Document 11172289

PACERS Activities for 1st Quarter – August 2013 through October 2013
10-04-13: End of 1st Quarter!
10-04-13: College Visit - The PACERS group visited Illinois State University
during Homecoming Weekend. The campus was aflutter with activities;
students, professors and alumni roamed the Quad as we learned more about
college academics, co-curricular events and social life.
10-03/04-13: Parent/Teacher Conferences at Rock Island High School
10-01-13: Today was our last meeting of the quarter. With upcoming trips to
Illinois State University and Black Hawk College, we talked with our Senior
PACERS about what comes after Rock Island High School. Our students have
great ideas for post-graduation! We talked about putting plans in action by
exposing ourselves to opportunities involving the support of PACERS. With
more reflection on first quarter, our students identified their priorities for
the upcoming term. Enjoy fall break!
09-24-13: Student/mentor meeting - With the end of the first quarter next
week, our PACERS team took time to reflect on the past 8 weeks. We
discussed priorities to accomplish for next week, as well as obstacles that may
stand in the way of those goals. We brainstormed ideas to support each other
through the end of the first quarter, including study sessions. One PACERS
student suggestedthat we have check-in pairs for certain classes...Great idea!
09-17-13: A check for $100,000.00 was presented by AT&T to WIU QC to
support PACERS! This will used to expand the current program to include kids
in 8th grade at Washington and Edison Junior High Schools. THANK YOU
09-17-13: During our PACERS meeting this week, students connected The Ws
of goal setting with our SMART goal method. We further discussed making
goals as specific as possible. PACERS students connected their goals with each
W and SMART step, and were willing to share why these goals were important
to them. Our group was very reflective and ambitious today!
09-10-13: This week we continued our discussion about setting goals. Using
the "Ws" of who-what-when-where-how-why, the PACERS team brainstormed
ways to start every day with self-reflection. If we know who we are and
what roles we play in our lives, we can then begin to figure out the whenwhere-how-why. We will be more dedicated to the goals we set because they
will be more aligned with those two important topics of WHO and WHAT.
09-03-13: With two PACERS birthdays this past month, our group took time
this week to talk about the importance of celebrating. The students & mentors
shared stories about family traditions and rituals. We discussed the
significance of holidays in our families and communities, and quickly realized
that almost all of our celebrations involve food as a common link!
08-30-13: WIU QC Back to School Block Party at the 60th St. campus,
Moline IL.
08-27-13: Student/Mentor Meeting: This week our PACERS students and
mentors set goals for the school year. Together we brainstormed short-term
and long-term goals using the SMART strategy (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). We discussed goals such as making
the honor roll, living healthier lifestyles, and being successful athletes.
08-23-13: After a half-day of school, the PACERS students went to QC
Family Entertainment Center in Moline, IL to learn more about each other and
teamwork. The arcade games challenged us for some great prizes, and Mr.
Greer cleaned up the lanes as our bowling champion of the afternoon. Everyone was very excited to spend the day together and it was a great warm-up
to the RIHS Red and Gold football game later that night!
08-20-13: 1st Student/Mentor Meeting: Welcome back! Everyone got to
know each other with an introduction activity. We discussed and voted on
Service Learning Project topics and college visit sites.
08-05-13: Classes begin! Welcome Back, PACERS!