. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I LINCOLN LABORATORY x MILLSTONE HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1966 l J. V. EVANS Group 21 I t ^.. _. I * I TECHNICAL REPORT 481 19 JANUARY 1971 * c * Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. LEXINGTON I The work reported in this document was performed.at Lincoln Laboratory, a center for ~esearch operated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I ., ,,! The work is sponsored by the Office of the Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Amy; it is supported by the Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency under Air Force Contract F19620-70-C-0230. This report may be reproduced to satisfy needs of U.S. Government agencies I I I I Non-Lincoln PLEASE Permission Recipients Do No-r RETURN is given to destroy when it is no longer needed. this document I I I ‘[ AEL5TRACT This report presents F -regfon electron densities and electron temperatures during the year 1966 at the Millstone Hill Radar Observatory UHF Thomson (incoherent) scafrer radar. observed (42. 6“N, 71. 5“W) by the The measurements were usually made for pericds of 24 hours twice per month, and covered the altitude range 150 to 750 t-anapproximately. Tbe time required to collect all the measurements interval was 30 minutes, i.e., half that of previous years. amount of random time variation than seen heretofore, time resolution achieved and pafly spanning this height The results exhibit a greater Parfly as a result of the beffer because each day has keen analyzed individually, i.e., we have discontinued fhe practice of computing onfy tie monthly mean behavior. We telieve, however, that the largest part of the random variation is real and results from fluctuations in the solar EUV flux, which increase number rises. Also, we expect a growing incidence of fluctuations produced by large- scale tmveling ionospheric disturbances as we approach sunspot maximum. this variability, the characteristics /:j ! effects due to Seoma@etic Despite “winter” and “summer” type behavior reported for Millstone in previous years is clearly recognizable. , in magnimde as tbe sunspot On four days in which pronounced storms are evident, the layer rose to great hei@s late affernoon and achieved an abnormally high density (and lower-than-normal perature ). Tbe reverse is simila= to that first behavior was encountered the next morning. in tie tern- This sequence seen in June 1965, and its interpretation in terms of current ideas is summarized. Accepted for the Air Force Joseph R. Waterman, Lt. Col., USAF Chief, Lincoln LabaratoW Project Office iii CONTENTS Abstract L lNTR ODUCTION 11. EQUIPMENT, PROCEDURES Equipment B. Observing DATA-PROCESSING 3 3 Procedures FOR 3 ELECTRON A. Contour Plots B. Discussion DENSITY 5 5 43 *4 ELEcTRON TEMPERATURE A. Plots i4 Temperature 2T B. VI. AND Data Reduction 111. RESULTS V. OBSERVING 3 A. C. IV. AND Contour Average SEASONAL VARIATIONS A. Electron B. Protonospheric SUMMARY References Profiles Temperature Beat Flux 32 32 35 37 39 MILLSTONE 1. HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1966 INTRODUCTION Thomson (incoherent) scatter radar temperatures were imately twice per month throughout made at Millstone results obtained and discusses Earlier reprts in this series in 1963, 4964 and 1965. sented in a number Hill, of F-region West ford, electron Massachusetts t 966 for periods of 24 hours. densities (42.6”N, This rePOrt and 71 .5”W) approx- summarizes the these in relation to the behavior observed in previous years. 4-3 have presented the results of the synoptic studies carried Results of journal measurements obtained articles in some of the months in these years which are listed in Table have out pre - been 1. TABLE I PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING THE MILLSTONE HILL UHF (68-cm Wavelength) THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS I Year I February 1963 March, I I II Section i 966. seasonal from These in Ref. 3. Ref. 2 November th,o”gh August, January, I I December September, April, the equipment, differed little temperature variations the magnetosphere. period. Ref. 3 average Ref. 9 Ref. 10 and data-processing those of the latter the results including and seasonal A summary I I July from Ref. 6 Refs. 7, 8 and observing In Sec. 111, we present obtained for each 24-hour temperature Ref. 5 June [ Ref. 4 September November July, Juner August, Publicafi.n Ref. 1 1964 through December J.WCW Sec. IV those for electron ture profiles 1 / 1 April, II summarizes ployed during documented Jufy, January 1965 1963 to January July, April, 1964 \ Months Covered half of t965, obtained for electron daytime and nighttime In Sec. V, these averages variations of the results em- which are fully density, and in electron tempera- are employed to derive in the heat conducted is provided procedures into the F-region’ in Sec. VI. ——---rwatz.?aam ,. .. . TABLE II INCOHERENT SCATTER OBSERVATIONS Mean End (1 T) Begin 14 January 1100 15 Janmry 21 Jommry 1200 22 January 25 February 1200 26 February 11 March 1200 16 March 1200 I April 1200 2 April -1964 P 1200 2– D 1200 4 Q 1200 1 0 12 March 1200 2– 17 March 1200 1+ 1200 3 D K 0 Comment Very disturbed Quiet Quiet Disturbed 0 ] Quiet 28 Apri I 1700 29 Apri I 1500 1+ 12 May 1300 13 May 0800 2 2B June 1600 29 June 1600 2- 11 July 0700 12 July 0900 3- Disturbed 14 July 1500 15 July 1500 1- Quiet 17 August 1100 18 August 1200 1+ Quiet 22 August 1200 23 August 1300 3 12 September I 000 13 September 1000 1+ 26 September I 000 27 September 1000 