LIBRARIES 'qfTE^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries HB31 .M415 tiB\NB\ Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of The Uses of Economic Theory: Against a Purely Positive Interpretation of Theoretical Results Abhijit Banerjee, MIT Working Paper 02-24 May 30, 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This paper can be http:/ /papers. id=xxxxx MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OFTECHMOLOGY AUG 1 2 2002 LIBRARIES Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of The Uses of Economic Theory; Against a Purely Positive Interpretation of Theoretical Results Abhijit Banerjee, MIT Working Paper 02-24 May 30, 2002 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http: / /papers.ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract_ id=xxxxx This paper can be The Uses. of Economic Theory: Against a Purely Positive Interpretation of Theoretical Results Abhijit V. Banerjee' February 1,2001 This Version May 30, 2002 JEL Codes: B4, D8, 02 Economists are excessively influenced by the so-called positive economics view, which says that economists should only describe and not prescribe. Here I argue that this view is flawed because it makes unreasonably strong assumptions about what players (the agents taking economic decisions) know and understand. I then use the example of micro-credit to show how this bias towards positive economics has distorted the policy debate. I am grateful to Kaushik Basu, Esther Duflo and Dean Karlan for helpful comments. 1 1. Introduction: The question. "The philosophers have only interpreted the world the point is to change it. in various ways; This oft-abused quote from Karl Marx" captures well the dilemma of economic theory: theorist sees when economic reasoning everywhere to sell, to the how figuring out to —from the trader deciding What should she make of what better off if they took her advice. choices are the best response, or or less understands the To put This is try to it that is It is knows which better and they the observed influence the choices, presuming that she being played? Should she merely interpret the it? is a positive or normative question that every practicing economist has had to level, but for the to deal with his differently, as an analyst, should she of course the old question of whether economics discipline. some change is it to try to game how most part the discipline within economics makes positive political economy and interpreting the world;^ way its it own has worked is that come to terms with choice. For example, the related sub-fields of institutional analysis are explicidy focused towards on the other hand, the sub-fields of market design and social and better governance structures. Other sub-fields, such as development economics, are less clear-cut. While there long tradition of institutional analysis (why do ^ Marx ^ Canonical examples of we is a observe sharecropping or bonded (1888). this style at each individual sub- choice, are, by the nature of their project, focused toward developing better trading institutions to would have chosen them? Or should see her problem as being to find the economic environment in world or how she sees? Should her presumption be that the she try to influence their choices, on the presumption that she more buy and lend most effectively, to the government department deciding players have chosen their strategies as economists would be to farmer setting the terms for his tenant, to the village money-lender auction off logging concessions, to the businessman figuring out regulators. when A of research include Stigler (1986), Olson (1965), and North (1981). 2 labor?) there is also a disquiet with this methodology, as reflected, for example, in the work of Robert Townsend. Townsend has done important work economics tradition,'* but in his in the positive 1995 paper on "Financial Institutions Northern Thai in Villages", after observing that institutional performance varies widely across villages, he deliberately stops short of explaining the difference in performance. perhaps no one has taken the village. initiative to While he does not say develop the institutions so, this clearly He in the suggests that worst-performing opens up a space for an economist interested in promoting better institutions. However, even within development economics, methodological discussions, or even explicit statements of methodological stances, are rare. This has the advantage of avoiding the endless methodological disputes that I will argue in the coming pages, it afflict the also contributes toward other social sciences, but, as muddying a number of important policy issues. My strategy in this paper is as follows: begin with an extended discussion of pure I positive economics, as the one clear methodological stance that one finds economists. will argue that, at best I economics. The problem then prescription. to I is it applies only to a quite limited where to —what go through a case-study of the current debate on micro-credit, which, one particular instance of how an ill-drawn boundary can 2. Positive The is, domain within draw the boundary between description and have, regrettably, no formula to offer on this point with some admittedly loose thoughts on classic among how better to muddy I I do instead is will argue, is the waters. I conclude draw the boundary. Economics? answer to the question posed at the end of the opening paragraph of the paper of course, Milton Friedman's plea for a positivist economics: Stick to interpreting the world— the world does not need your help. His argument relied on his famous analogy between economic actors and an expert billiard player. See Townsend (1993) on the medieval economy. The billiard player does not need or even want to study physics in order to be able to clear the table from his experience his fingertips, on the though he table, serves. may find There are a number of reasons First, where he tries why 1 do many out out different ways of organizing need other people to participate to make thinking of costly and know it ways of making it game by many hours of activity for a and he would have to is that to try he would pay them for in these trials their have to be large to play seriously (in this case, this involves hard for the lender to collect). Running it finally moneylender would be The