i. MIT LIBRARIES OUPl 3 9080 02618 3241 lUuUMlM Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/volatilitygrowthOOaghi OEWEY HB31 .M415 ^^ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Volatility & Growtii: Credit Constraints Productivity-Enhancing Investment Philippe Aghion George-Marios Angeletos Abhijit Banerjee Kalina Manova Working Paper 05-1 April 30, 2005 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Research Network Paper Collection http://ssrn.com/abstract=71 9772 Social Science at and Volatility and Growth: Credit Constraints and Productivity-Enhancing Investment^ Philippe Aghion Harvard and George-Marios Angeletos NBER Abhijit Banerjee MIT and NBER First draft; MIT and Kalina NBER Manova Harvard October 2003. This version: April 2005. Abstract We examine how credit constraints affect the cychcal behavior of jjroductivity-enhancing invest- ment and thereby volatility and growth. We first develop a simple growth model where fii'ms engage in two types of investment: a short-term one and a long-term productivity-enhancing one. Because it takes longer to complete, long-term investment has a relatively less procyclical return but also a higher liquidity ment is risk. Under conrplete countercyclical, thus mitigating volatility. But when long-term investment turns procyclical, thus amplifying to both higher aggregate volatility We financial markets, long-term invest- firms face tight credit constraints, volatility. and lower mean growth Tighter credit therefore leads for a given total investment rate. next confront the model with a panel of countries over the period 1960-2000 and find that a lower degree of financial development predicts a higher sensitivity of both the composition of investment and volatility JEL mean growth to exogenous shocks, as well as a stronger negative effect of on growth. codes: E22, E.32, 016, O30, 041, 057. Keyivords: Growth, fluctuations, business cycle, credit constraints, amplification, R&D. *For helpful comments and discussion,?, we thank Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Bacchetta, Robert Barro, Olivier Blanchard, V.V. Chari, Bronwyn Hall, Peter Hewitt, Olivier Jeanne, Patrick Kehoe, Ellen McGrattan, Pierre Yared, Klaus VValde, Ivan Werning, and seminar participants in Amsterdam, UC Berkeley, ECFIN, Harvard, IMF, MIT, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Special thanks to Do Quoc-Anh for excellent research assistance. addresses: p_aghion'Qharvard.edu, angelet@mit.edu, banerjee'Smit.edu, manovaiafas.harvard.edu. Email Introduction 1 The modern theory markets financial of business cycles gives a central position to productivity shocks in the propagation of these shocks; but it and the role of takes the entire productivity process as exogenous. The modern theory of growth, on the other hand, gives a central position to endogenous productivity growth and the role of financial markets in the growth process; but largely ignoring shocks The and it focuses on trends, cycles. goal of this paper is two approaches; to propose and, to build a bridge between the in a liniited way, test a theory of endogenous productivity growth that gives a central position to At the heart of our theory uncertainty. a propagation is generate endogenous productivity movements - and The first interaction with financial markets. its part of the paper develops a model that focuses on the cyclical behavior of the com- main propagation channel; position of investment as the later. mechanism - how exogenous shocks this choice is motivated by facts discussed Entrepreneurs engage in two types of investment activity; short-term investment takes atively little time to build and generates output relatively fast; long-term investment takes rel- more time to complete but contributes more to productivity growth. With effect. perfect credit markets, investment choices are dictated merely by an opportunity-cost As long as short-term returns are more than long-term returns, the opportunity cost cyclical lower in recessions than in booms." The of long-term investment is long-term investment therefore countercyclical and, by implication, the endogenous is of productivity grows faster But with is ability to invest; in is now This amplified. is long-term investment becomes procyclical and much because borrowing not so constrained ex ante. rather because tighter constraints imply a higher risk It is some risk in turn reduces the entrepreneurs' willingness to the more so in recessions, more pronounced The second constraints limit the our model the interest rate adjusts in general eciuilibriimi so that neither type that long-term investment will be interrupted by a component out of a recession than otherwise. sufficiently imperfect credit markets, the business cycle of investment when coming fraction of savings allocated to effect when licjuidity is (idiosyncratic) licjuidity shock ex post. This engage in long-term investment ex ante - and expected to be scarce. Aggregate shocks therefore have on productivity growth when credit markets are less effective. part of the paper confronts the implications of the model with the data. examine whether there is evidence of amplification per se. We first For that purpose, we look at a panel of about 60 countries over the 1960-1995 period and use export-weighted commodity price shocks as our measures of exogenous shocks to the economy. shock on growth to be stronger Though at least to the idea that there is in countries Barlevy (2004). find the negative impact of an adverse price with tighter credit. a close connection between productivity growth and the bushiess cycle goes back Schumpeter, Hicks, and Kaldor "An opportunity-cost We effect of this in the 1940s-19-50s. kind has emphasized by Aghion and Saint-Paul (1998) and more recently by Financial development in these regressions does not appear to be capturing the role of other The policies or institutions. once we control interaction between shocks for the interaction and private credit remains significant between shocks and intellectual property rights, government expenditures, inflation, and the black-market premium. We next examine the transmission channel by looking at the response of the rate and the com- position of investment to shocks. For that purpose, enhancing investments by the ratio of analysis to a panel of 14 tions of our model, we level of private credit paradigm is (e.g., OECD R&D On lower. While we are probably the and thereby on growth in the availability then limits the more is when sensitive to shocks the the other hand, and in contrast to the standard credit-multiplier when to shocks Data countries over the 1973-1999 period. Consistent with the predic- find that the composition of investment is fraction of long-term productivity- to total investment. Bernanke and Gertler, 1989), we more responsive we proxy the first find no evidence that the total rate of investment private credit lower. to look at the effects of shocks on the composition of investment presence of financial constraints, there the related but distinct question of how is a literature that looks at Most notably, Ramey and Ramey volatility affects growth. (1995) find a negative relation between the two in cross-country data; this relation is robust to various controls, perhaps suggesting a negative causal effect of volatility on grow^th.^ Such a causal paradigm if of aggregate risk on savings It is In an in is volatility persists set. economy, 1, negative this is encourages the pre- it if the elasticity of intertemporal the right explanation for the observed correlation. First, the which repeat some of Ramey and Ramey's For example, in the specification that includes in Levine why we is is shown (1995) basic specifications in income, edvication, and policj' estimate of the volatility coefficient included in the controls. Prima volatility affects growth is facie, this not the overall chose to focus on the composition of investment. [insert Table 'Similar evidence is main channel through which propensity to save - one reason initial et al. (2000), the point from —0.26 to —0.22 when the investment rate finding suggests that the own than example, the general-equilibrium impact for is n:iore even after we control for the aggregate investment rate. This and demographics variables as falls investment gro-wi:h higher than one (Jones, Manuelli and Stacchetti, 2000).'' columns 1-4 of Table our data AK for and thereby on growth however unclear that impact of demand volatility discourages the cautionary supply of savings. substitution on growth would be consistent with the neoclassical effect of volatility 1 here] Hwang and Williamson (2004), Koren and Tenreyro (2004), and our and Shukayev (2005), however, argue that this relation is not always robust to provided by Blattman, results in Section 5.4. Chatterjee different regression specifications or country samples. The may be ' income. results in Angeletos (2004) suggest that the relevant threshold for the elasticity of intertemporal substitution quite lower in a neoclassical economy where,- unlike in an AK