations.” Their hope is already being realized. Thomas Baker, a native of Mobile
and first-year medical student, said of his selection as the first recipient, “I am honored to
be chosen to receive this award and hope to give back to the school in a similar manner after
I graduate.”
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Stokes have made a generous gift
enabling USA to establish a Center for Environmental
Resiliency. Through this unique resource, the University
will be positioned to promote scholarly achievement and
foster the knowledge to guide responsible policy-making
and business development toward a prosperous and healthy
future for all residents of the Gulf Coast region. The gift is
the latest in a series of significant contributions this dedicated
alumni couple have made to the University.
Angelia and Steven Stokes have embraced public service
as a lifetime responsibility and have committed themselves
to improving the community through their support of
programs like the Center for Environmental Resiliency.
“We hope to establish a collaborative institute of scientists,
environmentalists and industry leaders where technology
Campaign USA: Leadership, the Jaguar football and marching
and techniques can be developed that will mitigate the
band programs, and many others.
adverse effect of human activity on the Gulf,” Dr. Stokes said,
“We hope that the gift will serve as a catalyst to establish
The Stokeses’ philanthropic support has been instrumental in
an institute that will allow us to prepare for future events
several important new initiatives in the life of the University.
that threaten the Gulf Coast.” The generous gift is another
They have established the Angelia and Steven H. Stokes
example of the Stokes’ dedication to the University and its
Center for Creative Writing and supported Moulton Tower,
surrounding community.
Alumni Plaza, the Mitchell Cancer Institute and the College
of Medicine.
The Stokeses have played a prominent role in advancing
the interests of USA for more than three decades. Dr. Stokes
Similarly, the Stokeses’ support for the Center for
has served as a member of the Board of Trustees since 1993
Environmental Resiliency is helping the University break
and is the first alumnus to serve as chair pro tempore. He
new ground in a way to create a positive change for the
has served as a member of the USA Foundation Board of
residents of the Gulf Coast region. Through the Stokeses’ far-
Directors and the USA Research and Technology Corporation
sighted application of philanthropy, the University is making
Board of Directors. His leadership has been critical to the
important strides in addressing pressing environmental
development and progress of the Mitchell Cancer Institute,
concerns and promoting resilient and sustainable coastal
Children’s & Women’s Hospital expansion project,
Marx Gift Amplifies Library’s impact
An extraordinarily generous commitment from the Julien E. Marx Foundation Trust will
advance the library’s ability to support scholars across the University.
Linda Marx, of the Julien E. Marx Foundation Trust with Dr. Joseph F. Busta, Jr., vice president of development and alumni relations,
Dr. Richard C. Wood, dean of libraries, and Dr. John W. Smith, acting president, at a reception celebrating the naming of the Marx Library.
The foundation has committed to fund an endowment to
help the library develop its collections, meet its instructional
objectives, and maintain its assets. In recognition of the steadfast
support of the Marx family and the Julien E. Marx Foundation,
the Board of Trustees has designated the main library facility as
the Marx Library.
Additionally, the commitment from the Marx Foundation
Trust will support renovations to the library for the purpose
of moving the Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript
Library to the main campus where it can be better preserved
and shared with the community.
10 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 The relocation of the McCall Library from its location on the
Springhill Avenue location to the main campus will make
its many collections more available to the USA community
and area citizens. Carol Ellis, director of the McCall Library,
said “This move will finally provide easier access for our own
students and researchers, and to scholars from Germany,
England, and great American universities including Emory,
Florida Atlantic, and St. Olaf, who come to Mobile to use the
materials in the archive. We are thrilled at the prospect of
helping fulfill the research needs of the campus community.
Without the generosity of the Marx family, this opportunity
would not be possible.”
The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book
and Manuscript Library focuses on
the preservation of photographs,
manuscripts, rare volumes, and
documents that record Mobile and
Alabama history. With photographic
holdings that include more than one
million negatives, the library contains one
of the largest collections of photographs
in this region. A major asset of the
photographic archive is the Julius E.
Marx Photographic Collection; a rich
trove of local images that were largely
taken by Julius Marx during his long
career as a developer and owner of
Julius E. Marx Realtors.
it could be better preserved and more
accessible. Soon, thanks to the generosity
of the Julien E. Marx Foundation Trust,
the entire McCall Library and will be
relocated to the newly renovated thirdfloor space in the Marx Library.
According to Linda Marx, the Marx
family has long been hoping to have the
archive moved to the main campus where
Strengthening Quality Care
USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital and USA Medical Center are vital to the health of the Gulf Coast
community, offering unique and necessary services that restore and sustain health. With the help of generous
donors, the skill and hard work of healthcare professionals is amplified and care is enhanced. Patients and
their families feel the impact that these gifts make toward providing top-quality healthcare services that
lead to the best possible outcomes.
Bigger for Better
The Campaign for USA Children’s &
Women’s Hospital has raised $8.6 million
toward its $10.6 goal. The campaign is
supporting the newly dedicated expansion
of the hospital that has nearly doubled
space at the facility. Within the five levels
of new space, expanded neonatal and
pediatric intensive care units, state-of-the-art
operating rooms, and larger patient rooms
are enhancing care provided to sick children
and their families. The expansion also
includes two “family rooms” that have been
created in collaboration with the Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Mobile Inc.,
which will provide snacks and a place of
respite for families of pediatric patients.
Owen Bailey, hospital administrator,
appreciates the difference that the generosity
of campaign donors makes, “We are excited
to be able to serve even more people.
Charitable giving directly impacts the care
we offer, and ultimately, the quality of life
our patients have.”
Fostering the Ties that Bind
A recent gift to the campaign will extend the transformational
impact of the hospital expansion, by providing resources to
renovate and support the Mother Baby Department. The
Dr. Monte L. Moorer Foundation has generously committed
funding that will greatly enhance the services provided to the
families of the more than 2,500 babies delivered annually at
USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital.
Funds from the Moorer Foundation will enable renovation of
the patient rooms to provide more generous accommodations
for new mothers and families. The Mother Baby Department
provides high quality health services to mothers and full-term
newborns. Educational opportunities for parents, referral to
community resources, lactation support, and the coordinated
assistance of hospital staff dedicated to providing the best
possible beginnings further support families during this
critical time.
USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital is the leading provider of
healthcare services for newborn babies and their mothers, caring
for more than 40 percent of babies born in Mobile County. By
focusing on family-centered care, which involves caring for the
mother and newborn together, the Mother Baby Department
helps families form bonds that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Through this generous gift, thousands of families will get off to a
great start because of the Dr. and Mrs. Monte L. Moorer Mother
Baby Department at USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital.
Ensuring a Rapid Response
The USA Medical Center provides the highest level of acute
and emergency care available in the Gulf Coast region. In
addition to its unique Level I Trauma Center and Regional
Burn Center, USA Medical Center offers nationally recognized
quality care for stroke and cardiovascular disease patients,
along with its wide range of acute care services.
For many patients at USA Medical Center, timing of care
is a critical factor in providing positive outcomes. A recent
gift from the Crampton Trust is strengthening the hospital’s
ability to respond rapidly to urgent patient needs. Through
this generous gift, the USA Medical Center has acquired
hand-held, lightweight ultrasound machines for its Surgical
Trauma ICU, Trauma Center, and Regional Burn Center.
These high-quality, durable ultrasound machines assure that
the highest possible standard of care can be rapidly deployed
to aid the 1,700 trauma patients and 600 burn patients
admitted annually to USA Medical Center.
“The Crampton Trust was founded in part to support
healthcare and education. It is part of our mission to support
these services at the University of South Alabama,” explained
Roger Cole, who manages the Trust. The Crampton Trust,
founded by Katherine Crampton Cochrane in honor of her
father, Orson L. Crampton, a renowned Mobile physician,
has provided more than $1 million to support hospitals
affiliated with the University of South Alabama. USA Medical
Center and its patients are grateful for such a partner.
Conquering Cancer
The USA Mitchell Cancer Institute (MCI) is a unique resource for the Gulf Coast—a state-of-the-art, integrated cancer treatment
and academic research facility. Serving a region that includes 4.1 million people, the MCI has grown rapidly, providing cancer
treatments to more than 6,500 patients in the last year. Thanks to an expanding clinical and research base, the MCI is on a
positive trajectory to become a National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.
This kind of progress requires lots of support, and the MCI is fortunate in the donors and friends who are working to strengthen
its vital work that so many in our community count on for hope in the fight to defeat cancer. During the past year, donors have
helped to promote the MCI’s growth by providing leading-edge technology, building research funding, and expanding resources
for patients.
A Cause for Celebration
In its fifth year Celebrate Hope, the annual gala fundraising event for
the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute, has enabled equipment purchases
that are creating powerful, distinctive capabilities for advancing
cancer research.
Proceeds from the fundraiser’s first four years have positioned
MCI as the only cancer research facility in the U.S. to house two
complementary Nikon super resolution microscope systems (N-SIM
and N-STORM) that enable researchers to visualize cancer cells with
incomparable precision, examine biological processes in living cells
at sub-optical resolution, and follow the effects of anti-cancer drugs
in real time.
Funds raised from the most recent event will be used to purchase a
mass spectrometer for the core laboratory supporting research into
proteins which serve as biomarkers for the early detection of cancer.
A confocal image of a cervical cancer cell, with the microtubule
cytoskeleton stained green and the nucleus stained red.
Photo courtesy of Joel Andrews, Ph.D., Manager, Cellular and
Biomolecular Imaging Facility.
The difficulties of receiving treatment far from family and
friends were hard for Kerri. Lora Castello, Kerri’s mother,
says that Kerri’s unfulfilled wish to get her treatment with
family and friends around her is a reason that the family
has chosen to support MCI’s mission to provide the highest
standard of care locally — enabling patients to get treatment
here at home.
An annual 5k and fun run on the USA campus — the
GO Run — is supporting basic research, clinical trials
and outreach programs through the Gynecologic Cancer
Research Endowment at the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute.
Building Research Funding
The hope of a future without cancer motivates thousands of
Gulf Coast neighbors to act in support of MCI. Throughout
the year a wide variety of events help educate, increase
awareness, and raise funds on behalf of MCI.
Two of MCI’s annual events are expanding cancer
research funding. An annual springtime mixed doubles
tennis tournament hosted by the Kerri Castello Research
Foundation raises money to support research at MCI. The
foundation honors Kerri Castello, who as a teenager, faced
diagnosis and treatment of cancer that was eventually fatal.
16 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Although gynecologic cancers are quite treatable in early
stages, they persist among the leading causes of cancer
deaths for women in the United States. For this reason,
researchers at MCI focus on finding new means for early
detection and treatment for gynecologic cancers.
The GO Run, presented by Patricia Cobb Rodgers and
Family in its 6th year, continues to grow. The 2013 race
raised $78,000 through the efforts of 1,700 registered
runners as well as many volunteers and sponsors.
Rotary Gift Establishes New Patient Resource Center
Helping build a better community is a goal shared by the
Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise and the USA Mitchell Cancer
Institute. In pursuit of this goal, the Sunrise Club has
established a new resource center at the MCI dedicated to
serving the educational needs of patients and families who
are facing a cancer diagnosis.
The Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise Patient Resource Center
is conveniently located in the lobby of MCI and houses
books, DVDs, and CDs selected specifically to support the
educational needs of cancer patients and their families.
Club president, Edward Dismukes explained the appeal of
the resource center project, “The Mobile-Sunrise Club has
conducted local service and fundraising projects for the past
25 years, and we chose USA because of the positive, broad
educational and health benefits the institution provides our
local community.” This new center represents an important
enhancement to the MCI’s strategic outreach initiatives and
a vital reserve of information for families learning to live the
highest possible quality of life with cancer.
From left: Abraham A Mitchell, W. Edward Dismukes, Jr., president of Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise, Rev. Drew J. “Jerry” Gunnells, Jr. and
Robert A. Williams, past presidents of Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise, Dr. John W. Smith, USA acting president, and Jim Golson, district governor of
Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your generous financial support of the University
of South Alabama. In this 50th Anniversary year, I have felt a
deeper appreciation than ever before for the commitment each of
you has made to strengthen this great institution.
The 50th Anniversary Campaign, just concluded, demonstrates
powerfully how fortunate the University of South Alabama is
because of the loyalty of its alumni, employees, and the support
of its friends. The campaign’s goal — to raise 50,000 gifts in a
three-year period — represented an ambitious leap forward in
growing support for USA.
It gives me great pleasure to report, not only did the campaign
reach its goal, it did so four months ahead of schedule in time
for the May 3rd celebration of the University’s founding. At the
official end date of the campaign, September 30, 2013, the goal
had been exceeded by 11 percent. A total of 55,533 gifts were
received. Among the thousands who supported the campaign,
we are especially grateful to welcome 4,123 donors who made
their first ever gifts to the University during the campaign.
This breadth of support has positioned USA strongly as we
approach the exciting challenges ahead under the leadership
of the next president. Total fundraising for Fiscal Year 2013,
the last year of the 50th Anniversary Campaign, reached
$21.5 million, eclipsing all years save one year during
Campaign USA: Leadership.
On behalf of each of us at the University of South Alabama,
I thank you for the significant momentum that your generosity
creates in pursuing high-quality teaching, learning, and healing.
Your gift is guaranteed to make a positive difference. Thank you.
Joseph F. Busta, Jr., Ph.D.
Vice President
Development and Alumni Relations
Lifetime giving of $10 million or more
Abraham, Mayer* and Arlene Mitchell
Lifetime giving of $1 million to $9,999,999
Alabama Power Foundation Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Keith Harrison
Monte L. Moorer Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hays*
Ben May Foundation
Julien E. Marx Foundation Trust
President Emeritus* and
Mrs. V. Gordon Moulton
The Community Foundation of
South Alabama
Mr. Vincent Fonde Kilborn III
Dr. Patsy Covey and Mr. Leeman Covey
Crampton Trust
The Ernest G. DeBakey
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Margarette Griffin*
Log A Load For Kids
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Long
Mr. Doy Leale McCall III
John P. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Meisler
Point Clear Polo Foundation Inc.
Ms. Patricia Cobb Rodgers
Mrs. Margaret McCall Rolfsen
Mr. Earl W. Starnes*
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Holt Stokes
Wayne & Gladys Valley Foundation
Lifetime giving of
$100,000 to $999,999
Ace Retail Support Center
Alabama Fire Sprinkler Association
Alabama Power
American Meteorological Society
Student Chapter
The AmSouth Bancorporation Foundation
BASF Foundation
BBVA Compass Bank-Birmingham
Baaheth Research & Development
Laboratories LTD
Mr. Murray Bander*
Barganier Davis Sims Architects Associated
Mr. John Joseph Bassett
Anthony Beard
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradley Beard Jr.
Mrs. Edna Brunson*
Mr. Joe B. Byrum
The Caring Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Luther W. Cave
Chevron USA
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cooper Sr.
Dr. Barbara Blumer-Corcoran and
Mr. Tom Corcoran
Tammy and Billy Cox
Mr. Wilton A. Cox Jr. and Ms. Gina A. Locatto
Mr. Wilton Allen Cox Sr.
Cox Family Foundation
Dr. Suanne White-Spunner and
Mr. Cecil D. Crow Jr.
Mr. John T. Crowder Jr.
CuraGen Corporation
D Bark Associates
Dairy Queen Corporation
The Daniel Foundation of Alabama
Mr. Alfred Frederick Delchamps*
Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrew Denny
Mr. John Robert Donovan
Timothy K. Driggers
The Ethelyn B. Hays Endowment Fund
Dr. Joan Lynn Exline*
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray Fonde’
Mr. Don Foster
Mrs. Mary Kate Foster*
Fredree S. Northrop Charitable Trust
Eleanor Ruth and Clarence Frenkel Jr.*
Dr. Steve and Lisa Furr
Gaston L. Cooke Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Emilio Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gosa
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Green
Mr. Steven Frank Green
Mr. and Mrs. James Grodnick
Gulf Distributing Company of Mobile LLC
The Gwin Charitable Foundation
HJW Foundation
Hargrove Engineers + Constructors
Mr. James G. Harrell Jr.
Dr. Robert O. and Katherine B. Harris*
The Hearin-Chandler Foundation
Helping Hands For The Children
Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Henderson
Mark and Alane Hoffman
Jean F. & Julius E. Marx Charitable Gift Fund
J.L. Bedsole Foundation
JRB Associates Inc.
John L. and Alice Tanner Estate
The John W. Laidlaw Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Kennedy
Mr. Ronald C. Kimball and
Dr. Sytske K. Kimball
20 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Kohl’s Department Store No. 1023
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Inc.
Jon Lieber Family
Mr. William Lubel*
Making Miracles For Cystic Fibrosis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mapp
Mr.* and Mrs. Julien E. Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCrory
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce McCrory
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGlothren
Lee McKinney Family
Carline McKnight*
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Meisler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Melton
Dr. Frederick N. Meyer
The Mitchell Company Inc.
Mobile Gas Service Corporation
Mobile County Foundation for
Public Higher Education
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kenny Muscat
Dr. and Mrs. Madhavan G. Nair
Nelson-Brantley Glass Construction Inc.
Warren H. Nicholson
The Norquist Foundation
Nutech Medical Incorporated
Order of AHEPA
Mr. Arthur R. Outlaw*
Ms. Dorothy S. Outlaw
Dr. Kathy B. Porter and Mr. Gregory W. Porter
Press - Register
RE/MAX of Orange Beach
Mrs. Vera M. Reed
Regions Bank
Rideyellow, Inc.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Robins and Morton Group
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Rodning
The Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise
SSAB North American Division
Greg and Jamie Saad
Dr. Marjorie E. Scaffa and
Dr. S. Blaise Chromiak
Senior Bowl Charities Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Silverstein
Mr. David Sinnott
Dr. Joan M. Sinnott
Mr. Ross Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Norvelle Gus Smith
South Baldwin Health Foundation
Spectronics Inc.
Dr. William Terry Stallings
Mel Stein
Dr. John H. Strange
Mr. Larry D. Striplin Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Edward Talbott
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Taylor
Thaddeus H. Waterman Trust
Thompson Holdings Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cullen Thompson
Drs. Jon D. and Christy S. Thornton
Dr. Ameina S. Tressler and
Mr. David M. Tressler
Tyler H. Bland Trust
USA Department of Civil Engineering
USA Foundation
USA Medical Alumni Association
USA National Alumni Association
Dr. Frank R. Urbancic*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Wagner Sr.
Wal-Mart 853
Wal-Mart 934
Wal-Mart Foundation
Ms. Celia Ann Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Walters Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Skipper Walters Jr.
Dr. Gregory A. Waselkov
Dr. Jean L. Watts
Wayne Denson McRae Philanthropic
Dr. Thomas James Wool and
Dr. Laurie Jean Weil
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wilson
Winn Dixie Stores Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Yance
Mr. Bill and Dr. Susan Youngblood
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zarzour
Lifetime giving of
$25,000 to $99,999
100 Black Men of Greater Mobile Inc.
AHEPA - The Greek Community
AT&T Foundation
Ace Hardware Corporation
Penny and Joe Adamo
Alabama Department of Economic and
Community Affairs
Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo Inc.
Alabama Indoor Field Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Armstrong
Mr. Stephen E. Clements
Amicus Mortgage Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keith Ammons
Aramark Services Inc.
Mr. Douglas R. Arends
Armbrecht Jackson LLP
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Southern CA Chapter
Terry L. Aucoin
Austin Lacey Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John J. B. Ayres III
BBVA Compass Bank-Mobile
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bailey
Baldwin County Association of Realtors
Mr. George Barber
Mr. Dow Bark
Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. Barkin
Mr. James E. Barnes
Les and Alleen Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Batchelor
Beard Equipment Company Corporation
BFB of Lower Alabama
Dr. Jorge Blanco
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blount Jr.
Dr. David F. Bolka
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Ginni and Mike Boyd
Dr. Howard F. Mahan and Dr. Betty Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Broadus
Brown Foundation
Mr. Jack E. Brunson
Budweiser-Busch Distributing
Buffalo Rock Company
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bukstein
Mr. and Mrs.* William B. Bush
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Busta Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Caldwell
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus
Foundation Inc.
Cardiorespiratory Educational Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Carlton Jr.
Carmike Cinemas Inc.
Carmike Cinema’s Wynnsong 16
Mr. and Mrs. Nick T. Catranis
The Catranis Family Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Semoon Chang
Charleston Lighting & Manufacturing Inc.
Chi Omega House Corporation 0402
Citizens for A Better Grand Bay
Mr. Andrew T. Citrin
Mr. William Mark Clark
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated
Ms. Joan E. Coley
Mr. Edward Duryea Cornell
Corporate Design Systems
Mr. William Everett Cotton
Drs. Errol D. and Tamatra L. Crook
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wyatt Crowder
Dr. Roy J. Daigle and Ms. Kathryn A. Gradle
Mr. and Mrs. Billy C. Daniels
Dr. Debra C. Davis and Mr. Phillip R. Davis
Judge Don Davis and Dr. Beth Davis
Mr. Sidney W. Dearman and
Dr. Catherine E. Dearman
Delchamps Inc.
Mr. Christopher E. Dennis
Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Di Palma
E. E. Delaney Foundation, Inc.
EOG Resources Incorporated
Kit and Jennifer Ekman
Erie Hall Meyer Charitable Fund
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Feinstein
Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation
Nestor W. Flodin*
Flowerwood Nursery Inc.
Mrs. Kathy Q. Foster
The Kelly Fowler Charitable Fund
The Jo Ann and Cortez Fowler Family
Charitable Fund
Vicky and Ron Franks
Frazer, Greene, Upchurch & Baker LLC
The Frazer Lanier Company Inc.
The GE Foundation
General Insulation Inc.
George W. Barber Jr. Foundation
Gerber/Taylor Capital Advisors Inc.
Dr. William T. Gerthoffer
Goldberg Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldberg
Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood Inc.
Mr. William David Gwin Sr.
Gwin’s Commercial Printing
Stan and Brenda Hammack
Hancock Bank
Hand Arendall LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William Hanlein
Dr. Michael S. Hanna*
Mrs. Nancy Hadden Hanna
Ms. Vi Harper
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hatcher III
Heinz USA
Hellenic Society Paideia Inc.
Mr. Jerry Hendon
The Hiller Companies
Hoar Construction LLC
Ms. Cornelia Graham Hockridge
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Holloway
Home Place Furniture
Pfilip and Luella Hunt
Independent Pilots Association Foundation
Industrial Valve Sales & Services Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Harland Ison Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Jackson Jr.
Drs. Michael B. and Janice Jacobs
Jaguar Athletic Fund
James B. Donaghey Inc.
Christopher and Katie Jett
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
Jim Boothe Contracting & Supply Inc.
Judge and Mrs. Gordon B. Kahn
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Keebler
Kerri Castello Cancer Research Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Glenn Kittrell
Kiwanis - Azalea City
Ms. LeDora Knight
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
The Lassen Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lathan
Lewis Communications Inc.
Lisa Mitchell Bukstein Charitable Foundation
Dr. Jesse T. Littleton III*
Mrs. Mary Lou Littleton
Lubel Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Lubel
Lulu’s Landing
Mrs. Patricia M. Lyon
Mr. William M. Lyon Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maceluch
Malbis Memorial Foundation
Bernard and Barbara Malkove
Mark J. Hanrahan Trust
Beth and Peyton Mattei
McCollough Enterprises LLC
Mrs. J. F. McGowin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. McKean
Drs. Melton and Sandra McLaurin
Drs. William S. and Robin C. McNair
Ms. Janice S. Mendenhall
Merchant Capital Investments Inc.
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Meshad
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Miller Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Reece J. Miller Jr.
Mrs. Christie Diane Miree
Mobile Ballet Inc.
Mobile Airport Authority
Molton, Allen and Williams LLC
National Association of Theatre Owners
of Alabama
Northshore Community Foundation
Timothy and Cynthia Op’t Holt
Order of the Eastern Star Alabama Grand Chapter
The Orthopaedic Group PC
Dr. and Mrs. Kitti K. Outlaw
PNC Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Cecil L. Parker Jr.
Mr. Robert Grady Patterson
Mr. Charles D. Perry Jr.
Gregory and Jacqueline Pettaway
Phi Mu Fraternity - Kappa Omega University of South Alabama
Phi Mu Fraternity - Theta Delta Springhill College
Pilot Catastrophe Services Inc.
Dr. E. Grace Pilot
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis Pilot Jr.
Mr. Theodore Pitsios
Point Clear Charities Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Powell
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Quinn
RBC Bank (USA)
REMAX - Gulf Shores
REMAX Partners
Drs. William E. and Linda J. Reaves
Eddie and Meenakshi Reed
Riley-Stuart Supply Company
Rite Aid 7108
Rite Aid - National
Robinson Brothers Inc.
Drs. Chuck and Cheryl Robinson
Dr. Karin R. Rock
Rohm and Haas Company
Russell, Thompson, Butler & Houston
Tim and Sandy Russell
SA Group LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John Butler Saint
Sam’s Club
Sanders Hyland Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Seawell III
Peggy and John Seibert Family
Chris Semple
Mrs. Tillye B. Semple*
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shumock
Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc.
The Sigma Chi Fraternity-ETA Epsilon Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Silver
Mr. John C. Sipple
Dr. Maryella D. Sirmon and
Mr. Wayne E. Sirmon
Mrs. Henry Crawford Slaton Jr.
Smith Dukes & Buckalew LLP
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Benny C. Snow
Ms. Aloyis Sonneborn
Southern Earth Sciences Inc.
Dr. Michael P. Spector
Spring Hill Presbyterian Church
Springhill Automotive Inc.
Springdale Travel Inc.
Springhill Lighting and Supply Inc.
Drs. John and Sally Steadman
Steiner Shipyard Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Elliot Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stimpson
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Strada
Sybil H. Smith Charitable Trust
Ms. Ann Marie Kilpatrick Terry
Thomas Industries Inc.
Thompson Engineering Inc.
Thornton Farish Inc.
Timbercreek Land Company Inc.
Mr. Arthur Tonsmeire
Mr. Joseph L. Tonsmeire*
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Tucker
Dr. and Mrs. Reed Tuckson Charitable Fund
USA CWH Auxiliary Gift Shop
USA CWH Employees
USA Earth Sciences Club
USA Health Services Foundation
USA Medical Center Auxiliary
University of South Alabama
Endowment Fund at CFSA
University of South Alabama Kresge
Endowment Fund
University of South Alabama-FCU
The University of South Alabama Port City
Alumni Chapter
Mr. Hans van Aller III
Volkert Inc.
Wachovia Foundation
Mr. James Whitfield Waitzman
Wal-Mart 866
Wal-Mart 904
Wal-Mart 991
Wal-Mart 1066 Pascagoula
Wal-Mart 1174 Thomasville
Wal-Mart 1212
Wal-Mart 1260
Wal-Mart 1346
Wal-Mart 1493
Wal-Mart 2739
Wal-Mart 2748
Wal-Mart 2760
Wal-Mart 5174
Howard S. J. Walker Jr. MD
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Andrew Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Weber
White Smith Land Company Inc.
White-Spunner Construction
Blacksher and Peggy White-Spunner
John and Margaret White-Spunner
Mr. Douglas Lawrence Whitmore
Dr. Alvin Jerome Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Williams
Mr. Normand E. Gamache Jr. and
Dr. Lois A. Wims
Stephen R. and Mary B. Windom
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Wojciechowski
Mr. Larry Wooley
Wright Patton Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Alec F. Yasinsac
Young Women’s Civic Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Zoghby
*indicates deceased
honors individuals who have provided for the future of the University
through a planned gift instrument.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bailey
Ms. Barbara T. Booker*
Frank and Jean Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Busta Jr.
Dr. Harold S. Cohen*
Dr. Patsy Covey and Mr. Leeman Covey
Sharrie & Doug Cranford
Mr. Joseph Robert Curtis*
Carrie Bernice Davis*
George V. and L. Jane Davis Jr.
Honorable M. Donald Davis and Dr. Elizabeth Davis
Angela Dunn
Joan Exline*
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Finan
Dr. Nestor W. Flodin*
Eleanor Ruth and Clarence M. Frenkel Jr.*
Dr. Steve Furr and Mrs. Lisa Furr
Travis and Beth Grantham
Ms. Margarette Griffin*
Mr. Mark J. Hanrahan*
Dr. Joe G. Hardin Jr.*
Dr. Robert O. and Katherine B. Harris*
B. Keith and Leora Ann Harrison
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hays*
22 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. William Van Jackson
Christopher and Katie Jett
Hugh D. Keating
Ray and Patsy Kennedy
Mr. Ronald C. Kimball and
Dr. Sytske Kamminga Kimball
Ms. Judy Ann Kirkland
Mr. Steven Glenn Kittrell and Ms. Carol Kittrell
Ms. LeDora Knight
Mrs. Jeannette G. Kretzer*
Mr. Kenneth C. Kvalheim
Mr. John C. and Mrs. Catharine H. Long
Bobby and Gerry Marks
Beth and Peyton Mattei
Mr. R. Bruce McCrory
Josh and Abbie McCullough
Mr. Charles E. McNeil Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Meisler
Judith Zellner Miller
Mr. Abraham A. Mitchell
Mr.* & Mrs. Mayer Mitchell
President Emeritus* and Mrs. V. Gordon Moulton
Ms. Helen Marlene Nelson
Mrs. Beverly J. Nelson-Dykes
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Newell
Mr. Arthur R. Outlaw*
Mr. Robert Grady Patterson
Mary L. Peck
Gregory and Jacqueline Pettaway
Ms. Vera M. Reed
Ms. Patricia Cobb Rodgers
Dr. Marjorie E. Scaffa and
Dr. S. Blaise Chromiak
Cris Smith
Mr. Jack Charles Smith*
Dr. W. Terry Stallings
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Starnes*
Paul and Shannon Taylor
Mrs. Janet R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Thompson
Drs. Jon D. & Christy S. Thornton
Dr. Ameina S. Tressler
Mr. David M. Tressler
Dr. Frank R. Urbancic*
Dr. Jean L. Watts
Mr. Douglas Lawrence Whitmore
Dr. Alvin Jerome Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Yance
*indicates deceased
will assist future generations of
aspiring accountants. MitchellMoulton Scholarship Initiative funds
will match this gift for twice the
impact on the students Dr. Urbancic
The late Dr. Frank R. Urbancic, a
department, explained, “Dr. Frank
professor of accounting in the Mitchell
Urbancic was both a renowned scholar
College of Business for more than
who published in leading academic
His sister, Geraldine Beha, believes
two decades, is remembered of his
journals and one of the best teachers
he would be pleased with the way
passion and enthusiasm for teaching
at the University of South Alabama,”
his bequest is continuing his work,
and scholarship. He left a legacy
Urbancic’s students remember him for
“He pushed his students to be their
through his contributions as a scholar,
his great storytelling – he somehow
best and it was a joy for him to see a
colleague, teacher and mentor. Thanks
managed to make accounting fun.
student’s true potential brought to the
to a generous estate gift, he will also be
Urbancic devoted his life to ensuring
surface. His gift will enable deserving
remembered as a benefactor by future
his students succeeded in their studies
students to study accounting for years
accounting scholars and students.
and were prepared to excel in their
to come.”
was determined to help.
Urbancic was admired by his
colleagues. He set the standard
Indeed, Dr. Urbancic demonstrated
for faculty in the accounting
tremendous devotion to the field
department, earning recognition for
of accounting, his students, and to
his professional contributions that
the University of South Alabama.
included: appointment by the Board
For many years he was a generous
of Trustees and the USA Foundation
supporter of the Employee Annual
as the Ernest G. Cleverdon Professor
Fund, and he has again distinguished
of Business, and being honored the
himself by extraordinary generosity
USA National Alumni Association
in making a bequest to USA that
as the Olivia Rambo McGlothren
has established two endowments
Outstanding Scholar, and by the
for the Mitchell College of Business.
Mitchell College of Business as
Fittingly, the Frank R. Urbancic
Professor of the Year for 2007 and
Faculty Fellow Award will recognize
Researcher of the Year for 2009.
and support excellence through an
These scholarly recognitions, however,
annual stipend for a tenured member
tell only part of the story. Dr. Tom
of the accounting faculty. The Frank
Noland, chair of the accounting
R. Urbancic Scholarship in Accounting
Dr. Frank Robert Urbancic
Professor of Accounting
1950 - 2013
Annual giving of
$1,000 to $24,999
98 Holding Company
The A.S. Mitchell Foundation Inc.
ABS Business Systems Inc.
AXA Foundation
Mr. Spencer M. Adams IV
Ms. Andrea Colette Agnew
Airbus North America Engineering Inc.
Mr. Colin S. Al-Greene
Alabama Administrators
Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic PC
Alabama State Port Authority
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Paul Alexander
Mr. R. Alan Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. David T. Allison
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Craig Allison
Mr. Mohammed I. Alshawier
Mr. James Robert Alston
Altapointe Health Systems Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Bridgman Alvarez
Ambient Healthcare Inc.
