BOSTON COLLEGE Fact Book i .I 1971 f i L ! f. OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH AND PLANNING ( ! i 0 II ~. • '..\!~.~ \ . PREFACE The following pages of this booklet comprise the Boston College Fact Book, 1971. The purpose of this publication is to provide a ready source of basic factual information about the university and its resources. This year, the Fact Book serves as a pilot project for a publication which can be updated annually. It is by no means an exhaustive presentation,of all information flowing in and about Boston College, but it should provide a broad overview of the status of the university as of the Fall of 1971. The information contained herein was obtained from various offices on campus which maintain the source data. Although every effort was made to standardize the data, some minor inconsistencies may occur since related data may have been compiled and summarized at different points in time. The staff of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning wishes to express its sincere appreciation to all contributors for their excellent cooperation in assembling the data for the Fact Book. As a project which is intended to provide a service to the academic and administrative personnel at Boston College, it is hoped that the Fact 'Book will be helpful to you and will enhance your understanding of the scope and progress of the university. The Office of Institutional Research and Planning welcomes any criticisms, suggestions or corrections which will improve the usefulness of this publication. ,!, L t John G. Bolin DIRECTOR CONTENTS i Preface SECTION Board of Trustees 3 Board of Directors 4 Officers 7 of the University SECTION • I - Administration University II - University Academic Personnel Faculty I By School { By Rank and Average \ ··! , rL I By School 11 and FTE Faculty Compensation 13 and Rank 16 and Sex and Tenure By School By Rank and School Representation Degree Earned Academic By Sex Senate Highest 12 18 Rank and Sex 19 20 21 , 22 L f ~ L ,! L 1-- Non-Faculty Personnel Secretarial - Clerical SECTION University Personnel III - University Revenues/Expenditures Distribution 23 by Level Finance - Four Year Trend of Revenues 24 and Expenditures 27 29 30 Research ii -!'fJ]! -!"]ij} ,• ~ j ~ JI}jji 46 't ~ -. .1 49 45 41 51 37 42 50 44 52 SECTION Facilities Expenditures I .~.,. J OJ 36 35 IV - Libraries 1. and Holdings for Books Acquisitions SECTION Health V - Support Services Services Physical Plant Buildings Facilities Inventory Classroom Physical Plant SECTION Uses Services VI - Students Admissions Applications and Enrollment SAT Scores Advanced Placement New Transfers Enrollment (Academic Year) Headcount 56 55 57 Full Time Equivalent Undergraduate Graduate i 53 by School by School Male - Female iii • . j j 1 59 54 - , i } } Summer Degrees 60 School at Boston Degree College Undergraduate Graduate Financial 61 Programs Degrees Degrees 62 Conferred 64 Conferred Aid Number 66 of Students 67 Dollar Value of Aid Foreign Students School National l. 69 Origin Student Activities 70 Varsity Athletics 73 SECTION { 68 Enrollment VII - Alumni Affairs Relations Alumni Affairs 77 Public Relations 78 • I, _ • f J i i. 1- L { and Public -. ! { - !. iv ii i. ADMINISTRATION f. i. ! -. I 1 . .. 3 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rev. Raymond C. Baumhart, Loyola University Rev. James J. Devlin, Boston College I ; S.J. Chicago, Illinois 60611 S.J. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167 Rev. Charles F. Donovan, Boston College S.J. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167 Rev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Fordham University S.J. t_ j I. ( Rev. Thomas Fleming, Boston College Rev. W. Seavey Joyce, Boston College Bronx, New York 10458 S.J. Rev. Francis C. Mackin, Fordham University 1 f t Hill, Massachusetts 02167 Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167 S.J. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167 S.J. Rev. William J. Kenealy, Boston College f - Chestnut S.J. Rev. William J. O'Halloran, College of the Holy Cross New York, New York 10023 S.J. Rev. Joseph L. Shea, S.J. Cheverus High School I t , Source: Office of the President Worcester, Massachusetts Portland, Maine 01610 04103 7 OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY President Rev. W. Seavey Joyce, Senior Vice President and Dean of Faculties i_ II Rev. Charles F. Donovan, Vice President for Financial Affairs S.J. S.J. John R. Smith L i ! I Treasurer President and Vice Rev. Thomas f j , I I Vice President for Student Affairs Rev. Francis f L ,, The Boston S.J. James P. McIntyre Secretary of the University Source: Fleming, College Bulletin B. McManus, S.J. 6 The Board of Directors Mr. Adrian O'Keeffe Chairman of the Board First National Stores, The Honorable Thomas U.S. Congressman (cont'd) 1968-1971* Inc. P. O'Neill, Somerville, Massachusetts Jr. 1970-1974 Massachusetts 02203 Boston, Mr. Cornelius Owens Executive Vice President American Telephone and Telegraph Mr. Louis R. Perini, Sr. President, Perini Corporation 1970-1974 Co. New York, New York Framingham, Rev. Joseph L. Shea, S.J. Rector, Cheverus High School Mr. Thomas J. White J.F. White Contracting * All terms frozen for 1971; no terminations + Members of the Executive 10007 1968-1972 Massachusetts 01701 Portland, Newtonville, Co. 02154 1969-1972 Maine 04103 -1 •f ~I j J ] (2nd term) 1968-1973 Massachusetts 02160 or appointments Committee i,! I Source: Office of the President 4 ] THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rev. Raymond C. Baumhart, S.J. President, Loyola University Chicago, 1969-1973 Illinois 60611 ] "J ,J Dr. Joseph G. Brennan Barnard College Plainview, Dr. Robert F. Byrnes Indiana University Bloomington, Mr. Wallace E. Carroll Chairman of the Board Katy Industries Inc. 1969-1972 New York 11803 J I 1969-1972 Indiana 47401 J ] (2nd term) 1968-1973 Elgin, Illinois 60120 J 1968-1972 Mr. Richard P. Chapman New England Merchants National Bank Boston, Massachusetts ] 02116 •• Mr. Joseph F. Cotter Vice President and Comptroller ITT Sheraton Corporation I 1969-1971*+ Boston, Massachusetts 02210 "J 1 Rev. James J. Devlin, Boston College Chestnut 1968-1971* Hill, Massachusetts 02167 Chestnut 1968-1971*+ Hill, Massachusetts 02167 S.J. Rev. Charles F. Donovan, Boston College S.J. Mr. Francis Dubreuil Harvard University Cambridge, Dr. Christopher Physician (2nd term) 1968-1974 Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 J. Duncan Mr. John T. Fallon President, R.M. Bradley Co. Boston, 1970-1972 Massachusetts 02138 1970-1974 Massachusetts 02116 l .} . ) 1 5 The Board of Directors (cont'd) Rev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Fordham University Rev. Thomas Fleming, Boston College 1969-1973 Bronx, New York 10458 S.J. S.J. Chestnut 1970-1974 Mr. Avram Goldberg President stop and Shop Companies , t. , L [" Boston, L /f L Massachusetts 02210 02167 + Rev. W. Seavey Joyce, S.J. President, Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Rev. William J. Kenealy, Boston College Chestnut 1970-1974 Hill, Massachusetts 02167 S.J. 1969-1973+ Mr. S. Joseph Loscocco President Old stagecoach Management Corp. Mr. John Lowell Welch & Forbes Rev. Francis C. Mackin, Fordham University Newton, Massachusetts Boston, 1969-1972+ Massachusetts 02108 Boston, . Mr. Giles E. Mosher, Jr. Chairman of the Board Newton-Waltham Bank & Trust Co. Mr. David S. Nelson, Esq. Crane, Inker and Oteri Rev. William J. O'Halloran, College of the Holy Cross 02161 1970-1974 New York, New York 10023 S.J. Mr. Joseph C. Maher, Jr. Peat, Marwick & Mitchell f" 1968-1972+ Hill, Massachusetts 02167 1971-1973 Massachusetts 02109 1970-1974+ Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 Boston, 1970-1974 Massachusetts 02108 Worcester, 1969-1973 Massachusetts 01610 S.J. ,. !, II UNIVERSITY i r { II. I " ACADEMIC FACULTY UNIVERSITY By Schools School 1 A&S Full T' 24 7 9330 757 12 29.50 5 0 0 46.16 608.16 136 17.33 52 356.33 4 0 46 36 21 67 2.50 27 3.33 27.33 10 021 7 8 12 464 60 47 541 Lecturers Spec. Appt ACADEMIC FACULTY and FTE Faculty Part-Time (Headcount) FTE of Part-T' Total FTE Facult 1. Graduate faculty in the Departments of Education and Nursing of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are included in this table with their respective schools. 