iJL t7 ' M "^ T LIBRAHIES llllllliliiiiiiinii7 i 3 9080 03317 5974 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series WHEN DOES LABOR SCARCITY ENCOURAGE INNOVATION? Daron Acemoglu Working Paper 09-07 March ll, 2009 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Paper Collection http://ssrn.com/abstract=1 369706 Social Science Research Network at When Does Labor Scarcity Encourage Innovation?* Daron Acemoglu Massachusetts Institute of Technology March 2009. Abstract This paper studies the conditions under which the scarcity of a factor (in particular, labor) encourages technological progress and technology adoption. In standard endogenous growth models, which feature a strong scale effect, an increase in the supply of labor encourages techno- famous Habakkuk hypothesis in economic history claims that technological progress was more rapid in 19th-century United States than in Britain because logical progress. In contrast, the of labor scarcity in the former country. for Similar ideas are often suggested as possible reasons why high wages might have encouraged rapid adoption of certain technologies in conti- nental Europe over the past several decades, and as a potential reason for regulations can spur of these questions. function of the 9, and I more rapid innovation. define technology as strongly labor saving economy is tion exhibits increasing differences in 9 and labor. The main if the production func- if is paper shows that strongly labor saving. In technology is strongly labor provide examples of environments in which technology can be strongly labor saving and also show that such a result These if result of the technology contrast, labor scarcity will discourage technological advances models. the aggregate production strongly labor complementary labor scarcity will encourage technological advances I if exhibits decreasing differences in the appropriate index of technology, labor. Conversely, technology complementary. why environmental present a general framework for the analysis I is not possible in certain canonical macroeconomic results clarify the conditions under which labor scarcity and high wages enwhy such results were obtained or conjectured courage technological advances and the reason in certain settings, JEL but do not always apply in many models used in the growth literature. Classification: O30, 031, 033, C65. Keywords: Habakkuk hypothesis, high wages, innovation, labor scarcity, technological change. *I thank Philippe Aghion, Dan Cao, Joshua Gans, Andres Irmen, Samuel Pienknagura, and participants at presentations at American Economic Association 2009 meetings, Harvard and Stanford for useful comments. Financial support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/whendoeslaborscaOOacem Introduction 1 There is widespread consensus that technological differences are a central determinant of pro- ductivity differences across firms, regions, and nations. Despite this consensus, determinants and adoption of new technologies are poorly understood. of technological progress A basic question concerns the relationship between factor endowments and technology, for example, whether the scarcity of a factor, technological progress. There is and the high factor prices that Wages, John Hicks was one of the invention, economists to consider this possibility and argued: to invention of a particular kind of a factor which has Similarly, the first become ment for production is itself a spur to —directed to economizing the use relatively expensive..." (1932, p. 124). famous Habakkuk hypothesis (1962). claims that technological progress in Britain In his pioneering work, The Theory of in the relative prices of the factors of and induce currently no comprehensive answer to this question, though a large literature develops conjectures on this topic. "A change this leads to, will in economic was more rapid history, proposed by Habakkuk in 19th-century United States than because of labor scarcity in the former country, which acted as a powerful induce- mechanization, for the adoption of labor-saving technologies, and more broadly for Habakkuk quotes from innovation. 1 For example, "... it was Pelling: scarcity of labor 'which laid the foundation for the future continuous progress of American industry, by obliging manufacturers to take every opportunity of installing new types of labor-saving machinery.' " (1962, p. 6), and continues "It and seems obvious inelasticity of entrepreneur ... — it certainly seemed so to contemporaries American, compared with British, labour gave the American a greater inducement than his British counterpart to replace labour by machines." (1962, p. 17). 'See Rothbart (1946), Salter (1966), David (1975), Stewart (1977) and discussions of the — that the dearness Habakkuk hypothesis. Mokyr (1990) for related ides and Mantoux's (1961) classic history of the Industrial emphasizing how the changes in labor costs in spinning Revolution also echoes the same theme, and weaving have been a major impetus to innovation in these industries. Robert Allen (2008) extends and proposes that the relatively high wages and strengthens in 18th-century Britain this argument, were the main driver of the Industrial Revolution. Allen, for example, starts his book with a quote from T. Bentley in 1780 explaining the economic dynamism of British industrial centers: "... up all Nottingham, Leicester, Birmingham, Sheffield hopes of foreign commerce, if etc. must long ago have given they had not been constantly counteracting the advancing price of manual labor, by adopting every ingenious improvement the human mind could invent." Similar ideas are often suggested as possible reasons why high wages, for example induced by minimum wages or other regulations, might have encouraged technologies, particularly those among others, More complementary faster adoption of certain to unskilled labor, in continental Beaudry and Collard, 2002, Acemoglu 2003, Alesina and recently, these ideas The famous Porter tal technologies have become relevant in Europe (see, Zeira, 2006). the context of environmental regulation. hypothesis applies Hicks's (1932) ideas to the development of environmen- and claims that and increase productivity. tighter environmental regulations will spur faster innovation While this hypothesis plays a of environmental policy, just like the Habakkuk major hypothesis, its role in various discussions theoretical foundations are unclear. In contrast to these conjectures els and hypotheses, most commonly-used macroeconomic mod- imply that labor scarcity should discourage technological progress. models, when new technologies are embodied in capital goods, predict that labor scarcity or technologies. 3 Endogenous growth models These models typically have a single factor of production, high wages should discourage the adoption of also make labor, Neoclassical growth the same prediction. and exhibit a strong scale effect. An new increase in the size of the labor force will induce "See Porter (1991) and Porter and van der Linde (1995) for the formulation of this hypothesis. Jaffe, Peterson, Portney and Stavins (1995) review early empirical evidence on this topic and Newell, Jaffee and Stavins (1999) provide evidence on the effects of energy prices on the direction of technological change. Recent work by Gans (2009) provides a theoretical explanation for the Porter hypothesis using the framework presented here. 3 See Ricardo (1951) for an early statement of this view. In particular, with a constant returns to scale production function F (L, K), an increase in the price of L or a reduction in its supply, will reduce equilibrium K, and to the extent that technology is embedded in capital, it will reduce technology adoption. more rapid technological progress, and either increase the growth rate (in the first-generation models, such as Romer, 1986, 1990, Segerstrom, Anant and Dinopoulos, 1990, Aghion and Howitt, 1992, Grossman and Helpman, 1991), or the level of output (in the semi-endogenous growth models such as Jones, 1995, Young, 1998, Howitt, 1999). The directed technological change literature characterization of how Acemoglu, 1998, 2002, 2007) provides a (e.g., the bias of technology will change in response to changes in the supplies of factors. In particular, Acemoglu (2007) establishes that, under in the supply of a factor always induces a an increase change weak regularity conditions, towards in technology biased that factor. 4 This result implies that labor scarcity will lead to technological changes biased against labor. Nevertheless, these results do not address the question of whether the scarcity of a factor will lead to technological advances to changes in technology that increase (i.e., the level of output in the economy). Reviewing the intuition for previous results explain why variable 8 this is useful to In particular, suppose that technology can be represented by a single is. and suppose that 6 and of labor induces an increase in if 6 and L are and now because 6, Then, an increase and because of 8-L complementarity, 0, biased towards labor. Conversely, leads to a decline in labor, L, are complements. the marginal product of labor and is this in the supply induced change is substitutes, an increase in the supply of labor of 6-L substitutability, the decrease in 6 increases again biased towards this factor. This discussion not only illustrates the robust logic of equilibrium bias in response to changes in supply, but also makes it clear that the abundant they factor, could take the may correspond The question advances induced changes in technology, though always biased towards the more is of form of more or less advanced technologies; in other words, to the choice of equilibrium technologies that increase or reduce output. whether scarcity of a particular factor of production spurs technological arguably more important than the implications of these induced changes on the bias of technology. This paper investigates the impact of labor scarcity on technological advances (innovation and adoption of technologies increasing output). and a comprehensive answer 4 A change in technology is to this question. The key biased towards a factor if it given factor proportions. Conversely, a change in technology is I present a general framework the concept of strongly factor (labor) increases the marginal product of this factor at is biased against a factor if it reduces its marginal product at given factor proportions. In a dynamic framework, changes towards less advanced technologies would typically take the form of a slowdown in the adoption and invention of new, more productive technologies. saving technology. 6 Suppose aggregate output (or net output) can be expressed as a function Y (L, Z, 9), where L denotes labor, of technologies. Suppose that Y Z is is a vector of other factors of production, and 9 supermodular Suppose the vector 9 do not offset each other. 9 increases output. differences in 9 Then technology and L. is Intuitively, this technological advances change is if is changes in two components of an increase if in (any Y (L, Z, 9) is strongly labor result of the complementary component of) exhibits decreasing if Y (L, Z, 9) exhibits paper shows that labor scarcity induces strongly labor saving. In contrast, when technological strongly labor complementary, then labor scarcity discourages technological advances. This result can be interpreted both as a positive and a negative one. it a vector means that technological progress reduces the marginal The main technology also that strongly labor saving product of labor. Conversely, technology increasing differences in 9 and L. in 9, so that is characterizes a wide range of economic environments where labor On the positive side, scarcity can act as a force towards innovation and technology adoption, as claimed in various previous historical and economic analyses. On the negative side, most models used in the growth literature exhibit increasing rather than decreasing differences between technology typically an implication of functional form assumptions). To highlight settings, I what decreasing differences this is between technology and labor means satisfied. change can be strongly labor saving (1998, 2006), and is also related to the is An is 7 in specific consider several different environments and production functions, and discuss the decreasing differences condition logical and labor (though important class of when models where techno- developed by Champernowne (1963) and Zeira endogenous growth model of Hellwig and Irmen (2001). In these models, technological change takes the form of machines replacing tasks previously performed by labor. I show that there is indeed a tendency of technology to be strongly labor saving in these models. Most of the analysis choices. of in this paper focuses on the implications of labor scarcity on technology Nevertheless, these results are also directly applicable to the question of the impact wage push on technology choices The adjective "strongly" is added in the context of a competitive labor here, since the term "labor saving" is market because, in often used in several different contexts, and in most of these cases, the "decreasing differences" conditions here are not satisfied. 7 The change has been the key driving force of the secular increase in wages also may be more likely than decreasing differences. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the context of a dynamic model, it is possible for the past technological changes to increase wage levels, while current technology adoption decisions, at the margin, reduce the marginal product of labor. This is illustrated by the dynamic model presented in subsection 5.1. fact that technological suggests that increasing differences this context, a minimum wage above supply. 8 However, I also wage push can be very the equilibrium wage is equivalent to a decline in labor show the conditions under which the implications different of labor scarcity —particularly because the long-run relationship between labor supply and wages could be upward sloping owing to general equilibrium technology Even though the investigation here is effects. motivated by technological change and the study of economic growth, the economic environment because and I use A is static. static framework useful is enables us to remove functional form restrictions that would be necessary to generate it endogenous growth; it for labor scarcity to encourage innovation and technology adoption. This framework thus allows the appropriate level of generality to clarify the conditions on Acemoglu (2007). Section 2 adapts this framework for the current is based paper and also contains a review of the results on equilibrium bias that are useful for later sections. The main results are contained in Section 3. These results are applied to a number 4. Section 5 discusses various extensions. Section 6 concludes. 2 The Basic Environments and Review This section inclusion is is based on, reviews, and extends some of the results in economy N+ of production is labor, denoted by L, for land, capital, good and and the 3, in Section Its (2007). but since many of provide only a brief review. Consider a static I consisting of a unique final models Acemoglu necessary for the development of the main results in Section the results are already present in previous work, and stand of familiar 1 rest are factors of production. The denoted by the vector Z= (Z\,..., Zm) and other human or nonhuman factors. All agents' preferences are defined over the consumption of the final good. To start with, are supplied inelastically, with supplies denoted by L £ factor first R+ let and Z us assume that all factors £ IR^. Throughout I will focus on comparative statics with respect to changes in the supply of labor, while holding the supply of other factors, Z, constant at some is nothing special about labor). 9 level The economy Z (though, clearly, mathematically there consists of a continuum of firms (final good producers) denoted by the set T, each with an identical production function. Without loss of The implications of "wage push" in noncompetitive labor markets are more complex and depend on the market imperfections and institutions. For example, Acemoglu (2003) shows that wage push resulting from a minimum wage or other labor market regulations can encourage technology adoption when there is wage bargaining and rent sharing. "Endogenous responses of the supply of labor and other factors, such as capital, are discussed in subsections 5.2 and 5.3. specific aspects of labor this context, a minimum wage above supply. 8 However, I also wage push can be very the equilibrium wage is equivalent to a decline in labor show the conditions under which the implications of labor different scarcity —particularly because the long-run relationship between labor supply and wages could be upward sloping owing to general equilibrium technology Even though the investigation here is effects. motivated by technological change and the study of economic growth, the economic environment because I use is static. A static framework useful is enables us to remove functional form restrictions that would be necessary to generate it endogenous growth; it for labor scarcity to encourage innovation and technology adoption. This framework thus allows the appropriate level of generality to clarify the conditions on Acemoglu (2007). Section 2 adapts this framework for the current are contained in Section 3. These results are applied to a number 4. Section 5 discusses various extensions. Section 6 concludes. 2 The Basic Environments and Review This section is is in The main economy N+ of production is labor, denoted by L, for land, capital, good and and the 1 rest are in Section Its (2007). but since many factors of production. The denoted by the vector Z= (Z\, and other human or nonhuman defined over the consumption of the final good. 3, results of provide only a brief review. Consider a static I consisting of a unique final models Acemoglu necessary for the development of the main results in Section the results are already present in previous work, and stand of familiar based on, reviews, and extends some of the results based is paper and also contains a review of the results on equilibrium bias that are useful for later sections. inclusion and To are supplied inelastically, with supplies denoted by factor first ..., Z/v) factors. All agents' preferences are start with, let us assume that all factors L £ R+ and Z £ R+. Throughout I will focus on comparative statics with respect to changes in the supply of labor, while holding the supply of other factors, Z, constant at some is nothing special about labor). 9 producers) denoted by the set The level The economy J7 each with an , Z (though, clearly, mathematically there consists of a continuum of firms identical production function. (final Without good loss of more complex and depend on the market imperfections and institutions. For example, Acemoglu (2003) shows that wage push resulting from a minimum wage or other labor market regulations can encourage technology adoption when there is wage bargaining and rent sharing. Endogenous responses of the supply of labor and other factors, such as capital, are discussed in subsections 5.2 and 5.3. implications of "wage push" in noncompetitive labor markets are specific aspects of labor any generality let normalized to 1. I first J-, \J-\, to 1. The price of the final good is also describe technology choice in four different economic environments. These are: Economy D 1. us normalize the measure of a decentralized competitive economy in which technolo- (for decentralized) is gies are chosen by firms themselves. In this economy, technology choice can be interpreted and the entire analysis can be conducted as choice of just another set of factors in terms of technology adoption. 