MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LINCOLN LABORATORY MILLSTONE HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1968 J. V. EVANS Group 21 TECHNICAL REPORT 499 23 JANUARY 1973 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETT5 The work reported in this document was performed at Lincoln Laboratory, a center for research operated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tbework issponsored by the Office of the Chief. of Research and Deve@ ment, Department of the Army; it is supported by the Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency under Air Force Contract F 19628-7>c-0002. Tbis report may be reproduced to satisfy needs of U.S. Government agencies. NonLincoln PLEASE I Permission DO Recipients NOT RETURN is given 10 destroy when it is no Ionger needed. this document I ABSTRACT This repat summarizes .mdion temperatures 7f.5”W) (42.6-N, height interval ing periods, complete electron twice’ density 30 minutes. During i968 the apparatus flected signalsvs in real which time, and with analyzer x-ertical of the plasma. drift form, The density mer and winter discerned occasions The average appears fewer there accuracy which observ- was of the re- of the electron at all altitudes and to be In addition, at Millstone are difficult the to obtairra spectrum than heretofore. measurements results, 24-hour height interval the estimates recognized at sunspot on all but very disturbed previously Apparently, were by chance, of magnetic dependence on solar the Hill of the to condense hasbeeni minimum, into Office variation of sum- can still be A number of dis- in 1968, albeit on fewer for observation than in 1967. nvestigated. flux (as defined explained. patterns the days selected disturbance a summer-to-winter Liaison clear days. again detected the magnetosphere .4ccepted for the Air Force Joseph J. Whelan, USAF .Acti”g Chief, Lincoln Laboratory this Hill data, for required the frequency the separate instances remains over showthat behavior, heat flux from electron in the report. results maximum observed to be a Ckar emission), easily diurnal than in i967. in 4968 contained These over The time the measurements the first are not included at sunspot turbancepatterns greater permitted and temperature to measure These gathered profile in turn yields permitting distribution, system. month. and temperature was rebuilt radar 800 hm, were employed altitude, density during 1968 using the Millstone scatter calendar per new spectrum summary obtained (incoherent) approximateIy200to roughly usuaIly made for the electron in the F-region Thomson ion temperatures, I the results While there by the io.7. mn radio of 5 to 7 that cannot be CONTENTS iii Abstract i 1. INTRODUCTION 11. EQUIPMENT, PROCEDURES III. IV. OBSERVING AND PROCESSING 2 2 A, Equipment B. Observing C. Data Reduction 3 Procedure 5 7 RESULTS 7 A. ElectTon Density B. Electron Temperature 29 53 C. Ion Temperature D. Average Temperature E. Seasonal Variations F. Magnetospheric Profiles 72 77 Heat Fluxes 77 8i SUMMARY 82 References iv ,+ DATA MILLSTONE 1. HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR i968 INTRODUCTION Thomson (incoherent) scatter radar temperatures were imately per month throughout twice made at Millstone rizes the results obtained years (Table Earlier I). ried out in the years years measurements Hill, i968 for periods electron Massachusetts usually (42.6”N, of 24 hours. densities and 7i.5”W), approx- This report and discusses them in relation to the behavior observed 4-5 in this series present the results of synoptic reports 1963 through i967. arediscussed West ford, of F-region ingreater detail Results obtained inanurnberof summa- in pnrevious studies car- during some of the months in these jmumalarticles as referenced in Table 1. TABLE I PUBLICATIONS (68-cm CONCERNING W.velen@h) Ymr Month, February 1963 March, July, January SCATTER Covered 1963 July, April, THE MiLLSTONE THOMSON August, HILL UHF RESULTS Publication 1964 Ref. 1 September Ref.6 November Ref. 7 through December Ref. 2 1964 April, July, November Ref. 8 Jm.ciry through December Ref. 3 June, Ref. 9 A.gust, September 1965 June Ref. 10 January, April, January July Ref.11 through December Ref. 4 1966, March, July, September J.nuorythr.ugh December February, October, Ref. 12 Ref.5 1967 In addition to the measurements tically directed E, Pi, UHF radar tal drift here of F-region a number of measurements observations were made with the ver- conducted in 1968 of the employing the L-hand radar with beam directed obliquely. These meas13,14 a“d the horizmaimed at determining the ion composition in the F+ region 15 in the E and F regions. In as much as these results have already been reported, Section employed Section Ref. 12 were they are not included signals. reported December and F2 regions urements results system, J.”e, 11provides during i968, and eliminate in this paper. a sumnmryof These the equipment, the results a summary, observing changed during the middle the need for non-real-time Section 111presents N provides were processing for electron density, and data- processing of the year to yield of magnetic electron procedures more reliable tape records of the IF and ion temperatures a“d i > II. EQUIPMENT, A. OBSERVING AND the spectrum interfaced analyzer directly scatter portion In the earliest a given mitter pulse, briefly gate applied because conducted integrated a sample of gain differences the signals available, it was possible were from to explore for later non-real-time complete a series of measurements that the integrators spectra depends became preach in Ref. f6 from readily filters. the analyzer, set of integrators. and because a scheme suffered about an hour number of integrators spectrum, that permitted This arrangement spectrum. reduced (at the expense thereby pre- the signals the spectrum between by differences samples. the signal analyzer Unfortunately, was rebuilt though not recognized the signal As a result, ratio.3 to it was arranged and noise voltage between to post- samples. in the gains of the integrators the difference signal-to-noise to be the time required of many hours of liter To cope with this increase, only the difference one obtains by integrating This it required with the limited was constructed to 30 minutes upon the predector outputs were drifts. system and the noise The filter To calibrate only one half of tbe signal introduced from trans- near the end of the timeba se, to the filters, Also, ionospheric of the signals in length equal to?he that at the and the noise the interpretation of the uncertain. The problems soon recognized, crystal In addition to this change, problems the signal the spectrum design that was the spectrum RC integrators. in the integrators, the entire would store This change eliminated During $968 are fully documented HiRi,2, in a second processing. of the tape records). across narrowband selected tape recording recorded 48 filters previously.i by one of newer changes of the IF signals, all heights. of measuring In ~965 anmgnetic stored These at Millstone stored and drifts returned cluding the possibility processing was replaced using analog of noise, noise voltages to explore distribute has been described by gating a portion into a bank of twenty-four and the rectified samples PROCEDURES here. observations and the voltages second equipment of the receiver height was determined rectified radar into the SDS 9300 computer. but will be summarized hitherto PROCESSING Equipment The UHF incoherent time, DATA inherent with the tape recorder and beginning that was attempted in 1966 efforts and analyzer employed made to improve from the system. but was abandoned as being too costly mid-t 965 were One ambitious and requiring ap- too much develop- ment would have provided complete computer-processing through the use of a number of parallel 16 Finally, in i967, construction began of anew spectrum analyzer that obviated multiplier units. most of the difficulties of the earlier In the new spectrum SDS 9300 computer, tion, the signals a bank of 5-pole analyzer, thereby one. This wasplaced the integration eliminating inoperation of the echoes all problems in July i968 (Ref. i6). is carried due to gain differences but instead and drift. are continuously by the In addi- are no longer gated from crystal each of which is matched to the length of the pulse employed filters the time base, out digitally applied to (0.5 or 1.0 msec). Each of the (two) filter dar frequency intervals sampled banks available with i kHz spacing. so that a spectrum sequentially a manner that provides maybe (at intervals obtained of 20 psec), exact compensation takes 480 psec to scan through employs ThevoItages all filters, 24 filters at the filter every spanning +11.5 kHz about the raoutputs are sampled 75 km of altitude. a tapped delay-line for tbe delays between the outputs correspond 2 at 0.5-msec Since the filters is used to drive samples. Thus, to the same real must be the filters in although it altitude. B. Observing Procedure Ouring $968 we attempted Table II lists the dates and times Included reduced. to make observations in Table twice per montb for a period for which measurements IIisthe were mean of the planetary successfully magnetic of 24 hours. carried index Kp over out and each period of observation. As noted above, required to obtain the observing a complete procedures electron This was accomplished byrecord,ing recording system, and playback were density the fF signals discussed changed in 1965 to reduce and temperature profile from for Iater non-real-time extensively the amount of time i hour to 30 minutes. processing. in Ref. 3, was employed The until the end of June i968. In addition to?his halves of the signal change, spectrum which, though not recognized values obtained tbe spectrum analyzer to be explored. at the time, for ion temperature was modified As already noted, between are not included in this report. they introduced in the results Beginning first proved impossible II lists Table Folbvingthe the vertical were to be incompletely was placed recorded. about and means of in Ref. 3 and will only days for which results introd”ctionof were the new spectrum above in operation. Several owing to a programming Other dayfs data were to read the data tapes owing to the presence drift of the ionization conducted analyzer could not be analyzed runs made with this device which caused the results Thus, changes the between here. in July 4968, the new spectrum 24-hour These are discussed both out in a way As a result, January and June i968 are unreliable 300 and 500 km and, therefore, not he repeated this was carried caused some loss of information. minimizing tbe unwanted effects in June $965 to permit of either later “write-” of the error lost when it or “read- errors.” secured. analyzer, hmax F2 (Ref. i7). special efforts For this reason, were made to detect some observations in which the measurements made using the i-msec pulses (’l C mode”) were re16,17 in each cycle. This raised the time to complete a cycle of measurement peated four times to 45 minutes, In the normal pulses in sequence; in Table operating mode, the complete II to distinguish measurements cycle a measurement measurement stored were to he employed of the F-region critical was made by the radar C-4 ionosonde was modified frequency operator, on the sounder and advance just perceived at great This procedure gathered, to permit controlled the frequency . i.24 X 104 (fo F2)2 el/cm3 ,, and i. O-msec runs are termed of “drift;’ out in each calendar ‘<regularly Usually month. was made a“ailable in the form foF2 in NIHz at the start of each cycle.* frequency tape. synthesizer. of the synthesizer was intended to eliminate 0.5-, who then typed the value into the computer The synthesizer but could not be reduced These the determination on magnetic instances remotely, Thus, owing to lack of ionosonde when foF2 is expressed which incoherent measurements. in MHz, would turn return was value of foF2. scatter the as well as the operator until the F2 ordinary where of This To make the measurement, dials then gave the required 3 I 30 minutes. it to be turned on and monitored by a remote range. carried made using O.i-, in the data-reduction it along with all the other information have its frequency *Nmax occupying them from those emphasizing 24 hours of each type of measurement The value of N ~ax were data were TABLE INCOHERENT SCATTER OBSERVATIONS End Begin Date II EST c* -1968 Mean Date c* EST Kp Ob,t comments 16 January I 030 17 January 1030 3+ A 23 January 1130 24 January 1100 2+ A 1630 14 February Q 1600 1+ A Quiet 1130 28 FebruaV D 1200 3 A Disturbed 26 March 1200 27 Mwch 1200 3: A Disturbed 16 April I 000 17 April 1130 2 A 13 February 27 Febr.aty q Disturbed 25 April q 1300 26 April Q 1300 1: A Quiet 23 May q 0730 24 May Q 0700 1- A Quiet 20 June 1200 21 Jwm Q 1200 1+ A Quief IB July 1630 19 July 0800 2- Reg 15 Awwt D I 000 16 Aw.,t D 0900 4- Reg Distwbed 27 AWIW q 0830 28 August Q 0830 I Drift~ Quiet 29 August Q 0800 30 August Q 0800 1: Drift Disturbed 3 September 1200 4 September 1200 3+ Drift ~ Disturbed I I September 1300 12 September 1300 1+ Drift$ Quiet 12 September 1500 13 September 1500 4 Reg Disfwbed Quiet Quiet 0900 1° o Drift $ 3 October 1530 4 October 1730 I Reg 8 October 1100 9 October 1300 2: Drift+ 22 October 0800 23 October 0800 m Reg Quiet 29 October 1000 30 October I 000 4- Drift $ Disturbed 26 September 0900 27 September 14 November Q 1630 15 November Q 1030 1+ Reg 19 Nwember Q 1200 19 November Q 1800 1- Drift I 000 26 November I 000 2 Reg 0900 30 Ncwember Q 0900 1: Drift Quiet 1200 13 q 1300 } Drift~ Quiet 0900 18 December 0900 1° Reg Quiet 1000 31 December I 030 2° o Reg ?5 Nwember ?9 Nwember Q 12 December 17 December Q ~0 December December Quiet <Ccmditicm: Q One of Five quietest q D One of ten quietest days in month most disturbed days in month 0.. of fi,. A - Data gathered Reg Dot. days in month and cm.lyzed gathered Drift } Reg = Regular; os described and analyzed in .s described in Li” Labcwat.ry Laboratory Report TR-474. Repwt TR-477. Drift = Drift Measurement. These data have been inde~nde”tly reduced and ished by Carpenter 4 and 8owhill !8 C. Data Reduction The measurements with the exception viously these profiles formed by a graphical for the altitude variation in the electron-to-ion Beginning in July *968, of interest The computer (2) removed the results “power” profiles were It was, however, of the scattering ratio produced5 cross Te/Ti section in Ref. 3 :.n place of those pre- still necessary to correct of the electrons with height. spurious employed echoes of Te/Ti, CalCOmP plotter Ti were effects introduced This correction due to satellites, (3) adjusted o“ the immsonde, This profile was per- reduced to that employed We have compared agreement. .ss a graph plotted by a ik Estimates of Te and Table cycle. i.e., for the had also been 111contrasts in Table by Carpenter II), the manner the data have and Bowhilli8 using graphical are presented corrected since i963. by the daggers with those obtained reductions methods at Millstone in the report in a manner and hand calcula- and fcmnd generally in order to preser”e consistency. TABLE OBSERVING PROGWM Year (h..,,) 1963 30 111 AS A FUNCTION OF YEAR Number of Time Token tO Me.,.,. Number of Observing Periods Per Month One PrOfile (h..,,) Profi Ies Obt. i“ed Per M.nth Reducti.n Method Employed 4 1.5 80 Mean hourly profiles cwmtr.cted for each Length of Each Observing Period pro- on altitude var- this correction in each year of lIlinois these reductions The lIillstone density value to yield the correct the dependence of Te were (Preciously (indicated results, the absolute was available for one complete at the University for the earlier the electron all the possible. made with the thz’ee pulse lengths, The values made and reduced observations became as log< ~Ne vs altitude. Debye length with altitude. ‘6 were reduction Basically, and (4) removed on plots a“d o“ the print-out. ? shows results machine in Ref. 16. also provided seven of the ,,drifts” in a manner that placed together measurements of the changing been independently tions. are described Fig. 4), and m a print-out in which the measurements similar gathered (4 ) combined and (5) o“ Debye length. (e. g., made hy hand. ) Figure For were data tape so that complete in a way that, of Xmax F2 as measured iations good in the manner described method. temperature on a single programs ,vere obtained value overlay reduced by hand.5 quantities files to July 1968 were that computer-drawn obtained by changes made prior c.lendar month (Ref.]). 1964 30 2 1.0 60 As in 1963 1965 48 I 0.5 96 As in 1963 I ?66 24 2 0.5 96 Each pr.file sepr.tely 1967 24 2 0.5 96 As in 1966 1968 24 2 0.5 or 0.75 96 .r 64’yzed (Ref. 3). As in 1965 until July when COrnplete nmchime reduction beg.. (Ref. 16). I I . 1 I 1 t 6 1 f - . The measurement of the vertical tion of the new frequency not been resolved ude synthesizer adequately of the drift velocity certainty not presented III. at this time. Ne, here, Te, that became Owing to the large of height and the, (especially has yet been devised used to present f6, i7 has posed some problems as functions in the measurements presentation drift velocity possible variability comparable to the contour diagrams of height and time. but will be made available in tabular form that have in the sign and magnit- as well as the large at high altitudes i 7), m simple and Ti as functions with the introduc- of data presentation experimental un- means of data- that have routinely Accordingly, to interested been these results users are on request. . RESULTS A. Electron Contours ~f electron during the period in the balance llensity density of the year are. presented beled by the corresponding: We have discussed at Millstone. (expressed January- June i968 a= as plasma presented as Figs.3(a) frequent y in O.5-MHz intervals) ti” “Figs. 2(.a.)through through.(s). (i). while obtained thOse Obtafned ~ Fig. 3, the cOntOurs are la- value of log, ONe; and are in stePS Of fJ.2. in previous Quiet days exhibit .reports2-5 a cbarscteri tbe principal types ofdiznmal stic ,,w?nter,, or ‘tsummer” behavior variation. observed There is a fairly abrupt transition between the two in the equinoxes. .For the results presented here, ,,winter!! pattern prevails “ i6-17 April [Fig. ~(f)] and after 3-4 october [Fig. 3(i)!. I , mm I OBca ,20) Km mea ,. EST EST b) (.) Fig. 2(a - i). COntour diagmms of censtan; plcwma frequency (in 0.5 MHz of height and time g.the red d.ring the first six months of 1968. 7 steps) os f...tnsns the ES, (d) (c) I EsT ,3, (f) (e) ,, Fig. 2(a-i). :1 :,:1 ,,. I I ,. 1 Continued. n~i ) Wca , ,,CO G9cu $ ,.ca , mm 24.. E$, (9) ,,, E,7 (h) O) Continued. Fig.2 (a-i), 9 contour diagrams Of co.sfa.t foglo electron density (in fOgloNe Fig. 3(a-s). os functions of height and time gathered during the last six months of 1968. = o.2 ‘fe~) ... : g : me 403 ,.. ,00 I EST (b) Fig.3 (a-s). Continued. / \ au ,0. EST (.) Fig. 3(.-s). Continued / \ \ \ J ES, (d) Fig.3(a-s). Continued. ,, I L Fi5..3 (a-s). Continued. 1 I ! I I ,! ~ ! *—. 14 \ ///’———’—’———.— ‘“ ‘“d , X0 me E,7 (f) ~ { ,,: { ! fig. 3(.-s). Cc.ntin.ed. :He%” ““:”A,“...e “-”’’”/’ .:..A“ EST (9) fig. ‘! I 3(0-s). C.ntin.ed, EST (h) Fig. I : , i 3(0-s). C.ntin.ed. EST (1) Fig. 3(c-s). Continued. 21 ,4.,5.0”,,6, I,,,ON. I ! ,0. la EST (m) fig. 3(0-s). Continued. ,,. 1+—————’ I 1==7 .@ ,5 ,,, (n) fig. Continued. 3(0-s). 23 (0) Fig, Continued. 3(a-s). 24 “ /J !’::G’+ k 4.. ,Ce ,., ,, /. , I / /“ / (P) fig. 3(.-s). Continued. 1 1 I 25 (q) Fig. 3(a-s). Continued. 26 ,00 \\ “ ‘z -. , ,00 400 3.. ZOO E5T (r) Fig. 3(.-s). Continued. 27 . ,. I ‘“/ I 0000 O*,. 0,0. Wcu UL \--0,.0 {m , ,C6 L-,400 ES, (s) Fig. 3(0-s). 28 Continued. /27 , .@ // /’c ,,0. mm— 1 ,,w ,4.. 1 The winter somewhat behavior after. the early is characterized At sunspot minimum, morning as many of the days presented 3(P) through (r)]. A number of nights do show an early The summer values than in winter. midday June [Figs. I ~ ‘/ abnormally storm!s gathered on 29-3o October it appears whfle occurrence inside the plasmasphere. instances magnetically disturbed over F- region netic storms behavior densities conditions 5,12 on i7 January densities, before Electron From to that are by of the local appear to have been observed than normal, more than the F2 peak (G condition). thermospheric time of magnetic in i968. field. Irregular winds and near sunspot maximum to the motion of the mid-latitude 1968 [Fig. 2(a)] represents a of magnetospheric of event has a preferred increases on the drift information directed seem to be caused by thermospheric 19 of such an event. and attributed to be on 27 March rise or early evening. These emP1OYing the ‘esults caused by penetration with marked on these days and the F* layer in 1968 appears noon giving On that has been seen, are caused by southward during trough of low often during 4968 and Pos- the only case. are frequently phase ) on the day (or days) following larger 2(g)]. which is followed in tbe late afternoon separately have been encountered lower 2(f), have been recognized This does not seem to have occurred somewhat (negative is lower Contours through is usu- 1972 [Figs. above normal, This last class much of the day, the station. Fi peak becomes B. over low nighttime sibly the behavior 1 20 is thought to be an example Abnormally corded and the peak density are found to occur up to i8 hours after motions of this type of disturbance extending 29-30 October h~axF2 to horizontal I). nighttime One type of variation usually near 1700 LT and is associated increases, ionization (Table of foF2 and Larger maximum 3968 [Fig. 3(l)] and in July $969 (Ref. i9 ). are related 25-26 November Examples density that some of the increases others fields NO clear values these patterns increases sudden commencement, 3(i) through (k), e.g., than seen at sunspot minimum, ph~~~llportionsof the storm have been examined obtained, electric from conditions. These Figs. in absent at them here. in the daytime values. largely of this behavior are to be found ii, iz the probable We have discussed elsewhere 2(i)]. deviations disturbed is an increase low nighttime magnetic ,!positive. winds, 2(h), it [cf., increase, and 25-26 April “bite- out.” and will not repeat with magnetically 16-i7 near noon or peak in the density seems disturbed daytime a second weaker the so-called A number of cham.cte=istic many occasions, morning less diurnal variation, e.g., Nmax reaches minimum, of these variations associated here do not exhibit by lower therefore, ground sunset, for 23-24 May and 20-2i causes is, There at local smaller This feature thi8 is less pronounced is characterized many days in the summer, a shallow [Fig. 3(s)fi peak in foF2 centered a second that these nights tend to be magnetically behavior ally encountered ,, is usually sunspot maximum and it is noteworthy N there daytime hours (0200- 0400 ) that is anomalous. [Fig, 3(0 )] and 30-31 December I by a single encountered the positive pronounced than increase. Usual. The only instance On during magusually OcCU?iOn of this behavior the re- [Fig. 2(e)]. Temperature of constant electron (i) and 5(a) through (s). for summer and winter the simplest pattern. with altitude at all times In these temperature at 200eK intervals are presented in Figs. 4(a) 2-5 the characteristic temperature We have discussed previously observed months, (indicating at Millstone. the electron the presence 29 The summer temperature of a source months usually usually increases exhibit monotonically of heat in the magnetosphere). I E,, (c) Fig. 4(.-T). Contour diagrams of COnst.a.t electron of height and time gathered temperature during the first six nmnths of 1968. 30 (in 200”K steps) as functions ,,, ,,, w ,U3 200 OCea 0400 0..0 ,200 600 mm ?400 EN ,$, (.) (f) Fig. 4(a-i). Continued. 3i EN (9) ] , EST EST (i) (h) fig. 4(a-i). Continued. 1 32 48-!9 d“, T. ?s68 ‘/L///l/ Iil I E $, (o) Fig. 5(.-s). Contcwr diagrams of constant electron of he!ght and time gathered temperature during the last six months of 1968. 33 (i. 200”K steps) as functi.ns 1 I m ,,0 mm Cdca 1 C6co 1 mm I !KOo ,,CO I !... EST (b) Fig. 5(.-s). Ccmtinued. 34 1 ,.CC !..0 am. ,,ca ,.,0 ... . . ! em ma .m 7 . : g ,.. ,,;: ,Ca .Cc \ ,., j EST (c) .,! :1 fig. 5(.-s). Continued. 1 ‘“! ( ,i 35 ES (d) Fig. 5(0-s). Ccmtin.ed. ! 36 .. 7C0 — ma — ; : * r ,0? — 30. — ma — EST (e) Fig. 5(.-s).!nued. 37 fig. 5(a-s). Continued. 38 —... 9@ / /1 . !, u!! \ 1. I / [ 1! ‘h Wrw’=-’+ Eii-ECO.o 0,0. OWa mm ,,m !mo ,4.0 EST (9) fig. 5(.-s). Ccmtinued. 39 I II “m CcOo .2. m .03 ///4 /// R=-ja es. w ,0,. !2.0 EST h) Fig. 5(a-s). 40 Ccmtinued. ,... ,.CU ,,.. m. 2,0, ,.CO ,, I I I ~ ,.1 ~i)EsT Fig, 5(a-s). I ( Continued. Fig. 5(a-s). C.ntin.ed. 42 !0. ,KO ;,0 ,0. . _. +--’--’ \ ,s1 (k) Fig. 5(0-s). Continued. 43 ‘~ 1 f ,... \ \l /- /=--’l ,m. I ,! ,: EST (1) Fig. 5(0-s). ,. ,, Continued. ESr (m) fig. 5(.-s). Continued. 45 EST (n) Fig. 5(.-s). C~ntin.ed. 46 I Fig. 5(0-s). Continued. I 47 I /f-----+\lF”.lF -----7A ,,, (P) Fig. 5(0-s). ( Cotitinued. I m 02m 1 @m 1 O.CM f mm I 1 lm !?CO 1 !4.. EST (q) Fig. 5(.-s). Continued. 49 1 !m 1 IOca 1 I mea =@ I ,.~ “Ldx m OCa C.m mm mm E,. (r) Fig. 5(.-s). Continued. 50 1 ““m ,Cc \ NW I I I Wco 1 mm EST (s) Fig. 5(a-s). Continued. ,-, R-//l ,, ...,. There is a large lasting increase in temperature until sunset when the temperature the temperature decreases, temperatures hibit a shallow minimum through caping from remains following ature may then increase the temperature morning density (s )]. that occurs These At sunset, at sunrise. during the day and usually are presented ex- in Figs. 4(b) local electron development density density by strong depending of the demsity, 4(g), condition The electron bas been observed as ?t.smnmer.’, rather on 16-{7 smwise cm 26-27 March of the ionospheric than normal storm densities, These ion-cyclotron fluxes then in progress. An impressive for i2-i temperature increase occurring low electron densities [Fig. high E-region densities increase at sunset. In summer, statement, In part, to be produced are provided indicator condition by 25-26 April, of abnormal heating, result the protonosphere from phase lower also contrib- particles for nighttime probably of ionizing The very are associated with tbe negative during the period is precipitation the during the high temperatures to be responsible [Fig. 5(g)] behavior. we believe by the decay of ring current of nocturnal with in the density, only encountered the higher temperatures from 23-24 May should be associated at this time does not appear to be associated when there for the about 7-8 X through mid- caused by this process 2200-2400. The large with particularly 3(g)] as would be the case when the trough lies overhead, that occur when- that a based cm the present to be associated heat fluxes that appears example This which occurs shcmld exceed near 0230 [Fig. 4(a)], 12 Millstone. Similarly, large 350 km. we reported to be the necessary better of the day, of 5(q) through (s). temperature Previously,5 and at Millstone are believed 3 September 5(o), Owing to the annual variation trough over but in some storms by the results (h), this feature to be a sensitive [Fig. 4(e)] are presumed Thus, than summer, damping - the same process red arcsyi is provided Examples January beginning with the motion of the mid- latitude following 5(p) on days that, based on the diurnal variation [Fig. 5(f)]. than season. appears high. A somewhat on the exact aItitude. temperature [Figs. during portions at the height of the minimmn more observed with the for 23-24 January i. e., typically of the electron at 300 km appeared often in winter 4,5,32 near sunspot maximum. high values cooling minimum condition than the decrease above hmaxF2, somewhat would be classed is reached es- the elec- At sunspot tend to cause the temperature is particularly minimum. density 4(h)] and 41-12 September the above density 4(b)]. in association the end of the year 4(e) and Figs. 5(e) through local Ne & 106 el/cm3 This temperature the lowering-of near 2000, and the temper- midnight is the appearance, somewhat 4(d), of this temperature i 05 el/cm3 by photo-electrons Thus, can be seen most clearly pronounced behavior at this altitude might be that the local At night, amplitude. at an altitude is produced complex. [see Figs. 4(a), after days toward “a=iations much more of the winter minimum the electron more arrested to decrease cm several temperature to appear can be seen in Figs. 4(a), This minimmn continues This phenomenon nocturnal sunlit. is usually is usually found to decrease less markedly feature ever latitude increase and time is frequently sunset in winter are of comparable Yet another a temperature local increase. at sunrise the two usually ute:” observed of this bebavior which then remains as the density [Fig. 4(b)] and somewhat years than those by a period constant with time. than the corresponding Examples both with altitude ionosphere minimum, results, essentially that is followed high owing to the heating of the magnetosphere the conjugate tron temperature [Figs. are much lower near midnight. the variation the temperature feature rapidly at sunrise (d). In winter, through remains albeit less The nighttime early at all levels b“t with particles. 52 ,——-. — In general, behavior the results than i967, this simply reflects for i 968 appear to contain fewer despite the increase the fact that, in sunspot level by chance, fewer instances and magnetic of anomalous activity. of the days of observation temperature We believe were that magnetically disturbed. C. Ion Temperature Ion temperature results through (s) as isotherms reaches a nearly fluctuation for the period at i OO-K intervals isothermal level 350 km, the ion temperature Thus, the ion temperature hibits a similar shallow between in the height of the isotherms) is largely as functions in the afternoon are presented of height and time. in Figs. 6(a) The ion temperature 250 and 35o km, and this gives rise to the er!’atic Below about [e. g., Figs. 6(r), 6(s)]. in this interval governed is usually only slightly diurnal variation. maximum July through December by the thermal greater than the neutral Thws, the ion temperature and a minimum coupling just before with neutral particles. temperature at these le”els usually and exreaches sunrise. l\w/ 3.. L —\\ ,\ \ --1..- 1/– 1, (.) ~g. 6(a-s). Contour diagrams of c.anstant ion tempemture and time gathered during the last six months of 1968. 53 (in 100”K step) .S functions of heighi a 54 i I EST (c) fig. 6(0-s). Continued. 55 — — 1 1 (d) Fig. 6(0-s). Continued. 56 woo mm C6cu mm !. ~ca EST (.) fig. 6(a-s). C.ntin.ed. 57 I 1,‘i ,,-,2 2,. SErp !,,, — ~ moo I .200 I ..00 1 I m .,,. I 1 f,,, i,,. EST 1 ~~oo (f) I “’l Hg. 6(.-s). Continued. 58 1 I 1 ““” ““” I I 200” ““” “w (9) fig. 6(.-s). Continued. 59 !!.0 , ,Cu : ~ . ,00 ●u ,. . m. .,0. .*OO ..00 0.0. 0= ,... :,0: ‘- (h) ,1 fig. 6(.-s). Continued. 60 ‘ ‘“O ‘“0” moo 2ZO0 I k\ \ // \ \\ ,..” i I \ ,, /, + O“/. -/ // I \\ 1 (i) Fig. 6(0-s). 62 Continued. ‘4 I ! (k) Fig. 6(a-s). 63 C.ntinued. ,.. ,,00 -w F ,200 w,, 7.6 (1) Fig. 6(a-s). Continued. ,! 64 6 ,00 z!ca ,00 . . . ; ~ : ❑ ,@ , !4-,5 .0” 400 — !,,, ,, ,Ce . .. ,.0 — — - TimTim OCcu o,ca 6.0 ,00 mm OWO I ‘ma {mu 1 ,.00 EST (m) FFg. 6(.-s). Continued. 65 1 ,6C0 — ,.m ,mo ,,00 I Fig. 6(0-s). Continued. 66 .-. ... .--,-. i !, .....Af-+-”” ~. 2’00 (0) Fig. 6(0-s). Continued. 1 67 \ -!, ‘“m /’p,/ , .. .=.,.,, “ .“.. 1 “/’-- / \ ‘“”B 0000 .2.. .4C0 omu c-o fsr (P) Fig. 6(.-s). Continued. ,/-= (q) Fig. 6(0-s). Continued. “,,,”, (k”, ) ,,, (s) Fig. 6(0-s). Continued. .—. — Above perature. their about 400 km altitude, At these temperature crease altitudes, D. Average Temperature At sunspot minimum, results, and nighttime averaging it was fomd detecting with electrons, and the increase and de- Thus, Figs. 6(b) through ~e.g., tem- (d)] and Fig. 6 (g )]. of average Two averages EST ). temperature were As sunspot maximum curves constructed, viz., was approached, in em attempt daytime to better (1 000-i 500 EST) the justification for yet the practice was continued as it provided a useful way of 22 and smmpot cycle trends. These average temperature curves were con- seasonal structed after, tbe electron that for large portions of the day and the night the eleci-3 appreciably. Owing to the poor quality of >ome of the the mnstructicm (21 00-0300 encounters temperature. [e. g., toward Profiles with altitude. the resdts and converges and set can be quite marked did not vary this encouraged the variation in electron heating can be recognized tron and ion temperatures define changes at sunrise of nocturnal rapidly the ions are heated by Coulomb tends to follow in temperature instances Ti incpeases was reduced, for the data gathered prior to July i 968 and are shown in Figs. 7(a) through (i); there- this work was discontinued. The curves shown in Figs. i. e., by computing original curves Figs. 7(a), 7(d), 7(a) through (i) were the average obtained 7(e)] of the electron in these two time clearly obtained in the manner temperatures intervals. show the temperature employed previously,5 read (at i 00 km intervals) several mininmrn of the winter daytime off the curves that then develops. ~ !6-,7 ,.0 JAN ,,6, - 600 .,0”, : : : : 4,, – ,00 - 1 o 1 I 40, , 1 1 ,00 1 I , ,,00 ,,,, I , 1 ,,,. I ,..0 1 1 ,,., TEMPERATURE (*K) (.) Fig. 7(a-i). vs altitude daytime (1000-1500 EST) and ni9httirne cbserved during the first six months of 1968. 72 (2100-0300) electron fernpemf.res I [e. g., ,000 23-24 ,00 - ,00 – J4N ~ 196B F : .,s”, : : : 4,, - *OO - 1 1 400 0 1 ) *,O t 1 ,,m ,,00 ,EM,E.A, I .OOO URE , ,400 r ,,00 1 , ,200- ,.., (b) ,00. ,3-,4 FEB TEmIL ,968 . 800 - “,. ”T ,.0z : s ~ ! 40. - *OO - , 0 , 4,. 1 1 80, I ,,,. 1 , ,,00 K.,,.., , ”,, ,000 (.. (c) Fig. 7(a-i). Cc.ntin.ed. 73 } , I ,400 c , ,800 I ,200 . 1 1 1 .00 1 , ,00 1 1 1 1 ,s00 ,,00 I TFMPER4TURE 1 ,000 {.. I ! 2.00 1 ! 2..0 1 ) (d) .; ,1 ‘OOOY o 1 .,0 I ,00 Tmm ( ,200 mm ,s00 ,EMP, RA*”, F (.. (.) Fig. 7(a-i). Continued. 74 ) I ,400 2,00 I ,,00 o I 1 1 400 , ! 8.0 I , ,,00 , 1 ,.00 ,,.,,.,, ”., t moo ,.. (9) I Fig. 7(a-i). Continued. I 75 ) 1 1 ,400 ! 1 ,,00 I — .,., ,000 ~ 23-24 MAY 49S8 t o [ I I .00 , 1 ,00 , 4,00 , I ,600 1 1 2.,0 T,..,..,”,?, I 1 ,40. I I 2m. 1 1 ! ,2,. ,,0 (.., (h) , 0 1 .00 1 1 ,00 1 1 ,200 1 I ,,00 ,,!+.,.., Fig. 7(a-i). I ”,S 1 moo ,..1 Continued. 76 1 ! ,.00 1 I 2000 1 1 ,,00 E. Seasonal Variations The seasonal variations that may be inferred from these results have been discussed pre22 Thus, for example, the nighttime winter temperatures are high, as noted above, as viously. a result of pbcdoelectron heating of the magnetosphere be seen in Figs. 8 and 9, which represent different by the conjugate T.’ 700 to present seasonal This may trends. In ,8-2 -!{!!3 - 600 ionosphere. n attempts :0 - 0 :“ -E 5 z~ ? ,00 p“” 400 - 300 - 200 / - TEMPERATURE so o ~ 40 ,0 ,020 ,0 ,s. JAM 20 ,0 ,0 ,0 APR MAR 20 ,0 MAY ll!ll ,0 20 M1l!lll 20 10 Zo ,.. J“. ,,8 1111111111,,,, w 20 40 20 MAR (°Kl t$, 40 20 AP, m 20 M?.” ,“. [968 1966 (b) (a) Fig. 8(a-b). Contour diagrams of OVemge electron tem~r.ature (in 500”K step) w height and months for the first six months in 1968; (.) daytime (1000-1500 EST), (b) nighttime (2100-0300 EST). Figs. 8(a) and 8(b), contours are drawn of electron of height and month for the daytime (Fig. 7). In Figs. 9(a) and (b), (1000-1500 the electron temperatm’e at 500SK intervals EST) and nighttime temperature as a function (21 00-0300 EST) averages at 300 and 500 km is plotted as a func- tion of month. Figures This variation 8(a) and 9(a) show that the daytirr e temperatures is much less prormmmed near ,mmpot mi”immr duced by the appearmce of the temperatu~e minimum are larger in summer than winter. 22 and, in large part, is intro- near 350 km altitude chiefly in the winter months. F. Magnetospheric The positive temperate of a heat flux from a“erage Heat Fluxes temperature gradient difference independent estimates The magnitude ~ 500 km implies 500-600, 600-700 the existence computed wez.e then awraged and are plotted in Figs. from the and 700-800 km “ia si”21eV/cm2/sec 77 A above of the flmi has bee” over the height intervals Gp . 7.7X 105 T~/2 These in Fig. 7 at altitudes the magnetosphere, lo(a) and (b). ‘~’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ -iEEcL ~:~ I so.. 2800 “! 1 ooo~ !.00 530 it 4,00 dAN !0 20 FE, ,0 m . . . ,0 20 ,,, !0 20 MA, i ‘“o~ ,0 ,0 4“. $0 m JAN m ?0 ,,, ,0 20 . . . 4968 F;g. 9(o-b). 111111, ,0 m .,” ,0 20 ,“. 4968 (b) (.) Average six months i. 1968; m m APR electron (.) daytime twnpemtwe (1 000-1500 ! 111111111,1,,,,,,,,,,, af 3000, EST), l,ri (b I 500 km altitude vs mcmth for the first nighttime (21 00-0300 EST). 111111 !llllllllll ] 1111111111 ~ Illrrr ~ ~ ,0 ,,!4 ,,, f 96e Fig. 10(a-b). Magnet. (1000-1500 m . . . ,0 ,,, 2, ,0 ..” m ,0 ,.. (b) spheric heat flux cwnputed EST), (b) nighttime frcnn the temperature (21 00-0300 78 , ,0 1968 (.) (.) daytime ,0 EST). curves in Fig, 7; m At night the heat flux is considerably can be accounted opacity for in terms of the field time fluxes larger of the conjugate tube is quite high. \vhich are only a factor in winter than in summer This appears of 2 smaller to be necessaryin cated in Table to expectation, This bebavior IV which summarizes and this provided that the order than those observed During the day, cm tbe other hand, the flux tends to be larger and this is contrary [Fig. iO(b)] heating of the magnetosphere, in winter has been observed the mean seasonal values to account for night- during the day. than summer in previous of the daytime years average [Fig. ~O(a)], as indi- heat fluxes TABLE IV AVERAGE DAYTIME (100-1500) PROTON OSPHERE HEAT FLUXES (109 eV/cm2/see) Summer Winter Yeor (April-September) I 964 3.66+1.06 5.16 + 1.28 1965 2.03*0.57 3.23 * 0.88 1966 3.74+ 1.56 4.42*1.11 1967 5.08+ 1.42 7.74 1968* 4.64 (January -M.rch, & 0.74 October-December) * 3.33 8.81+1.79 * first six m.nths only. observed each year observed in winter is higher. since 4964 (Ref. 22]. despite There that the summer the fact that the temperature is also a clear in Fig. ii This is illustrated It is clear trendof increasing where the fluxes ( [W.,ww (,! .,,, .,,..,, Table M,T, are lower the thermal as sunspot maximum IV are plotted 1 s,0., ME {!O-,, HEAT 1 )”,s FL” X z ~ ‘J i ~ 9 i’[ : –, o– 00 — .0 ,3.. ,96. ,9., ,967 !,,, ‘ 0 YEAR Fig. Il. V.riati.” .f the average winter (Jo..a~-March, cmd summer (April -September) daytime average (1000-1500 Oct. ber-December) EST) magne tospheric heat flux si”ce 10.7 averaged 1964. AISO shcxvn i. fhesolar over three solcir mtatio”s, 7 10.7’ 79 radio fl..xat than those conductivity) is approached. against time together ,,,, PRO IONOSPHERIC e (and, therefore, values giveni” fluxes crnw.velength with the solar the large (Fig. flux at iO.7 cm, winter values averaged in 1967 over three and 4968 appear solar rotations, to be associated ~lo.,. It cm be seen that with peaks in the solar flux Ii). ;(O,, Fig. 12. Dependence As a quantitative in solar radiation, spread, average heat fl.xes test of the dependeme over it seems (fig. ll).n~lo,, of the average we have plotted the valms flux F10,7 when averaged somewhat ofse.sonal given annual daytime in Table the same 6 month periods that both summer and winter. heat flux on changes IV as functions (Fig. i2). and winter, Although days obey a simple of the mean solar the results linear are dependence of the form — Gp ‘a Flo.7 where asummer awinter Reasons (winter) photoelectron changes - 5.4 X ~07 - for the possible the annual variation the colder . 3.65 x $07 eV/cm2/sec/flux summer in the F-region hemisphere production in the composition eV,/cm2/sec/flux to winter ““it difference temperature of the neutral have been considered. is not capable is different atmosphere 80 It appears of causing more that heat to flow to these results. 22 Possibly the in the two hemispheres as a ccmseqwmce of to the extent necessary and/or escape unit, and to explain and this can account for the difference. Iv. SUMMARY Incoherent atures were scatter synoptic made at the Millstone per month in i968 (Table in a manner I H). established method of measuring Hill Field where.i6 system include drift velocity measurements disturbed (Ref. 5). fell conditions We attribute ‘!summer,, Several ! tbe received as a satisfactory albeit Uegi”ning compl$te signals i-eal - on mag- has been described method of presenting else- the data this, a greater amount of magnet- for the measmwrnents made in i967 to the fact that most of the days chosen for observation confined recognizable Despite to baws been encountered quiet periods. The remits in 1968 confirm that the character2,3 at near sunspot minimum persists through identified quiet periods. fro,m the quiet day beha”ior and negative in 1968 gathered to magnetically departures include both the positive I in this report. that provided was capable of detecting small frequency shifts in the *6-$8 However, we have not attempted to sunspot cycle. and 1,winte r,, beha”ior sunspot maximum, 1 the the determination in the plasma. in this report appears this simply during magnetically istic Unfortunately, rendering of this new system twice and reduced fashion has not been found. i 968 was tbe peak of the current ically gathered previously.3 distortion the need for recording The implementation caused by drifts in a useful and compact introduced and ion temper- of 24 hours app~oximately the data were was put into operation and obviated It was found that the new system of the signals electron and these data have not been included processing. spectra six months, of the signals uncertain, of the signals netic tape for later densities, in June i965 that has been described in July 1968, a new data-processing time processing electron Station for periods During the first the spectra of the ion temperature j studies of F-region phases of magnetic have been identified, storms. Elsewhere, 4,5 These we have proposed that there are two separate mechanisms that can give rise to increases of electron density during i9 the positi”e phase. Cases in which the increase is irregular and persists for a large part of the day appear to be caused by lifting blowing toward the equator velocity observations of positi”e events appear an increase Marked magnetic over decreases Instances The electron densities fields density increase temperature were of ionization occurring trough moves common on 27 March results have been employed into the ionosphere during the daytime. to the iO. 7 cm solar flux averaged reasOns for this difference necm 1700 LT coincident are found usmilly over 3 solar and -3.65 cm the second southward with overhead during a minor day of the to m cupy a position in <967, but were to have been present encomtered --5.4 X f07 eV/Cm2/5e C/flux unit in winter, Satisfactory density of this behavior were winds and the start of a substorm. electron trough appears mmtral in the dusk sector caused i5, 19,20 These inside the plasmasphere. electric field about by thernmspheric The density and 19 Another cause with this explanation. $968 are consistent and at night when the mid- Iatit”de The mid-latitude F-region the magnetosphere related to a single in F-region brought heating of the atmosphere. to be a redistribution in the local total magnetic storm in 3968. daytime appears of magnetospheric to give rise Millstone. to am-oral for 29-3o October phase increases by the penetration of the F-1ayer in response seen only once each on 17 January a“d low magnetic to study the average storm. heat flux from We find that the flux appears rotations, ~lo linearly ~ with a dependence X 107 eV/cm2/sec/flm+ of tmit in summer. have not been fcmnd. 81 .—., — ACKNOWLEDGMENTS W.A. Reid, R.F. modifications The for equipment new data- amlysis assistance and Mrs. J.H. Corporation). largely program responsible software in gathering and others these for the that resulted achieved during was the work of R. F. Julian The author is indebted to these individ- R. J. Cicerone McNally A. Freeman were and associated computer and to L. A. Carpenter, A. Beauregard, Ffanson in the quality of the measurements improvement and J. K. Upham (Azrex uals and L.B. to the radar in the large i968. Julian (both of the University at the data. Millstone Thanks and Miss F. Angier of Illinois), Field Station are also due to Mrs. L. Bill, who assisted Hill with the preparation of the figm-es. REFERENCES i. J, V. ~an~ Reuort 2. Report 3. Report !ulono~pheric Back~catter ob~ervation~ at Mi118tone Hill,,, Technical 374: Lincoln Laboratory, . M. I.T. (22 January *965), DDC AD-646607. !VMi~l~tone HiII Thomson Scatter Re~~lt~ for i964,,~ Technical 430,’ Lincoln Laboratory, M. LT. (i5 November i967). DDC AD-668436. !NMi~I~tone Hi~~ Thom~On scatter Results for i965,~~ Technical 474: Lincoln Laboratory. . !!Mi~~~tOne 4. M. LT. ~i~~ ~hOm~~n (18 December scatter Results 1969), DDC AD-70750f. for i966,q1 Technical Report 481,’ Lincoln Laboratory, . M. LT. (i5 December *9713). DDC AD-725742. ,NMil~~tone HiII Thomson scatter Results fo~ 1967,,, Technical Report 482,’ Lincoln 5. Laboratory, 6. Planet. 7. J. Geophys. M.l. T. Space Sci. Q, 8. planet. 9. J. Geophys. Res. D, M, 10. J. Atmos. $1. planet. Space Sci. M, f2. Planet. Space Sci., 43. and L. P. Cox, i 4. L.P. Cox and J.V. 15. J.V. Evans, 46. Terr. Evans, i03i (i965), ii75 Space Sci. ~, Res. (22 July t97f). Phys. DDCAD-6i6607. (i965), DDC AD-6i43i0. i387 (i967). 4083 and 4845 (i970)t Z $629 (t970). t225 (i970), in press J. Geophys. J. Geophys. DDC AD-714447. DDC AD-7161357. DDCAD-7~6056. (1973). Res., Res. @ i59 (497f3)4 DDC AD-7133492. ZZ. 627f (i970), J. Geophys. Res. V, 234i (1972). , R, ~. Julian and w, A, Reid, ftlncoheFent scatter DDC AD-7229~i. Meas”retnents of F-Region Density, Temperatures, and Vertical Velocity at Millstone Hill:’ Technical Report 447, Lincoln Laboratory, M. I.T. (6 February 4970), DDC AD-706863. i 7. , R. A. Brockelman, Radio Science~, 27 (1970). 18. LA. Carpenter and S.A. Processes intbe Topside (i5 September i97i). J.V. M.D. 21. 22. Evans, J. Atmos. Papagiannis R. F. Julian, W. A. Reid and L. A. Carpenter, ,,lnve~tigation Bowhill, F-Region, ,, ~niver~ity Terr. of the Physics Of Dynamical of Illinois AeronomY RePOrt %4 ..2 Sci., and M. Mendillo, ~, 593 (4973). Planet. Spat sci. 1?, 503 (497i). Res. 7A. 4428 J.M. Cornwall, F.V. Coroniti and R.M. Thorne. J. Geophys. (i97i). Variations of F-Region Electron TemJ, V, Evans, ,!SeaSon=I snd sunspot Cycle peratures and Protonsopberic Heat Fluxes,” J. GeOphys. Res., ?8. 2344 (4973). 82 UNCLASSIFIED %., . . . .!.;,” .. ., Pi...; . .. . . ...’;.=,;.. .. . .. . .. DOCUMENT [S. . ..ityeajflcft 1. ORIGINATING ?.n?.n .1 title, b.*y Of**etr..t (Cotpo,a,e. .4 CT, V,TY CONTROL md!nd.xj.g DATA . R3,D mt6t6. en feredwhe. u,ho,) fheoverallc.p.rtf. 2.. REPORT ?b. GROUP .Ias.>l?.d> SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified Lincoln Labmatory, M. I.T. None I 3. I? EPOI?7 TITLE Millstone Hill Thomson I a, DE.5CR, PT, VE NOTE, Scatter wype.,fr.P.,, and Results for 1968 f”clua,va da,..> Technical Report S, &llT. OFll$l.(La.t “me, f,,., name,,.,,; .,) Evans, JohnV. 6, REPOR, DATE 23 January 7.. ‘3.. 8.. CONTRACT b, PROJECT 0. NO. TOTAL NO. 0, ‘/b. PAGES NO. 0, REFS 1973 GRANT NO. F19628-73-C-OO02 OS1.l..,O,, S Tec,bnical REPORT M“MBERIs1 Report 499 7X263304D215 9b, .. 07.., a,.ik.ned REPoRT .01S1 this ,..0.,,, (A,,, .,h.r,, umb.,s ,h., ”,ayb. ESD-TR -73-55 d. !0. AVA, LA., ApwOved L, T” IL IM(, A,, ON N’07’ICES for public release; distribution mlimited. ,2. S,O. $0.,.. 1, 5UPFLEME.,. RY NOT, S ~lLl,.. Y ... (.1,” Office of the Chief of Research and Development Department of the Army None ,. ABSTRACT This repcmf s“mrmmizes the results for the electron density distzibntion, electron a“d ion temperatures i“ tbe scatter radar s ys F -re@on obtained during 1968 using the Millstone Hill (42. 6“N, 71. 5“W) Thomson (incoherent) These data, for tbe hei@ interval approximate y 200 to 800 km, were gathered over 24-hour observing petern. riods, roughly fwice per calendar month. Tbe time required to obtain a complete elect..” density and temperature profile over this height interval was “suall y 30 minutes. tiring 1968 the apparatus employed to measure the frquenc y s~ctrum of the reflected signals vs altitude, wbicb in turn yields the estimates of the electron a“d ion temperatures, was rebuilt permitting tbe measurements 1“ addition, cbe new spectrum at all altitudes to k made in real time, and with greater acc.rac y than heretofore. analyzer permitfed the first measurements at Millstone fill of the vertical driti of the plasma. These results, which are difficult to condense into summary form, are not included in the reporf. Tbe densify and temperamre results show that the separate clear patterns of summer and winter diurnal behavior, recognized at sunspot minimum, .8” still be dkxer”ed at ..”spot maximum on all b“t very disturbed days. A number Of disturbance pa fterns observed previously were again detected in 1968, albeit cm fewer occasions than i“ 1967. Apparently, by chance, the days selected for observation i“ 1968 contained fewer imtances of magmetic disturbance than in 1967. Tbe average heat flux fr.m rbe ma@etosphere has been investigated. While there appears mce on solar flUX (as defined by the 10. 7+m radio emission), there remains a summer-to-winter that cannot be easily explained. . KEY to be a clear depe”dvariation of 5 m 7 WOROS MillsroPe radar F-region diurnal variations electron density ionospheric scmfer seasonal variations 83 temperamre effects spctmm analyzers UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification