Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/zombielendingdepOOcaba DEWE'^ HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Ricardo Japan J. Caballero Takeo Hoshi Anil K. Kashyap Working Paper 06-06 March 8, 2006 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02142 MA This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research httsp://ssrn.com/abstract=889727 3SACHUSETTS INSTITUTF OF TECHNOLOGY MAR 2 2 2006 LIBRARIES I ' Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring Ricardo J. in Japan Caballero Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER Takeo Hoshi University of California at San Diego, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies Anil and NBER K Kashyap University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business, Federal Reserve and This We Bank of Chicago NBER draft: March 2006 thank numerous seminar participants and our colleagues for useful comments. especially benefited from helpful Braun, Kenichiro Kobayashi, Arai, comments by Hugh Patrick, Olivier Blanchard, and Makoto Sakuragawa. Munechika Katayama and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto We Roger Bohn, Toni We thank Yoichi for expert research assistance. Caballero thanks the National Science Foundation for research support. Hoshi thanks the Research Institute Kashyap thanks of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI) for research support. the Center for Research in Securities Prices and the Stigler Center both at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business for research support. research was also fiinded in part by the expressed in this of Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. The views paper are those of the authors and not necessarily of any of the organizations with which drafts This we this are affiliated or paper which sponsored http://gsbwww.uchicago.edu/fac/anil.kashvap/research this research. be will . First draft: Future posted September 2003. to Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan Abstract: In this paper, we propose a bank-based explanation for the decade-long Japanese slowdown following known the asset price collapse in the early 1990s. We start with the well- observation that most large Japanese banks were only able to comply with capital standards because regulators were lax in their inspections. the banks often engaged in sham loan insolvent borrowers (that we call of the congestion created by the zombies their entry is lose We market share was thwarted. Our zombie problem. The counterpart a reduction of the profits for healthy firms, and investment. not find good lending opportunities. forbearance zombies). Thus, the normal competitive outcome the restructuring implications of the which discourages facilitate this restructurings that kept credit flowing to otherwise whereby the zombies would shed workers and model highlights To In this context, even solvent banks will confirm our story's key predictions that zombie- dominated industries exhibit more depressed job creation and destruction, and lower productivity. We present firm-level regressions showing that the increase in zombies depressed the investment and employment growth of non-zombies and widened the productivity gap between zombies and non-zombies. 1. Introduction This paper explores the role that misdirected bank lending played in prolonging the Japanese macroeconomic stagnation began that in the early 1990s. The investigation focuses on the widespread practice of Japanese banks of continuing to lend to otherwise We insolvent firms. distorting effects document on healthy firms Hoshi (2000) was the that that began is its first phenomenon and its were competing with the impaired paper to call attention to this firms. by a number of observers of the Japanese ramifications have been partially explored economy. There show the prevalence of this forbearance lending and agreement that the trigger was the large stock and land price declines in early 1990s: stock prices lost roughly 60% peak within three years, while commercial land prices of their value from the 1989 fell by roughly 50% after their 1992 peak over the next ten years. These shocks impaired collateral values sufficiently that any banking system would have had tremendous problems adjusting. the political and regulatory response was to regulators were forced to recognize a Aside from a couple of to this rule is that loan, they were against the likely to minimum have minimum The by fear of falling which these firms would recover For instance, or that the government in 1997, at least 5 years after the in turn below the to continue to extend credit to insolvent borrowers, ' the regulators. to call in a many banks Ministry of Finance was insisting that no public periods to comply) level of capital (the so-called when banks wanted to write off existing capital, capital levels. crisis banks had to comply (or appear with the international standards governing their Basle capital standards). This meant that Japan few insolvencies and temporarily nationalize the offending banks, the banks were surprisingly unconstrained The one exception in deny the existence of any problems and delay any serious reforms or restructuring of the banks. when But would bail non-performing pushed them up capital standards led gambling them that out.^ somehow Failing to problem of non-performing loans was recognized, the money would be needed to assist the banks. In February 1999 then Vice Minister of International Finance, Eisuke Sakakibara, was quoted as saying that the Japanese banking problems "would be over within a matter of weeks." As Services Agency claimed that Japanese late as 2002, the Financial banks were well capitalized and no more public money would be necessary. " The banks also tried to raise capital by issuing more shares and subordinated debt, as Ito and Sasaki (2002) document. When the banks raised new capital, however, almost all came from either related firms (most notably life insurance companies) that are dependent on the banks for their financing, or the rollover the loans also the recession would have sparked public by denying encouraged the banks credit to needy corporations. to increase their lending to were worsening criticism that banks Indeed, the government also medium small and The continued the apparent "credit crunch" especially after 1998.'' sized firms to ease financing, or "ever- greening," can therefore be seen as a rational response by the banks to these various pressures. A simple measure of the ever-greening is shown in Figure percentage of bank customers that received subsidized bank credit. of how the universe of firms considered here real estate, retail, is all figure 30% shows roughly The lower asset weighted figures, suggests that about 15% of assets figures show, these percentages were much lower in the these unprofitable borrowers (that allowed them to distort competition throughout the came distortions raising market in many ways, defer the details all that matters is more to the panel, of these firms were on reside in these firms. As these 1980s and early 1990s. we rest call "zombies") alive, the of the economy. banks The zombies' generally, congesting the markets at the current where they came from guaranteeing participated. the deposits of supported the zombies served as a very inefficient program to sustain employment. Thus, the normal competitive outcome whereby the zombies would shed workers and lose market share was thwarted. wages reduce the profits that More new and more importantly, the low prices and high productive firms could earn, thereby government when banks received capital injections. See Hoshi and Kashyap (2004, 2005) for more on "double-gearing" between banking and life insurance sectors. Subsequently when the Long-Term Credit Bank was returned sale was the life which shows comparable workers whose producfivity Effectively the growing government liability that ^ that including depressing market prices for their products, wages by hanging on firms declined and, that We publicly traded manufacturing, construction, support from the banks in the early 2000s. By keeping which reports the wholesale (excluding nine general trading companies) and service The top panel of the sector firms. banks now the firms are identified until the next section, but for 1, new owners would maintain lending to small and to private medium this ownership, a condition for the borrowers. The new owners tightened credit standards and the government pressured them to continue supplying funds, see Tett (2003) for details. See Aheame and Shinada (2004) for some direct evidence suggesting that inefficient firms in the nonmanufacturing sector gained market share in Japan in the 1990s. See also Kim (2004) and Restuccia and Rogerson (2003) for attempts to quantify the size of these types of distortions. " discouraging their entry and investment. good lending opportunities particularly section, we in Japan. we document and In the remainder of the paper even solvent banks saw no In addition, formalize this story. There are a number of describe the construction of our zombie measure. potential proxies that could be used to identify zombies. measurement problems confoxond most of these In the next As we explain, however, alternatives. Having measured the extent of zombies, we then model The model their effects. on is a standard variant of the type that is designed to contrast the adjustment of an industry to a negative shock with and without is studied in the literature We model the presence the presence of zombies. surge in destruction that would arise in the or credit shock. The main effect sufficiently to re-equilibrate the economy is "sclerosis" — and of that constraint is some of those technological, that job creation demand, must slow This means that during the adjustment the economy. the associated "scrambling" that are less productive than to the wake of an unfavorable Hammour that — (1998, 2000) have called would not be saved without the preservation of production units that banks' subsidies It of zombies as a constraint on the natural characterized by what Caballero and — creative destruction. the the retention of firms and projects do not enter or are not implemented due congestion caused by the zombies. In the fourth section of the paper, the model. In particular, we assess the main aggregate implications of study the interaction between the percentage of zombies in the economy and We find that the rise of the zombies has the we amount of restructuring, both over time and across been associated with different sectors. falling levels of aggregate restructuring, with job creation being especially depressed in the parts of the We with the most zombies firms. performance measures. In section 5 we then explore the impact of zombies on sectoral We find that the prevalence of zombies lowers productivity. analyze firm-level data to directly look for congestion effects of the zombies on non-zombie firms' behavior. growth for healthy firms falls We find that investment as the percentage of zombies in and employment their industry rises. Moreover, the gap in productivity between zombie and non-zombie firms percentage of zombies activity the most economy rises. for the fastest Most strikingly, the presence growing healthy firms. All rises as the of the zombies depresses of these findings are consistent with the predictions that zombies crowd the market and that the congestion has real effects on the healthy firms in the economy. Simple extrapolations using our regression coefficients suggest that cumulative size of the distortions (in terms of investment, or employment) is substantial. In the final section of the paper we conclude by summarizing our results and discussing the implications of our findings for Japan's outlook. 