2. Economy E (for externality) is identical to nality as in Romer M Economy 3. (for for a technological exter- (1986). monopoly) be the main environment used will remainder of the paper. In in the Economy D, except for much of the analysis economy, technologies are created and supplied by this a profit-maximizing monopolist. In this environment, technological progress enables the creation of "better machines," which can then be sold to several firms in the final sector. Thus, Economy M incorporates Romer's (1990) insight that the central aspect distinguishing "technology" from other factors of production Economy O 4. (for oligopoly) generalizes Economy D 2.1 In the first for Economy Economy D, 6 T has l U G R+ , Z l l E R^, and 9 G denote output, since M are then extended to this environment. Y is l , Z 1 ). The decided introduced as a benchmark. will = G(L\Z\F), C RK is (1) the measure of technology. be defined as net aggregate output below. by assuming, throughout, that the production function in (L is access to a production function y where M to an environment including oligopolis- markets are competitive and technology all by each firm separately. This environment i the non-rivalry of ideas. —Decentralized Equilibrium environment, Each firm Economy is competitive firms supplying technologies to the rest of the tically (or monopolistically) economy. The main results good cost of technology 9 e © in terms of G final is I I use lower case y 1 to simplify the exposition twice continuously differentiable goods is C (9). Each good producer maximizes final profits; thus, solves the following problem: it 'N max where u>l by the L i ,Z i ,e = G(L ,Z\9 )-w L L -S" w Zj Z) - C i i ) the wage rate and wzj is The firm. of labor Tr(L Vdi < L and / Ji<kT JieT Definition prices I An 1 equilibrium in refer to % any 8 that l 1 T } N, 1, ..., < Z)di is Zj for j = (2) , taken as given all a total supply is ...,N. 1, a set of decisions {l/, (3) Z 1 x , „ 8 }. {w^,wz) and solve (2) given prices part of the set of equilibrium allocations, is ) denoted by wz- Since there is Economy D {wl,wz) such that {L ,Z ,8 l Z l (6 market clearing requires total supply Zj of Zj, / = the price of factor Zj for j is vector of prices for factors and a i , {L\ Z and factor (3) holds. l , 8 1 as equi- } librium technology. For notational convenience let us define the "net production function": F{L\ Z\ Assumption F{L\ Z\ 1 Assumption 9 l ) is { ) = G{L\ Z\ concave in {L\ restrictive, since 1 is 6 below will relax this Proposition D is Economy - C l (9 ) (4) . l ). D and technology. Such an assumption to exist; the other is necessary for economic environments considered assumption. Suppose Assumption 1 9 ) requires concavity (strict concavity or constant returns it to scale) jointly in the factors of production a competitive equilibrium in Z\ 1 holds. 1 Then any equilibrium technology 8 in Economy a solution to max F( I, 2,8'), (5) 0'ee and any solution to Proposition 1 this problem is is we can simply focus implies that to analyze equilibrium technology choices, on a simple maximization problem. equilibrium an equilibrium technology. a Pareto An optimum (and important implication of vice versa) this proposition is maximum of and corresponds to a that the F in the l entire vector (L ,Z\9'). It is also straightforward to see that equilibrium factor prices are equal to the marginal products of the G or the F functions. That is, the wage rate is u>l = dG(L, Z,9)/dL = dF{L, Z, 9)/dL and the prices of other = for j 1,...,N, where 9 is by factors are given w Zj = dG{L, Z, 9)/dZj = dF(L Z, 9)/dZj : the equilibrium technology choice (and where the second set of equalities follow in view of equation (4)). An important implication of technology nology, (5) should be emphasized at this point. a maximizer of F(L, 2,9), this implies that any induced small change in tech- is cannot be construed as "technological advance" since 9, output at the starting factor proportions. In particular, Y notation 2. (L, 2, 9) to denote net output in the Clearly, in that Y is Since equilibrium Economy D, differentiable in Y (1,2,9) L and 9 = F have no effect on net for future use, let us introduce the economy with (1,2,9) will it = G factor supplies given by (1.2,9) - L and C (9). Then, assuming 9* differentiable in and that the equilibrium technology is L, the change in net output in response to a change in the supply of labor, L, can be written as dY{L,2,9") dY{L,2,9*) _ == dl dl where the second term is the induced technology + dY [1,2,9*) d9 effect. d9* dl'' When this term is strictly negative, then a decrease in labor supply (labor scarcity) will have induced a change in technology that increases output second term is — that is, a "technological advance". However, by the envelope theorem, this equal to zero, since 9* is Therefore, there a solution to (5). is no on effect net output through induced technological changes and no possibility of induced technological advances because of labor scarcity in this environment. Economy E 2.2 The —Decentralized Equilibrium with Externalities discussion at the end of the previous subsection indicated why Economy D does not enable a systematic study of the relationship between labor scarcity and technological advances (and in fact, why economy). there A first is no distinction between technology and other factors of production approach to deal with this problem is to follow Romer in this (1986) and suppose that technology choices generate knowledge and thus create positive externalities on other firms. In particular, suppose that output of producer l y where 9 is simplicity, some aggregate we can take = G(V,Z i is be the sum of all given by l ,9\9), of the technology choices of 9 to now (7) all other firms in the economy. firms' technologies. In particular, if 9 For is a = fie:F 9 k di A'-dimensional vector, then 9 k 1,2,..., K). The remaining assumptions are the same as before L Z and 9 l jointly concave in Let us each component of the vector for first l l ) , and a (in particular, slightly modified version of Proposition 1 (i.e., for with G = k being can be obtained. now becomes note that the maximization problem of each firm N max z\z\e ir{U, Z\ 9\ 9) U Vw Zj Z) - C (9 l ) (8) , *r? t and under the same assumptions in equilibrium, = G{L\ Z\ 9\ 9) - w L U - =L as above, each firm will hire the Z =Z l and for all £ i !F. Then the same amount of all factors, so following proposition characterizes equilibrium technology. Proposition 2 Equilibrium technology in Economy E is a solution to the following fixed point problem: £cirgmaxG{L,Z,9',9 9 = 9)-C(9') (9) . e'ee Even though this is a fixed point problem, its used in the same way for our analysis. However, no longer applies to the equivalent of equation as Y(L, Z, 9) — G(L, Z, 9,9) — C (9). Then dY(L,Z,9*) is and induced is, if once again assuming can be us define net output again differentiability, dY{l,Z,9*) dY{L,Z,9") _ ~ + if we have d9* dV 89 C (9) G is increasing in the vector 9), increases in 9 will raise output it envelope theorem type reasoning (6). In particular, let not equal to zero. In particular, externalities are positive (that very similar to (5) and is crucially, the dl dL but now the second term structure is increasing in 9 then 8Y/89 and thus correspond will and if be positive to induced technological advances. 2.3 Economy M—Monopoly Equilibrium The main environment used technologies to final for the analysis in this good producers. There is paper features a monopolist supplying a unique final good and each firm has access to the production function 1 y = a~ a (1 - ay G(L\ Z\ 9) a q 1 { (9)'- a , (10) q with a G This (0, 1). is similar to (1), except that production function, which depends on technology G(L ,Z l 8. used by firm 9. is i denoted by q This intermediate good is {6) 9. The more important a subcomponent of the The quantity —conditioned on 8 to emphasize that supplied by the monopolist. as a convenient normalization. now ,8) is The subcomponent bined with an intermediate good embodying technology x l role of the needs to be com- of this intermediate embodies technology it The term a~ a G — a)" (1 parameter a is included to determine is l the elasticity of aggregate output with respect to the quantity of the intermediate q (8) the subcomponent G. In particular, the higher the less responsive it is more responsive output to is is models of endogenous technology similar to and Howitt, 1991, Aghion 1992), but is Romer, 1990, (e.g., somewhat more general since does not impose that technology necessarily takes a factor-augmenting form. the vector The monopolist can 8 C (8) is increasing in 8 (that is create (a single) technology 8 £ created, denoted by embodying \-. it is increasing in each component of It can then The Q at cost C (8) from the technology can produce the intermediate good embodying technology 8 at it constant per unit cost normalized to normalization). is, Let us also that greater 8 corresponds to "more advanced" technology. 8), so menu. Once (and l Grossman and Helpman, focus on the case where G to q (8)). This production structure it a, the is and 1 — a unit of the final good (this is also a set a (linear) price per unit of the intermediate fact that the monopolist chooses the technology 9 and this technology to all final good producers explains why 8 convenient good of type sells 8, intermediates was not indexed by i in and each firm takes the available technology, 8, (10). All factor markets are again competitive, and the max price of the intermediate tt(L\ Z\ l (9) \9,x) good embodying = oT a this technology, \, as given Q 1 - a)" G{L\ Z\ (1 9) l q> -a (9) and maximizes N -w L L'-Y w Z] Z)- X q l (9) (ID which gives the following simple inverse demand its price, x, and the factor employment l q {\,L\Z for intermediates of type 8 as a function of levels of the firm as =a" G{L\Z\8)x' l/a l l \8) 10 - (12) , The problem of the monopolist to is maximize its profits: n = (x-(l-a))/ max g* (*,' L\ Z i 9) di \ - C (9) subject to (12). Therefore, an equilibrium in this economy can be defined Definition 2 An equilibrium in Economy M is technology choice 9, and factor prices (wl,wz) and technology (11) given (wl,wz) such that {L ,Z l {.Z7, l l ,q as: Z l l L Z l ,q (x, l [\,L ,Z l \ l , 9)j. \ 9)} _ solve and the technology choice and pricing deci- 9; (3) holds; maximize sions for the monopolist, {9,x), a set of firm decisions (13) (13) subject to (12). This definition emphasizes that factor demands and technology are decided by different agents (the former by the final good producers, the latter by the technology monopolist). This is an important feature both theoretically and as a representation of how technology determined Assumption demands and technology in practice. Since factor 1 Assumption are decided by different agents, can now be relaxed and replaced by the following. 2 G(L\ Z\ concave in (L\ 9) is To characterize the equilibrium, note that Zi over marginal cost and for all i is £ equal to T . x — (for all 9 ) G G). demand (12) defines a constant elasticity so the profit-maximizing price of the monopolist a~ l G(L, 2,9) is is given by the standard Consequently, q 1- l (9) = monopoly markup 1 q curve, (\ = 1, L, Z \ &) = Substituting this into (13), the profits and the maximization problem of the monopolist can be expressed as maxj e e n (^) — G{L, Z,9) — C (9). Thus we have established the following proposition: Proposition 3 Suppose Assumption M is 2 holds. Then any equilibrium technology 9 in Economy a solution to maxF{L,Z,9') = G(L, 2,9') - C (<?') (14) . 