BOSTON COLLEGE FACT BOOK 1978 i .• •• • BOSTON COLLEGE FACT BOOK ·1978 ....... ! I , FOREWORD The Boston College Fact Book is a compendium of significant statistics gathered from various sources throughout the University. It is truly a community effort to establish a single-source publication and reference document touching upon and integrating all aspects of the institution's people and its operations. Since it has been difficult to obtain information from all of our sources in the University on exactly the same basis, and for the same period of time, we have noted, where appropriate, the time frame referenced in the individual tables. To maintain continuity and consistency with Fact Book statistics for prior years, most of the data in the new Fact Book reflect information gathered through June 30, 1978. Some information, however, is current for the Fall of 1978 and is so noted. For future publication we shall strive to present a more up-to-date compilation so that future editions may become a reference for current materials as well as for historical data. Cynthia Ross Lauer, Editor Office of the Vice President Financial and Business Affairs October 19, 1978 Boston College Fact Book Table of Contents Page i ii v vi Foreword Table of Contents Boston College Then and Now Boston College Profile I. II. ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY Chart of Administration Board of Trustees Officers of the University Deans University Administrators Department Chairmen Professional, Administrative and Support Staff Personnel Faculty: - by School and Rank - by School and Sex - by School and Tenure Status - by Highest Earned Degree and Rank - by Highest Earned Degree and Sex - by Rank and Sex - Full-Time Equivalent by School - Average Compensation by Rank University Academic Senate: - Membership Classification - Membership List - 1977-78 2 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 STUDENTS Freshman Applications and Enrollment (Full Time) 14 Freshman Applications and Enrollees: - Geographic Distribution, Class of 1982 14 SAT Averages by Class 15 Enrollment: - Undergraduate Transfer Students by Year and Sex 15 - Undergraduate Transfer Students by Type of Previous Institution 15 - Graduate and Undergraduate, Full and Part-Time 16 - Undergraduate, Day and Evening, and Graduate 16 - Undergraduate, by School 16 - Graduate, by School 16 - Graduate, by Degree Program and Discipline 17 - Undergraduate and Graduate, by Sex 18 - Full-Time Equivalent - Evening College - Summer Session - Geographic Distribution of Students • New International Students - International Students by School and by Country - Minority Enrollment - Veterans Undergraduate Degrees Conferred: - by Degree and Number of Majors - by Major - by School and by Major - by Degree and by Sex ii 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 Page Undergraduate and Graduate Financial Aid - Number of Students - Dollars Health Services III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. 28 29 30 ALUMNI Comparative Regional Analysis Geographic Analysis by State Boston College Alumni Clubs Boston College Alumni Activities New Heights Advancement Campaign Volunteer Leadership 32 32 33 33 34 PHYSICAL PLANT Boston College Properties Map - Chestnut Hill Campus Map - Newton Campus Buildings Related to Boston College Operation Summary of Building Use Dormitories Classrooms Dining Facilities Offices 36 37 38 39 40 ; 41 42 42 42 FINANCE Highlights of Financial Operations Tuition and Fees - For the Seven Years Ended June 30, 1979 Tuition Restated in 1967 Dollars Contracts and Grants. Source and Application Contract and Grant Awards 7/1/77 - 6/30/78 .' 45 46 47 47 48 LIBRARIES Li braries Expenditures for Books Holdings by Individual Libraries Volume Acquisitions Circulation Statistics Audio-Visual Service Statistics Special Collections Computer Searches Special Library Services 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 53 54 ATHLETICS Sports at Boston College Varsity Sports Records Varsity Football Schedules - 1978-1981 Varsity Hockey Schedule - 1978-79 Varsity Basketball Schedule - 1978-79 Community Use of Recreational Facilities 57 58 58 59 59 60 GENERAL INFORMATION Types of Degrees Conferred Accrediting Agencies and Association Memberships Founder and Presidents Honorary Degrees Awarded Academic Department Locations Sources and Bibliography Academic Calendar iii ',' ;0., • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' 62 62 63 63 66 67 68 '. , '- The original arrangement of the buildings at the Old Boston CoDege. Photographed sometime before 1875 by Oliver Wendell Holmes. iv BOSTON COLLEGE Then And Now . .. Boston College was founded by the Society of Jesus in 1863, and is one of twenty-eight Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States. With three teachers and twenty-two students, the school opened its doors on September 5, 1864. While it remained a small liberal arts college, the faculty was predominantly Jesuit, but today's full-time faculty is comprised of over 500 lay men and women, and 100 Jesuits. There are upwards of 60,000 alumni scattered from Beacon Hill to American Samoa. Originally located on Harrison Avenue in the South End of Boston, where it shared quarters with the Boston College High School, the College outgrew its urban setting toward the end of its first fifty years. A new location was selected in Chestnut Hill, then almost rural, and four parcels of land were acquired in 1907. A design competition forthe development of the campus was won by the firm of Maginnis and Walsh, and ground was broken on June 19, 1909, for the construction of Gasson Hall. It is located on the site of the Lawrence farm house, in the center of the original tract of land purchased by Father Gasson, and is built largely of stone taken from a quarry which occupied part of the sites of Devlin, Higgins, and Cushing Halls. The foundations were blasted out of solid ledge. Because of its historic value, Gasson was completely restored in 1976 in order to preserve its familiar Gothic spires for future generations of students and alumni. Later purchases doubled the size of the property, with the addition of the upper campus in 1941, and the lower campus with the purchase of the Lawrence Basin and adjoinin'g land in 1949. In 1974 Boston College acquired Newton College of the Sacred Heart, a mile-and-a-half from the main campus. With fifteen handsome Georgian buildings standing in a park-like estate of forty acres, it is now the site of the Boston College Law School, as well as several academic departments, and dormitories housing over 700 freshmen and sophomores. Though incorporated as a University since its beginning, it was not until its second half-century that Boston College began to fill out the dimensions of its University charter. The Summer Session was inaugurated in 1924; the Graduate SchQol of Arts and Sciences in 1925; the Law School 1929; the Evening College, 1929; the Graduate School of Social Work, 1936; the School of Management, 1938; the School of Nursing, 1947; and the School of Education in 1952. Weston Observatory, founded in 1928, was accepted as a Department of Boston College in 1947, offering courses in geophysics and geology to graduate students. The main concerns of the Observatory are recording and locating earthquakes, research in the earth's magnetic field, and the study of the earth's crust in the Boston area. The facilities include an Earth Science Library, seismic vault, and magnetic observation complex. In 1929 Boston College conferred one earned bachelor's degree and fourteen master's degrees on fifteen teaching sisters through the Extension Division that was the precursor of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Evening College, and the Summer Session. Today, women students comprise at least 50% of the University's enrollment, and 25% of the total alumni. In 1976 Boston College was accredited by, or a member of, twenty-three professional organizations . and accrediting agencies. It is now the fourth largest private university in New England, with full- and part-time enrollment over 13,000, and consists of eleven schools, colleges, and institutes offering fourteen degree programs and one certification program. -Excerpted from "A Guide to the Campus," 1976 v Boston College Profile 1977-78 ADMISSIONS Applicants (Fall '77) Registrants (Fall '77) Men Women Total Freshman Class 11,336 1,028 1,177 2,205 ENROLLMENT· (Full and Part-Time) Undergraduate (Fall '77) Graduate (Fall '77) 10,287 3,681 13,968 PERSONNEL Full-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Teaching Fellows Graduate Assistants Total Administrative/Professional Staff & Sponsored Research (Aug. '78) Total Secretarial/Clerical & Sponsored Research (Aug. '78) Total Physical Plant Positions (Aug. '78) General Service (Aug. '78) 542 294 118 244 527 444 208 191 2,568 DEGREES CONFERRED Undergraduate (May '78) Graduate & Professional (May '78) 2,163 1,074 3,237 ALUMNI (May '77) 64,509 LIBRARIES· (total holdings) - volumes 971,605 PHYSICAL PLANT Acres: (owned properties) Chestnut Hill Campus Newton Campus Other 110.6 40.2 9.77 160.57 Buildings: (utilized properties) Administrative/Academic Student Housing Other 28 31 21 80 FINANCE (FY '78) Revenues Expenditures & Transfers $64,212,000 $63,821,000 vi November 1977 - professor in quadrangle. j 1 Board 0' Trustees , President I I I University secretary, Visiting Comm. -------Vice Presklen Vice President, University Relations Assistanl To President I DireClor Atfinnative Action University Chaplain Executive Vice Presiden I Vice President, Vrce President, Rnancial & 8usiness Affairs Student Mairs VICe President Senior Vi~ President Treasurer Dean 01 Faculties • • AsSOCiate 0,.. 0' Faculties I I DIrector, Alumni Associatio Director, evelopmen Director, Public Relations I I ~rector, Student fro'·"" Resources Dean 01 StUdents I I 1 Director Athletics Director, Director 0 Career ~~versity Planning & unse~ng Placement Services Director. Minonty Students Director, Housing Director, University Health services Director, University Budgets I I Director. Computing Genter Director, Rnancial Planning Director Director 0' Personnel Physical Planl " Conltoller Director, Plant (1) services Director Director of Management Information Policies and Procedures Systems (1) Plant Services: Bookstore Food Service Housekeeping campus Potice Telecommunications Mail Bureau of Conferences (2) Includes Graduate Program in Education and Nursing Source: Personnel Oll,ce 2 Director 0' PurCliasing DireClor, University Audit I Uifector, Research Administration Director, Space Data Analysis laboratory Director, LOPS Director, SWRRI Director Institute ot Religious Education Director, Women's Programs Director of Campus SChool BOSTON COLLEGE CHART OF ADMINISTRATION, JANUARY 1978 1 , I I 0,,", Graduate I Dean, College 01 "". ichool of Arts & Saence (2) i i 1, Director. University Testing n AssoCiate "'''' : Dean, Law School SCiences I I 0,,", Summer Session Oean, Dean, Dean. School 01 Nursing School 01 Education Evening College I , AssoCiate 0,," I oj Weslon pbservatory SChool 01 Social Won I Associate 0,," Assistant Dean Assistant 0,," AssoOate 0,,,,, Associate Dean (UI Associate Dean (U) Assodate Dean IG) Associate Dean I Director Dean of AdmiSSi:lns, Records. & Financial Aid Dean, Graduate 0,,", SChool of MaRagemenl Oepartmenl Chairmen Director 01 dmissions (G) ASSOCiate Dean. of University ~missiortS Registrar inancial Ai I Director, Honors Pl"llllfam Department Division CtlairmeR Chairmen Director ~nagement Insutute DIrector of Financial Aid I I ! I University librarian i, , Assistant University Ubrarian ,, , ASSIstant UnivelSity librarian Director Space Management I " B/il:ndl Ubrar· ''''' Director, Audiovisual services 3 Board of Trustees 1977·78 Joseph F. Abely, Jr., '50 Executive Vice President R.J. Reynolds Industrie~, Inc. Joseph F. MacDonnell, S.J., '52, M.A. '59 Associate Professor of Mathematics Fairfield University William L. Brown President and Director, First National Bank of Boston Francis C. Mackin, S.J., M.A. '51 Provost, Fordham University at Lincoln Center James F. Cleary, '50 Vice President of the Board Blyth Eastman Dillon & Co., Inc. William F. Connell, '59* Chairman of the Board and President, Ogden Food Service Corporation Joseph F. Cotter, '49* Senior Vice President and Controller, The Sheraton Corporation Robert A. Mitchell, S.J. Director, Woodstock Theological Center J. Donald Monan, S.J.* President, Boston College Giles E. Mosher, Jr., '55 Chairman of the Board, Baybank/ Newton- Waltham Trust Company George L. Drury, S.J., '45, M.A. '46, M.S. '49 Director, Campion Residence and Renewal Center The Honorable David S. Nelson, '57, J.D. 