LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY mMM^mM0Mv:'m^- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries UNCERTAINTY AND OPTIMAL SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss Number 225 October 1978 ^•'evi/ev' { JUL 25 1979 UNCERTAINTY AND OPTIMAL SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS by Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss Introduction 1. The work effects of social security have of an overlapping generations can be summarized quite simply. been discussed within the frame- model by Barro (1974). If His analysis social security is fully funded i.e. , contributions to the system are invested at the market rate of interest, is a perfect substitute for private savings. it Consequently, a forced increase in social security will reduce private savings by an equal amoiint. Consumption, bequests and aggregate savings will be unaffected. security is financed on a pay -as- you -go basis, i.e. If social taxes on the cur- rently working population are used to finance benefits to the retired population, it is a perfect substitute for private Hence, a forced bequests. increase in social security will reduce bequests by an equal amount. Consumption, private savings and aggregate savings will be unaffected. In such models the optimal level of social security In this istic context. paper we analyze social security The duration of life is in a is clearly undetermined. somewhat more real- assumed uncertain and the annuity 3je The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv University. This research was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant SOC-00587. 1689150 -2- aspect of social security benefits is incorporated explicitly. We use a simplified two-period version of Yaari's model (1965) to determine the demand for annuities. of annuities Optimal social security demanded by a representative hypothesis is that such insurance all is is defined individual. as the amount Our working provided publicly. Although in principle the private market could also satisfy this demand, in practice the public supply appears to be dominant. 2 The demand for social security depends upon the mode Under a fully funded so as to maximize system, demand its future generations. is of financing. determined by each generation lifetime utility, taking into account the welfare of A pay-as-you-go system the yoimger generation to the old. Demand is involves transfers from therefore defined from the point of view of the old, taking into account the social security taxes paid by the young. Under an actuarially fair, fully funded social security perfect insurance against life uncertainty is feasible. individual will prefer this option which enables utility of bequests across states of nature. him system, The representative to equate the Consequently, at the marginal optimum private savings are reserved for bequests while social security benefits are used solely for consumption. The same pattern appears in an opti- mal pay-as-you-go system. A steady-state is defined as a path along which all the choice vari- ables, in per-capita terms, remain fixed. There is a unique steady- -3- state path associated with each system. shown is It mode of financing the social security- exogeneous variables, that for any values of the these steady-state paths are equivalent in the following sense: (a) Consumption, aggregate savings and individual utility are the sanae in both systems; (b) sum the of private savings under a fully-funded system is and social security contributions equal to private savings under a pay-as- you-go system and product of the population growth (c) the ra' ? and the level of social security taxes under a pay-as-you-go systemi is equal to the product of the rate of return and the level of social security taxes under a fully- funded system. As an immediate implication, when the rate of return exceeds the population growth rate then the optimal level of social security under a pay-as-you-go system exceeds the one under a fully- funded system. ments in the We These conclusions are made consistent through adjust- optimal level of bequests. analyze the effects of two demographic changes which