4- Disturbed 10 Octcber 1600 II October Q 1400 0+ Quiet 20 October 1100 21 Octc&er Q 1100 0 1200 2 1700 3 D D 0 Portion lost Disturbed 0 7 November 1200 8 November 2B November 1600 29 November 5 December 1200 6 December 1200 2+ 20 December 1200 20 December 1600 3 21 December Moo 22 December 0700 2+ D 0 Disturbed 0 — Quiet 0 II. EQUIPMENT, A. AND OBSERVING The UHF radar equipment The Millstone brought into routine density has been described Hill C-4 ionosonde operation of foF2 made elsewhere PROCEDURES previously. during 1966, thus obviating (Fort No major which had been inoperative Belvoir, Virginia) changes were made in during much of i965 was the need to depend on measurements to establish the absolute scale of the electron profiles. B. Observing In i965, accomplished playback required system, Table obtained in the results analyzer between changes are discussed throughout the profile. processing. This was The recording this was carried the values about 300 and 500 km, and therefore twi.e both out in a way which, As a result, for are the unwanted effects in Ref. 3 and will not be repeated and i 966. in June 4965 to permit and means of minimizing to make observations tbe dates and times and temperature was modified Unfortunately, 1 hour to 30 minutes some loss of information. are unreliable mean Kp index over the period C. caused These density non-real-time in Ref. 3, was employed to be explored. 1966, we attempted II lists electron the spectrum at the time, in this report. During changed to reduce from for later extensively spectrum the ion temperature not included signals the IF discussed of the signal were to obtain a complete to this change, though not recognized introduced procedures by recording In addition halves Procedures the observing amount of time they here. Per mOnth fOr a peri Od Of 24 hOurs. on which measurements were carried out, together with the of observation Data Reduction Although obliged order DATA-PROCESSING Equipment i 966. were AND the measurements to construct to reduce obtained plots of the temperature the scatter eraged to obtain the hourly years, were reduced afforded to yield the results ,! temperatures. ~ day-to-day been treated employed hitherto, density using a graphical rected for the variation iation in electron-to-ion because Table profiles namely, pulses on consecutive of the increased was reduced; 111contrasts were by combining overlay method. of the electron temperature was made POSsible in 4968, following 11 faced with the computer. month. resolution the measurements and electron encountered have and ion in i966, with that for earlier the radar measurements the period measurements. made with O.i -, 0.5- and %.O-msec smooth profile section Te/Ti. with height resulting Complete the construction machine from was then corthe altitude reduction of a new spectrum has in the reamer This combined ‘1power” av- in previous measurements cross ratio from in were for each calendar time we intervals as a rule, each 24-hour measurement this procedure obtained days were, density, solar activity hence, hourly the measurements the 30-minute for each 24-hour period, of electron over of 30 minutes, like those obtained behavior to preserve 48 height profiles of the behavior separately. because the f965 results. we attempted Thus, procedure. Furthermore, The electron obtained Thus, here, to yield approximately siznilarity Further, plots showing the mean hourly presented by the observing been reduced results mean profile. a time resolution and density averaged of the measurements. made only once a month for 48 hours, fn reducing during 1965 yielded var- of these data analyzer that is inter- 3 -—----”---.,’. -..--..,. I I TABLE Ill OBSERVING PROGRAM No. of )bserving Pericds och @serving Pericd 1963 OF YEAR “ime Token to Length of Year AS A FUNCTION (hours) per Mc.nth 30 A Meawe One PrOfTle 6’=4 of Profi Ies ~o. Obtained pa Mcmth 80 1.5 Reduction Methcd Employed Mean hourly profiles constructed calendar for each month 60 As above 0.5 96 .& .b.ve 0.5 96 Each profi Ie reduced 1964 30 2 I.o 1965 46 1 I ?66 24 2 Y separately — 9,. [ Fig. 1. Plot of fOF2 obtained at four stdions on 14 July 1966, 4 and assumed local variation (solid line). in previous As been established observed from years, the absolute by normalizing icmosonde measurements. for the diurnal variation Billerica, Fort results, to the values the values lowed except where Wallops Island, obtained from that observed locally, other - suggesting stations D3. RESULTS A. Contour These density density profiles found a8 a function these diagrams, were showing these contour listed in Table to remove diagrams the influence since there density area of this type. this, adjusted to collect close’0 all three a mean profile theresuMs storm hitherto [Figs. was constructed the contours effects. inthe intensity 3(a-u)] out. in Figs. oxygen relative to molecular increases in density 5 3(a-u) calendar 3(a-u) nitrogen, of the time mOpe structure sunspot number. in the ionospheric radiations, toobThus, sOme time Res- irrespective with increasing These averaged of Nm=F2. display tbanin by aver- month. ~ additiOn, for each hour, of its ionizing and what is nOt. which are intro- means constructed mean value rise to irregularities a somewhat show considerably and less As noted in the 1965 results, intense magnetic 7-9 density. The principal effect appear’s However, and structure however, their mean andthen in the electron the abundance of atomic i2-i5 It is, fOr OperatiOn 4, 2 or 3). monthly in Figs. of one of Results bad profiles during a given