ATTENDANCE POLICY What it is: Much of the work in the course is accomplished by teams, not individuals. As a result, when a team member does not attend class, other team members suffer. The nonattending member not only fails to contribute to the team's in-class efforts, (s)he also is less knowledgeable, and thus less able to contribute to any subsequent work undertaken by the team. My experience is that attendance is more likely when it is required. Although I shall not unilaterally impose an attendance policy, I strongly recommend that YOU vote to have me require attendance. There are two reasons for this: (a) it is an easy way to earn 10% of your grade, and (b) it gives you greater assurance that your team members (whom your instructor, not you, chooses) will be reliable and knowledgeable. During the first week of classes you will be provided a ballot to vote for or against the following method of grading class attendance: How it (if voted for) will be graded: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. "Attendance" refers to a student's presence in class during an entire class period. Each student is allowed one unexcused absence. (Absence-excuses must be in writing and "may" be accepted at the instructor's discretion.) Final grades are reduced by one percent for each additional class missed up to a maximum of ten percent. Depending on the outcome of this vote, final grades will be calculated according to one of the following two methods: FINAL GRADE Term paper Notes Position paper Presentations One-minute syntheses Attendance 30% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% OR Term paper Notes Position paper Presentations One-minute syntheses (Final grades will be given with +'s and –'s, not in whole letter grades.) 35% 30% 15% 10% 10%