Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/unverifiableinfoOOnlde of economics H^lB^iB!^ UNVERIFIABLE INFORMATION, INCOMPLETE CONTRACTS, AND RENEGOTIATION Georg Noldeke Klaus M. Schmidt No. 92-6 Feb. 1992 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 UNVERIFIABLE INTORMATION, INCOMPLETE CONTRACTS, AND RENEGOTIATION Georg Noldeke Klaus M. Schmidt No. 92-6 Feb. 1992 IMASP. eSF- itUH. TJTTTiBR»^HS AUG 4 1992 RfcUcivcU Unverifiable Information, Incomplete Contracts, and Renegotiation* Georg Noldeke University of Bonn Klaus M. Schmidt Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 1992 Abstract: Hart and Moore (1988) argued that non-verifiability jor cause for contract incompleteness if and leads in general to the parties can not commit not to renegotiate their is a ma- underinvestment initial contract. We show that this result relies on the assumption that the courts cannot distinguish which party refused to trade. If this assumption is relaxed the first best can be achieved by giving control to one party which can decide unilaterally whether or not to enforce trade. Our specific investments are non-verifiable, result suggests that then vertical integration if relationship may perform better than seperate ownership. Keywords: 'We would Incomplete Contracts, Renegotiation, Verifiability. thank Dieter Balkenborg, Frank Bickenbach, Oliver Hart, Bengt Holmstrom, Albert Ma, Benny Moldovanu, John Moore, Michael Riordan, Monika Schnitzer and Urs Schweizer for many helpful discussions. This research was initiated during the International Summer School of the Center for the Study of the New Institutional Economics in Wallerfangen, Germany, August 1990. We are grateful to Professor Rudolf Richter for providing this stimulating atmosphere. Financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 303 at the University of Bonn, is gratefully acknowledged. like to Introduction 1 Long-term contracts are necessary joint project investments. is as a safeguard against opportunistic behaviour undertaken by several parties who have to make relationship However, long-term contracts are often incomplete. if a specific This observation is the starting point of a rapidly growing literature which interpretes institutions, such as ownership or the financial structure of the firm, as incomplete contracts and tries to explain their forms and functionings. This literature faces two ba^ic theoretical questions: (i) Why are contracts incomplete? and (ii) When does contract incompleteness lead to investments? inefficient While the early literature just assumed that contingent contracts are not before the parties have to gued that non-verifiability impossible to achieve it It is ric well make is first known from the their investment decisions^. Hart and Moore (1988) a major cause for contract incompleteness and best investments. literature At first on implementation glance this result in is ar- may make surprising. environments with symmet- information that quite generally the problem of non-verifiability can be overcome by conditioning the contract on the verifiable outcome of a revelation However, these mechanisms usually of a deviation is feasible from the equilibrium rely on the threat of strategies. game inefficient or mechanism.^ punishments in case Hart and Moore argue that this threat not credible in a contracting environment, because the parties can always tear up the old contract and renegotiate. framework in To analyse which renegotiation analysis shows that if is this issue Hart and Moore provide a formal taken explicitly into account. Their path-breaking contracts can be renegotiated then non-verifiability will, in general, lead to underinvestment. Given that most of the incomplete contracts literature result, we consider it important to point out that it relies refers to this underinvestment not only on the renegotiation constraint, but also on one particular modelling assumption. Hart situation in which the private investments of two parties, a seller and Moore consider a and a buyer, ^Grossman and Hart (1986) is the most notable contribution using such an approach. ^See Moore (1990) for a recent survey of this literature. affect the that these additional degrees of freedom are not necessary to achieve the The model for rest of the is organized as follows: In Section 2 we briefly and Moore and show how the renegotiation outcome of Hart summarize the affected is best.