0'ee and any solution to this problem is an equilibrium technology. This proposition shows that equilibrium technology identical to that in Economy D, in Economy that of maximizing F(L, 2, 9) Naturally, the presence of the monopoly markup introduces These distortions are important in = M is G(L, 2,6) — C (9) as in (4). distortions in the equilibrium. ensuring that equilibrium technology 11 a solution to a problem is not at the level that „ maximizes net output. In particular, price is = x us use the fact that the profit-maximizing monopoly let and substitute (12) into the production function 1 C (9), of technology choice, and the Y (L, 2,8) = Clearly, since the coefficient in front of [L, Z, 9) will that C (8) Finally, wl = (1 — it q) output function as Y~G (L, 2, 6) - C {6) G [L, 2, 9) , 8), (15) . than strictly greater is x 1, as in Economy E, a solution to (14) (recall is 9). dG(L, 2, 8)/dL and Y G or the = u<zj F (1 - a)~ dG(L, Z, 9)/dZj, which are proportional function defined in (4) as well as the derivatives of the net defined in (15). In what follows, Economy O It is also economy a~ 1 G(L\ Z a) can be verified that in this economy, equilibrium factor prices are given by _1 to the derivatives of the 2.4 in this be increasing in 9 in the neighborhood of 8* that increasing in is — cost of production of the machines, (1 from gross output. This gives net output Y and then subtract the cost (10), I take M Economy as the baseline. — Oligopoly Equilibrium straightforward to extend the environment in the previous subsection so that tech- nologies are supplied by a Let 9 be the vector 9 = number of competing (oligopolistic) firms rather than a monopolist. (#i, ...,9s), and suppose that output is now given by s y>=a~ a (l- 1 a)' G(L\ Z\ 8)^^ ^s) X ~a (16) , s=l where 9 S 6 q\ (9 S ) is Q s C R hs is a technology supplied by technology producer s, used by final good firm producer supplied demand functions intermediates as gl (v s , V, Z l | 8) = cT x G{L\ Z\ 9)x7 l/a Equation (16) implicitly imposes that technology 8 S This can be relaxed by writing 8S , and Factor markets are again i. competitive, and a maximization problem similar to (11) gives the inverse 1 1,...,5, the quantity of intermediate good (or machine) embodying technology 9 S by technology producer for = s = 1 (<?3 (9 S > 0)) 8 3 , y' = q" q will impact productivity even 1 (1 - a)' G(L\ Z* (17) , ~6') , a £f=] q' (e s B 1_Q ) , if firm where so that the firm does not benefit from the technologies that it i chooses ¥ s (e u q' (S) s ...,~0 s \ = 0. with does not purchase. Let 8-s be equal to 9 with the 5th element set equal to 0. Then, provided that G(L,Z,9) — G(L, Z,6- s ) is not too large, in particular, if G(L,Z,6) - G{L,Z~6- a ) < q(1 - a) G(L,Z,6)/ (S - 1), then the analysis in the text applies. This latter condition ensures that no oligopolist would like to deviate and "hold up" final good producers by charging a very high price. 12 . where x s s= the price charged for intermediate good embodying technology 9 S by oligopolist 1S 1,...,5. C Let the cost of creating technology 9 S be each unit of any intermediate good An Definition 3 <Ll ,Z l <L ,Z r such that ! l technology vector , \_q\ j l \ 9)] s=1 1, ..., — (0i, ..., maximize firm \ = 1, ..., 5, (9 S x s ), , S. Consequently, with the producer will solve the and factor 9s). profits given maximize producing prices (wi,wz) (wl,wz) and the same for subject to (17). its profits = a profit-maximizing price for intermediate goods equal to x s s cost of a. maximization problem of each technology producer profit The and the technology choice and pricing decisions (#i, ...,#s); (3) holds; = 1 1,..,,S. a set of firm decisions is technology choices , \ (x s ,L\Z technology producer s The #)] | = (9 S ) for s again normalized to Economy equilibrium in (x s ,£\Z l [q s , is s is similar to (13) 1 f° r an Y @s and implies G ©s and each steps as in the previous subsection, each technology problem: max n s es (6„) = ee, G(L, Z, 6 lt ...,9 ai ..., - Cs 9S) (9„) This argument establishes the following proposition: Proposition 4 Suppose Assumption is a vector (9\, ...,9 S ) such that 9* 2 holds. is max G(L,Z each for s = 1, ..., S, Then any equilibrium technology in Economy solution to > and any such vector 9* ,...,9 ,...,9* S 1 S )-G S (9 S ) gives an equilibrium technology. This proposition shows that the equilibrium corresponds to a Nash equilibrium and thus, as in Economy results E, below and it is all given by a fixed point problem. Nevertheless, this has little effect on the of the results stated in this paper hold for this oligopolistic environment. 11 2 = for all s and s' is identical to the It is also worth noting that the special case where d G/d9 s dd s product variety models of Romer (1990) and Grossman and Helpman (1991), and in this case, the equilibrium can again be represented as a solution to a unique maximization problem, i.e., that of maximizing G(L, Z, B\, ..., 9 S ..., 9s) — ^2 3 ~iC s {9 S )- Finally, note also that, with a slight modification, this environment can also embed monopolistic competition, where the number of firms is endogenous and determined by zero profit condition (the technology choice of non-active firms will be equal to zero in this case, and the equilibrium problem will be max^ge,, G{L,Z,9\, ...,9 3 ..., 9*s 0, ..., 0) — C s (9 3 ) for 1 < s < 5", with S' being determined endogenously in equilibrium. 1 ' i , , , , 13 Review of Previous Results on Equilibrium Bias 2.5 I now briefly review the previous results concerning the bias of technology in response to These changes in factor supplies. though results apply to all of the for concreteness, the reader may vector and let Acemoglu I 9 £ Q, and is impose the following assumption, which also of the results in the next section. Assumption Recall that 9 (2007). details 3 Let for G = R+ C (9) . each k dC(9—k ,9. k ) = > 1, 2, K -dimensional a a9 k fl Moreover, G(L,Z,9) is fc , be relaxed for twice continuously differentiable and strictly convex in is we have = and o8 k -.o will To " dC(9—k ,9. k ) hm 0, K ..., 1 far, and the us denote the equilibrium technology at factor supplies (L, Z) by 6* (Z, Z). simplify the discussion here, some Economy M. Further wish to consider proofs of these results can be found in environments discussed so dC(9 k ,9^ k — hm fc ) = oc for all 9. a9 k -too continuously differentiable in 9 and L, and concave in 9 £ 0, and satisfies dG(L,Z,9 k ,9_ k ) v ' =i g (0,+oo) for ' all 9, L, and Z. o9k The most important above and will part of this assumption, that C is increasing, was already mentioned ensure that we can think of higher 9 as corresponding to "more advanced" technology. Assumption 3 enables us exists (for k = 1. We ...,K). theorem and ensures that d9*k /dL to use the inverse function say that there is weak (absolute) equilibrium bias at [L, Z) if ^dwLd9l 2In other words, there is d9 k 8L ~ weak equilibrium bias if the combined effect of induced changes in technology resulting from an increase in labor supply at the starting factor proportions (i.e., it ' is to raise the marginal product of labor "shifts out" the shows that an increase in labor supply (or the supply of weak equilibrium Conversely, bias. it also demand for labor). any other factor) The next will result always induce shows that labor scarcity (here corresponding to a decline in the supply of labor) will induce technological changes that are biased against labor. '"See Acemoglu (2007) for versions of the results in this subsection 11 without this assumption. . Theorem 1 Suppose that Assumption supplies (Z, Z) be 6* (L,Z). Then, there K and 3 holds the equilibrium technology at factor let weak absolute equilibrium is bias at all (Z, Z), i.e., a Z%£ S>°tw(i,z), dL 'd9 k fc=i with strict inequality if Note ^ d8*k /dL for also that while this result and some k all = 1, of the other theorems below are stated for changes changes are also equivalent to changes in L, these function (or equivalently the F function) is Finally, the next change in in factor proportions provided that the Z homothetic in L and The supplies of the other factors are held constant. also endogenously respond to the K. ..., Z or to case in which wage push and, as assumed here, the some of these supplies may discussed in subsection 5.2. is theorem shows how general equilibrium technology choices can lead to an increasing long-run relationship between the supply of a factor and our analysis, this theorem be analyzed G in a unified clarifies manner its price. In the context of the conditions under which labor scarcity and wage push can (see, in particular, Corollary 3 and the analysis in subsection 5.3). We say that there is strong (absolute) equilibrium bias at (Z, Z) dw L _ dw L dL dL y^ dw L 89* *-" d9 k dL if k ' . fc=i Clearly, here holding 8 = dw^/dL 9* denotes the total derivative, while (L,Z). Recall also that Hessian with respect to {L,9), negative semi-definiteness Theorem F V 2 ^^^)^^), is is F (L. Z,9ys negative semi-definite at this point (though not sufficient for local joint concavity). . Then Hessian in [L,9), serni- definite at (Z, A number Z) denotes the partial derivative jointly concave in (L, 9) at (L,8* (L\Z)), its 2 Suppose that Assumption 3 holds and at factor supplies (L, if is if dw^/dL there V 2 is let 9* (Z, Z) be the equilibrium technology strong absolute equilibrium bias at (Z, Z) F(i^)(L,9) (evaluated at (L,Z,9* (L,Z)), is if and only not negative Z) of implications of this producer theory, where all demand dogenous technology choices theorem are worth noting. curves are downward in general equilibrium 15 First, in contrast to basic sloping, this result shows that en- can easily lead to upward sloping demand ^ 2 F^ L g^ L ^ curves for factors. In particular, the condition that is is not negative semi-definite not very restrictive, since technology and factors are being chosen by different agents (mo- nopolists or oligopolists on the one hand and result also highlights that there cannot Economy D, because for set good producers on the be strong