2. Does not include 36 full time academic administrators. Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties f-' f-' 12 I . 1 UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC By Rank and Average FACULTY Compensation * (Nine Month Equivalent) 1970-1971 Rank (AAUP) II-A 18,950 11,500 10,070 21,100 13,400 1 12,500 5,040 16,300 Boston All College Combined Category I I * Includes Source: salary and fringe benefits AAUP Bulletin, Summer 1971 UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC FACULTY By School and Rank Professor No. % 2 17 109 9 61 3 15 Division 42 21 2 07 0 2 11 4 2 4 1824 37 6 0 20 20 541 10 18 46 74 3 9 33 13 30 8 71 4 1 8 9 330 7 33 16 3 7 511 40 22 39 29 59 19 40 145 213 9 99 32 38 (100) (1) (20) (27) (39) (14) (5) (4) (61) (11) (9) A&S * Excluding Source: Lecturers, Office Special Associate No. % Contracts, Assistant No. % and Academic Instructor No. % Total No. % Administrators. of the Dean of Faculties I--' LV I-' ~ UNIVERSITY I-•I . S! 01'1 ~ ~ Ed. ACADEMIC FACULTY By School and Rank (Numbers) A&S ~ §i ~ I ~ ~ •••• Professor ~~~ Associate Professor ".'.'1 Assistant Professor .1111111111111 Instructor -= SOM Source: S.w. Law Nursing IHS Office of the Dean of Faculties II/IM •••. '-.OI!'~. ...~ ..~, ~ ••••.;'t' i "".,~.~"*'" • )i,••••••• " •••.•••• .."~<i,,...A ..•. ......,..,~ --~ ... "---' .,."J -' -~ .. ,.,.....~.- --.... -~ UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC FACULTY By School and Rank (Percentage) Percent ••••• Professor ~~~ Associate Professor ••••• Assistant Professor ~~~ Instructor ~ I!~! :~~ II~II GSa A&S Source: Office Ed. SOM Nursing Law Social Work IHS of the Dean of Faculties I--' U1 •....• 0\ UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC By School and Tenure FACULTY Status Non-Tenure Tenure No. Division 47 0 41 53 64 1 330 59 42 20 22 27 10 4 2 45 67 6 4 07 100 17 7 541 25 58 75 36 37 63 248 (54) (46) A&S No • % Total No. % 0 210 19 14 293 10 15 25 1. Graduate faculty in the Departments of Education and Nursing of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are included in this table with their respective undergraduate schools. * Totals in distribution administrators. Source: do not include lecturers, Office of the Dean of Faculties , ••~~·tlAqj • Rt •••••• "" •• part-time - staff, or academic • ~~ .... 'j.II~ .,. •.••• :>:01, .•••• ;....•.--....• ""'t ......, - ~.~. .•......••.... -- UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC By School and Tenure •• .....• l20L =~ :1 =1 -.~ - ;~ :~ iiS =~ I s •••• IRS of the Dean of Faculties~~~ S.w. Law Nurs. SOM Ed. Office ~ A&S FACULTY Status Tenured Non-Tenure I-' I-' OJ UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC FACULTY By Highest Earned Degree and Rank -- 1 Degree J 1 4 152 75 70 3 4 46 124 125 350 85 59 5 541 10 52 14 35 19 11 1 8 2 19 145 74 80 (100) 100 100 213 (2) (65) (1) (28) (3) 1 5 3 2 - No. 11 2 2 87 8 109 7 Asst. Assoc. Prof. % No. % No. Instr. No. % % Total No. % Doctorate 1. Including L.L.B., J.D., S.T.B., and B.D. 2. Including Ph.L., and S.T.L. * Excluding Lecturers, Special Contracts, and Academic Source: Administrators Office of the Dean of Faculties ~ .•• ~ ~~'hIi """t'V,~)~ 1iI1't .••,,~..- •......••..