,^^CHa^x,^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/whydonewtechnoloOOacem fTsc: working paper department of economics WHY DO NEW TECHNOLOGIES COMPLEMENT SKILLS? DIRECTED TECHNICAL CHANGE AND WAGE INEQUALITY Daron Acemoglu No. 97-15 August 1997 , massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ? -Y I: WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS WHY DO NEW TECHNOLOGIES COMPLEMENT SKILLS? DIRECTED TECHNICAL CHANGE AND WAGE INEQUALITY Daron Acemoglu No. August, 1997 97-15 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02139 1 ( MASSACHUSETTS I^^STITUTE UBRAHlES J. I .>. iOLOGY JAN 1 9 1998 UBWAFHES This version: August 1997 Why Do New Complement Skills? Directed Technical Change and Wage Inequality* Technologies Daron Acemoglu^ Department of Economics, E52-371 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, 02139 MA have benefited from many insightful conversations with Jaimie Ventxira during the gestation and from many of his comments on earher versions of this paper. I also thank Ohvier Blanchard, Ricardo Caballero, Francesco Caselli, Michael Kremer, Dani Rodrik, Fabrizio Zilibotti, seminar participants at LSE, NBER and Rochester for comments and suggestions. Financial support from the National Science Foundation Grant SBR-9602116 is gratefully acknowledged. tTel: 617 253 1927. Fax 617 253 1330. E-mail: daronOmit edu *I of this project . This Version: August 1997 Why Do New Skills? Technologies Complement Directed Technical Change and Wage Inequality Abstract consider an I gies. economy where The rate of improvement skilled and unskilled workers use of each technology different technolo- determined by a profit-maximizing is R&D sector. When there is a high proportion of skilled workers in the labor force, market for skill-complementary technologies is larger upgrading the productivity of when the skilled workers. An and more effort will be spent implication of this theory relative supply of skilled workers increases exogenously, the skill decreases in the short-run, but then increases, possibly even above the is in that premium its initial value, because the larger market for skill-complementary technologies has changed the di- rection of technical change. This suggests that the rapid increase in the proportion of college graduates in the U.S. labor force in the college ual premium during the 1970s and the The paper the 1980s. may have been causal in both the decline large increase in inequality during also derives implications of directed technical wage inequality and shows that change for resid- calculations of the impact of international trade on inequality that ignore the change in the direction of technical progress may be misleading. Keywords: Endogenous Technical Change, Relative Supply of Skill, Returns to Education, Skill-Biased Technological Change, Skill- Technology Complementarity, Wage Inequality. JEL Classification: 014, 033, J31. Introduction I. Between 1811 and 1816 that they would make in Britain, the Luddites destroyed machines beUeving their skills obsolete. In 1826 in Lancashire, hand-loom weavers attacked weaving machines. In 1830 during the Captain Swing riots, agricultural But technical progress could not be halted workers destroyed threshing machines. and these skilled workers were quite soon replaced by the machines they tried to fight Mokyr, 1990). In contrast to the (see nineteenth century, new examples like replacing technological advances of the technologies today appear to be complementary to skilled and educated workers rather than the historical skill rmskilled.^ Why is this? As suggested by the the spiiming jenny and the assembly line which increased the productivity of unskilled labor, the answer that very nature "skill-biased" is new technologies are by their Even computers which are seen not satisfactory. as the prototype example of "skill-biased" innovations can be and are sometimes used as complementary to unskilled and most employees labor. For example, most workers making deliveries at fast food restaurants and supermarkets use computers and scanners. Motivated by this reasoning, this paper starts from the premise that new technologies are not complementary to skilled labor by nature, but by design. This premise then raises the question of why over this century, and especially over the past two decades, the productivity of than that of the unskilled.^ This Most many skilled is and educated labor has been upgraded more the question addressed in this paper. technologies, once invented, are largely nonrival goods: they can firms and workers at low marginal cost. When the market for skill-complementary technologies able to obtain higher returns. high, more effort As a result, when wiU be devoted to the invention is there are larger more be used by skilled workers, and the inventor will the proportion of skilled workers be is of skill-complementary technologies rather than those complementary to unskilled labor. This implies that the impact of an increase in the supply of skilled workers on the skill premium will be determined by ^See Grilliches (1956) and Bartel and Lichtenberg (1987) for micro estimates. See, among others, Berman, Boimd and Grilliches, (1994), Goldin and Katz (1996), Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997) for studies that document the relation between relative wages and technology. ^In practice, skill is multi-dimensional. The skills replaced by nineteenth century inventions are different than those complemented by computers today. For most of the paper I focus on education which is the most easily observable component of skills. I will then return to other dimensions of skill in an attempt to explain the rise in residual (within group) wage inequahty. two competing forces: the first is the conventional substitution effect economy move along a downward directed technology effect demand curve for skills. sloping relative demand curve. which makes the The second which can be thought of as shifting the "short-run" This effect is is the relative driven by the fact that an increase in the supply of skilled workers increases the profitability of technologies complementarity to skilled labor. Two effect is sufficiently skilled workers implications of this approach are: (1) effect, accumulates more the directed technology pronounced, in the long-run an exogenous increase in the supply of can increase the the substitution if skill premium; (2) irrespective of whether it dominates the directed technology effect implies that as an economy skills, the fraction of workers should increase, which is new technologies complementary to skilled consistent with the fact that technological change appears to have become more skill-complementary over time. This theory suggests an alternative explanation for the changes in the structure The conventional wisdom of wages in the U.S. over the past two decades. is these changes are due to exogenous technological developments. In particular, believe that there was an exogenous The most starting in the 1970s. ^ of any reason why exogenous that many acceleration in the skill-bias of technical change serious problem for the conventional skill-biased technical view is the lack change should have accelerated in the 1970s, coinciding with the unprecedented increase in the relative supply of skilled workers. "for the The puzzle is in fact more striking. In Katz and Murphy's words; 1963-87 period as a whole and most strongly for the 1980s, the groups with the largest increases in relative supplies tended to have the largest increases in relative wages" (1992, p. 52). In contrast to the conventional approach, suppose we are in a world of directed technical change and consider a large and exogenous increase in the supply of college graduates (as in the U.S. diiring the late 1960s 1970s, see the discussion in the text). graduates in the labor force will technology) relative first demand curve Then, the induced change This increase in the proportion of college move the economy along a short-run as in Figure Suppose effect. The improvement first 1, (constant reducing the college premium. in the direction of technical progress will increase the marginal product of college graduates and right. and shift the relative demand curve to the that the substitution effect dominates the directed technology in skill-complementary technologies will then increase the ^Observe following Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997) that from 1940 to 1970 relative supply of by 7.7 percentage points and the college premium fell shghtly. In contrast, from 1970 to 1990, the supply increased by 11.6 percentage points and the skill premium increased. A constant rate of skill-biased technical change cannot account for this pattern. college graduates increased Relative Short-run Wage Relative )emand Long-run Relative Long-run Rel Demand For Skills Wage Initial Rel Wage Demand Short-run Shift in Rel. Response due to Technical Change H/L Exogenous Shift in Relative Supply Figure 1: DjTiamics of the nates the substitution college premiimi from it its college is the college its level complete explanation before the supply shock. In contrast, increase. This for the its initial level. premium increased during the sufficiently strong, the premium should five years. I will also short-term low but never above why increased above technology effect directed technology effect domi- effect. the model can explain why premium when the skill is model predicts that In this case, 1980s, but not if the directed in the long-run, the the case drawn in Figure 1 and offers a more changes in the U.S. college premiimi over the past twenty show how this mechanism may account wage inequality during the 1970s while the college for the increase in residual premium was falling. Furthermore, the theoretical results also apply to any group using technologies different from the rest of the labor force is and experiencing an increase in relative supply. So the model consistent with a positive association between changes in the relative supplies of more disaggregated groups, and their relative wages over the medium run as found by Katz and Murphy (1992) and Bound and Johnson this (1992). Therefore, the analysis in paper suggests that the rmprecedented increase in the supply of college graduates during the 1970s may have been causal both for the technological developments and the changes in the structure of wages during the 198Gs as well as the decline of the college premium during the 1970s. There are other episodes in which a large increase in the supply of to have affected the direction of technical change. skills appears The enrollment and graduation rates for high school doubled in the 1910s, mostly due to changes in the location curricula of schools and the decline high school premiiim fell in transport costs (Goldin and Katz, 1995). The sharply in the 1910s. Yet, despite the even faster increase in the supply of high school skills during the 1920s, the relative graduates levelled that the demand off and started a mild increase. Goldin for high school graduates the 1920s, presumably due to changes in the from new industries such as An this theory. the direction of technical change. LDC If unskilled labor will increases and by only a small amount. protection, it is not possible to sell induce further effort in and increased demand on wage inequality provides is that trade will affect the U.S. starts trading with the market in and chemicals.