problem his lending operations. in these trials same shot and the trials is therefore not obvious that the moneylender can afford to run enough of them to is ball has to it lot billiards, like all other sports, affords a go into the pocket and not merely very small margin of error. in the vicinity of the pocket. This To achieve this kind of precision the model would need to take account of very particular facts about the player and the setting, and at least facts are nearly impossible to quantify— the moves, his posture, his stance, miss the pocket. This hours and this is hard to base one's strategy in billiards on an analytical model based on the laws of physics: will the exactly what he needs to do. what makes of a agent, likewise, has strategy at ways of making worthwhile for them want Second, championship The different at Moreover, the stakes for the people participating enough up not find this analogy particularly persuasive. The analogous discovers the one he wants. his intuition, built hard to articulate the theory behind his choices. because a billiard player acquires his expertise practice, time. it The economic — is why most is etc. If feel of the surface, the billiards players of us will never be good to of those the player's arm one misses or misjudges any one of them, the ball why good judgments, by contrast, do not need way some have to pracdce for endless at billiards. be exacdy right —one just Most economic needs to get close enough. Therefore even analytical methods that offer only qualitative answers ("make sure that the collateral has value in those states of the world to default"; "first price auctions tend to where the borrower want dominate second price auctions when the buyers are risk-averse") or loose quantitative answers ("the inflation rate will may be good enough. will go up by 5 to 6%") Finally, even if it were possible some narrow domain by long economic agent's do interest improve one's economic judgment over to significantly practice, it is not at While a great so. all clear that it would be billiard player has no desire in the to help others play like him, the moneylender, auction designer or compensation consultant has a stake in knowledge that is easily taught. He wants a single formula that can be used in a range of situations, so he can delegate part of his job to others and extend the scope of his business: General principles are more him than useful to the exact solution in one specific case. A more useful analogy, to my mind, is to think of economic decision-making as a craft, not unlike fishing or small-scale garment manufacturing. Like fishing and garment making, it is his potential make customers fruitful use — of the credit he There is like fishing who are they people is offering market signals, and a businessman has Moreover, A money-lender has to learn how to judge a craft that needs to be learned. know how can be trusted, will they them? A trader has to learn how to figure out how to negotiate to to interpret with the regulators. and garment making, most people learn these things informally: no school for learning extreme example, for learning to be a money lender or a how to pay bribes) just street vendor (or to take a more as there is no school for would-be fishermen or petty garment producers. Finally, the craftsmen and the economic agent (read petty businessman) are often one and the countries: farmers lend same person, money, fishermen also trade in fish, at least in developing and the garment maker also runs a garment shop and deals with the regulators and the tax-men. The statement that economists should not try to change the way people do business, translated to the case of any of these other crafts, would amount craftsman has nothing to learn from a technical specialist. Or expert has no autonomous role — if there to saying that the at least that the technical were some know-how that the have wanted from the technical expert, he would have already bought I think it is This true is reasonable to say that this is it craftsman would from him. an excessively optimistic view of the market's even when the regulators are honest. There is usually a judgment call involved somewhere and the businessman who does not know how to present his case effectively is the regulation process, always more if likely to get into trouble. 5 in role in promoting innovation in the crafts. As many a point of fact, new of the high- yielding varieties in agriculture were developed by agricultural scientists working for governments and international organizations, despite the fact that the basic techniques used in developing them were based on the idea, familiar hybridization. The same is every farmer, of development of chemical true of the number of basic advances came from to A fertilizers: large publicly funded research laboratories in mid-19"' century Germany.*" of course, exactly what This is, may under-supply innovations This is clearly an even bigger we would expect. The is standard reason why the market the inadequacy of intellectual property right protection.^ problem for craftsmen than it is for large corporate innovators with their armies of lawyers and other resources. In addition, some at least innovations rely on specialized scientific knowledge that the craftsman does not have,^ and given his scale of operations, it does not pay to employ someone who has that knowledge. Even when before it a better technology becomes available in one of the crafts, becomes widely implemented. This was U.S., which took varieties of many decades before it became wheat took over two decades before regions in India and HYV most pineapple producers rice took in it takes a long time the experience of hybrid universally accepted.^ High-yielding it covered most of the wheat-growing Ghana use less than the optimal fertilizer use over crafts, much of the observed See, for example, This is Mokyr of the new technology — it might need (1990). not the only reason. For a (1998). Chemical fertilizers, for example. See Griliches (1957). '° See Munshi (2000). " See Ahmed (1992). " See Banerjee and Nihila (1995). ' many range such as fishing" and leather-processing.'