^ if we allow an option contract. Furthermore, we outline the intuition for why an option contract can achieve the is paper first first best while a Hart-Moore contract cannot. In Section 3 this argument developed formally. Section 4 concludes. The Basic Framework 2 Consider a buyer and a both of seller whom are risk neutral. At some initial date they can write a contract specifying the terms of trade of one unit of an indivisible good which may want they to exchange some future date at 2. The buyer's valuation v and the seller's production costs c are random variables depending on the realization of the state of the world, uj, which After date 0, vestments, /3 measured in determined at date is but before date G [0, oo) and a € 1, 1. Let u be uniformly distributed on the buyer and the seller [0, cxs) respectively, which make We and c. assume that v{u>,/3) bounded and non-negative; more a and us suppose that c{uj,a) is non-increasing in [0, 1]^. Investments are c{uj,a) are continuous in both arguments, uniformly let = relationship specific in- affect v terms of their costs, and these costs are sunk. fi u(a;,/3) is and further- non-decreasing in /9 for all possible states of the world. Let q E {0, 1} be the level of trade and p the net payment of the buyer to the ^Also related to our work is a recent paper by Hermalin and Katz (1991), who use a somewhat formal framework than Hart and Moore and show that in their model a class of contracts they seller. different call "fiU- mechanisms" may be used to implement efficient investment decisions. However, to derive Hermalin and Katz assume that the seller's cost of production and the buyer's benefit from consumption are independent random variables. The model we consider throughout the paper violates in-the-price this result this requirement. ®If the set of relevant states of the world can be represented by a subset of the real numbers then the assumption of a uniform distribution on [0, 1] is without loss of generality. Suppose the "true" state of the world is u' which is drawn by nature out of some closed set f^' C 72 according to the cummulative distribution function F{u'). Using the probability integral transformation variable rescale w = all F(cj') which clearly functions of a;' uniformly distributed on such that they are functions of w. is [0, 1]. we can Since F{ui') define a is new random monotonic we can Then the Trade is the buyer and the seller after date 2 are given by utilities of efficient iff — u(a;,/?) u^ = q-v{ujj)-p-^, (1) u^ = p- (2) c{u,(t) q- c{u!,a)- > OJ a . At date 2 the buyer and the decide simultaneously whether they do or do not want to trade. Trade voluntary in the sense that The problem takes place it of the parties at date investment and trade decisions, = W{/3,a) is if and only if assumed to be both parties are willing to trade. to design a contract which implements which maximizes expected i.e. is have to seller efficient social welfare f [v{uJ)-c{u:,<T)]^du-/3-a, (3) Jo where [•]"''= max{0, •}. Note that, given our continuity assumptions on well-defined and continuous in set of maximizers of W{-, ) levels which maximizes The first of investment. is ^ and a. Furthermore, v{-,-) and c(-,-), VK(/?,cr) is by the boundedness assumption the always non-empty. Denote by [j3',a') a pair of investment (3). best could easily be achieved if it were possible to contract upon the However, we assume that although investments state of the world w always (and so v and cannot be verified to any third party, outcomes contingent on these c) are perfectly observable e.g. variables. and a as well as the by both players, they the courts. Thus the contract cannot enforce The courts can only observe trade decisions of the buyer and the seller at date different prices, pi, p^, pg, /3 level 2. payments and the Thus the contract can specify four and p^^ depending on whether trade took place or whether the buyer, the seller or both parties refused to trade. Hart and Moore make the following "simplification": they assume that the courts can only observe whether g seller or = or 1, but if g = 0, they cannot distinguish whether the the buyer was unwilling to trade. Thus, in their setting only two different prices 'Note that the specification of v{-,P) and c{-,a) assumes that there are no direct externalities of However, there is of course an indirect externality because the investment affects the probability of trade. It is this indirect externality which is the focus of Williamson (1985) and Grossman the investments. and Hart (1986). are feasible, namely = pi pi the main point of this paper the underinvestment result. and po is If to = = p^ = p^ show that it p^^. As noted in the