economy, capital is not the only source of Second, the relation factor that is may be Ramey and Ramey partly spuriovis, driven by the effect that financial development - a did not control for - has on both growth and volatility. This point and a more procyclical consistent with our model, where tighter credit constraints imply a lower long-term investment and therefore a slower and more variable growth process. It is also consistent with the standard credit-multiplier paradigm, which proposes that financial frictions amplify the But whereas there business cycle via their effect on the variability of aggregate investment. evidence that credit predicts growth and volatility, a first is pass of the data shows no indication that credit predicts the variability of the investment rate. In our sample, the cross-country correlation between the private credit to GDP (the mean growth measure of financial development usually used in the literature) the correlation between the volatility of the growth rate and private credit columns 5 and 6 of Table mean growth true for credit when 1, the effect of credit on volatility By (see Levine, 1997, for a review). columns 7 and 8 of Table 1 we repeat the same latter and the GDP is is between private nearly zero (only —0.09); and regressions as in ciuality of the financial sector 0.40; —0.48. As shown in contrast, the correlation columns the standard deviation of the investment rate as the dependent variable, between the is is robust to various controls; the same is and the standard deviation of the rate of investment to in rate and the ratio of we - another reason 5 and 6 now using no relationship find why we chose to focus on the composition rather than the rate of investment as the main transmission channel. At the end of the empirical section we thus in the cross-section. We revisit the relation find that the effect of volatility between volatility and growth on growth survives when we control for the level of financial development, leaving open the possibility that volatility has a causal effect on growth (or, of and the other effect of course, that there may be some other omitted variable not captured by private credit controls). In our model, the causal effect can go either direction, partly because the aggregate volatility on the level of idiosyncratic liquidity risk interesting possibility, however, emerges in examples volatility. more where is ambiguous liciuidity risk increases Higher volatility then discourages long-term investment and slows so the tighter the credit constraints. Consistent with this possibility, clow^n we in general. An with aggregate growth, and the find in our sample that the negative relation between volatility on growth tends to be stronger in countries with lower financial development. This finding, however, should when we instrument volatility Related literature. be taken with caution, for it looses significance with the standard deviation of commodity price shocks. The growth and amplification effects of financial frictions have been the subject of a large literature, including Bernanke and Gertler (1989), Banerjee and (1991), King and Levine (1993). Obstfeld (1994), Ki3--otaki Tirole (1998), Aghion, Banerjee and Piketty on how liquidity risk interacts (1999).''^ We and Moore (1997), Holmstrom and depart from this earlier work by focusing with the horizon of investment and 'See Levine (1997) for an excellent review and more references. Newman how this in turn affects the cyclical composition of investment. Angeletos (2004) also considers how idiosyncratic risk affects tlie cyclical allocation of investment, but focuses on private versus public equity. King and Rebelo and Jones, Manuelli and Stacchetti (2000) analyze (1993), Stadler (1990), the relation between volatility and growth within the AK class of models, but do not consider the cyclical behavior of the allocation of investment nor the role of financial markets. Hall (1991). Gali Hammour and (1991), Aghion and Saint-Paul (1998), and Barlevy (2004) examine the cross-sectoral allocation of investment, but assuine perfect capital markets, thus bypassing the interaction effects identified here.*^ Related are also Caballero and first Hammour (1994) and paper examines the implications of adjustment costs recessions. The second sector-specific risks, rest of the for volatility The Zilibotti (1997). and the cleansing effect of argues that lower levels of income, by constraining the ability to diversify may lead to both higher volatility and lower growth.^ focuses on the interaction of credit constraints The Acemoglu and paper is By contrast, this paper and the composition of investment. organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the model. Section 3 analyzes the composition of investment and Section 4 the implications for growth and volatility. Section 5 contains the empirical analysis. Section 6 concludes. The model 2 The economy who life, is populated by overlapping generations of two-period-lived agents ("entrepreneurs"), are indexed by i and uniformly distributed over the segment [0, 1]. In the first period of her an entrepreneur receives an exogenous endowment of wealth and decides how much to invest in short-term versus long-term investment. Short-term investment produces at the end of the period, whereas long-terin investment produces at the end of the second period. random licjuidity shock is realized, first In between, a which threatens to reduce the return of long-term investment if not financed. At the end of the second period, the entrepreneur consumes her total life-time income and The dies. life-span of an entrepreneur is illustrated in Figure Productivity and exogenous shocks. exogenous and an endogenous one. and call it [a, a] where p G and further explained below. Aggregate productivity has two components; denote the endogenous component in period the level of knowledge; the determination of Tt will be described later. component, on the other hand, support We 1 C (0, 1) ]R_,_, is denoted by unconditional at and mean normalized is to assumed 1, to follow a t an with Tj The exogenous Markov process with and conditional mean Et_iaj = a^_i, parametrizes the persistence in exogenous prodvictivity. ''Francois and Lloyd-Ellis (2003), on the other hand, consider a Schumpeterian growth model in which cycles are generated by firms' incentives to synchronize their innovations, as in Shleifer (1986). Koren and Tenreyro (2004), however, argue that, contrary to the portfolio-diversification approach, less developed ' countries specialize in sectors with relatively higher, irot lower, risks. period 1+ period t day realized Z:,, bom • liquidity shoci< c„ productivity • period-/ agents are fl, is w • • returns fl,/(^„) is realized • productivity • z,i returns a,-. agents borrow and lend to invest in ^„ and meet liquidity The 1: life shocks Oj+i^rfr,,) if allocate it • perrod-/ agents • period-/"- the entrepreneur receives an endowment kl = Kf/Tt, zl = Zl/Tt, and bl = are proportional to Tf, which effectively fixes the We born ... also supply of savings.^ The initial and savings how endowment and the = =w for some coirstant z/; period, 0, (1) initial investment K] in the and generates output W, at the > budget thus reduces to Short-term investment takes only one step to complete, namely the first costs Wf/Tt, K+A+^< beginning of the to in the riskless and denote with w\ assume that w\ initial Zj, In t. levels of wealth, short-term investment, Bl/Tt the "detrended" long-term investment, and bonds holdings. ageivts are of wealth, VV^, and decided bond, B]. To ensure a balanced-growth path, we assume that the and long-term investments 1 consume and die Consider an entrepreneur born in period between short-run investment, K], long-term investment, of short-term liquidity otherwise of an eutrepreuneur. Short-term and long-term investment. life, realized agents borrow and lend to • Z/, Figure the beginning of is , has been met, • 1 day night end of the same period, where tt is = atTtiT{kl) a neoclassical production function (i.e., such that tt' > " > vr", 7r'(0) = DO, and = 7r'(oo) 0). Long-term investment, on the other hand, takes two steps to complete: the incurred in the beginning of the at the end of the first period. first period and an additional random adjustment investment Z] cost CI incurred Long-term investment produces n t+i at the initial end of the second period if at+iTtq{zl) this additional cost has + Q been met, and nothing otherwise, where q *'Here we are in effect ruling out any influence of the quality of financial markets the volatility of the aggregate investment rate, which is consistent with the evidence discussed in the introduction. We are also ruling out any influence on the mean investment rate; this is certainly not true in the data, but it is not important for the paper: none of the results is affected if we let w be an increasing function of p.. is production function also a neoclassical growth path, we assume that Q is > > (g' g". q'{0) proportional to Tt and distributed across agents and periods, with support and density F (c) = {c/cf , with Remarks. > tp let c\ [0, c], oo, g'(oo) = Q/Ti 0). To ensure a balanced be independently identically cumulative distribution function further simplify by assuming that the (c.d.f) F, c.d.f. is isoelastic: Note that the return to each type of investment depends on the corresponding one), whereas both depend on the of his The life (i.e., Tt). first at for (i.e., level of assumption the short-term investment, at+i for the long-term knowledge that the entrepreneur learns essential: together is to long-term investment. The second assumption is less in the with the assumption that ensures that the return to short-term investment it < 0. contemporaneous productivity shock reverting, we Unless otherwise stated, /. = is more beginning at is mean- than the return cyclical important: assuming that the output of long-term investment depends on Tt+i rather than Tt would not change any of the results.