bias in a equilibrium existence in production possibilities Most importantly final Economy and thus ensures that D fully other). However, this competitive economy such as imposes convexity of the aggregate V 2 F(^ m(£ g\ must be negative our purposes here, this theorem implies that when V 2 semi-definite. F( L g^ L g) is neg- ative semi-definite, then the equilibrium relationship (taking into account, the endogeneity of technology) between wage and labor supply can be expressed by a diminishing function w*L (L). We will make use What do of this feature in the next section. the results presented in this subsection imply about the impact of labor scarcity on technological progress? The answer becomes more is almost nothing. These results imply that scarce, either because labor supply declines or because some regulation increases wages above market clearing and we move along the curve w*L (L) to an employment Z, technology will change in a way that is when labor level below biased against labor. But as already discussed in the Introduction, this can take the form of "technological regress" (meaning technology is now less of a contributing factor to output) or "technological advance" (change in technology increasing output further). In a dynamic framework, these changes could take the form of the economy foregoing some of the technological advances that it would have made otherwise or making further advances, contributing to growth (see Acemoglu, 2002). Therefore, these results are not informative on the question motivating the current paper. Answers to this question are developed in the next section. 3 Labor Scarcity and Technological Progress In this section, I present the main results of the current paper as well as a number of relevant- extensions. 3.1 Main Result Let us focus on that = R+ , Economy so that 9 by the solution is M in this subsection and suppose that Assumption 3 a A"-dimensional vector to the maximization problem and equilibrium technology choice in (14). 10 holds. Recall Assumption is given 3 also ensures equilibrium technology 9* [L, Z) uniquely determined and is dF(L,Z,9* (L.Z)) v 1 Y Recall also that net output C (9) U =0fork = ' (L,Z,9) is l,2,...,K. given by (15), which, together with the fact that strictly increasing, implies that is (L.Z)) dY(L,Z,e* V V In light of this, component we say that > oftxk = LL ' l,2,...,K. there are technological advances if (18) 9 increases (meaning that each of the vector 9 increases or remains constant). The key concepts of strongly labor (or more generally factor) saving technology labor complementary technology are introduced in the next definition. — vector x X on xn ) i, ..., and only if (x, t) / (x if defined on Kn in d2 f X (x) T x /dx in x. The concept be nonincreasing. 2 d f for (x, t) each /dxidt of is If > / differentiable is for each Bl and Bz is and for all and t, f (x, t") ^ i'. In addition, a function has increasing differences (strict ) —f i supermodular is (x, t) is nondecreasing (increasing) —f defined similarly and requires / (x, t") TcK, and decreasing then increasing differences differences is equivalent to 2 d f is that of We is is strongly labor saving at (L,Z) G (L, Z, 8) Theorem equivalent to (x, t) < /dxjdt that say that technology supermodular in 8. there exist neighborhoods strongly labor complementary at (L,Z) L and Z such 3 Consider if exhibits decreasing differences in (L, 9) G (L, Z, 9) is Economy M if on Br, x = 1,...,K, technology x all L, Z and advances, in the sense that d9*k (L,Z) if it 9 £ 0. and suppose that Assumption is © Bl x strongly labor saving (labor complementary) globally 3 holds and G(L,Z,9) Let the equilibrium technology be denoted by 9* (L,Z). if Bz there exist neighborhoods is Then labor scarcity will induce technological advances (increase 9), in the sense that d9*k (L,Z) each k Bl and exhibits increasing differences in (L, 9) on strongly labor saving (labor complementary) for for to (x, t) i. L and Z such x G. i X C R n and T C K m X of decreasing differences t), if x G for all > Conversely, technology Bz > dxi> for all t" Definition 4 Technology Bz t (where increasing differences) in (x, Recall that given a a twice continuously differentiable function / (x) , and strongly jdL < strongly labor saving, and will discourage technological /dL > for labor complementary. 17 each k = 1,...,K, if technology is strongly . Proof. From Assumption 3, C (9) is This together with equation strictly increasing in 9. from (18) implies that technological advances correspond to a change in technology The is strictly theorem. (k G is supermodular in function = Therefore, a small change in and comparative 1,...,A'), strongly labor saving, each k = 1,...,K. 8. will lead to a small 9 in the This yields the neighborhood of L, Z, and L and first JdL > for This gives the second part of the desired Though each k (14) (L,Z) exhibits decreasing or When technology is 9* (L,Z). and thus d9*k (L,Z) jdL < when = 1,...,K, G exhibits and labor scarcity result. simple, this theorem provides a fairly complete characterization of the conditions under which labor scarcity and wage push (in competitive factor markets) will lead to tech- nological advances (technology adoption or progress due to innovation). are not covered by the theorem are those where G in each of 9*k change G 3, 9' the implicit function part of the desired result. Conversely, d9*k (L,Z) 9, L by determined by whether statics are G exhibits decreasing differences in L and 9, increasing differences in reduces L and L different! able in is > to 9" by assumption. Moreover, again from Assumption concave and the solution 8* (L,Z) increasing differences in for 8 9' G is positive, but L and of labor scarcity on each technology ''direct effect" cases that not supermodular in 9 and those where exhibits neither increasing differences nor decreasing differences in permodularity, the The only 9. Without su- component would be because of lack of supermodularity, the advance in one component may then induce an even larger deterioration in some other component, thus a precise result becomes impossible. labor supply When G L exhibits neither increasing or decreasing differences, then a change in components will affect different of technology in different directions cannot reach an unambiguous conclusion about the overall parametric assumptions). tion is Clearly, automatically satisfied and the neighborhood of L, Z and when G makes the are multiple is either increasing or decreasing differences in 9* [L,Z). this analysis is results not readily generalizable to a ways of extending will continue to (without making further single dimensional, the supermodularity condi- must exhibit Another potential shortcoming of this 9 effect and we this that the environment dynamic framework, is static. it is Although clear that there framework to a dynamic environment and the main forces apply in this case (see subsection 5.1 for an extension to a growth model). The advantage of the an illustration of this point using static environment is that it enables us to develop these results at a fairly high level of generality, without being forced to r- make some other notion of a functional form assumptions in order to ensure balanced growth or well-defined dynamic equilibrium. Further Results 3.2 The Theorem results of Economy 3 apply to E and generalized to Economies and M and under Assumption 3. also hold without Assumption 3. These Here I results can be show how this can be done in the simplest possible way by focusing on global results (while simultaneously relaxing Assumption The next theorem 3). a direct analog of Theorem is equilibrium technology corresponds to the Nash equilibrium of the 3, except that game among now oligopolist technology suppliers. As a consequence, multiple equilibria (multiple equilibrium technologies) As are possible. is well known (e.g., Milgrom and Roberts, 1994, Topkis, are multiple equilibria, we can "extremal equilibria". These extremal equilibria greatest refers to Theorem C (9) is 9, an increase we must have in the greatest 4 Consider Economy strictly increasing in 9. O 8' > > 8 if 9' In this light, a technological advance and the smallest equilibrium technologies. technology and 8" both is G (L, Z, 9) supermodular is increase. If technology and the smallest equilibrium technologies In Economy O, Nash equilibrium of a 8' the equilibrium game among the S is advances and the smallest in the sense that the greatest and 6" both decrease. is given by Proposition 4 and corresponds to a oligopolist technology suppliers. supermodular game. In addition, when G G is Inspection of the supermodular exhibits increasing differences in globally, the payoff of each oligopolist exhibits' increasing differences in its L. and that strongly labor complementary corresponding profit functions of each oligopolist shows that when this is a in 9 strongly labor saving globally, then labor globally, then labor scarcity will discourage technological Proof. statics for there exists another scarcity will induce technological advances in the sense that the greatest equilibrium technologies there context correspond to the 9" (meaning that 9"). and suppose that If unambiguous comparative in the present & and and smallest equilibrium technologies, equilibrium technology, now typically only provide when 1998), own in 8, L and strategies 9 and Then, Theorem 4.2.2 from Topkis (1998) implies that the greatest and smallest equilibria of when L this game first part follows with the will increase increases. This establishes the second part of the theorem. same argument, using — 9 instead labor saving globally. 