American Gas & Cylinder Inc.
American Tennis Courts Inc.
Ms. Anna Anderson
Denise and Marvin Anderson
Mr. William Donald Anderson
Mr. Chris John Andrews
The Anna Todd Cheney Memorial
Foundation Inc.
Conrad and Gigi Armbrecht
Armstrong & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Atkins
Atmos Energy Corporation
Dr. Jonathon Audia and
Ms. Donnalyn Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ayers
BB&T Bank
BSM Incorporated
The Joseph Lee Baggett Family
Mr. Joseph Michael Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Baker
Baldwin County Pulmonary and
Sleep Physicians PC
Mr. Wayne A. (Lem) Baldwin
Ms. Mary Anne Coley Ball
Bank of America Foundation
The Barbara Johnston Revocable Trust
Dr. Robert E. Barletta
Capt. and Mrs. Kirk M. Barrett
Mr. David Eugene Baxter
Bay Shore Finance Inc.
Bay Area Physicians for Women PC
Bebo’s Car Wash
Mr. and Mrs. Travis M. Bedsole Jr.
Belle Foods LLC
Berney Office Solutions Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack B. Binion III
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bloch
Blue Gill Restaurant
Dr. Andra C. Bohnet and
Mr. Keith D. Bohnet
Bolling Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bounds
Mr. and Mrs. Andru L. Bramblett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Brannon
Donald and Holle Briskman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brislin III
Mr. Michael James Britt
Dr. Burt Bromberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bronson
Mr. Edward Joseph Brown
Dr. Henrietta and Mr. Kenneth Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Alan Bru
Dr. Marla C. Brumit
Dr. Ellen Buckner
David and Valerie Burden
24 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. Marion Albert Burgess
Business Interiors Inc.
The C.D. Helen and Jeff Glaze
CHI ETA PHI Sorority Inc.
Mr. Chris L. Calametti
Mr. and Mrs. Vince E. Calametti
Mr. and Ms. Bryan J. Caldwell
Callis Communications Inc.
Dr. Melissa Campbell and
Mr. William Campbell
Cancer Surgery of Mobile PC
Maya and Cullen Carey
Leslie and Gary Carley
Dr. Carol Scott Cash
Cassady & Cassady PC
Cedar Point Fishing Pier Inc.
The Center for Dermatology PC
Century Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Cheney
Chevron Humankind Matching
Gift Program
Children’s Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Childress
Christ Church Cathedral
Christian Testing Laboratories Inc.
Laney and Trudi Christopher
Mr. Robert S. Adams and
Ms. Lynne U. Chronister
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Randall Clark
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Clark Jr.
Mr. John Scott Clark Sr.
Dr. Richard Clay
Col. Allen Eugene Cleghorn
Bob and Dottie Clements
Mr. Stephen Erwin Clements
Mr. Dustin Barrett Cobb
Mr. Craig A. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Coleman
Ms. Tracy M. Coleman
Mr. Bentley Moore Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Colvin
Compound Pharmaceutical
Technologies Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Connell
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Connors Jr.
Mr. Harry Wayne Cook
Cooper / T. Smith Stevedoring
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Cooper
Dr. Anna H. Costarides and
Mr. William Costarides
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cranford
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Crawford
Mr. Bruce G. Creel
Mr. and Mrs. William Crosby
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Crotwell III
Lucy W. Cunningham
Cypress Employment Services LLC
Mr. Derrick N. Dabbs
Daily Access Corporation Inc.
Daktronics Inc.
Mr. William J. Dalken
Mr. Joseph Philip Dalto
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Damson
Mr. James L. Daugherty
Dr. James E. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Davis Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Davis
Mr. Timothy Paul Davis Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wayne Davis
Mr. Drew C. DeLaney and
Ms. Kristin Delaney
Dr. Windy M. Dean-Colomb
Ms. Mary Love Dearman
Dr. Valorie C. Dearmon
Dr. Eric G. Delay and Ms. Sherry Hoegy
Dr. John E. Deloney
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Dennis III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hyde Diehl
Mr. Laramie Dixey and
Dr. Celeste Hollands
Dr. John Dixon
Mrs. Inishia L. Dobbs
Mr. Edmund Gordon Doody Jr.
Mr. J. Boyd Douglas Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Dowell
Driven Engineering Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Druckenmiller
Drugnostics Biomedical Inc.
Mrs. Susan Marie Duhe’
Ms. Patsy Jane Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Dunn Jr.
Matthew and Angela Dunn
Mr. Willie D. Dunning III
Mr. and Mrs. David Dye
Eastern Shore Hyundai
Eastern Shore Toyota
Dr. Todd Brian Edmiston
Dr. Jordan William Eggers
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Eichold II
Mr. Stanley Brian Emanuel
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Dr. Don and Sue Epley
Joel and Tina Erdmann
Kelly Estle
Dr. and Mrs. W. Bryce Evans
Everwood Treatment Company
Evonik Industries
FMS Engineering LLC
Mr. Bret X. Faircloth and
Ms. Cristin M. Tidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Faison
Mr. Jared C. Farris
Ms. Abbe S. Fass
Dr. and Mrs. H. Wade Faulkner
Felder Services LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Finan
Dr. Walter Lyle Fletscher
Flintco LLC
Florence Foundation
Dr. Marcella Franssen and
Mr. Chris Toney
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny W. Freeman
Jud and Elizabeth Freeman
Charles and Shaleen Freeman
Mrs. Ceresa M. Frenkel
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Friedman
Dr. Mohammad A. Frotan
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fulford III
Mrs. Barnard Ladd Gaillard
Mrs. Jayne T. Gaillard
The Gardner Firm
Mr. Robert B. Geddie
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Dr. Richard P. Gonzalez
Mr. William Gary Grayson
Ms. Nancy Greenwood
Mr. Barry E. Gritter
Ms. Leah Riv Grodnick
The Grove Apartments
Gulf Coast Manufacturing LLC
Gulf Coast Training and Testing Inc.
Gulf Electric Co. Inc. of Mobile
Gulf Supply Co. Inc.
Mrs. Joyce Conway Gurich
H & H Electric Co. Inc.
Ms. Margaret Elizabeth Haig
Dr. Heather Roberts Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop M. Hallett III
Dr. Karen Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hancock
Hank’s Furniture Inc.
Dr. Roma Hanks
Dr. James Russell Hardin
Harry and Lula M. McCarn Fund
Dr. Krista Harrell
Mr. Charles Hodges Harty
Ms. Manuella Smith Hayes
Drs. Richard and Bree Hayes
Dr. Johnson Haynes Jr.
Hays Cheatwood Consulting Inc.
Ms. Pamela Henderson
Mrs. Nina Louise Alford Hendricks
Dr. and Mrs. D. V. Herrera
Hibbett Sports
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hicks
Mr. and Dr. Clyde Higgs
Ms. Alethea Hall
Mrs. Deborah D. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Hinkle Jr.
Dr. John Lawrence Hinton
Ron and Marilynn Hodges
Ms. Sheila Hodges
Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites
Mr. Earl Hollingshead
Mr. Broox Garrett Holmes
Mr. James S. Holmes
Mr. W.C. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Holt
Mrs. Shirley A. Honke
Mr. Frank Coleman Hopson
Horizon Freight System
Mr. Larry Wayne Howard
Ms. Janis A. Hubbell
Drs. William J. and Peggy Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie L. Hudson
Mr. A. Anthony Hughes
Mrs. Joyce Hunsader
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunsader
Hurricane Electronics Inc.
Robert L. Hutto M. D.
The Hyde Company
IMC - Women’s Health Alliance
of Mobile PC
Infirmary Health Systems Inc.
International Shipholding Corporation
Mrs. Suzanne Smithweck Inzina
J. E. and Marjorie B. Pittman
Foundation Inc.
J. F. Pate and Associates Contractors Inc.
JMG Realty LLC
Jazzercise Daphne Fitness Center
Robert D. Jenkins III
Johnson & Johnson Matching
Gifts Program
Dr. and Mrs. G. David Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anthony Johnson
Mr. Rick R. Jones
Mr. Billy J. Jordan
Mr. Donald Ray Jordan Sr.
Joseph R. Sullivan LLC
Kangal Gallery in the Sail Loft
Ms. Lisa B. Kavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Keasler
Hugh D. Keating
Dr. Donna Lynn Keiran
Keith Kingan’s Classic Cars Inc.
Ms. Christine F. Kelly
Mr. Donald P. Kelly Jr.
Mr. Michael Thomas Kelly
Mr. William Thomas Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Merrell A. Ketchum
Kidz Klozet LLC
Mr. and Mrs. J. Forbes Kilborn
Mr. Keith B. Kingan
Mr. Robert J. Koch
Mr. Kent Frederick Krause
Mr. Fredrick Kuykendall
Mr. Kenneth C. Kvalheim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lacey Jr.
Mr. Jeremy Michael Ladart
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Lambert
Mr. Paul Warren Lammers
Dr. Aimee L. Landar and
Mr. Alexander Landar
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Lane
Marcina Burpo Lang and Fredrick Lang
David D. Langan III
Mr. Michael Perry Langley
Ms. Jennifer E. Lawler
Lee & Lorin Inc.
Mr. William Scott Lewis
Lexus of Mobile
Lexus Pursuit of Potential
Dr. Thomas M. Lincoln and
Dr. Gertrude L. Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Earle W. Long III
Long’s Human Resource Services Inc.
Dr. Herbert Longenecker
Mr. Robert J. Lundell III
Richard Luse
Mrs. Phyllis P. Luxenberg
Lyons Pipes and Cook
Lyons and Crane
Mr. and Mrs. James Mason Lyons
Dr. Byron Cornell Machen
Dr. Sudhakar Madanagopal and
Ms. Sangeetha Bathala
Mr. and Mrs. David Mark Maddox
Mr. James Robert Magill
Dr. Jeanette E. Manders
Margaret Cooper Biggs Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Marks
Mr. Joseph F. Marks
Ms. Tara Steiner Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. Martino
The Mary Josephine Larkins Foundation
Dr. Clara V. Massey
Mr. Nicholas David Mastrone
Dr. and Mrs. Brian N. Mathews
Dr. Wanda S. Maulding
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Mayberry
Jeff and Kelly McCarron
Dr. Charles Eric McCathran
Dr. Amy McDuffie McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Lowell McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Tony McCullough
McDowell, Knight, Roedder, and
Sledge LLC
Dr. J. Todd McDonald
Mr. John Michael McGuire
Mr. Timothy A. McLeod
Mr. and Ms. Robert Eustis McManus
Amy McRae
Meredith Wertheim Blechman
Philanthropic Fund
Merrill Lynch
Metals USA Inc.
Tom and Mary Meyer
Michael C. & Patsy B. Dow Charitable
Fund at the CFSA
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Michael
Dr. Thomas Melvin Miller Jr.
Dr. Vaughn S. Millner
Mr. and Ms. Frank F. Millsaps
Dr. Nutan Mishra
Dr. Mark C. Mitchell and
Mrs. Sharon M. Knowles
Dr. Michael Anthony Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mitzner
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce
Mobile Asphalt Company LLC
Mobile Bay Harley-Davidson Inc.
Mobile Bay Sports Authority Inc.
Mobile Big Game Fishing Club Inc.
Mobile County Road Builders
Association Inc.
Mobile Diagnostic Center
Mobile Firefighters Association
Mobile Paint Manufacturing Co. Inc.
Mobile SHRM
Mr. Carl Mondoro
Dr. Carl C. Moore
Mr. James E. Moore and
Ms. Laura D. Robinson
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Mr. Max Welton Morgan
Mr. Ronald E. Morgan Jr.
Mortar Board
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Crumpton Mosley
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moss
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Mosteller
Drs. Satish V. and Madhuri S. Mulekar
Mr. David Christopher Muscat
Ms. Alla Musiyenko
Natures Way Marine LLC
Mr. Randall Lee Neal
Dr. Charles and Penny Newell
Newport Television LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Newsome
Mr. Raymond Neyerlin
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nix Sr.
Thomas G. Noland
Nonnenmacher & Clark PC
Mr. Larry W. Norman
Ms. Anne M. Norton
Dr. and Mrs. Barry R. Nowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Olmstead
Oncology Solutions LLC
P & G Machine & Supply Company Inc.
PCI Gaming Authority
PNC Bank
PPE Rental Inc.
Mr. James Pafudakis
Page and Jones Inc.
Palmer’s Toyota Superstore
Dr. Edward Alan Panacek
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Papastefan
Dr. Harold and Suzanne Pardue
Mr. and Mrs. Dharnidhar V. Parikh
Partridge Smith PC.
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Blair Partin
Mr. Alex John Pastore
Mr. Kiran R. Patel
Dr. David Lawrence Patick
Ms. Jean C. Patrick
Ms. Nancy Elizabeth Patterson
Mr. Allen James Pearl
Pecan Outing Club Inc.
Mrs. Mary L. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peek
Mr. and Mrs. John Alvin Pehler
Mr. Robert Michael Pelman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Percy
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scott Perry
Shelton and Kathy Perry
Ms. Kimberley Lee Peterson
Phelps Dunbar LLP
Phillips Preparatory Middle School
Mr. Allen C. Phillips
Gary and Nancy Piazza
Dr. Paul H. Pietri Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pipkins
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Mr. and Ms. Douglas Howard Porter
Dr. Jerry Dean Porter
Dr. Lora JeLaine Pound
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative
Precision Therapeutics Inc.
Preeclampsia Foundation Saving Grace
Premier Medical Eye Group
Premier Medical Management Inc.
Pro Equities
Mr. John Christopher Prudhomme
Ms. Sherrin Anne Puckett
Mr. Thomas Michael Putera
Mr. Raymond A. Quinones
RJW Holdings LLC
Dr. Garfield D. Ramdeen and
Ms. Elizabeth M. Williams-Ramdeen
Ms. Ashley Ramsay-Naile
Craig and Dianne Ratkey
Mr. David Joseph Rauch
Raytheon Company
Rear Pocket Lounge
Mr. Gary Guthans Rehm
Mr. Timothy Gordon Reid
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Richardson
Dr. Paul Felton Rider
Ripps/Meisler Charitable Fund
Mr. Herman Anderson Rippy III
Mr. Kevin M. Rittelmeyer
Mr. Scott James Ritter
Dr. Victoria L. Rivizzigno
Rob’t. J. Baggett Inc.
Mr. David James Roberts
Buddy and Susy Roberts
Jaye and Jennifer Robertson
Robert A. Robertson
Mr. Stephen H. Robertson
Mrs. Donna R. Robinson
Dr. Mary Ann Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robitzsch
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Rocconi
Dr. and Mrs. Reynaldo L. Rodriguez
Mr. Daniel Root
Mr. David Schall Rose
Mr. J. Richard Rose
Mrs. Jennifer Rosser
Mr. and Ms. Jeremy David Rowe
Ruland & Ruland CPAs LLC
S. Lane Rutledge
Sabel Steel Service Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Otha C. Salter
Ms. Jeanne McAleer Sanderford
Chris and Michael Sanders
Mr. Massey Lassiter and
Ms. Susan Sansing
Ms. Tracy Rebecca Sayer
Dr. Jonathan G. Scammell and
Dr. Cindy S. Sheets
Michael and Patricia Schlotterbeck
Dr. Alan Howard Schob
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Debra Lee Sessions
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gwyn Seward
Drs. Alan R. and Michel H. Shain
Mr. Loveleen Kumar Sharma
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mr. Daniel Joseph Sheridan
Shoe Station
Sib and Addie Paul Foundation
Silver, Voit & Thompson
Dr. John Franklin Simmons
Ms. Karen Coulson Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Simmons
Kenneth and Sabrina Simon
Mr. David C. Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Sledge III
Mr. William T. Sledge
Dr. Kandy K. Smith and
Mr. Alex H. Smith II
Ms. LaVern Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larue Smith
Robby and Krisha Smith
Ms. Elizabeth N. Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stephens Snead
Mr. Bruce S. Snead Jr.
Society of Research Administrators
Mr. Benjamin Sofer
Dr. William A. Sorber
South Baldwin Family Practice LLC
Southeastern Credit Union Foundation
South Alabama Orthodontics LLC
Spanish Fort High School
Spherion Staffing LLC
St. Clair Marketing Inc.
Mr. Jonathan G. Stacey and
Ms. Elizabeth D. Ebert-Stacey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stapleton III
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Statter
Mr. and Mrs. John Horton Steber
Mr. Jonathan Eben Stein
Dr. Michael L. Sternberg
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Stimpson
Strategic Allied Technologies Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Strang
Mr. Jay Stubbs Jr.
The most immediately useable gifts and can be
designated for any purpose.
26 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Joe and Margaret Sullivan
Dr. Joel Clayton Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Summersell Jr.
Sunbelt Industrial Sales Inc.
LTC Michael Gary Swansburg
Mr. Kenneth John Sylvester Sr.
Dr. A. J. Sylvestre
Sysco Corporation
TIAA-CREF as Agents for JPM
TRO Jung/Brannen Inc.
Mr. Mark Joseph Tapia
Mrs. Becky S. Tate
Mr. Daniel Lee Taylor
Teal Life Foundation
Mr. Al Tenhundfeld and
Ms. Linda A. Hall
Mr. Charles L. Thompson Jr. and
Ms. Nyanthri Mohanram
Mrs. Erin Thompson
Dane Thorogood
Threaded Fasteners Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper C. Thurber
Tidewater Real Estate
Mr. William G. Tonsmeire
Toyota Dealer Match Program
Trax Tires Inc.
Dr. R. Franklin Trimm III
Dr. Tracey Andrew Tullie
Dr. Karyn Wellhousen Tunks
Drs. David L. and Patricia H. Turnipseed
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tyson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Waddle
Mr. Lewis W. Walker
Walt Massey Automotive
Mrs. Emily Miller Washburn
Mr. Billy J. Webster Jr.
Mr. Christopher John Weigel
Wells Fargo Bank NA
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Wells
Ms. Eve Wertheim
Ms. Julia Wertheim
Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Wertheim
Dr. James L. West III
Dr. George Weedon Weston
Mr. Ronald Hugh Weyer
Mr. William David Whiddon
Mr. William Anderson Wiik
Williams Blackstock Architects PC
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Dannie L. Williamson Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Wilson
Mr. Stephen M. Wilson
Mr. Michael Paul Windom
Melissa M. Wold
Wonderful Wacky Women Inc.
Woodrow Reynolds and Son Timber
The Wool Family Foundation
Mr. Jarvis Joseph Woolsey
The Woolsey Family
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Lee Word
Dr. Susan E. Wright and
Mr. Travis W. Wright
Terri S. Wright
USA College of Medicine Class of 2013
Mr. Donald A. Urquhart
Mr. Gopi Krishna Yeleswarapu
Youngblood Realty
Mr. and Mrs. David Patrick Young
VT Halter Marine Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Van Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Vance
Mr. Charles Debroh Vann
Will and Ruth Varnell
Dr. Rosa Adela Vidal
Dr. Paige Vitulli
W.G. Yates & Sons Construction
Dr. A. John Vander Zee
Mr. Alex William Zoghby
Mrs. Marguerite Crum Zoghby
Annual giving of
$100 to $999
A & B Electric Company of Mobile Inc.
AL-LA-MS District
Mr. David P. Abbate
Mr. Alan L. Aberg
Accelerated Accounting
Ms. Christine Marie Acosta
Dr. and Mrs. Dale T. Adams
Mr. James Williford Adams
Mr. Nicholas A. Adams
Mr. Michael King Adcock
Mr. and Mrs. Travis L. Adcock
Mrs. Jane Ellen Adkinson
Ms. Barbara Ann Adler
Ms. Lea L. Agato
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Aikens
The Air Products Foundation
Akzo Nobel Inc.
Mr. Muhannad M. Al-Sheikh
Alabama Hospital Association
Dr. Mohammad S. Alam
Terry and Anita Albano
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Albers
Ms. Hilary T. Aldous
Mrs. Ashley Alessio
Alexandria Translations
Dr. and Mrs. Chad Mitchell Alford
Ms. Terre Lynne Alford
Mr. Brian Thomas Alidor
All In Entertainment
All Plastics & Fiberglass Inc.
Mr. Arthur Geary Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Allen
Mr. James M. Allen
Ms. Jane Rosner Allen
Ms. Nicole Allen
Mr. Otis R. Allen
Dr. John Allgood
Rev. James Larue Allison
Mr. James C. Allman
Alma Bryant High School
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Almeida Jr.
Alternative Concepts Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Ambrose
American Express Charitable Fund
Many companies encourage
their employees’ philanthropy
by matching the employee’s
gift, sometimes doubling or
tripling the size of the gift.
If you work for a matching
gift company, just include
your employer’s matching gift
form with your gift, and USA
will take care of the details.
Both you and your company
will be recognized for the
matching gift.
American Legion Auxiliary
(Wallace New 76)
Mr. and Mrs. Drew A. Amond
Dr. Todd R. Andel
Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell S. Anders
Mr. Andrew M. Anderson
Mr. Dennis Keith Anderson
Mr. Hagan B. Anderson
Ms. Jean M. Anderson
Ms. Stella Anderson
Mr. Wayne Anderson
Mrs. Vicki Ramey Andrade
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Andreoli
Ms. Ann Morgan Andrews
Mr. Henry William Andrews Jr.
Ms. Lacey A. Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. Russell S. Andrews Jr.
Mr. Aaron Oneal Andry
Mr. Derek Montgomery Anlage
Mr. Charles R. Annett
Ms. Katherine L. Annis
Mr. Justin R. Annison
The Architects Group Inc.
Mr. Eloy Abel Arcia
Mr. Drayton Arendall
Mr. John Thomas Arendall Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy Mills Armour
Mr. Robert Armour
Ms. Catherine L. Armstrong
Mr. Thomas Alfred Arnold
Mr. Robert Christen Arras
Mr. Gilbert Ray Arrington
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Arrington
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Arrow
Ms. Terri Robin Arts
Aseracare Hospice
Mr. Christopher W. Ashcraft
Mr. and Mrs. James Atchison
Mrs. Melissa Atkins
John L. D. Atkinson MD and
Patty Pate Atkinson MD
Ms. Lorilee Ward Atwell
Audubon Park
Mr. Herbert E. Aull Jr.
Authentic Refinishing Company Inc.
Mr. Mark William Autio
Auto Glass and Paint Supply Inc.
Azalea City Physicians for Women PC
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Azok
BASF Corporation
BP Fabric of America Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. H. Babington
Ms. Rebecca Gurley Bace
Ms. Beth Anne Bachman
Ms. Angela Linder Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. John Norman Baehr
Mr. John C. Baggett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bahr
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bailey
Dr. James C. Bailey
Dr. John I. Bailey Jr and
Ms. Janet E. Thomas
Mr. R. Gary Bailey
Ms. Trenette M. Bailey
Ms. Hillary S. Baker
Mr. Richard Leon Baker
Ms. Susan J. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Balczon
Baldwin County Economic
Development Alliance
Baldwin County Student Nurses
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Baldwin
Baldwin Transfer Company Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Baliem
Mr. Clarence M. Ball Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles L. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ballard
Dr. Stephen Ballard
Ms. Rae L. Bangs
Dr. Racheal B. Banks and
Mr. Lee K. Banks
Mr. Charles J. Barber
Mr. Thomas Joseph Barclay
Mr. Matthew Barclift
Ms. Nancy Alice Barksdale
Ms. Paula Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Barnes II
Mrs. Rebecca Haskins Barnes
Mr. William Franklin Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Barnhill
Mrs. Angela Barr
Mrs. Della Barrett
Mr. Ronnie James Barrett
Ms. Summer Joy Barrett
Vicki and Carroll Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Barrick
Mr. Kenneth Derald Barron
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Barry
Mr. Kevin Patrick Barry
Mrs. Denise Marie Barton
Mr. William J. Barton Jr.
Mr. B. G. Bartow
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Baskin
Ms. Dianne G. Bass
Ms. Jacquelynn Thomas Bass
Bass Underwriters Inc.
Dr. Deborah Anne Basso
Mr. Lawrence J. Bassuk and
Ms. Dallie K. Clark
Batchelor’s Residential Service LLC
Ms. Bonnie B. Bates
Ms. Eleanor Douglass Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eric Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bates
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Battiste
Dr. Natalie Renee’ Bauer
Ms. Ebby O. Baugh
Mrs. Susan Bauman
Dr. Abigail Baxter
Mr. John David Baxter
Rev. John I. Baxter
Ms. Susie Howell Baxter
Bay Mortgage Corporation
Bay Paper Company Inc.
Bay Shore Fluid Power Inc.
Dirk and Juanita Bayer
Baylor & Associates
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Baylor
Mr. John Gibson Baylor
Mr. Kenneth Neal Beard
Dr. Bradley Lawrence Bearson
Mr. Kevin Dwayne Beasley
Gregory T. and Heather L. Beck
Mr. Jeffery Claery Beck
Mrs. Melanie Renee Bedsole-Beck
Dr. and Mrs. Noel W. Bedwell
Mr. Daniel Beebe
Mr. Vincent Edward Beebe
Mr. and Ms. Michael David Beedie
Mr. Ryan T. Beesley
Mr. Michael A. Behr and
Ms. Julie T. Trice
Mr. David Allen Bell
Elizabeth (Becky) Spottswood Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bell
Mr. Robert C. Bell
Mr. Robert Joseph Benak
Benchmark Homes Inc.
Ms. Carmen Elizabeth Benitez
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Benoit Jr.
Mr. Jack R. Bentley
Mr. Eric Thomas Beovich
Mrs. Mary Lou Berg
Dr. Harry David Berger
Mr. Alexandre Bernard
Mrs. Sara Burnett Bernard
Mr. Joseph John Bernardo
Ms. Amy Ezell Beshel
Mr. Steven Wayne Betancourt
Mr. Marvin C. Bethea
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Betler
Dr. Robert B. Bettencourt
Mrs. Judith L. Bettis
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Bevens
Dr. Brenda L. Beverly
Miss Patricia N. Beyer
Dr. Priya Narayana Bhat
Mr. Thomas Biddinger
Mrs. Janet M. Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Bigoney
Mr. Douglas Joel Bilbrey
Ms. Roberta C. Billie
Mr. Darran Keith Billingsley
Biloxi OBGYN Clinic
Mr. Paul Birchfield
Mrs. Patricia M. Bixler
Mr. and Ms. Michael Eugene Black
Mr. Wesley Haas Blacksher
Mr. John D. Blackwelder
Mr. Gordon E. Blackwell Jr.
Dr. Keith Gordon Blackwell
Ms. Marilyn M. Blaine
Mr. Shawn L. Blenis
Ms. Lynne L. Blissett
Ms. Bonnie Blocker
Ms. Karla Debow Blocker
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mason Blosser
Mr. Richard Allen Blossom
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Blount
Ms. Sandra Blount
Blue Diving & Salvage LLC
Ms. Angela E. Blum
Dr. and Mrs. Belin Frederick Bodie
Dr. C. William Bodie
Mr. Randall W. Bogart
Ms. Jamie Lynn Bolinger
Mrs. Maryanne Bolton
Ms. Ruth Y. Bolton
Jacqueline Davis Bomar
Mr. Joel Lee Bond
Mrs. Dee K. Bonner
Mr. Josh Boone
Mr. Joshua Benjamin Boone
Ms. Patsy Gayle Boone
Mr. Ronald Wayland Boone
Mr. Vincent A. Booth
Mrs. Lynn M. Boothe
Ms. Della Mae Boshell
Boteler, Finley and Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Boudreaux
Mr. Michael Craig Boudreaux
Mr. Michael Joseph Boudreaux
Dr. George X. Boulton
Bowen Chiropractic
Mrs. Rebecca A. Bowen
Terry and Joanna Bowen
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Bowers Jr.
Ms. Charese R. Bowman
Mr. Samuel L. Box and
Ms. Lisa A. Marsh Box
Dr. Billy W. Boyd
Mr. Frank W. Boyle
Mr. Jeffrey A. Bradford
Mrs. Karen Lee Bradley
Mr. Wince Brandon
Ms. Deborah Ann Brannon
Ms. Susan White Brannon
Mrs. Catherine E. Bourgeois Brantley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Braswell
Ms. Stephanie Rae Braswell
Ms. Wanda K. Brazeal
Ms. Niki Darlene Bremberg
Mark and Jennie Breslin
Ms. Diane E. Breth
Mr. Sidney A. Brevard III
Dr. Sidney Ball Brevard
Ms. Patricia Sledge Brewer
Mr. Robert Daniel Brewer
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brewington
Ms. Patricia E. Bridges
Dr. William Henry Brigham
Mr. Carl Jonas Brihammar
Mr. and Ms. Timothy L. Briley
Ms. Julie Annette Brining
Briskman & Binion PC
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Britt
Dr. Rebecca F. Britton
Mrs. Susan Windham Broadhead
Ms. Vickie Lynn Broadway
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Brochu
Ms. Joanne Katherine Brookfield
Mr. Brian Brouckaert
Mr. Billy R. Brown and
Dr. Isabel Z. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Brown
Dr. Charles H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Brown
Ms. Evelyn M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Brown
Mr. Fredrick Joseph Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Brown
Mr. Joel McDonald Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Julian R. Brown Jr.
Drs. Mark and Yaffa Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Brown
Mr. Robert Michael Brown
Mrs. Robin Tedder Brown
Mrs. Whitney Eris Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Bruemmer Jr.
Paul Thomas Brueske
Mr. Otis H. Brunson
Ms. Barbara Ann Bryant
Ms. Delicia Renee Bryant
Mrs. Judy R. Bryant
Mrs. Mary E. Bryant
Mr. Robert S. Buchanan
Mr. Harold H. Buchman and
Ms. Gail Walker
Buckmaster’s Ltd.
Mr. James Ottis Buckalew
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Budzko
Ms. Robyn B. Buehler
Mr. Russell Crandle Buffkin
Mr. Tamir J. Buford
Mr. and Mrs. David Buhrkuhl
Building and Maintenance
Company LLC
Mr. Justin Bullen
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bunkley
Mrs. Dorothy Mothershed Burdette
Ms. Ana Castillo Burgamy
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burgess
Ms. Linda Stewart Burgess
Ms. Mary Burke
Mr. Frederick C. Burkle
Ms. Cynthia Diane Burks
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Burks II
Mr. J. Rhett Burleson
Mr. Paul F. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnham
Mr. David Wayne Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Burns
Mr. Peter M. Burns
Mr. Todd Fulton Burns
Mr. W. B. Burnsed
Burr & Forman LLP
Mrs. Jane R. Burton
Mr. John Edward Busbee Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Bush
Mr. and Ms. Larry E. Bush
Mr. B. Karl Bussey
Mr. Mahir Qamar Butt
Ms. Rita Richardson Byers
Ms. Carolyn W. Byrd
Dr. Maria A. Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Byrne
CHCA Warriors Club
CIMCO Refrigeration Inc.
CWH Inc.
Mr. Eduardo Arturo Cabrera II
Ms. Deborah Lollar Cadena
Mr. Mario A. Caicedo
Ms. Barbara W. Cain
Mr. Anthony Charles Calderaro
Mr. Bruce Anthony Calderone
Ms. Amy Dean Caliboso
Mr. Earl Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Calvi
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Cameron
Mr. Michael Cameron
Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe
Mrs. Donna Campbell
28 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. Mark Andrew Campbell
Dr. Mary Michael Campbell
Mr. Randy Campbell
Mr. Robert A. Campbell
Dr. Stephen Matthew Campbell
Mrs. Katherine E. Campo
Mr. Alberto Campos-Rivera
Campus Apartments
Campus Bookstore
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold S. Canakis
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cannon
Ms. Lynne S. Cantu
Ms. Mary Capell
Capstone Health Services Foundation
Ms. Eva Marie Caraway
Mr. Andrew Glen Carden
Caris Life Sciences Inc.
Ms. Clara Black Carley
Carlisle Medical
Mrs. Erin P. Carlisle
Mrs. Patricia Carlisle
Mr. Tommie Carlisle Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Carlson
Dr. Matthew Lehn Carnes
Ms. Krystal Kathleen Carollo
Ms. Cindy Rockwell Carpenter
Mrs. Ingrid B. Carpenter
Mr. Jerry Glen Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erling Carpenter
Ms. Nancy Powers Carr
Drs. Philip J. and Nicole T. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Carroll Jr.