• --- UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC FACULTY By School and Sex No. 35 a2 11 119 60 11 Total Male Female Division 27 100 24 29 100 2911 8 16 a2 5 46 22 51 a(61) a 7 4 330 47 422 541 70 60 46 9 36 295 (5) (9) (1) (11) (4) (100) A&S % No. % No. % 1. Graduate faculty in the departments of Education and Nursing of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are included in this table with their respective undergraduate schools. * Totals in distribution Administrators. Source: do not include Lecturers, Office of the Dean of Faculties Part-Time Staff, or Academic I-' \.0 otv UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC FACULTY By Rank and Sex Female Rank 14 25 99 27 213 109 24 39 20 145 28 9 4 4 10 120 21 74 159 45 38 422 541 (100) (100) No. 119 30 54 25 10 Total Male % No. No. % % Professor * Excluding Source: Lecturers, Special Contracts, and Academic Administrators Office of the Dean of Faculties 1IIti"~~:.o'JI IW'·~~ ,~~~.:," u~."~'I',,~ ~ .....j'..••..uI ~ •..• UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC FACULTY By Highest Earned Degree and Sex D D. -- 5 -4 1 3 422 72 303 4 2 19 59 82 17 100 39 1 ....u 1. Including 2. Including * Excluding Source: .. Male Female -- 119 -47 70 2 -. - .. 11 L.L.B., J.D., S.T.B., and B.D. Ph.L., and S.T.L. Lecturers, Special Contracts, and Academic 100 Administrators Office of the Dean of Faculties N ~ 22 t• ! UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SENATE* 33 Facultl Arts and Sciences Education Law Management Nursing Social Work Weston 14 4 3 5 3 ! 2 2 j 16 Administration i I Undergraduate Arts and Sciences Education Evening College Management Nursing Graduate 11 Students 7 1 1 1 1 Students Arts and Sciences Law Management Social Work 4 1 1 1 1 Total Membership 66 * Membership indicated is as of December 1971. Numbers Proportions will change with the increase of student membership to twenty representatives. and Source: Corresponding Secretary, University Academic Senate i NON-FACULTY PERSONNEL By Classification Classification 887 71 22 22 6 91 3 1 2 344 100 439 10 8 197 16 394 358 44 166 39 19 Research/Administrative Administrative * Includes: Source: Switchboard, Male 448 24 191 49 127 15 6 36 Bookstore, Office of the Director and Sex Female Infirmary, of Personnel Total Weston Observatory, % Security Police. IV W tv ,!:>. SECRETARIAL/CLERICAL PERSONNEL By Rank and Sex Rank - 3 7 17 2 - Female Male 3 46 73 4 9 3 23 40 43 19 105 108 332 107 351 115 80 1726 Total Secretarial Clerical Secretarial 9 17 Source: Office of the Director of Personnel J.w·,'~fI'r_ ~~' •••••• ~ :WW'IW~ ••.•. ~.,~ •.• ~~ ••••• 1.I:t.,.•.•••.•• tJ.4Wi!o.:.~· ~..;; - UNIVERSITY jI ( . I i L f II I i FINANCE .. ---.. ,..._.~.... ". - "-" ,.......... -'""1 REVENUES & J'XPENDITURES REVENUES (In Thousands) * - Auxiliary 1 .••.•....•...•..•..•..•...•.. services include Athletics, Bookstore, 1971-1972 1970-1971 1969-1970 1968-1969 ~'".1 b 13.8 19.6 13 5.9 14 14.8 4.9 5.2 17.4 15.3 63.3 5,230.4 19.1 5.400.0 100.0 100.0 & General 60.7 62.9 64.7 3,592.3 22,439.4 1,699.4 1,823.0 1,322.6 4,576.5 5,234.'6 4 3,098.9 400.2 5,656.9 27,354.4 32,482.8 35,264.1 17,209.1 20,550.0 22,806.5 13,619.2 1,321.1 Gifts, Annual Endowment Income, giving Axi1iary Services* -.-- Food Service, Housing. EXPENDITURES (In $Thousands) 1968-1969 Actual I 323.5 410.5 19,505.8 100.0 14.7 13.5 60.9 666.0 820.8 882.3 1.0 2.5 L3.6 13.6 11.0 14.2 14.8 56.7 100.0 & General 15,937.7 639.4 596.7 15.1 10.9 58.3 18,931.8 20,663.8 3,678.5 15.2i 31,243.2 33,470.8 4,760.0 4,238.5 4,766.7 5,212.6 4,4] ] .6 .8 ]2.5 16,577.1 20,326.6 3, Y)4.!:J 19,997.8 4,738.3 3,42] 3,953.8 18,521. 3 1.8 ]0.4 2,7]7.5 4,923.1 59.3 100.0 Educ. ment Interdepartmental SUB TOTAL 26,163.8 Interest Expense & --- * Includes Source: % 1969-1970 Actual allocation for plant maintenance Priorities Committee % 1970-1971 Actual % 100.0i costs. 1971-1972 Forecast 135,264.5 % IV REVENUES co AND EXPENDITURES Millions of Dollars 40 Expenditures -- - - - ---. 35 ,, ,," ,," ,,"" 30 , , "I ~ 25 "" .