19 of 8, when technology is The strongly This theorem therefore establishes the global counterparts of the results in Economy O, which for features further game-theoretic interactions two The corollaries. the oligopolists. and Economy E, and are stated next in the proofs of both corollaries are simple applications (or extensions) of the M and suppose that G (L, Z, 9) Corollary 1 Consider Economy is 3 Theorem 4 and thus omitted. proof of C (9) M Economy Similar global results also hold for among Theorem strictly increasing in 9. globally, If technology is and that in 9 strongly labor saving [labor complementary] then labor scarcity will induce [discourage] technological advances. Corollary 2 Consider Economy E and suppose that and that supermodular is C (9) is strictly increasing in 6. If G (L, Z, 9 technology is l , 9) is supermodular in (9 l , 9), strongly labor saving [labor comple- mentary] globally, then labor scarcity will induce [discourage] technological advances. Nevertheless, The main reason hood it is important to emphasize that these results do not apply to Economy D. for this of an equilibrium in advance". Any that, as already discussed in the previous section, in the neighbor- is Economy D, there is no meaningful notion of "induced technological small change in 9 will have second-order effects on net output and any non- small change in 9 will reduce net output at the starting factor proportions (at 9* (Z, Z) already maximizes output 3.3 Implications of L and Z) since at these factor proportions. Wage Push Let us consider the same environments as in the previous subsections, and also suppose that vF(L,6)(Lfi) 2, is negative semi-definite at the factor supplies (L, Z), so that, from the (endogenous-technology) relationship between labor supply and wage decreasing function w*L (L). This implies that we can is Theorem given by a equivalent ly talk of a decrease in labor supply (corresponding to labor becoming more "scarce") or a "wage push," where a wage above the market clearing employment as L e = min level is < imposed. In this (w*L )~ light, (w Le ),L>, where ui e L we can is generally think of equilibrium the equilibrium wage rate, either determined in competitive labor markets or imposed by regulation. Under these assumptions, all of the results presented in this section continue to hold. This Corollary 3 Suppose that sumptions as in Theorems 3 V 2 F^ Lt g^ L ^ and is is stated in the next corollary. negative semi-definite. 4 or in Corollaries 20 1 and 2, a Then under the same minimum wage above as- the market clearing wage advances when technology level induces technological discourages technological advances Proof. This result follows when technology is is strongly labor saving and strongly labor complementary. immediately from the observation that, when negative semi-definite, a wage above the market clearing level is V 2 F(^ m^m is equivalent to a decline in employment. The close association V assumption that demand curves are push can have between labor scarcity and wage push F(l,6){l,6) downward richer effects negative semi-definite, so that the endogenous-technology 1s sloping (recall and this is Theorem When 2). discussed in Section this is not the case, in employment. this Nevertheless, pronounced, overall output is the case, net output when the may may should it decline because of the reduction on technology effect of labor scarcity employment increase even though declines. sufficiently is Consider the following example, which illustrates both this possibility and also gives a simple instance technology Example Let us focus on Economy M G (L, Z, 0) = and the factor to will where strongly labor saving. is 1 wage 5. While Corollary 3 shows that wage push can induce technological advances, be noted that even when on the in this result relies cost of technology creation Z— 1 is and suppose that the 39Z 1/3 + C (9) = 36> 2 -9) L 1/3 /2. Let us normalize the supply of the , to start with that equilibrium be given by marginal product. Equilibrium technology is function takes the form 3 {I and denote labor supply by Z. Suppose Equilibrium wage G is then given by 9* (Z) given by the marginal product of labor at labor supply = 1 Z wages — Z1 ' 3 . Z and technology 9: w(L,9) = (\-9)L~ 2 l i To obtain the endogenous-technology . relationship between labor supply and wages, we substi- tute for 6* (Z) into this wage expression and obtain w(L,e*(L)) = Z" 1/3 This shows that there is a decreasing relationship between labor supply and wages. Suppose that labor supply Z be 4. . is equal to 1/64. Next consider a minimum wage at w = 21 5. In that case, the equilibrium wage will Since final good producers take prices demands; as given, they have to be along their (endogenous-technology) labor that employment will fall 3/4, whereas after the L to = e minimum this implies Without "wage push," technology was 1/125. wage, we have 8* (L e ) = 4/5, which 8* (Z) illustrates the = induced technology adoption/innovation effects of wage push. Does wage push increase (2 — a) / (1 — a) overall output? Recall that net output G (L, Z,9) — C (9). It can be verified that for a is equal to close to 0, Y (L, Z, 9) — wage push reduces net output; however for sufficiently high a, net output increases despite the decline in employ- ment. Generalizing this example, output F 2. \BF (Z, Z, 8) /8L\ a sufficiently small. (Z, Z, 8) (or is G When In this section, nology 0cl, IL, Z, 9)) exhibits decreasing differences in 2 \d These conditions can be 4 can be verified that when wage push will increase the following conditions are satisfied: if 1. 3. it is I F (Z. Z, 9) economies in 2 < \ \d 2 F (L, Z, 9) easily generalized to cases in /dL89\ which 8 is 6; OF {L, Z, 9) /88; multidimensional. Technology Strongly Labor Saving? investigate the conditions under which, in a range of standard models, tech- strongly labor saving. is /38 L and which The this is the case, results though show that in possible to construct a rich set of it is most models commonly used and economic growth, technology turns out not in macroeconomics to be strongly labor saving. Throughout, I provide examples in which technology can be represented by a single-dimensional variable (thus focus on Economy M). This is to simplify the expressions and communicate the basic ideas in the most transparent manner. As the analysis in the previous sections illustrated, none of the results require technology to be single dimensional. Cobb-Douglas Production Functions with Harrod Neutral Technology 4.1 As a first example, suppose that the function G, and thus the aggregate production function of the economy, takes a "Cobb-Douglas form" with Harrod-neutral technology. In particular, let us write this function as G(L,Z,9) = H(Z){8L) a 22 , where H M^ -> : where a £ R+, and thus aggregate net output (0, 1) is G with respect to L and 9 in this case It is Therefore, technology wage push It is is H that Gie = (2 - a) H (Z) (GL) a / (1 - a), -1 > 0. discourage technological advances. La ~l > same conclusion holds the production function if In this case, the assumptions . Supposing that strictly increasing in 9. 0, so that the in Substitution Patterns ccHq (Z, 9) Changes = always strongly labor complementary in this case and labor scarcity G (L, Z,9) = H (Z,9) L a must be (L, Z, 9) straightforward to verify that the cross-partial a 2 H(Z)(9L) a also straightforward to verify that the (L, Z, 9) 4.2 is will necessarily modified to Y is G L9 (L,Z,9) = or given .by the parameter of the production function in (10), measuring the elasticity of aggregate output to the subcomponent G. of is it is same conclusion imposed so far also differentiable, is imply we have reached. Technological change that alters the substitution patterns across factors often turns out to be strongly labor saving. The analysis in subsection 4.4 will illustrate this in detail, but a simple example based on Cobb-Douglas production functions G the function illustrates the intuition. Suppose that takes the form G(L,Z,9) = A(9)H{Z)l}-\ where A (9) technology is a strictly increasing and differentiable function. From Proposition Therefore, whether we have Glb{L,Z,6*) = C (9*) equilibrium). which will - ' - A{9*) ta [(1 -9*) A' made using (19), be negative C (9) and the positive or negative. we can C '9" \nl = C {9*) is level of labor . (19) supply and the economy, In particular, suppose that in equilib- chosen appropriately for this to be the case in write = (l-e*)e-A (9*) H (Z) L~ e G LB {L,Z,6*) for small enough. e 1 -(1 -9*)A(9*)lnl-A{9*)]H(Z)L' B \ [9*) eL (where the function Then H (Z) l strongly labor saving technology depends on the sign of that by modifying the function L, this expression can be rium equilibrium satisfies A'(9*)H (Z)l 1 It is clear 3, 23 ' , Factor-Augmenting Technological Change 4.3 Let us next turn to constant elasticity of substitution (CES) production functions with factor- augmenting technology, which are will see also commonly used below that the important restriction here simplify the discussion, let us continue to focus by a single-dimensional and variable, 9, we have 9 to distinguish between two on cases Z cases, one in e (0, 1), and once is factor augmenting. is which G "augments" 9 To represented only one other factor of This means also single dimensional. is We literature. Z and one in which function can then be written as [(l-^^ZJ^+r/L 2^ G{L,Z,9) = r] is which technology in suppose that there also "augments" labor. Let us start with the former. The for macroeconomics that technology is production, for example land or capital, and thus that in the again, net output equal to the same expression multiplied by is (2-a)/(l-a). Straightforward differentiation then gives G Le (L, Z, 9) = 7<r + 1 —a -! 777(1 a - ,- g-i Z~ y L)s . r,) -,,-, 1 (i - g-l v (9Z)^~ ) This expression shows that technology will be strongly labor complementary either of the following two conditions are satisfied: a < 1 (1) Q--1 a -I (i.e., G^e > + VL L 7 = 1 if (constant returns to scale); (2) (gross complements). Therefore, in this case for technology to be strongly labor saving and a > 1 we would need both 7 < (and in fact both of them sufficiently so) so that the following condition is (20) a This result can be generalized as to any it is also homothetic G(9Z,L), where sufficient for G is in Z and G featuring Z-augmenting technology (provided L). In particular, for homothetic. It 1 satisfied. l-7>-. that 0) any such G, we can write can then be verified that (20) is G (L, Z,9) = again necessary and technology to be strongly labor saving, with 7 corresponding to the local degree of homogeneity of G and a corresponding qualifiers are added, since these to the local elasticity of substitution (both "local" need not be constant). This result shows that with Z-augmenting technology, constant returns to scale to rule out strongly labor saving technological progress. In addition, in this case 24 is we sufficient also need — Since 9 a high elasticity of substitution. augmenting the other is factor, Z, a high elasticity of substitution corresponds to technology "substituting" for tasks performed by labor. somewhat intuition will exhibit itself when we turn differently next, to the CES This production function with labor-augmenting technology. With labor-augmenting G technology, the function takes the form tr-l G{L,Z,9)= (l-rj)Z—+ri(6L)-z Straightforward differentiation G L e{L,Z,e) = Now 1 + l 1 r {6L)°^ } now gives a ^^{l-T )Z -^1 \x 1 ri{6Lr° ,, I 1 ,..