of the ionosphere gives an example The smoothing amount of structure tohavethe is to be lines. in the contours (Refs. above. in 0.5-MHz frequency what is true variatiOn all plots were in the variability in sunspot activity through fluctuations variations of occasional tended to be smoothed Finally, (u). fluctuations greater outlined smooth contours. of measurement. they vrere normalized the results. increase The increase tbe peak density. observed from frequency 2 provides to yield in each of 24 hourly intervals variations plasma by straight to bave the same value of hmax F2as Finally, olution was lost because fro-the Previously, and hour-to-hour geomagnetic drawn was fol- The variation in the manner 3(a) through marked Despite number of reasons diagrams taina. mean shape. to large curve tO be e~remelY given plasma Figure is no sure way of deciding profile. aging all the data obtained directly errors than any that have been presented owing to a real tO cOm’bine the seen at Millstone considerably values of corresponding on the diagrams single structure required fII order plotted and a smooth was found to differ in Figs. due to random duced bya day-to-day were shOtid be expeeted were traced 11are presented we have tended to de-emphasize were 75-W the variation time was then constructed. process profiles 37-N, the height at wbicha subjective There 74”W at Millstone. assigmed absolute next given a scale diagram of local were As a rule, earlier the basis stations DENSITY profiles with a 30-mi. ute periodicity more 40”N, in which all the points have been connected Subsequently, is necessary i 966 was to broaden made at the following of the other stations. Millstone) instances has of scaling. ELECTRON A contour the periods In general, with all three errors measurements Plots The combined intervals. the C-4 ionosonde by all four stations but in several FOR Virginia 10 km from profile to match the value of Nmw 42 “N, 71 ‘W New Jersey of Fig. 1. this disagreed (approximately measurements Massachusetts of foF2 reported density One change made during Monmouth, through as shown in the example at Billerica for the electron at the peak of the layer of foF2 by combining 1 in addition scale the density storms to bea with a consequent during the late afternoon behavior directry through can give rise lowering of reduction in have also been {4-45 JAN {966 Fig.2. cbtained Plasma fmqw.cy at 30-min.te cOnto.r intervals &agmmcOnstructed for 24-hour 6 frmelectron pericd on 14-15 January density pr0files 1966. EST (a) I IwO’=’ ( ~””- , , *wa 240. ml EST (c) b) Smmthed contour diagrams of plasma frequency Fig. 3(9-U). &tai”ed for 24-hour periods i. 1966. 7 vs height and time .. EST EST (f) (.) Fig. 3(a-u). CO.tinued. 8 28-29 .,, 1966 PLASMA FREQUENCY IMHz I Tm!EL !s0 cam MO. o~ ,,~ ~- EST (9) ,2-13 w“ !966 PLASMA fREOUENCY {MHz) I EST (h) Fig. 3(a-u). Continued. 9 ‘m” I ‘“m ,— ,,-?2 ,,,,.. Ipma ‘ii 0400 J“, 1,S FREOUE NC” {.”,1 1,-,8 ,-,.s., mm ,200 Wm .“. !,66 FREO” ENC” 2W (MHz] 7 , ST (1) Fig. 3(.-.). Continued. 10 , I ,2 -,3 ,., s.. -L’ SEP 1966 F,,..,,.” (MHI) ‘A A *:. ‘ad EST (n) r ,“.., 3.. k .- 35 Fig. 3(0-.). Continued. ii ~ 2,-2, .0” f,.. ,LA$MA FREQuENCY (MHz1 ma A CccO c-x .eca -w EsT (s) EST (.) Fig. 3(a-u). COntin.ed. :.0 ~$.. 2“”” 24 found which we have attributed tO the influence of the electric field assOci*ted with the asFmet~Ic ~afl of the ring current.9 Of the days listed in Table 11, we would class only six as disturbed, i.e., with an average all the variability scale traveling during years Kp value fOr the peTiOd Of greater found here ionospheric of high sunspot number. up by the heating of the atmosphere occurrence of large ionospheric disturbances always properly B. disturbances we dO not believe that produced ionospheric disturbances are tbougbt to he set 18-20 and, as such, the elect rojet by the auroral with magnetic activity. have periOds “Of the order Large-scale Of <30 minutes, traveling and thus are not Discussion acteristic ‘<winter” 10 equinox, This pattern discussed before. increase can be observed diffusing of the total electron of the neutral in the auroral observed chief characteristic exhibit Iusually point.6 of the summer Typical near 0400 EST) cannot be lines and thus raise is tied to neutral bmaxF2 can be as early and lower as 0200 EST Similar variations have been found 24 and may imply changes in the for example, occurred by heat deposited exhibiting a winter-type from behavior one type of behavior the timing is exhihited of both morning and evening ionospheric the loss and 26-27 Sep- from winter- of the diurnal tO var- by days Of the as seen in our data depends in equinox. in our data on 12-13 May, there is a distinct 19. iz and 14. i5 JUIY. forenoon peak. The I’bite-out” phenomenon peaks has given rise to the so-called 25,26 Based upon recent evident e, it would seem workers. is caused by the lowering together is the to the other is not completed of the transition for observation 17-18 August and 26-27 September, that has long fascinated i 1-12 March the~e am+ often days of one type followed Thus, This in part by the rapid redistribution all the days between In ~965, we observed that the transition 3,io In point of fact, measurements on the days selected summer-type that the bite-out ~ind~ 22,23,27 While in April. at random. behavior e.g., unusual. and is produced Virtually Near the time of tm.nsition, On some days, that increases it was attrib- Subsequently, It would seem that tbe source of tbe increase brought about, is somewhat behavior4 at sunset.5 this type of behavior. behavior