Ms. Barbara Lee Carter
Ms. Conni Sue Carter
Mr. and Ms. Jeffery Mont Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Carter
Mr. Phillip Anthony Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. John Carwie
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Case
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Case
Mr. Gordon Eugene Casey
Mrs. Felicia Casey-Cooley
Ms. Susan Hoven Cason
Ms. Constance V Cassidy
Dr. and Mrs. Sergio A. Castello
Ms. Karin M. Caswell
Mr. Garry L. Cathey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Catlin
Mr. Ronald Catone
Ted and Connie Catranis
Dr. Lanier S. Cauley
Ms. Terri Cavalier
Mr. Tommy Vincent Cavigliano
Ms. Gionne Graetz Celebi
Centene Management Company LLC
The Center for Reproductive Medicine
Dr. K.W. Michael Chambers
Mr. Jeffrey Monroe Chambliss
Mr. John E. Chance Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Chandler
Dr. David W. Chang
Ms. Debra Laier Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joseph Chapman
Ms. Jennifer Janice Chastang
Mrs. Jo Chateau
Dr. John Cheape
Cheer Force One LLC
Mr. I. David Cherniak
Ms. Kathleen Mavis Cherry
Ms. Debra D. Chestang
Dr. Nitin Chhabra
Dr. Lynn Chilton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Francis Ching
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Chow
Mrs. Sally F. Chow
Chris Myers Auto Mall
Dr. Larry B. Christensen
Church of God Pentecostal
Citrin, Rihner, Gupta Cardiology PC
Dr. Benjamin S. Citrin
Mr. Bobby Ray Clardy
Mr. Stephen M. Clare
Clark, Geer, Latham & Associates Inc.
Drs. Alvah E. and Jean N. Clark Jr.
Ms. Catherine A. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Clark
Ms. Patricia Coleman Clark
Mrs. Paulette Clark
Drs. Raymond K. and Murlene W. Clark
Mrs. Sheila K. Clark
Ms. Vickie Lynn Clark
Mr. William C. Clark
Mr. Ronald Cleaton
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell D. Cleaver
Ms. Harriet Portella Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clements
Ms. Donna Gayle Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Cleverdon
Mrs. Julie Konkol Clifton
Coastal Human Resource Group Inc.
Mrs. Lillie T. Coates
Ms. Deborah Diane Cobb
Mr. William H. Cobb
Ms. Margaret Elaine Cochran
Mrs. Jean D. Cockrell
Coffee Pro Inc.
Mr. Victor L. Cohen
Mr. Bruce Coldsmith and
Dr. Elise Labbe-Coldsmith
Cole Farms
Cole Marie Austin LLC
Mr. Carl Edward Cole
Mr. Douglas E. Cole
Mr. Philip C. Cole-Tyson
Ms. Sammy Waters Cole
Dr. Robert L. Coleman and
Dr. Zoya Khan
Collective Investments
Ms. Valetta Amanda Collier
Dr. Charles Louis Collins
Dr. and Ms. Damian J. Collins
Dr. Jay N. Collins
Ms. Jennifer Anne Collins
Mr. Patrick Alexs Collins
Mr. William M. Collins Sr.
Mrs. Carol M. Collura
Mr. Roger Dale Commander
Commonwealth National Bank
Community Bank
The Community Foundation Richmond
Computer Programs and Systems Inc.
Computer Technology Solutions Inc.
Mr. John Conard
Mr. Brandon T. Connell
Dr. Rosina Avila Connelly
Dr. and Mrs. David James Conner
Ms. Dorothy H. Conner
Consolidated Pipe & Supply Company
Inc. (Pascagoula MS)
Mr. Leonardo Alberto Contardo
Mr. John R. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Conwell
Mrs. Constance G. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cook
Mr. Robert H. Cook
Cook’s Pest Control Inc.
Mr. Ricky Lee Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Rod W. Cooke
Cooper Marine and Timberlands
Ms. Adrienne Michelle Cooper
Mr. Daniel W. Cooper II
Mr. James Arthur Cooper Jr.
Mr. John Marshall Cooper
Ms. Alexandra Copell
Ms. Wendy M. Corbin
Ms. Kellie Corder
Ms. Beverly Corley
Mr. Christopher Earl Corley
Cormier Chiropractic Center
Ms. Marsha Corner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Corner
Ms. Sherall E. Cornwell
Ms. Donna J. Correia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corry
Mrs. Kirsten B. Coulter
Clyde and Audrey Courtright
Mr. Sam Wallace Covert
Mr. Robert C. Cowen
Ms. Joan Cortright Cowles
Ms. Mary K. Cox
Mrs. Mary R. Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Jason W. Coym
Mr. Milo Joseph Crabtree
Mrs. Danielle M. Craft
Mrs. Doris M. Craft
Ms. Angela M. Craig-Davis
Crane Title
Ms. Kelly B. Cravens
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wayne Crawford
Jim Crawford
Mr. Judson D. Crawley
Creel Construction LLC
Mr. Aaron T. Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Crenshaw
Dr. Steven Reid Crider
Mrs. Sharon W. Criscione
Mr. James Steven Croft
Mr. John T. Croom
Dr. Karl John Crossen
Ms. Martha R. Crow
Crowder Gulf
Mrs. Carol Evans Crowe
Mr. Richard Dean Crowther
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Crump
Ms. Susan C. Crutchfield
Bragan Culberson
Mr. Jack F. Cullen and
Ms. Meredith R. Chiaro
Ms. Erlinda D. Culpepper
Dr. and Mrs. Roy M. Culpepper
Mr. Adam B. Cumbest
Mr. David Alan Cumbie
Mr. Marl M. Cummings
Mr. David T. Cummins and
Ms. Jessica L. Jones
Mr. Robert M. Cummins
Dr. and Mrs. J. Russell Cunningham Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamar
Mr. Thomas F. Cummingham
Mr. Fenley Rigg Curtis
Ms. Monica G. Curtis
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Curtright
John and Alice Cutright
Cvinson Investments LLC
Dr. Julie Cwikla
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Czepiel
D&S Service Inc.
Dr. Mary Elizabeth D’Aunoy
Ms. Claire D’Varga
Dr. Paul A. Dagenais
Mr. Frank A. Dagley
Mr. Edward C. Dahmer
Ronny & Jill Daigle
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hart Daigle
Mr. Peter James Dais
Mr. John A. Dal Santo
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Daley
Mr. Peter A. Dames
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Damico
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Daniel
Ms. Kristin Lee Daniels
Mrs. Fran Danley
Mr. George W. Danzy
Daphne Strike Soccer Club
Dr. Donna Lynn Dark-Mezick
Mr. Michael Anton Dasinger III
Ms. C. Annette Daugherty
Mr. Jeff Walter Davidson
Mr. James W. Davies
Dr. Clayton Howard Davis
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Davis III
Ms. Freda Kathleen Davis
Ms. Gigi Davis
Mr. Glenn Wesley Davis
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davis
Mr. James Edward Davis
Dr. James H. Davis Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Davis
Mr. Lem Lanier Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Davis
Mrs. Mary Beth Davis
Mr. Michael Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis
Ms. Tammy Louise Davis
Mr. Thomas Frederick Davis
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Davison Jr.
Ms. Dorothy W. Dawson
Mr. Alexander L. De Clouet
Mrs. Nancy de Juan
Ms. Elizabeth M. De Lorme
Ms. Roslyn DeBellis
Mr. Jefferson D. DeBlieux and
Ms. Karen B. DeBlieux
Mrs. Mary Alicia DeFrancis
Mr. John Mark Deakle
Dean McCrary Kia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dean Jr.
Mrs. Linda Dean
Mr. Matthew C. Decker
Mr. Thomas Jeff Deen
Mrs. Lucretia E. DeGroote
Mr. Tom Sebastian Dekle
Delaney Development
Ms. Susan Dianne Delashmet
Mr. Jonathan Delaureal
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Delchamps Sr.
Dr. Peggy C. Delmas
Mr. Fred E. Demouy
Mr. William G. Demouy III
Dr. John V. Dempsey
Mrs. Jan Deneefe
Mr. Walter Edward Dennis
Mr. Robert P. Denniston
Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
of Mobile PC
Dr. Jack Derovanesian
Dex Imaging of Alabama LLC
Mrs. Rashmi Dhawan
Dr. and Mrs. Ross Norman Dickens
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Dickson
Mr. William Edward Diehl
Mr. Bradley Diener
Digineli Industries Inc.
Mr. Doyle M. Dillard Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dismukes III
Distribution International
Dixie Building Supply Company Inc.
Mrs. Betty Patterson Dixon
Ms. Veronica Dixon
Ms. Diane Dixon-Abercrombie
Ms. Judy A. Dobbs
Doctors In Training COM LLC
Ms. April Marissa Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dale Dodd
Dr. and Mrs. Harold W. Dodge
Mr. Ronald K. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. John Dodson
Mr. Richard Anthony Dollison
Don Gordon Construction Inc.
Dr. James B. Donaghey II
Mr. Jeffery R. Donald
Mr. Tim F. Donaldson
Ms. Cathalynn N. Donelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Donlon
Drs. Robert M. and Cynthia A. Donnell
Dr. Francis M. Donovan
Mr. Luke Doramus
Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. Doran
Ms. Lana M. Dorroh
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dorsey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Doss Jr.
Mr. Kevin Kenneth Dougherty
Mrs. Cynthia Van Doughty
Ms. Belinda D. Douglas
Mr. Harold Alan Downey
Mr. John Clement Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Doyle
Mr. John S. Drago
Ms. Catherine Anne Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dranka
Driskell Turf Farm LLC
Mr. Brian Allen Driskell
Mr. and Mrs. Druhan
Mr. Michael Druhan III
The Drummond Group Inc.
Ms. Huimin Du
Mr. John W. Dubay
MAJ Stephen Gordon Duckworth
Mrs. Michelle B. Dudley
Ms. Myrlene F. Dueitt
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Duffy III
R. Lamar Duffy
Ms. Karen B. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Duke
Mrs. Susan Adelia Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dulaney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Dull
Mr. Joseph Sean Dunlap
Mr. Jonathan D. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Dunnam
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kendall Dunning
Mr. Stephen Anthony Durick III
Dr. David Duval
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Earl Dyal
Mrs. Vicki Fore Dyess
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Earley
Ms. Ireater Bell East
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Eastburn
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Easterling
Mr. Michael L. Easterling
Mr. and Mrs. Shiel G. Edlin
Ms. Maureen Clair Edmisten
Ms. Anne Virginia Edwards
Ms. Deborah L. Edwards
Mrs. Jerry M. Edwards
Ms. Karen Webster Edwards
Eichold Family Foundation Fund
Mr. Michael G. Eide and
Ms. Sarah Walton
Mr. Jules Jean El-Khoury
Elcan and Associates
Eleit Technology Inc.
Samuel Robert Elleard &
Deborah Ann Elleard
Mr. John David Elliott
Mrs. Mitzi Elliott
Ms. Carol Ann Ellis
Mr. Robert P. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ellisor
Mr. Joseph Henry Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ellsworth
Ms. Sarah Loyce Elmer
Ms. Geraldine Elmore
Mr. John Alston Elsevier
Ms. Kitty Johnson Emery
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Emmons III
Encore Rehabilitation Inc.
Engineered Cooling Services Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Nader Entessar
Enve Color Studio Inc.
Enveloc Inc.
Enviro Storage Systems LLC
Mr. Robert D. Erhardt Sr.
Mrs. Teresa J. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Eschete
Dr. Julie M. Estis and
Mr. Christopher W. Estis
Mr. Andy Wayne Etheredge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Etheridge
Mrs. Andrea N. Eubanks
Ms. Dailee Rejoyce Eubanks
Drs. David and Kelli Evans
Mr. Jack Rush Evans Jr.
Ms. Martha B. Evans
Mr. David R. Eversole
Mr. John Robert Ewbank
Express Employment Professionals
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. George A. Eyrich
F&S Marine Eastern Division LLC
FLW Outdoors
Dr. and Mrs. Eniola O. Fagbongbe
Mrs. Leigh S. Faircloth
Fairhope Clothing Company Inc.
Mr. Robert Farish
Ms. Ammie Lee Farmer
Mrs. Denise Sommer Farmer
Mr. John B. Farmer
Farnell Heating and Air
Conditioning Inc.
Ms. Melissa C. Farrell
Mr. Howard J. Fath
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Faught
Faulkner Farms Compost
Mrs. Sandra R. Faust
Mr. Thomas A. Favre
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Feagin
Dr. Miriam Fearn
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Feinstein
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Fell
Ms. Kara Felson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Feore
Craig and Lynn Ferguson
Ms. Deborah Lucille Ferguson
Mr. Reginald Ferguson
Mr. William K. Ferguson
A gift of real estate, works
of art, collectibles, rare
books, copyrights, oil and
gas interests may be made
to the University and then
sold and the proceeds
used for endowment or for
capital or operating funds.
Gifts of useable scientific
equipment or computers
may go immediately into
the classroom or research
Many donors find a bequest the most convenient
way to leave a legacy to USA.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ferniany
Mr. Richard H. Fetner III
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Fetters
Dr. and Mrs. David Field
Ms. Margaret Hebert Fields
Mr. Milton Brown Fields
Dr. Phillip A. Fields
Dr. Maria S. Figarola
Ms. Barbara J. Filion
Mrs. Melonie Chanel Fincher
Mrs. Betty B. Findlay
Mr. Robert Nelson Finger
Ms. Sandra Miller Finkbohner
Ms. Lynda Gray Finley
Dr. Joycelyn Finley-Hervey
Firehouse Subs
Firetrol Protection Systems Inc.
First Community Bank (Dauphin St)
Dr. Samuel H. Fisher
Mr. Matthew D. Fishman
Mrs. Meryl Grodnick Fishman
Fitts Agency
Mr. Clement T. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Tranum Fitzpatrick
Mr. Daniel Earl Flanders
Ms. Melanie Thompson Flatt
Ms. Erin Brook Fleming
Mrs. Patricia F. Fleming
Mr. Alan Wayne Flint
Mr. David H. Flint
Ms. Marsha Sparks Flint
Mr. Robert L. Floore Jr.
Florida Wind Inspectors Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Flotte
Ms. Marion Flowers
Foam Tight Insolators
Ms. Suzanne Elaine Fogle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Foltz
Mr. David M. Fonzi
Mr. Steven P. Foran
Dr. David C. Forbes
Ms. Sylvia Ann Forbes
Ms. Gloria Parker Ford
Mr. Greg L. Forman
Dr. Kenneth M. Forster
Ken and Bettye Forsyth
Mr. Paul Edward Forsyth
Ms. Rebecca Forsythe
Ms. Terra L. Forwood
Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Foster
Dr. Brian William Fouty
Mr. James Patrick Fowler
Ms. Mary Kathleen Foy
Mr. Shazib Frahim
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Frampton
Mrs. Linda Brigham France
Frances Campbell Foundation
Mr. John David Fredella
Mr. James Pierce Frederick
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
Mr. Derek Sebastian Freeman
Dr. John A. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman
Mr. Brian David Fremund
Mr. and Ms. David Scott French
Mrs. Joanne Frennea
Mrs. Diana Friedstadt Frid
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Friedlander
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Benton Friman
Ms. Jinni Leigh Frisbey
Dr. Herman Joseph Fritz
Mrs. Frances M. Frye
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynne Fuller
Mrs. Betty J. Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Fulton
Mr. Bart Furrow
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fusaiotti
Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service Inc.
G. Harvell Inc.
G A L Manufacturing Group
Ms. Bethany B. Gaal
Mr. Ronald T. Gabbett
Ms. Caroline Gaillard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Gaillard III
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Gaillard Jr.
Mr. Joseph J. Gallagher
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Gallaspy III
Ms. Jennifer L. Galle’
Gallmann Company North
Galloway, Wettermark, Everest, Rutens
& Gaillard LLP
Dr. and Mrs. John Earl Gamble
Mr. Neal Jay Gambler
Mr. Zulin Gan
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gandler
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Gandy
Mr. and Ms. Rodney Keith Ganey
Ms. Jackie Gann
Mr. Amilcar Wilfredo Garcia
Ms. Ana A. Garcia
Mr. and Ms. Jon D. Garcia
Mr. John David Gardberg
Mr. Frank W. Gardner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Adrian Gardner
Mr. Michael Jeffery Gardner
30 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Terrance R. Gardner
Mr. Thomas M. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Garner
Ms. Frances Wilson Garrett
Mr. Larry E. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Garrett
Mr. Charles Robert Garrison
Mrs. Mary Ann Howell Gartman
Mr. Richard Stephen Gartman
Ms. Donna Lynn Garvin
Ms. Sharon M. Gaspard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Gates
Mr. Owen M. Gates
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gates
Mr. Ronald Eugene Gatlin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ernest Gattis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Gavin
Mr. Wayne Gay
Ms. Kimberley Jane Geary
Ms. Rita Ryan Gedney
Mr. William Francis Geers
Mr. Roger Joseph Geil Jr.
Mr. Richard A. Geist III
Mr. Dustin D. Gemmill
General Standards Corporation
Mr. Ryan E. Genry
Mr. Richard A. George
Ms. Barbara Janisse Gerth
Mrs. Carol Ethridge Gette
Mrs. Hilda Bellinger Gewin
Mrs. Suzanne M. Gherardini
Gibbons Company LLC
Maureen and Jerry Gibbons
Ms. Constance Diane Gibbs
Mrs. Evelyn Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Houston E. Gibson Jr.
Ms. Linda Lynne Gibson
Dr. Sarah Reynolds Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Gilbert
Ms. Judy Gavin Giles
Ms. Martha Ann Giles
Dr. and Mrs. Mark N. Gillespie
Dr. William E. Gillis
Dr. Robert Gilmore
Mr. Joey Walters Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Ginsberg
Mrs. Susan L. Ginsberg
Ms. Maggie Glaser
Mr. Walter L. Glass Sr.
Ms. Rebecca Glassman
Mrs. Ian Glenday
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Glenn Jr.
Mr. Thomas Jeffery Glidewell
Mr. John Doyle Glover
Earl Gochey
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Keith Godwin
Mr. Steven Morris Goldberg
Mr. James Albert Golemon
Mr. Jeffrey A. Golemon
Mrs. Jeanne M. Goley
Ms. Cora Jean Gonzales
Dr. J. Russell Goodloe Jr.
Mr. William Christopher Goodrich
Mrs. Karen Linsley Goodwin
Ms. Holley D. Gordon
Ms. Kayla M. Gordon
Mr. James R. Gorum
Mr. Brian Joseph Gottfried
Mrs. Marsha Latrelle Gottlieb
Dr. and Mrs. Otis Gowdy Jr.
Mr. Gregory W. Gowen
Mr. William M. Goyne
Ms. Ann M. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly G. Grady
Mr. Curtis M. Graf
Mr. Emil Thomas Graf III
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Graham
Grand Bay Auto Supply
Mrs. Melissa Rochelle Grannum
Mr. Warren C. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Clay Grantham
Mrs. Nancy Ann Grassley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Paul Graves
Dr. Lashun B. Graves and
Mr. W. James Graves III
Tolly and Lisa Graves
Dr. Charles Prescott Gray
Mr. Hollis L. Gray
Graybar Electric Company Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Grayson
Ms. Marjorie Alice Graziano
Dr. and Mrs. Allan E. Green Jr.
Ms. Ashley D. Green
Dr. Byron and Sally Green
Mr. Christopher Mark Green
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Green
Drs. Kelly and John Green
Ms. Mary Edna Green
Mr. Steven L. Green
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Green
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Green
Dr. William Kevin Green
Ms. Joy Greenberg
Mr. Garry J. Greenburg
Mr. Donald R. Greenlee
Mr. Gary Arnold Greenough
Mrs. Therese G. Greer
Greg Dyal Agency Corporation
Gregory D. Jones Insurance &
Financial Services LLC
Dr. David Albert Gremse
Mr. Brent A. Griffin
Ms. Wanda Tomlinson Griffis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paul Griffith
Mr. Tim Griffith
Mrs. Linda W. Grill
Mrs. Brenda Griner
Mr. Gerome A. Grivas
Mr. and Mrs. William Grodnick
Mrs. Suzanne M. Gross
Ms. Patricia Ann Grove
Mr. Andrew C. Grumney
Mrs. Barrie Gordon Gruner
Dr. and Mrs. Greg L. Gruner
Ms. Laura M. Guarisco
Mrs. Monica Guesnon
Mr. William L. Guess
Drs. Charles L. and Joyce Marie Guest
Dr. Salil Gulati
Gulf Coast Hubcaps and Wheels Inc.
Gulf Coast Marine Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gulledge Jr.
Ms. Susan Loraine Gulledge
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Gulsby
Ms. Bonnie L. Gums
Dr. Jennie Gunn
Chiradeep Dutta Gupta
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Ray Gurchiek
Mr. Jason Patrick Gwin
Ms. Mattie Coats Gwin
Ms. Angela S. Haarala
Mr. Carl Fox Haas
Mr. Daniel B. Haas
Ms. Mary S. Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Hachat
Hackbarth Delivery Service Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. Hackner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hadden
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Hadley
Mr. and Ms. James R. Haines
Mr. Robert Hajdu
Dr. Max H. Hale
Ms. Brenda R. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall
Mr. Craig Hall
Mr. Daniel Oliver Hall
Mr. Drew Benson Hall
Mr. Joel L. Hall
Ms. Marjorie Hall
Mr. Theodore Leslie Hall
Hallie Brown Builders LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Halstead
Mr. Michael E. Halunen
Mrs. Katharine W. Ham
Ms. Tina Marie Hamby
Mr. William Allen Hamby
Hamilton Clark Inc.
Mrs. Barbara K. Hamilton
Mrs. Sherry C. Hamilton
Dr. William J. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hamilton
Mr. George Todd Hamlin
Ms. Joan Hammac
Ms. Ashley Lynne Hammond
Ms. Jennifer Hammons
Ms. Joy M. Hammons
Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock
Mr. Patrick Hancock
Handyman’s Railroad Salvage Inc.
Ms. Reda A. Hanes
Mr. and Mrs. Lee I. Hanks
Dr. Robert Bush Hanks
Ms. Ellen Marguerite Hanna
Ms. Wanda Pate Hannon
Ms. Jennifer Ann Hansen
Mr. Jared Hanson
Ms. Shirley D. Hanson
Mr. Ian Christopher Harbaugh
Ms. Mary Beth Hardaway
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hardie Jr.
Ms. Julie Wiseman Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Hariel
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Harlan
Ms. Leah Elizabeth Harmuth
Mr. Chris Harper
Dr. C. Douglas Harrell III
Mrs. Deedra K. Harrington
Dr. Courtney Alexander Harris
Ms. Edna Taylor Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Harris
Ms. Kristian Lanear Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Harris
Ms. Yolanda Peasant Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Harrison
Mr. Gary P. Harrison Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Harrison Jr.
Mr. William Norville Harrison
Ms. Julie Hart
Mr. Edward August Hartner
Mr. Oliver Scott Hartwell
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Harvell
Ms. Barbara A. Harvey
Ms. Shana McGowan Harville
Mr. Larry Wayne Hataway
Lynne Locklin-Hatch and
Richard W. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Hatcher
Mr. William M. Hatcher
Mr. E. C. Havard
Mrs. Lyn Crowell Havard
Mr. James Walter Hayes
Mr. John Graham Hayes
Dr. Russell M. Hayes Jr.
Ms. Paula C. Haygood
Ms. Patricia A. Hayman
Ms. Elizabeth Hays
Mr. Kevin A. Hayward
Dr. Douglas Wayne Haywick
Dr. Delphanie Deshan Head
Mrs. Doris D. Heebe
Heggeman Realty Company Inc.
Ms. Patricia Carole Hegwood
Mr. William Leslie Heiter
Mr. Brian David Helveston
Hematology & Oncology Associates
of Alabama LLC
Dr. James Douglas Henderson
Ms. Beverly S. Hendley
Ms. Ricia S. Hendrick
Plez & Chante’ Hendrix Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Henry
Ms. Jeanne M. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Henry
Ms. Frances N. Henson
Heritage Homes of Mobile Inc.
Ms. Hillary M. Herrington
Ms. Dorothy N. Herston
Mr. Mark A. Hewes
Mr. Joseph Heyer
Ms. Loraine L. Hickman
Ms. Haley S. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Hieronymus
Ms. Catherine M. Hietbrink
Mr. and Ms. John Donald Higby
Shan D. Higginbotham
Ms. Monica Higgins
Dr. William R. Higgs
Mrs. Beverly Lynn Hill
Hill Marine Refrigeration Inc.
Fred Hill
Mr. John Hill
Hillcrest Automotive
Mr. Jeffrey A. Hilperts
Mr. George L. Hinds
Mrs. Brenda Wood Hinson
Mrs. Evelyn M. Hinton
Mr. Grady E. Hinton
Mr. Robert G. Histing
Ms. Linda S. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hochleutner
Mr. Glenn L. Hodge
Mr. Francis E. Hodges Jr.
Mr. Harold Lane Hodges
Dr. Mark Kenneth Hodges
Ms. Diane Whatley Hoggle
Mr. Richard Hoh
Mr. Howard C. Holcomb
Mr. Pawan Krishna Holi
Holiday Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey K. Holifield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen Holland
Ms. Laurene Susan Hollister
Drs. Brenda and Harry Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reid Holloway
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Holston
Ms. Shelley T. Hood
Mr. Craig Hooper
Mrs. Marguerite W. Hooton
Mr. Charles Noel Hopper
Ms. Annie Horn
Mrs. Diane Tappan Horst
Ms. Margaret M. Horst
Mrs. Heather Vance Horton
Ms. Nicole Nanette Horton
Hosea O. Weaver and Sons Inc.
Ms. Christine J. House
Mrs. Cindy J. House-Pearson
Dr. Andrew D. Housholder
Mrs. Louise Hill Houston
Mr. Harold Emanuel Houze
Howard Rigsby Home Restoration
Mr. James C. Howard
Mr. Jeffery Lynn Howard
Mr. John Eric Howard
Mr. Rick Howard
Mr. Sumner Han Howard
Mr. Christopher Michael Howell
Dr. Druhan Sherard Lowry Howell
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm R. Howell
Ms. Suzanne L. Howell
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Bryant Howren
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hrabe Jr.
Dr. Kuang-Ting Hsiao
Dr. Ko-Cheng Hsu
Ms. Barbara Phillips Hubbard
Mrs. Barbara A. Hudson
Mr. Dennis Lee Hudson
Mr. Milton Carson Hudson Jr.
Mr. Roy Thomas Hudson
Ms. Betty J. Huff
Mr. Chris Andrew Huff
Mr. David Wayne Huggins
Dr. Amy Hughes
Mr. and Ms. Wesley David Hughes
Ms. Edna Baker Hull
Mr. James Terry Humber
Drs. Terry J. and Grace T. Hundley
Dr. G. Douglas Hungerford
Ms. Deaxtra D. Hunt
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Hunt
Ms. Virginia S. Hunt
Mr. Jerry D. Hunter
Ms. Kathy L. Hurst
Mr. Christopher Arthur Husting
Ms. Sandra Rowe Hutchinson
Ms. Genevieve Pauline Hutfless
Hydro Technologies Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hyland Sr.
Dr. Edward Anthony Hyndman
IBM Corporation Matching Grants
IMC-Obstetrics & Gynecology
Associates PC
Mr. Harvey Leon Ikner
Mr. and Mrs. Herndon Inge
Mr. James Tunstall Inge
Mr. Paul S. Ingram
Inlaw Investments LLC
Mr. John K. Innerarity
Integrated Systems Management Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Irby
Drs. Glenn L. and Jean M. Irion
Mrs. Bonney Harrison Irwin
Glenn and Bea Ishler
Mr. Mohamad S. Iskandar
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Isphording
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Izzio
J W Legacy Group LLC
JMF Consulting Inc.
JRC Technology Group LLC
Mr. James C. Jackson
Mrs. Jennifer Jackson
Mr. Joseph Anthony Jackson
Ms. Mary Alice Jackson
Mr. Michael David Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jackson Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn W. Jacobs
Mr. Chucri M. Jalkh
Mr. Floyd Ollis James III
Mrs. Louise B. James
Ms. Susan Pipkin Jansen
Mr. Mark Stephen Janssen
Mr. Tom Alfred Jarman
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Jarvis
Dr. Leida Javier-Ferrell
Ms. Veronica Wilson Jean
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Jeansonne
Dr. Gail D. Jefferson
Mr. Jerry R. Jenkins
Ms. Barbara Lee Jernigan
Mr. James August Jernigan
Mrs. Deborah W. Jobes
Joe Bullard Automotive Companies
Mr. Patrick Gerard Johns
Ms. Barbara S. Johnson
Ms. Bertie Hudson Johnson
Ms. Ethel Marie Johnson
Ms. Genevieve Johnson
Mr. Jerry Lee Johnson Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Walter Johnson
Mr. Larry Steven Johnson
Mr. Mark W. Johnson
Mr. Michael I. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. and
Melissa L. Johnson
Ms. Pamela Tate Johnson
Mr. Richard Wayne Johnson
Mr. Robert J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Warren Johnson
Ms. Rosemary C. Johnson
Ms. Sonia Denise Graves Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Troy D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbanks Johnson Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Johnsten
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Johnston Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Johnston
Ms. Marcia Lazett Joiner
Mr. William D. Joiner and
Dr. Sarah E. Joiner
Ms. Angela M. Jones
Bishop and Mrs. Cleven L. Jones
Ms. Brenda Jones
Dr. Calvin N. Jones
Mr. Carl H. Jones
Ms. Cassandra Pomeroy Jones
Ms. Christi H. Jones
Ms. Elsie May Jones
Ms. Emily A. Jones
Mr. Harvey E. Jones Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Joey Jones
Ms. Jordan M. Jones
Ms. Kathryn L. Jones
Ms. Loretta Jones
Ms. Margaret Bernadett Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Jones
Mrs. Myrtle I. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Perry H. Jones Jr.
Ms. Rita S. Jones
Mr. Terry Jones
Mr. William E. Jones Jr.
Ms. Tawnya Jongeward
Mr. Kalyan Jonnakanti
Ms. Charlene Dunnam Jordan
Mr. Kartikeya Joshi
Mr. Joseph Michael Juck
Ms. Colleen Elizabeth Judge
Julia Wertheim Philanthropic Fund
Julius Goldstein and Son Inc.
Phillip and Ann Jung
Mrs. Janie G. Justesen
Dr. and Mrs. Wiley H. Justice
Mr. William Paul Kahalley
Dr. Eugene L. Hart and
Dr. Andrea G. Kahn
Mr. Philip W. Kaiser
The Kalifeh Media Group Inc.
Ms. Lisa Kalman
Mr. Narsing Rao Kamaraju
Dr. Min Wook Kang
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kasper
Dr. Deborah Ann Kassner
Mr. Christopher D. Kastner
Ms. Allison Katz
Mrs. Fanny Mitchell Katz
Mrs. Sharon G. Kaufman
Ms. Anne Marie Kavanaugh
Ms. Suzette Masako Kawaguchi
Dr. Stephen G. Kayes
Mr. James Albert Keck
Ms. Tessie L. Keevan
Mr. Michael Herbert Keith
Ms. Beverly A. Kellen
Dr. Emily C. Kelley
Mr. Mark Kelley
Mr. Edward Kelly Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kelly
Mr. Jason Paul Kelly
Mr. Leo Michael Kelly
Mr. William Hendrix Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Kelly
Ms. Lillian Kemper
Ms. Christine E. Kennedy
Mr. and Ms. Cliff Kennedy
Ms. Gloria Kennedy
Mr. Joseph David Kennedy
Mr. Michael A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Moil Kennedy Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Kennedy
Ms. Suzanne Kennedy
Ms. Sherry L. Kennemer
Mr. Derek L. Kent and
Dr. Andrea M. Kent
Mr. Richard Arthur Kerns
Mr. John Kersteins
Mr. Richard H. Kersten
Ms. Dorothy June Kervin
Mr. Karl William Kerzic
Mr. Gilbert J. Key
Dr. Mir Akbar Khan
Mr. Dwight Ewing Kibler
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Kiene
Mr. Kenneth K. Kilbert
Mrs. Gennie Ann Kilgore
Ms. Linda K. Kilpatrick
Ms. Elizabeth A. Kimbrough
Mr. Dennis G. King
Mr. Gregory Lewis King
Mr. Jarrett Lee King
Mr. Lamar J. King Sr.
Ms. Patricia A. King
Mrs. Patricia Ann King
Mr. Michael J. Kintz
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kirchharr
Mr. Harold A. Kirkland
Mr. James B. Kirkland Jr.
Mr. James C. Kirkland
Mr. Johnny Kirkand
Mr. William N. Kirkland
Michael B. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kirsch II
Mr. Michael W. Kittrell
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klein
Mr. Michael Biff Klumpp
Knights of Peter Claver Inc.
Mr. James Jeffrey Knipper
Mr. Dennis James Knizley
Ms. Kimberly Gay Knorr
Mrs. Jennifer Marie Abbott Knowlton
Dr. William John Knox IV
Dr. Henry Jacob Koch
Dr. and Mrs. Irving A. Koffler
Dr. Warren E. Koffler
Mr. Jeremy Brandon Kohn
Mr. James Kolaitis
Ms. Kelly A. Komyati
Ms. Pamela McDonald Kotis
Ms. Margaret Forker Kotnik
Dr. and Mrs. George T. Koulianos
Ms. Henrietta T. Kovacs
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Kovaleski
Dr. Mara V. Kozelsky
Mr. Richard John Kracunas
Ms. Danielle Kramer
Mr. Charles W. Kraver
Dr. Martin Thomas Krecker
Mr. Jeffrey Allen Krietemeyer
Ms. Nancy Lynn Kruschwitz
Dr. Tsunsheng Neilpaul Ku
Ms. Martha J. Kuffskie
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon R. Kushner
Mrs. Kathleen B. Kutzman
L W Cave Real Estate Inc.