^ observation for technologies wage inequality However, increase the relative price of the will office technologies The key firms, the size of the skill and Katz (1995) conclude electrical machinery, transport an interesting application of wages of high must have expanded sharply starting analysis of the implications of international trade technologies to and LDCs and sells complementary to will decline, or at most increase due to lack of international property rights if new technologies to skill intensive good. LDC firms, trade will simply This relative price change upgrading skill-complementary technologies. I show that in this case conventional calculations underestimate the impact of trade on wage inequality because they ignore the change in the direction of technical change. This paper is related to some on induced innovations, including older literature the theoretical work by Fellner (1961) and Kennedy (1964), the empirical studies by Schmookler (1966) and Hayami and Ruttan Habakkuk (1962). (1970), and the historical work by These studies (with the exception of Schmookler) discuss the impact of factor prices on induced innovations. I treat factor prices as endogenous, point out the importance of the fixed costs of innovation and of market size. These features yield the crucial result that a larger relative supply of a factor can lead to faster upgrading of technologies complementary to this factor, which is the opposite of the results that these papers discuss but in line with the evidence provided by Schmookler. This paper also builds on and extends the work of Aghion and Howitt (1992) and Grossman and Helpman "^The high school (1991) premium never reached its increase in the supply of high school graduates. by allowing technological change to be 1900 level, partly because of the continued rapid In any case, note that the theory offered in this paper does not predict that every increase in the relative supply of skills should be associated with increased skill premium, especially when the system is away from the balanced growth path as U.S. is likely to have been in the 1900s. The model however predicts that every increase in supply should have an impact on the direction of technical change. directed towards different groups. that changes in the supply of made is first in skills who are skilled, firms find targeted for this group. The increase in skilled wages. Krugman varieties common result A features. a is fall differing with regards to the inequality. an economy with The plan of the paper skills is in the level of unskilled skills which is wages and an model in the proportion of skilled workers of their high school graduates. may and have a high as follows. Section skill II can He shows that choose a technology which premium. analyzes the basic model and contains the most important results of the paper. Section supply of a sufficient profitable to create jobs specifically high school graduates use of high school is (1997) compares the technology choice of economies skill level less skilled it This point for skills. by Kiley (1997) considers an expanding recent paper Walde wage little demand the (1997) has recently constructed a signalling model and shows that an increase increase makes may change Acemoglu (1996) using a search model; when there fraction of workers with some a number of recent papers also suggest Finally, III treated as exogenous in Section endogenizes the relative II. Section IV discusses the impact of international trade on the direction of technical change, and on wage inequality through this channel. Section V concludes. II. The Basic Model A. Technology and Preferences Consider the following continuous time infinite preferences over the unique consumption good, y. exp(-r(r Ckt There is a H of skilled workers and a continuiim L of imskilled workers with identical continuum where horizon economy. is conditional utility, it will also be the set at time t,r utility of agent k at time - t))ckTdT the consiunption of agent k at time upon the information The is t, Et is t is: (1) the expectations operator the discount rate and due to linear interest rate.^ The imique consumption good is produced from two complementary intermediate goods, or production processes, one using skilled and the other unskilled labor. market ^An for intermediate goods equivalent formulation is to is competitive. I denote the total output of these assume a general instantaneous and borrowing at the rate r. perfect international market for lending The utility function u{ckr) and a processes (intermediate goods) by Yi{t) and Yh{t), and the aggregate production of the consumption good at time t is: = yit) < where p 1. normaUze the I biYr{t)+^,Yat)]'^^ price of the final good (2) in each period to 1, and denote the prices of the two intermediate goods by pi{t) and ph{t) which, due to competitive pricing, impUes: demand a (3) is equation, hnking the consumption of the intermediate goods to their relative price. There are mi and ruh firms rest of the analysis I in the will normalize, mi two intermediate goods sectors, and in the = m,h = The production 1. of Y^, the skill- intensive good, requires skilled labor while the production of the labor intensive good, yj, requires unskilled labor. Namely, firm ysii.t) where = s Z, /i, < and ns{i,t) and is = i in sector s has production function: As{i,t)[ns{i,t)f (4) the number of workers employed by firm i in sector s at time i, /? sector only employ unskilled workers, and those in sector h only hire skilled workers, / 1 As{i,t) the productivity of labor in this firm. Since firms in is feasibility requires that Jni(i,t)di The is J nh{i,t)di firm level productivity parameter, As{i,t), and quality There < L and of nonlabor inputs (machines) that firm a continuum js £ [0, 1] i < is H for all t. determined by the quantity in sector s ptirchases at time of sector-specific machines for each sector. that each sector uses different machines is The t. fact the sense in which skilled and unskilled workers use different technologies in this model. The quantity of machine j that firm i in sector s uses at time t after use. for j G I is denoted by Xs{i,j,t). These machines depreciate denote the highest qualities of these machines available at time [0, 1] and s = l,h. In principle, it is t by fully qs{j, t) possible that a firm purchases inputs that are not of the highest available quality, but this will not happen in equilibrium (see below). Hence, incorporating the fact that outdated machines will not be used, the productivity parameter of firm i takes the form: rl 1 Mht) = -J < where a 1 — p. and will make if q; = I — P, If what B. — 1 /3, production in both sectors follows, same mi and ruh are Whether a results. Maximization Profit fijxed). In contrast, subject to constant returns, and free-entry is do not take a position on I (5) intermediate good producers have decreasing returns positive profits (hence their numbers, will give exactly the in a < Qs{j,t) [xs{i,j,t)fdj = 1 — P does not and affect the results, this. By Firms and Labor Market Equi- librium Firms (producing yi and Denoting the price of machine profits. unskilled workers by inax and Wh,{t) qs{j, t) wi{t), firm by is strictly concave, sector hire the = it same amount of labor and the aggregate demands are Xs{j,s) = problem and skilled at time has a imique solution, implying that H and and the wages of t: Xs{j,t)xs{i,j,t)dj-Ws{t)ns{i,t) / = i t) solves the following normalization, m; for all Xs{j, Jo Since this problem same i - ps{t)As{i,t)[ns{i,t)f ns{t,t),Xs{i,j,t) in the machines and labor to maximize static y^) purchase t, rrih 1, all for Given = Ni =L machine j and nh{i,t) in sector s at N^, = time t, = this unique solution to the profit firms in sector s will have the same productivity parameter (ps(i)9s(j, 0-^f/Xs(j)^)) maximization problem, and inputs (machines). With the this implies that ni{i,t) " firms all ' (technology), As{t). This enables us to determine wages in terms of the final good: Ws{t) = Pps{t)As{t)N-^^-l'^ for s The premium skill for this paper. The This is skill Using (skilled = wages relative to unskilled wage) (3), this skill premium l,h. increases premirmi, u, when skilled is the main interest is:^ workers become more scarce, jjM; < 0. the usual substitution effect and shows that, for given technology, the relative ^In this section, for some parameter values, skilled workers unskilled, i.e. the supply of uj < 1. One may want to impose jh/li endogenized in Section parameter restriction is not necessary. skills is III, > {H/Ly the skill may ~^'''^ premium have lower wages than the -p)-pp ^.q avoid this. When is always positive, and this demand curve when p G for labor (0,1], is nyA ^^ (t) downward -^ sloping with elasticity (1 The conventional wisdom is become more productive, not reveal 1 an The converse > OJ The is Moreover, when p < skilled workers In support of this, most estimates less productive. between obtained when that the skill-premium increases elasticity of substitution which implies p /3p). '^^^ implies that when the skill-complementary ^- technology improves, the skill-premium increases. 0. — skilled and unskilled workers greater than high degree of substitution between skilled and unskilled workers suggested by the increased share of college educated workers within almost narrowly defined industries also corroborates this view all Krueger, 1997). Hence, in the remainder of the paper p G (0, 1) Autor, Katz and (e.g. limit attention to the case I (though the formal analysis does not depend on this parameter restriction). Technological Advances C. Technological advances take place as in Aghion and Howitt (1992) and Grossman and Helpman (1991). Namely, - f .\ _ j ^ X Q^U, \ for all j A > 1 which G [0,1] and s = I, t) if no irmovation so that innovations improve productivity. is of R&D I just before time assume that X > a R&D t. i-", terms of the t) final where carried out by research firms using only final is free-entry into the R&D activity in technology j'for sector s at time probability of innovation Bqs{j, Also, i a simplifying assumption to be discussed in the next subsection. output as factor of production. There amount t at time h where q~{j,t) denotes the quality Innovations are the result of is innovation at time if Q7{j)t) is Zs{j,t)(p{zs{j,t)). The marginal good) for inventing a machine of vintage 5 is a positive constant.