HIGH-DENSITY HOUS.1N~ AT AN URSAN ED6E: A BUILT-FORM PROJEC,T10N 8I\RRY 7.EVIN S.y>'~·l). I ~""IA':ae.t!> :rfl~1itu-re.1r ie.,~V\o\o~~ \~7' SU1>M'iT~l) IW P~V-"IAL f\)Lfll..L1"~T Of -n\~ ~QO\~~"'~\ol\S fO~ 1\"\~ 1)~~J.E"6 01= M~SiER Of AU"\1UT0~ Mas~a(.h,\?eit~ lY\~itu1e tf\ Te.Jmol0oct June. }J)73 ~iooY\a\\JI(~ ()~ A~f ~MtMt",," 0\ t\'(~iie.jV.'(t,J 1\ M'dj\973 A££etltuI "'t Rotch '1. (,'(\d\fft'ld(\ l1)e~f\rneystJ\ LoMfI1ittee. on braav.a;e. ~udu\is Ae,5,.RA C.T 'ti'- 'De~ \-\OU~h'% ~ an Ur'r>a'O "@ll>e : A ~'\\.:forM Pfo\elAfon by "barry LR.'J \n InmteJ to~ 1)Qpart~f1t J. A(vnitw\A'(Q.on \\ M~ \~7~ in ?att~ ~~lIrM~ 01 ~e. "ift~·M~ -\Offft~ ~fe..e err l1\8si« ~vdllte(,Tl.lre.. * In it; 1\wsi? p(ese~ a a~~icJff\ 9rJ..~ ~o'( a Y\,·~.ae.rrJf1 bui\aiY\~ COtrl~\t~ ~r Wt(lw\U'f\~~ ~Y\a·IJ.f)Ntf~it1 nous\Y'.Db On ~ srt-e ft 1he r\htM,1 Q.~~ ~ -Pre. Ghor\e.~ ~\'Jb( %~~i1) \(\ (~Y'fIbn~h7>Q..1 ~a~su~\A~e\\s. ~ Su~t("'~(b : tTf\fe. \\a\~J. I f.\& ~<f(.~ SM~) 0\ ~rf~~~\lA"(Q, '1>(~e.s$o'( ~ Arc,"'iru.t\.\(~ f<~~?$Of --~---------...------~------ -~~ Hypoihe.7eS ~ .rnle-Yi\\OV1S Me 1- parge d b1'oon ASSUn'11>t\oY\s l:>\b'r~lOpY1y D(awiY\~ >;. - pafJe is plan (fJtI}/;t ~paa/ / '1-oJ/O Pdtge~ p/<J(j ofpgrh/Jcg 7Vefl/cJara/tuJd/i07l; /~ #t1' fBff..2/ . rIVe{' eitVat'rll1 .1'+/ 110 +'6/ /J8fJe:a adlirt7 M puh/;~:5PJcej IVh J/IJ) flYtZe 023 I I :5~ttfJ1 ao/ftlblL6fJcx~ /~ 4()) jJJ'$e.,2Lj .s&1inz J)J}fpuiJ;LSfEC7 /Y-o fa' fdIJe,o {Jdr1i:9/pidn df lel/d -f ~ /P~ It ~e;lb . I p;;rfjaJpldf181 level fJ1el-~i;1e -f).8 / /~Ib 'f=JPJee2? p;;r/lG]/ p/c;n af /evJ ~ 11; /'io /6 / page'~ p¥tie/ p/ar; tff Iud ffJe~/~ flJl/ /"fo/b' f~~e2} prnj)j p/JI} ~1 /~eI-rJ3t; )~/6 ~tge..!i) par1i;;;/ pl.Jf} ~-rJe,&/ '1£?-2;;W7lfH. 1'/38 / /10/1, PJtgeJ' '11 r a~~V-Ze:TO'(1te'-(rm~t~ 1V1~ d(~!'. An~bltW t-DH ~ ~ found i1\ Prq.~OW)Gt...~rt1t'.s~ . - 't.2. ;;ei/i~ XX; / 'A, /b pa~ 3b ~~ W) I /I~ 16 I (J~e-33 4 "'lPOl\\~~~~ .; 1 1N1E~TU)~S I ! The. d(oWi"~ fnai follow -fufs teA' rropDse a ~l~\t\- 1 1 ar(\ lIt:>i~ "nj~-J(1,(\~l+o inMcate. '4 ra~ID J;. bl.