MILLSTONE HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1964 J. V. EVANS Group 31 ; :~ i ./ ,.i . . :.. ThCHNICAt REPORT 430 Yr ;, -/ i A : ? c : MASSACHUSETTS LEXINGTON ... ‘, ,. , . . . ., ? . . ,, ABSTRACT 1 Tlmmsrm seamer (incoherent backscatter) at Millstone fwo weeks. of tbe ionosphere were made 1964, for 30-hour periods density profile and electron and ion temperature. curves The results are presented in this report, fogecher with the derived variation every These data have been em?loyed to. derive tbe mean hourly F-region to 700 km). electron month. observations Hill at a wavelength of 68 cm during (2.00 in each seasonal: of electron density (at 0600, 1200, 1800 and 2400 hours local time) and the average daytime [0900 to. 1500). and nighttime (2100 to 0300) electron and ion temperature bebavicm. Separate measurements with a 23-cm radar permitted ported to be. extended?o lower altitudes the temperature results re- (-130 km) and, in addition, provided infer- mat ion concerning the ionic constituents behveen 130 amd 230 km . .. Although 1964 -was at sunspot minimum, evident. variat”fon in foF2 was quite It is shfilvn that rhis feature is strictly associated and that dezsities variations U!e seasonal of tempe+afure phenomenon. with the peak of the laye>. above 400-km $Jtitude are highest W the equinoxe s.. No seasonal are found which might .be large At night the peak densities enough to account .fcmthe are highest in summer, and the tempera- tures at all .alritudes highest in winter. This last effem heat conducted from the proronosphere. ~which ix winter continues m he heated by photoelectron is believed iargely due to escape from the conjugate ionosphere which remains sunlit throughout the night. Accepted for the Air Force Franklin C. Hudson Chief, Lincoln Laboratory Office ~~ CONTENTS Abstract 1. Il. 1NTRODUCTION 68-CM 111. 68-CM IV, V. VI. C)BSERVING DATA 3 REDUCTION ACCURACY DIURNAL 3 PROCEDURE OF 68-CM 5 RESULTS vARIATIONS OBSZRVED AT 68 CM A. Electron Density 6 El. Electron Temperature 8 C. Ion Temperature SEASONAL IONS Zi - 21 Temperature 24 VARIAT A... Electron Density: B. Electron 8 24 C :“ Ion Temperature D: VII vIII. 1X. X. x1. X111 Electron-@-Ion PHOTOE Temperature LE.C TRONS FROM 24 Ratio CONJUGATE” “1ONOSPHERE. 29 30 DISC USSION 23-CM OBSERVING 23-CM DATA PROCEDURE.: REDUCTION 32 Problem ef Mixtures B. Electron Temperature C. Ion Composition 35 D. Checks 37 23-CM of IorLs 30 .,, 32 A... 33 .Ze on Results 3? RESULTS A. Exospheric B. Electron C. XII. 6 Temperature Tex 38 Temperature 40 Ion Composition DISCUSSION OF 37 23-CM RESULTS 4i 4i A. Accuracy B. E-Region Temperature 42 C. E-Region Thermal Equilibrium 42 D. Seasonal Variation in Composition 42 43 SUMMARY A. Daytime B Nighttime C. Daytime D. Nighttime References Electron Electron Electron Electron Densities 43 Densitie= 44 Temperatures 44 Temperature 45 46 MILLSTONE HILL THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1964 I I. INTRODUCTION A Thomson Wi?st ford, scatter (inkobesent Massachusetts backscatter) (42.6-N; 7i.5”’W)in radar routine ties, electron and ion temperatures. Previous these data are ga+he~ed and the results”cd sente.d in Ref. 2.. Here mum in the sunspot Based plaintwo increase <eatures and early in f963”. Forthe consider ous ly. 2-4 However, is. disc.ussed. .Beginning ing equipment) to Place ative abundance a number of the heavy with the 23-cm radar radar Section review the method and seasonal reviews the conjugate The ions as a function and the accuracy was detected. VIII 1 tO ex- ysteerable antenna than the grOund-clutter supply i.e., presents simul- and water cool- with the two systems observations temperatures also yield the rel- the percentage the results by presenting compo- obtained the 68-cm In Sees. V and VI the diurnal are presented measurements a full and in Sees. 111and IV we briefly of the F-region Section radar obtained of the results. parameters beating study .?!hich temperature cannot be operated power we begin procedure, and Previ- at23-”c~~ wavelength of ion and electron report observed gOod, given of F-region greater of altitude. This descriptions systems radar that follow, . -——.. curves 23-cm the observing the 23-cm at a range the results to construct as those is remarkably employs the transmitter and NO+ ions. of the observed ionosphere (e. g., by comparing in which predawn X11 present echOes therefore, cQnjug?.!e ionosphere. OPerating radar tO ex- and equ’inox by recent.theoretical The two radar In the sections 11presents the. same of results tO mOrphol Ogical the 23-cm obliquely. and light of reduction variations observations tions 1X through pre-.. to be at: the mini- .we have attempted va~iztionsthatare which” p”oint to the existence 130 to 800 km. in 1964. in *963, the two sets have been questioned Because However, from diucnal a secOnd radar system it has been possible interval Obser~ed resultsand of components of 0+ ions and the qum of O; results. i.963 were a“t Millstone Hill; the summer 3,4 It isof interest, winter increase. the iOnOspheric the beam are shared. the height for the year ‘1964, ..which happened of fast pbOtOelectTOns.~p.@.~the 200-km. altitude. times, over from to. the presented with the arrival because observations of foF2 between $hese explanations by directir+g at different yield agreement ableconfidenc.e. it is possible taneously sition the 1964 results below interference temperature (predawn) in 4964, we employed regions system, morning New resultsare associated Hill, measurements .of F-region electron densi1,2 have outlined theproceduresb ywhich for. the year in the behwior most part, this lends plore results upon the diurna.l vaPiatien..0f to. see to what extent rises we present at Millstone cycle. anomalous evening and reduced, reports has been employed and discussed. Section due to photoelectrons discusses tbe 68-cm in this same order, VII arriving results. namely, Sec- ... TABLE INCOHERENT BACKSCATTER I OBSERVATIONS Begin End (EST) (EST) G - 19t Mean K P — 4 January 1530 40 10 January 0900 11 January 1600 2+ 18 January 1600 1600 20 3+ 1530 20 1500 2+ 1600 20 1600 o+ 3 January 17 January 1000 31 January 1030 1 February 14 February 1030 15 February 28 February 1500 29 February 13 March 0930 14 March 27 March 0900 28 March c1 Q 10 APril 0900 11 April 1600 2- 24 April 0930 25 April 1600 2– 8 May 0930 9 May 1700 0+ 22 May 1130 23 May 1500 1- Q 14 June 0800 15 June 1500 2– 27 June 0030 27 June 1500 10 10 July 0800 11 Jdy 1500 2- 24 July 1000 25 July 1530 1+ 1600 2– 1530 2- I 430 1530 20 10 7 August 0830 8 August 21 August 1100 22 August 4 September 0800 5 September 18 September 0800 19 September q Q 2 October 0800 3 Octcber 1500 1+ 16 Cktober 0800 17 October 1500 1+ 30 Octcber 1100 30 Oct05er Q 1630 1- 6 November 0900 7 November 1- 13 November 14 November Q Q 1600 0900 1500 0+ 27 November 0900 27 November q 1500 0+ 3 December 0900 1600 10 0900 4 December 18 December q 17 December 0900 30 December I 530 1600 20 10 29 December — — observations, reduction, accomplished with both radar II. results OBSERVING 68 -Ckf usually the interval profiles time over January, Several the profiles I lists operation, but these 68-CM made tended by gating the frequency broadening spectra the time in order reduction the sensitivity for later gathered, of of non- and indi- It can be seen that apart magnetically to increase to ob- in the amount of the signals were required 1964 Thus the number these periods. was operated from Perkins Ti. quiet. its reliability and ease of of the apparatus.i gating obtained The error spectral (Ref. i) equal in length by transmitting the receiver byusing a pulse private weight the radar signal of $0 percent) function tbe in the pulse. That is, hut the additional an entirelyney set of theoretical which allows communication). at from introduced to the transmitted for, spectra arose of the distortion was allowed Thus, was not. the proper and T. Hag fors, from (of tbe order shapes base a portion introduced have been computed (F. alter This some During but the time to one hour. could Observa- intervals. which tbe data were index Kp during and ion temperatures of expected from smearing arising tal effects during measurements approximately. to two weeks, by recording to the equipment to overestimate in the computation receiver of the work REDUCTION to ~964 the electron Hill a summary at weekly than in 4963. the periods did not appreciably DATA Prior Millstone less the days on which the equipment were 90 minutes, at a time was reduced was accomplished Table changes and temperature was increased only about 25 percent processing. density once every profiles the mean value .of the geomagnetic neglect which of 30 hours periods and temperature were to produce from III. range for periods observing density obtained real-time cates height conducted between tain complete X111 provides systems. (about 200 to 800 km) was examined tions were Section PROCEDURE In i 963 the complete be made and discussion. for The power these instrum filter is I intbe ,, Pi(f)ob~ =~+-m <, S(f)\ ’>avg (1) :i(f)df .,, where .th is the power spectrum at the output of the receiver, Fi(f) is the power of 1 \ and f is frequency shift measured with respect to the translated radar frequency. <l S(f)[2)avg analyzer filter Thepotier spectrum <1S(f)l <l S(f)12>avg -- f+- ‘>avg presented to the spectrum d“<,H(”to,,’>avg ~ ,2T(: “)12 analyzer [~ filter bank is ‘;:;!! ;,:)’l - (2) -m where <l H(uto)12>avg (as a function Tbe equations Besides is tfie spectral of frequency for being a function that this latter approximate of Te/Ti v) corresponding of electron-to- the spectral dependence electron and Ti were density (of a CW signal) to a delay have been given <l H(uto)12>a”g and ion composition, lier broadening ion temperature shape depends could be handled profile from then established to and , by a number introduced by the ionosphere is the pulse of authors, ratio Te/Ti, length e.g., ion temperature upon the electron density by obtaining the experimental which the density by comparison from N.’ signal spectra 3 —- ..-.-.. .... ..—.$—. Ti It was shown ear- N could be estimated. of the observed employed. Fejer.5 mti,?-. results an The values with one computed ties for the same were 5. Oandi worked OMHz out, (N= Mills tox.. Hill density. namely, will cOrrespOnding tO Plasma ~ Following the suggestion be correct the true ratio if fN >5 MHz. spectral for fN = i.o, different +.5, 20, FOP wavelength shape ceases densi2.52 in use at to change when have been computed OnlY fOr the case ‘N = these to derive of Moorcroft,6 and the derived (Te/Ti) sPectra of cases fN in MHZ). that the signal theoretical number frequencies in ~lectrons/cm3, (k = 68 cm) it transpires and Ti which will be correct Ti only a limited i.24Xi04f;, fli ~ 5 MHZ” In the new computations, io MHz. In practice, are employed If the plasma electron-to-ion frequencY temperature is less ratio values than ‘5 (Te/Ti)’ of Te/Ti MHz, OnlY will be related to in (3) .,, I ! where a = k/4nD and D = when the density ter to produce J---T (kTe/4vNe N is expressed a set of curves The procedure for in electrons analyzing two quantities: f the width in kilohertz ity, and x the ratio of the peak intensity yieId are inserted values lined previously equality on a graph of Ti and T;/Ty except (Te > Ti) It follows off, appropriate employed length profile spectra and a value employed for mat- are scaled to of half-peak intens- frequency. These (, . 