were the subject of recent discussion: crease in the birth rate. expectancy is shown an increase in life expectancy and a de- Under certain conditions, an increase in life to increase the optimal level of social security, to decrease private savings and to increase aggregate savings. These results are expected since, with a given income, an increase in life expectancy calls for a decrease in the flow of lifetime consumption but to an increase in total consumption during the retirement period, which is financed by social security benefits. The implications of -4- a decrease in the birth rate are unambiguous: bequests, private and aggregate savings decrease, while the optimal level of social security increases. The reason for these results is that a reduction in the birth rate and, correspondingly, in the size of optimal bequests, increases consumption during retirement and hence social security benefits. The above results apply to the long-run, comparing steady-states, and to the short-run, with given initial endowments. Finally, we consider the level of social security. compensated by a decrease aggregate savings. in Starting at the optimum, an increase in the level of a fully-funded social security ally imposed change the short-rim effects of an system is shown to be only parti- in private savings, thereby increasing Full compensation occurs only in the absence of uncertainty, which is the case discussed by Barro (1974). tional assumptions concerning risk-aversion, the Under addi- same conclusions apply when the initial level of social security exceeds the optimal level. An imposed increase in the level of a social security system based on pay-as-you-go will increase aggregate savings and bequests. However, under uncertainty, the increase in bequests does not fully compensate for the increased taxes on the younger generation. A nonoptimal of bequests, states and level of social security leads to a generated by lifetime uncertainty. the distribution Consequently, steady- long-run effects of a change in social security should be discussed in terms of stable distributions. such an analysis. random We have not included here -5- The only type of uncertainty considered in this the duration of life. The inclusion as health and future wage income, we have reached. It of other uncertain may change some paper relates to elements, such of the conclusions that will be important in these extensions to specify which decisions by the individual are made ex ante and which ex post . -6- 2. Optimal Social Security Systems We shall analyze a model in which all annuities the public sector through a social security determination of its Two methods are supplied by system and focus on the optimal level. of financing will be considered: a fully-funded system and a system based on a pay-as-you-go principle. Our on life point of departure from the previous literature is the uncertainty, which implies that social security is not a perfect substitute for private savings. We extend the standard model of overlap- ping generations (Samuelson [1958] and uncertain lifetime. periods: Diamond [1965] ) to include Life of a representative individual is divided into two a working period of fixed duration and a retirement period whose length Utility emphasis is random. Wages in each period are assumed fixed. depends upon own consumption in each period, the length of and the expected utility of the next generation. life Each generation may affect the welfare of the next one through the transfer of bequests. Two types of assets are available: an annuity which yields a given return for the duration of retirement and regular savings. certain lifetime, the rate of return on annuities is random. Due to the un- We assume that the rate of return on savings is certain. Let c„ and c^ be the consumption flows in the first and second periods, respectively, of generation i. Let B be the level of per-capita bequests -7- left by generation to generation i retirement period which The distribution is actually assumed of 9 is i + 1 The fraction . of the potential to be the same ^ 1. for all generations. The budget constraint for a representative member i ^ realized is denoted by 0, of