^ The assumption that That liquidity shock. cost nj_,_| whenever it includes Cj is, is also inessential: > since at+iTtq{zl) 0, it is it always optimal for the firm to pay the additional upon the can, which in turn depends simply ensures that CI represents a pure efficiency of credit markets. There are various interpretations of what the two types of investment and the liquidity shock For example, the short-term investment might be putting money into one's current represent. business, while long-term productivity-enhancing investment the short-term investment same vintage may may be starting a RfcD, learning a new for the is building an additional new technology. Similarly, the liquidity new technology to be adapted to domestic market or adopting a skill, shock might be an extra cost necessary conditions once the business. Or, be maintaining existing equipment or buying a machine of the as the ones already installed, while the long-term investment plant, investing in new new technology has been adopted; or a health problem which the entrepreneur needs to overcome or otherwise she won't be alive to enjoy the fruits of her long-term investment; some other or idiosyncratic shock that has enough liquidity to overcome is threatening to ruin the entrepreneur's business unless she it.-"^ Entrepreneur's payoff. The entrepreneur other life. + rt)Bl {l Hence, expected life-time utihty is risk neutral its liquidity shock and i\ = and consumes only simply Ef [I'V'j,,.!], where M'7+i the entrepreneur's final-period wealth and the firm meets IEt[tuJ+iJ, is is £1 is = in the last period 11^-1- (n;_|_i — Q) an indicator variable such that (I (1 = + I if otherwise. Equivalently, the entrepreneur maximizes where u'i+i = Wi^JTt = a,7r(fcj) + at+iq{zi)il + (1 + (2) n)6J. This would introduce a complementarity in long-term investment across entrepreneurs, which in turn would its countercyclicality under complete markets and its procyclicality under tight constraints. The fact that long-term productivity-enhancing investments - such as setting up a new business, learning a new increase ' skill, adopting a new technology, or engaging of the value of such investments met. may The assumption that everything in R&D - are largely intangible explains not be tradeable and is lost is then may why a relatively large fraction therefore be lost in case the liquidity shock oirly for simplicity. is not Credit markets. Credit markets open twice every period. The "day" market takes place beginning of The cost. at the period, before the realization of the lic]uidity or long-term investment adjustment tl:ie "overnight" market takes place at the end of the period, aft.er the realization of the liquidity cost. m times her initial wealth > 0). The ex where = 1 + m > Similarly, in ante borrowing constraint can thus be expressed as kl + zl < the overnight market, the entrepreneur can borrow up to m times her end-of-current-period wealth, In the day market the entrepreneur can borrow up to (tti f^iw, XI = a(Tt7r(fcJ) + (l + 1. /j, B\, for the purpose of covering the liquidity cost C]. Thus, the probability I't) that the entrepreneur will be able to meet the liquidity shock and enjoy the fruits of his long-term investment is given by pJ=Pr(C^"</a7)=F(/.xJ), where = x\ = X'i/Tt + atTT{kl) + (1 n) Finally, to simplify the analysis, can take place overniglit storage = to aT\'{k) — a^q'il k). The that the excess aggregate h\. we assume that wealth cannot be stored during the day, whereas < the solution at a one-to-one rate and c a7r(fc (a)), where k (a) assumption implies that the "day" interest rate first demand for the riskless bond in the day market is is r^ will zero; this is adjust so equivalent to imposing the resource constraint '{J4 The second ity process, that = rv. (3) grovirth. is, To complete the model, we need zero. is to describe the endogenous productiv- the dynamics of Tt. Assuming that the knowledge accumulated by one generation over to the next generation and identifying the knowledge produced by each entrepreneur in spills generation t with her realized productivity, the knowledge available to generation Tt+i essentially the is same as = (e.g., i -|- 1 is JT.qizlYl. assuming that productivity growth productivity-enhancing investment 3 zl) assuinption ensures that the "overnight" interest rate Endogenous This + R&D), as usually done in is increasing in the level of endogenous-growth models. '' Cyclical composition of investment In this section of the two types of investment. we then "See we analyze the contrast for it effect of financial We first development on the consider the benchmark with the case of tight credit constraints. example Barro-Sala-i-Martin (1999) and Aghion-Ho\vitt (1998). level and the cyclical behavior case of complete financial markets; 3.1 Complete markets When credit markets are perfect, entrepreneurs can always meet their liquidity shocks, ensuring that long-term investment pays out with probability one. Expected wealth = E(i/;j+i at7r{}4) + Etat+iq{zi) + which the entrepreneurs maximize with respect to Obviously, Since ir and sufficient for entrepreneurs all q are both make — l +n and is given by g'(-^) increasing in a; as long as p < and therefore we can drop the rj or equivalently that the resource constraint Eta.t+iq' {zt) = that, in general eciuilibrium, Proposition an increase the share of long-term investment that, is by (5), is 1 + rt. is (A) demand for the + zt = more term investment is demand for is acyclical.-*-^ Combining (4) and increases the share of sliort-term. investment is in ecjuilibrium zt is countercyclical and (5) implies r^. procyclical, whereas countercyclical. is sensitive to the acyclical, but its composition (i.e., is not. As the return contemporaneous state of the economy than the (i.e., both types of investment less procyclical zero, (5) present value of profits anticipated further in the future In other words, the is w. mean-reversion in the business cycle, profits in the immediate future is bond satisfied: the aggregate level of investment to short-term investment) in equilibrium n^-P in at reduces Zt, increases kt Under complete markets, 1 = adjusts so that the excess This essentially imposes that the supply of savings in superscripts. both necessary and between the two types of investment "' = kt '"That i (1). 1. In equilibrium, the (day) interest rate long as there the budget constraint an optimal solution: follows that the marginal rate of substitution Note rt)bl zji^t) subject to (fcj, identical choices It is + thus strictly concave, the following first-order conditions are atTr'ikt) which (1 is than the demand is the return to long-term investment). procyclical, but the for short-term investment, demanci for long- which explains why under complete markets. equilibrium every entrepreneur holds no bonds follows from our assumption that ex ante identical and that the net supply of the bond is zero. all entrepreneurs are ' Example to {kt/zt)'^~° Suppose that 1. = = 7r(/c) which together with Q't"'^, = 7 kt ?