-lilt are,a 10 sit:e a.fe~ ?O \afOl)Q, -\}..~i n--ql,l'I!la.l~ r~~Si+~ bui\afnDb Cbmp)e.j tOf UJ'MYnl)'()~j ~rJ \A1Ii\lUS\1~ notA;,iY)bt 01/\ 'd 4e ,at fnt nor1~we~ flJDbe J. -tnt L~~(\es Ri-Je( .~a~i() in (ambr'~e..l'ne ~llt1ifq? in Whl'CV\ e,\e'J&\c.(s are. Y'~~ife4. "The pa1\iCtAtar ~oo(-d.~a­ <atio ((?f€.f(d 10 \¥) 'The ~(d~i~ Is ~)(tA(),(3tIOO af methDJs ~ bu\\d\Y)Dt- aSSeYl\'o\i~ w'nith \ed ~ -thi~ :'P(c\eclion took dS ITS. (~fe.ret\(e. -the foll()wi~ nyp6t'nese.s : ~'oo(.(\ 4.0, a i~nt.iJi1~ that I/ned"m 10 cfv:.%e allJ~ make (orpar#; makeW remake) one's dtUe//Jng Iplace ;ri!,tlfJplJ5e5 nottJn'y ~ par1icu/sy d! , P)h~? ~~t/~0 emj ieto"""1It corJih~,,&,' i/ d& ref"Jles the exigence 01d lf9"'1e of k!t iJifllJlft~t1S frOM uhJOt fo th~ds:e ;JrJ ()ptJn JtJhitn to ,act I ' 1he dQ,~lOOl1 \1\ierJsto pro{eJ a wia~ 'fatq;e ck buiW, ehysrca.\ OGll}.6hhes whose ~hIt(Sity dGn\t\le.; mt(}n\n~ b.; e.v'\db\iv1D6 d w,Je '(~nOf}- ~ h\AM~y\ "~es. b 'R&aonizJn~ ffiat iindNldtia/s wh&::.e ndl"fY/S of I)c1iill~ 5U~estdiffeYBY1! kinds of hu/Jt mutua/J bene-hf by inhahmh~ in tlJmmon.J place tJhere the;y prOiJfYJJfy dJet1«aTe5 ~ dense mixture'phys/tol defitJIlibns iwhkIJ ;;)/1 cal1 share: cme,tgrained div(rdy enhances ~ nehr;ess iia(Jhhes CJY1 lo(~/teJ ! 5 ml~ 2- 0 wtae (df)U/;~ eli fOYM? dY'\~ \A~es ~ \je,(j c,\ose pfOii'({\\fYI ana fo u)6b)e, (iY'lsofar as built forM Cd'" eY\'6\)\e) a\l1Yie inh~b,t~nts ~ -!he. 'oui\di()~ LOY1i~\e~ ~nJ rA the sVJ(ounJI)\~ . COfflMVY\ity to 6na(e 1~is J)'le(~\t1 ~ ~\a(e dY)(~ ~G1i'HtY. ~ AfI'{ built p~G(, nac;, an o'o\fOD~IOO to flAY\c.,\ioY\ ac;, a pari J.1\l~ w\rlok dr1 (J( .\aMc,(op€. I to add itse\4 in' 0 -fue (.()ft'I MbY'\ wed \-\VI, ~ d~ ~cl~~~ c'o't'\'N>1 fu\~i\t ~is o'cliOOo\\of\. C ?he norlY/ <Jf ItmefiCdiJl)yhan orcgotJJ'zc11/on ind;cate~ 1nCJt m~{)! sife5 ct9f1n~t be expected 10 %lppbrr a c/~5e-'1yal(}ed mJyfure ()f re~/derrlia/ dnd nOt},residennd ~1iVlfy; . bur retUgni71r7~ that . ~n adeilA!Jte r~y)t1je I f(;JJns~rt~1ion ~ ~e!'"V/ces (intlJAdntg ?