Introduction, this simplification is which is crucial to the courts can verify whether the seller failed to supply or the buyer failed to take delivery, then the first best can be achieved via a contract of the following form: Independent of whether or not the buyer wishes to trade, he has to pay pi the seller supplies the good, and po if if the seller does not supply. are again only two different prices, but this time po = pp = p^^ and pi = Thus, there pi = p^. This contract does not condition on q but on whether or not the seller supplied the good. Note, > that given (po,Pi) and u(-) trade at date it is a weakly dominant strategy for the buyer always to it is since the price to be paid 2, effectively the seller who is independent of the buyer's decision. Thus, decides whether trade takes place. Such a contract can be interpreted as an "option contract", saying that the seller has the option to supply at price pi, but it is still left to the buyer to decide whether he wants to accept delivery of the good. Given the assumed seller. as in right With fact that the from the buyer will never refuse to accept the start that the may be viewed separate ownership in which trade only takes place The as an "ownership contract" (1986), giving the seller the "residual right to control" whether trade should take place, whereas the model of Hart and come back we could have buyer has no choice but to accept the decision of the this interpretation our contract Grossman and Hart good, if Moore corresponds to the case of both parties agree to it*. We will to this interpretation in Section 4. initial contract could also condition on messages exchanged between the parties or any other kind of revelation mechanism. Hart and Moore show that if the contract can be renegotiated, then (given the above assumption that only q can be verified) impossible to achieve the first best no matter how sophisticated the initial contract Since we want to show that a simple option contract does implement the ®This analogy is it first best, is is. we do no explicit mentioning of assets that might be owned The existence of such assets however is the basis Grossman and Hart (1986). To justify our use of the not quite precise, since there is either by the seller or by the buyer in our story. of the definition of ownership rights given in term "ownership contract", it is necessary to re-interprete our model as one in which the trade decision corresponds to the decision of whether or not assets that are specific to the buyer, resp. the seller, should be used in some production process. not consider these revelation games here. However, renegotiation ing that after date new contract old one. is the parties are free to send 1 new Hart and Moore in assum- contract offers to each other. signed by both parties and produced to the courts, then new there are conflicting If We follow be very important. will contracts, all signed by both it If a replaces the parties, then the old contract remains valid. These offers are transmitted by a completely reliable mail service which takes one night to transmit the mail and delivers number of days between date The game and following Proposition to Proposition 1 Then 1 ' which summarizes the outcome of the renegotiation 1', and — po < (ii) if V < pi (iii) if V < c (iv) if V > pi (v) if V > c (vi) if Pi — < result here. 1 in then q = and p = po, Po < c, then q = and p = po, — Po, then q = and p = pi then q = I and p = p\, Po, then q = I and p = po = I and p = p\ — pi > V c, because is 1' is c. (i) and (ii) In cases (iv) also efficient. In trade and all is (vi) 0. — c, + c, and given by: . easily constructed along the lines of the proof let Under an option contract the p\—po < and trade then q c, Hart and Moore. So, takes place: In cases perfect equilibria c, formal proof of Proposition of Proposition the counterpart the buyer to the seller (p) < pi — Po > payment of V — Po > > the subgame are uniquely determined in all if pi is Let {po,pi) be the initial option contract signed at date the traded quantity (q) (i) a finite and Moore. of Hart Proposition is 1.