other type interspersed m the actml sunset. a content of the ionosphere, on i 1-i 2 March iation of foF2 show that the transition all at once. and we have In most cases, the main peak on this day is shifted into the late afternoon. above hmaxF2 summer-type presence UP the field three behavior in Ref. 2i where conjugate but that the timing winds in the thermosphere enhancement, of ionization The first zones. The behavior tember at the conjugate has a char- the two in the rose to a value of >7 MHz for described following or as late as 0430 EST (20-22 December). observations predawn frequency rates .22S23 It may be noted that the time of the increase (7-8 November) between during the late afternoon. – a phenomenon ionization at Millstone of Figs. 3(a-u). since tbe time of the increase to drive observed of the type of winter critical rapidly must be the protonosphere, winds which at night serve pattern diagrams out of the protono sphere with the time the sun is lowest of the ionization the loss arid fell density with a rapid transition samples the F-1ayer on 1300 EST, we abandoned this explanation reconciled representative On these days, uted to ionization electron diurnal behavior can be seen in the contour are fairly a few hours centered predawn that the F-region and ‘qsummer” the last six diagrams from Thus. in our measurements. VJe have noted earlier small Traveltig is correlated frequently resolved than 2+. can be attributed to storm effects; some may be caused hy largei6, i7 since these too occur with increasing frequency disturbances, of hmax during the daytime with a change in the composition i4,28-31 rates. i3 of the neutral brought about by neutral atmosphere in summer \_- Several tember days show two or more and 5-6 December) ence of a large traveling was magnetically successive together disturbance density (e. g., %2-43 Sep- in bm= F2 that are suggestive with fluctuations ionospheric disturbed, peaks in the electron However, (TID). neither so that one cannot say with certainty of the pres- of the days mentioned if indeed this is the correct explanation. Of the six days listed 22-23 Augmt and 26-zI during the major ning increase September) magnetic We believe to drive suggested9 exhibit tbe layer magnetosphere behavior than normal, is conducted into the F-1ayer by charge in the evening similar to the pattern observed in Ref. 9. on those days, and was associated separation the eve- with a large of an electric increase field where the loss is reduced. along lines of magnetic of the electrons Since the injecti~n sector, January, i‘2 April, 2i ’22 is caused by the presence part of the ring current. principally that is very via E X B drift upward into regions where it is produced with the asymmetric fOur days (tiz., storm of June i 965 and discussed that this phenomenon that this field rent occurs II as “disturbed:’ was much more pronounced in hmax F2. serves in Table this explanation force readily We have from and protons of the plasma which the associated into the ring cur- accounts for the phenomenon being seen only in the late afternoon, and is associated with positive increases in the total field 32 who have studied this same phenomenon via measurements locally. Mendillo, S @., observed of total electron content, itation of ionization transport from of ionization confirm these findings but attempt to explain In the absence the protonosphere. during these increases, it fails to account for the increases always it is difficult occurring them in terms of measurements to reject before sunset, of precip- of the vertical this explanation, i.e., although when production is still taking place. Following these pronounced the next morning and exhibited this to an increase evening increases, Of Nz relative and one is left with an F* -layer. lieved from the increased F-region) normal Possibly together one, to transport the heating of the atmosphere (Table from that observed on i4-i er give rise ing produced to more N. pronounced but serves increase ELECTRON TEMPERATURE A. Plots Contour plots of electron in the same manner Like the electron and probably effects temperaturevs contours, the same reasons storms it. relative tO N?, altitude density, depletion) andtime apply (see Sec. 111). storms more very structure greatly occurring in summ- that the heat- disrupt the normal hemisphere, the effect is to in the winter hemisphere the appear offset have been constructed and are presented these toodisplay 14 whereas the for this change. This would suggest In the summer from were made during 1966 does not completely in O and the storm-time as those for electron density that magnetic is be- toward the equator. on this day does not differ in fact, to modify atmosphere N2 and O in the latitudes zone is responsible than those in winter. for 0 to be depleted (the seasonal Contour the behavior It seems, the F2 wind pattern that differs day on which measurements zones by magnetic wind system, the tendency two effects However, 5 January. in the auroral thermospheric reinforce II). to increase high and temperate in the auroral It may he noted that the most disturbed was 2i -22 January (which serves of a thermospheric O from In essence, tO O in the F-reti.0n.9 The change in the neutral temperature with the establishment and appears was formed at a very low altitude i2-i5 we have attributed Along with others, a low peak density. in the ab~dance peak is reduced to result the layer to one another. essentially in Figs. 4(a) through (u). thanhs beeri~oted hitherto, w (a) TEMPERATURE 1% I . 