Work-Life in Sweden Boston College Center for Work & Family Executive Briefing Series Bibliography Authored by: Karin Anell, Bunker Hill Community College Linda Haas, Indiana University Sponsored by: Johnson & Johnson Bibliography Alberg, J., Roman, C., & Duncan, S. (2008). Actualizing the “Democratic Family”? Swedish policy rhetoric versus family practices, Social Politics. 15. 79-100. Allard, K., Haas, L., & Hwang, P. (2007). Exploring the paradox: Experiences of flexible working arrangements and work-family conflict among managerial fathers in Sweden. Community, Work and Family. 10 (4). 475-493. Bekkengen, L. (2002). Man får välja – Om föräldraskap och föräldraledighet i arbetsliv och familj [One has a right to choose – About parenthood and parental leave in work and family life]. Malmö, Sweden: Liber. Ekonomifakta (2010). Skattetryck i Sverige och internationellt [Tax burden in Sweden and internationally]. Retrieved March 23, 2010, from: Eriksson, H. (2009). 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