2. Identifying zombies Our story can be divided into supporting zombie firms. two First, the parts. banks misallocated credit by Second, the existence of zombie firms interfered with the process of creative destruction and stifled growth. Our measure of zombie should not only capture the misallocation of credit but also be useftil in testing the effect of zombies on corporate profitability 2.1 Defining There in and growth. Zombies is a growing literature examining the potential misallocation of Japan (see Sekine, Kobayashi, and Saita (2003) for a survey). indirect. Much of the bank credit evidence is For instance, several papers (including Hoshi (2000), Fukao (2000), Hosono and Sakuragawa (2003), Sasaki (2004)) study the distribution of loans across industries and note that underperforming industries bank credit than other sectors that like real estate or construction received were performing Peek and Rosengren (2005) offer the the potential misallocation of bank credit. most They firms often increased between 1993 and 1999. to lend to the firms than other more better (such as manufacturing).^ direct find that and systematic study bank credit to to date on poor performing These firms' main banks are more likely banks dealing with these firms when the firm's profitability Other indirect evidence comes from studies such as Smith (2003), Schaede (2005) and Jerram (2004) that document that loan rates in Japan do not appear to be high enough to reflect the riskiness of the loans. Sakai, Uesugi and Watanabe (2005), however, show that poorly performing firms (measured by operating profits or net worth) still pay higher bank loan rates and are more likely to exit compared with better performing firms, at least for small firms. Finally, see also Hamao, Mei and Xu (forthcoming) who show that firm-level equity returns became less volatile during the 1990s and argue that this is likely due to a lack of restructuring in the economy. ^ is This pattern of perverse credit allocation declining. own balance affiliated sheet is weak or banks do not show We when the borrower is more likely when the bank's a keiretsu affiliate. Importantly, non- is this pattern. depart from past studies by trying to identify zombies by classifying firms only based on our assessment of whether they are receiving subsidized credit, and not by This strategy permits us to evaluate the looking at their productivity or profitability. effect of zombies on the economy. If instead we were zombies based on to define their operating characteristics, then almost by definition industries dominated by zombie firms would have low this correlation, profitability, we want to The challenge and test for it. approach for our have low growth. Rather than hard-wiring likely also to use publicly is determine which firms are receiving subsidized little incentive to reveal that a loan which banks could is credit: miss-priced. available information to banks and To get borrowers have Because of the myriad of ways many ways transfer resources to their clients, there are attempt to measure subsidies. their some guidance we used the Nikkei that we in could Telecom 21 to search the four newspapers published by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun-sha (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Nikkei Kin'yH Shimbun, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, Nikkei RyUtsU Shimbun) between January 1990 and assistance" and "reconstruction").^ either May 2004 for all news articles containing the "management reconstruction plan" The summary of our Our search uncovers 120 ("corporation" or findings are given in Table separate cases. types of assistance that were included. As In most of and 1. them the table shows, words "financial there were multiple between interest rate concessions, debt-equity swaps, debt forgiveness, and moratoriums on loan principal or interest, most of these packages involve reductions in interest payments or outright debt forgiveness by the troubled firms.^ The decision by a bank to restructure the loans to distressed companies in these ways, rather than just rolling over the loans, helps reduce the required capital needed by the bank. Without such restructuring, banks would be forced The Japanese phrases were Kin'yu Shien ' These patterns AND (Keiei are consistent with the claim by Saiken Keikaku to classify the loans to OR (Kigyo AND Saiken)). Tett and Ibison (2001) that almost one-half of the public funds injected into the banking system in 1998 and 1999 were allowed to be passed on to troubled construction companies in the form of debt forgiveness. those borrowers as "at risk", which usually would require the banks to set aside With the loan value as loan loss reserves. 70% of banks need only move the restructuring, the loans to the "special attention" category, which requires reserves of at most 15%. In light of the evidence in Table We involves a direct interest rate subsidy. hypothetical lower bound quality borrowers. We then compare this we make Finally, between actual we concentrate on credit assistance that proceed in three steps. payments (R for interest several econometric interest rate (r) 1, ) we calculate a we expect only for the highest to the observed interest payments. that lower bound First, assumptions to use the observed difference and notional lower bound rate (r ) to infer cases where we believe subsidies are present. 2.2 Detecting Zombies The minimum required interest payment for each firm each year, R *, is ,, defined as: 5 f R%=>'s,.,BS,,,.,+ where BS. , , BL.,_, BL. and Bonds. , bank loans (more than one , + 7'cZ>„i„ „,„ ,^, are short-term and year), total 5 y^^ , * Bonds,, _, bank loans (less bonds outstanding (including convertible bonds (CBs) and warrant-attached bonds) respectively of firm rs, , rl, , and rcb^m over the last 5 years, I bond issued i at the end of year are the average short-term prime rate in year average long-term prime rate in year convertible corporate than one year), long-term t, and the minimum observed coupon in the last five years before (short-term we know about the firms' debt structure bank borrowing, long-term borrowing that are is t, and the on any t. This estimate for the lower bound reflects the data constraints particular, all rate t, we face. In the type of debt instrument due in one year and remaining long-term bank borrowing, bonds outstanding that are due in one year and remaining bonds outstanding, and commercial paper outstanding). In other words, we do not know the exact interest rates on specific loans, bonds or commercial paper, nor do we know the exact maturities of any of these obligations. measure include all interest, payments we can Finally, the interest and discount expenses, including those related fee to trade credit. The general principle guiding the choices we make ^* are extremely advantageous for the borrower, so that would pay firms in the absence of subsidies. financing takes place at rcbmin over the last 5 years, I fact less than is in we that firms assuming not only are interest rates bonds are issued when rates are To we examined categorize firms for robustness we compare (Ri,,) with our hypothetical lower bound. total borrowing where CP,,,.; at the the is we measure is the alternative made by x^ , "conservative" because s — Ri, = (5/.,_/ 55,. ,_, + 5Z,. ,_, + 5o;7£fe,. Note +CP,,,./), at the / Accordingly -R* —- we assume r. ^-r.,, as the interest rate gap. This minimum the expenses on items beyond our concept of expenses on trade ,_, for the firm interest rates that are Rt,, includes extremely advantageous to the firm and because the interest payment, interest the firms normalize the difference by the amount of so that the units are comparable to interest rates. refer to the resulting variable, We provide 1. amount of commercial paper outstanding t, to the conversion R* and the actual interest payments beginning of the period beginning of the period due at their lowest. check in Appendix We bond that additional discussion of the data choices used in constructing approaches that what most For instance, by assuming borrow using convertible bonds (which carry lower option), but also that these to select interest rates that is total borrowing (such as interest credit). that given our procedure to construct /-* we will not be able to detect all types of subsidized lending.^ In particular, any type of assistance that lowers the current period's interest payments can be detected: including debt forgiveness, interest rate concessions, debt for equity swaps, or moratoriums on interest rate payments, which appeared to be prevalent in the cases studied in Table 1 . On all of the other hand, if a In addition to the cases studied below, Hoshi (2006) examines the potential problems that might arise from rapid changes in interest rates. For example, if interest rates fell sharply and actual loan terms moved as well, then our gap variable could be misleading about the prevalence of subsidized loans. He constructs an alternative measure (that would be more robust to within year interest rate changes) and concludes that this sort of problem does not appear to be quantitatively important. bank makes new loans loans, then our from a assets We t client at overly generous prices our if a to pay off past bank buys other proxy will not detect the assistance. Our baseline procedure its interest rate gap is negative classifies a firm < (x,, The 0). / zombie as a measured lower bound, then only a firm that receives a subsidy If r* zombie remains even under Thus we non-zombies. In a as non- this perfect scenario. resort to a second approach, this is can have a However, the problem of labeling a firm with xu just above zero negative gap. for justification for this the conservative philosophy underlying the construction of r*. is perfectly used explore two strategies for identifying the set of zombie firms from the whenever strategy interest rates that are then gap variable will not capture the subsidy. Likewise, calculated interest rate gaps. year normal to a firm at second approach which we assume is more robust that the set of to misclassification of zombies is a "fiizzy" set. In the classical set theory, an element either belongs or does not belong to a particular set so that a 0-1 indicator function can be used to define a subset. In contrast, in fuzzy set theory an element can belong to a particular subset to a certain degree, so that the indicator fiinction can take any value in the interval [0, indicator function are confined to {0, 1}, a set defined Using a "crisp" set. "crisp." some this terminology, our Our second approach, on 1]. When by the indicator function approach assumes the first the images of the the other hand, assumes the set is set is called of zombies is "fuzzy," allowing firms to be more-or-less zombie-like.