()mmer-c/a/ 8 (,tvdy) m/),1 €X19 atdny de bd()re Ifc;m he C()n6)ikred as .an ~ppr()p(l:;te /tx:dtion foy h~u&ngl a lvws WO(}\a (~lAiYe, i\i~ t~ fJOlA)e,( to wn'trd frse. u.se rfr \~rJ ac.co~v1t to." th~ ~~iTso\" o.i\le.fSrty 1 lOl"l1(&4} \\A;l.\a~mDv\ j rno\ \C}nd~~ ded~ioY'6 ¥:>~ ma~t. y("()ft pa(\iCM\6( ~a dOC":e~'fG\fleJl \eg"uY\i~ft~. ara .and Ye(~~fJ/iiJ1tt thai preser'J1 i!1stlfu1ion5 91~IAJd e-kaYJtge fo heifer aCL~MM()dare 5t/ch J Ir~e d xtlvrfre~ and wil/forms iI1 dbse prdYJirJilyl~ I I I II i ine ~t~'tlJJ'(l fottnasto c-onStNe ana add +0 1\it noy\-'(e,S\de~ld l dCli'J\ty pft?ev1T\y o{J.IAP1 1'f>lJb ~e .site. d ~7he Cafrer1t hfbjJ-deflSi; prototype has oftefl been used Pfot~~~ irJ.iC;,J,(l,·Mtfldt~t 4 J>...ny aW\\td a~ uY\ffofw\\X P(OjU(tSd m\V\iM~\ and W"I~\h"Y\('IIOy'\\'{I% U\'Ji'foV\'{!\~iI\l "fut \olt"rJef'.>if( ~~b~(~~fI froT6T~~ i r lIII'lhout teCOl!flJi/nq fh al/f!, par1Jc1//ay lIaMies i1Y prove dest(~1il/e ~r a-pfuntfjpf)a/ whf-(J <1pphed fo 50IYJe SItes andproqraf!}5; 4 InJXscrirrJin a1idy I 1 1 l2etcJtgnlz/htg fhat na, b«~ w.d 'oao.\y as ~ d,':> hl~-a~""siry tJ{ot6fypt. I ! UI/jJ'~ at hrt7Jh den~J~ sMuJd not be 1o/erated as.:9 rJ~rfY) but een insfead 85 In e'ltreme /n 1I1e wf0Je Ydntge of way-> d hUJldlYJlfJ the ~QSfOO'{) iY\t~y')~s10 pro\eG1 on)y d spe(~~) (1\'\0",,£]\1 bj riD means unfqlAe) Lase / in w'nfcV1 a (e~e~iYied P(ototy~ I~ ~pp\ie~ to d site arJ P(o~f~yY') wnose parlrlu\ar Gna'faGlevisliLS .a)lolN a h'Obn'Oe()Slty solVl1\'o'r'). e l~ec«gnrz/()~1hat htJdJin~ at hJt:gh densdy introduce> spec(a/ prfib/em5 foy htuJdm/f; fechn~/~~l tE5 we!/ as iJr site. p!anYJJY7't; &3YJd p'fj~raM) ~nd that the C(lfer;8 .ad()ptec/Ji15tan1ardpr&!