•. ..•.. ,I ~ / ,," 20 Revenues 15 o 1_1_-,__ 1_1__ ~_I__1_1 FY 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972* 1973** * Forecast ** Projected Source: Priorities ... ..- ..... -... Committee ~·~III ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• and Financial Vice President .•... ....•. ;.. --" .....• *"",,"; ---.... , REVENUES A~_ EXPENDITURES (1970 Endowment - 71) & Other Student Interest Aid Gifts Libraries Student Services Physical 17% Contracts & Grants Plant Auxiliary Services 14% Academic and Research Programs Tuition and 63% Revenues Source: Priorities Committee Expenditures - Financial Vice President N ~ w o UNIVERSITY RESEARCH Types of Expenditures Sources of Funding 1968-69 5,230,407 1,956,087 3,274,320 2,246,170 4,400,189 2,154,019 Types of Expenditures 1969-70 Total Programs 1970-71 3,044,364 2,612,487 5,656,851 Sources of Funding 73,100 115,021 5,078,349 4,010,526 46,327 5,230,407 282,450 46,185 5,656,851 310,000 4,400,189 266,953 4,828,672 153,481 76,383 Federal Government Source: Office of the Director of University Research UNIVERSITY RESEARCH Eight Year Trend 5,656,851 Dollars in Millions 5 4,400,189 4 4,099,446 3 :1" 1964 Source: 2,999,997 t 1965 • • • • • • 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Office of the Director of University Research W I-' LIBRARIES I' i \ 35 LIBRARY Holdings FACILITIES by Individual Libraries 1971 9 3 5 530 6 27 Soc. Wk. 0 I Libraries Periodicals 0 0 60 959 0 665 520 194 Microfilm 56,512 Books 3,985 446,448 1,839 94,651 2,113 8,000 40,243 7,560 120,298 838,317 25,975 4,320 15,322 22,909 11,298 33,934 Weston II Science ** Currently inactive * Curriculum Library i Source: Office Office of the Director of Libraries of the Director, Media Center 36 LIBRARY Expenditures Libraries Source: for Books 1969-70 1971-72 1970-71 80,080 $318,000 60,000 19,700 $437,360 $363,000 65,000 19,700 12,936 9,300 48,664 38,500 6,160 4,500 38,500 4,500 $450,000 $500,000 30,800 $616,000 Office of the Director of Libraries 37 LIBRARY FACILITIES 1968-69 1970-71 1969-70 137,338 36,262 34,206 33,963 Acquisitions, All Libraries* year growth Total four (Volume) * Does not include Curriculum Circulation Library or Shadowbrook Statistics, 1970-71 Student 130,148 Faculty 13,123 Other Inter Library Loan 1,516 Reserve Book Room (Overnight and Hall use) 10,237 Totals 155,024 Special Collections Jusuitana Williams Ethnological Brehaut Bostoniana Burns and Oates Francis Thompson Rare Books Sovieto1ogy Thomas Merton Source: Office of the Director of Libraries , l; SUPPORT f i. SERVICES 41 HEALTH Infirmary SERVICES and Clinic Cushing Students Clinic 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 12,495 14,311 13,532 16,643 550 385 463 Infirmary Number Served of Beds: 21 f1 I. Service f Categories [. ~ 1. ,i ( f Outpatient a. six hours of daily clinic b. regular clinics in four specialties c. allergy clinic d. twenty-four hour emergency service 1 2. Physical f 3. First 4. First aid to summer L Examinations (for special aid to employees groups) and faculty students and special summer groups i , - I Source: Office of the Director of Health Services Hall 42 PHYSICAL PLANT Buildins. Date Constructed/Acquired Gasson St. Mary's Hall (R) Philomatheia Hall Devlin Hall Bapst Library Southwell Hall Faber House (R) 0' Connell Hall (D) O'Connell Annex (D) Alumni Hall Fulton Hall Service Building Columbiere (R) Lyons Hall Campion Hall McElroy Commons St. Thomas More Hall Claver (D) Loyola (D) Xavier (D) Gonzaga Hall (D) Kostka Hall (D) McHugh Forum Roberts Center Cheverus (D) Cushing Hall Fenwick (D) Fi tzpatrick (D) Rahner House (R) Shaw House (D) Carney Hall Bea House (R) Roncalli Hall (D) We lsh Hall (D) Willi ams Hall (D) Higgins Hall Botolph House Lawrence House McGuinn Hall (R) - Jesuit (D) - Student Source: 1913 1917 1920 1924 1928 1937 1938 1938 1938 1948 1948 1948 1949 1951 