^ In part, the slow diffusion reflects the limitations of the ' that amount of fertilizer, even of usage. Slow adoption of the latest technology has also been observed in common in the even longer. '° Conley and Udry (2000) argue though profits are sharply increasing from other com much more detailed discussion of the issues, see Aghion and Howitt too much capita], or skills that the very risky. But ideas. farmer does not have and cannot buy. Or likely that there is also a lot it is For example, there is now known that this may be of {ex post) unjustified resistance a lot of circumstantial evidence'^ and direct evidence''* that farmers base their decisions well it some to recent on what other farmers are doing. new more It is can lead to inefficient herding, with each farmer deciding against the new technology because no one gone for else has it. Not surprisingly countries have publicly funded extension programs which people to switch to the better technology, and NGO's therefore, employ experts to most persuade have traditionally seen the dissemination of best practice technologies as part of their brief. Note that the case I am making for the technical experts are always right claiming that economists are (I role of experts does not rely certainly would not want As long infallible).' as there is empirically evaluating and screening out their bad ideas, it is to on the be put fact that in the position of some mechanism enough for that they are right reasonably often and that the value of their good ideas outweighs the cost of trying them out. For some or all of these reasons, most economists do accept the idea of an autonomous role for experts in the crafts, though they for promoting better technologies. '^ making be any may question the efficacy of specific programs Why then should the craft of economic decision- different? " See 14 15 16 Foster and Rosenzweig (1995) and Munshi (2000). See Conley and Udry (2000). See Banerjee (1992) and Bikhchandani et al. (1992). This is not to say that experts do not often get practitioners (see World Bank, 1999, page it wrong or that they have nothing to learn from example of how women farmers in Rwanda and 38, for a nice Colombia helped agronomists evolve better varieties of beans). '^ To take an example from an area where there is a lot of research, Evenson and Westphal (1995) in their survey of 'Technological Change and Technology Strategy" in the Handbook of Development Economics report that the mean rate of return to public investment in agricultural research is 80% in all developing countries if one includes the output of the international crop research centers, and around 50% if one does not include them. They also suggest that the attitude towards agricultural extension programs had shifted between the 1970's and 1980's. In the 1970's, the view was that extension programs were only valuable when there is a new technology, but the emerging consensus in the 80's and 90's was that there is scope for substantial improvement in farming practice even without new technologies, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. They then summarize the results from 23 studies of public sector agricultural extension programs and report that 13 of them report rates of return of over 50% and that mean rate of return reported in these studies is 50% for developing countries and 63% for developed countries. While many of these estimates of the rate of return suffer from potential endogeneity problems, these results clearly reflect the common sense of the discipline. 7 As see I answer it, that may go something optimization problem and The there are three potential answers to this question. someone will hire like: All the decision-maker has to do worst, a game, and or, at to solve it first is he does not if is to solve an know how The economist does not have for him. an a priori to do he can it him a to offer solution. This argument misses the point that what the economist does best not to solve is problems, but to explain what the problem needs to be. Mirrlees' 1971 paper on optimal taxation was so influential because he showed how one would set up the problem in a range of situations, not because he solved a complicated maximization problem. The fact that now any graduate student not mean set up a problem that, principles that ex ante, is it knows how was not a major to set up problems not unlike inventing the internal combustion engine. went into the early engines were millennium) but someone had figure out The economic decision-maker who how faces a all well to put even that he knows how give objective advice? plumber who to them model to basic other applications for at least a together. has to find the model that into a specific pose the right question to someone problem that can is the economist's motives. who could help him. Why should we trust him to My sense is that this is not very different from the case where it is offering the advice. has a reputation, because he conscience. known them The way We have, however, no reason to believe that he knows how to do so or The second argument questions the known from new problem describes best his situation and then translate the problem does Indeed, figuring out the right insight. (according to Mokyr, 1990, the Chinese might have then be solved. like Mirrlees' knows Why would it be We trust the plumber (when that there will in a very similar context, policymaker and his advisor to have interests if it jobs in the future, because he has a different for an economist? In other words, as O'Flaherty and Bhagwati (1997) have argued Basu (2000) has argued, we do) because he were indeed because they always have an axe that true that to grind, then 8 more or it is not uncommon less coincide. for the Moreover as economists never give useful advice people will stop asking them for advice— this cannot be a reason for the economist to not offer his advice, The third argument for why the crafts (and therefore dismiss. craft of if asked. economic decision-making why economics needs to be a positive science) is different much is harder to simply the empirical claim that the average economic problem It is from other simpler is than the average technical problem. While there are obviously difficult economic problems much claim. (the problem of designing the optimal multi-good auction that has attracted so attention in recent years, for example), I will therefore take refuge in I know way of no of refuting the general one relatively elaborate example, inspired by the current policy debate about micro-credit. I will argue that this debate is less useful than it could be, because most of the participants do not recognize the very real complexity of the design problem involved in coming up with a really effective micro-credit scheme. In other words, complexity in economics problems is certainly important enough to be a practical problem. 