^ an option contract (po,Pi) as defined above has been signed, after A once a day. There it us just outline the basic intuition for this seller effectively decides inefficient and the seller whether or not trade does not want to trade the seller wants to supply (because these cases there is no scope See Hart and Moore (1988) for a discussion of this specification. p\—po> c) for renegotiation, since an already result from the initial contract and each player efficient trade decision will can guarantee himself at least his share of the total surplus specified through the initial contract, by simply refusing to sign any other agreement. Now seller consider case Trade would be (iii). inefficient, but given the wants to trade. He can also enforce trade which guarantees him at — pi < and holds the buyer down io v He sends a = — p\ c + e. Given new the seller prefers the of p — Pi — = — pi — c + e. If e — pi, u respectively. would be but the efficient because refusing to supply gives him pa > — P\ seller does not want to trade Again the buyer could wait c. = po equilibrium the seller will accept this offer and trade, so the payoffs are u^ — the last day before date 2 and then offer to raise the trade payment to p = u — Po — c, > the seller will not trade, and payoffs (net of investment costs) are = c — pi > and u^ c c, or he can give up c, contract. Thus, in equilibrium the buyer will offer a no-trade Finally, in case (v) trade u^ po can either supply this offer, the seller production and take the new contract to enforce a payment of pi = — c> least pi —pQ. Consider the following strategy of the buyer. the good and refer to the initial contract to get a payoff of pi payment contract the renegotiation offer to the seller on the very last day before date 2, raising the no-trade payment io p u'^ initial -|- until c. In po and respectively. Comparing Proposition 1' with Proposition 1 in Hart and Moore two differences can be observed: 1. In case (iii), yields q = if u < and p Q < c = po. pi — po, a Hart-Moore contract Renegotiation is is not renegotiated and not necessary because the buyer, who doesn't want to trade can prevent inefficient trade unilaterally, guaranteeing himself u^ 2. = -po > c In case (vi), -pi. if option contract pi is — po > u > to p = u a Hart-Moore contract not. In this case trade buyer would veto trade. Thus, payment c, 4- in is efficient, is renegotiated while an but without renegotiation the equilibrium the seller will offer to lower the trade po and payoffs are u^ = v -\- pq — c and u^ = —po- What investment incentives are given by the option contract? Using Proposition date 2 payoffs of the buyer and the u^ = -/3+ { seller are -Po in (i), (ii) c-pi in (iii) V ( = — cr + whereas social welfare in (i), (ii), in (iii), (iv), (vi) is in cr + V Using these expressions it is — c (i) - (iii) in (iv) - (vi) possible to give a heuristic argument to explain best can be achieved with an option contract. This argument glosses over a of technical points, but is nevertheless instructive and captures the main formal result to be presented in the following section. Briefly put, the idea First, how the number intuition of the is the following: note that the private marginal returns of the buyer's investment coincide with the social marginal returns of his investment in it is (v) in (v) c w — — /? — first po < [pi-c in (iv), (vi) — Po — the given by: and u v-pi 1' assumed that all seller possible cases (for sake of exposition the following derivatives are well-defined): in(i)-(iii) ° du^ _ _ f 80 ~ ~'^\ll Why? The all in (iv)-(vi) ^ g^ - 80 ^'^ • has the right to decide whether or not trade takes place. Thus if it is necessary to renegotiate, then the renegotiated price will follow his costs. So the price is independent of the buyer's valuation and therefore independent of his investment. Hence, the buyer's payoff equals social welfare minus a constant (which depends only on the seller's cost and the price, right incentives to invest This is but not on the buyer's investment). This gives him just the no matter how po and pi are chosen. not true for the coincide only in cases private return is (i), — ^^ > case (v) the social return to underinvest. seller. (ii), (iv), Private and social marginal returns of his investment and (vi). In case (iii) the social return an incentive to overinvest. 