P Unclassified MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LINCOLN LABORATORY STUDIES OF THE F-REGION BY THE INCOHERENT BACKSCATTER METHOD J. V. EVANS Group 314 TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 274 24 JULY 1962 MASSACHUSETi LEXINGTON Unclassified / ABSTRACT The Millstone Hill radar facility operated has made measurements of the distribution ionosphere by observing the weak incoherent urement were first made early on a routine in 1960 by M. 1. T. of electrons backscatter and were basis at least once a week. the basis of the resul k obtained scale height of the electron perature is not very dependent urnal variation, hours of darkness, around nmn increases with on height, to the expected value of special 1961 analyses of ele. - study. are: ratio it increases too On (a) the (b) the ion tem- though it does show a marked cross section when al Iowo”ce reached height, temperature but during the daytime and (d) the scattering These meas- The distribution has been a s“biect (c) the election-to-ion of the thro”gho”t Res.1 ts of spectral to dote the conclusions density signal. conti””ed in 1962 are also given, trons ~bove the peak of the F-region Laboratory This report presents al I the electron density profll es measured up to the end of 1961. of the signals made early Lincoln in the. F-region is I:1 during peak value for the electrms dithe -1.6:1 is close is made for (c). ii - TABLE OF CONTENTS ii Abstract I. 11. ELECTRON 111. IV. V. i 1 INTRODUCTION DENSITY A. Methods B, The Observations C, Accuracy D. Discussion PROFILE of Observation 3 MEASUREMENTS 3 and Data Reduction 7 22 of the ResultS 25 of the Results 25 4. General 2. The Height of Maximum 3. Scale Height Hi above hmax 2b 4. The Total 33 SPECTRUM Considerations Electron Electron Density 26 hmax Content of the Ionosphere 34 MEASUREMENTS 34 A. Introduction B. The New Spectrum C. Results D, Temperature E. Summaryofthe of Observations ABSOLUTE 35 Analyzer 36 int962 39 ValUeS Spectrum SCATTERING 43 Measurements CROSS SECTION OF THE ELECTRONS 43 43 A. Introduction B. The Radar Equation for an Extended C. Approximate Equation D, Values E. An Average F. Summary Radar ofv A, qr and v~for fora 44 Target Millstone Millstone -Type Radar Antenna 47 49 5i Value for um 54 54 cONCLUSION 111 I STUDIES BY THE INCOHERENT The scattering recently of X-rays has practical postulated section by electrotls the free radar bean, were electrons there ae=(~)2 correspond to power conclusion of independent electron reflected oscillators. the echo power the echo power targets. Alternatively, of irre~larities trum one can arrive it would be difficult The first in detecting employed of iookcps Thus, Hence the radar the phases cross of the N power work of Lord changes In this case the reflection section proportional sec - of the waves to N Ve. on the behavior by considering of the dielectric Again the constant can be considered index of the medium. density energy the cross reflected Rayleigh2 at the same result instantaneous to the electron to arise it is found3 that N. would completely fill the beam of the radar, 4 as for conventional, i.e., “point” R only as i/R2, not i/R that the echo power for a wavelength since the echo power of 4.5m) would exhibit because would be distributed a Doppler-broadened spec- of the random thermal motions over a wide range Of frequencies, to detect. success fulexperimental the echoes a transmitter observations by use of a radar operating came later of a linear important that, array contrary covering in i958 whe” Bowles4 at a f?equency with a peak pulse output of about iMw, which took the form discovery to normalize the electrons with range he speculated as that which scatters a scattered the original in tbe refractive that because should va~ (in the region the electrons. of with a scattering radius, is defined N electrons are small should be proportional In addition, detect- showed that the intensity independently, it is customary should add to give by following in which there Gordon4 predicted section into 4n solid angle. d“e to the random motion of the electrons. as a consequence electron calculations, containing and the powers can be reached gas a plasma Gordon scatter Gordonl a weakb”t (i) this cross in radar For a volume will be independent, This because whereas, is 4. Ue. In i958 at the ionosphere, X10-13cm)2 has arisen into unit solid angle, electrons that the electrons but only inGaussia””nits = (2.8 tionto directed might he obtained. by assuming physics, to study the ionosphere. Ue given by the square of the classical Some confusion METHOD has long been known in classical powerful the echo can be computed cross BACKSCATTER use been made of this effect that if avev able echo from F-REGION “} iNTRODUCTION I. OF THE of 4%Mcps. This succeeded equipment with an aerial system 5 an area of about one acre. Bowles made the to the predictions 1 together of Gordon,T the echo spectmm was very of . ..——— tfe correctly ,Iarrow. macroscopic bility density compared attributed variations Of the elect rOns. to the ions are cOmpelled any part of the plasma by the Debye this tO the presence electrically Of the iOns in the Plasma That is, the electrOns that cOntrol the which have a high mo- by cOulOmb fOr~es tO move in a ~aY wbich will neutral. The range Of these cOulOmb fOrces keep is characterized len@h AD given in i;== (2) , 4.rNe2 where k is Boltzman”’s constant, the c:harge of an electron. i.e, m~,ch shorter to the density considered theory the result mal velocity of the exploring in the electron gas impressed to take this effect of an imaginary of all ion. The spectrtlm nlore recent plete treatment t~,rnecl signal theoretical Hagfors9 of magnitude is shown in ‘Fig, t, together 1,0 be characterized ‘ with ‘Iwings” Farley, profile and the therby a Gaussian by Gordon.* 5 <.,7 DOughertY correct. shows that the strength and further. at the eclges. with the Gaussian colild be of an electron t~6predicted by Fejer, interactions by Gordon,l B<>wles5 mod- that the scattering shown that this %rie~vis not strictly of the electron-ion but flat-topped narrower the ~vave is sensitive of the ions. section wo~,ld still of this problem ha”e should be only half that predicted tr~,~n is not Gaussian, sPectr,tm investigations Ic, 11 and Salpeter of the problem As a result, by the motion having the cross of the echo power clensity at,d e AD is of the Order of a few millimeters: wave. into account by postulating particle f~t{~ction, b~lt one which is some two orders and Farley,8 N is the electron temperature, In most parts of the ionosphere., than the wa”elen~h flLlctuations ifiecl C,ordon’si T is tbe electron A com- of the re- that the shape of the spec - The theoretical for comparison. form of this The wings of the ~ D, 8 — 0.6 0.4 — Fig. 1. Thenormalized power spectrum of thermal density fluctuations(o) for .Collisionl.ss gas of neutral particles of mass ~i, a“d (b) for the electrons in a collision [ess plasma in which the ions have moss mi. Curve (a) has the same shapes thepower spectr.ms.ggested by Gordon] whos.pposed tha+mi was them. ssofonelectron, thereby givinga — Specfrum muchwiderthon (b) (Ofter Dougherty Ond Forleya). b 0,2 0.0 — I 1.0 2.0 3 DOPPLER SHIF1 [orbilr. ry ..its) 2 —- .. . . .. .——--...— - spectrum correspond ro~>ghly to the Doppler of sound for the ions. damped sound waves One is their wide Thtjs, own thermal motion, The discovery of the narrow proposed at nlillsto!?e small Hill early sections measurements macle early work, 11. dzd re”iew are obtained. in 1962 are also included. The Millstone (7i.5”W, by Pettengill rameters a very the pulse ceases the echo intensity pulse was used, density profile density decays (Table profile witha different when density measurements phases of the Massachusetts solely to the beha”iorof profile obser”ed (75km) under these conditions wo”ld but would yield stlch Above Thus, pulse would per,mit less echo power, some compromise below Hill, between a fixed 500km was obtained of the ray path and tbe ionospheric be to keep the antenna pointed of pulse widths, Since 75ktn below about 500 km. In most of the work at Millstone approach wo”kl at the peak of the F-region, The “~e of a shorter of the regions employed when the antenna is height of >i50 km, a“d the finite width of density to the pulse length. of some of tbe pa- pulse 75km in length. for all heights greatly. The choice The pulse length (500 psec) square with a scale profile 1). height i,,terval of peak electron resolution with a variety but this procedure since resolu- 500-psec by reducing layers became at the zenith and would call for corresponding bandwidth. For most observations conducted represent are related comment. large so that the intersection An alternative in the recei”er therefore, parameters to a very must be sought. and improved make observations also were this site, the density is proportional the antenna elevation obtuse. distorted of the region tion and echo intensity an account of all tbe electron ,Iear the town of West ford, and calls for density density to distort examination made in witlter res~]lts of some spectrum than the scale height of the ionization the ionization data has yet been p~lb- measurements latitudes. The facility bas been described in some detail 18 ~ ~. so that the description of tbe equipment gi”en here The electron of thetr~le as or larger a long pulse yields this height, Preliminary is located from corresponds upward. be the convolution is as large facility 1 is not obvious vertically all the available density paper provides to a table of the equipment in Table con,nlenced and Data Reduction Observations for most observations tc> in dialne - MEASUREMENTS at northern temperate i7 and Kraft and Arthur, will be confined it possible ca!] be used for these meas”remetlts. Since these two topics PROflLE Hill radar 42. 6-N). the ionosphere makes than the one (3OO meters and disct, ssed separately. of Observation Methods part of the spectrum Hill radar the electron The present A. changes movi]lg echo spectrum as a Ineans of study ing the ionosphere made up to the end of i961. DENSITY more to a narrow slowly ,I]lder the CIirect ion Of hlr. 1’. C. Pineo. Since that time several t2-i5 Most of these reports deal with ELECTRON a better would cause a very hy the more of the work ha”e appeared. they will be presented directed rise smaller at>d no paper presentitlg one report the best results of the central backscatter in i960, aspects of the resl,lts, 16 tho”gb form ThLIS, the#Iillsto,,e of incoherent on particl,lar lished, than that of the ions, n>otion is impressed with an antentla tionsiderably by Gordon. Observations reports at the velocity that which would be caused by greatly This second motion gives forces. mo”ing may be thought of as having two motiotls. being higher The second by electrons at the radio fl.eq~let?cy. ~,~easure these echoes ter) which, broadening. ions by means of coulomb resembles The electrons in the medi~tm. range of Doppler centered the spectrum shift introduced a receiver bandwidth of Ilkcps using both narrower and wider receiver was employed, bandwidths, although experiments A receiver matched 3 .——-. — TABLE I EQUIPMENT PARAMETERS OF THE MILLSTONE HILL Parameter Meas”remen t Location 7J.50W, Frequency 440 Mcps (68.cm wavelength) An te”na 84- ftparabola Effective antenna Ante””. aperture 210* gain 42.6°N Beamwidth 2.10 right circular (tro.$m itted) left circ”[ar 500psec frequency bandwidth Receiver ”oise figure 3 db (approximately) Over-all feeder 2 db (approximately) to a 500-psec 11 kcps losses of the Doppler &~. waves were backscatter observations effect were where and the results The signals are generally obser”ed weaker on winter noise. good results days, to obtain any useful This is accomplished weak, NO si~als by the de- of the transmitted circularly could be d~t~~t~d ~illman et ~1.i9 have repotied !