LSM Management Inc.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mark David Labranche
Mr. and Mrs. Adam S. Labrato
Mr. Justin Heath Labrato
Mrs. Mary Bentley Labriola
Mrs. Haley Westbrook Lacey
Mr. Edward B. Ladd
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Ladd
Various trust arrangements
such as charitable
remainder unitrusts,
charitable remainder
annuity trusts and
charitable lead trusts may
enable you simultaneously
to make a gift, retain
income from the assets,
and secure a tax advantage.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Ladd III
Mr. Ernest F. Ladd IV
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Ladd III
Mr. James Milton Ladd
Mr. John F. Ladd Jr.
Ladies of Columbus Council 666
Mrs. Michelle H. Laduron
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Lafayette
Dr. Deborah L. Palser Lafky
LaLuna Servante Inc.
Dr. W. Bibb Lamar III
Mr. and Mrs. Judson W. Lambard Sr.
Mrs. Nancy J. Lambe
Ms. Janet A. Lambert
Ms. Jennifer Laurie Lambert
Mr. Ricky D. Lambert
Ms. Charlene Marie Lamonte
Mr. Robert Wayne Lancaster
Mr. Dan Landman
Dr. Jeffrey P. Landry
Mr. Scott Paul Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Langan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Langham
Mr. John Duane Langley
Ms. Sharon B. Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lansing
Mr. Scott George Lapierre
Mr. Stephen Hayes Larrimore
Ms. Gyda P. Larry
Larson & McGowin Inc.
Mr. Craig Steven Larson
Ms. Eloise E. Larson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Lasecki
Ms. Kathleen Marie Laskay
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Lassen
Mrs. Catherine Allison Laubenthal
Mr. Corey Lauchner
Dr. Brittney J. Laughlin and
Mr. Robert Laughlin
Dr. Wright Benjamin Lauten
Ms. Tiffany R. Law
Lawrence & Lawrence
Dr. Chuck Wayne Lawrence
Mr. James R. Lawrence
Ms. Phyllis M. Lawrence
Ms. Ingrid Petrice Lawson
Dr. Robin M. Lawson and
Mr. Prentiss A. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Lay Jr.
Mr. Delene F. Leak and Dr. Laura S. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. David Learner
Leavell Investment Management Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos H. Ledbetter Jr.
Dr. Susan Parsons Ledoux
Mr. Goodman G. Ledyard
Ms. Allen King Lee
Ms. Amy K. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Lee
Mrs. Carolyn T. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher White Lee
Rev. David Alexander Lee
Ms. Denise S. Lee
Mrs. Doris A. Lee
Mr. Hock-Chee Wellman Lee
Mr. Joseph Stephen Lee
Kit Felis Lee
Mr. Travis Houston Lee
Ms. Patricia Ann Leffingwell
Mr. Ryan and Dr. Athena Lefort
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Legrone
Ms. Martha B. LeGros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Lehman
Ms. Barbara S. Lenaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua B. Lenox
Leo’s Western & Uniform Corporation
CM/SGT USAF Ret. and
Mrs. Peter A. Leonardis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lerner
Dr. Betty M. Leslie
Ms. Mary E. Lester
Ms. Mona Lynn Lester
Ms. Danielle K. Levine
Lew A. Cummings Company Inc.
Lewis M. Carter Manufacturing
Company Inc.
Lewis Precision & CNC Inc.
Ms. Alison Brooke Lewis
Ms. Amanda M. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewis Jr.
Mrs. Karen S. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey S. Lewis
Ms. Marjorie Y. Lewis
Mr. Richard Lee Lewis
Life + Legacy Benefits Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Lightbourne
Dr. and Mrs. William Lightfoot
Dr. Juanito Y. Lim
Larry and Lerma Lim
Dr. Ssang-Taek Lim
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lindell
Dr. Michael M. Linder and
Dr. Carol P. Motley
Dr. Linda Sue Lindman
Ms. Cally T. Link
Ms. Marcia C. Linson
Mr. Alan Lipscomb
Mrs. Harriet Lipton
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Little
Ms. Kimberly F. Litwiller
Living Word Christian Center
Mrs. Eleanor Taylor Livings
Dr. Michael Carl Loar
Mrs. Linda B. Lochman
Mrs. Karen M. Lockhart
Mr. Randal H. Locklear
Lynne Locklin-Hatch and
Richard W. Hatch
Mrs. Patricia Kelly Lofton
Ms. Sonya S. Logan
Mr. Joseph L. Lomax
Mr. Alton Long
Long Beach Station LLC
Mrs. Mary Kevin Loper
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lott Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lovell
Ms. Joan C. Lovett
Ms. Kelly M. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott Lowe
Mr. Travis Dewayne Lowe
Ms. Janel Alexis Lowman
Mr. Richard Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lowry
Mr. David Joseph Lowther
Mr. and Mrs. Robin H. Luce
Lucedale Tire Company Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Luffey
Mr. Ruben J. Lugo
Mr. Kin H. Lum
Ms. Joan M. Lundquist
Ms. Rachel Newberry Lunsford
Ms. Elizabeth H. Luscher
Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Luscher
Dr. Arnold Luterman
Ms. Darby Gay Luxenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas R. Lyborg
Ms. Jeannette Lymon
Mr. Kent Michael Lynam
Ms. Kelley Marlene Lynd
Mrs. Laureen Hendry Lynn
Lyon Fry Cadden Insurance Agency Inc.
Gaylord C. Lyon Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lyon
Ms. Libba Lyon
Mr. Steven Dale Lyon
Ms. Stephanie Eltsner Lyons
Mr. Mitchel Lee Mace
Mr. Clay Michael Machen
Mr. Michael Don Machen
Mr. Michael Alan MacIver
Madback Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Madden Sr.
Mr. Matthew James Madere
Mrs. Alice Gould Madison
Dr. Paul Maertens
Dr. Jeanne D. Maes and
Mr. Dennis M. Gassert
Ms. Darshana Shilpa Magan
Ms. Beth Mager
Ms. Katherine C. Maher
Mr. William C. and Joan Mahone
Ms. Rebecca Maisel
Dr. Claire Corinne Major
Mr. Clinton Smoot Major
Dr. Kelly M. Major
Ms. Edythe Makin
Mr. Srikanth Reddy Mallepally
Mr. Edward Anthony Malone
Ms. Nora C. Manderson
Mr. James Manginelli
Mr. and Mrs. Manicke
Mr. Gregory B. Manley
Mr. William Robert Mann
Dr. Darrell Bryan Manning
Dean and Teri Mansfield
Ms. Patricia B. Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Maples
Ms. Wendy Stuart Maples
Ms. Maria Marbus
Mr. Robert A. Marcet
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mareno
Mr. and Mrs. John Mareska
Ms. Denise M. Marinilli
Dr. Patricia F. Mark and
Mr. Michael E. Mark
Mr. Gerald L. Marlowe
Marriott Hotels
Dr. Ellis Eugene Marsh III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Marston
Dr. Elizabeth Fox Martin
Ms. Frances Marian Martin
Mr. Jeffrey W. Martin
Johnny and Wanda Martin
Ms. Sherry L. Martin
Ms. Tara Caroline Martin
Ms. Virginia L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anthony Martina
Mr. and Ms. Raymond E. Masker
Mrs. Earline V. Mason
Mr. Robert W. Massey
Mr. and Ms. William T. Massingill
Master Cleaners Laundry LLC
Ms. Martha M. Matherne
Mr. Allen Mathis
Ms. Summer Leigh Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mattei
Ms. Beatrice Mary Matthews
Ms. Charlotte Tagert Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Mack O. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Matthews
Mr. Michael P. Mavromihalis
Mr. James Roland May
Dr. Takiko Monica May
Mr. and Mrs. William J. May
Mr. Frank H. Mayer
Mr. Roman D Mayer
Ms. Jocelyn A. Mayfield
Mr. Andrew Mazey
Mr. Max M. Mazzarella Sr. PE
Ms. Tracy Denise McArthur
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. McBrearty
Mr. Larry Wayne McBride
Ms. Pauline A. McBride
Mr. Robert E. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McCafferty III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. McCall
Mr. Charles Dennis McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. McCann
Ms. Althea Woodyard McCants
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCarter
Mr. Michael T. McCarty
Ms. Joan H. McCarver
Mr. Johnnie Leon McClellan
Mr. Steven B. McClellan
Dr. P. Graham McClintock Jr.
Dr. John J. McCloskey
Steve and Susan McClure
Ms. Dorothy Hope McClurg
Mr. Andre V. McConico
Mr. Gary Wayne McCormack
Mr. James W. McCormack
Mr. John Paul McCormick
Mr. T. Vance McCown
Mr. and Ms. Eric Ashley McCraney
Ms. Stephanie M. McDaniel
Mr. Steven Douglas McDavid
Dr. and Mrs. John M. McDonald
Mr. James Ernest McElroy
Mr. Kevin B. McElroy
McFadden, Lyon, and Rouse LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McFadyen Sr.
Mr. Robert Roy McGhee
Mr. and Ms. Bill McGough
Mr. Wilson Walter McGriff
Ms. Katie McGuire
Mr. Arch N. McIntosh
Ms. Ann Valencia McIntyre
Dr. Jonah Matthew McIntyre
Dr. Dorothy McIver and Mr. Fred McIver
Mr. Scott Walter McKean
Dr. Michael E. McKeever and
Ms. Stephanie J. Wong-McKeever
Mr. David Mert McKeithen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKenny
Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick McKeown
Drs. Aaron B. and Joanna A. McKinley
Mr. Barry Nelson McKinley
Ms. Julia Pond McKinnell
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy E. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. McKinstry
Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. McLean
Mrs. Connie D. McLean
Mr. John Buckley McLean
Mr. and Mrs. John L. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. McLean
Mr. Edward L. McLeod
Mr. and Ms. Roy Daniel McLeod
Mrs. Tracey Denise McMackin
Ms. Aurelia B. McMahon
Mr. Steven P. McMahon
Ms. Cynthia McMillan
Mr. John Robert McMillan
Ms. Renetta Harris McMillan
Ms. Lori D. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMurray
Mr. Ivan F. McMurtry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stephen McNair
Mr. and Mrs. William H. McNeill II
Mr. Dustin R. McNew
Mr. Cecil Dwight McPhaul
Dr. Sherry Morgan Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Meaher
MediClick Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Medveal III
Ms. Martha R. Meier
Mr. Irving David Meisler
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Mello
Mr. James Donald Melton
Mr. William D. Melton
Mr. Thomas J. Mercado
Mercedes-Benz of Mobile
Mr. James Bennett Meredeth
Dr. Brandy E. Merritt
Mr. Edward Thomas Merry Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Breck D. Messer
Pete and Lisa Mestas
Metzger’s Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Edward Metzger
Mrs. Lindsay L. Meyer
Mr. Randall Henry Meyer
Lloyd and Aimee Meyers
Mr. Paul Leon Meynard
Ms. Joann Deloris Mickles
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Sandra S. Middleton
Mrs. Barbara Unger Midkiff
Miller & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren Miller
Mr. Daniel B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Miller
Ms. Gwendolyn Marie Miller
Mr. J. Richard Miller III
Mr. James Lawrence Miller
Mr. John Miller
Mr. Joshua A. Miller
Ms. Judith Zellner Miller
Ms. Kimberly Crumpton Miller
Mr. Larry Christopher Miller
Mrs. Marcy Sherman Miller
Mr. Michael Bruce Miller
Mr. Richard E. Miller Jr.
Mr. Robert W. Miller Jr.
Mr. Ruben L. Miller
Ms. Sally A. Miller
Ms. Susan Ross Miller
Mr. Tony E. Miller
Mr. Victor Coughy Miller
Ms. Virginia Sherrod Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Pitman Milling
Ms. Andrea S. Mills
Mr. William Franklin Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milstead
Mrs. Lee Milstead
Ms. Amanda Jane Mims
John Mincy
Mr. Michael E. Mink and
Ms. Jenny M. Lee
Ms. Gail Stewart Mire
Ms. Janice Loretta Mires
Dr. and Mrs. Prashant V. Mishra
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mitchell
Mobile AL Office of Disability
Adjudication & Review
Mobile Greyhound Park
Mobile International Festival
Mobile Alabama Bowl Inc.
Mobile Bar Pilots LLC
Mobile Bay Ob-Gyn Center PC
Mobile Pathology Group PA
Mobile Rosin Oil Company Inc.
Ms. Sharon Elaine Moffatt
Dr. Clarence L. Mohr
Mr. Ken Lee Mohr
Mr. Chia Loong Mok
Dr. Dorothy C. Mollise and
Mr. Rodney F. Mollise
Mrs. Gale Moltzen
Mr. Joseph I. Molyneux
Mr. Richard A. Moman
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Montee
Mrs. Gloria Moody
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald F. Moody
Mr. Paul R. Moon
Moore Law Office PLLC
Mr. Carlos Eugene Moore
Ms. Ethel P. Moore
Mr. George Joseph Moore
Jeremy Pierson Moore
Ms. JoAnn Moore
Dr. Laura M. Moore
Ms. Opal Gill Moore
Ms. Pamela L. Moore
Ms. Rita Richburg Moore
Dr. Robert E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Moore
Because these assets may be subject to heavy taxation
when passed to heirs, they are wonderful assets to
consider using for charitable giving. A gift can be
made simply by designating USA as a beneficiary of a
retirement plan. If, however, you meet the minimum
age for withdrawals and would benefit from a
deduction to use against your current taxes, you
might also consider a lifetime distribution to USA.
Due to the dynamic nature of the law, you should
consult your tax advisor prior to making such a gift.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Moore Jr.
Mrs. Hannah G. Moran
Morfield Entertainment LLC
Morgan Stanley
Ms. Ashley D. Morgan
Mr. Henry W. Morgan
Mr. Kevin Gerard Morgan
Mrs. Veronica Walker Morgan
Mr. Stephen Joseph Morisani
Ms. Denna Owens Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Morris
Mr. Ronald Howard Morris
Mr. Sammie Ray Morris
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Morris Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Spittler Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Morrison
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morrissette
Ms. Miriam O. Morrow
Dr. John Lawrence Moses
Ms. Brenda Mosley
Ms. Gayle Thompson Mosley
Mr. David Kent Mosow
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Moss
Mr. Michael B. Moss
Dr. Roger Henry Moss Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Mostellar
Mr. James C. Mostellar
Ms. Rhea S. Mostellar
Mrs. Robin Mostellar
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mosteller
Mr. Marc Andre Mouner
Freddie C. Mount
Drs. R. G. and Margaret H. Mowry
Joseph P. Mozur
Mrs. Lisa’s Gymnastics &
Cheerleading Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Muir
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mulherin III
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Mulhern
Ms. Betty Good Mullek
Dr. Chris D. Mullenix
Mullet Wrapper Inc.
Mr. Paul Ryland Murden
Mr. Barry Wayne Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jason Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradley Murray
Mrs. Tory Murray
Mr. Garry Colis Murrill
Ms. Deborah J. Musgrove
Ms. Shannon Leigh Mustin
Dr. Charlene Marie Myers
Myriad Genetics Inc.
NES Equipment Rental LP
Eric M. Nager
Ms. Donna-Lee Nattress
Ms. Judith M. Naylor
Mr. Ricky Joe Naylor
Mr. Rick H. Neal II
Mr. Horace G. Nealy III
Dr. Teresa Neff
Ms. Julie Matranga Neidhardt
Mrs. Carol M. Nelson
Mr. Charles Edward Nelson
Mrs. Deanna K. Nelson
Ms. Shannon B. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Nelson
New Grand Bay Pharmacy LLC
Newbern Consulting Group LLC
Mrs. Deborah Stalcup Newberry
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Newberry
Mr. Howard David Newman
Jim and Stacy Newman
nfina Technologies Inc.
Mr. Huy Dinh Nguyen
Dr. Sinead M. Ni Chadhain
Mr. David A. Nicholas and
Ms. Ashley H. Leachman
Ms. Patricia Gorrell Nicholas
Dr. Christopher Eugene Nicholls
Mr. Kenneth J. Nicholls
Mr. Jeffry Michel Nichols
Ms. Tina Nicholson
Mr. John Martin Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Nielsen
Mr. Michael George Nikolakis
Dr. Allen R. Nissenson
Mr. Richard Lee Nixon
Ms. Cynthia Lou Nobles
Mr. James Terry Nobles
Dr. Patrick Eugene Nolan
Mr. Gary W. Nolen
Mr. Shannon D. Norden
Dr. Phillip Mark Norrell
Mr. Michael C. Norris
34 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mrs. Shantarry D. Norris-Griggs
North River Ear Nose and Throat PC
Mr. Edward North
Mr. John Edward Norton
Ken Norton
Ms. Pamela M. Norton
Ms. Linda Zuzul Norwood
Nudraulix Inc.
Ms. Brenda Waters O’Brien
Dr. John J. O’Brien
Mr. Patrick O’Day
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. O’Donnell
Ms. Casey O’Donnell
Ms. Kristen T. O’Donnell
Ms. Catherine A. O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. O’Melia
Ms. Sudie O’Neal
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oaks
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
Ms. Anita M. Odom
Ms. Cassandra M. Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Odom Jr.
Mrs. Mari West Odom
Mr. Michael Frank Odom
Dr. Sesi Ogunbi
Ms. Maurice R. Olewnik
Ms. Barbara Hoch Oliver
Mr. Edward Oliver and Ms. Janice Enzor
Mr. and Mrs. Everett James Oliver
Mr. John T. Oliver Jr.
Mr. Robert C. Olsen Jr.
Order of LaShe’s
Mr. Nicolas A. Orleans
Ms. Tammy L. Orso
Mr. Brad A. Osborne
Ms. Kelly M. Osterbind
Ms. Elizabeth L. Otts
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Otts
The Outdoor Exchange LLC
Outlaw Plastic Surgery
Ms. Kathleen Marie Ouzts
Mr. Paul R. Overstreet
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Owen III
Mr. Hayrettin Ozkaya
PCH Hotels and Resorts Inc.
PMT Publishing Inc.
Mr. David A. Pace
Dr. Eddie N. Pace
Ms. Laura Jean Page
Paint Party Studios LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Srinivas Palanki
Mr. Anirudh Palla
Palmetto Tree
Ms. Emily P. Panayiotou
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis K. Pannell
Mr. John P. Pannelli
Mr. Robert E. Pannone Jr.
Ms. Rebecca Ann Papa
Ms. Maria Norma Papp
Dr. Kyeong Park
Mr. Brett Christopher Parker
Mr. Byron Heath Parker
Mr. Gary Parker
Dr. Gregory Keith Parker
Dr. James Courtney Parker
Mr. James H. Parker and
Ms. Kimberly J. Savell
Mr. and Mrs. John Jake Parker
Ms. Kimberly New Parker
Mr. Michael Treadwell Parker
Ms. Robin A. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Parker Jr.
Dr. Sarah S. Parker
Dr. Charles Andrew Parrish
Ms. Glenda Brannon Parrish
Celia and David Partlow
Mrs. Particia Partlow
Mr. Steve D. Paschall
Ms. Julia C. Pate
Ms. Eva Faye Patrick
Ms. Helen C. Patronis
Mr. Eric Clayton Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Patterson
Dr. William Patterson
Ms. Denise Duncan Patton
Ms. Renee Paul
Mr. Bret Alan Paulk
Mr. John Henry Payne
Ms. Kay Peace
Drs. A. W. Pearsall IV and
Desiree Soter-Pearsall
Dr. David Middleton Pearsall
Ms. Dominique C. Pearsall
Mr. Keith Atlee Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John Peavy
Mr. Carlos J. Suate Pedroza
Mr. Emory Bush Peebles III
Dr. Anthony John Pelezo
The Pelican Group Inc.
Dr. Angela Michelle Pence
Mr. Richard M. Pennington Jr.
Dr. Cody H. Penrod
Mr. Mike Penrod
Ms. Marcy S. Perdue
Dr. Federico A. Perez-Pineda
Performance Contractors
Performance Distributing
Mr. Rogery Perine
Mr. J. Craig Perloff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Perrette
Mr. Allan Perrone
Ms. Amy Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Perry
Ms. Lisa R. Perry
Mark and Susie Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Perry
Mrs. Kelly D. Peters
Ms. Carol Delahunt Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Peterson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Petitt
Mr. Richard Clyde Pettus
Ms. Kimberly Michelle Pettway
Dr. Frank S. Pettyjohn
Mr. and Mrs. Ananias Petway Jr.
Ms. Amy Phenix
Ms. Beverly C. Phifer
Mr. Charles L. Phillips
Mrs. Naomi O’Brien Phillips
Mr. Olan Edwin Phillips
Mr. Ronald L. Phillips
Ms. Sandra Phillips
Dr. Susan Jane Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Phillips
The Physiatry Group
Mr. Britt Pickett
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Picou
Mr. David W. Pierce
Mrs. Dorothy L. Pieroni
Mr. and Ms. Dalton Ross Pigg
Mrs. Mary Marchand Pigorsch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Pike
Dr. Cornelius Pillen
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Alan Pilot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pinckard
Mr. Daryl Scott Piner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pinkerton Jr.
Pinnacle Brain & Spine Center
Mr. James Stacy Piper
Mrs. Amy Ferguson Pipes
Dr. James K. Pitcock and
Mrs. Cynthia Zipperly
Dr. Frank James Pitruzzello
Ms. Melanie Pitson
Mr. Christopher V. Piumelli
Platinum Holdings Inc.
Mr. Means W. Platt
Play Time Development Center
Mr. Hunter Plott
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Plummer
Mr. Donald L. Plunkett
Ms. Rochelle Renee Plutchak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawrence Pocase
Point Clear Insurance Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Poiroux Jr.
Mr. Bruce Pollack
Mr. Frank Dominick Pollara
Pollman’s Bake Shops Inc.
Mr. Prashanth Goud Polu
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwin Pond
Ponder Landscape & Lawn
Management Inc.
Dr. Ananthasekar Ponnambalam
Ms. Audrey R. Poore
Mr. John Michael Poore
Mr. John Porter
Mr. Jon Michael Porter
Mr. Leo Gerald Pose Jr.
Ms. Glenda Pouliot
Mrs. Rosa Mary Powe
Ms. Debra Lynn Powell
Mr. Donald C. Powell and
Dr. Laura A. Powell
Ms. Kelly Powell
Mr. Ricky Duane Powell
Mrs. Shelley S. Powell
Dr. William Arnold Powell
Ms. Ansleigh S. Power
Mr. Raleigh B. Power
Powerhouse All Star Cheer &
Fitness LLC
Dr. Sean Powers
Mr. Brett G. Pransky
Precision IBC
Gregory L. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Prescott
Mr. James Loren Price
Ms. Kay Price
Mr. M. D. Price III
Mrs. Virginia S. Price
Primary Care Center of Monroeville
Ms. Suzanne W. Pritchett
Pro Assurance Indemnity Inc.
Professional Collison Springhill
Mr. Scott Alan Prouty
Mr. William Charles Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Pruna
Publix Super Markets Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Pugh
Mr. Roderick M. Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Pugh
Mrs. Sandy Ann Puig
Mr. William Casimiar Pulaski
Mr. Balaram Puligandla
Mr. Jerry Lloyd Pulliam
Pulmonary Associates of Mobile PC
Mr. Thomas Joe Purvis
Dr. Maggie Pyle
Ms. Cynthia Ann Re
Mr. James Michael Ready
Mr. and Mrs. Kenney Stephen Ready
Ms. Carol Ann Reams
Mr. Michael R. Reed
Mr. Gerald Reeves
Ms. Wilma Caroline Reeves
Mrs. Annette Rehm
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rehm
Dr. William M. Reichert
Ms. Susan Ann Reinhardt
Renaissance Riverview Plaza Hotel
Mrs. Michele Renault-Rutt
Ms. Corrine F. Rentschler
Ms. Donna Lowrey Revel
Mr. Albert Emory Reynolds IV
Mr. David Edwin Reynolds
Mr. Timothy P. Reynolds
Dr. Rosemary Rhodes and
Mr. Joseph L. Rhodes Sr.
Mr. James Thomas Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Rich
Ms. Alison Stevens Richardson
Mr. William G. Robertson
Ms. Allison Robinson
Mrs. Amy Redisch Robinson
Ms. Elsie Mae Robinson
Mr. Gregory P. Robinson
Ms. Karen Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Robinson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Rocconi
Mr. Phillip G. Roche
Dr. Kathryn Pregerson Rodan
Mr. Curtis Clayton Rodgers
Ms. Tiki Tuanne Rodgers
Dr. Harold V. Rodriguez
Mrs. Catherine Holland Roe
Ms. Kimberlea Anne Roe
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rogers
Mrs. Laura Poole Rogers
Ms. Mary E. Rogers
Mrs. Pamela Ann Rogers-Frink
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Rogers
Dr. Richard B. Rogers
Mr. John Jay Rohde
Rossler Law Firm LLC
Ms. Krista Elaine Rossow
Ms. Jessica L. Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas John Roussos
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Rowe
Mr. Michael J. Rowe and
Ms. Jennifer H. Danner
Ms. Nancy Louise Rowell
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamar Rowell
Mr. David Rubey
Mr. Howard Rubin
Mr. John L. Rudikoff
Ms. Susan Kimbrough Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lee Ruland
Mr. Calvin Rumph
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rush
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Russ
Mr. Buddy Russell
Mrs. Elise Daniel Russell
Dr. John R. Russell
Ms. Rebecca Marie Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Walter G. Rusyniak Jr.
Ms. Judy M. Rutherford
Joseph D. Richardson
Ms. Ranita Richburg
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arthur Rickert
Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Riddick
Ms. Pamela C. Ridgeway
Dr. Bettina Hornbuckle Riley
Dr. Christine Rinne
Mr. Matthew Scott Ritchie
Mr. Stuart Detwiler Ritter
Dr. Sean Michael Roark
Rob Berglin Catering LLC
Mr. Gary Paul Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Travis C. Roberts
Dr. Martin L. Rohling
Mrs. Frieda M. Romanchuk
Mr. John Lawrence Romanos
Ms. Stephanie Diane Romero
Dr. Juan Felix Ronderos
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Roote
Dr. Julie Dean Rosati
Mr. Robert James Rosati
Mrs. Shelley R. Rosenberg
Mr. Alvin Rosenblum
Mr. Leon Roshell
Ms. Carolyn A. Ross
Mr. Herman K. Ross
Ms. Paula Thompson Ross
Dr. Robert Layne Ross III
Mr. and Mrs. Willard W. Rutledge
Mr. Curtis Lee Rye
Dr. Eugene A. Quindlen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marshall Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. Michael John Quinn
REMAX Advantage
REMCO Industrial Piping Materials Inc.
Ms. Bobbie Ann Holt Ragler
Dr. Arifur Rahman
Mr. Curtis Monroe Railey
Mr. Michael L. Ramanauskas
Ms. Helen Leigh Ramsay
Ms. Frances G. Rankin
Ms. Sidra Rasool
Mr. Nicholas G. Rauch
Mrs. Mindy S. Rayburn
Raymond James
The SSI Group Inc.
Brad and Shea Sadler
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Salazar
Mr. Pablo Jose Salazar
Mr. Emeel Badie Salem
Ms. Emily Sharlene Saliba
Salon West 54 Hundred LLC
Dr. Rosalyn Jongebloed Salter
Ms. Ruth M. Salter
Ms. Susanna Julia Salter
Mr. Emmanuel Samedi
Ms. Evelyn Sanders Samples
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sanders
Ms. Janet Elaine Sanders
Dr. Justin Marshall Sanders
Mr. Kenneth T. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Sanders II
Dr. and Ms. Michael Kevin Sanders
Ms. Marie Sanderson
Mrs. Sharla E. Sanderson
Mr. David Ryan Sandy
Dr. Janyce Marie Sanford
Dr. Susan Pitts Santoli
Mrs. Joan S. Sapp-Mitchell
Mr. Anthony A. Sarradet
Mrs. Kathi A. Sarter
Mr. Travis Benjamin Sasser
Mr. Arunkumar Satyanarayana
Saucy Q Bar B Que
Mr. Michael E. Saulters
Mr. Billy Wayne Savage
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Savell
Dr. Richard Harris Sawyer
Mrs. Laura A. Sayles
Mr. Michael Anthony Scabet
Dr. Jennifer M. Scalici
Mr. Bill Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Schaffer
Ms. Theresa Larson Scheetz
Ms. Kathryn A. Scheldt
Schematic Boutique LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Schemensky
Ms. Alison Kendley Schemmer
Ms. Elizabeth L. Schiavoni
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schmitz
Mr. Craig Schmucker
Schneider Insurance Agency Inc.
Mr. George Gray Schneider
Mr. Jack Richard Schodlbauer Jr.
Ms. Tracey Eble Schoenberger
Ms. Ina Maria Schonenberg
Dr. Benjamin Powell Schrubbe
Ms. Lenore Schupak
Dr. Nina D. Schwartz
Mr. David Schwarz
Mrs. Sarah E. Landman Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Scott
Dr. Jeremy S. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Scott
Mr. Sidney Coleman Seale
Ms. Edwena Love Seals
Mr. William T. Sealy
Ms. Lisa J. Seay
Ms. Uyen Seevers
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Segal
Mr. Fernando J. Segarra and
Ms. Christa M. Pruitt
Ms. Vicki Claire Seibert
Ms. Jacqueline M. Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Seltzer
Mr. Oliver J. Semmes III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Semmes
Dr. Henry Charles Semple
Ms. Shelley Lynn Sendelbach
Dr. and Mrs. Marion Sennett
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Lynwood Sergeant
Servis First Bank
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sessions
Mr. Steven C. Setterstrom
Bob and Carol Sharp
Mr. Randall S. Sharp
Ms. Kathleen McNeill Shaw
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Shaw
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Shearer
Mr. George P. Shedd
Ms. Patricia Karen Sheffield
Dr. Charles H. and
Mrs. Marie Zeller Shelton
Dr. Chuen Cheh Shen
Mr. Richard R. Sherer
Mrs. Valgerdur J. Sherer
Sheridan Construction Corporation
Dr. Craig D. Sherman
Mrs. Jean Outlaw Sherman
Dr. Timothy David Sherman
Dr. Tracy Sherman
Joseph E. Shewmake
Ms. Ivy Odette Shinn
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shipp
Ms. Anita Ayers Shirah
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Shirah IV
Ms. Barbara J. Shirvanian
Mr. Gregory L. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shultz
Mrs. Jody L. Sidle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Siefert
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Siegel
Mr. Don Carlos Sikes
Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Silcox
Silver Ventures Inc.
Ms. Tracy Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Silverstein
Ms. Mui-Kian Sim
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk B. Simm
Mr. and Mrs. George Simmerman
Dr. Carl Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Simmons Jr.
Mr. Richard Lynn Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Simms
Ms. Jennifer Leblanc Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry U. Sims Sr.
Mr. Scott Sims
Ms. Sheryl Sims
Ms. Seema Singh
Ms. Charlotte Singleton
Mr. E. Nelson Singleton
Mr. and Ms. Jack Singleton
Lynn Kerr Singleton
Dr. John Thomas Sinnott IV
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Siotis
Mrs. Suzette M. Sirchia
Sirius Technical Services Inc.
Mr. Terrence J. Silva
Ms. Anita Ritchie Sirmon
Mr. Benjamin R. Slater
Slaton Enterprises LLC
Bailey and Susan Slaton
Mr. Gordon Ross Smart
Mr. Carr Joseph Smith
Mr. Charles D. Smith
Mr. Charles Edward Smith
Mr. Curtis Raymond Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Smith
Mr. Gregory Hartwell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith
Mr. Kedric L. Smith
Ms. Laura E. Smith
Mrs. Lori L. Smith
Ms. Shirley Ann Smith
Mr. Stephen Andrew Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil L. Sockwell
36 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Sockwell Jr.
Mr. Lior Sofer
Software Technology Inc.
Dr. Suzana Sogorovic and
Mr. Aleksandar Sogorovic
Mr. John Samuel Solberger
Ms. Sara J. Soleymani
Mr. Paul E. Sonnier Jr.
Mr. Paul Joseph Sousa
South Alabama Regional Planning
Southern Golf Tours
Southland Properties LLC
Mr. Stephen M. Sparks
Mr. Robert Jeffery Spaulding
Special Cutters & Grinding Inc.