3. An Example: Micro-credit is Micro-credit. now famous as the revolutionary are micro-credit organizations Bangladesh, almost all new tool for poverty alleviation. everywhere from Arkansas to Zimbabwe.'^ There In anti-poverty programs are in the hands of micro-credit organizations. The Grameen Bank alone has more than 2 million members who receive $30-40 million in loans initiatives for credit. every year. In India, the government has decided that providing income-generating opportunities for women all the new be based on micro- The president of the World Bank. Mr. James Wolfensohn, has been talking about a half a billion people becoming beneficiaries of micro-credit by the year 2005. Micro-credit involves making credit available to the poor at interest rates high, are much lower micro-credit '^ than those charged by money-lenders. comes from the very high repayment The most prominent examples include Grameen Bank and Indonesia, BancoSol in Bolivia, and FINCA in rates 9 though The excitement about (90-95%, or even more) BRAC Latin America. that, in Bangladesh, BRI and that BKD in still many of these organizations have been able to secure, to lend money at these relatively low rates and There are three main features that distinguish from the long line government. The week is possible for remain economically viable. them 7ft breed of micro-credit organizations first is that is each loan comes with a promise of repeat lending, regular repayment schedules —repayment starts if repaid immediately after disbursed and the borrower has to repay a fixed proportion of the loan every (or month). liability: this it of failed attempts to lend to the poor, usually under the aegis of the on time. The second the loan still which make The loan The is made members of the group which last, is somewhat to a group, gets repaid. If cost (for example, they may which is less universal, is supposed some loans to some form of joint make sure that every loan to are not repaid, the entire group pays a be temporarily or permanently suspended from getting more loans). As one might expect given the hype, there micro-credit does and does not do. On accounts that claim that micro-credit with raising incomes among the very is is a lot of controversy about exactly what the one side, there are a number of journalistic nothing short of a miracle. It is credited not only poor (and especially among poor women, the most vulnerable group in most societies), but also with diverse forms of consciousnessraising.^' Some of these optimistic claims are supported by results from an econometric study of Grameen Bank by Pitt and Khandker (1998). They use an identification strategy based on a discontinuity in the Grameen Bank's rules for being eligible to participate in their program, and conclude that participation in the program raised household consumption by 18 cents for every $1 lent to women. They do not, however, find any effect on contracepfion use (a measure of "consciousness") and a slightly positive effect on fertility. some dispute about the basis for calculating the repayment rates. Morduch (1998) convincingly Grameen Bank's claims of repayment rates of 98% or more are exaggerated. When he recalculates the repayment rates, they fall in the 92-95% range. As he himself acknowledges, these rates are still very high compared to the rates of 41% that Pulley (1989) reports for IRDP loans in India (to take a prominent example of an earlier attempt to lend to the poor). As we will see, what economic viability means is not always obvious. There is argues that the 10 number of shaiply Oil the other side are a Bank, w iiicli is seen by many to The most important work along extensively both about the these lines is tiiat and, in two review articles in the Joiiiiuil tlie basic points. First, he points out that the discontinuity that Grameen Bank Grameen does Morduch compares eligibility criterion where Grameen has an operation, with the does not have an operation. He comes to the Bank has written of World Development,' about micro-credit more generally. data, invalidating their strategy."'' Instead who meet who of Jonathan Morduch, basis of Pitt and Khandker's optimistic evaluation of those Grameen tiie be the standard bearer of the micro-credit movement."" Grameen Bank" Eco/ioniic Litcratitrc'^ and in Morduch makes two assessments, mostly of critical not show up the difference and those who do concsponding difference in the between where in a village in the key issues about it Grameen However, actually had an insignificant negative effect on household consumption. \\ itii the not in a village conclusion that participation his difference-in-difference approach does not deal is program placement. If Grameen Bank focuses on areas where the inequality between the rich and the poor is the greatest, howe\er that Morduch's estimate to be biased downwards. It is wony Morduch uses, also finds no impact. He argues that he does not about program placement issues because the \illages he chooses as controls were also chosen to be included in the program, albeit in the future. were to accept this, there non-members in a treatment group) even started worth noting Coleman (1999), using data from North-east Thailand, and an empirical strategy similar to the one need will \ is Even if we remains the concern that the sorting into bank members and illage where the program has been running for several years very different from the sorting (his control group). in a village My sense from all this is that where the (his program has not we have no reliable estimates of the effect of the program on income and consumption. The more damaging point actually economically Grameen Bank "' "" loses \ that iable. monev at Morduch makes about Morduch (1999) the Grameen Bank reports calculations is that showing it that the the rate of about 10 cents for e\erv dollar of credit For examples of this genre, see New York Times (1097V Bonistein (1096"), and Counts (1996). Though many w ithin the micro-credit community are highly critical of Grameen Bank. -'See -"See ^ See -* See Morduch (109S\ Morduch (1999). Morduch (2000). Morduch (1999). 