^ The function," indicator which we assume 1 dn z{x;d^,d^)^ ^ -X" a fuzzy function that defines to if X ift/, be < (for the set subset is called "membership of zombie firms): £/, <x<J2 whereJ, <0<J2 (1) dj -d^ if X The shape of the > d^ membership fimction is determined by the two parameters, dj and d2. Figure 2 shows this membership function along with the indicator function implicit in our first approach. when ' di It is easy to see the second approach degenerates to our and d2 are both zero. See Nguyen and Walker (2006) for an introduction to the fuzzy set theory. first approach . The second approach is appealing given the fUzzy nature of the concept of "zombie firms." These are defined from their creditors to survive in spite how much to specify to to much more acknowledges zombie status financial help information than this limitation be those firms that receive sufficient financial help of their poor is profitability. we do about individual firms. and assigns numbers between case, {di, dj) we assume 50 basis points = 1 we had access Our fuzzy approach to those firms whose in the construction of r*, we = (0, what follows we show results for {dj, dj) (-25bp, 75bp), where bp stands for basis points. Thus, in the first a firm with x„ below zero is a definite zombie and a firm with x„ above is definitely a non-zombie: any firm with points has "zombiness" between 2.3 and if ambiguous. is that di is closer to zero than d?. In 50bp) and inherently difficult considered to be sufficient, even Given the asymmetry (toward conservatism) inherent assume It is and x,, between zero and 50 basis 1 Quantifying the prevalence of zombies Figure 1 shows the aggregate estimate of the percentage of zombies using our baseline procedure. As mentioned earlier, treating all firms equally we see that the percentage of zombies hovered between 5 and 15 percent up until 1993 and then rose sharply over the mid 1990s year after 1994. zombies is so that the zombie percentage was above 25 percent for every In terms of the congestion spillovers, a size weighted measure of likely to be more important. Weighting firms by their assets we see the same general pattern but with the overall percentage being lower, closer to 15 percent in the latter part of the sample. We plausibility Figure 1 view the cross-sectional prevalence of zombies as another way of our definition. into five industry To conduct this assessment, we largest general trading companies), recall that all the firms included here are publicly traded. industry is aggregated the data used in groups covering manufacturing, construction, real and wholesale (other than the nine to assess the estate, retail and services - The zombie index for an constructed by calculating the share of total assets held by the zombie firms - 10 and for the remainder of the paper we concentrate on asset weighted zombie indices. addition to showing the industry distribution, implied by our second procedure with {di, dz) we = (0, compute the zombie percentages also 50bp) and (c//, d2) = (-25bp, 75bp). We Figure 3 shows the zombie index for each industry from 1981 to 2002. three main conclusions from these graphs. shows Starting with the upper left baseline case) and the two fuzzy measures share similar time series between the crisp draw hand panel that zombie measure (our the data for the entire sample, first notice that the crisp correlation In movements (with measure and the two fuzzy measures exceeding the 0.99). Second, the other five panels show that the proportion of zombie firms increased in the late 1990s more in every industry. serious The third non-manufacturing for key conclusion firms than that the is zombie problem was manufacturing for firms. In manufacturing, the crisp measure suggests that zombie index only rose from 3.11% (1981-1993 average) to 9.58% (1996-2002 average). In the construction industry, however, the measure increased from 4.47% (1981-1993 average) to 20.35% (1996-2002 average). Similar large increases occurred for the wholesale and retail, services, and real estate industries. There are a variety of potential explanations for these cross-sectional differences. For instance, Japanese manufacturing firms face global competition and thus could not easily be protected without prohibitively large subsidies. For example, many of the troubled Japanese automakers were taken over by foreign firms rather than rescued by their banks during the 1990s. In contrast, there is very little foreign competition in the other four industries. A sectors. second important factor was the nature of the shocks For instance, the construction and real estate industries hitting the different were forced the huge run-up and subsequent collapse of land prices mentioned earlier. to deal with Thus, the adjustment for these industries was likely to be more wrenching than for the other sectors. But the most important point about the differences shown in Figure 3 is that they confirm the conventional wisdom that bank lending distortions were not equal across sectors and that the problems were for further discussion. less acute in manufacturing - see Sekine et al Thus, regardless of which explanation one favors as to (2003) why this 11 might be the case, this we view as particularly reassuring that our it zombie index confirms conventional view. Figure 4, our last plausibility zombies for the firms that are To keep the graphs readable show similar patterns. check, shows the asset weighted percentages of above and below the median we show only the crisp measures, but the other measures In manufacturing the differences are not very noticeable, with In the remaining industries, fewer high profit firms being labeled as zombies. slightly profit rate for their industry. particularly in real estate and construction, it appears that our measure of zombies is identifying firms that are systematically less profitable than the non-zombies, particularly fi-om the 3. mid- 1 990s onward. A model of the effect of zombie firms on restructuring To analyze the effect of zombies we study a very simple environment that involves entry and exit decisions of both incumbent firms and potential we later start with a normal environment where the operating profits from running a firm. where some incumbent firms 3.1 to We which all As a decisions are based purely on then contrast that environment to one (for an unspecified reason) receive a subsidy that allows remain in business despite negative operating profits. The Environment The indexed by units. essential points i ). A of interest can be seen in a model where time (representative) period The productivity of productivity for firm yl firms, extend to analyze expansion and contraction decisions of existing firms. benchmark we them new i t starts is discrete (and with a mass m^ of existing production the incumbents varies over time and the current level of in year t, y^^, is: = A+ ^, 12 , where e"^ an idiosyncratic shock that is main predictions from shocks, so we assume this is distributed uniformly model do not depend on these shocks are on the unit The interval. the persistence of the productivity i.i.d. In addition to the incumbents, there are also a set of potential entrants and normalize their mass to be The V2. The productivity before deciding whether to enter or not. year /is: with B > assumed new and g^ distributed uniformly on the unit to more productive (and more for i* potential interval. have no persistence. These assumptions imply firms will be draw a productivity potential entrants each that is an entry cost, k > , Finally, both where A'^, that they new and represents the N and new The shock g^ firm in is again on average the potential we also assume one that there to start up. old units must incur a cost p{N^) in order to produce, number of production of the existing units that do not respect to must pay level, y^ profitable) than the incumbents (for period only, then they become incumbents as well). However, we exit and new units in operation at time entrants. The cost p{N) is t , i.e., the sum increasing with Indeed p(N) captures any scarce input such as land, labor or capital. captures any reduction in profits due to congestion or competition. '° For our purposes, all the predictions we emphasize will hold as long as continuous function of A^. For simplicity, p{N,) = we p{N) is a strictly increasing adopt the linear fiinction: N,+M- '" For example, we can motivate jOfTV) as the reduction in profits due to competition in the output market. Suppose the price of output is given by D'' (N), a decreasing function ofN, and that the cost of production for each production unit is a constant, C. Under our assumption on productivity, an incumbent decides to stay in the market (and a potential entrant decides to enter the market) if D'' (N){A+ equivalently, A+ s -C/D''{N) > 0. In this specific sxample, p(N) is i) -C > C/D''{N), which is 0, or increasing with respect to N. 13 , where the intercept // is potential shift variable that captures cost changes and other profit shocks. 3.2 Decisions This basic model will quickly generate complicated dynamics because the existing firms new main have paid the entry cost and thus face a different decision problem than the firms for which the entry cost predictions, so we assume is that not sunk. These dynamics are not essential for our B = k . In this case, the exit decision and the entry decision by potential entrants become shocks are i.i.d. investment is and there exactly offset is no advantage by a lower fully by incumbents myopic. Since productivity fi'om being an insider (the sunk cost of productivity), both types of units look only at current profits to decide whether to operate. Letting and y" denote the reservation productivity of incumbents and y° potential entrants, respectively, y" we have: -K- p{N) = 0. In this case it is straightforward to find the mass of exit, D^ , and entry, Hf respectively: A ='>^i 1- di f = mXv{N,)-A), = ''^=\L-/' V'-^^^^^)-^))2 2 (2) (3) Jp(iv,)-,4 Adding units created to the surviving incumbents yields the total operating at time t number of units : 14 N,=H,+m,-D,=(^ + m}(l-{p{N,)~A)). 3.3 Equilibrium and Steady State We first to (4) step is can now solve for the steady state of the normal version of the economy. to replace p{N) with be composite shock that costs (higher /u) is N + /u equal to in (4). A-/.i . The notation Note is The simplified if we define S lower S indicates either higher that a or lower average productivity (smaller A). This yields the equilibrium number of units: ^l/2 + m,^ N,= + (l S). (5) 3/2 + mj Given the total number of operating destruction and creation A l/2 + m^ by we can substituting (5) into (2) and solve for equilibrium rates of (3): -S =T^t (6) 3/2 + m, H=- 1 +5 (7) 3/2 + m, The dynamics of this system ^M units, = Nf are determined by: (8) In steady state, the mass of incumbents remains constant at m" = iV" , which requires that creation and destruction exactly offset each other or, equivalently, that 15 . m^ = N^. Using the latter condition and has a unique positive solution which 2(1 + 5) we can approximate the above by: 3 2 In our subsequent analysis and state A we will that the initial (pre-shock) value corresponding steady state will be nif^ assume of that the S, So, is 0. = N^ = 1/2 and i/g economy begins Given = £>(, in a steady this normalization, the =1/4. (permanent) Recession We now can construction the changes analyze the adjustment of the economy to a profit shock. model treats in n, as equivalent. aggregate productivity shifts, changes in By A, and cost shocks, So what follows does not depend on which of these occurs. separate the discussion to distinguish between the short- and long-run impact of a decline in S from we mean i",, for a fixed has adjusted to It is dS , 2 ^-1 + -S. to" We m" = For small values of 5, 3.4 a quadratic equation for of: + m (5), yields A its = to 5, m = mo = new < (lower productivity or higher costs). 