04s3 om.a I 12W IW 2=0 - 2- - 08CC (c) Smoothed conhxrd iagramso felectront cbtcdned f0r24-hmmperiodsin ,... ,s, EST b) Fig. 4(a-u). ,ZCC 1966. i5 emperaturem height and time z= J ,W EsT W-,, !4.. u’ lmzzFL TWFSRATURE (W COx.xcomn’w , ,Wm WC-3-= , tam E,? ,s, (f) (.) Fig. 4(a-u). , I Continued. , 7,MPEIIA,”8E , -2CC0,*. r.} EST (9) 3 ,,-2, J“. t,66 ,,?JERATuRE [% “lizmci_ ,Xa feca 2C.W s-m Es, ES1 ,, .,.. (i) (h) Fig. 4(a-u). I Continued. ’11 2400 ES, EST (i) (k) EST (1) Fig. 4(0-.). Continued. . EST EST (0) (n) m. 5.. .0. ,.. ,00 Es> ,s, (4 b) Fig. 4(0-u). Continued. ,... — - XcO !@. 28C0 P SCa *W ,400 f’ 2400 ~w / (m 22C0 2X.3 / ~ ‘“ few p .,=--’ ““ F- ’600 --WV ~ ’400 ,,.0 K.3 ,Wu ,,/ , ecu !000 feoo !200 ‘o” p-f !600 7-, .0” $966 TEMPERATURE 1*K1 2000 ,~o EST (s) -f-=’ Fig. 4(a-.). Ccmtin.ed. 20 F The diurnal reports. rise, variation The most common followed by more rapid fall at sunset. behavior 5-6 December), is a very the temperatures is a period again. following which remains which is almost 1“ winter ways. warmed There caused by the nocturnal when the into the ionosphere that escape of cooling increase This 14-i 5 January, until midnight by photoelectrons a period sunless during the night. (e. g., lasting during and a somewhat this to heat conducted follows in previous in temperature tend to change little attributed sunlit. certainly rapid rise extensively during the daytime sunset and u.wally We have previously which is continuously hemisphere near midnight of behavior has been discussed in a number of recognizable the protonosphere conjugate temperature steady temperatures Thereafter, there rises form or less can be modified temperature from of electron from the usually beginning in the local density (see Sec. III), On a number reached of days (e. g., its peak value immediately especially noticeable at altitudes pear to be a regular 22-23 August somewhat of the normal in June 1965. before much sooner large behavior for example, temperature somewhat. maximum This is does not ap- recognized on the days [20-21 January, ‘f-2 April, earlier pattern a pronounced of this, as following increase value with the result the electron following density temperature sunrise, that the electron a storm in electron Fig. 4(m) ]; no well-defined The next morning, the case. below its normal that were Average Temperature began to decrease decrease occurred tbe electron temperatw-e occurred density at sunwas de- rose to unusually encouraged Profiles of the temperatures to change little us in the past to compute average has been done for i 966 with results contours, an average val on all the temperature 0300 EST (nighttime), with altitude. minimum These available a“erage temperature was in operation phenomenon in Figs. of the year, (Table 1). values observed that N ~ax 3(a-u), the critical A period minimum frequency morning, and the daytime minimum in electron during the daytime temperature or above At Millstone, previous hmaxF2 a temperature when the radar existed this value until toward for part of tbe afternoon When these afternoon an average curve and 2100 to down to a fixed atmospheres, increase did not begin to reach when foF2 > 9.5 MHz. for the following This obtained sin. e %966 (unpublished), it appears that this 6 As can be about iO el/cm3/see, i.e., foF2 - iO MHZ. approach when a temperature profiles. In constructing at each iOO-km height inter- and St. Santin de Maurs. results and at night has i 000 to i 500 EST (daytime) all show a monotonic Arecibo (u). were then extrapolate ed smoothly of a temperature From requires imum is obscured, between period temperature 5(a) through once in i 966 and not at all in any of the years Fig. 4(t) (5-6 December) the results and nighttime in the 1965 CIFM model profiles at Jicamarca, was observed daytime was taken of the temperatures profiles The appearance has been reported during the midday that are shown in Figs. of 355 “K at i20 km incorporated The average seen and then decreased is observable As a ree”lt ground sunset, The tendency “alue sunrise the electron values. B. these December), 300 to 400 km, but this pre-nmm On those days, than usual [see, set as is normally pressed following above and 26-27 September) observed 20-2i occurrence. A third variant first 20-21 October, in Fig. daytime profile 5(t) merely results the end is seen in are combined with is obtained in which tbe min- exhibits a kink near 300 km. 2i ——. —-,.———— .,,.W.W.-.. .:..s-, t TEz31il Lll)lllll .Ce o ,ca !2CC !... *CC.I 2403 28CC 320( TEMPERATURE [-,1 (a) 1 2,-,2 ,00 JAN ,s66 N(GHT t I e , ImEcL ( 40, I 800 I t I I I 1 I ‘4”” “m “m 3’0 ,200 ;%,..,:::,.,, b) Fig. 5(a-u). Average daytime (1000 tO 15cX3 EST) and nighttime temperature pr.afi Ies ccmstruc ted by averaging each 100-km altitude. , , 1 ,1 22 .“:~ —.. I tem~ratures (2100 to 0300 EST) electron cbtained in these intervals @ ~LL-*J ...~...L..:&)...) L L. .,--- (c) I !,-,2 MAR u— RLA::.K) 240” “0° ’20”““’ <,66 Fig. 5(a-u). Continued. 23 I I . ,6-,7 I .00 MAR 4,6, I ,00 4 4,00 1 , ,, 1 4600 MPER.TU.QE ! (..) (f) ... fig. 5(a-u). Continued. 24 ,&... I I 2000 1 1 2400 $ ! z,.. , J,., ,t))l)l)ll,2, .00 ,.. !200 !600 ,,.,,,.7 2000 ”., (-K) (h) Fig. 5(a-u). Continwsd. ,.. ,,. ““,j 25 240. :’::o !0.. 28-29 JUN !966 I !600 !,00 ,,.,,,., ”., I I 2000 ,.. 1 2.00 mm ) (0 7 . I 4.. s.. , , !m. d , , .. . . ( 20.30 TEMPER,T”RE , (., (i) Fig. 5(0-.). Continued. 26 ) , 2.00 , I 2..0 3.0. 36. I . . ‘~ . . HE,GHT ,,. ) .: “E,G” T (,,”1 2,-23 A“, $,66 0 .00 : .00 - ; ‘# $4(.”, ..0 20. – TiEEIIL . 1 0 1 1 1 .,. I .. . 1 1 i I ,m. 1 1 woo PC+. TEMPERATURE I 1 MO. ZOO. I 1 1 ’200 ‘G <-K) (m) ,., I i I . .0. I 800 , 1 !2.0 1 ! I f... 1 1 20.. ,EMPER.TURE l-K1 (n) Hg. 5(.0-”). Continued. 28 1 ?4’39 1 1 ‘“”” , , ‘2”” . I 26-’7“’’’” I t I 4.. I I ..0 , ,,00 , ,600 ,,!4,,,,, ”,, I mm J ,.. , 1 2..0 I I ,,0, ) (0) ~ o , 4.0 , ,00 ,,0. ,m. ,600 TEMPERATuRE Fig. 5(a-u). 29 ,-,, Continued. ( .... , ... . , ,*< I r ,m. 20-2t OCT 1966 , < ..0 0 , , , , , ( I !200 8.. !... T, M, ER&TURF , 20,, zfoo 2800 (.K) (q) It ‘-’ ‘“v ““ , 0 I . . . , 800 f... TUAPERATURE (-K) (r) fig. 5(a-.). Continued. 30 I # t $ -00 ZOoo ““” , , 2“0” , 3“ 28-2, ,00 ,0” 4,6. – . e... – ..0 - z ~ : F, r Zoo - ;!, ?.,1.,(] . .. . I ... ,20. ,,00 ,... ‘-6‘EC“e’ \ Fig. 5(a-.). I Continued. ,4.0 ,800 ,,00 ,.0, 20-22 OCC (966 Continued. FicI. 5(a-u). v. SEASONAL A, VARIATIONS Electron Temperature The average temperature plots shown in Figs. sonal variations of electron and (b). 6(a) presents Figure temperature. 5(a-u) have been employed The results a contour diagram of average electron time vs height and date, and Fig. 6 [b) provides a similar plots, the contour intervals The most striking higher temperatures plied from &te the protonosphere. for the daytime variation are 500 “K apart. at night in winter at night, than in summer; Figure these plots show the existence with the highest values being encountered duced for earlier of the variation spot cycle years to be of the order since in previous The minimum on the basis of the variation Fig. 9 of Ref, 10). the layer electron becomes variation density, storms of a smaller in Ref. 30. not so pronounced as observed its seasonal is a result occurring tion is the abnormally in Figs. 6(a-b) on several high temperatures and I(a-b) encountered de- with the sun- or November (see peak at tbe same time and it would seem that variation of F-region flux from the sun. tO be real and associated above. variation, here. in October of the seasonal appears days as reported daytime the variations increases Thus, around 0.tober-November.6 temperature seasonal or January as might be expected but rather that Nmax F2 reaches heat sup- of 300 km, the amplitude but probably is not found in December a minimum of electron 7 (a) supports At an altitude of 300” to 500 “K, ti both at 500 and 300 km vs the marked but well-defined Figure for tbe day- period. for nocturnal confirming and is not brought about hy a change in the energy Some of the structure magnetic it was sea- of these plots is the temperature Besides of the sun’s zenith distance, It is noteworthy thickness the seasonal years in the temperature feature this is evidence in summer. which are discussed appears temperature plot for the nighttime 7 (a) shows the electron and Fig. 7(b) for the nighttime. tO inveati@e are shown in Figs. 6(a) and (b) and 7(a) The clearest with the case of this associa- at night on 26-27 September [Fig. 7 (b)]. 32 ——...,.,.,= -. . OAYTIMC ,VERAGE - [..1 I -IA ‘“-7’ , Y.03 1 ELEcTRON TEMPERATURE ‘d If \ \ #!t 1’ /“ A ,,66 (.) ~ytirne (lOOO t. 15W EST). 1,,,,,1,1~’1’’’’’l’~ NWITTIME NERAGE ELECTRON TEMPERATURE (-K> lmm !666 (b) Nighttime Fig. 6(a-b). derived COntcur plots with 50&K frmn average temperature (2100 to 0300 EST). intewals of el ectro. profi 1.s of Figs. 5(.-u). 33 temperature vs height and season 4 ,.+ i lam JiN !0?3 ma ,Om MAR ,o~ A,, ,o~ MAY l,(l!lllllklml~ ;“; ‘m wL ‘:”: ,Om SE, !020 ~, *.0” g ,,66 ~) ,! Nighttime (210il tO 0300 EST). “1 ‘1 Fig. 7(cI-b). seasonal from overage ternper.at.re variation of electron tempemture profi Ies of Figs. 5(a-.). .i 34 at 300- and 500-km altitude ~tained .-—.”- ----- Above-normal .--T. temperatures storms, to he limited creases in the total magnetic to the period by heat introduced by Cole33 tures the phenomenon of nocturnal observed locally. into the magnetosphere to explain the stable conducted Thus, satellite and is accom~nied via the injection observations related The occurrence by de. we have argued that the phenomenon of ring current This idea was first into the ionosphere. red arc seen at midlatitudes support from i -2 April heating in all storms. of the main phase of the storm, field and that this heat is subsequently and has received on the nights of 2t -22 January, and showed that it is not seen at Millstone appears is caused also encountered In Refs. 7 and 8, we discussed and 22-23 August. to geomagnetic were particles, proposed during some geomagnetic of the exi8tence storms, of high electron tempera- in such arcs?4,35 By contrast, sometimes the average appear the late .afterrmcm. served electron 10 peratures This type of behavior in tbe average for the afternoon the next morning The reason Figs. 5(a-u) because, day of a magnetic density to tbe low average in se”er-al temperatures The daytime cases, with abnormally storm encountered abnormally in ob- effects are low tern - high ones en.o.ntered was low). Heat Flux lies in the existence of this heating, electron and 26-27 September. have been combined for the monotonic the protonosphere has contributed density on the first due to the large 1-2 April temperatures period (when the F-layer Protonospheric B. temperatures than normal, in Fig. 7(a) on 21-22 January, less pronmmced increase under normal deposition “ia encounters with ambient on the total escaping in electron temperature of a flux of heat conducted into the ionosphere. the subsequent limit daytime t. be lower is the escape fraction electrons. along the magnetic field lines from 36-38 that the most likely source of photoelectrons of the photoelectron As such, the observed that the energy in the photoelectron in tbe escape flux. energy from the ionosphere and in the magnetosphere heat flux should place a lower tbe observations made in i964, 36,37 This is in 40 accord with calculations of the escape energy performed by Fmtheim, et al. ,39 Duboi”, ~ ~., —— 41 42 and Nagy, et al,, Nisbet, among others. Experimental estimates of the escape flux have been —— 44 and made from temperature profile measurements by %natani and Hanson, 43 Bauer, et al., 45,46 from direct satellite observations by Rao and Maier, which are as large or larger than our we deduced energy seen in We have shown elsewhere conditions, of a large with altitude flux must exceed From 5 X 109 eV/cm2/sec. estimate. Despite energy early this large extracted workers Experimentally, direct satellite of particles arriving at the conjugate the energy g some uncertainty .