<//. . defining the relative labor share as the condition that G^g < is —> — r](9L) _ wL L ~ = = w zZ [\-r])Z SL ; Q> equivalent to sl< As with condition likely to (20), (21) is more likely to be strongly labor saving, when 7 returns. However, 21 is now technology cannot be be satisfied, and technological change is also intuitive. When and labor requires a high 9 augments a < 9 more smaller and thus there are strong decreasing strongly labor saving when a •> opposite of the restriction on the elasticity of substitution in the case This is when 1, 9 which is the augments Z. augments Z, a high degree of substitution between technology elasticity of substitution, in particular, labor, a high degree of substitution a > 1. In contrast, when between technology and labor corresponds to 1. This result can again be extended to labor-augmenting technology in general. again that G (L, Z,9) = G(Z,9L), with G homothetic. Then Suppose (21) characterizes strongly labor saving technology with 7 corresponding to the local degree of homogeneity of G and a corresponding to the local elasticity of substitution. This discussion highlights that with the most common production functions in macroeco- nomics, Cobb-Douglas and production functions with a factor of minting technological change, technology tends to be strongly labor complementary rather than strongly labor saving. Nevertheless, the latter possibility is not ruled out, at least 25 when technological change affects the patterns of substitution. next turn to a setup where technological change more explicitly I replaces labor and thus affects the patterns of substitution between labor and other factors. Machines Replacing Labor 4.4 Models in which technological change labor have been proposed by is caused or accompanied by machines replacing Champernowne (1963), Zeira (1998, 2006) and Hellwig and Irmen and generalizing the paper by Zeira (1998). (2001). Let us consider a setup building on economy and explain why we need describe a fully competitive human I first to depart from this towards an environment such as Economy M. Aggregate output given by is " ] £=1 y(v) where y * " dv denotes intermediate good of type v produced as (u) fc(") jtjt if v uses new "technology" it v uses old technology I where both that T](v) r\ is [y] and /3 {v) are assumed to a strictly increasing function, , be continuous functions and goods are ordered such and /3(f) capital used in the production of intermediate u. I decreasing. In addition, k(y) denotes is use capital as the other factor of production here to maximize similarity with Zeira (1998). Firms are competitive and can choose which product to produce with the new technology and which one with the old technology. Total labor supply that capital is using the L. For now, let us also suppose supplied inelastically, with total supply given by K. Let the price of the final good be normalized is is new to 1 and that of each intermediate good be p technology. Clearly, n [y) = RT]{y) where w is which is strictly increasing the wage rate and be decreasing or (5 R is 1 We write n (v) — 1 if v whenever < w/3{i/) , the endogenously determined rate of return on capital. Let by assumption. In [v) could [y). fact, this is all that is required, so be increasing as long as 7 26 (u) is strictly increasing. rj {u) could we In the competitive equilibrium, = n(v) Since 7 increasing, its inverse is ages higher levels of 9* now see Let us . This that this is have 9* such that will 1 for all 1/ < 9* wage to and exploited effect is highlighted ] 7 (w/R), so that 6>*. also increasing, so a higher is = rental rate ratio encour- in Zeira (1998). indeed related to decreasing differences. With the same reasoning, suppose that = n{v) for some € 6 (0, 1) (since, clearly, in 1 for any equilibrium or optimal allocation, crossing" must hold). Then, prices of intermediates P{ <9 a\\u must this type of "single satisfy (VMR Xv<0 \ 0(v) ' w v>9 if ' Therefore, the profit maximization problem of final good producers is E-l max [y( t, dv y{v) )L S [o,i] rj{v)y(v)dv-w ill j Uo 0(v)y(v)dv, which gives the following simple solution y[ Now market K, and ' \{f3{v)w)- clearing for capital implies similarly, market clearing {u) for labor gives \l-e A (9) JQ k n\y) e du and Y \iv>9 dv Jd = fQ fi (v) r/ ~E (u) y (u) =f dv w~ E Y dv = B {9) L /3{ls) -E 77 (v) ~'~ R~ e Ydu = L. Let us define dls (22) IQ Then the market clearing conditions can be expressed as l-e R Using (22) and (23), l-e [|a OT we can ,.„i It jB{9) (23) A(6)'K^ +B{9)c irr Equation (24) gives a simple expression 9. ( write aggregate output (and aggregate net output) as Y sector Y u,i-e = can be verified that Y for (24) aggregate output as a function of the threshold exhibits decreasing differences in L and 9 in the competitive equilibrium. In particular, equilibrium technology in this case will satisfy dY _ 1 T}\ A(9*)~ K— -P{9*) 27 1 ~e B{9*)~ L — Y? =0. Since the term in square brackets must be equal to zero, 82 Y 1 -B{e*) 390 L -£ l-e there is <0 an intimate connection between machines replacing labor and technology being strongly labor saving. However, economy because we 1 1 B(9*)-r L—'Y-< e why This argument suggests L we must have Theorem 3 does not apply to this and thus dY/89 are in a fully competitive environment, = in equilibrium (and hence induced changes in technology do not correspond to "technological advances"). Motivated by us consider a version of the current environment corresponding to this, let Economy M. To do this, set Z= K and suppose that G (L, K, 9) = with cost C(9), e > 1, and economy ensures that an we only have fore, that Gl6 is and K^ +B{0)' L^ B (9) whether technology L and 9. is a > in this strongly labor saving, or whether G exhibits proportional to l-e = fact that Straightforward differentiation and some manipulation imply E-l -0 (6*y- e B(6*)— L—G(L, with Sl The defined as in (22). increase in 9 indeed corresponds to a technological advance. There- to check decreasing differences in A (9) \A (9)° u,'iL/[(2 be negative when — a) C (9*) further functional forms, technology that is G (L, K, 9) / (1 is small or we cannot — when A', 0)* + (2 - a) C {9*) SL a)] as the labor share of income. the share of labor is small. , This expression will But without specifying give primitive conditions for this to be the case. Instead, strongly labor saving obtains easily if we consider a slight variation on this baseline model, where the constant returns to scale assumption has been relaxed, so that the G function takes the form K^ +B{9) L^ 1 G{L,K,9) = \a(6)* Then it * can be verified that G Le = so that technology is -^!3 (9*) l -£ B (9*)^ L~i < 0, always strongly labor saving and a decrease in advances. 28 L will induce technological The analysis in this subsection therefore shows that models takes the form of machines replacing technology. This to labor create a tendency for strongly labor saving intuitive, since the process of is new technology human where technological progress machines replacing labor is connected closely substituting for and saving on labor. Extensions and Discussion 5 In this section, discuss a I number of issues raised by the analysis so far. First, show that I technology being strongly labor saving does not contradict the positive impact of secular technological changes on wages. Second, into this framework. Finally, labor scarcity show how endogenous factor supplies can be incorporated how wage push can lead to very different results than discuss Technological Change and 5.1 One demand curve the endogenous-technology with the conditions provided in Theorem line is when I I for labor Wage in the upward sloping (in 2). Increases objection to the plausibility of strongly labor saving technology accompanied by a steady increase is wage is that the growth process rate, while strongly labor saving technology implies that further technological advances will tend to reduce the marginal product of labor. In this subsection, I increase wages while My reason, purpose here I show that a simple dynamic extension allows technological change to still is maintaining technology as strongly labor saving. not to develop a only use a slight variant of communicate the main ideas. full dynamic general equilibrium model. Economy E and a simple demographic The exact form of the production function is For this structure to motivated by the models in which machines replace labor such as those discussed in subsection 4.4, though various different alternative formulations could also have been used to obtain similar results. The economy is in discrete time and runs to infinite horizon. It is inhabited by one- period lived individuals, each operating a firm. Therefore, each firm maximizes static profits. The total measures of individuals and firms are normalized to production, L and Z, both inelastically supplied in each period with supplies equal to Z. Past technology choices create an externality similar to that in suppose that all There are two factors of 1. Economy E. In particular, firms are competitive and the production function of each at time yi(Ll,Zi,elA t )=At 1+7 $) (^ + 29 (i-0j) 1+7 (i4) L and t is firm (25) where 7 < Z and and we assume that £ is sufficiently close to 1, so that (25) is jointly concave in L, This production function implies that higher 9 will correspond to substituting factor 6. Z, which may be capital or other human or nonhuman factors, for tasks performed by labor. Suppose that At =(l + g(6t-i))A -u (26) t where g at time (1986). is an increasing function and 9 t = fie ~6ldi the average technology choice of firms is t. This form of intertemporal technological externalities It may result, for is similar to that in Romer example, from the fact that past efforts to substitute machines or capital for labor advance (and also build upon) the knowledge stock of the economy. A slightly modified version of Proposition 2 applies in this environment and implies that equilibrium technology 9* (Z, Z) given by the solution to is dYJ(Z,Z,9*{L,Z),A t ) do 6* (L, This implies that 2) uniquely determined and independent of is A t , in particular, given by 6*(Z,Z) = 1 Since 7 < and e > 1, 6* (L, 2) is + (Z/L) ^£(0,1). y decreasing in Z, so labor scarcity increases 9* (Z, Z). Then, (26) implies that a higher equilibrium level of 0* (Z, and wages. This is Z will lead to faster growth of output despite the fact that, at the margin, labor scarcity increases 9* (Z, Z) substitutes for tasks previously performed by labor. in Z) will also increase 9* (Z, Z) . It highlights that in a can be easily verified that an increase The immediate impact of wages, but this change will also increase the rate of and of this will be to reduce the level wage and output growth. This result dynamic framework with strongly labor saving technology, the short-run and long-run impacts of technological advances on wages will typically differ. This analysis thus shows that in a dynamic economy, there nological changes leading to a secular increase in wages is no tension between tech- and technology being strongly labor saving. 