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1958 1958 1958 1958 1960 1960 1960 1960 1962 1962 1963 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1967 1968 1968 Residence Housing Office of the Director of Campus Planning 43 PHYSICAL PLANT Other Properties Building Date ConstructedjAcguired Canisius House (R) 292 Hammond 210 Chestnut Hill Avenue (D) 2051 Commonwealth Avenue (D) 314 Hammond Street (D) 39-41 South Street (D) 5 South Street (D) 9 South Street (D) 15 South Street (D) 19 South Street (D) 25 South Street (D) Modu1ars (D) Town House Dormitories (D) Hovey Estate ~ I i. (R) - Jesuit Residence (D) - Student Housing 1966 1967 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1971 1971 1971 - r f I.. Source: Office of the Director of Campus Planning 44 PHYSICAL Facilities f Inventory, December 1969* f - ~. 11 .7 5 .1 1.6 9 18.7 558 1.0 1.2 .6 10 7 10.2 10.3 7.7 1.8 9.4 3.0 3.6 20 22 28.5 137 4 87 60 59 24 3,760 760 6,731 3,371 5,519 53,313 20,224 58,035 43,538 58,598 17,074 10,449 9,347 8,900 161,777 106,108 Totals 1,227 * Excluding Source: PLANT dormitory 567,3a2 facilities Office of the Director of Campus Planning % of Total A 100.0 dings 45 PHYSICAL Thomas No Labs 17 6Classroom 44 14 78 61 7 0 Labs 45 65 + 58 Labs 25 2 74 81 4:30 3 2 1 0 P.M.-9:30 9 66 + 58 18 1 8 3 Fall Semester 1970 9:00 15 12 A.M.-4:30 76 5 P.M. Classrooms Use, PLANT P.M. More Percentage Source: of Time Utilization Office of the Director of Campus Planning 46 PHYSICAL General New Construction PLANT Service Categories - supervision Maintenance Custodial care of buildings and grounds Painting, plumbing, carpentry, and electrical repairs on university buildings Maintenance vehicles and repair of all university Maintenance of grounds and athletic Mail - pick up, sort, and deliver and campus mail Telephones Campus fields all incoming U.S. - supervision Security Coordinating functions Source: .' _oj Office and reserving of the Director space for university of Buildings and Grounds STUDENTS 49 ADMISSIONS Freshmen , t.I·Ii!i. I & ,I· 1*Schoo1 r· I Applications Source: 1966 5759 1024 6050 5566 1168 5242 6605 1402 4208 5887 4473 1248 1349 1232 1159 Year Enrolled* Office of the Applied Director of Admissions 1153 6712 1099 5258 1969 1970 1968 1967 and College Registrars 1965 and Enrollment 1309 50 ADMISSIONS Averages Class Source: of Median '·0 ~ SAT's 574 570 522 496 498 486 544 535 539 556 530 554 533 578 478 504 546 Mathematical 549 576 567 521 511 476 559 565 Verbal Office of the Director of Admissions 51 ADMISSIONS • !I. Advanced - -311968 -185 of the Honors Spanish 2 5 3 Hist. Hist.Director 51 70 47 78 30 8 26 11 18 9 1967 1 4 12 6 3 21 1971 1970 1969 10 17 0 8 14 15 16 425 46 (94) French (122) (120) (96) (75) Subject Physics German I~Ii.College Latin Chemistry ofBiology Arts and Sciences Source: Total 6 I I,-r r '. Program Placement U1 N ADMISSIONS New Transfers Year Male 58 NA 227 96 36 60 126 1NA 01 Female 1969 NA: Not Available Source: Office of the Director of Admiss i ,ns Total .. ACADEMIC YEAR ENROLLMENT Headcount Undergraduate Fall D ., +766+ 11 20 10 22 14 + +7,008 + 916 ++ 1382 616 581 918 984 ++7,741 185 11,111 6,975 9,729 7,115 7,739 10,214 10,956 3,370 6,059 6,090 1,076 1,101 9,972 6,663 6,640 6,231 3,099 3,217 2,754 2,964 change Source: Office of the Secretary Total of the University Graduate and fessiona1 1 lT1 W U1 ,I::. ACADEMIC YEAR ENROLLMENT Fu11-Time-Equiva1ent Undergraduate Fall 11 13 20 change Source: D - ++ + 708 644 +1134 + 426 +116,541 574 480 562 +64 491 638 5,967 6,549 6,650 7,080 6,611 2,324 2,464 8,778 8,660 8,974 9,794 9,544 7,249 5,987 6,170 6,589 2,119 2,229 2,545 Office of the Secretary Total Graduate and fessiona1 Total of the University •.•.•....... "' ...•.•... . ~,..,." ..........,. ...•. 55 HEADCOUNT AND FTE FALL ENROLLMENT 11,000 Total Headcount ~--_ .. - ..- - - - - ...." Total FTE 8,000 Undergraduate Headcount ; i .. " " 7,000 ~ ~ - - - - ...