0.5 or f. Omsec) is then obtained to correct simple N and T~. to that at the center to the pulse density c! . 0.785- that it is a relatively given the center (in the wings) The electron that the factor 6,7 between Millstone, The signal the data is now as follows. yield values /cm3. which Te can be read from For ) IS the 13ebye length. the effect in the manner to out- of the temperature in- becomes N(true)= ~ +~:fT, (4J N(obs) 1 which is a closer approximation N(true)= than used hitherto, ~ +~e/T, f,2 namely (5) N(obs) 1 ,, Given the true density N at the height where the temperature value of Te is obtained by interpolation from a plot of Te w As in the past, the radar is established From for the method data only for by normalizing all these each month. data, is then assigned and ion temperatures is drawn through stant density the day. of data ooints of hmaxand These as a plasma This *Z5, of N ~axf?2 vertical frequency type of presentation For Nmax. profiles fN) *iOO. . km, a mean profile are constructed density measured N/Nmax with respect and temperature the greatest shape. profiles the mean and the best smooth are then used to plot contours provides upon with an ionosonde. with the correct the temperature are computed, above. at all heights profiles that the relative +75, the true depends density observed and temperature *50, sampled are constructed The absolute this requires which yields at the heights points. N (expressed over the number these e.g., is obtained the mean value electron and time intervals, N, density was made, T~ and N [Eq. (3)] as outlined profiles to the value electron of the density at fixed density of the profile. the peak density A mean of these to the peak, and shape mean hourly In the case must be determined This by which the electron the height measurement curve of con- as a functiOn Of height amount of reduction in obtained. 4 ——— -...,,., _-.__._,,, ,._ A In addition for to the analysis each month are constructed to 1500 EST and from plots 1 of isothermal ployed IV. to infer daytime OF are were There i.e., center are with tbe pulse included temperature measurements or less, percent tudeby At the highest The evidence borne exact ployed 225-km altitude chiefly (*35km during the first of systematic altitude percentage error The error of this effect the value observed, of NO+ or O: approximately). as a consequence in lowering (>600km) at temperate ions in the appears of Ti obtained measurements of the transition soundings the behavior obtained to be at this alti- neath the satellite with the Ahmette itudes 48” to 60”. Using mation the i~n composition emission i 000 km above together MiIlstone centered ionosphere from m which taken as close (L . 3.5), case ion.9 to the total the foregeing one scale beigbt (i. e., -200 that the light tude that can be examined. ence of light I could km) below less with certain tbe satellite (i. e., lies has emassumptions to infer the transialtitude (de- > i 000 km) dur- sufficiently find less be determined at the satellite. be- frequency At a height than 20% H+ ions during rocket indicated that this is typical <t &., the cutoff flights behavior concerning of 6-hour into the top- that He+ never at sunspot the H+ abundance bemini- may be ions. at which temperature determinations 800 km by day and 600 km by night) lies is of the order altitude that the error than postulated at all times. of iO percent or less introduced at the highest by the neglect earlier.~ I ,. at least We may expect, 5 —. indirect Watti’ that the transition The only recent the transition Thus we believe no satellite- yet by various by determining that the upper limit (approximately ion abundance ions is substantially et al., .— mean time. of light of certainty only over the range of dip lati2 ~ $., were able to infer some infor- altitude of Barrington, abundance ions the day than at night this period. of the transition of the F-region has suggested it would appear can be made with this apparatus therefore, height of light overestimate Unfortunately, together above Barrington, at 1000-km ion composition Bauer lies The altitude Barrington, the estimates during with altitude, Watti i finds with reasonable with the scale which 1 sounder, (73”), satellite, on 0600 and 1800 local the predominant From ttie Sime for and ion temperatures tbe night. that it can be located concerning has been inferred of Millstone number smaller 0+ ions to He+ and H+ ions is known to be low- 50% He+ or H+ ions) of 50% 0+, that a small of Ti and a somewhat for i 964 have been published, altitude of the electron At the dip latitude as tbe height periods is the possibility that it is higher 10 than over the equator. latitudes ing the day and at >900 km during of a V LF there of the transition region from 8,9 There is also evidence minimum. topside tion height. came may be em- of th@se is that only 0+ ions are presthat at the lowest of the pulse height the height concerning mum? plots sources with an appreciable would lead to an overestimate mass-spectrometer methods ,. (See.XII-A) regions and is significant and that it is higher side 0900 then used to obtain These bothersome the principal The first the analysis. extent for which were error,l Accordingly, at 225 km, altitudes This est at sunspot fined are year. from about 50”K. are present. T~. during vertical –io curves the entire the periods profiles variations. of instrumental is some by the large during temperature RESULTS made ent at all heights. These respectively. seasonal eIiminatedbyi964.2 the assumptions and nighttime all the data obtained and month for and nighttime 68-CM mean daytime by averaging vs height It is thought that sources half of 1963, above, Zi 00 to 0300 EST, contours ACCURACY outlined .,, ,,. alti- of the pres- V. DIURNAL Figures VARIATIONS i through each figure (a) contains OBSERVED 12 present AT 68 CM the results the results for the months for the electron January density, through (b) the electron December. In temperature and (c) the ion temperature. A. Electron Density The behavior similarity midnight two hours from of the electron month and falling after being fastest after to month. between ground density For midnight sunrise [Figs. l(a) example, 12(a)] hmax is always and dawn. (Table through The value 111and thereafter shows a striking highest (-290 of hmax reaches tends to rise, degree of to 300 km) near a minimum with the rate about of increase sunset. TABLE SUNRISE (X = 98.5° AND AND SUNSET cd Ground II AT Level) ITS MAGNETICALLY Mills! (42.6”P 100-KM FOR ALTITUDE MILLSTONE CONJUGATE HILL POINT ~ Hill Coniugote 1.5”W) (7 I . 9“S 80. 7“W) Point Sunrise Sunset (EsT) (EST) 1 January 0629 1709 15 January 0628 1722 1 February C617 1742 15 February 0602 1759 1 March 0541 1816 0220 2251 15 March 0518 1832 0405 2059 Date = tlt Always sunlit I \ 1 April 0448 1853 0531 1523 15 April 0423 1910 0632 1814 1 May 0356 1930 0737 1703 15 May 0337 1948 0831 1607 1 June 0320 2007 0928 1512 15 June 0315 2017 0958 1447 1 July 0320 I 454 0330, 2019 2012 0958 15 Juty 0528 1528 1 August 15 August 0350 1955 0832 1627 0407 I 935 0735 1720 1 Sepfember 0428 1905 0619 1S29 15 September 0444 1839 0508 1929 0501 1811 0334 2051 0516 1747 0134 2244 1 November 0526 1713 15 November 0552 1709 1 Octcber 15 Oct&er I December 0519 1700 15 December 062 I 1700 t t Alwoy~ sunlit -!_L_!_ 6 ,, The electron density maximum zround it is ciear that at fixed increases throughout noon or shortly heights thereafter, until the ever. ing increase of a separate 3.which suggested rise article to a collapse summer this is sufficiently Variability in the increase has risen during proposed as the prime ward were well peak is already This of electron to reach value during at this time in electron though the rapid fall influence. that are responsible The evening in foF2 (a) in winter for only during the fall. in .T: equinox was the layer up- in all months and summer. large is less, of day. temperature is evident is neither above. h.max that can participate In to which hmax driving increase sunset at the peak. Thus, the forces {n the after- temperature in the density its highest a is rising, has been the subject to the height agent, of ionization It nor rapid,.:(b) and (c) the density in at the high. explanation has been challenged the time-dependent continuity are allowed to vary dec.reaseat sunset not able to give tbe prime tends to decrease day to day cotild be related a modifying that this is because tbe amount for foFZ from and tends to reach the fact that the layer phenomenon and an increase hmax hut can be recognized above was suggested3 that the rapid fall of the day physical This occurs. thickness pronwdnced of foF2 the course thought to exert at heights winter in the layer at all altitudes for to hmax the density with respect noon at all altitudes gives the morning If one allows cause and Venables: eql.mtion for the F-region independently. is capable rise by..Thomas Their of causing to increases. results show that, tmdiffuse is tbe temperature. density dependence who. succeeded when the electron ionization in electron i3 in solving. and ion temperatures though tbe electron temperature to lower this in itself altitudes, as large. as observed. of tbe principal loss They mechanism is sugge,st: that ~ at F-region heights, namely ~+;Nz.+ NO++ e-. If the N2 molecules efficient tional crease (6) N+ (7) O+hu which take part would be a function temperature N~:+N has a similar variation In summer the evening maximum effect rise maximum only above change in foE’2 is larger tends to be larger. In winter, about 300-km excited, Thus, the effective if it is assumed to the electron to a marked 13 of ion~z ation near the peak. an accumulation an observable temperature. diurnal in Te at sunset wotiidgive the midday [Eq. (6)] are vibrationally of vibrational temperature, in tbe loss rate tbe rapid altitude, noted, so that foF2 in but in equinox the evening shows co- de- and could result than the noon maximum, as already rate that the vibra- increase a single is midday maximum. In summer and equinox ter this decrease near 0400. suggested whole is arrested Above that this redistribution protcmosphere.4 A closer it is less near examination at all altitudes in the F-region that such cooling tbe night. which could cause below throughout throughout is caused would be most a significant there change is no change in the pitch It has been by the cooling serious of the sun at the conjugate Further, In win- occurs the night. of sunset when the sun’s disiance the night. 