—_ employed, md use was made of were between These measure- @ven height intervals, because they are more are unobtainable, when the critical results, way. rarely exceeds Onwinternigbts, night, ,b”t the quality in the following A filter right-handed and at best the predetection to the peak of the F2-region drops to a low “alue, Tbe polarization fading in the signals. Hill, that, for most heights. Similar difficult to in- less useful, than the receiver tained during both the day andtbe with that obtained of electrons measurements (68 cm) are dictated received. waves at Millstone are exceedingly tio ~f the echo corresponding the echo is always S to introduce total n“mbe~s have not been undertaken WaVe width is required in the receiver, wavelength and received, polarized in the earth, s ionosphere one to compute is employed be changed, and left-handed linea~ly for all F-region although in most measurements both transmitted filter spectrum i“ this paper indicate is about iikcps and cannot readily b“t a wider The early ones reported and the operating be altered, transmitted waves tbe Faraday measurements power system can readily when right-handed precise match to this si~al transmitter however, of the signala, width of the si~als sign of the tran~mitte? In order a bandwidth of only 2kcps, broadening an approximate The a“ailable frequency general Iy 20 db ‘2> ‘3 and the more which provides ments enabk improvement pulse would require of the day, the spectral terpret (for these observations) Receiver as a consequence polarized (for these obser”otio”s) 50pps Input signal-to-noise ratio through video i“tegrotion wave, (received) 2t02.5Mw Pulse length Pu13e repetition horn feed 0,5db Polarization power with conical lom2 37,5+ Peak transmitted of Pineo, RADAR frequency a considerable i:i. ra- At other heights whentbe In summer, of the results signal-to-noise F-region echoes isgene?ally critical can be ob- poor compared is at ite highest. amount of video The output of the matched integrating filter is required. in the receiver is I 4 — I rectified by using a square-law received power) els. is sampled A “word” detector. The resulting by means of a di@tal representing this level are made at delay intervals The samples are synchronized of 250psec to determine with the transmitter the average the system gration by an amount equivalent processes tinued for lotlger runs preferable drift-free the samples requires tions of the E-region from – first noise into the receiver relative to the height of the mean noise level, temperature These must be computed about –7db. numbers density in which only receiver since it requires vs height profile the computer mean receiver noise power is next computed of its range (R2). duced data points are displayed (measured density of the during observa- can he seen the coupler) a pulse pulse rep- the height of this pulse ratio the effective of the echo corresponding are required if the density along the abscissa). from computer, of the First, is somewhat is fheinterference The range to each sample out in the form prod" cedbycert.i" is small. The R corresponding up by an amount proportionalto along the ordinate) considerably subjective line in Fig, 2(a) beyond the F-region of the antenna and the curvature The R2factor rep- the measurements the mean of all the samples all the samples. is scaled the height corresponding vertically the numbers also reduces but the chance of error in Fig. 2(b) and printed (measured *Apotiic"larly vi.io.s variety neor the molar frequency. and prevents that (in this instance) This process to move the vetiical ill the averaging, and each sample Finally, way. is obtained. is then subtracted being made for the elevation shows electron obtained The calibration From The computer in the following operator to each sample lowance out. noise was measured echo so that this will not be included square i443.5EST absolutely. points in Fig. 2(a) are printed to an electron of The square pulse further base. one can conclude anal- the gated portion (via a directional When the punched paper tape is used as an input to the CG-24 resentingtbe short left corner are samples of 200km temperature. These be~nningat Beyond the ground clutter was about 620”K and that the sipal-to-noise to the peak of the F2-regionis electrons period The spike which follows of the time receiver con- 2(a) shows the summation and then the F2-layer. on each sweep in the effective The inte - make se”eral At the lower out to ranges of the sums of the samples Fi~re pulse caused by introducing a iOO”K increase ratio. although it is rarely interference* the base line. extends the sensitivity si~al-to-noise siflificance. was gated off. resents receiver proc- this integration improving of i5° for a five-minute the E-region along the time base is a calibration of broadband Generally, out on punched paper tape for later when the antenna is at the zenith. the ionosphere in the of m integration, line has no special which usually and stored. so that they are taken at indefinitely, of etiernal [Fig. 2(a)] and printed pulse when the receiver lev- can then be added together thereby less than a minute to complete. The vertical is caused by ground clutter, almost forms can be seen four dots which represent the transmitter echoes Various taken with an antenna elevation 1961. delay. sweeps), At the completion on an oscilloscope on 7 October picture at each given (i5.000 compute~ frequency The words to 20.8db in the predetector than i5 minutes. This process to the CG-24 repetition and can be continued to one long one. are displayed ysis. power of 5 minutes to the one of 256 possible along each sweep of the radar time base. the same points along the time base on each sweep. computer (which is proportional and assi~ed is then transmitted The samples ess is continued for a period voltage voltmeter plotted increases oir.roft is computed, of the earth. of stable. These Fi~re the with alre2(b) aa a function of height the importance which carV radio of the .Itimeten tuned I 5 ..J Fig. 2(a-b). In (a)theobsewed echo power osaf.nction of range is shown after five minutes’ integration. The square pulse toward thee.dof the time base is. calibration signal. The points in (b) represent the electron density (along the ordinate) as a function of height obt.ined from the data in (a). 6 — I F2-r+on ini-slat?onto gressively larger B. at greater measure altitudes, 1960 observations the signal 1960 were suitable servations were because urements in]ental spectrum) the errors ass6eiated with the points become as can be seen by the increased of equipment aspect seems scatter (or sometimes malfunctions Also, pro- of the points. profiles Therefore, halfuf 196%, the followinE Tbe receiver..bandwidth (2) A pulse length of.5.00psec were employe d.. (3) Two five-minilte and 15”, the data obtained to obtain a single and the three runs were density Beyond this, not all the profiles to present greater yield 3 through obtafned with a 2-kcps be in considerable errOr inac- i6)the bandwidth in the regiOn Of presented were epetitionfr In these instances, extend over a period to the three parameters. convenient of the F2-region, ical frequencies in this report were then plotted at 45” elevation On each profile manner obser”ed, the results electron to establish density On two profiles, (Fig. 17). points, interval to be deri”ed electron data, E-echoes peak, most over from a knowledge Virginia (77.5”W, 39.0-N), The data used are the ho”~ly .—. —.- on the there is and tO +20 percent, generally is foF2, in %960, values the peak together of the crit- have been used and these values closest to the time 1 .,,-.. -...——-...,. obtained. of the echo power at one height, measurements the F2 peak were fashion, are only accurate density the elec- but tbe scale in this normalized Shown on each of the profiles For the early at Ft. Belvoir, to normalize Figs, i2(a-b), sporadic to the F2-region are presented the absolute by a “B” in parentheses. strong since such measurements appropriate. — are used to a height of about the time it is convenient because was again normalized by means of ionosonde observed they contain so many experimental inns. in a uniform Indeed, and foES where 90”,45- of about 40 min”tes, elevations peak of the F2-layer. Because little need for the absolute the equipment of 50cps A mean was taken of the two runs at each elevation, five-minute density the density was changed. equericy made is stated. totbe electron was established: weight was given to the points taken at 45” and 90 DeleVati0n the profiles with respect was not the greatest are indicated During many obser- made at each of the elevations profile. the mean of two or more In order it is more observations ilkcps,: and ap”lser in this fashion electron which the measurements abscissa to that time the exper Thus, the pro files:: (Figs. was drawn so that it fitted the points obtained 400 to 500km. tron density Prior method of taking measurements wassetat sets of points corresponding A mean cur”e represent val- way Of taking the meas- and these measurements Profiles = 90”) are lik.ly.to (1) Although proved during the Ineasurements. was employed. on each:sf stated. in density. Dur.ing the latter Although obtained sbtail>ed in 1961 when ob- in progress. taken only in the zenith, (See.11-A). !e. g., to in addit”iOn tO tbe il”-l~cPs bandwidth g?.n- set of antenna elevations were of 1961. investigation bandwidth and antenna elevation. are peak. electron only i9 profiles were not recognized bandwidths” Of 2, 5 and 40kcPs no specific investigations though some measurements until the middle by the particular and/or only in the zenith (elevation with foE, b~weekly), special Thus, basis. of the results which were to have been established vation perio~s. measurements receiver than on a. routine The remainder of certain of the wOrk n.epOrted here is that nc systematic were made with ~e~eiver density made for the purpose rather for inclusicn. method was dictated erally..l>sed. were made weekly One unfortunate curate Also, The Obser~ations During ueless the E-1ayer. ,.- --- K / t ~ KP=Z+ Kp .3- ~ I , II IIIU I((1 I 1,, ! ,,1 (.) ; . 1 , 11!11 (b) ~ Y : ‘\ \ \ \ \ .00 I, MARC. ,436-,444 ,,M.RCH 1980 ,550-1621 .0. EST ,,,0 EST ,5- ELEVAT!ON ,5° ELEvATION ?,,,, 2,.,, ,ANDW,DTH 10F2=I! L 3MC,S ,. NDWIT. ,0 F,= II.O MCP, 181 h (B] I I / NORMALIZED Fig. 3(a-d). techniqueot Electro. Mllstone densiVprofiles Radar. ELECTRON obsewed 8 DENSITY [P. rc.”t) bymeans of the incoherent backscatter \ 3-3!4-7326 [o-d, \ 1, .,,,, ,,s0 ,QOO-(+20 E,, \ \ I 19 MARCH 1960 ,44,-,456 E*T ,,a ELEvATION , ,0,s 9A ND WIDTH 15e FL E”ATION 2 kc,, BANDWIDTH \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ fo,, ~(lo. cpz (s) 400 fo,, ~!o,, .,,, [B) \ I 200 - t : ,3 J”LY E ZIE330° ‘\ !960 2220 EST ELEVATION 5kCPs BANDWIDTH 1960 ,002-(085 30\ ‘\ EST \ ELEVATION , ,.,s BANDWIDTH \ .00 - ‘\ ,.,, 400 IA”G”ST \ =7,4 .,,, (B) \ ~_ / 200 – K,= 2+ K p=30 ~ I I , 1,, , ,. 1 I , 1111 80 ii) (C1 NORMALIZED Fig. 4(a-d). Electron technique at Mllstone ,,1 density profiles Rador. ELECTRON obsewedby 9 DENSITY (Pa,Centl means of theincoherent backscatter IC \, ,,”,”s, 2,07-2,3, ,,,0 r,T 90- EL E”AT, ON 5 “,, s 8L. DWID, H \ f. s, \ \ I ‘,” 1 , 111111 I 1 2. I (b) r r \ t I \ \ 2N0vEM0ER (960 ,,50,605E,T 45~+,o~ELEv,Tlo,s 1( kc PsEAND WIDTH ,.,, .,O. O,,,$ ,,) I 1- 1 I L .0...,,,.. Fig. 5(a-d). Electron technique of Mllstone density profiles Radar. SLFCT RON DENSITY (Psr’. ”!) observed by means of the incoherent backscatter II 600 400 T !, DECEMBER ,,60 1, DEC, MBER ,960 ,,,, - ,54, ,s, ,o~ ELEVATION ,,,, ,o~ ,,,.,, 40,.,, ,,...,,,. c,, ea...,,,, \ I fg,, ~,.o. -,6,6 ,s, ELEVATION \ {B) ,.,2 .,0.2..,, ,,) ,\ 2, ,,,,.8,, 1,,8 -), ,,,0 $3 EST ~ II ,., ,0,...,,,0 Fig. 6(a-d). Electron tech”ia”e at Mllstone ,,,,,,0. ,,,,,,, density pro files obsarvedbymea.sof Radar. ,,,,,,”,, the incoherent bocks.atter :1 t ,1 DECEMBER ,.53- (7(3 E,, 2, 1960 45° ELEvATION 2 k,,, 8.,,.,.7, ,00 t .,,,.,,. ,,,0 (1, +-, t23E,T ,0- ELEVATION ,,+ ,skcps BANDWIDTH \ ,OF, =S, OM<PS [B) ‘O F,= \ 681M$PS I {B) L— / “’~— : 300,,,.,,, \ [9,0 600 1, ,., \ ,4,,.,45, ,s7 86- E,. ”,,,.. 2 kc,, OAMDWIDTH ,,6, ”.,” ;;?;F;:;N \, II ,.,s 6ANOW ,0TH \ 400 ,.,, = ,0,0 M,,, [6) foF, =8.6 Me,% (M. ,0,, =.., .c,s ) (B) \ \ I I ,. .0,..,,,,0 Fig. 7(a-d). Electron technique at Mllstone ELECTRON DENSITY [,<?,.”!1 density pro files observed bymeonsof Radar. the incoherent backscatter \ \ 7 FE BR”ARY 1961 ,325 -,,46,,, 90~ ELEVATION II ,.,s \ 8ANOWIDTI - ‘\ 2!,53‘ARCH “6’ ,4+7 EST \ 4$- EL E”ATION \ ( ( ,.,s BANDWIDTH \ \ \ 20. 1’ Il!)ll 5 (:, , fof, ,7., ,0 F, =,7 ,\ MCP5 (M. ] MC,. (0) I ‘.6 =3.0 M<P, (B M H) L< ,,=,. I I I ,0 NORMALIZED (c ELECTRON Fig. 8(a-d). Election density profiles obsewed technique at W I I stone Radar. DENSITY l,cr.e”l) by means of the incoherent backscatter ,3 MA*CH ,,,, l\ ,54, -,,,0 ES, 45.+50. II kc,, foF2=7,5Mcns(B, EL, V, TIONS BANDWIDTH M H) .0=3. 1,, ,,1 I 1 ~~1 .,=2+ 1,, , ,,1 10 (c] ! 