1/2. By the "long-run," steady state value rrij =1/2 + By the "short-run" on the other hand, we mean after m (2/ 3)S^ easy to see from (6) and (7) that in the short-run: dS' 16 That is, when S drops, creation falls and destruction rises, leading to a decline in economy, negative In other words, in a normal (4)). profit A'^ (see shocks are met with both increased exit by incumbents and reduced entry of new firms. Over time, incumbents (recall between destruction and creation reduces the number of the gap from (4) and (8) that AN=H-D), which lowers the cost of inputs (p(N)) and eventually puts an end to the gap between creation and destruction caused by the negative shock. Across steady dm dN 2 dS dS 2, states, units falls is impact as time goes by and the that since A'^ falls not enough to offset the direct effect of a lower S on creation. That creation falls in the long run. And run, the initial surge in destruction falling below its is, since creation and destruction are equal in the long is temporary and ultimately destruction also ends up pre-shock level." Zombies Suppose now that destruction brought about be accomplished. We "banks" choose to protect incumbents from the by the decHne assume the additional units that ' initial than one for one with S, the long run reduction in the input cost due to reduced competition ' beyond the between destruction and creation closes gradually. Note positive gap 3.5 that: ^ The number of production less we have that the in S. banks do initial There are a variety of ways that this surge in this might by providing just enough resources would have been scrapped so that they to can remain in operation. undone when creation and destruction are measured as ratios over A', as is However, the qualitative aspects of the short run results are preserved since divided by either initial employment or a weighted average of initial and final This long run level effect is often done in empirical work. empirically the flows are employment. 17 With this assumption, a firm that does receive a subsidy is indifferent to exiting and operating, and thus entry and exit decisions remain myopic. The maximum would show have short run effect would be on impact, when a spike in destruction (see (5)). Under the normal economy the zombie-subsidy assumption, we that: Di=Do-\- The post-shock destruction remains the same adjustment on the destruction margin means that Ni=H;^+m,-l/4 Replacing this = as the pre-shock level. now creation Hi+l/A. expression into (3), we must do all The lack of the adjustment: (10) can solve out for H: This can be compared to the impact change in creation that occurs in the absence of zombies. Doing dHi we see: ^1^1^ dH,, dS That so, 4 3 is, zombies. dS a decline in S has a This result is much larger negative effect a robust feature of this type of model. quahtative prediction would hold even if allowed persistence in the productivity productivity advantage of new shock causes the labor market suppressed, then the on creation to clear presence of In particular, the same not suppressed the dynamics and had shocks and a gap between entry costs and the Intuitively, this is the case firms. labor market we had in the because the adverse with fewer people employed. clearing can only occur if If destruction is job creation drops precipitously. 18 — As Caballero and Hammour (1998, 2000) emphasize, both this "sclerosis" preservation of production units that and the associated "scrambling" some of those — do not enter due that would not be saved without the banks' subsidies to the congestion when a normally functioning caused by the zombies - are robust there are fi-ictions against contracting. economy, we have shown the existence of zombies softens a negative shock's impact on destruction and exacerbates What creation. dS That 3 is, is the net effect the the retention of firms that are less productive than implications of models of creative destruction Compared with — on the number of firms? It is its impact on straightforward to show: dS 2 in response to a negative shock, that in the presence of # falls by less if there are zombies, which means zombies the reduced destruction This additional drop in creation. because as job creation falls, is is not fully matched by the another intuitive and robust result. the marginal entrant's This occurs productivity rises. This high productivity allows the marginal entrant to operate despite the higher cost induced by (comparatively) larger N. A (net final important prediction of the model is the existence of a gap in profitability of entry costs) between the marginal entrant and the marginal incumbent when there are zombies.'^ At impact, the destruction does not change, so that all the firms with idiosyncratic productivity shocks above the old threshold (1/2) remain in the industry. On the other hand, new entrants have to clear a higher threshold to negative shock in S (which negative shock). As is compensate for the only partially offset by the lower congestion following the a resuh, the profitability of the marginal entrant higher than that of the marginal incumbent. The difference is is inefficiently given by: Note that a wedge like this one also arises when there is a credit constraint on potential entrants but not on incumbents. In our model depressed entry results from the congestion due to zombies, and the gap is due to the subsidy to incumbents. Clearly, however, if the two mechanisms coexist they would reinforce each other, as congestion would reduce the collateral value of potential entrants. '^ 19 'x+vl-s, In 3 2 summary, the model makes two robust predictions. The first is that the presence of zombies distorts the normal creation and destruction patterns to force larger Second, creation adjustments following shocks to costs, productivity or profits. distortion depresses productivity as the inefficient units at the expense of more Accordingly, productivity will be lower productive potential entrants. more zombies and by preserving this when there are zombies become more prevalent they will generate larger and larger distortions for the non-zombies. By how slightly re-interpreting by zombies the congestion effects caused profitability. Instead of a what a "firm" means set of projects, some of which are projects that are hit which projects to will affect firms with different levels in place that many new Higher become (exits) and which new that firms differ in the quality many projects, projects of their projects. start (entries). In particular, some Low profitability firms this very however, are more likely to have some new projects however, could be non-monotonic because projects might to and the presence of zombies may not influence profitability firms, its in projects that are unusually profitable, but profitable each period that might be projects, then of (incumbents) but the others have not been other (low profitability) firms have only a few profitable projects. much. can also see by productivity shocks every period and firms are deciding (high profitability) firms have will not start we Then, the above model can be re-interpreted as a model terminate Suppose further some model, of assuming that a firm has only one project, suppose a firm consists started (potential entrants). which in our still crowded out by the zombies. This if a firm be worth effect, has a sufficiently good mix of initiating. We will also test for whether higher quality firms are disproportionately harmed by the zombies, but (because of the potential non-monotonicity) we see this prediction as less robust than the previous two. 20 — 4. The effect of zombies We that the on job creation, destruction and productivity use the two robust predictions of the model to guide our search for evidence zombie problem has affected Japan's economic performance begin by looking at aggregate cross-industry differences. firm-level data to characterize how the behavior of the significantly. In the next section, we We study non-zombie firms has been altered by the presence of zombie competitors. Because our zombie indices exist from 1981 onwards, we start by calculating the average of the crisp zombie index for each industry from then until 1993 and compare We that to the average for the late 1990s (1996-2002). use the differences in these two averages to correct for possible biases in the level of zombie index and any industryspecific effects. It makes particular, the results little difference as to we show would be how we define the pre-zombie period. In very similar if we took the normal (non-zombie) period to be 1981 to 1990, or 1990 to 1993. Our evidence consists of relating creation, destruction, and productivity data these measures are more to this change in the zombie index, in the distorted industries in order to see if where zombie prevalence has increased the most. Our most direct evidence on this point is in creation and destruction against the change in the measures constructed by Genda in our model. et al. Figure 5, which zombie index. plots the rate of job We use the job flow (2003) as proxies for the concepts of entry and exit Their measures are based on The Survey of Employment Trends, conducted by the Ministry of Welfare and Labor biannually on a large sample of establishments that employ five or more regular workers. The series used for our analysis include not only the job creation (destruction) at the establishments that were included in the survey in both at the beginning and estimated job creation (and destruction) by exited). To new end of the year, but also the entrants (and the establishments that control for the industry specific effects in job creation/destruction, the difference between the average job creation (destruction) period and the average for the 1991-1993 period. 93 data as a control because figures of Genda because that at the is We rate for the we look at 1996-2000 et al. start are restricted to using the 1991 only in 1991 and we stop in 2000 the last year they cover. 21 The top of Figure from 5 shows that the job destruction rate in the late 1990s increased 1990s in every industry, as that in the early More unfavorable shock to the economy. was smaller destruction in the industries expected, the presence of zombies slows The second panel of Figure 5 we would expect to see following an importantly, the graph shows that the surge in where more zombies appeared. down job shows we Thus, as destruction. that the presence of zombies depresses job Creation declined more in the industries that experienced sharper zombie creation. In manufacturing, growth. which suffered the least from the zombie problem, job creation hardly changed from the early 1990s to the late 1990s. In sharp contrast, job creation exhibits extensive declines in non-manufacturing sectors, particularly in the construction sector. Of course not slowdown prices and the that followed disproportionately from the shock during the 1990s. were equally affected by the Japanese crash sectors all A boom it. in asset For example, construction, having benefited years, probably also was hit by the largest recessionary large shock naturally raises job destruction and depresses job creation further. Despite this source of (for us, unobserved) heterogeneity, the general patterns shock is we expected from job flows hold. by checking whether through job creation more zombie-affected larger. In this metric, is creation has borne a in One way of much larger share it is controlling for the size of the sectors, the relative adjustment quite clear from Figure 5 that job of the adjustment in construction than in manufacturing. Our evidence on productivity given in Figure 6. distortions caused In the model, zombies are the by the interest rate subsidies low productivity units that would is exit the market in the absence of help from the banks. Their presence lowers the industry's average productivity both directly by continuing to operate and indirectly by deterring entry of more productive firms. The productivity data here Harada (2004) who study productivity growth average grow^th of the '^ Our simple model assumes zombie industry. rescued by banks. It is in total factor productivity 22 are indusfries. from Miyagawa, Figure (TFF) from 1990 that the job destruction rate stays the same even 6, to 2000 against the 90% None of the major results would change. Job destruction would much as it would under the normal environment. and which plots the after a negative straightforward to relax this by assuming, for example, that Ito rise shock in a of zombies are following a negative shock but not as 22 change in the crisp zombie index, shows that the data are consistent with the model's implication: the regression line in the figure confirms the visual impression that industries where zombies became more important were the ones where TFP growth was 5. worst.'"* Firm-level zombie distortions We read the evidence in Figures 5 and 6 as showing that zombies are distorting ways industry patterns of job creation and destruction, as well as productivity in the suggested by the model. To model's predictions, test directly the level data to see if the rising presence of zombies in the late we next look at firm- 1990s had discernible effects on the healthy firms (which would suffer from the congestion created by the zombies). The data we analyze are from the Nikkei Needs Financial dataset and are derived from income statements and balance sheets Tokyo Stock Exchange. sections of the on the for firms listed The sample runs from 1981 contains between 1,844 and 2,506 firms depending on the year. variables: employment growth (measured by the number of We first to and second 2002, and it concentrate on three full-time employees), the investment rate (defined as the ratio of investment in depreciable assets to beginning of year depreciable assets measured (computed as the log of employment). In all sales book at minus 1/3 value), and a crude productivity proxy minus 2/3 the log of the log of capital the regressions reported below we dropped observations in the top and bottom 2.5% of the distribution of the dependent variable. The simplest regression Activity .j,= where activity 5'Dj, we y^nonz.^, study dummy is Of course % + ^ i^, (11) percentage change in employment, or of annual indicator variables and a the probability that the firm the percentage of industry assets residing in '* (^nonz^, rate, the Djt includes a set variables, nonzijt is: + jZ^, + can be either the investment our productivity proxy, industry + that zombie is set non-zombie, and of 2,, is firms. could arise because industries that had the worst shocks wound up with the can disentangle these explanations by using firm-level data (see below). this correlation most zombies. We 23 Because of the reduced form nature of both the regression equation and the modeling of the subsidies zombies, to the coefficients in these regressions. For instance, unspecified aggregate shocks. Likewise, so large that they firms; so we do we do we not attempt to interpret most of the include the year we can imagine wind up investing more (or adding that the dummies to allow for zombies' subsidies are more workers) than the healthy not propose to test the theory by looking at the estimates for p, the coefficient for the non-zombies. productivity specification the The one exception model to this general principle clearly predicts that is that for the non-zombies will have higher average productivity than zombies. We rising instead focus on what we see zombie congestion should harm would be negative as the novel prediction of the theory: that the the non-zombies. This prediction suggests that cp investment and employment regressions, and be positive in the in the productivity specification. Note that for the investment (employment) specification one might normally suspect that as the percentage of sick firms in the industry rises, the healthy firms would have more (relative to the sick ones) to gain from investing (expanding employment). Thus, under normal circumstance there would be good reasons to expect (p to be positive rather than negative. The main reason, other than ours, percentage in the industry To operating in the industry. First, somehow is for finding negative cp is if the zombie standing in for the overall (un)attractiveness of this potential objection to our results we note two things. our definition of zombies, by virtue of only using interest rate payments, does not guarantee percentage that is growth opportunities are necessarily bad just because the zombie high. Second, in order to be consistent with our findings, the reaction to industry conditions must be different for zombies and non-zombies. In particular, non- zombies must be more affected by an industry downturn than zombies negative. Nonetheless, we specification. is to cp to come out seek to find other controls for business opportunities for the healthy firms to minimize this potential omitted variable bias. address this problem for Our main add current sales growth of each firm Thus, our alternative regression control to to the regression is: 24 Activityy,= 5'Dj,+ ^nonz.j, +^Zj, V^nonz,j,*Sij, where Syt is The 7t is 0s,.^ + ^^i/Z., + 7rnonz.,^^*Z.*s^^^ + + v, (12) the growth rate of sales and the other variables are defined as in equation (11). coefficient different n in (12) reveals from zero, then growing healthy firms are mentioned + ^onZy,*Zj, + earlier, distortions should implies that faster growing healthy firms and slower it differentially affected a natural interpretation by (11) for the crisp of the model suggests that the zombie fourth columns of Table 2 zombie index. First, as We draw As the presence of the zombies. be larger for the healthiest firms. This would be the case The second through specification. an additional potential effect for the zombies. If three shows our estimates main conclusions if Tt < 0. for equations fi-om this simple predicted by the theory, increases in percentages of zombie firms operating in an industry significantly reduces both investment and employment growth Our second for the healthy firms in the industry. finding, shown in column 4, is that the non-zombies have significantly higher productivity than the zombies. Finally, the same column shows that the productivity gap between zombies and non-zombies percentages of zombies in an industry rises. rises as the These findings are consistent with the main predictions of our model. As mentioned above, equation (1 1 ) is a competing explanation for the sign of the estimated that the industry zombie percentage is in an indirect measure of the growth opportunities in the industry, even for the healthy firms. We including controls that directly capture growth opportunities. estimates of equation (12), cp which include contemporaneous address this concern by Columns 5 and 6 report firm-specific sales growth as the potential growth proxy; for the investment specification, this type of accelerator specification generally performs quite well in a-theoretic horse-races specifications (see Bemanke, Bohn and Reiss among competing (1988)). We ran a similar regression using investment rates for US firms covered in the Compustat database between 1995 and 2004. In this regression cp was insignificantly different from zero. The limited information on debt structure in Compustat no doubt introduces noise in zombie assignments and we did explore many alternatives to deal with this. But this result suggests to us that there is not a mechanical '^ reason to find that cp is significantly negative in this type of regression. 25 . In both columns the estimated coefficient and in each equation the/? columns 2 and (p's 3. is on sales growth highly significant, is nearly twice as high as that in the simpler specifications in In the specifications with sales growth, the estimated magnitude of the drops compared to the simpler specifications, but they remain negative and This indicates that while some of the interaction term's significance significant. have been due More to omitting proxies for growth opportunities, it is may not the sole reason. substantively, in both of these specifications the estimated values for n are This significantly negative. triple interaction suggests that the fastest growing non- zombie (healthy) firms are the most impaired by the widespread presence of zombie firms in their industry. In Appendix 2 we report a long list of robustness exercises, including fiizzy versions of equations (11) and (12), regressions omitting marginal zombies, as well as using different measures of minimum required interest rates in the construction of zombie and some of the point estimates vary across indicators. Wliile the level of significance these multiple scenarios, the general flavor of the results does not. estimates for cp More tend to be negative and significant for the investment and employment The estimates of regressions and positive and significant for the productivity regressions. 71 more are specifically, the sensitive to the exact specification, and vary more employment for the regressions than for the investment specifications. In the remainder of our discussion firms on investment and manufacturing we industries, employment alternative estimate if there attempt to quantify the impact of zombie employment growth of non-zombies. where our particularly high in the late 1990s. industries, we weighted asset We focus on the five non- of zombies measures For a typical non-zombie firm how much more the in each of these non-zombie would have invested or increased had not been so many zombies low zombies scenarios. In "Case 1," in the industry. we assume that the We consider two zombie index stayed at its average value from 1981 through 1992 for each industry and calculate more a typical years. " More by (z + how much non-zombie firm would have invested (or employed) over the next ten In "Case 2," we assume specifically, the investment (or (p){actiial were zombie that the zombie index employment) index - alternative is for the industry was the same as estimated to have been higher than the actual level zombie index) 26 from 1993 that for manufacturing for each year We to 2002. investment under these two scenarios and compare it calculate the cumulative investment (defined as the average of the median rates) during employment, we compare the cumulative decline attributable typical annual amount of annual to the typical this to the zombies with the change over the period (again defined as the average of the median we In all of these calculations For period. rates). take the regression estimates based on the crisp zombie indices in Table 2, and ignore any feedback from industry equilibrium considerations. Table 3 shows both investment and employment growth in non-zombie firms would have been higher in all these industries had there been the wholesale industry the cumulative investment loss slightly typical higher by 3.0 percentage points risen (which can be compared non-zombie real estate developer end of the period at the In some in was about 12.1% of capital, which more than one year worth of investment during employment growth of a zombies. For example, for the typical non-zombie firm industries, the difference is quite large. was less if the The period. this would have been about zombie percentage had not average hiring in the industry of 0.62% per year). to the Overall, these effects are substantial. In our main specifications we find the effect of zombie infestation on non- zombies depends on the level of sales growth of the non-zombie (negative coefficient estimates on the three way interaction). robust than the double interactions, differential impacts suggested it by our While these is still triple interaction results are less interesting to document magnitude of the the estimates. Figure 7 uses estimates from Table 2 for equation (12) to infer the differential effect of varying degrees of zombie infestation for non-zombies with different levels of sales growth; formally, this amounts = ^ + ns to studying . The left panel dnonzdZ shows the zombie distortion the dotted lines in the graph on investment show is significantly worse for fast growing firms; the 95 percent (asymptotic) confidence intervals. only are these marginal effects significant, the overall quantitative impact instance, for a firm with ten percent sales growth, if the industry to increase from 0.1 to 0.2, investment would fall by 1.3 is large. Not For zombie percentage were percentage points per year; if the firm instead had 15 percent armual sales growth, the investment drop would be 1.55 27 percentage points per year. 2002) we view The Given the median investment of 14.7% per year (1993- rate these effects as large. employment. right panel in the figure presents an analogous calculation for The marginal effects again are significant (for all cases where sales growth is above two percent per year). For a firm with sales growth often percent per year, an increase in the zombie percentage fi"om 0.1 to 0.2 percentage points per year. would depress annual employment growth by 0.25 Since employment growth for this sample of firms was approximately zero, the implied cumulative effect of the high level of zombies during the late 1990s is big. Given the depressed condition of the economy between 1993 and 2002 which benchmark clear have expected to find to use in gauging the size of the some firms with sales growth of 10 firms are quite rare in Japan over this period. effects. Normally, it is not we would percent per year, but these to 15 Nonetheless, appears that there were it substantial distortions for the healthiest firms. 6. Final Remarks Let us First, the now take stock and discuss the implications of our empirical findings. mechanism we have highlighted compounds was all that a simple credit crunch. was going on, the benchmark case we analyze. zombie model, also shows Thus, if analyze in the economy would be expected follows that the evidence It that a pure credit characteristic to we crunch explanation of our mechanism distortions that lower job creation " There we a pure contraction in credit availability (2000)) for the recent experience, while highly relevant, One key caused by a Recall that the reduced form profit shock that traditional credit crunch. model subsumes the problems is behave like the normal presented to support the (a la Kitasaka and Ogawa is insufficient.'^ that and industry productivity. zombies create on-going A straightforward extension we have not tested that could be further used to distinguish these zombie model explains why the fimis that do enter or expand need not have high values of Tobin's Q - essentially because the zombie congestion costs lower their profitability. In contrast, a standard credit crunch model would predict that these firms should be earning rents by virtue of being able to operate against reduced competition. See Caballero and Hammour (2005) for a discussion of the channels through which financial factors may depress restructuring during recessions. are also other imphcations that two models. For instance, the 28 of the model would make long-run productivity growth endogenous. In this case the present value of the costs due to the suppression of restructuring generated by continuing forbearance with the zombies would greatly exceed calculation based only on the direct costs of subsidies. Japanese regulators zombies may have failed to recognize the large costs to continue operating during the episode. given to Japanese banks in the that they late no longer had an incentive accrued had Japan returned of allowing For example, the capital injections 1990s did not recapitalize the banks sufficiently so The forgone to evergreen. at that point to benefits that would have having a normally functioning economy could have been large enough to justify a very generous transition policy package to the displaced workers that would have been released if the zombies were shuttered.' Finally our description of the Japanese experience is similar to the diagnosis that has been used to describe the early phases of the transition of economies to becoming market-oriented. many former socialist In these economies the depressing effects on the private sector of the continued operation of state-owned enterprises (typically funded by state be the owned banks) latest restructuring, is often noted; discussions of the current situation in China of these examples. Also, note that the key to our which may be also caused by debtors rather than by banks' behavior. mechanism is would lack of legal bankruptcy procedures that protect For example, in the U.S. airline industry it is routinely asserted that the industry has been plagued because unprofitable carriers go bankrupt, yet they fail to exit the industry (see suggest that the mechanism that '* The same reasoning we have Wessel and Carey (2005)). These cases sketched is not unique to Japan. '^ applies to the question of whether the lack of liquidations in the U.S. airline industry raised or lowered the taxpayers' costs of rationalizing the industry. " See Caballero (2006) macroeconomics. for a discussion of different models and manifestations of sclerosis in 29 References Aheame, Alan G., and Naoki Shinada, 2004, "Zombie Firms and Economic Stagnation in Japan," paper presented at the conference "Macro/Financial Issues and International Economic Relations: Policy Options for Japan and the United States" at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 22-23, 2004. Bemanke, Ben Bohn, Henning, and Peter C. Reiss, 1988, "Alternative Non-Nested S., Specification Tests of Time Series Investment Models," Jouinal of Econometrics, 37(2), March, pp. 293-326. Caballero, Ricardo J., 2006, The Macroeconomics of Specificity and Restructuring, Yrjo Jahnsson Lecture, forthcoming. Caballero, Ricardo J. Specificity," Journal Caballero, Ricardo Development: and Mohamad L. 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In constructing might pay bank to loans, borrow. R our goal produce a plausible lower bound for what firms For the portion of the which accounts 40% for about interest to 45% payments coming from short term of total lending in our sample, straightforward because almost no loans are believe that this is prime we rate (once to is take into account all made at rates the origination and other fees). we below the Thus, we view the use of the short term prime rate as relatively uncontroversial."^" Ideally, we would find an equally conservative assumption for handling long-term quite likely that interest payment on a new long-term loan would be above loans. It is prime rate at the time the loan is originated. the Unfortunately, the available data on long- term bank debt gives just the stock outstanding without information on the exact maturity we assume of the loans. So that each firm's long term loans have an average maturity of 2.5 years and with one-fifth having been originated each year for five years. in Five years corresponds to the average maturity of bank loans in the dataset of Smith (2003). This assumption implies that the right interest rate years of the long-term prime rates. last five interest an equally weighted average of the is Thus, we calculate the payment on the long-term loans by multiplying to the non-bank financing, we know of interest paying debt was bonds and about the required payment ignores the interest 3% for for the 1 990s, this is paper. low 40% Our measure of commercial paper. limited importance of commercial paper financing and the commercial paper rates. that during the 1990s, roughly was commercial payments required the outstanding long-term loans of all maturities with the five year average of the long-term prime Turning minimum Given the interest rates on the not likely to cause any serious problems for our analysis. ^^ we computed a required rate that imposed a mark up over the London Interbank based on the average spreads reported in Smith (2003). This approach produced similar results regarding the numbers of firms with negative interest rate gaps. As alternative instead Borrowing (LIBOR) rate 35 : For the remaining debt possible. Specifically, we assume we assume that that it was financed bond financing is as advantageously as done with CBs (which by their nature have lower yields) and that firms were always able to time the issues so that the rate is the lowest within the last five years. Implicitly, this presumes perfect foresight and refinance their bonds every time there This assumption rates. corporate debt. that all other hand, the approach firms that banks. would increase the on the bonds they issued we a local trough in interest is imputation procedure will assume By assuming very low required of our misclassifying credit worthy risk On extreme low bond rates in the public market as zombies. that enjoy interests this at a zero interest rate. on bonds, the approach reduces the interest rates pay done is label as have almost surely going to understate the required payments on For instance, from 1996 onwards bond financing companies is that the firms risk the of failing to identify the zombies that in the past. Thus, we can be zombies must be getting very favorable confident that any interest rates from their Put differently, by assuming access to such low bond financing rates our scheme classification will pick out only the most egregious zombies that receive massive help from their banks. Besides this alternative centered we baseline procedure also on estimating the maturity just describe the calculation for long-term structure of bonds in the structure of each firm each year. Here bank borrowing. We t 7VBL;, (5Z;, ) and the long-term bank borrowing that be the amount of new long-term bank loans We use the following equation to estimate NBL, = max {5Z,„ - 5L,_, + 5Z1„_, still bank loans outstanding to estimate the maturity at the end of be 10 years. If NBL t. is i at the comes due within that the firm i 1 end of accounting year (BLl.^ ). Let takes in during year t. NBL.^ , 0} Let BP{n).^ denote the amount of long-term bank loans to firm n and we same way. We observe the total long-term bank borrowing for firm year One explored several approaches. We assume the available for all i that maximum was given in year t- maturity of long-term years in the past 10 years, we can estimate BP(n) recursively as follows. 36 5P(0)„., = min {NBL.,_, max {BL.,_, 5P(n),., =mm|A^54_,,max|54^, -Y,BP{k),_M 5P(9),,_, =max|5L,., , , O}} n-I (n = l,2,--,8) -J,mk\.A > If NBL.i_^_^ is not available for n n*, we stop the iteration at « = «* and assume that the remaining borrowings (if any) are uniformly distributed across different maturities. Formally, this implies: BP{0),_, = min {NBL.,_, max {BL.,_, 5P(n),_, = min I NBL,_„_, max \bL,^, - BP{n).j_^ - max , O}} , The associated regression For bonds, minimum , we _Q .=0 10-«* results are shown in g 5P(^),_, U , (77 < «*) > n*) Table A-3 (that we discuss in Appendix 2). also adopted an extremely conservative approach that assumes the required interest rate for bonds was zero for the entire sample period. This approach guarantees that any firms with a negative interest rate unusually low interest rates on their bank borrowing. this classification shown (« scheme are shown in gap must be receiving The regressions associated with Table A-4 (and are almost identical to those in Table 2). The data for prime bank loan rates are taken fi-om the Bank of Japan web ( http://www.boi.or.ip/en/stat/stat are collected f.htm ). from various issues of Kin The 'yu subscribers' yields for convertible for the regression analyses are taken from the Nikkei Needs Corporate Financial Database. when we bonds Nenpo (Aimual Report on Finance) published by the Ministry of Finance. The remaining data we use instance site refer to 1993 data they are The data are armual, so for from a firm's balance sheet and income statement for the accounting year that ended between January and December of 1993. 37 Appendix 2 We checked the robustness of the significance of the estimated minimum several ahemative measures of the required Table A-1 repeats the regressions from Table di) = 50bp) and (0, First, the estimates (dj, d2) of cp = difference can be explained by the fact that the industry and probably related, for the estimates cp is of (11), the accompanied by smaller standard When we (p and ti falls. statistical significance Second, of the estimates We Table A-2 shows the employment growth equations observations with Xjt are again negative close to zero. the estimated value of and 9 falls is (p in the Xit between often higher d] investment and statistically significant in ((3 almost when we drop all the in equation 11) rises substantially, while dramatically and becomes insignificant. dummy x sales The result for the growth x industry zombie not robust to this change in specification, either, suggesting the result depends on the inclusion of the observations with We considered several so similar to those 2, cases, For the productivity proxy, however, the estimated three-way interaction term (non-zombie is all this specification is less robust The estimates of results. gap between the zombies and non-zombies percentage) So significant.'^' Indeed, the size of the coefficient the cases. to the equations also estimated the regressions dropping the observations with entirely. critically errors, so that the t-statistics are similar. measure of zombies. to this alternative We are larger crisp measures. Their estimated signs remain negative in but most of the coefficients are no longer ' this table. However, part of the add sales growth (and the associated interaction terms) the significance of both Tables from {dj, similar to those in Table 2; in other words, the declines in the size of the coefficients are and Ai and zombie indices. zombie percentages zombie measures than when we use the the frizzy to ti's using the fuzzy zombie indices with 2, are smaller than those in Table 2. ti when we use of /'* We draw three conclusions (-25bp, 75bp). and interest rate and (p's shown Xjt close to zero. other alternatives that are not reported since the results are in Tables 2, A-1, and A-2. In particular, the regressions in A-1 and A-2 consider only the post 1993 period, when the zombie percentages use a mixture of crisp and fiizzy assignments to separate the individual firm and the industry zombie percentages. We performed a few experiments of this type for employment growth and did not find any systematic ways in which the results were affected. could in principle classifications 38 began When we to rise noticeably. re-estimated the Table 2 regressions to include the 1980s in the sample, the estimates for investment and employment growth remain unchanged, while those for productivity change. The estimated gap between the zombies and non-zombies becomes rises substantially, while the estimated value of falls (p sharply and insignificant. We also tried different definitions of non-zombies. firm as a non-zombie only if it is Specifically, we counted a not classified as a zombie in two or three consecutive years. In both cases the esfimates of cp continued to be significantly negative for the investment and employment regressions, and significantly positive for the productivity regression, but for one exception significant even at 20% level. this alternative definition This alternative indices as well. the maximum We where the estimate of while cp, The estimates of tt were never negative, still statistically significant way of defining non-zombies can be applied to the fiizzy zombie did this by recoding the zombiness of each firm in each year to be last two (or three) years. Thus, to be classified as a non-zombie for sure, a company has to have z = The estimates of The regression cp with of non-zombies, although the point estimates remained negative. of the z calculated using the equation (1) over the consecutive years. was not results did not differ much from for 2 (or 3) those in Table A-2. are statistically significant with expected signs in the regressions without the sales growth. With sales growth, the estimates of n are not significant, and the estimates of cp often lose significance, although the point estimates remain negative. Table A-3 shows the results using more detailed estimation of the maturity structure for long-term borrowings and bonds discussed estimates on the simple interaction term (non-zombie percentage) are similar to those in Table 2 in are, however, sometimes 10%. three Under way all in Appendix dummy 1 . The coefficient times industry zombie the specifications. The standard larger, so that the estimates are statistically significant this alternative errors only at assumption about the maturity structure, the results for the interaction term (non-zombie zombie percentage) disappear. The dummy times sales growth times industry coefficient estimates on the three way interaction in the last two columns are not significantly different from zero. Finally, Table minimum A-4 shows the regressions under alternative assumption that the required interest rate on bonds is zero. The results are essentially the same as 39 those in Table 2 except for the sales last column. In the emplojmient change equation with growth variables, the estimates of the interaction significant, although the point estimates fall only All in main text, dilute the all, be statistically by small amounts. the results of these robustness exercises are consistent with those in the although it is apparent that the precisions of some of our estimates suffer as measures of zombism and increase and classification terras cease to their robustness to different we measurement errors. 40 — — Figure — — — Prevalence of Firms Receiving Subsidized Loans in Japan 1: Raw Percentage 40 35 30 25 (%) 20 15 10 5 — I — — —— — ——— — — — — — — — 1981 I 1 I I 1983 I \ 1985 1 ' i 1987 1989 1 1 I I \ 1991 1993 1995 I I \ I I— \ 1997 1999 2001 1997 1999 2001 Asset-weighted Percentage 18 16 14 12 m 10 6 4 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 Note: Percentages calculated as described in the 1993 text, 1995 with di=d2=0 in equation 1. Figure 2: Membership Function di for a Fuzzy Zombie Set 111 zooz / /» V. 8661 > t 666 V 8661 Z661 i 9661. \. S66t nN wet \ A \ £661. \V .2 u 3 2661 1561 066 i B 5 o J 9661 N< s 0002 ( Z661 > 1002 ''/ 6661 ^ « a o f 0002 V 2002 // lOOZ «k en 1 3) cn f65t \ C661 2661 -Sv u t V&SV ^1 0661 ''V / 6861 C/1 8B6t u 9661 686 886 >v SB6t Z861 / 986 9861 S861 >> N N S N> (-86 8861 id to "O 4 a V £861 286 2861. / ^86L I86t 5S CD a tB6l 1 ss es L 1^ O O O O O TfO ir> '3- o o o o o o o 1tn ID tt cn cm C CvJ en u ZOOZ % ;2 666 i DJD ) 0) 8661. ) o « /' i66l 'i 9661 \ V S •^ / <2 3 B ) 9661 ^661. £661 !n 2661 \ Ol V66V u 066 5861 o« H L. * « 8861 ZBSt 1 § \ 1 £661 I 2661 i } 0661 •T3 1.661. 6861 8861 Z861 . ^ 986t l-l 9661. I frsei \ \\ o Z661 \N S661 \ DJD w 0002 6661 8661 «a SI tooz 0002 V s o zooz \ A lOOZ \ 9861 9861 S861 '53 ^\ t'Bet A £861 Z96L « 1.861 5^ C 1861 o o o o^ CD O V u a lO ^ CO CM o o o o o o *in CD ^ o CO CM T- CO zooz r u S 200Z , '/ VOOZ PM 7 8661 i / aS « 9661 { 8661. Z66I. ( \ 2661. O U b % 1 0661 teei. 6861. *v £661 i^ 1/1 td , •• 'S T3 1661. 0661 \ cs 6861 O N 8851 Z861 < > 996 > 3 o o d o 2661 CQ 8861 «61. ;• a, f66l X. £651 '\ "3 9561 9661 A f661. E 6661 *. S66t 1\: > 6661 Z661 OOOZ ( « cn lOOZ ( 0002 1 f en en u i-i (n . £861. Z86I. 1 986 9861 9851 N N 3 * f86l to f86l. 8851 £861 1 ss o o o o o o ».^ CO (D m o CN .y > 2861 1.86 ss o o o o o o in CD ^ CO CM »- o 2951 L96I. o :% -% ) \ f -\ / • ' c o 1 s % 3 ' A c o .< '% 7 \ %. \ % '-B s ) \ % 1 (A ) u > ij 1 u o U * Ss J Co ' J < u "31- ?f2 c > 5 c 5? ? 5? £ o o o T(M \ ; c> h gs 5? sS sS o o o o -^ CN %, ro u Cli \ -% ja 1 -% oi COD SS u u % : , O) c w 3 O 13 S) TS J2 # % :\ \ r \ \ <u Oh -.1 1 « \ % % A, % 3 ' C n % .\ 0) o 1- 1 .2 DC 4-* > o CO O l-H 1 C > ^ 1- c V,3 > c c> > o4 o t 1 D v? -v o c3 3 & c> ^t t- ^ O v- t 3 oJ c) & ss ; r > C3 s % \ '% f / ) \ * \ ; f 9) <fl % -% -\ 1 % u. < * Q^ s f '\ 1 1 c3 ^ o? C3 C3 •J 5? O T- S C; \ % [•• , 5 <2 GO -4-» u <u a. * 3 E ^ -\ \ -\ 1 -\ o N o .£5 I/) o 3 &^ c> ^^ ^P O^ -^ O^ VP »N. ^ O O O^ O O <CO CM 00 -4—* o CD S? f3 ra en i3 s 1 > o <*i i^ u U O I 0\ e o •a u CNJ c o •C V > it) If) U 01 u 3 Q DXI o £i o .a i-s e "O c S « {/I .— IS B O .a f5 SI an c R U p (o/„) O -- 33EJ3AE 00-96 'X6 :9}S-i uopDitjjsap _ OJ O O o 3§EJ3AB £6 qof ui 3Seq3 o d o o CNJ CO (%) 3SeJ3AE 00-96 16-16 •'>?^-' OJ uopeaja qof o o IT) 3SbJ3AB ui aScq^ in o ^ o O) C)J) 2 u > C3 (N O r<1 ON O u ?s vn '-^ t 01 ;> ca <N On ^^ oo I u 3 O H os X (D ^ :^ K V I t3 ^ ?^ o oo ?^ •o ^ ^ ?N (N ^ O 0002-0661 H^A^oaSdJl J^ <N '^ ^ : o O 1 I IS (/2 1 / *^, : : 4 1 t / t / * ^. = = . E 1 o fO , ^Z*. = 1 J2 1 1% ?< ; Q .a 1 1 1 o o fo- = 1 1/3 1 Po. \ J Pi t^O E r f b\ 4 f f r %. — — Oto JF u « O s: a o j v^'' * '9^ s o c> cj f tn 1 ^ 1 1 ' 1 1 1 p o C3 -^ CO cnj cz> CD ir> o q o q q o ci r^ q o ipMOjQ juauiXoidiug jEnuuy V 0X1 cs •** a u pM J : B o ii ^. >-. ;a 3 1 i ^^ O 1 H %. 1 H< v- %. == <£?. 'at / f 1 ' // o ^ %. --.to a / r H im f / » HV %. '-- / // , o -.-. / / / 1 (? " # / 1 °o :: / / // 1 o - / * // 1 W %. '-' / ^ 1 n% ---- a / # t == JS * M SI 73 // 1 O :: / / 1 f / y f / ^/ --±12^ / / f CO o o psjjg luauflssAU] jEnuuv ) Table 1 Search Results For News Articles Regarding Restructured Companies Total Hits for January 1990 through Of which, related to private sector May 2004 companies in 1,196 Japan Clear description of the content of "financial assistance" ,085 20 (excludes duplicate articles on the same case) New 19 loans 36 (^^IJM:^) Interest concessions Purchase of new shares ( 0f tt 5 1 ^ §: t~t Debt-Equity swaps Debt forgiveness 26 interest ("Corporation" and "Reconstruction")); AND If ft)). Source: Nikkei Telecom 21. inz^^^hM^) payments 11 (^O^^fA^lli^) AND ("Management Reconstruction Plan" OR actual phrases were :&Si^S AND (ll'S'S^lf M OR Notes: Search words: "Financial assistance" (d^^ 44 (ttl^^j Moratorium on loan principle Moratorium on 29 Table 2 Impact of Zombie Firms on the Investment, Employment and Productivity of Non-Zombies Using Baseline Zombie Estimates Dependent Variable Sample Zombie 1993- 1993- 1993- 1993- 1993- 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 0.0137 3.3842 0.2465 0.0162 (0.0024) (0.0196) (0.0084) (0.0025) 0.0256 0.00109 0.0139 0.0241 0.0009 (0.0056) (0.001751) (0.0135) (0.0058) (0.0017) -0.1370 -0.0454 -0.3418 -0.0987 -0.0283 (0.0376) (0.0116) (0.0922) (0.0364) (0.0108) * -0.0885 -0.0232 0.2183 -0.0678 -0.0163 Zombie% (0.0330) (0.0102) (0.0756) (0.0297) (0.0088) Non-Zombie Industry % Sales growth Non-Zombie Growth Industry ALogE I/K 0.2390 Non-Zombie Industry Log Sales - % Log E - 73 Log K (0.0084) Constant Dummy ALog E I/K * Sales Zombie% * Sales Growth Non-Zombie * Sales Growth * Industry Zombi e% 0.0537 R' The sample 0.0895 0.3599 0.1152 0.1078 (0.0318) (0.0097) 0.1436 