450 km and a maximum to be decreasing or in tbe absence of the zenith than ~ . 90- throughout the sun and tbe field appears of ionization It was supposed hemisphere, decrease 22oO EST at heights 500 krh the density set in the conjugate large. tbe densities following point shows --,.-.., , distribution r that @ between 7 ..—–...—. sunbecomes zeriith angle in the angle angle of the . ,; and hence the escape suppose sible that the reduced for reduced temperature jugate i4 rate of photoelectrons. loss decline electron rates The most temperahre explanation that accompanies and consequently must be sought plausible the density in the behavior at this time the density increaze itself. is to increase is respon- The reason of the @otoelectron escape for a flux at the con- point. Electrcn B. During Temperature eq,uinoctial months ture [Figs. 3(b), throughout the day and falls temperature observed 4(b), gradient mum at some months altitudes. [Figs. In winter sunlit, it *8 probsble photoelectrons Iota.1 ionosphere During tude.: rapidly [Figs. i (b); (-3 ‘/km), that. during behavior morning temperature is maxi- i 2(B)] the temperature but the actual the electrcn..temper2ture is a POsitive temperature to be an early 1+ (b), tempera- at all altitudes the day there electrcm appears 2(b), constant During Similar though there the electron is roughly at sunset. at all altitudes. months and October) at sunrise, gradi- near lImaxF2 the w inter muntbs the proton osphere exceeds when the cOnj.ugate hemisphere and contriiiute to the nocturnal remains heatitig of the [Sec. VII). the short summer to warming night the electron the temperature 9(b)j and then incneases occurs reaches. hi winter again. only2 temperatu~s is roughly a minimum the same hou~s a~ter local a little before thing happens, sunset. constant except at a given alti- midnight {Figs. 41b), “. that the reversal This behavior is belibve.d from to be a cons equence of the fact that the proton mpher ic heat flux is roughly constant throughout the i6 and the heat loss (from electrons to ions) initially exceeds the input, but later as the den- night sity decreases this situation C. Ion Temperature The diurnal pei-ature, variatiOn thereby demonstrating remains night. Ti shows In winter EST when the electron and causes given gesting electron neutrals, above, little cause temperature. Below but the values appears and effect [e. g., between is greater lower During the daytime the Ti declines throughout the appreciably rapidly. Figs. heating ‘em- i(a), till ’200 In Ref. 4 we argued 2(a)] which occurs and cOOling. at this In the tentative have been reversed. gradient above i(c) — i2(c) the night in equinox than during 400 km is of the order than that of the neutrals, 300 km the ions are probably During the two. In summer and does nOt decrease in density in the balance shown in Figs. somewhat between is also found to be declining temperature that the ion temperature tends tO fOllOw that of the electron coupling of sunset of the increase reversal altitude at all altitudes. evidence the daytime ably too low (See. IV). dTi/dh constant temperature a second In all seasons the thermal fairly that this was a consequence explanation is reversed. of Ti abO~e 300-km ion temperature time 1 the ion temperature. This ~. i5 as argued p.r.evious Iy; by the PCO!.OnOsPhere Of heat supplied traverse In the equinoxes cooling less than LJ .su.mmer is thought to be” “a consequence September rapidly 6( b]-8(b)] At night in all fieasons however, April, rises somewhat 300km. is higher is lower. (March, i o(b)] of about 2-/km in summer ent above 9(b), (toward 8 and is converging in good thermal the bottoms and in summer, the day (-’1.5 ‘/km). of 4 “/km, equilibrium of the figures) the temperature sug- on the with the are prob- gradient I -@@IL ,00 ,00 so. : (0) Plasm. frequency. Z 5 ❑ z 400 300 m. EST TEiE@ ,00 700 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 z* : k g : ! w ❑ I 400 .00 ,00 300 ,00 ,00 048!2 0.812!6 16202, m> EST EST (b) Electron temperature. Fig. 1. (c) Ion temperature. Mean monthly behavic.r for January 1964. I 9 .! EmizL ~EoRuARy ,9,64 ,00 PLASMAFREQLENCY[MHZ] 600 600 ~ (0) Plasma frequency. = g .00 ZOO 0481216 ?0,, EST 30. K t600 1400 !20( 200 ~ . (b) Electron EST EST (c) Ion temperature. temperature. Fig. 2. Mean monthly behavior io for February 1964. 7,0 -J 0.5 R 1,5 ,00 MARCH t.5 2,0 1964 PL4$MA FREQUENCY [MHz) 2.5 ,00 : : 1.0 (0) Plasma frequency 3,0 : . z . \ 3.5 400pl/// 4.0 ~ ,.o.y/& ‘~ bla EST -@@EL 700 ~AR~~ ~1 \ ,964 2600 ‘e /,,1; \ !600 111{, (Ill, / Ii ,~’1 / \ ~1’ 600 b 2800 4800 ~ 2400 500 ! 400 2600 -? * : ~ : 1600 400 2200 [ ~/ ( 1200 !400 2000 K o !200 !800 +000 4000 ,Af 80( 20 0 048!2 !620 EST EST (b) Electron temperature, Fig. 3. (c) Ion temperature. Mean monthly behavior For March 1964. (.) Wm. (c) b. temperature. (b) Electron temperature. Fig, 4. Mean monthly behavior for April 1964. 1.2 — ,.. (a) Plasm frequency. EST 1 200 1 1 1 ! 1 1 04812 EST EST (b) Electrcm (c) !0. temperature. Fig. 5. Mean monthly behavior for May 1964. temperature. 1 I $6?02, 1 1 (a) Plasma frequency. EST EmmL 7’30 ,0, 500 j > g ‘# 400 300 ,00 b 300 800 ,, 1 ! I 1 1 1 04a 0 (b) Electron 1 200 E’:T EsT (c) temperature. Fig. 7. Mean monthly behavior for July 1964, Ion temperature. 1 ,, 1 1 m 1 I 24 (a) PI mm. frequency. ES1 EST EST (b) Electron (c) !0. temperature. Fig. 8. Mean monthly behavior for August 1964. temperature (a) Plasma frequency EST EST (b) Electron (.) temperature Fig. 9. Mean monthly behavior ’17 for September 10. temperature. 1964. (.) P1.smo frequency. EST EST EST (b) Electron (.) temperature. Fig. 10. Mean monthly behavior for October Ion 1?64. temperature. (.) pl.smo frequency Em@ @zimL 700 700 600 ,00 ,00 500 -j g ! : : : g Y 400 400 300 300 200 0,8 !6 m m, ,. O,*I2 16202+ E’:T (b) Electron EST temperature. Fig. 11. (c) Mean monthly b.havior 19 for November Iontemperat. 1964. re. (0) Plasmo frequency. .mmL E$T (b) Electron (c) temperature. Fig. 12. Mean monthly behavior 20 for December Ion 1964. temperature. vI. SEASONAL A. VARIATIONS Electron Figures 13(a-d) 1800 hours, showing Density respectively. seasonal density Above cause the number values increase that occurs from peak densities lower’ electron In all seasons see Sec. VIII), Table If gives the time and later in error, tend is a of foF2 at these of foF2 immediately N ~ax above to a value in Table being to and the mid- What is rather surpris from variation. electron This - tbe density arises scale at about ionospheric be- heights density begins sunrise tO increase, (X - 100”, ~Vhich OCCUrS witier as a result is faster above is rising of the plots illustrates clearly of about rotation densities above That time. interval tbe mean and the error seasonal highest anom- is strictly densities measurements. near hmax. The figure ma;, be which this graph that the anomaly than at any other Tbe two profiles times these from 400 km or above, by Faraday the height at 0600 Fig. t 3(c) that the tOtal cOntein~ ~2~Oo N from substantially rapidly the so-called It is striking before shown in Fig. i 3(b) extremely shown in f?ig. 13(b) for of greater in winter tbe peak. required shows bars the the peak of the layer is, tbe density This decrease is shown most for the density the mean monthly nearest Thus, Ch to fall variation from of this noon on each of tbe days listed are probable errors is only an annual variation derived from in this parameter, of the lower part of the layer also varies smoothly from a sum18 This striking change in layer shape has also been demon- minimum. variation in the “ slab thickness” parameter i7 Thomas19 has discussed measurements. perature presented Ti or Te/Ti. 13(c)] variation an artifact than in summer, This is confirmed arise semithickness a from as a consequence The seasonal in winter. rotation results and it can be seen that this occurs It can be seen that there that might ,result in Te, sunrise At an altitude at noon in 1964. by the seasonal Faraday by lower the electron and it is evident used to compute maximum from months, In large In part this results seasonal to rise in winter. [Fig. tie have plotted of the values. The parabolic strated begins the contours in the profiles 0.7 Nmax 1 were the minimum mer months, times. the layer parameter the scatter plots (Sec. v-AI. show Iiltle 13ecause the density in winter in winter in h“ig. 14 where thickness than they are. are offset befOre of this effect. which are not reflected clearly in winter of ionospheric in the equinoxes, maximum in summer sunset. than this time of the peak of the layer. high values latest since (in summer) The noon behavior values to occur occurs lower or the other than in winter. elapsed and the May peak is perhaps was constructed. a feature in summer increase temperature in the equinoct ial and summer aly, of higher diagrams noon and – 12(a- c). of hours densities 40 to 50 minutes a.onsequence somewhat to these ‘l (a-c) 0600, sunrise. 0600 in summer is chiefly at midnight, (and ion) temperatures. tbe electron i. e., at about ground density applied to Figs. are higher are not actually about 400 km the midnight the higher arising hasbeen the sunset reflect in electron in contrast the peak densities because values ing is that the winter nocturnal (below) [ Fig, 13(a)] this arises night density variation No smoothing variations At midnight measure show the seasonal changes in Te, in the following Thus the seasonal of large Ti or ‘re/Ti, changes the changes and found that these sections variation [= (./’N db)/Nmax] show that there in Te and Ti as suggested 21 in layer are small. is little of the slab thickness determined seasonal apparently by Yeh and Flaherty. shape Tbe tem- variation does not arise 17 700 SOo \ 1 \ ------------‘“”F=+== ‘ -Q ~LA~M&~REQu ENcy ,00 t ,00 2400 EST 1964 ,81,,,1111 ,, ,,$ 2$5152,51528$152$8 JAN FEB MAR 1,,,,,1,, bPR 1S2S5,5255 MAY JUN DATE (a) PLASMA 0600 ,00 lllll$bi 5!s255152$ JAN FEB 51525 MAR At 13. >5?S $!, ,55!525$)52$5! AUG SEP OcT NOv !lll 525 DEc 1964 midnight. FREQUENCY EsT 1964 )ll!lll llll!ll lll!ll, $!52s5 15t5515t5S APR MAY JUN DATE (b) At 0600 Fig. !S25, JUL Seasonal variation '',,1, ','1, 152551525515 JUL AuG 1964 '''l,, $EP '',1, ', 2s5!$2551s255! OcT NOv 525 DEc hours. of plasma frequency. 22 — -rmEL ,00 ( 5,,25, JAN 1(, t,,l, u,l,81, (lt811# llt>l(L !s2s51, t55(5,5s !s25$,5,5, FEB MAR APR MAY JUN DATE (c) PLASMA 1800 ,00 5$s2, JAN 1,,,1, (,cd~ S$6255(52$5$5?5$ FEB MAR APR AuG SEP OCT NOv 1528 DEc At noon. FREOUEMCY EST 1964 (S,$5($ 25 S!