EXAM #2 SC346, 9 March 2016 Prof. M. Elert NAME 1. (6 points) Calculate the energy, in joules, of an electron in the Is orbital of the helium ion He+, a hydrogen­ like ion with t - (L9t(lf~/O-2.3T/~-) (q.,)(f,O'Y7~/OG" c..:') -lg J - o.l{b"lo 2. (6 points) Locate the radial nodes in the 4p orbital of an H atom. A 4p orbital is proportional to (20-1 Op+p2)pe-p/ 2. (Assume Z= 1. Express your result in tenns of the Bohr radius a.) ( 00 - I 0 ~ r p::. f ~ 0 1. ) tQ ± {((o)l- - -~ +cWf '::= 3. (4 points) Circle any of the following tenn symbols which are impossible. (There may be more than one.) G 3D3 5::( L:::. r::.( S;;( ,::.z., 2.,..... ,["-::3 3F, j::;.t/- L:::'r] ~ ~o l--:::a. I .,. 1'-;:.4- T:::-":P 4. (4 points) List all possible tenn symbols arising from the excited state of sodium with the electron configuration 1s22s22p63d. J-:::L-=-2 4.- -=- g::: (~S .pt) '::- 1/ } V 2­ J -=- (l ~ -l) (~- LJ I :: ~) ~')- 5. (6 points) Identify the shortest and longest wavelength lines in the Paschen series (nl == 3) for the hydrogen atom. ~ - 17.,1'10 ~ .A I /1J -:=.- L~ tJ r IiJT' : -5' -= [,1..-<)«- -J./6 1'\. 'L ~ Y~ A :::;. ~~ 'iJ. tf. -::. OM -I ~ 1VIVI­ Li- It (f.-. -+~) " (. ~t G) 'it '" (. 0 ( 0--- -4 I.f1S">-/() ? (/1M- C'I u) (fo 970 OJ ~ 1,,{7.j- ~ -;:. 6. (6 points) The orbital energies ofXe5p and 02p electrons are -12.1 eV and -13.6 eV, respectively. - Calculate the energies of the bonding and antibonding orbitals ofXeO in the zero overlap l approximation. Use p = -1.2 eV. ex ~"C. ~8 - t 1: fLI ~ ~( -;. ... (? , f3;: J. -I, <­ =- ±(- + O(A ~iS) l' {l4<.n-o(:s) [{ + I ~)Z.} ~ ltt:1J O(B {t. ( - '3. ,) t i (-{(..I +- (S, b) ~ I l - - It,ifr + (o.IS) .-, - n ,8' s ± f. [I . . z..;-d -I- /2l ~ r. ~) l;-n./ +-/3.(, )2-] '"). 'i.. </-1.,.,­ (-II.tfJ ~V _ Z- If. 'L1 V 2 7. (6 points) A simplified form of the bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals for H2 is 1fI± = (l/.J2)(A ± B) where + gives the bonding orbital and gives the antibonding orbital. Here A andBarethe Iswavefunctions: A=lsA=(7rao3rll2e-rA'oo andB lSB (1Cao3rIl2e-rslau. [SeeBrief Illustration lOB. 1 p. 408 for a picture.] Suppose that the bond length between atoms A and B in H2 is R 2ao. Calculate the numerical values of IfI+ and of 1fI- at the midpoint between the two atoms. In<P -l- ,(14~ f'1'iJPbIN~ ~ ~ 'V <. - { (t(({ 7 J) ~ (j ilr'l -;: 118 ::: [ fo o -)ta -JLII!Ci.- ~ Q Q +- ~ 1rt..<4J l =: ( r{{(7TQ3)~ 0 (7 -') Jf2(£ =-;c rTcct )~ -:::. --;-[-7T-C-">-.-L-""i-~-. . {,-()--'-{~-)""'j~ ~ 1,(2. v./o(<./.. ~3/'V <....Q z 8. (6 points) What is the value of the overlap integral S for the situation described in problem 7 above, i.e. two Is wave functions separated by a distance R 2ao? t (AB. a. ~-... 'I "" f S~ l ~ (r. f( ) ~(.> f( I y~. """j L~ [ I + 2- -- R.let c J0 ~ ~ (<-y- 5;- 'L ::: .SF-6 "~. 9~' (i) p'o'lnts)"A' Htickel calculation' for naphthalene, CloHg, gives the molecular orbital energies E = a + m~, where the ten values ofm are ±2.303, .618, ±1.303, ±l.OOO, and ±O.618. Calculate the x-electron binding energy & and the delocalization energy of naphthalene. f 11 -;:. - L (I L .J- 2. ~ -;.... <-- r'3..J- ~ E", 'j- L ~'- [Co<-.. U()3 f3) + Cox+ (. C' 'i p,) + C"'-~ (,,03 fl) -I- ( "'-+fi)'" (0<. P8'JI8 -- /0 ()(. l' +- 13. {,8' fi