HOLY THURSDAY Liturgy at 8pm PROCESSIONAL - SACRAMENT OF SERVICE Beech Spring GLORIA - Burgo PSALM OUR BLESSING CUP Burgo GOSPEL AC PRAISE to You Lord Jesus Christ Choir Verse Burgo FOOT WASHING UBI CARITAS Taize PREP OF GIFTS UBI CARITAS Duruflé EUCH acclamations CHANT MASS FRACTIONING RITE LAMB OF GOD COMMUNION ANT. BECAUSE THERE IS ONE BREAD Giffin COMMUNION WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED W 936 MEDITATION AVE VERUM CORPUS PROCESSION TO CHAPEL PANGE LINGUA/TANTUM ERGO Hughes Byrd Chant GOOD FRIDAY Liturgy at 8pm Quiet Entrance Rite Psalm Father, Into Your Hands (Ps. 31) Hughes Gospel Acclamation PRAISE to You Lord Jesus Christ Gospel Sung John Passion Burgo Hymn Response Jesus, Remember Me Taize Exposition of the Cross Veneration Holy God. Holy and Mighty Communion Were you There Choir and congregation Veneration Procession Adoramus te, Christe Spiegel im Spiegel Mawby Palestrina Pärt EASTER VIGIL Liturgy at 8pm PROCESSIONAL RESPONSES "Thanks be to God" EXULTET The Lord be with you: AND WITH YOUR SPIRIT Lift up your hearts: WE LIFT THEM UP TO THE LORD Let us give thanks to the Lord our God: IT IS RIGHT- AND JUST. LITURGY OF THE WORD RESPONSES “O Filii et Filie” I. Lord Send out Your Spirit- Tony II. Let us sing to the Lord- Margaret III. You will draw water Joyfully- Tom IV. Like a Deer that longs- Kurt GLORIA Burgo ALLELUIA Threefold into celtic Repeat CELTIC AFTER GOSPEL RCIA RITE LITANY Blessing of Water Candle Lighting During Sprinkling Confirmation response PREP OF GIFTS ` Chant (no underscore) Christ be our light (refrain) I saw water flowing We shall rise again (refrain) Introit for Easter Moore Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Creation Haugen COMMUNION Antiphon: Christ has become our Paschal Sacrifice I saw water Flowing Hurd Hallelujah Chorus Handel CLOSING We shall Rise Again vs. 4-5 Young POSTLUDE CARILLON-SORTIE Mulet