$2$S MAY JUN JUL DATE (d) Fig. At 13. 1800 !964 hours.. Continued. 23 — $tlllll clllllll!llul( I,,f,l,ti 25515,ss!$25s 1525 s,, ,5,,5 JUL 1964 (5255)$ 2S5152$ AUG SEP OCT $N:V258D;C25 The sunset servable phenomenon equinoctial begins fore increase The electron to decrease some ionospheric sunset increase simply (Table B. Because reaches sunset. a Thus the of the fact that the sunset later Electron and the elec- II) which follows is occurring it occurs be- shown in Fig. i 3(d) arise as a result increase mer maxima and temperature 30 or so minutes peak at about ionospheric equinoctial is an ob- only in summer months. tron density in density near +800hours, and in winter In sum- not at all. Temperature the variation of electron and ion ,964 temperature Fig. 14. Seasonal parameter variation of the thickness h7@A - hmax. with time tends to be small noon and midnight [Figs. have taken 6-hour averages near I(b, c) to lZ(b, c)], centered we on these times. Figures (2io0 ‘t5(a-b) show the variation to 0300) electron sonal variation temperatures. below 300-km a summer minimum is a very pronounced seasonal sequence mains uniformly of a higher sunlit C. Also, made shown in Figs. temperatures results [Fig. 300 km there maxima, i5(a)] appear and mean nig~ttime show no pronounced to be real variations, as noted in ‘t 963 (Ref. 2). The temperatures are lowest As noted in Sec. V, in summer arriving but not in summer seafor At night there ?June and July) this is thought in part to be a con- beat flux due to the fact that the conjugate fast photoelectrons in winter for above i6(a-b). are clearly electron in winter in Ti at night is considerably of nocturnal perature is so low in August this month D. (Table heating. from the conjugate ionosphere r:- ionosphere serve (Sec. VII). Figures foregoing, i7(a-b) values i7(a)] values [Fig. are encountered spectrum lies i6(b)]. Temperature is somewhat peak always [Fig. higher profiles between than for Te, indicating different activity to the ion tem- trend, but at night the The summer-to-winter that the latter can be offered from be applied show no seasonal in summer. The magnetic dif- is a far better for why the nighttime tem- on the days of observation that encountered in any other in month. Ratio show the variations the daytime the lowest less averages can partly and lowest No good explanation 1) was not particularly Electron-to-Ion temperature The daytime highest indicator computed trend. (0900 to i500) Ion Temperature perature [Fig. and equinoctial protonospheric ionosphere The comments ference Above into the winter. in winter. to heat the local The daytime altitude. example, and increase of the mean daytime of Te/Ti over the year. i7 (b)] show no pronounced in summer and the highest than the peak value employed reported for comparison 300 and 350 km, irrespective As may be expected seasonal in winter. previously.2 in 1963 were of season, variation, from while at night The peak daytime This inaccurate is because the value the [Sec. 111). The and has a value in the range 24 ..—. ,- ..—-...,,,..“.. ,.— —. ........-_.. __,__, .— ELEcTRON 5!$2551S JAN !S51$25$1$?551$ FEB MAR &PR Average (.) DAYTIME-1964 TEMPERATURE ,,,1, (,, ,1, ,, (,1(,,,, ,00 255152 MAY FEB MAR (b) Fig, 15. APR Average Seasonal 5! S? S5,S?5 JUI. (0900 AUG MAY lllil nighttime 25 OCT NW DEC NIGHTTIME-1964 111111111111’ >551$?581s255!$ JUL (2100 variation 5Nt55,5,5$lSZ Jlllllllllllllllll 1525515 JUN SEP to 1500 hours). TEMPERATURE 1,11111 1,,1111 1111111)!!l!ll $51$ >5s 152551$2%$1525$ ,AN $5151> JUN daytime ELECTRON ’00 1,~ AUG to 0300 of electron SEP 25,1 OCT hours). temperature. $2s51$?5 MOV DEC ‘“”r 200 :- A 600 DAYTIME ION TEMPERATURE ,00 l,, !,)ll}l 5152058525, JAN 111)11) (,?s515? FE9 MAR APR 11111)1 l!ll!ll ,51> 25$15,5 MAY 10N fm JAN MbR (b) Fig. A,. Average 16. AUG ' $15,, SC, I,,,l,f’, $,5,5 OcT NOv $1s?5 DEc to 1500 hours). NIGHTTIME-1964 1111( 1(,,, (5ts5t5t5$ FEB JUL (0900 TEMPERATURE ,11( ll![ 51s25515?55 llllllf 11111111,1, $I$?5585,, $IS2$ JUN (a) Average daytime -!964 $l(rlll lllltll 1$2554s MAY JuN nighttime Seasonal 25s 1111111 ul, 1525$15,5515 JuL (2100 variation 26 to \,,l,,, f$l,,l$! ,s$,$,5s ‘UG sEp ‘CT 0300 hours). of ion temperature (52,$1323 “ov ‘Ec — T,/ T, DAYTIME-1964 (, ,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,, ,00 545?s51$ (1 (,,,,1,<,,, 255$525515255!5 JAN FE8 MAR (.) APR Average Il,lllllt 1$,551$ 2551s25s MAY JUN daytime JUL (0900 to llll!ll 1$ $1$25$ AUG SEP 1500 hours). !llllllllllm 8,,5, ,5! OCT 55)525 NOV DEC I3-3I-1OO44-I 700 — em — i: :i’’’6*: ‘: $~,_@ .>,,/ , ,/ NIGHTTIME Te / T{ loo~ $45255 JAM $32551525515,S FEB MAR APR (b) Average Fig. 17. $13 2S5,S,$, MAY JUN nighttime Seawnol $5,, .l”L (2100 voriation 27 ‘. -1964 ,,, ?,5,, ,$ ,,$,, AUG sw OCT to 0300 ho.m). of Te/T., \;> s!, ,,, NW ,5,s DEC mm 13.3! -10358111[ / ELECTRON ,800 – 300 TEMPERATURE / TO 400 W ~11 APR ,964 /’ ,.00 / : ,. (400 – ,,00 - ,000 – am 1 , , # , 1 ,22300, .2 03040506 [ EST Fig. Solid 18. Variation ~rrows of indicate ken arrows indicate Te showing predawn time of cmset of Ioc.I time at which conjugate increases heating point Fig. coincident with as estimated heating 19. conjugate from ATe/dt sunrise. and brO- ~ commences. Times sunrise heating Time at which at which appears local and to commence sun’s zenith distance coniugate (Fig. 18). is 106” and 98.5” is also indicated, These two angles corresP”d to e~rth’s shadow, reaching 200 and 100krn, o ,,,, 1 15 FE@ I I ‘AR L 15 ‘“ II t .,. DATE 28 respectively. from 2.6 to 3.o. At 6oo-km to lie at about the same to 2.7 in winter about i.4 vff. in summer to about i.6 In Ref. 2 we drew early Since morning source zenith from to occur throughout effects zenith are first point. possible Because 36 minutes of time at the conjugate does provide the served Fig. 18 the times for behavior (L - 3.2) it is possible to rise is similar sunrise the temperature appears to rise, group at Nancay i 964). This (L - 1.8), to almost its full daytime The difference in the behavior value, are to establish associated that noctm-nal with conjugate The time local sunrise, reach following sunrise causes greater transparent of Te observed we have plotted with the time at which x . 98.50 at the local the poor resolution in only when the local in on 41 April sunrise. On 15 March sunrise (A Te/dt ‘t ,4). and - 42“/min. to its earlier sunrise, level reported24 the ionosphere no perceptible be attributed during these points. is increase to the shorter y to the fast photoelectrons. rneas”rements ). At Millstone the behavior equinoctial in Fig. i 9 the times and conjugate by the pr-esent hour) by as much as 4 to 5 hours. from and Nanca.y might ‘t8 to indicate commenced. before conjugate (-+ heating with local different Figure resolution sunrise However, 300 and 375 km ob- a peak and then decline and local 29 and about 98- to 99”) in 1963 and 1964 sunrise. for heating 2 hours local is distinctly together afforded Circle periods and conjugate and local to precede increases the con- and a photoelec- We have attempted – that associated vicmsly, time obtained periods. at Millstone line lengt b for Nanc ay, with consequent In order 30-day with conjugate values between where, since at 11), and it is not ~ reaches is another abrupt increase 20-22 for Arecibo (L by Carlson sunrise by the French (i. e., when there to that reported 3 October in winter the day (Table these (at - 2“/min. ) approximately conjugate 1963, during which 23 at with sunrise only on about 30 days each equinox. that conjugate in ATe/dt x is found of the atmosphere. coinciding the protonosphere, than about two hours. for (as on i March riods by more Hill sunrise distance south of the Antarctic coinciding selected expansion is a sunrise by averaging these abrupt change begin~ sunrise one to distinguish allows separated This field obtained the zenith with in the height with local at Millstone from lies obtained the onset of heating to do so until local soon heated local results of days during is only a single In this case point to Millstone ionosphere when the temperature throughout west than Mills tone,4 there that the the conjugate associated at Millstone level of the has been found to coincide to the greater of heating in feature and demonstrated maximum, heat conducted at which we. estimate the temperature in Te. minimum occurring is a regular from of the heating cannot be expected between temperature these measurements are at Arecibo, sunspot even at ground the conjugate evidence is less – from temperature streaming Heating owing evidence of the temperature electron two sunrises sunlit farther on a number continues increases point which precedes an examination shows Toward The phenomenon to distinguish tron flux. there noticed point then remains readily The onset distance. has been made for the conjugate in electron months 300 to 400 km is used as an indicator. A search jugate increase 980 to 99” at sunspot = – about 2.6 10NOSPHERE the winter in that hemisphere. x with season at 600 km the variation is a flux of fast photoelectrons of At night the peak is found markedly 20-22 has shown that the phenomenon behavior at the same heating However, to a predawn Carlson distance to about i.6. which varies CONJUGATE that time sunrise a solar range has declined in winter. FROM attention of this heating following Te/Ti but has a value and 1.6 to 1.7 in summer. PHOTOELECTRONS March. altitude altitude, pe- of occurrence, As remarked does not permit pre the precise time of the onset of heating of uncertainty. a zenith distance ~ . i06-, large It would appear x = 98.5- However, change is reached, a small in the value shift and the bars to be established, that both local and conjugate in Fig. 19 indicate heating and that the true value commence probably lies between in the assumed latitude of the conjugate of x at which conjugate beating would appear the range slightly before x . 400” and point would make a to commence. Theoretical studies of tbe behavior of the electron temperature during sunrise have been 25 made by da Rosa who finds that Te begins to increase as x reaches ii 0“. In this analysis the beat input to tbe electron Bowhill model of midday as the shadow lations nonlocal of the earth’s would be required VIII. heating atmosphere to estimate to be a Chapman 26 was assumed must be well what effect function above. above below This 300 km and the Geisler seems rather - arbitrary 400 km at x . 