–{,95XI0 It has recently -i2 energy, to be scattered in the magnetosphere. in the magnetosphere E is the photoelectron electrons. hemisphere deposited has it heen fully included. unit path length ds where remains in the fraction In part, flux in the magnetosphere. this arises of the because the backscattering of photoelectrons arriving at the conjugate ionosphere. 47 and in this has been observed through plasma -line observations at Millstone 45 This phenomenon may cause as much as 50 percent of the flux measurements. (Nagy and Banks49) per there neglected thus tends to increase energy amount of effort, from the photoelectron In most papers, back along tbe field line, and 48 Only in one recent paper the rate of loss has been taken as of photoelectron 50 N ~ eV/cm (i) s is the path length, been suggested and N is the density that this equation underestimates 35 of the ambient the loss rate for 5$ photoelectrons. flu% is deposited Thus, We have attempted sphere at high latitudes, to calculate along the lines of force temperature the heat flux from 7.7 X 105 T~/2 ~ heat flux, it is necessary dTe/dh was estimated above from via Eq, (Z) employing estimates and nighttime daytime for a variation is not clear observed shown in Figs. The values profiles observed above the 38,44 each t 00-km The heat flux was and an average of Q obtained in this way from in 1965 (Ref. 10). of the daytime Figure i.e., Results 8(a) shows somewhat obtained flux with a minimum larger during in local fmmmer. The exact source of a seasonal variation, at present. flux [Fig. 8(h) ] shows a marked seasonal at tbe conjugate the flux falls to an extremely small appear that the high values value variation expected as a consequence point at night in local winter, set by the cooling to be real and associated wYT,ME In local disturbances. 23 August and 29 November WE61 f.., lzzza m —wllbld!l, !020 JAN l<t, <,18, ,,, ,.20 ,02.3 (! ,020 mm ,,, MAR .,. MA” l,, $1, l,, *a ,“. ,rrl,,, ,083 Jo, ((lt(~ ma ma .“. SE, @m mm ma cc, .0” .,. ,%6 (.) wgt flux carried of Figs. 5(.-u) Daytime into icmxphere (1000 to 1500 EST). via electron sum- of the protonosphere. with the magnetic seen in Fig. 8(a) on 22 January, AvER&2E s,. - Fig. 8(a-b). of the mean here [Fig. 8(a)] seem to support this but do (2:1) as found in i 964. Some peaks in Figs. 8(a-b) profiles the important. over 5(a-u). are shown in Figs. 8(a) and (b). variation of the sun being above the horizon we believe differences profiles substantially to the ions has become the temperature 1965 (Ref. 10) and those presented The nighttime at an altitude heat tlux was about 4 X 409 eV/cm2/see, to show a seasonal not exhibit as large Thus, dTe/dh and Eq. (2) to estimate to employ the mean value of Te for &at internal, than the value of 2 to 3 X i 09 eV/cm2/sec i 964 appemwd In order the electrons of Q was then taken. temperature that in f966 the average mer, from tbe magneto- gradient (z) field. 500 km for the mean temperature then calculated the separate if real, the ionosphere temperature to make measurements Accordingly, The results electron magnetic the rate of local beat loss from daytime in tbe escaping sin2 1 eV/cm2 height where interval Q entering the observed I is the dip angle of the earth!s arriving all the energy To through Q. where be that almost it may in the magnetosphere. gas as deduced from average w season. 36 —.. temperature ma 1,111,,,111 ,vE.QAw N !GHTT, ME HE4T FLUX ,s z q “s ‘2 : : > ., - i .4 - m ,.0 ~1 (mm ,AN 1,,1, ~ mm 1111111 ,Oza ,Om 0,0 Oa FEB MAR @.PR MAY mm WN mm JUL !Oa AU. 0s0 SW mm OCT Om NO” DEC ,366 (b) Nighttime (2100 to 0300 EST). Fig. 8(a-b). are manifestations those days. of additional Similarly, and 28-29 November discussed above, VI. heat being supplied to the ionosphere from the protozmsphere the peaks in Fig. 8(b) on the nights of 2f -22 January, probably represent this heating appears is caused by heat deposition tons (possibly Continued. nocturnal to coincide heating events associated with storms. with the main phase of the storm in the magnetosphere through ion-cyclotron through the loss of energy damping by ambient cm 26-27 September As and probably of ring current pro- electrons). SfJMMARY The Millstone sities Hill Thomson and t emperat”res during month. The measurements interval roughly construct scatter yielded contour diagrams structure an electron believe ospheric this, i 965 (Ref. 3). fluctuation first was lifted the results i -2 April, witnessed electron follow trends per over the height as a function of These time variability plot S show resolution have not been presented. of We also of the ionosphere EIJV output and the presence recognized of traveling for the data collected 22-23 August and 26-27 September) in June 9965 (Ref. 9). to an abnormal The great