11 is not This reflects a pattern outstanding.' among micro-credit organizations example, ffor CGAP. a donor consortium housed within the World Bank: Otero and Rhyne, 1994. who are micro-credit practitioners opposed model; or Remenyi, who has written a recent survey worthwhile if it and not the absence of He micro-credit what matters innovation means by One a if subsidies.""^ will But the movement I will is to survive. is fact that am more pessimistic. Morduch ^ ^* ^ ^ ^' ^^ ^^ view is he too sounds among the poor. is is more I have that the micro-credit in mind. movement has to take the instimtions at face in suggesting other ways of not far away. however argues for slow decline, as donors eventually give up. significant probability I on the possibility of a quick collapse, Once again, in a take the theory seriously. In a related vein, see Matin (1997), and Jain (1996). See Morduch (1999). See CGAP (1996). See Remenyi (2000). are article."'^ optimistic than Morduch. In another sense different because Yaron et al (1998), who See Morduch (2000). See Morduch (1999). a hard budget constraint however, that what Morduch more involved driven by the internal logic of repeat lending. my is. economists have tended am perhaps more on the other hand, put a is more demanding than what doing things, perhaps the next wave of innovations clear, is too believe that there has to be I My sense value. If economists can be persuaded to be I no program to ser\'ing the richest argue in the rest of this section been hampered by the In this sense that the end of his review end up limited "major wave of innovation'" of things at for efficiency agree with Morduch's assessment. I is of the absence of a "second major wave of innovation"', the fears that in the movement one sense. Grameen Bank does not have financial sustainability without subsidies. Morduch criticizes this view, arguing that pessimistic: to the article called "Is there a 'State damns them. Their credo Art' in Microfinance"^*^)?' this In —very few. even most prominent and successful organizations, break even or make money. tlie For many among from the World Bank, take 12 a similar view. way that will become I I, A 3.2 Simple Model of the Credit Market. Before we enter a discussion of these views of micro-credit, model (based on Banerjee, Besley and Guinnane, 1994) The setup Consider 3.2.1 requires an investment of otherwise. There There is is is R. where there whose gross 1 an investor a competitive capital market that a world : who has wealth market of p with maximum The only possible contract useful to set out a simple that outlines the W< 1 and needs economy and in this in this key issues. an investment opportunity which returns are R(p) with probability The source of distortion choice for the investor but is it is to p and borrow the rest. the (gross) cost of capital in economy comes from is unobserved by the lender. E(p)-pR(p) is a loan contract. is the fact that/7 is a a concave function atp*. when the borrower pays the lender The contract specifies an interest rate r that his project is successful. pays nothing, since he has nothing and there is it is limited liability in this justify the restriction to just loan contracts by (1989), that verifying the realized return so costly that is When not successful he economy. the argument, originally due to it We Diamond uses up almost the entire return. The incentive problem 3.2.2 neutral, has to choose choose p such that: p to : In this maximize E(p)-pr{\-W). It is is assumed to be risk- clear that the borrower will EXp) = ril-W) (B) For world the borrower, who W< I, this is quite obviously inconsistent with the social optimum: The borrower clearly wants to choose p(r, much This W) < p*. In other words, there is a tendency towards too risk-taking. is the standard incentive problem in credit markets. 13 It arises because society cares about net output but the borrower only cares about what remains after paying Using the fact that the Wand decreasing in r. E(p) function This is concave, us that people tells it is who easily are shown thatp is interest. increasing in more leveraged and people facing higher interest rates will tend toward less efficient choices. This ought to be intuitive —both higher and more leveraging tend interest rates to increase the degree of misalignment of incentives between the borrower and the lender. 3.2.3 this The role of monitoring: The lender may want to limit the distortions that arise from misalignment by monitoring the borrower. Suppose the lender can force the borrower monitoring him enough. increasing in the A natural choose a project no lower than p by assumption here amount borrowed and to choose, p(r, W), to is in the distance and what the lender wants him to that the cost of monitoring, between what the M, is borrower want choose, p: M =cM(l-W,/7-p(iy,r)),M,(.)>0,M.(.)>0. where c is a parameter that measures the efficiency of the monitoring technology.^'' 3.2.4 Properties of the credit market equilibrium: and the fact that the credit make pure profits, we can market monitoring cost function write the lender's participation constraint as: cM{\-W.p-p{W,r)) ^ pa-W) P For any given p that the lender chooses, The key this competitive, which implies that lenders should not is ^^R .p(3. Using fact that I want to this emphasize about This formulation of the monitoring technology of projects and it is equation determines this equation is r. that r enters positively on consistent both with monitoring being ex ante screening being an ex post check on the borrower. 14 AJeem (1990) describes these as the two most both sides of this equation —an increase in the rate of interest that he has to pay inclines the borrower towards greater risk-taking, Monitoring being costly, An this in the efficiency the need for monitoring. pushes up the interest rate even further. implication of this observation changes which increases is that the interest rate can be highly sensitive to of monitoring. Formally, using the equations (B) and (PC), we get: dlnr 1 d\nc where X and Y are + l 1 Xl + 7 defined as cM pE' Y is negative because E" is negative. rate with respect to the cost of When it of monitoring has a multiplier effect and the ultimate change change be larger than the change that sets will Moreover, since we have kept p fixed, the is entirely due to the fact that More monitoring will be very large, as claimed above.''