11 O“ and exact calcu- this must have on tbe fast photoelectron flux. DISCUSSION A number variations of authors Fig. i 3(c), perature layer during the period to be supported with foF2 daytime for and a minimum either. OBSERVING The parameters that tbe 23-cm seasonal Thus, of tbe smaller quency radar. Tbe antenna the 68-cm 23-cm parametric spectral radar variations The do not seem that definitely the variation ~. is small. – in these quantities [Figs. 45(a) and 17(a)] 17, i9 i“ Fig ~4 (by ~lmo*t of Layer thickness impossible to invoke systems of 7db less sensitive (84-foot diameter) temperature changes or the reaction the signals are and described applied applied previously.’ is the insertion than the 68-cm system employs which re- rates of the amplifying stages, to the IF amplifiers to tbe signals One change 111. lt can be seen system. for This tbe higher aCassegrainian in azimuth in one position. of a new set of crystal would be expected in Table It can be driven it &>as left as first are given antenna employed radar pedestal. in cascade all the operations width of the echoes radar observations amplifiers conversion wavelength is ‘300-K. The neutral temperature Tn is a maximum in tbe 27 and hence variations in Tn cannot be invoked on a 90-foot but in these fi”rom this point on, and tem- at tbe peak of tbe The only parameter However, at hmax. used with the 23-cm and is mounted of 4-/see, density with and winter, of the 68- and 23-cm is of the order of frequency These in August and i7(a) PROCEDURE radar four diode interval. variations it appears a consequence speeds 16(a), temperature variation elsewhere. in summer chiefly arrangement encountered The electron changes of the height distribution of the constituents 28 to explain the seasonal anomaly. 10ss processes 23-CM i5(a), and at 300kn1 the decrease part of the year. is ‘Fe/Ti this seasonal of two) must be sought sult in either were Figs. of temperature to 2.6 in winter. of major as an explanation to winter for the first correlated values between July to December swnmer in terms correspondence by about ’100“K in this height that an explanation solstices to be some decreases by the results The absence frequency from 2.4 in summer a factor from anomaly When comparing by -200-1< a variation shows does seem the seasonal critical and December. we find that there ion temperature from The lowest in November decreases shows have sought to explain of the atmosphere. and the highest IX. gas was assumed is fre feed and elevation employs and following two stages of the 68-cm are the same receiver. as carried out with that must be made when operating filters to be approximately in the spectrum three at The receiver times analyzer. wider at The owing 30 . . . .._.,,... _,_.” .=.e.#_#_ .—. TABLE RADAR SYSTEMS FOR EMPLOYED IONOSPHERIC Location Antenna beamwidth Polarization Effective Frequency Transmitter AT MILLSTONE BAC<SCATTER 71.5”W’t2.6°N 71.5 -W42,6”N 0.7” 0.6” Circular Circular power 440 MHz 1295 MHz 2.5 4 MW MW 0.1, pulse I ength$ 0.5, 40 Hz System temperature 250° K. heights operating frequency emplo’?!d. below .200 km wheretbe spectral width of the reflec half-peak width encountered When used to. observe so that the zenith way. it is possible to place pied by the ground-clutter creases penalty tering volume.l spectrum ionosphere, a given a pulse x, thereby angle location In the work employed. yond the ground power the beam, A fu>ther constraint at Millstone temperature the range depend reported This clutter spread of the ionosphere, here, x The choice of pulse powerful radar the pulse the ~onstraint reached. with a 0.5-msec pulse the spectral The system in to the scatof making (’l/r Hz) must are required. depend directly by the Finally, upon T in and of the antenna. length to place For this value in the zenith of x r . 0.5 msec (A1I ==30 km) the E-region echo be- a 6-db reduction with the same requirement. to about 0.2 msec width of the pulse it was not possible a radar of the range in Eq. (2)1 introduced will required by the sensitivity ccmld be shortened relating for T (by the method 70s and pulse the observations was determined ~ . 70-) befOre = occude- achieved. width of the pulse x (and bearing) when using this pulse length. olution. length measurements was the minimum resolution since, [<1 H(uto) I ‘>al.g echoes with ~~~ ln this””” than the interval as the square is that the spectral a zenith distance to making the height upon the pulse distance the to is operated the height Ah illumiriated strength falls and composition (The center of 60” to 80”. greater length, improving broadening tO mass is higher, the radar of. the order at a delay of fixed of the ground-clutter zenith distance relative Even Hill) refer 8...0 to *5. OkHz. ) of the signal imposed upon the zenith is encountered system from the echo intensity than the spectral if accurate in addition, were fill less range and the mean ionic by such a large: faetm. the .ech@ Crsm the E-region zenith measurements be considerably is lower For db. of the 23-cnl Obser~ atiOns of the beam is one must pay fo~. this is a reduction which the scatterers may, inthe di=tance echoes. with increasing butsin,:emost the E- and F1 -regions the .e.ntenna tilted -20 -2db is not increased is usually K foreach) db ion. temperature teds ignals continuously db -1 System I osses inset for each) -170” (monitored -20 ore pcssible 40 Hz Pulse repef”’~: n frequency Postdetectorintegration 0.5 l. Omsec (other values to the higher HILL STUDIES 1600 mz aperture Peak transmitter 111 Given (yielding height res- a more Ah s= 12 km at to that of the medium to obtain useful of echo measurement is at night or near sunrise or sunset when the electron herein apply only to daytime erably less conditions. than might be desired, temperature measurements Table IV lists analyzer was employed base. to examine heights than is 8chieved spectra TABLE IONOSPHERE THE observations at delays reported (Ah . 30 km is considwith the 68-cm radar were made. The spectrum of 5.5, 2.0, 2.5, . . .5.0 msec along IV OBSERVATIONS 23-CM Thus the results achieved (Ah = 75 km). in i 966 on which the signal is low. resolution but it is far better at F2-region the days and times the time concentration The height RADAR USING IN 1964 lleighf/Rcmge Date Crxmnenceme.t End Exwnined (EST) (EST) 16 April I 000 1600 80-260 13 August 0900 1600 80-230 10 September 0900 1500 80-230 25 September 0900 1500 80-230 9 October 0900 1500 80-290 23 October 1200 I 530 80-230 1000 1600 80-260 0900 1630 80-260 (1 964) 5 Ncwember 20 November (km) __.___J On many days the signals of 4.5 or 5.o msec. shown for amine were of these to scale, quantities an average over from useful spectral which signal each position minutes, measurements spectra of the sampling and thus it usually 4.5 to 5.0 msec, could be obtained on the time required and typically at delays is base the integra- about an hour to ex- the entire range would be day. subsequently in the wing to that at the center variation ficult in a given obtained interval For for five in the range 6 or 7 times The spectra amplitude IV. to proceed all the delays sampled too weak to permit Thus the height each day in Table tion was allowed were was evident, was computed plotted and scaled to yield and f the half-peak-power and since for the spectra x and f for the ratio width. were, each height x between No marked in general, interval weak the diurnal and dif- on any one given day. X. 23-CM A. DATA Problem In the height low altitudes possible O; REDUCTION of Mixtures interval for ‘t 00 to 200 km, and NO+ ions predominate, in principle observations from of Ions to determine mixtures tbe compos itfon of the ionosphere but higher both the composition of 0+ and H+ (OP He+) 32 ions up 0+ is the principal changes. 29 While ion. and temperature backs catter encountered near from At it is radar i 000 km6 this is not the case for mixtures NO+ ions, (that is, of 0+, o; + No;) the relative abundance temperature Ti. ion) temperature to make the basis of present spheric knOwl:jg:i drag temperature to altitudes is then necessary concerning atmosphere or 290 km) where to assume only some here is the exponential by the 1965 CIRA HZ., respectively), ing these height h above In sum, the earth obtained at more and 20 November), the agreement than one it is possible and then deduce data obtained by the French to the solar 250 such an approach which corre-. to be present. all lower It heights. (8) flux conditions temperature to 300 km. in this height to obtain more group based the exo- 1 and 11 (~ = 65 and 75 x 10 -22 w/rn2/ the neutral from range Tex This at the Centre of Tex. some d’ Etudes durof the the ion Where 9 October, spectra 5 November In such instances to the procedure dependence has been adopted National is open to the objection be fixed. confidence to assume approach By determining will than one estimate encountered Tn as a function (16 April, and this lent some Te and Ti. spectra, Ti (= Tn) for with only one unknown Tex. good, temperature directly on in the in- 120)] the Models it may be noted that it is possible upon altitude However, altitude found was invariably In passing, for most closely in the interval assumption, determine the uppermost O.0156(h– Eq. (8) defines (in kilometers) at any height (or dependence exp[– atmosphere which correspond observations. temperature were model in Te and ion are tbe same of neutral instance, for a change and electron acceptable temperatures dependence Stated for two of the unknown it is Tbe most from from to the heavy temperature composition O; 30 following only 0+ ions may be presumed altitude TN = Tex – (Tex – 355) implied spectrum One may then adopt a profile 8 ion abundance in the electron the third. to distinguish the temperature. to obtain results as was done in the present 260, The one that was adopted change and in order of the neutral Tex (230, signal :2 that the ion and neutral , data or, 0+) concerning identical ions by a suitable (that is, One can use the data tO determine an assumption 400 to 200 km. upon satellite spend Of these in formation an almost but nOt all three, necessary from to recover AccOFdingly, is it impossible the ratiO Of the light iOns withOut additional it is possible Not merely and NO+ ions. but one cannOt determine otherwise, terval O;, adopted. of composition in the reduction of 24 des Telecommunications. that the ion composition has been measured in only an extremely limited number of rocket flights (Fig. 20). In addition, on theoretical 33 grounds we would expect the composition to exhibit diurnal changes, and experimental evi34 dence for this has been obtained by Istomin, as illustrated in Fig. 21, and Holmes, et .— al.35 B. Electron Temperature When the ion temperature above, the electron out any knowledge the peak power ratio Te/Ti.6 of Ti as well ture range puted for Te has been determined temperature can be estimated of the ion composition. This in the wihg of the spectrum However, for precise as the composition. 400° K c Ti < i400-K a radar frequency for mixtures f . ‘1295 MHZ, from will through of, Fig. 22, somewhat . 