Mrs. Margaret Speeker-Cruit
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy D. Speller
Mrs. Lamonica Antoinette Spivey
Springhill Hospitals
Mr. John A. Sprinkle
Mr. and Ms. Donald Wesley Sprouse
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Glenn Stabler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stacey
Mr. Bobby Jon Stage
Mr. and Mrs. L. Page Stalcup III
Ms. Cheryl Denice Stallone
Dr. Cindy L. Stanfield and
Mr. James H. Stanfield
Mr. Mark Franklin Staples
Mr. David Michael Stapleton
Starr’s Farm
Ms. Mary Ann Statkewicz
The Honorable and
Mrs. William H. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Steelman Jr.
Ms. Tammie Lynn Stefanko
Dr. Felicia Beth Stella
Ms. Missy Stephens
Mr. Robert A. Stephenson
Ms. Marva L. Sterling
Mr. Gary Joseph Stevens
Ms. Kathryn Elizabeth Stevens
Dr. Troy Stevens
Mr. Eric J. Steward
Ms. Aisha S. Stewart
Mr. James E. Stewart Jr.
Mr. Paul Alan Stewart
Ms. Alicia Kennon Stimpson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob E. Stimpson
Carl and Polly Stokley
Mr. and Mrs. Scotty D. Stokley
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Stoll
Mr. Ben H. Stone
Mr. Michael Brian Stowe
Mr. Danny Capps Strachan
Mr. Mike Nickolas Stratas
The Strickland Family
Mr. Britt Joseph Strong
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stuardi III
Mrs. Kelly Gibson Stuart
Ms. Joann Stubbs
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stump
Ms. Jennifer Styron
Dr. Ronald A. Styron Jr.
Mr. Fred Sudeiha
Sullivan Appraisal Inc.
Mr. Frank C. Sullivan III and
Ms. Christine H. Murray
Ms. Judy Hill Sullivan
Mr. Patrice Lawayne Sullivan
Mrs. Melanie Hart Sumerlin
Mrs. Lucy C. Summerford
Ms. G. Holly Summerour
Mr. Richard Michael Sumrall
Ms. Rhesa S. Sumrell
Sunrise Network Solutions Inc.
Sunspot Frozen Yogurt
Surety Land Title Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Surline
Ms. Melanie Rosner Susman
Mr. Michel Lucien Sussman
Mr. Jason E. Sutterfield
Mr. and Ms. David Andrew Sutton
Mr. Richard Jeffrey Swansburg
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Swanzy
Ms. Michelle Ann Swearingen
Mr. Gerrett D. Swearingten
Sweat Tire Company of Mobile Inc.
Ms. Glenda N. Sweeney
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Sweeney Jr.
Mr. David Franklin Sweet
Swift Biotechnology LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Swift Jr.
Mr. Keith Swindoll
Mrs. Allison Marie Swinney
Ms. Marian Patrick Swint
Mr. Vincent E. Sykes
Ms. Carly Sylvest
Dr. Nicholas D. Sylvester III
Mr. Kenneth Edward Sylvia
Symbol Health Solutions
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Bryant Syslo
TES Contracting Inc.
TNT Events
Ms. Georgette Schaff Tacheny
Dr. Ming Tan
Mr. Greg Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Leamon O. Tanner
Ms. Paige Mccrory Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Tapley
Mr. John Hugh Tapley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrell Demare Tate
Mr. Thomas Alvin Tate
Ms. Vicki L. Tate
Mrs. Linda Mulholland Taul
Dr. Carolyn Taylor
Ms. Dolores T. Taylor
Mr. James Franklin Taylor
Ms. Maggie L. Taylor
Melissa F. Taylor
Mr. Michael Paul Taylor
Mrs. Patsy Taylor
Mr. Ricky Lamon Taylor
Mr. Sean Michael Taylor
Mr. Shawn L. Taylor
Dr. Tracey L. Taylor
Teague Construction System Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Teague
Tech CO2 LLC
Ms. Rachel Teitelbaum
Dr. M. Ross Tekulve
Ms. Shweta Tellicherry
Mrs. Carol Teplick
Mrs. Rebecca Fleming Terrell
Terry Jones & Associates PC
Ms. Lindsey R. Terry
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Terry
Ms. Lidia Terziotti
Texas Instruments Foundation
Mr. Norman Thacker
Thames Batre’ Mattei Beville & Ison
Ms. Rose Marie Theis
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Theodore
Mrs. Robin B. Thetford
Mrs. Cynthia Thibeau
Dr. James Carey Thigpen Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Michael Thomas Jr.
Mr. John Douglas Thomas
Ms. Stephanie Clarise Thomas
Ms. Stephanie Lenore Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Geiger Thomas Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Floyd Thomasson
The Thompson Foundation
Thompson Holdings Foundation
Ms. Beatrice Smith Thompson
Ms. Cheryl L. Thompson
Mr. Chris Thompson and
Ms. Selina J. Moore
Mrs. Deborah M. Thompson
Mr. Glenn Anthony Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Walton Thompson
Mr. Mark Aaron Thompson
Mrs. Sarah Marshall Greene Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Thurber III
ThyssenKrupp Steel USA LLC
Mrs. Blythe Clark Tiblier
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Tillman
Mr. Leonard Charles Tillman
Mr. Richard Allen Tillman
Tim Morales & Associates
Mr. Michael Joseph Tingle
Mr. and Mrs. Wade A. Tippins Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rupert Tipton
Mr. Michael E. Titford
Mr. Kevin Meinrad Toenes
Mr. Donald Ray Tolbert
Mrs. Merrie Ann Betbeze Tolbert
Mr. Patrick Eugene Tolbert
E.M. & Anita Toler
Mr. William M. Tomai
Ms. Agnes Muscat Tomlinson
Ms. Lasonya Gordon Toney
Harold Torries
Ms. Jennifer Leigh Tosch
Mr. and Mrs. Travis L. Toth
Ms. Amy Schock Townsend
Mrs. Sandra Townsend
Dr. Mary I. Townsley
Ms. Mindy L. Trahan
Mr. Trinh Thuy Tran
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Traylor
Trent Bailey Photography
Dr. Joan E. Trey
Tri-State Maritime Services Inc.
Mrs. Suzanne Dorgan Trice
Trident Sales & Marketing Inc.
Mr. Jere Arland Trigg
Mr. David Alden Trimmier
Mr. and Ms. Al Trovinger
Trustmark National Bank
Mr. Mark Thomas Tschudy
Dr. Cathy M. Tuck-Muller
Ms. Jennifer Tomlinson Tullis
Ms. Erica D. Turner
Mr. James H. Turner
Mr. Johnny William Turner
Ms. Martha L. Turner
Mr. Patrick Dwayne Turner
Mr. Russell Patrick Turner
Ms. Nancy Moore Turnham
Dr. and Ms. Julio F. Turrens
Tuscaloosa County Medical Society
Tuscaloosa Internal Medicine LLC
Tuscalossa Tennis Association
Mr. J. Denny Tutwiler
Tyndall Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Wayne Tyson
USA Department of Physical Therapy
Class of 2013
USA Speech & Hearing Center
USA Volleyball Team
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Udelson
Mr. Michael Thomas Uliano
Mr. Steven Craig Underwood
University Church of Christ
Unlocking Potential LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Upton
Mr. Steve John Urbanek
Urgent Care by the Bay
Mr. John Frank Uvodich
Mr. Hamp Uzzelle III
Valence Health
Mr. Steven Paul Van Arsdale
Mrs. Tammy L. Van Arsdale
Dr. Leon J. Van Dyke and
Ms. Melissa D. Nissen
Dr. James Patrick Van Haneghan
Mr. Matthew Eric Van Vliet
Ms. Becky Senne Vance
Ms. Joan M. Vance
Mr. David Jennings Vanlandingham
Dr. Carol E. Vann
Dr. Sankoorikal L. Varghese
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Varner
Mr. Keith Larue Varnum
Dr. Jefferson Roger Vaughan
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Lynn Verlosch
Vickers, Riis, Murray & Curran LLC.
Mr. Talmai Owen Vickers Jr.
Mr. John Lawrence Vickery
Ms. Patricia Lee Vickery
Dr. Marta M. Vielhaber
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Vitulli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Voorhees
Mr. Nicholas A. Vrakelos
Mr. Mike G. Vrettos
Mr. Christopher J. Vuyovich
Mr. Chadrick Bobby Wade
Mr. Danny Clarence Wagner
Mr. Jay Wagnon
Waite’s Cleaners
Mr. Powell D. Waite and
Ms. Nicole M. Miller
George & Joan Waldron
Dr. Sue B. Walker and
Dr. Ronald Walker
Dr. Teresa Weeks Walker
Mr. Robert E. Wall
Dr. David L. Wallace
Ms. Sarah A. Wallace
Ms. Sharron G. Wallerstein
Ms. Ruby O’Bannon Wallinger
Mrs. Debbie Walmsley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walter
Mr. Joe William Walther III
Mrs. Carol F. Walton
Dr. Christopher James Walton
Ms. Elsie Marie Walton
Mrs. Leta Darlene Walton
Mr. Thomas Joseph Walton
Ms. Cheryl Y. Ward
Ms. Paula J. Petersen and
Mr. Shannon Patrick Ward
Warner Enterprises LLC
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Warren Sr.
Ms. Linda Pratt Warren
Mr. Robert S. Warren
The Wash House Restaurant LLC
Mr. Eddie Lawrence Washington
Ms. Lillian Wassman
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Watkins
Ms. Amy O. Watkiss
Ms. Ashley Brook Watson
Ms. Beverly Gaye Watson
Mr. Charles C. Watson
Ms. Judy C. Watson
Mrs. Nan Honour Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Watson Jr.
Ms. Schettler A. Watts
Wear Tek Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Weaver
Mr. John Ernest Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Mack C. Weaver III
Dr. Mark Weaver
Mr. Michael Weaver
Ms. Rachel M. Weaver
Dr. and Mrs. Carson Webb
Mr. Phillip R. Webb
Dr. David Scott Weber
Mr. Robert Mario Weede
Mr. Luke J. Weems
Mr. William T. Wegrzyn
Mr. Sidney Gray Weinacker
Mr. Evan R. Weinberg
Mr. Mark Edward Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Weiss
Mr. Donald William Welch
Lee and Shane Weldon
Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Weldon
Mr. Daniel Timmy Wells
Ms. Kelly J. Wells
Mr. Clarence Wentworth
Dr. Steven George Werdehoff
Mr. Robert Joseph Wermuth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wertheim
West Notifications Inc.
Dr. Christy Wheeler West
Mr. Keith Daniel West
Mr. Albert G. Westbrook
Bruce and Barbara Ann Westbrook
Mr. Gregory Allen Westbrook
Ms. Patricia Maria Westbrook
Ms. Mary Lou Westover
Mr. Christopher Wetta
Mr. Lee F. Whatley
Mr. and Mrs. Billie L. Wheat
Through this instrument a
fixed annuity is distributed
annually to USA for a
specified number of years.
At the end of the specified
term, the gift principal
is distributed to family
Ms. Malynda B. Wheat
Ms. Tammy L. Wheat
Ms. Gwendolyn White Wheeler
Ms. Kathy P. Wheeler
The Honorable A. Holmes Whiddon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Whiston
Dr. Carolyn Sue White
Mr. Clarence Horace White
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edward White
Dr. Kevin D. White
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wayne White Jr.
Ms. Nancy T. White
Mrs. Sherryll Henderson White
Mr. and Mrs. William E. White
Mr. Woodson C. Whitehead III
Dr. Richard Marion Whitehurst Jr.
Ms. Julie S. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wythe L. Whiting III
Mr. Howard E. Whitston
Mrs. Sheila Calametti Whitworth
Drs. Andrzej and Grazyna Wierzbicki
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Wiggins
Mr. Jonathan D. Wiggins
Mr. Josef Ross Wiggins
Dr. James Seymour Wike
Ms. Ruth Shearer Wilbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Wilcutt
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Wiles
Mr. Alfred Jackson Wilhite
Mrs. Carla Wilhite
Mr. and Ms. David Adamson Wiik
Wilkins Miller Hieronymus LLC
Dr. William C. Wilkerson
Mr. Charles M. Wilkes III and
Ms. Robyn E. Huff
Mr. Willie Bernard Wilkes
Ms. Beverly Joanne Wilkins
Mr. Matthew D. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Wilkinson Jr.
Mr. Willard A. Wilkinson
Mr. Robert Donald Williamon III
Dr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Williams
Mrs. Debbie Williams
Ms. Debbie Ann Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Williams
Ms. Donna B. Williams
Ms. Gayle H. Williams
Mr. Gregg Todd Williams
Ms. Gwendolyn M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. H. Andrew Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Williams Jr.
Dr. Jeral R. Williams
Ms. JoAnn Williams
Mr. and Dr. John C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williams
Ms. June Williams
Dr. Kimberly Ann Williams
Mrs. Linda F. Williams
Ms. Lissa D. Williams
Ms. Loretta D. Williams
Mrs. Lori Ann Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Williams Jr.
Ms. Mattie Cornner Williams
Ms. Summer Rye Williams
Dr. Susan Gayle Williams
Mr. and Ms. Richard D’Armond
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky D. Williams
Mr. Terrance J. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert M. Williamson Sr.
Mrs. Jane C. Williamson
Ms. Concetta Stanford Willis
Ms. Vivian Suzanne Willis
Wilson Family Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Bobbie Stuart Wilson
Mr. Bradford Munro Wilson
Mr. Chris Wilson
Dr. Cynthia Lee Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Wilson
Ms. Gloria Jannette Wilson
Mr. Lawrence Alvin Wilson
Ms. Mary Yeager Wilson
Mrs. Patricia Wilson
Mrs. Perilla Alexander Wilson
Mr. Peter Matthew Wilson
Dr. Peter S. Wilson
Mr. Roland L. Wilson
Mrs. Wendy S. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Neil E. Wimberley
Ms. Andrea C. Winborn
Mr. Bobby Fitzgerald Windham
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Wingard
Ms. Leslie Leann Griffin Winburn
Wink Inc.
Ms. Karen Lee Winn
Ms. Naomi L. Winterheld
Mr. and Mrs. Don Winterton
Wintzell’s Oyster House
Dr. Norma Carole Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wishon Jr.
Witherington Construction Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Witherington
Mr. Michael Paul Witt
Ms. Cristine Marie Wittendorfer
Mr. William Wollie Wolcott
Ms. Linden Sue Wolf
Mr. William Michael Wolfarth
Mrs. Lynda Wolfe
Ms. Mary C. Wollman
Mr. Frank Eugene Womack
Mrs. Carolyn F. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. David O. Wood
Ms. Kelly Michele Wood
Dr. Richard John Wood
Mrs. Kendyle Stout Woodard
Dr. Kelly C. Woodford and
Mr. Tom Woodford
Ms. Cynthia L. Woodham
Woodmen of the World Lodge 391
Mr. Dennis G. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Woods
Mr. Steve Woolley
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Woolley
Ms. Donna Marie Wooster
Ms. Brenda Womack Wright
Mr. Brian O’Neil Wright
Dr. Lynne Ann Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Wright
Ms. Shirley Jean Wright
Ms. Emily J. Wyatt
Dr. Nathan B. Wyatt
Xante Corporation
Ms. Carley R. Yarber
Yeager’s Professional Repair and
Service Center
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Yeager
Yellow House Inc.
Mrs. Alice B. Younce
Mr. James Younce
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Young
Dr. Jeffrey A. Young and
Ms. Debra L. Lovsin
Mr. Robert Morris Young
Mr. Roger James Young
Mr. Arthur L. Youngblood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Youngpeter
Mr. and Ms. Henry Max Zalopany
Ms. Marian Ann Zambrano
Mr. Mathias F. Zelenka
Mrs. Alke Tramplusch Zenkert
Mr. John E. Zentmeyer
Zito Russell Architects PC
Mr. Bobby B. Zivanov
Dr. Kimberly Zlomke
Ms. Mary J. Zoghby
Mr. Michael J. Zoghby Jr.
Ms. Angela Zozimo
Zundel’s Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey Zundel
Annual giving of
$1 to $99
Mr. Bruce W. Abner
Mrs. Elizabeth Eilers Abston
Ms. Caroline Adams
Mr. Edward C. Adams
Mr. Jasper J. Adams
Mr. and Ms. Michael A. Adams Jr.
Mrs. Nancy Blythe Adams
Mr. Robert Charles Adams
Ms. Ruby L. Adams
Ms. Sharon W. Adams
Mrs. Tonette K. Adams
38 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Ms. Veronica Diane Adams
Mrs. Lorrie Gibbons Addison
Mr. Frank W. Adkinson Jr.
Dr. Timothy P. Ahmadi
Mr. Walter Barclay Aikens
Mrs. Harriet Meriwether Aitken
Mr. Ajibola Babatunde Ajomale
Mrs. Vickie L. Akers
Mr. Lester D. Akridge
Dr. Waleed Al-Assadi
Ms. Kimberly Ann Al-Greene
Dr. Abu-Bakr Al-Mehdi
Mrs. Sherry D. Albert
Ms. Lauren E. Aldred
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Aldrich
Ms. Sondra Lorrainne Alexander
Mr. Jerry Alford
Ms. Debra Loretta Allan
Ms. Barbara S. Allen
Ms. Cordette Michelle Allen
Mrs. Estefania Palandjoglou Allen
Ms. Kathi Guy Allen
Mrs. Melissa Garratt Allen
Mrs. Nikki Calato Allen
Mrs. Donna A. Alley
Mr. Brian A. Allred
Mrs. Kathleen M. Almaney
Dr. Salim Alsharif
Dr. Diego F. Alvarez and
Ms. Liliana Fernandez
Mrs. Bonnie K. Alvey
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Aman
Ms. Barbara Ann Ambrose
Ms. Nancy Davis Ames
Mr. Ramesh Reddy Andela
Ms. Anita Driscoll Anderson
Ms. Cynthia Anderson
Mr. Douglas R. Anderson
Ms. Edna R. Anderson
Mrs. Lesley E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Anderson
Ms. Phyllis Renea Anderson
Mrs. Sandra R. Anderson
Ms. Sandra S. Anderson
Ms. Sharina M. Anderson
Dr. Stephanie J. Anderson
Mr. Tyler Matthew Anderson
Drs. Jeffry J. and Amanda I. Andresen
Ms. Ann M. Andrew
Ms. Amanda R. Andrews
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Kyle Andrews
Ms. Shirley Mae Andrews
Ms. Yvette L. Andrews
Ms. Vangie Mariea Anise
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gerard Ankersen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie J. Ankersen
Ms. Judi Ankiewicz
Ms. Joyce Antinarella
Ms. Dianna L. Archey
Ms. Dolores S. Archie
Mr. Robert J. Arendall Jr. and
Ms. Emily T. Brutkiewicz
Mr. Walsh Lott Arendall
Michael Armstrong
Ms. Tiffani M. Armstrong
Mr. Mark A. Arnett
Ms. Melanie S. Arnold
Mr. Benjamin Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Arrington
Dr. H. Morgan Ashurst
Mr. and Mrs. Grover E. Asmus
Mr. Taylor A. Atchison
Ms. Ruth S. Austill
Ms. Yvette G. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Auyang
Ms. Shirley E. Averett
Ms. Cathy Glaze Averette
Ms. Jennifer Ann Averitt
Ms. Christine Marie Avinger
Dr. Brian J. Axsmith
Mrs. Sara Ayers
Mr. Michael Olufolarin Ayokanmbi
Ms. Amanda R. Bacon
Ms. Susan Rebecca Badura
Mr. Quentin Baeur
Ms. Frances M. Bagby
Ms. Barbara B. Baggett
Mr. Scott Dewayne Baggett
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bagwell
Mr. Robert Larry Bagwell
Dr. M. Gahan Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bailey
Mrs. Karen J. Bailey
Mrs. Peggy Louise Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Bailey Jr.
Ms. Susan Todd Bailey
Ms. Susan B. Baird
Ms. Caitlin C. Baker
Ms. Deborah Lynn Baker
Ms. Emily L. Baker
Mr. Gordon R. Baker and
Ms. Petra G. Coleman
Mrs. Laura Baker
Ms. Rachelle Jamalla Baker
Ms. Susanne A. Baker
Ms. Suzanne W. Baker
Ms. Voletta Davis Baker
Baldwin Pole & Piling Company Inc.
Mrs. Sara R. Baldridge
Mr. Moses Mancil Baldwin
Ms. Patricia McWilliams Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Baldwin Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Baldwin Jr.
Ms. Anne Arden Ball
Ms. Catherine Coley Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ballard
Ms. Lucy M. Bamman
Mrs. Ginny Jeanette Bankov
Mr. Willie E. Banks
Mr. Frank Barbaree
Ms. Lydia Whitlock Barber
Ms. Janice M. Barge
Ms. Lisa Shalane Barker
Danny and Terri Barlar
Mrs. Kimberly D. Barnard
Ms. Carol A. Barnes
Mr. Forest O. Barnett
Mr. William Miles Barnett
Ms. Carol Barnette
Mr. Kyle A. Barrett
Mr. Robert A. Barrington and
Ms. Angela Y. Rayburn
Ms. Sarah E. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin Barrow
Ms. Carol Jean Barry
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Barter Jr.
Ms. Belinda Lynn Bartlett
Mr. Russell D. Bartlett
Mr. David H. Barton
Mr. Charles C. Baskin
Mr. Anthony Mark Basque
Mr. Kenneth K. Basque
Dr. Bassam A. Bassam
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Bassett
Ms. Cynthia Allen Batain
Mr. Bobby Joe Bates
Mr. Robin Ellis Bates
Mrs. Roxanne A. Bates
Ms. Anne R. Battey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Battiste
Mr. George F. Bauer
Ms. Sara P. Bauer
Ms. Brenda S. Baugh
Ms. Darcey Gayle Baugh
Ms. Donna Faye Baugh
Mr. Jason D. Baugher
Ms. Carly Baum
Ms. Jennifer Nicole Baumgarten
Mr. David Dean Baxter
Mrs. Rhonda Denise Baxter
Ms. Tonya Jean Beacham
Beacon Insurance Agency LLC
Ms. Patricia Melody Beam
Ms. April N. Beard
Mrs. Monica Lynn Beard
Ms. Francis Josey Bearry
Ms. Mary Ellen Beasley
Ms. Patricia Beasley
Mr. Rickey A. Beasley
Ms. Erin D. Beatty
Ms. Kathy Doss Beck
Ms. Stephanie L. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Becker
Mrs. Ann Smith Bedsole
Mr. and Mrs. Brendt C. Bedsole
Mrs. Vivian W. Beech
Gene and Dian Beitel
Mr. Gerald A. Beitman Jr.
Mr. Frank McKinley Bell IV
Mr. Fred Rudulph Bell III
Ms. Lisa Bell
Ms. Marjory R. Bell
Dr. Raymond L. Bell
Ms. Sangela Marie Bell
Ms. Tracy Cooper Bell
Bella Bria Salon Inc.
Ms. Stacey L. Bembry
Ms. Margaret J. Bemis
Mr. John T. Bender
Ms. Angelia L. Bendolph
Mrs. Linda Benes
Mr. David Benko
Ms. Jewel Bennett
Mrs. Roxanne Bennett
Ms. Jacqueline T. Benson
Mr. James Benson
Mrs. Julia Warren Benson
Ms. Stephanie Halladay Benson
Michelle Bunch Bentley
Ms. Georgiella F. Berg
Mr. Brandon M. Berger
Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Berger
Mr. Paul Michael Berry
Mr. Alexander A. Bertolla
Ms. Stacee Byrd Bertolla
Ms. Jewel Bertolotti
Mrs. Lauren Bertucci
Best Buy
Mr. William C. Bethea
Ms. Melissa Ann Beuk
Ms. Ansley Beverly
Dr. Samar K. Bhowmick
Ms. Suzanne M. Bihan
Mr. Harlen Billingsley
Ms. Sumner Billingsley
Mr. James Rutherford Birkbeck
Mrs. Jennifer M. Birkel
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey A. Bishop III
Ms. Christie L. Bishop
Mr. James Bishop
Mr. Robert Keith Bivens
Mrs. Susan M. Bixler
Mr. Ronald Hamilton Black
Mrs. Shannon Black
Ms. Kristin S. Blackerby
Mr. Dana Warren Blackmon
Mr. Michael Shane Blackwood
Mrs. Betty S. Blakeney
Ms. Patricia P. Blakeney
Ms. Angela Michelle Blakley
Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Bland
Ms. Valerie H. Blankenship
Ms. Kimberly Byrd Blankinchip
Mrs. Claudia Blanton
Mr. Louie J. Blaze
Ms. Melissa M. Blevins
Ms. Julie Blinbaum
Ms. Brenda Blodgett
Ms. Ariel Blorian
Ms. Simone Blunder
Mrs. Judith Bobo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bocek
Dr. and Mrs. C. Adrien Bodet
Ms. Angela S. Bodine
Mr. Christopher B. Bodree
Ms. Linda Bogolin
Mr. Anthony Louis Boguski
Mrs. Nina C. Bohl
Ms. Rachael A. Bolden
Mr. Michael N. Bolding
Mr. Gregory Lynn Bolin
Ms. Raesheena L. Boller
Ms. Barbara D. Bolton
Mr. Gabe Bolton
Ms. Jana Henriksen Bolton
Mr. Matthew W. Bonanno
Mrs. Kimberly Jean Bond
Mr. Richard P. Bonsignore
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boone
Mr. Michael Scott Boone
Ms. Thelma K. Boone
Ms. Susan Borchardt
Ms. Suzanne J. Bordeaux
Ms. Viola Bosarge
Ms. Harriett C. Boster
Ms. Mary J. Bouler
Ms. Mary Louise Bounds
Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Boutwell Jr.
Mrs. Alexandria King Bowen
Mrs. Martha Brown Bowers
Ms. Mary Lou Bowers
Mr. Fletcher L. Bowling
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Bowman
Mr. Michael Edward Box
Ms. Olivia Boyce
Ms. Judy E. Boyd
Michael A. Boyd MD
Ms. Cynthia Millsap Boykin
Ms. Dorothy Louise Boykin
Mr. and Mrs. George Harold Boyles
Mr. James Bozonelos
Ms. Anne L. Bracken
Ms. Sherilyn Brackett
Mrs. Brenda T. Brackins
Mrs. Carol Bracy
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Bradley
Ms. Tara Marie Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bradshaw III
Ms. Karin Siercke Bramlet
Ms. Martha W. Branch
Ms. Genetta Brand
Mr. William Joe Branning
Mr. Bobby G. Brasel
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Braswell
Mr. Joseph David Bratcher
Mr. James Brennan
Mr. Darcy Allen Brewer
Larry and Roxie Brewer
Mrs. Barbara A. Brewster
Mr. Jeffery Woodrow Brickhouse
Mr. James Sharell Bridgeforth
Dr. Latonia Vaness Bridges
Mr. Bradford Brightman Jr.
Mrs. Lillian C. Brining
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Brinson
Ms. Annie L. Brisbun
Ms. Andrea Lynn Britain
Dr. Mary Ellen Broach
Mrs. Lanita Marie Broadus
Mrs. Maureen Davis Broadway
Ms. Kathleen S. Brock
Ms. Greer Elyse Brody
Kathy B. Brogden
Mr. Richard Edward Brogdon
Mrs. Kathy Bronstein
Mrs. Carol M. Brook
Mr. Jason Lee Brooks
Ms. Kristina A. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brooks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Brooks
Howard and Barbara Broome
Mr. Cornelius L. Brothers
Ms. Diane Michelle Broughton
Ms. Rebecca L. Brower
Ms. Amy S. Brown
Ms. Barbara A. Brown
Ms. Elizabeth R. Brown
Ms. Elizabeth S. Brown
Ms. Jessica M. Brown
Mr. Jimmy Earl Brown Jr.
Mr. John Lee Brown
Ms. Karen Denise Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Brown
Mr. Larry Catledge Brown
Ms. Linda E. Brown
Mrs. Margaret Dyson Brown
Ms. Marilyn L. Brown
Ms. Mary Robin Brown
Mr. P. W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Brown
Ms. Stephanie Michelle Brown
Ms. Toni E. Brown
Mrs. Wanda J. Brown
Ms. Wendy C. Brown
Mr. Willie J. Brown
Ms. Irene Browning
Mr. Thomas N. Bru
Mrs. Elizabeth Winn Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Brunet
Mrs. Carolyn Sue Bryant
Ms. Cynthia Ann Bryant
Ms. Ellen L. Bryant
Ms. Mary Frances Bryant
Ms. Tina J. Bryant
Mr. Walter D. Bryant III
Mrs. Debra J. Bryars
Mr. Jimmy Dowling Buck
Ms. Marbury Deaton Buckhaults
Cate Buckley
Budget of Mobile LLC
Ms. Caroline E. Buerger
Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Buerger III
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Buffalow
Ms. Lisa Clair Bufford
Mr. James A. Buford Sr.
Ms. Lois Renee Buford
Ms. Sharon Kay Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Bullard III
Ms. Antoninette Marie Bullock
Ms. Cynthia D. Bumpers
Mr. Darrell Wayne Bumpers
Mr. Donald A. Bumpers
Mr. Andrew P. Bundt
Mr. Corey W. Bunn
Ms. Linda Griffin Burcham
Mr. Michael E. Burden
Mr. Quincy Burden Jr.
Ms. Suzanne Leigh Burden
Mr. Jeffrey W. Burdett
Mr. Sigfrido Burgos
Mrs. Patricia A. Burgum
Ms. Ellender W. Burkett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Burkholder Jr.
Ms. Dana M. Burleson
Mr. Richard Wesley Burns
Ms. Barbara D. Burrelll
Ms. Beverly Burris
Ms. Harriett S. Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Burroughs
Ms. Orlando Bug Burruss
Ms. Carrie Burton
Mr. Edwin Alston Burton
Ms. Vicky J. Burtt
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Busbee Jr.
Ms. Ciani N. Bush-Johnson
Ms. Doris Faye Bush
Ms. Janice Faye Bush
Mr. Marion C. Bush
Ms. Sarah E. Bush
Gary and Tina Butcher
Ms. Lynne M. Butcher
Ms. Anna Marie Butler
Mrs. Carra L. Butler
Mrs. Rose L. Butler
Ms. Venetia A. Butterfield
Dr. Katherine Anita Bydalek
Mr. William Fredrick Byerley
Ms. Cynthia D. Byrd
Ms. Kelly O. Byrd
Ms. Mary Byrd
Ms. Rebecca Byrd
Ms. Tracie Omer Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Reeve R. Cabral
Ms. Ellen Cacciapaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cadden
Mr. Dick Cahoon
Ms. Merideth Calazas
Mrs. Tonya Lomax Calbazana
Ms. Norma Black Calder
Ms. Nancy R. Calderone
Ms. Jelicka C. Caldwell
Ms. Patricia Renee Caldwell
Mr. Shaun Derrick Caldwell
Ms. Angelia C. Cale
Ms. Betty J. Calhoun
Ms. Elizabeth Bertolino Calhoun
Mr. Lenard Calhoun
Ms. Nancy Martinez Calhoun
Ms. Elizabeth A. Callaghan
Ms. Harriet Callahan
Col. William Edward Callender Sr.
Ms. Antoinette Harwell Cameron
Ms. Stephanie Camp
Mr. Christopher L. Campbell
Ms. Paula M. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Campbell
Mr. Peter Grey Cane
Mr. and Mrs. Royce M. Cannington Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Cannon
Ms. Clara S. Cannon
Dr. Heather S. Cannon
Mr. Kerry Samuel Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Canterbury
Mrs. Sivewright O. Carden
Ms. Lane Pettiss Carleton
Ms. Susan R. Carley
Ms. Delores Lee Carlton
Ms. Stacey F. Carmichael
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Carnahan
Ms. Dawn Michele Carney
Ms. Dorothy Carpenter
Ms. Evelyn Carpenter
Ms. Glenda Sue Carpenter
Ms. Judith Carpenter
Mrs. Anita M. Carr
Daniel Carre
Mrs. Anita N. Carrell
Mrs. Sally S. Carrington
Mrs. Claudia M. Carroll
Charles J. Cartee
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carter
Mrs. Latoya R. Carter-Blunt
Ms. Maxine Carter
Mrs. Alice H. Carwie
Mr. David A. Carwie
Mr. Thomas George Carwie
Ms. Diane Casey
Mr. Robert Francis Casey
Dr. Kenneth Chapman Castor
Ms. Robin Cates
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Catlett
Mrs. Bernadean Sealy Caton
Ms. Claudia M. Caton
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Catron
Mr. Jacob H. Cauley
Mr. Nicholas P. Cazantzes
Ms. Adriane C. Cej
Dr. Catherine Salvage Cekolin
Dr. Matthew Eric Cepeda
Ms. Mayris M. Cerwonka
Ms. Patricia Biles Chaillot
Ms. Laura Mayhall Chamblee
Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler
40 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. James R. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn R. Chaney
Ms. Jennifer M. Chaplin
Mr. Albert Charest
Ms. Manda L. Charest
Mr. Nathan Ray Charlton
Mrs. Robyn McCain Chastain
Ms. Malinda Morris Chatel
Ms. Callie Marie Cheese
Ms. Ning Cheng
Ms. Johnnie M. Cherry
Ms. Lesa Munday Chestang
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Chew Jr.