1 50 NOR.. LI2ED , ,0. ,., ELECTRON DENSITY (,s,..,,) Fig, 9(a-d). Elecko” density profi Ies observed by means of the incoherent technique ot Mil Istone Radar. bocksc otter \ \ 6.0 I 5 APRIL \ ,04, ,, ,,,,, E*, \ ,,,, ,650-,.55 5,. Ilk,,, \ \ ES, ,LE”A, ION ,a,,w,,,, \ \ \ \, ..,s =6,, ‘\ \ \ (M ., ,\ I ‘J foE=3.1MC,, 1 1 ( I ,., ) I 1 Ill (.1 I ,,= ,. t 1 I 1,,1 1 28 APRIL \ 1I d ,96, ,53,-,,0, 1, ,,,, 1 ‘\ EST I , BA,, w,o, 28 APRIL \ ,6*2-1647 \ I I I 1 .00- ,8, 136, EST 90° ELEVATION 1, ,,, s BANOW, OTH Y ” - foF2: 78 M.,, 1 I [b) \ .0, ,,,, -,0,, 20~, SO- EL E”AT,ONS ,, k,,, 8A ND W,DTH \ ,.,2 ,.0 r ‘\ ‘OF, .7,5 ..,, ,. foF, =7.3 .,,, [B) 1 *oo– ~] 1 ,,. ,- ~@ NORMALIZED ELECTRON Fig. 10(a-d). Electron density profi Ies obsewed technique at WI [stone Radar. OENSIT. 5 [,..,,.,, /:) by means of the incoherent ,0. backscotter \,-314-?,33 (o-d) I ,o$~,o. cp,(.. ;\=, , .,,, l [6) \ I , .1 K0,3+ \ \ \ \ ,, ,“,, ,,6, ,0,0 -(0,5 ES, ,0°,L, vAT(o. 40,,,, BANOWIDTH \ ,05: 5.2 M<P, [M “) $$.6. L ,0 (,, \ \ OMCP, [B) 5. Fig, 11 (a-d). Electron density profi Ies observed by means of the incoherent technique at Ml Istone Radar. bockscatter i6 — 2, JULY ,961 ,00, -,0,, ES, 26- ELEvATION ,1 kc,, BANDWIDTH .0. \ \ \ \ \ “i. \ ‘\\ 4.0 - “D=‘0 I I Il!ti ,0 ! 1 ‘o ‘,. Ill 1 1 1111,1 1 50 !00 ) 1 I I ) I I 1, ,.0 [b) (0) \ 1, &uG”sT1,6, ,020-$035 E? A“GUST \ ,+52- EST ,A. DWIDTH \ 15,7 EST 30-+s50 ELEVATIONS II ,.,, SANOWIOT” BOG FL E”ATl ON II ,.,, (961 ..0 \ \ \ 400 ,/ foF2 =70 MOPS(8) 1 t NORMALIZED ELECTRON I ! 1,1$11 5 ;:) I DENSITY lP.rce”t) Fig. 12(a-d). Electron density profi Ies observed by means of the incoherent techni~ue at WI Istone Radar. i7 I $ I(I ,. ,0. backscatter \ \ \ ‘\ 29 A“GUST ,323-,346 30°+870 ,, ,.0, \ \ \ 5 SEPTEMBER !96, (444- ,,, ,506 ,,6, \ ES, ,O” ELEVATION ELEvATIONS II ,.,, BANDWIDTH ,ANDWIDTH \ \ foF, =6,3 ,0F2= 5.9 MGP6 [MH) ‘.,, foF*=57”tp’~’} McP, (MH) =6.5.,,,(,) ,\ \ I I faE= 3, MC,%[MH1 faE ,( = 3.35 McP$1BI / / ‘\ \ \ ‘\ \ “\ (Z SEPTEMBER 1409 -15!4 ,O”+ ,$6( \ 26 SEPTEMBER ,0,5- EST I(O8 ,36, <ST ,o~+45~+s9~ 85° ELEvAT, OWS ,,, ”,7,0. s 11 k,,% BANDWIDTH 1, kcp, BANDWIDTH 1 \ ,.,, =,.9 \ ,.,, .,,s (..) = 7.2 M.,, (B) + ~ , (C1 NORMALIZED ELECTRON DENSITY ( P,,.,., ,0 (d) ,0 !0. ) Fig. 13(o-d). Electron density profi Ies observed by means of the incoherent tech”iq”e at Mll$tone Radar, bockscatter \\ \ I ‘\ \ 1 5 OCTOBER !424- )503 1, OCTOBER >96! 0734 EST ,5 °+45-+s00 -08,5, ,LEVA,!O,S ,, kc,, II kcP, EANDWIOTH \ s, ,,~+,,.+.,. ELEvATIONS \ ,96! \ BANDWIDTH \ \ ‘OF,=64MCPS(MH) ‘.F,=721M~,~(B) ,., =2., ,., = z.,, .,, \ s,.,, MC,, ,8) ,OE = 2.,..,,,.”) ,., = 2.6 ..,, L [B) \ / / \ \ \ \ 20 OCTOBER ,412-1449 , NOVEMBER ,,6 0908 -09!9 EST \ EST (,~,45~+89~ ,, ,.,s (96, .,. EL E”ATION* ,,, II ,,,, BANDwIDTH \ I \ ”,,,0. B. ND W,DTH ‘\ \ ,OFZ=,, ZMC,S(MHI ‘o’, = 8DMCP’ ~’ ] ioF, = 7.0 M,,, foF2=67Mc, h [MHI s19) ,\ I K, -20 ,p~o+ , I ! 11! ,11 1 1 1 11111 ,0 lot 1 I 1,, , ,,1 ) 50 !< (1: (Lo, NORMALIZED CLEC, RON DENSITY Fig. 14(a-d). Electron density profi Ies obsewed technique at Ml Istone Radar. (,,,.,”9 ) by mea”, of the incoherent backscatter 13.314 .?331(o. d,, ~ \ \ \ \ \ 2 ,O” EMOER ,,61 ,53,-,.0+ EST \ ,,~+45~,,o. ,,,,,,,, 1, ,,,, ,0 NOVEMBER BAbiG!v DTH 0s5,0 ,,.. \ ,30 .5., II kc,, 196[ EST ,.- E,, ”,,,.,, BAI, DWIDTH \ \ I-— ........ ‘“”=w ‘P= ‘P’ ‘o ‘. .~. 6.. I I 1 I 1 Ilud 1 1 Ilu [,1 ‘\ ‘0 ‘0”’”’” ,s27- )653 \ \ ,,~..,~,,o~ ‘9” 2, EST NOVEM8ER ,545-,,50 ELE”ATIO, .,. \\ ,,,, EST EL EVAT,ON II ,,,s BAMDw,DTH \ \ / ‘a F,=65MC0$(MH) ‘, F,= ’’MCo’ (B] \ ‘/ ,. ,0,..,,,,0 ELECTRON DE NS,,” (,,,,, ”,) Fig. 15(a-d). Electron density profi Ies observed by means of the incoherent technique at Ml Istone Radar. 20 backscatter 33,4 -?3,8{ .-.) \ \ \ ‘\ \ \ .0. – 28 NOVEMBER ,OOs- 40. ,045 ,96, 7 DECEMBER 1437 -,5,0 EST ,96, \ EST \ 1,~.,,.+,o~,,rv.,lo,s 15~+45~+,o~ELEvA,,oNs 1, kc,< (1 kc,, BANDwIDTH ‘ BANDwIDTH - f, F,=~2MCPSl ‘o ‘2= ,OE =2,8 MH) fOF2=7.2M<Ps [M”) ,0 F,= 7.6 M,,, h (,) 7“0~._._ ‘oE=25L/ McP$ (8)( M”) 200 27 DECEMBER ,05, 60, l,. -,,,5 1961 EST EL EVAT$O. 1, kc,, BANDWIDTH ‘\ \ \ \ ,0F2=8.. MCP, (M .1’, ,0,2 = 8.8 ..,, I I (,) \ I fOE -2.3 Mc,s (MH) ,OE = 2.9 .,,s (6) < Fig. 16(a-c). Electron density profiles techniaue at WI Istone Radar. observed by means of the incoherent bo.kscatter Fig. 17. The electron density profiles observed on 20 October 1961, when o 500-psec transmitter p. Ise wos employed and observations were made at the three antenna elevations designated. ~~,-o ELECTRON o“er DENSITY which the backs catter ionosphere [ocbilrary observations along the ray path fairly (corresponding to the bearing in %96$ a C-4 ionosonde ical frequencies In general, they differ were obtained. obtained These piece in the Journal The undesirable tion only 26 km. effect The recei”er due to this convolution at the three arbit raw spheric tests. exist were obtained soundings at 45” elevation (Figs. from Early for the crit- in parentheses. and where 3 through i6) is the the geophysical errors, rocket data the results Bowles5 profiles as shoti to estimate of, 90°, The finite bandwidth of as *OOpeec were source trend of the of error Clearly, employed. is the the profiles their magnitude. is to compare them with other electron density 20 et al., have compared their backscatter and Millman, Howe”er, and ionosonde which an elevation as the progressive An additional (up to the F2 maximum) profiles For measure- 52 km, and at %5” eleva- a final curve through these points. i8 through 20 the most accurate pared with the backscatter until pulses shows in Fig. i7. and found good agreement. between earlier. at half these intervals. effect b“t it is difficult profiles pulse used in these it occupies in the shape of the profiles, elevations of the F-region. with density In Figs, in each diagram values has been mentioned output is sampled The best method of checking by Nisbet24,22 by “MH” made. are in good agreement, of the long ( 500-psec) of 75 km; method of drawing of systematic observations were values Research. kcps) would have negligible obtained measurements in the appropriate. These of electrons a height interval Errors somewhat measurements in the diagrams contained index Kp. of the convolution curves are not free seems the conditions at an azimuth of 220” Hill and additional Hill and Ft. Belvoir of information ments with the true distribution the pulse occupies (ii at Millstone are indicated at Millstone of Geophysical should represent of the Results Accuracy the receiver They when low elevation mean of the two “alues The only additional C. made. since the antenna was directed of m. Belvoir) the values a simple were well, was put into operation value for the planet ary magnetic presented ““!1$) 22 from the reduction in “i,ew of the discrepancies results, available correspond obtained of ionoobserved perphaps rocket this is not the best of 23-26 profiles have been com- most closely in time of day and year. ,000 so, ~ r\-.-_ .~ : ,AcKcAT:~:: 600 :;1 ‘1%30 EST 2 NOV ,960 40. - ’00 ~ \\ ., ‘: ,,,,1., 0,00 ‘K>. \\ N >=-”’ EST 10.0. 1959 Fig. 18. The results of a single b.cks.atter run during November 1960 compared with the results of rocket soundings from Wal lops Island, Virginia. in November 1959 (8erning24) and November 1960 (Hanson and McKibbin23). \ 60. g g : - k .00 1, ‘\\ \> ~;:E::;zE/’\f - \\. \ BERNING ROCKET PROFILE ‘0947 EST !3 JULY 1960 \ L I Fig. 20. for July ~b+ai”ed Fig. 19. The resulk of a ba.kscatter run in April 1961 compared with the profi Ie obtained from a rocket sounding from wallops Island, Virginia, on the previous day (Jackson and 8auer24). before. 23 —. The resul b of WO bockscotter profiles 1961 compared with a rocket profile bY 8erning25 in the same month a Year Unfortunately, in two cases backscatter not obtained in the same year; two instances) good agreement rocket hence, with backscatter in every profiles rocket profiles case, is sufficient results which could be compared data taken one year obtained but the degree to suggest a year of similarity that neither OF F2 ELECTRON DENSIW 10.0 NF2/.NE from Backscatter 10.7 15° 24 Mar 61 7.3 3.8 90” 28 Mor 61 7,3” 4.4 20” 5 Apr 61 4.8 1.8 20” 22 Aug 61 4.5 2.0 30” 29 Aug 61 3.2 1.1 30” 12 Sept 61 3.0 1,33 30” 3.6 15° 5 oct 61 6.9 I I Ott 61 5.6 3.0 I 59 61 7. I 6,6 I 50 61 9.7 11.1 15° 10 No” 61 7.1 4.2 15° 10 Nov 61 13.8 9.0 15“ 6.25 4.2 I 50 7 De. 61 9.0 7.1 15° 27 De. 61 11.6 9,0 I 5“ test which can be applied against one can check the ratio those inferred E- e,cho are ignored, records are listed E-region density the observed the expected to these from there in Table NE expected their results from and expected are eighteen the ionosonde ratios antenna ele”ation is to examine of the electron critical II, which @ves agree them for internal densities frequenciess. that exhibit the ratiO Of the F2-electrOn density NF2 ‘0 the data and alSO tO that actually, Observed In five to within *2O percent. were about twice that actually All these records In the remainder observed. (1) The F2 peak, being sharper than the ledge caused by the E-region, suffer more because of the convolving effect of the long pulse. (2) For elevations above 20°, weak ground clutter the same range as the E-region echo, thereby high value Of NE. 24 -—-- a Others that shOw bOth F2- and E- TegiOns, There causes for’ this discrepancy: .— consist- at the peak of the E- arid If the records of i 5“ had been employed. ratio was on the average and error. Lowest Antenna Elevation Data 45° obtained when a lowest — ‘E 450 For instance, possible DENSl~ 2.6 instances ords, systematic 4.0 Another sporadic the backscatter 9.0 28 NOV 61 These between 6.5 ~OV expect to large 2 Mar 61 2 F2-layers observed 15 Mar 61 20 Ott ency, (in these TO THE E-REGION NF2/NE 19 Mar 60 have been compared We should not, therefore, II NF2 from Ionosonde Data Date data were method is subject TABLE RATIO later. with rocket -.—.—— may echoes may be present in yielding an unexpectedly of the re care four D. (3) The presence of sporadic E ionization may be responsible fo= weak coherent echoes which also increase the observed value for NE. (4) The scattering cross section Of the electrons between the electron and ion temperatures27 with altitude (Sec. 111). Discussion 1. of the Results General Se”eral Considerations interesting features a ledge in the ionization caused in pad i)? height. in summer comment. exhibit a separate to resolve in any profile, at these latitudes. details occupies appears maximum. smaller although it is present We conclude and hence that this ledge The E-region This may he than about 20 km on ionosonde that the resolution only a small as records was insufficient height interval, approxi - 10 to 20 km. i August 1961). electron of Es can cause very of some 2.4 times sumed to be thin (-i i,~terval p,dse. echo) by a factor The ratio to be somewhere “f 2.4:i either density, large regions density seems irre@lar, Spread-F morning backscattered dense, acceptable were but no F-re@on signals. frequently Thus, ularities in the electron observed in sporadic a peak pre- the F-region. existed observed echoes it seems Hill or tbe Ft. Belvoir the paradox like auroral electron to detect which are responsible records, for spread are catlsed by these irre~larities discussed particularly were condition, preciously. during the observed (both in time as well a spread-F of electron E-echoes density high intensity that the resolution by assuming regions only in a weak form, on ionosonde ratio sem@Ohey~nt echOes These L8 This latter exionization. the view that sporadic of unusually to that of the to see an ohser”ed or that irre~lar of E-region to on this day appeared the Millstone which yielded (relative in the as height) avail- and that the irreg- F are not as great as those E. I“ view of the above profiles from thickness We are able to resolve When present was insufficient density is always would be reduced we should not expect but might scatter high values hours, echoes of the Es-layer (-50 km), and supports echoes E-layer and tbe F2-region upon whether is thin. of ionization. to the unexpectedly able for these measurements t ron density of the ratio Thus, with the wavelength, the more dense regions may contribute that tbe E~-echo in the E~-layer if the Es-layer need not be critically planation therefore, is as thick as the pulse c~mpared tbe Es echo indicated to ionosonde 1:1 and 4:1 depending for the densities t9b4, on 1 August was 45”, so that the pulse would occupy a height data is taken as most appropriate. that the E.