0.5 msec, not be wildly better primarily depends to take into account results will frequency if a mean cur”e be obtained x between upon the value for the tempera- iOO% NO+ and 50% O+, in er?or with- the actual of x with Te/Ti and plasma outlined spectrum the fact that the ratio the variation of tOOqo 0+, pulse by the procedure the shape of the signal it is necessary the results regions follows 22 shows It can be seen that although the shaded from and that in the center results Figure at all altitudes 50% NO+ comfN = iO MHz. is drawn if some model 33 .-—.— ,—___ ..,., ,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, Fig. 20. of 0+ Rocket and profiles sum of O; of relative and NO+ abundance ions by three workers. I } ,m I o lSTOMIN -+-1 20 I {!9611 1 I 40 I I ., I I 2.0 ,, PERCENT Fig. 21. Vciri~tion of.abundwwe of light- tcrhcxwy icmswith. s.lar di<fa.ce, acc.rding t.. Istomi”. zenith F 34 (wet) lSTOMIN ,m I 1 0 I 1 20 I 40 I 60 PERCENT ,.0 28 ,,s z.4 Fig. 22. ~ 2.2 m g Variation of ratio x of prover in wing of spectrum to that at center frequency for three compositions, tion Of T~Ti ~ of ,,0 seen % g ,,8 ion tempwature5 that of because ion temperature spread ratio least approximately ture Ti w composition. !,6 ,.4 ,.2 ,,0 ,,0 2.0 3.0 40 34 400 to 1400” is not T~Ti I arge canbe irrespective K. as a funcand It range can be electron-to- determined of ion tempera- at 1 80 1 ~, TABLE MODEL V FOR VARIATION AND COMPOSITION Altitude OF Te/Ti, WITtI Ti, ALTITUDE Te/Ti Ti 0+ (%) (km) I 30 1.0 435 0 170 1.5 660 45 200 2.0 715 58 230 2.5 750 I 00 3.0 800 I 00 >270 for the variation Te/Ti of Ti, and composition model is not in goOd agreement model finally this model electron adopted a single with the results on the basis curve temperature x and Te/Ti height 0+ from difficult composition what are to change thereby initially alter without follows ence the results fluence for the values low that differs support Table Te/Ti to does the not, model; in fact, To results Sees. X-D theoretical spectra were 2,0— at any ,.5— here. s ~ o I that rL,,l!>l<lc,, ,,0 that then L> 2.0 WING-TO-CENTER Adopted terfreq.ency. computed, cent in 25-percent steps. (The [Eq. (2)] with the weight and gating !., ,.,,0 *.S 3,0 , and XII-A). a set using given by Fejm-5f orthefollowing a pulse pI to em- from spectra, i“ 200- steps, mitting 1 variation of Te/Ti with ratio x between power in wing of spectrum to that cd cen- Ti = 400 to i600SK volved of < >. It of assumed the (Table f~om corresp.ands to model for Tir and compositicm with V) which height is in good agreement with obtained. cases: Te/Ti. other This cuwe variotion of Te/Ti, results later equations Using 2.5— ~ the observed analyze V, influ- reported significantly Ion Composition in Table which all the values / Fig, 23. c. 23) froin The 3.0— and can be de- it is not possible (see (Fig. 3.5 in Fig. 23 does in- V and obtain the model may be tried. it is of Te ob- of composition however, model that the with values, Te/T:Significantly fn practive, in increase and above of c~rve ploy a model given and the At 230km recourse The choice In the event in 1964 is presented that only 0+ ions are pres- that the model altitude. Ti, significantly and thus at this altitude termined a revised was drawn the values below about i75 km. it has been assumed ent, all the model appreciably tained is adopted. derived. It should be noted that as Te/Tr percentage obtained, of the observations relating were with height 1.0 to4. O in 0.25 steps, ion was taken to be NO+. ) function that repmssents the radar time These spectra 0+ = O to iOO perwere then con- the combine d(insti-u mental )effect base a section 35 percentage equal in length of trans- to the transmitted m CE, T, Fig. 24. (along Variation ordinate) of spectral Fig. 25. ratio Variation Te/Ti width for different (= 1. 75). These ..wes c.. polation given T; and f. as a function R-TO -H.LF-PE. be .sed of spectral fcm case of only Ti and 0+ f. width and determine ions present. T~Ti for spectra the height 230 to 290 km wereanalyzed yielded estimates about 600 tO 800 km. of neutral value composition f and wing-to-center below thereby of icm tempemture fixed Ti and electron-to-ion above 220 km and interval f I,Hz1 f as a function of icm temperature used to determ; ne K WIDTH exospheric of T~Ti by inter- ratio x temperature These curves can be obtained Spectra for al fit.des cbtained in using this chart and temperature Tex. 36 — — ~LLSe, This ployed function was then convolved in the receiver spectrum A set of curves chosen grams. (Fig. for ratiO Te/TC each case In addition, a chart 25) was prepared values for of x and f for the corresponding The value tained observed (e. g., value the variation the measured D. Checks A number comparison the ratio For value of tests value of Te/Ti was not precisely the values or other to see if tbe results data. delays, As noted above, we require indicate spectra, ion temperature so derived with that deduced should be expected. Further, why ratios of f and Ti inserted. in the approach the method of analysis. with values A. compare these VI where adopted, radar values satellite determines the and by interpolat- + NO+] are found. as on any chart, from adjacent are reasonable, In and it was charts. quite apart from when it has been possible outlined above. value. if reasonable because compositions sensible on different values obtained are Next, and compare (Fig. in no way forced to result 200-km is no by the values one derives above the differences 23) there are obtained, days) with the 68-cm Tex Failure altitude. No large to obtain the composition any to deduce the same of NO+ ions at 230-km in the manner altitude from may be com- vertically directed radar. Tex, it is instructive Tex spanning the two sets of values The satellite Observatory are are on average values 9 percent), to determine satellite kindly furnished givem The latter some which seems 40-K (i. e., 5 percent) 37 is done higher valws of of the seven- of Millstone. they are not in violent as 11 true, !, then the radar larger This to by Dr. L. G. Jacchia are averages the latitude good agreement, are regarded drag observations. of Tex 0900 to 1500 EST for do not show strikingly values from determinations the time period If the satellite of 71 “K (i. e., of the experiment with ones obtained drag the Smiths onian Astrophysical error of [O; that only NO+ ions are present, the temperatures (albeit Temperature hour values ment. obtained ob- A point representing on this chart, deduced tempera- is obtained. Te/Tiis than ‘f 00% NO+ (or 0+) should not be required words, it is not the main objective in Table values. neutral at RESULTS Exospheric While assuming of more Fi&Ry, obtained number when interpolating In other confidence 23-CM Ti and Te/Ti Next, of Te/Ti that they should each give a significant the lowest XI. Eq. (8). dia- 25) and the than one value the same of composition compo- of x and f (Fig. altitude), is selected. of Ti is then entered we may examine pared from of 0+ ions and percentage can be applied at different reason this chart The value value the five of Ti the exospheric is then obtained f as a func- on Results to do so would most likely a priori em- of one of these as a function 260 - and 290-km x, using Fig. 23. width representing an example Using each value to the measured between with rocket spectra curves of Ti and Te/Ti (230-, altitudes the percentage to interpolate five 24 represents Eq. (8) and a mean is taken when more of f arid the deduced most cases necessary spectra are determined. from of the filters of the spectral of only 0+ ions present. Fig. 24) closest the curves were showing from for each altitude there Figure the case heights ing between from In all, the variation of Te/Ti. of Ti (= Tn) at all lower which chart showing the uppermost is determined ture Tex function analyzer. was next prepared tion of Ti fOr a given ~ition~ [Eq. (1)] with the spectral Although disagree. than the radar exhibit than we would have anticipated an RMS (Sec. XII). ,“, TABLE VALUES OBTAINED AVERAGED FOR OVER Vi EXOSPHERIC THE TIME TEMPERATURE INTERVAL 0900 TO T 1500 , ET Difference Satellite Radar Satellite Minus Tex(OK) 16 April 788 865. 77 13 August 759 790 31 10 September 897 815 25 September 807 855 48 9 October 794 890 96 23 Octcber 848 825 5 November 800 880 80 20 November 726 820 94 ~K) –82 -23 Meon B. Electron The lowest centered ing from altitude group 24 over bistatic radar system some are from poor together by the exploring tember flects of points since values, were to draw e.g., in Figs. smooth EST) bars. curves for the ion temperature through the measurement has been interpreted in Figs. range to compute resolution colli- (-30 km) [-3 km). each month the results obtained 26(a-e) tbe two sets during denote of points there near have the same month, the height with little is a difference 220 km. made at 68 cm (beam down into regions on the assumption after not included be noted that with the exception that is largest by the than one day) and h~ve been plotted, and November, the pulse is long enough to extend yet tbe spectrum observations For scatter- that are about a processes the height no the CNET in this altitude frequencies temperatures It will October more employing has been made 26(a-e). for The bars [Sec. IV). September, in the French showed Of TbOmson that other in this work because available and are not error perhaps No attempt range. obtained collision a region altitude) have been reported workers, frequency was<or (i07-km findings These yield indicating [0900 to i500 tbe fact that at this altitude estimate, ent, pulse instances, the two sets 40 characteristic Similar results are presented radar peak, the collision Their with that achieved observations directed it is possible In several = could be obtained of 2. Onlsec 90 to ii O km. in this altitude tbe spectra with the mean daytime with the vertically had a sin:f important. interval profile. results (where at a delay able to estimate compared The temperature been averaged are than accepted important sion frequencies is extremely were temperature of two bigher in the theory but instead the height temperature obtained when collisions French factor to which the electron The spectrum appearance, a plasma assuming Difference Temperature at !36 km. double-humped Radar Tex(OK) Date where This vertical) O; occupied of Sep- difficulty. between probably re- is an under- and NO+ are pres- that only 0+ ions are present. 38 ..—. .. ..—____ : (a) April : i, . 1964. TEMPERATURE (°Kl @) August 1964. ~ (c) September 1964. : r, r ,, MPEFI.TuREl-K] Fig. 26. Average daytime (O?OOtO 1500 hmm) temperature 39 curves obtained with 23-and 68-cm systems 600$ NOVEMBER,’3.4 C.VFFAGE DLY, IME 50C - : +00 – : . i, ‘ 300 – 200 :) ,00. 1 I I moo 400 TEMPERATURE (d) On the basis of the results in Figs. The resolution flights. acceptance solar 26(a-e) mechanism 1964. we may say that at temperate is able selectively great latitudes Te > T. by recent Te > Ti for theoretical great dip angle heights altitude trons field will at high temperate (Fig. amOunts Of or that Some other of about 300 to 350 km, above which Ti > Tn. 31,32 of Banks. Our results do not extend whether Te/Ti - 1.0 at about 4000km reported in previous papers as assumed by 2-4 suggest that and J30whill) will by the electrons is sufficiently remain below latitudes, large, be to transport via Coulomb beat downwards encounters. so that the heat conductivity that of the electrons at all altitudes. we may expect that the temperatures 31 32 but Te > Ti > Tn. ‘ Where is great Thus, the enough, above ‘t 000-km of the neutrals, elec- Ion Composition The results together lar~e heights since estimates Geisler, and ions are all isothermal, C. interest, range of heights above the F-region, and this too is supported 3i Banks has shown that the effect of thermal conduction through by Hanson, of the earth’s that etiremely at E-region 38 altitudes. at these The results that bas been supplied the ion temperature with considerable a large studies. the ion gas (neglected from to det~-mine is awaited one to conclude to heat electrons and Bowhill. but that below are absorbed with theoretical heights and Geisler at this latitude forces that Ti = Tn up to an altitude is in good agreement to sufficiently the daytime, of this disagreement – 106 eV/cm2/see) (-i05 It also appears Hansm3’ during of the rocket’determination EIJV energy This i35km ?,. i20km it would ap?e~r 24 from Thorns on that Te . Tr This is in agreement with results reported by Carru, et ——al., 37 and others from scatter observations, but contrary to the conclusion reached by Spencer, e~ @., rocket above 2200 Continued, Fig. 26, (and Tn) at all altitudes “’’’’”c’ [W) (e) November 1964. Rw 1 ,600 1 TEMPERATURE [°K1 Octcber 1 for the distribution with their 20) reported comes closest above 180 km. mean curve. by lstomin,34 to the results Below that this discrepancy These Taylor results ions on the eight may be compared and Brinton,29 Holmes, ~ days are shown with rocket &.35 in Fig. 27 determinations The mean curve of Fig. 27 of Holmes, this altitude indicates of the principal et al. 35 (Fig. 20) and indeed the agreement is quite good —. the radar results indicate fewer heavy ions. It is possible that tbe form of the temperature profile adopted [Eq. (8)] is in 40 — error, If this is the case, the temperature must than given by have reported been on average Eq. (8). determinations then we find that st i 67 km similar findings 37 in rocket et al., by Spencer, of neutral higher be - 90-K Somewhat temperature. These m indi- . 0 cate that Tn increases than the Harris and then less XII. rapidly DISCUSSION A. model above OF sOmewhat faster + .9 . 23 .5 A 20 — km 60 to i70 up to ‘t this altitude. 2 3-CM APR A“ G $0 SE P 25 SEP OCT OCT NO. NOV MEAN I RESULTS Accuracy The agreement drag with altitude -Priester IS ,3 between determinations spheric of temperature BY averaging has the data the radar and satellite the neutral particle been examined over the whole exo- in Sec. Xl. L&LJ...l ..;J +++ day we have PERCENT sought ment, to minimize tbe random yet it remains tra that give estimate rise are the poorest. can be made of the accuracy that individual estimate, from since it assumes The largest uncertainty from 230 to 290 km. tial analyzer one orbit mounted during then we should expect measuring yield values closer of Tex There are, are a number ones. ues are smaller 5 percent possible source Tex made by markedly, only on ob- values may be indicative of altitude. by which the data could be analyzed the satellite a difficulty: values some and this would require width of the signals. if this were of error ones, above yet the fact that the satellite than the radar imposes for at 26o or 290 km would VI than those that depend One would be to accept radar would differ and NO+ ions at 230-km schemes 20) poten- as 18 percent and NO+ exist temperature observations out, (Fig. have been published of O; respectively, is borne higher immediately the spectral be obtained and results in the in- determinations 40 a retarding measurements, amounts include in Table of O; alternative than the corresponding has been taken from listed expectations (5 percent) however, io” than 0+ to match A second values of possible an ?)nder - or NO+ ions at heights of the exospheric 26o, and 290 km, this difficulty. This, ture could no longer This n“rnber suggests determinations + NO+ ions was found to be as large If substantial of Tex which of these on the ,average, which rnigbt overcome lighter Neither of a small of the radar of O; at 23o, to the satellite This temperature of the rocket direct was employed i“ i962. that those estimates at 230 km. the presence satellite of O; with some recent to find that estimates tbe ion temp~rature values servations In the most time day. radar results. and is almcmt certainly and the electron absence is in agreement on an oriented On a given values than *IO percent of the complete This from 23-cm variation. which the percentage or alternatively, ti tude obtained in both the composition at 210 km at 1700 hours l~cal 20o km, to better with others. Fig. 27. Relative abundance of 0+ ions and s.m of Oi and NO+ ions as Q function of a[- of the individual no diurnal by the assumption and in disagreement sPec - A crude in determining the spread are accurate values is introduced of measure- true that the uppermost to Tex the ion temperature terval errors In short, of Tex instead of the satellite the presence a self consistent val- of a pic- done, is the assumption the 1965 rJIRA model atmosphere of an ion temperature and is therefore profile ultimately [Eq, (8)]. based ,.,,- ..m— upon an integration remains of the time-dependent in hydrostatic invariant boundary upon atmospheric included, equilibrium, conditions the day. does not allow Attempts but thus far no solution permitted, ever, difference (Harris-Priester model) of existing B. E-Region The electron since neutral temperature to tbe true value [= kte/4rNe2]i/2 were computed may indeed be larger. factor E-Region dimensions VoDand44 section around further is finds, a one-dimensional (an E-W of” Te/Ti Seasonal Many authors pheric constituents season and/or frequency how- solution the equator). 45 elsewhere. f~om temperature independent of height the Moorcroftb T: that is re- the Debye length in the altitude D ~ange of 3 to 4 and that the true elec- than the values results, adopted, whereas 2.5 to 5.0 MHz. with altitude, of the order higher procedure fN = t OMHz, of tbe electron to the 68-cm from where given in Figs. 26(a-e). at the highest altitudes \, the lowest The effect height is in thermal spectrum, of neutral group higher) equilibrium the pulse collisions, occupies evident it upon of collisions by a height in the next lower only up to an altitude the effect rests and is in no way altered fn this measurement by the French one scale of 140 km. We ex- should be quite negli- in Composition Variation have suggested ceases the sunspot of neutral local 40 percent and XII-B. has been observed pect that by 122 km (i. e., 36 gible. by the analysis lay in the range that is largely derived i 22 to 152 km. of roughly a plasma about i 30 km tbe E-region interval other way during in three Equilibrium of Sees. XII-A numbers by the heat42-44 of the winds set up, range. for Since Te and N increase has been applied the considerations creased is that must be generated are discussed to an estimate (- 0.6 cm) that below the value for that o! (= h/4!TD) has a value Thermal The conclusion D. solution that is dependent of the atmosphere tbe magnitude profile models examined leads are approximately correction measurement, bebavior this altitude the temperature Te via Eq. (3). has a value tron temperatures extrapolating velocity in which motion over temperature at the heights It follows This C. motions is known to be underestimated spectra density under study. profile and a two-dimensional has shown that this type of error lated and Pries way the dynamical has appeared, between an atmosphere that always 44 ter, This model assumes Temperature the theoretical actual plasma by Harris for of ‘t 20 km and a vertical for horizontal the temperature The limitations equation have been made to compute to the problem which yields a significant performed at an altitude In this simplified heating. yet the model ing during heat conduction that the height to be effective cycle. For example, N2 molecules summer at which turbulent mixing of the neutral atmos - the height of the turbopause ) may change with 46 47 and King have proposed that inWright (i. e., at F-region and are responsible heights for are brought the seasonal about in this or some anomaly in F2 ionization (Sec. VI). The presence the solar of additional N2 molecules EUV to be used in generating significantly via the charge to the total exchange ion content. reaction N: at F-region ions, heights which rapidly In addition, [Eqs. (6) and (7 )], they will wiD cause recombine increase a larger fraction of and do not contribute the rate of Ioss of 0+ ions which is thought to be the principal loss 42 ——— —_- — .,.,,.,.__. .,-”._ .... 28. Fig. Results shown in Fig. 27 have here been repl otted when averaged is o tendency persist during to higher scmal changes turn linked tration little neutral composition, seasonal anomaly reflect which in tO seaore electron in concen- Since at this latitude the height of the peak of the F2 region . that we should expect a greater at sunspot minimum,%v Lt follows shows in the F-region. seasonal variation Accordingly, just below we have averaged thcm in Fig. 28. On the basis greater during xIII. There and NO+ This may dance of NO+ ions at altitudes altitudes theory. 