^ generally, a in the cost close to -1, the elasticity of the interest is we pure social gain. In other words, it fall in off. the interest rate resulting are using less resources in monitoring, if 1 + Y is close to 0, there is from a c fall in which makes it a the prospect of large social gains from small improvements in the technology of monitoring. Is there any reason to think that the multiplier is large some places? I am knowledge, there is (i.e. that 1 + 7 is not aware of any direct evidence on this point: no study that tells us how much each To small), at least in the best of my individual loan costs to monitor important and costly things that a lender has to do. ^' The argument here assumes thatp does not change when c changes. However in Banerjee (2002) I show same argument goes through even when p is endogenized. Intuitively, a cut mp does reduce the need for monitoring but this is counteracted by the direct effect of p going down, which is to raise p. that the 15 The what we need to estimate cM2)- closest thing to such a study of which (which is average amount spent monitoring loans per Chambhar give us in Pakistan. some While am aware I money this is quite far circumstantial evidence that is is Aleem lender, (1990), which gives the based on a sample from from what we want, Aleem' s study does suggestive. First, real interest rates in his sample are very high; and high monitoring costs are the reason. The average annual nominal his interest rate he reports sample of money lenders of capital. The rest, i.e., monitoring. This is 78.65% and between is the average annualized cost of lending for 68% and 79%, out of which between 36 cents and 47 cents per dollar clearly large variations in the is 32% lent, was good news from the point of view of arguing amount of resources devoted average cost is the cost of that there can be to monitoring. Second, and more importantly, interest rates in his sample vary enormously. The standard deviation of the observed interest rate 78.65%, says that interest rates of the mean. By is that old customers it and 160% are within 4%. One obvious candidate explanation of the comes from two standard deviations who variation in variations in the technology of monitoring are easier to monitor, etc.) None of this, of course, comes One 0% 38.14%, which given the mean of contrast, interest rates for real estate lending in the U.S. rarely outside a band of sample between is combined with go Aleem's (some people are a large multiplier. close to proving that our conjecture about alternative possibility, for example, is that the interest rate varies so 1 + 7 is correct. much because people borrow very different amounts. Note, however, that from equation (PC), increasing the amount borrowed, which perhaps makes There is prima facie Aleem's study facts, that there is is unique - W, has an unambiguous on the effect interest rate— explanation less compelling. no reason, however, establish the of which this 1 to push this point any further: Our goal here possibility that reducing the cost of monitoring in actually was simply to borrowers has measuring the different elements of monitoring costs. The two basic appears to be large gap between the interest rate charged and the cost of capital (a large part likely to lot, show up in many number of such studies. be monitoring cost) and the fact that the interest rate varies a other studies as well. Banerjee (2002) summarizes the evidence from a large 16 We now return large welfare benefits. to the discussion of micro-credit. 3.3 Implications for Micro-credit. 3.3.1 An Group Lending? on-going debate within the micro-credit movement group loans a Grameen Bank and la who those is between those and Remenyi length, though both avoid taking a stand. which is made both by mechanism the case. One is Two reasons that there is social groups, which makes second there is that it The easier for argument is that are brought in his up in favor of the group to explain is at review some group lending, an efficient why this ought be to and physical contiguity among members of most them to collect infonnation social capital within the is typical and evaluators, practitioners for monitoring. Morduch on the "State of the Art", discuss the issue in his report in believe in individual loans a la BRI. Policy-oriented economists thinking about micro-credit, such as article who believe about each other. The —members of group the group can shame or bully each other into behaving well, while a banker can only use legal threats. The case against group loans each other, and is in in part worries part doubts about whether group members do monitor about the cost of running a group. In addition, there suggestion by Madajewicz (1997) that group loans may constrain the is the dynamism of individual members. It is unfortunate that the debate has gotten framed in terms of the relative advantages of group and individual loans. As 1 Even small savings in I see it, the facts are: monitoring costs may be valuable in this context because of the multiplier. 2. '^ " Most people agree that (bank example) in monitoring loans. ^ officials, for group members have some advantage relative to outsiders While most of the evidence on Here monitoring is assumed to include both ex ante screening and ex post monitoring of the project. See Guinnane (1994) for a discussion of the contrary view that sometimes the closeness of the group may actually make monitoring harder. 