-layer on 1 August it is usually transparent of 50. because of the electron between observed (e. g., on 30 June i 9bi, 26 July 196$ and The sporadic We might expect, of 52 km. ionosonde km) because returns that of the F2-region. of the antenna employed the F-region strong In the case of the profile density The elevation scatter deserve of the measurements is observable its detection, The presence early of these profiles and does not usually by the inability during the daytime mately profile NO F1 -ledge to permit is a function of the ratio and, therefore, decreases comments, below it seems about 200 km. method may be able to challenge unwise to place a great deal of reliance When better the ionosonde value lies large ly in the ability to obtain the electron this feature discussion that the remaining will equipment in this region, density be concerned. ,., 25 becomes a“ailable, on the electbe back- but at the present distribution above Nmax. time its It is with 2. The Height of Maximum The re are insufficient the profile Instead, profiles shape (although Pineo El. ctron Density to permit a detailed examination of the diurnal variation 29 have attempted this for one day in May 196i). of and Hynek of hmax and the scale only the variation hmax height Hi of the ionization above hmax will be investigated. for hm=x obser”ed The values are shown in Figs. crease 21(a-b). throughout p“blisbed imately between sunspot maximum there (taken as the time between seems to be a tendency equinoxes) for hmax to in- and minimum. 1 I 1 13-314 -1342 [o-b) I SUMMER 400 ,and winter the day. The actual values are about what might be expected from the table 30 If allowance is made for the fact that the measurements were made approx- by Brice midway in summer During both seasons wINTER . . Fig. 21 (o-b). Values for the height of maximum density hmox observed in (a) summer and (b) winter (taken from the curves presented in Figs.4 through 17). t t o~ ~~ l,m LOCAL TIME 240[ LOCAL [EST) TIME (EST) (b) [0) 3, Scale Height Hi above hmax Some comparisons profiles obtained mean height (280 km). in every case, H. can be neglected, le”el. profiles as exp((i/2)[i For values were – z - (exp– particles. height of the ionization between since insufficient five morning from the data because their actual heights day to their foF2 was iO * i Mcps summer profiles Hi is of the order profiles, and winter were available profiles to divide of fOO km, but grad~lally as the time the year are stated. have been adjusted an approximate frequency 1“ the morning fit to the results, fit. 26 Of One scale (exp–z) height that is twice sec x the scale 300 to 500 km increases have been superimposed. above this For this purpose, between the equinoxes, into four seasons. and Fig. 24 shows five taken in the afternoon. profiles a reasonable scale the term that over the height range was taken simply The mean critical (X = 30? provides z is the height in units and z >3, with an apparent Fig. 22 indicates cause foF2 = 6.5 + 1 Mcps. provides adjusting x of 60” or less decreases Thus, In Figs, 23 and 24, some summer the di”ision selected In Fig. 22, ten winter after z) sec x]) where of zenith distance and fbe density height of the neutral the scale These in Figs. 22 to 24. together, critical frequency was *O Mcps. Also shown in Fig. 22 is a set of 31 a Chapman re~on computed for a scale height H of 50 km and a solar zenith i6 the electron density in a Chapman re. As noted in the previous review, ~ of 60”. gion diminishes height are provided and the average points representing distance of the profiles in i960 have been plotted Fi~re All ten were 23 shows selected be- and the mean height to which individual a Chapman re@on and in the afternoon where H - 65 km H = 70 km (X = 30-) ,A\ 780 /4 ,: 3 680 5ec ~ *80 : “ : 38C Zec 1 [8 MAR 1960 ,400-1550 EST P 2 NOV (960 ,550 EST 3 2 DEC !960 8432–1455 EST 4 15 DEC ,960 ,529-1550 EST -[605 5 )S DEC 1960 (621 6 20 DEC ,960 1002-(1(0 -[625 EST 7 2] DEC ,960 1628-1653 EST e 2, DEC ,960 ,653 EST 9 29 DEC ,960 1114–,,32 \ x EST -,7,3 \ \ EST 10 18[ e( I z I I I I xl ,0 5 20 FREOUENCY=!OMcPs I I I 50 10 Fig. 22. Ten win ter profiles observed i“ 1960 are superimposed. The true heights have been adiusted so that each curve reaches a maximum at the mean value for hmax. 27 I ‘\’\\ “ ‘, . 4 5 \\. ~ \ ,3 440 t z : > 340 \ – “ ~ E ❑ . ,40 I A?. ,96, ,0+7 – 10S2 EST JUN 196( 0947 JUL ,961 0827 — 1000 ? FST – 0856 EST 3 7 4 ,2 . . II. .,, 1961 IOi O — 1015 EsT 5 ,5 .“G ,96( Io20 EST CHAPMAN REGION - 1035 ‘, ) . H = 65 km (40 - MEAN 40 CRITICAL FREQUENCYI 2 , 1 1 I I 1,11 5 10 20 N/NmOx [P8rce”tl 1 Fig. 23. Five summer morning profiles observed in 1961 are superimposed. The true heights have been odiusted so that each curve reaches a maximumot the mean value for h max’ I 6.2 M%,, 1 50 1 ,00 .! 7,0 - .,0 - ,20 - I . 3 I Fig. 24. Five summer afternoon prof i Ies observed in 1961 ore superimposed. The true heights hove been adiusted so that each curve reaches a maximum at the mean value for h max. z : .20 -, z o ❑ r 5.0 - II APR !96( )650-1655 EST 2 ~ 22 AUG 196! !~5z- EST 5 SEP !96( 1444-1506 EST 4 21 APR [961 1551 ‘!602 EST 5 ,B &PR 196$ 1S42- EST , CHAPMAN REGION 1517 )647 H = 70km 220 5 1 ,20 MEAN CRITICAL FREQUENCY= 6.9 MCPS 20 1 2 I 5 1, II 10 NINmOx I 20 1 1 Ill 50 100 ( Perce.f) 28 .— Mean values following way. and 250 for the scale The gradient height Hi of the ionization On each profile km above the observed winter, and the day subdivided level roughly ra,ldon, assuming errors that the observed of measurement. s,dts are summarized as a function diagrams. res,,lts in Table of this analysis - square aging the results. HOwever, Of values .ase FiWre linear divided into summer 27 provides in Table with the estimated represents error statistical with height. a representative was next obtained example Tables Ill and IV relate certain trends are clearly to the different visible The summer values than those observed They the influence of FIi averaged i“ winter. show that the ions, of gravity, and the density of production are: the value of Hi at in the upper part of the F-reg:on and recombination, to seek a hydrostatic downward, These of aver- over the whole day are higher that electron in attempting tend to move in either in bOth tables. (c) ha”e postulated of one of these methods In summer there is a marked increase in HI and dHi/dh follo~ving sunrise and a decline in both these quantities throughout the day. by the competi,-,g processes bringing equilibrium the electrons but by mass mo condition ~ ~ 1500-(800 ,, 200 300 400 EST 500 [d) ABOVE THE LEVEL OF fmax F2 under with them due to coulomb ]3-314 -734610-4)1 HEIGHT re - replotted IV. between [b) authors32’33 due to These later for each diagram, In winter there is little diurnal variation a given height or tbe slope dHi/dh. Several AHi computed variations (a) is not governed and The mean values for Hi ob- lIi is found to increase relation in tbe of 100, 150, 200 The data poirlts used in Figs. 25 and 26 were are presented Some of the differences ti[>ns. In every III. of their true height. A least-mean spread were equal intervals. tained in this way are shown in Figs. 25 and 26, together by simply at height intervals The profiles of Nmax. intO three above Nmax have been obtained was estimated (k”) Fig. 25(a-d). The mean value of the scale height Hi obsewed at different distances above hmax for (a) the whole day, (b) 0900-1200 EST, (c) 1200-1500 EST, (d) 1500-1800 EST in winter. 3-314-1341{0-s) 400SUMMER .0700 . DAY (mea” of 011,,s.11s1 -1000 EST / rl 1400-1700 ‘oo~ o IoO 200 300 (c) HEIGHT 400 s.. o E ,00 200 300 400 EST 500 {d) ABOVE THE LEVEL OF fro., F2 (km) Fig. 26(.-d). The mean value of the scale height Hi obsewed above hwox during the time indicated (all taken in summer). at vorio.s .. “E(OHT h (km) Fig. 27. The values for scale height Hi plotted os a function of true height h for the winter day period 1200-1500 EST. The straight line is . least-mean-square fit to the points. 30 distances TABLE Ill THE MEAN VARIATION FOR OF N ~ax (h-hmax) OF THE SCALE HEIGHT Hi WITH HEIGHT ABOVE THE LEVEL SUMMER AND WINTER BACKSCATTER OBSERVATIONS, 1960-61 Winter Hi at h-h max (km) Period All day 170 09–12 167 Summer dHi = 250 AHi ●7 *I4 d(h-h Hi at h-h max ) max (km) ~eriod dHi = 25o AH. d(h-hmax) 0.40 All day 232 *14 0,36 0.42 07-10 309 +23 0.68 12-15 I 70 +8 0.35 IO-14 223 +15 0.43 15-18 155 *6 0.40 14-17 200 *lo 0.57 TA8LE Iv THE MEAN VARIATION OF SCALE HEIGHT FOR SUMMER AND WINTER BACKSCATTER fi WITH TRUE HEIGHT h OBSERVATIONS, 1960-61 Mnter Period h max (km) Hi at h = 500 (km) dHi/dh Period 157 0.32 All day 224 0.26 09–12 270,5 158 0.25 07-10 230.0 304 0.% 12-15 297.9 156 0.25 10-14 268.8 21 I 0.42 15-18 272.8 152 0.30 14-17 273.1 I 97 0.29 -380 132 0.28 Al I day Night L attraction, Since the electrons form their own equilibrium the distrib”tio” achieved are considerably distribution lighter, and would in the absence with a mLlch larger by the ions. The net result scale height, is that the scale their of the ions presence modifies height Of the iOniZatiOn Hi is given by k(T Hi = ~ + T.) , mi g (3) where Te = electron temperature Ti = ion temperature mi = ionic mass g = acceleration Bauer and Jackson26 ion diffusion thermal re~on the conductivity abo”e , , due to gra”ity have ar~ed is the controlling , factor that the rocket in this re@On, about 300 km was postulated results by Nicolet34 the atmospberi and a constant temperature 35 However, c mode 1 publisbed by Johnson. Fig. la shows, not all the rocket backscatter (c) the scale in this region, profiles indicate height Observed all tend to increase profiles an almost indicate a constant particles In Fig. 28, values equals on theoretical as indicating a cOnstant grounds that An iso- concerning for this region has been assumed in 46 bas pointed out that (a) as the author constant value for Hi, fOr the neutral with height. can be interpreted and that (Te + Ti) scale height Hi, but more HN frOm satellite for the scale (b) sometimes the often they do not, and 36-4i drag ObseyvatiOns height of the neutral particles ,,0 ~ / 8ACK,CATT,. SUMMER 0,, [1000 -1400 ESTl I ,0 - : B. - (0900 -1500 EST1 ; g % Y ; ,. . A ARDC ((959) MODEL ATMOSPHERE o KALLMAN-BldL (1961. ) . ,,,,...BIJL [(961 b) 4, – 0 KING-HFLE , . dACCHIA (19601 YONEZAWA [89601 110$.19601 t 2. o 1 ( ..0 I 20. +0. “,,.”, 800 100 [km) Fig. 28. The midday summer and winter values for the scale height of the neutral particles HN obtained from the backscatter values of N by assuming HN = Hi/2, twether with satel I ite drag values for H N accors.g to v~rio.s authOrs. 36-41 32 —-,; — ,—,- TABLE V THE RATIO OF THE NUMBER OF ELECTRONS ABOVE Nmax TO THE NUMBER BELOW nh (Mnter Day Observations) Date (1960) fime 1B Mar 1400- 2 NOV 2 Dec 1 15 Dac n a Ratio “a: “b (EST) 1.93 I 550 1550-1605 2.30 1422-1455 2.20 1529-1550 1.90 19 Dec 1621-1625 1.97 20 De. 1002-1110 1.64 21 Dec 1628-1653 2.o5 21 De. 1653-1713 2.06 29 De. 1114-1132 I .32 30 De. 1429-1451 1.91 Mean =1 .93+0.26 obtained by various authors are compared tained from the backscatter height of tbe ionizable that the summer seen 4, The Total Values Electron curves Content of techniques. profiles technique. obtained These the scale Hi. It can be of the Ionosphere their measurements at Jodrell results shown in Fig. Z2 were That is, ob- most of the other observations. have been obtained values yielded nb. an average daytime pub- of 1959,42 by means ratio and the “al”es workers for the ratio The most recently Bank during the winter used for comparison by several have been obtained na above Nmax to the number below for this ratio were of the moon-echo bracket Te = Ti. constituent to be half that of the ionization content of the ionosphere From the number of electrons lished values winter and winter beigbt of the ionizable by using Eq. (3) and assuming has been assumed for the total electron using a variety between results constituent with the scale of about 3:%. listed i“ Table Tbe V for were obtained, These values were obtained by plotti”g the density asa linear f”nctionof ‘a:nb height and extrapolating the profile both above md below Nmax. Below Nmax, the small amount of ,Iecessary curve extrapolation can be performed of Fig, ’4(b) obtained on i8 March. 