height of the layer normal of the improved in the hour-to-hour of the solar profile den- twice data have been used to 3(a-u) and 4(a-u) ]. A number of daye appear to have been magnetically (2i -22 January, layer partly as a result These and temperature [Figs. electron re- ion- disturbances. Despite behavior of density and the fact that mean monthly averages increased F-region approximately and temperature of 30 minutes. of observation that there has been a real increase sulting from density showing tbe variation than found heretofore, the measurements to measure of 24 hours at a time, f 50 to 750 km in a time interval height and time for each of the periods greater radar was employed f 966 for periods temperature. a6@eS intO the ionosphere density We attribute along magnetic achieved of the first to an east-west four storm day, the densities. for lower-than- electric lines from the magnetosphere. 37 storm higher-than-normal appear to have been responsible this behavior field and at least exhibit a characteristic Late in the afternoon height and simultaneously and large in i 964 (Ref. 2) and distm-bed, field that prop- The electric field is produced by charge for the asymmetric rected separation portion north and upward, and neutral low and the electron (principally a large The results ture profiles increase can be examined. in the daytime exceeding morning, the reverse temperature into the evening The electric the downward sector field produces diffusion shows a slight summer to construct di- due to gravity – the peak density this is caused by composition average increase ones that is probably heat flux conducted seasonal variation A large of the Opposite$ind variation variation point which remains (winter > summer), is evident sunlit (winter in winter. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to acknowledge the efforfs of W. Abel, W. A. Reid and J. H. McNally in collecting these data; atso, R. Julian, J.K. Upbam, Mm. A. Freeman, Miss D. Tourigny and Miss L. Zak in various p+rtions of tie data reduction. The continued support of P. B. Sebring is also gratetily ac!-mowledged. ,“/ ,... I ,,, J 38 day- of from the protonosphere but no temperatures to be caused by the heating of the protonosphere from the conjugate into tbe (300” to 400 “K) in the summer caused by tbe seasonal nighttime tempera- and heat flux conducted into the ionosphere is changes regiOns.$5’3i daytime and nighttime in the temperature We find s significant ones) and is believed escaping is often encountered We believe variations for this has been offered. photoelectrons L and responsible an E X B drift of ionization in NZ) brought ahout by the heating of the aurOral over the winter The average behavior is high. have also been employed density. explanation of the ring current. and hence opposes from which seasonal time temperatures electron injected winds, On the following ionosphere of the plasma by ___ .. .. REFERENCES 1. J.V. Evans, “Ionospheric Backscatter Observations at Millstone Hill,” Technical ReptJrt 374, Lincoln Laboratory, M.LT. 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DESCRIPTIVE (%. NOTES of rnmrt .ndincl. sive date.) Technical Report 5. AU THOR{S1 Evans 6. .!s,0,, <Lam “a”ze, , John V. 1,,s, .-., in ft?d> 7.. DATE 19 .. CO. T.AC7 PROJECT 0. NO. GRANT .0. 0.,., F19628.70<-oz30 7X263304DZ15 ,,. 76. PAGES NO. 0,.,, OF REFS 51 .EPO. ? NUMBER(S1 Report 481 R.,.., ed t.,. .0(s} (.4., .th.r””,mb.r. (ha, “,., b. report) ESD-TR-71-7 ., NOTICES AVAILABILITY/Limitation Approved for pubtic release; ,. N.,0.,, Technica3 a.eig. ,0, OF 48 ,.. 6.. NO. ,0,.. 1971 January SUPPLEMENTARY distrihmion unlimited. ,2. NOTES SPONSO R,.. MILITARY AC T, VITY of the Chief of Research Department of tie Army Office None and Oevelopnent, i ,, .,s,..., This report presents F-region electron densities and electron temperatures observed during the year 1966 at the Mitlstone Hill Radar Observatory (42.6-N, 71.5” W) by fbe UHF Thomson (incoherent) scatter radar. The measurements were usually made for periods of 24 hours twice per month, and covered the akitude range 150 to 750km approximately. The time required to collect all the measurements spanning fhis hei@ interval was 30 minutes, i.e., ha2f that of previous years. The results exhibit a greater amount of random time variation than seen heretofore, partly as a resutt of the ~tter time resolution achieved and partly because each day bas been amtyzed individually, i.e., we have discontinued the practice of computing onty the monthly mean behavior. We believe, however, that the largest patt of the random variation is real and results from fluctuations in the solar EUV flux, which increase in magnitude as the sunspot numkr rises. Also, we expect a growing incidence of fluctuations prcduced by large-scale fraveling ionospheric distm+ances as we apprOach sunspot m~mum. Despite fbis v=iabili~, tie ch=acteristic “winter” md” summer” type behavior reported for Millstone in previous years is clearly recognizable. On four days in which pronounced effects due to geomagnetic storms are evident, the layer rose to great heights in the late afternoon and achieved an abncmmdly hi$ densify (and lower-than-norma3 temperature). The reverse behavior was encountered fbe next morning. This sequence is similar to fbat first seen in June 1965, and its interpretation in terms of current ideas is summarized. ,, KEY WORDS Millstone radar F-region diurnal variations electron demify ionospheric scatter seasomd variations 41 temperahme effects spectrum analyzers UNCLASSIFIED — Security Classification ..— .—