5.2 To Endogenous Factor Supplies highlight the new treated the supply of results of the all framework presented in this paper, the analysis so far has factors as exogenous. This ignores both the response of labor supply 30 to changes in wages and also the adjustment of other factor supplies or labor market regulations that create is factors, such as capital, to changes in wage push. Endogenous labor supply further discussed in the next subsection. Here us focus on endogenous supply of other factors. let situation in which one of the other factors of production is we can imagine For example, capital that is a elastically supplied. In will affect both technology and the supply of capital so that the rental rate of capital remains constant. Consequently, the overall impact on technology change in labor supply this case, a will be a combination of the direct effect of labor supply and an indirect effect working through the induced changes in the capital stock of the economy. Although the details of the analysis are somewhat in Section 3 we can note different in this case, that the essence of the main remain unchanged. In particular, those results were stated in results presented terms of strongly labor saving [complementary] technology or decreasing [increasing] differences of the function G holding the supply of other factors fixed. One can alternatively define notions of labor saving [complementary] technology (or decreasing [increasing] differences) holding the price of capital constant. It is then straightforward that Theorems 3 and 4 would apply with these modified definitions. Wage Push 5.3 Let us now suppose function L s (wl). Labor Scarcity vs. that the supply of labor From results will be affected ticular, in this case, if endogenous, given by a standard labor supply the analysis leading to Corollary (u>l), or then clear that none of the 3, it is vF^L,e)(L,e) i s negative semi-definite we can study the impact where L s {wi) < L s is and L s (u>l) is increasing. In par- of a shift in labor supply the impact of a binding minimum from L s (wl) to L s (wl), wage. Since V F(Le)(L6) 1S negative semi-definite, the endogenous-technology relationship between employment and wages is decreasing. Therefore, a leftwards shift of the labor supply schedule from will reduce employment and increase wages. The implications by whether technology Theorems 3 and 4; is for Ls (wl) to L s (wl) technology are determined strongly labor saving or strongly labor complementary (according to see Corollary 3). However, the close connection between wage push and labor scarcity highlighted in Corollary 3 is broken when technology vF^ LS Lg demand curve ^, is \ is not negative semi-definite. In this case, the endogenous- upward sloping and thus a decrease 31 in labor supply reduces wages, . Figure whereas an increase when labor supply is in labor The next example Example by that V F(L,e)(L,e) 1S from Theorem 2, in the previous subsection. In this case, multi- and wages, become different levels of labor supply, technology illustrates this possibility using a simple extension of 2 Suppose that the L 2 / 3 /2, and 8) This becomes particularly interesting supply increases wages. G C (9) — is no longer negative semi-definite (where as we expect the endogenous- technology supply) and wage to be increasing. We will now see 2 3# /4. was it in this interacts 1 except 2' 3 /2 + can now be verified It Example relationship between how 1, G(L,Z,8) = 3#Z In particular, suppose that the cost of technology creation Example Example function takes a form similar to that in for a slight variation in exponents. 3(1 — Multiple Equilibria endogenous as discussed ple equilibria, characterized possible. 1: 1). Therefore, employment (labor with endogenous labor supply. Z Let us again normalize the supply of the L e Equilibrium . w (L e , 9) = (1 — technology then 9) (L e )~ ' satisfies 8* (L e ) for a given level of response of 8 to employment L e , factor to = illustrates the potentially is also responsive to (L e ) ' . and denote employment by Equilibrium wage is given by we have {L e^l/3 e (27) ) upward-sloping endogenous-technology relationship between employment and wages demonstrated more generally supply — '= 1 technology 9 and once we take into account the w(L e ,9*(L e )) = which 1 Z in Theorem wage and takes the form L s (w) 32 2. = 6w — 2 Now llu> suppose that labor + 6. Now combining this supply relationship levels of labor with (27), we find that there are three equilibrium wages, with different supply and technology, and labor supply is w= highest at w= Thus the implications of destroy the other equilibria. Figure wage indeed destroys the there is existed, no employment, or more likely. it it 1 and Moreover, technology 3. This is most advanced will typically destroy illustrates the situation diagrammatically. the first w = 1 and w — 2. Nevertheless, it two may The minimum some caution is also can also introduce an extreme no-activity equilibrium, where may make When we 2 3. "wage push" are potentially very different when equilibria at necessary. In certain situations and 3. Next consider a minimum wage between equilibria. 2 1, are in such a no-activity equilibrium, which Economy M, such a may have already no-activity equilibrium does not exist, because the monopolist acts as a "Stackleberg leader" and chooses the technology anticipating employment. However, of 6 minimum wage is in Economy O, such a no-activity equilibrium may arise if a high level imposed. Conclusion This paper studied the conditions under which the scarcity of a factor encourages technological progress (innovation or adoption of technologies increasing output). Despite a large literature on endogenous technological change and technology adoption, we do not yet have a comprehensive theoretical or empirical understanding of the determinants of innovation, technological progress, and technology adoption. abundance Most importantly, how or scarcity of labor, affect technology is factor proportions, for example, poorly understood. In standard endogenous growth models, which feature a strong scale effect, an increase in the supply of a factor encourages technological progress. In contrast, the famous Habakkuk hypothesis in economic history claims that technological progress was more rapid in 19th- century United States than in Britain because of labor scarcity in the former country. Related ideas are often suggested as possible reasons for why high wages might have encouraged more rapid adoption of certain technologies in continental Europe than in the United States over the past several decades. The famous Porter hypothesis has a similar logic and suggests that environmental regulations can be a powerful inducement to technological progress. This paper characterizes the conditions under which factor scarcity can induce technological advances (innovation or adoption of more productive technologies). 33 I introduced the concepts of strongly labor (factor) saving particular, technology is and strongly labor strongly labor saving differences in an index of technology, 6, complementary main is and if (factor) complementary technology. the production function exhibits decreasing Conversely, technology labor. is strongly labor the production function exhibits increasing differences in 6 and labor. if paper shows that labor scarcity induces technological advances result of the if is strongly labor complementary. wage push I also show that, The technology strongly labor saving. In contrast, labor scarcity discourages technological advances nology In if tech- under some additional conditions, — an increase in wage levels above the competitive equilibrium—has similar effects to labor scarcity. I also provided examples of environments labor saving and showed that such a result results clarify the conditions is in which technology can be strongly not possible in certain canonical models. These under which labor scarcity and high wages are likely to encourage innovation and adoption of more productive technologies, and the reason why such obtained or conjectured in certain settings but do not always apply in many models used results were in the growth literature. While the theoretical analysis provided here scarcity and wage conditions may (factor price) or may clarifies push may induce innovation and technology adoption, these not hold depending on the specific application (time period, institu- tional framework, the industry in question, etc.). necessary to shed light on may encourage effect of when factor scarcities This suggests that empirical evidence and various regulations innovation and technology adoption. a possibility, but is the conditions under which factor not conclusive. is affecting factor prices Existing evidence suggests that this is For example, Newell, Jaffee and Stavins (1999) show an changes in energy prices on the direction of innovation and on the energy efficiency of household durables and Popp (2002) provides similar evidence using patents. and Finkelstein (2008) show that the Prospective Payment System reform Acemoglu of Medicare in the United States, which increased the labor costs of hospitals with a significant share of Medicare patients, appears to have induced significant technology adoption in the affected hospitals. 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