800 km, beyond which it was assumed ionization abo”e 800km constituted with a fair degree Abo”e Nmax, to decay with a constant aho”t 10 percent The mean value of the ratio na:nb obtained lower than that obtained cauae~, at Jodrell whenobtained Bank, fromionosonde scale density by following the was extrapolated height of Hi = i50km. to The of “a. in this way is about 2 to 1, which is significantly It is possible data, of confidence the electron that the moon-echo istoolow?i22 However, result istoo high be- Seddon43 doubts this explanation ments. since his studies indicate good agreement between rocket and ionosonde measure44 Taylor has suggested that the oblique path of the rays through the ionosphere in the moon-echo work may int~od”ce in the electron erroneous “al”es content as a function of latitude. ments of na:nb at Trinidad in the ratio na:nb if there Millman (iia N) and found daytime ratios are marked and Rose 45 have reported lying between f:i and 2:i, variations measureIt seems 33 ..—.— — probable, results therefore, obtained that this ,-atio may be a funct~on of latitude, at Millstone (42” N) with those at Jodrell so that a comparison Bank (54-N) or Trinidad of the (ii” N) would be improper. 111. SPECTRUM A. MEASUREMENTS Introduction .4 measurement of the spectral least as much informational the shape of the spectrum Te:Ti. This dependence distribution a measurement depends of the energy of the electron upon the ratio in the reflected density of electron is sho\vn in Fig. 29, ~vhere curves Fig. 29. signal profile. temperature at to ion temperature, obtained by Fejer6 The theoretical contains This is true because for thedlstribution power spectra camputedby Feier6f0r different ”values0f the ratio electr~n and i.” temperatures Te: Ti. between the i , of echo power with frequency that the spectra case where therefore shift for different are double-sided is applicable L is considerably to the results by multiplying reported singly charged, greater Other assumptions k equals is valid for the length AD [Eq. (2)], The abscissa A and a term used in the derivation (b) only one type of ion is present, This figure than the Debye in this paper. of the ions, It should be made clear are reproduced. by the radio wavelength sound for the ions where mi equals mass ion temperature. Te:Ti .#ith only one half shown in Fig. 29. the radio wavelength f normalized ratios in Fig.29 related Boltzmann’s is the Doppler to the velocity constant of and Ti equals of Fig. Z9 are (a) all the atoms (c) cO1lisiOns are i~requent and are and maY be neglected and (d) the ray path is not inclined at an angle to the magnetic field lines >85”. ~agneti. field effects, i.e.. the remOval Of restricseveral ~uthor~7>9,i~ ha”e inve~tigat~d tion (d), and Pineoand Hynek 46 have reported Pineo and Hynek found good qualitative computed field by Renau, lines. In order of a high-power to achieve Camnitz system a ray pathat F-region). Hence, considered the effect this investigation, on Trinidad. right angles between of the removal mixtures current that at most F-region of oxygen and helium Pineo field made here, of restriction atoms. investigation their results inclinations of these effects. andtbeoretical between and Hynek were It is not possible to the magnetic for any measurements for different “iew agreement and Flood 47 for different to perform radar an experimental compelled by use of the Millstone lines restriction (d) is observed. curves and the to make use Hill above a height of 100km (b) and presented This choice spectra the raypath radar (in the Fejer6 has showing the spectra waspresumably dictated bytbe heights 0+ is tbe princ iPal ion. The theoretical argume!lts 48 for this “iewpoint have been summarized by Rishbeth, and satellite-borne mass-spectrometer 50 49 measurements which cotiirm this result have been reported by Poloskov and Istomin. 34 —-. .... . . . has armed Nic.let5’ 1000km altitude) evidence that the outermost consists in tbe form Wallops Island, of a helium of an electron Virginia) can be obtained of helium ions would be insufficient filled, density which suppotis t,rements therefore, part of the eafl:~ layer, PrOfile to 1600km this view. we should expect, to influence On the basis of the available and Weekes54 trons is approximately frequency ikcps (c) will be fulfilled. particles time. (most collisions to the radio The presence However, heights atoms to predominate by two or more by a large charged and ion t:~peratures Spencer, rise, Also, mperature which would indicate evidence This electron and ion temperatures to the experimental there is contrary prevails nominally Ilkcps. performed by Pineo is replaced repeatedly frequency spectrum to obtain a curve containing, say, that any changes of the electron spectmm obtained in this way. spectrum analyzer. B. The NW Spectrum The rebuilding number of cqstal filter (i. e., filters approximately ha”e center Thetwenty-four intervals frequency and permitted singly condition of the elec- measurements the volt-ampere cross section of curves decreases the equilibrium by that over of a dumb- around sun- conditions view that equilibrium are dis - between the (800 -cps) from Tbe normal filter, the si~al. and the integration The electron each density profile Usually as a function In order to overcome filter, process densities is corre- and plotted as a function about an hourrs time is required The method suffers density receiver from of time will the obvious disadvantage show up as a distotiion of the this problem, the author constructed +962 provided an opportunity a Analyzer filters. Hill radar These Gaussian) frequencies filters from a spect mm. 6 points. of the Millstone large at most parts of the ionosphere (Johnson 57) and 58 qQ. using Explorer VIII. Clearly, is tuned across to yield Hill have been reportecl measurements. 29 was as follows. by a narrow-band of the filter question the number of charged by Serbu, sponding to a given height are then selected of tbe offset Since this that condition anopen exceeds by the rocket accepted throughout and Hynek as this filter of the elec- patiicles). to assume The nonequilibri”m that the electron repofled is much to be gained by further frequency tbe shape of the spectra is supported to the generally measurements The method employed from that, at least over this period, turbed. It fOl- of magnitude, we might expect could be Inferred has reported Bowles (b) will be ful- iO-23 grams). ions remains particles at Millstone but at night Te - Ti. in the daytime In which:; ~~. bell probe. number margin. Spectral measurements of the signals observed ~ineo et ~ii3,15, z9 Pineo and Hynek29 conclude most parts of the day Te - 2Ti, mess Ti. it is appropriate orders from the expected that condition (mi = 2.675x being with other charged of doubly ortriply fired spectrum For these observations, heights the collision frequency, pre,e”t by a rocket 600 km, where evidence, since the number of neutral at most F-region charged that at F-region approximately equipment, shape. may be LIsed to determine suggest is so low compared the present (obtained the spectral and that the mass of the ion mi will be that of oxygen Ratcliffe (beyond With the present Only UP to a height of approximately 10WS that the width of the spectrum tron atmosphere and Bauer and Jackson53 and Bauer, selected filters ha”e a response and a bandwidth between in the “icinity of 200kcps, spanned the range from tbe upper sideband range of Oto 42kcps. during The filters half-power 200 to 2i2kcps bya signals points of 460cPs. Tbe intervals. at approximately to be examined gatedamplifier a that of a single-pole but are spaced at i60-cps of the reflected aredriven resembling to acquire over 500-cPs a Doppler (Fig. 30), wbich selects a M*, N RECE(VER ,FAM,L, F,ER 200 * 25,.,, ti dL . l}. /{ fig. from 30. the time base a region an amplifier capable icon diodes almost square-law devices. ) ranged in a Miller gration period circuit duced by drifts orDC signal circuits from the detectors were measurement, because Tbe filters that the mean of the ratios presumed that the gain (or the ambient changed between mns (the duration then be scaled by some constant factor In this way a spectmm utes, which does not suffer Unfortunately, range of different imately C. heights, Results a period 0n4days of Observations earlyin were of these measurements presented i962 (i5to made over containing any of the ambi~ities is measured No attempt was made of approximately of signal energy, noise alone. no Ra- only noise during either *6kcps should be 1:1. wide: All the points may for the last 8 (or SO) fil- 24 points is obtained height. It follows, If not, it can be ahead of the gated stage has observed that arise only at a single inteintro- squared to yield the signal-to-noise sample of the receiver to bring the mean ratio two hours at night when the signals obsewations results from the spectrum (Fig. 30). USA 4JX) ar- a 5-minute on background is only approximately measurement as of the time base at a range where repeated for these filters noise level) by are sil- behave the voltage O.i volt). of each mn is timed to within +msec). tersto unity. observed During each measurement 8 to 12kcps at 440 McPs the spectmm therefore, hours. which are nefi in the region (Philbrick and far exceed (approximately after signals, by integrators DC amplifier 60 volts is followed The detectors to make and match twenty-four are summed to place the gated portion and the measurements at each frequency. Each filter by tbe6e large feasible Instead, tios are then taken of each of the two voltages, ratio interval. constant of several in the DC amplifiers adjusted could be expected. analyzer when driven build up to approximately of fsets were . . . of a chopper-stabilized to match the gains of each of the 24 channels. the timing . . . of the newspectr.1 which, with a self-time the voltages . . . (It was not considered The currents consists . . toativenheight circuit, detectors. circuit . . a *i OO-volt peak signal to the detector. half-wave linear Each integrator corresponding of delivering in a simple identical B1.ckdiagram . . in 5 or iOmin- from use of the earlier In order i hour is required method. to obtain spectra at a during the day and approx- are much weaker. in 1962 i6 Febma~, a complete in this report i3to 24-hour is warranted i4 and 26t027 period. March The inclusion by their bearing and 4 to2 April) of some of the results on the interpretation in Sec. 11. 36 --,.- of the The compromise complicated spectral Sucha during between spectral range resolution measurements width of the transmissions. For most measurements pulse would add approximately for some measurements for better frequency and echo intensity or +0 percent, 500cPs, a pl!lse len@hof2msec In order resolution. discussed in Sec.11 is further by the need for a long pulse in order combined to achieve to minimize a pulse length of Imsec to the half -width with a very a reasonable was chosen. of the signals, low ele”ation degree the but (9”) was used of range resoltltion, all ,ncasllrements were made at elevatiOn angles Of 50” Or leSs, in contrast to those of Pine. and 29 who took the measurements in the zenith. A point was chosen on the surface of the esrth lIyllek, i,, the vicinity to different of iUashin@on, heights ,nise between D. C., vertically range resolution, Ininate different point. frequency height intervals. of 200, 300, 400, a 15-minute plete sequence of heights FiWre 3i presents ing the period period i to 2 April. were made at ranges to provide of +5psec. was changed, Measurements corresponding about the best comproin order to illu- and the gated portion of the were Thus, made at ranges corre- 500, 600 a,ld 700 km, thollgh on most days only 400 and examined. of integration could then he examined a series seemed resoltlt ion and signal intensity. 600km or 500 and 700km of the last four were ~veak at night, This the antenna elevation time base was adjusted to an accuracy spo,?ding to heights and all the measurements above’!this of spectra only once eveq corresponding (The actual region Because was employed illuminated the signals are exceedingly for most observations. The com - 2 hours. to a height of 300km and obtai,led by the pulse was from d“r- 265 to 335 km.) Fig. 31. Spectra Obtained fOrincOheren+ backscatfer signals at o delay corresponding tO 300 km height, 1 t02 April 1962. —..