generation is _ -w i c_ + , T-,i-l B -a-s i i (2.1) GB^ where w the = Rs^ + (R'a^-c^j)0 is first-period amount of savings, R earnings, a the investment in annuities and s the return on savings, R' the benefit- investment ratio on annuities and assumed that w, R, R' and G G the number are fixed. of children. It Note also that there is is no reinvestment of funds during the second period. The determination security system. of R' depends on the method In an actuarially fair , fully-funded of financing the social system, expected benefits are equal to the return on the investment in the system. R' = (2.2) That is. ^ 6 where 6 is the expected length of the retirement period in the population. With a pay-as-you-go system, expected benefits to retirees are equal to social security taxes collected from the working population, i.e. (2.2') R' = 3 e . , -8- Equations (2. 2) social security and (2. 2') assume that risk pooling is feasible. The system can therefore offer a nonrandom benefit rate to each individual. We shall first analyze a funded system. Funded Social Security A. Since a funded system does not involve intergenerational transfers, its optimality can be analyzed from For a given optimal policy the point of view of a single generation. of the next generation, indirect utility depends on its initial the expected utility of generation the level of bequests. V^ (2.3) i We assume =u(cb + endowment. We each generation's can therefore write as a function of its consumption and the following additive form: E[v(c!,,0) + Gh(B^)] e where u{c-.) is is the evaluation of the next generation's representative individual first-period utility, v(c. ,G) second-period utility and h(B indirect utility. Each of these functions is time and to satisfy, for any assumptions. 9, Note that both assumed to be invariant over the usual monotonicity and strict concavity c^ the fixed flow of consumption, and 9, its , duration, affect second period's utility. All the variables, except i.e. , prior to the realization of assume that ) B 9. , are chosen by the individual ex ante To ensure an interior solution, we , u'(0) = v^(O,0) = h'{0) = (2.4) — v. = where -^ The maximization . =o, for any 0, of (2. 3) subject to (2. 1) yields the following first-order conditions (F.O.C.): (2.5) 1^ = -u'(cjj) + RE[h'(B')] = (2.6) H- = -u'(cjj)+5LE[0h'(B^)] = 1^ = E[vj(c'j,0)-0h'(B')] = (2.7) 9 The objective function can be shown variables s, a and c^ , , a , c^ responding c^ and Due sidered. and to First, B > By . (2. 1) i 3 by we obtain the cor- . Furthermore, a implies, by * suppose that =0 s Cov[h'(B),e] > 9. and 9V ^— ^0, However, by 0. Due (2. 1), that that a It and s either a must be or s strictly positive. then follows from (2. (2. 1), Ra' - c'j > Second, is positive. 5) - (2. 6) and hence B that is in- to risk aversion, h"(B) < 0, the above covariance must therefore be negative, which ment shows B unique. (2. 5) - (2. 7) is assumption (2.4), only interior solutions need to be con- for all 0. creasing in of in the follows directly from these conditions that c^ > 0, c^ > It B > B concave shall denote the solution for each which are functions ), to be globally strictly and thus the solution to For following reference we (s . > 0. is a contradiction. A similar argu- -10- The condition Cov[0,h'(B)] = E[0h'(B)] (2.8) which follows from h" < 0, that result. B (2. 5) - 9E[h'(B)] = and (2.6) implies, since B monotone is in 6 and This, of course, is a well-known is constant for all d. Annuities enable the individual to transfer consumption across states of nature and h'(B), in all states. c/ (2.9) = it is optimal to equate the marginal utility of bequests, Further, 3 a ^ it follows and GB from ^ = (2. 