/ = (1 procyclical — /9)/(l — > a) 1. Condition (4) then reduces 1 and Cj a/ Hence, 0. < a < 2", (5) ini]ilies fjU' + = and q{z) a "t :; 1 where A:" + 1 zt is countercyclical a/ decreasing in (i.e., o,j), whereas fci is increasing in at). (i.e., Incomplete markets 3.2 Credit constraints limit entrepreneurs' borrowing capacity to a finite multiple of their current wealth both periods of in life. max The entrepreneurs' investment problem {atn{kl) k\ s.t. where ( + F(/.t[aj7r(fcJ) (1 + Etat+iq{zl)F + + T't)bl]) z\ + b\ < [atiT{kl) {^i w, k} + zl + < (1 thus given by is + nW,] ) + (1 + n)b\] 1.1W simply the probability that the liquidity shock is (6) will be met equivalent ly, that long-term investment will pay out). We assume that n. q, and F are such that the objective in (6) conditions are then both necessary and sufficient and equilibrium (so that we can again drop the periods implies that the (3), we indeed have be expressed as constraint + zt = w < is The /j.iv. entrepreneurs Xt = make The assumption subscripts). identical choices in of no storage within never binding in equilibrium; by the resource constraint with respect to first-order conditions + Etat+iq{zt)f {p,xt) //. [atn'{kt) - Etat+iq'{zt')F{iiXt) -Etat+iq{zt)f ipxt) where strictly concave; the first-order kl and c^ can then follows: atir'ikt) , , kt first i all is at7r(fcf) -f (1 -|- ri)bt. The condition for atn'{kt) ;: which means that the demand for kt is = fcj is (1 + l^i{l r^)] + rt) = l-h n, = l + rt, obviously satisfied at l+rt, ' (7) not affected by credit constraints. The condition for zt, on the other hand, reduces to Etat+iq'izt) The demand for = long-term investment (l is + 1 -~Etat+iq(zt)f rt) F (jdxt) ifixt) i-i 771 thus no more than under complete markets 9 (8) In equilibrium, the interest rate xj = case Let atTT (kt). F {pxt) < = fL c/ (a7r(l)) > / (m^*) 1, Proposition 2 Suppose rate . Note that < ]1. < ft and therefore suffices for For any realization /.ix; < kt c to hold for + = w Zt all a/, in and which than one. strictly greater is incomplete markets lead to a lower interest a,t, and a lower long-term investment a higher short-terin investment kt, rj, fJ. = bt the term in brackets in (8) 0; ^^^^l /.i adjusts so that rt zt as compared to complete markets. Next consider the = and Eta^+i (7), (8), cyclical behavior of investment. we af, if 1 — p Proposition 3 Suppose and — (^i < < ^ /* (> a.nd that of short-term investment The intuition for this result demand relative shock will recession than in a + kt = > 1 not be met boom. This is lic[uidity-risk effect is is Zt is increasing share of long-term investment is now procyclical countercyclical. effect less The opportunity-cost emerges when than one /.l (p > 1 — p then which tends to make the effect, is equally present under complete and < fi, for make then the probability that the most importantly, in all states and, liquidity-risk effect tends to investment procyclical. The condition opportunity-cost effect along with (kt) /c) w, the above condition implies that — p. The simple. is incomplete markets. But a second licjuidity [j-iatix 0). cf) is zt long-term investment countercyclical, for F {ixxt) = infer that the ecjuilibrium allocation of savings satisfies Together with the resource constraint, (decreasing) in at Using demand the relative higher in a is for long-term ensures that this latter effect dominates: the weaker the higher the persistence p stronger the higher the cyclical elasticity in the business cycle, of the probability of (p whereas the meeting the liquidity shock. Finally, note that cyclical elasticity. controls primarily the average level of liciuidity risk, whereas /j. Although the two parameters are unrelated in /i > /i, for therefore becomes of the paper and higher we (p Example "The i.i cyclicality of also affected by when jjl. becomes zero and locally insensitive to fluctuations in at. For these reasons, in the empirical part in the assumption is implies a larger region of a, for which the liquidity risk shall identify lower financial 2. and a higher level Moreover, in our model, the cyclicality of liquidity risk then a higher its our model, lower levels of financial development may be typically associated with both a higher mean liquidity risk. controls first-order conditions to in the data to a combination of lower p. model. Suppose 4> development < be (1 — 7r(A;) = fc", q{z) = c", a < a:)/a suffices for the objective in sufficient. 10 1, (6) c = 1, and 1 - p < to be strict!}- concave (p < [l - a) and therefore /a.'^'^ for the IseI I sucvhal dlnzt/dlrat eliEtid-ty ratE F[i^a^;t(y^)] 0.8 0.6 \ \ 0.4 \ 0.2 2\. -0.2 -0.4 Figure 2; The effect of credit constraints (^;,) 3 4 ^ 5 .._ . on the level, the cyclical elasticity, and the survival rate of productivity-enhancing investment. Condition (9) then reduces to V^(.,)=/af+^-\ where tp ^l-Q (z) increases with Example fi 3. -d>a w and a. (10) and its /i — + {I z) . can thus be solved which case the on the equilibrium survival rate, 5 {at) level of Clearly, for zt as as in the elasticity ->p = F {f.Lat~ {kt)) (all more (z) increases with z, whereas an increasing function of above example, but now d becomes endogenous. Figure long-term investment constraints lead to a lower average and 4 (p) Suppose the same technologies tion of c be log-normal, in impact of [W (10) evaluated at = 1). and let ^ at- the distribu- 2 illustrates the cyclical elasticity Zf, its a; /./. /i'^a'^"'"^ 51n zt/d\nat, In this example, too, tighter procyclical long-ternr investment. Amplification, volatility and growth we analyze how In this section, financial constraints affect aggregate volatility, mean growth, and the relation between the two. 4.1 Complete markets Under complete financial markets, productivity-enhancing investment is never interrupted. Hence, letting z*{at) denote the complete-markets ecjuilibrium level of long-term investment, the rate of technology growth is r,t+i 7* (at) = g (-*(«*)) Tt Since z*{at) Corollary tercyclical is 1 decreasing in at, 7* (ftj) is Under complete markets, and therefore mitigates also decreasing in aj. the endogenous component of produ.ctivity growth the business cycle. 11 is coun- Consider next the causal higher or lower mean growth Douglas case of Example in a effect of volatility 1 in on growth. Whether a higher variance ultimately depends Section 3.1, it is upon the curvatures easy to check that 7* A neighborhood of the mean productivity shock. and of q () (•) is in at results in z () necessaril}' . In the convex Cobb- at least small mean-preserving spread in at starting from zero variance then necessarily increases the mean rate of technological growth. In general, however, 7 may have both convex and concave segments and (•) on growth effect of volatility is therefore the complete-markets a priori ambiguous. Incomplete markets 4.2 Since only those firms that can meet their adjustment costs are able to innovate and therebj' contribute to aggregate productivity growth, the growth rate of technology now is given by T ="f{at)=q{z{at))d{at) -^ J-t where z{at) is the incomplete-markets equilibrium level of long-term investment and 6{at) F {/.mtir (w — z{at))) large numbers, this come (at) the eciuilibrium probability of covering the liquidity shock (by the law of < all at, as well as for 7* (at) for all aj, Corollary 2 Under both and that 7 i^t < 6 (at) ft. is is strictly less Note how the amplification and and (p > —p suffice for S (at) be {i.e., for and therefore < 1 successfully over- and < z [at) z* (at) strictly increasing in at- It follows that increasing in markets procyclical 1 zt (at) to (a;) is strictly sufficiently incomplete component of productivity growth productivity growth, who also ecjual to the equilibrium fraction of entrepreneurs is their liquidity shocks). Clearly, to hold for 7 is = jj, < at. p, and a.m.plifi.es (f) > 1 — p), the endogenous the business cycle. Moreover, than that under complete markets in all states. result contrasts with the mitigating effect of long-term investment under complete markets (Corollary I). While the opportunity-cost effect implies that long-term investment and therefore productivity growth are countercyclical under complete markets, the liquidity-risk effect contributes to kets via two channels: first, making productivity growth procyclical under incomplete mar- by imputing procyclicality in the demand for long-term investment; and second, by making the success probability of long-term investments higher recessions. Consider in booms than in 1 now a reduction in fi the relationship between volatility and growth. For any given variance in both increases the variance and reduces the mean of Tt+i/Tt. cross-country correlation between growth volatility and mean growth observed The in the aj, negative data maj' therefore reflect a spurious correlation iminited by cross-country differences in financial develop- ment. Moreover, this negative correlation need not diminish once one controls for the aggregate investment; what matters is the composition of in^'estment. 12 level of The causal effect of exogenous volatility on the cau'vatures of q of z (•) shock. and (•) .