— LOCAL TIME LOCAL TIME {EST1 (EsT) (b) (.) ! ! ,’! LOCAL TIME {EST) LOCAL TIME (EST] (d) (c) Fig. 32(a-e). The half-bandwidthof the signals observed at a delay corresponding to. height of (.)200 km, (b)300 km, (c)400 km, (d)500km and (e) 600 and 700 km. LOCAL (e) 38 TIME (EST) These results were gate width. Obtained by using $-msec Although and transmitter the intensity is first These These spoiled and are presented time (2200-0300 EST) and daytime are shown in Fig. 33. The vertical height interval together during either occupied in Fig. 32(e). (0900-1500 EST) values bars, associated whereas Ti and this region that the electron the receiver bandwidth were spectra in the range and an IBM 7090 digital h is ten times tained. Fi~re center frequency perature of the signals but of the fi- The values obtained obtainable at measurements run. cumes bars indicate does not vary wel.e The average night- for the bandwidth as a function of height represent the rms scatter rapidly the of the with height. This above 300 km are not in systematic Such an error than the si~al width varied (Fig. 3i) to determine computer presented because er - could occur if then the energy with height. o~gen increases of the ion temperature to calculate of the echo power of the ratio Te:Ti. obtained we$e being indistin@ishable two additional In Fig. 36 the position Te :Ti, cumes are obat the the tem- of the half-power point It can be seen that the bandwidth Thus, if the spectral shown in Fig, 32(a-e) of Ti alone, The spectra and that the radio wave- curve has been used to determine ratio increases. of the signal bandwidth terp~et ed as being caused by a variation ratio of Group 33 the spectra at the peak of the wing to the power This data as in Fig. 3 i. of the temperature as the temperature (the curves in Fig. 34, from wtich T<, temperature by DF. M. Loewenthal was employed is the only ion present length ~ and are presented experimental known, tbe variation by Fejer3 values of the electron-to-ion was used to make the actual computations. that atomic the value of the Debye as a function for values This work was undertaken The theory as a function ratio f?om because of the results of height. as or narrower have been computed 35 shows the ratio has been plotted profiles as a function if the spectral 1.0 to 4.0. on the assumption from those for L/hD = ‘), well as narrow to make use of the spectra at the author 1s request. length pulses are not precise Values of theoretical calculated density bandwidth changes in the pass band would vaw ratio Te:Ti using i-msec factors since the bandwidth is proportional to the square root of the ion tem34 However, these experimental results tbe signal In order The half-power is thought to be isothermal. ror because a series obtained calibration the horizontal is to be expected, Temperature way. in the wing of the curve, with the points in these perature D. of variation shape. Some of the spectral behavior density diurnal in the following respectively. or the noise It will be noted that above 300 km the bandwidth the supposition of width of the spectra 32(a-e), “al”es. confirm noise fi~re diurnal variation in the spectmm of the poor quality the signal by the pulse, receiver for the bandwidth obtained in this way at 200, 300, few in number because by interference is also a clear correction for the increased 400, 500, 600 and 700 km height are shown in Figs. these heights, of tbe receiver is a clear by 500 CP8 for curves The values with a i-msec is half the value observed emplOyed. correchon width of the pulses. at 600 and 700 km were there changes has been measured aye reduced pulses were to make a first-order nite spectral imPortant, at which the power values 2-msec ratiO is a function tOgether with small of each of the spectra extracted. and 250 CPS where serve What is more taken as the frequency pulses together Of which is whOlly stable — there width of the signals, The bandwidth point, the absOlute signal-tO-nOise power — neither of the siqals. the spectral transmitter the ratio Te :Ti, shape is nOt cannot be accurately or a combination in- of these effects. The shapes of the spectra ~e~i, i .e,, equilibrium re suit of equal increases are well-defined prevails. Thus, in the electron for 200 km height ad the small indicate bandwidth variation and io” temperatures that at all times seen in Fig. 3Z(a) is the during the daytime. —— . ——— 600 500 ~ = +00 g g ,0. ,00 T I ..,,, ME 0,00.1500 EST I N,GHTT, ME 2200-0~ EST HORIZONTAL BARS DENOTE ‘- ,.s oE”ILTION VERTICAL BARS INDICATE THE “El.”, INTERVAL OCC” PIED BY THE PULSE ; ~ +fl , -~. /: ; ~ / Fig, 33, The overage half-bandwidth of the signals plotted as a function Of height for nighttime (2200-0300 EST) and daytime (0900-1 500 EST) obsewations. + + ,4 6 4 HALF BANWIDTH (KCP$I Fig. 34. The power spectra predicted by the theory given by Feier6 for .Ie.tr.”-to-io” temperature ratios in the range T.: Ti = 1.0 to 4.0. (These curves were computed by Dr. M. Loewenthal.) ~ 4,. ~ ,, g & t ? fig. 35. The ratio of the echo ~wer center frequency plotted as a function obtained from Fig. 34. in the “wing” to that at the of Te: Ti. These pints were y 30 > $ k B % 22 2 ,. ,.4 1~ ,., ,.8 Te:,, 40 The values for the power are shown in Fig. 37. ii: i exists clear the value increases is vew possible It seems between large, to decide roughly because whether the wing and center that at both these heights during the hours of darkness, the daytime “alues ratio indicating the diurnal at 300 a“d 400 km ratio (Te = Ti) observed to make. of approximately 35, as in Fig. to the sun’s altitude, is difficult variation a power equilibrium in proportion this measurement observed During but the scatter Therefore, at 400 km is greater of the it seems im- or less than that at 300 km. At 300 km the quality a 2-msec evation pulse at a vev (22.5”). and a weighted elevation low according mean computed shown are the weighted partly reflect different (9”) and others ratios Te:Ti noon, possibly near iOOO EST. ond source of atmospheric heating sufficiently precise iation shown in Fig. 38 will Thus, we are faced with various 1 to 2 April), shows the “al”es to the power ratios between to reject plotted since the collision along the the temperatures that the peak occurs at noon, and that the variation It seems likely and with the solar is not sufficient Iy well the results defined to dete?mine to obtain values of which the following that the diurnal for the daytime represent that abo”e at 400 km are at least as large trend can onlyco”tinue for a limited phere also decreases with height. The temperature distributions Of the two hypotheses, drag results, to take place of the similar a large for a two etiremes: well with the variation wavelength the solar of the temperatu~e particle solar km does not seem to be isothe~mal, energy flux S (i) choice of the neutral to m 100 and (2) are shown in particles as these authors satellite TN is known that TN = Ti because Ti shown in Fig. 39 in the model developed 60 150 units, to this by tbe atmos- since, from The temperatures assumed of declines However, absorbed (It can be presumed s.) rapidly as those at 300 km. than decrease. to the two hypotheses of 500 to 700 km. anything tempera- we might expect the time it takes the rather for (2) seem tbe better of the ions and neutral 10.7-cm because co~responding diu~nal “a~iatio” for a height of 300 km agree and Priester with height, distance the curves at heights in the order masses decreases 300 km the ratio Te:Ti with the ions to increase var- sunspot cycle. a third possibility frequency exists might be taken as evidence in favor of the sec59 Yet, the results are not and Priester. of Te:Ti to reach equilibrium for the by Harris possibilities, observed The er- and must Abo”e 300 km the ratio Te: Ti may be constant (and follow tbe variation at 300 km), with the increase in bandwidth caused by an increase in Ti (and a corresponding increase in Te). Also, 300 frequency), are shown in Fig. 38. of the points is quite large in the ratio el- each of the spec- (2) 8ince the ratios abo”e from at the center Above 300 km, Ti may be constant with height, the increase in the bandwidth of the signals being caused solely by an increase in the ratio Te:Ti. It is possible Fig. 39. by “sing (i) unity, electrons obtained axis of this fi@re change both with season in interpreting obtained pulse at a much higher (measured to the sun’s altitude. 400 km the shape of the profiles but the bandwidth. ture, This the possibility proportional ratios mean “alues corresponding suggested were days (i3 to 44 and 26 to 27 March, that maximum just before spectra ratio The right-hand It would appear to exclude power The scatter on the three in Fig. 38. during the day is directly some with a l-msec These for each hour. rms deviations. temperature left -hand ordinate. Abo”e because to the signal-to-noise conditions which have been included electron-to-ion varies The value S fOr the W$ng-to-center tra have been weighted rors of the spectra However, by Harris the region suppose. 1 -—,.”..—— A .J 2.2 30 Fig. 36. The position of the “half-bandwidth” ~,. function of Te: Ti (ObfOined frOm Fig. 34). point ~~~~ ~~ 38 7C :,, .0 H L : 2,, . z 0 K * : Fig. 37. The observed values for the ratio of the echo power in the “wing” to that at the center frequency for 300 and 400 km height intervals. 0 ,., , ~ z . .0 00 r 000( ,;ol”m;.< ,,0,,0, ,.o~””.;l 0600 ,200 LOCALTIME(EST) } I’ei Fig. 38. The rms vol”es for the points given in Fig.37 for each hourly interval. Shown on the right-hand ordinate is the corresponding scale that gives the ratio betieen the electro” a“d ion temperatures. NIGHT [2200-0300 ,00 - ~ =, “ 600 w DAY (0900-1500 es,] EST] T(C,) l’” ‘L ,\/ ‘s /’ : ~ ;’!+ ,/’ *,,* E Fig, 39. The temperatures derived from the results of spectrum measurement (e. g., fig. 31), by means of the curves given in Figs. 35 and 36. The two daytime curves represent the extremes of possible behavior caused by the inabili~ tO determine te:Ti for al tit.de$ >400 km. s w ,00 x “i’ -$ ,00 ~ o +’ ~j, . ,2 ~------”’” ,000 ..00 ,,00 K(NETIC TEMPERATURE (°K1 42 I , ,, ~ The large difference between the att;6mpts of variOus wOrkers Bauer and Eva”s16) by assuming to determine Te = Ti. ation reported Spencer, G %. the atmospheric feature of the Spectrum of +70 to Z30 km. Somewhat extent of the nonequilibrium of values was any more and midnight from of the new results are in equilibrium higher, in the region condition represented or less pronounced and ion temperatures would still temperature electron density profiles seems to be the di”~nal varia- Measurements takes place in the daytime. wide scatter 300 km invalidates 23 Jackson a“d shown in Fig. 38. The elect ron and ion temperatuhs equilibrium above Hanson and McKibbi”, the results demonstrate the existence of tbe large diurnal vari58 together with the nonequilibrium conditions first reported by G g., by Serbu, 55 The most important Summary and ion t:~peratures Instead, tion of the ratio Te:Ti E. the electron (Van Zandt and Bowles, appeared temperatures at all times 265 to 335 km, Evidently, could be determined Te and Ti, re~on to decide The greatest near noon when Te:Ti from The values that their ratio The heights. whether ratio between = i.6, computed. on the assumption hold at 600 to 700 km, are given in Table depatiure is quite small, at only 300- and 400-km it impossible at 400 than at 300 km. to occur the height inte?”al a pronounced the transition by the points makes over The the effect the electron for the midday at 300 km VI. TA8LE VI I I IV. TEMPERATURES ABSOLUTE A. I H;ig;t I Ti = Te (night) ‘K I Ti (day) “K T, (day) ‘K 200 686*18 300 775 &48 1230 +41 I 770*59 1840+93 920 f 83 92o i 83 400 866 *43 1280 +64 500 838 + ? I 450*90 2080 * 130 600/700 1000 *IIO 1530+110 221 O+I7O SCATTE~G CROSS SECTION OF THE ELECTRONS section of the electrons Introduction Gordon’ give a value for the scattering ‘e=(~jz and this is the cross = 4noe, Various section normalized theoretical workers place from as (4) to unit solid angle. Thus, the radar cross section 3,6-ii soon showed that, where measurements are con- and on the assumption Um would be only half this value. Of as ttiing cross i“Gaussian””its, ‘m ducted at Iong wavelengths sphere, DERIVED FROM THE SPECTRUM MEASUREMENTS ACCORDING TO HYPOTHESIS (2) individual by the motion of the ions. electrons that thermal This is tme but from Under these conditions because their equilibrium collective the expected prevails the scattering in the iono- cannot be tbo”ght disturbed behavior caused 56 value for cm becomes (5) I —— . ...”