^ decreasing and Z(p{z) is I nondecr easing, that there are decreasing returns to R&D assume that is (f){z) effort for effort increases the probability of discovery. + sector. If the total t is Zs{j,t), then the R&D effort (in cost of qs{j, t) in sector s at 0(.) is z(f)'{z) > time t everywhere smoothly 0. This implies that any particular machine, but more Also, I impose limz_,o 0(2) = cx3 and between which implies l/cr = 1 — j3p < 1, and therefore /o > 0. Since a large part of the substitution between skilled and imskiUed workers is within industries, p should not be interpreted as the elasticity of substitution between different goods. ^Alternatively, the cost of improving vintage qj{j,t) is BXq~{j,t). '''See Freeman (1986). Practically, all estimates of the short-run elasticity of substitution high and low education workers are between a = I and 2, limz^oo <l){z) = These Inada type 0. and smooth djmamics. In the Appendix, A it holds a perfectly enforced patent), so sell many as Equilibrium R&D The aggregate demands profit maximizing price input is follows — qs{j,t) is qs{j,t) ensure an interior solution where it profit wishes. maximizing price and The marginal linear in quality. technology characterized above are isoelastic, so the for for vintage qs{j, t) is Xs{j-, t) buy = t qs{j,t) qs{j,t) sold at the q;~"/(i~°) > = ~^- Hence, the price of each which ensures that even Xs{hj,i) = sector s at time recall that = Xs{j,t) t, monopoly (aps{t)N^] H and Ni = L. Nh = These expressions make in sector s at time The t is equilibrium it Also I I demands wiU in the relevant sector will buy: as: As{t) = ^Qs{t) {<^Ps{t)N^] have defined Qs{t) = sector s at time R&D technology in sector s. machines and the monopoly pricing policy im- = 7r,(;,t) - Zs{j,t)cj){zs{j,t))V,{j,t) R&D effort to is: TTs{j,t) = + Vs{j,t) improve machine j in sector (7) s at time have made use of the fact that the leading monopolist will not perform (Aghion and Howitt, 1992). (7) is rate Zs{j,t)(f){zs{j,t)), the firm loses assumption were not satisfied, its a standard value equation; at the flow monopoly position because there is a new then the leading vintage of each technique would not be priced at the monopoly price, but at a sufficiently low price to exclude the next best technology a Umit h. /, t is: Zs{j,t) is the aggregate ^If this = Hence, the value of owning the leading vintage of machine j of rVs{j,t) I where measure of technological know-how ply that the profit level of a leading innovator with vintage qs{j,t) ^^^^Xs{j,t)qs{j,t). , /J qs{j, t)dj for s refer to this as the level of for would price.^ clear that the relevant Qs{t). the next Therefore, the equilibrium productivity in . can be written (5), if qs{j,t)/^ were sold at marginal cost, firms Given the monopoly pricing policy every firm and cost of Effort from the assiunption that A prefer to t, 1. a constant markup over the marginal cost of production. This pricing policy best technology at time where = (j){z) right over that particxilar vintage (e.g. can charge a it it is i.e. </>(.) also discuss the case units of the newly discovered input as producing input D. I monopoly firm that innovates has a on restrictions price). The rest of the results (1995) for a discussion of this case. would stiU (i.e. remain unchanged, see Barro and Sala-i-Martin innovation, and the time derivative of the fact that Zs{j,t) may be Finally, since there on the right-hand R&D machine = R&D effort for Bqs{j,t) (8) the marginal return to higher is j in sector s (either the right-hand side An side activities, additional profitable, thus: 4>{z,{j,t))Vs{j,t) where the left-hand side of (7) takes care of time varying. free-entry into is any machine must not be V by an existing research firm or R&D effort directed at by a new entrant), and the marginal cost.^° is equilibrium in this economy requires that product, intermediate good and labor markets clear, firms buy the profit maximizing amount of the latest vintage of each technology, innovators follow the profit maximizing pricing policy, is no opportunity Equations for (3), (6), (7) equilibrium. any research firm to enter and (8) (or exit) and increase and there its profits. ensure these conditions and characterize the dynamic The balanced growth path (BGP) then an equilibrium such that is all variables are time-invariant. Characterization of the EquiUbrium E. Let us start with the balanced growth path and thus drop Using V = 0, equation (7) implies: Then, the free-entry condition (8) Vs{j) = - ((1 for all j (9): G [0, 1] and s = l,h. A number = r + zs{j)cl>{zs{j)) increasing in Ps and Ns- Therefore, there certain product (9) of insights can be obtained from equation s, Zs(j), flow profit of the leading iimovator for this machine The + Zsij)(t){zsij)))). BGP: research effort to improve machine j in sector on the incentives to innovate. time dependence. a) Xs{j)qs{j)) /{a{r implies that in ^</'(^.(i)) {psN^y^^''"'^ all is a price price effect becomes more expensive, more is will high. is (ps) be higher when the This flow of profit and a quantity is (A^f ) effect perhaps more familiar: when a effort will be spent to invent the next vintage. This price effect also suggests the reverse intuition to the one discussed in the introduction: when there are more skilled workers, the price of the ^°This ignores the constraint that total expenditure on which will not apply sufficiently decreasing if R&D should not exceed ciurrent output, the economy can borrow from abroad at the rate would also ensure that the expenditure 10 on goods they R&D r. Assuming that is never exceeds total output. produce Counteracting this to unskilled labor. skilled workers, the size of the For p G R&D be low, so there should be more will market the quantity effect (0, 1], makes more sense is the quantity is more powerful, and model. ^^ premium. This Returning to equation s = l,h. In other parameter will require further words, the (9), it rate of = Qh is p = to This equation — is BGR Combining a crucial result. = this Zh. with Qh/Qi this case = Zg for all j is and (labor intensive) a continuum of skill-intensive is \s the growth the growth rate of Qi. For l)zi(f){zi) is zi larger. workers will increase the BGP levels of effort for all skill-intensive Similarly (A is more restrictions. Equation we (3), (9) BGP, then implies that obtain: the equilibrium technology of the skill-intensive sector relative to the labor intensive sector, of the why argued above immediately follows that Zs{j) be constant, therefore {H/L)~^ along the abundance there are exactly the rate of improvements. Hence {X—l)zh(j){zh) Jo qs{j)dj. we need Qh/Qi I skilled technologies are the same. Next, note that since there inputs, Zh(j){zh) when Also, note that the quantity effect dominating does not imply that a higher supply of skill effect: skill-complementary technologies for in the context of the complementary for technologies and depends on the two types of labor. The greater the fraction of skilled relative workers in the economy, the greater their relative productivity as compared to rmskilled workers (this is for > p equation (10) equalized. 0; is as noted above, the reverse obtains that equilibrium returns to R&D when p < effort in 0). The intuition for the two sectors have to be Since profits to innovation are proportional to the market effectively proportional to the nimiber of workers using the technology. when H increases relative to L, innovation become more profitable. and R&D Therefore, in the skill-intensive sector This translates into a higher Qh/Qi in the BGP. this as the directed technology effect: when the they are size, I refer to relative supply of skill changes, the direction of technical progress changes, leading to different equilibrium technologies for skilled result: and unskilled as the make new labor. Equation (10) immediately implies an important economy accumulates more technologies skills, more complementary ^^For some other situations, the price effect may technical change will respond to to skilled labor. Therefore, the fact that dominate. For example, Hayami and Ruttan (1970) discusses the different paths of agricultural development in the U.S. and Japan. of land in Japan relative to the U.S. appears to The scarcity have induced a much faster rate of innovation and adoption of fertihzers, increasing output per acre. 11 new become more skill-complementary over time technologies have is consistent with the approach in this paper. BGP R&D effort level can now imposing z* = zi = Zh, which gives: The + Z*(f>{z*) _ 1-Q UnMil-p) r we have Finally, using (6), Proposition total output Qh/Qi is There 1 be determined from is rj = given by (10) and the — l)z*(j){z*) skill with z* given by (11). premium — (1 — /5p), BGP (recall equation sloping relative the The which skill is (..^ and both sectors Along the BGP, is: Vh there is (12) a 1-to-l relation between the relative supply of workers and their relative wage. or decreasing. by (10) — /3p) (1 In the unique skilled and tI^) (BGP) where a unique balanced growth path grow at the rate (A f^ i-p (9) (proof in the Appendix): -= where ./3p/(l-p)] , (3), But, this relation can be either increasing make force that tends to it the elasticity of the relative This (6)). is premium would be determined is If is the second term in demand curve for the usual substitution demand curve for skills. coimteracting force decreasing effect, skills for rj, given A^/Ai leading to a downward- technology were exogenous in this economy, solely by this effect as in equation (6).^^ The the directed technology effect which works through changes in relative technologies (Qh/Qi)- An increase in H/L leads to more R&D activity in the skill-complementary technologies and therefore increases Qh/Qi, shifting the "short- run relative demand curve" to the right as in Figure strong, that is if and the long-run increase in the f^ is demand curve for skills is upward of skilled workers relative to the will lead to a higher relative price of skill in the long-run. likely to happen when p If this effect is sufficiently large enough, the directed technology effect can dominate, relative number 1. is sloping. In this case, number of unskilled workers This "perverse" case close to 1 so that the skill-intensive an is more and labor-intensive ^^A hybrid case is where technology is exogenous, thus there is no R&D, but As{t) is still determined by purchases of machines from a monopolist. In this case, the skill premium is again a decreasing function of relative supply of skills, H/L, albeit with the smaller elasticity, —{l—/3p—ap)/{l—ap), which is the short-run elasticity in the full model as shown in Proposition 3. 