The Honorable Carmen Bosch Chin
and Mr. Scott Chin
Mr. Fenwick Chinkhwangwa
Mr. Chung Sik Choi
Ms. Kathleen G. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Christmas
Ms. Stella Dandos Chronas
Mr. Agnimitra Chunduri
Ms. Allison M. Chung
Mr. Stephan Cieskowski
Ms. Clista C. Clanton
Ms. Carla Patrice Clark
Ms. Carolyn Williams Clark
Mr. Jason P. Clark
Mr. Robert A. Clark
Ms. Theresa Clark
Mr. William B. Clark
Dr. David R. Clarkson
Classic Sweep & Swirl
Mr. Christopher Scott Clausen
Mr. Lawrence L. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Clement
Cleverdon Farms Inc.
Mr. Matthew J. Cline
Ms. Susan Clinton
Coastal Anesthesia PC
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell Cobb III
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Cobb
Ms. Misti A. Cobb
Ms. Mary Lynne Cochran
Mrs. Mary P. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Cochran
Valerie Cochran MSN RN NE-BC
Ms. Jeanene Quimby Cockrell
Mrs. Cory Coelho
Ms. Cathy Coggin
Mr. Joseph D. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. Cohen
Ms. Teresa Ann Cohen
Mr. Christopher D. Coker and Ms.
Christal Compton
Ms. Elizabeth Campbell Coker
Mr. John Colantunoi
Ms. Bobbie N. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cole
Ms. Manda Beth Cole
Ms. Beverly Colegrove
Ms. Angela M. Coleman
Ms. Ashley B. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Coleman Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coleman
Mr. Mack Coleman
Miriam N. Coleman
Ms. Katie Ruth Colenberg
Ms. Sarah N. Coley
Mrs. Connie C. Colley
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Collier
Mr. Richard P. Collier
Mrs. Sanna Collier
E. Wayne and Elizabeth Collier
Ms. Yvonne P. Collier
Ms. Christine Yvonne Collins
Ms. Janice F. Collins
Ms. Jennifer F. Collins
Ms. Lynn Ellen Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Collins
Mrs. Suzann D. Collom
Mr. Sean Dewayne Colston
The Community Youth Group
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Conerly Jr.
Ms. Jamie M. Congdon
Ms. Mary M. Conneely
Mr. Bobby Conner
Ms. Cynthia G. Conner
Ms. Karen Cross Conner
Mr. Joseph V. Connick III
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Conrad
Ms. Barbara A. Cook
Ms. Jennifer Valeta Cook
Ms. Michelle Leigh Cook
Mrs. Pauline Cook
Ms. Sharon B. Cook
Ms. Shelly M. Cook
Ms. Theresa Marie Cook
Ms. Suzanne H. Cooke
Mrs. Jessica M. Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DeLoss Cooper
Ms. Elana C. Cooper
Mr. Fred Cooper
Ms. Sylvia M. Cooper
Mr. Randall M. Copeland
Ms. Anne M. Corley
Mr. George F. Cornell
Mr. John A. Coroy
Ms. Shannon Howell Corte
Forrest Corzealious II
Mr. Michael J. Cosper
Ms. Catherine Cotson
Mrs. Tricia J. Cotten
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanley Cotton
Ms. Gwendolyn B. Cottrell
Ms. Patricia W. Couling
Ms. Kimberly Council
Mrs. Christine Shell Courtney
Mrs. Judy Courtney
Mr. Walter Covington
Ms. Karen K. Cowan
Ms. Vera M. Cowan
Mrs. B. Cox
Ms. Jennifer Lynn Cox
Mrs. Llene Madonna Cox-Poles
Ms. Rebecca Ann Cox
Ms. Rose C. Cox
Mr. Robon Anthony Craft
Mr. Roger Philip Craft
Andy and Mary Crane
Mrs. Amelda Crawford-Washington
Ms. Casie M. Crawford
Mr. Mark Edward Crawford II
Ms. Georgia Phillips Crawley
Cream & Sugar / The Palette Cafe
Mr. Larry C. Creel
Mrs. Carol H. Crenshaw
Ms. Cynthia R. Crenshaw
Mr. Raymond L. Crenshaw
Ms. Brenda Kay Crew
Ms. Deana M. Crim
Ms. Jean Crittenden
Ms. Candace Danielle Crockett
Dr. Cherry Ballard Croft
Ms. Helen Croft
Mr. Roger W. Croley
Crossroads Chruch of the Nazarene Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyon A. Crowe
Cruise Away Inc.
Ms. Lynda C. Crum
Mr. Robin E. Crusse
Mr. John Russell Culler
Ms. Rene Culler
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Culpepper
Ms. Jessica Noel Cumby
Ms. Lynn R. Cummings
Mrs. Stacy T. Cummings
Ms. Callie Cunningham
Dr. Carl George Cunningham Jr.
Mr. Craig Cunningham
Ms. Laura Cunningham
Mr. Jacob Lander Cureton
Mr. Gary L. Curran
Ms. Cathi J. Curtis
Dr. Fredrick Cushing Jr.
Dr. Haidee T. Custodio
Customink LLC
Cypress Point LLC
Ms. Patti Anne Dacus
Ms. Dahmer
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Dailey
Ms. Ottie S. Dailey
Ms. Alison C. Daily
Mr. Jack L. Dampf
Mrs. Debra A. Dana
Mr. Craig V. Daniel
Mrs. Patricia Thompson Daniel
Mrs. Glendine Daniels
Mr. Michael Bankston Daniels
Ms. Mildred S. Daniels
Ms. Sheena R. Dannelley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Dardeau
Ms. Angela Daugherty
Mr. Jeremy J. Daughtry
Mr. Gary Sidney Daulong
David Williams Appraisal Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Davidson
Dr. Gayle V. Davidson-Shivers and
Mr. Joe C. Shivers
Mr. Mark Michael Davidson
Mrs. Anjanetta Davis
Ms. Ashley M. Davis
Mrs. Betty Boshell Davis
Ms. Charlotte Peacock Davis
Mrs. Claudia P. Davis
Dr. Dereck Bernard Davis
Ms. Dorothy L. Davis
Ms. Dorothy M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Davis
Ms. Earline Franklin Davis
Ms. Gloria G. Davis
Ms. Ina Anderson Davis
Ms. Jennifer Jeanne Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Davis
Kenny and Audrey Davis
Ms. Kimberly Rochelle Davis
Mrs. Linda J. Davis
Ms. Margaret Davis
Ms. Patricia Diane Davis
Ms. Sharon E. Davis
Ms. Stacy Lynn Davis
Ms. Susan L. Davis
Ms. Suzanne M. Davis
Dr. Tara Michelle Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Davis Jr.
Mrs. Treemia N. Davis
Mr. Tyrone Sylvester Davis
Ms. Amanda Simmons Daw
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Daw
Mr. David Jeffrey Day
Ms. Evelyn Day
Ms. Sheila A. Day
Ms. Ann M. DeBrule
Mrs. Lori L. DeLong
Mr. Clay Daniel DeMarcus
Ms. Claudia DeMonte
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Deakle
Mr. Dale Leslie Dean
Ms. Ellen M. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Dean
Mrs. Jennifer Leigh Pierce Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Dean
Ms. Cheryl Randalyn Deas
Mr. Peter J. Decareau
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Deckard
Mr. and Mrs. David Decker
Mrs. Kim C. Dees
Mr. and Mrs. Larin F. Dees Jr.
Mrs. Shallon Gross Dees
Ms. Terry N. Dees-Kolenich
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Deese Jr.
Mrs. Marie Deese
Mrs. Leigh Delaney-Tucker
Ms. Wanda Renee Deloach
Delview Properties LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Demattei III
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy A. Demeranville
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Denney
Ms. Rosalind Dent
Ms. Sylvia D. Devane
Cathi deVeer
Mr. Jithendra Devineni
Ms. Sandy Devita
Drs. Susanta and Nupur Dey
Ms. Jacqueline C. Dickerson
Ms. Juidth M. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Rob F. Diehl Jr.
Mr. Thomas F. Dignan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Disario
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Dismukes
Mrs. Divin
Ms. Anita B. Dixon
Ms. Brontee Hulon Dixon
Mr. Dale Lynn Dixon
Ms. Betty Sellers Dobbs
Ms. Rachel K. Dobbs
Mrs. Kay P. Dobson
Ms. Charlotte Bolding Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Doherty
Mr. David Scott Donaldson
Ms. Moriah Donelan
Dr. Hye-Ji Kim and Mr. Erwei Dong
Ms. Kimberly Ann Donnellan
Mr. Robert Joseph Donoghue
Ms. Annette Mary Doody
Ms. Juanita Dority
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Dorough
Ms. Hariett Deniece Dortch
Ms. Charlotte R. Doster
Dothan Employee Relief Fund
Dr. Renia Rush Dotson
Double E Enterprise
Dr. Frances C. Dougherty and
Mr. Brian S. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Bradie Douglas
Mr. Kenneth R. Dowie
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Downey
Ms. Kira Doyle
Ms. Sharon A. Dozier
Mr. Edward M. Drazdowsky
Mr. Thomas Caine Dreiling
Ms. Patricia A. Driggers
Mr. Lonnie O. Driskell
Ms. Tiffany E. Driver
Mr. Bobby L. Dubose
Ms. Ethel W. Dubose
Ms. Teresa Ann Dudley
Ms. Mary A. Duffy
Mr. Lloyd Dugas
Mr. Bryan G. Duhe
Ms. Mary Margaret Dumas
Mr. Roderick Levon Dumas
Ms. Teresa Beatrice Dumas
Ms. Alicia Gabrie Duncan
Ms. Stephanie Danielle Dunkley
Ms. Nancy Broadus Dunn
Mrs. Peggy Duplan
Ms. Penny Duplantier
Mr. Ray Duplantier
Mr. Marsha Dupre
Mr. Denton Earl Dupuis
Ms. Robbie E. Durr
Mr. Kamon D. Durry
Ms. Margie Dyal
Mr. Ronald Earl Dyal
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Dyas
Mr. Benjamin Early
Mr. Karl Wendell Eatherly
Ms. Bobbie Ann Eaton
Mrs. Darlene Jackson Eaton
Ms. Nancy O. Eberly
Mr. William D. Eden
Ms. Diana Lynn Edwards
Mrs. Gloria L. Edwards
Mr. Terry V. Edwin
Mr. Jeffrey Egan
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Eggers
Ms. Dorothee Ehrhardt
Ms. Frances Ehrmann
Ms. Tracy Eisenman
Ms. Jodie Eisner
A life insurance policy
that is no longer needed
can be donated during
your lifetime to support
a favorite program. Such
a gift offers income and
estate tax savings. USA can
also be named as owner
and beneficiary of a new
Dr. Mohamed El-Sharkh and
Ms. Eman M. El-Amir
Ms. Jamie Mostellar Elcan
Mrs. Minette H. Elder
Ms. Laquanita M. Eldridge
Electrolysis Advantage
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Elgie
Ms. Sanaa Elkhattabi
Mr. Matthew T. Elkin
Mrs. Cathy Ellard
Ms. Judith C. Elliott
Ms. Mary E. Elliott
Mr. Eugene E. Ellis Jr.
Mr. James M. Ellis
Ms. Phyllis Ellis
Mr. Phillip L. Ellison
Mr. Donald B. Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Elrod
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Embree
Ms. Bernice R. English
Mr. Robert B. English
Ms. Kim Kasprowicz Enikeieff
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Enslen Jr.
Entrees by Rock O’Neill
Ms. Betty J. Ephraim
Mr. Kin Chien Er
Mr. Charles Owen Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Esneul
Ms. Cecilia Ferrill Estes
Ms. Suzanne A. Estus
Ms. Anita C. Etheredge
Mr. Hardy N. Eubanks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Eubanks
Mrs. Anne Evans
Britney Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Evans
Mr. Christopher M. Evans
Ms. Sharon Denise Evans
Dr. Sheri Noren Everts
Mr. and Ms. Paul Albert Ezelle
Geralyn B. Faciane
Ms. Andrea Annette Fagan
Ms. Linda P. Fair
Mrs. Martha Fair
Ms. Jacqueline Faircloth
Fairhope Physical Therapy Inc.
Ms. Sandra Louise Fairley
Ms. Shunda Carlisle Fakaha
Mrs. Victoria Jo Falks
Mr. Glenn E. Farabee
Mr. James Robert Fargason
Mrs. Betty A. Farley
Farmer’s Exchange Bank
Mr. Joseph E. Farmer
Ms. Jill Farquharson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Farrell
Mr. Stephen Robert Farrell
Mrs. Evangeline O’Neal Farrington
Mr. James H. Faulkner III
Ms. Nina Fell
Ms. Beverly J. Feller
Mr. Andrew J. Fenet
Mr. Brad Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Ferguson
Mrs. Stacey Bennett Ferguson
Mrs. Stephanie A. Ferguson
Dr. Susan Nicole Ferguson
Mrs. Lauretta Fardal Ferrill
Mr. and Mrs. Haven Fields
Mrs. Norma I. Fields
Ms. Tamesha Chequella Fields
Ms. Helen Louise Fike
Ms. Debra L. Fillingim
Mr. Houston L. Finch
Ms. Suzanne Marie Finch
Ms. Patricia E. Finkbohner
Mr. Ryan P. Finkbohner
Mr. James N. Finley and
Ms. Louise K. McClintock-Finley
Mrs. Jane H. Finley
Ms. Vera L. Finley
Ms. Dorothy Irene Parker Finnegan
Dr. Robert Z. Finney
Dr. Treena Lynn Gillespie Finney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Firth Jr.
Mr. Byron James Fisackerly
Mr. Daniel J. Fischer
Mr. Philip John Fishel
Ms. Avalisha Linda Fisher
Ms. Sheri A. Fisher
Mr. John Y. Fishman
Ms. Susan Danette Fisk
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fitzpatrick II
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford W. Flach
Ms. Gwen Ann Flager
Mr. Johnnie Flagg
Mr. William Lee Flagge
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Charles Flanagan
Mr. Anthony T. Fleming
Ms. Bridgette Kelly Fleming
Mr. Phillip W. Fleming
Mr. Robert L. Fleming Jr.
Mrs. Carmen T. Florence
Ms. Jennifer S. Flowers
Mary Alice (Palmet) Floyd
Dr. Laurie Folkman
Mr. Curran Donelson Foose
Ms. Amber Rae Forbes
Ms. Elizabeth M. Ford
Mr. Randy L. Ford
Mrs. Rene L. Games-Ford
Ms. Carla M. Foreman
Ms. Brooke Ellen Forester
Ms. Xamira Foret
Forever Fit
Form Solutions Inc.
Mr. Jarrod R. Fortwendel
Ms. Frances Anne Foster
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Foster
Dr. Joshua D. Foster and
Dr. Melanie H. Jackson
Mr. Larry Eugene Foster
Mrs. Mary Agnes Foster
Mr. Philip Russell Foster
Mr. Percy C. Fountain
Mr. Larry Fowler
Ms. Lori L. Fowler
Ms. Wanda Gail Fox-Pierre
Mr. Patrick Charles Fraher
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Franch
Ms. Danielle Rebecca Frank
Ms. Sherry Lee Frank
Mr. Sean Frankenberg
Ms. Mary Franklin
Mr. Rex R. Franklin
Mr. Richard William Franklin
Ms. Elizabeth Y. Franko
Dr. Christopher R. Freed
Mrs. Jessica Nicole Ellis Freeland
Ms. Chondra Nakeiva Freeman
Mrs. Karen Freeze
Mr. and Mrs. Jack French
Ms. Jennifer Elizabeth French
Dr. Jeannette Fresne
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Frey
Ms. Judith A. Friedhoff
Mrs. Joan Sapp Friedlander
Mr. Andrew Harrison Friedman
Ms. Lauren Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Frost III
Ms. Sally J. Frostholm
Aaron and Sharon Fruh
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Frye
Ms. Velma L. Frye
Ms. Elizabeth Fuller
Mr. Randy W. Fuller Jr.
Mrs. Donna Sasser Funck
Mr. August Edward Funk
Ms. Teresa Gaal
Mr. Thomas E. Gabrielson
Ms. Christine Brenda Gage
Mr. and Mrs. David Gagliano
Ms. Audrey Danette Gamble
Ms. LaToya M. Gamble
Mr. Jimmie Johns Gammage
Mrs. Theta Patrice Gant
Dr. Albert A. Gapud
Ms. Nancy Y. Gardner
42 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Mr. David Frank Garmon
Mr. Deishun L. Garmon-Robinson
Mr. James W. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Garretson
Mrs. Angela Garrick*
Mrs. Linda Hastie Garver
Mrs. Lynda Mason Garvin
Mrs. Betsy S. Gary
Col. Henry B. Gass
Mr. Joseph Pickett Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Young Gaston
Mrs. Heather Keith Gates
Ms. Carole R. Gatlin
Ms. Cynthia R. Gavin
Mr. Robert Gawley
Ms. Ashley Christina Gay
Ms. Karen C. Gecewicz
Ms. Kathleen D. Geil
Gem Of Champions LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Geoghagan
Ms. Dominque N. George
Mr. Thomas Andrew George
Ms. Laura Lomax Gerhardt
Mrs. Rebecca C. Geuder
Mr. Larry A. Giardina
Mrs. Betty Gibbons
Ms. Darcie Humphries Gibbons
Ms. Candace R. Gibson
Dr. Debra M. Gibson and
Mr. Ronald J. Holyfield
Mr. Donald C. Gibson
Ms. Judith E. Gibson
Ms. Linda C. Gibson
Ms. Margaret Julia Gibson
Ms. Rose T. Gibson
Ms. Deborah L. Gilbert
Ms. Edythe Marie Houlsen Giles
Ms. Emma Mae Kimbrough Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Gilheart
Mr. Curtis L. Gill
Ms. Dorothy Gilley
Mrs. Elisabeth Wright Gilmer
Mrs. and Mrs. Gregg R. Ginder
Ms. Deronda T. Girardeau
Mrs. Sherryle Lyn Givens
Mr. John Michael Glass
Ms. Gaynell Lafrances Glaude
Mr. Michael J. Glavan III and
Ms. Julie D. Toler
Gleason & Roberds
Ms. Christine Diane Glenn
Mr. Peter A. Glenn
Ms. Mariana Silvia Gligor
Ms. Mamie Glover
Ms. Alice Jane Godfrey
Mrs. Kristi H. Goff
Mrs. Penny W. Goffinet
Mrs. Teresa Jean Gohagan
Ms. Suzanne L. Goins
Ms. Fay Lichtman Gold
Mr. Billy J. Golden
Mr. Joshua Chase Golden
Mr. Ronnie Dwayne Golden
The Golden Group
Johnny Goldfinger and Daniella Kostroun
Mr. Joseph Hollis Goldman Jr.
Mr. Zachary B. Goldman
Ms. Myra Catherine Goleman
Mr. Chris Golemon
Mr. Ravi Paul Gollapalli
Mr. Arthur S. Gonzales Jr.
Mr. Arthur S. Gonzales III
Ms. Anne L. Goode
Mrs. Deborah A. Goodlett
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Goodloe III
Ms. Bessie Lee Goodman
Ms. Irita Goodman
Ms. Joan Carolyn Goodman
Mr. T. Michael Goodrich
Ms. Brenda A. Gordon
Ms. Rachel Cherry Gordon
Gordy-Mead-Britton Foundation
Ms. Olena M. Gorodnya
Mrs. Lee Colleen Gosselin
Ms. Pamela J. Goubil
Ms. Dawn Elise Gourley
Ms. Stephanie Laila Grabowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Grace
Ms. Betty Borden Graham
Ms. Elizabeth Y. Graham
Ms Nancy J. Granade
Ms. Cindy Lyle Granger
Mr. Ryan L. Granier
Ms. Emma D. Grant
Ms. Syaranda D. Grantham
Mr. Thomas A. Grantham
Dr. Amanda J. Graul-Conroy
Dr. David L. Gray
Ms. Dorothee Elizabeth Grayban
Ms. Linda Kay Grayson
Ms. Linda D. Green
Mr. Ryan D. Green
Mrs. Tiffany Young Green
Mr. Adam J. Greene
Mr. Chris D. Greene
Mr. Eddie R. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Greene
Ms. Sarah S. Greene
Mr. Warren Lee Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Greer
Mr. Jeffery Branan Greer
Kathleen Terrell Greer
Ms. Marian Elaine Greer
Mr. Robert Albright Greer
Mr. Robert G. Gregoire
Ms. Debra A. Gregorin
Ms. Caroline Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jason Gregory
Mrs. Maxine B. Gresla
Ms. Beth C. Grierson
Mr. Robert Lister Griffin
Ms. Christle Carolyn Griffith
Mr. and Ms. James Jeffrey Grill
Ms. Kenyetta R. Grissom
Mrs. Barbara C. Groseclose
Ms. Terri Gramling Groves
Mr. Martin G. Gruber
Mr. Nelson Grumney
Ms. Ellen R. Guarisco
Mrs. Rebecca C. Gueder
Mrs. Bridget Miller Guidry
Ms. Sandra K. Guidry
Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Guillory Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Guin III
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Guined Jr.
Mr. Kane Anthony Gulley
Mr. Gordon M. Gunderson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gunn IV
Ms. Megan Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Guthrie Jr.
Mr. Gavin M. Guy
Mr. James Guy
Mr. Kristopher Scott Guy
Ms. Laurie F. Haas
Mr. Mohamed Naja Hadad
Mr. James C. Hadley
Mrs. Stephanie Haffner
Ms. Kathryn Hagan
Mr. and Ms. Stephen Michael Haidt
Ms. Emily A. Haigler
Ms. Claressa Hale
Mr. David Hale
Ms. Shelia E. Hale
Mrs. Tammy Lene Haleem
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Haley III
Ms. Carolyn Elissa Hall
Mrs. Cheryl Weaver Hall
Ms. Cynthia A. Hall
Ms. Jessica S. Hall
Ms. Lisa R. Hall
Ms. Madeleine Hall
Ms. Renee Mathis Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phyfer Hall II
Ms. Pamela G. Hallford
Mr. Stetson W. Hallowell
Ms. Tray Weathington Hamil
Ms. Irma Hamilton
Mr. William C. Hamilton
Mrs. Susan Post Hamlin
Mr. Brian T. Hammack
Mr. Kum Hammitt
Mr. Anthony D. Hammond
Ms. Betty C. Hammond
Ms. Jennifer Denise Hammons
Jennifer Portella Hammons
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hancock
Henry A. and Mary O. Hand
Ms. Barbara A. Handley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Handwerger
Mrs. Leann H. Hanes
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Marshal Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hogan Hanlon
Mrs. Leona Moorer Hannah
Mr. David C. Hannan
Mr. Devin P. Haran
Ms. Janice C. Harayda
Ms. Cynthia Carmen Harbour
Mr. Brian B. Hard
Mr. John C. Hardin
Mr. John R. Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eugene Hardin
Mr. Ralph A. Hargrove and
Ms. K M. Smith
Mr. Keith Edward Harmison
Ms. Karla M. Harmon
Ms. Susan L. Harmon
Mr. Paul David Harness
Mr. Benjamin Langdon Harper
Ms. Megan E. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Harper
Mrs. Patti Harper
Ms. Karena Denise Harrell
Drs. Daniel J. and Ellen B. Harrington
Mrs. Amanda Harris
Ms. Andrea Mobley Harris
Mr. Billy Joe Harris
Mr. Cedrick B. Harris
Ms. Cynthia Kaye Harris
Mr. Donald H. Harris
Mr. Fred Harris
Ms. Jennifer Harris
Mr. Joel Chandler Harris
Lori Nelson Harris
Ms. Malvereen C. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Harris
Ms. Shirley Ann Harris
Ms. Wendy Harris
Mr. Anthony Taylor Harrison
Ms. Clara Marie Harrison
Ms. Jeri Jones Harrison
Ms. Robin Jones Harrison
Ms. Sandy Elizabeth Harrison
Mr. James Brice Hartner Jr.
Mr. John Boland Hartner
Ms. Brenda M. Hartzog
Ms. Diane Fultz Harvey
Ms. Ann Harvison
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Hassell
Ms. Shanda Felise Haston
Mr. Thomas David Hatton
Ms. Kristina M. Hauber
Ms. Rebecca P. Haupt
Mrs. Sabina Wynette Hautau
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Blake Havard
Mr. Kevin Michael Havard
Ms. Donna M. Havens
Ms. Wilma Richardson Hawkins
Ms. Anna G. Hawsey
Ms. Martha C. Hawthorne
Mr. Michael D. Hawthorne
Ms. Shermeka M. Hawthorne
Dr. Susan J. Hayden
Ms. Catherine Jay Hayes
Ms. Cynthia D. Hayes
Ms. Kimberly K. Hayes
Ms. Patty Renee Hayes
Ms. Robin Patton Hayes
Ms. Tina C. Haymaker
Mr. Claud Julian Haynes
Mrs. Susan M. Haynes
Mrs. Dorothy Elaine Hays
Ms. Donna Lyn Head
Mr. Woodrow W. Head Jr.
Ms. Gwendolyn Healy
Ms. Ann B. Hearin
Ms. Lauren M. Heartsill
Mr. Jason Lamar Heaton
Mrs. Jewel Adams Heblon
Ms. Susanne Tapia Heck
Mr. and Ms. John Navin Hecker
Ms. Virginia M. Hedberg
Mrs. Valerie Heidel
Ms. Sylvia D. Heidingsfelder
Ms. Valerie Kathleen Heinl
Ms. Marilyn J. Heisler
Mr. Reza Hejazi
Ms. Emily Helland
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Helmsing
Ms. Aquilia R. Henderson
Ms. Brittany L. Henderson
Ms. Cherlynn R. Henderson
Mr. Daniel Levon Henderson
Ms. Jessica Nichole Henderson
Mrs. Maria Jevette Henderson
Ms. Virginia Henderson
Mrs. Wenona R. Henderson
Ms. Carol Wells Hendren
Mrs. Amy Marie Hendrichovsky
Mr. Kenneth Paul Hendrix
Ms. Shirley Annette Hendrix
Mr. Stephen F. Henken
Ms. Melissa M. Hennis
Mrs. Susan R. Henry
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Herbert
Mrs. Nita H. Hereford
Ms. Cindy Hill Herf
Mr. Jonathon K. Hersel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Hess
Ms. Joyce E. Hewitt
Mr. Timothy Neal Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hickey
Ms. Katherine A. Hicks
Ms. Isabel Hidrobo
Mr. Leon Clyde Higdon Jr.
Dr. Benjamin D. Hill
Ms. Cynthia L. Hill
Ms. Jeanne Russell Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Hill
Hillcrest Orthodontics PC
Mr. Joseph L. Hilliard
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Hilliard
Mr. Juan A. Hinds-Rico
Ms. Josephine Hines
Mr. David O. Hinkle
Mr. Louis O. Hinkle
Ms. Barbara J. Hinote
Ms. Andrea Wiik Hinton
Ms. Julie Lien My Hoang
Mrs. Merrill Skye Hodges
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Hodgkins
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hoffman
Ms. Marie D. Hoffman
Dr. Suzanne Queen Hoffman
Mr. McWell Hogue
Ms. Voncile Carroll Holiday
Mrs. Marcy Guy Holladay
Ms. Cynthia J. Holland
Ms. Frances Leigh Holland
Mrs. Joyce Blass Holland
Mrs. Laura Rae Holland
Ms. Lisa Morris Holland
Ms. Margaret W. Holland
Ms. Tonya E. Hollingshead
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hollis Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Holm
Mr. Edward Theodore Holman
Ms. Charlotte Diane Holmes
Mr. Gregory Eugene Holmes
Mr. Jim Holmes Jr.
Ms. Karmen Michelle Holmes
Ms. M. Sue Holmes
Mr. Nicholas H. Holmes III
Mr. Warren Holmes
Mr. Loyd Stacey Holt
Mrs. Sarah B. Hon
Honors Program Organization
Mr. Billy Hood
Mr. James H. Hood Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hopper
Ms. Ruby Denise Hoppins
Mr. Matthew S. Horne
Mrs. Alicia E. Horsley
Mr. Rodney Keith Horton
Mr. Pierre Horvilleur
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Hoskins
Mr. Trevor Houghton
Mr. C. D. Housdan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. House
Ms. Sandra Vrachalus House
Ms. Debra Kay Houser
Mr. Michael D. Housley II
Ms. Nicole A. Housley
Ms. August J. Houston
Ms. Aline Jenkins Howard
Ms. Charlotte M. Howard
Ms. Dessor L. Howard
Mr. Jason A. Howard
Ms. Lula Laverne Howard
Mrs. Pamela Chastang Howard
Mr. Stephen M. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby C. Howell
Mr. Michael E. Howell
Mr. Jingshan Huang
Ms. Theresa V. Hubbard
Ms. Caroline Huber
Ms. Hilary Rose Huber
Mrs. Florence A. Hucul
Ms. Connie Hudson
Mr. David Patrick Hudson
Ms. Kendra Dickson Hudson
Ms. Melissa D. Huff
Mrs. Nancy Huffstutler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Hughes
Mr. Timmy T. Hughes
Ms. Cynthia R. Huie-Smith
Ms. Carmelita Monses Hulbert
Ms. Caroline N. Hull
Ms. Sharon Hunt
Mrs. Carolyn L. Hunter
Mr. Jeffery D. Hunter
Mrs. Linda Clement Hunter
Ms. Linda M. Hunter
Mr. Randolph C. Hunter
Mrs. Roberta Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Hunter
Mr. William D. Hunter
Ms. Carolyn Hare Hupp
Mr. Charles L. Hurd
Ms. Cynthia A. Hurst
Dale and Pam Hurst
Ms. Rachel E. Hurst
Dr. Mir Zohair Husain
Mr. Randy I. Hussain
Mr. and Mrs. William Clair Hutchens
Mr. Lyle E. Hutchison
Mr. Huyen N. Huynh
Mrs. Tara Len Hyatt
Mrs. Marylou Donaghey Hyland
Ms. Laura Hyman
Mr. Christopher Hynes
Ms. Brenda Hysell
Ms. Crystal L. Ikner
Mr. Jonathan Lee Ikner
Dr. Hamayun Imran
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Inge
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Inge
Mr. Donald Ingraham
Ms. Delia Kelly Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Irby Jr.
Mr. Danny Irvin
Ms. Kathryn Anne Irvine
Ms. Robbie Lynn Irvine
Dr. Samantha Islam
Ms. Elouise Ivory
Mrs. Phyllis Kimberly Ivy
Mrs. Kathleen Jackinowicz
Mr. Charles Clay Jackson
Ms. Charlmaine Y. Jackson
Ms. Clamor G. Jackson
Mr. Clinton E. Jackson
Ms. Delores F. Jackson
Ms. Elnora Jackson
Ms. Erica R. Jackson
Ms. Glenda G. Jackson
Ms. Gloria A. Jackson
Mr. James Vincent Jackson
Mr. Joseph C. Jackson
Ms. Mary E. Jackson
Mr. Michael O. Jackson and
Ms. Nancy L. Mulherin
Miss Nina Michelle Jackson
Mrs. Patricia B. Jackson
Mrs. Rhondalyn Yvonne Jackson
Ms. Sandra Jean Jackson
Ms. Sheila Jackson
Mr. Terry Lee Jackson
Mr. Thomas Henry Jackson
Ms. Venestrise Yvette Jackson
Mr. Donald Albert Jacobs
Mrs. Linda Darlene Jacobs
James A. Keck CPA
Ms. Pamela Renee’ James
Ms. Renee D. James
Ms. Sally Anne James
Mr. William A. James Jr.
Ms. Ann Bryan Jameson
Mr. Mark A. Janik
Ms. Mavis M. Jarrell
Ms. Sally A. Jarvis
Mrs. Carol Jeffery
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Jeffries Jr.