'SO Magistrate, Superior Court of Massachusetts Joseph R. Fahey, S.J., '60, M.A. '61 Academic Dean, College of the Holy Cross William J. O'Halloran, S.J., '51, M.A. '52* President, Le Moyne College John T. Fallon President, R.M. Bradley, Inc. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J. Editor in Chief, America Magazine Stephen E. Fix, '74 Ph.D. Candidate, Cornell University Robert J. O'Keefe, '51 Senior Vice President, Chase Manhattan Bank Diane J. Forte, '77 Graduate Student, Purdue University James P. O'Neill, '42* Executive Vice President, Xerox Corporation Thomas J. Galligan, Jr., '41, D.B.A. '75 (Hon.)* President, Boston Edison Company The Honorable Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., '36, LL.D. '73 (Hon.) Speaker of the House of Representatives, United States Congress Thomas J. Gibbons, S.J., '53, M.A. '54, S.T.L. '61 Principal, Boston COllege High School Avram J. Goldberg President, The Stop and Shop Companies, Inc. Cornelius W. Owens, '36, LL.D. 'S8, (Hon.)* Executive Vice President (retired), American Telephone and Telegraph Company John W. Padberg, S.J. President, Weston School of Theology Patricia A. Goler, M.A. '51, Ph.D. '57 Dean, The College of Liberal Arts, University of Lowell Daniel J. Shine, S.J., '44, M.A. '45 Rector of the Jesuit Community, Boston College Anne P. Jones, B.S. '58, J.D. 'S1 General Counsel Federal Home Loan Corporation Helen M. Stanton, M.S.W. '43 Co-Chairman Boston College Parents' Committee The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy, LL.D. '66 (Hon.) United States Senator Sandra J. Thomson, M.D., '58 (Newton College) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Children's Hospital Medical Center Mary M. Lai Treasurer, Long Island University Michael P. Walsh, S.J.*, '34, M.A. '35, L.H.D. '75 (Hon.) Chairman of the Board Boston College High School John Lowell* Partner, Welch & Forbes * Executive Committee member Source: President's Office 4 Joseph E. McCormick, S.J., M.A. '46 Director for Vocations Campion Residence and Renewal Center Vincent C. Ziegler, D.B.A. '75 (Hon.) Chairman of the Executive Committee and Director, The Gillette Company, inc. I Officers of the University Fall 1978 J. Donald Monan, S.J. Francis B. Campanella Charles F. Donovan, S.J. Kevin P. Duffy Margaret A. Dwyer Paul A. FitzGerald, S.J. Thomas Fleming, S.J. James P. Mcintyre John R. Smith President Executive Vice President Senior Vice President and Dean of Faculties Vice President of Student Affairs Vice President, Assistant to the President Secretary of the University Vice President and Treasurer Vice President for University Relations Vice President, Financial and Business Affairs Deans Fall 1978 Mary A. Dineen George Fuir, S.J. Mary D. Griffin (Acting) Edward J. Hanrahan, S.J. June G. Hopps Richard G. Huber John J. Maguire The School of Nursing The Summer Session The School of Education Dean of Students The Graduate School of Social Work The Law School Dean of Admissions, Records and Financial Aid The School of Management The College of Arts and Sciences The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Evening College of Arts, Sciences and Business Administration John J. Neuhauser Thomas P. O'Malley, S.J. Donald J. White James A. Woods, S.J. University Administrators Fall 1978 John D. Beckwith Director of Purchasing Barry A. Bluestone Director, Social Welfare Regional Research Institute James L. Bowditch Acting Associate Dean, Graduate Program, The School of Management Catherine H. Briel Controller John M. Callahan Director of Dining Services J. Stephen Collins Director of Financial Aid Richard E. Collins Director of Housing Susan Cots Assistant University Librarian Justin C. Cronin Associate Dean, The School of Management James J. Daley Director, University Safety, Security, and Telecommunications Margaret Dever Director of Women's Programs in Continuing Education John Dunnet Director of Internal Audit John G. Durkin Bookstore Manager John R. Eichorn Director, Campus School John M. Flackett Associate Dean, The Law School Charles Flaherty Director of Research Administration William J. Flynn Director of Athletics "'-'" Albert M. Folkard' . Director, Honors Program, College of Arts & Sciences 5 Marc A. Fried Director, Laboratory of Psychosocial Studies Stephen G. Morrison Chief Law Ubrarian David J. Gill, S.J. University Chaplain Russell G. Murphy Assistant Dean, The Law School -...... Bernard W. Gleason, Jr. Director, Management Information Systems William T. Griffith University Registrar John L. Harrison Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Thomas F. O'Connell University Ubrarian Neil O'Keefe, S.J. University Archivist Mary L. Pekarski Assistant University Ubrarian Alice Jeghelian Director, Affirmative Action Alfred G. Pennino Director, BUildings and Grounds Weston M. Jenks, Jr., Director, University Counseling Services Leo F. Power, Jr. Director, Space Data Analysis Laboratory -James P. Kennedy Director, University Budgets Fred J. Pula Director, University Audio- Visual Services Lorraine Kinnane Director, University Testing James J. Scannell Director, Admissions Joseph F. MacSweeney Director, Plant Services James W. Skehan, S.J. Director, Weston Observatory Arnold F. Mazur. M.D. Director, Health Services Rev. Richard P. McBrien Director, Institute of Religious Education F. Clifford McElroy Chief Science Ubrarian Marie M. McHugh Assistant Dean, The College of Arts and Sciences John McKiernan Director, Management Institute Henry J. McMahon Associate Dean, The College Arts and Sciences John D.J. Slinn Bapst Ubrarian Edward B. Smith Associate Dean, The School of Education John E. Steele Director, Career Planning and Placement Leo V. Sullivan Director, Personnel Roderick G. Wallick Assistant to the Executive Vice President and Director, Space Management Edward D. Miller Director, Public Relations Edmond D.-Walsh, S.J. Associate Dean, Freshmen Financial Aid Francis F. Mills Director, Financial Planning Carole L. Wegman Director, Student Programs & Resources Fred B. Mills, Jr. . Director, University Policies and Procedures 6 Harriet J. Nemiccolo Chief Social Work Ubrarian Source: Chart of Administration John F. Wissler Executive Director, Alumni Association Department Chairmen Fall 1978 Accounting Administrative Sciences Biology Chemistry Classical Studies Computer Sciences Economics English Finance Fine Arts Geology and Geophysics Germanic Studies History Law Marketing Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Romance Languages and Literatures Slavic and Eastern Languages Sociology Speech Communication and Theater Theology l Frederick J. Zappala Walter H. Klein Donald J. Plocke. S.J. Jeong-Long Lin Eugene W. Bushala C. Peter Olivieri Richard W. Tresch Robert E. Reiter Walter T. Greaney Marianne W. Martin George D. Brown Christoph Eykman Andrew Buni William B. Hickey Michael P. Peters Rose R. Carroll Joseph F.X. Flanagan. S.J. Robert L. Carovillano David Manwaring Peter O. Gray Betty Rahv Michael J. Connolly Lynda Holmstrom John H. Lawton Robert J. Daly, S.J. Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties 7 Professional, Administrative and Support Staff Personnel as of August 1978* '. Full-Time , Administrative/Professional Dean of Faculties Business/Finance Student Affairs University Relations President's Office Executive Vice President Libraries Subtotal Administrative/Professional Sponsored Research Total Administrative/Professional and Sponsored Research Men Women 44 71 39 18 4 2 15 193 52 245 37 19 34 8 3 1 18 120 13 133 Open Total Pas. Pos. - 5 1 2 1 3 12 - 12 86 91 75 27 6 3 36 325 65 390 Part-TIme Women Men 17 1 32 3 - 19 40 1 41 Subtotal Secretarial/Clerical Sponsored Research Total Secretarial/Clerical and Sponsored Research ~---------------------------------Physical Plant Personnel Buildings and Grounds Tradespeople Leadpeople Housekeeping Mailroom Switchboard TotaJ Physical Plant -----------------------------------Campus Police Dining Department General Service Gen. Ser. Span. Research Total General Service TOTAL POSITIONS 246 35 281 8 289 25 6 31 - 31 292 60 352 9 361 14 3 4 ~r~ ~~ ~ 32 61 17 6 116 578 2 22 2 4 30 473 1 16 4 -, - - - __ ____ _____ ___ - 17 64 - , ------------------------36 35 5 88 8 4 ~~~_. 1 18 31 49 53 30 83 Total -- Pos. - 2 109 92 120 32 6 3 37 400 127 527 - - 2 - 4 1 5 j I -----------------------. 11 2 13 1 14 43 6 49 4 53 14 2 16 - 16 360 70 430 14 444 1 I I ------------------------ 40 35 5 102 11 8 35 99 19 10 163 1115 - - ----------------------------------------------------------Secretarial/Clerical 21 Libraries 4 11 2 Open Pas. - - - - - 1 1 40 35 5 102 13 13 208 - 2 4 6 - - ------------------------ - 10 2 12 120 2 10 - 12 110 - 3 1 - 4 25 35 114 32 10 191 1370 ~ The totals represent all of the authorized and budgeted positions for the above classifications as of August 1978. The statistics in this new array are not comparable to those reported in prior years. Source: Personnel Office FACULTY Faculty by School and Rank 1977-78 School A&S Education Management Nursing Law Social Work Total* Professor % No. 74 14 11 1 17 2 -119 23 25 19 2 71 10 22 Associate No. % 114 15 26 18 2 11 186 -- 35 27 45 32 8 58 34 "Exduding part·time lecturers, special contracts, and academic Administrators. 8 Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties Assistant No. % 112 18 15 20 2 6 -173 34 32 26 34 8 32 32 Instructor No. % 28 9 6 18 3 8 16 10 32 13 -64 12 Total No. 328 56 58 57 24 19 542 % 61 10 11 10 4 4 100 -- -- Faculty by School and Sex 1977-78 "" 36 11 2 42 3 6 25 No. Arts & Sciences Education' Management Nursing' Law Social Work Total" Total Men Women School 48 15 2 57 4 9 -135 No. "" 69 10 14 0 5 2 75 280 41 56 0 20 10 -407 % No. 60 10 11 10 5 4 -100 328 56 58 57 24 19 542 Source: Office of Dean of Faculties Faculty by School and Tenure Status 1977·78 Tenured No. School Arts & Sciences Education' Management Nursing' Law Social Work Total" % 66 216 30 34 20 18 13 331 54 59 35 75 68 61 Total No. Non-Tenured % No. 34 46 41 65 25 32 39 112 26 24 37 6 6 -- 211 % 328 56 58 57 24 19 -542 60 10 11 10 5 4 -100 'Graduate faculty in the departments of Education and Nursing of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are included in these tables, with their respective undergraduate schools. "Totals in distribution do not include part-time staff or academic administrators Source: Office of Dean of Faculties Faculty by Highest Earned Degree and Rank 1977·78 Degree Doctorate Masters First Professional' Tota'" ." Professor ' No. 109 2 8 119 Associate % No. 20 168 14 4 2 22 186 31 2 1 35 Assistant No. % 118 44 11 173 22 8 2 32 Instructor % No. 59 5 64 Total No. 395 11 119 28 1 12 542 % 73 22 5 100 'Including LLB, JD, STB, PhL, and STL. "Excluding part-time lecturers. special contracts and academic administrators. Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties 9 Faculty by Highest Earned Degree and Sex 1977-78 'Women No. "". % Degree Doctorate Masters First Professional* Totals** Men 54 44 2 -100 73 59 3 -135 Total No. % No. 319 60 28 -407 78 15 7 -100 392 119 31 -542 % 72 22 6 -100 'Including llB. JO. Phl. and STl. "Excluding part-time lecturers, special contracts and academic administrators Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties Faculty by Rank and Sex 1977-78 Women Rank Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Total* No. 10 40 58 27 135 Total Men % No. % No. % 7 30 43 20 100 109 146 115 37 407 27 36 28 9 100 119 186 173 22 34 32 12 100 64 542 *Excluding special contracts and academic administrators. Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties Full-Time Equivalent Faculty by School 1977·78 School Arts and Sciences Education* Management Nursing* Law Social Work Total** Full Time FTE of Part Time Total FTE Faculty 328 56 58 57 24 19 -542 80 15 14 10 7 6 -132 408 71 72 67 31 25 674 *Graduate faculty of the Departments of Education and Nursing of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences afe included in this table with their respective schools. "Does not indude full-time academic administrators and full-time academic directors, nor teaching fellows. Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties 10 Average Compensation by Rank AAUP Category I (9-month equivalent) 1977-78 Boston College Rank Professor Associate Assistant Instructor All Combined Category Church· Related $ 31,500 $ 30,950 $ 28,500 24,500 19,700 16,500 22,830 18,610 14,860 22,260 18,300 14,450 Source: Office of Dean of Faculties; AAUP Bulletin, Table 3, September 1978 UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SENATE Membership Classification 1977-78 Classification Faculty Arts & Sciences Education Management Nursing Law Social Work Total 9 1 2 2 1 1 10 Administration Undergraduate Students Arts & Sciences Education Management Nursing Evening College Graduate Students Total 16 5 1 1 1 1 9 1 36 Source: Corresponding Secretary, U,niversity Academic Senate 11 University Academic Senate Membership List 1977-1978 ELECTED FACULTY SENATORS College of Arts and Sciences Rev. Joseph A. Appleyard, S.J. - English Prof. Lynne Ballew - Philosophy Rev. Edward Callahan, S.J. - Theology Rev. David F. Carroll, S.J. - Theology Rev. Robert Cheney, S.J. - Economics Prof. J. Christopher Hepburn - Geology & Geophysics Prof. Antonio Mastrobuono - Romance Languages Prof. Francis M. McLaughlin - Economics Prof. Jolane Solomon - Biology School of Management Prof. George A. Aragon Prof. Jerry A. Viscione School of Education Prof. John Junkala School of Nursing Prof. Marjory Gordon Prof. Nancy C. McCarthy Law School Prof. Charles H. Baron School of Social Work Prof. Demetrius latridis Dr. Thomas F. O'Connell - University Librarian Rev. Thomas P. O'Malley, S.J. - Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Lester E. Przewlocki - Dean, School of Education Dr. Donald J. White - Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Rev. James A. Woods, S.J. - Dean, Evening College STUDENT SENATORS Undergraduate Students Larry Byron - Management Janel Fallon - Arts & Sciences Mary Flood - Arts & Sciences Ellen Hutchinson - Arts & Sciences Beth Joyce - Nursing Ellie Mannarino - Education Paul Nugent - Arts & Sciences Sarah Peavey - Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Senator Kristine Doll Evening College Student Senator Nelson J. Desjerdins OFFICERS Richard G. Huber - Moderator Nelson J. Desjerdins - Vice-Moderator Janet Fallon - Secretary EX·OFFICIO MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dr. Mary Dineen - Dean, School of Nursing Rev. Charles F. Donovan, S.J. - Dean of Faculties Dr. June G. Hopps - Dean, Graduate School of Social Work Prof. Richard G. Huber - Dean, Law School Prof. John J. Neuhauser Dean, School of Management Source: Corresponding Secretary. University Academic Senate 12 George Aragon Larry Byron Rev. Edward Callahan, SJ. Kristine Doll Rev. Charles F. Donovan, S.J., ex officio John Neuhauser, Chairman ~ i I September 1976 - student in quadrangle. 13 c Freshman Applications And Enrollment (Full Time) Fall 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 * 5,242 6,605 6,712 7,286 8,358 8,377 9,486 10,848 11,336 12,411 1,232. 1,402 1,024 1,253 913 1,144 962 1,041 1,028 901 I ! Enrollment Men Women Applications , I I; Total 364 685 725 976 874 1,008 1,069 1,091 1,177 1,176 1,596 2,087 1,749 2,229 1,787 2,152 2,031 2,132 2,205 2,077 1 1I Source: Admissions Office Freshmen Applications and Enrollees' Geographic Distribution Class of 1982 State Applications Alabama 2 Arkansas 1 Arizona 3 California 73 Colorado 7 Connecticut 1,493 District of Columbia 65 Delaware 22 Florida 78 Georgia 15 Guam 1 Hawaii 3 Idaho 4 Illinois 183 Indiana 24 Iowa 3 Kansas 5 Kentucky 4 Louisiana 5 Massachusetts 4,937 Maryland 225 Maine 105 Michigan 79 Minnesota 35 Missouri 32 Mississippi 1 *Based on Deposits Received as of 7/25/78 Source: Admissions Office 14 Enrollees' 1 6 203 10 1 5 1 1 27 - - 1 - 1,094 25 15 18 7 6 - State Nebraska North Carolina New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming Foreign TOTAL Applications 5 6 170 1,279 2 2,071 124 4 5 451 115 415 5 4 19 1 36 69 1 8 42 7 1 166 12,411 Enrollees' 25 176 248 19 51 23 . 70 2 3 5 10 1 6 2 15 2,077 SAT Averages by Class Verbal Class 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 , I Mathematical 535 544 559· 565 556 546 556 549 533 530 528 518 515 504 511 496 509 544 549 574 576 570 567 578 574 554 554 552 554 548 544 550 538 544 Source: Admissions Office Undergraduate Transfer Students Enrollment by Year and Sex Fall Men Women Total 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978* 88 177 146 251 163 240 113 120 115 283 267 300 251 360 233 180 203 460 413 551 414 600 346 300 i i Enrollment by Type of Previous Institution** ., I I Fall I l 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 * 2-Year Public 2-Year Private 77 41 54 35 30 77 58 48 28 24 4-Year Public 82 83 156 79 69 4-Year Private Total 315 232 342 204 177 551 414 600 346 300 * Estimated j **Statistics for 1971, 1972 & 1973 are not available for this table. Source: Admissions Office 15 Graduate and Undergraduate Enrollment Full- and Part-Time Undergraduate F.T.· P.T: Total Year 7,656 7,774 8,325 8,749 8,792 9,066 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 830 967 893 1,095 1,107 1,221 8,486 8,741 9,218 9,844 9,899 10,287 F.T. Graduate P.T. Total Total 1,907 2,005 1,861 1,881 1,880 1,837 1,394 1,635 1,670 1,820 1,833 1,844 3,301 3,640 3,531 3,701 3,713 3,681 11,787 12,381 12,749 13,545 13,612 13,968 I I 'Indudes full time students in Evening College Source: Registrar . i Undergraduate Day and Evening and Graduate Enrollment Year Day 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974'75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 Undergraduate Evening Total 6,231 6,663 6,640 7,313 7,543 8,024 8,463 8,486 8,705 984 1,076 1,101 1,173 1,198 1,194 1,381 1,413 1,5132 J Graduate! Professional 7,115 7,739 7,741 8,486 8,741 9,218 9,844 9,899 10,287 3,099 3,217 3,370 3,301 3,640 3,531 3,701 3,713 3,681 Total 10,214 10,956 11,111 11,787 12,381 12,749 13,545 13,612 13,968 Source: Registrar Undergraduate Enrollment By School Year A&S SOM 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 3,032 3,145 3,589 3,864 4,284 4,651 4,848 5,013 1,774 1,641 1,663 1,657 1,724 1,947 1,911 2,010 Education Nursing Evening 1,268 1,284 1,344 1,266 1,263 1,150 1,021 926 589 570 717 756 753 715 706 756 Total 1,076 7,739 1,101 7,741 1,173 8,486 1,198 8,741 1,194 9,218 1,381 9,844 1,413 9,899 1,582 10,287 Source: Registrar Graduate Enrollment By School NOTE: All enrollment statistics are as of 10.19-77. Enrollment figures fluctuate throughout the year as a result of withdrawals, transfers, and mid-year graduations. 16 Year A&S· SOM Social Work Law Total 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 2,019 2,107 2,048 2,388 2,245 2,302 2.255 2,187 351 288 317 320 319 398 446 493 206 244 228 244 257 267 258 243 641 731 708 688 710 734 754 758 3,217 3,370 3,301 3,640 3,531 3,701 3.713 3,681 'Includes Graduate Education and Nursing Source: Regisrrar Graduate Enrollment By Degree Program and Discipline Full- and Part-Time 1974-75 Masters ..;. I American Studies A&S Unspecified Biology Chemistry Classics Economics Education English French Geology Geology·Geophysics Geology NSF Geophysics Germanic Studies Greek History Interdisciplinary Italian Latin Law Linguistics Management Mathematics Mathematics NSF Nursing Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Russian Slavic Social Work Sociology Spanish Theology Totals' i! 18 884 26 19 8 4 717 65 26 12 10 1975-76 Ph.D. 14 15 13 63 312 12 16 3 22 2 12 3,443 Masters Ph.D. Masters Ph.D. 12 863 26 21 11 3 672 73 22 13 15 1 8 1 1 20 22 15 1 15 18 16 64 357 20 10 17 881 35 16 7 7 660 67 26 10 20 ·39 1 23 1 10 3 758 1 456 18 2 418 13 -- 1977-78 11 1 2 34 60 352 19 7 1 Masters 18 113** 57 17 6 8 1,092** 89 32 12 27 9 1 2 40 1 5 1 23 3 3 4 725 78 18 3 27 11 4 2 264 36 14 10 1976-77 767 1 510 14 17 8 16 85 23 7 28 6 4 2 266 28 17 20 710 3,575 77 40 18 15 33 25 7 18 10 14 25 13 4 .4 279 26 13 19 605 3,511 50 17 21 38 Ph.D. 1 6 21 22 86 428 23 18 1 29 5 767 21 5 18 547 17 34 114 32 10 42 12 3 7 275 32 19 39 33 6 24 681 3,479 837 41 13 28 39 44 12 33 45 ·Figures indude students who attended for just one semester. as well as those who attended a full year. ,,* Many of the A & S Unspecifieds now appear in Education because of strieter requirements for declaring a major department. Source: Registrar 17 r Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment By Sex '. Graduate! Undergraduate Men Women Year 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 5,129 5,205 5,311 5,019 4,945 4,700 4,745 4,779 4,695 4,850 1,879 1,910 2,428 2,722 3,541 4,041 4,473 5,065 5,204 5,437 Professional Men Women 1,880 1,974 1,983 2,029 1,975 2,022 1,831 1,908 1,867 1,802 1,084 1,125 1,234 1,341 1,326 1,618 1,700 1,793 1,846 1,879 Total Men 7,009 7,179 7,294 7,048 6,920 6,722 6,576 6,687 6,562 6,652 Total Women Enrollment 2,963 3,035 3,662 4,063 4,867 5,659 6,173 6,858 7,050 7,316 Source: Registrar 9,972 10,214 10,956 11,111 11,787 12,381 12,749 13,545 13,612 13,968 ., I' 4 I .i Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment" Year Day 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 6,170 6,589 6,611 7,296 7,518 8,008 8,463 8,486 8,705 Undergraduate Evening Total 480 491 638 637 578 614 651 675 768 6,650 7,080 7,249 7,933 8,096 8,622 9,114 9,161 9,473 Graduate! Professional 2,324 2,464 2,545 2,378 2,550 2,418 2,486 2,491 2,440 Total 8,974 9,544 9,794 10,311 10,646 11,040 11,600 11,652 11,913 ** Method of computation: three parHime students equals one Full-time Equivalent Student. Source: Registrar 18 ! Evening College Enrollments Total Women Total Year Full Time Women Men Part Time Men Women Men Fall 1974-75 Spring 1974-75 201 177 124 85 333 298 536 454 534 475 660 539 1,194 1,014 .,. Fall 1975-76 Spring 1975-76 180 163 106 97 427 327 668 507 607 490 774 604 1,381 1,094 ..:. Fall 1976-77 Spring 1976-77 188 181 118 117 397 326 710 542 585 507 828 659 1,413 1,166 Fall 1977-78 Spring 1977-78 224 204 137 153 449 391 772 618 673 595 909 771 1,582 1,366 Source: Registrar Summer Session Enrollment Summer 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Regular Session Graduate! Undergraduate Professional 1,270 1,251 1,028 691 676 607 622 692 889 887 898 924 1,113 1,161 1,592 1,434 1,149 1,077 1,155 1,116 1,107 1,062 1,026 971 Total Workshops and Institutes Total 2,383 2,412 2,620 2,125 1,825 1,684 1,777 1,808 1,996 1,949 1,924 1,895 870 1,033 1,451 679 508 446 623 714 769 670 688 708 3,253 3,445 4,071 2,804 2,333 2,130 2,400 2,522 2,765 2,619 2,612 2,603 Source: Summer Session Office I i 19 Geographic Distribution of Students (Graduate and Undergraduate) Fall 1977* Undergrad Foreign Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut DC Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Caroli na North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Evening 55 1 '1 4 33 5 914 27 19 57 6 1 1 114 12 5 1 3 7 79 89 4,507 43 20 1 8 2 1 103 715 1 1,130 3 4 16 4 2 5 2 1,487 3 Social Work 40 1 1 1 1 22 5 74 2 4 9 3 3 3 10 3 2 1 1 1 16 1 30 12 1 2 2 6 1 165 1 1 7 2 4 2 10 4 2 1 2 1 420 1 1 8 2 435 15 1 3 6 13 28 4 245 49 277 1 1 4 13 3 4 51 51 1 136 2 1 17 4 1 7 6 12 1 18 2 17 29 2 98 3 54 4 66 1 1 10 6 4 20 8 16 2 16 1 2 11 1 3 1 5 21 2 1 2 3 8 1 2 2,187 243 1 4 4 1 4 -8,705 1,582 493 *These figures are based on the state which the student lists as a permanent address, which may not necessarily reflect the true "home" state. Source: Registrar 20 Law School 4 1 1 1 13 8 3 2 1 14 18 1,507 10 1 1 3 Grad. SOM 3 70 1 18 22 1 4 2 27 2 Grad. A&S 758 Total 105 2 3 2 6 77 14 1,056 29 25 78 12 5 4 141 24 10 2 5 11 114 113 8,521 73 21 2 15 0 5 1 188 815 4 1,422 8 1 102 1 3 328 55 391 3 1 9 25 0 30 49 1 7 6 41 2 13,968 I i -I I i I, i New International Students Entering in Summer and _ Fall 1977, and Spring 1978* By Sex Program Undergraduate Graduate Total Men Women Total 4 32 36 10 27 37 14 59 73 Summary By Degree Undergraduate A.B. Candidates B.S. Candidates 7 7 14 Total Graduate Doctoral Masters Post Doctoral 16 41 2 59 Total 73 Total New Student Enrollment *The totals in the statistics given above are included in the totals given below. International Student Enrollment 1977-78 By Sex Program Men Women Total Undergraduate 29 Graduate 71 Practical Training 6 Total 106 30 51 4 85 59 122 10 191 Summary by Degree Undergraduate A.B. Candidates B.S. Candidates Total Graduate Doctoral Masters Post Doctoral Total Practical Training (Field Work) Total International Enrollment Source: Office of Student Programs & Resources 34 25 59 46 74 2 122 ...... -_ 10 191 21 International Student Enrollment 1977-78 By School College of Arts & Sciences School of Education School of Nursing School of Management Graduate Arts & Sciences Graduate School of Social Work Graduate School of Management Law School Practical Training (Field Work) 40 1 1 17 100 3 17 2 10 Total 191 By Country Country Algeria Australia Austria Bahamas Bangladesh Bermuda Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Ethiopia Finland France Ghana Great Britain Greece Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Men 1 6 0 0 1 2 1 9 2 2 1 0 3 4 0 4 1 1 1 4 7 1 3 4 2 1 0 Women 2 4 1 1 1 0 2 6 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 9 2 0 6 2 2 1 1 Source: Office of Student Programs & Resources 22 Total 3 10 1 1 2 2 3 15 2 3 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 2 3 13 9 1 9 6 4 2 1 Country Japan Kenya Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Somalia Spain Sri Lanka Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Trinidad Turkey Venezuela Zaire Totals Men 5 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 0 1 2 3 1 2 1 0 6 5 2 1 2 0 Women 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 5 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 3 3 7 0 1 1 1 Total 10 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 6 4 1 1 2 4 5 1 3 1 3 9 12 2 2 3 1 -- -- -- 106 85 191 Undergraduate and Graduate Minority Enrollment I I I I i 1 I j I 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 Undergraduate Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Black American Indian Oriental Hispanic Other 148 2 23 33 25 194 2 27 24 14 231 261 -- 342 123 1 4 50 23 57 33 39 -15 195 492 - 32 54 4 31 5 15 109 370 - Men Women Total 184 3 27 32 14 -260 - 307 4 50 65 29 455 - 155 1 33 38 19 206 4 45 35 23 361 182 5 3 78 44 73 72 42 21 559 322 - 217 7 59 65 14 362 - 399 10 103 137 35 684 86 36 4 3 48 21 11 12 2 19 - 168 74 107 36 5 2 55 20 18 16 13 2 -198 76 -- 73 0 36 16 11 136 -155 - 117 3 51 50 21 -- -- 109 43 1 2 56 17 32 20 13 - 6 212 87 -- 74 2 34 30 15 -- 71 2 34 6 11 -124 - 660 269 384 653 322 449 771 409 517 926 -246 313 - -- Graduate Black American Indian Oriental Hispanic Other Total Graduate and Undergraduate 17 6 4 --59 - -290 - 242 - Source: Registrar Veterans Enrolled at Boston College 1977-78' School Arts and Sciences Education Evening College Nursing Management Graduate School of A & S Graduate SOM Law School Social Work Total Full· Part· Men Women Time Time 29 5 50 8 23 50 36 24 8 233 - 287 17 7 5 7 2 12 1 2 1 54 46 12 37 15 25 35 9 26 7 -212 18 27 28 Total 46 12 55 15 25 62 37 26 -2 9 -- 75 287 287 * Due to a change in reporting to the VA, these figures reflect a significant drop from those appearing in the 1977 Fact Book. Students (non·veterans) receiving VA pension benefits were previously included. Source: Registrar 23 '. , Undergraduate Degrees ConferredBy Degree and Number of Majors Arts and Sciences A.B. Single Major Double Major Triple Major B.S. Single Major Double Major Triple Major Total A&S School of Education-A.B. Single Major Double Major Triple Major School of Management-B.S Single Major Double Major School of Nursing-B.S. Subtotal-Undergraduate Degrees Evening College A.B. B.S. A.A. Total Undergraduate Degrees Conferred * Sept.-Jan.·June Source: Registrar 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977·78 559 212 3 687 242 5 -- 613 239 - -3 774 934 855 726 277 1 1,004 116 31 136 47 146 54 162 43 1 -147 - -183 - 200 206 921 1,117 1,055 1,210 284 17 334 23 1 273 27 2 119 136 -- -- 301 358 302 255 273 36 430 62 413 60 396 57 309 492 473 453 205 225 168 -175 1,736 2,192 1,998 2,093 71 20 74 12 1 63 2 70 91 87 65 70 1,827 2,279 2,063 2,163 -- ! ~ i I ..< I, ~ .i I 24 Undergraduate Degrees Conferred By Major' , ; .\ J II Accounting Administrative Science American Studies Art History Biology Chemistry Classics Computer Science Deaf/Blind Earth Science Economics English Elementary Education Finance Fine Arts French General Business General Management Geology Geophysics German History Independent Italian Linguistics Management Marketing Mathematics Modern Languages Nursing Operations Management Philosophy Physics Political Science Production Management Production & Operations Mgmt. Psychology Romance Languages Russian Secondary Education Slavic Studies Sociology Spanish Special Education/Elem. Ed." Speech Communication Speech Theatre Studio Art Theology TOTALS 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 115 1 202 190 179 3 17 136 34 1 19 15 14 151 32 5 12 2 15 154 29 1 12 118 154 99 68 1 7 89 157 84 64 120 149 215 52 18 18 7 1 4 77 4 1 13 16 1 8 74 19 116 18 6 18 16 1 128 177 103 54 15 16 4 3 54 1 2 3 79 26 205 2 52 8 115 4 104 8 59 62 8 116 5 5 33 139 46 1 225 2 45 4 177 1 141 3 6 50 1 123 13 176 15 4 8 10 4 77 3 1 34 161 39 168 2 35 5 161 120 1 4 47 1 88 13 160 26 3 9 7 - -8 -- -- 1,736 2,191 1,998 2 4 41 157 58 175 42 7 210 136 7 2 25 2 97 12 50 5 11 5 2,093 H . 1 • Double and Triple majors counted by lirst majors. HElem. Ed. majors with concentration in Special Ed. *** Evening College majors are not included in this total. ". Source: Registrar 25 Undergraduate Degrees Conferred By School and by Major '"'" 1976 ........ A. & S. A.B. B.S. Accounting Admin. Science American Studies Art History Biology ChemistrY Classics Computer Science Deaf/Blind Earth Science Economics Ennlish Elementary Ed. Ed. B.A. ,;:;r •• 1977 SOM Nurs. B.S. B.S. 202 3 17 135 34 1 1 19 15 90 147 28 7 99 1 7 General Management Geology Geophysics Russian Secondary Education Slavic Studies Socioloqy Spanish Special Education Speech Communication Speech Theatre Studio Art Theoloqy TOTALS 1;::1,g Nurs. B.S. TOT. 190 190 3 17 136 34 1 19 15 118 154 99 68 1 7 7 1 4 77 2 1 7 1 4 77 4 1 2 33 139 44 1 2 2 45 4 177 1 141 3 6 1 50 1 118 13 14 3 8 10 934 5 176 1 1 183 358 492 33 139 46 1 225 225 2 45 4 177 1 142 3 6 50 1 123 13 176 15 4 8 10 225 2,192' A. &5. A.B. B.S. 14 151 31 5 12 179 2 15 154 29 1 12 154 29 1 12 - - - 79 157 10 108 14A 89 107 84 84 64 64 120 149 215 52 12 1 215 52 - - 18 18 13 18 18 - 15 1 - 1 2 75 3 1 2 16 1 8 74 1 2 - 2 4 41 157 58 2 4 1 04 161 39 04 161 37 8 72 1 77 3 41 157 57 1 168 2 35 5 161 175 168 2 3" 5 161 175 - 42 42 7 210 7 210 120 1 4 47 1 85 13 24 3 9 7 855 3 160 2 200 302 473 133 7 2 120 1 4 47 1 88 13 160 26 3 9 7 168 1,998' 136 7 2 25 2 97 12 3 25 2 92 11 5 1 50 4 11 5 ,004 1 206 *Evening College Majors are not included in this total. Source: Regis/rar .. SOM Nurs. B.S. B.S. TOT. 2 15 14 151 32 5 12 1 Ed. B:A. 179 - 13 Production Management Psychology Romance Languages 202 1978 SOM B.S. - 68 German History Independent Italian Linguistics Manaaement Marketing Mathematics Modern Lanquaqes Nursing Operations Management Philosoohv Physics Political Science Ed. B.A. - Finance Fine Arts French TOT. A. & S. A.B. B.S. ~ , 255 453 50 5 11 5 175 2,093' - ..-._-.... .- - -- -- . ~ ~ .J Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Conferred" By Degree and by Sex 1974-75 1977-78 1976-77 1975-76 Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total College of A. & S. A.B. B.S. 461 103 313 44 -- 774 147 469 123 465 60 934 183 402 138 453 62 855 200 492 158 1,004 206 Total A. & S. 564 357 921 540 515 1055 239 203 29 301 205 309 525 -299 220 71 1,117 62 2 280 -- 592 -59 5 421 -650 -- 512 48 39 1 368. 263 167 105 302 168 473 344 471 815 1,736 1,075 - 535 828 1,077 590 -1,115 408 908 -485 - 2,192 948 1,050 943 -1,998 37 19 -56 -- 34 1 71 20 63 2 ---52 -- 74 12 1 27 0 -91 -- 33 1 1 36 2 -35 -- 41 11 - -- -- 87 I -- 35 964 863 1,827 1,129 1,150 2,279 I Ph.D. D.Ed. MA M.S. M.Ed. MAT. M.8..l': J.D. M.B.A. M.S.P. M.SW. CAE.8. 52 3 77 19 98 8 10 160 82 7 24 15 23 1 67 299 13 8 46 8 10 62 18 75 4 149 86 397 21 18 206 90 17 86 33 52 13 64 9 106 10 2 166 73 7 34 11 23 2 53 65 309 1 66 13 8 61 21 75 15 117 74 415 27 3 232 86 15 94 32 Total Graduate Degrees Conferred 555 627 1,182 547 639 1,185 964 -- -863 - 1,827 1,129 1,150 1,519 1,490 3,009 1,676 1,789 Undergraduate School of Ed.-A.B. School of Nursing-B.S. Scheol of Mgmt.-B.S. Subtotal Undergraduate I A.B. Evening College- B.S. AA Total Undergraduate Degrees Conferred I 358 225 492 -- -560 -- 1,210 --- 38 1 334 217 174 119 373 510 883 1,023 1,070 2,093 41 29 70 65 41 I -- 29 70 255 175 453 38 27 986 1,077 2,063 I 1,064 1,099 2,163 53 11 62 24 97 6 9 169 66 9 19 5 33 1 64 77 230 7 2 76 33 18 70 18 86 12 126 101 327 13 11 245 44 7 61 14 52 10 5 167 38 9 62 10 26 4 58 85 219 10 4 64 72 9 24 20 70 11 119 99 271 20 9 231 110 18 86 30 I 530 629 1,159 I 479 595 1,074 2,279 I 986 1,077 2,063 I 1,064 1,099 2,163 3,464 I 1,516 1,706 3,222 I 1,543 1,694 3,237 Graduate ••• Total Undergraduate Degrees Conferred 72 17 Total Undergraduate & Graduate Degrees N -....I *Sept.-Jan.·June ·*See page 62 "Degrees Conferred by Boston College" Source: Registrar 99 27 89 23 Undergraduate and Graduate Financial Aid 1975-78 Number of Students " Type of Aid - Undergrad. 1975-76 1976-n University Scholarships and Grants1 1,670 1,870 1,900 State Scholarships2 1,023 943 1,021 Basic Educational Opportunity Grants 3 773 1,220 1,147 Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants' 768 643 790 Work-Study 1,391 1,114 1,231 National Direct Student Loans s 2,091 2,141 2,308 7,642 7,931 8,397 406 381 314 8,048 8,312 8,711 Work-Study 340 319 282 National Direct Student Loans s 303 389 345 8,765 9,020 9,338 Subtotal Other6 Undgergraduate TOTAL7 Type of Aid - 1 This statistic includes regular university scholarships and grants (through the operating bUdget), faculty kin tuition remission, minority scholarships (other than Black Talent). Jesuit Reduction, Alumni Association Scholarships, and endowed monies for scholarships. This statistic does not include law scholarships. 2 State scholarship funds to students from Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. 3 Students who are enrolled at least halftime in an undergraduate degree program are eligible to apply tor these grants. Grants are awarded to students with exceptional need, and eligibility is determined directly by the federal government. 4 S ,\ Graduate Total Undergraduate and Graduate 7 Available to students enrolled at least half time in an undergraduate degree program. These grants are awarded to students with exceptional need and are termed "last resort." The amount of the award must be matched by an equal amount of other aid. Available to undergraduates and graduates enrolled at least half time. These loan funds are obtained by Federal Government contributions, Boston College contributions and collections of previous loans awarded. The loans have up to a 10 year repayment period with an interest rate of 3% per year on the unpaid balance. These figures do not include Law School or Nursing School loan funds. 6 Includes Black Talent and athletic programs. 7 This is a duplicated total since some students receive more than one type of aid. Source: Director of Financial Aid 28 19n-78 , Undergraduate and Graduate Financial Aid. 1975-78 Thousands of Dollars Type of Aid - , ..~. Undergrad. 1975-76 1976-77 University Scholarships and Grants' $1,424 $1,420 $1,775 State Scholarships2 870 795 854 Basic Educational Opportunity Grants 3 717 1,108 1,071 Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants' 564 512 646 Work-Study 1,664 1,255 1,463 National Direct Student Loans 5 2,217 2,319 2,523 7,456 7,409 8,332 Other6 1,112 1,180 1,031 Undergraduate TOTAL 8,568 8,589 9,363 Work-Study 476 317 345 National Direct Student Loans s 500 853 665 $9,759 $10,373 Subtotal 1977-78 ~ Type of Aid - Graduate Total Undergraduate and Graduate $9,544 1 This- statistic includes regular university scholarships and grants (through the operating budget), faculty kin tuition remission, minority scholarships (other than Black Talent), Jesuit Reduction. Alumni Association Scholarships, and endowed monies for scholarships. This statistic does not include law scholarships. 2 State scholarship funds to students from MassaChusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. J Students who are enrolled at least half time in an undergraduate degree program are eligible to apply for these grants. Grants are awarded to students with exceptional need, and eligibility is, determined directly by the federal government. .. Available to students enrolled at least half time in an undergraduate degree program. These grants are awarded to students with exceptional need and are tenned "last resort." The amount of the award must be matched by an equal amount of other aid. S Available to undergraduates and graduates enrolled at least half time. These loan funds are obtained by Federal Government contributions, Boston College contributions and collections of previous loans awarded. The loans have up to a 10 year repayment period with an interest rate of 3% per year on the unpaid balance. These figures do not include Law School or Nursing School loan funds. 