. . The observed Te:Ti, cross section will, as can be inferred from Buneman 27 has discussed however, the variation depend on the electron-to-ion of the area under the curves this aspect of the problem ation of u~ as a function of Te:Ti obtained from in some detail, temperature in Figs.29 and Fig.40 ratio and 34. shows the vari- his paper. m ~ e“, 80 i ~s : y g4 5 g : Fig. 40. The theoretical variation of the scattering cross section of an electron as. function of Te:Ti (after Buneman27). * O. 02 ,.7,0OF In an early 05 1. ELECTRONT~,:N paper PineO, dar cross seCtiOn Um observed Gordon.i This was later Om !IIJ 50 ZO & ~., ‘3 ga”e the misleading at Millstone corrected =,.4 100 TEMPERATURE x io-29 impression that the value for the ra- Radar was in good agreement by Pineo and Briscoe with the value in Ref. 14, where given by a value (6) mz was published. Bowles56 “ided has devoted considerable attention to the measurement Of the cross Se CtiOn. Pro- that a loss between Bowles obtains values value in Eq. (5). 0.5 and 1.0 db can be attributed to absorption in the lower ionosphere, for the cross section Um which are in good agreement with the theoretical In addition, & a., and the parameters tially better evant, agreement therefore, he took values of tbe Millstone for the echo power radar up this discrepancy at Millstone and Obtained a value Cm = 3.6. with Eq. (5) than that fOund by Pineo, to clear observed before ~~, proceeding ‘n Eq( 6)’ further by Pineo, This ‘n substan‘t wOuld ‘eem with the derivation ‘elof a new value for um. B. The %dar Quation Bowles 56 has discussed backscatter takes. measurements. In Eq. (6) of his report for an Extended Target at length the derivation His account is excellent the equation of the radar in its detail, for the received equation applicable but seems echo power Pr to incoherent to contain some misis 44 ——. - . ——-—-— .-— where the symbols used by Bowles are: Pt = peak transmitted power (assumed Vr = efficiency of the feeder sYstem antenna and feed wires), c = total CFOSS section constant within the pulse) (i. e., per unit “Ol”me over-all resistive in watts, losses in the (m3) = Nom. In these symbols N = number of electrons/m3 . 1.z4f: fo= x 10‘o,. ~here critical = cross ‘m ~ = velocity frequency section in Mcps; of an electron of light (approx. , = pulselength volume; = gain of the antenna over angles @ and q, where e = angle measured q = azimuth Bowles’ 3 X 108 m/see); (see); R = range to the scattering G(ep) from a lossless ume within a given incremental because isotropic the axis of the principal angle of the direction Eq. (6) is in error radiator at lobe, of the ray, he has stated (Ref. 56, P. 25) that the total scattering vol- solid angle is de d@ 2 CTR2 In the coordinate (Fig. 45); system (7) adopted by Bowles, Eq. (7) should be (8) Thus, Bowles’ Eq. (6) should have been stated as’” (9) For antennas like that employed radiation pattern, at Millstone Eq. (9) now becomes Pr = = ~ Radar, (by integrating .z(~} sine which has a spherically q over symmetrical O to 2n) (io) de e Equation a power tance (!0) can be developed Pt driving an isotropic R the flux density veq antenna. simply as follows. The total power Consider radiated will a transmitter developing be Ptq ~, and at a dis- will be Ptv ~ (Ii) watts/m2 4nR2 * Note added in p~ The mistake discussed here has since been rectified by the authors. See K. L. BOW II:S, G. R. Ochs and J. L. Green, “O. the Absolute l“te”sity of Incoherent Scatter Echoes from the Ionosphere, J. Research Natl. B“r. Standards 6@, 395( 1962). 45 If the antenna is replaced tern is symmetrical by one having a gain G over an isotropic about the axis of the main beam, antenna whose radiation then in any direction e from pat- this axis the flux will be PfqrG(~) flux = (i2) watts/m2 4nR2 brow consider the annulus shown in Fig. 41. stated in Eq. (12). only, cross therefore, volume If N is the electron Om. provided that c7/2 ~< R, shown in Fig. 4i and write density this elemental section across The area of the annulus is 2nR2 sin e de m2. having a depth cr/2; the elemental The flux density WE maY neglect the volume per m3 and it may be assumed volume Where contains section a region the cOnical nature Of of the element that N is slowly TR2CTN sin Q de electrOns, Nom = o, the total cross any part of this annulus is The pulse illuminates as R2cr sin e de m3. changing with height each Of which has a scattering provided by this elemental volume becomes croes Combining watts. Eqs. (i2) section and (i3), of which a fraction (watts/m2) = nR2CT0 sine is scattered (13) m2 we have for the total intercepted is given by the product .,,. de back to the transmitting of Eq. (13) and (4mR2)”i. power 0.25 PtqrG(e) CTU sine de antenna where the flux density The flux which falls within the antenna ,.1s OF ANTENNA ,,8 41. An elemental ann.1.s lying disto”.e R from the observer. R 46 i“ the ionosphere aperture tive) is (partly) collected and conveyed area of the antenna for radiation Aeff(e) The resistive elemental losses volume to the antenna terminals. at an angle e may be written The collecting as Aeff( e), [or effec- where = ~ (i4) will be present can be written during this process Ptq~CTCG(e) power so that the received power from this 3s Aeff(~) sin e de = watts (45) 16TR2 If we now consider all the possible power is Pr obtained —1 = G(0) i6mR2 By substituting volumes corresponding to all e, the total ?ecei”ed 7/2 ptv:CTU Pr \ elemental Aeff(e) sine de de watts watts (i6) , (47) e Eq. (14) into (16) it becomes P,= ‘~4~~~a2 ~n’2 G’(e) sine e which is clearly C. the same as Eq. (i O). Approximate %dar In Sec. B we developed etiended rive target illuminated an approximate the approximate In Eq. (i7) Equation a general let G(e) energy The Millstone falling radiation pattern Gaussian f“nctio”; for the radar symmetrical equation to be employed antenna. In this section for an anten~6 of the type used at Millstone i4 and Pineo ad Hynek, be replaced aperture on the edges Antenna for an we shall de- and compare it with used by Bowles ured along tbe axis ( e = O) and F(e) angles. expression by a spherically expression expressions for a Millstone-Type by Ge=OF(e), where Ge=o is the gain of the mtenna is unity at 6 = O and specifies has a tapered feed distribution bow the gain falls (approximately of the dish from the horn is about one-tenth of this antenna is such that the main lobe cm be closely meas- off at other Gaussian) and the of that in the center. rep~esented The by a hence we shall write F(e) = exp[–o.7e2/ef,2] is the half beamwidth, ‘here e i/2 gral in Eq. (i7) becomes (i8) , i.e., the value for e for which F(e) = i/2. Thus, the inte- (i9) By making the transformation r = R6 for small e, Eq. (19) becomes (20) This is the familiar ~orn~ eXP [–a2X2] integral dx whose solution is I = i/2a2. TherefOre, Eq. (20) yields (2i) For this type of antenna,:: Goc~ (22) , a where A is the physical aperture. qA = Aef~A Thus, if we define (23) > for this antema (24) qA = 7/4r AISO, the beamwidtht is (25) -~ 2el/2 where Eq. (2i) D = diameter. - 57D , If Eq. (22) is written as becomes I-GO 7TD2 ~ 2,8 x4k (26) =)2 ‘ii4D (27) s0.74Go Actual substitution in Eq. (2i) of the measured yields I = 0.76 Go. Therefore, values for ei,z 0.76 antenna’ Eq. (17) becomes Ptq; cTua2 Pr= and Go of the Millstone 64=2R2 Go watts , (28) or Ptq; cruAo (29) watt s PF = 0.76 i6nR2 * Reference Data for Radio Engineers, p. 700. t Ibid. 48 Pineo ha”e used this equation without the factor and Hyneki4 deri”ed values by these authors to be a factor for c m Bowles56 has considered wasted. He defines the effect an efficiency radiated. factor. which is radiated Power upper limit Thus, Bowles$ term q: his approximate at some angle does not form Of the integral radiated of the power Eq. (29) contains e > emax a hemisphere hence, we should expect into the sidelohes, q ~ as being the ratio factor t}le total power since the ionosphere of power 0.76; of 0.76 of the true values. in the main lobe to a term q: may rightly above the obser”er. sign (x/2) shOuld he replaced which is largely to account for this be regarded as wasted Therefore, i“ Eq. (i7) by sOme lesser value of emax. the Then would be given by (30) This definition apparently differs from that given by Bowles. The exact value of Qmax is debat Able. takes the view that onlY POwer in the main lobe is useful, antennas such as the one employed contained in the side lobes adjacent no simple criterion to dete~mi”e may be taken as approximately to the main lobe is not wasted, can be laid down, emax iO to 20” for narrow-beam the term q~ is warranted only by the extended as can he seen in Eq. ( 30) where, the integrals -0 and q~ - opment. power Bowles apparently is proportional one actually i. measures It is equally This conclusion believes the product if VA is assumed q A q ~. to be 0.6 US - 0.58J’ Since q; labor this point (and indeed the whole a radio Bowles value is nearer occurs from way to measure in his report* (the tme (e.g., radar observadevel- star) the received states that for Millstone, 40 percent), discussion) in the antenna efficiency, in the final equation, of the preceding that the upper limit to part of Bowlest us to the second confusing Thus, is 35 percent emax NO such term ii-Present for such a target, that even for a point target that of ma flitude, true that V8 cannot be determined brings (e ~/2 = ~“), It is evident It should he made clear nature of the target. to T Aq ~A and, since this is a common where the antenna efficiency We but, as an order antennas. the case of a point target tions of a point target. although for narrow-beam by him (e ~,z = 1“/2) and the one used by Pineo the power BOWle S 11 qAQ~ = 0.35 and this is a large because effect. the differences be- tween the results of Pineo and Bowles center around the term V8 and how it is determined, Pineo 44 and Hynek have included no such term in their analysis, believing that ~~ - $ for a Millstonetype antenna, so that their value for Om is about one-third of the value which Bowles obtains from the same data. D. Values of ~A, The total two-way ~r and q~ for Millstone feedline 0.40 for VA can be obttined losses given in Table from the ratio This value is low compared sult of attempts to minimize a feed system which protides This is “ecessa~ net effect for tracking is to decrease to the efficiency sidelobe introduced more than a iO-db taper operations qA and increase I are 2 db, of the effective ture (52o m2). the large fidar kt = 0.63. A value of stated in Eq. (24) and arises by the feed support stmct”re illumination fo~ backscatte~ q~, though the increase 49 q; (2i0 m2) to the physical of the prima~y unnecessary * POge 35, Hence, aperture as a reby6~sing pattern. measurements. in the latter aper- is insufficient The to offset the decrease absolute in VA. The value fOr the effective gain measurements A “alue [Eq. (14)] for qa is more depends upon the square plots fo~ the Millstone difficult and observations to arrive at. of the gain integrated a“tenns aperture given by Fritsch (Table of intense 1) is consistent radio with bOth stars. It will be noted that, as defined in Eq. (30), it between O and ernax. Unfortunately, the cOntOur 62 do not cover a sufficiently wide range of angles to permit q~ to be determined, Instead, we shall deri”e an approximate value using results ob63 tained by Ricardi. R,cardi has shown that if the antenna radiation patte~n is broken into two parts, a main lobe and an isotropic component, the peak intensity ratio between these two can be found as follows: gain the peak of the main beam isotropic component at - mG 0 , (31) m—i where ideal gain Gi m = observed in which the ideal the Millstone i3(ei/2)2 ~ (33) antenna the beamwidth tained from Eq. (33), is 9544. m ~ 1.7 in Eq. (32). Thus, beam and the average these numbers the ratio sidelohe J: ‘ax for the antenna pattern at Millstone When the integral = by integrating This gi”en 600, by computing for the peak of the main tbe integral of the new 200-ft parabolic numerically for angles I!,, = of (34) antenna has a half-power then i” < emax beamwidth 1!. <90”. under con- 2e ~,2 = 0.74” (0.0067 radian), = ia, yielded to emax up to emax i .oooi4 antenna presently I! = 0,0008243 steradian. = 4“, a value 1“ = 1.00012 I’ was ob- Clea?ly, there is little It follows difference between that v ~ = 1 and that PineO and this term. in Eq. (2i) numerically and the ratio between 4i. 3 db. The ratio between the square 2 . . . . from unity. that US 1s lndlstln~ishable de model integrated computed right to i pore The result sine was re-e”aluated the integral Hynek were F2(e) Hill, and when emax of i) = 2,4:1, is approximately was performed of a scale and for this value Eq. (34), ValUeS (m/m– level is 82.6 db, and this is so large 1= tained, 2e i/2 = 2.i~ (0.369 radian); hence, the ideal gain, obgain (cOrrespOnding tO 37.5db) is 56z34 which yields The observed A check on this conclusion struction (32) , gain Gi is given as Gi= For gain Go for the solution of the integral over the actual antenna pattern in Eq. (i7) has alSO :~en of the Millstone antenna. checked Tbe re suit obtained, (35) is so close to the solution use for the observations given in Eq. (2i) reported here. that Eq. (29) can be taken as the correct Equation 50 (29) may be rewritten as equation to 0.76q:Ptc7Aeff( Pr 1.24 X 10io) f~rm = watts ; (36) 16nR2 therefore, 0.76q:PtCTAeff( P,R2 ~z 0 BY setting P= = Pdb, of the signal, i.24 x *Oio) = where mks Pd is the power density and introducing the parameters 0.76~:PtC?Aeff( PdR2b ~2 0 = bandwidth An Average The computer program The values bandwidth. though the normalized ter (38) (39) (Fig. 33) during the daytime is approximately of values. 