17 this point is anecdotal. ''^ a recent paper FINCA this view. He come serve basis and therefore their composition first in the first observes that the few months who live near same socio-economic stratum. He finds the significantly better Anyone who formed on a village banks in Peru are is more or less for first random, at least have been formed. Some of these groups end up after they with a greater concentration of people 3. by Karlan (2002) provides strong support each other and/or are a part of that these village banks have a repayment record than the more diverse groups. monitors, whether a member who of the group or someone is hired for the task, has to have the right incentives. In fact, giving incentives to a hired monitor can be quite costly, as most bankers will acknowledge. Indeed member presumably, a When we used. When give a house loan, Bank and we watch the Only then do we until it's finished. Janata said: Then we check up how "....we go to the borrowers. checking why of Grameen Bank was implying when, on being asked were so high, she the repayment rates this is what, the loan is being house go up, and we keep say, 'Yes they built a house.' Krishi Bank"^ give a loan for a fish pond, they never watch whether anyone throws fingerlings into the pond", (quoted in Bomstein (1996), page 105). Group loans or joint 4. is only one way to give incentives to monitor. Indeed, we understand why joint adverse selection There is liability generates better peer selection in settings.**' no evidence that the current "State of the Art" in micro-credit through extensive experimentation. My sense micro-credit organizations, they started out with and individual all Grameen Bank and Morduch (1999) concludes is that despite there one of two was arrived being hundreds of models— group loans BRI— indeed many of the later micro-credit that the very limited "hard" evidence we have on this issue tends to support these arguments. Janata More field are ""^ There Bank and Bank are two banks in Bangladesh that give loans to individuals. work on these issues is less than twelve years old— the classics of the generally, theoretical Varian (1990) and is much more For example, but Krishi there is at This probably reflects the very strong influence of early loans. successes like the '"' it only after the recent work of Ghatak (1999) and Armendariz de Aghion and Gollier (2000), that 5. liability is Stiglitz (1990). variation and experimentation within the class of group-lending organizations. a lot of experimentation in group size: at the early stages also tried Grameen Bank believes groups of 10 or more (Hossain, 1988). HNCA, works with groups of 30 women. There is also some theoretical work on size (Armendariz de Aghion, 1999; Ghatak and Guinnane, 1999). 18 in at the this issue groups of five other extreme, of optimal group organizations actually set out to be Grameen My view is that the economist's task in mechanisms that make that is, we ought to be to try to design this setting the best use of the monitoring advantage that might have. By narrowing down the problem between group replicators. versus individual liability are allowing the world to some members be one of identifying the trade-off liability, to dictate to us we are being positive economists what the options should possible, and indeed likely, that neither of these options is be. It is really optimal and everyone should switch to some other mechanism. For example, given that not everyone's time is equally valuable, people should have the option of self-selecting to the contract that suits them best. If there are those who, as Madajewicz (1997) has suggested, better off with an individual loan, the group loans and allow people to much time, perhaps the options that are decided we need that is a structure some member is program should perhaps self-select. If the who would be offer both individual group meeting is seen as taking up too meeting should be radically abbreviated by limiting the by the group."*^ Perhaps joint where members of lying. the Perhaps group liability is group get rewards liability and set of unnecessary: Perhaps if they manage to all prove should be combined with some outside monitoring, or individual liability supplemented by reports from neighbors."*^ One could go even further: We know from the Nash and Sub-game Perfect implementation same fact, it is game. Given usually possible to get work theory, that to reveal it, two or more people know from the members is an integral it is clear that there once economist theorists recognize that they is potentially have something much good to offer here. ''^ ASA, a new the one should consider bringing some of these message into praxis of micro-credit. In general to be done, if by making them play a message that the efficient extraction of information part of the group-lending strategy, games them work of Maskin (1977) and others on micro-credit organization in Bangladesii, has taken this approach (everyone gets same size of loan, on the same day, etc.) and has been able to cut costs and grow fast (see Morduch, 1999; Rutherford, 1998). These doubts are reinforced by a series of new papers by Laffont and N'Guessan (1999), the '*' Laffont (2000) and Rai and Sjostrom (2000), showing that in a wide range of cases, group dominated by other types of mechanisms. These papers do not however always make clear whether they see their task to be interpreting what Grameen Bank type institutions actually do or suggesting new ways of organizing micro-credit. liability is 19 By opening up the discussion to include underscore the fact that there are a which only a few have been experimentation, as far as liability or pure group tried. who I I hope to of potential ways to organize micro-credit, of While there One could is a lot of discussion of the need for either pure individual argue that this reflects the superior started micro-credit organizations, but given that economists are only beginning to explore implausible. of these different mechanisms, know, micro-credit organizations have I liability. understanding of those lot all this class • even trained of mechanisms, this seems therefore see this as evidence that there is considerable scope for innovative thinking by economists in this area. 3.3.2 Repeat Lending Rather surprisingly, the feasibility of enforcing credit contracts through repetition rarely questioned. Morduch (1999) does have is a lengthy discussion of the issue but he focuses on the implications of competition and the possibility of people switching to other lenders after they default. This seems to Ghosh and Ray (1996), out by reputation v/5- a vis their new me to be the less serious issue: As pointed the fact that borrowers who switch have to acquire a lenders (otherwise they will get small loans), should discourage people from adopting this strategy. I am more concerned about the possibility suggested by context of sovereign debt. Their argument much goes till a borrower can ever get in loans, down with more and he can borrow the bank is that there