6 Includes Black Talent and athletic programs. , I Source: Director of Financial Aid .......... ,, 29 Health Services Number of Students Served Grand Totals Total Visits to M.D. Total Visits to R.N. Totals Men Women Infirmary' Total Admissions Men Women Total Patient Days Average Daily Census Average Length of Stay (days) Number of Days in Full Operation -Included in Grand Totals Source·: Health Services Office Daily Logs 30 1973-74 18,299 7,763 1974-75 19,488 9,879 1975-76 19,123 10,671 1976-77 18,718 10,143 1977-78 17,949 10,158 26,062 29,367 29,794 (14,639) (15,155) 28,861 (13,830) (15,031) 28,107 (13,969) (14,138) 485 (255) (230) 1,130 5.4 2.3 637 (226) (411 ) 1,329 6.1 2.1 604 (266) (338) 1,367 6.2 2.2 633 (280) (353) 1,382 6.5 2.2 546 (256) (290) 1,223 5.8 2.2 209 216 219 211 210 November 1977 - Gasson Hall rededication. '. 31 . Alumni Comparative Regional Analysis Massachusetts Metropolitan Boston Postal Areas 01701 -02009 02101-02215 7,854 16,576 24,430 Massachusetts outside Metropolitan Boston 9,359 33,789 Total Massachusetts Alumni New England Connecticut Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont 3,012 659 1,216 1,313 260 Total New England outside Massachusetts 6,460 Massachusetts Total New England Total outside New England Lost Alumni TOTAL ALUMNI Source: Boston College Alumni Association Source: Boston College Alumni Association kExdusive of Class of 1978 32 33,789 40,249 17,393 6,867 64,509 Alumni Geographic Analysis by State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada 57 17 127 10 1,212 159 3,012 89 339 683 177 1 41 13 645 133 39 49 86 82 659 944 33,789 360 141 10 185 23 39 17 New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Caroli na North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total U.S. Foreign Nations Total Active Alumni Inactive Alumni Lost Total Alumni 1,216 1,891 44 4,010 171 8 616 45 54 869 81 1,313 51 18 78 275 16 260 850 19 119 29 171 8 '55,350 648 55,998 1,644 6,867 64,509* Boston College Alumni Clubs Buffalo Cape Cod Central New York Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Denver Detroit Fairfield County Fall River Florida Hartford Houston Long Island Los Angeles Maine Manhattan Business Group Merrimack Valley Mid-Hudson Minnesota New Hampshire New Jersey New Orleans North Shore Northern California (San Francisco) Philadelphia Rhode Island Rochester SI. Louis San Diego Seattle Southeastern United States (Georgia) Washington, D.C. Western Massachusetts (Springfield) Wisconsin Worcester Source: Boston College Alumni Association Boston College Alumni Association Activities Alumni Admissions Counselling Alumni Programs for Students: Career Counselling Career Fairs Opportunities Seminars Project OUTREACH Alumni Senate Awards: Nominations-McKenney Award Nominations-Alumni Awards of Excellence Nominations-Young Alumni Achievement Award The Boston College Alumni Clubs Class Organizations & Activities Continuing Education Nominations and Elections Placement Services Publications & Communications: FOCUS BOSTON COLLEGE MAGAZINE Class Notes Social Activities: Family Day Homecoming Fall Football Tour Holy Cross Pre-Game Brunch Laetare Sunday Alumni Golf Tournament Alumni Tennis Tournament Alumni Weekend Overseas Tours Boston Alumni Business Lunches Alumnae Breakfast Club Young Alumni Events Women's Resources Source: Boston College Alumni Association 33 New Heights Advancement Campaign Volunteer Leadership 1977·1978 General Chairman James P. O'Neill, '42 Executive Vice President Xerox Corporation Alumni Chairman Robert J. O'Keefe, '51 Senior Vice President Chase Manhattan Bank Annual Gifts and Telethon Chairman Edward A. Zmijewski, '54 C.P.A. General Accounting Office Blue Chips Chairman James F. McDonough, M.D., '35, D.Sc. '77 (Hon.) Major Gifts Chairman John J. Griffin, '35 Vice President Metropolitan Petroleum Company Special Gifts Chairman Samuel T. Church, '43 Executive Vice President Hospital Laundry Associates National Chairman Joseph F. Abely, Jr., '50 Executive Vice President R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. Foundations Chairman John Lowell Partner Welch and Forbes Law School National Chairman Thomas M. Joyce, J.D. '41 Attorney Joyce, Capeless, Kilroy, McNulty & Roddy Law School Executive Vice Chairman Robert T. Capeless, J.D. '41 Attorney Joyce, Capeless, Kilroy, McNulty & Roddy Bequests and Planned Giving Chairman John G. McElwee, '43, J.D. '50 President and Chief Operating Officer John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. Parents Co-Chairmen James F. Stanton, '42 Partner Coleman & Sons Helen M. Stanton, M.S.W. '43 Trustee, Boston College Communications Chairman John M. Connors, Jr., '63 President Hill, Holiday, Connors & Cosmopolous Theater Chairman John M. Cataldo, '41 President National Freight Traffic Services Source: Office of Development University Relations 34 Corporations New England Chairman Thomas A. Sampson, '50 Managing Partner Arthur Andersen & Company PHYSICAL PLANT October 1976 aerial. 35 1 9 ! ff e • g" i • * ~ j j g , Street Prop erties or Observatory. South . . elude Weston These maps dora~~~I~ _ Pine Manor an d St. Gabriel s. the temporary 37 gs BOSTON COLLEGE NEWlON CAMPUS * ~;I (D'ffl 3 m :03 Q~ "" ~~ -0 !!!." _. ~ o ~ 100 L••••' 200 300 ! : 8! J5c ,,0:i' CD m ::;: ;::m ,,!!t ~ 0 o~ ~O ~g O-m ~~ GlO ~':C! '\ GYM IT!EJ1Jr" ~o;o _an:A ~8' " c .9' ~ II~!, ':1 !1l l AND i Q ~' • ~~o~ .~'bNCEfmWIMIlE TO "'-'1fT Hu CA.I<>us CUSHING _~~ ~ HOUSE ~~ DUCHESNE EAST .,~~~~~~ 'jllt, ~ MASS TPKE EXIT;• .5 MILES TO BRIGHmN • BUildings Related To Boston College Operation Location and Primary Use Name Location Alumni Hall Alumni Stadium Bapst Library Barat House Barry Fine Arts Pavilion Bea House' Botolph House Brock House Campion Hall Canisius House' Cottage & Garage Carney Hall Trinity Chapel (Newton) Chestnut Hall Cheverus Hall , 74 Commonwealth Ave. Beacon SI. Main Campus Newton Campus 885 Centre SI. 176 Commonwealth Ave. 18 Old Colony Road 78 College Road Main Campus 67 Lee Road 885 Centre SI. Main Campus 885 Centre SI. 210 Chestnut Hill Ave. 127 Hammond SI. 40 Tudor Road clav~~~4~ 36 College Rd. ' 72 College Rd. ----90 College Rd. Connolly Faculty Center 300 Hammond SI. Cushing Hall Main Campus Cushing House 885 Centre SI. Devlin Hall Main Campus Duchesne East 885 Centre SI. Duchesne West 885 Centre SI. . Faber House' 102 College Road Faculty Wing 885 Centre SI. Fenwick Hall 46 Tudor Road Fitzpatrick Hall 137 Hammond SI. Fulton Hall Main Campus Gasson Hall Main Campus Gonzaga Hall 149 Hammond SI. Greycliff Hall 2051 Commonwealth Ave. Haley House 314 Hammond SI. Hancock House 223 Beacon SI. Hardey House 885 Centre St. Higgins Hall 2 Main Campus Hillside A 100 Commonwealth Ave. Hillside B 100 Commonwealth Ave. Hillside C (Renamed Rubenstein Hall) Hillside D 90 Commonwealth Ave. Hopkins House 116 College Road Hovey House 258 Beacon SI. Kenny-Cottle Library 885 Centre SI. Keyes North 885 Centre St. Keyes South 885 Centre SI. Kirkwood Hall 19 South SI. Kostka Hall 149 Hammond SI. Lawrence House 122 College Rd. --55 Lee Rd. Linden Hall 5 South SI. Loyola Hall 42 Tudor Rd. Lyons Hall Main Campus > Primary Use Administrative Sports Library Jesuit Res. & Admin. Academic & Admin. Jesuit Residence Administrative Administrative Academic & Admin. Jesuit Residence Residence Academic & Admin. Chapel Student Residence Student Residence Student Residence Administrative Jesuit Residence Administrative Academic Academic &' Admin. Student Residence Academic & Admin. Student Residence Student Residence Jesuit Residence Academic & Admin. Student Residence Student Residence Academic & Admin. Academic & Admin. Student Residence Student Residence Residence Residence Student Residence Academic & Admin: Student Residence Student Residence Student Res. & Admin. Student Residence Administrative Academic Library Student Residence Student Residence Student Residence Student Residence Administrative Residence Student Residence Student Residence Academic & Admin. Date Constructed or Acquired 1948 1957 1928 1974 1974 1965 1967 1972 1955 1966 1974 1962 1974 1969 1960 1956 1974 1970 1975 ' 1975 1960 1974 1924 1974 1974 1938 1974 1960 1960 1948 1913 1958 1969 1969 1907 1974 1966 1973 1973 1973 1973 1968 1971 1974 1974 1974 1969 1958 1968 1978 1969 1956 1951 39 McElroy Commons Main Campus McGuinn Hall Main Campus McHugh Forum Lower Campus Mill St. Cottage ·Newton Campus Modular Apartments Lower Campus Murray House 292 Hammond SI. O'Connell Hall 185 Hammond SI. Phelps Hall 25 South SI. Philomatheia Hall 86 Commonwealth Ave. Pine Hall 15 South SI. Pine Manor" --Putnam Center 885 Centre SI. Gym (Newton) 885 Centre St. Radnor Hall 9 South SI. Rahner House 96 College Road Recreation Complex Lower Campus Reservoir Apart ments 200 SI. Thomas More Dr. Roberts Center Main Campus Roncalli Hall 182 Hammond SI. Rubenstein Hall 90 Commonwealth Ave. Service Building Main Campus Shaw House 377 Beacon St. Commander Shea Field Beacon SI. South Hall 39·41 South St. Southwell Hall 38 Commonwealth Ave. SI. Gabriel's' Washington SI. St. Mary's HailS Main Campus SI. Mary's House 885 Centre SI. SI. Thomas More Hall SI. Thomas More Drive Stuart House 885 Centre SI. (Law School) Townhouse 60 Tudor Rd. Welch Hall 200 Hammond SI. Weston Observatory6 Weston, Ma. Williams Hall 143 Hammond SI. Xavier Hall 44 Tudor Rd. Student Services & Admin. Academic & Admin. Ice Skating rink Residence Student Residence Commuter Center Student Union Student Residence Administrative Student Residence Student Residence Academic Gymnasium Student Residence Residence Sports Student Residence Academic & Admin. & Gym. Student Residence Student Residence Admin. & Trade Shops Student Residence Baseball Diamond Student Residence Administrative Student Residence Jesuit Residence Academic & Admin. Administrative Academic & Admin. 1955 1968 1958 1974 1971 1967 1938 1969 1920 1969 Student Residence Student Residence Research & Admin. Student Residence Student Residence 1971 1965 1948 1965 1956 4 Rented to Jesuit Community of Boston College. Academic & Administrative = classrooms and offices. Student Services in McElroy Commons include bookstore, dining halls, mail room, U.S. Post Office. Temporary Rentals for dormitory purposes in 1978-79. 5 ONned by the Jesuit Community of Boston College. 6 Land rented from the New England Province of the Society of Jesus. Building owned by Boston College. 1 2 3 1974 1974 1969 1952 1972 1975 1958 1965 1973 1948 1962 1960 1969 1937 1917 1974 1955 1974 Summary of Building Use 19n-78 Building Use Student Residences' Administrative 1 Administrative & Academic' Jesuit Residences Miscellaneous use 3 TOTAL Number of Buildings 31 11 18 7 13 1 Source: Director of Space Management ~ 1 Duchesne East & West == 1 Hillside A & B ~ 1 Hillside C & D ~ 1 2 80 3 40 Keyes North & South Modulars = 1 Administrative and Academic = offices and classrooms Also includes Weston Observatory. Includes gymnasiums, libraries, student union, etc. 1978 - 1979 Dormitory Statistics CHESTNUT HILL: Upper Campus Cheverus Claver Fenwick Fitzpatrick Gonzaga Kostka Loyola Roncalli Shaw Townhouse Welch Williams Xavier Lower Campus Hillside A Hillside B Hillside C (Rubenstein) Hillside D Modulars Reservoir 127 Hammond SI. 40 Tudor Road 46 Tudor Road 137 Hammond Road 149 Hammond Street 149 Hammond Street 42 Tudor Road 182 Hammond Street 377 Beacon Street 60 Tudor Road 200 Hammond Street 142.Hammond Street 44 Tudor Road 100 Commonwealth Avenue 100 Commonwealth Avenue 90 Commonwealth Avenue 90 Commonwealth Avenue SI. Thomas More Drive 200 SI. Thomas More Drive Living Units Students Staff Total 68 40 74 73 80 81 52 69 8 51 72 72 40 138 75 139 141 157 159 101 134 18 98 150 138 78 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 141 78 143 144 160 162 103 137 19 101 153 141 80 780 1,526 36 1,562 108 80 90 96 258 408 210 152 174 192 498 792 3 2 3 0 9 9 213 154 177 192 507 801 -1,040 NEWTON CAMPUS: Cushing Duchesne East Duchesne West Hardey Keyes North Keyes South 885 885 885 885 885 885 Centre Centre Centre Centre Centre Centre Street Street Street Street Street Street 210 Chestnut Hill Avenue 2051 Commonwealth Avenue 5 South Street 19 South Street 25 South Street 15 South Street 9 South Street 39-41 South Street TOTALS 121 128 127 176 137 105 -- 19 29 12 36 12 12 12 30 34 40 19 60 20 24 20 50 -162 Temporary Rentals Pine Manor SI. Gabriel's, Washington SI., Brighton 2,018 -426 OFF CAMPUS: South Street Chestnut Hall Greycliff Linden Kirkwood Phelps Pine Radnor South 64 64 72 97 74 55 -- 794 -- - -- 26 2,044 3 3 2 3 4 3 124 131 129 179 141 108 - 18 - 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 -812 35 42 20 62 22 25 21 52 -- 267 12 41 98 80 93 2 5 82 98 2,547 4,778 99 4,877 '. 