0.0160 (0.0376) (0.0116) 1.1002 0.1674 (0.1402) (0.0427) -0.5823 -0.0912 (0.1733) (0.0535) 0.1083 0.1700 consists of between 1,844 and 2,506 publicly traded firms (depending on the year). Each estimated after trimming the top and bottom 2.5% of observations (based on the dependent regression is variable). White (1980) standard errors are reported in parentheses under each coefficient estimate. Any firm with actual interest payments below the hypothetical minimum is considered a zombie and any firm where this is not true is a nonzombie (di=d2=0 in equation (1)). Two digit industry classifications are used throughout. The industry percentages for zombies are based on the share of total industry assets residing in zombie firms. Sales growth is the log difference of each firm's sales. I/K is the ratio of investment in depreciable assets to beginning of period stock of depreciable assets (measured at book value). E is the total number of full time employees. K is the book value of depreciable assets. Industry and year dummies are also included in each regression. Table 3 Impact of Zombie Firms on Non-Zombies Cumulative A. Cumulative investment losses (1993-2002) of the median non-zombie firm in the high zombies industries Wholesale Industry Retail Construction Real Services Estate Actual Average I/K: 0.1184 0.1871 0.1373 0.0920 0.2215 0.1206 0.0525 0.0833 0.0793 0.0842 0.0963 0.0399 0.0503 0.1117 0.1408 1993-2002 Cumulative Lost I/K Case 1 Cumulative Lost I/K Case 2 "Actual Average I/K: 1993-2002" shows the actual average investment rate (I/K) of the median non-zombie firm in the industry for 1993-2002. "Cumulative Lost I/K Case 1" shows the total amount of investment (I/K) of the typical non-zombie that was depressed during the period compared with the hypothetical case where the asset weighted zombie index had stayed at its average level for 1981-1992. "Cumulative Lost I/K Case 2" shows the total amount of investment (I/K) of the typical non-zombie that was depressed during the period compared with the hypothetical case where the asset weighted zombie index of the industry was the same as that of manufacturing in each year firom 1993 to 2002. The coefficient estimates fi-om the regression in the column 2 of Table 2 were used for the calculation. B. Cumulative employment change (1993-2002) of the median non-zombie firm in the high Industry zombies industries Wholesale Retail Construction Real Estate Services Average Actual -0.0136 0.0015 -0.0043 0.0062 0.0134 0.0381 0.0190 0.0285 0.0301 0.0381 0.0303 0.0144 0.0172 0.0427 0.0641 Employment growth: 1993-2002 Cumulative lost employment Cumulative — Case 1 lost employment ~ Case 2 "Average Actual Employment Grovi1:h: 1993-2002" shows the actual average aimual rate of change in the employment at the median non-zombie in the industry for 1993-2002. "Cumulative lost employment Case 1" shows the total rate of new hiring at the typical nonzombie that was depressed during this period compared with the hypothetical case where the asset weighted zombie index had stayed at its average level for 1981-1992. "Cumulative lost employment Case 2" shows the total rate of new hiring at the typical non- zombie that was depressed during the period compared with the hypothetical case where the asset weighted zombie index of the industry was the same as that of manufacturing in each year firom 1993 to 2002. The coefficient estimates from the regression in the column 3 of Table 2 were used for the calculation. , , 1 ( — 1 ^ H ( t^ t-^ ro MS r^ on" ON t^ ON o m OS o (N ^ o On 00 <N t^ m in o in O r^ ^^ '^ ON o o CN o (N oo o O o O o O o o — o o O o o ro d d. d d. d d. d d^ d d^ d d. d d. d d^ to r- T— o r^ t .— in 1 ' ' ( t— r-j 00 CN ^ w < < d ' b 00 o J < — o — (N t^ * ^ r00 ^ oo cn" on" o f^ (N t— .— ^ Os oo i^ oo o o in m ^o oo o o CN ^ 00 00 (N oO o o o oO o o O oo o o (N O o o o o d d^ d d. d d d d d d d d d d d d / o~ ^m ^ f^ (N f^ in o t^ oT VO ^ t^ ^ o" CO VO in m ON ^ ^ CO * CN m o o (N <N o o o O o o —1 o in ^ o t^ d d^ d d. d d^ d d d d^ d d. d ^o CN on" >o OO ro On (N r^ rsi m en o o (N o p dd d „ m CN N 3 .3 d U O o ^ ^ m d^ d d^ ON oo '^ oo u-1 t~- m o t^ C3N <~n ^ ^o m m ^ m m o o oo o O d d 3 d d^ d d^ d ^.^^ S o r-~ '"^ t~^-i W) Os Ss 00 on" •* in' r-i oo~ t~~ r^ r^ roo >o rin MD C3N ro oo ON ;3: (N t^ CN <N ^ 00 o ^^ o d d rON o d -O U I a o s ^"'^ r- in oo oo o in rsi o" u s -a o u ^^^ u <n r- r^- •-s S ^ 1 M^ rt en o , 1 a N N a <u ja s o .5 i« W d d^ m o" ro ^ o ^ ON in '^ o ^ m r- (N rn t^ (N o O Oo d O d^ d d^ d d d^ ro VD o" nI- r? 'vf ' ^ <—'-^ o in ^ ^ r~- ,—1 o" ^ ^ m t^ m (N VO r- r^ Co" ON m (N (N (N ^ r— o oO o O o O o o O d d d d dd d '"' r-H r-^ r-'"^ ' w^-' ' .H 5 tS « UJ ^- ^ r— 'i^f >vf ^ >• d^ o m ^ rn d r-i 1 a o H ^-1 ^ ON o d o 00 >o r^ oo oo 00 (N (N 00 in ^o r^ .—1 "^ T—t ^ M o J (On 'sl- '"^ m ^ o O O o do o d d d^ d^ d d^ 'O m o -o r<-i (>i "-D d o ON o p d 00 ON oo p d 00 o H-1 < os' in o ^ VO o m 00 CN ^^ in o o o o o o o o oo oo o d d^ d d d d. d d, ^^^ O^l o" B u m r1 ^ O in '""* r<-> o" 3 .2 > c ID Pi Q tfl ^ ^ s — , s OJ d- o 3 C/5 .s -o 'o r-j i^^ ^ S (D s o ^ m o d o G" '^ ^ ^ in ^ oo o VO ^ o '^ o m o o ro in CN CN o o o (N O o o d d d d d d d d^ -^ C3 O u N a o N >. t/2 r2 =i Z Q 3 CD g o 1o N N 1 en c 3 o 1— 3 .;5 en "5 en .^ u -3 00 S =^ 3 o VO t- m in o d ^ aj * -73 ON in o o m o o o O o o d d. d d^ d d^ d d^ in S:^ o d oo o" r^ oo in oo rn oo ON CN ^o ON vo OO ON (N r^ in CN '^ CN (N r. N 1^ ON OO '—' ^ ^^,^ B o *""• oo o in aj ^ s 00 C/3 _o 13 * OJ 3 !S ^ S o ^ * * u J3 ^D U5 _U 3 13 "5 Td 00 * 1 a o 2 en _0J 00 S 'S ~"5 ° <+-! 3> IS s o 2 N S O N o 1 O o a o a N N c o "2 'Sb en o u 3 13 CI t— u DO Q, XI T3 I 1 ( 1 * I H 1 ' 11 1 — 1 --^ r^ ^ ^ o \o ON t^ r^ 5^ m CN CN T— VO m m * NO CO m o fN CN o '^ (N CN (N in CN O o o o o O »— p O o o — T— NO — oo Oo d o d d d d d d d d d d d d^ d d. in r- (N OO CO rs) m CN •> w '( i t^ m MD t~^ 1 < 1 ' ' d ' ' ' 1 1 tlfl o hJ < o in , m m o o , O^ a CNl ' — o in p" u 3 o Or W in' o ^ ON OO 1^ r~~ in rn DX) r<-i 1 Sn a ^ i C/D oj !-•- S 00 '"^ '""' ' 1-H T-H _:: NO 00 t-^ o d r<-) xj- d^ ^ on" ^ (N r- ^ o ^ ON ON in <N '^ r- ro (N ^ OO VO o o NO rm ^ m o —1 o -^ O m NO d d d^ d d. ^ d^ d d^ o" c " d ON On c^t" o O d O J ^ <N ^ m OO ^ \o OO (N m m m ^ — o ON o o o m o d d^ d d^ d. d d^ OO (N m in m d — . ON -n1- ' ao G O ^-t J J^ — o "^ ^ t~^ r00 -o (N ^^ OO NO a> t« 21 a< 13 S^ 00 in m ^ f? ON m o o ^ o (N o O o o o d d d^ d d^ d^ d r-1 1—1 1 o .t *-S "O ' H-t o" o m '— o —1 d d^ d. r<-i ^ d o Z in OO CN CN a^ r'-) 1 I '""' in Os CN (N in N CN t-^ ^ G" r- S^ 1^ m OO m •^ o" o ^ t^ CN M2 o OO CN T— o CN o o o o o o CN O o o oo d d d d d d d d_ d d^ d m t~^ ^ on" CN o? 00 o" CN o" ON f-^ On in ro '— ^ m en ^ (N o OO CN r^ '^ t^ ^ r- in ^ o t^ (N m r^ o O o o O o o o o o ON m m o d d d d d d d d d^ d d^ d d^ d in r^ S o m o o d (N 1 in (T) p" rn a» cd f? 3 G a ^^ ^^ in ^ ON OO m in OO T— CN ^ o ^ o^ ^ OO O O o (N o O o d d d^ d d. d d^ >o o^ ro :^ r- <N 1 , C/J (N in NO CO d -^ td -& T3 -G CN in m t^ OO m^ <N 1— CN 'O sf OO O) ro CN O o o oo o o oo Oo d d d^ d d d, d d^ irT E ^ 1-^ r~^ C3N r<l m W CN 1 ' r^ o d ' O J < C -=! O o c« S ON OO OO p" 01) .2 = V u fe o" OO m OO o d m CN m OO O o o o o oo p d d d d dd d p d in — m t^ m O o 1 t^ on" ^^ o" t^ OS r^ ro (N CN o SI 1 u M a. ;:3 c3 ^ --» T3 'S _3 "o a o c 0X1 p^ en Q I/] O a o jj G o. CN o m o d ^ ^u * G <u ^ o d '""' y—t <u > 1^ in m ON On CM m o oO m o o o p d d d d^ d d. d p d p" c3 C^' '""' OO on" OO ON m 3 '"^ '•^ Co" OO m o on" ^ '* o 5^ o o o o o 1— o d d d d d^ d d^ d ^ r. c O O s o N N o a 3 No S o >s C/i G r^ p O 3 Z Q G N JH 2 W) t/l G ^ O c« _aj "13 c/0 ^ !£ 43 * * * u -G a a o o 3 % o a 2 N a a 2 N o o o O OJ J3 3 N G O en _aj "c3 00 c/l 0) G 13 -a 00 G * k- G O 2 CO ^ 00 C/l G G S e t:5 "ti <" *— 00 Table A-3 Impact of Zombie Firms on the Investment, Employment and Productivity of Non-Zombies Using Estimated Maturity Structure for Long-term Borrowings and Bonds Dependent Variable I/K ALogE 3.3919 0.2528 0.0180 (0.0090) (0.0026) (0.0210) (0.0088) (0.0026) 0.0125 -0.0007 0.0133 0.0144 0.0005 (0.0062) (0.0021) (0.0147) (0.0060) (0.0019) -0.0668 -0.0388 -0.3601 -0.0168 -0.0224 (0.0520) (0.0163) (0.1190) (0.0493) (0.0162) * -0.0867 -0.0321 0.2285 -0.0784 -0.0288 Zombie% (0.0505) (0.0155) (0.1122) (0.0473) (0.0150) 0.1952 0.1316 (0.0561) (0.0214) 0.0382 -0.0132 (0.0630) (0.0248) Dummy Zombie Non-Zombie % Sales growth Non-Zombie Growth Industry I/K 0.0169 Non-Zombie Industry Log Sales - % Log E - '/3LogK 0.2496 Constant Industry ALogE * Sales Zombie% * Growth Non-Zombie * Sales Growth * Industry Sales 0.6669 -0.0068 (0.4490) (0.1458) 0.4628 0.2068 (0.4983) (0.2086) 0.1075 0.1704 Zombi e% 0.0521 R' The sample 0.3614 0.0897 consists of between 1,844 and 2,506 publicly traded firms (depending on the year). Each estimated after trimming the top and bottom 2.5% of observations (based on the dependent regression is variable). White (1980) standard errors are reported in parentheses under each coefficient estimate. Any firm with actual interest payments below the hypothetical minimum is considered a zombie and any firm where this is not true is a nonzombie (di=d2=0 in equation (1)). Two digit industry classifications are used throughout. The industry percentages for zombies are based on the share of total industry assets residing in zombie firms. Sales growth is the log difference of each firm's sales. I/K is the ratio of investment in depreciable assets to beginning of period stock of depreciable assets (measured at book value). E is the total number of full time employees. K is the book value of depreciable assets. Industry and year dummies are also included in each regression. Table A-4 Impact of Zombie Firms on the Investment, Employment and Productivity of Non-Zombies Assuming Zero for the Minimum Required Interest Rate on Bonds Dependent Variable I/K ALogE Log Sales - % Log E Log K ALogE I/K '/3 0.2382 0.0131 3.3834 0.2464 0.0158 (0.0083) (0.0024) (0.0195) (0.0082) (0.0023) 0.0237 0.0007 0.0129 0.0223 0.0006 (0.0056) (0.0017) (0.0133) (0.0055) (0.0017) -0.1879 -0.0533 -0.3915 -0.1452 -0.0338 Constant Non-Zombie Dummy Industry Zombie (0.0394) (0.0123) (0.0941) (0.0384) (0.0120) * -0.0793 -0.0213 0.2283 -0.0575 -0.0145 Zombie% (0.0336) (0.0104) (0.0764) (0.0320) (0.0101) Non-Zombie Industry % Sales growth Non-Zombie Growth Industry * Sales Zombie% Sales Growth Non-Zombie * Growth * * Sales 0.1240 0.1104 (0.0495) (0.0214) 0.1394 0.0144 (0.0593) (0.0239) 1.0730 0.1561 (0.3132) (0.1191) -0.5706 -0.0835 (0.1154) (0.1489) 0.1084 0.1699 Industry Zombie% 0.0543 R' The sample 0.0896 0.3599 consists of between 1,844 and 2,506 publicly traded firms (depending on the year). Each estimated after trimming the top and bottom 2.5% of observations (based on the dependent regression is variable). White (1980) standard en^ors are reported dummies in parentheses under each coefficient estimate. Any firm with actual interest payments below the hypothetical minimum is considered a zombie and any fimi where this is not tme is a nonzombie (di=d2=0 in equation (1)). Two digit industry classifications are used throughout. The industry percentages for zombies are based on the share of total industry assets residing in zombie firms. Sales growth is the log difference of each firm's sales. I/K is the ratio of investment in depreciable assets to beginning of period stock of depreciable assets (measured at book value). E is the total number of full time employees. K is the book value of depreciable assets. Industry and year are also included in each regression. ^ Date Due Lib-26-67 „MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 9686