will typically more investment. Knowing that be a limit to in the how only because the marginal product of capital if maximum amount and then —once he knows Bulow and Rogoff (1989) this, the borrower will want to wait default and put the money in the he will only get the same amount next period, there is no incentive to repay. This is potentially a very serious have no other way to problem punish defaulters. In deal with very poor borrowers borrowers. Individual loans and those may for micro-credit organizations, fact, like it BRI affects equally the organizations that that deal with be somewhat more affected by 20 which typically somewhat more it affluent than group loans, since it is more but essentially The likely that there is is it fact that this is not taken seriously a big problem. There pessimistic view before group in the who has not seem once again to is that reflects the be a big problem may be many reasons why this in the world, therefore The optimistic after they default they will is that it reflects some Grameen Bank will use they were to default. Perhaps they fear that be flush with money and social sanction against people who all structure of the this will induce them to spend it too and then they would rue the fact that they cannot borrow any more. Perhaps there some is if After yet. routinely argued that repeat loans can view considerable political clout against them not is it has not yet been a big problem. world, hitherto undiscovered. Perhaps people are afraid that the fast out" yet, tendency to take the no one has figured the optimal default strategy Bulow and Rogoff (1989), economists sustain sovereign lending. its "maxed bad news for everyone. positive view: This does not yet The someone is deliberately default against an organization that seen to be contributing to the public good. Knowing which of these is the right story is, of course, central to what advice we offer to micro-credit organizations. Notice that this takes us back to descriptive economics, but perhaps with a ask. Indeed it list is of questions that a purely positive economist The not have thought to evident that normative economics can only function on a base of positive knowledge— before we given. may distinction the scope of positive design mechanisms, is in what questions are knowledge clearly like experimental need to know what we can take as interesting —positive economics, knowledge of the form: "People have not Normative economics, we and in what is considered to be as practiced, rules out positive yet figured out how to default profitably." economics, thrives on precisely this type of fact.^^ 3.3.3 Subsidies Subsidy is clearly a dirty word in the world of micro-credit. Those who cannot without subsidies, adopt elaborate ruses to minimize dependence on subsidies, Although people "** how this example is live ^ while not exactly ideal since most normative economists would baulk from advising to default. For example, the Grameen Bank claims that it made 21 a profit of $1.5 million per year in the 1985-96 those who can avoid subsidies are often very discusses the fact that Grameen Bank He to stay afloat in the long run. of those who need them.''^ Morduch probably need to raise the interest rate in order sees the cost of this being in terms of equity, since the Remenyi poorest, he feels, will drop out. more will critical in his discussion of the "State of the Art" is categorical in asserting that micro-credit organizations must raise interest rates to achieve financial viability, which also the position taken is Yet the one immediate implication of the here promote efficiency. by CGAP. theoretical discussion A subsidy that will pay 1% for a above subsidies is that reduction in the interest rate will actually generate a substantially larger actual fall in the interest rate through its multiplier effect. Conversely, to raise its interest rate from when Morduch 20% to go up and the repayment be raised by 33% Our the cost of monitoring as given. will to is go down, and therefore the why most perhaps 33% interest rate will have financially viable micro-credit (BancoSol, for example, charges 48%, but since repayments have to begin immediately after the loan is given, the effective rate almost twice as high). Once again the disjuncture that eliminating subsidies is have will break even, he takes the repayment rate and to organizations have higher interest rates than is Grameen Bank theory, on the other hand, predicts that monitoring rate will much more. This calculates that the between the theory and the policy debate may not in the end be necessary, talking about the efficiency cost that this will generate criticizes, is that efficiency will period when, but when Morduch turns out that they were losing go up once the striking. It is not but that there no one who is (CGAP's view, which Morduch interest rates are raised). recalculates their profit using $18 million every is more conventional accounting norms, it year. For example, see Otero and Rhyne (1994). ''* Though this too is in the poor in the world, credit some sense most of it too quickly accepted. There programs are relatively successful Grameen Bank), and 1998). So why is it is a lot of spending which is nominally for through inefficient subsidies which often do not go to the poor. The micro- they use relatively in targeting the little poor (see Amin et al., 1999, on targeting by the subsidy for every dollar delivered to the poor (see Khandker, obvious that we should not try to eliminate all other subsidies 22 and keep this one? Conclusion 4. How then, does one practice normative economics? One cannot always be an expert, always know more than the people situations is the right answer: and I —indeed perhaps try to who this is the are directly involved. There will always be majority of situations We should just assume that people are right in understand what makes that the right answer. have no recipe to offer, nor do I believe that there is —where positive economics what they are doing Where does one draw such a recipe. I the line? have only the following rules of thumb: Trust one's instincts (and the theory that goes into that instinct), if something looks wrong, follow reason to assume that the actors are all the options discussion show more or that know what it up. 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