0, so there is is — |^ > while the private return To give the is 0, On but the the other hand, in which gives an incentive seller the right incentives to invest, it is 8 is thus necessary to — show, that by choosing pi ca^es and (iii) such that on average the (v) The idea why there exist real > Pi -~Po k, numbers k, k, such that if pi is 0, so if — po = pi i^ he the private marginal return of his investment return if equal to trade so 1, "option price" little. — then Prob{(iii) or (vi)} = l. In cases the sellers investment is efficient. if pi it is — po = Since u(-) and simple: is po '^ k, and (i) (v) the private the seller is — g^ which is may first if (iii) and (vi) efficient is smaller or is induced to overinvest. Hence, by varying the suspect that there exists the desired incentive to choose his bounded equal to the social marginal much possible to induce the seller either to invest too Consequently, one are marginal return of In cases all. However, the probability that trade /: c(-) then Prob{(i) or (v)} = l, and not invest at will is the respective probabilities of fix has just the right incentive to invest. seller should be possible this we can po appropriately k' a. ^ [k, k] or to invest too which gives the seller best investment level. Let us briefly explain the difference to Hart and Moore. Under a Hart-Moore contract and private marginal returns of investments coincide social in cases (i) the buyer's incentives are fine but the seller's marginal return In case (vi) it is just the other buyer's investment does not pay the fact that in general and (vi) precise so he will underinvest. has the right incentives, but the seller Hart and Moore's underinvestment result stems from — po impossible to choose pi to develop a formal such that the probabilities of (v) argument which makes the intuition given above and which highlights some further important properties of option contracts. Consider the investment decision of the signed at date 0. By Proposition U^{a,po,k) where case (v) Options, Efficient Investments, and the Role of Reneogtiation now going are off. (iv). In both vanish at the same time. 3 We it is way round. The is 0, - fc = pi — po is 1' = his -cr seller if an option contract (po,Pi) has been expected payoff + po+ f Jq [k - the "option price". Clearly, U^{-) is given by c{uj is , a)]^ du , (5) well-defined and continuous in all arguments. Given the option price the The that maximizes U^{-). set of seller's maximizers problem is to find an investment level always non-empty (by boundedness of is the cost function) and since po enters the problem only as an additive constant will not depend on po- In general there is We for every possible k. we simply Uniqueness of the ensure that the is will discuss this issue in more be an unique maximizer will detail below, for the time being stipulate uniqueness as an additional assumption. Assumption result no presumption that there There 1 seller's first is a unique optimal investment level, a{k), for all k. investment choice for all possible option prices best investment levels are implementable. More sufficient to is precisely our main the following. Proposition 2 // Assumption 1 holds then there exists an option contract {po,Pi) which implements efficient investm,ents 13' , a' Furthermore, any . divi- sion of the ex-ante surplus can be achieved via {po,pi). Proof: Since costs are always positive which implies a{0) = 0. we have that for all cr,po, U^{cr,pQ,0) = —a + po Next, since costs are uniformely bounded there exists k such that h yk > U^{cr,po,k) Let a = a{k). By d'{k) is continuous in a € a] [0, the k. = -a + po + suppose a' > a. To Now c{u,a)du maximum theorem we know Thus, it (6) . that Assumption follows from the intermediate value can be implemented by choosing k G that a' G [O,^]. - k see this, take any pair of [0, k\ first appropriately. 1 imphes that theorem that any It remains to show best investment levels (/3',cr') and consider the functions f{a) = -^'-a+ f Jo [v{u;, /3') - c{u, a)]+du h{a) = -/3'-a+ f [v{u, I3-) - c(cj, (7) and Jo 10 a)]du . (S) Note that a /(^') ^ — argmax /1(a) and that a' G argmax /(a). Thus we have h{a) > h{a') and Combining these two /(^)- inequalities yields: f{a)-h{a)<f{a')-h{a'). However, since production costs are non-increasing f{a) is - = h{a) non-increasing in a. But this is I - [c{u, a) a in (9) for all u seller to follows that v{u, ^)]+du; a contradiction to (9) and a' Given the option price k* that induces the it choose a' it (10) > a. follows immediatelly from the argument presented in Section 2 that the buyer's optimal choice is /3*. Finally, to share the expected surplus as desired, (poiPi) can be chosen arbitrarily as long as pi — po = k'. Q.E.D. Assumption 1 is used in the proof of Proposition 2 only to guarantee that the optimal investment level it is is continuous in the option price. Even without this requirement always possible to induce the option price. However, may happen would have if seller to invest Assumption 1 fails, there that there exists no k such that a-{k) scheme to use a randomization investment of the Thus, Assumption seller. seller's that by varying the option price it is little may be = or too much by varying the a discontinuity in