279 Source: Housing Office 41 Classrooms 1977-78 Building Barry Campion Carney Cushing Devlin Fulton Gasson Higgins Kenny-Cottle Lib. Lyons McGuinn Stuart Totals Number of -, Classrooms ". Stations 5 14 25 11 2 14 18 9 1 10 17 9 490 793 1,042 768 298 1,140 1,037 603 125 555 597 704 135 8,152 Source: Director of Space Management Dining Facilities Location Name Eagle's Nest Snack Bar Faculty Dining Room Kirkwood Cafeteria Lyons Cafeteria McElroy Dining Hall Newton Campus Cafeteria Newton Campus Snack Bar Snake 'n' Apple Trustees' Room McElroy Commons McElroy Commons Kirkwood Hall Lyons Hall McElroy Commons Stuart House Stuart House Lower Campus McElroy Commons Capacity 500 175 125 550 1,000 300 200 90 40 2,980 Total Capacity Source: Dining Department Offices 1977-78 Chestnut Hill: Building Alumni Hall Bapst Library Botolph House Brock House Campion Hall Carney Hall Cushing Hall Devlin Hall Fulton Hall Gasson Hall Higgins Hall Hovey House Hopkins House 90 College Rd. New10n Campus: No. of Offices 8 8 10 7 56 222 55 40 70 36 53 8 11 7 Building 10 9 75 Lyons Hall McElroy Commons 32 184 McGuinn Hall 12 Philomatheia Hall 24 Roberts Center 12 Rubenstein Hall 17 Service Building Southwell Hall 26 SI. Thomas More Hall 65 1,057 Subtotal Lawrence House 36 College Rd. *In addition to 17 offices, Weston Observatory houses 12 laboratories. Source: Director of Space Management 42 No, of Offices Building No. of Offices Barat House Barry Fine Arts Pav. Law Faculty Wing Kenny-Cottle Library Stuart House SI. Mary's House 9 25 21 8 61 5 Subtotal 129 Weston Observatory' 17 Total Offices 1,203 ' .. , 43 Highlights of Financial Operations For The Five Years Ended June 30,1978 (Dollars in Millions) Revenues: Tuition and Fees Contracts and Grants Organized Activities Gifts, Investments and Other Auxili ary Enterprises Total Revenue Expenditures and Transfers:' Instruction Libraries Sponsored Research Student Services Organized Activities Plant Maintenance General Administration Student Aid Auxiliary Enterprises Other Transfers (Net) Total Expenditures and Transfers 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 $27.4 7.1 1.2 1.7 5.7 $43.1 $30.2 7.6 1.3 2.1 7.8 $49.0 $33.2 8.7 2.1 2.1 8.7 $54.8 $36.1 9.4 1.5 2.4 9.6 $59.0 $39.6 9.5 1.8 2.6 10.7 $64.2 $15.9 1.3 2.2 1.7 2.1 2.4 3.6 4.0 6.5 3.2 $42.9 $17.8 1.4 2.3 1.9 2.4 2.9 4.3 3.9 8.3 3.5 $48.7 $19.2 1.6 2.5 2.2 2.8 3.9 5.2 5.1 8.9 3.1 $54.5 $22.2 2.1 3.2 2.6 3.0 4.1 5.5 5.0 10.7 .4 $58.8 $23.4 2.3 3.1 2.7 3.3 4.8 5.9 5.4 11.4 1.8 $64.1 • Beginning with the fiscal year 1977, a facilities use charge consisting of depreciation and interest on long-term debt was allocated to functional expenditures on the basis of building usage. Source: Office of the Controller 45 II .... <J> Tuition and Fees For The Seven Years Ended June 3D, 1979 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 $3,645 230 $3,420 220 $3,175 210 $2,950 200 $2,800 190 $2,650 180 $2,600 180 80 75 75 70 70 70 70 Undergraduate Schools Arts & Sciences, Education, Management, Nursing Evening College (per course) Summer Session (per credit hour) Graduate Schools Law School Social Work Arts & Sciences (per credit hour) Management (per credit hour) , 3,810 3,645 3,500 3,380 3,200 3,125 2,950 2,900 113 113 105 100 100 86 95 80 950 1,150 1,150 1,200 1,200 950 850 1,050 1,050 1,100 1,100 850 775 950 975 1,025 1,025 775 750 900 950 1,000 1,000 750 850 750 2,550 2,600 2,450 2,500 90 75 85 70 75 60 750 850 950 1,000 650 750 800 850 650 750 - - - 850 750 650 650 - - - 2,750· 2,750 Room Charge Per Student Upper Campus, South Street Modulars Hillside - 3 bedroom Hillside - 2 bedroom Reservoir Newton Kilsyth Cleveland Circle Pine Manor SI. Gabriel Board Per Student - - 950 950 - 875 100 24 5 70 32 775 - - - - 650 . 650 - - 825 750 700 650 600 600 100 24 5 70 32 100 24 5 70 32 100 20 5 60 25 100 20 5 60 25 100 20 5 60 25 100 20 5 130 25 Representative Fees Laboratory (Science) Undergraduate Government Graduate Student Association Health Recreation Source: Office of the Controller ~_..-....... Boston College Tuition Restated in 1967 Dollars Fiscal Year 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Consumer Price Index* 98.6 101.9 107.0 113.1 119.0 123.3 128.2 139.7 155.2 166.2 175.8 187.6 201.0** Tuition in Absolute Dollars Tuition in $1,400 1,600 1,600 2,000 2,240 2,500 2,600 2,650 2,800 2,950 3,175 3,420 3,645 $1,420 1,570 1,495 1,768 1,882 2,028 2,028 1,897 1,804 1,775 1,806 1,823 1,813 1967 Dollars *Fiscal Year Average ""*Estimate Source: Office of the Controller Contracts and Grants Source and Application of Funding (thousands of dollars) 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 Federal GOY'1. State GOY'1. Local GOY'1. Non-GoY'1. $6,087 252 147 596 $6,413 418 137 682 $7,524 366 134 657 $7,997 379 199 837 $8,409 432 127 555 TOTALS 7,082 7,650 8,681 9,412 9,523 2,885 2,265 1,932 3,409 2,483 1,758 3,355 2,379 2,947 4,113 2,221 3,078 4,052 2,287 3,184 $7,082 $7,650 $8,681 $9,412 $9,523 SOURCE APPUCATION Sponsored Research Other Sponsored Programs Student Aid TOTALS Source: Office of the Controller 47 Summary of Contract and Grant Awards July 1, 1977 - June 30,1978 ..." No. of Awards 4 $167,800 11 434,600 Economics 5 97,800 School of Education Special Education Lab of Statistical and Policy Research 3 5 4 192,600 725,300 165.200 1,083,100 1 10 7 38,900 1,408,000 159,700 1,606,600 Biology Chemistry Geology Weston Observatory NECEP History 2 39,700 Laboratory of Psychosocial Studies 1 9,000 Law School 4 247,400 Math Institute 2 26,700 School of Nursing 6 822,600 Philosophy 2 101,200 Physics 8 310,800 Psychology 3 190,700 10 486,500 SWRRI 3 79,500 Sociology 4 24,000 Space Data Analysis Laboratory 6 1,031,700 Miscellaneous 6 212,000 107 $6,911,700 School of Social Work Source: Office of Research Administration 48 Award Total September 1976 - Hapst interior. 49 1 Boston College Libraries Bapst Library Main Library, Middle Campus Audiovisual Services Campion 10 Geophysics Library Weston Observatory Weston, Ma. Law Library Kenny-Cottle Library Newton Campus Resource Center Kenny'Coltle Library (Undergraduate) Newton Campus School of Management Library Fulton Hall, 2nd Floor School of Nursing Library Cushing Hall, 4th Floor School of Social Work Library McGuinn Hall, Basement Science Library Devlin Hall, Rooms 103-108 Expenditures for Books 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 Bapst Law Management Nursing Science Social Work $315,246 85,000 28,850 19,900 58,000 5,500 $350,150 92,704 29,757 19,500 68,080 6,300 $371,927 108,801 30,710 25,090 81,010 7,650 1977-78 $344,521 112,084 44,324 24,380 104,144 10,142 TOTALS $512,496 $566,491 '1;625,188 $639,595 Library Holdings by Individual Libraries 1978 Library Bapst Law School of Mgmt. School of Nursing Science Weston Social Work Resource Center TOTALS 50 Volumes Periodical SUbscriptions Microform Units 640,555 122,179 60,456 31,420 55,787 10,847 20,861 29,500 2,219 710 798 601 540 45 280 0 405,635 75,391 13,776 2,776 9,345 63 118 0 971,605 5,193 .507,104 Volume Acquisitions (all libraries) Number Year 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 .34,206 36,262 34,758 40,835 29,945 25,770 31,091 29,095 26,095 Source: University Librarian Circulation Statistics Interlibrary Year 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 Student Faculty loans Reserve 132,368 141,230 171,321 114,688 113,395 108,364 78,609 14,307 10,199 11,052 10,030 11,577 11,453 12,406 1,520 951 2,451 2,576 2,887 3,646 3,420 17,848 19,688 38,137 36,976 96,906 98,118 113,107 Total 166,043 172,068 222,961 164,270 224,765 221,581 207,542 Source: University Librarian Audiovisual Services Statistics 1977·1978 Equipment Utilization' TV Studio Productions" Film Rental Requests Equipment Purchases 5,616 1,654 600 $10,215 *This represents the number of times audio-visual equipment was borrowed. ··This represents the number of times the studio was used for productions throughout the year. Source: University Ubrarian 51 Boston College Libraries Special Collections Many rare and valuable materials are included in Special Collections, ranging from medieval manuscripts to modern limited editions, fine bindings, autographed copies, and letters of established authors. Because of their scarcity, value, or fragile nature, access is limited. Below are brief notes on some of the more outstanding collections. Contact Special Collections Librarian for further information. FRANCIS THOMPSON COLLECTION This, the most complete collection of Thompsoniana in existence, includes first and rare editions, manuscripts, notebooks, letters, and other material relating to the poet, his times, and his work. 1i I I I ' ! MEYNELL COLLECTION The most extensive collection in the Western Hemisphere of the works of Wilfrid and Alice Meynell and three of their children - Everard, Viola, and Sir Francis - providing a well-rounded view of this remarkable family of poets, biographers, novelists, essayists, editors and publishers. PATMORE COLLECTION Coventry Patmore, poet, essayist, critic, contemporary and close friend of Francis Thompson, is represented here by numerous first editions, manuscripts, articles, book reviews and letters. Among the correspondents are Arnold, Browning, Carlyle, Emerson, Hawthorne, Rossetti, Tennyson and Thackeray. SPECIAL IRISH COLLECTION Nearly every aspect of Irish history and literature is covered in this collection. Of special interest are the many papers of Patrick Andrew Collins, president of the Irish Land League, and letters of Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, poet, editor and leader of the Fenian and related organizations. Included also is a facsimile, in color, of the famous Book of Kells, and complete editions of Malton's Views of DUblin, 1792-1799; The Ordinance Surveys, The Irish Bulletin, and the Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae. JESUITANA A collection of early and rare works by and about Jesuits. It includes Lettere e Relazione Orientale, a series of annual letters from Jesuit missionaries in Indo-China, Tibet, Japan, etc., published in Italy between 1590 and 1661. Most treasured is an original letter of St. Francis Xavier to John III, King of Portugal, dated January 31, 1552. MERTON COLLECTION The original typescript and galleys of The Seven Storey Mountain are gifts of the author, along with galleys of The Waters of Siloe, and his own copy of The Poetry and Prose of William Blake. There is an autographed copy of each book published by Merton, and numerous periodicals containing the first printing of poems and essays, many of them uncollected. WILLIAMS COLLECTION Approximately 10,000 books and pamphlets are contained in this collection, which prOVides valuable source material on the ethnology, social and natural history of the West Indies, with special emphasis on Jamaica. Some unusual items of Africana and Judaica are also included. MORRISSEY COLLECTION OF JAPANESE PRINTS Of particular value to those interested in the history of Japanese art, this collection contains over 100 prints, paintings and reproductions, Japanese artifacts, and several books. Especially noteworthy are landscape designs of Hiroshige (1797-1858) and Hokusai (1760-1849). THE BOSTON COLLEGE GUILD OF ST. LUKE OF BOSTON HEALTH ETHICS COLLECTION Initiated in 1974, this contains books, pamphlets, periodicals, reprints and tapes which concern the ethics of medicine and health care. RITA P. KELLEHER COLLECTION In recognition of her twenty-five years of service to the School of Nursing, including twenty years as Dean, this collection contains archival, historical, research, and other significant materials in nursing. Source: University Librarian 52 I I, Boston College Libraries Computer Searches The following data bases are available to the Boston College Community for customized computer searching of the literature in the science and social studies areas. The computer search is an alternative to manual literature search. It is recommended when a literature search involves several concepts or groups of concepts, or when limiting factors are introduced. Requestforms and further information is available from the reference staff in each library. SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES ASI (American Statistics Index) America: History and Life Art Bibliographies Modern CIS (Congressional Information Service) CRECORD (Congressional Record Index) Child Abuse and Neglect ERIC ( (RIE, CIJE, AIM/ARM, ECEA) Historical Abstracts Language and Language Behavior Abstracts PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) Psychological Abstracts SOCIAL SCISEARCH (Social Sciences Citation Index) Sociological Abstracts BUSINESS, ECONOMICS CIN (Chemical Industry Notes) Federal Index INFORM (Abstracted Business Information) MANAGEMENT PREDICASTS (Bibliographic) (Market Abstracts, F & S Index, Domestic and International Statistics, EIS Plants) PREDICASTS (Computational) BIOMEDICINE MEDLINE (AVLlNE, CANCERLlNE, CANCERPROJ, CATLINE, CHEMLlNE, CLiNPROT, EPILEPSY, MEDLINE and BACKFILES, TOXLlNE) PNI (Pharmaceutical News Index) SCIENCES AGRICOLA (Bibliography of Agriculture) ASFA (Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts) BIOSIS (Biological Abstracts) CAB (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau) CA Condensates (Chemical Abstracts) CA Patent Concordance CHEMNAME CRIS (Current Research Information ServiceUSDA) GEOREF (Bibliography and Index of Geology) INSPEC - PHYSICS (Physics Abstracts) MGA (Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts) Oceanic Abstracts Pollution Abstracts SCISEARCH (Science Citation Index) SPIN (Searchable Physics Information Notices) TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING APTIC (Air Pollution Technical Information Center) COMPENDEX (Engineering Index) ENERGYLINE (Energy Information Abstracts) ENVIROBIB (Environmental Periodicals Bibliography) ENVIROLINE (Environment Abstracts) Food Science and Technology Abstracts INSPEC - ELEC/COMP (Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, Computer and Control Abstracts) ISMEC (Mechanical Engineering) METADEX (Metals Abstracts, Alloys Index) PAPERCHEM (Institute of Paper Chemistry) World Aluminum Abstracts MULTIDISCIPLINARY COl (Comprehensive Dissertation Index) Foundation Directory Foundation Grants Index GRANTS INFORMATION BANK (NY. Times) LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts) NTIS (National Tectmical Information Service) SSIE (Smithsonian Science Information) Source: University Librarian r· " . '~I: _II.