12 production processes (intermediate goods) are close substitutes, and when to 1 so that there are only limited decreasing returns to labor within each sector. A different intuition for the possibly that there an important nonconvexity is cost of discovering new of skilled workers and it new lim^-^oo z(f){z) rate equal to (A is = — (po < elasticity Next, it —(1 the essence of the directed technology B = — (3p — effect, There To make the economy Then, we have oo. is ap)/[l now — is an instructive z^ well — > behaved in oo for s = /, /i, and the growth size for technologies is decreasing in the relative supply of ap), which can be established that the and proof Proposition 2 so that if Q< is no longer 2. Q^ unambiguously negative. BGP characterized in Proposition 1 is (saddle Locally, there exists a unique transition path converging to Q* then z^ and , Q* then Zh Suppose e^{z) is > Q* then , The system is Zh zi z' Then > to zi jump and Q BGP, monotonically adjusts to Q* . If along the transition path and vice versa. nonincreasing in unique saddle path Q< with skills, in the Appendix): 1. , limit this case, also path) stable. For this proposition, define e^ as the elasticity of the function 0. (analysis many so that there are no upfront fixed costs of Because the market l)0o- important, the skill-premium an is their long-run relative wage. technologies. impose a fixed upfront ensures an increasing relation between the relative supply case where this effect disappears: discovering is is This nonconvexity (nonrivalry of technology use) This clientele. powerful enough, if economy. There in this demand curve relative R&D firms are more willing to improve the technologies implies that profit-maximizing designed for a larger upward sloping technologies/^ and once discovered, they can be sold to firms at constant marginal cost. and close /? is BGP Then, for z. along which Q all Q j^ Q* , there is a globally monotonically converges to Q*. If along the transition path and vice versa. always locally stable, and under a fairly weak assrmiption, it is also globally well-behaved. Figure 2 illustrates the local dynamics with a phase diagram. F. The Dynamic Response The to a Relative Supply Shock following result summarizes the dynamic response of the economy z*Bq/{r + z*(p{z*)). unanticipated relative supply shock (proof in the Appendix): ^^The expected discounted cost of discovering vintage q along 13 BGP is to an ^=Zh- Z] Q=Qh/Q, Figure Transition Dynamics 2: Around the Balanced Growth Path. Proposition 3 Consider an unanticipated from a BGP with skill premium u = u. falls to ill new — log to = —9 log where log lj BGP premium u skill is increase ^ from to 5j^ at Immediately after the (5, and such that logo; = 9 — "^~/l^~"^ logo) = 77 , Zhtj zu — ^log^.^^ The words, Qh/Qi short-rrm response /9 > 0), Figure and the 1, is skill premium adjusts to its up. The skill premium falls know-how; in other many is less its ^^Recall that 8 — (ip) to a change in > 1 demand than the long-run analysis in this paper formalizes this claim. more in short-term low. In terms of to the right. Therefore, for skills. premimn This result is not believe that the short-run elasticity of substitution between and unskilled workers predictions are 1 increases (as long as in the relative supply of skills will create a period of rising skill very surprising: simply —(1 from demand curve shifts in response to the induced shift in the relative skilled jumps In terms of Figure new BGP, Qh/Qi starts increasing the constant technology relative an increase premium a move along the short-run (constant technology) relative As the economy curve. for given technological a stock variable and only changes slowly. is the introduction, this demand is starting log ^. Therefore, immediately after the relative supply shock, the by t the skill shift, and time surprising and —6 is and Qh/Qu In contrast, original. negative because because for given /3 elasticity. So, < when 14 > 0, jy 1 — < 0, the the model's Because with the increase in H/L a. Also observe that the elasticity the equilibrium productivities H/L. 77 when is the not Ah/Ai change in response size of the market for skill-complementary technologies increases, there is to upgrade these technologies Proposition 3, and the skill especially in the case for the behavior of the U.S. premirmi increases above where 77 > 0, offers To put its initial R&D value. an alternative explanation economy during the past twenty large increase in the supply of skills in the 1970s. more it five years. There was a into perspective, observe that the employment share of college graduates increased by 1.7 percentage points from 1940 to 1950, by from 1950 to 1960, and by 2.8 percentage 2.8 percentage points points from 1960 to 1970. In contrast to this relatively slow increase before 1970, it increased by 6.6 percentage points from 1970 to 1980. Also during this decade, the share of workers with some college but no college degree increased by 7.2 percentage points. ^^ These are very large changes in the relative supply of skills preceding the the college premium. rise in Furthermore, these large supply changes were at least partly exogenous rather than a simple response to anticipated higher returns to education in the future. Enrollment rates had been increasing since the mid 1950s and this trend continued in the Two 1960s. other factors contributed to the sharper increase during the 1960s: (1) until almost the college end of the war, the Vietnam era draft laws exempted males enrolled in from military service. This induced many more young males to stay in college during the late 1960s in order to avoid the draft (see Baskir and Strauss, 1978); government financial aid for college increased programs of guaranteed student by a large amount during loans, supplemental loans for students this era. (2) The and parental loans for undergraduate students began in the 1960s and provided credit to college students, 1973, Pell Grant program which subsidizes college tuition costs began in and created yet another cially for 1991, and the rise in college enrollments from 1974 onwards, espe- the group of students with low income parents (see McPherson and Schapiro, and Kane, 1994). For example, the total federal aid to college students that stood at approximately 2 million dollars in 1963 increased to $14 million in 1970-71 and then to $24 million in 1975-76 (all numbers in 1989-90 dollars). McPherson and Schapiro (1991) estimate that without government support, college enrollments would have been 20% lower during this period (see also Leslie though 20% may be an overestimate of the is probably in the right range when the and Brinkman, 1987). Even direct effect of effects of government support, Vietnam era it draft are taken in to ^^See Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997). These figures refer to the shares of fuU-time equivalent all workers. The changes (hours worked) of college graduates divided by the full-time equivalent of in the share of these workers in the labor force are very similar. 15 account. Using this number, a back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that without these exogenous factors, the share of college graduates which increased from 13.8% to 20.4% from 1970 to 1980 would have only increased to 17%. Therefore, in terms of the model The theory should of this section, there was a substantial and exogenous increase predicts that in response to this large increase in and then fall first, H/L, the skill in premium due to the directed technical change start increasing H/L. effect. This pattern matches the broad behavior of the U.S. college premium from 1970 to the present. If /; < 0, the increase in the not compensate for the skill premium In contrast, with initial fall. the technical change should take the skill rj supply shock would after the > 0, premium above the model predicts that its initial level as was the case in the U.S. It is also interesting for reasonable to do some back-of-the-envelope parameter values, the model makes portant parameters are /3, a and p. Recall that p realistic predictions. and a /? is First, skill the return to machines in the is as a usually accepted value of the returns to machines (capital) /3. three im- a measure of differential production process. These parameter are not easily pinned down. pieces of information to determine The the degree of substitution between is the skilled and unskilled production processes, and intensity of the two production processes^^, calculations to see whether I . choose I a = 0.3 used two different Dunne, Doms and Torske (1997) report the share of workers with college degrees across plants using different technologies. Approximately 33% of employees at establishments using the most advanced technologies are college graduates, whereas the same ratio the least amount of advanced techniques. Second, industries at the 90th and 10th percentiles I is less than 10% for those using calculated the difference between in terms of the wage bill share of workers with at least some college education among the 142 industries used in Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997) differential is number wage in the census years 1970, 1980 all three years, this approximately 0.4 (0.40 in 1990, 0.41 in 1980 and 0.38 in 1970). of (full-time equivalent) workers with bill and 1990.^^ In some college is I ^^In the model, p choose values for is /5 between 0.3 and the used instead of their share, the 90-10 differentials across industries are quite similar. these niimbers, If Based on 0.45. Finally, there is also related to the share of labor in total output, but this is a range due to the simple A more reaUstic setup would involve both production processes using skilled for example, Yh — Ah (Hh) In this case, /? corresponds to (3i — 02{Lh) structure of the model. and unskilled labor, Unfortunately, this more general model does not yield analytical solutions. ^^I thank David Autor for providing me with these industry data calculated from the censuses by Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997). 16 of estimates for the short-run elasticity of substitution between college graduate non-college workers. a = 1.41. it as cr = Katz and Murphy (1992) estimate Bound and Johnson 1.70. concludes that this short-run elasticity as (1992) using a slightly different technique, estimate Freeman (1986) surveys a number of estimates of it should be in the range between U.S. data put in between 1.2 and a situation where Ah/Ai is 1.8. 