a{k)^ i.e. it a*. In this case the initial contract between (e.g. 1 is too k_ and k) to induce efficient a continuity requirement needed to ensure possible to "finetune" the investment incentives of the seller without using randomization devices. We holds. have refrained from stating explicit assumptions which ensure that Assumption The reason for proceeding this way is simply that general assumptions which guarantee this property. To that there may be problem. Suppose that production costs are always option price that is a non-concavity in the sufficiently low to chooses a close to zero. Let us suppose it is a. To ct also a global investments the option concave in Then = a local may become valuable. it rule out the possibility that there 11 seller is and consider an never receives a return if he of the seller's utility function. may happen If this is meaningful, function due to the following strictly positive maximum maximum. Now, difficult to state see the difficulty involved, note seller's utility imply that the is it is 1 that for sufficiently large the case the seller's utility is a second global maximum at non- some investment strictly positive would be necessary to state conditions which ensure level, it that the set of states of the world in which the seller receives a strictly positive payoff from the option is not increasing "too feist" in a. Formulating such a requirement degree of generality, would have obscured the main point we wished to make, the seller's maximization problem is well-behaved a simple option contract is viz. in any that if sufficient to achieve efficient investments. However, the following example seller's utility function is Suppose that the holds. strictly illustrates that there are natural cases in concave seller's cost in function = c(u;,o-) where c{a) seller's is cr, is utility is which clearly implies that Assumption 1 given by c{ct) -u;, twice difFerentiable, and satisfies expected which the c(-) > (11) 0, c'(-) < 0, c"(-) > Thus, the 0. given by .mm[l,3^] U = —a + Po + [k I — c{cr) u] du Jo = -a + po + mm[l,—-]-k- -mm[l,-—]^I c[cr) c{a) (12) . ^y^j Taking the derivative with respect to a one obtains easy to see from this expression that for sufficiently small k the optimal investment It is is <t(/:) = and To obtain an Then it for k > c(0) the derivative interior solution let us follows from strict the unique solution to the Proposition high. it is 1, independent of k and simply given by assume that convexity of FOC is c(-) c'{a{k)) = c'(0) < —2 and linv^oo that the optimal investment level 2 for all such k > c(0). we allowed production is —2. given by if i is in sufficiently cost to be identical equal to zero for possible to state an assumption that guarantees that the seller's problem 12 > Consequently, as the optimal investment level will be independent of ^ Finally, since c'(cr) is a; = 0, strictly concave in cr for all /: > This condition 0. c"(-) inequality (15) holds If characterized by the 1 > 2!^^ (15) . clearly the case that cr[k) it is uniquely defined for is k and all > order condition for utility maximization whenever cr{k) first Thus, by Proposition is it is possible to implement first 0. best investments without any further assumption on the buyer's valuation function. Returning now to the general setting, Renegotiation seems to be very important vation concerning the role of renegotiation. for the option contract to work. First of us finally point out an interesting obser- let all, it is necessary to achieve efficient trade. Secondly, renegotiation of an option contract yields a price which buyer's valuation, thus giving him the nuity assumption, by choosing pi is independent of the right incentives to invest. Finally, —po appropriately it is under our conti- possible to finetune the respective probabilities such that the renegotiated price gives the seller the correct incentive to in- However, vest. Therefore, it is it not clear whether renegotiations occur that frequently in reality^". may be worthwhile to note that there are interesting circumstances in which never necessary to renegotiate an option contract. it is Suppose that the costs of the v{uj, •) — c{uj, •) strictly decreasing in is welfare are always moving the seller's point of view, become worse a unique u G in the it is for the buyer. [0, 1], private returns the same u same = uj. ) > v{lj, c{uj, •) = c{u!