•: (•) mean growth, on as well as that of , ambiguous. Moreover, the curvature of is The ambiguous 6 () As with complete markets, the curvature . depends on the distribution of the (•) causal effect of a mean-preserving spread in at on the effect of volatility Example I — p. Suppose in long-term investment. c of Tt+i/Tt thus remains some insight into tlie causal = z E — z) = q (z) x/ \ d{at) = < Normalizing n {w f \ = / . \^ Moreover, recall that the productivity shock at with probaliility p G is further that z (at) 7(Q,t) (0, u;) for all «(, = 1, it ^ '^ ^'"* p ^ 11 _ c mean 1 and support a a < mean growth by When fi < c, c/jd. But > on the other hand, only a fraction of firms succeed that the or, economy will enter a sufficiently more now a mean-preserving spread in at c/f-i, mean growth by decrease uniform over 5. , Whereas it is 6 (•) completing their long-term why < c/ p.. But, as soon as increasing the probability long-term investments are completed. all the causal effect of volatility on growth may- When lic|uidity probability of success shocks and credit constraints are z (a,j) = ~ for all at, as in the previous Normalizing again n {w — 7(at) ., was .S-shaped (i.e., = convex z) (5(a,) for low = = a, q {z) = 1, example, but if /i > c, is increase likely to now let c be we now have min{/.tat/c, 1}. concave for high a) in the previous example, now that a sufficiently large mean-preserving spread in at necessarily reduces Furthermore, may very low, higher volatility is globally concave. In other words, the resurrection effect discussed above has It follows to meet increasing the chances for failure. Suppose that [0, c]. as soon as fail increase the chances for "resurrection"; otherwise higher volatility mean growth by Example in mean growth by good boom where be non-monotonic under incomplete markets. mean when increasing the probability that generally, as long as a increases This example highlights an important reason sufficiently severe that the (i.e., their long-term investments. investments in the absence of volatility a [a, a]. volatility the economy will be in a (sufficiently severe) slump where a positive fraction of firms and complete with ignore the cyclicality is, /J, their liquidity shocks > ^ has unconditional a mean-preserving spread in at decreases c follows that < fiat that and (0, 1) When > c, firms face no liquidity risk in the absence of macroeconomic = a = 1) or, more generally, as long as volatility is small enough that a > c//.(., liquidity under incomplete markets. Suppose that the adjustment cost 4. mean Nevertheless, the following examples provide in general. probability (5 other liand, depends again on tlie the negative effect of volatility on 13 mean growth is now disappeared. mean higher the lower growth. /j.. ^ irean gro^th volatility/ 0.2 0.1 Figure 3: The effect of 0.3 0.4 0.5 uncertainty [a) on growth and volatiHty; dashed Hues for perfect markets, solid lines for tight credit constraints. Example Consider the same specification as in Example 3 of Section 6. that Inaj follows a Gaussian in at. Figure 3 illustrates AR{1) and how the standard deviation of the growth rate Tt+i/Tt vary with a. The dashed lines represent complete credit markets correspond to incomplete markets For any level of a, {ji < (// = co), is in a has a strong negative explained by two factors. which ensures that the resurrection probability 5 (a) tends to be concave in a, effect is First, the weak. mean effect on mean growth average liquidity risk the optimal level of long-term investment z (a) also it is convex at least in a productivity level under complete markets; the concavity of z (a) then implies that an increase in a tends to reduce the mean level of z. Empirical analysis 5 In this section period. we test the We construct commodity main predictions of the model in a panel of countries over the 1960-2000 a measure of exogenous shocks using export-weighted changes in international prices, as described in detail below. We then ask whether a lower level of financial development increases the responsiveness of growth to exogenous shocks (amplification whether channel). this effect We is effect) and channeled through the rate or the composition of investment (amplification also revisit the relation between volatility and growth in the cross-section of countries. Data description 5.1 As is Second, as the innovation tends to be concave in a under sufficiently incomplete markets, whereas of the solid ones incomplete markets are associated with lower growth and higher volatility under incomplete markets. This neighborhood whereas the oo). than complete markets. Moreover, an increase relatively small, but now assume a denote the standard deviation of the innovations let mean and the 3.2, a measure of financial development we use private credit, the value of credit private sector by banks and other financial intermediaries as a share of 14 extended to the GDP. This is a standard indicator in the finance anri growth hterature and It is usuaUy preferred to other measures of it financial comes from Levine, Loyaza and Beck (2000). development because it excludes credit granted to the public sector and funds provided from central or development banks. We compute annual growth mark Tables To study (PWT). The measures 6.1 country-specific as the log difference of per capita of growth means and standard deviations the responsiveness of the and used volatility in Tables 1 and 7 are the growth over the 1960-1995 period. of annual economy income from the Perm World to exogenous shocks, we construct the following proxy. Using data on the international prices of 42 products between 1960 and 2000 from the Inter- IMF national Financial Statistics Database of the rate for each conunodity. in 1985, 1986, We To We test we calculate the annual inflation/deflation then average the share of this commodity and 1987 as reported all is a country's exports Finally, we take a commodities using the corresponding export shares as thus obtain a country-by-year-specific measure, which we whether there in World Trade Analyzer (WTA).i^ in the weighted average of price changes across weights. (IFS), any amplification call commodity-price shocks. effect of financial constraints, we examine the vari- ation in the sensitivity of growth to connirodity-price shocks across different levels of financial development. To analyze the amplification channel, on the other hand, we also need data on the composition of investment. The model makes predictions for the share of long-term productivity- enhancing investment: we jDroxy in total investment. Unfortunately, data availability limits our this sample to 14 by the share of RcfcD OECD countries between 1973-1999 for which the ports spending on research and development in the with data on total investment as a share of When GDP ANBERD from the and intellectual property rights [ipr). editions of the Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom We combine we The former of the is a broad measure from various World database, whereas the compiled by Casehi and Wilson (2003). ^^ (1997); latter we use the data is as . demographics data comes from the PWT; the schooling data from Barro and Lee in GDP. market exchange rate premium, and openness to trade - from Levine et al. and the various policy variables used inflation, the black measure also control for overall property a narrower index constructed by Ginarte and Park (1997). For these variables Finally, the this re- PWT. analyzing the reaction of the economy to shocks rights {property) database. OECD (2000). , in Tables 1 and 7 - the share of government ' 5.2 Amplification effect of credit constraints We begin by examining the sensitivity of growth to shocks where a period consists of in 5 consecutive non-overlapping years a panel of 72 countries and 6 periods, between 1960 and 1990. We estimate These were the earlie.st years for which complete data were available at the country-commodity level. "Data on property rights and intellectual property rights is only available at 5-year intervals. We annualize the data by imposing a constant growth rate within each 5-year period. 15 the following specification: — ^Vit + ci'O ci'i • Vit + 0^2 • shockit + as credit • (11) +7 Ay where and it is A'jt is growth for country i period in shocku crediti_ t, yn is -f fi X,t + ^M^ + £tt beginning-of-period per capita income (in logs), a vector of controls (namely, period-average population growth and secondary school enrollment). To address the potential for omitted intransient country-level variables, we include country fixed effects and cluster errors by country. We consider two alternative measures for credit. In the two columns of Table 2 we use first the average value of private credit over the contemporaneous -S-year interval. In accordance with we observe a negative previous findings in the literature, on coefficient initial income (evidence of convergence) and a strong positive overall effect of credit. As expected, the overall impact of shock on Ay is because an increase also positive, in shock represents an improvement in the exporting opportunities available to a country. We are more theoretical predictions, we find a negative coefficient, suggesting that financial the sensitivity to exogenous shocks. While the coefficient becomes and shock. interested, however, in the interaction of credit statistically significant when we add time is In line with our development reduces imprecisely estimated in column 1. it fixed effects in the second column. [insert Table 2 here] One concern with using the contemporaneous cycle value of credit and may thus capture the impact of some other cyclical is that it varies with the business omitted variable. Note, however. that for the interaction term to be spurious a beneficial shock must be associated with both higher growth rates and lower 7 levels of private credit, which seenrs unlikely. Moreover, the estimate of robust to the introduction of either a quadratic term for shock, or the interaction of y and is shock, which speaks further against such a bias (results not reported). and 4 repeat the estimation in the first the entire 1960-1990 period, which term is now is two columns with the average value of private credit over immune to the above omitted variable bias. highly significant with and without time fixed effects; While the 1960-1990 average addresses potential bias concerns, cant time variation in the level of financial development; contemporaneous value of specifications with credit. Nevertheless, columns 3 For that reason, in it may it it The also increases in interaction magnitude. does not capture the signifi- thus be a poorer proxy than the the remaining of the paper we estimate both time- variant and country-fixed measures of private credit. Including time fixed effects, on the other hand, takes away the component in shock that common to component all all is countries in a given period and therefore isolates the response to the idiosyncratic of shock. Although the eiripirical results 16 suggest that the amplification effect of credit constraints differs between world-wide and idiosyncratic distinction. To avoid taking a stance and shocl-cs, exjjlore the potentially differential effects of tlie components, we continue the empirical analysis both with and without time fixed The above results avoided the lag structure of the response of We over 5-year interval. make our model does not sue?) a two shock effects.^'' growth to shocks by aggregating henceforth focus on an annual panel of 65 countries between 1960 and 2000 and extend the specification above as follows: ^ytt = + Q'O +7q ^0 • • shockit + ^-1 sJiocktt-i + 7_]^ shockn crediti +ac- crediU_ + ay yu-2 Now Ay is annual growth, y is + + 5-2 shockn-i crediti 1^1 + shockit-2+ + 7_2 • crediti shockii-2+ (12) £it per capita income lagged two years, and the three shock variables correspond to the contemporaneous, 1-year lagged, and 2-year lagged commodity-price shocks. The estimation of all lagged shock terms As price shocks. ^'^ before, we is first column presents our baseline specification with a lagged of [jrivate credit over the five years immediately preceding time predicts, tighter credit results in higher sensitivity to shocks, especially at same shock result is when we use the 1960-2000 average value now precisely estimated, but this three shock variables. commodity include country fixed effects and cluster errors at the country level. Table 3 reports our results. The moving average possible because of the low autocorrelation in the may be of credit in column two 2. t. lags. As the model We obtain the Only the twice-lagged partly due to the multi-colinearity between the For this reason, we also report F-statistics for the joint significance of all three interaction terms, as well as that of only the 2 lagged shock interactions. In most cases, the data favor the inclusion of the interaction terms. [insert Table 3 here] Columns is and 1 always above 2 restrict the 10% of credit within the of sample to countries GDP. This 0-10% range is cut-off is in columns 3 it is which the moving average of private credit motivated by the concern that variation in the measure unlikely to be informative about the variation in the availability of funds. Alternatively, financial development a liquidity shock unless in may not importantly affect the likelihood of meeting above a minimum threshold and 4 the interaction terms are le\'el. less precisely When we do not impose this cut-off estimated and lose joint significance. In contrast, the results are generally robust to higher cut-off values, such as 15%, 20%, or 25%; ^''A proxy for shocks more commonly used in the growth hterature is changes in the terms of trade. We prefer to use commodity-price shocks because the time variation in exchange rates that enters the terms of trade calculation largely endogenous to the business cycle. In contrast, the time variation in the price of each commodity is largely exogenous to a country, and the weights we use to aggregate across commodities vary in the cross-section but not over time. When we use data on terms of trade shocks from Barro and Lee (1997), the interaction terms are of the correct sign but imprecisely estimated. ^'We calculated the correlation coefficient between shockt and shockt-i for each country. In our sample of 65 countries the average autocorrelation coefficient was 0.08 with a standard deviation of 0.16. is 17 Columns 10% the and 6 repeat the 5 cut-off first throughout the two columns a lagged moving average over the credit: computed for cut-off. In light of these results, (i — of our results to alternative measures of private 6, i each country as the average of the — and the 10) period; first 5 initial and on the other hand, add year fixed 10, The shocks. results are largely effects value of credit, years for which credit data are available. Both measures predate the commodity-price shocks and the length of a business 9 we use rest of the analysis.-'* we check the robustness In columns 7 and 8 20% for the and thus Columns cycle. isolate the response to idiosyncratic unchanged, although the significance of the interaction terms varies across specifications. We next address another omitted-variable concern: the possibility that our estimates capture the interaction effect of some other For example, institutional variable. positively correlated with credit availability and growth reacts adverse shocks in countries less to with better property rights, the interaction terms reported in Table 3 effect of property rights are if may reflect the mitigating property rights rather than that of financial development. [insert Table 4 here] Table 4 thus revisits the baseline specifications of Table For comparison, column variables. interactions of shock with ipr with all initial income y, control interactions 1 reproduces the first and property. Column after controlling for other institutional column of Table 3 instead includes and column 5 adds time fixed the private-credit interaction terms remain Columns effects. (t — 5,t — 1) 6 Column 3. 2 adds the the interactions of shock Column a proxy for the overall level of economic development. using the 1960-2000 average level of credit rather than the and 7 4 combines then repeat 4 and 5 average. In all specifications significant.-"^'"'^ Amplification cliannel 5.3 The evidence presented cycle, but it level so far supports the prediction that tighter credit amplifies the business does not identify the transmission channel as being the composition of investment or any other channel. In ^ .3 this subsection, we examine how credit affects the sensitivity of both the and composition of investment to shocks. "-^ When v.'e estimate the same specification in the remaining sample of countries, which we observe highly insignificant coefficients, although usually of the same sign. We do not fall below the 10% reall}' know why cut-ofF, this gi'oup is that there is simply too much noise in this group. Our results also survive the inclusion of the interaction of shock with the size of government and the black market premium (results not reported). In unreported regressions we have explored the possibility that financial development affects also the persistence of fluctuations. The interaction of private credit with y enters positively, suggesting that persistence is higher in more of countries behaves differently; our guess however is not statistically significant. ''Walde and Woitek (2004) find that the level of RfcD expenditure tends to be procyclical in the G7 countries between 1973 and 2000. (See also Walde, 2004.) In contrast, we focus on the cyclical variation of Ri;D as a share of financially developed countries. This effect total investment. 18 Using annual data on 14 OECD we estimate the countries between 1973 and 1999 following two regressions: R^D/Iit = ao + + 5-i So- shockii +7g crediti +ac crediti_ ~ shocku-2+ (5-2 + 7_]^ credit^ + e^t yu-o + shockit + Oy + shocku-i shockit-i • + 7_2 " shockit^2+ credit^ f-i^ ' ' (13) = I/Yit ao + 5o + 6-1 shockit shocks +7q crediti +ac crediti_ + ay + shockit~i + 7^1 yit-2 + crediti • /^'i + shocktt-2+ 5-2 shock^t-i + 7_2 • shockii-2+ cred.iti ^it (14) The dependent R&D variables here are as a share of total investment - our proxy gi^owth-enhancing investment - and total investment as a fraction of As before, we consider contemporaneous, GDP for long-term for country i in year t. 1-year lagged, and 2-year lagged commodity-price shocks, include country fixed effects, and cluster errors by country. Note that in the sample of countries with R&D data we never observe values of private credit below 10%. [insert Table 5 here] The results from estimating (13) are reported in Table Columns 5. 1-3 use the moving average of private credit over the immediately preceding five years, whereas columns 4-6 use the 1973-1999 average for each country. Columns 2 and 5 control for the interactions of shocks with and per capita income lagged Across all specificatioirs, 2 years. Finally, year fixed effects are the direct effect of shocks {6) action of shocks with credit (7) is we estimate statistically may is suggest that the amplification channel more when we and 3 6. +j for the credit) is typically ones with the highest significant negative coefficients include time effects. are emphasizing in the model and Once on again, this in this regression capture the response of countries to idiosyncratic exogenous shocks rather than to likely to common we and negative and economically the interaction with once- and twice-lagged shocks columns in property, typically positive, whereas the inter- is negative. Moreover, the total effect {6 positive for countries with the lowest values of credit credit. In particular, added ipr, shocks. [insert Table 6 here] In sharp contrast with the above findings, find when we turn to the results for (14) in Table no evidence that tighter credit increases the sensitivity of 7/1' to shocks. reverse is true: most interaction terms enter with These findings are far If 6, we anything, the a positive sign. from conclusive, since they are limited to a sample of OECD countries, a specific type of shocks and a specific decomposition of iuA-estment. Nevertheless, they appear to 19 . reject the standard amplification channel involving the level of aggregate investment, and instead point to a composition effect as in our model. Revisiting the impact of volatility on growth 5.4 As discussed in the introduction, the negative relation between the cross-section of countries need not reflect causality. is ambiguous Section 4: in general. An volatility and growth observed Moreover, the causal interesting possibility, however, in effect of volatility was raised by examples 5 and 6 in to the extent that liquidity risk increases with aggregate volatility, volatility can have a detrimental effect on growth, and the more so the tighter the credit constraints. [insert Table 7 here] We examine Table this possibility in with the addition of private credit and its 7. In column 1 we repeat the Ramey-Ramey regression interaction with volatility.^"" Consistent with the insight above, the negative impact of volatility on growth tends to be stronger in countries with lower financial development. This effect is economically important: in column 1, for example, a one- standard-deviation increase in the average level of financial development reduces the impact of a 1% by -0.68% (= 0.018 rise in volatihty The interaction effect controls, is 38). robust to the inclusion of demographics, property rights and policy and independent of the overall level of investment, as columns 2-4 show. It may be biased, however, because of the endogeneity of volatility. For that reason, columns 5-8 repeat the regressions instrumenting volatility with the standard deviation of commodity-price shocks. The interaction term now remains of the right sign which may be due to the fact that and comparable magnitude but loses statistical significance, commodity-price shocks explain only a small fraction of total volatility. Further research is can be established.^"^ therefore necessary before a solid causal interpretation of the above finding Nevertheless, at first pass the data appear to suggest that the potentially detrimental causal effect of volatility on growth ment, which may have important is larger in countries with lower financial develop- implications for welfare and policy. Concluding remarks 6 This paper investigated how financial development and the implications "For this has for volatility and growth. We consistency we present results for the countries that meet the the sample of 72 countries from Table ^^ affects the cyclical Supportive is first 10% composition of investment considered a simple model that cut-off. The results are very similar in 1 also the historical evidence in Blattman, Hwang and Wilhamson (2004). Using panel data for 35 countries over the 1870-1939 period, they find that volatility as measured by term of trade shocks growth in the Periphery, but not in the Core. 20 is harmful for endogenizes productivity-enhancing investment over the business cycle. straints make "V\'^ found that credit con- the fraction of productivity-enhancing investment more procychcal, thus amphfying the variation in produ('ti\'ity and output even savings. We if they to fail amphfy the variation in aggregate then confronted these predictions with a cross-country panel and found evidence that make tighter financial constraints R&D investment and growth more sensitive to shocks, while also generating a more negative correlation between volatility and growth. The model used paper was highly stylized. in this We nevertheless expect the main insights to extend to inore general frameworks as long as the key propagation channel - the risk on long-term productivity-enhancing investments - future research would be to embed detail the implications for the shocks. this mechanism is preserved. into a full-fledged An effect of liquidity interesting direction for RBC model and examine in economy's impulse responses to exogenous productivity and demand ^'^ Another fruitful direction for future research the interplay between macroeconomic policy Extending the insights of and productivity growth."^ volatility is this on growth, Aghion, Barro and Marinescu (work tercyclical budgetary policies have a stronger positive paper regarding the causal in progress) investigate effect on long-run growth effect of whether coun- in less financially developed countries. 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Average growth, growth Dependent volatility income growtli volatility volatility Growth Average growth, 1960-1995 variable: (3) (2) (1) initial and investment 1960- Investment 1995 (4) -0.0175 -0.0094 -0.0163 -0 (-0.69) (-5.66)*** (-3.89)*** (-5.98)*** -0.2796 -0.2641 -0.1829 -0.2208 (-2.63)**^ (-2.78)*** (-2.14)** (-2.63)** 0.1742 0.0963 (6.47)*** (3.96)*** private credit 0063 volatility, 1960-1995 (6) (5) -0.0019 investment/GDP volatility, (7) (8) -0.0052 -0.0056 -0.0061 (-1.87)* (-1.11) (-1.38) (-1.01) -0.00024 -0.00012 0.00003 0.00019 (-2.45)** (-0.90) (0.25) (1.11) yes yes yes 0.2856 Controls: pop growth, sec yes yes yes no no no yes yes no no no yes yes no no no 0.6018 59 0.4472 70 0.7013 59 0.2673 70 0.3755 59 0.0356 70 no no yes yes property rights no R-squared 0.0969 70 Levine et al. enroll policy set N 59 Note: All regressors are averages over the 1960-1995 period, except for intellectual and property rights which are for 1970-1995 and 1970-1990 respectively. Initial income and secondary school enrollment are taken deviation of annual growth and the share of total investment in includes government size as a share of GDP. inflation, parenthesis. "".**.* significant at 1%. 5%. and 10%. GDP in for 1960. Growth and investment volatility the 1960-1995 period respectively. are constructed as the standard The Levine et al. policy set of controls black market premium, and trade openness. Constant term not shown, t-statistics in Table 2. The response of growth Dependent to commodity avgs variable; 5-year avg. growth Private credit measure: income shock private credit private credit*shock 1960-1990 avg private credit, (1) initial price shocks: 5-year (4) (3) (2) -0.0701 -0.0710 -0.0481 (-6.60)*** (-6.00)*** (-4.68)*** (-3.74)*** 0.1243 0.1214 0.1686 0,1518 (2.20)** (2.09)** (2.79)*** (2.36)** 0,0387 0.0385 (2.97)*** (2.75)*** -0.2119 -0.2722 -0.4033 -0.4103 (-1.44) (-1.78)* (-2.24)** (-2.12)** yes yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes 0.5355 72 388 0.5521 72 0.4788 72 0.4925 72 388 418 418 -0.0467 Controls: pop growtli. sec enroll country fixed effects period fixed effects R-squared # countries (groups) N Commodity yes yes changes in the price of 42 commodities. All variables except for averaged over 5-year non-overlapping periods from 1960 to 1990. Initial income is beginning of period income. Private credit is averaged over the concurrent 5-year period in Columns (1) and (2) and over the 1960Note: price shocl<s are export-weighted private credit are 1990 period in Columns statistics in parenthesis. and (4). All regressions include a constant term, and cluster errors at the country "',".* significant at 1%, 5% and 10%. (3) level, t- — V • ^ ^-^ CO g s I g ss 9 ^ o ° 9 !L 00 en CM h- J__^ ° 8 S § - ^ ^ g en ro ° ^ o ^ o 9 ^ o a o --- ° s ro CM r- oo en -^ o CD CO '^ TJ O r tn (D 1 CO ^^ "* CO o o 1^ •^ en en o o o O ^ CD o S o — O) U3 c J r-- ^ uo o o 00 o (v^ (35 0) CU >^ >> >^ cu Cfi (/) (U 0) >. >. ,-. CM en en r~- CnI O <- I/) tl> CD ^ ro --^ CM CNJ -!- OO T- CNJ LD CD O CO CD CJ cn r— CM t- CD cn ^ <D a; >. o >> c; t-~- o O o CD 9 m CD CM ^ en oo rsj NT- o r^ CD CO CO CJ) m ^ ^ ,-^ ro LD ^ CD O o o Ol CO o ^ CO o NO o^ o o CJ> 2 5 o^ CD CD o 00 dJ to QJ >- >^ = rsi O C CD CM ro 00 00 o o o O o o J^ o o o CD to ^ ^ UD -r00 in cn oo cn oo en en in 0) in 1) o 135 C7> o o s? TO ^ '— •^ 9 O o o o c Csl Too 00 CM f^ cn CD <- UO 00 00 cn NT- ^~. !=: ^ ^ S ^ S O) Q ° M ° ° o ° o :^ o o o o CD 1en CD cu OO 00 rco t^ T- e^ en oo (D CD ^ s § O g _ _ CM CD S ^ K o g o o o CM o UJ CD OJ CM O f: § 8 •& £ ^ * - •£ ^- to 00 oo OM ^ CO o o O o q ^o m ^ o Cr r^ 00 CM CM "* O ej o o 'a- CO o oo T- o CM O p 00 k1 9 CD "^ ^ r^ o— -^ — ^ en CD -^ CM * ^-^ CM OO CD O . Csl >^ >. o c 15 in LO en 00 CD in cu ro CD ^ S ^ g o » o 9 o 9 H CD ^ O O _f O Q o O ° O ° O T- in cu o en OO rsi cn cu p £ O O !CM CD CO CD CD cn CD CO to cu o o o CM hCD CO CM „ in cu CM in cu "^ CD CM CM m o i-^ o CM CD "^ ^ c" 9 o ^ oo CO CD 00 ^ O — o 8>£ s. ^ CD cn CD CM 9 a> o -_ 0) r^ h- -ct o a 00 oo OO oo r^ o ^ OO * o '^ *- fe i2 g m a> 5 "O CJ) cn oo tn cu CD NT- oo CD CD O o O o O "to r~. oo CM UO CD CD n c: TO ^ ^ ^o ^ o 00 OO uo m m n CD o '^ CD o o o o a iO c cu CD _ai CO ro C1 01 1 cu ro 'i > o o ro ro > o o o o 0) 0) 0) T3 IZ 0) QJ 0) Q eg o rn ro O c O o CD > o o u o CO o o i. O CO Cll !fc Q) CD e X X 3 o o SI o "n o o O lO -s; C ao Osl cn CtJ CD I CD -H2 O) Di Ll_ g "^ CD "cB CB tr * s CO c £ o O , Table 4. The response of growth Dependent variable: to commodity price shocks: robustness annual growth Private credit and property 1960-2000 avg (t-5,t-1)avg terms average: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) shock, -0.0130 -0.1350 -0.0073 -0.2405 -0.2176 0.0973 -0.0149 (-0.53) (-2.57)** (-0.05) (-1.39) (-1.16) (0.76) (-0.14) shock,.-! -0.0154 -0.0069 -0.0102 0.1682 0.0781 -0.0527 -0.0298 (-0.48) (-0.09) (-0.07) (0.57) (0.25) (-0.30) (-0.18) shock 1-2 0.0687 0.0038 02319 0.0682 -0.0597 0.0846 0.0381 (2.88)*** (0.06) (1.28) (0.30) (-0.29) (0.59) (0.28) 0.0174 0.0234 0.0172 0.0235 0.0180 (2.69)*** (2.41)** (2.63)** (2.42)** (1.78)* priv credit*shock 0.0337 0.0685 0.0394 0.0403 0.0815 -0.0830 -0.0740 (0.47) (0.67) (0.54) (0.37) (0.71) (-0.76) (-0.70) phv credit*shock ,.1 -0.0177 -0.0086 -0.0127 0.0388 0.0150 -0.1516 -0.0896 (-0.27) (-0.08) (-0.14) (0.26) (0.11) (-1.16) (-0.70) -0.2083 -0.2544 -0.1514 -0.2382 -0.2240 -0.2563 -0.2515 (-3.05)*** (-2.26)** (-1.82)* (-1.94)* (-1.90)* (-2.59)** (-2.52)** income ,.2 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes country fixed effects yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes no yes no yes no yes no credit interaction terms lagged credit interaction terms 0.0164 0.0636 0.0359 0.2950 0.1972 0.2116 0.0074 0.1992 0.1063 0.1390 R-squared # countries 0.1739 0.2383 0.2993 53 0.1745 65 0.2397 65 53 N 1,923 1,044 1,923 1,044 phv credit phv credit*shock ,.2 Controls: property nghts and interactions income interactions year fixed effects yes no yes yes yes yes F-tests: all Note: Annual 1960-2000 data, except wtiere lost due lagged commodity price shock. whose (t-5, t-1) credit average column heading. Income All is to lags, shock,, shock,. ^, shock ,.2 0.0765 0.0375 0.0847 53 0.1513 57 0.1979 57 1,044 2.109 2,109 refer to the regressions include a constant term, and cluster errors at the country always above 10% of GDP. 1%. 5%, and 10%. income in contemporaneous. 1-year and 2-year level. The sample is limited to countries and the property rights terms are averaged as indicated in the Columns (1)-(5) and the 1960-2000 average in Columns (6)-(7). t- Private credit interactions use twice lagged per capita statistics in parenthesis. **',"',* significant at 0.0490 Table 5. The response of Dependent variable: Private credit R&D to commodity price shocks R&D/investment and property 1973-1999 avg (t-5,t-1)avg terms average: (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.0903 1.2825 3.5864 0,2175 2,5729 5.0466 (0.34) (0.38) (0.87) (054) (0,18) (0.33) -0.1156 5.7272 3.0835 0,3550 12,3290 24.5633 (-0.51) (2.74)** (0.86) (0.97) (1.13) (2.15)* 0.3867 7.2179 1.6775 0,1002 7.1779 13,4177 (1.29) (1.66) (0.42) (0,23) (0,78) (0,96) 0.0654 0.0365 0.0252 (0.31) (0.24) (0.16) -0.2010 -0.0233 -0.0887 -0.3391 -0,5424 -0.7318 (-0.51) (-0.07) (-0.34) (-0,63) (-0.57) (-0.84) 0.0692 0.1214 0.0663 -0,5605 -0.8399 -1.2364 (0.15) (0.40) (0.19) (-0.90) (-0.94) (-2.05)* -0.8823 -0,9269 -1.0567 -0.3538 -0.9251 -2.2883 (-1.56) (-1.45) (-1.90)* (-0,52) (-0,93) (-2.16)** income ,.2 yes yes yes yes yes yes country fixed effects yes yes yes yes property rights and interactions no no no yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes no yes yes no no credit interaction terms lagged credit interaction terms 0.4076 0.1677 0.3181 0.3193 0.2023 0.6837 0,7677 0,4878 0,6396 0,0860 0,1296 R-squared # countries 0.8396 14 342 0.9205 0.9303 0.8482 0,8534 0,8909 14 14 14 14 14 307 307 357 357 357 (1) shock, shock,_i shock,.2 ' priv credit priv credit* shock, priv credit*shock,., priv credit* shock, .2 . Controls: income interactions year fixed effects yes yes F-tests: all 0.2497 N Note: Annual 1973-1999 data, except wtiere lost due 2-year lagged commodity price shock. All to lags shock , . shock ,,, . shock ,., refer to the contemporaneous. 1-year and regressions include a constant term, and cluster errors at the country level. Private credit and the property rights terms are averaged as indicated in the column heading. Income interactions use twice lagged per capita income in Columns (1)-(3) and the 1973-1999 average in Columns (4)-(6). t-statistics in parenthesis. ****** significant at 1%. 5%, and 10%. Table 6. The response Dependent variable: Private credit of investment to commodity price siiocks Investment/GDP and property 1973-1999 avg (t-5.t-1)avg terms average: (2) (3) (4) -0.0165 1.7262 08266 (-0.21) (1.24) (0.46) 0.1178 4.2493 (2.03)* (1.79)* -0.0285 (-0.32) (1) (5) (6) -0.2091 1.6659 -0.3910 (-1.94)* (0.40) (-0.09) 6.0103 0.1239 5.2885 3.4971 (3.17)*** (0.88) (1.27) (0.84) 6.6502 9.8319 0.0079 7.8179 8.1249 (2.75)** (4.02)*** (0.07) (1.42) (1.57) 0.0148 0.0082 0.0035 (0.57) (0.33) (0.12) 00950 0.1246 0.0257 0.3392 0.3828 0.1699 (1.01) (1.17) (0.22) (2.78)** (1.78)* (0.77) -0.0579 0.1958 0.1349 -0.0327 -0.1048 0.0270 (-0.55) (1.84)* (1.52) (-0.17) (-0.48) (0.15) 0.1968 0.4639 0.3315 0.1164 0.4120 0.5205 (1.25) (2.78)** (1.87)* (0.79) (2.88)** (2.66)** income ,.2 yes yes yes yes yes yes country fixed effects yes yes yes property rights and interactions no yes yes yes income interactions no yes year fixed effects no yes no no no yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes 0.1428 0.0375 0.2233 0.0962 laqqed credit Interaction terms 0.0479 0.1325 0.6900 0.0003 0.0001 0.1130 0.1408 R-squared # countries 0.7331 0.7952 0.8311 0.7224 0.7355 14 14 14 14 14 N 341 307 307 356 356 0.7756 14 356 shock, shock,.1 shock ,.2 priv credit priv credit* shock f priv credit* shock ,.1 priv credit* shock, .2 Controls: F-tests: all credit interaction terms Note: Annual 1973-1999 data, except wfiere lost due to lags. 5. shock,, shock,.,, shock,., refer include a constant term, and to the Sample limited to coutry-year observations with and in Columns (4)-(6). t-statistics in parenthesis. ***, **, * significant at 1%. All the property rights terms are indicated in the column heading. Income interactions use twice lagged per capita income in average R&D data, contemporaneous, 1-year and 2-year lagged commodity price shock. cluster errors at the country level. Private credit 0.0571 5%. and 10%. Columns (1)-(3) and as in Table regressions averaged as the 1973-1999 Table 7. Growth, Dependent and volatility credit constraints 1960-1995 variable: avg. growth, OLS No -0.0182 -0.0090 income growtfi volatility private credit volatility*private credit (3) (2) (1) initial IV: price -0.0276 -0.0160 shocks With (6) (5) (4) -0.0109 commodity No investment With investment investment volatility in vestment (7) (8) -0,0371 -0.0267 -0,0120 (-2.85)*** (-5.02)*** (-4,04)*** (-4.93)*** (-0.90) (-0,44) (-0.68) (-039) -0.8763 -0.7260 -0,6941 -0.5772 -6.0000 -5.8680 -5,7602 -0,0495 (-3.54)*** (2.80)*** (-3.27)*** (-2.51)** (-0.63) (-0.26) (-0,01) -0,00037 0.00023 -0.00034 000007 -0.0032 -0.0023 (-040) -0.0031 (-1.80)* (0.57) (-1.94)* (0.19) (-0.46) (-0.24) (-0.35) (-0.07) 0.0184 0.0129 0.0134 0,0097 0.0939 0.0725 0.0910 0.0062 (3.19)*** (2.30)** (2.68)** (1,95)* (0.46) (0.26) (0.35) (0.09) 0.1356 0.0964 0.0174 0.1286 (4.28)*** (3.16)*** (0.04) (0.53) yes yes no yes yes investment/GDP -0,0001 Controls: no no yes yes no yes no no no private credit^ no yes F-test (volatility terms) 0.0039 F-test (credit terms) R-squared 0.0005 0.3721 N 47 42 pop growth, sec Levins et al. enroll policy set property rights yes yes no yes yes no no no no yes no no no no 0.0303 0,0087 0.0526 0.7651 0.9028 0.9028 08654 0.0052 0,0218 0.5659 47 0,0506 0,8982 0.9403 0.9403 0.8776 47 42 47 42 0.7467 respectively- Initial 42 income and secondary school enrollment are tai<en for I960- constructed as the standard deviation of annual growth and commodity price shocks limited to the et al. same set of countries as policy set of controls includes not shown, t-statistics in in Tables 3 and 4 (countries whose government parenthesis. size as a share of GDP, ***.*',* significant at 1%, 5%, and no 0.8151 Note: All regressors are averages over the 1960-1995 period, except for intellectual and property nghts 1990 yes (t-5, t-1) inflation, 10% in credit wiiicli are for 1970-1995 and 1970- Growth and commodity price shocks volatility are the 1960-1995 period respectively. The sample is average is always above 10% of GDP). The Levine black market premium, and trade openness. Constant term Ji836 20 Date Due MIT LIBRARIES III l)||| Ml II III 3 9080 02618 3241