1) that Rs \ e That is, annuities are used exclusively for consumption during retirement while all savings are reserved for bequests. bequest motive, h' (B) = Clearly, in the absence of a 0, the individual's portfolio would contain only annuities. Substituting (2.9) into (2.3), the objective function V' = (2.10) which is to u(cjj) + E[v(3a\ e)] +Gh(^) be maximized subject to the constraint The problem is , c„+a+s =w + B thus reduced to a problem of choice under certainty. This does not imply, of course, that uncertainty On becomes is redimdant in our model. the contrary, in the absence of life uncertainty the optimal level of social security is indeterminate, being a perfect substitute with private savings. mum However, the achievement facilitates the of complete insurance comparative statics analysis. at the opti- — -11- Two types of comparative statics analyses are of interest. short-run analysis for generation w+B satisfying B = fixed. In both w R and B which holds initial endowments, i.e. , Second, a long-run steady-state analysis along a path constant. , i One, a , which implies that all the choice variables remain cases we restrict ourselves to partial equilibrium, holding constant. We shall discuss here the steady-state effects of two changes which were the subject of recent discussion: demographic an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in the birth rate. Recalling that HB^) = F(V*^'*"^(B^)), where of utility for generation i+1 and F is a V*^"*"^ is the optimal level monotone increasing function, we can rewrite condition (2.5) in recursive form -u'(cjj) + RF'(V*'"^^)u'(cj)"*'^) = 0. (2.5') Hence, i i+1 in a steady-state, c^ = c^ , we have F' ficient condition for a unique steady-state is that of 1 = h'j- = p- . when marginal A suf- utilities consumption are equalized across generations, the following "selfish- ness" condition is satisfied: u" (2.11) In - Rh" > 0. subsequent discussion we shall assume that condition (2. 11) holds. Using (2.9), the F.O.C. e is a (2. 5) -(2. 7) random variable independent of and rewriting with zero mean, 4 6 = 9 we + t. obtain where 12- da (jg 1 / A V R G ^^ = ^h'u"( (2.13) A where = - |^ h"u" J\ E[vJ J^ + ii-^ (u"( 1-|) + - E[^12^^ \/ ^[^ll^^l ^^) \ E[vj] / l) §^E[vjJ<0. Similar to standard models of savings under imcertainty, the effect of a spread preserving shift depends upon whether the relative change_in E[v^^e E[v^Jcj + -rprr i~ — ^ri ^ L^ E V expected marginal utility of future consumption, 1 ]^ larger or smaller than one. utility directly An increase It a-nd is only [ — j^ is J expected marginal and indirectly through the decrease in the flow of social security benefits during retirement. Vj2 > in 6 affects J thus the sum of the It is reasonable to assume that above two expressions will be positive. with stronger conditions, however, that one obtains the "intuitive" —^ outcome savings, i.e. , a +s , > and —^ < 0. also depends on the The same effect on aggregate condition. The source of the ambiguity concerning the optimal level of social security is quite clear. For given labor inputs and income, an increase in life expectancy calls for a reduction in the flow of second-period consumption, c^. How- ever, expected total consumption, 0c., which is provided by social may security taxes, increase or decrease. The implications A reduction in G private savings. of a decrease in the birth rate are unambiguous. leads to a decrease in the size of bequests and hence in Per-capita bequests will, however, increase and so -13- will second-period security. consumption and thus the optimal level While a and change s in opposite directions, their i.e., aggregate savings, will decrease. %r dG (2.14) = -^( ^^2 V ^^•^^^ dG ^ (2.16) ^ * ^^2 Rs = * Specifically, IV } 2 dG g ^„j,^^ 2 ^ " ^ u j<0 * •^^ R_s_ e[v, J(u^^-Rh^O > ^^ The short-run effects of changes in Q and in d(a (2.17) +5 ) ^ sum, > 9u"h"-^E[v,J(u"-Rh")) - * dc of social 0. AG0 identical to the long-run effects presented above. between the short-run and long-run effects holds G are qualitatively The usual relation in this case: long-run elasticities, across steady-states, exceed (in the absolute values) the short-run elasticities. B. Pay-As-You-Go System A pay-as-you-go system An optimal social security involves transfers across generations. must weigh the welfare of the retired recipients against that of working population. planner's point of view is identical in this generation at each point of time. We assume reject with that the social that of the older At a point in time when the population -14- consists of generations the older generation and i+ i 1, the problem solved by a member of is i Max E[v{cpe) + Gh(B^-a^)] (2.18) i i a ,c^ subject to GB^ (2.19) = Rs^ + (^ - c^J 9 6 where s^ is predetermined. The F.O.C. are given by E[h'(B^-a^)(9-9)] = (2.20) and E[v^(c^j,0)-0h'(B^-a^)] = 0. (2.21) We shall denote the solution to (2, 20) and (2. 