• 53 _:UI#!I!_t.",;...,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,.,"' ...""~"".",.",.0....""h _ Special Library Services ! j INTERLIBRARY LOAN Interlibrary loan is a service offered to graduate students, faculty and administrators to obtain research materials not available in the Boston College libraries. Request forms and further information is available from the reference staff in each library. BOSTON LIBRARY CONSORTIUM The library is a member of the Boston Library Consortium, agroup of area libraries which includes Brandeis, Boston University, Tufts, Wellesley, Northeastern, MIT, Massachusetts State Library, Boston Public Library, and University of Massachusetts. Faculty and graduate students may apply for a Consortium borrowers card at the reference department in Baps\. The Consortium maintains a central office at the Boston Public Library, publishes a newsletter, and maintains the following committees: Directors, Acquisitions, Serials, Readers Services, and Cataloging. Further information may be found in the User Guide and the Consortium Handbook, available in all libraries. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS The Boston College Libraries have been a partial federal depository since 1963 and therefore automatically receive United States government publications in specified SUbject areas. Many of these materials are listed in either the Union Card Catalog located in Bapst Library, or in the annual Boston College Ubraries Periodical Ust. A complete record of holdings is kept in the Serials Office in Bapst Library. U.S. government materials not owned by the Boston College Libraries may be found at the Boston Public Library. Inquiries related to the retrieval and use of these documents should be directed to librarians in the Reference Departments. NEW ENGLAND LIBRARY INFORMATION NETWORK Through membership in the New England Library Information Network (NELlNET), there is on-line access to publishing, cataloging, and inter-library loan location information from the data bank of the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC), which contains over one million records from the Library of Congress and more than 500 contributing institutions. Other special subject data bases may be accessed through referral service by the reference librarians. Source: University Librarian 54 ) i : .; B.C.-Holy Cross footban game November 26, 1949. , 55 ',; t': " " Ii " ~ '~-. Sports at Boston College Men's Varsity Football Ice Hockey Basketball Baseball Track Soccer Lacrosse Golf Tennis Wrestling Skiing Sailing Swimming Women's Varsity Volleyball Basketball Field Hockey Swimming Tennis Fencing Golf Track Sailing Skiing Men's Intra murals Touch Football Tennis Doubles Tennis Singles Racquetball Doubles Racquetball Singles Handball Ice Hockey Volleyball Cross Country Basketball Squash Water Basketball Track Swimming Women's Intramurals Tennis Singles Tennis Doubles Basketball Racquetball Doubles Racquetball Singles Table Tennis Squash Doubles Squash Singles Volleyball Lessons Tennis Fencing Figure Skating Gymnastics Modern Dance Exercise Golf Squash SWimming Coed Intramurals Volleyball Swimming Track Softball Racquetball Doubles Squash Doubles Tennis Doubles Clubs Men's Water Polo Women's Water Polo Women's Ice Hockey Women's Lacrosse Women's Soccer Unstructured Recreation Badminton Handball Baseball Jogging Basketball Lacrosse Dance Racquetball Diving Soccer Physical Exercise Softball Figure Skating Squash Football Swimming Golf Tennis Gymnastics Volleyball Weightlifting Source: Director of Sports Information .. 57 L....._ us it (ji. . .. . Varsity Sports Records , ., 1973-1974 1974-1975 Men's Records W-L-T" W-L-T 8-3 Football 7-4 Basketball 11-14 21-9 Ice Hockey 22-7-1 16-12 Wrestling 2-6 8-8 6-8-1 Soccer 3-9-1 8-2 Lacrosse 10-1 4-1 Tennis 17-1 13-12 Baseball 17-9-1 Swimming 8-0 4-6 7-7 Golf 8-6 Women's Records 4-6 Basketball 9-2 2-2 4-0 Field Hockey 8-3 6-2 Swimming 3-3 4-2 Tennis 0-8 2-8 Volleyball Lacrosse 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-78 W-L-T 7-4 9-17 15-13-1 5-5 4-11 -1 7-4 10-5 10-13 11-0 10-4 W-L-T 8-3 8-18 18-11-2 3-7 6-7-1 7-4 11-1 14-8 4-6 5-7 W-L-T 6-5 15-11 24-10 5-5 6-9-1 2-9 11-1 14-10-1 7-4 7-7 7-5 7-1 11-0 11-2 6-5 7-6 6-3-1 12-0 5-1 7-5 4-10 7-3-2 10-0 7-2 12-7 5-3 Football Schedules 1978 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 10 Air Force Texas A&M Navy Pittsburgh at Tulane at Villanova at Army Syracuse at Massachusetts Holy Cross Temple at Japan Tennessee Villanova at Stanford at Pittsburgh West Virginia at Miami at Army Tulane at Syracuse Massachusetts at Holy Cross Source: Director of Sports Information 58 1981 1980 1979 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 6:00 p.m. E.D.T. 6:00 p.m. E.D.T. 6:00 p.m. E.DT 1 :30 p.m. E.D.T. 7:30 p.m. C.DT 1 :30 p.m. E.S.T. 1 :30 p.m. E.S.T. 1 :30 p. m. E.ST 1 :00 p.m. E.S.T. 1 :30 p.m. E.ST 2:00 p.m. J.S.T. Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 at Pittsburgh Stanford at Villanova at Navy at Florida State Army at Air Force Syracuse at Mass Holy Cross Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 at North Carolina West Virginia at Penn State Navy at Army Pittsburgh Villanova at Syracuse Massachusetts at Holy Cross 1978-79 Varsity Hockey Schedule 21 27 1 5 8 11 16 22 30 31 2 5 6 9 13 16 November St. Anselm's at Brown December Friday at Vermont Tuesday Northeastern Friday Providence Monday Lowell Saturday at New Hampshire Friday Notre Dame Saturday at Dartmouth Tournament Sunday (BC, Bowdoin, Clarkson, Dartmouth) January Tuesday New Hampshire Friday at Air Force Saturday at Air Force Tuesday Harvard Saturday Cornell Tuesday at Dartmouth Tuesday Monday 20 Saturday 24 25 28 Wednesday Thursday Sunday 1 5 Thursday Monday 9 12 17 Friday Monday Saturday 20 23 24 27 Tuesday Friday Saturday Tuesday 2 Friday at Boston University (TV-2 pm) Yale at Providence St. Lawrence February Dartmouth at Beanpot Tournament (BC vs. Northeastern, BU vs. Harvard) at Army at Beanpot Finals Clarkson (TV-2 pm) Bowdoin at Colgate at R.P.1. Boston University March at Pri neeton 1978-79 Basketball Schedule Monday Thursday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Saturday November 27 November 30 December 3 December 10 December 12 December 16 Thursday Saturday Tuesday-Sat. December 21 December 23 December 26-30 Saturday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Friday-Sat. January 6 January 10 January 12 January 15 January 17 January 20 January 23 January 26-27 Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday January 31 February 3 February 6 February 10 Februay 13 February 15 February 17 February 21 February 24 Source: Director of Sports Information Stonehill Bentley at LeMoyne New Hampshire Vermont at Boston Garden (BC vs. Harvard, Holy Cross vs. Cincinnati) at St. Mary's (CA) at U.C.L.A. at Rainbow Classic (Arizona State, BC, Fordham, Harvard, Hawaii, Purdue, Tennessee, Utah) Northeastern at Rhode Island Baltimore St. Anselm's Connecticut Holy Cross Villanova at Colonial Classic (BC, Connecticut, Holy Cross, Massachusetts) Providence Fordham at St. John's at Holy Cross Dartmouth '-. Merrimack at Georgetown Boston University at Fairfield 59 Community Use Of Boston College Recreational Facilities Roberts Center CYO and Parochial League basketball tournaments State high school cheerleading championships Concerts and lectures sponsored by Boston College student groups Locker room facilities for schoolboy football teams Jack Ryder Track "Home" facility for SI. Sebastian track team Practice track used almost daily by Boston State College "Home" facility for the Greater Boston Track Club Open for general public use when specially authorized, at times not conflicting with Boston College team practices. Commander Shea Field Eastern Massachusetts school boy baseball championships. Open for university use at any time not conflicting with Boston College team practices. McHugh Forum CYO League hockey games "Home" facility for Boston College High, Catholic Memorial and Don Bosco hockey teams Greater Boston Bantam League games Site of 1974 New England PeeWee championships Chestnut Hill Figure Skating Club meets twice weekly CYO Color Guard annual competition Site of a weekend-long antique show and flea market run by local group each fall Open ice time daily from 12:00 to 6:00 a.m. General ice skating five nights per week. Open to students. Season memberships available at $30 per person, $75 per family, $25 per family with a 50c fee for each use, or a straight fee collected from those not holding a membership. Alumni Stadium Boston College High School Memorial Thanksgiving game Eastern Massachusetts Schoolboy Superbowl CYO Drum and Bugle Corps annual competition Open for university use at any time not conflicting with Boston College team practices. Source: Director of Sports Information 60 May 1974 - sign at Comm. Ave. entrance. 61 Types of Degrees Conferred at Boston College Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Master of Arts (A.M.) Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT.) Master of Business Administration (M.BA) Master of Education (M. Ed.) Master of Science (M.S.) Master of Science in Teaching (M.ST.) Master of Social Planning (M.S.P.) Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Master of Theology (Th.M.) Certificate of Advanced Educational Specialization (C.A.E.S.) Doctor of Philosophy (ph.D.) Doctor of Law (J.D.) Doctor of Education (D. Ed.) Source: Boston College Bulletin Accreditation and Memberships of the University ACCREDITING AGENCIES American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business American Bar Association American Chemical Society Association of American Law Schools Board of Regents of the University of New York Council on Social Work Education National Association of State Di rectors of Teacher Education Interstate Certification Compact National Council of Accreditation of Teacher Education National League of Nursing New England Association of Schools and Colleges ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS* American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education American Association of Comparative Law American Association for Higher Education American Association of University Women American Council on Education American Public Welfare Association Association of American Colleges Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Association for Continuing Higher Education Association of Urban Universities Boston Library Consortium Boston Theological Institute * The above listing is meant only to be representative of the major types of memberships to which the University belongs, ** A complete listing of honor societies to which the University belongs may be found in the University Student Guide. 62 Source: Deans'Offlces College Entrance Examination Board Conference of Deans of Schools of Social Work Council of Graduate Schools International Association of Universities International Association of Catholic Universities National Association of College and University Business Officers National Association of Social Workers National Catholic Education Association National Conference of Catholic Charities National Conference on Social Welfare National League for Nursing North American Association of Summer Sessions Phi Beta Kappa** Order of the Coif** I ! I·i Founder of Boston College Rev. John McElroy, S.J. Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Boston 1861-1863 Presidents of Boston College 1. John Bapst, S.J. 1863-1869 13. Thomas I. Gasson, S.J. 1907-1914 2. Robert W. Brady, S.J. 1869-1870 14. Charles W. Lyons, S.J. 1914-1919 3. Robert Fulton, S.J. 1870-1880 15. William Devlin, S.J. 1919-1925 4. Jeremiah O'Conner, S.J. 1880-1884 16. James H. Dolan, S.J. 1925-1932 5. Edward V. Boursaud, S.J. 1884-1887 17. Louis J. Gallagher, S.J. 1932-1937 6. Thomas H. Stack, S.J. 1887 18. William J. McGarry, S.J. 1937-1939 7. Nicholas Russo, S.J. 1887-1888 19. William J. Murphy, S.J. 1939-1945 8. Robert Fulton, S.J. 1888-1891 20. William L. Keleher, S.J. 1945-1951 9. Edward I. Devitt, S.J. 1891-1894 21. Joseph R. N. Maxwell, S.J. 1951-1957 10. Timothy Brosnahan, S.J. 1894-1898 22. Michael P. Walsh, S.J. 1957-1968 11. W. G. Read Mullan, S.J. 1898-1903 23. W. Seavey Joyce, S.J. 1968-1972 12. William F. Gannon, S.J. 1903-1907 24. J. Donald Monan, S.J. 1972- Honorary Degrees Awarded by Boston College 1952-1977 1952 1955 Gregory Peter XV Cardinal Agagianian, LL.D. (January 14, 1952) James B. Connolly, Litt.D. James M. O'Neill, LL.D. Most Rev. Thomas F. Markham, LL.D.' Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Riley, LL.D. James J. Ronan, LL.D. Fred J. Driscoll, LL.D. Christian A. Herter, LL. D. Edward A. Hogan, Jr., LL.D.' Rear Adm. Bartholomew W. Hogan, SC.D. John B. Hynes, LL.D. His Beatitude Maximos IV, LL.D. (August 23, 1955) Valerian Cardinal Gracias, LL. D. Russel Kirk, Litt. D. Edward A. Sullivan, LL.D. 1953 Dorothy L. Book, LL.D. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, LL.D. Clifford J. Laube, LL.D. Francis J. O'Halioran, A.M. Most Rev. Leonard J. Raymond, LL.D.Alex Ross, A.M. John C. H. Wu, LL.D. 1954 Edward H. Chamberlin, LL.D. John J. Hearne, LL.D.James W. Manary, Sc.D. Thomas A. Printon, LL.D. Ven. Bro. William Sheehan, C.F.X., LL.D. Most Rev. Christopher J. Weldon, LL.D. Louis de Wohl, Lilt.D. William J. O'Keefe, LL.D. (November 21, 1954) 1956 Bartholomew A. Brickley, LL.D. Peter J. W. Debye, SC.D. Most Rev. Frederick A. Donaghy, LL.D. John F. Kennedy, LL.D.' John W. King, LL.D. Charles Munch, D.Mus. Edward F. Williams, LL.D. 1957 Wallace E. Carroll, LL.D. Arthur J. Kelly, LL.D. Augustus C. Long, LL.D.• Adrian O'Keeffe, LL. D. Very Rev. Msgr. ·P.atrick W. Skehan, LL.D. Nils Y. Wessell, LL.D . . Commencement Speaker Source: Secretary of the University 63 1958 Most Rev. Amleto G. Cicognani, LL.D. (April 21, 1958) . . . Carl J. Gilbert, LL.D. Paul Horgan, Litt.D. Barnaby C. Keeney, LL.D.' Henry M. Leen, LL.D. Jacques Maritain, LL.D. Raissa Maritain, LL.D. Harold Marston Morse, D.Sc. Rev. John B. Sheerin, C.S.P., LL.D. Francis Cardinal Spellman, LL.D. (December 8, 1958) 1959 His Excellency Sean T. O'Kelly, LL.D. (March 22 1959) , Ernest Henderson, LL.D. Rev. John LaFarge, S.J., LL.D. Henry Cabot Lodge, LL.D. George Meany, LL.D. Carlos P. Romulo, LL.D.' Helen C. White, Litt.D. 1960 Marian Anderson, D.Mus. J. Peter Grace, LL.D. Caryl P. Haskins, LL.D. Robert F. Kennedy, LL.D. Charles Malik, LL.D.' Most. Rev. Russell J. McVinney, LL.D. Samuel Eliot Morison, LL.D. Rt. Rev. Matthew P. Stapleton, LL.D. Rev. Henry M. Brock, S.J., D.Sc. (October 12,1960) 1961 Allen W. Dulles, LL.D. Anthony Julian, LL. D. Robert D. Murphy, LL.D.' Louis R. Perini, LL.D. Abraham Ribicoff, LL.D. Rt. Rev. Robert J. Sennott, LL.D. Edward Teller, LL.D. 1962 Detlev W. Bronk, D.Sc.· Ralph J. Bunche, LL.D. Christopher J. Duncan, LL. D. Sir Alec Guinness, D.F.A. . Rt. Rev. Francis J. Lally, Litt.D. Ralph Lowell, LL.D. Phyllis McGinley, Litt.D. Perry G. Miller, Litt.D. 1963 Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J., J.U.D. (March 26, 1963) Rev. Edward B. Bunn, S.J., LL.D. (April 20, 1963) Lady Barbara Ward Jackson, Litt. D. (April 20, 1963) • Commencement Speaker 64 Source: Secretar 01 the Universi Nathan Marsh Pusey, L.H.D. (April 20, 1963) Bruce Catton, Litt. D. Anthony Joseph Celebrezze, LL.D.' Arthur Joseph Goldberg, LL. D. John Jay McCloy, LL.D. James Barrett Reston, LL.D. Rt. Rev. John Joseph Ryan, L.H.D. Jose Luis Sert, Litt.D. Joseph Leo Sweeney, LL.D. Robert Clifton Weaver, LL.D. James Edwin Webb, D.Sc. 1964 John Coleman Bennett, LL.D. Henri Maurice Peyre, LL.D. Most Rev. Ernest John Primeau, LL.D. Sidney R. Rabb, L.H.D. Paul Anthony Samuelson, LL.D. Rev. Joseph L. Shea, S.J., LL.D. Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr., LL.D.' Mary Sullivan Stanton, LL.D. 1965 John P. Birmingham, LL.D. Robert McAfee Brown, LL.D. J. N. Douglas Bush, Litt.D. Victor L. Butterfield, L.H.D. John T. Connor, LL.D. Edith Green, LL.D. Rev. John Courtney Murray, S.J., L.H.D.· Rt. Rev. Lawrence J. Riley, LL.D. Alan T. Waterman, D.Sc. 1966 Most Rev. John W. Comber, M.M., L.H.D. Edward F. Gilday, L.H.D. Edward M. Kennedy, LL.D. Francis Keppel, LL.D.' Mother Eleanor M. O'Byrne, R.S.C.J., LL.D. Stephen P. Mugar, LL.D. Abram L. Sachar, L.H.D. Rene Wellek, Lilt.D. George Wells Beadle, D.Sc. (November 12 1966) William Bosworth Castle, M.D., L.H.D. (N~vember 12, 1966) Donald Frederick Hornig, LL.D. (November 12, 1966) James Alfred Van Allen, D.Sc. (November 12,1966) 1967 Sarah Caldwell, Litt.D. Richard Palmer Chapman, LL.D. Very Rev. John Francis Fitzgerald, C.S.P., L.H.D. John Kenneth Galbraith, LL.D. John William Gardner, LL.D.' Everett Cherrington Hughes, LL. D. John Anthony Volpe, LL.D. 1968 Kingman Brewster, Jr., LL.D.' Rev. Henri de Lubac, S.J., L.H.D. Erwin N. Griswold, LL.D. Rita P. Kelleher, D.Sc. Most Rev. John J. McEleney, S.J., LL.D. Cornelius W. Owens, LL.D. James J. Shea, Sr., LL.D. Roger J. Traynor, LL.D. 1969 R. Buckminster Fuller, D.F.A.' Katharine Graham, D.Journ. Philip J. McNiff, L.H.D. Talcott Parsons, D.S.S. A. Philip Randolph, LL.D. Henry Lee Shattuck, D.C.S. Terence Cardinal Cooke, LL.D. 1970 James Edward Allen, Jr., D.Sc.Ed. Rt. Rev. John Melville Burgess, LL.D. Joan Ganz Cooney, D.Sc.Ed. Sterling Dow, L.H.D. Hartford Nelson Gunn, Jr., L.H.D. Rev. Bernard Joseph Francis Lonergan, S.J., Hist.Phil.D. Elliot Norton, L.H.D. Perry Townsend Rathbone, D.F.A. Earl Warren, D.Sc.L.' 1971 Walter Jackson Bate, H.D. Andrew Felton Brimmer, S.S.D. Rev. Msgr. George William Casey, Litt.D. Mircea Eliade, A.D. Eli Goldston, L.L.D. Elma LeWis, D.F.A. Michael Joseph Mansfield, LL.D.' William James McGill, S.S.D. Most Rev. Humberto Sousa Medeiros, S.T.D. Waiter George Muelder, D.Sc.T. Leverett Saltonstall , LL.D. 1972 Mary Ingraham Bunting, D.Sc. Arthur Fiedler, D.Mus. Northrop Frye, L.H.D. John James Griffin, D.C.S. Sir William Arthur Lewis, L.H.D. Louis Martin Lyons, D.Journ. Rev. John Anthony McCarthy, S.J., Litt.D. Hildegarde Elizabeth Peplau, D.N.S. Adlai Ewing Stevenson, III, LL.D.' Walter Edward Washington, LL.D. • Commencement Speaker Source: Secretary of the University 1973 A. J. Antoon, L.H.D. Harold Bloom, L.H.D. Fred J. Borch, D.BA Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., LL.D. 'John George Kemeny, D.Sc.' Daniel Linehan, S.J., D.Sc. Thomas Philip O'Neill, Jr., LL.D. 1974 Soia Mentschikoff, LL.D. ' Thomas L. Phillips, D.B.A. Carl Thomas Rowan, L.H.D. Thomas Paul Salmon, LL.D. Sir Ronald Syme, L.H.D. Henry Bradford Washburn, Jr., L.H.D. 1975 Malnea A. Cass, L.H.D. The Honorable Silvio O. Conte, LL.D. John Thomas Dunlop, LL.D. Rev. Francis J. Gilday, S.J., L.H.D. Edward Lewis Hirsh, L.H.D. Paul Ricoeur, L.H.D.' Vincent Charles Ziegler, D.B.A. Bicentennial Convocation Sept. 28, 1975 Thomas Joseph Galligan, Jr., D.B.A. Oscar Handlin, L.H.D. William J. Harrington, M.D., D.Sc. Edward Hirsch Levi, LL.D. Rev. Michael Patrick Walsh, S.J., L.H.D. Mary Lou Williams, D.A. 1976 Abram Thurlow Collier, D.B.A. John Hope Franklin, L.H.D. Rev. Martin Patrick Harney, S.J., H.D. Mildred Fay Jefferson, D.Sc. Asa Smallidge Knowles, D.Sc.Ed. Joseph Francis Maguire, LL.D. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, LL.D.' 1977 Rev. Raymond Edward Brown, Litt.D.' Gerhard D. Bleicken, LL.D. Alice Bourneuf, D.Sc. James F. McDonough, M.D., D.Sc. Maria Tallchief Paschen, D.A. Michael Joseph Walsh, Litt.D. 1978 Bruno Bettelheim, Litl.D. Rev. Charles F. Donovan, S.J., L.H.D. Charles D. Ferris, LL.D.' Marvin E. Frankel, LL. D. John William McDevitl, LL.D. Leo Perlis, D.S.S. 65 Academic Department Locations Accounting Department Administrative Sciences Department Arts and Sciences Biology Department Center for East Europe, Russia & Asia Chemistry Department Classical Studies Department Computer Sciences Department Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology Program Early Childhood Program Counselors: Arts and Sciences Education Management Nursing Curriculum and Instruction Program: Director Elementary Media Specialist Reading Specialist Science Education Secondary Education Economics Department Education Educational Administration and Supervision Program Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation Program English Department Evening College Finance Department Fine Arts Department General Management Program Geology and Geophysics Department Germanic Studies Department Graduate Arts and Sciences Higher Education Program History Department History and Philosophy of Education Program Honor Programs: Arts and Sciences Education Management Law School Law Department Management Institute Marketing Department Mathematics Department Music Program Nursing Organizational Studies Program Philosophy Department Physics Department Political Science Department Psychology Department Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry Romance Languages and Literatures Department 66 Fulton 100 Fulton 301 Gasson 103 Higgins 321 Carney 201A Devlin 223B Carney 122 Fulton 406 McGuinn 314 Campion 200C Gasson Campion Fulton Cushing 108 301 205 103 Campion 219 Campion 307 Campion 10 Campion 312 Campion 219 Campion 115 Carney 132 Campion 100-104A McGuinn 604 Campion 311 Carney 446 Fulton 317 Fulton 310 Barry Pavilion, Newton Campus Fulton 214B Devlin 209 Carney 325 McGuinn 221A Campion 214 Carney 116 Campion 313 Gasson 111 Campion 104A Fulton 100 Stuart, Newton Campus Fulton 403 Fulton 405 Fulton 303 Carney 317 St. Mary's Hall, Newton Campus Cushing 203 Fulton 216 Carney 272 Higgins 355 McGuinn 200 McGuinn 349 Lyons 215 Carney 333 Slavic and Eastern Languages Department Social Work Graduate School Sociology Department Special Education and Rehabilitation Program Speech Communication and Theatre Summer Session Theology Department Carney McGuinn McGuinn McGuinn McGuinn McGuinn Carney 236 132 416 B15 500 401 418 Source: Registrar Sources Admissions Office Alumni Association Controller's Office Dean of Faculties Deans' Offices Development Office Dining Department Director of Physical Plant Director of Space Management Director of Sports Information Financial Aid Office Health Services Office Housing Office Office of Research Administration Office of Student Programs and Resources Office of Student Loans and Student Accounts Personnel Office President's Office Registrar Secretary of the University Summer Session Office University Academic Senate University Librarian Vice President, Financial and Business Affairs Bibliography AAUP Bulletin - August 1977 "A Guide to the Campus", 1976 Boston College Bulletin-Undergraduate Admissions Information, September, 1978 Boston College Bulletin-University General Catalog, 1977-78 and 1978-79 Boston College Information for New Students, 1977-78 Boston College Student Guide, 1978-79 N.B. Sources are responsible for the accuracy and-completeness of data submitted for publication 1 67 ACADEMIC CALENDAR First Semester 1978-79 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. 3-5 5-6 7 8 9 Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. 22 11-12 13-19 2015 1979-80 Freshman Orientation Registration for students not pre-registered Classes begin Faculty Convocation Columbus Day - No Classes Veteran's Day - No Classes Thanksgiving Holidays begin at noon Study Days - No Classes Term Examinations Holidays Sept. 2-4 Sept. 4-5 Sept. 5 Sept. 7 Oct. 8 Nov. 12 Nov. 21 Dec. 11-12 Dec. 13-19 Dec. 20Jan. 11 Second Semester Jan. 16 Feb. April 19-23 12-16 April April May May 16 30- May 1 2-8 21 Source: Office of the Dean of Faculties 68 Classes Begin Martin Luther King Day - No Classes Winter Vacation Holy Thursday - Easter Monday: Easter Recess Patriots' Day - No Classes Study Days - No Classes Term Examinations Monday: Commencement Jan. Jan. Feb. April 14 15 18-22 3-7 April April May May 21 29-30 1-7 19 • I -i ! I