02 13(c)l. [Fig. mechanism altitudes. in to over three s:asons. summer for We caution, the F2 peak the results however, than during that Fig. if the explanation shown in Fig. 27 into three of this figure, summer (- 230 km), it does appear winter or equinox, 28 is based seasons that NO+ and O; lending upon an extremely abun- is correct. and replotted ions persist some support limited sample to for this of data. SLIMMARY A. Daytime Electron The midday temperate about 400 km. total electron of Nmax F2 are about twice values latitudes at sunspot At these content at the equinoxes, Densities minimum. altitudes observed, the density for with the summer of the F-region (measured This by almost variation in winter by Faraday being than the winter above As a result, measurements is a maximum at north in the densities at the equinoxes. rotation deeper any criterion) as in midsummer is not reflected is a maximum example, minimum as large one. the is a maximum The “ thickness” in summer and minimum in \vinter. The pattern of behavior seems unrelated to seasonal variations of the electron, ion or neu27 We are forced to suppose that the seasonal anomaly is the result of in46,47 48 rates in summer, Some support frnm agreement with many other workers. tral temperatures. creased loss this conclusion radar. These is provided results may overestimate by composition (Fig. tbe 0+ abundance and O; ions present nations of exospheric temperatures. small in the neutral sample agreement at all heights composition if, with rocket in fact, by the difference At altitudes abundance at low altitudes determinations in fair at 230 km as suggested sonal “ariat ion in the relative changes 27) are above at these of data a“d should be treated altitudes. there is a small in the satellite about i70 km, of 0+ (minirnmn in summer) However, using the 23-cm determinations (Fig. 20), percentage and radar the results of NO+ determi- suggest that may be related this conclusion rests but a sew to upon a with caution. 43 —=>”,... —.,.. hmax is a minimum In all seasons, quently scale rises to reach height B. Nighttime In summer number Electron midnight. is accomplished ground sunrise and subse- About half of this rise during (i. e., one the daytime. Densities and equinoctial months the electron density decreases throughout the night. A have attempted to derive ionospheric loss rates, e. g., from the cbserved de49 50 or from eclipse results. These have often yielded conflicting results at night 51 The latter are usually much higher than valdisagree with laboratory values. cay of the layer in turn, ues deduced from the behavior ture on the question minimum, the ionization the supply of electrons solved appears or increases to maintain the apparent to equal F-Payer. rise 52.55 to a considerable It appears during the night and the subseq~ent required enough to reduce and this has given of the nighttime of the .protono$phere in ~he tube of force large constant problem of the F-region of the maintenance the cooling of electrons bydrostatyc loss rates or even exceed .fo.r a considerable bya pel-iod redistribution equilibrium can supply considerable the loss litera- that at sunspot factor. of a flux In winter so that the density either re- It shcmld be note”d” that the of the night. of a tube of force that was investig.atedby Geislet and Bowhtil!.5 has been 46 by Gliddon on the assumption .that the electron de.nslties at all altitudes d.o of the-cooling rigorously not change. In actuality; altitudes and this, the lowering in turn, ing of the protonosphere cated (- 290 km) near constikcent) after of authors which, mains a maximum of the ionizable 2 to 3 hours (- 200 km) one which still will of the temperature serve to convect and the redistribution awaits a rigorous will cause heat downward. of. the ionization electrons Thus, to diffuse ‘to lower the problem. that this .sf the cool- produ ties is a compli- solution. ,. C. Daytime Using analyzed heights 13kctrcm the exponential 23-cm (below this altitude to 800 km. radar {30 km] thermal There The daytime in a region of the order through below vate made on eight days in i 964. between measurements Ti becomes is little in the i 965 CIRA greater seasonal electrons atmosphere, We infer than the neutral variation (at least that at E-region and ions prevails, show that this inequality exospheric at sunspot we hav,e but that above persists, at least temperature above minimum) up in the tempera- obtained. electron has been predicted, that theory law employed equilibrium The 68-cm In addition, about 300 km, i. e., temperature measurements Te > Ti. ture profiles Temperatures temperatures and above that should be isothermal and observation can largely of 6 x + 09 eV/cm2/sec the 500. km level communication) process e + 0(3PJ) If this is so, than supposed. - the cooling This according be reconciled of -5 x 308/cm2/sec rise This for the electrons, at all altitudes, 56 we have suggested Elsewhere if there is a deposition might be produced which deposit may be seriously namely, of heat above 500 km by a flux of photoelectrons A. Dalgarno theory up to 300 km than in Te persists to theory. (in winter), that existing with altitude gradient in the protonosphere. have postulated cooling rapid a temperature in winter. i 000 km and 4.25 eV/cm2/sec ing an important show a less this altitude 1.75 X ‘109 eV/cm2/sec and T. P, Degges in error (pri- by neglect- the reaction e + 0(3 PJ, ) rates would probably (9) at low altitudes change (where the amount oxygen is abundant) of heat transferred will locally be higher from the 44 ,,. ...”. ._=.. _.e____ ! I ! to the neutrals electrons \ cerning ionospheric The temperatur~ rise in turn, redistribution values during large above exhibit only a dramatic tO heat supplied throughout by the Iarge! aft en ~sunset, change the F-layer the conclusion (above) con- variation, being of heat at sunset, in summer which and supplies stored conductivity but as Te falls and less. least the beat flux tbe thermal distance of x = 102 * 5”. in an expansion happens in the mean daytime the protonosphere 0300 hours, reservoir and results zenith of the F-1ayer and causes a rapid peak. changes from at a solar The reverse the winter .night, Because to a much smaller rapid, rates. seasonal to dissipate:”” immediately “choked-off” the heat loss are no major the period hours at dawn is especially Temperature ionosphere is maintained eral to cOmmence Electron is attributed conjugate not significantly heat som-ce. appears of the electrons Whtle there nighttime heating lowers Nighttime D. This probably tb.e freed for. an exospheric Local which, but will of Te and Ti, and greateat continue~ to be warmed of magnitude protcnmspbere variesat varying value. smaller which Te 5/2 , the heat and ‘: takes sev- flux is quite .‘ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authorwoulci like to acknowledge many members of the staff of the Millstone Hill Ra8ar Observatory for maintaining. and operating the ionospheric radar, rmd in particular, W. A. Reid and J. H. McNally. J. H. .MacLeod, J. “Upharn and ~~~ Miss D. Tcmrigny were responsible for the largest part of. the data reduction, and the computed signal spectra from MIS. V. Mason and W. Mason kindly provided which electron and ion temperatures could be obtained by comparison with obkindly supplied tbe values of exospheric temperaserved ones. Dr. L. G. ]a.cbia ture obtained by satellite orbital decay observations (Table VI). The author is also gratehd to the encouragement of P B. Sebring and the late V. C. Pineo, and to S. A. Sowbill for ,many stimulating discussions. 45 by the In summer at the foot of tb:5f ~61d l“ine. the heat supply rapidly the in winter. heat, by conduction. is an order in the values is REFERENCES 1, J. V. Evans, “Studies of the F-Region by the Incoherent Backs catter Method,” Technical Report 274, Lincoln Laboratory, MI. T. (24 July 1962), DDC 292730. See also, J. V. Evans and M. Loewenthal, Planet. Space Sci. l?. 915 (1964). 2, , “Ionsopheric Backs catter Observations at Millstone Hill: Technical Report 374, Lincoln Laboratory, hf. LT. (22 January 1965), DDC 616607. See also, J. V. Evans, Planet. Space Sci. ~, 1031 (196S). 3. —, J. Geophys. Res. ~, 1175 (1965). 4. —, “J. Geophy.. Res. ~, 4331 (1965). 5, J. A. Fejer, 6. D. R. Moorcroft, Can. J. Phys. ~. S. J. Ba”er, 9. —, Holland, Res. &9. 1$36 (1964). 61, 4870 (1963). J. Atmos. Sci. ~. Electron Amsterdam, 276 (1962). Density 1966), 10, P. J. Bowen, R. L. F. Boyd, 11. T.M. J. Ceophys. 12. R. E. Barrington, 13, G. R. Thomas 14. F. 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Res. ~, Sci. ~, Planet, Space 81 (1967). 1557 (1967), 47 anti ExOSp~, Res. 6:, & (1965). and T,N, L. Patterson, Planer. 1045 (1967). Ed, by W, S. Newman J. Atmos, Lab, Japan Res. 29, Sci, ~, 95 (1962). Setty, and J. Sayers, J. Res, , Space 55, Res. R.B, Norton Dickenson W. B, Hanson Phys. and D, McCory, Electron Density Ed. (North Holland, Amsterdam, 50. 53. Terr. NASA (1962). 703 (1966). 1193 (196.7). Space and C. S. G.K. 51. 54, J. Atmos, 28, 1035 (1963). 2003 (1960). Press, UNCLASSIFIED . .. Security uassmcauon DOCUMENT (S..WIW clas.ificatio. of 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY 1111., b.dY (CO?POfBfe .f .b.tra. f -C CONTROL i.d..w DATA =!..,., $.. “...< . R&D b. ..l.r.d RUlh.?) when 2.. the REPORT overall report SE C..,,” is crassiffedJ CLASSIFICATION Urdwsified Lincoln M. 1. T. Laboratory, 2b. GROUP iNOne I 1. REPORT TITLE Millstone L Hill Thomson DESCRIPTIVE NOTES Technical 3, AU TMORC51 (J-’JSt Evans, 5. REPOMT 15 la. of [7i’Pe Report .0.. Scatter reP.rl ..dhd. Results dve for 1964 date+ 430 fbt n-a? inilJ@ John V. 7., DATE November CONTRACT 0. TOTAL MO. OF PAGEs Of?! GIN AT OR, S REPORT 1967 GRANT lb, NO. OF REFS 56 52 ,a, NO. NUMB ER(SI AF 19(628)-5167 b. PROJ6CT Technical NO. 649L ‘3b. . . REPORT .0{S1 this report) 430 (.471Y other “LM!bere that ESD-TR-67-563 d. ). OTHER esaign.d Report AVA!LAB IL IT YILIMI TAT ION NOTICES ., This b, document SUPPLEMENTARY has been approved for public release and sale; ,2, NOTES I None its distribution SPONSORING is “unlimited. MILITARY Air Force ACTIVITY Systems Command, USAF I 1, ABSTRACT Thomson scatter (incoherent backscatter) observations of the ionosphere were made at Millstone Hill at a wavelength of 68 cm during 1964, for 30-hour periods every two weeks. These data have been employed to derive the mean hourly F-region (200 m 700 km) electron density profile and electron and ion temperature curves in each month, The results are presented in this report, together with rhe derived seasonal variar ion of elecrron density (at 0600, 1200, 1800 and 2400 hours local time) and the average day~b,~e (0900 to 1500) and nighttime (2100 to 0300) electron and ion temperature behavior. Separate measurements with a 23-cm radar permitmd the temperature results reported m be extended to lower altitudes (-130 km) and, in addition, provided information concerning the ionic constituents between 130 and 230km. Although 1964 was at sunspot minimum, the seasonal variation in foF2 was quite evident. k is shown that rbis feature is strictly associated with the peak of the layer and that densities above 400-km altirude are highest at the equinoxes. No seosonal variations of temperature At night the peak denare found which might be large enough to account for the phenomenon. sities are highest in summer, and the te.lperatures at all altitudes highest in winter. This last effecr is believed largely due m heat conducted from the protono sphere, which in winter continues to be heated by photoelectron escape from the conjugate ionosphere which remains sunlit throughout the night. ,. KEY WORDS Millstone scattering 48 radar DEcLAsSIFIED Security Classification may be