/ice dnd h! bJ,lJjJ,'r7~ UJde minIma dtJ Mf nrress8ny pf(/l/Ide ade1{)Jk 6OIt!Ii~i1~ 10 these prtJhlem5; 1\1e. ae~fOO" iy\le\')Oslo YYlte-t mOft satrs1ec\Ovy cnre.fi a toY' ~ufla \so\atroV\ ana 'I t'r~ pfo\e,afo'f\, /kUJtgnfZlntt that . . I~ /a~e buJIdMIl PftJ;ec/m3j h€ ejemted in phJ>e.> over,a perioJ4 rme year~) and 1Mt lhe tnlha/ p/anrJJi1I!' $t{ch.!l prOject mitJj}7t l5fJeC/y tOnne ~r parPc'w/ar; lota/ built -Iorm deC/s/~J?5 for the Ien~n pro/eel wi/hoat speclfyiYJtg a lin;le huJ/d/YJ'l form I -tnr~ d~s\'DOV11 on1'he othe(natld }aoes Y\Dt {nfeYlQ to ~O,{WltA\ate. 6( lAse 7 5UGh .a ~ ~ l(ite,(\~ hlA\ ,(3~Y \Y'\'ey)(~S tD ~(O\eG\ oY'\e possi'dft o\Ai~mQ. Jr 5~~ a p(Ol-e~, ecotgnJiltJCfy that /CU/81iOt1!l ~f the co~;f /ecoYlomy ofc!) hUlld/neg pflJ/ect~h()u/d take into dCLouni; In AdJI!;bJ1 -k the fY-at/Jh'otJdJJy ~a/cu/~.ted -fi/~1-cos0 the costs ~f ma/(lfail1lnrg and dperati';1~ the btll/dJnrg / !he e.xpense 16 the LOmmUYJJ1y IJI;lJry and trJf/spor'/a1io}'J 5y/errJ5; ;)nd the {~s1..5 of an! d'lher measlArabJt henehls tJr /r~blhliesJ int desl'oon iV\te,V)ds 10 propose a blA\\t place Whl'cM LO\'\\d be. realizea undera ({vJufe 0'( ~jpe(}m~"i8\) Sy4e;M of a\\o,tatfi)t/b fe,Souxces WY\\'tV1 wou'd h1ake SlAGn a broM auounl'Y)lt Df ~5: 8 e propo~~ blAildl'Yl06 GOM~\e.~ .1> to iY\c'\l)de. a raY106~ ()f stzes ~y1a kina~ of Jw~\iY'(~ ~nits, lne fol\ow\YlDb h~t at lA'(\tr -t~~~s fs pa(\"ra) avJ not Q.tC,\U>I\IQ. : (The ,()\.\Y'f'\b~r at \Ay)\t~ of e.a('Yl type is not aSSv\Wlea to b~ fl)!~a. l1w OOhle.V1 ~IA(),(Q. footafib'ls d'ffL aWfl>iimole, clrJ Y\ofMdli\j~J not a'osdute .J , LA~E P\P~RTtf}'f.~\S {11~ de. fuese \AV\lts aYe -m ho\Je a\(ec,\ aae~s to fvl~ OOfO\Av')a} tD aUOWWfJDOale. faM\,,'lS wiih (.,\,t)\\d(e~. \a-rDb<l. 5"-bed{ooW\ a~aftme-t1l or hov6tma4er'.s quarters £\ -btd(oo'M apa-rlme,ytf l/tJO It; /3C() Sf'{/' I • I; <)JtJf~ /J.tJ{) StJ·f/· ~- pe~(ooW\ apdf\~'Ml'l1 U~ 10 /tJ&J5Ij.1t. :2.. SMALL I • 3-W(ooVV\ d~a-ttmer1 I I ~PAR1MtNiS CoMWI\Afllly lind mdvYie~ t>lu~tl\ts' no\,\s(Ylq, j p~(h;)0 ~oW\e. 1A1i\fS10( t~~ e\Je(\y I \-b~(ooW\ ap(\(\Vt1ev'\\ I fu\o'('? ~\3t 650 IfJ 8M~. H· st~lb cl~(\"W\Q.tTI- ~ -k 6()C) Sf' ft· f 'J\:S~\V'Ob pyotessor\~ d?