2 all the variable for the electron obtained density these values qllantities profile i4 by 10 on the left-hand calculates to Nmax for the profiles corresponding Tbe Ft. Belvoir power density values PdR’ into Eq. (40) yields for f. were does increase for all points that were as a four- - to five-digit shown in Sec. 11 have been made using the %i-kcps used throughout. as f: side of the equation. tbe value of PdR2 correspo,ld so that they appear in Fig. 42 for those measurements The mean value for PdR2/f~ when inserted (40) m Value for um plotted as a function of f: which, I, Eq. (37) becomes mks -18 PdR2 — ~2 o =i,34xf0 ing to each point and multiplies receiver bandwidth mks b for most height intervals In Eq. (39) we have grouped ““mber. in Table and b is the effective Hence, ‘m E. (watts/cps) {6x m il kcps. given (37) i.24 X iO1o) Um = 0,82 ~ ~022a The effective Om 16T increases, It can be seen that althere iS a wide SCat- shown in Fig. 42 is t.35 X iO-4i -29 ~2, inks, a value am - 1.81 X 10 Fig. 42. The variation of the product of the p.wer densi ty Pd Of the reflected signals ond the square of the range R2 ~, ~ fu.c tie” of the square .f the F2 layer cri tica[ frequency fO. The values for P R2 correspond tO the peak of the layer and were obtaine $ for al I the profi Ies show” i“ Figs. 3 through 17 where a receiver bandwidth of I I kcps had bee” emPIo ed. The ..1 ues for fO are those obtained at Ft. Belvoir (B Y. -— —.- — There are se”eral sources errors in the estimation feeder losses v, and possibly of these values &i db, Also, responsible of error power Pt, are errors Presumably, the effective the method of calibrating would be approximately there in the above value. of the transmitter the receiver. of both Pd and fo. of the points Jn Fig. 42, although for the scatter the next may make a contribution. Variations of Te:Ti are systematic An outside *O. 5 db, so that the probable of measurement there antenna aperture error limit the on each would be approximately Undoubtedly small Aeff> changes these are partly in Pt from must also contribute somewhat one run to to the scat- ter in the values. Two systematic The first errors is the error which act to _ in the profile with the true distribution. discltssed tenna elevation) N ~ax error, ond error arises of tbe true value, used. in the receiver By convolving 31), one can examine been chosen to maximize nal spectmm. 80 percent value for .m deserve due to the convolution which is most serious the trend of the electron from the use of an equivalent of the filter bandwidth of ii kcps. Fig. density in the vicinity density such as that shown in Fig. 3, it can be estimated may be only 90 percent tual response (e.g., This in Sec. 11. By observing the observed for the electro,, the signal-to-noise The observed signal-to-noise of that which would be obtained in a manner which would cause a- ... FiWre but is byno therefore, with an ideal 43 shows the ac- with the actual echo power ratio, means a perfect These distribution The filter appears filter. to be underestimated, at The sec- made with a receiver on the spectrum. ratio, an- density at i5” elevation. b in Eq. (38). curve of the filter has been (actually that the observed for all the measurements this response the effect of Nmax, vs pulselength even for observations bandwidth comment. of the pulse bandwidth has match to the sig- to be approximately two systematic and have a “alue errors act of only 70 + iO percent of the true value during tbe daytime Fig. 43. The response curve for the matched HI ter employed in the receiver. Finally, the basis of u~ with the temperature in view of the variation of the spectmm look for this it was considered with the true distribution. that Um will extibit measurements, necessa~ to correct Accordingly, the values the effective pulse length and the relationship extrapolated to yield pulse. Tbe correction we chose values profiles “alues derived shown in Figs. 4 through were scaled up according match between the si~al used tO provide values terval factors for the product PdR2 an ii-kcps VII, of the convolution for Dm by use of Eq. (40). VIII. receiver filter. of the pulse against law could be VII. Finally, values It can be seen that, short For analysis on each of the bandwidth was employed. by a factor Tbe average plotted This density on to with an exceedingly are given in Table to the peak electron and increased and the receiver In order shown in Fig. 3 were obtained was found to be linear. from this relation 18, where over the day are given in Table for the effect for Nmax corresponding to Table spectrum ratio Te: Ti we might expect. a diurnal variation. which might ha”e been observed the value of Nmax, “1 I -kcps” These 1.25 to allow for the mis- these corrected values were fOr am for each hourly in- although there is a elighttendency 52 .— — & CORRECTION FACTORS FOR VALUES 900 1.433 60” I .365 45” 1.274 30° 1.212 20J I.la 15“ 1,116 TABLE Vlll AVERAGE Local Time (E5T) Me.. VALUES FOR c m VOI .e OF o (X IO-29m Z)m rms Deviation 07-08 1.57 08-09 2.94 *0.238X 09-10 2.67 *0.99X 10-11 2.72 *0.71 11-}2 3.73 (single ..1”.) 10-29 ~z 10-29 ~2 x }0-29 ~z (single value) 12-13 13–14 2.72 ● 0,35X 10-29 ~2 14-15 2,41 *0.42X 10-29 ~z 15-16 3.12 ● 0,49X 10-29 ~2 16-17 3.20 *0.77X ,0-29 ~z 17-18 18-19 19-20 3.27 (single value) TABLE IX VALUES FOR THE ION TEMPEMTURE Ti DEDUCED THE SCALE HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS (Sec. 11) ASSUMING FROM Writer (0900 -;;~ True Height (km) 783 1090 500 980 1320 600 Iloo I 530 700 I 220 1740 near midday for this result (as might be expected), to be regarded tend to mask whatever variation as conclusive. may exist. the rms deviations Prest,mably increases the probable error, of the points are too the large A weighted- ~9ean vallje m2. for the hours 0800 to +700 EST is Om = 2.82 * 0.49 x io eq~lipment parameters Ti Summer Day (lOOO ~;;~ EST) Doy EST) 400 for um to decrease large Te = 1.6 experimental for Cm obtained errors from The *i db uncertainty so that the final result Table 1X as to the for the average day- time value for am is = 2.8 + 0,8 X iO ‘m This value is somewhat Te:Ti lower during 1960-61. the observed F. and expected cross if the temperature of 2 or more, sections for a maxi,num value of Vm wOuld be - 4 x +0 could be resolved ratiO Te:Ti as suggested into closer temperature ratio -29 m2. It seems pOs were higher 29 by pineO and HYnek, than f b would bring agreement. Summaw symmetrical a radar beam. of 0,76, 0.76 ?I~. has ar~ed Bowles is incorrect. somewhat daytime lower a value Te and from that, For a parabola We ha”e employed a“ average equation to backscatter the radar that used by Bowles observations from Even after ent elevation, s employed v: with a tapered feed, V$ is indistin~ishable equation together with the results -29 m2 for tbe period at a temperature no systematic repotied reported. Te = 1.6 Ti, an attempt was made to correct in the measure nlents, by Pineo and Radar by a factor of = 0,33 and we have shown that this conclus- for Millstone, for electrons made with a circu- that employed for the Millstone value Um = 2.8 * 0.8 x ~0 than expected = 2 Ti. applicable We have seen that Eq. ( 29) differs Hynek by a factor ion da fiime A value for Te:Ti We ha”e deri”ed larly (41) than would be expected = 1.6, for which the average sible that the discrepancy .29 ,n2 unity. in Sec. 11to obtain This average but is compatible the values variation from is with of Nmax for the differ- of Om during the daytime was evident. V. CONCLUS1ON From Tables re suits for the density distribution 111and IV) and those of the spectrum iation of the bandwidth of the signals ing the density ever, distribution. cause a distortion above The departure in the electron of tbe electrons measurements hmax is small profiles VI), (summarized conditions obtained in we have seen that the var- and hence cannot be a factor fl.om equilibrium density above Nmax (Table near midday influencwill, how- near this time. 54 %.-.—, ... . . ...-i--- It is clear particles temperature in “iew from the remarks derived from Table equilibrium of the probable a proper correction to see if they are consistent. height measurements (a) be applied. The scale Eq. (3), (Table Iv) values We may, Table height of the neutral both diffusi”e ratio however, to the electron and lower, but on the sunspot CYCIe, reinterpret the scale that have been made in the temper- IX gives the temperatures when the fOllOwing assumptions height Hi is related ! equilibrium will be somewhat temperatu~e by making the same set Of assumptions ature zneasurements the scale The correct of the electron-to-ion cannot easily for the scale in Fig. 28 by assuming (Te = Ti) are in error. dependence factor height measurements in sec. III that the values IV and plotted derived from are made: and ion temperatures by k(Te + Ti) Hi = i.e., diffusive , equilibrium is in operation. (b) The ratio Te:Ti appropriate to the values for the scale height observed in the period closest to midday is i.6: i for both summer and winter at all heights above 300 km. (c) Oxygen Assumptions spectrum is the principal ion. (b) and (c) are in essence measurements assumption (Table VI). contained Thus, in the derivation agreement between of the temperatures Tables from the VI and IX would support (a). As shown in Fig. 44 where tween the temperatures this does not necessarily sumption mig derived these temperature values by the two methods invalidate assumption (b) ] on the two measurements for Ti are plotted, is poor. At first because the effect (a), is different. the agreement sight, it would seem that of the ratio Te:Ti The ratio Te :Ti has little effect [as- on the value VALUES OBTAINED FROM THE SUMMER DAY SCALE WEIGHT \ // .00 1 ,// t j,/ P / 400 / d< t ! / ,00 VALUES OBTAINED ~:$M::;;TR”M ,L I - 400 KINETIC 55 —. . TEMPERATURE [-K) s ~ ~ [ \, VALUES OBTAINED FROM THE WINTER DAY SCALE HEIGHT~ Fig. M. This figure provides a comparison of the temperatures deduced directly from the spectrol measurements and those obtained from the scale height measurement after making certain assumptions I is~ed in the text. be- r’ for Ti deri”ed ~ from the spectrum perat~tres deduced there will be marked seasonal Fig. 44 to be superimposed, would require I However, tion, i that Te:Ti tematic errors, variations increase in Ti, density profile It seems cannot be adjusted sectio!l by large above h ~ax the tem- likely the three with hypothesis cross that unless the measurements they imply that the region this parameter that they would have similar with height [in agreement to conclude By varying can be adjusted. and we should not expect would cause tbe scattering so that the o“er-all we are forced in Fig. 36. height measurements though we might expect such an increase sequently, measurements from the scale curves slopes. that in This (b) in Sec. 111-D]. Vm to decrease in propor- amoutlts in this way. Con- are s~,b.iect tO seriOus sys- Up to about 600 to 700 k,n is not in diffu- sive equilibrium. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes tO acknowledge from Dr. G. H. Pettengill, ant Gro”p Leader. who arranged Thanks are also due to Dr. for the computation assisted in the construction scribed in Sec. III-B, stone Radar staff, dot. M. LOewenthal and subsequent operation credit, for the electrOn a“d Mrs, received V. C. Pineo, Assist- (then in Group 33), W.A. OF the spect.tim Reid, who analyzer de- as d. many other members of the Mill- too numerous tO menf ion here, tO J. F, Mac Le.d ond encouragement and from Mr. of the curves shown in Fig.34. deserves special OperOf iOn of equipmenf is indebted the cooperation Leader of Group 314, who were concerned density meOsuremenf$, Mary Anders.”, with routine Final IY, the OuthOr who performed most of the reduction. I 56 - REFERENCES 1, W. E. 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