1 and In the model, we would have constant, if 1 we — /5p = [1 — f5p — ap)/{l — = ap) consider the short-rim as = 1/cr. a and 1/a. Therefore, for given both of these numbers between 0.55 and 0.85, and most studies using In fact, 2. this elasticity Or /3, I if we consider we would have the short-run to involve Qh/Qi constant but Ah/Ai variable, then 9 and choose p to place which implies a betweenl.2 and 1.8, approximately equal to the estimates of Katz and Murphy and Bound and Johnson. take the relative supply shock to be the increase in the ratio of college graduates I to high school graduates from 1971 to 79, because 1971 large change in the skill composition of the labor shock, A\og{H/L) = log 5, as 0.4 (Katz force. ^^ was the starting year for the This gives the relative supply and Murphy, 1992, Table 8). In addition to the implied (inverse) elasticities of substitution between skilled and iinskilled workers and the implied value of 7y, I The report three nrmibers. the impact first is effect, —9 log 6, which is the immediate effect of the increase in supply as given by Proposition 3. This has no coimterpart in data, I reality. The second the "short-run" response. In the is take this to be the proportional change in the skill premium as measured by the average weekly wages of college graduates divided by the average weekly wages of high school graduates from 1971 to 1979, which Murphy. This number cannot be directly is reported as —0.10 by Katz and compared to the impact effect of one time shock given in Proposition 3 because in reality the supply shock took place over a ntimber of years, so technology must have adjusted during this period. Therefore, compare this number to '°6^+'°g" _ logo), which is the simple average of the change immediately after the shock and the long-rim response. ^^ Finally, response to be the change in the 0.024 by Katz and Murphy skill premium from 1971 (1992, Table 8), and compare in the CPS I take the long-run to 1987 which this to which is the long-rim response implied by the model. Table ^^Those with exactly 12 years of schooling I 1 (at 77 is reported as log 5 (log a; — log a;) the back) summarizes are considered high school graduates those with at least 16 years of schooling are college graduates. The and other categories are ignored, but them and constructing other measures of supply shifts gives very similar results. '^More appropriately, one should use a weighted average depending on the speed of convergence reported in the Appendix. This depends on the exact time path of changes in relative supply and on the function (p. However, I see no simple way of mapping the function (p to data at this point. including 17 these data and the predictions of the model. The results in Table 1 suggest that the model's quantitative predictions are not out of line with the data. For a range of parameter choices, the model gives numbers very close to the data. In particular, for /5 = gives short-rrm elasticities in the right range short-term fall in the skill premium 3% college P= above its initial value, premium. ^° Similar 0.45 and p = = and p 0.3 rj = = which is model 0.75, the This predicts a 0.05. and then a very to the one in the data after this initial fall that takes this premium quite close to the actual behavior of the results are obtained 0.7. Naturally, a. and implies premium comparable large increase in the college about 0.35, when f3 = 0.4 and p = 0.73, or when these numbers should not be overinterpreted because very abstract, and many other changes took place during this time period (including further increases in H/L during the 1980s). the model is 0.3 or increased above patterns. /? = 0.5, if /? is reduced below the results are no longer in line with the observed A more careful calibration exercise, taking into account the slow adjustment of technology, the gradual nature of the supply shock changing returns G. Also, is left for future work. Wage Technical Change and Residual The paper and education responses to the Inequality so far only analyzed the evolution of the skill to changes in relative supplies. Based on these workers as those with a college degree, directed technical change can I results premium in response and interpreting the skilled suggested that a model incorporating the match the evolution of the college premium in the U.S. However, there are other aspects of the changes in the structure of wages. First, male-female wage differentials have narrowed, and the returns to experience for low education workers increased. residual (within group) wage I will discuss these in the concluding section. Second, inequality began increasing during the 1970s while the a way of obtaining an alternative estimate of r]: use equation (12) and regress logw sufficiently long time series, the slope coefficient gives t]. To do this, I took the 25 years of data used by Katz and Murphy and added the data reported by Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997) from the censuses of 1940, 1950, 1960, 1990 and CPS 1995. To obtain 1/cr, Katz and Murphy regress log w on log {H/L) and a Unear time trend. Repeating their exercise with these •^•^There is on log (H/L). With a data gives a similar (but somewhat larger) elasticity a — 1.66. I then regressed logw on log (H/L), without a linear time trend, using robust regression {rreg in STATA). This gave rj = 0.045 with a t-statistic of 2.3. Since there are only 30 data points, this result should be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, it is quite encouraging for the theory that this regression gives a value of rj very close to the one obtained from the simple calibration exercise, which the behavior of the skill premium from 1970 to the present. 18 is also the value necessary to match college premium fell (but see also DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux, 1996). consistent with the approach in this paper? In this subsection, extension of the model which suggests that the answer Suppose that A better term). skills remainder have low > [Xh and ability (for lack of a 1/2 of college graduates are high The same ability. suggest a simple I yes. is are two dimensional: education fraction fraction < is /ii pattern Is this ability, and the 1/2 for non-college graduates. For example, ability could be related to the curriculum of college, but not perfectly, so that some other workers do in spite of not having attended college. world graduates and L jHh {Ah ifJ-hHfy all + 7w firms use the {Ah {iuLf)' +m (Ai ((1 same technology and employ equilibrium as shown above. is H college (dropping time arguments): is which basically combines the equivalent equations to that There are low education workers. Suppose also that the aggregate production economy fiinction of the Y= Therefore, ability in this not innate, but acquired partly through education. is some of the college graduates do not acquire the necessary ability, while (2) all + -fm /x^L)^)' and and (4), (Ai ((1 also - iinW^ imposes workers, which will be true in The important assumption embodied in this expression that technologies are not complementary to education but to ability (see Bartel and Sicherman, 1997, college graduates for some evidence in support of this). Therefore, both able An and able high school graduates use the same technologies. analysis similar to the one used previously implies that in BGP, the state of relative technology has to be (see the Appendix for details): Pp" a ^m Oh IHH {^^HHr'' + 111 I ,..t\Pp^ (i-p)i/ if^lL) (13) Qi where u = {1 — ap)"^. ratio of technologies When the number of high ability workers complementary to consider an exogenous increase in H/L. results. Because jih increases the proportion of high ability workers in the labor force in is > 1/2 H workers, and then increases with > /x^, and induces a Qh/Qi- The college premium behaves as in the previous section: because there are more BGP has to be larger. ability to other technologies This has exactly the same intuition as the previous Now larger, the is first it this rise declines Qh/Qi because there a large fraction of high ability workers among the college graduates. In contrast to the college premium which falls first, immediately after the shock. To see residual this, consider 19 wage inequality starts increasing the two measures of residual wage p-\ilp . — inequality in this model; uj^ Whh/whi and uJ- = wih/wu, that is of high to low ability workers within their education groups. the ratio of the wages Similar arguments to those developed before imply that (see the Appendix): = where k Also, p{l Q and + Ppa -pa- ap)/{l - ap) > Ch are suitably defined constants. 0, and recaU that 9 if technologies are > ^""ff~°P more complementary college graduates to ability rather than to schooling, the approach developed in this paper predicts that in response to ogenous increase in the relative supply of educated workers, there should an exbe a first drop in the college premium followed by a subsequent increase and throughout process, residual H. wage inequality should 0. Since after the relative supply shock Qh/Qi begins to increase, residual wage inequality both among the and among the non-college workers increases immediately. Therefore, = this increase.^^ Discussion There are a number of 1 results. issues I wish to discuss informally. The above model can be extended For example, there could be case, the model would predict, as S to many groups without groups, each with their affecting the basic own technology. In this Katz and Murphy (1992) and Boiuid and Johnson (1992) found in the data, that the groups experiencing increasing relative supply have higher wages. Whether this is may a plausible explanation will depend on whether these groups appear to use different technologies in practice. College graduates clearly use different technologies than high school graduates. For other groups, however, this may be 2. For simplicity, in sector and return to this issue in the concluding section. less so. I will R&D for sectors h leads to a discovery to the discovery of sector I and h were completely separated. of better sector / h machines with probability machines with probability 1 remain unchanged, only the speed of convergence would be results of this paper to apply, innovations. Clearly it is — If ip R&D > \/2 0, our results would affected. Also, for the not necessary that economic motives determine some innovations are exogenous and stem from the advances all in ^^The only other paper that I am aware of which accounts for the increase in residual wage same time as the return to education was faUing is Galor and Tsiddon (1997), which is again based on exogenous (skill-biased) technical change. inequality at the 20 and we may basic science, is these "macroinventions" following call Mokyr ventions are developed. For example, the discovery of the microchip exogenous, but using this chip to develop personal computers and final output). If purposefully the R&D made R&D sector is more neutral in specific" and suppose Yh = Ai are but I its demand for skills (i.e. it uses to increase after a relative supply Yi = is distinction between these two BiFi{AhHi,AiLi) where Fh all ii Bh = Bi =B and if Ah = Ai = R&D A, and more Af,, R&D and firms What the results would carry over. that is and sector-specific technologies straightforward to see that conjecture to be true, no difference between "sector- is To draw a Now, B^ and Bi are perform research to improve Ah and Ai, less clear, skill economy there BhFh{AhHh,AiLh) and skill-specific. It is Windows 95 would goes up dviring periods of transition. "skill-specific" technologies. intensive than Fi. skill effort Also, observe that in this 4. cases, R&D largely intensive than the rest of the economy, skill there will be another reason for the returns to shock because total may be by the use of these products. profit opportunities offered The model 3. It economic motives determine the direction in which these macroin- sufficient that be due to the (1990). is is directed towards either Bh or Bi, the same results would also obtain. Unfortunately, such a model is difficult to solve. In this model, an increase in total population leads to a higher growth rate as 5. in the very models of Aghion and Howitt (1992) and Grossman and Helpman (1991). This is not important for the focus of the paper. All the results of interest continue to hold if we impose from Zh (11) that or decrease the + = zi z, in H/L growth rate. an increase BGP but this scale effect is removed. Also, may increase economy reaches maximum leaving total population iinchanged This is because the growth when the two sectors are balanced. The restriction Zh remove 6. this interestingly, the fact that economy (^(.) is zi = z would also decreasing implies that the growth declines during transition to a adjustment, Zh increases and logical + dependence of the growth rate on H/L. More rate of the can be observed it zi falls, and with new BGP. This (p{.) is because during decreasing, the faster techno- improvements in skill-complementary technologies do not compensate slowdown in the productivity can account change". for the growth of unskilled workers. Therefore, growth slowdown during the process of this for the approach "skill-biased technical This result has some similarity to Greenwood and Yorukoglu (1996) and Caselli (1997) who also obtain slower growth during the process of adjustment to new technologies because of costs of adoption and learning. In contrast to these papers, 21 technological change adjustment endogenous here, and the slower growth during the process of is because the economy invests mainly in improving skill-complementary is technologies at the expense of technologies complementary to unskilled labor. Endogenizing The Choice of III. Section II Skills treated the relative supply of skills as exogenous, The the supply of college graduates in the data. and mapped it to increase in the supply of college graduates during the late 1960s and 1970s was argued to be largely exogenous rather than a simple response to anticipated higher returns in the future. Nevertheless, education choices are to some degree forward-looking and respond to the returns. Therefore, it is important to endogenize the choice of There are two other results are robust. skills is be important. First, as noted above, than less issues for 1, choice of skills that is skilled is workers endogenized, uj will paid and ensure that the main which endogenizing the choice of when H/L may be skills treated as exogenous, is less uj can than the unskilled. Once the always be greater than Second, the above 1. theory explained the changes in the structure of wages by using a large increase in H/L. It is important to know whether for the approach to work, exogenous factors need to be responsible for all of the increase in relative supplies, or a relatively small impulse to the cost of education, coupled with the general equilibrium changes in the skill H/L. premium, could lead to a large increase in Suppose now that there of unskilled infinitely lived agents in the economy = at date t 0. is a continuum Each unskilled worker chooses whether and when to acquire education to become a skilled worker. skilled, and during 1 this time, the function V{K) which is For agent x it takes K^ periods to he earns no wages. The distribution of K^ is become given by the only source of heterogeneity in this economy. This can be interpreted as due to credit market imperfections or differences in innate ability.^^ The assume that T[K) rest of the setup is unchanged. To simplify the exposition, has no mass points other than at ff I now constant. define a It is BGP = 0. as a situation in which straightforward to see that in type property. That another with K^i is, if I H/L BGP, and relative wages remain there will be a single-crossing an individual with cost of education K^ chooses schooling, < K^ must also acquire skills. Therefore, there will exist a cutoff ^^This formulation is general enough to nest the case in which the economy starts out with a combination of skilled and imskiUed workers, and then the unskilled decide whether to acquire skills. This is because T{K) can have a mass point at who wiU immediately become skilled. 22 level of talent, K, such that BGP that must hold along K^ > all K do not get education. Then the first equation the relative skill condition: is ^ = JW^ The second condition Once skill level. that he any we can simply Then, his return at time skills. look at an agent with talent between acquiring indifferent is BGP imposes that all workers choose the privately optimal for a again, (14) skills R"'^, t, and K does not Suppose not. can be written K and make sure acquire as: = wu /o°° exp(— (r — g)T)dT = wit{r — g) where I have used of the fact that along the BGP wages grow at the constant rate g = {\ — \)z*(f){z*) R^^ = /j°° which — exp(— r(r is itself t))wirdT H/L. a function of In contrast, K decides to acquire education, if K, and receives nothing for a segment of time of length Therefore, the retiirn to agent Rt{K) as: In BGP, = BGP, Rl{K) is - /j+^exp(-r(r = K = t))whrdT i?"^ for all exp(-(r A BGP is given by the intersection of (14) and (15). H/L The The everywhere increasing as drawn in Figure 3. be decreasing or when increasing. sloping, and multiple when > 7y 0, equilibria, as H/L increases oj, increasing H/L further. can think of government policy Vietnam era left. In particular, a higher education and We BGP K such a left-ward retiirn to education u would drawn r] (e.g. side of (15) skill formation relative skill condition, (14), is indifference condition, (15), can > 0, (15) is likely to encouraging workers with high shift of is (15) be upward in Figure 3, are possible. Intuitively, K to obtain the grant programs in the U.S. or the T{K) would also rise, thus raising prediction of the model in this case g). and the left-hand draft laws) as reducing the cost of education, For given - equilibrium with endogenous the (12). (r = eM{r-g{H/L))K) growth rate as a ftmction of premium from g)K)wht/ K: is skill - Hence, the second equation that must hold in t. [jJ BGP from then on. receives Wht from acquiring education, R^{K), can be written the indifference condition for where g the he and shifting increase H/L. K and H/L further. T{K) If 77 > to the 0, the Therefore, the that subsidies to education lead to an increased tendency to acquire education and also to a larger education premium due to the directed technology effect. 23 relative skill H/L condition indifference condition for K K Figure Balanced Growth Path Equihbrium With Endogenous 3: Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to technology and wages. This agent with Kx may prefer to wait; finds is work out the due to two reasons: dynamics of education, away from the BGP, even (i) beneficial to get education at date it full Skills. i, an if K < Kx some agents with agents acquiring education will not take part in the production (ii) process and this will influence relative wages and education incentives. Nevertheless, without carrying out the full analysis, the equilibrium with the highest than the BGP equilibrium, instead way creating since even when (b) level; it H/L more skill-complementary by construction, to the new H/L BGP is > locally stable starting by building more jump (a) smaller to a new and on the skills technologies. For the first property, note that can never decrease, the system cannot cycle, and retains is locally stable. but adjusts slowly only adapt slowly {Qh/Qi H/L with the economy will never 0, will travel there slowly the same properties as before, thus jump rj two key properties can be determined: is a stock variable). is The reason why the same as in Section When II: it does not technologies a large fraction of agents decide to acquire education, for a long while wages will actually be lower for the skilled workers. Moreover, with H/L when is r? > 0, at its highest level. So, all the relative wage of unskilled workers is lowest when an ideal time to make himian capital investments other workers have already completed their investments. Therefore, is some of the workers will have an incentive to wait a long while before starting to invest in skills, creating a type of war of pattern of slowly increasing H/L attrition and leading to a slow and a gradual 24 rise in shift in technologies H/L. This towards more skill-complementarity economy over the past similar to the experience of the U.S. is centm'y. Perhaps the most interesting exercise to perform crease in H/L in the 1970s can how much to see is of the in- be attributed to the endogenous propagation of the government impulse. For example, the model does not offer any propagation, if the change in relative supplies must be due to exogenous factors all of none of these (i.e. agents would have gone to college without the government's subsidy and Vietnam era draft laws). For a simple calibration, g{H/L) as constant and equal to I 0.02. I = take r 0.05, and take the distribution of education costs, V{K), to be triangular with one unknown parameter, which imation to the normal distribution. = ~1 + IK H/L = 0.16) which is r{K) ^ ioi K > In particular a. I start the and K= wage 14.4. K < economy with r{K) = 0.14 (approximately its I — and 16.7 value in 1990). H/L 1980, it H/L a and = l.M which is (i.e. How much would H/L w= 1.65, the would have increased to 0.23. if we new ^ 27 rose to 1.65 have increased without any cutoff level This u la- the college Solving equations (14) and (15) gives a implied by the dynamics of the model. So, increase in cu perform the following exercise. Suppose that change in the distribution F? With K = ^K'^ approximately the relative share of college graduates in the differential in 1970. Next, the simplest approx- is ior T{K) bor force in 1970 (Autor, Katz and Krueger, 1997), and high-school growth rate treat the a is would have been 44% increase in limit ourselves to the original H/L 40% between 1971 and 1979 or to the 54% increase between 1970 and would have been sufficient for the of the poor (constrained) agents, government to induce only a small fraction who would have otherwise remained unskilled, to go to college. The rest of the agents would have acquired skills in response to the changing returns, creating the large increase in the supply of college graduates and the resulting changes in equilibrium technologies. However, this calculation has to be interpreted with care. H/L continued to increase after 1980. For example, the frac- tion of full time equivalents with a college degree increased from in 1990. So, if we compare the predicted increase in the supply from 1970 to 1990, approximately half of the increase in by the government, rather than about 10% of it. skills 21% in 1980 to skills to must be 26% the change directly caused Nonetheless, this simple exercise suggests that small changes in education costs can cause large increases in the relative supply of skills and important changes in the structure of wages. 25 The Impact IV. of Trade on Technology LDCs Increased trade with the (the South) where skilled labor is scarce is often suggested as a potential cause of increased wage inequality and contrasted to the explanations based on technology. wage in the Since technology has been treated as exogenous inequality literature, there has been between these two explanations. This section change will little effort in uncovering the links show that the direction of technical influenced by trade, thus modifying or qualifying is many of the conclusions reached in the previous literature regarding the impact of trade on inequality. Suppose that an economy in BGP, the North, with the ratio of skilled to unskilled H^ /L^, begins trading with an economy, the South, which has a H^ /L^ < H^ /L^ There is no endogenous skill accumulation in either workers equal to skill ratio economy. . What happens under three to wage inequality different scenarios: (a) in the North? I will no directed technical change; answer this question (b) directed technical change and new technologies sold to firms in the South on the same terms as firms in the North; (c) directed technical change and no property rights enforcement in the South. The scenario first between 2 and 3, is for benchmark, and the truth presumably so that there is some be no endogenous somewhere sale of technology to the firms in the South, the enforcement of intellectual property rights section, there will lies skill is less than perfect. Throughout this formation and Also, in this model, factor price equalization is but I will simply compare BGP's. guaranteed without further restrictions because each sector employs only one of the non-traded factors (see Ventura, 1997, for a similar structure). No A. Technical Change Let Ai and mium in the Ah be exogenously North before trade opening by opening by uj^ and , let A logo; = logo;^ L^ =.L^ + L^, H^/L^ = 6H^/L^ skill Denote the steady state (BGP) given. — where o;-^, and the logw'^. skill premium Also define: 6<lhy the fact skill pre- after trade H^ = H^ + H^, that the North is more intensive than the South. Then, equation (6) from Section II implies: AlogujNTC = -{I 26 - Pp)^og6 > (16) NTC denotes the fact that this expression refers to the case with where the subscript no technical change. This trade with the South increases the relative price of is less skill-intensive, this exercise the standard effect of increased trade: since the South is took Ah/Ai as given, and as discussed above, one can also take Qh/Qi I as given. In this case, the result similar, and does not affect any would be AlogcuArrc Let us now return to the analysis of Section and assume that (i) = —OlogS > 0, which is very of the comparisons below. Endogenous Technical Change and B. In skills. II Property Rights Full where Ai and Ah are endogenous before trade opening, there were no sales of technology to the firms in the South (and no foreign direct investment in the South by firms in the North); and (ii) and property We after trade opening, firms in the rights of R&D producers in the North are fully enforced in the South. can then use equation (12) from Section and without and trade, this immediately PR that reduce the if skill 77 > when it R&D BGP skill = (17) is endogenous technical firms are enforced in the South. for exactly the in Section 11.^^ The important may actually same reasons that a higher supply of More skill skilled generally, the directed technology effect intellectual property rights are fully enforced, international trade will increase the premia with rj\og6 contrary to conventional wisdom, trade opening premium workers increased implies that 0, to obtain the indicates that in this case there change and property rights of resiilt is II gives: A\ogujpii where the subscript South and the North are symmetric premium by a it is unlikely that large amount. Nevertheless, the assumption that intellectual property rights are fully enforced in the South vmrealistic. The next subsection looks at the other extreme case where there enforcement of property rights of Northern R&D A Intellectual Prop- crude and simple way of modelling the lack of intellectual property rights to suppose that firms in the South can use the latest machines invented ^^However, note that the equivalent of Proposition 3 appUes, therefore trade opening it back to a lower level. wage inequaUty, and then reduces 27 no firms in the South. Endogenous Technical Change and No erty Rights in the South C, is is by first is R&D increases firms in the North without paying patent fees to Northern firms (but use the impHes that the market quantities). This specification unchanged However, there after trade opening. same machines are sizes for different be an impact on the direction will still of technical change because the relative price of skill intensive goods will change. BGP In this case (9) also has to hold in R&D to equate the return to complementary and labor complementary machines. This implies that p = (H^/L^j , therefore, the relative prices will original level in order to restore equilibrium.'^^ which The skill in this case implies: relative wage is now: Q^/Qi u^ = premiimi after trade opening BGP In turn, the price of skill is intensive also given by 1^^"'^^'"^ 6-\ {ih/lif'^^'"^ (h^ / = (H^/L^j ['^h/lif' 5~^. The change in the therefore: is A\ogujNPR where the subscript in the have to adjust back to their intermediate good relative to the labor intensive intermediate good (3), in skill = -log6>0 NPR indicates that there is (18) endogenous technical change but no enforcement of intellectual property rights in the South. We have: A log u)npr > ^ log uj^tc > ^ log i-^pr ^-nd in fact if > 77 0. That is, if supply of if 0, A log lopr < property rights are fully enforced in the South, the decline in the relative skills should not lead to a large increase in the skill premium. In contrast, intellectual property rights are not enforced in the South, simple calculations that ignore the induced change in the direction of technical progress may be derestimating the impact of the international trade on inequaUty. case, the market size of different technologies seriously un- Namely, in this remains unchanged, but trade creates a relative price effect, increasing the profitability of R&D for the skill intensive goods. This magnifies the static impact of trade on factor returns and results in a large long-run elasticity (—1). To get a sense of how conventional conclusions, consider the calculations uses the share of trade with LDCs growing trade on wage inequality. in the skill may modify the by Krugman (1995). Krugman the presence of directed technical change premium. Based on in the He this, OECD output to calibrate the impact of finds that this can explain a 4.7% increase he concludes that growing trade with LDCs is ^^Modest (and conflicting) effects of trade on the relative prices of skill intensive goods (e.g. Lawrence and Slaughter, 1993, and Krueger, 1997) are in line with the prediction that the relative price of the skiU intensive good staying close to its original level. However, note that a large part of the substitution between skilled and unskilled workers may be taking place within industries. 28 unlikely to have been the Krugman is (7 = factor causing the changing structure of wages. Since using a model of constant technology, in the context of the current model, this translates into log 6 between main skilled 1.7, this ~ 0.05a where a is and unskilled workers. Using Bound and Johnson (1992) 's estimate implies log^ ~ premium (from of 0.085. Therefore, in the absence of international property rights enforcement, growing trade with the skill the short-term elasticity of substitution (18)). Recall that LDCs would imply a 8.5% increase in the from 1980 to 1990, the premium increased skill approximately by 11% between 1980 and 1990 and by 13.5% between 1980 and 1995. Hence, with these calculations, trade emerges as a potentially major cause. Although this number should be interpreted with ment may be an extreme assumption, technical change may modify some some care since no property suggests that recognizing the endogeneity of it of the calculations. Concluding Comments V. The wages of college graduates (and of other skilled workers) relative to unskilled labor increased dramatically in the U.S. over the past fifteen years. direct consequence of the complementarity between new why new technologies. skills. More History It is is full not however clear of examples of generally, inventions its it is magnitude. In its "why do new technologies complement direction of technical change inventions. complement I When there are skills is larger, skill (in its To many, this is a many dimensions) and technologies should complement technologies designed to save on skilled labor. and technology adoption are the outcome of a process of different technologies. Therefore, change as well as new we could have chosen choice; as a society, The rights enforce- is more to develop (or attempted to develop) many necessary to analyze the direction of technical simplest form, this skills?" . size of the skilled workers, the will question: This paper gave a preliminary answer. determined by the hence more means to pose the market market for different for technologies that be invented. formalized this observation and discussed its implications. I showed that an exogenous increase in the ratio of skilled workers or a reduction in the cost of acquiring skills could increase wage inequality. The likely path larger increase in the skill premium. is a decrease These observations fit first, and then a the U.S. facts where the large increase in the ratio of college graduates during the late 60s and 70s depressed the college premium and then increased I it first to higher levels than before. conclude with some comments about the implications of this approach and 29 potential future work: The most important 1. and nical change, the model is its area for future work is to develop a test of directed tech- impact on the structure of wages. The testable implication of that after an increase in the supply of college graduates, complementary to at technologies rapidly. to determine which technologies are Unfortunately, complementary to it is directed and these college graduates should increase, more nologies should be upgraded R&D tech- general difficult in skilled workers. Nevertheless, most economists believe that computers are more complementary to and ed- skilled For example, Autor, Katz and Krueger (1997) ucated workers than the unskilled. reports that in 1993 only 34.6% of high school graduates use computers in contrast to 70.2% of college graduates. Moreover, Krueger (1993) shows that controlling education, workers using a computer obtain a wage are more R&D expenditure data reported by the NSF, R&D expenditure for office computing was 3% company funded in 1960 premium which suggests that they Prom the skilled. R&D company funded expenditure. This ratio has increased to gesting that during this period of rapid increase in the supply of significantly If more R&D we of the total 13% by skills, see that 1987, sug- there has been directed to one of the technologies that complements other technologies and R&D for skills. expenditure can also be classified as complementary to college graduates, the hypothesis of this paper can be tested. 