- - ...- - - - ...• Undergraduate FTE 6,000 5,000 rI .. J' 4,000 Graduate Headcount • 3,000 r' I I l. 2,000 • •. --- - ..•..- - - ----- • • -- - -FTE ---#! Graduate 1,000 o 1967 Source: Office of the Sec~etary 1968 1969 of the University 1970 1971 U1 CT\ ACADEMIC YEAR ENROLLMENT Headcount by School (Undergraduate) Fall A&S* 289 355 333 592 324 314 591 629 812 570 743 589 604 587 1,857 6,975 1,256 1,193 2,418 2,437 7,741 7,115 1,290 1,774 7,739 1,268 1,641 1,806 1,779 7,008 2,475 3,032 1,284 3,145 Educ. SOM Nurs. Evening A&S Bus. 1967 * Includes Weston Source: School of Theology Office of the Secretary and School of Philosophy of the University Total .,..... •••. :'t ACADEMIC YEAR ENROLLMENT Headcount by School (Graduate) Fall A&S* 731 244 545 122 419 288 549 166 206 520 401 351 641 140 360 3,099 2,754 1,944 1,668 2,964 3,217 3,370 2,019 2,107 1,983 SOM Soc. Wk. Law Total 1967 * Includes Weston School of Theology, Graduate Education Source: Office of the Secretary of the University and Nursing V1 -..J Ul 00 HEADCOUNT ENROLLMENT By Sex Undergraduate Fall M F M 898 1,084 2,963 1,784 2,682 7,047 7,009 1,880 1,856 5,191 5,129 1,125 1,910 3,035 7,179 1,974 2,428 1,341 4,063 3,662 7,294 7,048 1,983 2,029 5,019 1,879 5,205 1,234 2,722 5,311 1967 Source: Office of the Secretary Total Graduate/Professional of the University F M F m o SUMMER SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Headcount Regular Fall Und duate 679 508 870 676 691 3,253 1,451 2,333 1,033 4,071 3,445 1,251 1,028 1,270 1,149 2,412 2,620 1,825 2,383 1,113 1,161 2,804 1,434 1,592 2,125 Session Graduate/Prof 1967 Source: Office of the Secretary of the University 1 Total Workshops and Institut Total 61 TYPES OF DEGREES CONFERRED AT BOSTON COLLEGE Ii tration nce in Teaching Bachelor of Arts (A.M. (A.B.) ) (B.S. )) (M.A.T. (Th.M.) (B.D. (M.S.T.) (M.S.) (M.Ed. ) (M.B.A.) Bachelor Divinity Master of of Science in Teaching Master of Theology Certificate of Advanced Educational Specialization (C.A.E.S.) Doctor of Law • (J.D.) J i 1_ Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) r , I r Source: L Office of the Secretary of the University 0'\ IV DEGREES CONFERRED Undergraduate 1966 - 1971 School 560 510 415 378 242 128 67 24 119 163 82 86 22 16 544 523 437 475 133 246 277 156 73 28 195 84 19 299 452 368 380 2,410 1,478 1,491 1,434 8,641 1,439 1,123 3,022 1,402 1,507 1966 433 432 213 24 183 83 1,386 1967 1968 1969 A&S Source: Office of the Secretary of the University 1970 1971 6 Year Total ",....- •....•. DEGREES CONFERRED Undergraduate 1966 - 1971 Number 1966 Source: 1967 Office of the Secretary 1968 1969 1970 1971 Year of the University 0'\ W 0'\ ~ DEGREES CONFERRED Graduate and Professional 1966 - 1971 School 1966 4,943 145 69 569 75 122 55 881 24 28 22 165 413 22 20 62 78 146 138 32 16 31 576 60 90 166 169 147 298 456 336 200 794 630 19 56 77 115 68 433 740 68 636 1,103 674 2,728 1,022 1st Prof. Masters A&S Source: 1967 Office of the Secretary 1968 1969 1970 6 Year Total 1971 of the University I ••••..• , •.•••••••••.•.•. '4'"1* _" •.•.•••••••••.••.•••••••••.•.••• - .....•• ••...........• ' •...•.... ..•.•.• DEGREES CONFERRED Number Graduate and Professional 1966 - 1971 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Year 0"\ Source: Office of the Secretary of the University lJ1 0\ 0\ 821 Scholarship 617 939 681 1968-69 1967-68 1970-71 1969-70 945 995 866 643 739 521 644 289 915 952 2,801 992 200 684 13 1966-.67 4,283 1,035 4,177 1,126 3,772 4,876 1,734 1,024 1,184 1,117 *233 ." Number of Students FINANCIAL AID ** Aided * Includes athletic scholarships and Black Talent program. The 1970-71 scholarship figures are based on data currently available; the final totals will be somewhat higher. ** Includes students from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont. Source: Office of the Director Connecticut, of Financial Aid New Jersey, Pennsylvania, _: ...