~f\ meV)) ,:>~y(\iV)d( '(MY/) ~l0jo /MO~.!f 9 . 'DORM\TORH U\\\l1S ,25{) py fI)~re 10 3XJ net ~.#. per pel5.t;f)j plus Jl)1DJ.5' f1·ff. per pt-r5l)y) for (.OmW)o)'l Racihhes to V>t s'na'fea , ~'(o\'\ps ot 25 +0 40 pet>p\~, (1hest COmmDV') -fadhh'es mfDD'ffi be. lA~d for [ookl%J >~~iy'\t) -P\'d'f\Y1"b rtlUSI'c.a) inSl"f\AWtei\ls) Vld1~iV'lOP i~e\J\'~fDV') ) hD)J\V')~ do~~5. J of t'Jtfl foY' Mofe paY1rGIAhw' ~~}Jihes like a'3rKrOOrl\ worK; f>o'ITvry- tflok1Yl% J Dr wor'KiY'CJb on ek,t(oniG ~\A"~Y'f\eV\t.) 5\,utes : SMall d~dA Mev'\ts W\\V\ i'f\le,('fl~\ KltGhey') I bdln-roovY') J and ('oMMon foom I anJ in1l~iJua\ beJ(oow/SII).Ji~s fDv3 tb b peo~e . . \ar~e'{ ~(OLA\y'>61l0 +0 146 'oeJ.room)s1vJ.ie.s foY' D'()e (Of two of iY1(~e ) pers()~J, v.Jlih "~G"'eV\(G) / botnroo'M5) dV'\a COMMon (ooms ?'r1area by the enijft "brolAP, . 01HtR Ol>\\D~ 111e blA\'aiV)~ CDWl~ej bYlo\A\d Q.v1o'd~ iY\~h\l\duab or df>roup5 10 iYl\fOdlACe. oThev- typtS of d\U~\\rVl% 3'{'(o"'1;e'Me()\s il1 aMihon tD t\1e norY'/6 Ir4eJ a'oo\le. fo'(e1aY'fl~\e.J f'(ai~('I\it'j nOIAse.s or ~rtrsts' \bft-~ttAJiOS W\\'o;;'nt be aUbM MO~ ated. fOIl\WIOVI .fac.\1ine.s I I . :mese -rac,\ine') (}ft -\t> 'ot O?~{\ +D @\) (tSiOet1r~ ,i Most 0\ tYIeVV1 :4ol))a 'f>'(o'oo~1 be. at or V)ear The "b'fo\Af)a. AflbO\V'I) fu~ \IS} IS I· 10 WlW\'VlDf> (OOY'Y\> WOrK~f>6 dl'\a 'abo(aio(ies ( WOO~v.lO(K)V'lJb) ~(,y(;\esJ e,'~c,i(o",\l"s) pnot()~'(orr'ny} li>h3\t'.Je.(,,0 a SMa'\ library Jatc9 tQ,(rfl\Y\a's a d~ lafe, faGi\\t~ 6f;3rJe'fl p\ots) tt pCGSib\e t>port~ dY\~ (eL(t~r)'C>Vla\ rdc\'Wries (ra'o\! rtvW\\~) pbO\ ~~asY\} ba~'r<eI'oo\\) nondba"} t~y'\'{)\s J ?"