21) by (a depends on s . The nature , c^) which of the optimal solution is similar to the one obtained in the case of the funded system; namely, social security benefits are used solely for consumption. level of private savings and are thus • (2.22) — -^ Ga^ = c\9, B^ = Bequests are adjusted to the nonrandom: ^ R ^ . The long-run, steady-state effects can be analyzed with the additional restriction that a is time invariant, which implies that other choice variables are also constant. conditions (2. 20) -(2. 21) mines the optimal level we also have of savings all the Accordingly, in addition to condition (2. 23) which deter- 15- -u'(Cq) + RE[h'(B-a)] = (2.23) where c„ w = denoted by + a -^ The endogeneous steady-state level - s. of s is s. There simple correspondence between the steady-state is a solutions of the two methods of financing the social security system: a = p- a (2. 24) Using relation (2. 5) -(2. 7) and When R = and (2. 24), it (2. 21) -(2. 23) G security and the the two s = s + a . can be verified that the system of equations are equivalent. systems yield identical optimal levels same aggregate savings. When R > ( of social <) G, the optimal social security tax will be larger (smaller) under a pay-as-you-go system than under a funded system. However, bequests adjust so transfer between generations remains unchanged. that the net Consequently, the steady-state levels of consumption, aggregate savings and utility are identical under the two systems. This result has a direct bearing on the Feldstein-Barro controversy (Feldstein [1974, 1976] and Barro [1974, 1976]) with regard to the effect of social security on aggregate savings. when social security long-run effects. is Our discussion indicates that optimally chosen, the method of financing has no The concept of an optimal level of social security played no role in the above controversy since lifetime uncertainty has been disregarded. The discussion focused on imposed changes in the 16 level of social security. We shall turn to this question in the next section. Short-run analysis for the pay-as-you-go system can be applied to the older generation, for which private savings are given. condition (2. 23) need not hold. The results w. of social security are qualitatively the same r. t. the Thus, optimal level as in the long-run. •17- Departures frora the Optimal Level 3. There are marked differences of Social Security in the effects of an imposed social security system under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. certainty, the If maximum Under level of utility is independent of the level of a. social security is funded then a is a perfect substitute for s and if financed on a pay-as-you-go basis then a is a perfect substitute for B. Hence any change None in a will be exactly compensated by either of the other variables will be affected. Consequently, the on a as well as we initial shall continue to resources. assume case of a funded and on This is B - As or B. Under undertainty, there no perfect substitute for a which, by assumption, insurance available. s maximum is the only form is of level of utility depends a simplifying assumption, however, that the utility of bequests depends on B in the a in the case of a pay-as-you-go system. equivalent to the assumption that each generation is concerned with the expected wealth, rather than expected utility, of the next generation. In other words, each generation disregards the risk aversion of subsequent generations. When a is imposed state is considerably at an arbitrary level, the definition of a steady- more complicated than when When complete insurance is not feasible, a is optimally chosen. bequests become random. steady state can then be defined as a stable distribution of B. not attempt to characterize this distribution. be confined to first-impact effects the optimum a . We A shall Instead, the analysis will for a given generation, starting from 18- As we in the previous section, shall discuss in turn a funded system and a pay-as-you-go system. The maximization problem which we discuss one in the previous section except that a Differentiating totally the F.O.C. is identical to the predetermined. is (2.5) and (2.7) w. r. t. a, we obtain * ^ (3.1) ( = ^ -Gu"(Cq)E[v^j(Cj,0) + 9V'(B)] <0 -^E[v^j(c^,0)]E[eh"(B)] and dc* (3.2) . , * ^2 (GE[v dr^=^"(^ + V" -^\ + (E[h"(B)]E[0V'(B)] (c.,e)] -^ _ (0E[h"(B)]-E[9h"(B)]) E[0h"(B)]^) - | where A' = Gu"(cQ)(GE[v^^(c^,0) + E[02h"(B)]) (3.3) + R2GE[v^^(c^,0)]E[h"(B)] + R^(E[h"(B)]E[0V'(B)] The last term on Schwartz's inequality. the It R.H.S. Jc We have already seen that at (a Jc , s ^+ E[0h"(B)]^) > 0. and (3.3) of (3. 2) follows that - 1 > if is positive Gov [h"(B),0] by ^ jje , c.) B is nonrandom and thus 0. •19- Cov[h"(B),0] = 0, satisfying the above condition. Hence, if the level happens to be equal to the optimal annuity holding of social security ds level for the individual, then -j— + 1 > This result means that a 0. forced increase in the level of social security will reduce private savings but increase total savings. Under the additional assumption aversion in the utility of nonincreasing absolute risk of bequests, which implies h'"(B) 5^ 0, one can extend the previous result to levels of social security which exceed the optimum By fied. level a This can be shown as follows. . 9V — ^ ^ < as (2. 5) and (2. 6), concavity, Hence, by Consider the case a be decreasing in is in ^+ 1 > * , when (2.5) and (2.7) are satis- Cov(h'(B),e) > as h'"(B) if for a in which a Under certainty such a is .. > it must B Therefore, 0. then Cov(h"(B),0) > 0. Hence, by ' > a . The above result may be interpreted as follows. experiment a < a Since h'(B) is strictly monotone in 6 . order to satisfy Cov(h'(B),0) < increasing in 6 and (3.2), a 5^ ^ a < a increased and shift in asset s decreases Consider an in equal amount. composition does not change the consumption and bequest possibilities and thus this would be the optimal adjustment. However, under uncertainty such a change probability distribution of bequests. then for a given level of c^ the , If a > a * and thus affects the Ra —^ * - c. > 0, the variance of bequests increases while mean remains unchanged. The assumption that h"' > implies in — 20- this case that the expected marginal utility of bequests increases. This Q when result is retained c. adjusts Another question of interest so as to satisfy is the effect of social security on Using the F.O.C. expected bequests. (2. 7). (2, 5) and we (2. 7) find that * ^mi=^(^^A.p. \da da da (3.4) / (R^GE[v ^ A ' ] ^— (E[0h"(B)]-eE[h"(B)]) 9 Gu"{c^) + R — {E[d\"{B)]- eE[9h"{B)]) In general, the sign of (3.4) is B indeterminate. However, at a , -- and hence h"(B) -- is independent of 6, which implies that (3.4) is negative, dE(B)— < -r Notice that under certainty 0. - for all a, accordance with the observation made previously that the which is in sum + a remains constant for changes in s dE^B^ — —-r a. Consider now the short-run impact of an increase in social security payments to generation generation i+1. 5) financed by an increased tax on The only choice variable for generation savings are predetermined. (3 i ^^1 _ Differentiating (2, 21) w. r. i t. is c., since a yields E[e{e-d)h"] 1 dc. Evaluated at a , —> ^da 0, since h" is constant. It follows that — 21- dE[B] 1 > —> —J- In contrast to the 0. case of certainty, the increase in bequests does not fully compensate for the increased taxes on the younger generation. Consider now the effects the working population. of the increase in social security taxes on Starting at the steady-state values (a, s), differentiate equations (2. 21) - (2, 23) w.r.t. The change a. we in first- period consumption is given by where A' = (u"+—^^ jE[v^jJ + ^ g-" + 2~ ^^ G G' o V^6 = E[9 ^i" 9 ] J - is ^" the "^ variance ^.x^..v,^ of ^. 6. .. even in the absence of uncertainty. are held fixed. in the In the Notice .hat .Q c^, would decrease .,^..^^ that This is because initially endowments long-run, endowments will vary with bequests and, case of certainty, c„ will remain invariant. Aggregate consumption ation's total consumption, 6c, in , any period is the sum of the older gener- and the younger generation's total consumption, Gc„. Thus, the change in aggregate consumption is, by (3.5) and (3.6), _ (3.7) dCn e-^+G dC(-, h"Vg((u"-Rh")(E[vjj] A^(E[v^J+ ' G )L ,1^)_rW)_^2^^^^^j,.^^[^^^j '^) G < 22- As in a fully funded system ^ the initial impact of an increase in social security is to increase aggregate savings. -23- Pootnotes 1. See also Feldstein's paper (1974) and the exchange between Barro, Buchanan and Feldstein (1976). Samuelson's analysis (1975) is different since, following Diamond's discussion of the effects of national debt (1965), he disregards bequest motives and hence voluntary intergenerational transfers. 2. In the U.S., pension funds provide less than fifty percent of the total benefits to retirees. 3. The Hessian Matrix of our problem 2 2 u"+^E[h"] ^ u"+^E[eh"] 2 2 u"+^— E[0V'] u"+^E[0h"] OG e -^E[d\"] G OG -^-E[e\"] -p^E[0h"] ^ + E[v^J li dG is negative-definite. concavity. -P^E[0h"] ^ 0G ^E[A"] ^ The diagonal elements are negative by The principal minor of order 2 is strict equal to 2 ^-^ [Gu"E[(0-I)\"] + R^(E[0^h"]E[h"]-E[0h"]^)] > 0. d'^G'^ The second term in the above expression is positive by Schwartz's 24- inequality. The determinant can be reduced to 2 +^E[vjj) (E[0V]E[h"] (u" - K[Gh"f) u J Gu"E[v Since 9 is restricted to 4. _2 ^ o-^^ E[(0-0)^h"] 02 + [O, l] , < the described shift is not strictly spread preserving. A 5, some special case of which , ElvJ 6. of +s ) Then standard definition of relative risk is the v'(ci) —— 12-' aversion, and d(a v(c.,0) = v(c^)0. interest is > ? :j ' _ = 1 1. TT Hence, da —^ > o0, V- ds ^^ < 0, and 0, Expected wealth is defined as the expected present discounted value consumption, including expected bequests. i^ ^OR In the case of a GE[B^] R ^^ By (3. 1), i-1 pay-as-you-go system, the definition includes net bequests, i.e. bequests minus the taxes paid by the next generation. By (2.1) and (2.2') i i „ '0 , + ^1 , -i=r ^ R GE[B^-a1 _ ^R R w ^Tji-l + B 25- Notice that 7. ^ if h'"(B) = 0, i.e. utility of bequests is quadratic, * then 8. dCj^ -5 —< da da + 1 When R — g , c^ i. — > e. for all a. increases, the variance would , still increase since part of social security benefits is left for bequests, However, mean bequests, due These two effects combine to the reduction in savings, decreases. to increase the expected marginal utility of dc. bequests. increases. When Our -j —< 0, the variance of result indicates that the B increases former while the mean effect is dominant. -26- References Barro, Robert J. (1974), Journal of Political Barro, Robert J. (1976), of Political "Are Government Bonds Net Wealth," Economy , 82^ (November), 1095-1117. "Reply to Buchanan and Feldstein," Journal Economy , 84 (April), 343-350. Buchanan, James M. (1976), "Barro on the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem," Journal of Political Economy Diamond, Peter A. (1965), "National Debt Model," American Economic Review in a , 60^ 84 (April), 337-342. , Neoclassical Growth (December), 1126-1150. Feldstein, Martin S. (1974), "Social Security, Induced Retirement and Aggregate Capital Accumulation," Journal of Political Economy 82 (October), 905-926. Feldstein, Martin Security: S. (1976), "Perceived Wealth in A Comment," Journal of Political Bond and Social Economy , 84 (April), 331-336. Samuelson, Paul A. (1958), "An Exact Consumiption Loan Model of Interest with or without the Social Contrivance of Journal of Political Economy , 66 Money," (December), 467-482. , -2 7- Samuelson, Paul A. (19 75), "Optimum Social Security Growth Model," International Econom.ic Review , in a Life-Cycle 16 (October), 538-544. Yaari, Menahem E. (1965), "Uncertain Lifetime, Life Insurance, and the Theory of the (April), 137-150. Consumer," Review of Economic Studies , 32 Date Due Al^" ,g.3lliAR29'iy9l ^'8^ fiJB m 2 8 2^^'» miz^ afk m 3 '83 SEP 12 '83 1 41981 pC 101989 Lib-26-67 lA'iJ LIBRARIES 4HbtT3 DD4 3 TDflD MIT LIBRARIES 3 MMb 701 TDflO DDM in LIBF ARIES 1 1 1 -. 3 c ID 1 DDL I 4: s 1 ^DfiD DD4 44t 7 L3 7n -3»? J '=iDflp_DD4 44b 757 MIT LIBRflRIES 3 TDflD DD4 44L 73S 3 TDfl^ DD4 44L 743 .'"IT 3 q n fln USRaB,E5 7,"" """""" hiiiim "'III --^°A0 004 J 4b 750