•. ••.•..,... •.,. ~ .•....... «.~ -" .••... - 986,215 6,5001,360,525 93,700 1969-70 1968-69 1970-71 1967-68 756,909 1966-67 726,005 4,111,248 2,986,178 3,294,133 744,991 460,645 621,373 376,050 141,270 425,004 4,034,826 828,825 2,295,828 536,500 599,212 591,161 392,720 404,934 1,169,050 592,752 1,564,520 1,390,626 82,750 1,030,310 ***839,666 ~~\ .......• FINANCIAL AID Dollar Value of Aid EOG State * ** Includes athletics scholarships and Black Talent progra~ The 1970-71 scholarship figures are based on data currently available; the final totals will be somewhat higher. InGludes funds to students Rhode Island. and Vermont. Source: Office of the Director from Massachusetts, of Financial Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Aid m -..J 68 FOREIGN Academic Co11es.e Source: Year 1970-71, 18 11 6 114 4 Female 1 01 5 12 345 172 5 69 4 19 32 Total Male 114 9 31 0 58 Foreign STUDENTS Student Office By College and Sex 70 STUDENT Performing ACTIVITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Arts The Boston College "Eagles" The Dramatics Society Fulton Debating Society Mo Associates University Chorale Political Band Organizations College Young Democrats College Young Republicans Intercollegiate Studies Institute The Left Collective Political Science Club SPAR Women's Coalition Young Americans for Freedom Professional Organizations The Accounting Academy Alpha Kappa Psi Bellarmine Law Academy Chemical Society The Student Council for Exceptional Children, Boston College Chapter No. 422 Delta Sigma pi Geology Club Kappa Delta Epsilon Kappa Phi Kappa Mathematics Club Mendal Club Pi Sigma Epsilon Psychology Department Undergraduate Executive Council Society for the Advancement of Management Student Sociological Association 71 Student Activities Publications and Organizations and Media Amateur Radio Society, Wingwing! The Cosmos El Alcazar Humanities Magazine Journal of Business SOM Review Sports Review Stylus Sub Turri WVBC - Campus Radio Service I i Special - • t f- The Radio Club WIPR Organizations Alpha Phi Omega American Freedom Action Society Gold Key Society Joshua Center Knights of Columbus Council 5278 Mental Health Volunteer Club Middle Earth SOM Scholarship Trust Fund The Sodality World Volunteers !I ,•I (cont'd) Interest Organizations Black Student Forum Blessed Oliver Plunkett Gaelic Cultural Society Historical Society The International Forum Italian Academy Jewish Student Alliance of Boston College Le Cercle Francais Photography Club 72 Student Sporting Activities and Organizations (cont'd) Organizations Bridge Club Chess Club Courtside Club Lewis Drill Team Eagle Guard Outing Club Rod & Gun Club Rugby Football Club Ski Club Source: Boston College University Student Guide, 1971-72 73 ATHLETICS - W Win 86 4 4 5 12 3 11 32 2 2 13 10 411 83 1 91 4 Lost Lost 96 11 63 15 11 716 5 82in (T-3) - Win 19 24 54 1971 1970 10 Varsity Sports 1969 II· -. ,i• Note: Because of complex and Skiing scoring methods, are not included. i, I ,, • I. II. f'• • I Source: Director of Sports Information records for Track, Golf , • L r i. lr r r' L f i~ rt. [ L rL r • AI.,UMNI AFF AI RS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS -_"'\"" - •...~ . , ~--- .•. ---- ..•.•..•.•..• ~"'~.III r-' ....••.• "'"'~"''''' ALUMNI AFFAIRS Number of Alumni: 47,534 (as of December, Year 1971) % Contributing $ Contribution 1968-69 14 547,906.46 1969-70 13 414,294.69 1970-71 13 348,870.34 Source: Office of the Director of Development '-.I '-.I 78 PUBLIC RELATIONS Types of Media Internal Publications External Publications Direct Mail Film Radio Television Press Relations Publications Circulation Bridge (Monthly) Thursday Reporter (Weekly) Design Off-Campus On-Campus 50,000 5,000 10,000 and Production Direct Mail Communications Graphics Illustrations Catalogues Bulletins Brochures Source: Assistance Office of the Director of Public Relations