{i3',a'),a'), and only if c(a;, •) set of states of the world < in ' In particular, if and only i.e. and (v) of Proposition the contract is 1' seller's his 1. lj. even if it Suppose we The iff u; seller's may fix the < investment yields u{l3',a'). But this investment coincide. Furthermore, his subordinate before he is investment yields a social return. (the only cases in which there 13 social Note that there must be < if u; interpreted as an ownership contract owner always has to renegotiate with and = k' equals the costs of the seller in the k', or, equivalently, which the seller's utility social perspective, given that both parties invested efficiently. if k', cases (iii) from a if that w{ijJ,-) the state of the world gets better from illustrated in Figure Thus, the private and social marginal returns of k If also getting better is u and assume This means that the direction: This case such that option price k' such that k' marginal state seller are increasing in is we would not can take a decision. if renegotiation) e.xpect that the c{co,/3') v{iv,a*) Figure must have zero 1: Efficient Proposition 3 Suppose tiahle, Investments without Renegotiation probability, since u(a;, renegotiation in equilibrium. This c(u,a) is is > /?*) < c(a;,(T*) iff c(cj,cr*) k". Thus, there is no stated formally in the following proposition: and c{u^a) are continuously that v{u^j3) increasing in UJ 1 Co{/3',a') u and w{ij,l3,a) = — v{u},/3) differen- c{u!,cr) is strictly decreasing in u. Furthermore, assume that the seller's maximization problem strictly concave. is ments Proof: first best levels Without > if there exists an option contract (pi,Po) that imple- of investment and trade without renegotiation}^ loss of generality iv{uj, 13, cr) is strictly c('i',c") Then decreasing in and only if cj < lu we only consider the case then there exists a iZ'{j3,a). The FOC u:{(3, in a) 6 which a' G [0, 1] such that for the social welfare (0,a-). u(cj, /3) maximizing a' If — is given by '^^''"'^ dc{io,a') da /o = 1 (16) under the stated conditions a Hart-Moore contract with pi — po = k' will implemented the first best without renegotiation if v{uj,P') is decreasing in w. Without such an additional assumption a Hart-Moore contract will not achieve that goal; in particular in the situation shown in Figure 1 the Hart-Moore contract would be renegotiated for sufficiently high uj. ^^It is easy to check that also 14 Chose k* = Then c{u}{^'^cr'),a'). Given that the cides with (16). the FOC seller's for the seller's problem is strictly maximization problem coinconcave k' thus implements best investments. Furthermore, first v{uj,l3')-c{iJ,(T-)>Q Thus, cases (iii) and ^ u<CJ{(3',a') ^ c{u,a')<k'. cannot occur, so there (v) of Proposition 1' is (17) no renegotiation. Q.E.D. 4 Conclusions We have shown that plemented if in the model derinvestment effect. arrangement. The i.e. and Moore if and However, first it best can be achieved if one of the parties, here the he can decide unilaterally whether or not trade takes place. then vertical integration is if first best is not feasible strictly better more general result in but that 0, after the state of the world has materialized. convincing arguments 14), On if the other both parties Grossman and Hart (19S6) the impact of different ownership structures on efficiency. However, they contract on the level of trade (q) at date 1, seller, gets than seperate ownership. had to impose an "incomplete contracts assumption", saying that date an un- relationship specific investments are non- may perform clearly a special case of the who analyzed Thus, does have an impact on the form of the contractual have control. Thus our results suggest that This best investments can be im- of the state of the world alone does not yield hand. Hart and Moore have demonstrated that the verifiable, first the courts can observe whether or not the seller supplied the good. unverifiability of investments control, of Hart why this one would wish to replace assumption it is it is in is impossible to possible to contract on it at Although Grossman and Hart give sensible (see in particular their footnote by a more basic assumption. which has received considerable attention it For a special example, both the economic and the legal literature) Hart and Moore's and our results show, that the superiority of one ownership structure to another can be established by just referring to unverifiability, without assuming any other source of contract incompleteness. 15 References AghiON, p., DewaTRIPONT, M. and Unverifiable Information" mimeo, Chung, T.-Y. (1991): S. (1989): "Renegotiation Design with Studies, Vol. 58, 1031-1042. and O. Hart of Vertical Rey MIT. 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