Mr. Rodney Tyler Jemison
Ms. Lisa Jenkins
Ms. Lisa Kay Jenkins
Ms. Rose N. Jenkins
Mr. Don L. Jennings
Ms. Rhoda D. Jetson
Ms. Stephanie E. Jett
Ms. Doreen Jiles
Mr. George E. Johansen
Ms. Andrea N. Johns
Ms. Elise H. Johns
Ms. Agnes Russell Johnson
Ms. Aleesha R. Johnson
Mrs. Alisha P. Johnson
Ms. Ashley L. Johnson
Mrs. Barbara M. Johnson
Ms. Bonnie Lee Johnson
Ms. Cecelia Delphine Johnson
David and Chris Ann Johnson
Mr. Eli Edward Johnson
Mr. Francis Johnson
Mr. Geary M. Johnson
Mr. James W. Johnson
Mrs. Jennifer Lee Johnson
Ms. Karmie M. Johnson
Mrs. Karoline G. Thornton
Mr. Kelly Johnson
Ms. Linda D. Johnson
Ms. Lynn Z. Johnson
Ms. Mary Aliceon Johnson
Ms. Mary Frances Johnson
Mr. Matthew Charles Johnson
Mr. Melvin L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Johnson
Mrs. Mildred M. Johnson
Ms. Patricia A. Johnson
Ms. Patricia Ann Johnson
Dr. R. Burke Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne Johnson
Ms. Rochelle W. Johnson
Ms. Sarah Ryan Johnson
Shakebra Malaika Johnson-Banks
Mr. Thomas A. Johnson
Ms. Vicki Johnson
Mr. Vivian G. Johnston III
Ms. Bligh Jones
Ms. Diana E. Jones
Dr. Don Edward Jones
Ms. Doris L. Jones
Mrs. Dorothy M. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Jones
Ms. Florence Bystricky Jones
Ms. Jacquette Nakisha Jones
Mrs. Jean C. Jones
Ms. Jennifer L. Jones
Mrs. Joan P. Jones
Ms. Joann Jones
Mr. John W. Jones
Ms. L. Summer Jones
Mr. Lee Jones
Mrs. Lynda W. Jones
Mr. Melvin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Jones
Ms. NoKita V. Jones
Mrs. Alice Jordan
Mr. Glenn K. Jordan
Mr. James L. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jordan
Ms. Karen Joy Jordan
Mr. Samuel Jordan Jr.
Mrs. Teresa Jordan
Mr. Adam Andrew Joseph
Mr. Ronald W. Jowers
Ms. Jennifer Marie Jung
Ms. Terri Cecile Kadel
Mr. Edward J. Kahalley
Mrs. Helen Ann Kahalley
Mr. William Mitchell Kahalley
Mrs. Gabrielle Rose Kahanamoku
Mrs. Elizabeth Kaiser
Ms. Emily B. Kaiser
Ms. Kimberly Kalb
Ms. Holly Kallman
Ms. Stephanie Kaminski
Mrs. Betty Kamphuis
Mr. Theerapath Kangsumrith
Kappa Sigma
Mr. Fred M. Karkowski
Ms. Retha Elizabeth Karnes
Ms. Sarah K. Kauffman
Mr. Manoj K. Kavali
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kaylor
Mrs. Mary R. Kearley
Mr. Numa F. Kearns*
Ms. Susan E. Kearns
Mr. John C. Keck
Ms. Bonnie Keel
Mr. Gregory R. Keel
Mr. Larry Keel Jr.
Mr. Michael Edward Keenum
Mr. William F. Keevan
Ms. Angela D. Kelley
Mr. Buckley Joaquin Kelley
Mr. Eddie Kelly
Ms. Patricia Ann Kelly
Mr. Joseph Freeman Kendall
Ms. Sandra Fitzpatrick Kendall
Ms. Pamela J. Kendust
Dr. C. Elizabeth Kennedy
Mr. Carl E. Kennedy
Ms. Jayne Ellen Kennedy
Ms. Krista A. Kennedy
Mrs. Maria S. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kennedy
Mr. Thomas Bernard Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kenney
Mr. Matthew D. Kenworthy
Mr. and Ms. John Emerson Kerr Jr.
Mr. Joseph Dana Kersh
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Keshock
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Key Jr.
Mrs. Deloris Key
Mr. Abdul M. Khan
Dr. Aurangzeb Khan
Mr. Thomas E. Killeen
Mrs. Melanie Sue Killiam
Ms. Ronda Michelle Kilpatrick
Mr. Chi Joong Kim
Dr. Jong T. Kim
Ms. Amber Leigh Kimball
Mr. Steven Dale Kimbrel
Ms. Sonya Dionne Kimbrough
Ms. Donna Kincaid
Ms. Alyse C. King
Dr. Anita H. King and
Mr. Harry A. King Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy E. King
Mr. Clinton Russell King
Mrs. Sandra King
Dr. Leah H. Kinniburgh
Ms. Diane Kirksey
Mr. Mitchell T. Kitchens
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Kithas
Mr. Aaron M. Kittrell
Ms. Kelli Klasko
Ms. Beverly A. Klein
Ms. Linda M. Klein
Mr. Jeffrey James Klibert
Ms. Phyllis Kline
Mrs. Phyllis B. Klumpp
Mrs. Kim Klyce
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kneip
Dr. Ward Wilbur Knockemus
Mr. Brian Christian Knotts
Mrs. Deanna Lowery Knowles
Dr. Karen P. Knowles
Ms. Sylvia I. Koestner
Ms. Shelsia L. Koger
Ms. Gina Kolse
Mrs. Laura Dillard Kominek
Ms. Colleen Sue Koonce
Ms. Patricia Kostelecky
Ms. Radhika Kota
Mr. John J. Kramer II
Mr. and Ms. Dieter Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney K. Krhut
Ms. Lauren Beth Krieger
Mrs. Patricia Kriner
Bill and Bunny Kringel
Mr. Howard Lee Krueger
Mr. Daniel D. Kubis
Ms. Breanna L. Kucera
Ms. Joy M. Kuebler
Mr. Vijay Kumar
Mr. George Lawrence Kunkle
Ms. Brenda D. Kyle
Ms. Karen Patricia Kyzar
Mr. Chase Scott Labrato
Mr. Banks C. Ladd
Ms. Lucy Hays Ladd
Mr. Milton Aldridge Ladd
Ms. Marjorie R. Ladnier
Mr. Wayne C. Lagman
Ms. Jan Bentley Laird
Ms. Kathryn Mechell Lamar
Mrs. Kerri Denise Lamar
Mr. Randolph Lambert
Mr. Colby Titus Lancelin
Ms. LuAnne W. Lander
Drs. Macon and Karen Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Landman
Ms. Heather A. Landry
Mr. Lawrence P. Landry
Mr. Benjamin H. Lang
Ms. Janeileen Cowley Langmann
Mr. Falk Langner
Mr. and Ms. Bobby Wayne Lankford
Mr. Clay H. Lapeyrouse
Dr. Julien R. Lartigue and
Dr. Susan E. McCready
Ms. Daly Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Lathan
Ms. Sherri Lynn Latini
Ms. Terriann R. Lauria
Dr. Robert N. Lausch
Mr. Joseph P. Lavallet
Mrs. Sharon E. Lavender
Ms. LeCheryl Law
Mr. Nicholas A. Lawkis
Mr. Kenneth B. Lawley
Ms. Ashley Erin Lawrence
Ms. Sharon Patrice Lawrence
Ms. Sherry Motes Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary B. Lawshe
Ms. Dusty Dawn Layton
Mrs. Robin Goldstein Lazarus
Miss Margaret Lazzari
Ms. Penny A. LeBlanc
Mrs. Alaina Michele Worn LeBrun
Mr. Lawrence L. LeClaire III
Mrs. Claire A. Lea-Howarth
Mr. John M. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Leacy
Dr. and Mrs. Silas J. Leavesley
Mrs. Imaretta T. Leblanc
Ms. Bessie Pearl Lee
Ms. Dorothy Thompson Lee
Mr. Harvey Lamar Lee
Ms. Phebe Lee
Ms. Susan Ashley Lee
Ms. Whitney N. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Lee
Mr. Ralph Herbert Leek Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. LeFlore
Legacy Village Retail Center LLC
Ms. Mary E. Legault
Ms. Percie Lee Leggett
Mrs. Kay Stanky Lenoir
Ms. Karen S. Leonard
Mr. David Bryan Lersch
Ms. Heather L. Lersch
Mrs. Jacqueline Stanton Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Lett
Ms. Debra Jean Lett
Mr. Murray L. Levine
Ms. Barbara A. Lewis
Ms. Janet Lewis
Dr. Joe’l Patryce Lewis
Mr. R. Wayne Lewis
Ms. Sharon A. Lewis
Ms. Jie Li
Ms. Nicole Liebman
Mrs. Sandra Liederman
Mr. Eric Geofred Light
Lightfoot, Franklin & White LLC
Ms. Kim Yolanda Ligon
Ms. Robynn Dalleissia Likely
Ms. Susan D. Lindsey
Mr. Bryan Robert Linn
Mr. George Sanders Litaker
Dr. Brenda Carol Litchfield
Mr. Clint B. Little
Ms. Kelly C. Little
Mr. John M. Litton
Mr. William M. Little
Dr. Gerald Liu
Ms. Gloria Liu
Mr. Wei Liu
Mr. Christopher W. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Livingston
Mr. David Wynn Lober
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Lockler Sr.
Ms. Margaret O. Lockler
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Loeffler Jr.
Mrs. Victoria Miller Loewen
Mr. Alvin S. Lofton
Ms. Tesia Lanette Lofton
Dr. Bethany Anne Lohr
Ms. Jacqueline Melissa Lollar
Mr. Jeffrey Steven Loman
Dr. Heide R. Lomangino and
Mr. Felice V. Lomangino
Mrs. Joan Lomax
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lomax
Mrs. Zoe Lombard-Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Long
Mr. Abe M. Long
Mr. Earle W. Long IV
Ms. Melissa Long
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Long
Ms. Willie M. Longmire
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell E. Loper
Ms. Shari R. Lord
Mr. Thomas Shannon Lott Jr.
Ms. Christy M. Loup
Ms. Heather Clark Love
Mrs. Anita Smith Lovelady
Ms. Judith Stapleton Lovell
Ms. Debbie A. Lovoy
Ms. Stephanie V. Lowe
Lowe & Young Inc.
Mr. Terry R. Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Lowery
Mrs. Violet G. Lowery
Mr. William T. Luc
Ms. Gertrude Lucas
Lucy Barr Designs
Mr. and Mrs. Danny W. Ludke
Mrs. Suzanne Luker
Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Lukes
Mrs. Alyssa Finkel Lund
Ms. Deborah L. Lundberg
Mrs. Vada Annette Lundy
Mr. Chase Falconer Lunsford
Mr. Ryan Lunsford
Ms. Shannon M. Lushington
Ms. Chi Thi Ly
Mr. Albert C. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Lynch
Mr. William Charles Lynch
Mr. David Keith Lynn
Ms. Deborah Leigh Lynn
Ms. Patricia Gail Lynn
Ms. Marquita F. Lyons
MJL and Associates LLC
MT Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
Mr. Sayha O. Ma
Mr. Sylvester Allen Mabien
Ms. Lori J. MacKinnon
Mr. Malcolm D. MacQueen
Mr. Jerry Lee Mack Jr.
Ms. Pamela Mack
Ms. Yolanda C. Mack
Ms. Katherine Mackin
Ms. Carol L. Macknight
Ms. Betty Griffin Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Madison
Mr. Johnny Lee Major
Mr. Duane Nicoli Malone
Ms. Susan Gabel Malone
Ms. Elaine Manas
Ms. Allyson E. Mancarella
Mr. Carlton Lee Mann
Mr. James Mann
Ms. Penelope Ann Mansfield
Ms. Francine B. Marasco
Ms. Ashley D. Marass
Ms. Erin R. Marcet
Ms. Linda Dianne Mareno
Mr. Michael Anthony Marler
Mrs. M. A. Marsal
Mr. Terry Marshall
Mr. Christian B. Martens
Mr. and Mrs. Billy C. Martin
Ms. Cecelia G. Martin
Ms. Kimberly Martin
Mrs. Lorri C. Martin
Mrs. Maiben Daughtery Martin
Ms. Monica L. Martin
Mr. Paul Joseph Martin
Dr. Suzanne Hicks Martin
Ms. Denise P. Mashburn
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mason
Angela Rose Mason
Ms. Deborah Lynn Mason
Mr. John Joseph Mason
Mrs. Linda Frazier Mason
Mrs. Terri Mason
Mrs. Lori R. Massey
Ms. Suzanne Turner Massingill
Dr. Juan Luis Mata
Ms. Malissa D. Matheny
Mrs. Teresa H. Matherne
Mr. Robert David Mathews
Ms. Michelle A. Mathhues
Ms. Lajuna E. Mathis
Mr. Calvin Martilius Mauldin
Mrs. Shirley Mauldin
Mr. Paul M. Mayer
Ms. Kimbrelyn Karol Mayo
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Mazey
Ms. Wynn Mazey
Ms. Jayna L. McArthur
Mr. Scott Anthony McArthur
Mr. Harry William McAtee
Ms. Pamela T. McBroom
Ms. Kristina Brooke McCain
Ms. Ruth McCall
Ms. Velma M. McCall
Mr. Charles H. McCardle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McCarthy
Mr. Charles H. McCarty
Ms. Pamelea Faye McClary
Ms. Dana Catherine Jeffery McClinton
Ms. Karen J. McClinton
Ms. Mary Elizabeth McClinton
Mrs. Linda Dianne McClure
Mrs. Carolyn N. McConnell
Mr. Frank Rantiford McConnell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. McConnell
Ms. Evett D. McCorvey
Ms. Edna Janette McCoy
Mr. Myron Elson McCoy
Ms. Melba Marie McCreary
Ms. Regina Ann McCreary
Ms. Karla Krout McCulley
Mr. Allen Lloyd McCullough
Mrs. Mary H. McDaniel
Mr. George Theodore McDonald Jr.
Mr. Hudson McDonald
Ms. Margaret S. McDonald
Ms. Mary Margaret McDonald
Mr. Ralph L. McDonald
Mrs. Rebecca Mothershed McDonald
Mr. Ronald D. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. McDougald
Ms. Christin Lynn McDuffie
Mr. and Mrs. William Robert McElroy
Ms. Corrine K. McElwain
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McEnery
Mrs. Marion McFadden
Mr. Jeffrey Lanier McFarland
Ms. Rachelle A. McFarland
Ms. Cherie A. McGee
Dr. L. S. McGee Jr.
Mr. Santuan M. McGee
Mr. Thomas McGee
Mr. John D. McGiboney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McGilberry
Ms. Amanda L. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. McGinley Jr.
Ms. Melissa L. McGlothren-Homan
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGough
Ms. Vivian McGowin
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McGraw
Ms. Annie Y. McGrew
Mr. Michael Brad McGuire
Ms. Kirksey P. McIntosh
Mr. Patrick E. McIntosh
Ms. Alyce M. McKay
Ms. Katherine G. McKelvey
Ms. Kristen N. McKenna
Mr. Jason Guy McKenzie
Mr. Kevin Ryan McKinney
Ms. Lisa L. McKinney
Mrs. Casey L. McKinnon
Ms. Catherine D. McLarty
Ms. Brenda D. McLaughlin
Dr. Max V. McLaughlin
Mrs. Laura S. McLeod
Mrs. Sharon C. McMahan
Ms. Margaret Eloise McMahill
Ms. Michelle D. McMillan
Mr. Thomas Dale McMillan
Mrs. Susannah E. McMillan-Smith
Ms. Jane C. McMurray
Ms. Stephanie A. McNeill
Mrs. Lucille McPherson
Ms. Sylvia J. McPherson
Ms. Olivia McVea
Mr. Hobart A. McWhorter Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McWhorter
Mrs. Elaine B. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Meador Jr.
Ms. Robin Kay Meadows
Mr. John L. Medbery
Ms. Janiece Holifield Medrano
Ms. Norma Lorraine Medway
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Meeker
Mr. Judson W. Meherg
Ms. Kathryn M. Meisner
Ms. Elizabeth Melamed
Ms. Dorey Mellios
Mr. Dennis Eugene Melton
Mr. Richard E. Melton
Ms. Amanda S. Meng
Matthew and Janis F. Menges
Dr. and Mrs. Mohan K. Menon
Mrs. Sallie I. Merchant
Mr. Olen Wayne Meredith
Ms. Beverly Shay Merritt
Gene and Rachel Merritt
Mr. Richard T. Merritt
Ms. April G. Messer
Ms. Jackie Meyers
Mrs. Jean F. Meyers
Ms. Mary Epton Middleton
Ms. Ashley Kay Mikkelsen
Mrs. Keesha Ann Miles
Mr. Abraham Keith Miller
Ms. Barbara Jean Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Miller
Dr. Harrison Stewart Miller
Mr. Joel Miller
Mrs. Laura L. Miller
Ms. Mary Dianne Miller
Ms. Nia Valencia Miller
Ms. Patricia P. Miller
Mrs. Shatari Marcia Miller
Mr. Thomas W. Miller
Mr. Wayne Andrew Miller
Dr. Gordon E. Mills Jr.
Ms. Joanne T. Mills
Ms. Anna E. Miltenberger
Mrs. Tammi Oshie Milton
Ms. Cheryl Parker Milwee
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Mims
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Minchew
Dr. Rebecca A. Mindock
Mr. John Miner
Mr. Christopher P. Mininger
Ms. Patricia A. Mininger
Ms. Daisy M. Minor
Mississippi Land Bank
Ms. Alexis L. Mitchell
Mr. Bernard Edward Mitchell
Mr. Charles Edward Mitchell
Ms. Evie Donaldson Mitchell
Ms. Janice B. Mitchell
Mr. Otis Lee Mitchell
Mr. Robert Latimer Mitchell
Dr. Shawn Michael Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mitchell
Ms. Vickie M. Mitchell
Ms. Tammy Mitchem-Welch
Mitternight Inc.
Mrs. Gloria Mixon
Ms. Scherita Quinney Mixon
Mr. Morris L. Moberg III
Mr. Wayne Donald Mockel
Dr. Ehab Abdulla Molokhia
Mrs. Joanne L. Monk
Ms. Frances Montejo
Mr. Austin R. Montgomery
Mr. Robert A. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Moore
Mrs. Carolyn R. Moore
Mr. Claude H. Moore III and
Ms. Julie L. Stevens Moore
Mr. Darron Wade Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Moore
Mr. Jonathan Charles Moore
Mrs. Mariedora T. Moore
Ms. Megan Elizabeth Moore
Ms. Paige H. Moore
Miss Phyllis R. Moore
Ms. Sarah R. Moore
Mrs. Sarah S. Moore
Mrs. Susan B. Moore
Ms. Yevette N. Moore
Ms. Laura A. Moorer
Ms. Jacqueline H. Morgan
Jim and Cynthia Morgan
Mr. Timothy Jay Morris
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morrison
Ms. Jeanette Hudson Mortara
Ms. Jamesetta Mose
Mr. Maurice Moskowitz
Mr. A. C. Mosley Jr.
Mr. Andrew Lett Mosley
Ms. Betty Roberta Mosley
Mrs. Gertrude Williams Mosley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Mosley
Mrs. Susan Mosley
Mr. Tony Eric Mosley
Mr. Winston Marion Mosley
Mr. William W. Moss Jr.
Mossburg Enterprises LLC
Dr. Anne Maxwell Mostellar
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mostellar
Mr. Charles W. Motes
Jerry L. Moton
Mrs. Lori E. Movsovitz-Edlin
Mr. Naga Venkata M. Mudigonda
Dr. Frances C. Mujica
Mr. Allen D. Mullins
Ms. Janet Mullins
Ms. Marin Dees Muncaster
Ms. Anita Louise Mungenast
Ms. Courtney C. Murphy
Mrs. Jennifer Marie Murphy
Mr. Robert Wayne Murphy
Ms. Wanda Sue Murphy
Ms. Dariel Murray
Ms. Grace H. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. J. Manson Murray
Mrs. Judith C. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Murray III
Ms. Michelle Swofford Murrill
Mr. Thomas A. Musick
46 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Ms. Lilian W. Mwangi
Ms. Joan Fonde Myers
Mrs. Letitia M. Myers
Ms. Iona Myles
Ms. Theresa Anne Myles
Mr. Guy Dennis Nabors
Mrs. Margaret Moore Nadler
Ms. Lindsay Q. Nagy
Mrs. Norma Jean Nall
Ms. Lisa Nash
Ms. Marty A. Naugle
Mrs. Deana W. Neal
Mrs. Jennifer Jones Neely
Ms. Amelie Ann Neese
Mr. Billy G. Neese
Mrs. Lisa McClure Nell
Mrs. Fern S. Nelson
Mrs. Jennifer A. Nelson
Ms. Mary Frances Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Nelson
Mrs. Sherry A. Nelson
Ms. Mary I. Neno
Ms. Muriel Denise Nero
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Nesmith
Ms. Sharon D. Nettles
Ms. Sheila Louise Nettles
Ms. Ginny Lynn Newberry
Ms. Tammy Morgan Newberry
Mrs. Deana S. Newbill
Ms. Carol M. Newell
Ms. Hetty C. Newell
Ms. Sandra Newman
Mr. David L. Newton
Ms. Marcia Ann Newton
Ms. Melissa M. Newton
Next Level Tumbling LLC
Mr. Hai T. Nguyen
Mr. Jamie K. Nguyen
Ms. Rita F. Nicholas
Ms. Trina Harrison Nicholas
Mrs. Cheryl Ann Nicholls
Ms. Carla M. Nicholas
Ms. Ann G. Nichols
Ms. Laura M. Nichols
Ms. Jamie Lynn Nicholson
Mr. Wendell Lee Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Nicolson
Ms. Alexandra Niemeyer
Mr. Carlton Niemeyer
Ms. Trina Luanne Nix
Mr. Talge M. Nobles
Ms. Brandi A. Noel
Ms. Mary M. Noland*
Mrs. Nancy Morris Noland
Judge and Mrs. Lionel W. Noonan Sr.
Ms. Linda D. Nordmann
Mr. Rudolph J. Nordmann Jr.
Mr. Warren Norman
Ms. Elizabeth Diane Norris
Ms. Margaret M. Norstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norton
Mrs. Susy Norton
Mr. Norville L. Norwood
Mrs. Tracie D. Norwood
Ms. Frances O’Brien
Mr. Jerome L. O’Brien Jr.
Mr. Anthony R. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. O’Connor III
Ms. Tammy S. O’Haver
Mrs. Christine M. O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. O’Neal
Ms. Holly Lynn O’Shea
Ms. Charmaine P. Oates
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Oates
Mr. and Ms. Boniface Obiako
Ms. Octavia W. Obolensky
Mr. Christopher Moore Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Odom
Ms. Kristin Coker Odom
Ms. Shirley A. Odom
Ms. Muizat Ajoke Odumosu
Mr. John J. Oldal
Karen E. Oldland
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Olen
Ms. Olivia V. Oliver
Ms. Beatrice C. Ollinger
Ms. Deborah Dolan Ollis
Ms. Katherine O. Ollis
Dr. Kay Lynn Olmsted
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Julius Olsen
Mrs. Mary J. Olson
Ms. Sayo Onodera
The Optimist Club of Daphne
Alabama #29319
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Oram
Ms. Christina D. Orange
Order of Athena
The Original HoneyBaked Ham Company
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Osborne Jr.
Enables a donor to give
his or her home, while
retaining use of the home
for life. Primary benefits
from this type of gift are
income tax deductions
and direct transfer of the
home to the University
without probate.
Mr. Oluseyi O. Osiyoku
Mrs. Guy C. Oswalt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Otts III
Mr. Octavius McCrary Otts IV
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Otts Jr.
Mr. A. Robert Outlaw Jr.
Mr. Joseph Ralph Overton
Mr. Bradley Alexander Owen
Mr. Michael A. Owen
Mr. Robert David Owen
Ms. Dorann H. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis I. Owens
Ms. Eunice Owens
Ms. Evea D. Owens
Bill and Christi Padgett
Ms. Doris M. Paige
Mrs. Sharon Paine
Mrs. Flora C. Painter
Dr. Karen L. Palazzini
Mrs. Lesley R. Palisi
Ms. Lindsey Palma
Mr. David K. Palmer
Ms. Linda McGillis Palmer
Ms. Mary S. Palmer
Mr. Wadsworth Bryan Pape
Ms. Sandra Verkouille Parden
Ms. Jill Paris
Mr. Billy J. Parker
Mr. Charlie Linton Parker
Mrs. Diana B. Parker
Ms. Diane Parker
Ernest Cleve Parker Jr.
Ms. Gaylynn Asher Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Parker
Ms. Lisa Kathleen Parker
Ms. Melani Bishop Parker
Mrs. Ann Appling Parkhurst
Mr. William K. Parmer
Mrs. Angel Parnell
Mrs. Claire D. Parnell
Ms. Grace E. Parnelle
Mr. Bernard Parrish
Mrs. Elizabeth Partlow
Ms. Brandy K. Pate
Mr. Scott Errington Patrick
Mr. Lloyd L. Patten
Ms. Ann Renee Patterson
Ms. Helen Jane Patterson
Mr. Leetroy Patterson
Mr. Marcus J. Patterson
Mr. Matthew Warren Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Patteson Sr.
Ms. Leigh W. Patton
Mr. A. Jeffrey Paulk
Mr. Jimmy Alfred Paulk
Ms. Audrey Nathalie Paulzak
Mr. Anto Pavic
Mr. Alfred Joseph Pawlowski
Mr. Anthony Tyrone Payne
Dr. Sarah S. Payne
Ms. Toni B. Pearce
Mr. Norman R. Peavy
Mr. Seth S. Peden
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Peebles III
Mr. and Mrs. Antony L. Pelekanos
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Pelletier Jr.
Mr. John Paul Pendarvis
Ms. Rose Marie Pennington
Ms. Shirley Nelson Perdum
Mr. Richard Perez
Dr. Donald Ray Perine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Perkins
Ms. Rose Niki Perkins
Ms. Vickie L. Perkins
Mr. Michael John Perniciaro Jr.
Mr. Christopher Trey Perry
Ms. Debbie Wills Perry
Kim W. Perry
Dr. Jason Edward Peters
Ms. Vickie Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodrow Peters
Mr. William Hanks Petersen
Ms. Elizabeth S. Peterson
Mr. James Dominic Petruccelli
Ms. Tency L. Pettaway
Ms. Little Minnie Petties-Baker
Ms. Lisa Allenbach Pettis
Ms. Adrienne P. Pettway
Ms. Deborah D. Pettway
Mrs. Jenester W. Pettway
Mr. Tommie Lee Pettway
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Pfeiffer
Dr. and Mrs. Anh-Vu Phan
Ms. Marye Cynthia Pharez
Richard A. Pharez
Ms. Jennifer Phillipchuk
Ms. Catherine Kelly Phillips
Mr. J. Michael Phillips
Ms. Juanita Phillips
Ms. Karla D. Phillips
Ms. Nina B. Phillips
Mr. Lawrence Philip Picard
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Pickens
Ms. Lara Christine Pierce
Ms. Margaret Jane Pierce
Ms. Melisa H. Pierce
Ms. Sheila Pierce
Ms. Donna Joann Pigg
Ms. Sylvia Boswell Pilgrim
Ms. Sharon R. Pinkert
Mr. Isaiah O. Pinkney
Mr. Jonathan Plato
Ms. Alma Young Platt
Ms. Margaret Babin Platt
Mr. Todd Plutsky
Mrs. Gloria J. Poche
Mr. Mark A. Poche’
Ms. Hayley M. Poe
Ms. Marian A. Poirier
Mr. Francis D. Pollara Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Randy E. Poole
Dr. Amber L. Pope
Ms. Judith Gail Porco
Port City Church of Christ
Mr. Charles C. Portella
Ms. Alesia Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Porter
Mr. Charles R. Posey
Dr. and Mrs. Ted L. Poston
Potters Wings Mobile LLC
Mr. Thomas Henderson Potter
Mrs. Judy Potts
Mrs. Janice K. Potzner
Mr. Melvin Ray Pounds
Mrs. Valdez Powe
Mrs. Alene Carmichael Powell
Mr. Thomas James Powers
Mr. Edward H. Preato
Ms. Amy C. Prendergast
Ms. Debra Sue Presley
Ms. Jamar T. Preston
Mr. Michael Durrell Preston
Ms. Feaunte S. Preyear
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie G. Price
Mr. Jason Lynn Price
Mr. Jeffrey S. Price
Mr. John Charles Price
Mr. Roy B. Price
Mr. Douglas C. Pridgen
Ms. Sharon Alisa Prince-Kidd
Progressive Electric Design LLC
Mr. Mark Proicou
Dr. Vasiliy Alekseyevich Prokhorov
Ms. Caroline T. Pryor
Mrs. Sarah A. Pryor
Mrs. Cindy LeBlanc Puckett
Mr. Gary Lavon Pugh
Ms. Kimberly R. Pugh
Mrs. Latrice Nicole Pugh
Mr. Michael E. Pugh
Ms. Nancy Anne Pugh
Dr. Steven Finley Pugh
Mr. Tobias C. Pugh
Ms. Donna Rolland Puhr
Ms. Mary Nell Pulliam
Ms. Marina Elizabeth Purvis
Dr. Xun Qian and Ms. Yichun Hu
Dr. Kimberly Morris Quiett
Ms. Claire G. Quinlivan
Mr. Patrick Quinn
Mrs. Leigh Quinnelly
Dr. Lyudmila I. Rachek
Mr. Thomas Justice Radcliff
Ms. Peggy Raines
Ms. Lynn S. Ramey
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Ramsey
Mrs. Angela Marie Rand
Mrs. Katherine Randall
Mrs. Brittany Ranew
Mr. Stephen R. Ranew
Mr. Ghulam Rasool
Mr. David B. Rather
Mr. James Robert Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Raue Jr.
Mr. William Rawson
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Ray
Mrs. Sharon J. Ray
Mr. William L. Ray
Ms. Andrea K. Rayborn
Ms. Kimberly P. Rayborn
Ms. Shannon Ready
Mrs. Monika Reaney
Mr. Albert Burson Reasonover Jr.
Ms. Barbara Ann Redden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Redisch
Mrs. Linda Marie Redlich
Mrs. Emily Ikner Reece
Mrs. Camille C. Reed
Mr. Daniel C. Reed Sr.
Ms. Evelyn Reed
Ms. Lois Vanesvy Reed
Ms. Sabrina Moore Reed
Mrs. Christine G. Reese
Ms. Gloria S. Reese
Mr. James D. Reese
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Reese
Ms. Amy Elizabeth Reeves
Ms. Teresa J. Regan
Regency Church of Christ
Ms. Kay A. Rehm
Ms. Olivia Annette Rehm
Ms. Kathryn Miller Reich
Ms. Alexandra Reichek
Mr. Robert P. Reid
Mr. Daniel Andrew Reilly
Dr. and Mrs. Michael
C. Reindl
Mrs. Rita A. Rendon
Ms. Laura E. Reniewicz
Mr. Jack Rester
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rettig
Dr. Donna L. Retzlaff-Roberts
Mrs. Paula Retzler
Mr. Ernest L. Reuben
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Revere
Mrs. Melissa Girod Rew
Mr. Reginald D. Reyes
Mrs. Marcia E. Reynhout
Ms. Brenda Gaddy Reynolds
Ms. Debra H. Reynolds
Mr. Paul Michael Reynolds
Ms. Sally Anne Reynolds
Ms. Deborah P. Rhoades
Ms. Shannon Roberts Rhodes
Richard Murray & Company Inc.
Ms. Debra M. Richards
Dr. Elizabeth A. Richards
Ms. Deborah Richardson
Ms. Karen D. Richardson
Mrs. Margaret B. Richardson
Dr. Jason Morgan Richerson
Mr. Charles E. Richey
Mr. David P. Richman
Ms. Bambi L. Riebesel
Mr. Herman W. Riedeburg
Mr. Frederick William Riel
Mrs. Becky Rigby
Ms. Brenda Clausell Rigsby
Rising Stars Studio of Dance LLC
Mr. Melvin James Risper
Mrs. Deborah Ann Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Ritchie
Dr. Luis Carlos Rivera-Carrero
Ms. Audrei Kel Rivers
Mr. C. Keith Rivers
Ms. Mallory A. Rivers
Ms. Betty W. Roach
Ms. Kelly L. Robbins
Dr. Clark Robenstine
Mr. Hardy C. Roberson
Ms. Carol L. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton L. Roberts
Mr. David O. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roberts
Ms. Kathleen Ann Roberts
Mrs. Lorine Moody Roberts
Mr. Louis Craig Roberts
Mr. Shuford A. Roberts
Mr. Thomas M. Roberts
Ms. Vanessa A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Roberts
Mr. Justin C. Robertson
Ms. Angelia Peoples Robinson
Ms. Bernice A. Robinson
Ms. Bertha McGadney Robinson
Mr. Bruce Lane Robinson
Ms. Deborah L. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Chris Robinson
Mr. Harold C. Robinson
Ms. Kristin A. Robinson
Ms. Mary Louise Robinson
Ms. Regina Robinson
Mrs. Roberta L. Robison
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Robson Jr.