2. and tially is Since 1970s, the participation of likely to their wages relative to those of new explanation. male workers increased. Part of different sectors to which women and occupations, and these jobs use male jobs to higher wages, (e.g. carefully also may have 3. is wage differentials. relative relative rate of technical to different technologies it is men work than in tra- conceivable once again not purely a response affected the direction of technical change, by studying the be developed women tend desk jobs versus construction). Therefore, channel, reduced male-female and the change use different technologies than probably limited. Nevertheless, is that the greater participation of women, which more this than female workers, the approach in this paper suggests The degree within a plant or sector ditionally has increased substan- be due to reduced discrimination. However, to the extent that male work- ers use different technologies a women in employment and via this This hypothesis can be investigated growth of industries that employ more women, change in these industries. A similar approach can for the analysis of the return to experience. Throughout the paper, First, is it appropriate to I only discussed the U.S. case. This begs two questions. view the U.S. as an economy rather than the 30 OECD? I believe the answer to this question to be yes, but this only affects the calibration exercise. Second, and more important, can the approach in this paper account for To answer cross-country differences? this question, one has to distinguish between economies such as the U.K., Australia, Canada and Japan where the college premium Germany where increased during the 1980s, and those like Prance and change. For the first did not it group of countries, there was also a large increase in the supply of college educated workers during the 1970s, also partly caused by increased government support for education. As predicted by the model in this paper, in the U.K. and Japan, the college premium fell in France there in the 1970s was a decline and then increased during the 1980s. In in the college contrast, premium during the 1970s but no during the 1980s (see Katz, Loveman and Blachfiower, 1995). It increase has to be noted that the increase in the relative supply of college educated workers was less pronounced in Prance. But, it is likely that, as also prevented the skill type of labor market imskilled labor is argued by premium from many researchers, increasing. The labor market institutions interesting point rigidities will also affect technical change. priced higher than its market clearing affecting the direction of technical change: (i) level, is In particular, because unskilled labor their marginal product is is as there are fewer unskilled workers more expensive, the value higher. These two can be quantified in future research. But, labor market institutions if there will be two forces employed, the market for technologies complementary to unskilled workers (ii) that this effects is smaller; of technologies that increase work in opposite directions and this simple reasoning already suggests that may have an important effect on the direction of technical change, which requires further study. 4. Finally, a different application of the theoretical framework developed here would involve having capital-complementary and labor-complementary technologies. Such a model would imply depending on their large reduction in different rates of labor productivity initial capital-labor ratios. Another implication would be that a employment should be associated with complementary technologies. 31 growth across economies faster upgrading of capital- Appendix VI. Proof of Proposition (3), (9) z* and (10) because the and imposing LHS of (11) BGP establishes that the for AhjAi 1:(10) uniquely defines = = Zh exists and that in zi gives equation (11), uniquely defined. is BGP, = determine the time path of all out of Zs{t) (12) has to hold, Zh, zi, BGP The Then, using which uniquely defines RHS 2: is constant. This (10) to substitute it. Equation (9) immedi- Thus we only have to free-entry condition (8) holds at Therefore, differentiating this condition, 0(zs(i))V's(j, times. zi. which completes the proof. as well as along Qi and Qh- = Now using Transition Dynamics and Proof of Proposition ately implies Zs{j,t) for Zh increasing in z* and the is strictly we obtain in (6), z* Qh/Qi i) = Bqs{j,t), with respect to time and using (7) gives: -H^s{t))Vs{j,t) -(A=- ''^'^ <l>'{zs{t))Vs{j,t) ioi s = l,h and also normalize .B this with (7) and for all j = (1 — and using . , - ''^' and where t Q;)/a in this (8), _ ~ r we + e^ _ > Vs{j,t)z,{t) ^'''> e4zsit))Vs{j,t) is the elasticity of the function (j). I Appendix to simplify the notation. Combining obtain: Zs{t)<t>{zs{t)) - 0(z.(t)) {pstN^f^''"^ ^'"^ ^,{zs{t))/z,{t) Finally, noting that Qs{t)/Qs{i) '"'^'"]f'"" = (A - = {^ — ^)4'{^s{i))zs{t), we also have: DMm^dt)) - .,M.A(^.W))|| (21) Equations (20) and (21) completely describe the djraamics of the system. To analyze the local dynamics and stability in the neighborhood of the equations, and let Q= ignoring constants, we Qh/Qi- Then, around the BGP, have: 32 BGP, zi = Zh let = us linearize these z*,Q = Q*, and ( o-{z*){zi - z. - z*) ,^(,.)/,. Q = where I have defined a{z*)Q*{zf,-Zi) = cr{z*) (f)'{z*)z* + 4>{z*) > are analogously defined, and are both positive. Q* and Zh affect zi below pi is BGP its differently Q and g = ative = 'tp{z*,Q*) and one The reason why Q > when that is to simpHfy the notation. Q*, deviations of above p/i is its BGP and 02 V'l Q from value and value. This linearization enables us to reduce the three variable system to two variables: where ^ . r,*\fr^ r,*\ Mz,Q)iQ-Q) (^ = Zh — Specifically: zi. a{z*)Q*C i^i{z*,Q*) + > 'ip2{z*,Q*) This linear system has one neg- 0. and thus a unique saddle path converging to positive eigenvalue, BGP equilibrium, as is drawn in Figure 2. The rate of convergence to the BGP can be calculated as J sjffv^O ^ + a{z*)ij{z*, Q*) - ^eliz-yz- Thus, when is more steeply decreasing, convera{z*) = (j)'{z*)z* + (f>{z*) is lower, or when gence is slower. In fact, in the extreme case of (j){z) = 1 (where cr{z*) is at its highest), all our BGP results would be unchanged, but ignoring nonnegativity constraints on consumption, there would be no transitory dynamics. That is, when Q < Q* we would have zi = and Zh ^- oo for an infinitesimally short while. There would be transitory the (/>(.) dynamics, however, Next, path I nonnegativity constraints on consumption are imposed. establish that if e^{z) is nonincreasing, the system paths that do not cycle must go to all Suppose to establish that there are no cycles. PhH^ > Then piL^. fact that e^(z) and Zh, zi > and Q < Zh- is 0, Now also as Q the case that consider case (A) where nonincreasing, zi/zi thus, there cannot > > increases ph falls zi/zi < also globally saddle Q < zi > Zh- be any cycles and and Q*. > zi and all Therefore, Note that in Then using zi we only have will this case (20) and the remain larger than paths go to infinity zi/zi pi increases, therefore < Zh/zh. from , it when Now Q > will > zi and zi/zi > Zh/zh- then we converge to Zh 33 = zi If as t = z* — and > oo, Zh{t) Q= 0, always be Hence, in this case too, cycles are not possible. Zhjzh- Zh{t)/zh{t), infinity. Zh/zh, therefore, consider case (B) where Zh consider case (C) where Zh zi{t)/zi{t) is Since paths cannot cross and there are no other stationary points of stable. the system, if > Q*, and zi{t) Now and we know there is a unique saddle path locally and paths cannot cross, therefore, on that path. Instead if cycles can be ruled out. = Zh{t) We zi{t) at must have some point where either that Zh{t) puts us in case (A), and cycles are not possible and could be the case that Zh{t) > zi{t) and Q> points Q< The proof Q*. Proof of Proposition monopoly pricing and profit 3: substituting for Ph{t) Q* Take Qh{'t)/Qi{t) and paths go to Q > Q* which infinity. Or, it is analogous. as given. Then, given optimal maximization by firms, we have: Mt) Now zi{t) Q*, then once again must be a imique saddle path from Q> for the case of > ^^ Q*, which, by the analogous argument to case (A), again rules out cycles. Thus, there all all Q we must be Qiit) and pi{t) [piit)L^) and rearranging: (!) Substituting into (6), we obtain: U. {Qiit)) where 9 = {1 — Pp— ap) / {1 — ap) = {Qh/Qi), AlogLo as defined in the text. Therefore, at given technology -9log6. Once, the technology adjusts to Proposition 1, thus A log a; = Details of the mands for sector Model 77 log its BGP new level, then we have the result of 5. w^ith Two-dimensional Heterogeneity: The h machines now come from firms employing high ability college graduates and high ability high school graduates, and vice versa for sector These demand curves are the same as the optimal pricing policy is h machines, analogous to (9), l-CK,. aB . '(Pizh) and similarly for f/ . can be written „^N 1/(1-0) where phh ability college graduates in and have the same / machines. elasticity, thus the same. Therefore, the free-entry condition for sector {p..{f^.Hry' zi, in the text, de- is / as: ^x1/(1-q) >+{piUf^iLr) = r + Zh(p{zh) (22) the price of the intermediate good produced by high terms of the final graduates, etc. 34 good, pih is for high ability high school Then, from competitive VHU and pih, Phi we obtain = pricing: Q-(l-p)(l-«)/(l-ap) (^^^)-/5(l-p)/(l-ap) y(l-p)/p ipiHuf-''^^^'-'''^ and pu are similarly defined. Substituting these into (22) and simplifying, (13) in the text. Finally, consider: "" ^'~ Whl{t) llH \AHl{t)) [{l-fXhWj Substituting for Ahh{t) and Aih{t) gives the expression in the text. similarly. 35 uj''{t) is derived VII. 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