~t)nq) paY"kfY\~ for resIde-filS - is assuW)e.d 10 ~t pro'.J\'oed 'VI a new ~tnAcrU(e beiwe:ev'\ 'Ja~$(i ~(ee,t .9'()~ fn~ (o\'\voaa I (rfJlyht,J ~ lAdY, On the ~teJ o plA~\rL. ~ua'(e. tOY c:\al~ ~(\U>U'l\tQ,(:, 2.Y\a foY' fe.sti'J$\s a. ~\\c,&r~s?e.f\ * Y\ewss)dYld a pub/beer tlf;d'(aef)/0afi a U>it1-0pt(ote~ l(}\A'f\o.vy 3t)t()-o/.ft. lip 16 3a:?O 5tJ. It 15"~051·It. (re,~&ed) Joyc.e Lh'l{\ Y-cl dV\(ovlt qhout 1.pJO Sf' It') f/u~ on'Slfepat'kjfJ~ fc;r 7t1 /b JtJOcar~ I a so'\tnc:y, ~ ~ot\YIOb R-ad\\'ty : <3Y\ !Nta...-1VIt ~\:eJ u'fboY\ (61\ f{a\'1~\1 ~fot> f~ ~5slm1ed fD ~~\::t at rDvl \kla~hMODtoY\ I 0'(\ me. pre5efi\ r8\\roaa ()~ht-ot- way i at 1Ylt tYo$\t ~rO?/ d fooa ~rort J pno,(Yfl'o.c1} 0.0 deoV\e-f"} boflk I ~'i I ", • tl\o~t it rei d\\ \A'()~S in the b\A\'\diYlD3 COM~ti 9lou)d (e.cel''Je. at \tast a fe,w hOl)(S 01 Jif~(,t sunhOO'rit e,ac'v! d~y ~,\ ~ I ~nJ 3\\ It..\Y\\'t? Y'fIlAst 'n~'Je 'd \J\'ew OY\TD SI.4f\ht s?aces, (-TVws d.pp\re.s as we,\\ to ~~istv\cg bu\la\Y)oo-=- sJ1aGef)t fo't\t)e ;u-~) I rife. pfotwioYl It Ilht al1->I"DY'I I ~ M"6~ BtAildl'fit 1)e~o(\"'Mty'\t ~i\diY'lt U:Je -<:t\'j cA MOh I \970, i3'clt l-:t. acblAY'I\eS til'l! :lOne-s of '''OO~.%. (as ;;\\OWw, by 1\1e i$osIon ~\Ai~iV\% Code,mr L2. ouu~o,{\Gy wi~ v.Y)~'(ctected noY1;c.oY'flblAsllt\e. t~'Pe 10 LDn4n,,,c'\ionS'" )I SQ,~o'(a.tea 'Of wa\\sa'(\a .\\00(5 rlr 4-nour .hr~ (esr4aYlce rati'{)rJb 3Y)J ~~\Aif>l>ed wi1\-\ laoo\'$ aYla f\.\J. ))..C. da'M~tfS d~ (~\j\(ed by"\VJe. 8\AtoYfla11c., ~''(e toS\oV\ Y,\A\\dMDD lode., An \®\\ s\(\A(X~(e., W~f\ ~e.~ 20~S i~tD W\~e\ 1V\e I r~IA\'(e'(i)~ois for ?fO\~i\tO. V\~('oW\b~srlb\e t~~ ~~ Cbnsl(\'\G~\'O() ~ ~/4 -nou( {jre re;1~~a¥tt Ydtlf1% toY' ell tle.w.tfl'f~(.). I ~t blAi\diVl£t W\\A~ W)~e,i a\' OP~\C.c'o\e. f!'ft ~'fDt~c,tioi\ ~V\'(~vY\€~S ~~ ~on ~\Ai\dw,~ Coae. '* rV\ aOJrhoV\ J1h~ ae~roo1') a~\.\'Mes *'~ itn~ wtife b\A\\arn% GOm?\~~ Wl\\be. ~1A\ppe~ w\~ dwo~o1\,(:~pf\nk\e(s) I ~'f1'\OK.e dQ.1Q.Gto(s) ~Y)d a\a,(M ~'Pte;MS j W\'fu ~peC\d\ tOW\W\\.AV'lXcotfoV)S l~lAip)"i\{~ {of .{\(Q, o~p¢ftmtf\t L4~ J w\\h e\~\jatovs '.:>ie. ~O( fl'fe I 12 Je,~f'tm~f\\ u~e.J ~~ Op~'{\c)b\e. vJ\.r\~O\ffi>1 ~\~'(Wa~6 \l~f\\e.J at to~ aN1 b6\\oVV) I k:rO'M ~Y\a w~ ()Y\~ 9MOKe'l>(oo1 to\foQ,( (J~,( u.ce~d OV\\1 'M\(.O()k~ 0pe() to 1'r1e. O\A\0\ae) ~( ~(e 2.0Y)e. \ e ~e?~YI m\AJyV\~e11he tonOW\YlDD '(eqV\\'f~meY\ts toy CdpaC\1y or ~'tit O'd\(W'd~S: tJUII\~Q '1 floM ~'nerwiY) 'P. ~~W a~ ~fN>~ \[i~f lWb) I f\(e, ft-6\"w\'OV\ \tr~h(\'<.>t ~\IMyyt> (Df\I<M1f>~ G'Y\l'L~ Cc~W\i\tte on -\\~n~ ~i\o(nlf>S I InJ..) I '* !~ i \=l..OOts I I oau~~~ PEt.\l}.l\1IJ,)I~1\i or-?Th1l2... '1 I ! \J\J\i?Cf W\\)1\i ~~VI~ @ %OD ~%l"Zf)'M- = 140 ~.*. /oc(J).~o'(\t 70 oau~~ -pe( 'UK'i!. NUM;E~ ~"-lt:> ~\'2.E 6'f ?i"l~ ,-'C:G\)I2..E1) I~ :L1.&,,~,/~q'l + YJ.\.lY)rr/~~''oYl~ \:t'l -1- ! ~2~\. & 15 3> .l401'fs ~ 41\" e(}J\. \0 :w 3Y..1. :Jv @ 44' t2 IS ~ :t ~ 14 It) 5 r~ ~li' + \ @~., . \~ I~ 5" \~ lB \~ 5l.t. 2..@ f>O 11 U> Il to l@ W" r~~~!Il\l.l)'f1 a\\olAlok-,\e t (Mel J~ra)'1Les 4s\" *til t \@ "Do plY Mort liJild\~ U>~ e 00 Y16T I4>Ylt(0\ i}.l'Iaedhe~ CiWAn\st..'/Ites.) (No ~\\oWaYiLe~ are, 13¥ef) ~o~ ~fi()k'usJ ~or addrhoV\a' etlfftS7ts) or .tor ume.s srtla'lec ~Yl 'foOD ~.-ft.) MY'iZOY\18\ ISOIl1\~ l$o\aifoV\ 1 ! ~ 'ot\i\~fl'\% sholA'~ 'Mtt11\w .foI\owh'IO), c.ntt((~ : tfo'()~~fI\·,;>~;~.io~ \o~? 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WO\A\~ lAV\do\A'JQd'1 G(e.olQ. lAiY1a 'pfo'o1eWls a-t the ~fo\Av'\d. mese 'rfIfofrn be MiniVY'izeJ by mak\Y)"b (~;~.V\' w~Y)o.tl.A~y)~ te-SIS ~1A(IYiD& ihe de~~Y) ~fOGe~S, fn ~ d~~e ot SVth te~t~ 1'h~ c\e?fDDY) p{esef\led ne[e, ~(O~O~~ d ~ette(ea ~1h ~(o\.\~ M\AG'v\ tk ~~ sIte ana ~\jord~ $W\3\l ~oei(~t\·oy\s' i11'fOlAq/' 1Yte b",~a\V)Ob J at 1'ne 'iyolAY\d. I ISt(lAiXlA'l'O\ ...,y4'l,y{j5> I I iPYiM?f~ ",1(I.\(\u(,,\ syJt'M I bncl< beafi,,% wo\\~ i I stQt\ W\\A'Mffi tl\£.osea if) PfU 6~ c..O,()GfeXQ. (J)'f\I.;(v'Q. ~O\A(td in -slfu kdCJJu be dMS pa,4(e~?ed GbY'lGfe-te. ~\DOf ~a'(\KS 14 • ( .f\00'(~ ~e,?)'ObY)ea fDf \ Ne. \oaa 100 PS1 r/) l (f)'fHOfi( of pv.~\'c. 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