Dr. Petra Rocic
Mrs. Teri C. Rodgers
Ms. Inez L. Rodning
Mr. Jose Antonio Rodriguez
Dr. Earl D. Rogers
Mr. John Earl Rogers Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rogers Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross R. Rogers
Mrs. Sonya Javelle Harrell Rogers
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Odell Rogers
Mr. Stephen A. Rohrer
Ms. Barbara Roley
Mr. Walter E. Roney III
Ms. Ashley S. Rose
Mrs. Lisa Kaplan Rosenzweig
Mr. Tom B. Ross
Ms. Eva M. Rosser
Mr. Dale D. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rothenberg
Ms. Lacey Creppel Rowell
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Rowell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rowland
Royal Lagoon Seafood
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ruch
Dr. Mykhaylo Valentinovych Ruchko
Ms. Sherri Lynn Rudisill
Ms. Gloria L. Ruffin
Ms. Jeannette Angela Ruffles
Ms. Elizabeth G. Rugan
Ms. Carly Jayne Rullman
Mr. Robert A. Runderson Jr.
Ms. Jennifer B. Ruocco
Ms. Lynne W. Rupert
Ms. Carlotta M. Russell
J. Stephen Russell
Ms. Jacquleine R. Russell
Mr. John C. Russell
Ms. Sara E. Russell
Ms. Ruth C. Russo
Mr. Edward J. Rutkowski Jr. and
Ms. Ruth S. Noonan-Rutkowski
Ms. Leslie A. Rutkowski
Mrs. Anita D. Ryan
Ms. Jade A. Ryan
Mrs. Kathleen K. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ryan
Ms. Nancy Brown Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Rye
Ms. Patricia Anne Rymell
Ms. Jacqueline Sacks
Mr. Omar Safarjalani
Mr. Richard Marvin Safin
Mrs. Joanne L. Sag
Ms. Carla Mustin Saint-Paul
Ms. Maryleigh Frances Salter
Mrs. Kelley Hope Salvetti
Mr. Sridhar Sanaka
Mrs. Margaret J. Sander
Mr. Jordan Sanders
Mr. Joseph Edward Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Sanford
Mr. George G. Sangilan
Mrs. Leslie M. Sankey
Mr. Fernando J. Sanz-Vidorreta
Ms. Stephanie Sarashon
Ms. Jessica Sarter
Ms. Felicia Sarubin
Ms. Morgan Satler
Ms. Tonya Leigh Saucer
Mr. Jason Michael Saulters
Save My Script LLC
Ms. Erin Sawrie
Ms. Angela R. Sawyer
Ms. Brenda Sawyer
Dr. Carol F. Sawyer
Mrs. Dina Gail Sawyer
Mrs. Joyce Scarbrough
Ms. Patricia Scarbrough
Ms. Kimberly Seale Scarcliff
Ms. Julie Schaetzel
Mrs. Lindsay Nicholson Schambeau
Mr. Michael V. Schiavoni
Ms. Carol Frances Schjott
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Schmid
Mrs. Deborah J. Schmidt
Ms. Courtney S. Sasse
Ms. Blair M. Schoenvogel
Ms. Lauren Schorr
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Schramm Jr.
Mrs. Silvia Schreibung
Mr. William August Schulze
Simon and Diana Schum
Ms. Jeanette M. Schwartz
Ms. Eileen Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schwind
Mr. David G. Scott
Mr. David L. Scott
Ms. Deborah Scott
Ms. Donna McDowell Scott
Mr. Erin Scott
Ms. Katherine Anne Scott
Ms. Sylvia Yvette Scott
Dr. Edward Timothy Scruggs
Mr. Bruce Seabolt
Ms. Mavis P. Seal
Ms. Michelle L. Seall
Mrs. Linda Sealy
Mr. Jonathan R. Searles
Ms. Sheila P. Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Seawell IV
Second Air Force Morale Welfare
Ms. Bonita L. Seibert
Mr. Cary Wayne Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dean Sellers
Mr. John Irvin Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sellers
Mr. Edwin R. Sells
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sema
Mrs. Sheriee Semski
Ms. Phetsamy M. Sengsiri
Mr. Alan J. Serotta
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sessions
Mrs. Carol D. Sevier
Ms. Margaret Henry Seyler
Mr. Arshad Shabbir
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Shade
Mrs. Nancy Vanantewerp Shaneyfelt
Mr. David Shapiro
Ms. Julie Beth Shapiro
Mrs. Kim C. Sharp
Ms. Shameka Shantel Sharp
Mrs. Jennifer White Sharpe
Mr. Thomas Joseph Shaver
Mr. Michael A. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Shealey
Ms. Lori L. Shearer
Mr. Lindsey N. Sheffield
Mrs. Virginia Marie Sheffield
Mr. John J. Sheldon
Mr. Howard Hargis Shell
Mr. John A. Shell
Mr. John Ethan Shell
Mr. Ralph R. Shell
Ms. Anna M. Shelley
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Shelley-Tremblay
48 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Ms. Katherine Marie Shelley
Ms. Adrienne Denise
Ms. Ethel Smith Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Mr. Rory Shepard
Mrs. Carla Faye Shepperson
Mrs. Abigail M. Sherman
Ms. Alexandra Sherman
Mrs. Catharine C. Sherman
Mr. Paul S. Shestak
Ms. Kelly E. Shields
Ms. Karen Kelly Shirah
Ms. Betty B. Shirley
Mr. George Lee Shoots
Mr. Ning Shu
The Honorable and
Mrs. William S. Shulman
Mr. Edward John Shultz
Mr. Rocio Siddiqui
Mrs. Manette R. Silberman
Rev. Marion N. Silbert
Mrs. Billie H. Simison
Ms. Joyce M. Simmons
Ms. Julia P. Simmons
Ms. Lynn Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Simms
Ms. Karen Felicia Simon
Ms. Anne Marie M. Sims
Ms. Jane C. Sims
Ms. Mary Evelyn Sims
Ms. Sonya Denise Sims
Ms. Teresa A. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Van W. Sims
Ms. Yolande Louise Sims
Ms. Beverly Sinclair
Mr. John Adam Singletary
Mr. John Henry Singleton
Mrs. Pamela L. Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sisson
Mrs. Tammy Michelle Sizemore
Ms. Cynthia A. Skanes
Mrs. Cheryl Lou Skinner
Ms. Julia Skinner
Skip Brutkiewicz Attorney At Law
Ms. Caitlin Elizabeth Skipper
Mr. and Mrs. John Skipper
Marsha Skipper
Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Sklopan
Ms. Nicolet J. Slade
Ms. LaRonda D. Slater
Mr. H. Crawford Slaton III
Mr. Hunter Slaton
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Slaton
Dr. Timothy J. Slattery
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sledge
Ms. Laura Miller Smalling
Ms. Linda Smee
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wayne Smilie
Ms. Adrienne Denise Smith
Ms. Audrey Jeanne Smith
Mr. Barry Gerone Smith Jr.
Ms. Brenda Darlene Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Carey C. Smith Jr.
Miss Carolyn R. Smith
Ms. Catherine B. Smith
Mr. Charlie D. Smith III
Ms. Clevon Smith
Rev. and Mrs. Curtis R. Smith Sr.
Mr. Darrell B. Smith Jr.
Mr. Edward L. Smith Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Malone Smith
Ms. Iras Nell Smith
Ms. Jasmine Smith
Mr. Jason Erik Smith
Mr. Jeffrey E. Smith
Ms. Jennifer R. Smith
Ms. Joan D. Smith
Mr. Joseph R. Smith
Ms. Joyce V. Smith
Ms. Juanita Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Judson S. Smith
Ms. Katherine Wade Smith
Linda Higbee Smith
Ms. Linda Kay Smith
Mr. Louis S. Smith Jr.
Ms. Louise Bingham Smith
Ms. Michelle D. Smith-Lofton
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Smith
Mrs. Patricia M. Smith
Ms. Pattie Pettway Smith
Mrs. Paula Meeks Smith
Dr. Phillip N. Smith
Ms. Priscilla W. Smith
Ms. Randi M. Smith
Mr. Richard Allen Smith
Ms. Roberta T. Smith
Ms. Ruth M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Smith
Mrs. Susan G. Smith
Ms. Suzanne Smith
Ms. Sydney C. Smith
Mrs. Tammy Michelle Smith
Thomas C. and Rhonda Bridges Smith
Ms. Vicki R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond V. Smoot
Mr. Benjamin R. Snead
Mrs. Sharon L. Snelgrove
Mr. Ernest E. Snider*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Snider
Sarah and Jim Snow
Mrs. Patricia Cocco Snowden
Curtis J. Snyder
Ms. Brigette S. Soderlind
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Soles
Somerset Homeowners Association
Ms. Brenda Darlene Sommer
Ms. Rebecca Jean Sommer
Mr. Albert J. Song
Sound Associates Inc.
South Alabama Women’s Soccer Team
Spafford Creative
Ms. Linda Monk Spain
Ms. Melissa Davis Spann
Ms. Roni Spann
Mrs. Sylvia Warrick Spann
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cecil Sparks
Ms. Mary Ann Spell
Ms. Annie M. Spencer
Mr. George D. Spencer
Ms. Mona Burks Spencer
Ms. Lynn K. Spinks
Mr. John A. Spottswood
Mr. John S. Spottswood Jr.
Ms. Brenda N. Sprinkle
Ms. Heather D. Sprinkle
St. John’s Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal School Inc.
Tim and Lisa Stacey
Ms. Paula Spence Stadther
Ms. Weatherby Partridge Stallings
Mr. Willie J. Stallings Jr.
Ms. Jolene P. Stallworth
Mrs. Tina Renee Stalmach
Ms. Terri Elaine Stampley
Mrs. Ann M. Stanford
Ms. Amy Michelle Stanley
Mr. Joseph C. Stanley
Ms. Kimberly J. Stanley
Mr. Craig Osborne Stark
Mr. Martin W. Statkewicz
Ms. Juanita Leann Staton
Mrs. Teresa Marie Stauffer
Ms. Linda Holley Stearns
Mrs. Mary H. Stebbins
Mr. Donald William Steele
Mr. Chad P. Stefano
Mrs. Kay D. Steffen
Mr. Aubrey Ray Stegall
Mrs. Susan W. Stein
Mr. Samuel Steinman
Ms. Jill Jones Stephens
Mr. Lewey B. Stephens III
Ms. Shelley A. Stephens
Mr. James Stevens
Mrs. Marcia L. Stewart
Mrs. Perry F. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stewart
Mrs. Sandra L. Stewart
Ms. Cynthia A. Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Stille
Ms. Dianne B. Stillman
Looman and Judith Stingo
Ms. Tanya B. Stinson
Ms. Jennifer B. Stokes
Ms. Laura Ellen Stork
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Stout
Ms. Wanda F. Stowe
Dr. Nancy Strachan
Mr. Jason S. Strada
Ms. Briana Strasser
Mr. John Michael Streacker
Mrs. Brandy Strickland
Mrs. Melissa Chantele Strickland
Mrs. Rhonda Stricklin
Ms. Debra E. Stringfellow
Ms. Melissa Louise Stuart
Mr. Daniel Gaines Stubblefield
Student National Medical Association
Mr. Krishnakumar Subramanian
Ms. Leslie Depauw Suffich
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Suggs
Mrs. Evelyn Virginia Sullivan
Mrs. Lydia Mi-Kel Sullivan
Mr. Richard C. Sullivan Jr.
Mr. Richard Gregory Sullivan
Mr. Vincent R. Sullivan
Mr. Mark T. Sumner
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Sumrall
Ms. Dora Sun
Dr. George Sun
Ms. Frances Irma Supple
Mr. Jeffrey W. Surginer Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Sutton
Mr. James Carlos Swain
Mr. Glenn W. Swaney
Mr. Simons Swanson
Mrs. Teresa A. Sweatt
Ms. Cecelia Catherine Sweeney
Dr. Mark Raymond Swingle
Ms. Maria W. Switzer
Ms. Evelyn Rene Allen Sylvester
Syonics Inc.
Ms. Ann E. Tacon
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy K. Tagert
Mr. Frank Talbott IV
Ms. Evelyn C. Tallman
Mr. Travis Talmadge
Ms. Audrey Denise Tandy
Mr. Cheng Tang
Ms. Rayma Mears Tange
Ms. Nancy Louise Tanner
Ms. Norma Sue Tanner
Ms. Phyllis C. Tarver
Mr. and Ms. Gholamreza Tashbin
Ms. Anna Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Coustaur D. Taylor
Ms. Cynthia Mccall Taylor
Mrs. Danica S. Taylor
Mr. Dominique O. Taylor
Ms. Kelly Renee Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Taylor
Mr. Marvin Hoffman Taylor
Ms. Medea Temonia Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Randle E. Taylor
Mr. Reginald K. Taylor
Ms. Tina D. Taylor
Mr. Willie H. Taylor Jr.
Mr. Christopher Alan Teague
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCall Tedder
Ms. Lydia R. Temonia
Ms. Beverly H. Templeton
Ms. Peggy Laurie Terrell
Ms. Mattie D. Terry
Dr. Wesley D. Terwey
Ms. Carolyn Testerman
Mr. James Darrel Tew
Ms. Michelle Julia Thaden
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Thames
Ms. Jeanne T. Thames
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Theobald
Mr. James Njiru Thiongo
Mr. Dan H. Thomas
Mr. Decature Paul Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert E. Thomas
Ms. Emily G. Thomas
Ms. Joyce Marie Thomas
Mrs. Mary Celeste Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone L. Thomas
Ms. Veronica Earnestine Thomas
Ms. Willie M. Thomason
Mr. Alfred C. Thompson Sr.
Dr. Amy Michelle Thompson
Ms. Caroline Thompson
Mrs. Cathy G. Thompson
Ms. Christina Nicole Thompson
Ms. Christine A. Thompson
Ms. Euka Bell Thompson
Mr. Jefferson Davis Thompson III
Mr. John W Thompson
Ms. Julie C. Thompson
Ms. Katrina Hairston Thompson
Ms. Molly G. Thompson
Ms. Shirley Kelly Thompson
Mr. William A. Thompson Jr.
Ms. Barbara B. Thomson
Ms. Valerie Thomson
Mrs. Kendall S. Thornton
Ms. Maegan Danielle Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Emery E. Thoss
Mr. Ollie Rix Threadgill
Mr. Bobby B. Threlkeld
Ms. Amy W. Tillman
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tillman
Mrs. Mary W. Tillman
Mrs. Tracey M. Tillman
Ms. Cathy Carter Tinnea
Ms. Whitney L. Tipton
Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Tisdal
Ms. Cindy Tisdale
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tittle
Mr. James Leonard Todd
Ollie and Sharon Todd
Mr. Albert Tolbert
Ms. Hazel B. Tolbert
Mrs. Debra Joyce Tolle
Mrs. Marilyn B. Tomb
Mrs. Kristin Oakes Tomlinson
Mrs. Patsy S. Tomlinson
Mr. P. B. Tonsmeire
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Toomey III
Bruce Toplek
Ms. Francisca Torres
Mrs. Shylonda B. Torrey-Stewart
Mrs. Barbara N. Touart
Ms. Julia McDonnell Touart
Mrs. Tammie E. Townsend
Ms. Joanna A. Tran
Ms. Nancy Trant
Mr. Larry Trawick
Ms. Kristen Tredwell
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Treglown
Ms. Karen Fay Trehern
Ms. Clemencia G. Treutel
Mr. Tommy N. Trieu
Ms. Phyllis M. Trimble
Ms. Marena Trotter
Truelight Mississippi Men’s
Church Chorus
Mr. Ryan Truong
Mr. Christopher P. Tucker
Mr. James Bryon Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J.
Tucker Jr.
Ms. Kay McMullen Tuel
Mr. Danny T. Tullos and
Ms. Peggy L. Lowry
Ms. Mary Ann Tuohy
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Turberville
Ms. Ashley Williams Turbeville
Mr. Timothy Maurice Turk
Mr. John David Turley
Mr. Robert Turnage
Ms. Glenda Curtis Turnbow
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Turner
Mrs. Charlotte G. Turner
Ms. Doris Jean Turner
Ms. Jean H. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Turner
Ms. Lashon Darnell Turner
Mrs. Mary Ladd Turner
Mrs. Mary Ladd Gaillard Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Turner
Ms. Penny Lee Turner
Mr. Rian Morgan Turner
Dr. Staci Turner
Ms. Terri Leigh Turner
Ms. Yolanda F. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin M. Turnipseed
Mr. David Eugene Turppa
Rev. and Mrs. Teddie C. Turrentine
Twilley Builders Inc.
Mr. John David Tyler
Mr. Larry L. Varnado
Dr. Joyce M. Varner and
Mr. Rickie R. Varner
Dr. Stephen T. Varner
Ms. Kimberly Ann Vaughn
Ms. Mary C. Vegliacich
Mrs. Michele June Velez
Mr. Larry D. Vette
Ms. Laura Hendry Vice
Ms. Edith Arleen Vickers
Ms. Kristina F. Villavicencio
Mr. Bryant J. Vincent
Dr. Mary C. Vinet
Ms. Amy Michelle Vining
Ms. Brenda K. Visser
Ms. Nicole D. Voisine
Mr. Charles Volking Sr.
Ms. Jo Shenberger Vollmer
Ms. Kathryn Vrachalus
Courtney Lee Udelson
Ms. Michelle Uhle
Mr. Gary L. Uhliar
Mrs. Mary E. Underhill
Ms. Mavorette I. Underwood
Ms. Brenda S. Upchurch
Mrs. Mandy Marie Schrepp Upton
Ms. Gloria Hicks Urban
Mr. Joseph Uzcategui
Ms. Judith Ann Vajgrt
Mr. Pedro T. Valencia
Ms. Deborah Booth Valle
Ms. Maureen VanDevender
Ms. Elizabeth David VanDillon
Mr. Jeffrey Thomas Van Gelderen
Dr. Elizabeth VandeWaa
Ms. Jackie Vanklaveren
Mr. Mahendra Varman
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wacker
Dr. Wiltz W. Wagner Jr.
Mr. Truett L. Wakefield
Walker Jewelers Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Walker
Mrs. Avril Walker
Mrs. Brandy C. Walker
Mrs. Deanna Marie Walker
Ms. Jessica R. Walker
Mr. Jonathan Earl Walker
Ms. Karen Denise Walker
Ms. Kelleigh E. Walker
Mrs. Laura T. Walker-Huckabee
Mr. Vincent D. Walker
Mrs. Mary Anne Wall
Mrs. Sharmyn Kathleen Wall
Ms. Diana B. Wallace
Mrs. Laverne B. Wallace
Mr. Ronald Shelton Wallace
Ms. Tessica L. Wallace
Ms. Wanza A. Wallace
Mr. Charles Lee Waller IV
Mrs. Noretta Walls
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Eichold Walmsley
Mr. Edgar Pritchard Walsh
Mr. Enoch P. Walters Jr.
Ms. Jimmie Sue Walters
Mrs. Judith Morrow Walton
Ms. Elizabeth A. Wampler
Dr. Bin Wang and Ms. Kun Huang
Mr. Bryan D. Ward
Mrs. Christina Ann Ward
Ms. Donna M. Ward
Mr. John Thomas Ward
Dr. Richard Lewis Ward
Mrs. Gloria P. Warden
Ms. Carolyn Elizabeth Ware
Ms. Christina M. Ware
Mr. Chad R. Warnol
Mr. Frank S. Warren
Mr. T. Malcolm Warren Jr.
Mr. and Ms. William Alan Warren
Mrs. Gladys P. Washam
Ms. Barbara Mingo Washington
Ms. Temeka N. Washington
Ms. Lindsay Waterbury
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Waters
Ms. Hannah L. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Q. Gene Watford
Ms. Cherry Dynell Watkins
Mr. Horace Watkins
Ms. Rachel R. Watkins
Ms. Sharron W. Watkins
Ms. Dina Lynn Watley
Mrs. Doris R. Watson
Mr. Harry E. Watson
Mr. Jeff T. Watson
Ms. Mary A. Watson
Ms. Valize A. Watson
Mr. James W. Watt
Way, Ray, Shelton &
Company PC
Ms. Rosie R. Weatherspoon
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Weaver
Mrs. Tanya Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weavil
Mr. John E. Webb
Mr. Kenneth J. Weber
Ms. Paula L. Webb
Ms. Linda Sue Webster
Ms. Kimberly A. Weed
Ms. Patricia Abigail Weems
Mr. Steven William Wehner
Ms. Ashley M. Weil
Mr. Jeffrey Weiland
Dr. and Mrs. L. Steve Weinstein
Mrs. Carolyn F. Weisbecker
Ms. Madeleine Weiser
Ms. Dorothy R. Weisler
Ms. Stephanie Weiss
Ms. Barbara S. Welch
Mrs. Mary Hyland Welch
Ms. Rebecca Miller Welch
Ms. Cynthia Marie Weldon
Mrs. Jacqueline Trosclair Weldy
Teresa G. Weldy
Mr. Aaron Clifton Wells
Mr. Robert B. Wenzinger
Mrs. Tomasina S. Werner
Mr. James E. Wesson
Mr. Michael James West
Ms. Teresa A. West
Ms. LaPetra Lenise Westbrook
Ms. Rita S. Westmoreland
Mr Harvey Weston
Mrs. Natalie E. Weston
Ms. Tina Lashon Westry
Mrs. Sallie L. Wetzel
Ms. Joyce Whallon
Mr. Thaddeus Anthony Wheaten
Ms. Erin R. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Micah L. Wheeler
Ms. Tammy L. Whisenhant
Ms. Arzie M. White
50 | HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2013 Ms. Charlene Deanna White
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny C. White Jr.
Mr. Hugh L. White
Ms. Kristen B. White
Dr. Nancy C. White
Ms. Nancy Davis White
Mr. Nathan E. White
Ms. Rose M. White
Mrs. Stephanie S. White
Ms. Laura Whitehead
Ms. Margie H. Whiteside
Dr. Virginia H. Whiting
Ms. Audra Lynn Whitton
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Wickel
Mr. Ben W. Wiegers
Ms. Sharon Wiggins
Ms. Sherry L. Wiggins
Ms. Sherri E. Wike
Ms. Mary Alma Wilcox
Mrs. Lori Lynn Variali Wilder
Mr. Randall Ray Wilkerson
Ms. Tiffany L. Wilkerson
Mrs. Catharine A. Wilkins
Mr. Daniel L. Wilkins
Ms. Miranda Deann Wilkinson
Ms. Serena E. Willcox
Ms. Barbara McMillon Williams
Bob & Jacque Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Williams
Ms. Corinna M. Williams
Ms. Cynthia D. Williams
Ms. Deborah O. Williams
Ms. Debra A. Williams
Ms. Deidre Pettaway Williams
Ms. Dianne Williams
Mrs. Ethyle C. Williams
Ms. Frances Dorinda Williams
Mr. George M. Williams
Ms. Gloria Ann Williams
Mrs. Gloria J. Williams
Dr. Hadyn Tennyson Williams
Ms. Julia Calhoun Williams
Mrs. Julia Karcher Williams
Ms. Lauren Williams
Mrs. Lee McDonough Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Williams
Ms. Lethonia B. Williams
Ms. Marian O. Williams
Mrs. Marketa H. Williams
Ms. Odell Jones Williams
Mr. Robert Walter Williams
Ms. Shantell Latame Williams
Dr. Shiphrah A. Williams-Evans
Mrs. Susan B. Williams
Ms. Tanya L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Williams
Mr. Torin L. Williams
Ms. Victoria Thomas Williams
Mr. William Ernest Williams
Mr. William H. Williams Jr.
Ms. Eden S. Williamson
Mr. Kevin Daniel Williamson
Ms. Sue Williamson
Mrs. Angela Patrice Willis
Ms. Anna C. Willis
Ms. Mary Willis
Mr. John Larry Wills
Mrs. Paula D. Wills
Mr. Robert Alan Wills Jr.
Ms. Angela Riva Wilson
Ms. Brenda A. Wilson
Mr. Daniel Rudolph Wilson
Mr. David Kevin Wilson
Ms. Doris Ann Wilson
Ms. Ellen K. Wilson
Ms. Glenda R. Wilson
Ms. Janelle Nicole Wilson
Capt. and Mrs. Jerry D. Wilson
Mrs. Loretta S. Wilson
Mrs. Nancy C. Wilson
Dr. Marilyn Wilson-McGowan and
Mr. Jeffry McGowan
Dr. Mary S. Wilson
Ms. Sybil A. Wilson
Mrs. Tracey R. Wilson
Mr. George Robinson Wimberley
Windwood-Mobile LLC
Ms. Allison L. Wingate
Ms. Joan Benefield Winkle
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Winkler
Mr. Graham J. Winkworth
Ms. Christine Winslow
Mr. Charles Ira Winstead
Ms. Michelle Alix Winter
Mr. Eric L. Wise
Mr. John E. Witherington
Mrs. Shirley Witherspoon
Mr. Charles D. Wittner
Ms. Rebecca E. Wolf
Mrs. Mitzi Z. Wolfarth
Ms. Cortney Wolff
Mr. Mark Allen Wolfsheimer
Mrs. Tammy Seay Womack
Mrs. Barbara S. Wood
Mrs. Denise Bolton Wood
Ms. Erin Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Wood
Mrs. Victoria B. Wood
Ms. Tracy Woodall
Mr. Joshua L. Wooden
Ms. Theles Sutton Woodfin
Ms. Sandra Kay Woodruff
Ms. Barbara Ann Worthington
Ms. Andrea L. Wright
Mrs. Barbara A. Wright
Mr. Christopher Adam Wright
Ms. Denise Wright
Ms. Jennifer L. Wright
Mr. Jerry T. Wright
Mr. Kendrick Lavern Wright
Mr. Michael Joseph Wright
Mr. Randall Wright
Mr. Robert E. Wright
Ms. Laurie Kathryn Wyatt
Ms. Rachel Jean Wyers
Ms. Lisa Wyman
Ms. Susanne Wynne
Mrs. Jennifer L. Yeager
Dr. Larry Yet
Mr. Xiao Feng Yin
Ms. Berniece A. York
Mr. Harry M. Yoste
Ms. Teri Yother
Ms. Annette Calhoun Young
Mr. Dirk Young
Mrs. Grace Rachelle Walters Young
Ms. Janice W. Young
Mr. Jonathan B. Young
Ms. Lisa Abrams Young
Mr. Marcus D. Young
Ms. Margaret A. Young
Mr. Orlando C. Young
Ms. Patricia A. Young
Ms. Tiffany Leanne Young
Ms. Willenia V. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis E. Youngblood
Ms. Jamie E. Yuhas
MS. Carolyn Zale
Mr. Ed Zanaty
Ms. Jeepje Jansina Zandstra
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Zerfas
Dr. Chun Zhou
Ms. Shelly Zhu
Mrs. Gray T. Zimlich
Dr. Linda V. Zoghby
Ms. Brittany B. Zundel
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd C. Zundel
Ms. Angela Alice Zuschke
*indicates deceased
Medical Alumni Association
The University of South Alabama is
supported by many individuals, groups
and organizations, but none are more
important to the University than
• the USA Medical Alumni Association
• the USA National Alumni Association,
• the Jaguar Athletic Fund.
It is through the fund raising efforts of
these great volunteer organizations that
scholarships are created; student, faculty,
and employee awards are presented;
academic programs are supported;
athletic programs are enhanced; and
school spirit is exemplified.
The Medical Alumni Association (MAA) represents more than
2,300 alumni from thirty-seven graduating classes. By participating
in the association, dedicated alumni help enrich the medical school
experience and foster fellowship for both students and alumni by
supporting an array of educational and networking events including
the White Coat Ceremony, the Senior Class Reception, and the
Dean’s Hour, a program where alumni speak to students regarding
their specialties.
The MAA also hosts an Annual Medical Alumni Weekend,
which incorporates reunion festivities and CME opportunities. At
this year’s program, the board honored Dr. Arnold Luterman with
the 2013 Distinguished Service Award for his commitment and
service to the College of Medicine.
The association’s ongoing commitment to funding scholarships
and awards continued with more than $35,000 awarded through
the Medical Alumni Endowment Fund. The Class of 1981 entered its
second year of a three-year campaign to raise additional scholarship
funds for this endowment. Further enhancement of scholarships is
expected through a similar campaign initiated by the Class of 2013
earlier this year.
Board of Directors 2012-2014
Dr. M. Jill Ringold ’01, President
Dr. Grace Hundley ‘04
Dr. Oscar D. Almeida, Jr. ‘85
Dr. Wanda G. Kirkpatrick ’78
Dr. William E. (Bill) Blaylock ‘89
Dr. Amy M. Morris ‘93
Dr. R. Lamar Duffy ’84
Dr. Kit K. Outlaw ’92
Dr. Diana K. Hashimi ’90
Dr. H. Christopher Semple ’85
Dr. Johnson Haynes ‘80
Dr. Maryella Sirmon, ‘78
Dr. Russell “Rusty” A. Hudgens ’87
Dr. John L. Todd ’88
USA National Alumni Association
Jaguar Athletic Fund
The USA National Alumni Association (NAA) was founded in 1974
with a mission to provide comprehensive programs, services, and
resources to benefit the University, its alumni, students and friends.
Today, that mission is brought to life through the many programs and
events sponsored by the association – the Distinguished Alumni and
Service Awards, Jaguar Junction, Running With The Jags, Alumni
scholarship programs, Homecoming events and much more. Each
made possible through the association’s fundraising efforts.
Reflecting on the association’s many contributions, Karen Edwards,
Executive Director of the NAA said, “Moulton Tower and Alumni
Plaza serves as an enduring landmark, a beacon to future generations
symbolizing the dedication and commitment of the USA National
Alumni Association. Although it is the most visible, this magnificent
structure is but one of many contributions made possible through
the generosity of members of the association. The positive impact
engaged alumni have had on this institution is truly remarkable,
including unwavering support for student scholarships, enhanced
programs, and new and renovated facilities.”
The NAA is proud to have served the University for more than 39
years and we wish to thank our more than 4,600 members for your
unwavering support. Edwards continued, “If you are not currently
a member, I encourage you to become a part of this great tradition
through membership in the USA National Alumni Association.”
Since its establishment in 2006, the Jaguar Athletic Fund (JAF)
has become essential to all South Alabama Athletic initiatives. The
JAF is tasked with identifying individual financial goals for each
athletic program and soliciting the resources needed to ensure that
USA student-athletes are able to reach peak performance, both
academically and athletically.
The JAF has continued to grow in size and prominence
alongside South Alabama Athletics. With a membership of
approximately 1,500, the JAF generated an estimated $1 million
in private support last year alone, which will be used to help fund
numerous athletic program needs and projects, including:
Board of Directors 2012-2013
Mark Hoffman ‘75,
Ann Sirmon ‘87,
Vice President
Mike Diehl ‘73,
Penny Hatcher ‘02, MA ‘06,
Past President
Alexis Atkins ‘97
Holle Briskman ‘69
John Butt ‘04
Dr. Jim Connors ‘89, PhD. ‘07
Tom Corcoran ‘70
Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees ‘97
Karen W. Edwards ‘80
Larry E. Foster ‘72
Monica Garsed ‘91
Robert (Ron) Jenkins, III ‘74
Ray Kennedy ‘78
Tony Kennon ‘87
Lee McKinney
Shelby Mitchell ‘92
Christi Mossburg ‘85
Jeremiah Newell ‘08
Dr. Robert E. Percy M.D. ‘96
John E. “J.E.B.” Shell ‘00
Henry E. Wells ‘67
Douglas Whitmore ‘05
Jeremiah E. Woolsey ‘79
Joel Ponce,
President, USA Southerners
promoting recruiting efforts
supporting team travel opportunities
funding video equipment and editing systems
supplementing facility renovations and enhancements
In all, the JAF helps more than 350 student-athletes achieve
the South Alabama Athletic Department’s guiding principles of
Graduation – Citizenship – Championships.
Board of Directors 2012-2013
James H. (Jimmy) Shumock,
C. L. (Skipper) Walters,
Virginia M. (Ginni) Boyd,
Joel Erdmann, PhD,
Executive Director
Alexis Atkins
Lawrence Auer
Miles L. Ball
Shelly L. Holden
Joseph F. Busta, Jr., PhD
Randy Campbell
William J. (Billy) Cox
M. Wayne Davis
W. David Gwin, Sr.
C. Wesley Hinkle, Jr.
Robert A. (Bobby) Marks
Walt Massey
R. Lee McKinney, II
Amy Morris, MD
V. Gordon Moulton*
Jeff Nichols
Alex Pastore
Steve Simmons
John W. Smith, PhD
Cheryl S. Williams
*indicates deceased
The 22-foot-tall sculpture
made of silicon bronze,
donated by 1972 graduate
David Gwin and his wife,
Lynn, was designed by
Colorado-based sculptor,
Gail Folwell.
University of South Alabama
Development and Alumni Relations
300 Alumni Circle
Mobile, Alabama 36688-0002
CWH Moving Day Arrives —
Nurses and physicians move a
patient into the new Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit.