MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE LLNCOLN OF TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY MILLSTONE HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1967 J. V. EVANS Group 21 TE’CHNICAL REPORT 482 22 JULY 1971 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. LEXINGTON AIR FORCE 37360 14 January - 400 MASSACHUSET'$ c Tbe work reported a center in this for research document operated by The wo[k is sponsored by the O[fice ment, Department Missile Defense of the Army; was performed Massachusetts of the Chief it is supported to satisfy Non-Lincoln PLEASE Permission DO Laboratory, of Technology. of Research and Develop- by the Advanced Agency under N r Force Contract “rhis report may he reproduced at Lincoln Institute needs of U.S. Government Recipients NOT RETURN is given t(’deslroy when II is no Iongei needed. Ballistic F19628.70-c-0230. this document agencies ABSTRACT This report of the summarizes F-region coherent) scatter 800 km, were required obtained radar gathered results for the electron during 1967 using the Millstone system. These over 24-hour to obtain a complete density data, periods demity and electron temperature Hill (42. 6“N, 71. 5°W) Thomson for the height observing electron distribution interval twice per and temperature of approximately calendar profile month. (in200 to The time over this heigl,t interval was 30 minutes. The results i show a far wider is attributed netically ifests imum near Winter storms. sunset of behavior exhibit This consists behavior morning in previous as sunspot is approached. in density electron in 1967 tbe plasm apause boundary in foF2 and to much of the irregular change near behavior for electron “am in density of the first at night. moved south of Millstone observed characteristic days show instances density This On mag- demity and a weaker near the layer appears on the afternoon Other years. mm- maximum while smmm. r dsys exhibit noted in 1965, that the next morning. of the F-region maximum ohs. rved previously at all levels (0200 to 0400 EST), first of an increase bebavior than that encountered day-to-night of behavior, decrease activity a maximum and only a small a pattern by a marked ing and erratic occasions days peak in the early exhibited followed range in magnetic quiet days, the characteristic itself. at the layer days to the increase .s max- peak. T!vo of many day of the storm of nocturnal We helievc giving rise heat- that m several to a rapid fall at night. Accepted for the Air Force Joseph R. Waterman, Lt. Cd., USAF Chief, Lincoln Laboratory Project Office 111 ——— ____ CONTENTS ,11 z z 3 3 25 25 25 39 53 53 53 VI, 57 S,,,,,lllx. v ,. 5) MILLSTONE 1. THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1967 INTRODUCTION Then, son imately rizes were made twice> per the years scatter (incoherent) temperatures results (Table 1). out in the years are HILL disc iissed throu~h obtained 1963 I md discusses 1906, detail ILc.l!lts ot]t:litled du,iilg of jc],, rnai ,Iriiclc, an<l (42. (,” N, 71 ,5”\t’), of 24 Ihout’s. This rcp,,rt sotnc? of the months s as rcfercnvcd apl)l’clx sB,nlmz+- in previw)s $t,jrlics i,, these ctit.yiec) ye:lrs it) ‘I,cII, Ic [, TABLE I PUBLICATIONS ( l-cm CONCERNING Wavelength) THE MILLSTONE THOMSON SCATTER E HILL February 1963 March, 1963 to J.wary July, April,, July, Jan.ory UHF REsULTs P.blic. Months Covered Year i densities in relat i”,, to the I,cl, avior ohser.:cd 1-4 or syr,uptic prc.sent the results set-ies irl a tnc,r,llicr electron Massachusetts pc~t’iod.s u.uall,y these i,, this of P-region Wcstford, out 1967 for reports through in grcztcr rnessurcments at !Nlillst one 1[ill, month Earlier raclar tie,, Ref. I 1964 Ref. 5 September Ref. 6 November Ref. 2 through December 1964 April, July, January June, Ref. 7 November Ref. 3 through December August, Refs. 8, 9 September 1965 Ref. 10 June January, 1966 Section employed during documented tion IV 11 provides temperature a summary i 96?. in Ref. 3. presents electron profiles January April, equipment, ‘These differed lillle [n Sec. [[1, the results obtainecl for each .1 I through December of the temperature July results 24-hour from those Ohtxinecl along observing with period. Ref. 4 and of the l:>tter for electron average Ref. II d2ta-processi half clcnsit,y daytime 3-h,, se a“eragcs IIg procedures of 19(J5 which >11’cdiscussed atId nigl,ttimo 2Lrc employed, tme fully Se<:electron in Sec. V, to derive seasonal F-region t’rom 11. temperature the magnetos EQUIPMENT, Equipment The UIIF These incoherent were were out to a range about the of -i60km chief the antenna horn. the horn measures longer the to lower so that altitudes digital the ie that] filtering or impossible of the This in turn heretofore. permitted Howe”er, procedures emerging were clutter-free developed that at large were receiver was replacement they no suppression measurements not obtained ground-clutter These to its axis. profile remove inside and placed as a rule, that, of the indicated supporting on the built al!gles density reeords at or below placed was sufficiently the duration results was made. observable of the antenna skirt the electron were are of the tripod netting a conical echoes to extend possible useful A study absorbing radiation Echoes off the legs scattered ground-clutter to the antenna to obtain system, In additioo, the No major previously,l returns. twflectio”s, of the described of changes away. it became been radar into PROCEDURES of a series vlil~ conducted of the results. of ground-clutter radiation these intensity intensity the receiver. to be shortened, when To reduce to lower saturated echoes in the heat a summary has first directed of a wavelength reduced the it difficult vertically- of these a quarter equipment though variations Processing the problem and make the source feed of the legs around in 1967, to redllce 200 km’” using that radar seasonal VI provides AND DATA scatter made designed and Section flhere. OBSERVING A. alterations variations until echoes from i970 the data. A,,other portions series of improvements of the receiver substitLdiOn (Adler a,,,pli~icrs tube] ‘I’ll”s,v ilvtl<:c, vily, wlli<h l.l, is problrm burned lYas hem out the chro,,ous pump so that ture both of the sidebands that any shift rc. ccivm an, plil’icr, is 1.4 times problcrms chdngm the to reduce inside this made are systcm caused same. The the parametric solid-state parametric v<>lt:tffc.$, aplwurin L, acro,ss (under the image phase dcgrcc N Wnplcs tlw linlitcrcir- of this a good is * @ was match information l>$/N’N temperature. Tbe iil 1969, that the a syn - to be super- wds the noise the be detected. u,m,:rtainly 0[ +l>./fi necessary stages gain This Further, ii, the for lnoisc amplifier large terminals. is lost. signal cfl’cc live inverter tempera- to the antenna i,, plzre first that cannot uew parametric it became houses [cd with channels in the si~,n<ml.s, the CMe of these opera and as a sideband or ~rccckml, of wm,k f,ater, csli - a corlvcn-, pcralurc obviated variations both with to put additional thermal of the in ordet- recei”er, Ie”el range 120 to 240 km have been obtained L-band rodor at oblique signal in the ionosphere on],y a single i,, the and was an amplifier advantage the inverted, the antemm) to a manageable pri,, r to 1967 by ensuring its own drawbacks. temperature, effect was <lc:\,<:l<>r>!71cl11 <,f s<,li<l-state simultaneouslyas due to drifts ]mvc 1, aft,, s otbcr,vi. c, meosureme. h i. the altitude 84-foot-diameter tbe spcctr.m signal Inot with”ut the h“t This operated I ,,,>wcr measured lbul vm. old vacuum-tube changes electron-beam-tube to employ Il,y Iraflsiwtt. crnploycd Coldd be minimized in the lhc S1xtcd of ambient insulation *Some uf for the attempts Withthc ampli Sicr the sidebands s;llllpl!W 0[ lhe ti(>lm] were channel v;ilwe<l diodes, at 880 MHz. the device because Ixwallsc; n,at. is, image Ilowever, means frequency That Earlier of the of these eliminated ‘1’IIC t:l<:vl.]<)r,-l]c:~xIY1 pran>ctric imposed. important amplifier previously. l<,,] i,lt(,t{i~fi<:ul[ies the Most parametric employed lm,l:tlw:yis in 1967 components. Of a regenereati”e-diode amplifier cuil.s initiated by solid-state inciden.e~2-14 2 cd )v!i Ilstone Hill using a smaller B. Observing Procedures The observing procedures obtain a complete accomplished electron system, In addition halves of the not recognized signal obtained for included in this duced in the results i967 are H lists tions caused the the loss to the 24-hour which O“e the compared three pulse made profile (i. e., lengths into corrected for the of this time-consuming ancl plot us. otonically of the with until a 50-km the the malfunc- measL!rcLnents already altitude. height previous 0.5 and combined were nmde OLI made for a nLlm - of the electron 15 and will reported been ratio one. This curve. straight program the the scale interval (That hei~,ht i!, fitting was such of the ihcsc encountered an interval to these sections 0, 5-msec employed was 50-k13L height lines to the logarithms results and transfer ionization in which pulses with [k(’Pc the 0.5-mscc altitude. (0, i -mscc the slope is c.countet-cd diita 1,0-msec of the line is an inevitable In the rc!sults) line And WCI’C points, In de- cm’vc, + ,Ti),fn, igl sIN,L!IcI incrcasc rest!lt. was to comhi!m irltcr’vals of the to the of at cl.lrve the Io!lg PL81S. t’e. u,lls in slr’sight covered lines. long dcvclopal pt,lsc c.lcb by the short combined Te/Ti plots superimposed usiug the short 10 prcxhtcc with then This ratio progran, - CLIIAES, ‘JCalccm?# at’[orded achieved poor, for or ubscrw nccdcd observed were resolution temperatLtire a computer straight using Thus, Iinc plots accuracy set to draw of the heighl) rhese employed and time. of lhe work employcci becomes electron-to-ion all.y cacb vs height tbc goocl height grmtcr those and ion tmnperaturc? of part was i.0 mscc). with the S;LIIIC .s Rasi. parameters the square sig?lal -to-noise operation, the 111. automation times that least-mean-square Fact that the (400 km) and lbc!n fitted to discontinue than with the behavior and electron the computer (0.1, of the These in Table profile of these was sly, power hand the resulting altitude by fitting when the variation on a log plot. obtained made fixed echo curve years contours (at low altitudes) place ciding intro- period, n?easLirenlents in 1967 were density tbe year employed then sections the hmax F2 where above of earlier %eviou. a single measurements up to some those during profile. pulse profiles to combine 24-hour have not they of 24 hours. Equipment to examine measurements for mmsurwncnts to obtain density and converted heights l’hese for a period out together here, are effects carried obliged and March the “ZIU!3+ of observation. a complete discussed February an electron employed advance power with to obtain then elect ron of the proccdut-es reduced were been to obtain “M in a way which, here. month were period both Reduction reduction was the ca~ried unwanted not be repeated was 1967. 9965 to permit 500 km amt therefore the per This recording As a rc,,)lt, 300 and measurements observations in January, throLlghOLlf was of minimizing twice Tbe to here. Data 1966 a“d are about required to 30 nlin L(tes, in June 10. s of information. and we have at conj Ligate sunrise. Data this Kp over on 2 March periods tions data; others In addition not be included Unfortunately, observations on which index of some with employed between of time processing, modified in Ref. 3 and will and times 1 hour was and rnems to make magnetic of i2-hour C. unreliable from nou-real-time analyzer some changes discussed dates February temperature the are we attempted of the planetary caused the amount in Ref. 3, was to be explored. These profile for later spectrum at the time, report. mean ber ,’! spectrum Table 24-25 the to reduce in 1965 extensively change, ion temperature During signals IF discussed to this though the changed and temperature density by recording and playback were we ,mo!l - w<,v,, Nscd OIICWC400km was found to be lower conscqi,cuce of the 3 —. TABLE II INCOHERENT Begin OBSERVATIONS End — c’ Dote SCATTER Da t, EST c* EST Me.. Kpl - 1967 Comment 5 January q 1100 6 January 1200 1+ Quiet – data prior to 1900 lost 24 Jo,, u.ry Q 0030 25 January 1200 1+ Quiet - temperature 1200 7 February D 1200 2 Q 1800 25 February D O1oo 2+ Q 0030 2 March 1800 1+ 1400 14 March }130 1+ Quiet 1200 28 March 1100 3- Somewhat disturbed 1130 7 April 1130 2 1200 25 Apri I 2300 20 11 May 1030 12 Moy 1030 3o Disturbed 22 May 1200 23 May 1100 10 Quiet I 000 3 Distwbed 1030 1- 1100 2– 6 February 24 February 0 Combined 2 March 13 March 27 March D 6 April 24 April ! D 9 June 8 June Q Iloo 22 June q 1100 23 June 5 July D Iloo 6 July Q .0930 25 July 0830 26 July 15 August 1030 16August 29 August 1100 30 August 12 September Iloo 13 September q I 10 October Q 1230 I I Octcber 1100 25 October 7 November Q 1200 8 November 21 November q 1100 22 November 1200 6 December 1230 20 December 5 December 19 December D q 300 29 September 28 September 24 October q D D * Condition: Q One of five quietest q D One of fen quietest t Planetary 0.. days in month d.ys in month of five disturbed magnetic d.ys in rn.nth index. 4 o Q.iet 0 1100 1+ 1200 2 1200 1+ 1200 Q 2 0 Quiet 0 ‘>- Quiet Disturbed I 030 1- Q.iet I 030 1+ Quiet 1100 2+ Somewhat disturbed Iloo 3- Scmewhat 1200 4- Dis!urbed 1200 5- Very distmbed disturbed data lost TABLE ill OBSERVING Length of Each Observing Number Period Year (hours) 1963 30 PROGRAM Cbserving AS A FUNCTION Time Token to Measure of Periods OF YEAR One Profi I e Number of Profiles Cbtoined (hours) per Month 1.5 80 per Month 4 Reduction Method Employed Mean hourly profiles constructed calendar for each month 1964 30 2 I.o 60 As above 1965 48 1 0.5 96 AS above 1966 24 2 0.5 96 Each profile analyzed separately 1967 2 24 fact that this point the uncertainty the process was This and hence ‘f.O-mscc results continued until procedure or the electron-to-ion a“d all other respects together with altit L!de. Electron The combined foF2 the smooth x decrease processing Figure profile employed i shows after in 1966 ) At and the altit$lde. O~d hY handy were for In this lbc s:, me as those of one of these a correction altitude. for the altit Llde va!’ia - carried an example applying with profiles was with n,casttremcnts height power and this procedures 3). rapidly 0. 5-ms,ec in s.~~le the (Teflri) m-c ratio increases of the the neecl to correct (Ilcf. profiles tions. These the K was critical drawn cases were *Complete (foF2)2 assigned machine the variaticm clravm of ‘~e/T. an absolute Sca.leb peak yadjustingthe density the points to have occurred machine In these of the observed for the radar a way that chief lyon we have echo results and VJallops power were with obliged time. the avuilable magnetically been foF2, [skmd it followed no values cases To obtain (MHz). Belvoir in such instances, (1) 1>2 layer Fart Jn some appear variation obtained of the Billerica, through -3 x i04cm frequency low values. 1<. onalyzer . 1,24 as possible.4 to extremely from max at Millstone, cLmve as far stant too yiel$j.d density points in place Profiles density is the stations points foF2 of the As above S0 that where fell the true Density N for data 1965 96 DENSITY RESULTS A. N ~ax for with HI. ELECTRON these scatter employed tempcrat the previously plots the were did not obviate tion discussed 0.5 the available were plotted values and a Millstone and Billerica Car either of these distu,hed ,uights to construct To do this, sta- when foF2 the variation the calibration of con- via (T~h2)max ~ max processing OF these dot. (2) became possible in 1968 following the construction of . new spectwm (Ref. 16), 5 .——.. . .. .... . . )0.0 T!mmL r-” ), ,0. . . . ,,,7 \ - \ ‘\ \ .00 \ UHF +,% PROFILE ,00,,ME, ,643 m. \’\ CORRECTED FOR T,/TI 50CJ TIME s 1652 ,.0 \’~Jy moo T,hw - ,701 :~ “Ncmmw: COMPUTER -O flAWN cOMBINED PROFILE > ,0’2 : \ r ... \ &&+L&L_&+L+.&-+* LOG(lOON [N...) _.l...––— ._.-.J ~ ,,0 PLASM. Fig. 1. Computer-drawn mode with profile pulses of 100, near 140 km altitude ~.++-,lo+~ 4.. *.0 ,.0 of electron density 500 and 1000 psec is a ground-clutter (. m60umcy Hz) vs altitude, commencing echo and the receiver ‘T, is the equivalent eral values for which this of 1< was C0172 was mmmcr occasion 10-il were was since all not seen 5-6 I’0F2 fell occasions observed ot] which ionization f+,elvoir and tile boundary 17 mo”cd periods seen at night. In some instances, up to -450-km i,, Fig. returns The in about between s.o”th of a curve Similar behavior o“ this {Fig. 2(b)], Millstone. at Millstone was last of sevperiod in cm this encountered on day is particularly We believe i“nospheme This the of fol~2 completed observed the midlatitude past A mean to and following beha”ior an hour for the variation altitude. prior in foF2 Island, The spike tk)at these and the trough phenomenon has re- not previously at Millstone, observing 400 lax fr”m fall December, 9, 5 to 4.5 MHz both an example rapid or Wallops f 9-20 several were rm-al f’rorn extremely correcting corresponding taken Z(a) provides The During normal shown at Fort December rtnci h the measurements Figure missing. gicm of low F-region been temperature [rum [cm 28 September. October, strihing echo obtaioecl measurements wa5 suppressed out to 125 km altitude, The second curve shows the final density profile after wifh of the electron to ion temperature ratio Te/Ti. where combining at the times shown. 3. altitude In tbcse run-to-run, seen obliquely in the latter e.g., and then instances there We are inclined at great 28-29 departed was ranges half September f~oin little to attribute i“ the 6 of i 967, peculiar the the expected similarity this sidelobes electron profiles profiles appeared reasonably curve in a “iolent faahio” in the behavior beha”ior density to the of the antenna. observed detection .%s above of weak au- ,,,0 28-29 SEP 1967 x ,,0 ~. k IONOSON DES — v ,,0 - ~w. 1 . a ,.o~ 0.00 040. ..”li. “ “’LLs’ONE ““ 0 ,.,, k A BILL ER,,, . L3ELVOIR W.UOPS .l ; -%. (s,..0 ..,, -. Q B b~~-~. 0!300 )200 MODE POWER . 1600 .. LJ...-l.--–l-- 2000 0000 .. .. . .. . l,.. l,.. 2000 000’ EST Fig. 2(a). Variation 1900 to MOO were the ionosondes Fig. 2(b). of foF2 on 28-29 .omtr.ct~d at Millstone Variation from ond Billerica of foF2 .. deduced from the variation September. the variation 19-20 In this instance, of the total gave few reliable December of total echo power. 7 ..1..s echo power for fh. periOd [Eq. (2)], si..e volues, showing the extremely rapid fall near 1700 ,000 r----”-”””” ““-”r mu!!il 28 $EP 196? 900 \ - \ \ ,00 “., m, . .. — ., PROFILE ,00 .“RO$?AL 0,,,0”, RETURNS ,,.,0,.,, _ \ I ,,ME . 500 T(ME ~ ,948 ,000 TIME ~ !957 /’ ,,38 / / <, m. I ?Ca — !0. — 1–.LJ_L_L_.;;...l I o 0,2 0,. 06 –_J.._ 0.? ,00 _.L_.J..– ,.5 ,,,,.. 3. Fig. Strong. in which antenna. l:’igllr.s a well 7-8 when tion fell occurring achi. usually appeared 11) and thus vcd witk seen been occurring times the icmospberic of the profile ,<sp” rious results!! from pulse this, using were contour exact In three cases when high. the very poorer 100-I@ec extremely of the rapid Iurther, than pulse. with This fall made began behavior its appearOn nights to auroral i,, de,lsity 100-Fsec suggests pulse nleasure,nerds weak. Accordingly, presented, and have equipment malfunction when to increase. All four although to have and times the layer foF2 this explanation. appears the dates quite diagrams nature layer to attribute the longer the HeI’e an additional additional and fol?2 was is distinctly echoes The 1940 EST behavior. IV .L,mmarizes at sunrise However, during the near that This (b) occurred. with pulses was when and it is tempting sec to have September of peculiar Table oL,ly briefly 0.5-n, malfunction 4.0 of runs with the different F-1ayer. 250 km. fUillstone. not appear l.._..iL.L 3.0 3,, this second peak is in the sidelobes of the vertically di- form and disappeared (h)] is not consistent does portions 4(a) (Table nlent evident near in Figs. over 28 on VJe believe returns the normal to a low value dirc?ctly 4(a) and observed peak. a different - lhe layer disturbed [ Figs. edge illustrated foF2 NovembeI’ quite tion upper ........l ..–. *.5 ?.0 in EST.I (b) illustrate to be prese!>t defined the belravior ance and 4(a) appears proFile F-layer [Times are for the commencement lengths (psec) and .re layer density ._I.. ..J_ ,.* ?) FREQUENCY (MHz] and arises from weak auroral spurious rected electron is a second there ...l.—+ ),4 ,.2 ) (, 00 ./,... –-J-.__.__. ,.0 0., .....l ..- were precipita- near 250 km the height resolu- pulses, this ‘Ilayer” that thdt some we have labelled form was only of equip-” clearly excluded these is not known. heights these and “– ‘“””r== ’300 — ~!@4~ / 800 — 700 — \ UHF 600 — ‘\ PROFILE 100 TIME = 1736 500 TIME = 1745 1000 TIME z 1754 \ \ \ ; :500 \ — \ ; Y .00 — 300 — \ I / .. ANOM4LOUS RETURN ‘--- 200 .— /’ / L ‘O:L~. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 LOG (100 N/Nm, x ) ~Jr.PLASMA (o) 17% Fig. 4. Echo power profiles of an anomalous layer &served beneath FREQUENCY to 1754 EST. on 19-20 the F-1ayer [MHz) which December that disappeared that this is . spurious result caused by . . equipment ndfunction igin o“d have excluded these data from the contour diagrams. 9 exhibit at s“mise. the appearance Vie believe of .nderterm ined or- ,’300 20 Tm!m DEC 1967 \, ,00 800 UHF PROFILE 700 600 z 5 + : 100 TIME : 0151 500 TIME = 0200 1000 TIME = 0209 ‘\\ \“\x \\ \\ \ \ 500 \ Y 400 \ x. ‘NOMALOu 300 200 , cm ~ I 1.0 0.6 0 LOG I 0,5 (100 I I 1.6 1.8 2.< I J I I I I ,.0 1.5 2,0 2.5 3.0 3.5 FREQUENCY b) to 0209 Fig. 4. I 1.4 N/Nmox) PLASMA 0151 I 1.2 t3T. Continued. (MHZ) TABLE CASES OF PECULIAR RESULTS AS IV SHOWN E days possible foF2 fOF2 (t.Atiz) _— AND (b) Height of Maximum of Lower (h4Hz) (km) 1902 5.8 2317 5.4 265 21-22 November 031 I 3.4 0618 3.9 265 5-6 December 2321 3.2 0245 3.5 245 0453 3.2 0644 3.3 245 I !305 1.3 0151 3.6 250 0339 3.3 0554 3.7 250 December Electron Density 5(a) listed through in Tahlell. to discuss to illustrate Contour each various Diagrams (x) present contour diagrams Table V summarizes day, s measurements types Layer EST November Figures the 4(.) 7-8 19-20 El. EST FIGS. arance Disapl Amearance ,! Date ( 1967) IN of behavior that of electron the main at length, appear features and in what density ofibesc follows vs I,eigbt anti diagr’wus, to he common, (a) 5(a-x). .F height Contour and time diagroms ofconstont for each of the observing electron periods. density (plosm. frequency for 11 is not WC!S~l@cl a few daYs ES1 Fig. tin,. )as of unction ‘%, ,-, m, .,, Jb 2“” .\ k h.., . ma .30 ,/ ;=___ .#G... --.-O&- ,.....T+w-- am I Aw&EhHzj [_____ ‘“. . ..T+w.._.—+m—...—... 00”. ,40. o.k. EST ES, (d) (.) Fig. 5(a-x). Continued. %2 24-25 ?,b... .,. .._.._..L.._L_... inn, <ma 1. FE,, 2 M.R ,s67 FREoUENCY1MH21 L..—..L. !Sca m ___ I I woo OWm (200 !.ca mco I z+oa . ,s, “ (e) ——--- —-— I r‘O”ljETL,J ,5 30. ,7.2. MAR ,9.7 PL.$W FREOUENCY {MHz> , wca ow I 200 ,wm 2.LW 24.0 F’L&SMA woe mm zm ES, EST (9) (f) Fig. 5(.-x). Continued. 6-7 ,,. ,,67 FREQUENCY (MHz) ?Ooc ?4.0 ,4-2,-26 P. M.. Al. ‘\’ ‘ .,. !,67 FREOUC.CY (MHz) I 0.00 mcc I moo $ (w mm , , W3m mm ,800 12.. E,, (h) &J_-& L@?i%54 !mo !5.. ,C50 22-23 MAY 1967 PLASMA FREOUENCY [MHz) TEEmmL Mm ..0. , Cdm mm ES1 EST (i) (i) Fig. 5(a-x). Continued. i4 ‘- m 2.0[ ;,.’ ES, ., ?2-23 ,“0/ ,,67 PLASMA FREo” ECICY [MHz) I llEzm I mm (k) I 0400 a!oo 1200 ,... .Wo -.. EST EsT (m) (1) Fig. 5(.-x). Continued. 15 I o.m I 04.. mm ,2.0 EST ‘- ,~ 2,.. (.) ES, EST (q) (P) Fig. 5(a-x). Continued. 46 28-29 SEP 196? PLASMA FREOUENCY{ MHz) Fig. 5(.-x). C..tin..d. ,.0 r-” am I ,.0 700 m. ~ , : g ,,.5 v,> b ,. :m. 4.. ,, ,. ,, -4 ( ,0 ,. .\~mo,,.. ””, . . ,.. \ . . .. . .. ‘1 Fig. 5(IJ-x). Continued. i8 ,.. l— /- d / Fig. 5(a-x). C..ti..ed. 19 L 0400 .Dm , !m , ( ,.ca EST (.) Fig. 5(.-x). Continued 20 .. . I X+0 , J .4CU I “’’’(O”s‘;5”’” \\ ‘N’’ms?e 2,-2, NO” !967 FL&SMA FRCJ”ENC” [MHz) (v) Fig. 5(.-x). Continued. 21 I .-.v._ I EST “. (w) Fig. 5(.-.). Continued. 22 ,,.S!4, ,,-20 EC 1,67 FREQUENCY (.”, ) L \’%/// Mi‘ .@%,,. ,.5 ‘\ ,( \\ ,. ,0 ‘~ ,Ca I 20. L SPURIOU3 REsuLTS ‘ \\lllf ({w A\\\\(\\\\= 23 TABLE V SUMMAR> (19671 54 JO.”.ry 24-25 Jw,uary ion ,F2 (MHZ) f-l) AH,: :km) 10 250 3.5 300 ~P:cat v,;.+,, behavi.c day,inw pe.k fOF2 .! . . . . . Pr. d.wn increase .+ 0200. 230 3.0 30C ypim WT.+W beh.vim: cam”... foF2 ., edawn :ncrea,e Februew - 10 250 4.5 290 tin+,, G.bruary i(a) THROUGH !.) -11 300 5.0 330 2 March 13-14 March -11 300 6,0 3.0 27-28 Morch -11 325 6.5 %0 6.5 270 July 6.5 250 beh.v:w 15-16 AUW+ 6.5 29-30 AWS? 12-13 28-29 ?5-26 0300. rxak fOF2 O, noon; . . predw. ;n - .rease; evening ,Iight h... 5+ ?/i I A+k] o ! FOF2 I.creose Cw”menls .0, EST) (Mti! !-) ! 5.5 330 :1.,,;.. i 6.0 350 ,u,nmerLwhovior: markedeve“;mg?..,.. $.. 250 5,0 350 ;u.. er beh. vim markedev. n;ng Ther”ml ;0.,. 8.0 280 s. 5 350 ;...., Septmb., 8.0 260 4.5 370 ;...., behwiw: ning ;.. -.$,. SePtembar 8.0 310 3.5 325 X,i./aed: d.y - 1 103; pr- d F2 (1 9671 Date d.y+;me .b.”~ 24-25 Fl$ ‘.., b.) (I,oum:. EST) ,r,”e ~,ok 6-7 IN No ‘“,.x 9,5 SHOWN Ml N... Da,, )F ELECTRON DENSITY RESUL (ho”,s ;“ I s.”,.., bdwdm: marked,.. ”;”, ;nmeo,e. dlsmb...e, n;.g p,,,,., beh. v!.x, ? mmrk.d .ve - ;. C,..,.. F2. %.,., behav:or: doyt:mepenk foF2 a, 1300. 1?00; m.rked eve mp!d F.11 i. fJ2 10,,. fl”.1”.tims .$ ?. h... ..d N,wx 2000,. OI 00; predawn ;“crease .! 0403. 10-11 Oc!.b,r 10.5 310 2.0 320 .,.,”,.4.,. ..1..s 6-7 24-26 +ril 8.5 310 6.0 355 Aw; I 8.0 275 5.5 ?40 behovi.r . . ..s. evening Smewh.f 11-12 May 7.5 275 5.0 345 22-23 &y 9.0 300 6.5 340 Summer behav:m June 7.0 280 4.0 350 S!om p.,,em, i.- 4.5 310 Navemkr 11,0 270 5.0 350 winter behavior amp, for Faicd 200o to 0200 when layer .PPO- 21-22 November 11.5 270 4.5 325 w“,,, 5-$ December 10.5 270 2.0 340 19-20 Pecember 1,.0 29’9 1.5 425 7-8 ,. hove bee. ,, e“ening md .b.m.lly Iw !ncreax ..1..s day; very !.crm,e h~ax near 0100, 22-23 J“”, 6.5 255 5.5 330 Clos; c.1 ,...,, “m&d evening .ex :. 13”/ 320 .. . . day 8-9 “.V 11.5 dk,.r+ed d?oht eve.:., .,: foF2 o! nigh!. Oc+c&, 24-25 kmmr ‘A..; of M,.”:.. i“. re.!e, — — — behavi.r WJh.r thennornml. In previous single daytime 0400, ~igures er The contour peak 5(i)..ancf levels until morning,b late In.this in the afternoon we thrcm mo3t erratic the wards plasma have been driven In all, the The results lowest to to an assumed These features value that noted hmax. to a pattern and to tbe reason lrom thiit day-to- 1967 was than their 8,i0 of beI,aviOr or I,chm+,)r C1OSQ tl,at is i 11,usl,:,tcd arcn car lnllrnlttl. .:lorn,:il type in t,hcir <)11 tb. levels, ,norm:,]. foll,~wing I,l,t recover regions behavior Examples tbesc Millstcm. are forces (neutral govern m>I,V al] 5(x)1, 1967....011 followed by i]<: iust:[ticcs in I;l,y L~qLlntl~r- the layer in Figs. 5(1<) and appears electric dmsit,y to (u). Wri CtY of dift’ermt winds, F-regi,m (w) a,ld [Fig. precipilutioll. a rich air the for in which shown (x) exhibit (s), ~<,1~2 was s!lr.cccs.siv,,l,y observed of this 5(a) tbrougb conditions in of “ soft’< particle were 5(r), collection deer’case ab1W2> in the late 011:19 December .da.y in our so that c.. n be. recognized .rapiclly in Figs. occLlrred Yapid that extremely as illustcti”teii above, 6Ug~ested <!d, of bebavio.r foP2””fcll di.stimbed As cvmprcs. competing fields, tyl~es particle in :, manner that 6(a) through RESULTS Profiles the electron curve Te = 355-K temperature These Temperature of these close discussed variability to the fact type below (<2 MHz) as and beneath a smooth and time. B. Electron main and was disturbed at which electron of ‘l’e vs height in N~lax at present. altitudes, exist. wint- in Sunmer. We have N,), ~,x a! I&b,ll,, x l>ccmmbec),thc in Figs. Temperature 225km than of behavior more l.rgc: when the moat 49 heights. with ‘lllis storm, characteristic nocturnal suggesting altitude lower Figm-es was 5 and Nmax rise mr:sh instances of this, TEMPERATURE Electron the low value~ this presented of ihc colmiderahly a fourth are r, to abnormal understood ‘This 48 holtrfi. example botb results IV. ELECTRON yet 11 that associated is not well depressed of peculiar variation precipitation) A. are in the trough instances of diurnal to ~alues pause? bmmdar’y of the trough, Other (m), types (x) exhibit in i ‘)66 ( IICI’. 4). to abnormally in divergent giving rise (28 Septcmlb. ft, >ctuat. ions which occurred whcm both Thtwe Table of hmax a 0200 and Of behavior. rm.ximtml 5(1) and can be attributed day we present from note This first spectacular occasions these values an evening by Figs. 5(a) timougb storm of the> next diagrams, or evening The (x), exhibits .on the ‘rypicall,y, report, and lower type between cycle. afternoon contour of this as exhibiting variatiou usually season, in Figs. cm {SUP occasions (k). diurnal in P;max examples here previcmsly, magnetic max and ‘i;]ax dil ring the Goursc .suall,y and again with winter increase of Nmax to .nderstancl shown sunspot quiet of behavior of Nmax encountered i ‘?65 a large ot, served type attempts diagrams of the In June values and is represented variation has been typical a predawn repm?sentative daytime summer day than Figs, higher the i 300 with provide (c) sunset, the anomalous was near and exhibits of ground 3,4 previously to the we identified corresponding the time for 51a) variation The reports, maximum (w) results. temperattme has at i20km profiles are Owing is measured ‘drawn where were presented Contour present been then frOrn the temperature employed in the next is 225k111.,fre equilibrium to construct To extend Observed is believed contour the at to diagrams section. Diagrams the diagrams contour to the large winter for ‘re ami Table daytime values Vl summarizes the of NIT1ax, the electron 25 ———___,,.,,...=.. ~~~ VI TABLE SUMMARY OF ELECTRON TEMPERATURE RESULTS (W). AS SHOWN IN FIGS. 6(0) THROUGH Comments D. te (hours (1967) in EST) 5-6 Jcmuwy 24-25 JanucJry Data 6-7 Febr.wy Morning moxirn.m near 0800; of fer . . . . values 24-25 February Morning maximum near 0700; temperature Inversion near ma. i mum near 0700; temperature inversion neor temperature inversion 2 March 13-14 March Daytime March missing; morning maximum neor 0800. missing. 275 km .! Morning 275 27-28 results 1100. km at 1100 Morning 300 low. tO 1400. maximum km at 1000 neor 0600; to 1300; slight nocturnal near increase beginning .12100. 6-7 April Morning 24-26 April Slight 11-12 May Classical morning very I maximum maximum storm much near 0600; near behavior: larger no temperature 0700. afternoon the” inversion. normal values values abnormally next 22-23 May Morning 8-9 June Clear case of nocturnal 22-23 June Quiet summer day variation: high daytime values. 5-6 July Quiet summer day variotion: high daytime voles. 25-26 July Very 15-16 August Low ofternoon maximum high daytime increase; near 0530. heating temperatures somewhat Normal summer behavior. 12-13 September Normal summer behavior 28-29 September Very behavior begi””i”g less marked IO- I I October 24-25 7-8 Very near 2000 daytime values. October Temperature November Temperature morning 22-23 November No temperature 5-6 December No 19-20 December Very near midnight. and 0600: rnorked in- a peak at 2045; at 0300, 1800: marked nighttime increases values be- far exceed 1100 to 1500 centered at 350 km. 1000 to 1300 at 275 centered km; 0700. near inversion; promwwed inversion; moxim.m disturbed: weaker after and 2200; evening .octwwal increase near 0300. temperature morning increase ~nd rea.hi”g beginning inversion maximum 1600 large May. minor between inversion beginning !hwgh behavior ginning with to I I -12 ,near 2000 increase abnormal associated similar August erratic 0000 to 0300. temperatures. 29-30 creme low; morning. o.. “ear marked 2200 26 nocturnal increase 2300 to 0200; 0700. temperature to 0100. surge 1800 to 2000; . EST .“ (.) ( ,,. EST (d) (.) Fig, 6(.o-w). of height CC,ntO., and time diogmms of constant for each of the observing 27 electron periods. temperature .s . ion HE,GHT ( km) ,,-,, ,200 MA” ,,67 ‘E”’’’”’”” ‘“K) mm (,CU mm EST am .. (h) (i) ,s, (i) Fig. 6(0-w). Continued 29 m, (k) EST (m) Fig. 6(.-w). Continued. 1 30 . ,, I I 1 { m, (.) Fig. 6(.-w). Continued, 31 28.29 S,, TEMPERATURE Fig. 1967 1..1 Continued, 6(a-w). 32 EST (r) Fig. 6(.-w). Continued. 33 . mo--—--–--——-— I 2.-25 7,.,,, w, ?,,”,, ,,,7 (W) \ ~ Fig. 6(.-w). Continued. 34 ,$, (t) Fig. 6(.-w), Continued. EST (.) Fig. 6(a-w). “’ Continued, EST (v) Fig. 6(a-w). Continued. 37 0 ., ‘r, . : ,% temperztu the t-e near clectrwn This morning there was This tent maximum hoi@ of this minimum 1966.4 AnomalOLls high versa, sity The density to have the the common. ‘~e began daytime. ing winter via all of density. shown of the ha”. may into the the energy into the horizon ticles within C. the tinued decay !vhcrc tbe same 28-29 point than high causing shortly before b(, t are not at %Iill stone. hcati,lg through with appear valL(<!s as dL,ring September, associated normal. Ccmclitiuus [ Fig, 6(j)], deLl - sLlnset. l>ur - of the co)lduction ext. rcmcly pr<]I’rotn lmv valu. s arc occasions nocturnxl magnetosphere then damped tcmpcmt,tre hy injection itlcr’easc?s 01 mcrgc? tic throt, gh ion cyclotron as wmves particles aod fc!cd more rapidly than outside, and thus the heat ir>,icction must Profiles it w+.. , that and bcncc 2{00 practice I),y case.s electron before boundary, y ant, this the rnLtcb higher disturbed ionosphere are day, in Te long and plasma which is CO. CI.L!{.CLIdown fieki lines into the IIIL1gIIt:los I,lIerc. ‘This it? to explain the stal~le red arc, would su~, gc, st tlmt rin~, c.urrcnt par- ,ycars, (<kt,y) and by the variat.i local 011 other in the particles Temperature In previous rcklivel, pause. deposited These pkasmapauae near Average to 1500 of the vari:llilm.. de!,s itics hy Cole the be greatest electron of Te are at the conjugate <Iu,ing at !llillstouc tm?>pcr??lz,,w On this June e,g,, Ii,, wcv<!r, t,vpc c,( bclmvi<)r normal essentially .. in temperature or pkslna ambient developed this geomagnetically values is, this may be because the trough region moved o“et h[illstone ancl, 17 the electron tenlperiiture is consistently higher on the polevmrd results, current.9 cncountvrs, a decrease in the year, ‘~hat in I’ig. 6011. wc do Inot Ix!lic! v<! tlLIt I.IIC ~1111ex- pattern. is 8-9 c. WI,(,, (<l), ~+11 3 d,, tlsi!,y >! 0(’ c,I, I’1:111 [’iz. 6(<1, clm:tr,m auomahms causing nighttinle and beating cat, sed by heat been 1.. f4., than of this of this later increases cases caused sunri. as ill,, strmtwl low aml the temperature the winter ahove trOL1gh region ring ti>eory, dt, ring we cotlstructml to 0300 (night) for the dal[t of tnoct. urma] bcaliu (or m,, ch (>f 1I,,, ,ni~hl ,1. :md l,i wrrc~ (, 1000 a\,L.raL~c t(.?n,l>c~r,\tLl,.(.. pr<)fi 1(,s 10,, (1,,, pl, ,i(xl. ‘which s<!r”ec 1 to Sbo\v Sc,:ls<ln:ll collc<; on of ‘~e on wintc. r days the da,y and tcd in 1967, altbougb the va*i:lli<l$,s. rations]<> ~c,r s<, d{,i,,~ (whc?n C,,J’2 ;, iO IVIIIZ and a tcmpcrott,r,: ~,; hotb cl’ft>(:t.s C;{IISC al)l,rc(ial,lc~ (: IUIII IV,? Iulvv c<,Tlis wc:tkc!, cd ,mi,,im{(m KC,.in ‘1, t. ,vi( hiII ap[xwrs) {.1,,, :I”(, r- interval. To construct ture profiles then averaged, show occurred ortly after co,,lon)l> lower with example because nocturnal I“ some “ia and by 0200 had reached photoelectrons by satellite side and clearest protonosphere, Virtually aging associated remains fast has afternoon abnormally instances the sun tonosphere in the days cncounterml a good example was The recognized density heating to increase Other ea,sily We first sl, m>>xi mum (>75 km) accompanied values of moctut’nal been always the of the electron mornfng tlmn WIIC!I t]><!lcx-al to tile ions explored. temperatures next lost ;ippca rs me:, surcmer>ts electron large midnight by beat 6(h) provides ,,, iclday a mort>ing pt-ono LInrwJ WI those behavior to unusually al to exhibit 300 km that of the ever rose Instames ,i about was Figure k,wcr found is especially resolutio!l in December As a rule, frequently in Te near is brought limitccl vice was is often invct-sion an invcrsin” to the 300 km tempcratme the we encountered average each plotted results. the nighttime these obtained a case hour and smooth In general, temperatures. temperature half where these during curves This values periods drawn rmrves the average profiles, the above through present chytimc occ,, r.rcd of ‘r, were at {00-km tile points. no major tcrnperatmws or, 10-1 i October read Figures surprises, at some of[ the lenlpera iulcrvals. Tilesc! 7(a) ti]ro[,gh though altitudes for the were were (z) (irst time less tbal> [ Pig, 7(LI] ]. 39 ——.. ‘oo”~”i TEiiIrL ,,67 -L mm -. — 24 ,.$+ ~ )’367 . / .----’” ~u.l .OO a.. .. . ....—.l.~.~ woo ./” /“ “/” ‘“”’ J—1._L_~ w.. TEMPERATURE 2... z400 =.. (°K) (b) Fig, 7(0-.). ond nighttime Average (2100 variation t. 0300 of electron temperature during the daytime EST) for the observing periods. 40 (1000 to 1500 EST) ! 000 6-7 FEE lIIZ@L 1967 1 ,00 TEMPERATURE l°K1 (.) .“ “lm!!!!i ,...~ t , I 0 . . . ..J.-–--, ,_l._~. I I I?.. 800 ,400 1600 TEMPERATURE 2000 [~Kl (d) Fig. 7(.-z). Continued. 44 .. .._.J.. **.O ‘“””r””’ ‘“7 t 1“ ,00 t NIGH, / t I I o —L 400 am “/ DAY I 1.00 I 1200 TEMPERATuRE (eKl (.) )0’3< 13-14 Mm ,9,7 /“ ,0< / “o”’ ,/. ‘/ *O _,.,.–4-.-...—_J+ .0. .00 ) 1200 ,:00 TEMPERATURE lo.+i~ 1.K1 (f) Fig. 7(.-z). Continued. 42 S/ I 27-28 MAR 1967 /“ 1 I I .,, o I I 800 1200 ,600 TEMPERATURE .“ I {-K) (9) ‘“’“R““7 ,00 .(0., ,00 ~ / : g ‘4,00 200 -: —~.l 0 .. . 4.0 ,00 ..-l.or-. -l.--r600 I .._. L...... TEMPERATURE (eK1 (h) Fig. 7(.-.). Continued. 43 . ..1...... ,000 1 I ,400 ] ,;,,<, .~o ~ ,/00 *L ,/00 ,, M,ERATuRE (-K ‘ ,:00 ‘ ,:0. 1 (i) mm~--— 25-26 I Too &PR ~ ,967 I so. I l?.. I j,,, TEM,E,,. ”., I 2000 10.) (i) Fig. 7(.-z). Continued. 44 I ‘“”” I “0” I 3’0” L-. ,.<,(, ., (k) ——1000 l:,,!0!741. ~– 22-23 WI” $967 ( /’ 800 — /“ NIGHT ./” 60 o— : I ‘1 ‘“ :fi I 0 I .00 I ,00 I 1200 I .,——_ !... TEMPERATURE L.,.L. 2~’J” l-K) (1) Fig. 7(0-.), Continued. 45 -.-;i:”__.L ,000 8-9 J.. -LI@Ill ,967 ~&-+TEMPERbT”RE 1 ‘K ) (m) :‘:.J ,,00 –.—— 22-23 ,“?4 ,,67 mm NIGHT ~ / m. ./’ “ m I .. ./ ,00 — / 200 ./’” Fig. 7(a-z). Continued. 46 D.Y moo 5-6 J“, -lZZIIZ 1967 ,00 — ! NIGH r ,00 z ~ DAY ! g : ,00 //> . 200 — TEMPERATURE ., (aK1 (.) ,,00 25-26 -’@IIll JUL 1’367 ,000 — NIGHT / 000 — / ~ ~ .00 ./ — g / ‘# 400 — / ,00 — ./” t I o .00 ,.. I 1600 I I I I moo zooo ,400 TEMPERATURE ‘noo {-K) (P) Fig. 7(a-z). Continued. 47 I 3200 LJ..LL 3600 400” — ,,-16 .“6 TEEI- >567 / h“”’ i i ./” ./ / /L------ .-–L !0 ... . . .. .. . . .... . .. a.. .l;ii.....L . ... .)s,00 ..l..-.–L_ ..1 . ..... .........1.... ,...! ,000 ?4.0 TEMPERATURE .1- ..–.-., ... . ... 1..Mm ,8.0 [WI (d ,000 _.. I .—-..–.. lEm ‘“o ““c 1’67 DAY / ./ ./ *O. o L L_ - .OO ./ ~d..-.-._.L.—. 800 // ,2.00 LL_.L~ 1A... ,600 2..0 TEMPERATURE 1°Kl (r) Fig. 7(.-z). Continued. 48 24.. ?,.. ,,00 r“ ,2-13 x, 1,67 I o ,00 ‘_ ,00 —L..—L, .......L. ~J. 1200 ,000 1600 TEM,, .—.._L 2400 RA, ”RE ......... ...1. ~ 2,.” 1..–..., 3mo (~Kl (s) o [111’ 4.0 . .00 .............. ...1.... ,...,... }*OO !600 ,EM,cRAIu 20.. RE leKl (t) Fig. 7(a-z). Continued, 49 ... ...1 ..._L—. -o. L-J 800 },.. le.. 2000 TEMPERATURE [PK1 I 32.. I I I I I .0. w.. ’400 (.) )000 -mm 24-25 OCT 1967 / .00 ./” ./””’ 800 : ~ ./ : . U ‘ ./ “ “’y .00 ./ ./ ?.. ,200 o~~ 4.. ..7 ),.. 1... ZOoo TEMPERATURE (°K1 (v) Fig. 7(a-z). Continued. 50 2400 ‘a”” ,000 7-E .0” mmIzl ,,67 . / 800 — /’ 600 — 400 — j : g Y ./ ./ 200 — o I I 4,0 800 I I 1 !200 ’600 2000 TEMPERATURE (eK1 ,+ .- J..— *,OO . .. (w) m=.. ,200 21-22 ,000 m“ ,967 k /. Fig. 7(a-z). Continued. 32 .1. ._._L,.. I 80. 40. __#~i&#+6~ ._L_l l,.. TEMPERATURE l°Kl (Y) TE@L, ‘“””r ,9.20 .00 DE. 1967 I - Fig. 7(.-2). Continued. 52 V. SEASONAL A. Electron Figures diagrams of 500” K and 8-9 .1,,,,., Te lines vs height temperatures the variation the daytime and Heat computed daytime are temperatures The highe~ contours in the form are ii, summer the from plot fO-li for Te values These values the most at intervals and the nighttime figures in summer ncei 7 (a) through show (April the nighttime pronoi, [Figs, somewhat mom? to %ptcn,b variatiou [Fig. (z)] at clearl.v m-) am] low 9(h)] show.? of whi<. h :(!)IIc?;,I t,> Ihavc <xc,L,I,c<I clearly <m Oct<dmr, Flux heat average flux the observed Gp entering electron the ionosphere temperature from gradient the magnetosphere dTe/dh a“d temperature through Gp=7.7xlo5T I is the where this dip angle calculaticm gradient were dTe/dh ferences, was the and It can he seen i.e., clear whether September) there trend heat appears may exist most flux f 00-km the It is clear each above (b). and values [Fig, values To test this period (C3ctoher the winter values of increasing differences iO(a)] averag<!i U1’C simple tbc at, :111<1 :!re dif- propriatr plott ccl for in l)Ic! I’LL!IL!C4 to 7 X 109c\r/cm2/ 4,11,19 s y<urs. 11 is not in prcvio,, we have to March) exceed listed in ‘1:?l)1<. \Jll 11). va]ucs and summer the flux toward in the method ;,s for tL?lllpCIZLt from was tak<:u then Ii. “hservcd employed ‘Vhc 500-1< 11>altiludc intemml 10(a) et’feet, trend (,.), of Gp were that h; cllrves 7(a) through 1 00-km winter to he a slight but be masked temperature estimates the average cycle The of Figs, interval of of the daytime for field. plots in Pigs. than is a sunspot vs date. each independe!lt periods larger this of the average that for (3) eV/cm2/sec magnetic at the center These that somewhat ,sinz I temperature estimated nighttime ‘3dh earth’s average aml the temperature daytime SW, 5/2 e of the the valL$e of Te in Eq, (3). to and date. of the average The heating, September of force of the average and nighttime. peak to March). (October Protonospheric We have along temperature the daytime i“ ‘re with of nocturnal 28-29 B. for variation in winter instances vax’ia.tion in winter. {b) show 500 km vs date the the seasonal that higher 9(a) and seasmlal valuc!s clearly are Figures (b) present of constant show temperatures 300 and Temperature 8(a) and of contour the VAR1ATIONS sLu>I!IIcr sunspot pm-iod val,, nmxim(>m. WIIPIW’CC{ to estimate (April to in all year’s cs and A greater C, from P year year. We have sug~ested total amount of energy Thus a variation However, ulated gest the escaping sunspot that near elastic should neutral 20). will with these the daytime ionosphere heat cannot in the heat rapidly Thus season. alter callsed production more a more 14 Mills in terms be attributed f3ux was due to the However, f3uxcs above can be understood difference in summer be unimportant. composition from variation 90” (Ref. scattering that cycle to winter seasonal photoelectrons angles nomenon in the a summer that escaping pitch with elsewhere4 the studies initial pitch 53 C1OSC 10 the value totlc in the of a change to this for EKV flux. EL,I.1,.L.;9 cawsc. ,,. II UIIIIICI’of .Iectrons of photoelectron angle explanation distrih the foLml of photoelectrons. in the so”tar by a rc?duct ion in the IILIml,cr of a greater recent plausible are cscapc Lltion so tlml m~iy depend spc:c0[ with Zi, zz s,, g_ this PIIC- uIm> tbc chmwc ,,67 (.) Daytime (1000 to 1500EST). ‘-4&f&#%#%#;L: “::; ‘ ‘A’! ‘‘)k$ ‘$::’’;’: ‘%#’+& ,,67 (b) Nighttime (2100 to 0300 EST). Fig. 8. Contour plots, at 5000K intervals, of overage .s height and date taken from the temperature profiles 54 electron of Figs. femper.tuw 7(.) through (“K) (z). P'''''''''''''n''''''''''''''n'r''''74'\''''''''''''`''''''''''''`'' ~“ ,,67 (a) Daytime (1000 to 1500 EST). l'''' ''''' ''''' ''11'''''l'' ($''' ''''' ''''' n(''''' '`''m'''''''(1'` lIimmmL *WC - 500,. mm - 300km ,6,, . ,2.0 tidLUdLULdllLUkLLLhLLdLJL~~ ,. *O JAN !. ,0 FEB 10 20 MAR ). 20 ~PR 10 20 MAY 10 20 J’JN ‘. 2. JUL ‘o 20 ~u6 ,. ,0 ~Ep ,, ,. ,0 *O 10 a OcT ‘ov ‘EC ,,67 (b) Nighttime Fig. 9. average Variation electron of electron (2100 temperature profiles to 0300 EST). ot 300 and 500 km v, date [Figs. 55 7(a) through (z)]. taken from the 1 t“ ,,67 (b) Nighttime Fig. 10. electron Variation temperature of protonospheric profiles [Figs. (2100 to 0300 (heat flux 7(a) through 56 EST). v, dote (z) I . computed from the average TABLE FOR THE DAYTIME RESULTS Avemge FI .x (109 Vll HEAT FLUX FROM THE PROTONOSPHERE Heat eVlcm2,/see) Year )Vinfer Summer Ref. i 964 5.2 3.7 19 Comment Computed for 500-km altiwd. 1965 II 2.0 3.2 Computed For 600-km altitude 1966 4.4 4 3<7 Average through to 600-, 600- and700-h 500to 700- 800-km in fervols 1967 5. I 7.7 This paper As for 1966 ., I I 57 -— .—. --..-,... -z- SoIne first magnetically day or the to very night high storm, Nnlax values, TheI.e Tc renmil>e,d and h,nax disturbed were high, ckdys also and hmax was evidence anomalous perat,>re variations, (3II some occasions F-region associated to extremely fell associated with the me, Electron temperature rose result that The average low latitude auroral electron r~~riOd (iOOO t<> 1500 tl~erc was higher tion those in electron ing of the from conjugate FroLn pru~otmsphere age valu. s for We find also ones. pmitiun region The that reason ckaytime variation increased During the mOrning Nmax this altitude has present on some echoes been ‘rhese The summer is simply is found at night is warmed curves we have with range. for a daytime curves show daytime of the and is caused This nights at -600-km a consequence over Toward constructed EST). this a position occasions. as oblique versa. the trough that values seasonal by nocturnal by photoelectrons are variaheat- e8caping sunlit. temperature that observed in 1966 and variation is not understood to occur been to occupy tenl- and vice that on these (2i O0 tO 0300 that with than of density south values by anomalous suggesting by day and by night. behavior electron low values to have with periOd both remains higher seascmd for this is believed at Millstone hy the protonosphere. and compared i 967 appear high appears reverse which a consistent On the both fOIlowing accompanied Ltse had moved activity and we believe The 40 they temperature. low values, detected of Te, in wiutcr the average the plasmapa a,>d a nighttilne deusity. ionosphere the were “aviation in winier earlier. when and the was with to particularly temperature EST) a seasonal than auroral returns density of ,re being or low density end of i 961, noted in electron beating density h:fillstc the pattern the afternoon decrease of nocturnal of the electron regiorl the until high. behavior Ihigh values the a distinct normal a corresponding providing low and ‘Pe very As a rule, followed were with in previous i965 the but may in the thermosphere. suggesting summer stem 14 VH). cycle averaging the change the heat (Table a sunspot values from computed years 2/3 flux from The aver- variation. of the winter in the neutral com- ACKNOLVLEIXMEN?S ,. , i W. Ahcl :IMI \v. A. I<eid were largely rcsponsihlc for colkcting these data. They were o.sistcd by ]. 11. Mcf&dly, A. Ikaureg. rd and others of tlhc stalf of would also like to acknowledbv 11>. Millstone I Iill Observatory. l-he author the cc forts of 17. Julia!, , .I . K. Up!lam, Mrs. A. Freeman and Miss L. Zak in vorims portions of the data mcdy. is. TII12 continued suppwt of P. fl, Sehring zcknuwlcdged. is ctlso gratefully 58 , REFERENCES 1. J.V. Evans, “Ionospheric Backscarter Observations at MilIs tone Hill; Technical Report 374, Lincoln Laboratory, M .I.T. (22 January 1965), DDC AD-616607. 2. _, “Millstone Thomson Labomtory, Scatter M .l.T. Results for 1964 F Technical 430, Lincoln Report 474, Lincoln 4. _, Report “Millstone Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1966; Technical 481, Lincolu Laboratory, M.I.T. (15 December 1970), DDC AD-725742. 5. _, FMnet. Space Sci. ~, 6. _, J. Geophys. 3. (15 Nmwmher 1967), DDC AD-668436. Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1965? 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